May 2017

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The Columban

Jean Franciois de Troy, 1721, The Ascension

st. columba’s church, knock, may 2017

Rector’s Letter

Dear Parishioner,

CHURCH SOUND SYSTEM Difficulty hearing properly in church can be very frustrating! This applies to members of the congregation as well as the clergy and those speaking at our services. Each one will have spent considerable time preparing sermons, bible readings, prayers, or leading the liturgy each Sunday. If the words are not clearly heard, we are unable to receive the full blessings and support which they provide. It is essential that we have a sound system in St Columba’s which is fit for purpose, especially as more parishioners are sharing in the leading of worship. We also want to make sure that the choir can be heard clearly in every part of the church as they sing introits at the West End of the church, and anthems and motets during the administration of Holy Communion. David Deane has worked tirelessly over many years to keep our very old sound system operational. This has not been an easy task, and he has spent many hours nursing the equipment along and carrying out repairs to it when necessary. During the refurbishment of the West End of the church, David sought Select Vestry approval so that when the floor was opened, he could lay cables under the pews from the back to the front of the church for the upgrading of the sound system. 2

This removed many of the cables from the wall beside the door. This long overdue work to the sound system has been recently completed. We now have equipment in place which can support future developments and requirements. I am grateful to David, his son Graham, and Jim Best for their hard work during this essential project. It is thanks to them that the parish has saved a considerable amount of money, as together they pooled their necessary skills and time to successfully complete the work. We can now hear with greater clarity all the words and music in our services. At the last All Age Worship Service, the new sound system enabled the six Sunday School children who participated in the reading of the lesson, (which had 45 verses!), to be clearly heard and enjoyed by the congregation. They all read extremely well much to the delight of everyone involved. Thank you to all those who supported our recent fundraising initiatives which enabled this work to be done. The total cost was ÂŁ5,000. It is a blessing that this work was all completed in time for our Holy Week and Easter services, with so many visitors in attendance. Many compliments were received on the effective sound system. Please contact David Deane if you would like to assist with the recording of the 10.30am services, which are uploaded onto our parish website each week: Yours in His service,


God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 3

SERVICES IN MAY Thursday 4th Saint Philip and Saint James (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry (White) Sunday 7th The Fourth Sunday of Easter 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Billy Nelson Acts 2: 42-49 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 10: 1-10 10.30am All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Lara Ford John 10: 1-10 7.00pm Choral Evensong Reader Tillie Heyburn Ezra 3: 1-13 Reader Tillie Heyburn Luke 19: 37-48 (White) Thursday 11th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 14th The Fifth Sunday of Easter (White) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Irene Gray Acts 7: 55-60 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 14: 1-14 10.30am Holy Communion Reader Eleanor Launchbury Acts 7: 55-60 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 14: 1-14 Intercessions Barbara Laverty 7.00pm Compline Reader Caroline Cleland-Higginson Luke 2: 25-32 (Red) Thursday 18th Saint Matthias (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 21st 8.15am

The Sixth Sunday of Easter (White) Rogation Sunday Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Acts 17: 22-31 Gospel Clergy John 14: 15-21 4

9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm

Family Communion Gospel Janie Reid John 14: 15-21 Morning Prayer followed by refreshments hosted by the Railway and Model Club Reader David Beattie Isaiah 41: 17-20 Reader Suzanne Allen John 14: 15-21 Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine Holy Communion Reader Fiona Haldane Revelation 21: 22- 22:5 Gospel Clergy John 21: 1-14

Ascension Day (White) Thursday 25th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 28th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Seventh Sunday of Easter Sunday after Ascension Day Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Karen McAlpine Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Noel Higginson Evening Prayer Reader Jill Gillespie Reader Jill Gillespie


Acts 1: 6-14 John 17: 1-11 Acts 1: 6-14 John 17: 1-11

2 Samuel 23: 1-5 Mark 16: 14-20

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:


St Columba’s, Knock Parish Church Choir. Forthcoming Dates

Spring Recital Organ, Instrumental & Vocal Soloists, The Parish Choir Saturday 6th May at 7.00pm Donations to Choir Funds and Choral Scholarships Followed by a short informal reception. Patronal Festival Services Sunday 4th June 10.30am Choral Eucharist with the Right Reverend Patrick Rooke, Bishop of Tuam 7.00pm Choral Evensong with the Reverend Helene Steed, Rector of St Mark’s Dundela Annual Patronal Concert The Parish Choir and Guest Soloists Saturday 24th June at 7.00pm Donations to Parish Funds Followed by refreshments on the lawn. Please keep these important dates free and bring them to the attention of family and friends.


Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 91458706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during May: Rector Canon Smyth Laurel Grove Avenue Lochinver Drive Laurelvale Manna Grove Lead Hill View Manse Road Lisnabreeny Road Martinez Avenue Marina Park Massey Park Massey Court MillGate, Gilnahirk Road

Hospital Visiting The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Please do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations change and there have been occasions recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (9145 8706) to enable them to take note of the details. Thank you

Confirmation 2017

Confirmation classes have commenced for those parishioners who will be confirmed by the Bishop of Down and Dromore this year. It will be a great privilege for me to present our candidates from St Columba’s to Bishop Harold for confirmation in St Mark’s, Newtownards on Sunday 25th June at 10.30am. Please remember all the candidates and their families in your prayers, as they prepare for this most significant occasion in their lives: Daniel Sadlier Kent Irwin Sophie King (confirmed in Mount Merrion Parish) In addition to these young people preparing for confirmation, there will also be two adult parishioners being confirmed in Newtownards. The Rector 7

MEET THE NEW CHURCHWARDENS Rector’s Churchwarden: Jonathan Stewart I would like to start by thanking the Rector for choosing me as the Rector’s Churchwarden for this year. My wife, Rachel, and son Ethan who is three and a half, joined St Columba’s about three or four years ago after moving near Stormont. Ethan was baptised at St Columba’s in 2014. We received a great welcome and have met so many of the parish over the years through the Mum’s and Tot’s group, helping at the crèche and at the Young Families events. I was nominated and elected onto the Select Vestry in 2015 and am now looking forward to another year, working with a great Vestry, as the Rector’s Churchwarden.

People’s Churchwarden: John Kerr My wife Lauren and I began attending St Columba’s together around twelve years ago although Lauren had attended with her mum Isobel for some time before that. Ten years ago last December we were married in the Church by the former rector, Archdeacon McCamley. I have two boys, Alex who is six and Sam who is four, both are in Greenwood Primary and enjoy Sunday School. I grew up in North Belfast and attended school at Belfast Royal Academy and later studied Economics at Queen’s. I currently work as an economist in the public sector. In any spare moments I enjoy spending time with my family, walking around Stormont with my boys. I also like to run and you may even have occasionally seen me moving (slowly) on the Comber Greenway.

Ladies Bowls We had our last meeting of the season on Monday, 3rd April, when the final of the EILEEN MADILL shield was played. The winners were Helen Coates and Joan Calderwood - well done! Our thanks to the Men’s Club for putting down the mats each Monday and also thank you to the Rector for calling in on us frequently. Wishing a good summer to all. Phyllis 8

PARISH COMMITTEES FINANCE The Rector (Chair) Gillian Sadlier Victor Dukelow Stephen Armstrong Nigel Morrow Richard Caldwell Keith White (in attendance for Pensions discussions)

CATERING Suzanne Allen Caroline Auchmuty Lindsay Brown Emma Macpherson Isobel McDowell Clodagh Reid

CHURCH HALL The Rector (Chair) Brian Acheson Victor Dukelow John McKeown Mark Reid Gillian Sadlier Jim Stevenson

PROPERTY The Rector (Chair) John McKeown John Proctor Mark Reid Jim Stevenson Moira Saunders Mark Wilson

FUNDRAISING The Rector (Chair) David Craig, Elizabeth Leonard, Clodagh Reid, Moira Saunders, Linda Wilson

From the Registers Our Sorrows Christian Burials Monday 27th March

Lyn Fergusson

74 Kings Road


Folklore has formed part of our culture since ancient times. It evolved over time and it played a large part in people’s lives. The month of May always evokes for me memories of my maternal grandparents and, in particular, two old Irish myths associated with this month. I was born and reared in Enniskillen and in the 1950’s and on 30th April each year I would, as a child, walk with my Granda to an area of marshy land at Coleshill a mile or so from his house. There we would pick a sizeable amount of Marsh Marigolds – we called them May flowers. They are bright yellow like a buttercup but a bit bigger. The flowers were gathered in bunches and shared out to be used by any neighbour who wanted them as well as bringing some back to my own home. In the evening the flowers were scattered on the outside windowsills and at the front door to prevent bad luck from entering the house for the rest of the year. The origins of this are supposedly in protection from witches. Up in the top garden of my grandparent’s house there was an old and very large Hawthorn tree which was a sight to behold when the May blossom appeared and it was covered in a profusion of white flowers. When I was quite young and wanting to do something nice for my Granny I once cut a few branches and brought them in to where she was in the kitchen. There was a moment of great consternation and my Mum was quickly dispatched outside with the offending branches. I was too young at the time to understand why I had caused such a fuss but I have come across two explanations for the alarm – one was that illness would follow the bloom into the house and the other is that it was hawthorn branches that were used to make Christ’s crown of thorns. I think the former was the one causing the alarm for Granny. Many people today, particularly the younger generation, would find it hard to accept that such beliefs existed and were regarded with as much sincerity and, perhaps, even fear as many Christian tenets. My grandparents and parents were staunch in their Christian faith but the adherence to folklore was an important part of their culture and it was not to be dismissed lightly. These specific issues were probably more evident in rural areas and the hawthorn belief is not confined to Ireland but is also well known in parts of England. You might say there is no place for folklore in today’s cynical world where everything is analysed and explained to the ‘nth’ degree but “What do you do when you spill the salt? Our sincere thanks to Eleanor for sharing this ‘Thought’ with us. The June ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Bill Gordon.

Thought for the Month



Since I wrote the PAUSE insert for the Columban in April 2016 we have met at eleven different locations! We move around quite a lot so hopefully we will meet at a coffee shop near to where you are and on a day when you are free. You are very welcome to come on your own or with friends or family. In April 24 of us gathered at Jack’s Coffee Shop at C.S.Lewis Square and were made very welcome by the staff. In May two further PAUSES are planned: Friday 5th May, 10.30am: Neill’s Hill, Ballyhackamore for tea/coffee. Tuesday 30th May, 10.30am: The Old Mill at Dundonald for tea/coffee. If you need further details or help with transport please contact me. Eileen (028 9020 3684)

Men’s Club

Another successful season has been brought to an end and already we are preparing for next season. We ended our year unbeaten in our matches, had a regular attendance of members on each evening, participated in The Christmas Tree Festival and concluded all our club competitions on time. The last final of the season saw John Robb and Dr Billy Nelson emerging victorious against Alan Rogers and Jack Crockard in the Pairs competition playing for the Lamont Trophy. A big thanks must go to our outgoing Captain, Stewart Beckwith, for all his hard work during every club night ably assisted I must add by his Vice Captain, Geoff Launchbury. We held our Annual General Meeting on 3rd April chaired by our President (the Rector). All officers were selected for the next season with the current Chairman, Jack Dunlop, retaining his role. Other officers are Secretary – John Robb, Treasurer – Paddy Malone, Captain - Geoff Launchbury who will be assisted by Dr Billy Nelson in his role as Vice Captain. Alan Rogers will continue as Club Chaplain. Mark Laverty and Jim Stevenson fill the remaining Committee positions. The date for the Annual Dinner and also the club outing has yet to be finalised.



Sunday, 7th ........................................................ Ella Wilkinson Sunday, 14th ...................................................... Moranne Noad Sunday, 21st ................................................. Margaret Stewart Sunday, 28th ..................................................... Roberta Rogers 11

All Age Worship We continue to support a number of very worthwhile charities through the kind donations made at the start of each month, following the All Age Worship service. In March we raised a fantastic £130.50 on behalf of the Northern Ireland Hospices, and in April we raised £119.69 for Muscular Dystrophy UK. In May we will be supporting Vision Aid Overseas, the mission of which is ‘To enable people living in poverty to access affordable glasses and eye care’. Many of you will be familiar with Jonathan Hall through his business in King’s Square. Jonathan has recently returned from Sierra Leone, where he was part of a Vision Aid Overseas team sent to test eyes and give glasses to as many people as possible over a two-week period. Jonathan’s blog is available at http://www. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are making a real difference to our chosen charities. Thank you for your ongoing generosity. Suzanne and Lindsay

Sunday School Sunday, 7th May Sunday, 14th May Sunday, 21st May Sunday, 28th May

10.30 am. 10.30 am. 9.30 am. 10.30 am.

All Age Worship Sunday School Family Communion Sunday School

Well done to the SEVEN readers who read at the April All Age Worship service! Rachel did an excellent job in preparing them for this. The children from all the Sunday School classes produced some lovely Easter crafts in April and this was displayed in church over the Easter period. Our last Sunday School session is on 28th May. The Sunday School Prize giving service will be at the All Age Worship service on 11th June. I hope there will be a great turn out for that service. Joyce


Sunday, 7th May Sunday, 14th May Sunday, 21st May Sunday, 28th May

Moira Saunders and Jill Armstrong Liz McCaughey and Joy Montgomery Katrina and Victor Dukelow Jill and Brian Gillespie 12

YOUNG FAMILIES Who needs to escape to Provence to déguster the oldest Châteauneuf Du Pape? Or travel to Normandy to goûter the finest Camembert? Certainly not the Young Families Group! Instead we enjoyed a Wine and Cheese evening hosted at the (much more conveniently located) Rectory! On Friday 24th March our group’s members found our thirst quenched and our hunger satisfied with a huge array of different cheeses from all over the globe and a generous quantity of chilled white and expertly aerated red. In addition, we sampled all the tasty chutneys, grapes, crackers and biscuits on offer. And even better, it was for a fantastic cause as all donations went towards the recent parish Christmas Tree Festival. Between the sumptuous feast and the wonderful company and enthusiastic chatter, what more could we want for a merry Friday night? Many thanks and full credit must go to Emma McPherson and Caroline Auchmuty for organising and hosting such a tremendous evening. I hope we didn’t leave too many glasses for the Rector to wash up because we definitely hope to make this a regular feature in the group’s social calendar! Hint hint. :-) Rachel Leacock


Canon Ken Smyth Assistant Priest

Canon John Auchmuty Rector


Jonathan Stewart Rector’s Churchwarden

Suzanne Allen

John Kerr People’s Churchwarden

Richard Caldwell

Elizabeth Leonard

Jim Stevenson Rector’s Glebewarden

David Craig

Mark Ryan

Andrew Ellis

Moira Saunders


Mark Reid People’s Glebewarden

Andrew Hirst

Mark Wilson


Canon Walter Laverty Assistant Priest

Karen Patterson Parish Administrator & Financial Giving Secretary

Joe McKee Organist & Choral Director

Brian Clements Assistant Organist

Karen McAlpine Diocesan Reader


John Macpherson Honorary Secretary

Gillian Sadlier Honorary Treasurer

Victor Dukelow Asst. Honorary Treasurer

Jack Dunlop Gift Aid Secretary


JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Murray Hunter Honorary Sacristan

Sarah Craig

John Proctor Honorary Sexton

Grace Owens Stewart Beckwith Premises Convenor


Mark Laverty Crucifer

Ladies Guild On 15th March we gathered for our annual Charity Evening and were delighted to see members from local churches in our audience. Our choice this year was The Welcome Organisation, a local charity which helps people living on the streets of the Greater Belfast Area. Kieran Hughes, their representative, told us some of the varied reasons why people are forced to live on the streets, for example, loss of employment, illness, risk of violence at home, mental illness and addictions.

Welcome have now provided a purpose built Drop in Centre which is open every day of the year. Here there are showers, clean clothes and food available they serve 40,000 hot meals per year. There is also an Art and Craft room where items are made and sold to help with running costs. These are called Street Gems and seasonal boxes are available if you would like to support this worthwhile cause. Welcome continue to provide provision for those in need - they now have Crisis Accommodation for Women, a five bedroom apartment and they are trying to provide similar premises for men. Kieran was delighted to accept a cheque for ÂŁ130 from the Guild and another for ÂŁ100 from Mums and Tots. The Guild also collected a car boot full of clothes and food gifts which they delivered on Saturday, 25th March. If


you would like to help: TEXT ‘WELC33£3’ TO 70070, this donates £3. It’s hard to believe another Guild year is coming to an end and our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, 17th May. We have some resignations and so are looking forward to some new faces. Please speak to any Committee member if you are interested in joining a friendly enthusiastic group. Canon Walter will also be sharing some ‘Highlights’ from his life and I imagine the odd joke or two. Imelda

Photowall Digital cameras, especially those incorporated in mobile phones, make the taking and sharing of photographs so much easier. I propose to introduce a new feature to the magazine to be called ‘PHOTOWALL’. This will be a collage of photographs, taken and sent in by parishioners, on a particular theme. I would like the first of these to appear in the June edition and the theme will be ‘YOUR FAMILY PET(S)’. Please start taking photographs of your pets and send one, along with your name and the pet’s name, to the following email address (please note this is different from the general magazine email). The photographs should reach me by Friday, 5th May.


Hi All, We have been busy little Brownies this month with the completion of our Healthy Heart badge where we learned about how to keep our bodies strong and healthy. We even made delicious fruit smoothies to give our bodies energy. We participated in a game of bowling at the Ice Bowl as some light exercise and had a great night out too! We have just had our annual Easter Egg Hunt with the Doves and created some beautiful bunnies as our Easter craft. We are looking forward to the brighter nights and will be completing our Out and About badge as well as getting prepared for Brownie camp in a few weeks.


Amanda, Kathryn and Katie


Mothers’ Union Thank you to members who attended our meeting on 4th April when we had an interesting presentation by Dr Khris Baraniuk, NI/ROI Co-ordinator of the Barnabas Fund. Thanks also to Mother’s Union Committee members Maureen and Liz for providing refreshments after the 10.30am church service on Mothering Sunday and to the many members who provided delicious sweet treats on the day. Finally, we would like to invite all members to attend our Triennial General meeting on Tuesday 2nd May. This meeting gives all members the opportunity to review our organisation’s past performance and plan ahead for the future. The meeting will be followed by supper in the Rectory. Looking forward to seeing you then. Katrina and Jill

Railway and Model Club This month is very busy. What with Easter and some members going off on holidays!! Even so our aqueduct is nearing completion and Kensington village continues to expand. The scenery for the 00 layout has been purchased, and the side boards will soon be in place. Various buildings continue to appear... planning permission was granted by the Planning Board (i.e. John Robb) and a number of shops will soon be on the high street. Ian has all the track laid for our ‘n’ gauge layout, with all the powered points now operational. Next step is the ballasting of the track, and the building of the scenery. New work areas are also being made. These will mean we don’t have to crawl back and forward, into the centre of the 00 layout, on our hands and knees.....I hope!! So we go on. Hope you will come and visit. In the meantime......keep ‘er rollin!’. David B. 19

Art Club The last painting session will be Thursday, 15th June with the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 25th May. During the month of May the Club will have an exhibition and sale of members’ paintings in the restaurant, called “The Muffler”, at the Spar shop (McCann’s general store) at Balloo, Killinchy. The next art film at the Dundonald Omniplex is about Michelangelo and is scheduled for 6.30pm, 13th June. Also we hope to have a painting trip to Rathlin on Thursday 22nd June, weather permitting, otherwise we try again on Thursday, 29th June. Vida

CHRISTIAN AID, 14 – 20 May 2017 Christian Aid Week is here once again. Did you know that 70% of Christian Aid’s total annual revenue is generated during this period? The money raised is used to train people in different countries in the skills necessary to start businesses and supplying them with the materials needed to do so. It is not allocated through governments. You can help with this important work by delivering and collecting envelopes in one street of houses. These are then brought to the church for our team to count. Every year we need new collectors and if you are interested in helping please speak to me after services at the west end of the church. Thanking you in anticipation of your help. Hazel Reid


Any articles or photographs for publication in the June parish magazine should be handed or emailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 10th May. His contact details are:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390 Email:

We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks 20

CHURCH CAR PARKING As our winter season of Church Services and Parish Organisations are now well under way, please be sensitive to the residents in the local community by taking care not to block entrances or pavements. Thank you!

Facebook St Columba’s Parish Church is now on Facebook. ‘Like’ our page to see updates on events, services and photos. Search coiknock on Facebook or Messenger to find us easily. For those who are new to St Columba’s and would like more information about the life and membership of the parish, please give your name and phone number to our Churchwardens or contact the Parish Office during office hours Monday-Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm on 028 9065 6891.

Pastoral Care: If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to

speak to someone, please contact the Rector (028 9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 9145 8706).

SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...........................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good.......................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard............................................028 9065 3162 21

PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday


Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche Craft and Hobby Circle Ladies Bowling MU Afternoon Group Mens’ Club


Ladies Badminton Ladies Badminton Activity Group Mothers’ Union


Brownies Doves Railway and Model Club Bible Study Group Ladies Guild


Art Club Choir


Mums & Tots


Toddler Soccer (3-5 years) Pause


Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am

Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays

Lynn Ryan 07955 479065 1st and 3rd Monday each month Carol Willis 10.30am 9079 9997 2.00pm Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2nd Monday each month 2.30pm Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm John Robb 9058 1438 10.30am Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 Maureen Irwin Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 9079 5155 Katrina Dukelow 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 9029 0625 6.30pm Amanda Fee 07739 039750 6.30pm Moira Saunders 07739 041392 7.00pm David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Imelda Shephard 3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9079 7683 9.30am Billy Nelson 9048 3889 7.30pm Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 10.00am Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45 - 4.30pm Tim Wareing 07740 120788 As arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 As arranged David Kelly 9079 6658 Social events as arranged Emma Macpherson 9028 2076

Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.


WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:


The Reverend Canon John R Auchmuty

St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514

The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth

3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706

The Reverend Canon Walter Laverty

6, Hanwood Heights Dundonald BT16 1XU 028 95738743

Diocesan Lay Reader

Karen McAlpine

Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus)

Bryn Harris

028 9187 8816

Rector’s Churchwarden

Jonathan Stewart

028 9041 0514

People’s Churchwarden

John Kerr

028 9076 0027

Assistant Priests

Junior Churchwardens

Sarah Craig & Grace Owens

Rector’s Glebewarden

Jim Stevenson

028 9058 3381 07973 392448

People’s Glebewarden

Mark Reid

028 9028 4367 07810 648167

Honorary Sexton

John Proctor

028 9087 0526 07989 469773

Select Vestry

Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, Richard Caldwell, David Craig, Andrew Ellis, Andrew Hirst, Elizabeth Leonard, Mark Ryan, Moira Saunders, Mark Wilson

Honorary Secretary

John Macpherson

10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF 028 9028 2076

Honorary Treasurer

Gillian Sadlier

70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG 028 9040 3278

Assistant Honorary Treasurer

Victor Dukelow

028 9029 0625


Gift Aid Secretary

Jack Dunlop

028 9065 4103

Parochial Nominators

Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Linda Wilson

Diocesan Synod members

Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard Hollie Wilson (under 30)

Organist and Choral Director

Dr Joe McKee

07976 294574

Assistant Organist

Brian Clements

028 9079 3641

Reader’s and Intercessor’s Co-ordinator

Muriel Arndell

028 9065 5500

Sidesperson’s rota Co-ordinator

Rosemary Coffey

028 9754 2198

Crèche rota Co-ordinator

Lynn Ryan

07955 479065

Magazine Editor

Billy McAlpine

028 9042 4390

Parish Webmaster

Ivan Roche

028 9514 0141

C of I Gazette Distributor

Moranne Noad

028 9079 3704

Bible Reading Fellowship notes

Evan Preston

028 9048 9884

Church flowers

Eleanor Launchbury

028 9028 1204

Premise’s Convenor

Stewart Beckwith

028 9048 6622


Mark Laverty

028 9573 8743

Parish Office Administrator/ Financial Giving Secretary

Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm

028 9065 6891


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