April 2011
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, CHALLENGE FOR LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Our Lent programme of services with its challenging title “Rediscover the Joy of Coming to Church” continues throughout this month. Each one of our distinguished preachers is offering us support and encouragement as we focus our thoughts on the joy of church membership. During March, we welcomed Archdeacon John Scott, Canon Ken Higgins and Archdeacon Philip Patterson to our 10.30am services and this month we look forward to welcoming the following visiting preachers: Sunday 3rd April Sunday 10th April Sunday 17th April Sunday 24th April
The Joy of Family The Joy of Love The Joy of Forgiving The Joy of New Beginnings
Mrs Liz Miller Canon Timothy Kinahan The Revd Dr. Ron Savage Canon Ken Smyth
This publication of this edition of the Columban coincides with the half waypoint in our Lent programme. If you haven’t already been able to rediscover for yourself the joy of coming to church, I encourage you to come along to St. Columba’s during this month. The importance of making a strong church commitment is emphasized in these words written on a local church notice board, “Many want to serve God, but only as an advisor”. I hope and pray that you will respond positively to this Lent programme by being a ‘doer’ for God in St. Columba’s, rather than just being an advisor from home. Your church urgently needs your personal support to ensure that it can continue to grow and serve your individual needs in these demanding times. HOLY WEEK SERVICES During the past year, a number of parishioners and I have met with representatives from Knock Methodist Church to examine ways of developing and strengthening our joint ministry together during this most solemn of weeks in the church’s year. Following our discussions together, we have agreed this new schedule of services: • Holy Week will begin with a joint Palm Sunday evening service in Knock Methodist. There will be no evening service in St. Columba’s. • Lunchtime services in Knock Methodist will begin on the Monday and continue through to Maundy Thursday. There will be no lunchtime service on Good Friday. • Members of Knock Methodist will attend the Good Friday Three Hour Devotions in St. Columba’s. • There will be a joint collection at all the services in both our respective churches for an agreed charity or organisation each year. I encourage you to attend these Holy Week services as we cannot fully share in the joy of Easter unless we have first travelled with Christ to Calvary. Yours in His service,
... At St Columba’s! For the second half of the new Lent series:
“Rediscover the Joy of Coming to Church” The whistle’s been blown for half-time, but there’s still plenty of action during April at St Columba’s as we move into the second half of our new programme to mark Lent 2011. As many people embark on training for the Belfast Marathon, Runher or one of the many 5K or 10K events throughout Northern Ireland, why not take a more relaxed race along to St Columba’s Church?
Each Sunday morning in April at 10.30am, our final four speakers will focus on Family, Love, Forgiving and New Beginnings - from 3rd to 24th April. Take heart as these won’t be marathon sessions, just thought provoking and enjoyable talks to give us all the chance to breathe new life into our approach to church and community.
So if you missed the first half - why not be part of the action during April and tone up - body and soul!
SERVICES IN APRIL Sunday 3rd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday) (Purple) “The Joy of Family” Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 Gospel Clergy John 19: 25-27 All Age Worship, Holy Baptism & Mothers’ Union Enrolment followed by refreshments Reader Henry Auchmuty 1 Samuel 1: 20-28 Reader Charles Auchmuty Luke 2: 33-35 Preacher: Mrs Liz Miller, wife of Bishop Harold Miller Choral Evensong Reader Jennifer Pyper Micah 7 Reader Jennifer Pyper John 3: 14-21 Occasional Karen McAlpine Prayers
Thursday 7th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 10th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday) (Purple) “The Joy of Love” Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Romans 8: 6-11 Gospel Clergy John 11:1-45 Holy Communion Reader Olivia Budde Romans 8: 6-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 11: 1-45 Preacher: The Revd Canon Timothy Kinahan, Rector of Helen’s Bay Intercessions Meryl Townsend Compline and Commissioning of new Select Vestry members Reader Clare Best Matthew 20: 17-34
Thursday 14th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 17th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm
Palm Sunday (Red) “The Joy of Forgiving” Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Philippians 2: 5-11 Gospel Clergy Matthew 21: 1-11 Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 21: 1-11 Morning Prayer Reader Liz McCaughey Luke 19: 29-40 Reader Patrick Good Mark 2: 1-12 Occasional Roberta Rogers Prayers Preacher: The Revd Dr. Ron Savage, Minister Emeritus of Stormont Presbyterian Church Service in Knock Methodist Church No service in St. Columba’s
Monday in Holy Week (Red) 10.00am Holy Communion 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Speaker: Paul Clark (UTV Presenter) 8.00pm Evening Prayer Reader Peter Gibson Isaiah 42: 1-9 Reader Karen McAlpine John 20: 1-18 Preacher: The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhogal – “An Empty Tomb” Tuesday in Holy Week (Red) 10.00am Holy Communion 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Speaker: See Pew News for details 8.00pm Service of the Word Reader Muriel Arndel Isaiah 49: 1-7 Reader Stephen McCann John 20: 19-23 Preacher: The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhogal – “A Group of People” Wednesday in Holy Week (Red) 10.00am Holy Communion 1.15–1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Speaker: Stephen Baxter (Manager of Crusaders Football Club) 8.00pm Late Evening Office Reader Sarah Coates Isaiah 50: 4-9a Reader Tony Greeves John 1: 1-18 Preacher: The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhodal – “A Story” Maundy Thursday (White) 10.30am Holy Communion for our Housebound Parishioners 1.15-1.45pm Lunchtime service in Knock Methodist Speaker: Naomi Long (MP for Belfast East) 8.00pm Holy Communion according to the Methodist Rite followed by the stripping of the altar Reader Andrew Haley 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Reader The Rector John 13: 1-30 Preacher: The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhodal – “A Meal” Good Friday 12–3pm 8.00pm
The Three Hours Devotions Conductor: The Right Reverend Harold Miller Reflections for Good Friday Evening Reader Karen McAlpine Isaiah 52:13 -53:12 Reader Hilary Neill John 19: 16-30 Preacher: The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhodal – “A Power”
Sunday 24th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
Easter Day (White) “The Joy of New Beginnings” Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Clergy John 20: 1-18 Holy Communion Reader Moranne Noad Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 20: 1-18 Preacher: The Revd Canon Ken Smyth (Former Rector of St. Mark’s, Newtownards) Intercessions Clergy Holy Communion Reader Tony Greeves Acts 10: 34-43 Gospel Clergy John 20: 11-18 Intercessions Karen McAlpine
Thursday 28th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy; and here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
HOLY WEEK SERVICES 2011 Palm Sunday, 17th April – Good Friday, 22nd April MORNING SERVICES (St. Columba’s) Holy Communion (Monday – Wednesday) Holy Communion (Maundy Thursday)
10.00am 10.30am
LUNCHTIME SERVICES (Knock Methodist Church) 1.15pm – 1.45pm (Monday – Maundy Thursday) 7.00pm 8.00pm Preacher:
EVENING SERVICES Palm Sunday Service in Knock Methodist Church Monday - Good Friday in St. Columba’s The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhogal, OBE
This year we look forward to welcoming the leader of the Corrymeela Community, The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhogal as our Holy Week preacher. He will be with us each evening in St. Columba’s beginning on Monday, 18th April, and continuing through to Good Friday. He is a Minister of the Methodist Church in Britain of which he is a former President. Inderjit was born into a Sikh family in Nairobi. He later came to live in England. As a teenager, he embraced the Christian faith and felt called to ministry, graduating from both Manchester and Oxford universities. As well as a circuit minister, he has served as Director of the Urban Theology Unit in Sheffield and more recently as Director of the Yorkshire and Humber Inter-Faiths Forum. For his work in interfaith relations he was awarded the OBE. Inderjit is married to Kathy and they have two grown-up children.
GOOD FRIDAY THREE-HOUR DEVOTIONS 12noon – 3pm Conductor: The Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Rt. Revd Harold Miller We look forward to welcoming Bishop Harold Miller to conduct our Three Hour Devotions on Good Friday. During these devotions, we will have an opportunity to reflect and meditate on the crucifixion of Christ. For those unable to stay for the full duration of the meditations it is possible to enter and leave at the end of each section. Cash Collections at the Holy Week Services The collections at all these services will be given to the work and ministry of the Corrymeela Community.
PRIVATE HOLY COMMUNION SERVICES It is always a privilege for the Clergy to conduct private Holy Communion services for those housebound parishioners who will not be attending Easter services in St. Columba’s. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) by Friday, 8th April, to make an appointment if you would like a private Holy Communion service in your home.
HOLY COMMUNION FOR HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS in St. Columba’s Parish Church on MAUNDY THURSDAY, 21st APRIL at 10.30am With Holy Week Hymns and seasonal refreshments Please phone the Parish Office 028 9065 6891 (Wednesday or Friday morning 8.30am - 1.30pm) to arrange transport.
APRIL SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 3rd...................................................The Wilson Family Sunday 10th.................................................Jenny and Morris Corrin Sunday 17th.................................................Yvonne and Eddie Cadden Sunday 24th.................................................Liz McCaughey and Helen Proctor
THE ANNUAL EASTER GENERAL VESTRY MEETING will take place in the Church Hall on Monday, 4th April 2011 at 7.30pm All parishioners are encouraged to attend but only those who are registered can vote to elect: The People’s Churchwarden The People’s Glebewarden 12 Select Vestry Members Honorary Auditors In addition, as this is a Triennial Year, the following elections will also take place: Parochial Nominators Supplemental Parochial Nominators Diocesan Synod Members Supplemental Diocesan Synod Members
Refreshments will be served during the meeting.
EASTER GREETINGS FROM THE RECTORY On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate with joy the good news of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I do hope that you will be able to join us in St. Columba’s as we proclaim, “Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia”. No matter what our personal circumstances or situation we can take confidence from the fact that Christ is alive and is with us each day. The resurrection marks the beginning for all of us of the new life in the risen Christ. I pray that the Easter hope will be reflected in every aspect of our daily lives and in all our parish activities. Caroline, Charles and Henry join me in wishing you a very Happy Easter. The Rector
EASTER HOT CROSS BUNS As you indulge in your Easter hot cross buns this year, pause to consider that a hot cross bun is really a symbol of the Resurrection which refuses to go stale. A hot cross bun is a sermon in itself!
Saturday 23rd April 10.30am – 12.30pm No flower arranging skills necessary!
The shape of the bun reminds us of the stone that rolled away early on that first Easter morning – not to let a living Lord out, but to allow his disciples to discover an empty tomb. And the special spices used in the baking process bring to mind the gifts of love brought by faithful women to anoint their Master’s body.
Gifts of flowers and a willingness to help is all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating!
The fruits of the Spirit of Jesus in the lives of his followers are represented by the sultanas and currents that make the bun so delicious, and the cross is the triumphant emblem of Christ’s work completed on earth.
Refreshments in the Rectory
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370). Both the Rector and Curate will be visiting parishioners in the Residential and Nursing Homes throughout the parish during April. In addition, they will also be conducting private Holy Communion Services in the homes of those housebound parishioners who are unable to attend any of the Easter services.
KNOCK KNOCK, IT’S THE CURATE! Why not come to church during Lent? On our Parish register there are 1090 names, yet on an average Sunday the congregation comprises around 200 people, including visitors. Just imagine if all those registered - all those who have access to this magazine - were able to engage on Sunday mornings! It is a huge vision but without you, without your contribution of gifts, time and talents, the church is not the same. As you will have read in last month’s Rector’s Letter we are progressing through Lent, encouraging those who do not regularly attend to ‘Rediscover the Joy of Coming to Church’. Why not come along to church during Lent? You will be very welcome! If you do have a particular reason for not coming to church on a Sunday morning please keep reading… If you cannot come to church due to lack of transport - I know what that feels like ... having been without my own set of wheels for 27 years! I also know that the bus service on a Sunday morning does not run past the doors of St. Columba’s ...We have parishioners from all areas willing to pick you up. Let me know and we will sort something out. If you cannot come to church for health reasons - If you think you would like a recording of the service brought to you - we are currently trialing a way to record and distribute our 10.30am services. More details will be available in next month’s magazine. If you would be interested in listening to our services in this way, please let a member of our church know and your name will be passed to me. If you cannot come to church due to something which has happened in the past - Please talk to myself or the Rector, we know how difficult it is sometimes to come to terms with relationships and problems in the past. However, we can assure parishioners of a listening ear, an openness to talk about what St. Columba’s is doing now and our vision for the future. If there is any other reason, I would love to meet with any parishioner reading this over a cup of coffee anywhere, anytime… St. Columba’s needs you! Robert 10
“Drop When You Shop” this Lent The Bishop’s Poverty Think Tank is encouraging every church in the Diocese of Down and Dromore to invite the members of their congregation to have a shopping trolley available in church on every Sunday during Lent. We are very grateful to Marks and Spencers in Ballyhackamore for kindly lending us one of their shopping trolleys for the duration of Lent, into which parishioners are encouraged to put tins, dried goods, jars and other food items with a long shelf life. These food items will be distributed by a team of parishioners to those who would most benefit in our local community in time for Easter. This initiative is a helpful way to enable us to make a practical response to assist those most impacted by poverty. The Rector
WINDING DOWN It seems no time since I started the first article for the magazine when we resumed last September. Now here we are, planning the Annual Dinner and sourcing prizes. Our competitions are nearing their final stages and all our matches over and done with, the most recent being a visit to St Colmcille’s with a rather depleted team. Those who attended enjoyed a good night’s bowling coupled with a lovely supper and, most importantly, great fellowship. The hosts ran out worthy winners, our only defeat this year out of four matches. Thanks to the Captain and his team for all the work done and on going. Please remember Alva Anderson during his ill health and also Roy and Evan, who we hope will be back with us in the near future. A comprehensive report on all the outcomes of forthcoming events will be posted in the article after the Club’s Annual Dinner to be held on Monday, 9th May. John Robb (Hon. Secretary)
TUESDAY MORNING BADMINTON Tuesday morning badminton is still alive and kicking! On Shrove Tuesday we enjoyed our freshly made pancakes as usual, thanks to Vi. We still have our staunch members playing faithfully every week. We would welcome any newcomers who like a gentle game of badminton. Over and above the badminton, a cup of tea or coffee and a chat come high on the agenda! Eithne Hobson 11
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE A very big thank you to everyone who supported Age NI at tea and coffee last month when we raised just over £50. Next month, it’s Mothers Day on Sunday, 3rd April, and the Mothers’ Union will be providing tea and coffee. The following All Age Worship Tea and Coffee will be on Sunday, 1st May. If you have any worthy cause that you would like us to support, please let me know as I am always looking for new ideas. Roberta
THE AFTERNOON GROUP In February, we were well entertained by Laurence from Engage with Age. He showed us slides of Old Belfast – some scenes familiar, others reminiscent of the “Keystone Cops” which were very amusing. As temperatures in March went down again With winds so cold and heavy rain, We were given advice on how to be warm, And, of course, there was time for tea and a yarn. This month we are having a Show and Tell By our speaker, Helen Anketell, She has lots of lovely beads to sell, Hope to see you there, all being well! Nan Armstrong
LADIES GUILD NOTES Dear Ladies, The next date for our diaries is Wednesday, 20th April, when we meet together to attend Church during Holy Week and we are hoping for a good turnout. The last date of our annual programme is Wednesday, 18th May, when we hold out AGM and we hope to vote some enthusiastic new members onto the Committee! See you soon, Lilias 12
ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB St. Columba’s Art Club held a Pastel Workshop on Saturday, 5th March, most ably led by Greg Moore, a professional artist well known for his teaching demonstrations and exhibitions of his pastel paintings. The morning got underway at 9.30am with coffee and scones before the workshop started at 10.00am. A total of 22 were in attendance, all from St. Columba’s Art Club with the exception of three visitors. Bob Killen, our tutor, commenced by reading a letter of apology and welcome to all those present from our Rector, John, who unfortunately had to attend an EGM of the General Synod in Dublin that morning. Bob welcomed Greg and we were delighted to have our Curate, Robert, present for the first part of the morning. The workshop started with a demonstration by Greg of a church and landscape seen over an inlet of water and mud. We were all impressed by the speed and ease with which Greg carried out his demonstration. He had a very easy manner and answered any questions thrown at him, at any time. After completing his demonstration in about 30 minutes, Greg invited workshop members to paint a pastel painting from their own material or from one of his photographs. It was a wonderful opportunity for those attending who had never tried pastel painting before, and everyone enjoyed the experience as well as producing some very good paintings. Greg himself went round each member of the workshop individually, commenting on their work and making suggestions as to how they might progress. This personal tuition was invaluable and brought the time quickly round to 1.00pm even though the official closing time was 12.30pm. Hopefully, a number of art club members will now be encouraged to attempt more pastel painting. The workshop was our main fund raising event for the Church Building Fund this year and we should be able to donate over £500 when all the counting is done. Our warmest thanks to Greg for a wonderful morning’s workshop and we look forward to more pastel painting in the club. Billy Nelson, Chairman
LENTEN LUNCH Following the 10.30am Holy Communion Service and the dedication of the new Church Hall boiler by The Right Reverend Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore, 150 parishioners enjoyed a delightful Lenten lunch in the Church Hall on Sunday, 13th March. It was very encouraging to see parishioners of all ages enjoying each other’s company while Kathleen Acheson, Roberta Rogers and their team of helpers served the lunch so cheerfully and efficiently. Grateful thanks must also go to those who most generously provided the food. The total amount of money collected for our Building Fund Appeal and the Pakistan Community Health project through voluntary donations amounted to £900. I thank all those who supported the lunch and those who assisted with the many preparations. The Rector 13
BOOK SALE The selection of second hand books available for sale in the Side Porch will continue throughout April. A contribution towards Church Funds of perhaps £1 per book would be appreciated. If this proves popular, we might also request books from parishioners. Any queries, please speak to the Church Wardens. Elizabeth Leonard
SIMPLE QUIZ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
How long did the Hundred Years’ War last? Which country makes Panama hats? From which animal do we get cat gut? In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? What is a camel’s hair brush made of? The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? What was King George VI’s first name? What colour is a purple finch? Where are Chinese gooseberries from? What is the colour of the black box in a commercial aeroplane?
Answ e o rs pagen 23!
M U ACTIVITY GROUP Each Tuesday evening we meet in the Church Hall to play badminton and scrabble. We recently welcomed a new member to our group, Lyn, who has proved a real asset with her ability in both badminton and scrabble. The Rector and Robert call in often and Robert would sometimes have a game of badminton and a bite of supper. The scrabble corner plays happily away and some weeks pretty good scores are made. However, on Tuesday, 22nd February, that all changed when May Preston played an excellent hand by placing WALTZING on a triple word score which totalled an amazing 110 points...well done, May! As always, the night provides a mixture of physical and mental skills along with a warm and friendly atmosphere! Maureen 16
SITUATIONS VACANT! Recording Team Later this year we hope to record our 10.30am Sunday services onto mp3 format and upload them onto the internet, so that others will be able to download and distribute them to parishioners who are housebound. For this to happen we are looking for a crack team of volunteers who will be trained to press a record button just before the announcements are read, and then press the stop button at the end of the dismissal. The recording will be saved and uploaded via the parish computer onto the website. It is envisaged that one person would be required for each 10:30am service on a rota basis; it would be great to recruit 10 volunteers which would mean each person being on duty on only one Sunday every two months. If you are interested - send me an email with ‘Recording Team’ in the subject line and I will be in touch (robert@stcolumbasyouth.org). Distribution Team Once our services are uploaded onto the website we are looking for volunteers to take them round to parishioners who cannot get out to church and who do not have the facilities to download the services themselves. • If you have your own computer connected to the internet. • If you would be willing to download the service onto mp3 player/other media (it’s very easy! I will show you how!). • If you would be willing to knock on the doors of people who have requested services and hand them a copy of the service and the weekly pew news. • If you have a friendly smile… ... then you could be the person we are looking for! The numbers required for this team will be dependent upon the uptake. I am hoping to have a bank of volunteers who would be able to be called upon both as regular distributers as well as to cover for regular distributers when unavailable. If you are interested - please send me an email with ‘Distribution Team’ in the subject line and I will be in touch (robert@stcolumbasyouth.org). Many thanks, Robert 17
FIVE SURGEONS Five surgeons are discussing who are the best patients to operate on. The first surgeon says, “I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.” The second responds, “Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is colour coded.” The third surgeon says, “No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order.” The fourth surgeon chimes in, “I like construction workers. These guys always understand when you happen to have a few parts left over at the end and when the job takes way longer than you said it would.” But the fifth surgeon silences them all when he observes: “You’re all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There’s no guts, no heart, no brains, no spine and they harbour this strange notion that their ‘derriere’ and elbow are interchangeable!” Hello Ladies, Sunday, 3rd April, is Mothering Sunday and there will be an Enrolment Service in the morning for four of our ladies. As already mentioned, we would like everyone to sit together as a group at the front of the church. The Mothers’ Union will also be providing the tea and coffee that morning as our contribution to the Building Fund. On Tuesday, 5th April, we are back in the Choir Vestry for the talk by Zlata Williams and on Tuesday, 19th April, we are in Church for Holy Week Service. On Tuesday, 3rd May, we are holding our Triennial Elections and the Rector has kindly agreed to chair the meeting. We look forward to a good turnout on this important date in our calendar. SUMMER OUTING - CHANGE OF DATE Our Summer Outing will now take place on Tuesday, 21st June, and NOT Friday, 3rd June, as stated in our programme. We are delighted that on this occasion our friends in the Afternoon Group will be joining us. Our visit will be a tour of Belfast Castle with supper afterwards, and we will let you know cost and travel arrangements as soon as these are finalised. This is always a lovely evening and well supported by our members. If you can let me have your name for the outing, that would be great. Thank you ‘girls’!
Irene 18
MOTHERING SUNDAY Mothering Sunday is a day when children pay respect to their mothers and often give gifts of flowers and cards. It is an opportunity to offer thanks for that all our mothers do for us. It has been celebrated in the UK on the fourth Sunday in Lent since at least the 16th century and is therefore not always on the same date, as Lent and Easter fall on different dates each year. Mothering Sunday was also known as ‘Refreshment Sunday’ or ‘Mid Lent Sunday’. It was so called because the fasting rules for Lent were relaxed in honour of the well known biblical story of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’. No one is absolutely certain exactly how the idea of Mothering Sunday began, but about 400 years ago on this day people who lived in villages made a point of not going to their local church, but to the nearest large church, known as the Mother Church. Others would go to the nearest city to worship in the Cathedral. People who visited their Mother Church would say they had gone ‘a-mothering’. Young boys and girls of less well off families who were ‘in service’ (maids, valets etc.) were only allowed one day off each year to visit their family. This was usually Mothering Sunday. Often the housekeeper or cook would allow the maids to bake a cake to take home to their mothers. Sometimes a gift of eggs or flowers from the garden was permitted. Flowers were traditional as the young girls and boys would have to walk home to their village and would gather them on their way through the meadows. In some areas of England, the fourth Sunday in Lent is still known as ‘Simnel Sunday’ because of the tradition of baking Simnel cakes, a fruit cake with a layer of marzipan on top, although Simnel cakes are now more commonly made for eating on Easter Day. In more recent times, Mothering Sunday in Britain has taken on the name and character of the US ‘Mothers’ Day’. Mothers are still given gifts of flowers and cards but the original meaning of Mothering Sunday has become obscured in the mists of time. Happy Mothers’ Day to all Mums and a big ‘THANK YOU’ for all the help, love and support you give!
INTERNET SURFERS More information about our June internet sessions will follow in the May parish magazine... If you would also like to help out with the Surfers programme, watch out for further details in May. Robert 19
LADIES BOWLING We are coming to the end of our indoor season. How quickly the time has passed since Christmas! Our final visit last month was to St. Dorothea’s where we enjoyed a good afternoon’s bowling plus a lovely afternoon tea. To complete the season we will play off the final of the pairs Competition for the Eileen Madill Shield. Phyllis Newton
THE RICHMOND GOLF CLUB The Richmond Golf Club was formed in February 1891 and some three months later the course established itself at Sudbrook Park. In a long and distinguished history, the club became renowned during the Second World War for a set of temporary rules that were introduced after some bombs fell on the course in the autumn of 1940, and which have inspired much humour in newspapers and magazines around the world ever since. The rules, which were said to have infuriated Dr. Goebbels, Hitler’s Ministry of Propaganda, and William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) because they appeared to typify British assumed nonchalance and ‘sang-froid’ in the face of mortal danger, were as follows:
1. Players are asked to collect bomb and shrapnel splinters to save them causing damage to the mowing machines. 2. In competitions, during gunfire or while bombs are falling, players may take cover without penalty for ceasing play. 3. The positions of known delayed-action bombs are marked by red flags placed at reasonably, but not necessarily guaranteed, safe distances therefrom. 4. Shrapnel and/or bomb splinters on the fairways or in bunkers within a club’s length of a ball may be moved without penalty; no penalty shall be incurred if a ball is thereby caused to move accidentally. 5. A ball moved by enemy action may be replaced; if lost or destroyed, however, another ball may be dropped not nearer the hole without penalty. 6. A ball lying in a bomb crater may be lifted and dropped not nearer the hole, preserving the line to the hole, without penalty. 7. A player whose stroke is affected by the simultaneous explosion of a bomb may play another ball from the same place. Penalty one stroke. In 1975 a young American professional golfer, unknown in this country and little known in his own, played his first-ever game of golf in Britain at The Richmond Golf Club. The following day he went to Carnoustie to play in the Open Championship and won at his first attempt. His name? Tom Watson. 20
(From our special correspondent, Nisan 24, 4078) “Never a Passover like it” “Unheard of in Jerusalem before” “Galilean hysterics” These and like expressions have been on multitudes of lips at this annual feast, for Jerusalem has witnessed the most unusual and startling Passover in its long history. Part of the mystery is that no one seems to know exactly what has happened. As with all crowds, some say one thing and some another. In the last few days I have interviewed scores of people and the result is baffling. Certainly, a few of those questioned were adamant and not a little aggressive in asserting that nothing whatever has happened. The priests were particularly scornful about the whole affair. But a far greater number were more or less convinced that strange happenings were undeniable. Garbled Accounts The accounts were garbled, confused, and contradictory. But two observations in particular keep reappearing: first, an account of a country prophet, believing himself to be the Messiah, who was crucified by the Romans and now is said to have risen from the dead; and, second, a startling rumour, neither confirmed nor denied by the priests, that the great curtain of the Holy Place in the Temple was suddenly ripped from top to bottom on the Passover Eve. On sifting through the accounts of many witnesses the story seems to be this: For a number of years, Jerusalem and many of the neighbouring towns and villages have witnessed strange scenes through the preaching of a layman from Nazareth. Reports have it that in spite of the large crowds he drew, this peasantprophet had had no rabbinical training. Indeed, many assert that before taking to the road he was a carpenter. There have been plenty of stories of strange scenes and ‘miracles’... of lunatics healed, cripples made to walk, the blind to see... and one fantastic account of a man in Bethany raised from the dead! The priests soon put a stop to that rumour. All this had been going on for some time in spite of sporadic opposition from the Jewish leaders, and nothing might have come of it had it not been for an incident last week. Roman Guards Doubled This preacher, called Jesus, had by now a large following. Multitudes declared him to be Israel’s Messiah and deliverer, the great prophet long promised. On the other hand, there were many equally vocal in emphatically denying this, including most of the priests and men of letters. To them, this Jesus from Nazareth was an impostor, one more in a line of many deluded into thinking they were the Messiah. Two weeks ago, Nisan 10, this carpenter-preacher entered Jerusalem on a donkey, followed by a greatly excited, clamouring and shouting crowd of followers. The Romans immediately doubled the guards, well knowing the explosive nature of Jewish crowds. Jesus, however, showed no signs of firing the popular enthusiasm. Instead, he slipped quietly away to the Temple... and there it happened. Denounces Bazaar It wasn’t a religious speech, political harangue, or “miracle” that started things moving, but an attack by Jesus, an actual physical assault, in the Temple courtyard! Known here as ‘The Court of the Gentiles’, it was filled with traders doing a roaring business with the many pilgrims that crowded into the city. The exchangers were there too, changing foreign coins into Jewish currency. Only the latter, of course, is acceptable in the Temple treasury. Apparently Jesus watched this for a while and then went to work. With a whip, said by some to have been made on the spot, he routed the traders and 21
money changers, tipped up their tables and overthrew their stalls. Next he drove out the cattle and sheep and ordered the caged pigeons and turtledoves to be removed. His reasons? With blazing eyes and strong invective, reminiscent of an Elijah some said, the carpenter-turned-reformer rebuked those whom he denounced as turning God’s house into a bazaar. The result was uproar. The priests were furious. One report has it that Caiaphas, the high priest, on hearing the news, swore that this time the impostor had gone too far. Problems with Witnesses No one is quite sure of what happened after that. By the Passover Eve, Nisan 14, Jesus had been arrested and his followers scattered. The charges brought against him were three: (1) blasphemy against the law; (2) pretending to be Messiah; and (3) exciting the populace to revolt against Rome, by saying he was the true king of the Jews. One cannot but feel that the last charge was a desperate attempt to pin something on him. The Jews are always grumbling against Rome and have never for a moment recognized Caesar as their king. The Sanhedrin not only had trouble with the charges but with the witnesses as well. What a mixed crew they were! A Jerusalem lawyer and a swarthy money changer, a fumbling old scribe from Bethany and a vigorous orator from somewhere in the north, generally reputed to be a leader in the underground rebel movement, the Zealots. Other witnesses included merchants, priests, and half a dozen fellows one can only describe as riffraff. Some say that one, Judas, a former follower of the prophet, was also there. Prisoner Silent The Sanhedrin, in spite of all its questioning, examination and cross-examination, found it difficult to establish any of the charges. No two witnesses seemed to agree on anything and it was all too evident that many of them were hired to testify against the preacher. Finally, when it looked as though the accusations might fail, Caiaphas, in a fit of rage, flung aside his robe declaring the imposter had condemned himself. But others were not so sure. The prisoner said very little. Immediately afterwards, Jesus was sent to the governor, Pilate. There are confused reports of what happened then. Many believe that Pilate, at first, wanted to let the prisoner go free. But the crowds in the street, made vocal by the priests, howled that such an act would be treason against Rome. A few hours later the prophet, in company with two thieves, was led out to a hill, known locally as Calvary, and crucified there. Multitudes gathered to watch the grim procession but there were no attempts to free the prisoners. The awful work completed, the people began to drift away, thinking it was all over. Big Blackout In fact, things had just begun. Although it was only midday a sudden darkness filled the sky, blotting out the sun and making people stumble and fall in their frantic fear and rush to get home. Of all the strange happenings, real or imaginary, reputed to have taken place, I saw the mystery of the darkness for myself. In my room off the Damascus Road I finished my dispatches by candlelight. When the darkness finally cleared at about three in the afternoon, what a commotion there was! A great earthquake near the Calvary hill had rent the ground into great fissures. But that was not all. People rushed through the street screaming they had seen ghosts. Apparently it began with discovering that the earthquake had disturbed a burial place and men and women, clearly petrified with fear, whispered of having seen the dead walking! All was confusion and consternation. Then, to add the last touch, a young Temple priest ran among the crowd, tearing his hair and jabbering that judgment was about to fall. On being calmed down he gasped 22
to a dumb-struck crowd the incredible news that the great curtain in the Holy Place, the most feared and sacred thing in all Jerusalem, was mysteriously ripped from top to bottom. Ordinary priests, he wailed, had looked into the ‘Holiest of Holies’. What could now prevent the wrath of Heaven? Empty Grave On the third day it happened, the most shattering and unbelievable part of this whole fantastic affair. Things were beginning to settle down when a rumour spread like wildfire that the Nazarene prophet had disappeared... his grave was empty! Expecting some mischief from his followers and tipped off by the Jewish leaders, the Romans had placed sentries by the tomb. Now the centurion was sent to investigate. What a sight he and the soldiers saw! The great stone was rolled away from the mouth of the grave, which was now empty. All around, as though struck by an invisible hand, the guards lay unconscious, with fear frozen on their faces. Of the prophet’s body there was no trace. He had vanished! Many of his followers, in hiding since he was arrested, now suddenly appeared claiming to have seen their leader, risen and fully alive. Two of them returning to the nearby village of Emmaus rushed back to Jerusalem, declaring excitedly that they had met Jesus and that he had dined with them! Others speak of seeing him at different times, and all of them confidently assert it is the same prophet and preacher from Nazareth, alive from the dead! As expected, the Jewish leaders flatly deny the whole thing, denouncing it as a hoax practised by the prophet’s followers. I, along with many others, just don’t know. But thinking of all that happened, especially the darkness, I wonder if it was a hoax. Could it be true? One thing is sure: this Passover, Jerusalem will never forget.
ST. COLUMBA’S BBQ AND BARN DANCE Our major parish fundraiser for the Building Fund this year will be the Hog Roast and Barn Dance which is beginning to take shape. It will be held on Friday, 10th June, at 7pm at ‘Unicarval’, 88 Ballyrainey Road, Comber, home of Tony and Clodagh Reid. Tickets - £20 per adult and £5 per child - will be available in church from the beginning of April. The ticket will include a complimentary drink on arrival, food at the BBQ, dessert, and the Barn Dance. On the evening we will be delighted to also host games for kids, a chocolate fountain, tuck shop and wine bar. This event is open to all parishioners, friends and family. It promises to be a night of fun and games for all ages! Robert 1. 116 years 2. Ecuador 3. Sheep and Horses 4. November 5. Squirrel fur 6. Dogs 7. Albert 8. Crimson 9. New Zealand 10. Orange ANSWERS TO SIMPLE QUIZ 23
ST. COLUMBA’S BBQ AND BARN DANCE - £10 to P.P.P.P. Only 50 available for sale! Please avail of this unique opportunity to ‘Purchase a Pink Piggy Portion’. Just visit the Pink Piggy Poster located at the West End of the church and choose a number. Sign your name on the grid below the picture and become the proud owner of a Portion of Pink Piggy! Your generous £10 donation will enable St. Columba’s to buy a full hog which will then be roasted at our Parish Barbecue and Barn Dance on Friday, 10th June. The numbers will be entered into a draw for a special prize on the night. Thank you for your contribution to our fundraising activities. Your support is greatly appreciated. Karen McAlpine
THE CORRYMEELA COMMUNITY Former President of the Methodist Conference, The Revd Dr. Inderjit Bhogal, OBE, will become the new leader of the internationally renowned Corrymeela Community in April. Based in Northern Ireland, the Community has an international reputation for peace and reconciliation. It was founded in 1965 prior to the ‘Troubles’ by The Revd Dr. Ray Davey OBE, prompted by his experiences during the Second World War. The lesson he learned on the front line was that people need to live in a way that accommodates difference. Ray’s commitment to individuals and families affected by social, religious and political divisions lives on in Corrymeela’s vision; namely, to create safe spaces to engage in dialogue, learn from one another and build new relationships between all kinds and conditions of people. Today, the community has 150 members and over 5,000 friends and supporters throughout the world. Inderjit said: “I am delighted to accept this role. Together, the members of Corrymeela have much to do and tough challenges to engage with such as economical, ecumenical and ecological issues, as well as political and religious extremism, sectarianism and racism. We will work with each other and with our partners to play our part to end hatred and hostility; to build harmonious and hospitable communities that celebrate diversity and in which all are welcome, belong equally, have sanctuary and are safe.” The Revd Dr. Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church, said: “I’m sure that the Community in Corrymeela will enjoy getting to know Inderjit who is a loved and respected Methodist minister. His commitment to racial justice, interfaith relationships and ‘cities of sanctuary’ across the country has been exceptional. As a former President of the Methodist Conference, and as a leader for many other groups, organisations and bodies, Inderjit will bring a wealth of experience to his new role. I am sure that everyone will support him and the significant ministry of the Corrymeela Community in their prayers.” 24
MAY MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the May parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 10th April. Many thanks
FLOWER ROTA FOR APRIL Sunday 3rd ............................................. Muriel Jowett Sunday 10th.............................................
Sunday 17th............................................. Palm Leaves and Greenery Sunday 24th............................................. Easter Lilies by Mrs. C. Camp
FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 6th March
Lina Victoria May Joseph 15 Brian Crescent, Tunbridge Wells, Kent Our Sorrows
Christian Burial Wednesday 16th February
Martin Stafford Ellison 17 Clarawood Grove, Belfast
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume they already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 25
PARISH ORGANISATIONS SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig 90472512 Patricia Wilson 90401066 Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stephenson 90583381 X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd 07833 391945 The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 90874047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 90581438 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Eithne Hobson 90797793
WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 8.00pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen
7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine
2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155
6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff
8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Irene Gray 90653438
8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson
8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155
Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183 26
WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH WEBSITE: www.stcolumbas.down.anglican.org
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Curate, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, Clare Best, Helen Donaghy, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth McCaughey, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, Linda Wilson
CURATE The Revd Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email rferris281@gmail.com robert@stcolumbasyouth.org PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390
HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 Email alanrogers53@gmail.com
DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816
HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278 ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 90290625 PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Elizabeth Leonard 28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB Tel 028 90653162
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Moranne Noad Meryl Townsend
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 Mob 07973 392448
DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Emma Hill Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers Paul Stewart 27
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101
MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland Greengraves Cottage 8 Ballyrogan Park, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036 PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 95140141 Email ivan@treadmillcommunications.com
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Daphne Nelson 14 Rosepark BT5 7RG Tel 028 90483889
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email noadfamily@hotmail.com
Email office.knock@down.anglican.org
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.
The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard 28
028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162