College Tribune, Volume 29 Issue 10

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The College Tribune Volume 29, Issue 10

Independent News for UCD since 1989

Tuesday, March 29th 2016

Cian Carton News Editor


President-Elect Conor Viscardi addresses the crowd in the Student Centre following his unopposed victory.

he line-up for next year’s UCD Students’ Union (UCDSU) Sabbatical and College Officers has been confirmed, following the completion of counts before the mid-term break. Only one of the five sabbatical positions was contested this year. Campaigns & Communications saw a three way battle between Luke Fitzpatrick, a final year Arts student; Ryan Oakes, Business and Law Convenor and a second year Law with Social Justice student; and Sam Blanckensee, a final year veterinary nursing student. Blanckensee was eliminated on the first count after receiving 641 votes. The second count saw Fitzpatrick total 1257 votes to Oakes’ 1157. As expected, Oakes called for a recount, which saw him receive an extra 12 votes. However, this was not enough, and Fitzpatrick was declared the victor with a final total 1245 votes. The other four results went as expected, with the solitary candidates all defeating Re-Open Nominations (RON) by a large margin. Conor Viscardi was elected UCDSU President with 2000 votes to 825 for RON. Lexi Kilmartin was elected Undergraduate Education Image: Seán O’Reilly Officer with 2306 votes to 472 for RON, while Cian Casey secured 379 votes compared to 116 for RON to become the next Postgraduate Education Officer. Roisin O’Mara, a fourth year Midwifery student was elected as Welfare Officer with the largest margin of all, Keywest with 2382 votes to 415 for RON. Words | Kevin O’Reilly Also on the ticket were spots for

• USI result a 10% Increase on 2013 ‘No’ vote

• O’Mara elected Welfare Officer, Kilmartin Education Officer, Casey Graduate Officer

• Rejoining now put off until mandate expires in four years’ time

• Fitzpatrick elected C&C after close race with Oakes. Lengthy recount concluded with just 76 votes between the two

Politics Pg. 15

In the wake of the Brussels bombings: Every Life Matters, writes Charlotte McLaughlin

News Pg. 6

Jack Power taps a leak to find the three options to be suggested by the Cassells Report


Kevin O’Reilly chats to guitarist James Lock on a busy day in Temple Bar about the band’s success and busking.

Pg. 12

moved over and joined with them. Despite the growing importance of social media in the promotion of bands and artists James cannot envisage a time when performing on the street won’t be essential for the band. He points to Passenger as an example who often performs publicly before a gig and Twitter and Facebook instantly explode with activity and the word spreads. If there ever comes a time when Keywest becomes too big for the streets it wouldn’t be because they no longer want to busk but because they wouldn’t have the time between touring and writing. Throughout their busy schedule they have to make time to write new music. Before they play they warm up by jamming and experimenting together. Sometimes they record these new ideas, take them away and develop them further at home. (Sam, Harry and Andrew casually continued to jam together throughout the course of the interview). It’s this aspect that gives the

I Adam Hetherington t’s quite unusual to see a band with two studio albums -one which reached number one in the Irish charts- still working away on the streets on a cold March day. But James explains; ‘It makes complete sense for us, busking is our record label, so it’s like busking has signed us. It gets us new fans, lets us promote ourselves and helps to fund everything. We’ve had record deals and publishing deals in the UK and Ireland before, but this way it’s a little more hard work for us; we’ve got to be here every day, we’ve got to keep playing, but it gives us control’. The band recently became part of a campaign to fight against the proposed council by-laws restricting busking in the city centre and came back from the

takes a look at the upcoming ‘Ireland Fund’ Business Plan Comp

College Officers, which represent individual faculties, along with the position of Irish Officer. Eoghan Mac Domhnaill was elected Irish Officer in an uncontested race, with 2309 votes to 460 for RON. Only two of the College Officer posts were uncontested. Joseph Millerick was elected as the Agriculture & Veterinary Science College Officer after he overcame Vicki Banach by 304 to 148 votes. Of the two Arts & Human Science Officer positions open for election, Francis Roche won the top spot with 329 votes on the second count. Liam Brady was also elected on transfers with 267 votes beating out Thomas Monaghan for the second place. Johnathan Byrne ran uncontested for the Business & Law spot, and easily defected RON by 338 votes to 57. Engineering & Architecture was a two-way contest between Joshua Gorman and Lida O’Shea, with O’Shea winning with 184 votes to 92. Health Sciences was the other uncontested Officer position. Rebecca Hart won with 235 votes to 55 for RON. Finally, Science was another popular constituency. Hakeem Goloba, Sean Kilgarriff and Connor Larkin contested the seat. Kilgarriff fell just three votes short of the 288 vote quota on the second count, before being elected on the third count with 336 votes in total. Polling day also saw UCDSU choose to remain outside of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) by a large 74-26% majority. 2161 students opposed re-affiliation, while 760 voted in favour of the MUSIC move.

For more on USI Referendum results, see Page 6


music | film | fashion | arts

Kevin O’Reilly interviews Keywest in our new-look Arts & Culture Supplement being polished up in the studio which creates a more vibrant and real collection of songs. Playing on the street for them is both an exercise in writing and a rehearsal

James lauds Spotify as the key to gaining an international fan-base since the slow collapse of CD sales. Keywest now boast a monthly listenership of over 64,000


Viscardi Takes UCDSU Presidency as 74% Reject USI

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