Rembrandt’s “Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee”
The Columban st. columba’s church, knock, february 2016
RECTOR’S LETTER COMMISSIONING OF KAREN McALPINE Dear Parishioner We look forward to welcoming Bishop Harold Miller to St Columba’s to commission Karen McAlpine as a reader in the Diocese of Down and Dromore on Sunday, 7th February at 7.00pm. At the beginning of the service the Bishop will describe this specific ministry by saying: “Readers in the Diocese of Down and Dromore are called to serve the Church of God and to work together with clergy and other ministers. They are to lead public worship, to preach and teach the word of God, to assist at the eucharist and as appropriate to share in pastoral and evangelistic work. As authorised lay ministers, they are to encourage the ministries of God’s people, as the Spirit distributes gifts among us all. They are called to help the whole Church to participate in God’s mission to the world.” Karen has served as a Parish Reader in St Columba’s during the past eleven years. We have been enriched and encouraged through her carefully prepared prayers, her clear reading of the Gospel at Holy Communion services and her diligent administration of the chalice. In addition Karen has offered encouragement to the Sunday School children in our church services and also as the leader of the Doves for 23 years. She has been a member of our Parish Choir for nearly 30 years. Karen has completed the two year distance learning Reader certificate course which was taught by The Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin, where she attended a number of residential weekends, and also St John’s College, Nottingham. I hope that you will support Karen by your attendance at her Commissioning service and your prayers when she will be authorised by the Bishop to preach, teach and lead worship not just in St Columba’s but in other churches throughout the diocese. I wish Karen every blessing in her ministry as a Reader in the diocese.
Yours in His Service,
SERVICES IN FEBRUARY Thursday 4th The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 7th 8.15am 11.00am* 7.00pm
The Sunday before Lent (White) Transfiguration Holy Communion Reader Joe McKee 2 Corinthians 3: 12 -4: 2 Gospel Clergy Luke 9: 28-36 All Age Worship followed by Parish Lunch and dedication of the new hall windows Reader Hazel MacPherson Luke 9: 28-36 Holy Communion and licensing of Karen McAlpine as a Diocesan Reader Preacher: The Bishop of Down and Dromore
Wednesday 10th Ash Wednesday 10.30am Service for Ash Wednesday with Holy Communion 7.30pm Service for Ash Wednesday with Holy Communion
Thursday 11th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 14th 8.15am
The First Sunday in Lent Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Romans 10: 8b-13 Gospel Clergy Luke 4: 1-13
10.30am Holy Communion and Holy Baptism Reader Moranne Noad Romans 10: 8b-13 Gospel Clergy Luke 4: 1-13 7.00pm Compline Reader Anella Gallen Luke 18: 9-14 Thursday 18th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry *Please Note change of time 3
Sunday 21st 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am
The Second Sunday in Lent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Philippians 3: 17- 4: 1 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 13: 31-35 Family Communion Gospel Jonathan Kelly Luke 13: 31-35 Morning Prayer Reader Pauline Darke Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18 Reader Mary Beard Luke 13: 31-35 Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine
Holy Communion Reader Gospel
Noel Higginson Clergy
Jeremiah 22: 1-9, 13-17 Luke 14: 27-33
Thursday 25th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 28th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Third Sunday in Lent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13 Gospel Clergy Luke 13: 1-9 Holy Communion Reader Victor Dukelow 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 13: 1-9 Intercessions Elizabeth Leonard Evening Prayer Reader Tony Greeves Genesis 28: 10-19a Reader Tony Greeves John 1: 35-51 Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500) The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website: 4
Flower Rota for February 2016 Sunday, 7 ............................................................... Norma Black Sunday,14th............................................................Brenda Clingen Sunday, 21st ................................................................Carol Willis Sunday, 28th.....................................................Margaret Johnston th
Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (028 9145 8706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during February: Rector Assistant Priest Barnetts Road Barnetts Green Belmont Church Road Burghley Mews Belmont Park Cabin Hill Gardens Belmont Road Cabin Hill Park
MARCH PARISH MAGAZINE Any articles or photographs for publication in the March parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 10th February. His contact details are as follows:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390
We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this, and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks. 5
From the Registers Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 20th December Dylan John Graham 1b Knockvale Grove Sunday 27th December Sophie Aine Jabaar 56 Tynemouth Road, Cape Town South Africa
Our Sorrows Christian Burials Monday 21st December Agnes Toan 195 Clarawood Park Sunday 3rd January Nancy Rea Glenmachan Tower Nursing Home Saturday 9th January Margaret Joan Long, Killynure House, Carryduff.
Pause In January 2016 we ‘PAUSED’ at the Park Avenue Hotel, then we joined with the Bible Study Group to provide refreshments after the 10.30am service on the 17th and we also returned to Binkies. There was a lot of Pausing in January! The next PAUSE will be on: Tuesday, 9th February 10.30am: – Neill’s Hill in Ballyhackamore for tea/ coffee. Saturday, 27th February 11.00am: – The Rectory. If you are not busy do come and join us for a coffee and a chat. You can come on your own or bring a friend or two. All are welcome. If you require further details or help with transport please contact me. Eileen Anderson (9020 3684)
The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations occur regularly when they are not informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
THE ANNUAL EASTER GENERAL VESTRY MEETING will take place in the Church Hall on Wednesday, 2nd March at 8.00pm All parishioners are encouraged to attend but only those who are registered can vote to elect: The People’s Churchwarden The People’s Glebewarden 12 Select Vestry Members 2 Honorary Auditors ____________ Refreshments will be served during the meeting.
The General Register of Vestry Members In accordance with Down and Dromore Diocesan Regulations, the Register of Vestry Members is now open for review and available to parishioners for inspection. If your name is not already on the Register, and you wish it to be included, you must: •
be over 18 years of age;
be a recognised contributor to Church funds; and
sign a Form of Declaration, which is available on request from the Rector or the Churchwardens.
Forms must be returned to the Rector or Churchwardens no later than 12 Noon, Tuesday, 23rd February 2016. All completed Forms of Declaration will be considered by the Select Vestry at its Register Review Meeting on 23rd February 2016.
In aid of Jengana EVERYONE WELCOME Jengana is a Christian based ministry that seeks to support people living in the slums of Nairobi in Kenya. Charles Auchmuty will be travelling to Kenya in July and all the proceeds of this coffee morning will go directly to the charity. 8
You are invited to the commissioning of
Karen McAlpine by The Right Reverend Harold Miller, (Bishop of Down and Dromore)
for the office of Diocesan Lay Reader on Sunday 7 February at 7.00pm in St. Columba’s Knock, Kings Road, Belfast
You may have already read our Rector’s letter and the formal invitation (above) and will therefore know that Bishop Harold will commission me as a Lay Reader for the Diocese of Down and Dromore. The service will be on the first Sunday in February. This is, for me, not only the completion of a time of study and preparation but also the beginning of a new phase of my ‘church life’. The St. Columba’s family has been so supportive and encouraging over very many years and I would love to have as many of you as possible with us that evening. Both your presence and prayers would be very much appreciated. Karen
Sidesperson’s Rota Sunday, 7th February
Charles and Henry Auchmuty
Sunday, 14th February
Lilias Smith and Pauline Darke
Sunday, 21st February
Patricia and Patrick Wilson
Sunday, 28th February
Roberta and John McKeown
Stilling the Waves
Thought for the Month
The story about Jesus stilling the waves on the Sea of Galilee (front cover) is a great one for a sermon. With its drama, its miracle, and its message what a gift it is to the preacher! But each time I have heard it a dark shadow of doubt has crossed my mind. I firmly believe that prayer can work miracles with people; but did God really suspend for a few minutes the forces of nature that had existed unchanged since the birth of time? In the light of twentyfirst century scientific knowledge I simply cannot accept that. St John, who must have heard or read about the event, can’t have thought it any great shakes as he doesn’t even mention it. So, when during our Week of Mission, Bishop Alan explained how such storms come and go on that sea with equal suddenness, that particular dark shadow was swept away. But if the apparent miracle is unbelievable, what really happened? And could there still be a miracle hidden in the story? Well, the skipper must have ridden out such storms regularly. Jesus can’t have been too worried because he went for a bit of shut-eye. St Mark suggests that the ship was not small, and so there were probably a fair number of passengers aboard. Any landlubbers amongst them would have been scared out of their wits. Panic doesn’t listen to reason, so the skipper’s attempts at reassurance would have been of no avail. In desperation they woke Jesus. Knowing the pattern of the storms, he simply told the waves in no uncertain terms to stop their nonsense. His reputation and air of total authority immediately calmed the panic. The waves suddenly looked much less threatening before quickly dying away. To the relieved landlubbers it must have seemed a miracle. Their astonishing tale will certainly have lost nothing in the telling! But to me, the fact that Jesus instantly conquered fear by replacing it with complete trust in him was in itself a miracle. And the message that we should put our trust in Jesus is as powerful today as it was all those years ago. Tony Greeves Our sincere thanks to Tony, a retired Civil Engineer and a member of church choirs for 80 years, for sharing his ‘Thought’ with us. The March ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Karen McAlpine.
10.30am Church Hall
Now on 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays
Parents very welcome too!
All 3s and under very welcome!
(Tea/coffee available!)
Play! Stories! Sing!
Sunday, 7th February 11.00am All Age Worship followed by
Parish Lunch in the Church Hall Come along and join us! Admission: Voluntary contributions in aid of the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Tickets, for catering purposes only, available from the back of church.
Christians Against Poverty ( CAP ) We had another amazing response to our Christmas Hamper Appeal. Your contributions this Christmas were such that 55 food hampers were distributed and surplus put into the Food Store for continuous future use. This was a tremendous outcome from the parishes of St. Columba, St. Donard, St. Finnian, Knockbreda and McQuiston Memorial Presbyterian Church. May I thank you specifically for your thoughtfulness and kindness with the choice and number of items which you so generously donated. Just before “Hamper Saturday”, the day the hampers were assembled, our Rural Deanery CAP Co-Ordinator, Heather Purdy, accompanied one of the people we support out shopping. He had given up his job to care for his father who was now in Intensive Care. He was so grateful for our assistance and could not believe that there are people out there who would do something like that for him. He also received a hamper which will keep him going for the next few weeks. CAP assistance makes a big difference in the lives of many people. Of course food is not only required at Christmas but throughout the year and I am suggesting that if anyone has extra in their larder then please bring it to Church any Sunday and I will take it to the Food Store located at Willowfield Parish Church. Many, many thanks. Murray
Mothers’ Union Thank you to all those members who attended our last event of 2015 – a most enjoyable Christmas movie night at the Tudor cinema in Comber. The first meeting of 2016 was led by guest speakers from Apex Clinic who, fittingly, brought lots of great suggestions about staying in shape. In February we plan to support family life in a very practical way. We are calling on members and parishioners to get involved by: •
donating baby/children’s clothes and household items such as pots, pans, crockery and cutlery;
donating soap bags, soap, flannels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hotel size shower gel, combs and paper tissues ; and
making Activity Quilts for adults with dementia - instructions for making activity quilts are available from the notice board at the back of Church;
All donations and creations can be left in a collection box under the noticeboard at the back of Church. Our meeting in February will provide the opportunity to sort and pack all that has been donated to ensure it is ready for delivery to those in most need of our support. Much needed and well-earned refreshments will of course be provided. Looking ahead to March and April, we have our Overseas meeting on 1st March. Mothers’ Union members who collect donations for overseas causes are asked to bring their donations on that evening. Subsequently, on Monday, 4th April at 8.00pm, the Diocesan Festival Service will be hosted by Bangor Parish. Any members requiring transport to the service in Bangor should contact me on 07954 577107 and I will seek to arrange lifts, if possible. Katrina 14
Afternoon Group On Monday, 14th December 20 members of the Afternoon Group set off for a visit to that place “on the Hill”. We met in the foyer where we talked to Jeffrey Donaldson and Basil McIvor. After a visit to the Assembly Chamber, where we were able to try out the seats and we viewed the Senate Chamber. We then ascended the marble staircase to the member’s dining room. A superb three course Christmas lunch was provided. The craic was good as we tried to remember the names of the people in the pictures round the walls. In the shop after lunch (do you think a crowd of women won’t find a shop! ) we met Kieran McCarthy who entertained us with tales of his morning spent on a boat on Strangford Lough. A good time was had by all. The first meeting of the new year saw a visit from Reverend Winston Graham. He amused us with tales of the life and times of John and Charles Wesley. The speaker is a lovely gentleman and we could have listened for the whole afternoon. Our next meeting is Monday, 8th February. Joy
Activity Group ‘Guess the weight of the Christmas cake’ was our fund raising event for the hall refurbishment fund. Congratulation to Mrs Rachel Smythe who guessed the correct weight of the cake as 6lbs 7.5ozs. The amount raised was £300. Thank you to everyone who supported us. Our annual Christmas Dinner on Tuesday, 15th December 2015 was held at Neill’s Hill Restaurant, Ballyhackamore. A great night was had by all. After all the excitement of the holiday period we look forward to a new year of fellowship within the activity group. Happy New Year. Maureen 15
Art Club Thank you to everyone who supported our exhibition and sale held on 21st November 2015 as with your support this was a very successful and enjoyable day. All the club members helped by providing artwork, setting up the exhibition, preparing and serving refreshments and counting the money. A total of £1225.95 was raised for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund which included £747.25 from the sale of paintings and £478.70 from the donations for coffee and scones. A further £368 was also donated for two new blinds for the church hall. Our Christmas lunch was held at Rockmount Golf Club on 10th December. There was a wide and delicious choice on the menu and it was a lovely sunny day so it was a great end to 2015. The last meeting, before Easter, will be 17th March. We will return on 7th April 2016. Vida Shaw
Pre-Used Sandstone Slabs For Sale. Pre-Used Sandstone Slabs (from rear of Church) for sale @ £30 per sq m (in random sizes as currently stacked on the pallet). Random sizes are 500 x 600, 600 x 300 and 300 x 200mm at a thickness of approximately 50mm. Imperial sizes are 20” x 24”, 24” x 12” and 12” x 8” at a thickness of approximately 2” Please call Jim Stevenson 07973 392448 if you are interested.
Sunday School 7th February......................................................11.00am* All Age Worship 14th February....................................................... 10.30am Sunday School 21st February.................................................. 9.30am Family Communion 28th February....................................................... 10.30am Sunday School
The children’s Christmas party on Saturday, 5th December was well attended by all our youth organisations. A big thank you to all who contributed food and gave up their time to help supervise the children. Well done to everyone who did readings and prayers throughout the Christmas period. The singing of Away in a Manger by a large group on Christmas morning was a real highlight. This term we will be fundraising for the hall refurbishment – details will be received during February. As usual your support will be much appreciated. Joyce Stevenson * Please note change of time
Men’s Club Another year has begun and we reflect on the first half of our 2015–2016 season. Membership was steady and we were successful in our bowling fixture with Stormont Presbyterian prior to Christmas. The highlight, however, of the first half of our season had to be the talk we hosted in November. We were very privileged in having Mr Ivan Coffey who presented a very interesting and fascinating insight into the origins of our church of St Columba. A large number attended the evening and Ivan has since published a related book (see page 22). The proceeds of the evening were given to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. We will be visiting our friends at St Donards for our annual fixture to be held on the evening of 25th January. February holds two further fixtures for us. The first being the 8th when we welcome St Colmcilles followed by a trip to Knock Methodist on the 23rd. Updates will follow. John Robb 17
Railway and Model Club Well, we are in 2016, or should it be washed into 2016!!! Our club closed for Christmas and the New Year, and therefore no trains have run for a few weeks. Just before we closed a couple of jobs were started, and will now continue for some time. First, and most important, our ‘N’ gauge layout has been started. This gauge is half the size of our present model railway lines, rolling stock, scenery etc. etc. The layout will be built on a wallpaper pasting table,( bought at B & Q on a Wednesday, of course) by the Launchbury team of father and son. Work has already begun on the basics, and we will have some photographs of this in the near future. The hills are alive with the sound of....sheep. Some new hills and tunnels have appeared, this time on the ‘00’ gauge, or big layout, and built by the Beckwith team (again father and son). Flocks of sheep are now roaming these hills. Our church, St Columba of the Glen, now sits on a little knoll, with car parking space and an area for a cemetery. In fact at Christmas I was presented with a gift for the little church.....a box of model tombstones!!! That’s it for this month. David Beattie
Craft & Hobby Circle At the first session of the New Year Joy used the kettle and welcomed everyone with a cuppa and delicious goodies. We made felt brooches from the bits and pieces I had brought along, not a difficult project but fiddly. It’s amazing, with the same products available to all, how different the finished brooches were. The next meeting will be on Monday, 1st February when, by popular demand, we will be concentrating on crochet - either demonstrating how, refreshing old skills or just bring along your current project. If you don’t have a crochet hook or yarn, don’t worry, I shall have some of both you can use on the day to give it a whirl before you buy some. Carol 9079 9997 / 07831 345560
All Age Worship Tea & Coffee Many thanks to everyone who supported the SOS bus at our last All Age Worship in January, when we raised just over £108. On Sunday, 6th March we shall be raising funds for Lagan Search & Rescue. This is an acute water rescue and independent lifeboat service dedicated to the seaward side of the River Lagan in Belfast and its immediate environment. They are a charity providing emergency response with the Coastguard and are staffed by volunteers. In March 2015 their service was enhanced to an emergency response for the River Lagan and Belfast Harbour and they operate every day of the year. I hope to see you at our All Age Worship Service to enjoy a chat and cuppa. Roberta Happy New Year !!! We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and that any New Year’s resolutions are going well! The Brownies are busy preparing for their enrolment party on Wednesday, 27th January when we will be officially enrolling our 4 new brownies and hosting an evening of entertainment and a light supper which the girls will be preparing to enable them to get their, ‘Hostess Badge.’ The girls were busy before Christmas making gift boxes and delicious gingerbread reindeer cookies as gifts for their loved ones but from what I have been hearing they may have indulged in more reindeer cookies than they gave away! Great fun was had by all and as a result the Craft Badge was completed. On behalf of all the Brownies and myself we would also like this opportunity to say a huge congratulations to Kathryn who got engaged over the holidays. Roll on 2018 for a Brownies wedding! I am sure there must be a Wedding Planner Badge we could do by then!!!! We are always looking for new members to join us so if you are interested please get in touch ! Kind Regards Amanda 19
Ladies Guild New Year greetings to all from the Guild Committee and Members. The first half of our year ended with two special celebrations. The first on the 18th November was to acknowledge the 70th Anniversary of Christian Aid. Our speaker was Caroline Knox who joined the group eight years ago from the Northern Ireland Audit Office. Christian Aid was set up in Ireland after World War II to help refugees and is now working in fifty countries helping to provide whatever is needed. As Caroline said ‘Aid is what we do and Christianity is why we do it’. Caroline visited Moptu in Mali near Timbuktu- where it was 50⁰C at 10 am- with Bishop Trevor Williams. The reason for this visit was to check that the Irish Aid that goes there was being well spent. Bishop Williams also spoke at a peace conference. Christian Aid Ireland are to take the lead in building peace in this conflict zone. The annual Door to Door Collection (which Hazel organises so well for us) last year raised, throughout Ireland, £566,000 with £49,000 being through Gift Aid. Caroline was delighted with our gift and visibly moved when Joyce Stevenson added the proceeds from her fundraising tea. Our second celebration was the Christmas Dinner, once again held at Shandon Golf Club. We put on our party frocks and headed out to enjoy ourselves. The food was delicious and after dinner we were entertained by three members of The Valley Singers. Their performance ended with a challenging Guess that Christmas Tune. Sadly the Rector could not join us for dinner as he was conducting the Towell House Carol Service but we were delighted to welcome him for coffee and he kindly closed the evening with thanks to all concerned and a short prayer of thanksgiving. Please note there is a change in the order of our speakers for February and March. Marie McCordick will visit on the 17th February and Pattie Loane on 16th March. May I also remind you to bring your Christmas Stamps to church for the Leprosy Mission where any committee member will gladly take them from you. Imelda Shephard
Valley Singers We are a small group of friends who enjoy singing. We like to visit Care Homes in our area to entertain the residents. If you have any family or friends who might enjoy a visit from us, please give my details to the Manager of the Home or contact me with their details and I will follow it up. We would also be pleased to help with fund raising at Guilds or other Church Groups. We do not charge for our services. Imelda Shephard Phone 028 9079 7683. Email
Christmas Tree Festival Friday 25th – Sunday 27th November 2016 St. Columba’s will be transformed into a wonderful spectacle of colour, light and the joy of Christmas!
Refreshments will be available.
Please tell all your friends and family to save the date!
More details to follow.
ST. COLUMBA’S CHURCH, KNOCK The story from earliest times by Ivan Coffey Few parishioners would imagine that the heritage of our beautiful church stretches back some 800 years to medieval times. In his recently published booklet (available in the Church), parishioner Ivan Coffey takes us on a fascinating journey through the development not only of St. Columba’s, but also of St. Elizabeth’s (Dundonald) and Knockbreda Parish Church (Breda). Each one is inextricably linked to a nearby Anglo Norman motte from the early 1200’s. In a few short pages, we are able to appreciate the influence of John de Courcy, Edward Bruce, the O’Neill clan, socio-economic advances and upheavals up to the Reformation. We also read about the effect of the Plantation (the Hamilton, Montgomery and Hill families) and even Cromwell, right through to the extensive industrial development of East Belfast in the 19th century. These historical milestones determined the growth, as well as periodic decline, of the three intertwined medieval parishes. Do not, however, be fooled by the apparent brevity of the booklet! Thanks to painstaking research, the author packs a mass of detailed information into every page. The A4 format lends itself well to the delightful range of illustrations (penned by Art Club member, Roy Williamson), maps and photographs to aid our understanding; and the essential timeline succinctly summarizes eight turbulent centuries in just two pages. If that was not enough, the Annex provides a fascinating description of the townlands that broadly comprise St. Columba’s present day parish boundaries, with an in-depth explanation of their old Irish names. This is a scholarly and informative narrative for readers of all tastes, a book of reference to be read and re-read, a must for parishioners (and family and friends worldwide) interested in learning more about the 800 year heritage of their church. It provides an essential prelude to Gerald Hill’s forthcoming update of Betty Rainsford’s admiral 100 year history An House Not Made With Hands, due to be reprinted and published in June this year to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the parish. Thanks to Ivan Coffey’s generosity, St. Columba’s will also be a major beneficiary as all the proceeds of his excellent publication will go directly to the Parish Building Fund. Ian Noad
Doves After a lovely Christmas break Doves have resumed on each Wednesday evening at 6.30pm in the lower hall. We are enjoying our activities together and look forward in the coming weeks to taking part in Valentines, Mother’s Day, Easter crafts and fun. All children between 4-6 years old are welcome to join us. *Please Note, there will be NO Doves on 3rd and 17th of February. Moira
Dates for your Diary Sunday, 7th February
Lenten Lunch after the 11.00am service
Friday, 4th March
Saturday, 4th June
Children’s Film Night Patronal Festival Concert
Friday, 25th November– Sunday, 27th November Christmas Tree Festival
Ash Wednesday, 10th February 2016 10.30am 7.30pm
Holy Communion Holy Communion
Enjoying The Columban- pass it on! Are you enjoying The Columban? Why not pass it on to a friend or neighbour and encourage them to come and join us on a Sunday or at one of our many activities during the week
Leap Year – 29th February 2016 brings us a Leap Year. We need to add this extra day every four years in order to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. The problem is very simple: our calendar has 365 days, but it actually takes 365.242199 days (a tropical year) to circle once around the Sun. That means we are ‘out’ by nearly six hours a year. Four times six hours is 24 hours - hence an extra day every four years. Adding the extra day in February goes back to Julius Caesar in 45 BC. In his Julian calendar, February was the last month of the year, and 24th February was Leap Year Day.
The saint for Leap Year Did you know there is a saint for Leap Year: St Oswald of Worcester, who died on 29th February 992. His family story was extraordinary, and full of some surprising ‘leaps’, all by itself. It provides a tantalising glimpse of what happened to at least one of those pagan Viking warriors who settled in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Oswald’s great-uncle had come to England c 865, as part of the ‘Great Heathen Army’ of Viking invaders. But his son, Oswald’s uncle, Oda, forsook paganism, and not only converted to Christianity, but actually ended up as Archbishop of Canterbury. From there, Oda was in a position to help his nephew, Oswald, which he did. Oda sent young Oswald to be educated at the abbey of Fleury, at that time a great centre of learning. There Oswald absorbed the Benedictine ideals which would guide his later life and work. Back in England, he became Bishop of Worcester in 961, and with the support of King Edgar, eagerly joined in major reforms of the Anglo-Saxon church. In 972 Oswald was made Archbishop of York, and seems to have taken a great interest in renewing the church. He founded Ramsey Abbey, which became one of the great Fenland monasteries. Oswald was a popular Archbishop, who was in the habit of washing the feet of the poor every day in Lent. On the 29th February 992 he had just completed this service at Worcester, when he collapsed and died. Later Oswald and his successor at Worcester, Wulfstan, came to be the two chief saints of Worcester. You can see them together flanking the tomb of King John before the high altar of the cathedral. An old Irish legend tells how it was St Brigid who first struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men every four years. The arrangement was meant to ‘balance’ the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances our calendar.
Word search February is sometimes known as the month of romance. Millions of Valentine cards will be sent in the next week or two as we celebrate our love for special people in our lives. On 2nd February (Candlemas) we remember the love of parents for their children as shown by Mary and Joseph taking their baby son, Jesus, to the temple to present him to God. Jesus’ whole life was a loving present to us from God. Through His death on the cross, and His glorious resurrection, His love can transform our lives. God’s love for us is always there and we just have to accept it.
valentine rose romance love present restaurant hearts
kiss hug girlfriend boyfriend fiancĂŠ worship repentance 25
angels baby temple Mary Candlemas presentation
PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday
Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche Craft and Hobby Circle Ladies Bowling MU Afternoon Group Mens’ Club
Ladies Badminton Ladies Badminton Activity Group Mothers’ Union
Brownies Doves Railway and Model Club Bible Study Group Ladies Guild
Art Club Choir
Mums & Tots
Toddler Soccer (3-5 years) Pause
Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am
Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Lynn Ryan 07955 479065 1st Monday each month 10.30am Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2nd Monday each month 2.30pm Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm John Robb 9058 1438 10.30am Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 Maureen Irwin Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 9079 5155 Katrina Dukelow 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 9029 0625 6.30pm Amanda Fee 07739 039750 6.30pm Moira Saunders 07739 041392 7.00pm David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Anella Gallen 9065 8077 Imelda Shephard 3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9079 7683 9.30am Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 9.45am Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45 - 4.30pm Tim Wareing 07740 120788 As arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 As arranged David Kelly 9079 3684 Social events as arranged Victor Dukelow 9029 0625
Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.
WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:
The Reverend John R Auchmuty
St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514
Assistant Priest
The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth
3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706
Karen McAlpine
Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus)
Bryn Harris
028 9187 8816
Rector’s Churchwarden
John Macpherson
028 9028 2076
People’s Churchwarden
Jon Allen
028 9065 3511
Junior Churchwardens
Emma Craig, Jamie Sadlier
Rector’s Glebewarden
Jim Stevenson
028 9058 3381 07973 392448
People’s Glebewarden
Mark Reid
028 9028 4367 07810 648167
Honorary Sexton
John Proctor
028 9087 0526 07989 469773
Select Vestry
Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Moira Saunders, Jonathan Stewart, Keith White
Honorary Secretary
Elizabeth Leonard
28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB 028 9065 3162
Honorary Treasurer
Josephine Kelly
15 Manse Road BT6 9SB 0289079 6658
Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Victor Dukelow
028 9029 0625
Gift Aid Secretary
Ronny Martin
028 9079 0821 07526 396838
Parochial Nominators
Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad
Diocesan Synod members
Patrick Good, Moranne Noad, Ross Thompson (under 30)
Organist and Choral Director
Dr Joe McKee
07976 294574
Assistant Organist
Brian Clements
028 9079 3641
Readers’ and Intercessor’s Co-ordinator
Muriel Arndell
028 9065 5500
Sidespersons’ rota Co-ordinator
Rosemary Coffey
028 9754 2198
Crèche rota Co-ordinator
Lynn Ryan
07955 479065
Magazine Editor
Billy McAlpine
028 9042 4390
Parish Webmaster
Ivan Roche
028 9514 0141
C of I Gazette Distributor
Moranne Noad
028 9079 3704
Bible Reading Fellowship notes
Evan Preston
028 9048 9884
Church flowers
Eleanor Launchbury
028 9028 1204
Premise’s Convenor
The Rector
028 9047 1514
Parish Office Administrator
Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm
028 9065 6891
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...............................................................................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good...........................................................................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard................................................................................................028 9065 3162