December 2012 / January 2013

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December 2012/January 2013


Dear Parishioner,

PREPARATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS The beginning of a new church’s year takes place on Advent Sunday, 2nd December. It will start with the children lighting the first of the purple candles on our Advent wreath and the visit of Lindsay Robinson from Scripture Union at our All Age Worship service that day. It is also the day when Charles and Henry will open the first door of their Advent calendars. On each of the days throughout Advent they, like many of the children in our parish, will open a door on their calendars and will read the message or look at the picture that lies behind it while also enjoying the chocolates! This is a busy time of year as we try to find some windows of opportunity to complete our Christmas preparations in the midst of our everyday activities. During these days our lives can resemble something of Martha’s in Luke’s gospel. She was the lady who was always so busy doing jobs that she simply didn’t have the time to stop and listen to the things that Jesus was saying. I’m sure many of us can identify with her in a personal way during this time of waiting and preparation for the birth of Christ. Our church services during these weeks will provide us with an opportunity to stop and listen, as we look forward with hope and expectation to the coming of Jesus. I hope that you will make church attendance a priority throughout Advent and Christmas. This year, we will have an opportunity to provide practical help and support to those in our community as an integral part of our preparations for Christmas. There are so many people in our community for whom this is a particularly difficult time. I invite you to join with the other churches in our Lagan Area Deanery and support the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Christmas Hampers Appeal. This can be done very simply by bringing the specified non-perishable food items which are detailed on page 3 of The Columban to church throughout Advent. Please put them in the shopping trolley at the back of the church where they will then be taken to Willowfield Parish Church. A team of people from CAP will prepare and distribute the hampers to those in our local community. Those familiar words of Jesus - “It is more blessed to give than to receive” - provide just the encouragement that we need to support this appeal to the best of our ability. Caroline, Charles and Henry join me in wishing you God’s richest blessing for a happy and peaceful Christmas and throughout 2013. Yours in His service,


CHRISTMAS HAMPERS Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are a debt counselling charity working throughout the UK, offering support and world class debt advice to families and individuals. CAP is uniquely placed to help low income, financially and socially disadvantaged people out of debt. Clients benefit as they pay off their debts and begin to save plus, most importantly, learn valuable budgeting skills. This empowers people to manage their money properly in the future without falling into financial difficulties. Clients are given long term support through the specialist CAP team in Bradford as well as through our local centre, based at Willowfield Parish Church. Christmas is an expensive time of year and CAP provides support to clients by way of food hampers, and invitations to social activities and Christian events in church. One way to help local people in our community who are struggling financially this Christmas is to become involved in the CAP Christmas Hamper appeal. This can be done very simply by bringing the items listed below to St. Columba’s throughout this season of Advent. Please leave them in the shopping trolley at the back of church and ensure that the food items are within best before/use by dates. Staple Foods: Puddings: Spaghetti Rice Pasta Custard Rice Fruit (pineapple etc) Jars of Sauce: Bolognese Korma Curry Chicken/beef in sauce

Household items: Washing powder Washing-up liquid Soap/shampoo/shower gel Baby wipes/nappies

Tinned Foods: Sweets/Treats: Tuna Box of chocolates Sweetcorn/peas Shloer Soups Mince pies/Christmas log Ham Christmas puddings Beans Christmas tree decorations Spaghetti Pringles/nuts Other: Other: Tea/coffee Crackers Sugar Christmas Items Fruit juice/squash Small family gift Cereal/oats Toiletries gift pack Oven breads (long dated)Â Jams Biscuits 3

SERVICES IN DECEMBER Sunday 2nd 8.15am 10.30am 6.00pm

The First Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart 1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 21: 25-36 All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Henry Auchmuty Luke 21: 25-36 Preacher Mrs Lindsay Robinson, Scripture Union United Belmont and District Council of Churches‘ Advent Carol Service in St. Colmcille’s, Ballyhackamore. No Evening Service in St. Columba’s

(Purple) Thursday 6th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 9th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Second Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Philippians 1: 3-11 Gospel Clergy Luke 3: 1-6 Holy Communion Reader Eileen Gibson Philippians 1: 3-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 3: 1-6 Preacher The Revd Canon Ken Smyth Intercessions Muriel Arndell Blue Christmas Service

(Purple) Thursday 13th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 16th The Third Sunday of Advent 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey Gospel Clergy 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Maura Dawson Reader Patrick Good Occasional Roberta Rogers Prayers 7.00pm Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Gospel Karen McAlpine

(Purple) Philippians 4: 4-7 Luke 3: 7-18 Luke 3:7-18 Zephaniah 3: 14-20 Luke 3: 7-18

Isaiah 35: 1-10 Luke 1: 57-66

(Purple) Thursday 20th 10.30am Holy Communion for our Housebound Parishioners followed by seasonal refreshments in the Choir Vestry 4

Sunday 23rd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Fourth Sunday of Advent Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Gospel Karen McAlpine Holy Communion Reader Rachel Acheson Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Gina Greeves Evening Prayer Reader Tony Greeves Reader Tony Greeves

Monday 24th Christmas Eve 8.00pm Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Tuesday 25th 9.00am 10.15am

Hebrews 10: 5-10 Luke 1: 39-55 Hebrews 10: 5-10 Luke 1: 39-55 Isaiah 10: 33 – 11:10 Matthew 1: 18-25 (Purple)

Christmas Day (White) Holy Communion Reader David Beattie Hebrews 1: 1-4 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 1:1-14 All Age Worship (Children present a gift at this service for the NI Children’s Hospice) Reader Stephen Pyper Luke 2: 8-20

Thursday 27th St. John the Evangelist 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 30th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm



The First Sunday of Christmas (White) Holy Communion Reader Arthur Hobson Colossians 3: 12-17 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 2: 41-52 Christmas Songs of Praise Healing Service with the Laying on of Hands Reader Liz McCaughey Luke 2: 15-21

SERVICES IN JANUARY Tuesday 1st 10.30am

The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus Holy Communion


Thursday 3rd 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 6th 8.15am 10.30am

The Epiphany (White) Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Ephesians 3: 1-12 Gospel Clergy Matthew 2: 1-12 All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Jamie Sadlier Matthew 2: 1-12 Preacher The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 5

7.00pm Choral Evensong Reader Elizabeth Miller Reader Elizabeth Miller Occasional Karen McAlpine Prayers

Isaiah 60: 1-9 John 2: 1-11

Thursday 10th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 13th The First Sunday after the Epiphany 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan Gospel Karen McAlpine 10.30am Holy Communion Reader Brian Gillespie Gospel Helen Donaghy Intercessions Karen McAlpine 7.00pm Compline Reader Anella Gallen

(White) Acts 8: 14-17 Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 Acts 8: 14-17 Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 Mark 1: 4-11

Thursday 17 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry th

Sunday 20th The Second Sunday after the Epiphany (White) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 2: 1-11 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine John 2: 1-11 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Linda Wilson Isaiah 62: 1-5 Reader Tony Greeves John 2: 1-11 Occasional Clergy Prayers 7.00pm United Belmont and District Council of Churches’ Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in C.F.C. No Service in St. Columba’s Thursday 24thThe Conversation of St. Paul (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 27th 8.15am 10.30am

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Gospel Karen McAlpine Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Clergy 6

(White) 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a Luke 4: 14-21 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a Luke 4: 14-21


Evening Prayer Reader Reader

Jill Gillespie Jill Gillespie

Numbers 9: 15-23 Mark 1: 21-28

Thursday 31st 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:

PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711

DECEMBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 2nd.............................................. Charles and Henry Auchmuty Sunday 9th............................................... Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday 16th............................................. Lilias Smith and Liz McCaughey Sunday 23rd............................................. Jayne and Ronny Martin Sunday 30th............................................. Ross and Chris Thompson

JANUARY 2013 SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 6th............................................... Kathleen and Alex Acheson Sunday 13th............................................. Helen Donaghy and Pauline Darke Sunday 20th............................................. Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury Sunday 27th............................................. Eileen Anderson and Ann McGarvey 7

PRIVATE HOLY COMMUNION SERVICES It is always a privilege for the Clergy to conduct private Holy Communion services for those housebound parishioners who will not be attending Christmas services in St. Columba’s. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) by Friday, 7th December, to make an appointment if you would like a private Holy Communion service in your home.

BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE SUNDAY, 9th DECEMBER, AT 7.00PM This service, first introduced to St. Columba’s two years ago, has been much appreciated by everyone in the congregation. It will take place again this year on Sunday, 9th December, at 7.00pm. This service is for all those for whom Christmas is a difficult time, be it through bereavement following the death of a family member, a friend or a pet, illness, unemployment, loneliness, trauma, anxiety, worry or sadness of whatever type. These words of introduction offer the helpful encouragement and support which is reflected throughout the service: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a land of deep shadow a light has shone. For the yoke that was weighing upon them, and the burden that was upon their shoulders, you have broken in pieces O God, our Renewer.” This is primarily a quiet service with reflective music, readings, a short sermon and prayers. It provides an opportunity to come away from all the glitter and razzmatazz of Christmas, to enable us to remember our faith and the gift of hope and light which God offers to us all in the Christmas story. In addition, there will be an opportunity for those who wish to light a candle to remember a particular situation of pain or darkness in their own lives. The church will remain open after the service for those who wish to stay for a period of further reflection and prayer. The Rector

DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS Saturday, 17th December 10.30am – 12.30pm No flower arranging skills necessary! Gifts of flowers and a willingness to help is all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating. 8

HOLY COMMUNION FOR HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS in St. Columba’s Parish Church on THURSDAY, 20TH DECEMBER, AT 10.30AM With Christmas Carols and seasonal refreshments Please phone the Parish Office (028 90656891) from 9.00am to 1.00pm, Monday to Friday, to arrange your transport.

Bring, Buy & Brunch!

Saturday, 9th February 2013 (10am - 1pm) is our winter warmer event to raise cash for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. We’d love you to do a good old ‘Kim and Aggie’ style clear out and pass on all those gifts and goodies you don’t need any more! We’re on the look out for: good quality toys & unused clothes, bric à brac, books, handbags, toiletries and jewellery cakes, jams, bottles, chutneys plus old clobber to convert to cash So why not ‘destress your mess’ and come and join us! Enjoy hot food and refreshments with face painting and other activities to keep the kiddies entertained! PS. Please leave all items for sale in the Church Hall on Friday, 8th February 2013, between 12 noon and 8.00pm 9

PARISH CHRISTMAS CARD Our parish Christmas card this year depicts the penitential season of Advent with its rich purple colour and the birth of Jesus with his parents on Christmas day. This is featured in the beautiful bright shining star with the Holy Family right in the centre of it. In our very popular Carol service on Christmas Eve, we will hear again that lovely reading of the Wise Men following the star. “When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him.” (Matthew 2: 9-11) I hope that this beautiful card will brighten up your home and that you will be able to join us for our Advent and Christmas services in St. Columba’s. You can be assured of a warm welcome upon arrival! I thank all the Art Group members who designed Christmas cards, and congratulate Billy McAlpine whose card was chosen this year. The Rector

SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday, 2nd December Sunday, 9th December Sunday, 16th December Sunday, 23rd December Sunday, 30th December Sunday, 6th January 2013 Sunday, 13th January Sunday, 20th January Sunday, 27th January

10.30am All Age Worship 10.30am Sunday School 9.30am Family Communion 10.30am Communion (No Sunday School) Holiday 10.30am All Age Worship 10.30am Sunday School 9.30am Family Communion 10.30am Sunday School

December is going to be an exciting month in Sunday School. On 2nd December, we will be singing a special chorus and then on Saturday, 8th December we hold our Christmas party, when we will be joining with all the children and young people in the parish for an afternoon of fun and games, and a visit from a very special person! We hope to see everyone there enjoying themselves. Please note that on 23rd December there will be no Sunday School, so we hope to see all the children in church for communion. On 13th January, we hope to have everyone back in Sunday School ready to start a brand new year, enjoying the activities the teachers have prepared to help bring the Bible stories to life. Happy Christmas to you all from Patricia, Louise, Joyce, Alan and myself. 10

Beth Cairnduff

ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE A very big thank you to everyone who supported the Poppy Appeal at our last All Age Worship tea and coffee. We raised just over £75 which was added to the loose plate collections on Remembrance Sunday. On Sunday, 6th December, we will be raising much needed funds for an organisation called CAHPA, the Co-operative for Artists Handicapped Physically in Abidjan. One of our parishioners, Patricia Wilson, is involved in assisting the organisation’s work in Ireland. CAHPA is an organisation which offers support to men and women who are begging on the streets of Abidjan, the capital of the Ivory Coast, by giving them an opportunity to live with dignity. Volunteers train men and women in sewing skills using local materials, shoe mending, weaving and jewellery making. They are self sufficient and rely totally on sales of their products in Ireland. The organisation is hoping to provide a weekly meal for these people and set up courses to teach them literacy skills, and raise awareness on health and hygiene. As well as supporting them by enjoying a cuppa there will also be some of their products for sale, so please plan to stay and do some Christmas shopping! By Sunday, 3rd January, we will all have enjoyed a lovely Christmas with family and friends, but let us not forget those less fortunate than ourselves. Our proceeds from tea and coffee in January will be going to the Simon Community for the homeless. Many thanks. Roberta

CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Rector to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 90471514). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Rector will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during December and January. The Rector will be visiting parishioners in the Residential and Nursing Homes throughout the parish during December. In addition, he will be conducting private Holy Communion services in the homes of those housebound parishioners who are unable to attend any of the Christmas services. January 2013 Abbey Park

Ardgreenan Drive

Abbey Court

Ardvarna Park

Alder Close

Ascot Park

Sandown Park South

Pembridge Mews 11

St. Columba’s Kids Christmas Party Saturday, 8th December St. Columba’s Church Hall

3pm – 5pm

Come along and enjoy lots of games, party food and a fabulous festive movie for younger children. Don’t miss the visit from our guest from the North Pole. Ho Ho Ho!! FAREWELL PRESENTATION TO ROBERT A large gathering of parishioners was present in the church hall after a service of Holy Communion, Holy Baptism and Liturgical Farewell to Robert, our Curate, on Sunday, 28th October. Sumptuous refreshments of sandwiches, cakes, desserts, tea and coffee were generously provided by many, and admirably served by Roberta Rogers and her willing team of helpers. The Rector and the Parish Secretary, Alan Rogers, paid fulsome tributes to Robert after which, Chris Heatley, People’s Churchwarden, on behalf of the Select Vestry and the parish, presented Robert with a magnificent picture of St. Columba’s, beautifully painted in watercolours by Dr Billy Nelson, chairman of the Art Club. Robert was also presented with a cheque for £2,200 from the parish by the acting Rector’s Churchwarden, Moranne Noad. In response, Robert made a most gracious and heartfelt address, highlighting his deepest thanks for parishioners’ generosity as well as his sincerest appreciation for the opportunity to have served as Curate in a parish such as St. Columba’s for over three years, and extended the warmest invitation to parishioners to visit him in his new parish at Blarney. It was sign of the high esteem in which Robert was held by all that so many individual parish organisations also chose to mark his departure with a personal gift. On Saturday, 3rd November, a service of welcome for Robert as Associate Minister of the Carrigrohane Union of parishes was held in the Church of the Resurrection in Blarney, attended by a large number of St. Columba parishioners who travelled down to offer joyous support over the weekend. We wish Robert every success and happiness in his new home in Blarney, and for his forthcoming ministry in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross. 12

Parishioners will wish to extend a warm welcome to our new Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, who will be joining St. Columba’s on Monday, 3rd December. Karen’s office will be based in the former Soft room in the Church Hall, which will be open for parish business from 9.00am to 1.00pm, Monday to Fridays (see also back page).

INTRODUCING KAREN… I was asked to write a short personal article and, by way of introduction to St. Columba’s, thought it might be useful to give you a few details about myself. I have been working in Boots Opticians for the last 20 years and can’t believe that it has been so long! After I finished my BSc. in Geography at the University of Ulster, I started as a receptionist in Boots and have worked in all the stores in Northern Ireland, as well as quite a few in Scotland. I became an area trainer for Scotland and Northern Ireland when my store was closed, and loved the travel as well as working with company directors. I have gained a great deal of experience from listening to people from all walks of life and enjoy the fascinating life stories I hear on a daily basis. I am married to David, and we have wonderful and supportive families. As we are both working, we have no pets but I adore Boxer dogs and hope that someday I will have the opportunity to own one. I enjoy travelling and my favourite place in the world is Cuba, where we have met wonderful people. I have recently been called back to church and have just joined the Mothers’ Union, which is a wonderful group of people, changing lives. There are never enough people willing to give time and energy to help others, but this is a great way to help. I look forward to working with everyone at St. Columba’s and hope that I will be able to get to know as many parishioners as possible in the days and weeks ahead. Karen Patterson

LADIES BOWLING Last month, we had two big days. Firstly, we entertained Kirkpatrick Presbyterian and then were entertained by St. Dorothea’s. Both occasions were very enjoyable, with good bowling and renewed fellowship. The Rector called in with us at our home match, always much appreciated by us and our visitors. Now we look forward to Christmas and the New Year, and hope the weather will be kind to us this winter and our numbers keep up. Phyllis Newton 14

Parishioners will see two kinds of Quirky Craft Candles at the All Age Worship service on Sunday, 2nd December, one for Christmas and one for January. Both are available and donations will be in aid of the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Remember, never leave a burning candle unattended! One Irish Christmas tradition is the placing of a lighted candle near or in the front window of a house on Christmas Eve. According to belief, the candle long served as a symbol to welcome Mary and Joseph as they sought shelter in vain that Christmas Eve. For centuries, it has been the practice in villages to set the kitchen table after the evening meal on Christmas Eve. On it is placed a loaf of bread filled with caraway seeds and raisins, a pitcher of milk and a large lit candle. The door is left unlatched, thus hospitality is extended to the Holy Family or to any traveller who might be on the road. It was also said that the candles were “kindled to guide Angels who on Christmas night direct the New Born from the Heavens”. The flickering candle also served as a signal during penal times to any priest seeking shelter and protection, indicating that he was welcome in the house and that it was safe to say mass there. By kind permission of the Education Department, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum For details of craft classes, contact Lauraine Lindsay on 9039 5091 THE CHRISTINGLE The Christingle had its origins in 1747 in the Moravian congregation of Marionborn, a village in the heart of Germany. It consists of an orange, representing the world, sweets and nuts to symbolise God’s gifts, a white paper frill for joy and purity, and the red candle as a symbol of Jesus, the Light of the World. TRADITIONAL IRISH CHRISTMAS SONG On Christmas Eve a candle’s light, To shine abroad through Christmas night, That those who pass may see its glow And walk with Christ a mile or so.

MUMS & TOTS Please note that, due to the Christmas holidays, there will be no Mums & Tots on Friday 21st and Friday 28th December. Activities will resume on Friday, 4th January 2013. Anne Clarke 15

Hello Ladies, It is near that time of year again when there is so much to do and so little time to do it! No doubt by the time the December Columban comes out, you will all be baking your Christmas cakes and puddings. I just have a few dates for your diaries to ease us into the Christmas Season. The Young Families’ Advent Carol service will take place on Monday, 3rd December, at St. Mark’s, Dundela, at 8.00pm. Our own Mothers’ Union festivities will be held on Tuesday, 4th December, where there will be Decorating Ideas for Christmas by Fiona. It will take place in the church hall and transport will be provided to the hall if the weather is inclement. To bring in the New Year, there will be Games and Frolics with Joyce on Tuesday, 8th January. We would all like to wish Irene Grey a speedy recovery after her recent surgery. She is very much in our thoughts and prayers. Finally, may I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year. Sandra

LADIES GUILD NOTES Dear Ladies, It is almost Christmas again and I hope you are all well and looking forward to the festive season. Our party will take place on Wednesday, 12th December, at 7.45pm and we are looking forward to welcoming Frances Mulley who will read to us a selection of Christmas poetry, which she says will be thought provoking and amusing. We shall also have some seasonal games and carols, and our usual festive supper. To bring in the New Year, Alison Lennox is coming on Wednesday, 16th January 2013, to tell us about the history of the Assisi Animal Sanctuary. She is a tireless fundraiser for the charity and will be assisted by Bentley, her charming red setter. Keep warm and well, and we’ll see you at the party! Lilias Smith (Hon. Sec.)

OLD GOLD WANTED! Any unwanted gold chains, rings, broken or damaged, pairs of earrings (and single earrings, too) can all be donated to raise funds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Please contact Liz McCaughey on 9065 2031 or 07849 554079. 16


Our second Inter Church match was played on Monday, 29th October, against Stormont Presbyterian Church and resulted in a home win with the score line 41 - 29. This was a particularly good result for St. Columba’s as Stormont have always proved a tough adversary and we fielded the bare minimum team of 12 players. Well done to all our members! The Men’s Club has been in existence in St. Columba’s for 53 years and those of us who have been active members for many years are becoming concerned that we may be the last to enjoy the fellowship that has existed for all that time. I would once again appeal to the men of the parish not to let this happen. Our parish family would be the poorer for the demise of the Club. Please speak to any of our members at any time and find out more - do not dismiss the idea without giving it a try! Our Club competitions which are always keenly contested have now begun, resulting in one or two “shock” eliminations already. We look forward to the Christmas Competition on Monday, 17th December, which is always entertaining. We then take a holiday break with Monday, 7th January 2013, being the first night of the New Year. May I wish all Club members and their families a Blessed Christmas and Peaceful New Year, and extend those wishes from the Men’s Club to all parishioners. Geoff Launchbury

AFTERNOON GROUP In November we welcomed back again Murray and Emma, to entertain. To listen to them was a pleasure, Music we should always treasure. Please remember the 10th of December, When we go to a film, then to lunch. It’s an early start, 10.30 from car park, But you have time for a nice light brunch! Nan The Rector visited the Afternoon Group during their November meeting to thank May Preston and Nan Armstrong for their wonderful commitment as leaders during the past four years. They have both worked extremely hard to organise interesting programmes which have been appreciated by all members. The Rector announced that their successors will be Joy Montgomery and Dianne Gibson, who will commence their new responsibilities in January. 17

CONGRATULATIONS! Fellow parishioners will wish to congratulate Fiona Haldane on her success in the recent World Veterans’ Fencing Championship which took place in Krems, Austria, where she was placed third in her age group, winning a magnificent bronze medal. EN GARDE! Husband and fellow choir member, Robin, writes: The weapons used in fencing are the foil (traditionally the practice weapon), épée (the duelling weapon) and sabre (slashing cavalry sword). In épée, every part of the opponent’s body counts as the target whereas the target area is restricted for the other two weapons. Fiona started off fencing foil mainly because in those distant days the other weapons were not competition weapons for women. For many years she has now fenced épée. Fiona has been successful fencing foil (Ulster champion) and represented Ireland, but now prefers épée. She is currently the Irish Closed Champion in Ladies Epée (for the fifth time) together with other local championships, and in the past has won Commonwealth Veterans and GB Veterans for her age group. There is now a strong veteran circuit in GB and the rest of Europe, and Fiona concentrates on that. The World Veterans’ Fencing Championship was held recently in Krems, Austria, and Fiona was part of the GB team. She fenced out of her skin (she tells me!) and achieved a bronze medal in the 60 - 69 year category for Ladies’ Epée. There was a strong entry, with an ex-world champion and ex-Olympic fencers in the competition (not veterans, but the real thing!). Many of the fencers are practically full-time, with personal coaches, so Fiona did extremely well. Epée is a weapon where the cunning and guile that come with age can often beat the skill and speed of youth - this suits Fiona!

ST. COLUMBA'S CRÈCHE The crèche continues to be well used by our younger parishioners and, since September, we have welcomed a number of new babies and toddlers, as well as some enthusiastic new helpers. We have had positive feedback from parents who appreciate the opportunity to relax during the 10:30am service, and we are open to any suggestions as to how we may improve. The new link to the crèche rota (kindly facilitated by Ivan) is up and running at where parents can check for holiday weeks and our helpers can sign up to the rota. We are all looking forward to the Christmas party on Saturday, 8th December, and in particular to the arrival of the ‘special guest’! Suzanne

CHRISTMAS TURKEY A gentleman walks into a restaurant and asks the Maître d’, “Can you please tell me how you prepare your Christmas turkeys?” To which the Maître d’ replies, “Yes. We let them know right up front they’re not going to make it.” 18

ST. COLUMBA’S CRAFT AND HOBBY CIRCLE We’ve settled in, enthusiasm hasn’t waned and the chat is great! One morning, Caroline brought in old maps of the Knock area (late 19th/early 20th century) and we all pored over them with great interest for quite some time, talking about times past. Norma decided she wanted to learn to crochet, so another morning Evelyn started her off and now she’s quite a dab hand at it! Eleanor brought some of her card craft materials to start making her Christmas cards and the others were fascinated watching her. There are so many things we can teach each other and I hope it will encourage you to join us. If you want to come along but don’t have transport or are unable to manage the hill, please give me a ring and I shall collect you. Carol (9079 9997 / 07831 345560)

PAUSE Robert’s final ‘Pause’ at Hillmount Garden Centre in October was very well supported. Although his departure to Blarney was imminent, it was a very happy occasion and we all wished him well as he prepared for his new ministry. I am very pleased that ‘Pause’ will continue and two more events have been planned. Wednesday, 12th December, 10.30 am: Belmont Towers for coffee. Tuesday, 8th January 2013, 10.30 am: The Bobbin for coffee (Belfast City Hall). If you are free, please do turn up and enjoy coffee and a chat. If you need transport for either of these, please do not hesitate to contact me. Eileen (028 90203684)

CHURCH HALL The Property Committee is currently reviewing potential options available for the development of our Church Hall facilities. All options will require significant funding and we are therefore also researching the possibility of obtaining grant aid. We are aiming to identify the most practicable and affordable option to ensure we can move forward for the benefit of all our parishioners. Mark Reid, Premises Convenor 19

COURTEOUS CAR PARKING REQUIRED! Those who were at the 10.30am service on Sunday, 28th October, will be aware that the Rector has received complaints from the occupiers of neighbouring properties about car parking in the vicinity of the church during the main Sunday morning service. The Rector and Select Vestry are keen to maintain good relations with our neighbours and are anxious that road safety is not compromised in any way. We request parishioners and visitors to observe the provisions of the Highway Code in relation to parking. In particular, please note that the Code stipulates that if you have to park on the roadside: •• Do not park in front of, or block in any way, the entrance or driveway of a property •• Do not park facing against the traffic flow •• Do not stop or park where you would prevent access for Emergency Services •• Do not park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction The Select Vestry is grateful to all our parishioners for their co-operation and appreciates that it may not always be our church attendees who are causing the difficulties. However, we have hitherto enjoyed a good relationship with our neighbours and we wish to continue to do so. The Rector Alan Rogers, Hon. Parish Secretary

A WARM WELCOME IN BLARNEY The service of welcome for Robert at The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney, took place on Saturday, 3rd November. Our Rector, Caroline, Charles and Henry were joined by 24 parishioners from St. Columba’s to support Robert. We were given a very warm welcome by the Revd Ian Jonas and his parishioners. Our Rector, John, preached the sermon. He thanked the Revd Ian Jonas and his parishioners for the warm welcome and for all the preparations they had made for welcoming Robert into their church family. He also thanked Robert for his wholehearted and focussed approach to his ministry during his time at St. Columba’s. Alongside his attention to preparations for services and his pastoral role, Robert had responded to the needs he saw. He held IT classes to enable parishioners to use their computers more effectively. He organised ‘Pause’- a time for people to meet in local coffee shops for coffee and chat. With his passion for mission, Robert led a team to Zambia in the summer, giving our parish an opportunity to look outside our own church community to serve God. In conclusion, our Rector returned to the Gospel reading read earlier, Luke 10 v.2539, the story of the Good Samaritan. Robert would certainly have been the Good Samaritan, recognising needs and responding to them. Therein lay a challenge for us all - to be involved in our church and community, speaking and working out our faith to lead others to the Risen Christ; working as a team, seeing needs and meeting them in our community and beyond, and trusting God to help us step up to the challenge. After the service we enjoyed refreshments and the opportunity for chat and fellowship. Jennifer Johnston 20

THE REVD CANON KEN SMYTH A PERSONAL INTRODUCTION Some months ago, when news was released of the impending departure of your highly respected Curate, Robert Ferris, I was approached by the Rector and informed that the Select Vestry was planning changes to parish administration. He invited me to consider joining the team as Assistant Priest. I was privileged to be asked and look forward to associating with the faith community at St. Columba’s, when I have completed other commitments at the beginning of February. If you have met me personally, you will be aware that I do not possess a local accent. In fact, I was born and educated in Limerick, and subsequently in Dublin. Ordained in 1968, I served my first Curacy in Bangor Abbey. Three years later, I was invited to serve as Curate Assistant in Holywood Parish, where I remained until I was appointed as incumbent of St. Dorothea’s, Gilnahirk, in 1974. That is a daughter parish of Knock and I have many happy memories of associations with our mother church. In 1982, I was appointed Rector of St. Mark’s, Newtownards, where I remained until retiring from parish ministry in 2011. Since then, I have served as Church of Ireland Chaplain in the Ulster Hospital, a position in which I hope to continue for the foreseeable future. I have a number of interests, both ecclesiastical and recreational, but we can discuss these as time unfolds! The Columban is an excellent introduction to St. Columba’s. However, I look forward to meeting many of you in person when I join the parish team in February. My wife, Jenny, hopes to accompany me to some Sunday services, as circumstances allow. I thank God for a new and unexpected way in which to serve Him. While my contribution may be modest, I will endeavour to be as effective as possible in assisting the Rector, liturgically, pastorally and in whatever ways he may consider appropriate. The Rector has invited me to preside at 8.15 a.m. Holy Communion on Sunday, 9th December, and to preach at Parish Communion later that morning. It will give some of us an opportunity to meet in advance of my ‘official’ arrival in February. The Revd Canon Ken Smyth

CHURCH HALL HEATING, LIGHTING AND SECURITY In order to reduce heating costs, it would be greatly appreciated if any organisation not in the church hall on their usual day would please inform Jim Stevenson on 07973 392448 by the proceeding Friday, to enable the heating to be turned off for that day. To help reduce electricity consumption, please check that all lights are switched off before leaving the church hall. In the interests of personal security, please also keep the external door locked to avoid entry by unwanted visitors. Many thanks Jim Stevenson, Rector’s Churchwarden 22

BLOG FROM BLARNEY As I sit down in a new house, in a new part of Ireland, to write this article it was been an extraordinary few weeks. I am deeply humbled by the conversations, letters, cards, emails, phone calls and gifts that I have received from parishioners in St. Columba’s. The past three and a quarter years have been, as I have said on numerous occasions, a great learning experience. I have shared life and ministry in and around Knock with the whole parish team, and these lessons I take with me to my new position in Blarney I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all most sincerely for your support in the past, and also to thank you for your most generous leaving gift which has, in part, been used to purchase a desk and new PC for my study. Those who called in on Saturday, 3rd November, were also able to testify that the wonderful artwork received from the parish takes pride of place in the study and the living room! Please be assured of my prayers for the coming months and years, and I look forward to welcoming any St. Columba’s parishioners who might be down this way on holiday or business ... do let me know so that I can arrange to meet up for a cuppa! My contact details are as follows: Address: 24 Ard Dara View, Blarney, Co. Cork Telephone: 00353 21 451 6620 Email (unchanged): Parish website: Have a very happy and blessed Christmas and New Year Robert

BROWNIE NOTES Friday, 26th October, was a very scary occasion at Brownies! Witches, the bride of Dracula and pussy cats arrived at the church hall for our Hallowe’en party, with the Doves joining us for the evening. The photo shows how much we enjoyed ourselves. After our apple bobbing, chasing the apple on a string and musical mats, we finished the evening with sparklers which seemed to last for ages. Other activities included a healthy cooking night when the younger Brownies made a lovely fruit salad, and the older girls made chicken Caesar salad. The Rector was most impressed by the amount of activity going on in the kitchen! To facilitate the wine tasting, we are off to the Ice Bowl for a spot of bowling. Results will be published next month but the leaders do not think they will be winners, especially as Nadia will be there all afternoon at her friend’s birthday party. Do remember we still have room for more Brownies who will be made very welcome! Beth Cairnduff 23

ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB Visit to R.U.A. Exhibition On Thursday, 25th October, St. Columba’s Art Club visited the Royal Ulster Academy of Art’s 131st Annual Exhibition at the Ulster Museum. There was a large turnout of around 25 members, including our tutor, Bob. Julian Friers, a past President, had kindly agreed to show us around the exhibition and to comment on certain paintings. Although one of the first exhibits we stopped at was entitled The Death House by Paul Seawright, a pigment print with a combination of photograph and painting, the main subject was actually an elephant standing in front of a large circus tent. We then moved onto a photographic print of a large rock in the sea by Alex Boyd, with various tones which produced an interesting study because of its perspective challenges. Stopping at Venice Afternoon by Carol Graham, on close inspection this turned out to be a very complex painting with many warm and cool colours. Half of the picture was in shadow, there were complicated reflections with the opaque water showing these on the surface, unlike clear water; indeed a painting worthy of detailed study. A further variation on perspective was the exhibit by Francis O’Toole, where the eye level was at the top of the painting. The next painting, a life size standing figure by Neil Shawcross, with the head right at the top edge and feet at the bottom edge, worked very well. The paint was put on very thinly with plenty of turpentine, resulting in running streaks down the canvass. A painting by Ken Browne, Grey Sky, Malahide Sands, reminded me of a Turner with many areas of the painting illdefined apart from the horizon across the centre, adhering to the rule of Golden Section, and probably my personal favourite picture of the exhibition. By complete contrast, a painting by Jennifer Trouton entitled Ariadne’s Thread could have been a detailed photograph but was, in fact, an oil painting on canvas depicting cloth material hanging down with a ball of string on the floor, all beautifully painted. Next, we came to a detailed portrait by Stephen Penders, entitled A Man Looking (after Reynolds). This portrait would be in sharp contrast to others painted in a looser style, as well as to Colin Davidson’s larger than life portraits. Colin is to be congratulated as the incoming President of the RUA. Moving on to a picture of a Small Loaf by Comhghall Casey, this was beautifully observed and painted, demonstrating how common objects can make great paintings. The colours were so realistic and very difficult to achieve, with unusual perspective and the vanishing point off the top of the picture. There followed a study of White Roses by Hamish Moyle, a very light picture, the roses white on white material, indicating that shadows can be both warm and cool. Our next painting was A Dream Walk by Pamela Leonard, an etching, with the horizon across the centre and a diagonal across a bottom corner, forcing the eye up, in an overall Japanese style. We then encountered a cityscape by Les Jones entitled Sally Lunn’s Bath, with the eye level around the heads of the people. This was a most attractively painted watercolour, 24

illustrating deliberate distortion of the verticals of some of the buildings. I have not commentated on all the pictures we were shown but I must mention Julian’s own large exhibit of an Arabian Leopard painted in a most realistic style, a diagonal composition with strong atmospheric perspective. One could imagine oneself in this place, but not too near the leopard as the bones on the rock shelf indicated! I was also very pleased to note on our way round that a painting by R T Killen, our tutor, had already sold. All our members would like to thank Julian for taking us around the exhibition and giving us a greater understanding and appreciation of the finer points of many of the paintings. It is always a great pleasure to be with Julian and it only remains for us as club members to incorporate some of the ideas we observed into our own paintings! Dr Billy Nelson, Chairman


Convert your FWO Envelope to a Standing Order this month! The Select Vestry are most grateful to those parishioners who changed their method of giving from Freewill Offering envelopes to a Bank Standing Order during the summer. The Rector and the entire Select Vestry have already made this change and, together with those who are giving to the Church in this manner, we are indeed thankful. Throughout this month you will have a further opportunity to return your completed Bank Standing Order form which was included in the summer Columban. You can either place it in the Churchwardens’ box at the back of church or return it to me. For your convenience, there are additional Bank Standing Order forms at the back of church. The Select Vestry would like to encourage as many parishioners as possible to switch to a Bank Standing Order. This will greatly lessen the risk to those who make the bank deposits each week, and will also provide you with a more convenient method of financial giving to the parish. Those parishioners who change to a Bank Standing Order will be allocated a new number for the year 2013 so that their financial contributions can be recorded in the parish records and, of course, published in the Annual Report. For those who wish to do so, we will also continue with the weekly Freewill Offering envelopes. In addition, the monthly Charity and Mission Allocation envelopes will continue for everyone as at present. On behalf of the Rector and the members of the Select Vestry, a sincere thank you for your financial contributions and consideration of this important matter. Murray Hunter (Assistant Honorary Treasurer) 25

VISIT TO MARIDI DIOCESE, SOUTH SUDAN I was privileged to be a member of a team made up of members from the Diocese of Albany, New York, and Down and Dromore visiting Maridi Diocese, South Sudan, to renew the companion diocesan link established between the Bishops (Bishop Bill Love, Bishop Harold Miller and Bishop Justin Badi) from all three dioceses in 2005. The writer of the Ecclesiastes teaches us that a cord of three strands is not quickly broken (ECC 4 v. 12) and emphasises the great value of pleurality rather than isolation, as each diocese serves God and others. The link was affirmed again by each Bishop and although each diocese is different in character our fellowship over the years has been mutually enriching, as we have shared our experiences and resources in these challenging times. At the heart of the link is the wish to seek a deeper relationship with God, renewal in faith and a mutual encouragement in mission. Each member of the team contributed a Maridi Team Blog during our stay in South Sudan and this was posted on the Down and Dromore Diocesan website. Maridi Team Blog ‘Great Commandment, Great Commission’ Monday, 29th October 2012 Christ calls us to be obedient to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, to love God and love one another, and extend our love into all the world. In today’s Bible reading, Mary listens at the feet of Jesus while Martha attends to the daily chores. Mary chose better and her devotion to Jesus reflected her priorities and her love for Jesus, and the gospel. Since arriving in South Sudan, we have been able to remove ourselves from the busyness of our everyday lives and hear what God is saying to us, as we serve him by showing our love to others. We are not all evangelist but each of us has been given gifts we can use to help those in need. God calls us to obey the Great Commission and to encourage others to commit their lives to Jesus Christ, as their Master and Lord. Today, we made the harrowing off-road journey along pot-holed tracks flooded by recent storms to the remote parish of Eddi, only 17 miles but a three hour drive from Maridi, and near the Democratic Republic Congo border. There we met relatives of people killed by the Lord’s Resistance Army incursions three years ago and others who were displaced from their homes. We heard many horrendous stories of beatings, shootings and other atrocities. Of the 350 families originally living in the parish, only about 55 families remain. Despite their trauma, these people, with the help of the church, are rebuilding their lives and serve as a wonderful example of their continued love for Christ, and of their heartfelt faith in the face of adversity. They are a living expression of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, and an awe-inspiring example to us all as they remain totally devoted to their love for God, living His way and committing their lives to Jesus, as their Lord, in very difficult times. Trevor Buchanan 26

ON THE BEST WAY TO RUN A SELECT VESTRY MEETING (Letter from the Reverend Eustace to his nephew Darren)

The Rectory Least of All the s St. Jame My dear Nephew Darren Select Vestry meeting yesterday. I Thank you for inviting me to speak at your dislike of Sabellianism led to his ius’s Euseb began to suspect that my theme of why was a little misjudged, when the only condemnation at the Council of Antioch in 324 knew what Eusebius’s favourite colour question I was asked after my lecture was if I was. ed these days when people meet I never realised how much technology was need r point presentation was most powe urer’s Treas to discuss church matters. Your Hon. ricity cut rendered him speechless impressive; it was just unfortunate that the elect with a laptop computer so that ber and his pie charts invisible. To equip every mem you seem to have so many since , thing good a paper is now redundant is probably et downloads to circulate. However, briefing documents, diocesan reports and intern most of your members spent their sitting at the back, I could not help noticing that in one case, looking at material and, ils e-ma ng time playing computer games, readi it is better not to describe. as the meeting progressed so people For the Hon. Secretary to type the minutes ed by the paper becoming jammed could collect them on their way out was only marr tes looking as if they had recently in the printer, so that everyone took home minu held fish and chips. . Since the church hall floor seems to Our meetings tend to be a little more traditional ings circulate round members’ houses. have been carved out of permafrost, our meet as each host tries to outdo the previous This introduces a nice element of competition ings at Colonel Drinkwater’s – a more one in the standard and quantity of cakes. Meet the shortest, since we are always are – ine imag ot inappropriate name one cann remarkable how unanimity is achieved promised wine once the meeting is over. It is ars under “any other business”. on every subject in minutes and nothing appe ly because she can rarely decipher the Mrs Eddington never sends out minutes – large can remember at the next meeting. she notes she takes – and simply reads out what and brought her shopping list by Last month, she accidentally left them at home led to a lively discussion on whether mistake, so gamely read that out instead. This at the supermarket, and when it those than carrots from our local shop were better venison casserole, endless recipes were was found out she intended to use them in a keenly debated. e gossip and untroubled by points of We leave well fed, having caught up on villag minutes means that I can then make order or sub-committee reports. The lack of any ings. I think you will find our system meet all the required decisions myself between has much to be commended! Your loving uncle, Eustace


FLOWER ROTA FOR DECEMBER 2012/JANUARY 2013 DECEMBER Sunday 2nd ........................................................................... Roberta Rogers Sunday 9th ............................................................................ Diana Noble Sunday 16th .......................................................................... Elizabeth Scholes Sunday 23rd........................................................................... Margaret McKee Sunday 30th........................................................................... Moranne Noad JANUARY Sunday 6th............................................................................. Evelyn King Sunday 13th .......................................................................... Doreen Thompson Sunday 20th........................................................................... Caroline Auchmuty Sunday 27th .......................................................................... Dianne Gibson 2013 FLOWER ROTA NOW AVAILABLE We are very fortunate that many parishioners give so willingly of their time to ensure that there are lovely flowers on both the main and side altars each Sunday. I thank Paddy Nesbitt and Eleanor Launchbury, along with all those who assist with the church flowers, either by arranging them or giving money in lieu of flowers each week. If you can assist with the church flowers during 2013, please place your name on the new rota which is now available at the back of the church. The Rector

Season’s Greetings The Editor wishes a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers, and extends special thanks to the many parishioners who have so willingly contributed articles and photographs to the parish magazine throughout the year.


Saturday, 9th February 2013 Bring, Buy and Brunch o f s tive Friday, 7th June 2013 (Initia urch Hall nd) Ch ment Fu Patronal Festival Concert bish Refur 28

Christmas Lights

FEBRUARY MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the February parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 13th January 2013. Many thanks

See the lights of Christmas time, Seek the birth of a baby. In a stable cold and bare, Born of a favoured lady. Shepherds in the field that night, Watching their sheep, were afraid. An Angel came to tell the news Of where the infant child was laid.

FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday, 21st October Charlie Keith Baxter 4 Bridge Lea Avenue, Newtownards Sunday, 28th October Oscar Thomas James Thompson 158 King’s Road Our Sorrows Christian Burial Friday, 19th October Jacqueline Ruebens Greer Maguire Stormont Clinic

See the lights of Christmas Eve, Find the birth of a baby. In a stall with ox and ass, Born of a holy lady. Three wise men came from the east, With gifts had travelled afar, Of gold and myrrh and frankincense, Led onward to the place by a star. See the lights of Christmas Day, Watch the birth of a baby. In a town called Bethlehem, Born of the Virgin Mary. Let Christians in all the world Loud their voices raise, Of peace on earth for evermore, Singing joyfully their songs of praise.

HOSPITAL VISITING The Rector would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Rector already knows the information as situations have occurred recently when he has not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) to enable him to take careful note of the details.

Seek the lights of Christmas time, Find the lights of Christmas Eve. Watch the lights of Christmas day, Welcome on to earth the baby Jesus. A Parishioner 29


TUESDAY (continued)

10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)

8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 90808755

Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson

90472512 90401066

Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stephenson

8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155


X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd


07833 391945

7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 90471514

The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 90874047

7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039

8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125



9.30am Art Club Bob Killen

10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 90799997

7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90586265

2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113


2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 90281204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 90671051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155


9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine


6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff


Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514

Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Mark Reid, on 07810 648167 30


PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773

RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email

SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth Leonard, Ronny Martin, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers

ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth (from February 2013) PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390

HON. SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 Email

DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816

HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278

RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 95140141

ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295

PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Christopher Heatley 17 King’s Crescent BT5 6PR Tel 028 90913873

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad

JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Olivia Budde, Aaron Wilson RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 Mob 07973 392448

DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson 31

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR Ronny Martin 12 Cyprus Gardens BT5 6FB Tel 028 90654301 Mob 07526 396838 Email

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill Tel 028 90586265 Mob 07954 273755 ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641

PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 95140141 Email

READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500

C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704

SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884

CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Suzanne Allen 9 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 90653511

CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator: Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 90656891

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email


SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.

The Rector 028 90471514 Patrick Good 028 90656908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 90653162 32

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