Values elicitation manual

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Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

VALUES DESIGN CLARIFY YOUR VISION What kind of person do I ultimately want to become in my lifetime? What do I want my life to really be about?

CURRENT VALUES 1. What are your current values, based on what you’re experiencing now in your life? 2. View your current list and ask: Are these the values that will serve me and help me achieve my goal? 3. What would it cost me to have this value on my list?

DESIRED TOWARDS VALUES 4. What values do I need to eliminate in order to achieve my ultimate destiny? 5. What values do I need to add in order to achieve my ultimate destiny? 6. What do my highest values need to be to achieve my ultimate destiny? 7. What order do these values need to be in, in order to achieve my ultimate destiny?

ENSURING THEY’RE MOVING TOWARDS 1. Choose the first value 2. Ask, ‘As you think about X, trust your unconscious, how much of that value is moving towards and how much is moving away, as a percentage?’ 3. To make them moving towards, expanded awareness, then chunk up to highest intention 4. Then, ask the question again


Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

TOWARDS RULES 1. Make it easy to experience your Towards Rules: ie anytime I… 2. Make a menu: ie anytime I… or… or… or 3. You must control and influence it, the outside world does not determine your experience

AWAY FROM VALUES 1. What emotional states do I need to avoid indulging in to achieve my ultimate destiny? 2. Place them in a hierarchy

AWAY FROM RULES 1. Make it hard to experience your Away From Values so that you would have to something consistently to experience the negative 2. Language your Away Rules so they’re hard to experience a. Only if I were to consistently… i. Believe the illusion that…


Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

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SHARON PEARSON Values Elicitation Manual Ultimate Coach Edition 1 | Version 1 | October 2017 Published by Global Success Institute Copyright 2017 © Global Success Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. In some instances, people or companies portrayed in this book are illustrative examples based on the author’s experiences, but they are not intended to represent a particular person or organisation.

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