UC M2 S6 Embracing Uncertainty Coach 1

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Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

SESSION #6 EMBRACING UNCERTAINTY Really Important… Introduction… •

Many people fall short of dreams and goals – or don’t even attempt them – because they would rather stay comfortable with their ‘comfort zone’

You may observe someone who – –

Shuts down


Says it’s not important any more

Gives up

Stays in a ‘rut’

Criticises people who have a go

Introduction.. •

It’s important to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone – to have a go where success is not guaranteed – and to be okay when things don’t work out

If you need everything to be perfect, you can’t coach this!

The question to ask is… What are you afraid will happen? How to know your client is making progress in this… •

They try new things

They sound excited when they see they unknown ahead of them

They move towards adventure

They are willing to take reasonable risks with their self esteem

They become stronger with setbacks

They can laugh at their own mistakes


Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

Language and uncertainty… •

This has been partially covered in an earlier class but is vital to your client’s success –

Use ‘I wonder...’ instead of ‘I hope...’

The pressure from the future eases when we create a wondering world for ourselves

Get your client to consider… •

... The first step to take towards a goal and what it would mean to take it.

Apply the ‘I wonder...’ exercise to it and notice how it helps your client

Use this throughout your coaching with your client

Encourage them to be open to wondering about outcomes instead of needing to know what will happen – there are no certainties in life, except...

Discuss with your client… •

What’s the worst that could happen?

What are you avoiding?

What are you hiding from?

Discuss with your client… •

What will happen if you do?

What won’t happen if you do?

What will happen if you don’t?

What won’t happen if you don’t?

For the coach… •

When your client hits a stumbling block, see it as an opportunity to learn about resilience

Coaching isn’t about helping your client avoid problems – it’s about helping your client develop the resilience to handle problems when they occur

For the coach… •

Think about how to attach huge amounts of fun and adventure to trying out new things

If you did one new thing a day, what would your own attitude about exploration be?


Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

You must lead the way with this

For the coach (advanced)… •

The best way to have your client enjoy exploring the unknown is for you to demonstrate how to do this in the session – –

You both reach a place of uncertainty in the coaching session, and don’t know what to do next...

You smile and say ‘I have no idea where to go from here... Shall we figure it out together?’

For the coach (advanced)… •

Then just explore possibilities with your client like it’s the most natural and enjoyable thing you could possibly do – demonstrating your comfort with the unknown is a great gift to give your client

Many believe that staying stuck in a rut causes loss of self-esteem – it’s vital that you tackle new challenges often so you’re comfortable with the new

Your priority

... First and foremost, is always to give value to the client...


Copyright © 2017 Global Success Institute

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SHARON PEARSON Session 6: Embracing Uncertainty Coaches Manual Ultimate Coach Edition 1 | Version 1 | MAY 2017 Published by Global Success Institute Copyright 2017 © Global Success Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. In some instances, people or companies portrayed in this book are illustrative examples based on the author’s experiences, but they are not intended to represent a particular person or organisation.

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