Student Voices Spring 2022

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Celebrating Students in our Online Division

Gaming Just Got Better: CW Purchases Nintendo Switches

Enactus Sponsors Annual Entrepreneurship Expo

Welcome CW Ambassadors! Admissions Ambassadors is a program through the Admissions Department and invites student leaders to serve as tour guides and greeters for prospective students and their families. Ambassadors support prospective and incoming students on Saturdays by representing CW and sharing their experiences. Most of all, we appreciate them for being exactly who they are! A big welcome to our new CW Ambassadors:

Sebastian Delgado Dorian Kastrati Julia Murdock Piero Perez Marcos Justice Marlon

Celebrating Students in our Online Division For so many students, their work schedules and family commitments make earning a college degree seem nearly impossible. For some, our online division solves that problem. With fully asynchronous classes taught in 8-week terms, students can learn material and complete assignments on their own schedules and manage around their hectic lives. For so many students, the CW online division has made their dream of earning a degree a reality. Our online students are not always visible on campus, and we want to celebrate their dedication and achievements. In honor of National Distance Learning Week in November, we recognize our online students!

Celebrating 1st Generation College Students

CW recognizes our first generation college students! This annual celebration is observed in November each year. We salute you!

Gaming Just Got Better: CW Purchases Nintendo Switches In September, CW announced a major upgrade to gaming: students now have access to use two Nintendo Switches! Located in the student lounge, switches are connected to large monitors where students can play in between classes. Used every Monday afternoon by the Gaming Club, these draw students who want to de-stress and get to know other students. Popular game titles include Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Dragon Ball Fighterz, Overcooked and Zelda.

Want to get gaming? Sign out a controller from the Bookstore during available hours or join a Gaming Club Game Room every Monday at 4pm.

Club Hosts First In-Person Super Smash Bros Tournament Now back on campus and finally with new Nintendo switches, the Gaming Club stepped it up by sponsoring their first ever in-person Super Smash Bros tournament on December 6. Ten club members and new recruits competed for a gift card prize and bragging rights. Spectators were there to support the players, and the tension grew as the competition progressed. Finally, a winner emerged: congratulations Mehki Douglas! A shoutout to all competitors. Think you’ve got what it takes? Be on the look out for Smash and Dragonball tournaments in 2022!

CW Supports LGBTQIA+ inclusion Brothers & Sisters United Club hosts National Coming Out Day Celebration Thanks to the Brothers & Sisters United Club, CW hosted its first ever celebration of National Coming Out Day. First observed in 1988, National Coming Out Day supports individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ in embracing and expressing their identities. This year, BSU invited students, staff and faculty to share their own stories of coming out. Attendees honored those who shared their stories with respect and acceptance. One student, Neranyi Roman, shared her own story of coming out and how it has empowered her to support others in their journeys toward accepting themselves. The event encouraged those who do not identify as LGBTQIA+ to be active allies in supporting our LGBTQIA+ peers and contributing toward a culture of diversity and inclusion.

In addition to individuals sharing their own stories, BSU provided information and resources for LGBTQIA+ students and other members of the CW community. Do you identify as LGBTQIA+, are you questioning, or are you a parent of an LGBTQIA+ youth? There are many resources available online and also right here in our community

The Loft Community Center: WJCS Center Lane for LGBT+ Youth: rlane/ The Center (NYC): GLSEN:

Student Leaders Receive Training on LGBTQIA+ Literacy CW is always striving to create a more inclusive environment, and our student leaders take this seriously. In line with this goal, we were so pleased to offer a specialized certificate training to student leaders focused on LGBTQIA+ Literacy. On November 10, student leaders gathered for a hybrid-style two-hour training. LGBTQIA+ Literacy covers topics such as gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and more. It was a crowded room, with over twenty students in person and more joining via zoom. Those in attendance included SGA members, club officers and peer tutors. SGA

Vice President Neranyi Roman told us, “The training helped us; it was informative regardless of your current knowledge or beliefs. It was a genuinely safe space.” The two-hour training was extensive and covered many topics related to LGBTQIA+ literacy. Students learned correct terminology and strategies for increasing a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Our students were highly engaged and asked dozens of questions throughout the event. Trainer Dana Hirsch even remarked that in all of her hundreds of times leading this training, our students were one of the most engaged groups she has ever worked with. Attendee Lilla Kirilla, who serves as President of Enactus at CW, said of the training, “Even when you think you know everything, there is still plenty of room to grow. This training was so inspiring. Never let people tell you who you are or who you are supposed to be because at the end of the day you are the only one who knows what’s been happening ‘behind the scenes’. Be your true authentic self and people will fall in love with you, FOR YOU.” Lilla

Following the training, those who attended the entire time were awarded personalized certificates of completion. We are so proud of our students leaders as they continue to prioritize inclusivity, and we celebrate our CW community members who identify as LGBTQIA+. You are welcome here!

Allied Health Club Raises $500 for Breast Cancer Awareness Allied Health Club Raises $500 for Breast Cancer Awareness Around the country, October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, the Allied Health Club sponsored a hugely successful fundraiser and awareness campaign on October 19. Student club members decked out their table in pink items for sale, including baked goods, stickers, pens, cups, pins, bracelets and more. The college community was encouraged to wear pink to show their support. There was even a raffle for a gift box

of pink items, won by a student. Many students, staff and faculty supported the event by wearing pink and purchasing items or making donations. Ultimately, the Allied Health Club raised $500 which was donated to Support Connections, Inc., a local nonprofit dedicated to providing support for individuals and families affected by breast cancer right here in Westchester County. Upon receiving the donation, a representative from Support

Connections, Inc., told us, “We were amazed by the generosity and effort behind this donation. Your donation will go directly towards our mission: to provide emotional, social and educational support to women, their families and friends affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Thank you so much!! We are fortunate to have your support.” Congratulations to the Allied Health Club and thank you to all who supported!

Student Government Association Hosts Annual Food Drive

During the month of November, the Student Government Association sponsored its annual food drive. All month long, large bins were placed in the lobby where food donations could be dropped off. Students, staff and faculty were invited to support. At the end of the month, SGA members delivered the donations to Feeding Westchester, a leading organization combatting hunger in Westchester County. Our goal was to beat last year’s total donation of 350 pounds of food, and we succeeded this year by donating a total of 550 pounds of food! We extend a big thank you and congratulations to all who contributed.

CW Honors Veterans CW celebrates its veteran students. We thank you and your families for the sacrifices you have made.

Stars & Stripes Sponsors Operation Candy Drop In November, the Stars & Stripes Club hosted their annual Operation Candy Drop, which invites students, staff and faculty to donate leftover Halloween candy. The candy is shipped abroad to active military. We hope just a small taste of home – and knowing we are thinking about them – made them smile!

Moment of Silence

Every year, CW observes a moment of silence at 11:11 AM on Veterans Day, celebrated November 11. We do this to honor veterans who have fought and to honor the sacrifices all have made to serve our country.

Stars & Stripes Club Sponsors Operation 11:11 In addition to observing a moment of silence, the Stars & Stripes Club sponsored Operation 11:11 to show appreciation for veterans not only at CW but in our larger community. All day on Veteran’s Day, student leaders encouraged CW community members to write thank you cards to veterans. We loved seeing the creativity! We collected dozens of thank you cards which will be distributed to veterans right here in Westchester County. Thank you veterans!

Enactus Sponsors Annual Entrepreneurship Expo The Enactus (Business) Club put out the call: Calling all student entrepreneurs! And they answered! On November 15, the Student Center was transformed into a business expo. Seven student entrepreneurs showcased their businesses. Those selling products even made sales – and received custom orders! Many classes and individuals stopped by to learn more about student business owners, and even more student entrepreneurs are interested in showcasing their own business next time around. Congratulations to all business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs who participated:

Lilla Kirilla – Jewelry by Lilla Esther Ejianya – Star Galaxy Store Malcolm James – MKING MESIGNS Darian Giriat - Computra Sebastian Delgado – Burton Fitness Jermaine Douglas – CARE1030 Julia Murdock

Toys for Tots Campaign A Success Once again, the College hosted its annual Toys for Tots campaign sponsored by the Marine Corps Reserve. This year was a resounding success! Students, staff and faculty donated dozens of toys to be donated to young people ages 0-18 in our surrounding community. Thank you to all who donated!

Brothers & Sisters United Sponsors Open Mic & Talent Show What better way to end the semester on a high note than a talent show and open mic? Thanks to Brothers & Sisters United, CW students, staff and faculty were able to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment featuring talented students! Students showcased poetry, art, magic, dance and more. Brave souls even entered the open mic portion! The event

culminated with our very own JDC who performed original choreography to packed room. A huge shoutout to all performers, spectators, emcee Malcolm James, and all those who supported and made this event possible.

Creative Corner: Featured Art, Photography and Poetry by Students Kenneth Ferron

Deyaneira Garcia

Lourdes Tenezaca

Lourdes Tenezaca

Augusto Castelan

Christine Torres

Poem by Emelyn Infante

Dorlisa St Jean

Last weekend a twenty year old woman was shot in the head, a few houses down from me. I wrote this poem as form of prayer for her. If you have a little time, I ask that you send positive mind messages her way. Stay safe guys.

Dorlisa St Jean

Jennifer Ramos

Estoy harta del feminicidio I am tired of feminicide Our barrio es tainted with the complex composition of plasma, platelets, red and white cell that we know as blood El rojo está chorrado en nuestras calles Acompañado de hundreds of thousands of names De los que fueron borrados Veinte añitos She is twenty Me dicen que la vida es prestada They tell me life is borrowed Pero tu tiempo apenas empieza Your time is starting now My subconscious pleads in urgency to some external force to give you más tiempo VIVE

Steven King

Steven King

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