The Columban st. columba’s church, knock, april 2017
THE RECTOR’S EASTER VESTRY ADDRESS In recent times a word has cropped up in my conversations and sermons: FOCUS. I realised how frequently I used the word when I accompanied Charles each night when he was learning to drive. This one word was a way of encouraging him to avoid danger. The word worked a treat as Charles has now passed his driving test. I am now surplus to requirements as Charles continues to enjoy his independence! In the past year, we have all experienced both joy and sadness in some form. This has helped us to focus on our Christian faith, our families and the things which are particularly important to us. The theme of this year’s Easter Vestry is FOCUS. It is only through focusing our faith on God and each other that we have the strength required for each day. Cast your mind back to our Easter Vestry last year, when we discussed teamwork. We used the apostle Paul’s analogy of the church as a body having many parts, but each part depends on the other parts for survival and growth.
ST COLUMBA’S 120th ANNIVERSARY 2016 was a very significant year in the life of St Columba’s as we celebrated our 120th anniversary. This was a timely opportunity to focus on the achievements and developments of the parish through the years whilst also seeking God’s guidance for the future. Reflecting on the diversity and richness of our work in the parish, we were privileged to be able to mark this milestone in four distinctive ways during our Patronal Festival Weekend. On Saturday 4thJune we welcomed parishioners and members of the community to a magnificent Choir Concert with lovely music by Dr Joe McKee and guests along with readings by Lynda Bryans. We enjoyed celebratory refreshments on the lawn outside afterwards, and there was a lot of laughter and conversation. I thank everyone involved, especially Joe McKee, who worked so hard to produce a most enjoyable evening. On Sunday 5th June, we focused on our liturgical worship as we came together for our Patronal Services. At 10.30am, our guest preacher was The Right Reverend Lord Eames, O.M. The newly refurbished West End of church along with the new Rose Window were dedicated, during the service, by Lord Eames. After the service, we launched the updated version of the book “An House Not Made With Hands”. This was the focused work of our Organist Emeritus, Gerald Hill, and I thank him for his hard and meticulous composition. I brought a copy of the updated edition to Betty Rainsford, author of the original book, who was so pleased to receive it. There are still books available to purchase at the
back of the hall. A number of guests joined us for Choral Evensong that evening. The preacher at this service was Bishop Gordon McMullan, who served as Curate of St Columba’s from 1969-1971 and as Rector from 1976-1980. The prayers were led by another former Rector, Archdeacon Gregor McCamley, the longest serving Rector of St Columba’s from 1980 - 2007. This was the first time that I have shared worship with two of my predecessors in St. Columba’s, who both contributed so much to the growth of the parish. It was a most memorable conclusion to this wonderful weekend of celebrations, services, prayer, fellowship and friendship. This was swiftly followed by our Annual Sunday School Prize-Giving on Sunday 12th June. We have focused on encouraging children in our parish to join us. We have an increasing number of children attending Sunday School and it was a delight to hand out the prizes to the excited children. Thank you to Joyce Stevenson and her team of Sunday School teachers, to Rachel Leacock, and to Lynn Ryan, our Crèche coordinator, for all of their hard work and for all that they do to encourage our children to come along to church and join in. It is delightful to see increasing numbers of the Sunday School children participating in our All Age Worship services each month.
CHURCH PAINTING Following the successful completion of the refurbishments of the West End of our church, the Select Vestry received many requests from parishioners to get the interior of St Columba’s painted to enhance the special features following the fitting of the new Rose window (kindly donated by the Cramp Family), as well as the very popular new tea point at the back of church. Every family in the parish was given an opportunity to make a voluntary donation to our Painting Appeal. Within five weeks of this appeal being launched, over £11,500 was received which enabled the Select Vestry to sign the contract with the original contractors who painted the church over 20 years ago. All of the painting took place during June and July. The disruption was minimal and the extra money raised allowed us to also paint the Upper Church Hall, to compliment the new windows and blinds, and the entrance hall. Thank you for your focused support and generosity to this appeal. The old kitchen in the Choir Vestry was removed and new toilet facilities were installed. This proved to be a wonderful addition, especially during our Christmas Tree Festival, when we had large numbers of visitors. During August, Mark Wilson sanded the floor of the Church Hall back to the bare wood and sealed it. This has made a huge difference. It beautifully
complements the new blinds and freshly painted walls. Thank you to Mark for his hard work and time. By focusing our efforts on the painting and work to the hall and floor, our organisations can enjoy a more comfortable environment. All of this work has recently been complimented by the new coverings on the hall chairs. The Select Vestry was required to purchase a new computer for the parish office and a laptop for our Honorary Treasurer, Gillian Sadlier due to the increasing demands of our ever-growing parish. Both are now working smoothly, and I thank Jon Allen for his assistance, time, persistence and patience as he focused on successfully moving data onto the two new computers, in strict accordance with Data Protection. Our Honorary Treasurer and Parish Administrator are now able to focus on their work, instead of struggling with the problems created by an out-of-date system. As a parish, we are extremely fortunate to have an excellent Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, who through her dedicated and focused work, is an invaluable resource to St, Columba’s. She provides wonderful administrative support to both me and the parish, keeping our records up to date in a most conscientious manner. In addition to all her routine work, she quickly navigated her way through the new computer and also provided so much material for the Christmas Tree Festival. In addition, I wish to thank parishioners and the Parish Organisations for their patience and understanding during the weeks that the Parish Office was closed for the installation of the new computer. On Thursday 22nd September, we were delighted to welcome the Ulster Historic Churches Trust Walking Tour, to start their journey of our local churches at St Columba’s. The UHCT is a charity formed to care for Ulster’s churches and places of worship. The visitors enjoyed our beautiful church building and remarked on how well it has been maintained. I thank members of our Property Committee for their focus and guidance, and for their hard work in making sure that our beautiful church building is being sustained for future generations. The Surveyor who conducted the recent Quinquennial Inspection on our buildings commended the Glebe Wardens, Property Committee and Select Vestry for their focused approach to the maintenance of our buildings, which is clearly reflected in their good state of repair.
THE COLUMBAN On Saturday 14 May I travelled to Dublin to attend the General Synod and to receive the award of first prize for The Columban, in the Church of Ireland Communication Competition, in the parish magazine section, from the Most Reverend Dr Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh. It was exciting to receive this award during our special 120th Anniversary year, and I thank our previous Editor Ian Noad for his time, along with the help from his wife Moranne, and our current Editor Billy McAlpine and the team at Minprint for creating this award-winning magazine. What a formidable team! It is by focusing on parish events and receiving regular articles and updates from parishioners, along with the professional services from the graphic designers at Minprint, that we achieved this award. th
Members of the Easter Vestry, memories and reflections of our most inspirational Week of Mission, conducted by the Bishop of Connor during the autumn of 2015, remains with us and encourages us with our daily work in the parish, as together we seek to deepen our connections with God, one another and the community. It was a great privilege to welcome back our Missioner on two occasions last year, firstly when Bishop Alan Abernethy conducted a seminar in the church entitled “The Struggle with Prayer”. This was a most enlightening and encouraging evening as we focused on the significance of prayer. On Harvest Sunday, which marked the first anniversary following the Week of Mission, Bishop Alan returned to further encourage us in our ministry when he preached at the All Age Worship service. This was followed by a most enjoyable Harvest Lunch organised by our Catering Committee. I thank its members Clodagh Reid, Emma Macpherson, Isobel McDowell, Suzanne Allen, Lindsay Brown and Caroline Auchmuty, along with all those who assisted them in serving a delicious lunch in the Church Hall.
THE CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL The theme of the Week of Mission, “Connections”, was focused in a very practical way in our most successful Christmas Tree Festival, which saw 1,100 visitors to St Columba’s from Thursday 24th-Advent Sunday 27th November. This was an opportunity to strengthen our connections with each other across the parish and to develop them even further in the community. Preparations began in February as The Christmas Tree Committee met with their most conscientious Coordinator Ronny Martin to focus on creating a spectacular display of Christmas Trees, and in turn encouraging visitors to come along to see what we do in St Columba’s. This was the first ever Christmas 5
Tree Festival to be held in this local community of East Belfast. The Festival was based around the theme, “Let there be Light”. Rosemary Allister drafted advertisements and designed the beautiful poster and cover for our brochures based on “The Light of the World”, William Holman Hunt’s depiction of Christ knocking on a door covered with brambles: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock,” (Revelation 3:20). The Festival was focused around that famous picture, displayed in our church porch. The dimly-lit church focused attention to the lights on the trees. Each section of church had a theme related to its use. The welcoming candles at the door, the scent of pine in the air, as well as the children singing, created a feast for the senses. Many visitors told us how much the Festival allowed them to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, rather than the commercialism which surrounds us, and how the Incarnation provides us with the strength required for each day. We displayed 50 beautifully decorated trees and raised £9,500 to date for the Church Refurbishment Fund. The Festival was a fantastic success, as you will see shortly. The friendships, the outreach to the local community, and the support from our local schools and businesses could not be purchased. By focusing on these strong relationships, we can continue to strengthen our connections to the community. The feeling of goodwill among our visitors and their families, and support from our local community was simply humbling. I would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work. The charity aspect of the Festival must also be mentioned. Many parishioners gave gifts for our three Charity Trees, which included food for the local foodbank hampers appeal through Christians Against Poverty, gifts for the Children’s Hospice and clothing items for the rough sleepers in Belfast. The charities of CAP, Children’s Hospice and the Welcome Centre were overwhelmed by your kindness. This is the first time we have supported the Welcome Organisation and they were amazed by the clothing they received, which was kindly delivered by Pam & Murray Hunter. I personally delivered the children’s gifts to the Children’s Hospice, where I was warmly welcomed. Murray and Pam Hunter kindly took the food donations for the Hamper Appeal, which we support each year in December, to CAP. They were gratefully acknowledged and Pam and Murray saw first-hand how the food was put to immediate use. The collection box on the Snowman Tree for Autism NI received donations of £60, and this was also kindly acknowledged. After the Festival, Geoff Launchbury sold the remaining Christmas Trees to parishioners raising £175 and Moira Saunders sold the remaining sets of lights.
All the money was used towards church funds. Any trees which were left were used to decorate the church for Christmas, and many parishioners and guests enjoyed the spectacle.
‘BEAT THE STREET’ St Columba’s had a unique opportunity to connect with the community through our participation in ‘Beat The Street’ under the leadership and focused work of Sarah Reid. We entered an enthusiastic team into the Northern Ireland ‘Beat The Street’ game for seven weeks from 14th Sept-2nd Nov. The aim of the game was to walk, cycle, scoot or run as many journeys as possible during the seven weeks. Our team scored points on their way to and from work, school, shops or while walking their dogs by tapping their ‘Beat The Street’ card on Beat Box sensors placed on lamp posts at intervals across Belfast. By the end of the game, our focused St Columba’s team of 30 people clocked up a total of 14,980 points and 725 miles. This amazing achievement put us at the top of the community group leader board, earning a fantastic prize of £500 for the Church. I thank Sarah Reid for her great enthusiasm and for coordinating our parish team to victory.
IN JOYFUL HOPE On Ascension Day, we focused on our ecumenical outreach in a very poignant way by hosting the “In joyful Hope” Holy Communion service. It was a great privilege to welcome clergy and laity from different Christian traditions to St Columba’s. Since its inception in 2010, clergy and laity meet ‘In Joyful Hope’, four times yearly, at a variety of church venues to experience, through Holy Communion, the realisation that Christ is present with us. Those who attend “In Joyful Hope” acknowledge the differences that exist in theological interpretation and liturgical practice, but believe that the joy of being present at the Eucharistic worship of another Christian tradition is greater than the pain experienced by some attendees, in being unable to practise fully in the sacrament. This service was in addition to our active involvement and participation in the Belmont and District Council of Churches. We were privileged to have hosted their Advent Carol Service in St Columba’s.
H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH’S 90th BIRTHDAY At each of our church services, we ask for God’s blessing on Elizabeth our Queen. Her Majesty celebrated her 90th birthday last year, which was suitably marked here in St Columba’s both on the Sunday nearest to her birthday and by the Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group when they focused on creating a Vintage Tea Party on Monday 13th June, delightfully hosted by Joy Montgomery, Rosemary Coffey and their team. The Choir Vestry was decorated, music played and a table quiz was handed out. It was a thoroughly entertaining afternoon as everyone enjoyed the food and the fun in a wonderful celebration of all things royal.
CHURCH SERVICES Throughout 2016, we recorded excellent attendances at our church services, with a further extension of lay participation through those who read the lessons and prayers. I thank Muriel Arndell for coordinating the lectionary rota for us each month and Jill Armstrong, for coordinating the Chalice Administrators rota. It is a delight for me as Rector to share ministry with Canon Ken Smyth, Canon Walter Laverty and our Diocesan Lay Reader Karen McAlpine. Each of them contribute so much to our traditional liturgical worship and we are so fortunate to have them here in St Columba’s. I thank them for all their support and encouragement to me and to the parish. It was a great privilege for me, on Christmas morning, to admit Mark Laverty, a member of the Choir, to the position of Crucifer for St Columba’s. He carries the processional cross in a most reverend and dignified manner. Throughout the year, Murray Hunter, as Honorary Sacristan, and John Proctor, as Honorary Sexton, provide me with great assistance in the important work which they do so quietly behind the scenes. John also looks after the Garden of Rest in a very dignified manner. Kate McGrady, our Parish Cleaner, and Jim Adams, our grass-cutter, ensure that the buildings and grounds are neat and tidy for all seasons. I thank them all for their hard work and for their contribution to the smooth running of the parish. As Thurston Dart once said, “Music is the bicycle upon which liturgy rides”. Here in St Columba’s, our liturgy is greatly enhanced by the hard work of our Organist and Choral Director, Dr Joe McKee, Assistant Organist, Brian Clements, and the members of the Choir. We have experienced musical excellence at so many of our services throughout the year, not least at the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve, when St Columba’s was full to capacity. Members of the Easter Vestry, many of our cathedrals would struggle to produce music of the high standard which we have here in our parish church each week. This musical
excellence is also shared with the local community through the concerts which Dr McKee and the Choir host here. I thank them all for their hard work and support.
FINANCE The audited Financial Accounts, which our Honorary Treasurer will shortly present, clearly reflect the busyness of the past year which recorded a surplus of £10,012 I thank those parishioners who financially support the parish, and those who Gift Aid their donations. In addition to weekly giving through Standing Order, Free Will Offering or loose cash, there were other fundraising activities which were well supported, e.g. the Painting Appeal (over £11,500), The Christmas Tree Festival (over £9,500), and Mission and Charities, as well as the various collections of food, clothing and children’s gifts at the Christmas tree Festival, producing a very focused and successful year. The refreshments after the All Age Worship services allows everyone to support many different charities throughout the year. I thank Suzanne Allen for all her hard work organising the refreshments. It is so encouraging to see that coffee after church is being so well supported. There is such wonderful fellowship, which is a great feature of St Columba’s. As one parishioner said to me recently following an All Age Worship service, “Rector, do you know that the refreshments here take longer than the service!” I am delighted to report that in addition to enjoying refreshments, we raised £2,298.81 for the charities. It is encouraging to note, as recorded in the parish accounts, that there was an increase in the amount collected in the Mission and Charities Envelopes of £1,968. In addition to this very generous fundraising, Charles Auchmuty received £1,800 following the coffee morning in the Rectory to assist with the Jengana projects in Kenya. While there, Charles and the team were building houses, landscaping and assisting with street feeding projects as well as working in an orphanage. The Select Vestry further assisted Jengana by allocating £1,500 from the Mission and Charities Envelopes and £544 from the Advent Carol Service. However, we have 450 families on our parish database, of which 130 families do not participate-by coming to church services, involvement in parish organisations or by financial giving. If each of these families were to contribute only £2 per week (the price of a cup of coffee!), we would have an additional income of £13,520. That would
be of great benefit and blessing to the work of our parish. We need everyone to contribute in all aspects-do not just be a name on the database. Remember, the church is there only by the grace of those families who support it. I encourage everyone to focus on their role in our active church and make this a priority for the future. A parishioner is described in the dictionary as “someone who lives in a particular parish and regularly goes to church”. Standing Order is our preferred method of giving and is the most secure way of contributing to the work of St Columba’s. However, the difficulty with Standing Orders is that we can forget about it, and we do not review the amount we give to our church for many years. During the weeks of Lent I encourage you, like myself, to review the amount you contribute financially to St Columba’s, to further assist with the work and development of the parish. All additional contributions will be very gratefully received. St. Columba’s, like all parishes, is now registered with the Charities Commission for Northern Ireland. and we are fully compliant with these new regulations which have recently come into force. You will notice that the financial accounts before you tonight are prepared in compliance with these new regulations. Our Honorary Treasurer Gillian Sadlier, and our Assistant. Honorary Treasurer Victor Dukelow have been working through the necessary paperwork. I thank them both for their commitment, focus and hard work to ensure that our financial records are in strict keeping with the new legislation.
CANONRY IN DOWN CATHEDRAL I was greatly honoured to have been appointed a Canon of Down Cathedral by Bishop Harold Miller. It was a most uplifting Installation service, with magnificent music from the Organist and Choir of Down Cathedral, joined by Dr Joe McKee and our Parish Choir. I was deeply humbled by the kindness Caroline, Charles, Henry and I received in the Cathedral on that night from Dean Henry Hull, Archbishop Robin Eames, Bishop Harold Miller, from parishioners from St Columba’s and parishioners from previous parishes where I had served. On the following Sunday, David Craig presented a generous cheque from the Select Vestry on behalf of the parish towards my green cassock, following his extremely kind speech. All those who were in St Columba’s on that day enjoyed the delicious “Installation” cake with coffee at the West End of the Church. It was a weekend of considerable blessing and encouragement for all of us in the Rectory and the parish. I am most grateful, and wish to convey my sincere thanks for the privilege of the appointment and the support which was kindly expressed in so many ways. 10
CONCLUSION 2016 has been a very busy, exciting and successful year for our parish. By focusing our talents and skills, we have worked together to involve as many people, both inside and outside of the parish as possible in new and innovative ways. This year, we hope to continue this important work. It is only by focusing, that we can hope to achieve the work which God is calling us to do in St Columba’s. May Almighty God guide and direct our work tonight at the Easter Vestry, and throughout this year.
ST COLUMBA’S PARISH CHURCH, KNOCK PARISH OFFICE BEARERS 2017-18 RECTOR - The Reverend Canon John R Auchmuty ASSISTANT PRIEST - The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth ASSISTANT PRIEST - The Reverend Canon Walter Laverty RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN - Jonathan Stewart PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN - John Kerr JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS - Sarah Craig and Grace Owens RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN - Jim Stevenson PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN - Mark Reid HONORARY SECRETARY - John Macpherson HONORARY TREASURER - Gillian Sadlier ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER- Victor Dukelow SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Assistant Hon. Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, Richard Caldwell, David Craig, Andrew Ellis, Andrew Hirst, Elizabeth Leonard, Mark Ryan, Moira Saunders, Mark Wilson INDEPENDENT EXAMINERS Murray Hunter, Niall Armstrong PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Linda Wilson SUPPLEMENTAL PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS David Craig, Moranne Noad, Karen McAlpine, Andrew Ellis DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard SUPPLEMENTAL DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS David Craig, Elizabeth Miller SUPPLEMENTAL DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBER AGED UNDER 30 Hollie Wilson
SERVICES IN APRIL Sunday 2nd 8.15am
The Fifth Sunday in Lent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Joe McKee Romans 8: 6-11 Gospel Clergy John 11: 1-45
All Age Worship and Holy Baptism followed by refreshments Address: Lyndsey Miles, E3 East Belfast Schools’ Worker Readers Senior Sunday School members John 11: 1-45
Choral Evensong Reader Anella Gallen Reader Anella Gallen
Lamentations 3: 19-33 Matthew 20: 17-34
(Purple) Thursday 6th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 9th 8.15am
Palm Sunday (Red) Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Philippians 2: 5-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 21: 1-11 Intercessions Karen McAlpine
Holy Communion Reader Michael Sadlier Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Elizabeth Miller
Palm Sunday Praise in Knock Methodist Church No Service in St. Columba’s
Sunday 16th 8.15am
Easter Day- The First Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader Billy McAlpine Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 1-18 Intercessions Karen McAlpine Please note: There is no 9.30am Family Communion Service.
Holy Communion Reader Alison Acheson Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Clergy
Philippians 2: 5-11 Matthew 21: 1-11
Acts 10: 34-43 John 20: 1-18
Holy Communion Reader Eileen Anderson Gospel Clergy
Revelation 1: 12-18 John 20: 11-18
(White) Thursday 20th Saint Joseph of Nazareth (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 23rd 8.15am
The Second Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 19-31
Holy Communion Reader Henry Auchmuty Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine
Evening Prayer Reader Linda Wilson Reader Linda Wilson
Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 John 20: 19-31
Daniel 6: 1-23 Mark 15: 46-16: 8
(Red) Thursday 27th Saint Mark the Evangelist (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 30th 8.15am
The Third Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Acts 2: 14a, 36-41 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 24: 13-35
Songs of Praise
Healing Service with the Laying On of Hands Reader: Jill Gillespie John 2: 13-22
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
Preacher at the Lunchtime services: The Reverend Doug Baker THEME “Turning the Tables” Preacher at Evening services: The Dean of Down Cathedral, The Very Reverend Henry Hull THEME “Understanding our calling as we walk with Jesus through Holy Week”. Sunday 9th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
Palm Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Palm Sunday Praise in Knock Methodist Church “Called to new loyalties”
Monday 10th 10.15am 1.15-1.45pm 8.00pm
Monday in Holy Week Holy Communion Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by Men’s Club “Called to prayer”
Tuesday 11th 10.15am 1.15-1.45pm 8.00pm
Tuesday in Holy Week Holy Communion Lunchtime service at Knock Methodist Church Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by Mothers’ Union “Called to generosity”
Wednesday 12th 10.15am 1.15-1.45pm 8.00pm
Wednesday in Holy Week Holy Communion Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Church Service of the Word followed by refreshments hosted by The Ladies Guild “Called to be one”
Thursday 13th 10.15am 1.15-1.45pm 8.00pm
Maundy Thursday (White) Holy Communion for Housebound Parishioners followed by refreshments Lunchtime Service in Knock Methodist Church Holy Communion according to the Methodist Rite followed by stripping of the altar. “Called to serve” 14
Friday 14th 12noon-3.00pm 8.00pm
Good Friday The Three Hours Devotions Conductor: The Right Reverend Alan Harper Formerly Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland and Metropolitan Tenebrae Service “Called to trust”
HOLY WEEK LUNCHTIME SPEAKER AT KNOCK METHODIST CHURCH The Reverend Doug Baker Originally from Northern Ireland, Doug graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1972 and received his Master of Divinity degree in 1976 from Princeton Theological Seminary. After more than 30 years of working for reconciliation in Northern Ireland, Doug Baker has seen tensions lessen and violence abate. He serves as a resource to the Irish churches as they develop their own understanding of and capacity for peace-building. This includes facilitating dialogue within particular churches about the place of reconciliation in Christian ministry and also dialogues between those from differing religious, political, and cultural backgrounds. Such dialogues, Doug says, have helped build understanding and nurture relationships.
GOOD FRIDAY THREE HOUR DEVOTIONS CONDUCTOR: The Right Reverend Alan Harper. Formerly Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. The ‘Three Hour Devotions’ on Good Friday is a traditional service of devotion recalling the time when Our Lord was upon the cross. The service is one primarily of reflection and includes many periods of silence. The reading of the Scriptures, the singing of a hymn and listening to a series of short addresses will provide us with food for imaginative contemplation during the silences. For those unable to remain for the duration of the devotions it is possible to leave at the end of each section or during the singing of the hymns. Bishop Alan Harper will undertake a theologically informed reflection on the actions, conversations and silences on the Hill of Golgotha as conveyed by the four evangelists in their several accounts.
Holy Week Preacher: The Very Reverend Henry Hull Very Rev Henry Hull was born in Belfast and educated at Strandtown Primary School, Grosvenor High School and Queens University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1979. He taught in Portadown College of Further Education and then served as a leader in Community of the King before moving to London. He worked for the Bible Reading Fellowship and was on the staff of the Church of England’s General Synod, in the Council for Christian Unity. He undertook further study on the North Thames Ministerial Training Course based at Oak Hill College, London and was ordained in Southwark Cathedral by Bishop Roy Williamson. He served as Team Curate and then Team Vicar at St Nicholas Church in the Kidbrooke Team Ministry in SE London He returned to Northern Ireland in 2001 to become Rector of the Lecale Group of Parishes and was appointed Dean of Down in 2006. Henry is also an Oblate of Holy Cross Monastery Rostrevor. Henry is married to Gerry and they have four grown up children and currently six grandchildren. He is an avowed Francophile and his other interests include rugby reading and travel.
God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
SIDESPERSON’S ROTA Sunday, 2nd Sunday, 9th Sunday, 16th Sunday, 23rd Sunday 30th
The Macpherson family Rosemary and Ivan Coffey Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury Joan Madill and Jack Dunlop Yvonne and John Robb 16
Decorating the Church for Easter
Saturday, 15th April 10.30am- 12.30pm
No flower arranging skills necessary! Gifts of flowers and a willingness to help are all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating! Refreshments in the Rectory Cash for Gold! Spring cleaning? Clearing out the house? Did you know that we accept gold or silver jewellery for church funds? We can take single earrings, broken chains, watches etc. and transfer it into funds for our church! Why not see what you can do to boost funds for our parish by bringing along your old jewellery! Thank you. Contact: Liz McCaughey (07849 554079) for more details.
Thought for the Month
It is an honour to be asked to write in ‘The Columban’. When I was invited to become the first official Crucifer, I was delighted to accept and have the opportunity to carry the processional cross up the aisle of the church at the beginning of our Sunday worship. For many years, when my father was the rector in St John’s Orangefield, I had the privilege of carrying the cross; so it is good to be able to keep up that tradition. In fact, I look on it as a “calling” which is why the rector led a simple act of dedication and blessing at the beginning of the Family service on Christmas morning. Since Dad retired 3 years ago I have found my spiritual home in St Columba’s where I now enjoy fellowship with the choir and the Men’s Club on Monday evenings. It would be my sincere wish to form many more friendships with the congregation because, as yet, I do not know too many people. God willing I hope to be around for many years to come. To return to my role as parish crucifer, hymn 484 “Lift high the Cross” has always had a very special meaning to me-not only because I do it literally but it speaks to us about the love of God who gave His son for us and forgives us. This is at the very heart of what we believe and it gives us hope. It is a great pleasure to be writing in this edition of the magazine because it contains details of Holy Week and Easter services when we remember the road to the cross and the empty cross on Easter Day. Lift high the cross the love of Christ proclaim Till all the world adore his sacred name. Lord Christ, once lifted high on Calvary’s tree, As thou has promised, draw us all to thee: Could anything be more appropriate?
Happy Easter. Mark Laverty Our sincere thanks to Mark for sharing his ‘Thought’ with us. The April ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Eleanor Launchbury.
Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 9145 8706). The Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the Residential and Nursing Homes throughout the parish during April. The Clergy will also be conducting private Holy Communion services in the homes of those housebound parishioners who are unable to attend any of the Easter services.
Hospital Visiting The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Please do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations change and there have been occasions recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (9145 8706) to enable them to take note of the details. Thank you
Holy Baptism
From the Registers Our Joys
Sunday 19th March
Ruby Catherine Hirst 200 Kings Road
Our Sorrows Christian Burials Thursday 23rd February
Hannah Creighton
Hamilton Nursing Home, Ballyclare Monday 27th February
Anna Patricia McKay
151 Kings Road
Thursday 2nd March
Anne Elizabeth McNabb
12 Ravensdene Park
Holy Communion for Senior Parishioners in St. Columba’s Parish Church on MAUNDY THURSDAY, 13th April at 10.15am With Holy Week Hymns and seasonal refreshments. Please phone the Parish Office 028 90656891 (Monday-Friday 9.00am-1.00pm) to arrange transport.
PAUSE It has been a glorious day today! The sun shone brightly (sunglasses for driving), the birds were very busy and I was feeling a little more energetic. The grass looks fine and the hedge is not yet waving new growth at me. Great! Pause does not have seasons. We meet throughout the year. This month we are visiting another new venue. If you are free on Wednesday, 5th April do Pause at Jack’s Coffee Bar, 10.30am for tea/coffee and scone/traybake. It is in Eastside Visitor Centre in the CS Lewis Square. Perhaps some of us will take a short stroll along the Greenway! I look forward to seeing you there. If you require further details or help with transport please contact me. Eileen (028 9020 3684)
Ladies Afternoon Badminton Club Fancy having our Christmas Social on 21st February 2017! We did just that and therefore were able to include all our members and an ex-member too. We enjoyed our individual choice for a light lunch at the National Trust’s Belmont Tower and then lingered a little longer to relax and chat. On Tuesday afternoons, when we meet from 2.00pm in the church hall, each member usually plays three games. With the spruced up floor and new blinds conditions are good so if you would like to join us and play ‘gentle badminton’ please phone Kyleen at 9079 7155. Kyleen 20
LENTEN LUNCH The church hall was buzzing for what was a hugely successful and well-attended Lenten Lunch on Sunday, March 4 following All Age Worship. As usual, the atmosphere was lively and convivial with the new layout of tables put together in long rows proving to be a big hit with all those who partook of the quiche and salad provided by the hardworking catering committee. The many children who were there also thoroughly enjoyed their hot dogs. For the adults, the whole thing was polished off with tea/coffee and buns. A total of ÂŁ1,500 was raised, before Gift Aid, for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund on what was a highly enjoyable gathering. Michael Sadlier
Railway and Model Club The main item this last month was the talk, given to members and friends, by Robin Haldane. I have been interested in railways since my late father bought me an ‘o’ gauge clockwork model railway set....when I was 6 years of age. My grandfather was a blacksmith on the old BCDR so I also have some wonderful memories from the 1940’s. I thought I knew a little about railways and their operation.....I was wrong. Robin’s talk was a great description of what it really means when you decide to lay the track on a modern railway. What metals are used to make the rails, how the rails are joined together to give passengers a comfortable journey etc. Robin answered many questions from the members, in a manner which we could all understand. A very interesting and enjoyable evening for us all. On the morning of the Lenten Lunch, we again had a number of parishioners coming down to see the layout in operation and view the 1200th scale harbour layout. Most had not been to see the layout before that morning, and they all expressed surprise at the size and content of both layouts. Our next open event will hopefully be a day-out at Whitehead, to see the Railway Preservation’s Museum. This will be a joint event with St Columba’s Men’s Club. Watch this space. Till next time......keep ‘er rollin. David B.
MUMS AND TOTS For fun, food and friendship, Friday mornings at Mums and Tots is the place to be. It is amazing to watch a quiet, shy child develop social skills and learn to interact in such a friendly, happy environment. So if you are three or under, come along on a Friday morning from 10.00am to 11.45am and do not forget to bring an adult with you! Anne 22
Sunday School 2nd April.................................................10.30 am All Age Worship 9th April................................................. 10. 30 am Sunday School 16th April.................... Easter Sunday, 10. 30 am Holy Communion 23rd April................................................. Holiday 30th April...............................................10.30 am Sunday School The children have received a lot of praise for their singing of ‘Give me oil in my lamp’ at the All Age Worship service in March. Well done to all who sang - they made a great sound. Also congratulations to Yasmin who read for the first time in March. In April we will be busy making Easter crafts and these will be displayed in church over the Easter period. Joyce Stevenson
Ladies Bowls Last month we started our Pairs Competition with 16 entrants. In February we played our annual match with Knock Presbyterian at Knock. We had a lovely afternoon even though we lost! It is hard to believe the season has gone so quickly - we will be finishing before Easter. Phyllis
All Age Worship We continue to support a number of very worthwhile charities through the kind donations made at the start of each month, following the All Age Worship service. In March we raised a fantastic £130.50 on behalf of the Northern Ireland Hospices. In April we will be supporting Muscular Dystrophy UK, which helps the 70,000 people living with muscle-wasting conditions in the UK. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are making a real difference to our chosen charities. Thank you for your ongoing generosity. Suzanne 23
Ladies Guild Are the old musicals still the best? I’ll leave you to make up your own mind but here are some of the comments I received after the Ladies’ Guild showed ‘Singing in the Rain’. “This film, made in 1951, was exciting and relevant when compared with present day films”. “Delightful old musical with a feel good factor and it had us all tapping and singing along.” “‘Singing in the Rain’ brought back many happy memories of days gone by.” “A fun film, very entertaining for a varied age group.” “Very good acting, singing and dancing, a most enjoyable evening.” All in all a good choice. On the 15th March we have our annual Charity Evening. This year we are looking forward to Kieran Hughes from the Welcome Organisation. This group helps those who have become homeless and Kieran will tell us about their work. May I remind you also that we are still collecting stamps for the Leprosy Association. Imelda
Mothers’ Union Thank you to Mothers’ Union members and parishioners who donated soap bags and toiletries and helped sort and pack over 60 hospital soap bags at our Projects and Overseas meeting on 7th March. Looking ahead Mothers’ Union Members and parishioners are invited to attend our next meeting on 4th April when we will be joined by Dr Khris Baraniuk, NI/ROI Co-ordinator of the Barnabas Fund. Dr Baraniuk will give an insight into the work of the fund which is an international, interdenominational Christian aid agency that supports Christians who face discrimination or persecution as a consequence of their faith. He will also share with us experiences from his journey to Lebanon and Syria in May 2016, what he saw and the people he met. Finally just a reminder that Mothers’ Union will provide refreshments after 10.30am service on Mothering Sunday, 26th March. Members are asked to bring tray bakes and buns to the back of church before the service. Many thanks Katrina and Jill
Afternoon Group At the February meeting of the Afternoon Group we were delighted to welcome Laurence from ‘Engage with Age’. He entertained us with archive footage of old films of Belfast and Bangor from a bygone age. It reminded us of a time when fire engines had wooden ladders and there were more horses and carts than cars on the Queen’s Bridge. After the viewing we enjoyed afternoon tea and chat. There will be no Afternoon Group meeting in April because of Holy Week but anyone who is free is welcome to join us for coffee after communion on the Monday morning. The summer outing will be on Monday, 8th May. A coach will take us to Killyleagh to visit the castle. After soup in the Dufferin Arms Clive Scoular will take us on a tour of the village and tell us about some of the famous sons of Killyleagh. The afternoon will finish with afternoon tea in Lisbane Post Office. Looking forward to seeing our members on both occasions. Joy
Men’s Club Last month proved to be a busy one for the club. As mentioned in the last article, we held our annual Social evening on the 13th February. An enjoyable evening was had by the members along with friends and family. Thanks to Alan Rogers for the catering on the night and also to Stewart for organising the games. In the same week we travelled to our neighbours at St Colmcilles on the 16th for a match which lived up to its customary expectation of good fun and fellowship followed by a delicious spread!! The result of the game? 41-34 in our favour. Well done to all who played and assisted on the night. All club competitions are now at the Final stages. Hard to believe we are already looking at organising our Annual General Meeting end of season dinner and prize-giving.
Photowall Digital cameras, especially those incorporated in mobile phones, make the taking and sharing of photographs so much easier. I propose to introduce a new feature to the magazine to be called ‘PHOTOWALL’. This will be a collage of photographs, taken and sent in by parishioners, on a particular theme. I would like the first of these to appear in the June edition and the theme will be ‘YOUR FAMILY PET(S)’. Please start taking photographs of your pets and send one, along with your name and the pet’s name, to the following email address (please note this is different from the general magazine email). The photographs should reach me by Friday, 5th May.
From the Organ Bench I find it difficult to take in, but I am now into my fourth year as Organist at St Columba’s. The months seem to have flown past, never mind the years! Obviously I have come to know the members of the choir very well over this time, as well as quite a few other parishioners, not least due to the regular get-togethers for refreshments at the back of the church after morning services. In passing … and it can’t be said often enough … taking away those pews at the back of the building has created a wonderful new space for the choir to sing occasional introits and communion motets AS WELL as greatly enhancing the acoustic of the building AND giving us all a lovely ambience in which to meet. Thanks to those who had the vision to suggest this in the first instance, and to those whose generosity made it possible. This little article, however, is to promote another quite separate facet of parish life in Knock. Now that I’m less fully occupied (i.e. more or less retired) I am often free to attend the 10.30 service of Holy Communion on Thursday mornings. Over the years I have been a regular at the 8.15am service on Sundays, but the Thursday service is distinctively different. It is a weekday, of course, so people are dressed less formally, and there is tea, coffee and nibbles each week before we head off in our different directions. The whole thing is done and dusted in 30 minutes, followed by a goodnatured “procession” to the Choir Vestry for the munchies. We are very well served by our three Canons (Auchmuty, Smyth and Laverty) and the chat afterwards is charcterised by banter, laughter and fun. There’s often organ music before and afterwards but don’t worry … you won’t be asked to sing as there are no hymns. As someone who is always valued the privilege of being able to attend a weekly eucharist whenever possible, I didn’t think I would ever look forward to the service of Holy Communion in quite this way. If you do not believe me, simply come along any Thursday and give it a go. You will be made very welcome. Joe McKee
Any articles or photographs for publication in the May parish magazine should be handed or emailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 12th April. His contact details are:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390 Email:
We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks 27
The Brownies have been busy learning their promise and law all ready for our enrolment celebrations where the newest girls made their promise and became official Brownies with their shiny badges and certificates. It was a wonderful night with several girls making their promise and we were lucky enough to be joined by family members and the girls offered up tea and coffee with a few treats as well. The families were then put on the spot and had their knowledge tested by quizzes that the girls had prepared for them with much sought after bottles of wine as their prizes ! The girls have started to prepare for their Healthy Heart badge and will be going on an outing to Dundonald ice bowl for some exercise with ten pin bowling in the next few weeks. Amanda, Kathryn and Katie
APRIL FLOWER ROTA Sunday 2nd ............................................................Wendy Killen Sunday 9th........................................... Palm Leaves & Greenery Sunday 16th..............................Easter Lilies by Caroline Cramp Sunday 23rd .............................................................Pam Hunter Sunday 30th ............................................................May Preston 28
CHURCH CAR PARKING As our winter season of Church Services and Parish Organisations are now well under way, please be sensitive to the residents in the local community by taking care not to block entrances or pavements. Thank you!
Facebook St Columba’s Parish Church is now on Facebook. ‘Like’ our page to see updates on events, services and photos. Search coiknock on Facebook or Messenger to find us easily. For those who are new to St Columba’s and would like more information about the life and membership of the parish, please give your name and phone number to our Churchwardens or contact the Parish Office during office hours Monday-Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm on 028 9065 6891.
Pastoral Care: If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to
speak to someone, please contact the Rector (028 9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 9145 8706).
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...........................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good.......................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard............................................028 9065 3162 29
PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday
Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche Craft and Hobby Circle Ladies Bowling MU Afternoon Group Mens’ Club
Ladies Badminton Ladies Badminton Activity Group Mothers’ Union
Brownies Doves Railway and Model Club Bible Study Group Ladies Guild
Art Club Choir
Mums & Tots
Toddler Soccer (3-5 years) Pause
Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am
Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Lynn Ryan 07955 479065 1st and 3rd Monday each month Carol Willis 10.30am 9079 9997 2.00pm Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2nd Monday each month 2.30pm Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm John Robb 9058 1438 10.30am Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 Maureen Irwin Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 9079 5155 Katrina Dukelow 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 9029 0625 6.30pm Amanda Fee 07739 039750 6.30pm Moira Saunders 07739 041392 7.00pm David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Imelda Shephard 3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9079 7683 9.30am Billy Nelson 9048 3889 7.30pm Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 10.00am Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45 - 4.30pm Tim Wareing 07740 120788 As arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 As arranged David Kelly 9079 6658 Social events as arranged Emma Macpherson 9028 2076
Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.
WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:
The Reverend Canon John R Auchmuty
St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514
The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth
3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706
The Reverend Canon Walter Laverty
6, Hanwood Heights Dundonald BT16 1XU 028 95738743
Diocesan Lay Reader
Karen McAlpine
Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus)
Bryn Harris
028 9187 8816
Rector’s Churchwarden
Jonathan Stewart
028 9041 0514
People’s Churchwarden
John Kerr
028 9076 0027
Assistant Priests
Junior Churchwardens
Sarah Craig & Grace Owens
Rector’s Glebewarden
Jim Stevenson
028 9058 3381 07973 392448
People’s Glebewarden
Mark Reid
028 9028 4367 07810 648167
Honorary Sexton
John Proctor
028 9087 0526 07989 469773
Select Vestry
Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, Richard Caldwell, David Craig, Andrew Ellis, Andrew Hirst, Elizabeth Leonard, Mark Ryan, Moira Saunders, Mark Wilson
Honorary Secretary
John Macpherson
10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF 028 9028 2076
Honorary Treasurer
Gillian Sadlier
70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG 028 9040 3278
Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Victor Dukelow
028 9029 0625
Gift Aid Secretary
Ronny Martin
028 9079 0821 07526 396838
Parochial Nominators
Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Linda Wilson
Diocesan Synod members
Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard Hollie Wilson (under 30)
Organist and Choral Director
Dr Joe McKee
07976 294574
Assistant Organist
Brian Clements
028 9079 3641
Reader’s and Intercessor’s Co-ordinator
Muriel Arndell
028 9065 5500
Sidesperson’s rota Co-ordinator
Rosemary Coffey
028 9754 2198
Crèche rota Co-ordinator
Lynn Ryan
07955 479065
Magazine Editor
Billy McAlpine
028 9042 4390
Parish Webmaster
Ivan Roche
028 9514 0141
C of I Gazette Distributor
Moranne Noad
028 9079 3704
Bible Reading Fellowship notes
Evan Preston
028 9048 9884
Church flowers
Eleanor Launchbury
028 9028 1204
Premise’s Convenor
Stewart Beckwith
028 9048 6622
Mark Laverty
028 9573 8743
Parish Office Administrator/ Financial Giving Secretary
Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm
028 9065 6891