The Columban st. columba’s church, knock, december/january 2017/2018
Community as Congregation Children t Connec Caring
st. columba’s, knock
Cross Commu Compassion nion Come and share this Christmastide with us.
Rector’s Letter
Dear Parishioner,
ADVENT, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR The season of Advent begins on Sunday 3rd December with our Advent Carol Service and the lighting of the first of the candles on the Advent Wreath. These weeks enable us to look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ, and they come at a time of year when our diaries are at their busiest! At this time of year, it can be all too easy to focus on our own agenda and therefore ignore the needs of those in our local community. As Christian people, we are called to bring hope whenever people are in need, not just when it suits us. In St Columba’s we have a unique opportunity to do this in the following ways: 1. Supporting the Christians Against Poverty Hamper Appeal, as we place nonperishable food items (as well as Christmas treats and gifts) in the shopping trolley at the West End of the church. I am most grateful to Murray and Pam Hunter for co-ordinating this important part of our parish work. All the items collected will be brought to St Finian’s, where a team of volunteers will prepare Christmas hampers for distribution to families in our local community. 2. The money which has been generously given through our Charity and Mission envelopes will be allocated to charities, both local and overseas, this month. 3. Our Blue Christmas Service on Sunday, 10th December at 7.00pm is a quiet, reflective time to seek God’s strength and support throughout any difficulties we are experiencing. God’s love is reflected so wonderfully in the birth of His son Jesus Christ. This is what we are looking forward to during this season. What a wonderful gift, which requires our wholehearted response. May we be ready to receive with joy God’s gift to us of His son on Christmas Day, who taught us to “love one another, even as I have loved you” (John 13: 34).
These words of Jesus provide us with a helpful New Year’s Resolution. Let’s connect with these familiar words and live them out in our lives throughout 2018. I hope that you will come and join us in St Columba’s for our Advent, Christmas and New Year services with the uplifiting music, as we join together as a strong church family. You will be very welcome! Caroline, Charles and Henry join me in wishing you God’s richest blessing for Christmas and throughout the New Year. Yours in His Service,
CHRISTMAS AT ST. COLUMBA’S AND BEYOND That’s right all year round! It's about Community, Caring, good Craic and Conversation. Also Carols, Choirs, Contemporary and Classic praise. With wonderful Clubs and organisations we cater for everyone, from Children to our elder parishioners. With a combined team effort we contribute Cash for lots of great causes and make Connections with the local Community and further afield. We are Creative, Calm and Characterful with Christ at our centre. Individuals are at our core and it's these people who together make a great Church. So come join with us in our Christmas celebrations and continue into 2018. We look forward to chatting to you.
God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 3
SERVICES IN DECEMBER Sunday 3rd 8.15am
The First Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Joe McKee 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 Gospel Karen McAlpine Mark 13: 24-37
Advent Carol Service with the Choir of Cregagh Presbyterian Church
BDCC United Advent Carol Service in Gilnahirk Presbyterian Church No Evening Service in St Columba’s.
(Purple) Thursday, 7th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 10th The Second Sunday of Advent (Purple) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Henry Auchmuty 2 Peter 3: 8-15a Gospel Karen McAlpine Mark 1: 1-8 10.30am
Holy Communion Reader Gospel Intercessions
Blue Christmas Service
Gillian Sadlier Karen McAlpine The Rector
2 Peter 3: 8-15a Mark 1: 1-8
Thursday, 14th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 17th The Third Sunday of Advent (Purple) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Charles Auchmuty 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 Gospel Clergy John 1: 6-8, 19-28 9.30am
Family Communion Gospel Lucy Armstrong Preacher Canon Walter Laverty
Morning Prayer Reader Reader Occasional Prayers
Victor Dukelow Nigel Morrow Karen McAlpine
John 1: 6-8, 19-28
Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 John 1: 6-8, 19-28
Holy Communion Reader Gospel
Eileen Anderson Karen McAlpine
Philippians 4: 4-7 Matthew 14: 1-12
(Purple) Thursday, 21st 10.30am Holy Communion for Senior Parishioners followed by seasonal refreshments in the Choir Vestry (Transport provided) Sunday, 24th The Fourth Sunday of Advent (Purple) 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Jamie Sadlier Luke 1: 26-38 8.00pm
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Monday, 25th Christmas Day (White) 9.00am Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Hebrews 1: 1-4 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 1: 1-14 10.15am All Age Worship (Children present a gift at this service) Reader Lara Ford Luke 2: 8-20 Thursday, 28th The Holy Innocents (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 31st The First Sunday of Christmas 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Clergy 10.30am
Morning Prayer Reader Reader Occasional Prayers Preacher:
(White) Galatians 4: 4-7 Luke 2: 15-21
Moranne Noad Isaiah 61: 10 -62: 3 Richard Caldwell Luke 2: 15-21 Canon Walter Laverty The Bishop of Down and Dromore
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact The Rector (02890 471514). The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
SERVICES IN JANUARY Monday, 1st The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus 10.30am Holy Communion
(White) Thursday, 4th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 7th 8.15am
The First Sunday after the Epiphany The Baptism of our Lord Holy Communion Reader Joe McKee Gospel Karen McAlpine
All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Alex Kerr Preacher Canon Walter Laverty
Choral Evensong Reader Reader Occasional Prayers
Anella Gallen Esther Templeton Karen McAlpine
(White) Acts 19: 1-7 Mark 1: 4-11 Mark 1: 4-11
Isaiah 42: 1-9 Matthew 3: 13-17
Thursday, 11th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 14th 8.15am
The Second Sunday after the Epiphany Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Gospel Karen McAlpine
Holy Communion Reader Gospel Intercessions
7.00pm Compline Reader
Michael Sadlier Karen McAlpine Roberta Rogers Caroline Cleland-Higginson
(White) Revelation 5: 1-10 John 1: 43-51 Revelation 5: 1-10 John 1: 43-51
Matthew 8: 5-13
Thursday, 18th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday, 21st 8.15am
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany (White) Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31 Gospel Karen McAlpine Mark 1: 14-20
Family Communion Gospel Hazel Macpherson
Morning Prayer followed by refreshments hosted by Mothers’ Union Reader Yvonne Robb Jonah 3: 1-5, 10 Reader Joyce Stevenson Mark 1: 14-20 Occasional Prayers Barbara Laverty
Mark 1: 14-20
United Belmont & District Council of Churches Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St Mark’s, Dundela No Service in St. Columba’s
Thursday, 25th The Conversion of St. Paul (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday, 28th 8.15am
The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (White) The Presentation of Christ Holy Communion Reader Richard Beattie 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 Gospel Clergy Mark 1: 21-28
Holy Communion Reader Gospel Intercessions
Ian Noad Karen McAlpine Patrick Good
1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 Mark 1: 21-28
Evening Prayer Reader Reader Preacher
Linda Wilson Tillie Heyburn Karen McAlpine
1 Samuel 3: 1-20 Matthew 13: 10-17
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you wish to serve your church in this way, please contact The Rector (02890 471514). The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PRIVATE HOLY COMMUNION SERVICES It is always a privilege for the Clergy to conduct private Holy Communion services for those housebound parishioners who are unable to attend Christmas services in St. Columba’s. Please telephone the Parish Office (Tel: 02890 656 891 Monday- Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm) by Friday 8th December, to make an appointment, if you would like a private Holy Communion service in your home.
HOLY COMMUNION FOR SENIOR PARISHIONERS in St. Columba’s Parish Church on Thursday, 21st December at 10.30am With Christmas Carols and seasonal refreshments. Please phone the Parish Office (028 90656891) from 9.00am - 1.00pm, Monday to Friday, to arrange transport.
The Rector has been invited to preach on the BBC Radio 4 Morning Service on Christmas Eve this year. The service will be held in Methodist College and will be pre-recorded. The Head of Music at Methodist College is parishioner Ruth McCartney, who, along with her daughter Caroline, is a member of our church choir and the Organist will be Dr Joe McKee. The service, called “Hope for a Future”, will be broadcast on Christmas Eve from 8.10am – 8.50am, just after the News and Papers and before "A Point of View”. Tune in and enjoy! 8
Hospital Visiting The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. This will allow for better use of clergy time and resources, allowing them to visit as many people as possible. Please do not assume that they already know this information. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details. Thank you.
Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 91458706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during January: RECTOR Shandon Park Sinclair Street Sunbury Avenue The Walled Garden Thorndale Park Thornhill Parade
CANON SMYTH Stormont Park Summerhill Park Thornhill Crescent Thornhill Park Tullyard Way Upper Newtownards Road
Any articles or photographs for publication in the February parish magazine should be handed or emailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 10th January. His contact details are:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390 Email:
We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks 9
BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE SUNDAY 10TH DECEMBER, AT 7.00PM This service, first introduced to St. Columba’s six years ago, has been very much appreciated by parishioners and members of the community. This service is for all those for whom Christmas is a difficult time, through bereavement, illness, unemployment, loneliness, trauma, anxiety, worry or sadness. These words of introduction offer support and encouragement, which is reflected throughout the service. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a land of deep shadow a light has shone. For the yoke that was weighing upon them, and the burden that was upon their shoulders, you have broken in pieces, O God, our Renewer”. This is a quiet and reflective service with readings, hymns, prayers and silence which offers an opportunity to escape the commercialism of Christmas. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the pain, the loneliness, and the sadness you may feel and offer it to God for healing and transformation. I pray that you will find hope and comfort in knowing that you are not alone, remembering that God knows your pain and loves you unconditionally. This service focuses on the true hope and light which God provides to us all in the Christmas story through our faith. During the service there will be an opportunity to light a candle to remember a particular situation of pain or darkness in your own life. The church will remain open after the service for those who wish to stay for a time of further prayer and reflection. The Rector
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH QUIZ EVENING Here are some easy questions, together with answers! When? .............Friday 26 January 2018 Where? ...........Bloomfield Collegiate School Time? ...............7.30pm Tickets? ...........please see Pew News for further details Teams? ............Six to a table On the evening there will be a ballot and a light supper will be served 10
CHRISTMAS DECORATING There has always been a strong tradition of parishioners decorating our church for festive Services and for kindly supplying the flowers and other decorating items. There is a wonderful atmosphere on these occasions, with everyone working together to decorate our church so beautifully. To further develop and strengthen this strong tradition, I have invited our Parish Organisations to participate in the decorating of St Columba’s. I am most encouraged by the extremely positive response to my request. To facilitate diaries, the church will be decorated on Saturday, 16th December from 10.00am – 12.30pm and this will be co-ordinated by Patricia Clements. The decorations will subsequently be removed on Saturday, 6th January at 10.30am. I am most grateful to Eleanor Launchbury for all her conscientious work and her support for this new approach for the “Festival Decorating”. Eleanor will continue to coordinate the weekly Flower Rota for the Holy Communion Table and the other flower arrangements around the church. The Rector
DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS Thank you to everyone in the various Church organisations who has very kindly agreed to assist in the decoration of the Church for Christmas.
The two dates to remember are: Saturday 16th December 10.00am – 12.30pm Saturday 6th January 10.00am – 12.30pm
If further information is required please contact Patricia Clements on 9029 2528 07470 474527.
Railway and Model Club The new wiring is now complete, due to the great efforts of Ian Parsons, and Richard Beckwith. Soon we will be able to allow visitors to 'have a go' at running a train. That's the 00 gauge layout of course! A large mountain is growing on one corner and we have another tunnel running through this. These mountains and tunnels are the work of our resident mountaineer John Robb. Our latest slope may also have a ski run etc.,....let’s wait and see. The model side of the Club is moving ahead, with Jack Dunlop building/painting a little saddle tank loco. This model now resides in our ever growing Fiddle Yard. Stewart Beckwith has completed a large model of a Boeing Flying Fortress (WW2 American bomber) and it will be hanging from our ceiling, very soon. Me? I stand and wave my arms around and sometimes even make the coffee.....well I boil the water! Our visitors keep coming and it's lovely to see them all. So...don't forget Wednesday nights!!! In the meantime, Keep ‘er rollin’! David
SIDESPERSON’S ROTA Sunday, 3rd December
The Ryan family
Sunday, 10 December
Rosemary and Ivan Coffey
Sunday, 17th December
Jayne and Ronny Martin
Sunday, 24 December
Patricia and Patrick Wilson
Sunday, 31st December
Patricia and Adrian Clements
Sunday, 7th January
Joan Madill and Liz McCaughey
Sunday, 14 January
Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury
Sunday, 21st January
Caroline and Noel Higginson
Sunday, 28th January
Yvonne and John Robb
Saturday, 19th November
Christian Burials
Our Joys Cora Olive May Wilson 72 Locksley Park
Our Sorrows
Monday 6th November
Thomas Irwin 66 Sandown Road
Thursday 9th November
Mona Moore The Somme Nursing Home
Saturday 11th November
Alfreda Stewart-Maunder 5 Massey Park Funeral held at Ballymore Parish Church, Donegal
Barbara Laverty
Sunday 10th
Jane Scott
Sunday 17th
Maureen Beckwith
Sunday 24th
Christmas Flowers
Sunday 31st
Muriel Arndell
Carol Willis
Sunday 14th
Geoff & Eleanor Launchbury
Sunday 21st
Mason/Mitford Family
Sunday 28th
Jack Dunlop
Art C The Club continues to grow and we now have 29 members including two who have joined recently. It has been a busy time with work being submitted for Bob Killen’s tribute painting. The subject matter for the different paintings was very diverse including seascapes, landscapes, flowers, butterflies and trees. The selected painting, by Vida Shaw, was picked by Wendy Killen (Bob’s wife) and the family from 3 chosen by club members. It will be hung in the church hall. The Parish Christmas card designs were completed and passed to the Rector for final selection. In October, we visited the Ulster Museum to view the Royal Ulster Academy’s annual exhibition. There are more films about famous artists e.g. David Hockney, Cezanne and Rembrandt (called Exhibition on Screen) coming to the Dundonald Omniplex in November, January and March. We will no doubt be going to these. At our meeting on 9th November we all concentrated hard as we tried our hand at a life drawing of a local artist, Ray Elwood. It was great fun and very informative with constructive comments from Ray on our efforts. With Christmas approaching we have a church window to be decorated. Our lunch on 7th December is to be held, as last year, in the Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club at Cultra. Vida 14
Hugh Miller Francis Donnan
Vida Shaw
CRÈCHE Numbers in crèche recently have been encouraging and we would ask that those families with young children come along on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays each month. We would really like to see our numbers grow even more. This month we are asking for help with resources. This is the time of year that you may be thinking about what to do with baby and toddler items that may no longer be used. Please look at the list below and if you do have any of these items, we would be very grateful if you would consider donating them to us. These items, though, must be in excellent and clean condition. We will collect the items at the December All Age Worship on 3rd December. • An easel - chalk and/or whiteboard pens • 2 static baby walkers • Baby activity mats or gyms • Jigsaws up to 35 pieces - complete • Walkers/push along toys Thank you in advance for any donations – they will be gratefully received! Lynn Ryan and Claire Hirst
THE PARISH CHRISTMAS CARD This year the Parish Christmas Card depicts a star shining brightly in the darkness of the night. It plays an integral part in the Christmas Story, when the Wise Men followed the star to the stable in Bethlehem. It appears in the nativity story in the Gospel of Matthew, which tells us of "wise men from the East" (Magi) inspired by the star to travel to Jerusalem. There they meet King Herod of Judea, and ask where the King of the Jews had been born. Herod directs them to Bethlehem, to the south of Jerusalem. The star leads them to Jesus' home in the town, where they worship Him and give Him gifts. Matthew 2: 9 “they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.” The shining light reaching through the darkness provides us with hope for the future and reminds us that while there is darkness in the world, God will provide us with his true light and guide us on our path. Thank you very much to the Art Club members who submitted cards for consideration, and to Vida Shaw, whose inspirational artwork was selected for our Parish Christmas Card this year. Inside the card are details of our Christmas services – please join us! The Rector 16
Thought for the Month
I first entered the hallowed precincts of St Columba’s church aged 11 ,in 1937, being a boarder at Cabin Hill school. We were marched there every Sunday morning, in a strict two man line, under the strict tutelage of a Master, Mr Reilly (nicknamed Ghandi). On our arrival we entered the church through the side entrance and then sat in rows, near the Lectern, in seats which are no longer there. Many years later, in 1959, my late wife and I became members of St Columba’s when we moved to my present home in Knocktern Gardens.
I regret I have never been a regular attender over the years but I always enjoy my visits there and get a real sense of wellbeing thereby. As one of the few veterans left from World War II I have been deeply honoured to be asked to read a lesson on several Armistice Sundays which I have regarded as a great privilege. My daughter, Nicola, was married in the church in 1982 and my late wife’s Remembrance Service was also held there in 2011. I was also a member of the Art Club under the direction of Bob Killen for many years. Our current Rector, The Reverend Canon John Auchmuty, has greatly rejuvenated the church since his arrival, in particular, bringing more young people to the fore. Finally, I must mention the Choir. Although many of them are now very elderly (my niece Gina Hewlett must be the youngest) they really are first class, under the excellent guidance of Joe McKee our superb organist. All these past memories and the general ambience of St Columba’s always leave me with a sense of real peace and happiness as well as seeing so many old friends amongst the congregation. I regard myself as most fortunate in all respects and may the good work that goes on in the church long continue. Bill Taylor Our sincere thanks to Bill for sharing these ‘Thoughts’ with us. The February ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Jennifer Johnston.
LADIES GUILD We were delighted to welcome Drew Moore to our October meeting to tell us about the S O S BUS. When Joe Hyland's son was assaulted on a night out in Belfast he worked with members of Fisherwick Church and the S O S BUS was born.The bus became a landmark in Belfast City Centre and many young people, and some older ones too, made their way there for help after they had partied too much. From one bus, 10 years ago, there are now 3 and 260 volunteers - another 21 had just been interviewed the week before Drew spoke to us. After a few years their work opened up and a school’s programme was started with the idea that prevention is better than cure. Nowadays their work is fourfold: 1. Night Time Support 2. School’s Education and Empowerment Programme 3. Food Programme 4. Transport Support. Regarding the food programme Marks and Spencer came forward offering their surplus and gradually the other major supermarkets joined in. Today this food is delivered to 52 local charities to supply meals to those in need. When Syrian Refugees started to arrive here the S O S group provided transport to help them settle into their new lives. To further the work of this worthwhile organisation the Guild volunteered to serve coffee on Sunday 26th November. We are looking forward to our Christmas Dinner at our new venue, Knock Golf Club, on Wednesday, 13th December. If you would like to join us for a fun evening please contact Jennifer Beattie 9028 5868 or Joan Madill 9065 6591 and they will take your booking or provide you with relevant information. On behalf of Eleanor and our Committee may I wish you Peace and Joy this Christmas Season. Imelda
MUMS AND TOTS We will finish on Friday, 15th December with a small party and we will start back again on Friday, 5th January. We wish everyone a Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Anne 18
SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, 3rd December
Sunday, 10th December 10.30am Sunday, 17th December 9.30am Sunday, 24th December
Advent Carol Service (Children welcome in church) Sunday School and Crèche Family Communion Holiday
Monday, 25th December, Christmas Day 10.15am
All Age Worship
Sunday, 31 December Holiday Sunday, 7th January 10.30am All Age Worship Sunday, 14th January 10.30am Sunday School and Crèche Sunday, 21st January 9.30am Family Communion th Sunday, 28 January 10.30am Sunday School and Crèche Well done to Yasmin who read so confidently at November's All Age Worship. Due to school holidays we had fewer children singing but they made a wonderful sound. In Sunday School we are busy creating decorations for our church window & any children wishing to help put these in place please come at 10.30am on Saturday, 16th December. We are learning a new Christmas anthem which we will sing on Christmas morning and it would be lovely to see good numbers on that day. Happy Christmas to all the children and adults involved in Sunday School Joyce st
PAUSE Following our PAUSE in The Secret Garden, in November, we are planning to meet for the last time in 2017 on Tuesday, 12th December at 10.30am at Neill's Hill at Ballyhackamore for tea/coffee. In January 2018 we will meet twice. Thursday, 11th January at 12.30pm in Hillmount Garden Centre for lunch. Wednesday, 31st January at 10.30am in The Park Avenue Hotel for tea/ coffee. If you are free on any or all of these dates please come and join with the others who are there. At Neill's Hill it will be a peaceful 'pause' before Christmas. In January it will be a return to ‘porridge’! If you require help with transport or further details please contact me. I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Eileen 19
On Saturday, 18th November a prayer breakfast was held at Rockmount Golf Club. The group was addressed by professionals who specialise in gender based violence. The MU province of Ireland had an initiative in November to raise the awareness of these issues. In Down and Dromore the Mothers’ Union is actively involved in providing practical aid for women and families who are facing difficulties in relationships. Plans are already in place to help at the two refuge centres we support as we approach the Christmas season. At the Diocesan Council meeting in November we heard about the difference the toiletry bags have been making at the hospital A&E departments we support and also in their emergency admission wards. We will make up some more bags early next year. The little hats, worn by all the babies, always need replenishing, indeed many fullterm babies are now spending time in special units and larger sizes of the hats are useful. If you would like to help we have patterns available. The fiddle blankets and muffs have been well received in the hospital waiting areas. They are helping settle those who have dementia and diminish some of the anxiety of being away from familiar surroundings. A concert to mark 130 years of Mothers’ Union in Ireland will be held in St. Elizabeth’s, Dundonald on Friday,1st December at 7.30pm. The Lindsay Chorale, based in Saintfield, are providing the entertainment. Tickets are £10 and are available from Joyce or Barbara. I believe you can also pay at the door on the evening. We will contact those who are attending to arrange transport. Our Advent Carol Service is on Monday, 4th December in Magherdroll Parish, Ballynahinch at 8.00pm. This annual event is usually well supported and allows us to pause for a short while before Christmas. Again we will contact those attending regarding transport arrangements. The Branch meeting is on Tuesday, 5th December at 8.00pm in our Parish Hall. It will be an evening of fun and fellowship. We hope for a good attendance. If you haven’t been to a meeting for a while then come and join us, you will be very welcome. It would be great to have a chat.
We will be helping to decorate an area of the church for Christmas on 16th December at 10.30 am so do please come along and help. No experience is necessary just enthusiasm and a sense of fun. Our next year’s programme begins on Tuesday 9th January 8.00 pm in the church hall. Joyce will help us prepare for 2018 in her unique style. We will be providing refreshments after the morning service on Sunday 21st January. Please make a note of the date. We remember those who will find Christmas difficult this year and assure them of our love and prayerful support. I trust that you will have a blessed Christmas and a peaceful new year. Barbara
Afternoon Group Our year opened in September with a visit from Keith - one of the handy men from Bryson House. He offered all the ladies a free home safety check to include free gadgets such as a touch lamp or a carbon monoxide monitor or a machine to put your socks on (don't ask!). He also said the handy man service would complete small household repairs for between £5 and £15 per hour. In October we welcomed Aiden Campbell as our guest speaker. He talked about and showed photos of Ballymacarrett - an area well know to many of our ladies. Each day we enjoyed afternoon tea and an exchange of information (as you know ladies don't gossip!) We welcomed guests from both Belmont Presbyterian and St Marks, Dundela. Our Christmas outing will be on Monday, 11th December. We plan to visit Donaghadee Garden Centre for coffee/tea and mince pies followed by a trip round their Winter Wonderland. Lunch will be in Ballywalter. The coach will leave St Columba's at 10.30 am and should be back about 3.30 pm. The total cost will be £10. We would be delighted if any other ladies would like to join us. It is good to socialise and make new friends and it would be difficult to find a nicer group than the ladies in the Afternoon Group. Rosemary and I should like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas. Joy
It is with the greatest sadness and regret that I must take a step back from Brownies this year. Work and family commitments have made it a step too far for me to continue as leader in charge as I cannot devote the necessary time and commitment to ensuring the unit is run efficiently. I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of Brownies during my seven years from the children to the parents and of course the helpers and leaders. I do hope to return to Brownies in the future and am delighted to announce that my successor will be Lisa Boyle. Lisa has been involved as a parent and has very kindly offered to take on the role of leader in charge to ensure St Columba’s Brownies can continue. In order to facilitate the necessary qualifications and training required for this changeover we will be merging our unit with the Brownies in Knock Methodist Church until early Spring at which time our unit will return to St Columba’s with the new leadership team in place. If you are interested in becoming part of this please get in touch as we need as many helpers as possible. I wish Lisa every success. Amanda
The Rector writes… During the past seven years, Amanda Fee has served as a dedicated and conscientious member of the Brownie’s leadership team. She has shared so much of her professional skills as a teacher with the Brownies and through her careful planning, the girls have enjoyed many different activities. Amanda’s friendly and welcoming personality has greatly contributed to the development of the Brownie Unit in St Columba’s. Due to family and work commitments, Amanda is unable to continue as Brownie Leader, and has had many conversations to ensure that Brownies can continue in St Columba’s. This has resulted in our Brownies moving temporarily to Knock Methodist while Lisa Boyle, who is one of the parents, completes the required training. Following her training, I look forward to welcoming the Brownies back to St Columba’s in the Springtime. I am very pleased that we have Lisa as a new Brownie leader and will continue to do everything possible to promote Brownies in St Columba’s.
PARISH FINANCES A YEAR END CHECKLIST The Select Vestry would like to take this opportunity to thank parishioners sincerely for their continued financial support throughout 2017. Without that support, St Columba's would not be able to flourish, to grow or to be the beacon that it is across the Parish and beyond. As the year now draws to a close, there are a number of points you might wish to check: I have donated all my intended 2017 contributions before 31st December 2017. Parishioners are reminded that any financial contributions for the 2017 year must be received by 31st December 2017. Any contributions received after that date will be allocated to 2018. If I am a UK taxpayer I have completed a Gift Aid form. Any UK taxpayers who have not already completed a Gift Aid form are reminded to do so. Gift Aiding means that the Parish is able to claim a further 25% of the value of contributions at no additional cost to the parishioner. I contribute to Parish funds by Standing Order. The Select Vestry is very grateful for all financial contributions regardless of how those are made and is mindful of the personal preference regarding the means of contributing. Nonetheless, the majority of parishioners now contribute to Parish funds by standing order. This is our preferred method for regular giving as it is both secure and cost effective, attracting lower bank charges than cash or cheque equivalents. If you require either Gift Aid or Standing Order forms, please contact Karen in the Parish Office Phone: 028 90 656891 or e-mail: Thank you again for your continued support. Gillian Sadlier (Honorary Treasurer) Victor Dukelow (Assistant Honorary Treasurer)
‘BEAT-THE-STREET’ This was a game/competition scheme organised on behalf of the National Charity Partnership between Tesco, Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation. Its aim was to get people moving: walking, cycling, scooting or running – primary school children, their parents and grandparents, and also members of the wider community. By tapping special cards onto sensors known as ‘beat boxes’ placed on lamp posts around Belfast, Holywood, Lisburn and Newtownabbey the participants could gain points for their team and see how they were progressing on-line over a period of 7 weeks. St Columba’s, led by Sarah Bothwell-Reid, entered a team last year and we did really well, winning a community team prize. Could we repeat our success again this year? I found myself trying to recruit a team of willing parishioners at short notice; I handed out lots of cards and I am still not actually quite sure exactly who the 20 loyal members who registered for our team were. What I do know is that it was the most enormous fun, everyone I met was somehow always smiling, I kept meeting old friends and made new friends. Asking ‘whose team are you on?’ was standard as we tried to track down the elusive Belmont Walkers), went to parks and streets I had never visited before, and even took part in a ‘colour-blaze’ in Victoria Park on the final day – definitely outside my comfort zone! I even recruited my husband, Robin, who became so competitive he went out cycling on his 70th birthday. Roberta and John McKeown, plus dog, were visible every day which was amazing as she had replacement knee surgery in February and yet managed to walk miles to get points for the team. Adrian and Patricia Clements braved rain to walk in the Loughshore Park just to hit a ‘golden’ box worth 50 points and joined us at very short notice in Lisburn on another day with a golden box. Thank you to Murray and Pam Hunter, Caroline Good, Joe McKee, Brian Clements, Moira and Kathleen Saunders, Walter, Barbara and Mark Laverty, the Rector, and with apologies to anyone else who joined us to make up the intrepid 20 – even hurricane Ophelia could not stop us! We finished in 4th place on the average points Leaderboard, out of 138 teams – after a Dance school team, Lagan Valley Orienteers and the mysterious Belmont Walkers. It was brilliant fun, we definitely do feel healthier, know our neighbourhood better, and we couldn’t have had a better team – thank you everyone. Fiona Haldane 24
PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday
Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche
Craft and Hobby Circle Ladies Bowling MU Afternoon Group Mens’ Club
Ladies Badminton Ladies Badminton Activity Group Mothers’ Union
Brownies Doves Railway and Model Club Bible Study Group Ladies Guild
Art Club Choir
Mums and Tots
Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am
Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Lynn Ryan 07955 479065 Claire Hirst 07949 298473 1st and 3rd Monday each month Carol Willis 10.30am 9079 9997 2.00pm Helen Coates 9065 8977 2nd Monday each month 2.30pm Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm John Robb 9058 1438 10.30am Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 Maureen Irwin Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 9079 5155 Barbara Laverty 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 9573 8743 6.30pm Amanda Fee 07739 039750 6.30pm Rachael Leacock 07891 714119 7.00pm David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Imelda Shepherd 3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9079 7683 9.30am Billy Nelson 9048 3889 7.30pm Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 10.00am Anne Clarke 9065 1412 As arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 As arranged David Kelly 9079 6658 Social events as arranged Emma Macpherson 9028 2076
Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.
WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:
The Reverend Canon John R Auchmuty
St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514
The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth
3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706
The Reverend Canon Walter Laverty
6, Hanwood Heights Dundonald BT16 1XU 028 9573 8743
Diocesan Lay Reader
Karen McAlpine
Rector’s Churchwarden
Jonathan Stewart
028 9041 0514
People’s Churchwarden
John Kerr
028 9076 0027
Assistant Priests
Junior Churchwardens
Sarah Craig and Grace Owens
Rector’s Glebewarden
Jim Stevenson
028 9058 3381 07973 392448
People’s Glebewarden
Mark Reid
028 9028 4367 07810 648167
Honorary Sexton
John Proctor
028 9087 0526 07989 469773
Select Vestry
Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, Richard Caldwell, David Craig, Andrew Ellis, Andrew Hirst, Elizabeth Leonard, Mark Ryan, Moira Saunders, Mark Wilson
Honorary Secretary
John Macpherson
10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF 028 9028 2076
Honorary Treasurer
Gillian Sadlier
70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG 028 9040 3278
Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Victor Dukelow
028 9029 0625
Gift Aid Secretary
Jack Dunlop
028 9065 4103
Parochial Nominators
Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Linda Wilson
Diocesan Synod members
Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard Hollie Wilson (under 30)
Organist and Choral Director
Dr Joe McKee
07976 294574
Assistant Organist
Brian Clements
028 9079 3641
Sidesperson’s rota Co-ordinator
Rosemary Coffey
028 9754 2198
Crèche rota Co-ordinator
Lynn Ryan
07955 479065
Magazine Editor
Billy McAlpine
028 9042 4390
Parish Webmaster
Ivan Roche
028 9514 0141
C of I Gazette Distributor
Moranne Noad
028 9079 3704
Bible Reading Fellowship notes
Evan Preston
028 9048 9884
Church flowers
Eleanor Launchbury
028 9028 1204
Premise’s Convenor
Stewart Beckwith
028 9048 6622
Mark Laverty
028 9573 8743
Parish Office Administrator/ Financial Giving Secretary
Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm
028 9065 6891
CHURCH CAR PARKING When parking to go to church services or Parish Organisations please be sensitive to the residents in the local community by taking care not to block entrances or pavements. Thank you!
Facebook St Columba’s Parish Church is now on Facebook. ‘Like’ our page to see updates on events, services and photos. Search coiknock on Facebook or Messenger to find us easily. For those who are new to St Columba’s and would like more information about the life and membership of the parish, please give your name and phone number to our Churchwardens or contact the Parish Office during office hours Monday-Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm on 028 9065 6891.
Pastoral Care: If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to
speak to someone, please contact the Rector (028 9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 9145 8706).
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...........................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good.......................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard............................................028 9065 3162