The College View Issue 9

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Wednesday, March 6th 2019

Show me the minutes MINUTES from Class Rep Council (CRC) during this academic year were not been published on the DCU Students’ Union webpage, despite several students requesting access to view them. This breaks DCUSU’s constitution, according to former CRC Secretary Emma Tunnicliffe, who brought the issue to the attention of SU representative during an emergency CRC on February 28th. Tunnicliffe presented a motion during Any Other Business at the last CRC, that stated minutes should be made available “ASAP” and asked where are “all the minutes from this academic year?” Returning Officer and Secretary Podge Sheehan is responsible for ensuring minutes are made available to students. Only one form of minutes for this academic year could be seen on the DCUSU webpage at the time of publication. These minutes were for a CRC which happened on October 5th 2018. There are no minutes from 2017 or 2019 on the webpage. There are two types of minutes a student from DCU can view. One which can be downloaded in PDF form and one which the student must request access to. These should be found on the DCUSU webpage under Resources. Once the student has clicked on Resources there is a link titled: ‘All Students’ Union Resources.’ This link should bring students to an area on the webpage where PDFs of Exec minutes can be downloaded. Google Drive links are also provided but access must be granted to view to the minutes. Class Rep Emilio Williams Doran stated at the CRC that “tens of students” had requested access to view minutes but they were not made available.

Sheehan was not present at the CRC on February 28th due to being sick, which President Vito Moloney Burke explained to those who were present. Moloney Burke added that minutes from the last CRC may not have been made available yet as due to elections happening and the entire office undergoing a quality review which three people are involved with. One of these is Sheehan and the other two needed to take time off for personal reasons. “That’s understandable for this week Vito. But what stopped him from putting all the other minutes up? Every week they should be put up,” replied Tunnicliffe. “They are taken at Exec. They’re voted at the next Exec. They should go straight up then. That’s what’s meant to happen. So if somebody who’s elected as the Secretary is too busy then there should be somebody else elected as secretary,” she added. This issue was also brought up at the previous CRC to the one on February 28th, however, Sheehan was not present then either to discuss the matter because “he booked work flights many weeks ago,” said Moloney Burke. “Well since it was raised to us directly there’s been no window to address it with the secretary. That’s just the way it is,” said Moloney Burke. “But as soon as he is back from being sick next week and things have calmed down a bit, of course, we will address that straight away,” he added. Tunnicliffe responded to Moloney Burke by saying it is his responsibility as President “to address the issue.” She stated that members of the Executive should “have copies of the minutes” and “should all be emailed minutes.” Therefore the “President should be able to send them to the media department and get them put up on to the website.” “It’s all about transparency. [sic] Yous talked about engagement, transparency is part of engagement,” said Tunicliffe during the CRC.


Should Irish people be fearful of terrorism?

Cáit Caden News Editor @AreYou_Caden_Me

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Students’ Union Presidential Candidates Adam Healy and Christine Farrell at this years hustings on Glasnevin campus. Further reporting inside the paper.

Credit: Béibhinn Thorsch

In the event that the minutes are not being done by the Secretary, Podge Sheehan who is also the Returning Officer, the responsibility falls to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Callaghan Commons. However, while Commons is running for re-election, he cannot perform any of his sabbatical duties. Tunicliffe added that “this has been an issue since Podge has been the Secretary of the Executive.” Class Reps voted that Minutes should be published through the Drive on the DCUSU website two academic days after every Executive meeting or CRC. It was also agreed that this issue should be resolved by the end of Reading week. It is not currently known why minutes were not made available. "I have checked and you now have access. Which is a result directly from the AOB that I bought up at CRC two on Thursday," said Tunnicliffe. "But unfortunately though min folder is available there are still numerous missing," she added.

AN Emergency Class Representative Council (CRC) voted to mandate the DCU Students’ Union Executive’s position on Union of Students in Ireland (USI) affiliation to be neutral, should a referendum be called. On February 28th, the CRC voted overwhelmingly in favour of the motion: “Council mandates in the interest of fairness that the current Exec position be neutral on USI affiliation. The Emergency CRC was called after concerns were raised over the fact that the SU Exec voted on their position and opened a petition, collecting signatures to bring the matter of USI affiliation to referendum, before bringing it to CRC.





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An Cumann Gaelach sa Dara hÁit go Náisiúnta

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DCUSU comes under fire at Emergency CRC Emily Sheahan News Editor @emilyaine_s

It followed the publication of two open letters from DCU societies. DCU LGBTA Society and Feminist Society published the letters on social media, expressing discontent with how the SU went about calling a referendum. DCU LGBTA Society’s open letter stated that it was it was hard to imagine the actions of DCUSU “were done in good faith”. This is a slap in the face to all class representatives, a slap in the face to students in general in DCU, and a slap in the face to our integrity. “We urge DCUSU to immediately cease any work towards a referendum on our disaffiliation from the Union of Students in Ireland until the stance of the DCUSU can be decided upon through Class Representative Council.

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