The Coach - January Issue

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December 2012





Team CEO: Ahmed Mattar

Managing Partner: Khaled Hashish

Editor-in-Chief: Ahmed Abou Ziada Managing Director: Imz Khattab Senior Editor: Gina Grant

Marketing Consultant: Khaled Rasmy

Sales & Marketing Manager: Lamya El Dessouky Graphic Design: Identity Advertising

Layout & Designs: Mohamed Wagih/Amr El Tayeb Art Director: Omar Saraya

Studio Manager: Ahmed Safety

Contributors: Farida Fakher

Photography: Khaled Fadda

Accounting Manager: Essam Refaie Accountant: Ahmed El Araby

Office Manager: Mariam Wilson Distribution: Essam Ahmed

Printing: IPH (International Printing House) This magazine is created and owned by Mediology. This magazine is not for sale. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited without prior consent from the publisher. We welcome your comments at For advertising inquiries: Telephone: 02 33 054 025 Mobile: 01006100099 / 01202228079

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2012 has finally said its good-byes! Whether you loved or hated it, it was one crazy roller coaster with everything that’s been happening around us. Yet, somehow a little childish feeling lingers in all of us with the dawn of a new year. It’s like we expect magical changes to happen between December 31st and the first day of the following year. We mark our calendars with new hopes, wishes, desires, and plans to improve ourselves and make things better. Have you prepared your new year’s resolutions’ list yet? On top of most people’s list come the resolutions to spend more time with family, to quit smoking, to be more dedicated to the gym and getting that dream shape, and picking up a new hobby that makes you feel you’re alive. Well since The Coach is your companion and aims at improving all aspects of your life; we bring you this special issue, that’ll help you stick to your list and accomplish what you’ve always wished for. You’ll learn about quitting smoking techniques, detoxing, time management skills that’ll enable you to have time for everything you want to do, diets and workouts that will make you look and feel better than ever, and you’ll get to know about diving and underwater photography. Perhaps you’d consider picking that up during 2013? And much more… I personally love this time of year, because regardless of how bad the previous months were; it’s always the time of hope. It’s also the time of Capricorns, which I am proudly one! Capris are known for their dedication, persistence, and that they don’t take no for an answer. I hope I rise up to the sign’s traits and stick to my new year’s resolutions as well. I was actually forced by the wonderful Gold’s Gym team to make some life altering changes to my lifestyle! I, the person who has not worked out since 2007, am now a dedicated person to the gym! I go six times a week and I quit junk food, and I cut down my smoking almost to half of what I used to consume. I cannot thank you guys enough for making me take the decision to change! I’d also like to give special thanks to my personal trainer Wissam Attaya, another fellow Capri, for making my gym trips such a wonderful experience. Enjoy this issue, clear your mind and thoughts and set your goals and you’ll be able to follow your plans through, just as I did (at least so far!). Happy New Year Everyone! May 2013 bring you all the joy, happiness, and peace. You can reach us on to give us your feedback.


Boost Your Fitness 6 Leg Power 10 Personal Trainer 14

Featured Member

Senior Trainer Mahmoud Ossama 22


Architect Mohamed Nassif, Vice Chairman Gold’s Gym Egypt 26

Celebrity Secrets Oprah’s Weight Loss Secrets 30


Madhu Jena’s Inspiration For Motivation 34

Classes Pilates 38

Alternative Sport Diving 42


Eat Right for Your Body Type 46 Weight Loss: The Wonders of Detox 50 Recipes: On the Grill 56

Supplement Review Amino Energy 60


Quitting Smoking 62


Back to nature: Cold and Flu Fighters 66 Time Management 76

Beauty & Style

Dress Right for Your Body Type 70

Technology & More Under Water Cameras 74


The Top 100 Tracks of 2012 78


Audi E-Tron Spyder 2014 82

Cover & article design by Mohamed Wagih & Amr El Tayeb


FITNESS Gina Grant, Vice President, Fitness and Education, Gold’s Gym Egypt

As winter makes its mark, we pile on layers of clothing to stay warm. That doesn’t mean though, we have to pile on layers of body fat. From as early as mid-20s, men and women who don’t exercise, gain on average one to two kilos of fat per year, every year, so it’s important to stay fit and active as we get older. Additionally, as we lose muscle, the metabolism slows down making it even more difficult to keep unwanted fat at bay. Fitting a workout in every day can be challenging, time-wise. Combining strength exercises and cardio moves together does two things; it challenges muscle while burning fat, and builds overall strength. 6


What to Do Do the workout three times a week to keep you winter fit.

Beach-Body Winter Workout Ladies, just because summer is behind us, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t workout for a bikini-worthy body.

The Warm-up (5 minutes)

Move 1: Grab a step and step up and down 10 times leading with the left leg, then switch leading with the right. Move 2: Come onto the knees, with your hands on the step and perform 10 – 15 pushups. Repeat Move 1 and 2 three times.

The Circuit

Do the exercises in order. Rest for 1 -2 minutes after you have completed all exercises, and then begin again. Complete 12 – 15 reps per exercise of 2 – 4 circuits.

MB Woodchoppers: • Hold a 3 – 5 kilo medicine ball, stand tall, shoulders down, abs tight, feet shoulder width apart. • Inhale and lift the ball up above one shoulder. Keep the abs tight to keep the back safe. • Exhale and bring the ball down on the diagonal towards the opposite hip. • Keep the hips and knees stable and only rotate through the waistline. Lift the ball back up to the starting position, being sure to pull the abs in tight. • Complete all reps on one side before moving to the other.

Bunny Hops: • Stand one side of a bench and place your hands on either side. • Pull in the abs and draw the shoulders down. • Lift the feet together and jump over the bench. • Bend your knees as you land to absorb the landing. • Find a rhythm as you jump from one side to another.

Cross-Over Mountain Climbers: • Come into a push up position. Shoulders down, abs in, glutes tight. • Bring the left leg across the body, aiming the knee towards the right elbow. • Take the left leg back to the start position and then repeat with the left. That’s 1-rep. • Focus on keeping your core strong and shoulders away from the ears. Option: If you have any back issues or the intensity is too high on the floor, put your hands on a step or bench, and gradually move to the floor over time.




Straddle Jump Squats:

Body-Weight Jump Squat:

• Stand over a step in a straddle position. • Bend the knees and jump onto the step, bringing the feet together. • Jump up and out, straddling the step, bending the knees on landing. That’s 1-rep.

• Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Sit back bending at hips and knees, until the thighs are parallel to the floor. • Drawing the arms back. • Drive through the arms and jump up, extending through the hips, knees and ankles. • Land in a squat position and repeat, jumping up as high as you can. Note: Each jump should get progressively stronger, by jumping higher.

The deeper you bend the knees and squat, the more intense the exercise.

Staggered Push Ups:

Remember to keep the weight in the heels, the deeper you squat..

Plank Row and Hip Extension: • Using the step, begin in a push up position, holding a pair of dumbbells. • Straighten both legs behind you, placing your feet shoulder width apart, shoulders over hands. • Exhale and bring the right hand up towards the right hip, keeping them stable and the core tight. • As the hand comes up to the hip, extend the opposite leg behind you, keeping it straight as you lift. Avoid lifting too high. • Inhale and return to the floor, repeating on the other side. That’s 1-rep. • Keep the hips parallel to floor, by bracing your core throughout the exercise.

What to Do • Mix the workout into your regular strength-training workout 2 – 3 times a week, to kill calories and burn fat. • Patience and consistency is what you need to get the sculpted physique you want. Keeps this workout moving to get the best results.

The Warm Up

Move 1: Perform 20 reps of Body Weight Step Squats. Move 2: Perform 15 Reverse Pull Ups on the Smith Machine. Repeat Move 1 & 2 three times.

The Circuit

Do the exercises in order. Rest for 60 – 90 seconds after you have completed all exercises, then begin again. Complete 8 - 10 reps per exercise of 3 – 4 circuits.


• Start in a push up position, with one hand slightly behind, one hand slightly in front of the shoulders. • Complete one push up for 1-rep. • Switch the hand position at the top, taking the back hand forward, and the front hand back. • Perform another push up. • Repeat until you have completed all the reps Option: Increase the intensity by powering up out of the push up and switching the hands in mid-air.

Reverse Lunge with Twist: • Stand with feet hip width apart, holding a 3-5 kilo medicine ball. Shoulders down, head extended from the spine, chest lifted, core braced, glutes tight. • Inhale and step the left leg backward, twisting at the waist, over the right leg. • Keep the hips facing forwards, front heel down, back heel up. Exhale and push straight back to the start position. • Repeat on the other side to complete 1-rep.

Squat Thrusts: • Begin in a push up position. • Jump both feet in, getting them as close to the hands as possible. • Thrust both feet back to the start position, keeping abs and shoulders stable. • Option: Put your hands on a step if you can’t jump them close to the hands. Lifting the upper body will make it a little easier to get the knees between the arms.


““aa hhealthy ealth thy bbalance alance ooff th tthe he m mind, ind, bbody ody and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being”

LEG POWER Don’t be another

Johnny Bravo By Gina Grant, Vice President, Fitness and Education, Gold’s Gym Egypt



Gym junkie’s fall into two categories when it comes to training legs; they either love it or hate it. Whether you like training the lower limbs or not, it’s a job that has to be done. Without a doubt, the stronger you are in your legs, the more you will lift overall and that includes your upper body. We’ve all seen the “Johnny Bravo” look alike in the gym, who spends hours carving an Adonis-like upper body, but look below the waistline and you come across a couple of pins that look like they belong to another body.

Zap Calories

Your legs are the largest muscle group in the body. When you start lifting some serious weight, you obliterate calories and fire up your metabolism. By consistently including a strong leg work out into your routine, you will drop body fat, and expose the muscle that’s underneath, leaving you with definition to die for.

See and Feel the Results

Everyone likes to get results quickly. Legs are usually pretty quick to respond so it doesn’t take long before you see and feel them shaping up. You’ll find it easier to lift heavier weights for the upper body, as you’ll have a better foundation to stand on, plus climbing stairs will be a piece of cake.




Improve Your Power

Most daily physical demands require the power of the legs and glutes. Whether it’s picking your child up off the floor or racking the weights for your bench press, your legs are going to be the source of all big movements that come your way. Packing on some muscle is going to pay off in just about everything you do.


• Approach squat rack and place bar across shoulders • Stand with feet shoulder width apart • Sit back bending at hips and knees • Lower down with control until the thighs are parallel to the floor • Drive through the heels and stand up tall, stacking shoulders over • hips, over shoulders


• Approach squat rack and set it to knee height • Stand with feet hip to shoulder width apart • Bend your knees, keeping your chest lifted and grab the bar, one palm down, one palm up • Keeping your back straight and lifted, push through your glutes and straighten the legs • Stand straight, keeping your arms extended and the bar next to your body • Lower with control down to the start position

Lying Leg Curl

• Lay face down on a Leg Curl machine, position the ankle pad between your lower calves and ankles • Keeping the upper body stable, curl your legs until the pad almost touches the glutes • Contract your abs at the top of the movement • Lower the legs, keeping a slight bend at the end of the movement

Dumbbell Step Ups

• Stand in front of a bench that is shin to knee height • Hold a dumbbell in the right hand • Step up on the right foot, pushing through the heel, straightening the knee, squeezing the glutes at the top (keep the left leg off the bench) • Lower the left leg down to the floor with control and step off the right leg • Repeat all reps on the right leg, before starting on the left

Glute Press

• Adjust the pad so it supports you as you face down on the machine (some you kneel, some you stand depending on the machine) • Place one foot firmly on the foot rest, draw in the abs and keep the shoulders down • Push through the heel and press your leg back • Squeeze at the top of the movement for a second • Lower the weight with control, without letting the stack touch • Repeat all reps on one leg before starting the other

The Workout

Warm up: Make sure you do a good warm up for those legs, without fatiguing them. The heavier you lift, the more warm up sets you need to do. The best warm up exercise for legs is a squat. The percentage given is relevant to your first set of working weight. Set 1: Body weight squat x 20 reps Set 2: 40% working weight x 12 reps Set 3: 50% working weight x 10 Increase weight and adjust reps as shown with each set.







Barbell Squats Romanian Dead Lifts Lying Leg Curl Step Ups Glute Press

12 / 10 / 8 / 6 10 / 8 / 6 10 / 8 / 8 8/6 8/8/8

4 3 3 2 3


WORKOUT Personal Trainer: Ossama Farag Location: Gold’s Gym, Heliopolis

The key to a great back is symmetry. Everyone has a stronger side, so it’s important to focus on unilateral exercises, making sure you don’t favour your stronger side, that can tend to take over as the challenge gets harder. Your back gives your whole body structure and helps in maintaining good posture, as well as stability, both dynamic and static. Whether you are moving or not, your back is always working to protect you from injury and is essential for balance and coordination.

Inhale and control your movement as you return to the start position.

Personal Trainer Ossama Farag, shows how focus and good form can help you get that perfect “V”. Close Grip Pulls-Ups: With your palms facing towards you, hold the pull-up bar shoulder width apart. Extend your arms, lift your chest and draw the shoulders down.

Pull ups: Face the pull up machine and with palms down and grab the bar.

Exhale while you pull up, keeping your elbows close to your body. Lift up until your head is level with your hands. Keep your torso straight and avoiding swinging.


Exhale and pull up until the top of your chest is level with the bar. Draw the shoulders down and squeeze between the shoulder blades. Hold for a second at the top.





Inhale and lower down slowly to the start position. Tip: If you are new to fitness, for all pull up exercises, use an assisted pull-up machine. The more weight you stack, the easier it is to lift your body weight. As you get stronger, decrease the amount of assisted weight you use.

Slowly return to the start position, keeping the core tight, so the body does not lean forward.

Mid row:

Cable row – unilateral:

4.1 Sit on the machine (plate loaded shown), knees soft, chest lifted. Hold the handles in each hand, palms facing down.

3.1 Sit facing the cable crossover, knees soft and hold the handles in each hand, palms facing one another. 3.2

Exhale as you pull your elbows towards your lower ribs. Keep the angle of the elbow at 90 degrees, squeezing the elbows towards one another. Keep the chest lifted.

4.2 Exhale as you pull your elbows back and wide, squeezing between the shoulder blades. The elbows come back in line with the shoulders. Keep the chest lifted, using the lower back to help you remain sitting tall throughout the exercise.




Inhale and slowly return to the start position, keeping the core tight, so the body does not lean forward.


This workout is to target your back, and give your core strength a run for its money. All except the Mid Row are unsupported, which means your abs must be fully engaged to protect your back and keep your posture. Correct form is essential in this workout. Complete all the reps and sets in each exercise, before moving on to the next. Keep up the pace and avoid resting too long between sets. Rest times are a guideline. Weights: choose a weight where the last 2 – 3 reps are challenging. Aim to increase weights with each set, until you find your working weight.


5.1 Come on to all fours, with the weight evenly distributed between the hands and knees.

vInhale as extend the left leg and right arm simultaneously. Hips remain parallel to the floor, shoulders drawn away from the ears. Avoid lifting the arm and leg higher than parallel to the floor. Core must be kept tight to avoid stress on the lower back area.

Personal Trainer: Terry Mahfouz Location: Gold’s Gym, Heliopolis

Many women do daily cardio and still can’t get the toned legs they’re looking for. Cardio exercise is great for burning body fat and helping to increase muscle endurance, but the lower body needs resistance to build some muscle to get shapely legs and glutes and make a visible difference. Don’t worry ladies, you’re not going to end up with “man legs.” But adding some resistance and weight to your workout, while watching your daily diet, will make all the difference to getting super sleek pins. 5.3 Exhale and slowly return to the start position, keeping the core tight. As you exhale, draw the core in tighter to prepare for the next rep. Tip: Move slowly and with purpose to get the full benefit of this exercise.



Split squat:

6.3 Stand with feet hip width apart. Take right leg back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of back foot, shoulders down, chest lifted, core engaged. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. Place hands on waist.

6.2 Inhale as you lower by bending both knees until the front thigh is parallel to floor

Exhale and slowly return to the start position, keeping the core tight. Squeeze your glutes tight at the top of the movement.

Lateral Lunge

7.1 Stand on a step with feet hip width apart, weight even between both legs and across the feet. Shoulders down, chest lifted, core engaged.

7.2 Inhale and step out to the right side, putting your weight on the right leg. Sit back into a squat position, keeping the weight in your right heel. Chest remains lifted and core switched on. 7.3 Exhale, focus on the right leg and glute and push off the right leg to return to the start position.

Tip: This takes strength, coordination and balance. Focus on getting the movement perfect, before worrying about speed and reps. Stability Ball Leg Curl 8.1




Lay on the floor, feet up on a stability ball, hands by your side, palms up. Squeeze your glutes tight, pull your abs in and lift the hips so you form a straight line from feet to shoulders. 8.2

Stand tall, facing the bar and position the pad just above the knee on the hamstrings. Lengthen through the upper body and engage the core.

Exhale while using your hamstrings and glutes to pull the ball towards you, keeping the hips lifted and abs tight. Squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement. 8.1 Inhale and slowly return to the start position, keeping the hips lifted throughout.

Exhale and push back using the working glute. Avoid swinging and dropping in the lower back. 9.3

Tip: Avoid pushing through the arms as this will take the load off the glutes and stress the shoulders.

Standing Hip Extension


Inhale and slowly return to the start position, keeping the core engaged throughout.

Standing Calf Raise 10.1


On a step, stand on the ball of your foot, knee straight, not locked out. Lift the other leg behind, bending at the knee. 10.2

THE LEG WORKOUT To get the full benefit, perform this workout twice per week, with 2-days in between the workouts. As you become more familiar with the exercises and stronger, you can add weights as directed in the below table.

Exhale and lift up on to the ball of the foot, as high as possible, squeezing the calf. 10.3 Inhale and slowly return to the start position, taking care not to drop the

Exercise 1 & 2 are supersets. Exercise 3 is done alone. Exercise 4 & 5 are supersets. Supersets: complete both exercises one after the other with no rest in between. Weights: choose a weight where the last 2 – 3 reps are challenging. Aim to increase weights with each set, until you find your working weight.

heel below the line of the step.




1 El-Mahata Square - Maadi, Cairo Tel: +202 – 2380 36 01 & 98 17

Hadayek El-Mohandeseen, Commercial Center El Sheikh Zayed, 6th October City Tel: +202 3850 78 72

18, Damask Street Mohandeseen, Cairo Tel: +202 – 3303 66 63 & 3303 55 58


121, El-Nile Street - Giza, Cairo Tel: +202 – 3748 00 03

MUST University, 26th July Corridor 6th October City Tel: +202 – 38 37 22 00 & 33 & 44

Alexandria International Garden Lagoon, Alexandria Tel: +203 – 381 78 88 & 380 16 00

Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort New Cairo, 5th District, Ring Road, Cairo Tel: +202 – 27 56 01 92/3/4

18/20 Salah EL Deen St. Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: +202 – 24 14 15 10

North Hadaba, Hurghada Tel: +2065- 63 45 33 91/92 +2010 170 10001/2/3/4/5



A body & life transformation Interview by Imz Khattab

Nothing is more inspirational than a person who takes control of their life, decides to change, and actually executes his plan till success is reached. Mahmoud Ossama was a normal teenager, who included sports in his everyday life till he was 15, when he had a serious leg injury that left him in a cast for 8 months. He emerged from his illness weighing a heavy 140 kg and used to a fitness-free lifestyle packed with junk food. He tells us how he went from that state to being the Senior Trainer at Gold’s Gym, Nile branch.






Mahmoud Ossama

Before And






How much weight did you manage to lose? I had reached 140 kg, I managed to lose 70 kg, which was literally half my weight! Then I started working out, and I gained muscle, and now I weigh 92 kg, with 11% body fat. It took me about 8 months to lose this weight.

What made you decide it was time to take some control over your weight? I really couldn’t move easily! I wasn’t like other teenagers; I couldn’t find clothes my size and it was very depressing for me. I felt different than all my friends. I was only 17 at the time.

What did you do? The first thing I did was to get a membership in Gold’s Gym, Nile branch. I started working out with a very clear target in mind and I really monitored my food. In the beginning I wasn’t aware of the healthy way to lose weight, and I even had the urge to not eat at all, but then I learned how to eat clean, monitor what I consume, and still lose weight without starving. I worked on my portions as well. I used to love all kinds of bad food and in very large portions. I did a complete shift in my eating habits.

What was the hardest thing you went through while undergoing your body transformation? Giving up on the food I love was probably the toughest. I had to keep myself busy and focused on my target body shape so I don’t slip and eat food that will only hinder my progress. But by time I developed a very strong conscious when it came to food. Now, if I overeat I mentally feel that I gained the weight on the spot, which of course is not real. But it’s become my tool to stay focused. Now I don’t indulge that much because I know I will feel bad afterwards. 24

Did you take any supplements to help you out during your weight loss program? Believe it or not, I didn’t! I only started taking supplements 3 years ago. A person’s body can only reach to a certain point naturally, and then to reach that extra definition it needs an external push. I took L-Carnitine, which is a bit different from fat burners. It makes the body use its own fat as a source of energy, which I believe is better.

Who supported you at that time? All my support came from within. I had my mind set on my goal and nothing was going to stop me before I reach it. I love a good challenge, whether between me and someone or even between myself and I!

You don’t only look different in the photos, you seem like you’re a different character as well. It shows in how you posed in the before and after photos. How did the weight loss change you as a character? It changed me a lot! When I was fat I was shy! I was also upset all the time and I used to hate taking photos. Now it’s totally different, I have no issues taking off my clothes anywhere (he bursts out laughing!). I was also very sensitive and I felt I wasn’t alive, especially that I was overweight in a very critical age.

What’s your advice for people who are still in the beginning of the weight loss road? My advice is to start today! Move, workout, and clean up your diet. The problems might start off as trivial matters such as not finding clothes your size or shyness, but if they don’t take action now, the problems will eventually develop into serious health issues as well. Don’t wait till this happens!











Giving a to

Gym Architecture Interview by Imz Khattab

Back in the 1990s Egypt was quite different than what it is now. Fitness and sports were limited to the major sports clubs, and the whole idea of working out every day was not part of the culture, probably due to the lack of gyms at the time. It’s typical from a successful entrepreneur to see a gap in the market and then provide it with what’s missing, which was the case with Arch. Mohamed Nassif, the Vice Chairman of Gold’s Gym Egypt. 26


What encouraged you to make such a large investment to establish Gold’s Gym in Egypt? In the mid 1990s the market needed such a business. It was almost non-existent. I was building at that time the Maadi Palace complex and I planned to have the top floor as a fitness center. Gold’s Gym’s Chairman, Ali Mahmoud, was looking for a location to launch the first branch of Gold’s Gym Egypt. We agreed on the idea to use the space that I had already designed to accommodate a fitness facility to launch the best brand name in the market. We established the company together and that’s how it all started.

Did you have any concerns that it might not succeed since working out in a gym was not part of people’s everyday lives? Of course I did. But we were powered by Gold’s Gym who have been in the business since 1965 and are top notch professionals. They had answers to all my questions. I always believed that when you work with a qualified team you will end up with astounding results.

After the 1st year of launching were the results encouraging to expand?

Actually the difficult phase was before the launch. We were unfamiliar with the technicalities of designing a working out space which differs from other interior designing projects. I travelled to the U.S. to visit the best gyms there to get inspiration and the know-how. We wanted to design a gym

that was up to par. I’m an engineer and I love to design and work on the designs my company handles myself. I work on the interior, exterior and infrastructure of all our projects, and my expertise combined with the support of Gold’s Gym and their knowledge made us come up with wonderful results.

Did you need to do anything special to adjust the gym’s design to fit the Egyptian culture?

Yes! Gyms in the U.S. can be huge warehouses with machines and weights, but no particular spirit or design. But we knew that we’re targeting a very elite segment of the Egyptian society, and this type of setting would not be appealing to them, so we invested in the interior design of the gym. We also accommodated the idea of a women’s only section, which did not exist in the U.S. Maadi branch won the best interior design award in 1999, and believe it or not they actually now have women’s only sections in some of their gyms in the States based on the idea we presented.

Tell us more about how the other branches came about?

After winning this award it became a challenge to outdo ourselves with every new branch we open. We set a certain benchmark and we couldn’t go any lower than that standard we set. We wanted every new branch to be better than the previous. The first challenge we took on was the Nile Branch, which won four awards, “Best Gym of the Year”, “Best Sign”, “Best Interior” and “Best Exterior” awards. It’s actually the THE COACH



first floating gym in the world. It was designed as a temple since we wanted it to suit the spirit of the area it’s based in, and in respect to the history of the place which was a papyrus institute for years. Now we have 9 fully operational branches each with a unique spirit and soul.

Now with more and more gyms opening across the city, how do you see the future of Gold’s Gym Egypt and how do you maintain your market leadership?

Competition is always healthy and I’m very optimistic. I’m glad we were pioneers in spreading fitness awareness and people became more active and live better lives. There’s always room for improvement and we are always on top of our game by presenting the newest trends in the fitness world in our branches, which differentiates us from the other brands opening up in the market. We’ll be introducing soon in our branches new ideas such as climbing walls, TRX training techniques which do not depend on machines but on physical effort similar to that of going back to nature. This is the latest technique in the fitness world since fitness techniques are actually a lot like fashion trends. They have cycles, even after you reach a very high tech stage, a trend from the past makes a comeback and brings you back to nature, just like trends from the 60s and 70s that keep coming back to the fashion world.

What are the near future expansions?

We have a grand branch opening up in Kattameya in summer 2013; it has an outdoor area of more than 2000 sq. mt. We also have the Dreamland branch scheduled to open in February 2013 and the Nasr City branch in summer 2013. Besides, we 28

have some more pending branches in Sharm El Sheikh and Ain El Sokhna.

What do you take pride in the most when it comes to Gold’s Gym Egypt?

I am proud that we are the pioneers of fitness in Egypt. We created a full culture that was non-existent. We even shifted people’s idea about going to the gym from “bodybuilding” to overall fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. I can actually say that people’s physique changed over the last 15 years, and we’re proud of being part of it. I’m also proud of how we stand strong as a brand and as a team no matter how hard a situation is; like the Maadi branch fire for example.

Tell us more about this incident. On April 13th, 2004 the Maadi branch got totally burnt down; total loss. It was a major blow but we were dedicated to keeping our members. We pulled all possible strings and provided them with a substitute place for working out in 3 days! Our suppliers all opened their warehouse doors for us willingly for us to choose equipment for our temporary place. We were up and running again in 2 months! We were even better since we re-opened with brand new equipment. We couldn’t have done it without the loyalty of our members by the way. We did not lose one single member due to this incident although our competitors were offering free memberships to our members when the branch burnt down. But this is the essence of Gold’s Gym, we and our members become more like family. When a disaster like this happens, have faith in yourself and your team and you will pull through. You can chose to change the crisis into an opportunity.





By Farida Fakher

It’s not only about the will drop down when we say that we fail ourselves. We fail ourselves as well when we seek a diet for food when all we need is a diet for balance and self-love. That is what Oprah Winfrey opened up and shared about her diet experience. In 1992 Oprah reached her heaviest, 237 pounds (around 107 kg). She was 38 years old at that time. She felt her life was at risk and she made it a goal to lose weight. She worked diligently to achieve that self-goal and successfully enough, she appeared on the January 2005 “O” magazine cover at a toned 160 pounds (around 73 Kg). By that time she thought she is done with the weight battle and all the worries attended. She thought she fully conquered it. As she mentioned in her confessions, she had all the nerve to say to her friends who are struggling with their weight that all they have to do is to work out harder and eat less. That’s it! She thought she had hit on a guaranteed formula for permanent weight loss. Yet, alas! She had a major setback that came in the form of a thyroid problem and a hectic schedule; she lost control and gained lots of weight over and over again. In around three years after her prosperous weight loss, she was back up to 200 pounds (around 90 kg) and at that specifically horrific time for her, she again realized that something else needs to change! After a badly needed timeout to reflect and rejuvenate, she had something to learn.






Here’s the best part of Oprah’s confessions and actually, you can take this as her first rule to lose weight - appropriately: “Here’s another thing this past year has been trying to teach me: I don’t have a weight problem—I have a self-care problem that manifests through weight. As my friend Marianne Williamson shared with me, “Your overweight self doesn’t stand before you craving food. She’s craving love.” Falling off the wagon isn’t a weight issue; it’s a love issue. When I stop and ask myself, “What am I really hungry for?” the answer is always “I’m hungry for balance, I’m hungry to do something other than work.” If you look at your overscheduled routine and realize, like I did, that you’re just going and going and that your work and obligations have become a substitute for life, then you have no one else to blame. Only you can take the reins back.

Oprah’s weight loss was supported by Dr. Bob Green, exercise physiologist and Oprah’s certified personal trainer, he’s an all-around health expert and author of the book “The Best Life Diet”. Dr. Bob was the one Oprah turned to for health and nutritional advice. The concept behind Dr. Greene’s dieting system in the book, and with Oprah, is to focus less on the food and more on changing your eating and exercise habits. The secret behind the choice of food won’t surprise you much. What Oprah had to strictly do (about 12 weeks at a time) is to not eat white bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes, flour, milk, alcohol or sugar. Yes, as how common it is for us and sounds to be universal as well, no white food allowed. That’s besides practising moderation by using portion control. In the table, you can see a one-week meal plan. “You really have to plan for your meals,” Oprah says as this is part of organizing your life and getting back on the wagon! Oprah’s weekly meal plan underscores healthy and sufficient meals that would leave you


That’s what I’m doing. These days I’ve put myself back on my own priority list; I try to do at least one hour of exercise five or six days a week. As I work out, eat healthfully, and reorder my life so there’s time to replenish my energy, I continue to do the spiritual and emotional work to conquer this battle once and for all. My goal isn’t to be thin. My goal is for my body to be the weight it can hold—to be strong and healthy and fit, to be itself. My goal is to learn to embrace this body and to be grateful every day for what it has given me. In 2009, dare I, dare all of us give ourselves all the love and care we need to be healthy, to be well, and to be whole? I know for sure that for each moment of this brand new year, I’m gonna try” (From Oprah’s official website,

satisfied. “I have scheduled meals that I plan out every week and generally just repeat them,” Oprah says. Moreover, workout had to be part of her daily life and it had to be well thought of as well. As well as doing cardio exercises, her main focus in the workout component lied in resistance training using weights and circuit training. The key success factor of the diet is that it should be completely geared around your own personality and lifestyle. Oprah had also co-wrote the book “Making the connection: Ten Steps to a Better Body and a Better Life” with her doctor, Bob Greene. The book’s emphasis is not so much about what you’re putting in your tummy, but how happy your tummy is. In other words “the connection” that is being tackled is the one you need to find between your inner and outer bits before you will start looking better, feeling better and more capable of taking care of yourself.



Meal 1


Meal 1



Egg whites Green drink

Meal 2

Salmon with green veggies Half a plain sweet potato

Meal 3

Grilled chicken breast with green veggies

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 5

Salmon with green veggies


Meal 1


Meal 1


Meal 1


Meal 1


Meal 1

Egg white omelet,made without cheese



Egg whites

Egg white omelet,made without cheese

Egg whites

Egg whites

Egg white omelet,made without cheese

Green drink

Green drink

Green drink

Green drink

Green drink

Green drink

Meal 2

Tuna with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing Half a plain sweet potato

Meal 3

Grilled chicken breast with green veggies

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 5

Tuna with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 2

Meal 2

Crilled chicken breast with green veggies

Crilled chicken breast with green veggies

Half a plain sweet potato

Half a plain sweet potato

Meal 3

Tilapia with green veggies

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 5

Tilapia with green veggies

Meal 3

Turkey Meatball with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 5

Turkey Meatball with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 2

Salmon with green veggies Half a plain sweet potato

Meal 3

Turkey Meatball with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 4

Turkey Meatball with green veggies

Meal 5

Salmon with green veggies

Meal 2

Tuna with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 3

Grilled chicken breast with green veggies

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 5

Salmon with green veggies

Meal 2

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

Meal 3

Grilled chicken breast with green veggies

Meal 4

Grilled chicken breast with green veggies

Meal 5

Grilled chicken breast with romaine lettuce and fat-free dressing

My goal is to learn to embrace this body and to be grateful every day for what it has given me





As told by Madhu Jena

is an inspiration. Finding herself overweight in her late teens, she started running to lose some extra kilos. That twice a week jog turned into a passion and changed her life forever.

Now an ultra-runner, you can find Madhu anywhere from running on the Maadi Corniche, in Katameya or on the treadmill, making sure she gets her kilometres in for her weekly goals. If you’re looking for inspiration and a reason to get off the couch, read on to find out about Madhu’s latest journey in Egypt.






Setting the Pace

Running has been my greatest passion for over a few years now. Having done a few marathons and an ultra-marathon, (5 marathons in 5 consecutive days), I was looking for a bigger challenge. An earnest pursuit starting in August 2012, ended in my signing up for the 100km Pharaonic run on the 23rd of November. This scenic run commences from the Hauwara Pyramids in Fayoum and ends at the picturesque Saqqara Pyramids in Giza. While this is normally a relay-run with 5 people running 20km each, I challenged myself to run the entire 100km on my own. I knew it would be tough, but not impossible. I immediately realised the challenges of training on my own in Cairo, so I convinced a friend who ran at a similar pace to run the 100km with me.

The Preparatory Period:

Serious training commenced on 1st September. Faithfully, Rob (the other crazy Pharaonic runner) and I would wake up in the small hours of the morning and by 5am we would begin our long runs. Maadi Corniche runs on Friday and Katameya runs on Saturday. It required strong commitment to these back-to back runs of 30km and 50km each, but our determination only grew stronger as the weeks passed by and we saw steady progress being made. These long runs on the weekends were complimented with 3 shorter runs, each around 12km -15 km on the week-days. My association with Gold Gym as a Nutritionist fitted perfectly into my training schedules and the short runs were done on treadmills in the vibrant environment of Golds Gym, Maadi. As a Bollywood dance teacher, I managed to build those into cross training needs apart from furthering another passion of mine.

A Little Warm-up

Meanwhile, the family had already decided on our regular annual India trip in November. Fortunately, the ‘Bangalore-Ultra’, a 50km Trailrun organised by the reputable “RLF” Association fitted in well to my training schedule. It was also scheduled on my younger son’s second birthday. I thought it would be a wonderful birthday gift to my child!

record. It really boosted my confidence for what was to come in Egypt after just 13 days.

The Tapering-Off

I had 13 days to recover from this 50km before I ran my 100km race back in Egypt. I did a bit of light training while still in India before heading back to Cairo. The three days leading up to the 100km, I needed to concentrate on resting and carb-loading. I ate mainly pasta, potatoes and rice and ensured I was well hydrated.

The 100km Pharonic Run

The Pharonic Run is usually done with a 5-man relay team. There were just five of us testing ourselves to run the full 100km on our own. The customary gun shot at 6.05am formally started the race from scenic Hawara Pyramids in Fayyoum and Rob and I set-off at an easy comfortable pace. The relay runners sped off we settle down quickly to our originally planned 10km/hr pace. We had planned 10km/hr pace with small breaks every 10 kms with an objective to finish the race in 11 hours. The atmosphere was very pleasant in the early morning hours and we were running on large tarmac road with no traffic and against a panoramic view of the villages and desert sands. We passed the Kafren Pyramid at around 30km and were cheered along the way by zealous crowds of onlookers at regular intervals, including the Maadi Runners who have been a constant source of support for us during our training. We were closing in on 50 kms mark. We crossed El-lesht Pyramids at about 55km and almost sailed through to the 60km mark. We now had Maadi Runners running along with us, with an incredible feeling of camaraderie and solidarity between us as we inched towards the 100km mark. We were pacing ourselves, taking regular breaks for energy intakes in the form of pasta, sandwiches, GU gels etc. The next stretch of 60-70km was the most arduous. We decided that we would run at our own pace for the last 25 Kms.

It was worth it. Every step, every early morning wake-up call, every aching muscle. I had run an incredulous 100km in 11 hours re The morning of the run, we drove way out from the comforts of the tarmac roads of Bangalore and arrived at the jungle-like surroundings. As the race started, the weather was perfect. I started out a little too fast and knew if I carried on at this pace, I would hit the wall. So, I slowed down to a comfortable pace. At around 30km my legs were feeling heavy. I realised that there was a reason for the tag line of this race to read ‘It’s tough, are you?” The uneven and muddy terrain was putting pressure of every single part of my legs. But I persisted at my own pace and completed the first 25km in a decent time of 2 hours and 10 minutes. At 48km mark, I could finally see light at the end of the tunnel. The trail part was coming to the end and at 49km when we reached the road again. I don’t think I was ever so happy seeing a tarmac road and I picked up speed again. I heard a voice scream out “Look, its mummy!” It was the birthday boy himself. That was enough to bring out a huge smile on my face while sprinting over the finish line. At the finish line, my 4 year old yelled “My mummy won the race!” The overall time was 4 hours 35 minutes and 42 seconds. I was the first female to complete the race, 5th overall and set a new women’s course 36

Having crossed the 75Km mark, my determination to succeed was only increasing and I did not want my mind to waiver and think about my decreasing energy levels. I put on my music and ran, soaking in the atmosphere. I was closing on 95km. And that’s when it happened, Fatigue! Then my right knee started to bother me. I only had 5km to go and I was not going to let it beat me. The Sakarra Pyramids lay before me 1km ahead in an uphill stretch. It was never-ending. Crossing the finish line was spectacular, with all the memories of gruelling training over the last 3 months sweeping over me. But it was worth it. Every step, every early morning wake-up call, every aching muscle. I had run an incredulous 100km in 11 hours. My running partner Rob also finished the race. We had achieved an inconceivable feat and we felt exhilarated. And when I look back, it all started because I wanted to lose a few kilos, so I pressed the start button on a treadmill.





Pilates Many people who are new to this exercise realm do not understand the difference between Yoga and Pilates, since they both seem to have the same moves. Yoga’s essence is to align your body with your mental wellbeing and ultimately reach a sense of harmony and relaxation. Pilates on the other hand is more of a workout. It is a modern adaptation of Yoga used to sculpt and tone the body. Although both are not going to give your cardiovascular system a tough workout, Pilates when exercised regularly can help you take control over muscles you never felt before in your body. So if you’re aiming to get toned and defined, give Pilates a try.




Time to get





Pilates is based on six principles which enable you to learn to move with maximum efficiency while minimizing stress on the bodyeedd



The main essence of Pilates

Who can join a Pilates class?

Pilates is based on six principles which enable you to learn to move with maximum efficiency while minimizing stress on the body:

Although it seems super challenging, Pilates is pretty much safe for everyone! Regardless of age or fitness ability, from expectant mothers to the super fit, Pilates can fit your physical ability and needs.

Centering: Strengthening the body’s core, this includes the abdominals, pelvis, buttocks and back. The stronger a person’s core is, the more effectively the rest of the body can perform tasks. Concentration: Becoming fully aware of the form and execution of each exercise. Control: Don’t exhaust your whole body to perform one movement. You will learn to use only the necessary muscles to perform an act while the rest of your body relaxes. (Did you even know that was possible?) Precision: Understanding the concept that every movement has a purpose, resulting in a “less is more,” and “quality over quantity” philosophy. If an exercise is performed efficiently only a few times, it’s better than performing it many times with less efficiency. Breath: Moving in sync with the breath, results in enhanced lung capacity, overall coordination and facilitating a stronger mind-body connection. Flow: Every movement in this exercise is carried out with a natural flow and ease.

What are the benefits of Pilates? The medical community also recognizes Pilates as a complement to physical therapy. Pilates work is often fused with physical therapy to smooth the progress of healing and protect patients from future injury. It is also very beneficial and relieves people who suffer from chronic conditions, such as arthritis and asthma. Since every exercise involves deep, diaphragmatic breathing, Pilates aids majorly in opening up the lungs, enabling shallow breathers to learn the proper way to breathe and build respiratory stamina. Pilates enhances circulation significantly and builds the muscles that surround the joints, providing support, and lubricates the joints at the same time, which reduces inflammation that leads to arthritis. Finally, through the development of a stronger core and putting a strong emphasis on spinal alignment, Pilates corrects postural imbalances, prevents and heals chronic back pain, and improves overall spine health.

Where can I go? Pilates sculpt classes are now available in several Gold’s Gym branches across Cairo. Get in touch with your branch to know the schedules. Try not to start off Pilates on your own without a professional trainer to avoid any wrong movement or wrong practice.

Differences between Yoga and Pilates Yoga concentrates mostly on increasing strength and flexibility of the spine and limbs; Pilates focuses on building abdominal strength first, and then symmetrical musculature as well as overall flexibility. In Pilates, every movement emanates from the center (core) and extends through the limbs. In yoga, it is the concentration on the breath, first, then focusing on deepening a pose. In yoga, the primary goal (aside from proper alignment in the poses), is to stay connected to the breath; in Pilates, the first order of business is the precision of movement, and then, the coordination of that movement with the breath. The breathing patterns are different in both. In yoga, for the bulk of the asana practice, the breath is either ujjayi, a smooth, heat-inducing breath that sounds like the ocean, or kapalabhati, a rapid breath that creates greater internal heat. In Pilates, the breath for most exercises is a slow, controlled, diaphragmatic breath, but a few exercises use a rapid, staccato-like breath (similar to kapalabhati breathing in yoga). In Pilates, most of the exercises are performed lying down, either prone (on the stomach), supine (on the back), or side-lying. These movements aim to defy gravity the entire time, engaging the abdominal center in order to lift up from the ground to lengthen muscles. In yoga, most of the poses are done standing, and work with gravity by rooting down into the earth in order to lengthen the body away from the floor (with the exception of arm balances and inversions where one tries to defy gravity). Note that in yoga, there are a number of poses done on the floor as well, such as seated forward bends, twists, bow pose, and plow, and in Pilates, there is also standing series, such as the sculpting series.




Underwater... the


HOME for Many By Farida Fakher



Around 5 years ago, I had only one friend who was “daring� enough to jump into the sea and go meters below the water surface, no matter how far he had to travel, no matter how much he had to pay and most importantly, no matter how much danger he could be in (at least from my point of view). Last year only, I met around 10 old friends who entered the world of diving, not as athletes, but as addicts. I also met a man in his late 40s who expressed his utter happiness that he has finally become a diver, which was his dream since he was a university student! What is so fascinating about the underwater world? I went to the experts to find out.




I entered “Scuba Fun” diving center to meet Mr. Sameh Mesharraf; Scuba Fun General Manager, Minister of the Head Administration of the Egyptian Underwater Sports Federation , Head of Photographing Committee there and member of the International Diving Federation , underwater photography committee. He’s not only a diver since 1980; he also got trained on the hands of the Egyptian Naval Forces and in turn started training members in the navy. More and above he has participated and won many national and international underwater photography competitions. To mention the most recent; Lebanon National Competition 2012, World Competition at Korea 2009, World Competition at Spain 2005, World Competition at France 2003, World Competition at Safaga 1995 and International Competition at Sharm El Sheikh 1997 and besides winning Competition of Egypt for 4 consecutive times, he also participated with his photos in several underwater photography exhibitions and was granted multiple honors and prizes. After he resigned from his previous job, he instantly started his scuba diving business and as he mentioned “This was the best decision for me and is one I never regretted” Why is diving growing and spreading that much among Egyptians with such a rapid speed? When did it first start? It all started when we acquired Sinai back to the Egyptian lands in 1982. There was a small number of divers outside the police and army at that time. After a few years when tourism started booming in Sharm El Sheikh, Egyptians got to know about diving and began getting certified on the hands of foreign instructors. It kind of snowballed from there. 44

What are the most visited or beautiful areas that are worth diving in Egypt? In Sharm El Sheikh there is Ras Muhammad, Tiran and Abu Nahhas; these are full of beautiful coral reefs. Also in Sharm El Sheikh there’s one of the top wrecks in the world called Thistlegorm. It’s a British navy ship built in 1940. It sunk in 1941 near Ras Muhammad and is now a well-known diving site. People come from all over the world to visit this wreck. In Hurghada there is Om Gamar and Giftoun. There’s an outstanding diving site in Giftoun called ‘Er’a Somaya. Then further ahead to Dahab, there’s a historically amazing site called “Bills Blue Hole”. It is a cave around 130 mt. deep. There is a shallow opening around 6 mt. deep, known as ‘the saddle’, opening out straight to the sea, and a 26 mt. long tunnel, known as the “arch”, the top of which lies at a depth of 56 mt. The hole itself and the surrounding area has a wealth of coral and reef fish. Also in Dahab, there is a location called “Canyon/ The Fish Bowl”. It is a natural tunnel in the seabed which can be penetrated at several points. After diving for all these years, do you still see or discover creatures that you never saw or known of before? Yes I surely do. It’s an endless experience. It’s like being in space, a totally different world. (I guess now I get another question answered, which is why all these people are diving addicts! As a diver friend of mine once told me “I go there to forget about my life issues. I simply get out of the world and life, in a positive term of course”). How can a person’s fitness affect his diving experience? Two main things; the more fitness a person has, the less air consumption he will need, consequently, he/she can stay longer times under water. This also applies to smokers. They cannot stay long durations under


water due to their high air consumption. The other thing is how flexible and movable a person is under water. The higher his/her fitness, the more he/she can enjoy the movement underwater.

they move to level 4 which is getting certified to instruct others to dive in 18 Meters, level 5 to instruct in 30 Meters and level 6 is to instruct in 40 Meters. I am a level 6 instructor and I’m not willing to move forward.

But are there any health issues that would prohibit a person from diving? Yes, if the heart is not fully functional or if they underwent any heart surgeries recently. There are medical checkups that we send our interested diving candidates to do before applying for the diving course. These checkups mainly review any heart, ear and nose problems. They are usually done by a specialist doctor in the field of deep sea medicine. If all indicators show no issues, then the candidate can start diving.

What is does “forward” mean? Are there still further accreditations? Yes, if you move into the technical diving courses in which people can dive down to 300 meters underwater. Yet, it’s very unsafe and many accidents happen in this level. It’s a higher level of adventure. I, personally, get afraid snorkeling on top of the water. I wonder how you people feel safe underwater!

What’s the course that interested candidates apply for before being divers? I guess not any person can just simply put on diving equipment, jump into water, look at the scenery and come up peacefully! To start with, it goes without saying that all candidates should be able to swim. The course starts by 4 theoretical sessions about the sea and diving. Afterwards, candidates dive into a selected swimming pool (5 meters) in one of the clubs (At Scuba Fun we do it in Shooting Club or El Ghaba Club). Then, the first sea dive is always in El Ain El Sokhna. It’s not a good under water scenery but it’s enough for first level training where they can dive down to 15 meters. After that, they should start the CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques) or currently World Underwater Federation Accreditation course. How can I get certified as a diver to start diving freely inside and outside Egypt? The course is made up of 6 levels for recreational divers. The courses levels cost starts from L.E. 1500 and up to L.E. 6000. In level 1 you get trained to dive in 18 meters, level 2 is for 30 meters, level 3 is for 40 Meters. Some divers stop here and some decide to be a diving instructor so

No it’s safe as long as you’re taking your precautions in regards to your equipment, keeping the environment down there safe and sticking to the safety measures learnt in the course. And by the way, if you’re afraid of sharks like most people are, please note that sharks in Egypt never attack except in one case; when there’s blood, and that’s why it’s prohibited to shoot fish with rifles in the sea. What are the tools used for diving? The tools are mainly a mask, fins, snorkel, suit, PCD, regulator and diving computer (like a watch) to calculate nitrogen in blood. Extra tools can be a torch, a camera and a compass. How much would these tools cost me? If you buy the full equipment it costs an average of L.E.7000-8000. If you rent, then it’s starting L.E. 120/day here in Scuba Fun and outside (especially outside Cairo) it can reach up to L.E. 220/ day. Do you have special group or community for Scuba Fun? Yes of course. We actually have a café called TriMix in Maadi. It’s another part of my business, in which all divers dealing with Scuba Fun meet regularly. We have scheduled courses every month and scheduled trips every weekend. THE COACH



Eating Right

for Your

Body Type

By Dr. Rida A. Ali, FACN, CCN

Professor Emeritus, Developmental Nutrition, University of Bridgeport, CT, USA and Comparative Nutrition, Cairo University, Board Member, Gold’s Gym Egypt. What do chili pepper, apple and pear have in common? Those words are used to describe three most commonly recognized body shapes, or types. “Chili Pepper” describes an individual who is thin from top to bottom. “Apple” is someone who is round in the middle, and “Pear” is a person who is bottom-heavy; and what they all have in common is simply unhealthy eating habits! Not necessarily the type of food that they eat, but also how, where and when it is consumed. There are many different diets out there, marketed to help in losing weight – some are effective, others aren’t. The big differentiating factor between what makes a good diet healthy or unhealthy is our eating behavior. Sounds like a contradiction, right? We always assume that if all the diets we are eating are healthy, we automatically should lose weight. That’s not always the case. Healthy diets typically vary from low fat/moderate carbohydrate to high protein/higher fat (significantly cutting back on carbs) and everything in between. Some people do fantastic on traditional low fat diets, and some people do great on high protein diets that are higher in fat. Doing well here means they thrive – they feel healthier. That is the crux of what is known as Metabolic Typing;


defining which foods are ideal for your body shape or type. Not everyone who starts eating a healthier diet wants to lose weight; they just want to live healthier – as we all should. But, for those who do want to shed a few kilograms, there are foods we should eat and foods we should avoid, depending on our body type.





In terms of Metabolic Typing, body types fall into one of five general categories: The Cone Shape This body shape is typical for athletic males, characterized by carrying a lot of weight in the upper body, and has no problem gaining muscle, even if they’re not an athlete. When excess weight comes on, it’s stored in the upper arms, back and chest. The buttocks, still muscular, are relatively smaller than the upper torso. Foods the athlete should avoid include saltier, savory foods. This body type should make dinner the meal of the day, eating a light breakfast and lunch. The Baby Face This person puts weight on specifically in their face, but also throughout their body, which is usually evenly distributed. Foods the baby-face should avoid include dairy, particularly high fat dairy. This body type should eat like a reverse pyramid, eating a bigger breakfast, moderate lunch and smaller dinner. The Pear Shape This body type tends to put weight on through the hips and thighs, creating a “pear” shape. Sometime this body type is referred to as a “triangle”. You have a triangular body type if you have a small upper body and a larger lower body. The pear/triangle body type is

of heart healthy fats, like avocados, almonds and fish, and decrease your intake of carbohydrates, sugar and saturated fats (like processed cookies, fried foods and candy). Doing this will help regulate your blood sugar and decrease the fat storage around your stomach. Foods the apple should avoid include refined carbs, particularly sweets and caffeine. This type should eat a diet rich in protein and healthy fats – even higher fat foods, such as full fat yogurt. The apple does well eating three squares a day. The Chili Pepper Shape If you are naturally thin with little difference in proportion between your upper and lower body, you are probably a chili pepper body type. The biggest challenge is to eat healthfully even though you don’t have a weight problem. You might think you can eat whatever you want because you don’t gain weight, but eating unhealthy food still causes high blood pressure and diabetes in thin individuals. Increase heart healthy fats that you consume, such as nuts and olive oil, and decrease saturated fats, trans fats and sugars that’s found in most packaged food. What Does Eating for your Body Type Mean, Scientifically? Many people think that “body type” just describes the way someone looks. In fact, your body type can also provide information about how you respond to food intake and about your hormonal and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) characteristics. Physique characteristics can thus be linked to metabolic differences between individuals. Once body type is established, one can then adjust nutrient intake to optimize body composition and health related goals. There are three general categories of scientific body types (somatotypes): ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Very few people fall perfectly into one of the three categories. Most people are often a mix of characteristics. Years of training and good nutrition can change the outward appearance of one’s body. For instance, a bodybuilder might be mistaken for a “natural” mesomorph when in fact; they may really be an endomorph who’s trained and dieted hard, or an ectomorph who has spent years power lifting and preparing protein shakes. An ectomorph who has gained a little weight around the middle from a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition might assume they’re more endomorphic. However, most folks can find their general tendencies in one of the three groups.

most commonly seen in women, but men can have it too. The good thing about having a triangle body type is that you are less at risk for developing cardiovascular disease since fat is not stored around your organs. The biggest difficulty for a pear shape is losing weight from the buttock and thigh area. The best way to eat right for this body type is to decrease your fat intake and increase your intake of carbohydrates and protein. A diet that is rich in whole grains and vegetables (like oatmeal and lentils) will make it harder for your body to store unwanted fat on your lower body. Foods the pear should avoid include spicy foods and high fat dairy. The pear does better eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats. The pear should eat opposite of the baby-face, in pyramid fashion, eating a small breakfast, moderate lunch and larger dinner. The Apple Shape You have an apple body type if you tend to gain weight around your mid section, while your lower body remains slender. If you are an apple body type, you have the greatest risk of developing cardiovascular disease and endocrine disorders. The best way to eat right if you have an apple body type is to increase your intake 48

Ectomorphs are thin individuals characterized by smaller bone structures and thinner limbs. Think of a typical endurance athlete. They tend to be thyroid and SNS dominant with either a higher output or higher sensitivity to catecholamines like epinephrine and norepinephrine. This profile is linked to a fast metabolic rate and a high carbohydrate tolerance.


This group generally does best with more carbohydrates in the diet, along with a moderate protein and lower fat intake. A nutrient distribution for this body type would ideally be around 55% carbs, 30% protein, and 15% fat.

oil, plus fruits, vegetables and wholegrain carbohydrates. For an average intake of 1,800 calories per day, eating 40% carbs (720 calories), 35% healthy fat (630 calories) and 25% from protein (450 calories), constitutes a healthy distribution of calories.

Mesomorphs have a medium sized bone structure and athletic body, and if they are active, they usually have a considerable amount of lean mass. Many explosive athletes like wrestlers and gymnasts fit this criteria. Mesomorphs tend to be testosterone and growth hormone dominant. This profile leads to a predisposition for muscle gain and the maintenance of a lower body fat. Mesomorphs typically do best on a mixed diet, consisting of balanced carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A macronutrient split of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat can work well for them.

Pear shaped people with excess weight in the thighs, hips and buttocks, watch fat intake. Aim to eat approximately 40% carbohydrates, 40% lean protein and vegetables, and 20% fat. As an example, this would mean eating 600 carbohydrate calories, 30 fat calories and 600 protein calories, for someone who was on 1,500 calories a day. It’s also important to focus on building muscle in the arms, through proper exercise, to balance out a larger bottom section.

Endomorphs have a larger bone structure with higher amounts of total body mass and fat mass. Football lineman and power lifters are frequently endomorphs. They tend to be insulin dominant. This profile leads to a greater propensity for energy storage, including both lean mass and fat mass. This can also mean a lower carbohydrate tolerance. Endomorphs typically do best on a higher fat and protein intake with carbohydrate intake being controlled and properly timed (e.g., after exercise). Their ideal intake might look like 25% carbs, 35% protein, and 40% fat.

Some Practical Considerations Diet plans need to take into account where the excess weight is found in a person’s body. Determining your body shape and eating for your body type may help you shed the weight from problem areas. Experts recommend that people with excess mid-section weight, (the Apple), eat healthy fats such as fish, lean protein and olive

People who struggle with excess weight throughout the body may target those unwanted kilograms by eating healthy fats and lowering carbohydrate intake. Similar to apple-shaped people, they are at higher risk for high blood sugar, which means they need to watch carbohydrate intake by eating 40% carbohydrate calories, 35% fat calories and 25% fat calories each day for men and women. For someone on 2,000 calories a day, this would be 800 calories of carbs, 700 calories of fat and 500 calories of protein. Monitor your success. Once you’ve found the right eating plan, keep a food diary. Track your success and pitfalls. This will assist in identifying patterns, such as overeating on a Friday night watching television. Consider chopping up fresh fruits and veggies for snacks.

In general, individuals with various body shapes or types are encouraged to experiment with different nutritional strategies until they find what works for them. Identifying your body type and eating the appropriate distribution of nutrients might be a smart place to begin! THE COACH



A Healthy

Detox to You STARTED By Gina Grant, Vice President, Fitness and Education, Gold’s Gym Egypt



Just as the world revolves through seasons, our bodies function in cycles. A detox is beneficial in helping our body transition through the different cycles, and maintaining a healthy point at equilibrium. Many “detox diets” are very strict, which makes them almost impossible to follow. However, a well-planned detox program can help clean the body of toxins, reset our taste buds and help to reduce cravings. Giving the body a rest from high sugar, processed foods or even just too much food, can clear the way for the body to realign itself and start functioning more effectively. If you truly listen to your body, it will tell you how badly you are in need of a good clear out. Signs include skin rashes, acne, hormonal imbalances such as PMS and menstrual problems, a bloated stomach particularly after eating, inability to lose weight, unexplained weight gain, irritability, depression, constipation, diarrhoea, food allergies, reoccurring coughs and colds, memory loss, lack of energy and general fatigue, and so the list goes on. The truth is, that food just isn’t what it used to be. Cattle are force-fed to fatten up, pesticides and fertilisers cover our “fresh” fruit and vegetables, leaving the body to fight the invaders with every bite. Add to that, fad diets flooding the media, in the way of low-carb, low fat, and low calorie gimmicks, plus convenience foods that are piled high on the supermarket shelves. Keeping foods simple in choice and uncomplicated in cooking, makes them easier to digest, so you actually absorb more nutrients and burn more fuel.




Our Greatest Enemy

Trans fats are made by a chemical process called partial hydrogenation. Liquid vegetable oil (an otherwise healthy monounsaturated fat) is packed with hydrogen atoms and converted into a solid fat. This makes a perfect fat for the food industry to work with, because of its high melting point, creamy, smooth texture and its reusability in deep fat frying. This means trans fats have the ability to extend the shelf life of processed foods, such as cookies, biscuits, cakes, packaged pastries and donuts and for the fast food industry, it’s a cheap way to use and reuse oil to deep-fry their food. Trans fats also raise total and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and at the same time strip levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, the kind that helps unclog arteries. They also increase triglyceride levels in the blood, adding to our risk of cardiovascular disease.

Go Back To Basics...

... and all things natural. Fruit, vegetables, moderate amounts of fish, whole grains and beans, nuts, herbs and plenty of water are foods that give you the kind of vitamins, minerals and fibre needed to neutralise the toxins and rid them from your system. What’s important when it comes to detoxing is preparation. Detoxing isn’t just about losing a kilo or two, it can also be therapeutic for the soul. You need to create an environment that is relaxing and mindfully nourishing. On a daily basis, we are overloaded with technology, social media and traffic, and most of us spend our time desperately trying to finish one project, only to pick up another. During your detox, limit yourself to what you expose yourself to and cut out internet surfing, computer games, mindless TV and work-related issues. If possible, get outside for some exercise and drive out to the desert or head to Wadi Degla and take in the local beauty when walking or lightly jogging. Take a yoga class or practice some stretching at home. Tell friends and family that you won’t be available for a couple of days and don’t make plans to meet up with friends for a coffee, thinking you’ll just have a fresh juice; temptation is hard to resist, particularly the first day.


Get Prepared

You need to be prepared so everything you need is at hand during your detox. You might need a few days beforehand to complete some of the things that need doing, such as finding an easy stretch program and tidying your apartment. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to prepare, as long as the afternoon that you start, you feel ready and excited for what lays ahead. Sometimes the hardest part is telling our loved ones that we need alone time. Just think about this. If you had an allergy to a certain food that could cause you serious harm and could even be fatal, would you eat it? Of course not. No matter how much someone tried to force it on you, everything inside you would tell you it’s wrong and you wouldn’t give in, and you’d be right. Think of a detox in the same way. You are simply taking care of you and offloading any junk, toxins and maybe kilos that your body doesn’t need. Stick to your decision and eventually, they’ll get it.

What You Need To Get You Started Good food is a must. Fresh, wholesome and what you like. A menu plan so you don’t have to think what to cook. Some chill out music for your iPod or CD player. A blanket and a comfortable cushion. A good book that stimulates the mind. A movie or two that leaves you feeling positive and optimistic. A journal or small book that you can write in to record your Thoughts and feelings. Three nights and two full days to yourself. An open mind. Below is an example of what a weekend detox looks like. Of course, it can be done at any time during the week, as long as you have the mental and physical space to do it. You will also find a sample menu and light exercise plan built in to your daily program. When detoxing, think about eating light. No heavy meals. You won’t


calorie count, but be aware of how much you are eating. You should never get to the point when you feel full and have to loosen the button on your jeans. The target is only to eat what is from the earth or the sea and not to have too many different types of food on your plate at one time, as this is hard on the digestive system.

The Plan Wednesday afternoon/early evening: Go shopping for what you need and nothing more. Ask your personal trainer or a group fitness instructor for a 20 – 30 minute stretch programme and write it down. If you don’t have access to either of these people, there are lots of good sites you can look at such as to help get you started. Tidy the apartment or your room and free it of clutter, leaving you mental and physical space

Thursday: Leave work early. Book the time off and be out the

office by 3pm. Go straight home. Send a message to friends and family that you’re busy this weekend, and you’ll catch up with them Sunday. Caffeine drinkers – no coffee after 1pm. 6pm Spend 20 – 30 minutes sitting quietly and letting the mind rest. 7pm Light dinner. Eat sat down and focus only on your food. No TV, books, or telephone. 9pm Perform some light stretching for about half an hour. 10pm Put some candles in the bathroom and take a warm bath or shower. Breathe in slow and deep, letting the steam in to your lungs. Breathe out slowly and let the whole body relax.

10:30pm Lights out. Sweet dreams.

Friday: The first full day of your detox. Be positive and be sure to slow down your usual pace in everything you do.

7am Wake up and enjoy being in bed without the feeling of having to rush. Pick up your journal and write down any dream you may have had and your general thoughts that are floating around in your head. Include why you have chosen to do a detox and what your goals are. Drink half a litre of room temperature water with fresh lemon and ginger. 7:30am Perform some light stretching or yoga for about half an hour. 8:30am Light breakfast. Eat slowly, enjoy and do nothing else when you eat. 10am Go for a walk. Friday morning is quiet. Choose somewhere you can walk briskly. If that means getting in your car and driving to a place to find some peace, that’s OK as the traffic is quietest at this time of the week. 11am Light snack. 12pm Quiet time. Sit, think, pray. Nurture your mind. 1pm Lunch. Eat slowly, enjoy and do nothing else when you eat. 2pm Take a nap, rest, and chill. 3pm Pick up your journal and write down how you’re feeling and your general thoughts that are floating around in your head. 4pm Perform some light stretching or yoga for 30 – 60 minutes or take a yoga class. 5pm Snack. THE COACH



7pm Light dinner. Eat slowly, enjoy and do nothing else when you eat. 9pm Put some candles in the bathroom and take a warm bath or shower. Breathe in slow and deep, letting the steam in to your lungs. Breathe out slowly and let the whole body relax. 10:30pm Lights out. Sweet dreams. Saturday: Follow Friday’s plan with one extra edition. Before you sleep, write in your journal about your experience. What was challenging, what you enjoyed and whether you would do it again. No one will ever see this journal, so what you write is between you and you alone, but it’s a great reference for you in the future and will hopefully give you the support you need when you feel it’s time for another detox. Sunday: It may be back to work, but that doesn’t necessarily mean back to bad habits. Always think before you eat or drink and make sure that what you put inside your body is what you want to reflect on the outside.

Your Detox Shopping List Include

• Fruit : fresh • Vegetables: fresh, especially leafy green and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.

Example Daily Menu

• Beans and lentils: eat any beans, including those that have been dried or canned in water, but always rinse in fresh water first. • Tofu: a great source of protein for everyone; including meat eaters. • Oatmeal: sprinkle oats over fresh fruit or use to make porridge, sweetened with honey. • Potatoes: white and sweet potatoes, boiled or baked • Brown rice: steamed or boiled • Fresh fish: all types of fish baked or boiled. Canned tuna or salmon should be in brine or water. • Nuts: unsalted • Water: 2 litres per day – minimum! • Green tea • Unsalted nuts, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, ginger, fresh herbs honey


• All meats: chicken, red meat, mince, burgers, sausage, pate etc. • All dairy. • Wheat: bread, croissant, cereals, cakes, biscuits, pastry, breadcrumbs. • Salt: including salty snacks like chips and pretzels. • Sugar: all forms, white, brown, corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, lactose, sucrose etc. • Alcohol. • All sodas. • Tea and coffee: except herbal – nothing with caffeine. • All pre-packaged foods.

Breakfast: Smoothie – blend fresh fruit and ice, then add 2 spoons of oatmeal. Lunch: Grilled fish, brown rice, steamed broccoli and another vegetable Dinner: Rice, beans cooked in fresh tomatoes, salad with olive oil, lemon and parsley dressing Snacks: Choose one or two of the following - handful of nuts, fresh smoothie, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, 1 – 2 spoons peanut butter (homemade or Egyptian store bought. Stay away from the imported, as there are many additives). Water: Drink throughout the day to constantly flush the system. At least 2 litres each day.






Kissed F l A m e

F l a v o r

for the winter months 56


Grilling is a great way to eat and it’s fu you to reduce ll of flavor th calories, with at smells delic out comprom the grill, ther ious as its co ising on taste. eby, reducing oking. It allo As you grill, ws fa t and cholest seeps out, pr ex tra fat drips aw erol. With m etty much is ay th an ro y ug re ot ab h he sorbed into th r types of co calorie, low-f oking, any fa e food. Marin at foods, such t that ades add flavo as vinegar, ze r and are base st, lemon juic d on lowe, herbs and The recipes be spices. low can be co oked on eith prepare and er an outdoo take no time r grill, or an to cook. All re oven grill. Th cipes below se ey are easy to rve four peop le.

Zesty Lemon

Chicken wit

h Thyme

Ingredients (Marinade): • 4 teaspo ons olive oil • Zest of 3 lemons • Juice of 4 lemons • Handful of fresh thym e (za’tar) or 1• Salt and 2 teaspoons of pepper to ta dried thyme ste Ingredients (Chicken): • 4 chicke n legs • Extra ol ive oil for gr illing • Lemon s, halved • Fresh th yme for dres sing (optiona Recipe: l) • Put all th e marinade in gredients in • Marinat a bowl and m e the chicken ix well. for at least 2 • Preheat hours, or over the grill and lig ni ght, in the frid htly brush the • Take the ge. grill rack with chicken out th th e extra olive oi e marinade and • Reserve l. lightly dry it the marinad with a paper e. • Cook th to w el. e chicken on th e grill on one Baste with th si de for 15 – 20 min e extra marin utes until brow ade if needed • Turn an n. . d cook for ar ou nd 10 minutes on other side. the • If the ch icken starts to brown too qu the grill dow ickly, turn n or move the chicken away from th further e flame. Once cooked , move to a w arm plate, co and let the ch ver with foil icken “rest”. Put the lemon s on the grill, cut side down til browned (a and cook unround 5 minut es).

Serve the ch icken on war m plates wit and fresh th h the lemons yme. Add a sweet potato and gr een salad to every plate.




Asian-Style Salmon

Ingredients (Steak): • 4 large fresh steaks Recipe: • Put all the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix well. • Marinate the steaks for half a day or overnight in the fridge. Preheat the grill. Take the steaks out the marinade and reserve to one side. Cook the steaks on the grill on one side for 7 - 10 minutes until brown, basting with the reserved marinade to keep it tender. Then turn and cook the other side until cooked through. Cooking times will vary depending on if you want your steak rare, medium or well-done.

Ingredients (Marinade): • 4 teaspoons sesame oil • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • 2 tablespoons soy sauce • 2 teaspoons brown sugar • 1 teaspoon red chili powder • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger or ¼ teaspoon dried ginger • Handful green onions, chopped Ingredients (Salmon): • 4 large fresh salmon steaks • Sesame oil for grilling Recipe: • Put all the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix well. • Marinate the salmon for 1-2 hours at room temperature.

If the steak starts to brown too quickly, turn the grill down or move the steak further away from the flame. Serve with rice and sautéed mushrooms.

Herby Jumbo Shrimp

Preheat the grill and lightly brush the grill rack with the extra olive oil. Take the salmon out the marinade and brush a little extra over the fish. Throw away the rest of the marinade. Cook the salmon on the grill on one side for 5 - 6 minutes until lightly brown, then turn and cook the other side. Once the salmon starts to flake and is the same color throughout, it’s cooked. Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness of the salmon. Be careful not to over grill or it will become dry and tough. This salmon should melt in your mouth. Serve straight away with crispy green beans on the side.

Savory Steak

Ingredients (Marinade): • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard • 4 teaspoons sunflower oil • 1 teaspoons steak seasoning • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary • ½ teaspoon dried thyme • Pepper to taste


Ingredients (Marinade): • Juice of 4 lemons • 4 teaspoons olive oil • ½ onion, finely chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon dried basil • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary • Salt to taste Ingredients (Shrimp): • 1 kilo jumbo shrimp, peeled and de-veined • Skewers - wooden or metal • Oil for lightly wipe on the skewers Recipe: • Put all the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix well. • Marinate the shrimps for 1-2 hours. Preheat the grill. Take the shrimps out the marinade and throw the marinade away. Using a paper towel, wipe the skewers with a little oil. Thread the shrimps onto the skewers. Cook the shrimps on the grill for 3 – 4 minutes each side. Be careful not to overcook. If the shrimps start to brown too quickly, turn the grill down or move them further away from the flame. Place the skewers on a plate with baked chunky fries and taboulah.





Get your Gina Grant, Vice President, Fitness and Education, Gold’s Gym Egypt


IN Want to take your workout to the next level? Amino Energy could be just what you’re looking for. Users are hailing this relatively new release by Optimum Nutrition, as a great pre-workout supplement that can intensify your training and accelerate results with its combination of free-form amino acids and caffeine.

As with all supplements, they have to be used correctly to get the benefits. No supplement will do the work for you to get the body you want. If you take it, you have to work it! With 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving, it’s going to give you the buzz you need to get you in the gym ready to work.



Amino Acids

Green Tea and Green Coffee Extract

Amino Acids (AAs) are the building blocks of protein and are also required and play an important role in metabolism. There are two types of AAs, essential and non-essential. Non-essential simply means we do not have to eat them, as the body is capable of producing them, but the essential must be supplied by food. If we are just deficient in one of the essential AAs the result is a degradation of bodily protein – that’s your muscle – as the body will try to obtain the one amino acid that is missing. Fat and carbohydrates can be stored, but our bodies do not store amino acids to be used at a later date, and that’s why you need a constant source on a daily basis.

Everybody talks about green tea as being a great antioxidant and fat burner. Another quality of green tea and green coffee is that they act as a caffeine buffer, making the delivery system very efficient; you don’t get the jitters while it’s in your system and it doesn’t leave you crashing once it’s gone. Depending on what you’re looking for and how well you tolerate supplementation generally, you can modulate the amount you need, taking half to a single scoop for an afternoon pick-me-up or increase the serving size to give you the level of support you need to get you in the zone for a specific workout.

Amino Energy contains Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) that the body cannot produce. These are isoleucine, leucine and valine. Isoleucine is of particular interest as it’s used as a source of energy. How much exactly is partially determined by what kind of training you do and how balanced your nutrition is. What’s clear though, is that everybody who trains, no matter what sport, needs BCAAs. Making sure you get all your BCAAs in, in a single serving will help in positive muscle gain.

The more muscle you have the more calories you burn, even at rest. Having a supplement that boosts energy levels and helps in recovery to get you ready for the next workout, has to be considered for the die-hards.

Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide is a communicator. It delivers messages between bodily cells controlling blood circulation and regulating a variety of activities. In terms of building muscle, nitric oxide directly influences the endocrine system, (your hormones), by increasing blood flow and therefore delivering more nutrients to the muscles themselves. L-Arginine, a non-essential AA, is responsible for the production of nitric oxide. With the presence of arginine promoting the production of nitric oxide, which is also sustained throughout the workout, repair and recovery are accelerated and muscular gains are increased.

Other Benefits

With no fat or sugar in the compound and water as the mixer, you can get all the benefits almost calorie free. At only 10 calories a serving, it’s not going to impact your daily quota, which is a big plus for those who are looking to drop body fat. The super fine powder makes digestibility easy and the micronized compounds readily available for absorption. Don’t think of this as a body-building supplement; the increased energy you get makes it a great support system for endurance and cross-fit style training. Follow the directions of how to mix and recommended quantities on the pack. This is not a one-size-fits-all supplement, which is what gives it individuality. Don’t take it late afternoon if you have difficulty sleeping, as it can keep you buzzing even after a workout. As always, keep supplements out of the reach of children and read all the information on the back.

Have a great workout!




By Farida Fakher

Nobody said it’s easy…




SM KING They said it’s worth it!




Have you ever known that,

• •

“On average, adults who smoke cigarettes die 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.” Just in case you believe that it doesn’t take off your life “According to statistics of 2010, about only 20% of the world population smokes.” Just in case you think many people smoke! “There is a death caused by tobacco every 8 seconds.” Just in case you think it’s very far away!

“About 10 million cigarettes are sold every minute in the world. That is, 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily across the globe. That comes to 5 trillion cigarettes being sold annually”. Just to be sure of how much income smoking serves the world, so they’ll keep selling and will keep tempting you to smoke.

One can assume that all smokers have known at least that “smoking kills” from the packets they buy, and can assume also that many smokers at a point of time experienced any of the smoking side effects either on breathing, how their skin and hair look, how energy might sometimes drift, etc…Yet, they are still smoking. Here comes the most important question of all. Why do people who know smoking is killing them either try to quit and fail or may be never try to quit at all?

Not every smoking quitting tool works with everyone! Below are some smoking quitting techniques, try to find what would be more suitable and effective for your personality, lifestyle and readiness. If one doesn’t work with you, don’t just give up, just try another tool. There are two main quitting approaches; either medication-therapy, or non-medication therapy, or sometimes what fits you best is a combined therapy that combines between both.

The physical, mental and psychological effects a quitter goes through would shake a mountain, because nicotine is a highly addictive drug and withdrawal can be dramatically intense. So, it’s common for quitting initiators to slip out of the program in the first few days. The withdrawal symptoms are hectic, unpleasant and sometimes unbearable. This sounds discouraging but the good news is that these symptoms do fade away as days pass by, probably during the first few days and will be completely gone in around six months. The quitting period suffering also works well as a good reminder to never go back to smoking and have to go through it all again. The better you can endure the first days, the higher the probability that you’ll survive till the end. It all starts just four hours after your last cigarette and then peak at three or five days and then fade out after two weeks. It’s all about the chemical dependency on nicotine, and without proper maintenance, the body will naturally react; calling for some nicotine to survive.

Start off with some self-help and mental preparation before getting serious with any official therapy. Don’t focus on the negative you want to get rid of, focus on the positive you want to insert into your lifestyle. This concept has two steps; the first is not to start by quitting smoking, start by –for example- working out instead, or having a non-smoking group of friends, or even just raising your awareness about your health and setting some clear health objectives for yourself, and do all that while being a normal smoker. So, briefly, don’t think of removing the bad habit at first, just think of adding the good ones for the time being.


The second step is to prepare yourself mentally. When the mind focuses on the negative habit it wants to get rid of, the energy created is negative; regrets on the past behavior evolve and are accompanied by a sense of self-rejection. On the other hand, when the mind is focusing on the positive habit you want to have or add in your life, the energy developed is positive and conveys a futuristic hopeful


During this phase as well, you have some homework to do; write down three lists; the things you like about smoking, the things you dislike about it (also get input from others and what they dislike about you being a smoker) and the final list goes for answering the question of why you think quitting won’t be easy. Have a full vision of how your life will be without smoking, you’ll sit with smoking friends, you’ll crave a smoke after a heavy meal, you’ll pass by the market to get some beverages and will not get cigarettes aside, you’ll

be pissed off or bored waiting in the traffic jam and will not have a cigarette to smoke, etc.. The last homework is to have a tiny index card that can be put in your wallet to remind you at the moments of weakness of why you decided to stop smoking, because the reasons will be written down by you on that index card! But realistically speaking, if you’re a heavy smoker, this won’t be enough. You will probably need to revert to one of the different medication or non-medication therapies. The good thing about the smoking cessation medications is that they can ease the withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. Research suggests that nicotine replacements can double or even sometimes triple the probabilities that a smoker will successfully quit.

outlook and the actions in hand that can be done to change the behavior which is accompanied by a better sense of self-acceptance as a smoker who wants to quit!

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

How it works?

This type of therapy helps smokers focus on breaking their psychological addiction more than focusing on dealing the

withdrawal symptoms, which makes it easier to concentrate on learning and gaining new behavior while adopting some needed coping skills. That’s why you can never use the nicotine replacements while you’re still smoking. Tobacco must be quit first before taking in any other substitute of nicotine. Do not to be in too much of a hurry to quit nicotine replacements as well. One common problem is when people go off the nicotine replacements too early that they experience heavy craving which they can’t resist, which might drive them back into smoking easily.

Non-Nicotine Medication

How it works?

These medications also help by reducing the cravings and withdrawal symptoms but without the use of nicotine substitutes. There are two medicines that fall under this category. Zyban (Bupropion) and Champix (Varenicline); which stimulate nicotine receptors more weakly than nicotine itself does, so cravings are reduced. They are taken in courses that last from 8-12 weeks, and start while the per-

Nicotine replacement therapy involves replacing the tobacco nicotine with another nicotine form and substitutes that deliver small and steady doses of nicotine into the body in a healthier and safer way than cigarettes. It relieves the withdrawal symptoms without really getting in the tars and poisonous gases normally included in cigarettes. These nicotine replacements can be found as gums, lozenges and patches. The gums and lozenges also give the smoker something to put in their mouth instead of a cigarette.

son is still smoking. They are available only by prescription and not recommended without consulting a doctor first.

Our last suggestion if nothing worked still is to try over and over again, because you either work on quitting smoking now, or get prepared to fight illness in the future.






By Farida Fakher


FIGHTERS RIGHT FROM NATURE “It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions but hard to get one single remedy”~ A Chinese proverb. True! How many people revert to prescriptions compared to those who utilize nature to get the remedies? You would definitely consider what nature has to offer you when you realize that these natural plants contain substances that promote the body to function in certain ways to heal, without getting involved with how our brains work or how our hormones are regulated contrary to chemical medications! Despite the great difference between prescriptions and natural remedies, sometimes chemical intervention is needed and a visit to the doctor is essential. If any of the symptoms is persistent; especially, difficulty in breathing or chest pain, fever, vomiting or inability to keep fluids down, painful swallowing, coughing congestion and headache, a doctor’s visit is called for. Also, it is preferable to visit the doctor in the early stages of flu, since flu consequences can be quite life threatening. It’s very common to confuse cold with flu, since they have the same symptoms and after all try to cure them the same way! Here are some important

differences between cold and flu that we should be well aware of to be able to provide ourselves with the kind of remedy that won’t let us wonder at the end why on earth are we not getting better. It’s a common cold if you experience irritation in the nose or a sore throat at first, followed within hours by sneezing and a watery nasal. It tends to last about a week, with sometimes a few remaining symptoms for an additional week or so like coughing for example. It’s flu if the above cold symptoms come more attacking, stronger and quicker in the frequency and intervals of time. You would probably experience high fever, hoarse cough accompanied by chest discomfort, sore throat, headache, fatigue and weakness and aching back, arms and legs. One other success factor for the natural cold and flu remedies to work is related to the “prevention before cure” idea. Always make sure you always have germ-free hands (by regular hand wash or by using any hand sanitizing gel or wet wipes) and try to avoid touching your eyes, ears or mouth because this is usually where the cold and flu viruses enter the body.




Here are 5 major remedies from nature for cold and flu: •Raw Fresh Garlic


Our grandmothers won’t be surprised with this item! It is basically very efficient for reducing and smoothing coughing since honey coats and soothes an irritated throat.

Hard to imagine taking it in this form, yet results are tremendous.

How to take it? You can take a spoonful straight from the jar or you can add it to any drink or food you want to sweeten instead of sugar. Add it to lemon and ginger to make a perfect cold and flu fighter mix.

•Vitamin C

Garlic contains compounds, such as allicin—an oily substance, which is believed to prevent colds as well as shorten their duration. How to take it? You can have it by taking appropriate dosages of garlic supplements or as a dehydrated garlic powder. Moreover, you can take is as raw fresh garlic pieces. If you don’t want to have garlic breath for a long time, don’t chew it. Just get small cloves and swallow them whole or crush them a bit and swallow them with the help of water to ensure they’ll be well digested. It’s better to eat something before you intake garlic in your stomach.


We’re not talking about the popular fizzy vitamin C we frequently take, we’re just back to nature! Vitamin C does not cure cold or flu as most of recent studies conclude, which is against many of our beliefs. Vitamin C helps in keeping the body strong and immune. So it works better in preventing your body from catching a cold, more than curing or shortening you cold or flu period.

•Vitamin D

Ginger eases pain and fever and has a slight tranquilizing effect that will encourage rest and relaxation. It is tasty and without any lingering odor effect! That powerful root can act as an antihistamine and decongestant, two cold-easing effects embraced by Chinese herbalists for ages. How to take it? You can add some slices of ginger to boiled water and drink it, have it as strong ginger tea or may be add it in tiny pieces to your soup. It’s available in super markets, and can also be found as tea bags of ginger and lemon together, which would work wonderfully as well. The only warning is not to overdo it, and not to take it when your throat is really sore and infected.


Even though it’s not the wonder remedy, yet many studies proved that people with high vitamin D levels are less prone to catch cold or flu. Recent studies proved that people with lower vitamin D levels catch common cold more often. It was tested on men, women and children. How to take it? Amazingly, you can take into your body some of vitamin D by being exposed to the sun but off course in a considerably measured duration. Other sources are salmon, tuna fish, eggs and sardines. Above all that, always remember to take enough time to rest whenever you’re with cold or flu, keep yourself warm specially your head and feet and breathe in only warm air.





Dress RighYourt for Body Type

In the nutrition section we told you what to eat according to your body type, but we could not ignore the fact that each body type has its own fashion trends as well! There are certain cuts, designs, and prints that flatter each body type, and may seem like a fashion disaster when worn by another. Learn what to wear to flatter your physique. 70






Ideally women should have a balance between the breadth of their shoulders and hips, with a small waistline in between. So no matter what your shape is, you dress in styles and patterns that make your body shape reach this equilibrium.

Pear Shaped: You have this shape if your hips are significantly larger than your bust area and you have a defined waistline; if this is your body type, there are things you can do to make your hips and butt look slimmer and your shoulders seem broader so you reach the balance. •

• •

Wear boot legged or flared pants. This will hide the thickness of your hips and give an illusion of slim longer legs. Avoid pants that are tight around the ankle, they will give your legs the shape of an inverted triangle, which isn’t really sexy. When creating an outfit, try to keep the dark color for your bottom and use the light colors or prints for your tops. You can afford to show off broader shoulders, but not thicker hips. Never wear a horizontally printed skirt or dress. It’ll make your hips look broader than they actually are. Keep the horizontal prints for tops, and bottoms can either have vertical prints or solid color. Go for A-line or flared skirts that don’t hip hug your body. Wear necklines that are scooped, draped, V shaped, rounded or squared. Any neckline that has a lower and wider neckline will look great. These will emphasize your bust and draw attention to your face. Halter tops that tie around the neck will give the shoulders the appearance of width they need, and this will help balance out your hips and thighs.

• • • •

Rectangle Shaped (Chilly Pepper Shape): You have this shape if there’s little difference between the measurements of your hips, waist, and bust, forming a rectangular shape to your body. You don’t have specific problem areas, but need to highlight your waistline to add femininity to your body shape. • Wear tops that make your bust look larger to give an illusion of a smaller waist. Jackets and tops that are flared at the waistline will add instant hips to your look, making your waistline smaller. • Pencil skirts look great on this type of figure as well as short skirts that are gathered at the waist or have a contoured waistband. • Avoid vertical prints and lines as they will take away from your curves, when you should be trying to add to them. • You can pull off skinny jeans easily, but try to wear them with tops that make you look like you have broader shoulders so your waist would seem smaller in between.

Hour Glass Shaped: Those are the lucky few who naturally have the shape everyone else is aiming to get. You have this shape if your shoulders and hips are symmetrical and you have a clearly defined waist. •

Apple Shaped: You have this shape if you are fuller on the top half of your body. You have broad shoulders and an undefined waist, with thinner hips and thighs. You should aim to wear items that elongate your torso and accentuate your legs and cleavage area, drawing away attention from your tummy.


Avoid slim fitting or tight tops. They will only emphasize your tummy. Go for wrap around tops instead. Belted tops and jackets will also work wonders in defining your waistline. Choose darker colors for your tops, or tops with prints that have darker colors at the midsection. Tulip shaped skirts that magnify the width of your hips will help you balance out your top and bottom halves. Short dresses that are gathered or ruffled from underneath the bust and then fall loose would suit you perfectly since they enhance the bust, show off the legs, and hide the mid-section which is your problem area. Choose pants that have a slightly higher waist; they’ll add more of an hourglass shape to your body.

• •

Avoid any items that hide your clearly defined curves. Don’t go for anything too baggy, whether tops or bottoms. They will turn you into a shapeless line. Avoid ruffles and too many details at the bust; they’ll make you seem larger at the top and out of proportion. Fitted clothes suit you best as they will show off the tiny waist and the proportional body you have. All colors suit you, whether dark or light, but avoid checkers and big prints they tend to reduce the proportion of the body.



The ideal male figure is tall, broad shouldered, has a V-shaped back, and strong legs. Yet, not all men are blessed with height, and they do have problem areas just like women. Therefore, men should also pick their clothes carefully according to their body shape to accentuate the good and hide the bad, in order to look as close as possible to the ideal male figure.

The Inverted Triangle Shape: You have this body shape if you have broad shoulders and chest, very narrow waist and hips, and big muscular arms. • Go for wider leg jeans and pants, nothing too tight, so there’s balance between your top half and bottom. • You can go for lighter pairs of jeans with a dark shirt to add proportion. • V-neck t-shirts will show off your chest and draw attention from your waist. • When buying suit jackets, padding should be minimal, adding anymore width to your shoulders is a big no! Double breasted suit jackets are not suitable as well. They will just exaggerate how small your waist is. • Slim fit shirts would look great on you, as long as you’re sticking to wider leg pants. The Trapezoid Shape: This body shape is very similar to the inverted triangle shape. The difference is that the hips and waist are not as narrow as they are in the inverted triangle. • Basically whatever works for the inverted triangle shape will work for the trapezoid and with less effort since they already more proportional. • Stay away from clothes that are too baggy and make you look more of a boxed shape. The Rectangle Shape: You have this body shape if your shoulders, waist and hips are all the same width. You will need to wear clothes that broaden your shoulders and minimize your waist to get a look closer to the trapezoid shape. • Go for bigger jackets that are bulkier at the shoulders. Shirts and sweaters that have patterns on the shoulders will also give an illusion of being broader. • Choose light colored shirts and t-shirts, they’ll add width to your shoulders. • Go for darker pants that are not loose fit. Straight legged or slim pants will narrow your bottom half in comparison with your chest and shoulders. The Triangle Shape: You have this shape if your shoulders are sloped, your chest is narrower than your hips, and are generally considered heavier at the bottom. The main goal should be detract attention from the bottom heavy frame, and enhance the shoulders and chest to add proportion. • Do not wear light colored pants or shorts. They will emphasize that part’s heaviness. • Broaden your shoulders by wearing shirts or t-shirts with shoulder patterns. • Avoid very tight t-shirts, as they will highlight the disproportion between your top half and bottom.

General Tips: • •

Don’t wear a shirt that’s too tight that looks like it’ll get ripped like Hulk’s shirt if you move your arms. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colors, as long as you know which half you need to wear light for, and which you need to wear darker shades for.

Don’t wear items that are too loose either; they will add weight that doesn’t exist to your shape.

If you’re short:

Dress in a monochromatic outfit. If you wear a top and bottom of the same color or similar tone, you will appear taller. • Do not wear bulky shoes. They’ll take off from your height. • Don’t layer too much. You’ll appear bulkier and shorter.

If you’re tall and thin: • •

Cargo pants or any slightly loose bottoms with pockets will suit you well. Avoid vertically striped patterns; they’ll make you look thinner.




Underwater Capture the beauty of the underwater world

Sony RX-100 with Recsea underwater housing

For someone who wants to take amazing photos in a small package, the Sony RX-100 in a Recsea housing sets a new standard for compact cameras. Sony has done the impossible - pack a large sensor in a camera the size of the Canon S100. • • • •

Large sensor, 3x the size of other compacts 20 megapixel F1.8-4.9 28-100mm lens Takes image quality to a new level Get great TTL in manual mode

Recsea housing is tiny, has access to all controls, has large front and back control dials Amazing wet lens options No vignetting with the wet-mount UWL & Dyron fisheye lenses, very wide angle of view; quick adapt system available with the Recsea housing Best option for people also wanting to do underwater video, the RX100 allows for exposure controls while taking video Maximum Depth 80 meters (262 feet) 74

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS4 (FT4) (No underwater housing needed) The DMC-TS4 (FT4) is shockproof, waterproof, dustproof and freeze proof in design. Swim along with tropical fish and capture shots of beautiful coral reefs, or take recordings of your friends around a camp fire. The DMC-TS4 (FT4) is an extremely versatile camera that you can take with you wherever the action calls.

12 mt (40ft) Waterproof, 6.6ft Shockproof, 14°F Freezeproof, Dustproof Full HD Video Recording in AVCHD/MP4 Format GPS Function with Altimeter, Barometer, and Compass In case you like this camera yet you need to take it further down than 12mt, you can do that if you purchase its underwater housing Ikelite.


Diving is a wonderful experience and you’d love to show off to all your friends, who preferred to stay dry on the sand, what you’ve seen down there. The colors are vibrant, the species are unbelievable, and there are creatures you never knew existed. There’s no way you’d let these memories pass without a way to capture them to take them home. But just so you know, most underwater cameras are actually normal digital cameras but set in a waterproof housing that enables you to take them down to the depth. Here are some models which guarantee you wonderful snapshots.

Sony RX-100

Liquid Image HD Wide Angle Video Scuba Dive Mask with 12.0MP / 1080P Digital Underwater Camera It features a 136 degree (full field of view) wide angle lens, 12.0 MP interpolated Camera and HD 1080P (1920x1080) Video at 30 fps plus an additional HD 720P (1280x720) Video mode at 60 fps for smooth underwater motion. The wide angle lens captures all the action in High Definition while snorkeling or scuba diving.

Ikelite underwater housing for the Panasonic Lumix TS3, TS4, FT3, FT4 Digital Cameras

The Ikelite ULTRAcompact digital housing really delivers when performance and durability matter. The ULTRAcompact housing is high quality, built to last and backed by Ikelite’s long-standing reputation for excellence. All camera controls are fully functional through the housing and depth rated to 200 ft. (60m). Easy open latch and drop in camera loading make set-up a breeze. Two 12-24 threaded mounts on the bottom of the housing allow for the secure, rotation-free attachment of optional trays and lighting accessories. Includes one 1cc tube of silicone lubricant, flash diffuser, flash deflector, vinyl port cover and break-away lanyard.

The depth rating on this new model is 40m/130ft, which covers depths reached by certified recreational divers. The mask has a micro SD/ SDHC card slot and comes with a 4GB micro SD card. The memory can expand up to 32GB, to record thousands of still images or hours of video. The camera includes 4 Rechargeable AAA Batteries and Charger. Estimated battery performance is over 3 hours of video. The mask features lever style buttons which are easy to press while wearing diving gloves. To record a photo or a video, simply turn on the camera, choose the mode, then press the shutter button. LED lights inside the mask indicate the mode to the user. The buttons are positioned along the upper right corner of the frame and are easy to access and operate with just one hand. Or turn on the video prior to diving to record hands free. Wide Angle expands field of vision to 136 degrees.




Time management skills you need to excel It has become the norm that we run around in circles on a daily basis, juggling our careers, family life, social life (if it exists), working out, and getting enough sleep. It just seems like 24 hours are not enough anymore and we don’t seem to be crossing off much from our to-do list. Time management is the answer to this dilemma. Once you’re capable of allocating time efficiently you’ll be able to make the best out of your hours. Here are 10 tips to help you organize your day. Proximity

Cairo traffic is probably the worst thing about living in this vibrant city. No matter when you’re in the streets; we seem to have a non-stop rush hour. Try to cut down your commuting time by trying to organize your errands by area. By having all errands in one area per day, you’ll save time that you would have spent stuck in your car.


You’re not Superman and you’re not expected to act like it. Whenever possible, delegate tasks that you don’t need to do personally. This could include trivial stuff like grocery shopping, or picking up something you need from someone, paying your phone bill or work tasks that don’t need your personal intervention. These small tasks can save you a good hour or two per day. Nowadays, there are many companies that offer these services, and the small fee they charge is worth it.

Limit Distractions

It’s hard to ignore Facebook and Twitter during the long hours at work but keeping them running in the background all the time will definitely affect your focus and your productivity. That little red notification will eventually grab your attention and steer


you away from the tasks you need to focus on. Give yourself a 15 minute break during the day, you can use that time to grab a snack and check what you’ve missed online all day.

Take a Break

Although that sounds like an unnecessary waste of time; it’s actually not! Lack of oxygen will make your performance less efficient and overall you will feel exhausted and less energetic. Breathe!

Do Not Procrastinate

Procrastination will only lead things to pile up, and eventually you’ll be up to your ears with so many things to do in such little time. Do everything that needs to be done in due time and you will end up with a balanced load throughout your days.

Be Realistic When Planning

It’s easy to write down 15 different things to do on your list for one day, but it’ll be almost impossible to follow through with your plan. Always be realistic with what your day can handle and make sure to leave some spare time between tasks just in case something comes up, it wouldn’t mess with the whole schedule. If nothing comes up you’ll find yourself always ahead of schedule, and with lots of spare time at the end of the day to use as you will.


Get Enough Sleep

Being sleep deprived will affect your performance the next day. A task that you would normally complete in an hour will take much more than that when you’re sleep deprived, in addition to that you’ll be grumpy and not feeling well. The hours you spend sleeping are worth it.

Always Make Time for Family

If you have kids, always make sure to try and work your schedule around them, so at least you get to spend some quality time together. Knowing you’re not slacking on your duties and role as a parent will give you a clearer mind when dealing with everything else.

working out gives him at least four hours more of productivity in his day. It’s no secret that working out will leave you feeling more energetic, will lower your stress level, and will increase your focus. Follow these 10 simple steps to actually make more time in your day, use that time efficiently, and be satisfied that you’re giving all aspects of your life their due attention.

Don’t Ignore Your Social Life

It might come on the very end of your list, but eventually you have to give it some attention. Perhaps you don’t have the luxury you did a decade ago to meet up with friends or go out several times a week, but you do need to detach and have some fun time. Don’t check your emails while you’re out, and enjoy the time you spend with real people instead of fiddling with your phone all night. This will recharge your mental batteries for the upcoming working week.


Last but not least, give your body exercise! Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Empire, states that




This last year was packed with events, ups and downs, and just like every other year it had its own tracks that marked memories, fun times, or just got us through the day! Regardless if 2012 was one of your favorite years or it was one of those years you couldn’t wait to end; you definitely smiled at some point listening to one of these tracks! Enjoy the recap of the best tunes released in the last 12 months. 1.Diamonds by R ihanna

7.Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

2.Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars

8. No Worries by Lil Wayne Featuring Detail

3.Die Young by Ke$ha

9.Skyfall by Adele

4.One More Night by Maroon 5

10.Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye

5.Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo

11.Too Close by Alex Clare

6.Gangnam Style by PSY

12.As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber Featuring Big Sean



13.Clique by Kanye West, Jay-Z, Big Sean

57.Goodbye In Her Eyes by Zac Brown Band

14.Beauty And A Beat by Justin Bieber Featuring Nicki Minaj

58.Feel Again by One Republic

15.Cruise by Florida Georgia Line

59.Turn On The Lights by Future

16.Adorn by Miguel

60.Creepin’ by Eric Church

17.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk

61.A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Featuring Steve Kazee

18.Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar

62.Live While We’re Young by One Direction

19.It’s Time by Imagine Dragons

63.How Country Feels by Randy Houser

20.Good Time by Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen

64.F**kin Problems by A$AP Rocky Featuring Drake, 2 Chainz

21.Everybody Talks by Neon Trees

& Kendrick Lamar

22.The A Team by Ed Sheeran

65.Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

23.Va Va Voom by Nicki Minaj

66.Southern Comfort Zone by Brad Paisley

24.Lights by Ellie Goulding

67.Begin Again by Taylor Swift

25.50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train

68.Catch My Breath by Kelly Clarkson

26.Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys Featuring Nicki Minaj

69.Did It For The Girl by Greg Bates

27.I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons

70.Take A Little Ride by Jason Aldean

28.Bandz A Make Her Dance by Juicy J Featuring Lil Wayne &

71.I Knew You Were Trouble. by Taylor Swift

2 Chainz

72.The Only Way I Know by Jason Aldean With Luke Bryan &

29.Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia Feat. John

Eric Church


73. Diced Pineapples by Rick Ross Featuring Wale & Drake

30.Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye by Luke Bryan

74.Ball by T.I. Featuring Lil Wayne

31.Thinkin’ Bout You by Frank Ocean

75.Wicked Games by The Weeknd

32.Wanted by Hunter Hayes

76.El Cerrito Place by Kenny Chesney

33.Whistle by Flo Rida

77.Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj

34.Blown Away by Carrie Underwood

78.Your Body by Christina Aguilera

35.Don’t Wake Me Up by Chris Brown

79.Put It Down by Brandy Featuring Chris Brown

36.Little Things by One Direction

80.Lovin’ You Is Fun by Easton Corbin

37.Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz

81.Dance For You by Beyonce

38.Finally Found You by Enrique Iglesias Featuring Sammy Adams

82.Tornado by Little Big Town

39.Pop That by French Montana Featuring Rick Ross, Drake, Lil

83.Don’t Judge Me by Chris Brown


84.Ready Or Not by Bridgit Mendler

40.Hard To Love by Lee Brice

85.Madness by Muse

41.Payphone by Maroon 5 Featuring Wiz Khalifa

86.Just A Fool by Christina Aguilera With Blake Shelton

42.Titanium by David Guetta Featuring Sia

87.Take A Walk by Passion Pit

43.Wide Awake by Katy Perry

88.Poetic Justice by Kendrick Lamar Featuring Drake

44.Hall Of Fame by The Script Featuring

89.Kiss You by One Direction

45.Try by P!nk

90.Young & Gettin’ It by Meek Mill Featuring Kirko Bangz

46.The One That Got Away by Jake Owen

91.Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris Featuring Florence Welch

47.Come Wake Me Up by Rascal Flatts

92.Celebration by Game Featuring Chris Brown, Tyga, Wiz

48.Fastest Girl In Town by Miranda Lambert

Khalifa & Lil Wayne

49.Birthday Song by 2 Chainz Featuring Kanye West

93.I’m Different by 2 Chainz

50.Till My Last Day by Justin Moore

94.Dive In by Trey Songz

51.Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding

95.Ice by Kelly Rowland Featuring Lil Wayne

52.Beer Money by Kip Moore

96.Home by Phillip Phillips

53.Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain) by Gary Allan

97.Scream and Shout by Will.I.Am Featuring Britney Spears

54.Better Dig Two by The Band Perry

98.My Life by 50 Cent Featuring Eminem and Adam Levine

55.Don’t Stop The Party by Pitbull Featuring TJR

99.Rest of My Life by Ludacris Featuring Usher & David Guetta

56.2 Reasons by Trey Songz Featuring T.I.

100.One of Those Nights by Tim McGraw




EXCLUSIVE 24 CARAT GOLD FACIAL TREATMENT AT NILE PLAZA Introducing a treatment that captures the spirit of Egypt’s ancient past whilst generously fostering present day tranquility Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza invites guests to enjoy a precious pampering experience by indulging in the ultimate Anti-Aging Facial Gold Mask at its trendy Spa and Wellness Centre. One of the most precious metals in the world, gold has for centuries also been recognized for its beautifying properties. Cleopatra couldn’t have imagined that her beauty legacy would live on this long, with the Gold Mask treatment on offer directly inspired by her legendary ritual. The most famous Pharaonic queen used to sleep with a gold mask every night to maintain her youthful looks. This exclusive spa treatment offers guests a multi-sensory experience that restores the skin’s natural radiance. A relaxing back massage initiates the spa journey, soothing tired muscles. This is followed by a cleansing facial session to purify the skin. Next, a pampering Anti-Aging Caviar Mask is applied, followed by the highlight of the treatment – the Gold Mask – leaving skin restored, nourished and glowing. The treatment combines innovative technology with the rich, natural properties of gold for brighter, firmer skin with noticeably reduced wrinkles. The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza is the pioneer in the city in introducing this unique treatment using 100 percent natural ingredients. The treatment lasts for 90 minutes. The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza offers a comprehensive range of massages and allnatural treatments designed to meet the personal needs of each guest. The Spa and Wellness Centre also features a 24-hour health club which is the largest facility of its kind in Cairo, and offers state-ofthe-art equipment, certified trainers and fitness assessment counselors to help guests obtain the most out of their workout.

Audi E-Tron Spyder 2014 Get electrified!



Audi does it again! They’ve outdone themselves as usual, and presented the world with the unexpected. Not only was Audi the choice of The Transporter, it’ll also capture the hearts and souls of all luxury car lovers with this new concept car. Who would have imagined that a hybrid car, that operates on an electric motor combined with a turbo engine, could exist and be this powerful. The two electric motors on the forward axle are good for a total of 89 horsepower, and their juice gets combined with a rearmounted, twin-turbo 3.0-liter V6 TDI’s producing 296 hp, for a grand total during full boost mode of 385 hp. Can you hear the sound of the engines roaring? Yet, not on the expense of the environment. Though the diesel fuel tank carries just 13.2 gallons, the E-Tron Spyder has a range of over 600 miles per fill-up thanks to its lithium-ion-fueled parallel help; energy saving at its best, also through the disc brakes and via coasting deceleration.

The interior is very sleek, neat, and boasts elegance and class without trying too hard. The exterior is nothing short of being a flashy head-turner and the good news is there will be several variations of the car upon release. When this beast does emerge to the market, word has it that the engine of choice will be the 335-hp, W28 turbocharged five-cylinder used in the TT RS attached to either a six-speed manual or seven-speed S-tronic. Among the models foreseen are the coupe, convertible, as well as a speedster-style minimalist cloth top model. So no matter what your personal preference is… Audi has you covered! There’s another bit of good news. Although the car seems quite futuristic, the price tag is not equivalently out there. The car is expected to start at a magically reasonable price of $29.995, and will range up to $47,000 depending on the options and engine chosen.







December 2012



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