The College View Issue 7

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Wednesday Febuary 6th, 2019

Nurses and midwives strike out Cáit Caden News Editor @AreYou_Caden_Me MINISTERS proposed immediate talks with the Irish Nurses and Midwives Association (INMO) about staffing levels rather than pay, as they prepare for their third 24 hour strike. Last week the government threatened over 30,000 nurses and midwives with financial penalties for participating in the first of the planned all-out strikes, over the lack of pay parity. Psychiatric Nurses Association are also taking industrial action today over pay and staffing retention. “What we’re trying to say to the government is that they really come out with a rhetoric about respecting nurses but we really need them to demonstrate that in a practical way,” said INMO representative Kate O’Halloran at the Rotunda picket line. “Pay restoration and pay parity with other allied healthcare professionals” would be an effective way for the government to do this, however “they keep telling us there’s no money there but we know there’s money there, it’s about how they spend it,” according to O’Halloran. A lack of pay parity, also known as equal pay for equal work, in Ireland is the main reasoning behind the number of nurses trained in Irish universities going abroad for work. This leads to understaffing and consequently a risk to patient safety, according to the INMO. “[the Irish government are] training nurses and midwives. They’re putting a lot of investment into their education and training and they’re losing that,

and other countries are getting the benefit of these wonderful trained professionals because the environments that they provide in their healthcare sectors are safer and the pay is better,” said O’Halloran. If nurses and midwives continue to strike, it is possible that the government will impose financial penalties such as freezing pension benefits. “The nursing unions are seeking a significant increase in pay over and above all of the benefits of the current Agreement (Public Service Stability Agreement) seeking parity with other health professionals,” said Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure, Paschal Donohoe. “Concession of this pay claim, even if possible, would have serious consequences for the public finances and for public pay policy generally with estimated costs of €300 million annually,” he continued. Thousands of patients were affected by the first labour strike on January 30th and it is estimated that around 50,000 medical appointments were cancelled because of the work stoppage on February 5th. The INMO agreed with the HSE that ‘skeleton’ staff be provided to “ensure emergency and life-preserving care” was still delivered to patients, as stated by an INMO spokesperson who added that “the HSE has agreed that any staff working shifts will be paid fully for their time” during the strike. Despite the impact on outpatient appointments, the nurses and midwives received growing support online as the hashtag ‘#StandWithNursesAndMidwives’ trended on Twitter and many people changed there profile picture to display the slogan ‘Stand with Nurses



DCU leading the way in sepis research

DCU Athletics run towads Athlone track and field

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. Est. 1999 .

DCU purchased rodents for scientific research Brian Mahon Contributor @thecollegeview

Credit: Cáit Caden

Nurses plan to strike again on the 7th of February in the third of six planned all-out labour strikes.

and Midwives.’ Those on the picket line at the Rotunda were cheered on by drivers of Dublin Bus and were joined in solidarity by the Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO). “I think for the most part the public respect and support us but understaffed areas make it difficult to give these patients the care they deserve,” said Deirdre Ruane who has been working as a nurse for 40 years predominantly on the Special Care Baby Unit.


Millennials are not to blame for all the world’s problems Page 13

This is the second time in 100 years that nurses have gone on strike and many of the messages on the placards at the picket lines remained the same as they did in 1999, such as: “Dispute on here.” “One has to wonder is it a historic presumption around it being a vocation and not a profession,” said O’Halloran when asked why the conditions have not improved in nursing according to the INMO.

THE university bought 1790 mice and rats between 2016 and 2017 for scientific research purposes, The College View has learned. Mice took up the majority of the purchases with 1,296 of the 1,790 rodents. The other 494 were rats. DCU also declined to provide the name of the supplier of the rodents stating; “the use of animals in scientific research is an emotive topic and there have been cases in the past where organisations that use animals for legitimate scientific purposes have been targeted by activists who have damaged premises and intimidated staff.” When asked whether DCU staff have been threatened or attacked for carrying out research on animals, a spokesperson declined to comment. “The use of animals for medical research in Ireland is governed by legislation… and is highly regulated by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). “DCU promote the principles of the 3Rs - Replacement, Reduction and Refinement - in terms of the use of animals for medical research and are subject to inspections by the HPRA to ensure we are complying with all relevant legislation,” the spokesperson added. Speaking in response to the figures, Laura Broxson, from the National Animal Rights Association said; “we are 100 per cent against any animal testing, for any reason. Not only is it unethical, but it is scientifically flawed. You cannot predict how a pharmaceutical drug, for example, will react in a human body by testing it on a mouse or rat.” Broxson also said she hadn’t heard of companies which used animals for research purposes being intimidated by animal rights activists. However, she went on to say “it depends on the action - some people find peaceful, legitimate protests ‘intimidating’. I would need to know the context of the question more before commenting further.” “I would also add that if they have

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Saoirse Ronan: Stór na hÉireann nó pian inár dtóin?

DCU construction hoped to be finished by September

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