The Columban st. columba’s church, knock
April 2015
Rector’s Easter Vestry Address 2015 Hope Throughout these weeks of Lent we have the privilege of welcoming a number of visiting preachers to encourage us on our journey of faith. I have invited each of them to explore ways of how our Christian faith can give us the hope that is required to sustain us in those all too familiar challenges we encounter. As individuals we have found strength through faith in the midst of various circumstances of life, perhaps through bereavement, illness, anxiety, stress, or unemployment, and it is important that we continue to do so. The faith that we proclaim needs to connect with daily issues and provide the hope to strengthen us in the work that God is calling us to do. There are so many familiar passages from the Bible which give us hope and encouragement. This is something which we all need to be reminded of and I want to share with you a particular biblical passage from which I find comfort, especially when there are serious parish issues on my desk. It is about Peter expressing his joy at the Christian hope: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and to an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power, are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials.” (1 Peter 1: 3-6) As we reflect on the past year there have been many signs of this living hope growing and developing in St. Columba’s where a fresh start has been given to many aspects of our work and has given great confidence for the future. In this Diocesan Year of Mission we have been directed to focus primarily on three aspects of our life and work: • Church • Children • Community. This initiative provides us with an opportunity to join in, meet new people, enjoy fellowship together and to be part of something big in the diocese together.
Church We are greatly privileged to worship Almighty God in a beautiful church building. I thank our Glebewardens, Jim Stevenson and Mark Reid, along with the Property Committee for all their hard work in maintaining the building to such a high standard. The inside of our church is in much need of painting and this essential work will be carried out during the summer months.
At our Divine Services we receive blessing and strength which provides us with fresh enthusiasm to transform those daily situations which may, at first, seem to be hopeless into ones of real hope. We are sent out from church each week as people of hope to make a difference for God in our life and work. It is essential that our form of traditional liturgical worship is conducted to the best of our ability and to the highest standards. It has been delightful to welcome many new families to St. Columba’s and to see them becoming actively involved in our parish. Sixty new names have been added to our General Register of Vestrypersons this year and some of them are here tonight for the first time. We have also recorded an increase in the number of baptisms, enabling us to build a strong foundation for the future. Our new parishioners have spoken to me of the warm welcome they received when they first came along and the friends they are now making as they continue to settle into the parish. They have spoken of the assistance they have received from the Welcome Pack, which includes a Columban Magazine, Parish Handbook, Welcome Letter, a Welcome to our Church booklet , Standing Order form, invite to be added to our Vestryperson’s list and a Gift Aid form. This is proving to be an invaluable parish resource which enables parishioners to learn more about the parish from the comfort of their home. Dr Joe McKee has just completed his first year as Organist and Choral Director. Our church services are continuing to be enriched through his musical excellence. Joe has settled in extremely well and it is uplifting to see the developments he is making through the professional and sensitive approach which he applies to his work. In addition, through his direction, our Assistant Organist, Brian Clements, is playing the organ on a more regular basis and the Choir and Music Group have been providing us with a great variety of music which enriches our worship in a wonderful way. The move to administering Holy Communion from both the main sanctuary and the side chapel has been extremely well received. It is proving to be very popular and is a positive development. We recently introduced our Parish Photowall and Noticeboards for displaying photographs of recent events for everyone to see. It is important that the enjoyment of parish activities is shared with everyone and that these two initiatives are regularly replenished with photographs and posters with each one providing good news stories of hope for us to share. Effective communication is so important for the smooth running and growth of our parish. Our parish magazine The Columban continued to develop throughout the past seven years while Ian Noad held the Editor’s pen. He has done an outstanding job throughout that time and was ably supported by his wife Moranne. We now have a first class magazine which keeps us well informed of parish news. Ian decided to retire from that role at the end of December and as a small token of our appreciation to both Ian and Moranne they were presented with a framed copy of the cover page of the December/January Columban and a meal voucher for Neill’s Hill. I am delighted to welcome his successor, Billy McAlpine, to this important position. Billy has already produced two editions of The Columban. We assure him of our full support and wish him well as he continues to settle into his new position. To coincide with his
arrival we moved to Minprint on the Castlereagh Road, where the magazine is now being printed at a reduced cost. The second edition of our Parish Handbook was launched last September. It is a very useful resource which provides key information on the extensive range of services and activities offered by the parish in an attractive publication. We extend grateful thanks to Kirkwoods whose generous sponsorship has made this publication possible. During December we began a communication experiment by emailing every parishioner whose email address is recorded on our database. While we had some success, this new initiative is still a work in progress as we resolve some technical issues on the office computer. I hope that this will soon be resolved as email communication is both effective and economical and serves as a timely reminder of forthcoming events. Communication is key between organisations and the Parish Office. • No more “last minute.Com”. • Keep in touch with Jim Stevenson, the Rector & the Parish Office for all events and information, programmes, meeting dates etc. • Only 1 Sunday per month for fliers so book early! • Pew News information to be in office by Monday of each week for inclusion. Keep in touch- we don’t want to close lines of communication with you! The parish website: WWW.COIKNOCK.ORG (similar to our parish office email: OFFICE@ COIKNOCK.ORG) is an essential part of our parish communication and is often viewed by people moving into our local area as they chose which church they would like to attend. It is very popular and is regularly updated by our webmaster Ivan Roche who does an outstanding job. Recording of the main Sunday morning service can be accessed from the website each week, proving comfort and hope to many parishioners who are unable to attend church. As a parish we must continue developing together and we have seen this happen recently with the appointment of new organisation leaders – each one bringing fresh ideas to their work. We have welcomed new leaders in:Doves - Moira Saunders, Hollie Wilson & Ross Thompson Crèche - Lynn Ryan Youth Etc. – David Kelly Sunday School Superintendent- Joyce Stevenson. Our new Catering Committee members are: Emma Macpherson, Suzanne Allen, Clodagh Reid, Roberta Rogers, Lynn Ryan and Caroline Auchmuty. In addition, we have seen the creation of the Railway and Model Club which gives great enjoyment to its members as they continue building the layout. New initiatives for growth are always welcome and be assured that there is plenty of room for new organisations. Remember there is room, so enlist today.
Finance I thank those parishioners who have generously supported the work of our parish financially throughout the past year. This is clearly reflected in the audited financial accounts for the year ended 31st December 2014, which our Treasurer, Josephine Kelly will shortly present. These accounts record an increase of £4,592 (4.4%) in our Freewill Offering as well as an additional £9,558 raised for our Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. The Hall Committee have been working hard exploring different options about the future of our Church Hall. Following detailed discussions they have just approved the installation of new windows in the main hall and the replacement of the gutters which is now required to protect the fabric of the building. This essential work will be carried out in the next few months. A further £4,185 was raised for the classroom which St. Columba’s is providing in the new school being built in our partnership link diocese of Northern Zambia. We have worked hard to keep our day-to-day expenditure to a minimum and we have been more cost efficient in the running of the parish without reducing the number of church services or parish activities. These are all good news stories which fill us with hope for the future. The Select Vestry and myself are most grateful to those parishioners who have moved from their weekly Freewill Offering envelopes to Standing Order (at present 60%). This is our preferred method of giving as it enables your Select Vestry to budget more effectively for expenditure items in addition to being a more secure form of giving. Members of the Easter Vestry, it is imperative that we follow police advice in reducing the amount of cash on our premises and offer protection to those who serve our parish on the bank lodgement team. I therefore encourage those parishioners currently not subscribing through Standing Order to give serious consideration to doing so at the earliest opportunity. You will have noticed in the press last year that several parishes and congregations have suffered from vandalism, burglaries and break-ins resulting in financial and other loss. Gone are those days when church property was protected from such problems. In the exercise of its trusteeship of our own finances here in St. Columba’s your Select Vestry has had some concerns this past year in regard to the protection of church funds. In consultation with the Churchwardens, the Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer and the Parish Administrator I felt that, as Rector, I would be failing you if we had not addressed these concerns. It was for this reason that we decided to post personal financial statements detailing individual giving throughout 2014 to every home in January. Thus everyone had sufficient time to check their statements for accuracy and make the Honorary Treasurer or Assistant Honorary Treasurer aware of any discrepancies before the end of January. I thank them along with the Parish Administrator for all their hard and focused work in checking the parish records in a most conscientious manner. Members of the Easter Vestry, in order to fulfil the responsibilities placed in me as Rector and in those involved in the administration of parish finances, it was decided to consult the P.S.N.I. Following a careful review of our security certain additional steps were taken including
the installation of a CCTV camera. Our concerns are now a matter for the currently ongoing police investigation which inevitably takes some time. It is with genuine gratitude that I can inform the Easter Vestry that the Police Authorities are completely satisfied with the arrangements now in place to safeguard our parish finances as they continue to investigate the concerns we shared. I pay tribute to the many efforts to address our concerns by all members of our Finance Committee, the Churchwardens and our Parish Administrator who have been appointed to take responsibility for the parish finances and for the manner in which they have acted in furtherance of the trust placed in them. I thank them on behalf of myself and the parish. Nothing but the highest integrity and trust are ever acceptable in the exercise of trusteeship of parish funds and in the case of St. Columba’s I can assure the Easter Vestry that that standard has been maintained in an exemplary manner. This gives us all the hope and confidence which is required in this important aspect of our work. I also pay tribute to our Honorary Auditors Niall Armstrong and Murray Hunter for their careful checking of our parish accounts and the supporting documentation. They were extremely satisfied with every aspect of the accounts and following the audit no amendments or changes were required to be made which is a wonderful reflection of the efficiency and conscientiousness of our Honorary Treasurer, Josephine Kelly which she applies to her work.
CHILDREN How often it has been said that children are the church of tomorrow but we must never forget that they are also the church of today. It is so important that we recognise their needs. We have been working hard this past year in developing this aspect of our work and have experienced many hopeful signs of great potential for our parish through: • New look family-friendly service sheets. In order to ensure that the services are as child friendly as possible, all children’s services are now printed on coral coloured paper with new graphics. This applies to the All Age Worship and Family Communion services. •
Junior Churchwardens meet and greet parishioners at our Family Communion service on the third Sunday of each month.
Children are preparing their own material for the monthly All Age Worship services, bible readings, singing anthems, reading of prayers and taking up the offertory under the watchful eye of our Parish Reader, Karen McAlpine. Seeing their delight as they participate in their own unique way fills me with great hope as they give so much of themselves to our worship.
The introduction of bookmarks and the Welcome booklet which provides helpful support to young families to attend church with their children. These remind us that the presence of children is a gift to our parish from God and is a timely indicator that St. Columba’s is an active and growing church.
A new approach to Sunday School Prizegiving which was held on Saturday 7th June with the children having great fun using the D.O.C. challenge (Discover Our Church), exploring their church. This included playing the organ under the careful guidance of Joe McKee, followed by fun activities and a BBQ.
A new approach to the Children’s Christmas Party which saw children making their own lanterns in the hall and having a lantern procession to the church in the darkness. Joe McKee played familiar Christmas music to parents and children as they sang carols before the arrival of Santa.
Doves have experienced revival and growth and continue to develop under their new leaders.
Youth Etc continue to participate in exciting activities with their new leader.
COMMUNITY St. Columba’s is an active member of our local community and receives much blessing and support from it. It was Michael Rainey, the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury, when speaking in 1963 to a worldwide gathering of Anglicans in Toronto who rightly said, “A church which lives to itself will die by itself”. How right he was and it is essential that we are outward looking and supporting our local community to the best of our ability. At present this is expressed through our involvement in the Belmont and District Council of Churches. Local schools, conducting services in Nursing Homes/Residential Homes, support for Marie Curie and local charities through our Mission and Charity giving along with the proceeds from the monthly All Age Worship refreshments, support for Christians Against Poverty by donation of non-perishable food items and financial support. This year we are further strengthening these strong links by welcoming the clergy from our nearest neighbours to preach at our morning services. We have already warmly welcomed the Ministers of both Knock Presbyterian and Knock Methodist and next Sunday we look forward to welcoming to the pulpit Fr. Ciaran Feeney from St. Colmcille’s Ballyhackamore which will be a historic and timely development in our ecumenical journey. There is more to community than just our local geographical area. Last summer we formed a parish link with Enniskillen Cathedral as we seek to support and enrich each other. The Cathedral congregation share our liturgical traditions along with our ecumenical priorities. It was a great joy for us to welcome Dean Kenny Hall and members of his congregation to St. Columba’s at the beginning of our autumn programme of activities in September. Following church we all enjoyed a picnic lunch together in the grounds of Stormont Castle. During May we had the privilege of hosting Canon Philip Cheembela (from the diocese of Northern Zambia) for a week at St. Columba’s. He brought fresh enthusiasm to this oversea’s aspect of our work. While he was with us, Philip experienced many aspects of our parish and community and brought much needed information about
our partnership link with the diocese of Northern Zambia, including the plans for the building of the new school where we have committed to building a classroom. It was a delight to host the Bloomfield Collegiate School Carol Service in St. Columba’s just before Christmas. Each month, the PAUSE Group meet in various coffee shops for fellowship which is a lovely way to meet fellow parishioners while enjoying refreshments as we support our local coffee shops. Members of the community generously support our parish fundraising initiatives, including Mums and Tots, as well as joining in events and I thank them for their kindness and generosity. We must not become complacent in our community work by simply rolling along. We need to develop new ways of including our community in the life and work of our parish. I hope this Diocesan Year of Mission will provide us with such opportunities by: • Deepening our understanding of the Christian faith and to link it with everyday issues in the lives of each parishioner through worship, parish organisations and community involvement. • Encouraging the non-involved members of the parish to get involved. • Extending of the work of subcommittees enabling more parishioners to share their talents to further develop the parish. • Developing the monthly schedule of services through music and the involvement of laity with the potential of encouraging additional members of our community to attend. Our Missioner during our Week of Focus from Sunday 27th September to Sunday 4th October will be the Bishop of Connor, the Rt. Revd Alan Abernethy. We look forward to welcoming him back to St. Columba’s for this important week as we engage in various activities and services together. The Mission Team are working hard with Bishop Alan to prepare an interesting and exciting programme for this week. The theme for this week will be “Connections”.
CONCLUSION Members of the Easter Vestry, we have heard tonight of many situations and experiences in St. Columba’s where a living hope can bring real change and where new beginnings are possible. This is good news and a cause for thanksgiving to Almighty God. It has become possible through God’s grace along with the hard work and commitment of our Organisation Leaders, Staff Teams, along with the Office Bearers, Select Vestry members and the support of parishioners who assist our work through the generous giving of their time, talents and finance. This evening I wish to pay particular tribute to Alan Rogers for the invaluable support he has given to our parish during the past 18 years as a hard working member of the Select Vestry. In addition, he has served as our Honorary Secretary for the past nine years. He has applied a meticulous approach to every aspect of his work. Alan produces concise and comprehensive minutes of our meetings which are greatly appreciated by Select Vestry Members and myself. Alan now wishes to retire as Honorary Secretary
and also from the Select Vestry after such distinguished service to our parish. As Rector, I want to personally thank him for all his invaluable advice and friendship, especially when we had complex and difficult items on our agenda papers. One of the great characteristics of St. Columba’s is the strong fellowship which exists across the parish. This has further developed through a number of very successful parish events for parishioners of all ages. These included the visit to Áras an Uachtaráin, Sponsored Walk & BBQ, the Harvest Lunch and more recently the Young Families Wine and Nibbles evening in the Rectory, the Parish Quiz Night and the Lent Lunch. Through these events real friendships have been formed. It can be a long, lonely track if you are not involved. As Rector, I want to personally thank all those who contribute and support St. Columba’s. I regard it as an enormous privilege to lead this parish with its most loyal and dedicated staff team who fill me with hope as they so enthusiastically serve St. Columba’s in their own ways. It is therefore important that we do not become complacent in our work so let us not get derailed by non-involvement. There is still much work we need to do as we move through this Diocesan Year of Mission and beyond, embracing opportunities and challenges with confidence in God, who gives us the hope and strength which we need no matter what circumstances we encounter. Our parish is still under construction with the result that we need to continue to build and work together. Each and every parishioner matters and is important both to God and our parish. During next month you will have an opportunity for your views to be heard as we plan future projects to meet your spiritual and practical needs. Simply place your ideas in the suggestion box at the back of church for consideration by the Select Vestry and myself. As the writer of the Book of Proverbs (29:18) reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. In addition to bringing hope the proclamation of the Gospel brings a vision that goes beyond any individual. Christ is the light of the world who makes all things new. This gives us the hope that is required to inspire us in our commitment to work towards a positive future for everyone in St. Columba’s. As St. Paul writes, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13).
God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 9
Palm Sunday 7.00pm
Palm Sunday Praise in Knock Methodist Preacher: The Rt. Revd John McDowell “Ride on, ride on in majesty” Reading The Rector Mark 11: 1-11
Monday 30th Monday in Holy Week (Red) 10.15am Holy Communion 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Church Speaker: Wendy Johnston 8.00pm Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by Men’s Club Reading Brian Cummings Exodus 3: 1-5; 13-15 Reading Rosemary Coffey John 18: 4-8 Preacher: The Right Revd John McDowell “Who are you looking for?” Tuesday 31st Tuesday in Holy Week (Red) 10.15am Holy Communion 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service at Knock Methodist Church Speaker: Wendy Johnston 8.00pm Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by Mothers’ Union Reading Moranne Noad Isaiah 49: 1-7 Reading Eric Bell John 18: 8-11 Preacher: The Right Revd John McDowell “Destiny and Gratitude” 10
Wednesday 1st Wednesday in Holy Week (Red) 10.15am Holy Communion 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Church Speaker: Wendy Johnston 8.00pm Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by Ladies Guild Reading Shirley Turkington Isaiah 50: 4-9a Reading Muriel Arndell John 18: 28-37 Preacher: The Right Revd John McDowell “The trial of Pontius Pilate”
Thursday 2nd Maundy Thursday (White) 10.15am Holy Communion for Senior Parishioners followed by refreshments 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime Service in Knock Methodist Church Speaker: Wendy Johnston 8.00pm
Holy Communion according to the Methodist Rite followed by stripping of the altar. Reading Fred Wright 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Gospel The Rector John 13: 1-11 Preacher: The Right Revd John McDowell “Lord only say the word and I shall be clean” Friday 3rd Good Friday 12noon The Three Hours Devotions -3.00pm Conductor: The Revd Dr Heather Morris Former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland 7.00pm The Tenebrae Conductor: The Right Revd John McDowell “Darkness” 11
SERVICES IN APRIL Sunday 5th 8.15am
Easter Day (White) Holy Communion Reader Dr Joe McKee Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 1-18
10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments hosted by the Ladies Guild Reader Moranne Noad Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Clergy John 20: 1-18 Intercessions Karen McAlpine 7.00pm Holy Communion Reader Tillie Heyburn Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Gospel Clergy Luke 24: 13-35 Thursday 9th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 12th 8.15am
The Second Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey Acts 4: 32-35 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 19-31
Holy Communion Reader Brian Acheson Acts 4: 32-35 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 19-31 Intercessions: The Revd Canon Walter Laverty
7.00pm Late Evening Office Reader Anella Gallen Luke 24: 1-12 Thursday 16th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 19th 8.15am
The Third Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Acts 3: 12-19 Gospel Clergy Luke 24: 36b - 48
Family Communion Gospel Jonathan Kelly
10.30am 7.00pm
Morning Prayer followed by refreshments hosted by the Men’s Club Reader Ronny Martin Micah 4: 1-5 Reader Linda Wilson Luke 24: 36b -48 Occasional Prayers Roberta Rogers Holy Communion Reader Tony Greeves Gospel Karen McAlpine
Luke 24: 36b - 48
Revelation 2: 1-11 Luke 16: 19-31
Thursday 23rd Saint Mark the Evangelist (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 26th 8.15am
The Fourth Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Acts 4: 5-12 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 10: 11-18
10.30am 7.00pm
Confirmation Service Reader Sarah Craig 2 Corinthians 5: 16-20 Reader Henry Auchmuty John 3: 1-15 Preacher: The Rt. Revd Harold Miller Evening Prayer Reader Billy McAlpine Reader Billy McAlpine
Exodus 16: 4-15 John 6: 30-40
Thursday 30th Saint Philip and Saint James (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500) The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website: 13
Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Moira Saunders, Jonathan Stewart, Keith White
Murray Hunter, Niall Armstrong
Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad
Roberta Rogers, Elizabeth McCaughey, Jill Gillespie, Karen McAlpine
Patrick Good, Moranne Noad, Emma Hill
SUPPLEMENTAL DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Michael Davey, Elizabeth Leonard, Ross Thompson
St. Columba’s, Knock Finance Committee The Rector (Chair) Honorary Treasurer Assistant Honorary Treasurer Gillian Sadlier Stephen Armstrong
Fundraising Committee The Rector (Chair) Elizabeth Leonard David Craig Lynn Ryan Clodagh Reid Moira Saunders Linda Wilson
The Rector (Chair) Honorary Treasurer Assistant Honorary Treasurer Brian Acheson Michael Davey Brian Gillespie Ronny Martin John McKeown Mark Reid Gillian Sadlier Jim Stevenson
Catering Committee
Property Committee The Rector (Chair) Brian Acheson Brian Gillespie John McKeown John Proctor Mark Reid Jim Stevenson Keith White
Church Hall Committee
Emma Macpherson Lynn Ryan Caroline Auchmuty Clodagh Reid Suzanne Allen Isobel McDowell
Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706). The Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the Residential and Nursing Homes throughout the parish during April. The Clergy will also be conducting private Holy Communion services in the homes of those housebound parishioners who are unable to attend any of the Easter services.
The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
MAY PARISH MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the May parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by 6.00pm on Wednesday, 8th April. His contact details are as follows:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390
From the Registers Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 8th February
Ava Diane Taggart 119 Millreagh Avenue, Dundonald
Sunday 15th February
Ella Grace McKinney 27 Stormont Park
Sunday 1st March
Sam Harry Mason 63 Lisavon Street
Christian Burials Thursday 19th February
Our Sorrows Alice Maureen Garrett 22 Knockhill Park
Have you ever wondered if there was something that you could do quite easily that would help a great many people? I don’t think that I ever did until some years ago when I was teaching in a local school. One of my duties was to accompany groups of girls to the Blind Centre in North Road for work experience. I was so impressed with the free recording service they were giving to both partially-sighted and blind people throughout the British Isles that, when I retired, I applied and was accepted as a reader.
Thought for the Month
My very first recording was “Twenty years of firefighting in Magherafelt”! Since then they have covered a very wide range of topics. Wrestling, boxing, water-skiing, rugby, soccer, salmon fishing and motor-cycling; Government and other official information documents; extracts from the Ulster Tatler, the Ulster Countrywoman and various church magazines; biographies of well-known local sportmen including Jack Kyle, Barry McGuigan, Alex Higgins, Rinty Monaghan and George Best; books of all sorts that had been specifically asked for. At present I am reading the Ulster Countrywoman once a month and “Pirate Radios of the 50’s and 60’s” for a regular local “customer”. Although the North Road studios are no longer in use, the work still goes on in temporary premises in Templemore Avenue. Volunteers are always needed for reading, addressing envelopes, packing and posting the recordings all over the British Isles. This has been and continues to be a service which I feel privileged to be part of. If anyone reading this would like to be involved in any way or who knows someone who would benefit from any of our services I would be pleased to help. If you have any queries or would like to join as a volunteer please let me know…you can usually find me in the choir among the altos! Gina Greeves Our sincere thanks to Gina for sharing her ‘thought’ with us. The May ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by David McBride. 17
TIME FOR REFLECTION Our Confirmation candidates will soon be accepting for themselves the Baptismal promises made by their parents and godparents. They will be publicly affirming their commitment to their personal journeys of faith within the wider church and Christian family. The Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Right Reverend Harold Miller, will lay his hands on them praying for an increase of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Please consider how we, as a church family, can support our candidates, for example • Praying for them by name • Speaking to them • Encouraging them • Attending their Confirmation Service in St. Columba’s on 26th April at 10.30 am We thank Karen McAlpine and the Rector as during the past 11 weeks they have prepared the candidates for this major step in their lives. The candidates from St. Columbas are: Henry Auchmuty Jonathan Kelly Emma Craig Christine McKee Sarah Craig Grace Owens Bruce Elkin Rachel Stewart
The candidates from St. Moluas are: Tobias John Black Thomas Edward Cherry Jonathan Max Cherry Carlo Ambrogio Corbetta
PAUSE If you are free on Wednesday 15th April, do ‘pause’ with us for a short time at The Old Mill at Dundonald at about 10.30am for coffee and scones. It is a very attractive venue and there is some retail therapy available on site! There is no need to book or confirm… just turn up and meet with other parishioners and friends. Bring a friend or two of your own. All are welcome! If you require transport, please contact me. Eileen Anderson
Men’s Club Notes We are well into the closing stages of our 2014-2015 season. All our bowling fixtures have been completed and not a single loss to our name. In our last match the club travelled to our neighbours at St Colmcille’s where those present enjoyed fun, food and fellowship. Well done to Ian and Jim for their hard work in guiding us in our fixtures this season! On the 2nd March we held our second and very successful talk this time hosted by Raymond King on his experience of being shipwrecked in the Antarctic in 2007. All present enjoyed a highly entertaining evening in Raymond’s company. We are presently formalising plans for our upcoming end of season outing (to be announced) and also our Annual Dinner and Prize Giving. Further updates to follow. John Robb (Honorary Secretary)
Saint Columba’s Craft & Hobby Circle This month we meet on the second Monday, 13th April but will continue with May and June on the first Monday. Looking at the dates there are only three left until we break for the summer months. Just where has the time gone? We have been watching Kyleen’s tapestry growing steadily and Robbie was showing us how disappearing four patch blocks can make simple and interesting quilts. It was great to welcome Eleanor Launchbury back to the throng after her poorly spell. This is a small but very happy group who do not stop chatting and laughing – and they say laughter is the best medicine so that should keep us all healthy. Look forward to seeing you on 13th April. Carol Willis
Due to Easter there will be no Doves on Friday, 3rd April and Friday, 10th April. We will resume again, at the usual time, on the 17th April and look forward to seeing everyone then.
St Columba’s Parish Church, Knock.
CONCERT The Parish Choir Joe McKee Choral Director Revd Dr Peter Thompson organ David McCann cello Grahame Harris small pipes
Saturday 6 June at 7.00pm. Donation to Parish Funds £5. Children free. There will be light refreshments after the concert.
Choir Concert Saturday 6 June at 7.00pm The Parish Choir, along with guest instrumentalists, will present a Concert in the church on Saturday 6 June as part of this year’s Patronal Festival. St Columba’s Day falls a few days later, on Tuesday 9th June, so it will be most appropriate to celebrate our patronal saint in this way. Proceeds from the Concert will be given to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Our guests include the organist Revd Dr Peter Thompson from Armagh Cathedral and an outstanding young cellist, David McCann, who plays regularly with the Ulster Orchestra. We also hope to have a “first” this year with Grahame Harris playing the Northumbrian pipes, a much softer version of the better known Scottish bagpipes. The Parish Choir will perform a number of choral items and there will be refreshments at the end of the concert. Last year we were favoured with a gloriously sunny evening which enabled us to hold the reception outside on the lawn. Let us hope for the same again. Please come along with your family and friends to support this event. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £5 with children being free. On the following day the Archbishop of Armagh, The Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke, will be the preacher at the 10.30am Choral Communion and will lead Choral Evensong in the church at 7.00pm. We look forward to a memorable weekend of celebration. Joe McKee
Sunday School Notes Well done to all the children who took part in the March All Age Worship Service, in particular Anna and John for reading and prayers. The singing of Praise Him was also excellent. I would encourage the children to come to help decorate the church for Easter on Saturday 4th April at 10.30 am. Keep filling those Smartie tubes with 20p coins and return them on Sunday 19th April ( I will be in church ) or 26th April at Sunday School. Sunday 5th April Sunday 12th April Sunday 19th April Sunday 26th April
-10.30 am Family Communion (Easter Sunday ) - Holiday - 9.30 am Family Communion - 10.30 am Sunday School 21
Sidesperson’s Rota for March. 5th April................................................. Jayne and Ronnie Martin 12th April.............................................. Ross and Chris Thompson 19th April....................................................Jill and Brian Gillespie 26th April.............................................. Alison and Brian Acheson
Flower Rota for March 2015 Sunday 5th April.........................Easter Lilies by Caroline Cramp Sunday 12th April................................................. Sandra Gordon Sunday 19th April..................................................Moranne Noad Sunday 26th April...................................................... May Preston
Ladies Bowling This has been a good season with no disruptions. We finished with a very pleasant afternoon visit to Knock Presbyterian, when we enjoyed the games together and had a lovely afternoon tea. Our Club pair’s tournament for the Eileen Madill Shield, which has produced excellent bowling, is not yet completed with the semi-finals and final still to be played. Paddy Nesbitt and our “catering manager” Vi McMeekin retired at the end of December - we miss them very much. Both had been keen bowlers but continue to come along and help each Monday. Thank you. Our sincere thanks to the Men’s Club for putting down the mats for us and to the Rector for making regular visits which are very encouraging and appreciated by all. We are an inter-denominational group, who really enjoy each other’s company as much as the bowling. Phyllis Newton
Zambia Fundraising Update The Zambia Team has been reflecting on the classroom building project in our partner Diocese of Northern Zambia and in particular the amount of financial support we have provided. Our focus on the season of Advent as a time of fund raising for this initiative has again been most successful. In 2014 a total of £4185 was raised and sent to Zambia through CMS Ireland. This was a combined amount collected through the Advent lunch & money allocated by the Select Vestry from the Christmas Eve service & Missions & Charities. This is another incredible achievement and our grateful thanks & appreciation to all parishioners who continue to support this worthy cause.
FOR DATES DIARY YOURit or miss it!)
Sunday, 26th April Confirmation Service, St Columba’s, 10.30 am
Tuesday, 19th May Recording of BBC Gardener’s Corner in St. Columbas, 7.00 pm
Art Club The Club continues to meet each Thursday morning, 9.30 – 12.00, with 17 – 20 members regularly attending. A wide variety of subjects are painted including landscapes, buildings, portraits, animals etc. using media such as watercolour, oils, acrylics, pastels, pen & ink. It is claimed that more progress could be made in our work if we did not stop for tea/coffee but that would deny us the opportunity to mentally recover from the exertions of the first hour. We welcome back Paddy Nesbitt having recovered from illness and we wish better health for Bob Killen, Gladys Lees, Francis Donnan, Judy Hinds and Victor Oswald(husband of Joan). 23
Celebrating Achievement Congratulations to Judith Owens, Deputy Chief Executive of Titanic Belfast (front cover) and her colleagues. Judith and Ally Hill (a Marketing Executive) travelled to Berlin were they collected an award for Titanic Belfast. This award named Titanic Belfast as ‘Europe’s Best Group Visitor Attraction’. It was chosen over such places as the Eiffel Tower, the London Eye and Monet’s Gardens in Paris.
Railway & Model Club Breaking News Following a crisis meeting of the Modelling Club it was decided, by majority vote, to scrap plans for completion of the Comber Viaduct. Instead, a high level, single carriageway road will be laid around Kensington Station. This will help to reduce the traffic congestion now threatening that area. We feel that this new feature will make for a more impressive area on the layout. (Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this sort of decision and action were possible in real life!!!) Another feature, we hope will soon be added, is a painted background village compliments of one of our church artists. It just keeps on rollin’. David Beattie 24
Afternoon Group 2015 started with our January meeting providing an opportunity for a fund raising event for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. A light lunch of Irish stew was followed by an organ recital by Dr Joe McKee. Entertainment was then provided by The French Fancies ( the Percy French variety! ) A good afternoon was enjoyed by all and a generous donation was given to the Rector. In February we enjoyed a visit by Phillip Beggs, the district governor of the Rotary Club in Ireland. Phillip provided pictures and sounds from his visit to Kenya. He told us about the support provided to local charities in Kenya to improve water gathering methods and medical facilities. I don’t think any of us will complain again about the rain or the care offered at the Ulster hospital. March saw a visit from Judith Cochrane, MLA. Judith told us about growing up in East Belfast and how she had became involved in politics. She talked about how she juggles family life with work ‘on the hill’. She said how difficult it was to vote when her strong Christian views did not match the party line. Judith provided a very entertaining afternoon. All ladies are welcome to join us on the second Monday of the month at 2.30. The craic is great and there is always a good cup of tea. Joy
Ladies Guild Hello everyone, it’s hard to believe that April is here already and we have just two events left this year. Firstly may I thank all the Ladies’ Guild Committee and Members who attended the Evening Service on Ash Wednesday. This month we are looking forward to welcoming Miss Janet Williamson MA OXON; NPQH on Wednesday 15th at 7.45. “BOTH SIDES OF THE DESK”. The story of how a girl from Bangor became the first female principal of The Royal Belfast Academical Institution, known locally as INST. This presentation will take place in church, followed by refreshments. Looking forward to welcoming yourselves and your friends. Imelda Shephard Hon. Secretary 25
Mothers’ Union Activity Group The Activity Group is at present busy collecting money and names for our ‘Name the Teddy’ campaign in aid of the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Our evenings are going well as we continue to enjoy playing badminton and scrabble. On Tuesday 10th March there was excitement in the Scrabble Corner as Nan was able to use all her seven letters to make the word TEMPORA giving her a score of 65. Well done Nan! Maureen
Bible Quotations The following sequences of letters are the first letter of each word in a verse taken from the New International Version Bible. Try to identify each quotation. The references in brackets give the book and chapter of each one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
G love H N T T {John 15} If G I F U, W C B A U {Romans 8} T L is M S, I S N B I W {Psalm 23} L I P, love I K {1 Corinthians 13} N C serve T M {Matthew 6] T I T day T L H M {Psalm 118} S G C man I H O I {Genesis 1} I T B W T W {John 1} Y W B W M I paradise {Luke 23} T I M blood O T C {Matthew 26}
Christian Care for Families
At its recent meeting, the Mothers’ Union welcomed Eleanor Launchbury who shared her experience as a contestant on ITV’s quiz show ‘The Chase’. Eleanor led us through her journey starting from the submission of her application to appearing on the show, awaiting the call back, the audition process, right through to hair, make-up, wardrobe, lights, camera and action. Many thanks goes to Eleanor for giving us all an enthralling insight into the world of television. A word of thanks also to my daughter Anna who was a great help to me when Eleanor surprised us with some audition style questions! I understand that the application process is open for Series 9 of The Chase and those of you who wish to follow in Eleanor’s footsteps can apply to do so by logging onto: Our next meeting takes place in the Church Hall at 8pm on 5th May. This will encompass both our overseas meeting and the Gilnahirk area meeting. The guest speakers on the evening will be from the NI charity ‘Flourish NI’. Flourish NI, is a Northern Ireland charity dedicated to the support of people whose lives have been impacted by human trafficking. The aim of the organisation is to empower survivors of human trafficking and other forms of exploitation to move forward and build better lives. The charity offers practical support and guidance as well as compassion and friendship to those who need it most. Depending on the specific needs of each person, Flourish NI provides services such as: financial advice and support; access to specialist legal advice; training or educational opportunities; help to find employment; assistance with housing issues; signposting to vital resources; and a range of therapies. This event is a great opportunity for the charity to raise awareness of the concerning issue of human trafficking. All parishioners are welcome to attend. As this is our overseas meeting, MU members who collect donations for overseas causes are asked to bring their donations on the evening. Finally just a quick reminder of the forthcoming events you may wish to add to your diary: 13 May – Down and Dromore Council at 7.30pm in Comber Parish 21 May – Diocesan Indoor Member’s Tea Party, at 2.30pm in St Mark’s Newtownards. The guest speaker will be Bishop Ken Clark. Katrina 27
Lenten Lunch After the morning service on 1st March parishioners gathered in the church hall at midday to enjoy the Lenten Lunch. On previous years this has consisted of soup, bread and apple pie. The new Catering Committee persuaded helpers, as well as themselves, to provide shepherd’s pie and beans followed by tea, coffee and biscuits. This was very much appreciated. For their hard work and attentive serving the voluntary donations have now exceeded £1,000, excluding gift aid, towards the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. The atmosphere in the hall was very positive and again thanks to the new Catering Committee for their organisational skills. Brian Gillespie
Bible Quotations - Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Greater love has no-one than this If God is for us, who can be against us The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want Love is patient, love is kind No-one can serve two masters This is the day the Lord has made So God created man in his own image In the beginning was the Word You will be with me in paradise This is my blood of the covenant 28
PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations!
10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays) Superintendent Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381 Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) 10.30am Crèche (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays) Lynn Ryan 07955 479065
7.00pm Railway and Model Club David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Bible Study Group Anella Gallen 9065 8077 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Imelda Shephard 9079 7683
9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574
10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2.30pm MU Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 9058 1438
9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5 years Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Moira Saunders 07739 041392 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047
10.30am Ladies Badminton Gillan Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 7.30pm MU Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Katrina Dukelow 9029 0625
Pause: Bi-monthly outings as arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Youth Etc (11 – 15 years): Monthly outings as arranged David Kelly 9079 6658
Requests for the occasional use of church halls must be submitted to the Rector Telephone: 9047 1514
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet. com
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Jon Allen 9 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 9065 3511
ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167
JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Emma Craig, Jamie Sadlier
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine Email DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816
HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Macpherson 10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF Tel 028 9028 2076
SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Jonathan Stewart, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Keith White, Moira Saunders
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Patrick Good Moranne Noad Ross Thompson (under 30)
HONORARY SECRETARY Elizabeth Leonard 28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB Tel 028 9065 3162 Email
ORGANIST AND CHORAL DIRECTOR Dr Joe McKee 76 Sandown Road BT5 6GU Mob 07976 294574
HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 8 Lacefield BT4 3PA Tel 028 9079 3641
ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 9029 0625
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500
GIFT AID SECRETARY Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Lynn Ryan 2 Ballyregan Road Dundonald BT16 1HY Tel 07955 479065
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884
MAGAZINE EDITOR Billy McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 0HT Tel 028 9042 4390 Email
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716 ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator/Financial Giving Secretary: Karen Patterson Office hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector.........................................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good.....................................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard...........................................................028 9065 3162