April 2013
The theme of my address this year is membership of the body of Christ. As we have heard in our reading from 1st Corinthians 12: 27“Now you are the body of Christ and individual members of it”. In those words, St Paul reminds us that we are not “ecclesiastical lone rangers” on our own trying to do the work of Christ, but that we are members of a team. One of the biggest issues facing our society today is that of loneliness and isolation. Life seems to be coming more impersonal as we go about our activities. I remember as a young boy visiting my grandparents in Ennis, Co. Clare, where my grandfather was an Assistant Bank Manager. I used to walk down to the bank to meet my grandfather and waited for him to finish his work. As I sat in the bank, I saw the personal relationships that existed between him and his customers. They said, “Good afternoon, Mr Mayne”, and he replied, using their names. That close relationship was so helpful when customers required the bank to support them. How things have changed since then! Now, when you go into a bank, names seem to be forgotten. How often it can seem that our personal identity is being diminished and that we are known as a number, or simply as a dot on a graph. Somehow, today, life has lost that personal touch and people can feel that they don’t matter. People long for that sense of belonging to which Paul refers when he was writing to the church at Corinth. They want to be loved and valued. It is these qualities that we need to see continually at work in our parish when we speak of Paul’s image of the Body of Christ. Paul is trying to give the people some vision of what a Christian community should be. Paul’s image encourages us to respect each other and to ensure that there is equal concern for everyone, without division. Just as the human body has many parts, each with different functions, so the church has many members, each with their different roles to play. Everyone is needed and everyone is required to give of their best for the continual growth of our parish. We are fortunate to be able to enjoy such good fellowship with one another throughout the parish. As a visitor commented to me recently after a church service, “The fellowship and the conversations which I have experienced here this morning are very special, following the warm welcome I received upon arrival”. How right she was! We must always work hard to ensure that no-one, whether parishioner or visitor, feels lonely or isolated in St. Columba’s. I personally want to thank all those who contribute so generously to the work of St. Columba’s by the giving of their time, talents and treasure. Caroline, Charles, Henry and I also wish to express our grateful thanks and appreciation for your prayers and support which you have kindly given in the past year. This means so much to us in the Rectory as we endeavour to serve St. Columba’s to the very best of our ability. In addition to all the routine church services and individual activities of our parish organisations that have taken place during the past year, I want to mention specifically four aspects of our work which were particularly significant. PARISH DINNER AND AUCTION OF TALENTS The Parish Dinner and Auction of Talents was one of the highlights of 2012. It was a source of immense encouragement and blessing to see parishioners of all ages sharing fellowship together in the Stormont Hotel during our Patronal Festival weekend. 2
However, this was much more than a fundraising event – it was also an opportunity for each of us to gift a talent which was then auctioned by Noel Thompson. Noel did an amazing job by introducing each talent and making it sound like a “must have” item for each of us! The Fundraising Committee and the Talent Committee excelled themselves in organising this event so well. Over the weeks and months that followed, those who bid successfully for the talents received the benefit of a fellow parishioner calling at their house to fulfil their obligations. In many cases, new friendships were made and acquaintances renewed. Through all these wonderful activities the Body of Christ in this place was strengthened, as individual members supported each other to the best of their ability. THE PARISH TRIP TO ZAMBIA It was at the 2011 Easter Vestry that I first expressed my personal desire to send a parish group overseas on a mission trip. This became a reality last summer when ten parishioners visited the diocese of Northern Zambia, at the invitation of Archbishop Chama. This was a historic moment for St. Columba’s as it was the first time in the history of the parish that a group of parishioners had made such a trip. It was an exciting time as the parish got fully behind the team and offered them invaluable support. Not only was their fundraising target met, it was exceeded by £2,500 through the generosity and hard work of the parishioners and parish organisations. It was a source of great blessing and encouragement to have seen the whole parish come together to support the Zambia Ipalo Team. In addition to the financial support, there was also invaluable prayerful support for the team and their families. On their return, the whole team received a wonderful welcome from the congregation. There was a great buzz of activity at the door and plenty of conversations started up as they all arrived for church. During that service, I invited each member of the Zambia Ipalo team to give a short summary of what the trip meant to them. This was one of the most moving experiences we have shared together as a parish. Each one spoke clearly from the heart and we could see just how grateful they all were to have had that wonderful life-changing opportunity. It is so essential that we continue to develop further our links with the diocese of Northern Zambia. A few weeks ago, some of the team members and I met with David Gough from C.M.S. Ireland to discuss just how this might be achieved. The common thread from those who had been to Zambia was the need to build up the relationships with the inspirational individuals they had met and worked with while there. Effective communication is the key to achieving this and we want to establish a regular form of communication both to and from the diocese of Northern Zambia. These updates will be placed on the church noticeboard and will be included in The Columban. We are most grateful to David Gough for his invaluable assistance in the development of a Partnership Plan which will run for the next three years. This will involve the formation of our Zambia Home Team Group and very shortly I will be inviting some members of the parish to join this new group. Three meetings will be facilitated by C.M.S. Ireland, each focusing on two aspects - the first being input from the diocese of Northern Zambia, and the second being input from St. Columba’s. This will create an opportunity for: •• two-way dialogue and communication. •• the development of real relationships with those whom our team met during their trip. •• further prayer and financial support. The £3,000 which the Select Vestry 3
allocated from our Mission and Charity money has been sent to the Education Project in Zambia which our team visited. •• increased involvement by parishioners through participation in a future overseas trip in a few years’ time, by hosting visitors from the diocese of Northern Zambia in our parish or by praying, knitting, writing, fundraising or even speaking to other church groups about their experiences, as they did very recently in Ballymacash Parish. It is hoped to have a Partnership Link flyer ready for distribution to each household in the parish at the beginning of September. This will provide a clear focus for our work in this area. THE REVEREND ROBERT FERRIS th On Sunday, 28 October, we said farewell to our hard-working and much respected Curate. Throughout his ministry of 3¼ years, The Reverend Robert Ferris gained immeasurably in self-confidence and willingly took part in so many aspects of our parish life. In addition to his active participation in our church services and his parish visiting, Robert also shared his vast array of computer skills for the benefit of so many parishioners. He formed the “Pause” group to enable parishioners to come together for coffee and a chat in our local coffee shops. This very popular group continues to grow and develop under its new co-ordinator, Eileen Anderson. Robert shared his wonderful passion for mission with us in a very personal way that was reflected in his leadership of our parish team to Zambia. As a token of our appreciation for his ministry among us, Robert received a beautiful painting of St. Columba’s, painted by Dr Billy Nelson, along with a generous cheque. It was a great delight for me to have preached at Robert’s service of welcome in the Church of the Resurrection in Blarney on Saturday, 3rd November, where Robert was well supported by family, parishioners from St. Columba’s, friends and his new parishioners. We were all warmly welcomed by the parishioners of the Carrigrohane Union of Parishes during that weekend. We wish Robert God’s richest blessing upon his ministry in Blarney. The Curatage is now occupied by tenants and the parish is able to benefit from the rental income. RESTRUCTURING OF PARISH ADMINISTRATION In the September edition of The Columban, the Hon. Secretary of the Select Vestry, Alan Rogers, submitted a detailed article about the changes that would be required to our parish administration following the departure of the Curate. Alan wrote in that article: “It has been determined by the Select Vestry that regrettably the parish will not be in a position for some time to fill the Curate Assistant vacancy, following Robert’s departure at the end of October 2012. In light of this, the Select Vestry has been considering the most appropriate arrangements to be put in place to ensure effective and continuing levels of support for the Rector, the wider Clergy team, parish officers and, of course, parishioners. Future administrative functions of the parish will cover four main areas:•• Secretarial support to the Rector To allow the Rector to focus on pastoral issues, along with the preparation of all services, and not be encumbered with administrative tasks which only serve to 4
detract from effective service to the parish. •• Parish Records It is essential to hold accurate and readily accessible parish records which are retained and managed in accordance with legal obligations. •• Parish Computer System It is essential for a parish of our size to have a range of computer generated reports and analyses to support decision making by the Clergy team, parish officers and Select Vestry. •• Management of the Parish Office Effective parish support requires to be effectively managed through an efficiently run office which will become the representative face of our parish.” The Select Vestry agreed that these duties should be placed under the responsibility of a Parish Administrator. This new five day part time post subsumes and enhances the former duties of the Parish Secretary, which was a two day part time post. Mrs Janet Johnston, the Parish Secretary, left St. Columba’s at the end of August after 15 years’ service. The Select Vestry and I extended our appreciation to Janet for the service she gave to the parish, and wished her well for the future. The process of recruitment for a Parish Administrator then began and we were pleased to welcome Karen Patterson to our parish three months later. During that period, the Reverend Robert Ferris, Murray Hunter and I maintained the parish office at no additional financial expense to the parish. The recruitment process was conducted by me and a team of parishioners, also at no cost to the parish. The duties of the Parish Administrator include: •• Executive Assistant to the Rector •• Administrative support and backup to the Clergy team •• Operation of the parish computer system •• Custodian of sensitive parish records •• Manager of a busy parish office •• Representative of the Clergy, the parish officers and the parishioners To achieve this much needed level of support, the parish office was relocated to the soft room in the church hall and is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am - 1.00pm. We are delighted to welcome Karen to our Easter Vestry Meeting and we wish her every blessing in her work. We have also recently welcomed The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth to St. Columba’s as Assistant Priest. I have known him for many years and it is a privilege for me now to share ministry with him in our church services, and also in our parish visiting. In addition to his duties in St. Columba’s, Canon Smyth is continuing in his role as Church of Ireland Chaplain of the Ulster Hospital. He has already got to know many parishioners and his ministry among us is greatly appreciated. Members of the Easter Vestry, this restructuring of parish administration was absolutely essential if we are to continue to thrive and develop as a parish. These changes will enable us to focus on growth and mission. However, these changes alone will not be sufficient! In order for the parish to reach its full potential, it needs the support of each and every family. I am reminded of those famous words of President John F. Kennedy, when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. These words can and must be applied into the ministry of our parish, with this translation: “Ask not what your parish can do for you, but what you 5
can do for your parish”. Just as President Kennedy asked his people to work hard, so too it must be said that our parish needs each of its members to contribute fully to its activities, if it is to succeed. All of the progress made during the past year was achieved by only 62% of our parishioners giving generously of their time, talents and money, with the result that 38% of our parishioners are currently not taking part in any worship or activities. St. Columba’s is not alone in this situation, and yet this is a situation which we must now firmly and comprehensively address. The hard work and support of those who contribute to the parish are reflected in the financial accounts which will be presented shortly. In addition, various cost-effective measures have been adopted to reduce inefficiencies and to keep expenditure to a minimum. Despite the fact that only 62% of our parishioners are actively involved in church activities, St. Columba’s continues to reach out to every single home in the parish, whether they are involved or not. This is currently being exercised in two ways: 1. Every home receives a copy of our magazine, The Columban, from their magazine distributor each month. 2. Every month, The Columban provides details of the Clergy Visiting and each house in the areas being visited receives a visit from either Canon Smyth or me. St. Columba’s is one of very few parishes where routine visiting is carried out by the Clergy. Those of you who are readers of the Church of Ireland Gazette will be familiar with all the letters of complaint from many people concerning the nonexistence of clergy visiting in their parishes. While this contact is good, we must now encourage those who are not currently involved to participate in a direct and personal way. As St. Paul reminds us, “Now you are the body of Christ and individual members of it”- that means everyone! St. Paul speaks of the different parts of the church as limbs of one body, and of how important each limb is to the body. Each member in our parish is like a limb of the body. Just as we cannot manage without the heart or head, so we cannot manage without each limb of the church. All parts are needed if the body of the church is to be healthy. How, therefore, can we move forward to promote parish growth and development? We need to Reflect, Refresh and Rejuvenate as Team St. Columba. In the May edition of The Columban, there will be an important and removable document for every family to complete. The purpose of this is threefold: UPDATE It is essential for the smooth running of the parish that we have accurate contact details for each parishioner which are stored securely in the parish office in full compliance with Data Protection legislation. We need to update these details. At present, we are exploring ways of using electronic communication more effectively for the benefit of parishioners. As a parent, I receive regular email and text messages from Campbell College reminding me of various events each week or changes to routine events. I find this very useful as it flags up forthcoming events again for me as the date approaches. Similar methods are used by many doctors, opticians and dentists to remind patients of their appointments. To operate such a system in St. Columba’s we first need to update everyone’s contact information, especially mobile and email details. Sending texts or emailing would be a 6
very efficient and cost-effective way to remind parishioners and organisational members of forthcoming events that have been previously advertised in The Columban. TALKBACK As part of the parish’s evaluation and improvement planning, there will be an opportunity for every family to “Talkback” their views on our church services and activities. It is important that St. Columba’s can connect with each parishioner and offer support to them in the best and fullest way possible. These results will allow us to understand what is required to improve and perhaps lead to the introduction of new activities or church services, enabling more people to become involved. A few months ago, I sought the views of the young people in our parish about what type of youth group would suit them and what they would be willing to participate in. I listened carefully to their views. The result was the formation of a new youth group called Youth Etc which meets on a monthly basis. There are now over 20 members in this group who are participating in a wide range of activities. I am quite sure that there are many other areas of our church which could be improved to meet the changing needs of parishioners. INVOLVEMENT The third part will provide an opportunity for each parishioner to reconsider their involvement in all aspects of our parish life. The parish accounts that we are discussing tonight reflect the fact that we cannot afford to rely on legacy income to supplement our income, as we have done in the past. A fellow parishioner will call to your home to collect this completed feedback during May. Each family must complete the feedback form in full in order for this to be effective. THE CHURCH HALL The church hall was built in 1962 and has been used extensively since it opened in 1963. It is not surprising that it now needs a great deal of repair work. It is essential that the parish has a church hall which is fit for purpose and is practical for all our needs. The fundraising for all the necessary work has already started and the Select Vestry has determined that this money be ring-fenced so that it cannot be used for any other purpose. In order to advance the work as expeditiously as possible, a Church Hall Committee has been formed to examine how best to proceed. This committee will be seeking professional advice to ensure that the best decisions are taken for the future benefit of the parish. The committee will report in the first instance to the Select Vestry, and thereafter a parish meeting will be held when our plans will be discussed. The fundraising work will continue as the church hall will be the focus of our fundraising for the foreseeable future. STAFF AND SELECT VESTRY I would like to thank our Organist and Choirmaster, Gerald Hill; Assistant Organist, Brian Clements; Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson; Cleaner, Kate McGrady; Groundsman, Jim Adams; and the Select Vestry and Office Bearers for their hard work as well as the tremendous amount of time and energy they have contributed throughout this busy year. All members have given of their best and have generously shared their professional skills with the parish, as together we have worked through the challenges and issues confronting us. Three of our long-standing Select Vestry members have informed me of their intention to retire at this meeting. I want to take this opportunity to thank each one for the enormous contribution they have made to our work. 7
John Proctor John Proctor has served as both Rector’s and People’s Glebewarden during the past seven years. He has been a regular attendee at our Select Vestry meetings and has carried out his duties in a highly conscientious manner. He has also been most helpful to us in the Rectory. John has kindly agreed to continue to assist with work maintenance on the site and I am extremely grateful to him for his continuing support. Jennifer Johnston Jennifer Johnston served briefly on the Select Vestry before my arrival. More recently, she has been a hard working member for the past four years when she has made important contributions to our discussions. Her carefully chosen words have always been listened to and respected by her colleagues, and have been influential in arriving at collective decisions. I am very pleased that Jennifer will continue to co-ordinate the Administration of the Chalice rota, read the lessons and assist in the leading of prayers in church. Murray Hunter Murray Hunter has served on the Select Vestry since 1985 and has contributed widely to all the discussions over the past 27 years. In addition to being a Select Vestry member, he has also shared his immense Stewardship knowledge in so many aspects of our work, to the benefit of St. Columba’s. Through his guidance and direction, the parish currently has 77% of its Free Will Offering being Gift-Aided, which amounted to £19,496 during the past financial year. This is an important source of income for us and represents Murray’s hard work in encouraging tax-paying parishioners to sign up for Gift Aid. Murray has also served as the Assistant Hon. Treasurer in recent years and has been very helpful in carrying out those duties in such a dedicated manner. Murray and Pam administer the Free Will Offering envelopes and they have offered support to those who have moved to Standing Orders. There are now 118 Standing Orders in operation, amounting to £53,432 of our income. I am delighted they will continue in this important role following his retirement. Gillian Sadlier Gillian Sadlier has served as our Hon. Treasurer during the past four years. She has carried out this crucial part of our work in a most dedicated and conscientious manner. Gillian has generously shared her professional accountancy skills with the parish by carefully recording each of our financial transactions in a meticulous manner, and by producing such clear financial accounts for our meeting tonight. Every year, the Hon. Auditors have praised Gillian for her approach and attention to detail, and this year was no exception. Gillian now wishes to retire, primarily due to her work and family commitments, and I want to express our grateful thanks and appreciation for all that she has done as our Hon. Treasurer. CONCLUSION Each one of us at St. Columba’s has a genuine sense of calling and responsibility. As St. Paul tells us, “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it”. May we reach up to that privilege and duly exercise our own area of influence, using our particular gifts and talents to encourage one another to participate fully in the activities of our parish in the year ahead. We cannot do this on our own we need to encourage everyone to be involved by responding faithfully to their individual calling. May we now respond in a positive manner by asking, “What can I as an individual in St. Columba’s do to develop the parish further, that I am not doing now?” 8
SERVICES IN APRIL Thursday 4th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 7th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Second Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Gospel Clergy All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Hollie Wilson Choral Evensong Reader Reader
Jennifer Pyper Jennifer Pyper
(White) Acts 5: 27-32 John 20: 19-31 John 20: 19-31 Isaiah 53: 1-6, 9-12 Luke 24: 13-35
Thursday 11th The Annunciation of our Lord (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 14th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Third Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan John 21: 1-19 Holy Communion Reader Gillian Sadlier Acts 9: 1-6 Gospel Clergy John 21: 1-19 Intercessions Gina Greeves Late Evening Office Reader Clare Best John 11: 27-44
Thursday 18th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 21st The Fourth Sunday of Easter (White) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Patrick Wilson Acts 9: 36-43 Gospel Clergy John 10: 22-30 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine John 10: 22-30 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Alan Rogers Numbers 27: 12-23 Reader Michael Sadlier John 10: 22-30 Occasional Jennifer Johnston Prayers 7.00pm Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Isaiah 63: 7-14 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 24: 36-49 Thursday 25th Saint Mark the Evangelist (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry 9
Sunday 28th 8.15am 11.00am 7.00pm
The Fifth Sunday of Easter (White) Holy Communion Reader David Beattie Acts 11: 1-18 Gospel Clergy John 13: 31-35 Confirmation Service followed by refreshments in the church hall Reader Kathryn McBurney Proverbs 3: 1-12 Reader Amy Campbell Hebrews 12: 1-6 Reader Charles Auchmuty Luke 9: 18-25 Preacher: The Bishop of Down & Dromore Evening Prayer Reader Jennifer Johnston Daniel 6: 6-23 Reader Jennifer Johnston Mark 15: 46-16:8
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
APRIL SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 7th........................................................... Ross and Chris Thompson Sunday 14th......................................................... The Wilson Family Sunday 21st.......................................................... Lilias Smith and Pauline Darke Sunday 28th......................................................... Rosemary and Ivan Coffey 10
10.30am All Age Worship
Sunday, 14th April
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday, 21st April
9.30am Family Communion
Sunday, 28th April
10.30am Sunday School
The singing at All Age Worship at the beginning of March received a huge number of good comments and it was great to see so many children in church. On Mothering Sunday, we started in Sunday school but were up in church in time to deliver the lovely chocolates provided by the Mothers’ Union to our Mums. We have now started our new books with many more interesting activities to follow. At the end of April, most of the young people in our senior Sunday school class will be confirmed and we wish them all the best for this very important event in their lives. Beth Cairnduff
CONFIRMATION SERVICE SUNDAY, 28th APRIL at 11.00AM We look forward to welcoming the Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Right Reverend Harold Miller, to St. Columba’s to administer the Rite of Confirmation on Sunday, 28th April, at 11.00am. Candidates from the parishes of St. Molua’s, St. Dorothea’s, Orangefield Parish Church and St. Columba’s will be confirmed at that service. This will be a most important occasion in their lives as they become full adult communicant members of the church. I hope that you will be able to attend this service to support them. Please remember all the candidates in your prayers during this month as they continue to attend their weekly classes. Those being confirmed from St. Columba’s are:
Jamie Sadlier Rebecca Burns Asher Mills Isobel Mills Andrew Kelly
Zac Elkin Charles Auchmuty Andrew Jamison Michelle Jamison
There will be refreshments in the church hall following the service. The newly confirmed will receive Holy Communion for the first time on Sunday, 5th May, at 8.15am with their parents and families. The Rector 11
Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Assistant Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ivan Roche, Roberta Rogers, Gillian Sadlier
Garth Macartney, Niall Armstrong
Trevor Buchanan, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad
Murray Hunter, Michael Davey, Elizabeth McCaughey, Roberta Rogers
Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ross Thompson
SUPPLEMENTAL DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Elizabeth McCaughey, Michael Davey, Roberta Rogers, Elizabeth Miller, Emma Hill 12
Rector’s Churchwarden (left): Jon Little; People’s Churchwarden (right): Mark Wilson
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH CHURCH, KNOCK MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES 2013-14 FINANCE COMMITTEE Rector (Chair) Hon. Treasurer Assistant Hon. Treasurer Stephen Armstrong Victor Dukelow David Fairley Murray Hunter Gillian Sadlier
PROPERTY COMMITTEE Rector (Chair) Rector’s Glebewarden People’s Glebewarden Brian Acheson Brian Gillespie John McKeown John Proctor Mark Wilson
FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Rector (Chair) David Craig Katrina Dukelow Jennifer Johnston Elizabeth Leonard Dawn Macartney Elizabeth McCaughey Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers
CHURCH HALL COMMITTEE Rector (Chair) Hon. Treasurer Assistant Hon. Treasurer Rector’s Glebewarden People’s Glebewarden Brian Acheson Michael Davey Victor Dukelow Brian Gillespie John McKeown Gillian Sadlier 13
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Assistant Priest (028 91458706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during April: Rector Barnetts Road Barnetts Court Barnetts Crescent Beersbridge Road Belmont Church Road Belmont Park
Assistant Priest Glenannesley Park, Bangor Lord Warden’s Glade, Bangor Meadow Way, Crawfordsburn Ballyrogan Park, Dundonald Rhanbuoy Park, Seahill Dalton Glade, Comber
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE During March, the Mothers’ Union welcomed back two former parishioners from St. Columba’s, Mark and Liz Fetherstonhaugh. In November 2011, Liz travelled to Cambodia with Ratanak UK, an organisation responding to the needs of Cambodians but especially the need of children who are victims of sexual exploitation. Ratanak is a Christ-centred organisation committed to serving the people of Cambodia by helping them rebuild their country. During the genocide between 1975 and 1979, it was estimated that between 1.7 and 3 million people died from starvation, disease or were violently executed by the state. Children were taken from their parents and placed into forced labour camps to be ‘retrained’. Girls as young as seven were trained in prostitution. The dark days of Khmer Rouge are behind Cambodia and its people are looking towards a more hopeful future, however, Cambodia is still among the poorest countries in the world. Liz gave the Mothers’ Union a very moving account of her visit in 2009 and she and Mark are returning later this year. We shall be supporting Ratanak through tea and coffee at our All Age Worship service on Sunday, 7th April. Please plan to be with us and support a very worthwhile cause. Roberta
LADIES BOWLING Our bowling season finished on Monday, 18th March, so now some of us will be bowling outdoors after Easter. Thanks to the ladies who joined us each Monday afternoon – come hail, sunshine or snow; to Jim Stevenson who kindly put the mats down each week and to the Rector for calling in on us many times. Phyllis Newton 14
We need your help – just an hour or so from Sunday 12th to Saturday, 18th May – to undertake door to door collections down one street of houses for Christian Aid Week. By volunteering, you will be helping poor, frightened and starving people to improve their lives as well as giving them the chance to drink clean water, instead of filthy and infected water from the local river. There will be a list on the table at the back of the church asking for volunteers to sign up with their names and addresses. Please join me at this important time… your help is badly needed and will be greatly appreciated! Hazel Reid
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH LENTEN LUNCH A large congregation of 220 was present to enjoy a most entertaining half hour recital by the Music Group at 10.30am on Sunday, 3rd March. Parishioners greatly appreciated the variety, skill and quality of both the repertoire and the instrumental performance of the players – Murray Hunter, Emma Hill and Karen McAlpine on concert flute, Holly Wilson on clarinet, Eve Tinney on violin and Gerald, our Parish Organist and Choirmaster, on piano. A beautiful solo was also sung by Clare Best, whose granddaughter, Evie, was baptised during the morning service that followed. Indeed, it was to be a double ceremony, as Evie was joined in baptism by Willow and both delightful young ladies were able to walk around the congregation instead of being carried in the arms of the clergy! The service was further enhanced by an address by members of last year’s Ipalo team as a follow up to their very successful visit to Northern Zambia. Eloquently led from the lectern by Jayne Martin, team members Mark Gillespie, Aaron Wilson, Olivia Budde and Helen Cairnduff, ably supported by a number of young volunteers, presented a dramatic insight into the stark shortage of educational resources in a typical Zambian classroom, compared to one in Belfast. Jayne concluded with the grateful acknowledgement of a £3000 donation from St. Columba’s towards the building of a new primary and secondary school, and skills centre, in Kitwee, under the auspices of Archbishop Chama, a project which St. Columba’s has pledged to support both with prayers and finance in the future. At the same time, Yvonne Robb and Alan Boyd were making a similar Ipalo presentation to parishioners of St. Mark’s, Ballymacash, at their morning service. Members of the Sunday school then sang a delightful children’s anthem and after the service parishioners gathered in the church hall at midday to enjoy the Lenten lunch of soup and apple pie, amidst a lovely atmosphere of chatter, laughter and fellowship. Sincerest thanks are due to Jill Gillespie and her dedicated team of willing helpers, as well as to those who so kindly provided the delicious nourishment, for all their hard work and most efficient serving. Voluntary donations, including Gift Aid, amounted to £1358, a most generous and welcome contribution towards the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. 15
Photographs kindly provided by Linda Wilson
The Quirky Craft Floating Candles which will be available at All Age Worship on Sunday, 7th April, look pretty in a glass bowl on the dinner table. All donations are in aid of the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Never leave burning candles unattended! Summer Time: Moving the clocks forward to save energy is not a new idea. Benjamin Franklyn was concerned about wasting daylight as early as 1784 when he was American ambassador to France. He was shocked at the Paris shopkeepers’ habit of opening late in the morning and staying open long after dark. He calculated this caused the unnecessary burning of 96,075,000 candles at a cost of more than a million francs a year. His solution – a daily sunrise serenade of clanging church bells and booming cannon to “Wake the sluggards effectually and make them open their eyes to see their real interest!” National Geographic News Feature
PAUSE If you are free on Tuesday, 16th April, do ‘pause’ for a short time at Neill’s Hill in Ballyhackamore at 10.30am for coffee and scones. There is no need to book or confirm… just turn up and meet with fellow parishioners and friends… all are most welcome! If you require transport, please do not hesitate to contact me. Eileen (90 203684)
Pause at Skainos 18
ST. COLUMBA’S YOUNG FAMILIES GROUP – WHAT IS IT? Perhaps you will have read the invitation in this edition of The Columban to an upcoming Young Families Group outing at the Mandarin City restaurant. If the first questions you asked yourself were - “What is the Young Families Group and is it for me?” - then read on… The St. Columba’s Young Families Group was established about three years ago in recognition of the fact that quite a number of young families were joining the congregation. Yet, apart from attending church services and saying hello to parishioners in surrounding pews, there were limited opportunities for those families to get to know others in an informal setting. In tandem, there was a real appetite amongst longer standing young families within the church to catch-up and make new friendships. So the aim of the group was to build friendships and to deepen the sense of community and belonging within the church. Since its formation, the Young Families Group has organised or played its part in organising a number of enjoyable events, ranging from wine tastings and treasure hunts to Christmas parties. The group is not exclusive, however. Indeed, if it is seen as such it has failed in its mission. Instead, it would like to broaden its base so that it is not just for those in the young families category but also appeals to youngish (your interpretation) couples, married or otherwise, as well as to individuals. Perhaps the title of the group also needs refreshing so that it reflects the nature of this wider audience. So whether you have been at a Young Families Group event or not, I hope you will be able to come along to the Mandarin City on 12th April, at 8.00pm. It promises to be a night of good food and great fun! Please bring along any thoughts you have for future events or even for a new more fitting name for the group. See you there! Victor Dukelow
Calling all St. Columba’s Young Families ***A Grown – Ups’ night out*** Fun, Friendship and Chinese Food at the Mandarin City Restaurant, Ballyhackamore Friday, 12th April, at 8pm
*** To secure your seat contact: Linda Wilson: 028 90761040 linda_wilson_9@hotmail.com Or Victor Dukelow: 07825 146955 vkj.dukelow@ntlworld.com 19
Incredibly, three months have passed since the last Men’s Club notes were available and I would like to begin on a personal note by taking this opportunity to thank the Club members, the Rector and the many parishioners who supported me and the family with their prayers, good wishes and encouragement during my recent illness. I am happy that I am able to participate in parish events again, albeit in a reduced capacity for now. The first match of the New Year against Knock Methodist was scheduled for Monday, 21st January, but had to be postponed due to inclement weather. Our ‘Ladies Night’ on Monday, 11th February, proved a great success with 27 present on the evening, producing a great ‘buzz’ in the hall that had not been experienced for some time. The evening concluded with prize giving for the top scoring ladies, followed by supper and the results of Ken’s ‘brainteaser’ which had given rise to much discussion in the course of the evening. On Thursday, 21st February, we visited St. Colmcille’s and after a difficult start emerged victorious with a score line of 49-35. The rescheduled Knock Methodist fixture took place on Monday, 11th March, in our hall and resulted in a win for us with the score line of 60-25. Congratulations are due to the Captain and members of the Club for accomplishing a ‘clean sweep’ in the Inter Church matches this year! This achievement is all the greater given the small and dedicated number we have in the Club, and I would once again take the opportunity of asking for new members to join us for next season. April sees the finals of our Club competitions, keenly contested as ever. Results will appear in later editions of The Columban. Our Annual Prize Giving Dinner will take place in Coast Restaurant in Holywood on Friday, 26th April, and we look forward to a good attendance on what is always an enjoyable night out for members and their ladies. We will end our season with a visit to the Flying Angel Centre to learn more about the work done there and weather permitting, a short tour of the port of Belfast, returning to the Centre for a light supper. The opening night of the new season will be Monday, 2nd September. May I conclude by wishing our members and their families a Blessed Easter season with, hopefully, a good summer to follow. Geoff Launchbury
Dear Ladies,
I hope you are all well and looking forward to spring, brighter evenings and warmer days! I am pleased to tell you that on Wednesday, 17th April, Tony Fleck is coming to talk to us about The Golden Age of the Picture Palaces. It was such a glamorous and exciting time during the development of films and we are looking forward to hearing all the details! See you there,
Lilias Smith (Hon. Sec.) 20
Hello Ladies, Joan Howard from Reconnect will be coming to speak to us at our April meeting which will be held on the second Tuesday, 9th April. She will be showing us how we can pamper ourselves using herbal remedies! There will be a Festival Service in St. Marks COI in Newtownards on Monday, 8th April, at 8.00pm. If anyone would like a lift please speak to Irene or myself. If there are any outstanding overseas donations, please submit them at the next meeting. Thank you all for your generous and delicious tray bakes that you brought to the Mothers Day Service. Wishing you all a blessed Easter, Sandra February 2013 Dear Parishioner As you may know the 2012 Down & Dromore Diocesan Synod unanimously declared the year 2015 to be a Year of Mission across our diocese. Over the past decade we have made faithful progress in proclaiming the Good News, baptising and nurturing new believers and meeting the needs of our communities. We have seen steady growth in the number of parishes developing new initiatives and in the number of workers and volunteers needed to run them. As a diocese we are probably serving our communities better than at any time in the past 10 years, and for this we must be grateful for God’s blessing and the faithful work and financial giving of parishioners just like you. Now is the time, I believe, for us to build on this work and prayerfully reach out more fully to the communities around with the message and work of the Gospel. It fills me with hope that this diocese will be aiming to do this in a powerful way in 2015. However, there is much for us to do if we are to prepare the ground well to reap a harvest in 2015. Each parish and ministry across our diocese will have to prayerfully plan for this year, not just in the months beforehand, but also in 2013, and 2014. It is with this mind that we will be meeting with all parish vestries in the week beginning 20 May 2013 to pray and to discuss how we might best prepare for mission. We believe that Select Vestries are a key element in the mission of our church and much of the success of our planning and preparation for 2015 will depend on the vestries elected, not just at Easter 2014, but also this coming Easter. This is an exciting development but it also an extra responsibility that we will be asking of Select Vestries. I think it is important to bear this in mind as they are chosen to serve as representatives on Select Vestries over the next couple of years. Yours sincerely in Christ,
A different venue was chosen this month for Youth Etc with a trip to Ravenhill to see the Ulster v. Treviso RaboDirect Pro12 on Friday, 1st March. Despite being a cold night it was an action packed match. Ulster led at half time by 17-10 but were lucky to finish with a tie at 29 all, as Treviso missed scoring with the last kick of the match. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the game and the excitement throughout meant we could not take our eyes off the pitch. There was a good turnout of our group whose numbers are now up to 20 plus. Our next outing is snowtubing at Craigavon Ski slope on Friday, 19th April, so hope that everyone comes along for what sounds like a brilliant fun event! Helen Cairnduff
BROWNIE NOTES March was a very busy month for us. On the first Friday night we made and decorated gift boxes for our Mothers, and on the second Friday we made lots of heart shaped shortbread to go inside the boxes. The smell coming from the kitchen meant that it was very difficult to keep the secret from the Mums who were there to collect the girls. The photo shows some of the decorated boxes! We are hoping to join other Brownies and Rainbows from Belfast at Lorne in May for a Fun Day, but before we go we have to design a new flower so we have begun putting our ideas on paper, and the best from the Pack will be chosen as our Pack entry. Our last night in March will be our Easter party, the highlight of which will be our Easter egg hunt when we will be joined by the Doves to find all the hidden eggs. Let’s hope none of them melt on the radiators before we find them! Beth Cairnduff 22
AFTERNOON GROUP Olivia Budde was our speaker for the March meeting. She entertained us with stories about her trip to Zambia with the Ipalo team. We heard of the kindness of the Zambian people and the very different church services she had attended. We heard how the cash machine had eaten Robert’s card and how the group had made their own sausages for dinner. We learnt about the Victoria Falls and what it was like to get up at the crack of dawn to visit a game reserve. It was almost five o’clock when the Rector arrived to find we were still talking. A great sign that we had all enjoyed the speaker! We are delighted to welcome Rosemary Coffey to help with the running of the group. She has already proved her worth by providing the most delicious date and walnut loaf to have with our tea. The April meeting will take the form of a Bring and Buy sale and information day. Everyone is most welcome, as are items for the stalls. The May outing is to Glenarm Castle. This will include a guided tour of the castle, a visit to the walled garden (where we have been promised 3000 tulips!) and afternoon tea in the castle tearoom. New members are always welcome and anyone needing a lift, please let me know. Joy Montgomery
Divine Healing Ministries Invites you to a special service of divine healing
Raffle Winner
Praying for those with cancer St. Anne’s Cathedral, Donegall St., Belfast Monday, 22nd April, 2013 8.00 pm
Brother David Jardine
l Arndell L to R: Dr Billy Nelson, Munrie dell), Arn (on behalf of winner, Joa len Kil Bob the Rector,
Personal prayer for healing and anointing with oil will be available 23
Cadenza is a choir of 25 mixed voices under the direction of Michael McCracken, musical director of Down Cathedral, Downpatrick. They have just produced a CD of favourite and new hymns entitled Nearer My God to Thee. The CD was recorded in Down Cathedral and the organist was Richard Campbell. It has received a number of very complimentary reviews. Cadenza rehearses every Monday night in the choir vestry of St. Columba’s and our assistant organist, Brian Clements, is a member. They are very grateful to St. Columba’s for the use of the choir vestry and £3 from the sale of each CD in St. Columba’s will go towards the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. The CD costs £10 and will be available at the back of the church during April. Just leave your money in the box provided or contact Brian Clements who will be happy to provide you with a copy, at e-mail: briank.clements@hotmail.com or mobile: 07774-414593. Thank you.
AUDIO RECORDING SERVICE You will appreciate that it is very important to regularly attend your church and to participate with others in the service. But what about those who, through illness or disability, cannot join with the rest of us? The Rector is very aware of their requirements and has asked that we set up a facility to record the sound of the 10.30am service and to upload this to the parish website each Sunday, so that these valued members of the congregation may feel included in our worship. There are copyright reasons that this can only be done as a recording. This facility has been on-going now for some months and after some initial problems is now working well, due in part to some additional volunteers who have joined the team. We now have Alan Boyd, Andrew Jamison, Charles Auchmuty and Chris Thompson regularly providing this service. We endeavour to have the recording available on the website by 2.00pm on the Sunday. The recording may be downloaded from the website as an mp3 file for anyone who does not have direct access to a computer. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the service that we provide, please speak to the Rector who will supply the necessary contact details. Access to the parish website - www.stcolumbas.down.anglican.org/audio - via broadband is required. Archived copies of previous recordings, for at least the past year, are also available. David Deane (Co-ordinator) 24
THE WALLS OF JERICHO A school inspector is sent to assess a 4th year class in a local primary school and is introduced to the class by the teacher. She says to her class, “Let’s show the inspector just how clever you are by allowing him to ask you a question.” The inspector reasons that class normally starts with religious instruction so he decides to ask a biblical question. He asks: “Children, who broke down the walls of Jericho?” For a full minute there is absolute silence. Eventually, little Billy raises his hand, stands up and replies: “Sir, I do not know who broke down the walls of Jericho but I can assure you it wasn’t me.” Of course, the inspector is shocked by the answer and the lack of knowledge of the famous bible story, and looks at the teacher for an explanation. Realising that he is perturbed, the teacher says: “Well, I’ve known Billy since the start of the year and I believe that if he says that he didn’t do it, then he certainly didn’t do it.” The inspector is even more shocked at this and storms down to the Principal’s office and tells him what happened, to which the Principal replies: “I don’t know the boy but I believe his teacher. If she feels that the boy is innocent, then he must be innocent.” The inspector can’t believe what he is hearing. He grabs the phone on the Principal’s desk and in a rage dials the Minister for Education, rattles off the entire occurrence and asks him what he thinks of the apparently appalling standard of religious education in the country. The Education Minister sighs heavily and replies: “I don’t know the boy, the teacher or the principal and I’ve never heard of the school, but just get three quotes and we’ll have the wall fixed.”
Check out our May magazine and help us to
REFLECT ❋ REFRESH ❋ REJUVENATE As summer beckons, our May parish magazine will feature a oneoff centre page ‘supplement’ giving everyone the chance to help us update parish records, fill in a quick and easy survey and look at ways everyone can be involved in church and community. It’s our big summer team effort to help make a difference to our future at St. Columba’s! Check it out - next month! 25
CASH FOR CLOBBER Cash for Clobber will be back in the church car park on Saturday, 1st June, from 10.30 to 11.30am to raise funds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund, so have a good clear out of all those crammed wardrobes and cupboards! Remember, the heavier the better as all the bags are weighed. If you need to have any bags of clobber collected from your home, please contact Roberta Rogers (07912-360201) or Katrina Dukelow (07954-577107). Roberta
Collection bags (for clothes, shoes, handbags and belts only) will be available at the back of church from mid-April onwards.
PARISH ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Copies of the Parish Annual Accounts for the year to 31st December 2012, as presented at the Annual Easter General Vestry Meeting on Wednesday, 13th March 2013, are available at the back of the church.
In 2009, the Select Vestry offered every parishioner the opportunity to “adopt” their little piece of St. Columba’s. The church grounds were divided up into sixteen areas (as per map on adjacent page) and volunteers came forward to take on responsibility for the regular maintenance of each. The results are plain to see – we are managing to keep our grounds in a very neat and tidy state. The Church Grounds Maintenance Plan is overseen by the Select Vestry Property Committee. Brian Acheson (on behalf of the Committee) would be delighted to hear from new volunteers. If you want to volunteer or obtain more information, please contact Brian at 028 90424892 or mobile 07766 057473 CHURCH GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PLAN GUIDELINES The Church Grounds Maintenance Plan operates with a few simple guidelines: •• The list of volunteers will be refreshed each spring (so you do not need to commit for more than a year) •• Volunteers will be expected to look over their area regularly and undertake maintenance work, as required •• If heavier work is necessary, volunteers may seek the assistance of others through the Property Committee •• Volunteers should maintain their area in its current state and not seek to change its character, without the involvement of the Property Committee 26
Church Grounds Maintenance Plan
Front hedge/lawn
Cutting hedge, maintaining lawn edges
Front small bed
Pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed - 1st Section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed - 2 Section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed - 3rd Section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Paving at front of church
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Car park
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Paths/stones at rear of church
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Hedges around car park
Cutting hedge
Paths and planters around church lawn
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning paths. Bedding plants in planters
Bed at rear of church
Pruning shrubs and weeding
Signs and gates
Washing gates and frame of church signage
Large bed at rear of choir vestry
Pruning shrubs, weeding
Path, steps and ramp to hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Steps at left side of hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Path and steps at right side of hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
The Life of Saint Columba: a Celebration in Song An evening of uplifting choral music in celebration of the life, witness and legacy of Saint Columba with
THE RENAISSANCE SINGERS St. Columba’s Parish Church FRIDAY 7th JUNE at 7 pm Wine and canapés Tickets £10 per person (including refreshments) in aid of the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund
FOR S E T DA IARY D R e YOU for th
tives (Initia urch Hall nd) Ch ment Fu bish Refur
Saturday, 1st June Cash for Clobber Friday, 7th June Patronal Festival Concert 28
MAY MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the May parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 14th April. Many thanks
FLOWER ROTA FOR APRIL Sunday 7th............................................................................ The McAlpine Family Sunday 14th......................................................................... Roberta Rogers Sunday 21st.......................................................................... Norma Black Sunday 28th......................................................................... Moranne Noad
FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday, 3rd March
Evie Isabella Grace McEvoy 1 Alanbrooke Gardens, Holywood
Willow Sayge Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens, Glengormley Our Sorrows
Christian Burial Wednesday, 13th February Agnes Shaw 29 Clarawood Crescent, Belfast Tuesday, 5th March
Dorothy Eileen Ellis 26 Richhill Park, Belfast
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they has not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Assistant Priest (028 91458706) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 29
PARISH ORGANISATIONS SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson
90472512 90401066
Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stevenson
X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd
07833 391945
The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 90874047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 90799997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 90295427 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 90281204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 90671051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155
TUESDAY (continued) 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 90808755 8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155 WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 90471514 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 90790210 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90586265 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine 90424390 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 90874047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) Aaron Wilson 90761040 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Mark Reid, on 07810 648167 30
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 90284367 Mob 07810 648167
ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 91458706
SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ivan Roche, Roberta Rogers, Gillian Sadlier
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390
HON. SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 Email alanrogers53@gmail.com
DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816
HON. TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 90796658
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Jon Little 14 Barnetts Lodge Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 028 90808755
ASST. HON. TREASURER/ MAGAZINE DISTRIBITOR CO-ORDINATOR Ronny Martin 12 Cyprus Gardens BT5 6FB Tel 028 90654301 Mob 07526 396838 Email ronny.martin@sky.com
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Mark Wilson 7 Finchley Vale BT4 2EU Tel 028 90761040 JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Zac Elkin, Rebecca Burns
FREE WILL OFFERING/ STANDING ORDER SECRETARY Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 Mob 07973 392448 31
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email noadfamily@hotmail.com
DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 95140141 Email ivan.roche@me.com
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill Tel 028 90586265 Mob 07954 273755
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator: Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 90656891
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Suzanne Allen 9 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 90653511
Email office.knock@down.anglican.org
The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 90471514 Patrick Good 028 90656908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 90653162 32