Student Voices
The College of Westchester
CW ended the celebrations of Black History Month with a discussion panel hosted by the CW chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants. Celebrated annually in February, Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans in the United States, spanning education, business, politics, activism, the arts, athletics, science, and technology.
Panelists included Mayo Bartlett, Esquire, Principal Attorney at the Law O ces of Mayo Bartlett, PLLC; Justin Brown, Actor and Comedian; Kenny Sibajene, Assistant Vice President and Bank Manager, M&T Bank; and Reverend Doctor Erwin Lee Trollinger, Jr, Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, White Plains, New York.
Panelists were happy to see so many talented college students attending the event and encouraged them to continue their academic career.
that have prevailed throughout history and exist entrenched in society today. Reverend Doctor Erwin Lee Trollinger pointed out that based on his experience people learn your perspective and point of view when you invite them to, “take o their optical lenses, and put on your optical lenses so they can see your vision better.”
Black History Month was rst recognized in 1976. It is a beacon to remind us that Black history is American history and world history, that history is being made every day by every individual, and that there is still much to do to right inequalities
The road is not easy, but CW students learned that being strategic certainly helps, “I had to learn the game. Learning the game is a part of life, in everything,” said Justin Brown, Actor and Comedian.
“As I look at all of you, I see potential, I see people who can put us on the right track. I see leaders, I see people who are dedicated who take the time to
be the best they can be,”Mayo Bartlett
Inhonor of Valentine’s Day, students enjoyed making DIY Valentine’s Day cards for their loved ones during this fun and “heartfelt” event.
Hosted by the Gaming Club, the movie night tradition lived on during 2023. The �irst movie night of the semester was Black Panther in honor of Black History Month. With free viewing, buttery popcorn and a variety of free snacks, these events are always a hit.
Onceagain, CW students traveled to Albany to meet with New York State Legislators for APC Student Lobby Day. Pedro, Luana, Ty, and Dania were the 4 students representing the CW student body. The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) helps eligible New York State residents pay tuition at approved schools in New York State. TAP is one of the grants, scholarships and awards programs administered by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).
Our CW Student Ambassadors asked state lawmakers to continue their support of helping New York students a ord college by improving the New York State TAP, and other opportunity programs.
“It is vital that we encourage lawmakers to support TAP because we are the future and the key to the State of New York. Having a higher education degree not only bene�its the beholder, but those around us i.e., our families and society. At the end of the day, we are giving back to our society when we graduate by working in NY and helping the cycle of our society,”- Pedro.
Read more here
Students took a break from midterm studying to relax and have fun doing crafts. Students were able to enjoy healthy snacks while coloring, making friendship bracelets, rainbow scratch art, clay art, jigsaw puzzles and more! Students loved being able to unwind and relax with this stress relieving activity.
Thisyear for Women’s History Month, The College hosted an intimate gathering called “EqualiTEA and Cookies”. The purpose of this event was to allow for students and faculty to engage in meaningful discussions in a smaller setting relating to the current state of Women’s rights. Students were challenged to consider their own views of gender quality by debating questions such as if men should have to pay on the first date, if women are better suited for certain professions over men, if men and women deserve the same amount of parental leave, and other similar questions. Faculty and staff served as discussion leader to encourage conversation and for students to speak up at the event. This event was the first of its kind as in past years Women’s History Month has been celebrated with a panel or speaker.
In honor of National Celebrate Your Name Week, the Allied Health Club decided to do just that. They traveled throughout the building with markers and name tags, encouraging students, sta and faculty to participate by writing their name and its meaning. The goal was to have fun, learn new things, and celebrate our vibrant collective of cultures and backgrounds within our community.
Thissemester’s student leader training focused on Authentic Leadership. Members of the Student Government Association were joined by club o cers for this special workshop. Facilitated by Wellness Counselor Leith Colton, this workshop encouraged students to delve deeper into what leadership means to them. Students discussed the relationship between vulnerability, empathy and leadership, and learned about anchoring their leadership style to their personal values. All students who participated received a certi cate.
Over500 scholars from 51 colleges and universities recently assembled at The University of Texas at Dallas to participate in the Enactus USA National Exposition 2023. This event was hosted by the Naveen Jindal School of Management, which serves as a platform for Enactus, a network of pioneering individuals who utilize business as a tool to create positive social and environmental change.
“The Entrepreneurial Exposition gives students a chance to showcase their entrepreneurial and leadership skills by �inding a problem and �iguring out the best solution. Entrepreneurial action is needed to make that groundbreaking change that will give not only the students a chance to thrive, but the people and the communities they’ve impacted,” said Pedro, a Digital Media Student, one of the students that represented The College of Westchester.
Other students participating in the event included, Rubi, Chris, Destiny, and Shawn.
During the three-day event which is not exclusive for students majoring in Business, teams competed in three rounds of the World Cup and Early-Stage categories. Besides the numerous chances for networking and making new friends, participants had access to a career fair and a career services session. Read more here
Photographed left to right: Prof. Paula Cancro, Rubi-Jean Batiste, Destiny Crooks, Chris Salloum, Pedro Villa, and Shawn Ofurhie.Asmany of our community members observe Ramadan, it is important for us to set aside prayer space during the month of Ramadan for those who observe. In addition, students, sta and faculty were able to learn more about the observance of Ramadan during a student-led event, “How Much Do You Know About Ramadan?” on March 30. Attendees could take a quiz designed to help them learn about this global holiday and dispel myths about observers. Answers were reviewed on the spot by students who observe Ramadan.
Didyou know that all Westchester residents are eligible to hold a Westchester library card and utilize any of the public libraries throughout Westchester? A librarian from the White Plains Public Library joined us at CW to welcome students to register for library cards. The librarian was happily busy and signed up over a dozen students on the spot! Westchester Library card holders have access to books, ebooks, audio-books, museum and cultural passes, events and more!
Hosted annually by the Allied Health Club, this year’s Spring Into Wellness was a hit! Vendors across a variety of healthcare services, agencies, hospitals and nonprofits visited campus to promote different aspects of health and wellness to our CW community. Students loved the free giveaways and healthy food, but most of all, they loved speaking with these representatives. A big thank you to local partners who participated:
Alzheimer’s Association
Family Services of Westchester
Gilda’s Club Westchester
Planned Parenthood
The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders
Westchester Medical Center
White Plains Hospital
JDC held their rst event this semester and it was right on theme: a dance party! Using the Nintendo switches in the Student Center, all CW students were invited to play Just Dance and have fun performing coordinated dances and following choreography in a fun, no-pressure environment. It encouraged dance, fun and healthy movement.
Luana Araya, Jaron Fields, Stephan Sabillon, Hector Henriquez, Shawn Ofurhie, Susana Stepanyan, Sharlyn
Gomez, Joseph Jackong, and JDC
Check out the Art Talent Show here!
Congratulations to Tara-Kay Miller, from the CW Online Division and Jennifer S. Ramos, from the CW Evening Division, who have been selected as Students of the Semester.
Congratulations to Chyanne Landell and Luana Araya who have been selected as Students of the Semester for the Day College.
Chyanne and Luana have been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Day College Faculty because of their 3.8+ GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies.
Read more here
Tara-Kay and Jennifer have been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Evening and Online Faculty because of their 3.8+ GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies.
Read more here
Congratulations to Diana Nicholson, and Mirjana Lufaj, from the CW Evening Division, who have been selected as Students of the Semester.
Diana and Mirjana have been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Evening and Online Faculty because of their 3.8+ GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies.
Diana chose The College of Westchester because she was incredibly impressed with the Health Administration program, and she later transitioned to studying Business Administration. However, what truly sealed the deal for Diana was the amiable nature of the CW faculty members.
When Mirjana’s two children grew up, the opportunity came for her to start school again. She chose The College of Westchester because the moment she walked in she was welcomed and guided by the friendly faculty and sta . The overwhelming support at CW felt right and comforting to her.
Julie! You’re an i3 Scholar!
CW student Julie Lopez Rodriguez has been selected to participate in the i3 Scholar
Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Texas at Austin’s iSchool. The iSchool
Inclusion Institute (i3) is an undergraduate research and leadership development program that prepares students from underrepresented populations for graduate study and careers in the information sciences.
Only 25 students from across the country are selected each year to become i3 Scholars. Those students undertake a yearlong experience that includes two summer institutes hosted by the University of Texas at Austin’s iSchool and a research project spanning the year. i3 prepares students for the rigors of graduate study and serves as a pipeline for i3 Scholars into internationally recognized information schools—the iSchools. Most importantly, i3 empowers students to create change and make an impact on the people around them.
The CWCF Shining Star Scholars:
The Jeanne B. Sutkowski Scholar:
The John Nune Scholar: The Alumni Scholar:
The William R. Papallo Scholar:
The Kenneth R. Theobalds Scholar:
The Mayor Joseph Delfino Scholar:
The Doris Metzger Miller Datakey Scholar:
The Radford Quesada Scholar: The Webster Bank Scholar:
CW celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month every May with speakers from NAMI Westchester. The event is always facilitated by two NAMI Westchester representatives with lived mental illness experience. This year, the two individuals shared their stories including the history of their own illness, what has helped them in the recovery process and what their lives currently look like as productive members of their respective communities.
Over 100 students, faculty and sta were in attendance for this riveting event. Students and faculty/sta posed interesting questions and shared some of their own challenges. There were a number of opportunities to share stories of both professional and personal growth in spite of mental illness and with a strengths-based focus. The event concluded with an open Q&A session where several students asked thoughtful questions. We are deeply grateful for the candidness of students who chose to speak and thankful for NAMI facilitators who shined an important light on a subject that a ects us all; maintaining and improving our mental wellness.
Thisyear’s annual Pride celebration included not only our own CW community, but high school students visiting for the day. Attendees completed a “How Much Do You Know About Pride?” quiz for a chance to win a raffle prize. They also learned about different dimensions of gender identity and sexual orientation, in an effort to be more inclusive to all members of our community. They also made rainbow bracelets, enjoyed rainbow cupcakes and candy, danced to a Pride playlist and walked away with Pride-themed stickers, temporary tattoos, flags and more.
In its third year as an officially recognized federal holiday, Juneteenth did not disappoint at CW! This year’s celebration showcased all things Juneteenth. Students, staff and faculty created a poster where they answered the question, “What does freedom mean to me?,” which is now hung up in the Student Center. Students also learned about the history of Juneteenth through a gamified quiz. And of course, attendees enjoyed a fun playlist, themed snacks, Juneteenth giveaways, and tried their luck at a raffle for three grand prizes. Happy Juneteenth!
Students enjoyed a quick break between classes to de-stress with a new craft: origami! What could be better than milk and cookies along with a craft to relax after midterms?
More photos here
The CW Community of students, sta and faculty had lots of fun at this year’s Summer Fest. We welcomed future students to the CW family. DJ Tommy, the food and the games were enjoyable and the weather was just perfect.
Students and faculty from our evening division enjoyed our annual summer Ice Cream Social. Ice cream brings people together, and we hope our evening division cooled down with a much needed break from classes.
Dr. Warren Rosenberg, receives Honorable Mention in the 2023 Westchester County Photography Contest! Dr. Rosenberg also serves as Moderator of the Photography Club.
Check out his photo; it’s awesome!
At the end of every academic year, the College celebrates some of its all-stars: the student club leaders, club moderators, and SGA members who serve as the heart of student life at CW. This tradition recognizes the contributions of these leaders toward building communities where students can meet friends, explore interests together, and advocate for the things they care about. Invitees are treated to a formal dinner hosted by President Mary Beth Del Balzo and presented with a certificate of appreciation. This year, we honored the following individuals for their contributions to student life:
Dania Alwadi – Vice President, SGA(Incoming); President, Allied Health Club.
Luana Araya – Secretary, SGA.
Habayatou Barry – Councilmember, SGA; Member, JDC.
Katherine Damian – Councilmember, SGA.
Sebastian Delgado – Councilmember, SGA.
Alan Diaz – Co-Vice President, Gaming Club.
Crystal Garcia – President, National Association of Black Accounts; Councilmember, SGA.
Rubi Jean Batiste – President, SGA; President, Enactus; Member; Allied Health Club.
Anissa Johnson – Councilmember, SGA.
Chyanne Landell – Councilmember, SGA.
Kiara Lundy – Co-Captain, JDC.
Evelyn Martinez – Councilmember, SGA.
Shawn Ofurhie – President, Sharp Shooter Photography Club; President, Brothers and Sisters United.
Lesly Padilla – Abad, Former President, Gaming Club.
Isaneris Peguero-Castillo – Co-Captain, JDC.
Neranyi Roman – Former President, SGA.
Chris Salloum – Treasurer, SGA; Vice President, Enactus; President, Networking Technologies Association; Treasurer, Gaming Club.
Trinity Sanchez – Former President, Brothers and Sisters United; Councilmember, SGA
Pedro Villa – Councilmember, Student Government Association
Alexis Aponte – Book Club.
Malcolm Bennett – Gaming Club.
Dr. Grace Bonnano – Networking Technologies Association.
Paula Cancro – Enactus.
Janna Gullery – SGA.
Melissa Lefkowitz – Stars and Stripes Club.
Dr. Warren Rosenberg – Sharp Shooters Photography Club.
Nancy Samwell – Allied Health Club.
Kasandra Sanabria – JDC.
Max Torres – National Association of Black Accountants.
Craig Vincent – Brothers and Sisters United.
President: Rubi Jean Batiste; Neranyi Roman
Vice President: Dania Alwadi, Rubi Jean Batiste
Secretary: Luana Araya, Dania Alwadi
Treasurer: Chris Salloum
As we transition into a new academic year, we recognize those who served as members of Student Government Association Executive Board during the 2022-2023 academic year. In some cases, two names are listed to express partial year terms.
914INC. magazine recently celebrated Westchester’s best and brightest young superstars. One of our own, Kahleel Neil, is in the list of “Wunderkinds 2023” and we couldn’t be prouder of him. “I feel elated and humbled to have been recognized for my work. As they say, the race is not for the swift, but for those who can endure,” says Kahleel who is a CW graduate and a CWCF recipient. He received his BS in Interactive Digital Media & Marketing. It was actually at CW when he discovered his passion for everything relating to Online Marketing.
Angelina worked with the Marketing team as a Digital Marketing Assistent for her internship this past summer and completed Student Voices Commencement Edition, and Spring Student Voices. Angelina Graduated with Summa Cum Laude with her Bachelors in Digital Media and Market, and receieved the Digital Media Award.