July/August 2013
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, PARISH SURVEY RETURNS I want to thank those members of our parish who have already returned their completed parish surveys. Your help and assistance with this major administrative project is very much appreciated by me and the committee members who are coordinating this part of our church work. It is absolutely vital for the smooth running of St. Columba’s that we have full contact details for each household. This essential information is kept in full compliance with data protection regulations. 70% of parishioners have already returned their surveys at the time of writing. Their contact details have been amended and updated, where necessary. The comments that have been made on those surveys are most helpful and careful consideration will be given to them during the summer months. However, for us to fully Reflect, Refresh and Rejuvenate our parish it is essential that each household completes the survey! I would therefore be very grateful if you are one of the 30% of parishioners who hasn’t already returned your survey, please could you do so without delay. While it will only take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey, the benefits of your support will be of immense value for our parish. Once you have completed the survey please either post it back to the Parish Office, 29 King’s Road, Belfast, BT5 6JG, or put into the box at the back of church or be prepared to welcome a fellow parishioner who will call at your home to collect it. PARISH ORGANISATIONS BOOKLET Following feedback that has already been received from the survey, our Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, is preparing a booklet which will provide useful information about each of our Parish Organisations. It will contain details on what each organisation does, when it meets and other relevant details. This will help you decide if you would like to support the parish by joining any of the established organisations. Requests have also been received for some new groups to start and these are currently being carefully examined. It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm and energy that has been displayed in some of the surveys which have already been received. This will be of great benefit as together we move forward to strengthen and develop St. Columba’s so that we can meet your needs in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Whatever your plans during the summer months, whether you are staying at home or travelling, I hope that you will be able to benefit from a period of refreshment and that you will continue to join us for our church services throughout July and August. Yours in His service,
SERVICES IN JULY Thursday 4th Saint Thomas (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 7th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Patrick Wilson Gospel Clergy 10.30am All Age Worship Reader Isobel Mills 7.00pm Compline Reader Esther Templeton
(Green) Galatians 6: 7-16 Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20 Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20 Mark 6: 7-29
(Green) Thursday 11 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry th
Sunday 14th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Seventh Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Jayne Martin Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine Late Evening Office Reader Billy McAlpine
(Green) Colossians 1: 1-14 Luke 10: 25-37 Colossians 1: 1-14 Luke 10: 25-37 Mark 7: 1-23
(Green) Thursday 18th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 21st The Eighth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader David Beattie Gospel Clergy 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Brian Gillespie Reader Elizabeth Leonard Occasional Clergy Prayers 7.00pm Compline Reader Patricia Wilson
(Green) Colossians 1: 15-28 Luke 10: 38-42 Luke 10: 38-42 Amos 8: 1-12 Luke 10: 38-42
John 4: 31-35
(Red) Thursday 25thSaint James the Apostle 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry 3
Sunday 28th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan Gospel Clergy Holy Communion and Holy Baptism Reader Helen Donaghy Gospel Clergy Late Evening Office Reader Robin Haldane
(Green) Colossians 2: 6-15 Luke 11: 1-13 Colossians 2: 6-15 Luke 11: 1-13 Matthew 13: 24-30
SERVICES IN AUGUST Thursday 1 (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry st
Sunday 4th The Tenth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Gospel Clergy 10.30am All Age Worship Reader Andrew Kelly 7.00pm Compline Reader Tilly Heyburn
(Green) Colossians 3: 1-11 Luke 12: 13-21 Luke 12: 13-21 Mark 6: 45-52
Thursday 8th The Transfiguration of our Lord (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 11th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Linda Wilson Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine Late Evening Office Reader Clare Best
(Green) Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16 Luke 12: 32-40 Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16 Luke 12: 32-40 Mark 7: 24-30
(Green) Thursday 15th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 18th 8.15am 9.30am
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Gospel Clergy Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine 4
(Green) Hebrews 11: 29-12:2 Luke 12: 49-56 Luke 12: 49-56
10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Clare Best Reader Yvonne Robb Occasional Clergy Prayers 7.00pm Compline Reader Jill Gillespie
Isaiah 5: 1-7 Luke 12: 49-56
Matthew 20: 1-16
Thursday22nd Saint Bartholomew (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 25th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Patricia Wilson Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Tony Greeves Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine Late Evening Office Reader Jennifer Johnston
(Green) Hebrews 12: 18-29 Luke 13: 10-17 Hebrews 12: 18-29 Luke 13: 10-17 Matthew 21: 28-32
Thursday 29th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 5
JULY/AUGUST SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA JULY Sunday 7th.....................................................Joy Montgomery and Sandra Lowe Sunday 14th..................................................Yvonne and Eddie Cadden Sunday 21st...................................................Joan Madill and Liz McCaughey Sunday 28th..................................................Jayne and Ronny Martin
AUGUST Sunday 4th...................................................Charles and Henry Auchmuty Sunday 11th.................................................Jennifer Johnston and Walter Peake Sunday 18th.................................................Roberta and John McKeown Sunday 25th.................................................Ross and Chris Thompson
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege foe the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting during July and August, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners who have still to return their Parish Surveys.
PAUSE Summer is here! I hope that you are all have a relaxing and enjoyable time, either at home or away. If you are at home, please PAUSE with those of us who are meeting for coffee and scones on two occasions during the summer months. The first will be on Tuesday, 23rd July, at 10.30am at Belmont Towers on the Belmont Road. The second will take place on Wednesday, 21st August, at 10.30am at Neill’s Hill in Ballyhackamore. We would love to see YOU there! Please contact me if you require transport. Eileen (9020 3684) 6
SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CRÈCHE PRIZE GIVING We were delighted to welcome the Curate of St. Mark’s, Dundela, the Revd Lynne Gibson, as our guest preacher on Sunday, 9th June (St. Columba’s Day). She gave a very interesting sermon which featured contact lenses, spectacles and binoculars as she searched for Columba and saints in our parish! It was a great delight for me to present 46 children from our Sunday School with their prizes for attendance throughout the past academic year. This was the children’s day and they came up very enthusiastically to receive their prizes. It was very encouraging to have the children participating in the service when they sang the lovely anthem “Jesus’ love is very wonderful”. A number of the children also led the congregation in the prayers, in fact, some were leading the prayers for the first time! They were excellent and received many positive comments from both the congregation and me. I was also delighted to present the toddlers from the Crèche with their attendance prizes. In many cases, they were ably assisted by Mum or Dad as they came to receive their books. I thank our Sunday School Superintendent, Beth Cairnduff, our Sunday School teachers, Louise Craig, Patricia Wilson, Joyce Stevenson and Alan Boyd, our Crèche Co-ordinator, Suzanne Allen, and all the parents who assist on the Crèche Rota, for all their invaluable work and support throughout the year. Sunday School and Crèche will recommence on Sunday, 8th September, at the 10.30am morning service and I look forward to welcoming everyone back, as well as new members, following the summer holidays. The Rector
APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY SACRISTAN Each month in the services schedule of The Columban, full details are given of the liturgical colours which are to be used for our church services. The four liturgical colours are green, purple, white and red and they are used at different times throughout the calendar year. Each one has a particular significance and it is important that the correct liturgical colour is in use for our Sunday services. In St. Columba’s, the liturgical colours are placed on the Holy Communion Table, the Pulpit and the Lectern. Murray Hunter has kindly agreed to serve our parish as Honorary Sacristan and I am personally grateful to him for taking on this new responsibility. In addition to changing the liturgical colours, Murray will also ensure that we have a sufficient supply of books, candles and tissues for all of our church services. The Rector 7
Ladies Guild Notes Dear Ladies, Our AGM was held on Wednesday, 15th May, and was well attended. The Rector kindly officiated at the meeting and our members enjoyed a talk by our Assistant Priest, Canon Ken Smyth, on his life and work. The following office bearers were then duly elected: Chairperson Irene Gray Deputy Chairperson: Caroline Cleland Higginson Hon. Treasurer: Yvonne Cadden Hon. Secretary: Lilias Smith Hon. Bowling Secretary: Phyllis Newton Hon. Chaplain: Joan Madill Committee: Eileen Anderson, Helen Proctor, Vickie McMonagle We are very sorry to lose our esteemed member and past chairperson, Jennifer Johnston, who will be out of the country for some months. We thank her for all her enthusiastic hard work, wish her well and hope to see her again soon. The committee are preparing the programme for next year and look forward to having an interesting selection for you. We hope you have a very healthy and happy summer. Lilias (Hon. Secretary)
MUMS & TOTS Hi Everyone, Just to let you all know we had a sponsored sing-a-long in Mums & Tots on Friday, 7th June, and raised the fantastic amount of ÂŁ105! This money will go the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. It was a great morning and as you can see from the photograph, everyone had a fantastic time. Many thanks to Edna for playing the piano for us. We were delighted to welcome back Lilias after her short absence and to also welcome some new members to the team of volunteers. Mums & Tots resumes on Friday, 6th September, at 9.45am. Patricia 8
On the evening of Tuesday, 4th June, 32 Mothers’ Union members set off from St. Columba’s car park to visit the Titanic Centre. On arrival, we were met by parishioner and choir member, Judith Owens, who gave us an introductory talk followed by a tour of the exhibitions and galleries and, of course, a ride through the shipyard! Many members reminisced with tales of growing up in Belfast, though none of us had links to the Titanic itself. We then enjoyed a photo opportunity on the magnificent grand staircase, not usually seen by visitors. The evening concluded with a sumptuous supper served on the Bridge at the very top of the building. The sun was shining and the views were spectacular as we enjoyed treats similar to those served to first class passengers on the Titanic, such as dainty macaroons and peach and chartreuse preserve. We are truly indebted to Judith for making the evening so special, welcoming us to her wonderful workplace! Mothers’ Union will meet after the summer for our Annual Service on Tuesday, 1st October. Prior to that, we are also invited to the Gilnahirk Area Service in St. Dorothea’s on Wednesday, 11th September, at 7.30pm. We hope as many as possible will be able to attend. Have a lovely summer break. Yvonne and Sandra
HEAVENLY GOLF A golfer teed up his ball at the first hole, took a mighty swing and hit it straight into a clump of trees. He found the ball and saw an opening between two trees through which he thought he could get back onto the fairway. Taking out his trusty three (tree) wood, he took another mighty swing. The ball hit the right hand tree, bounced straight back and struck him on the forehead, killing him stone dead. As he approached the Pearly Gates, St. Peter enquired, “Any good at golf, were you?” “Got here in two, didn’t I?”, the man replied. 9
TUESDAY Afternoon BADMINTON Our new season starts on Tuesday, 3rd September at 2.00pm. New members are especially welcome to join our twelve chatty members. We average seven players each week so there is plenty of play as well as the opportunity to indulge in some table tennis. We don’t just sit, We aim to be fit! Kyleen Clarke (9079 7155)
Metamorphosis of Men’s Club coming soon... Watch this space! Outing to Crawfordsburn We all arrived at the Scout Centre at Crawfordsburn feeling a little out of place as there was a large cub/scout gathering. We started off at the climbing wall which was great fun. The staff were very good at looking after us and helped those who hadn’t climbed before. After we had climbed on all the walls, we went to the assault course. A cub leader and his son looked after us. It was a challenging course with a rope swing over some water, walls to climb over, tubes to go through and nets to go under! The boys raced against the girls and the girls won the first time but the boys pulled through in the end (phew!). The rope swing was very good, some people got wet but not too many. One particular person, who shall remain nameless, fell off the rope swing and into a very muddy bit of the water and got drenched and dirty! We all had a great night and are looking forward to our next outing in the canoes. Andrew Kelly 10
A very big thank you to everyone who helped me raise £101.50 which will go towards the refurbishment of our church hall. I have truly enjoyed displaying my Quirky Craft Candles after the All Age Worship service every month since last October, along with the candle notes in each edition of The Columban. The project has now come to an end but concludes with... DID YOU KNOW… In the 19th century, Alexander Finlay’s factories made candles in Holywood, County Down. In 1649, wax chandlers paid £80 towards the £40,000 levied through the 12 great guilds and livery companies of the City of London to fund the Plantation of Ulster. More recently, in 1958, they supplied candles in perpetuity for the High Altar in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Captain Scott’s ship, the Terra Nova, carried a ton of candles to the South Pole and it was recorded that they burnt satisfactorily at 70º F below zero! Until 1945, miners in parts of England and South Africa used candles to measure the duration of a shift, as well as lighting the work place. As told in The Aristocrats by Stella Tillyard, decisions had to be made as to whether guests were grand enough to warrant the more expensive beeswax candles, or whether the much cheaper tallow candles would suffice! Originally, candle making was a home industry like weaving, but by the 13th century there were two guilds. The tallow chandlers went from house to house plying their wares and making candles to order with fat collected by the house holders. The more sweetly burning beeswax candles made by the wax chandlers were the choice of those who could afford them. The two guilds were incorporated as recently as 1994 at the first joint Annual Candlemas service held on 2nd February that year – Candlemas Day. Finally, from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice: “How far that little candle throws his beam, So shines a good deed in a naughty world.” The Rector writes...
Kyleen Clarke
Throughout this past year, Kyleen Clarke has generously supplied her colourful Quirky Candles for us to purchase in St. Columba’s at each of our All Age Worship services She has chosen candles to reflect the themes of each month which have been carefully explained in her Columban articles. The sale of the candles has raised £101.50 for our Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. This is an excellent result and I thank Kyle for all her hard work with this imaginative fundraising initiative. 11
ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting was held on the morning of Thursday, 16th May, chaired by our President, the Revd John Auchmuty. After the minutes of last year’s AGM were circulated, the Hon. Treasurer reported that our finances were in good order, with our account remaining in surplus after the presentation of a cheque for £250 to the Rector. The Chairman reported that the club remained in a very healthy position, with attendance on Thursday mornings of around 18 to 22 members. In addition, there was a waiting list of prospective members who were non parishioners. He welcomed the Hon. Secretary, Gladys Lees, back to the Thursday morning art classes. Two outstanding and unusual events took place over the year. On Thursday, 13th December 2012, we celebrated a very special birthday of Bob, our Tutor, when a unique jigsaw puzzzle made up of a photograph of club members had been commissioned. After a lunch in the church hall, a special cake with a painting in the icing on top was produced, much admired also by Bob’s wife, Wendy, and the Rector, who were present for the occasion. The second unusual event was in response to a letter from the Rector asking parish organisations to raise funds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Our Tutor, Bob Killen, most generously donated three of his oil paintings to the Art Club. One of the paintings raised £603 in a raffle drawn on Thursday, 7th March, and the other two were displayed at the back of the church during April and produced £605 by way of sealed bids, thus raising the magnificent total of £1208 for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Our grateful thanks go to Bob for his extremely kind and beautiful gifts. The following officers were duly elected to serve for the year 2013/2014: Chairman......................................................Billy Nelson Hon. Secretary.............................................Gladys Lees Asst. Hon. Secretary....................................Vida Shaw Hon. Treasurer..............................................Rena Robbins Committee....................................................Bill Anderson, Esther Templeton, Billy McAlpine, Margaret Hirst Ex-Officio......................................................Bob Killen The final painting morning before our summer break was held on Thursday, 6th June. Art Club activities will resume on Thursday, 5th September, from 9.30 am to 12.30pm in the church hall. Dr Billy Nelson (Chairman) 12
BROWNIE NOTES The end of year event proved to be very successful with 14 out of 15 girls able to attend (Amy was on holiday in warmer climes). We gathered in the hall at our usual time and after several games of dodge ball, settled down to pizza and juice in the ‘fish room’ to watch Shrek Three. Sleeping bags and blankets were found at half time as we all began to cool down. At about 10.30pm everyone set about brushing teeth and getting ready for bed, and by 10.30pm silence reigned and the leaders thought this looked good for a long night’s sleep! Unfortunately, early to bed meant early to rise and feet were heard at 6.00am as the hall sprang into life! Chasing them back to bed, the leaders surrendered by 7.15am and soon the smell of sausages, bacon and toast wafted through the hall. Packed up by 9.30am, we set off for the Zoo but, unfortunately, the weather was not very kind to us. We visited the animal farm to view the little kids and then the elephants, giraffes and baby giraffes; the lemur house, again with more babies, the penguins, the gorillas and the sea lions. By 3.00pm we were completely soaked and returned to the hall to collect our belongings, and then home to a hot bath or shower to warm up. Despite the rain, everyone was very happy but tired by the end of the day. Brownies will recommence on Friday, 13th September at 6.30pm when we hope to see the current Brownies returning with lots of new friends. Come along and give us a try, you will be made extremely welcome! Beth Cairnduff
TOOLS FOR CARPENTRY Parishioners will be interested to read on the notice board at the back of church about a recent visit by Joyce McMullan to Malawi, as a follow up to the many carpentry tools generously donated by St. Columba’s and sent out to Blantyre in recent months, and how they are being put to good use to help the Malawi National Association for the Deaf. Please note, this is very much an on going project so if parishioners still have any surplus second hand tools or sewing machines, please contact Hugh and Elizabeth Miller on 9065 7619. In addition, any available power tools will also be most welcome, as some workshops now have electricity. Many thanks.
Elizabeth Miller 13
RENAISSANCE INSPIRE The graceful, gothic interior of St. Columba’s was the setting for a patronal festival concert by Renaissance, directed by Ian Mills and accompanied by Richard Campbell. Renaissance is one of our leading choral ensembles, having been founded in the 1970’s. On this occasion, they very kindly donated the proceeds of the concert to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. A large audience was treated to a wide variety of choral music, interspersed with two organ solos, a flute solo and a poem about St. Columba. The first two items, A New Song (MacMillan) and Alleluia: Incantations (McGlynn), contrasted well in their modern idiom: the former, sung from the west end, evoking an appropriate ethereal atmosphere and the latter employing a wide dynamic range from its strong opening. Two unaccompanied motets from the renaissance period, Sing Joyfully (Byrd) and Kyrie Eleison (Tavener), complemented each other nicely. There was great clarity in the part-singing and, particularly in the second motet, good control of long phrases. Elgar’s Chanson de Matin was scored originally for violin and piano, and subsequently for chamber orchestra. On this occasion, Richard Campbell played a transcription on the organ, capturing well the mood of this reflective piece. In Rutter’s Pie Jesu there was a nice balance between soloist and ensemble, and special mention must be made of the soloist’s very well controlled and beautifully sustained high notes. A very pleasing flute solo, Dance of the Blessed Spirits (Gluck), preceded two more choral pieces, God is gone up (Finzi) and Come down, O love Divine (Stopford). In the former, there was a strong opening that set the mood for this joyful piece. The latter employed a completely new melody and, again, there was a nice tonal blend and good phrasing. Vierne’s Carillon de Westminster is a fantasia on the Westminster chimes in which ‘the chimes’ are set in a variety of harmonic contexts. Richard Campbell used the resources of the organ well to convey the spirit of this technically demanding piece. The last section included the only secular choral music in the programme, A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (Sherwin) and Lennon and McCartney’s Here, There and Everywhere. Both were sung with great sensitivity, the latter probably bringing back memories of ‘the sixties’ for many in the audience (myself included!). Also in this section were pieces by Walton and Parry, two composers whose music was sung at the Queen’s coronation in 1953. Walton’s Set Me as a Seal and Jubilate Deo were sung with conviction. Before we heard Parry’s I Was Glad, we were treated to an appropriately reflective arrangement (Hughes) of Be still, for the Presence of the Lord, set to the familiar tune. Finally, the Parry anthem brought the concert to a resounding conclusion with a mixture of sensitive and robust singing, carefully controlled by Ian Mills. Our thanks go to Ian Mills, Renaissance and Richard Campbell for providing us with such beautiful music, in which they demonstrated their skill in a wide range of pieces and genres. Gerald Hill, Parish Organist and Choirmaster 14
The Rector writes… I was personally delighted to see so many parishioners and friends at our Patronal Festival Concert in St. Columba’s on Friday 7th June. The Renaissance Singers provided a very inspirational and uplifting concert of choral music in celebration of the life, witness and legacy of our patron saint, Columba. I am most grateful to their conductor, Ian Mills, and the choir members for all of their tremendous hard work, and for the generous giving of their time and talents as a gift to our parish. Two of their singers, Mark and Lynn Ryan, are parishioners and during the concert Lynn gave a beautiful solo on the flute, accompanied by Ian Mills on the piano. Following the concert, we all enjoyed the beautiful refreshments of wine and canapés outside in the church grounds on a lovely warm and sunny June evening, where we shared fellowship with each other until dusk. This was an important fundraising event for our Church Hall Refurbishment Fund and raised the magnificent sum of £1883. This is an excellent result, closely reflecting all the hard work and detailed planning which was done by so many people. I particularly wish to thank Ian Mills and the Renaissance Singers for sharing their immense musical skills with us, Moranne Noad for co-ordinating all the ticket sales, Roberta Rogers for co-ordinating the refreshments and all those who kindly supplied the refreshments of wine and canapés. It was a truly memorable evening. 15
AFTERNOON GROUP Summer Outing On Monday, 13th May, 24 members and friends of the Afternoon Group gathered together for their Summer Outing. We started the experience with soup and sandwiches in the Choir Vestry where the craic was good and the sun arrived with the coach! The trip to Glenarm by the coast road was wonderful but just after Larne we had very heavy rain and hail stones. How the driver manoeuvred the 53 seater coach up the tiny road to the entrance of the castle, I don’t know, but the sun came out again and we received a very warm welcome to the castle. The butler and the housekeeper showed us around. They told us some of the history of the castle and a little about the present owners. George, the butler, provided chairs in each room for anyone who looked as if they needed one! We were encouraged to look at the family photographs and feel at home. The coach then took us to the tearooms. The bottomless teapots were accompanied by a variety of home baked scones, tea bread, banana bread and tray bakes. The visit concluded with a walk around the walled garden with its 3000 tulips. The journey home was much quieter, with some people ‘resting their eyes’! My thanks go to Rosemary for her help with the lunch, the Rector for doing the dishes, Jennifer for the great afternoon tea and McAvoy coaches for their super driving, photographic skills and thoughtful kindness. I hope all our members have a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you again on Monday, 9th September. Joy Montgomery
CONGRATULATIONS! Parishioners will wish to congratulate Wendy McCague, our graphic designer of The Columban for the past four years on her recent success with the popular parenting magazine, ni4kids, of which she is also graphic designer. At a glittering ceremony sponsored by Coca Cola on Friday, 7th June, in the Mac theatre, ni4kids picked up the prestigious award of Northern Ireland Magazine of the Year against stiff opposition in a very competitive field, out of an entry of 14 well known major household magazine names. Said Wendy, “As arguably the most successful parenting publication in Northern Ireland we were especially delighted to receive this celebrated award and to be recognised this year as the overall premier magazine in Northern Ireland.” 18
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR During the past two years, Suzanne Allen has served as a most effective and conscientious Crèche Rota Co-Ordinator in our parish. She has worked extremely hard to ensure that there have been two parents available to assist with the Crèche each Sunday in the Choir Vestry. In order to encourage more Crèche parents to assist, Suzanne introduced an on-line rota which features on our parish website (www.coiknock.org, the link is “Crèche Volunteers” at the lower right side of the home page). This has proved to be very helpful and has enabled parents to offer their assistance by signing up online on dates that suit them. Suzanne now wishes to retire from this position and I want to personally thank her for all her hard work, and for all that she has done to promote and develop the Crèche in St.Columba’s. I welcome her successor, Michelle Jamison, who will assume her new responsibilities in September. I am delighted that Michelle has agreed to be our new Crèche Co-Ordinator and wish her well in her new role. The Rector
ZAMBIA COMMITTEE UPDATE The Zambia Committee met recently to discuss how St. Columba’s can continue to develop our relationship with the Diocese of Northern Zambia. The £3000 allocated from Charities and Mission contributions earlier this year has been received by the Diocesan School Development Committee in Kitwe and is being put to good use. The first phase of the school building project is underway. During this first year, one administration block and three classrooms will be constructed allowing the school to open at the start of the next Zambian academic year in January 2014, with an intake of P1 children. It is planned that two or three new classrooms will be constructed each year thereafter, and that in 15 years’ time the site will consist of a primary and secondary school, skills training centre and dormitory accommodation. As well as on-going financial support for the school building project, there are many other ways in which we can become further involved. Later in the year, we will be asking some of our youth organisations to help with providing resources for the school, by collecting items of stationery which we will send to Zambia with the assistance of CMS. We also hope to construct a banner depicting aspects of life in St. Columba’s, with each organisation contributing ideas and talents. This banner will be sent to Kitwe as a symbol of the developing links between St. Columba’s and that part of Zambia. The Bishop of Northern Zambia, Archbishop Albert Chama, will be visiting Ireland next year as part of CMS’s 200th anniversary celebrations and we would hope to have the opportunity of meeting him. We would also like to support some of the other work being carried out by the Diocese, such as the Home Based Care Programme. As always, we will continue to pray for the clergy and people of the Diocese of Northern Zambia, and ask God’s blessing on the work being carried out there in His name. Alan Boyd 19
Dobar dan! As has been somewhat of a tradition for me over these past five years, I am travelling to Serbia again this summer to do English teaching and missionary work (or by the time you read this, I will already be over there) for Josiah Venture, an American missionary organisation, that aims to run ‘covert’ evangelistic camps in Eastern European countries. This somewhat begs the question as to why I devote all my summers to doing this. There are a couple of answers I could put forward. Firstly, the Serbian people certainly play some part in my constant returning. I have had the privilege of making many friends there. They are a people who value sincere relationships, something which can sometimes be ignored in our more westernorientated society. They also practice generosity almost to the level of a fault, despite the fact that few have much money to spare. The second reason I go is because I can see, and have seen, the hand of God operating through these people and I have a chance to be a part of that. I feel that God has been calling me to work there and it is my duty, and indeed the duty of all Christians, to try and spread His word wherever He directs us. Christians in prosperous nations often tend to view evangelism as something only fit for ‘extremists’. Is doing what God directs really such an ‘extreme’ activity? This year, I will be helping out at four camps. Three are for Serbian students and the fourth will be exclusively for Roma. In previous years, I have been at the camps largely as a helper with some administrative duties but this year I will be teaching classes at all four camps. Whilst I welcome this opportunity, I am under no illusions that this will be an easy thing to do, especially in the Roma camp where many of the students will be illiterate, even in Serbian. This time, however, I will not be the only helper coming from Northern Ireland. Andrew Pedlow, an old friend who worships at St. Donards, will be with me for two camps and Debbie Kinghan, a colleague from a Bible study group I attend, will also be present for one camp. I write to ask for your prayers. Firstly, that we may all have the strength and wisdom to carry out the strenuous work we are doing, and that we may have the faith that God will direct us in our actions. Secondly, that the Serbian students we encounter will listen, will have open hearts and that their lives may be changed for the better by their experiences in the English camps. Thirdly, that God may protect us all from ill health, fatigue or any of the injuries that are always a potential danger when undertaking activities with young people. I look forward to writing to you again when I return in mid-August. Many thanks for your support which is greatly appreciated. Ross Thompson
PARISH OFFICE HOLIDAYS Please note, the Parish Office will be closed from Thursday 11th until Friday, 19th July inclusive and any e-mails pending within these dates will be dealt with on my return. The Parish Office will re-open for normal business on Monday, 22nd July. Karen Patterson, Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor 20
SPORTS KITS FOR ZAMBIA My name is John and I am a pupil on the Stranmillis Primary School Council. The School Council is a group of pupils who come up with ideas of how to make the school better and we also think of ways to raise money for the school and charities. Mr Arneil (School Council Leader) found some old sports kits and we didn’t know what to do with them. Some people suggested selling them or giving them away. After some discussion, we decided to give them to a school that actually needed them, where the pupils don’t have all the things we have. We started to look for schools in different countries. Mrs Wilson said she knew a school in Zambia with very little equipment so we agreed to investigate sending them there. The school is called Chambisi in Kitwe. They have one thousand and eighty pupils and there are eighty pupils in each class. Mrs Wilson’s son visited this school and the Principal said, “No gift is too small”. Even though we won’t be sending enough for the whole school, we think they would be happy to use our kits. When we find the best way to send the kits to Chambisi School we are going to have a big fundraiser to obtain the money to post the kits over there. Our school has contact with other schools in America, Japan, China and Abu Dhabi. We would really like to set up a link with a school in Africa. We hope that we find a primary school in Zambia and Mrs Wilson can help us to do that. John Hamilton P5, Stranmillis PS
A Date for your Diary!
Parish Sponsored Walk and BBQ Saturday, 14th September (pm) A leisurely walk from Comber along the Greenway to St. Columba’s, with BBQ and refreshments to follow All Welcome More details in September Columban! 21
FAREWELL TO MALAWI Hello again! I’ve now completed my nine month stint in Malawi and time has certainly flown in. During the past five months I’ve worked on a few different wards, including the Paediatric Special Care Ward which provides care for the sickest patients in the hospital. Every day brought new challenges and we had to deal with a typhoid outbreak which affected over 300 children as well as staff shortages and strike action - all in the middle of the malaria season which saw the department admitting up to 100 children per day! Due to the Malawian currency constantly devaluing, the price of goods has risen dramatically, including maize and petrol, which almost doubled in price during my time in Blantyre and was eventually higher than even Northern Ireland, in a country where the average wage is £15 per month. I have loved my time in Malawi, the medical side has been fascinating. Snake bites, elephant attacks, rabies, typhoid - all illnesses that hopefully I will never see in the UK! Also, meeting so many different people has been amazing and they have taught me so much about their culture and their lives. In total, I have raised £3000 which has been donated to the hospital through the Friends of Sick Children Charity. It will be used to buy essential medical equipment and provide better nursing care. So I’m back home for now and after travelling in July I’ll start my official paediatric training in Altnagelvin and look forward to planning my wedding next spring. Thank you so much for all your support. Kim PS: In the first two photos is Philimon who was an inpatient in October for 6 weeks. We went to visit him at home in April and were pleased to see that he looked much healthier (and chubbier!). In the third photo is Chimemwe with her mum and sister, six months after discharge from hospital.
FOR S E DAT DIARY YOUR k it ! Mar it miss or
Sunday, 4th August Parish Picnic, Rathlin Island Saturday, 14th September (pm) Young Families Group Parish Sponsored Walk and BBQ Sunday, 6th October Parish Harvest Soup Lunch Wednesday, 6th November (7.30pm) War on Want Flapper Fashion Show (1920’s & 30’s) 22
CHOIR VESTRY FLOOR Despite the recent maintenance carried out to the Choir Vestry floor, it has become badly marked and scored. To help avoid this, felt pad protection has been fitted to all the legs of all Choir Vestry furniture, consisting of 30 chairs, three lightweight tables, two crèche storage boxes, one static table, one bridge table and one sheet music stand. These items of furniture have been identified and labelled as follows: “Property of Choir Vestry” or “Please return to Choir Vestry after use” or “These items of furniture have been fitted with felt pads to avoid marking Choir Vestry floor” Should you have to take any item of furniture out of the Choir Vestry, kindly ensure the same item is returned again. Please DO NOT bring any furniture into the Choir Vestry without the necessary felt/soft rubber pad protection fitted. Considering the huge effort that has gone into maintaining this floor, please could you ensure that your organisation takes the necessary care to avoid future damage. The floor will be re-polished during the summer months. Jim Stevenson, Property Committee
PRESTIGIOUS HONOUR FOR RENOWNED ORGANIST The renowned Belfast based musician, teacher and broadcaster, Dr Joe McKee OBE, a parishioner, was recently conferred with the Fellowship (honoris causa) of the Guild of Church Musicians at a special celebration held in Canterbury Cathedral to mark the Guild’s 125th anniversary. Parishioners will remember Dr McKee playing the organ in St. Columba’s at the Festival Service of Nine Lessons and Carols in past years. Dr McKee is well known as a noted authority on organs throughout Northern Ireland and the choral foundation in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, both of which were the subjects of his postgraduate research. He spent 11 years as Director of Music at Methodist College, Belfast, and for a further eight years was Head of Music Service at the Belfast Education and Library Board, and Principal of the City of Belfast School of Music. He also had a lifetime of involvement in Church music. From 1975 to 1985, during his time as Head of Music at Armagh Royal School, he was Assistant Organist to Martin White at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and, from 2010 to 2012, acted as Organist and Master of the Choristers at the Cathedral during the absence of the resident organist, due to illness. The nomination for Dr McKee’s award came as a result of his lifetime of dedication to Church music, with special reference to his role in maintaining the choral tradition in Armagh. Extracts from the Church of Ireland Gazette 23
A VERY BRITISH HERO Bursting to the surface, Lightoller spotted the ship’s crow’s nest now level with the water and started to swim towards it before remembering that it was safer to stay away from the foundering vessel. He was sucked under as water flooded down one of the forward ventilators and was pinned against a grating for a couple of seconds. A blast of hot air from the depths of the ship erupted out of the ventilator and blew him back to the surface. He was sucked down again against another grating and had no idea how he managed to get away, but miraculously he did. Lightoller shot to the surface once again but realized he couldn’t swim properly because of the weight of the Webley revolver in his pocket and the heavy coat he was wearing, which he promptly discarded. He spotted Collapsible B floating upside down with several survivors hanging on and swam towards it, securing himself by a rope to the bow. Then the Titanic’s forward funnel broke free and crashed down into the water, washing the collapsible further away from the sinking ship. Lightoller managed to struggle aboard the overturned lifeboat and took charge, calming and organising the thirty or so survivors. He led them in yelling in unison “Boat ahoy!” but with no success. During the night, a swell arose and Lightoller directed the men how to shift their weight with the swell to prevent the craft from being swamped - otherwise, they would have been thrown back into the freezing water with disastrous results. Under his leadership, the men kept this up for hours until they were finally rescued by another lifeboat. Lightoller was the last survivor taken on board the rescue ship RMS Carpathia. After the sinking, he was to publish a testimony in the Christian Science Journal crediting his complete faith in God for his survival. Recommendations at the Inquiries As the senior surviving officer, Lightoller was a key witness at both the American and British inquiries. In his autobiography he described the American inquiry as a “farce” due to the ignorance of maritime matters implicit in some of the questions. He took the British inquiry more seriously and wrote, “It was very necessary to keep one’s hand on the whitewash brush”, as “I had no desire that blame should be attributed either to the B.O.T. (British Board of Trade) or the rd White Star Line”, despite his belief that, “One had known, full 3 Officer Herbert Pitman and Lightoller at the inquiry well, and for many years, the ever-present possibility of just such a disaster”. Lightoller blamed the accident on the seas being the calmest that night that he had ever seen, and on the floating iceberg giving no tell-tale early warning signs of breaking white water at its base. He deftly defended his employer, the White Star Line, despite hints of excessive speed, the lack of binoculars in the crow’s nest and the plain recklessness of travelling through an ice field on a calm night when all other ships in the vicinity thought it wiser to heave to until morning. Later, however, in an account he gave of the night’s events on a 1936 BBC “I Was There” programme, he was to reverse his earlier stance. Lightoller was also able to help channel public outcry over the tragedy into positive change, as many of his recommendations for avoiding 24
such accidents in the future were adopted by maritime nations. Basing lifeboat capacity on numbers of passengers and crew instead of ship tonnage, conducting lifeboat drills so passengers know where their lifeboats are and crew know how to operate them, instituting manned 24-hour wireless communications in all passenger ships and requiring mandatory transmissions of ice warnings to ships, were some of his recommendations acted on by the Board of Trade and equivalent agencies in other maritime nations. First World War Lightoller returned to duty with White Star Line, serving as a mate on RMS Oceanic. He received a promotion from Sub-Lieutenant to Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Reserve in May 1913. At the outbreak of World War I, as an officer of the RNR he was called up for duty with the Royal Navy, serving first as a lieutenant on Oceanic which had been converted to an armed merchant cruiser. He served on the ship until it ran aground and was wrecked on the notorious Shaalds of Foula on 8th September 1914. In 1915 he served as first officer during the trials of another former passenger liner, RMS Campania, which had been converted into an aircraft carrier. Later that year he was given his own command, the torpedo boat HMTB 117. Whilst captain of HMTB 117 he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for engaging Zeppelin L31. This action also resulted in his being appointed captain of HMS Falcon, a C class torpedo boat destroyer. Falcon was sunk on 1st April 1918 after a collision in fog with the trawler John Fitzgerald while both ships were acting as escorts to a convoy in the North Sea. Lightoller was subsequently given command of the River class destroyer Garry and was awarded a bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for ramming, and sinking, the German U-Boat UB110. On 10th June 1918, Lightoller was awarded the Reserve Decoration. He was promoted to acting Lieutenant-Commander in July and was placed on the retired list on 31st March 1919, with the rank of Commander. Retirement After the war, despite loyal service to the White Star Line and faithfully defending his employers at both Titanic inquiries, Lightoller soon found opportunities for advancement within the company were no longer available. All surviving crew members discovered that being associated with Titanic was a black mark from which they could not hope to escape. A disillusioned Lightoller resigned shortly thereafter, taking such odd jobs as an innkeeper and a chicken farmer and later, property speculator, at which he and his wife enjoyed some success. During the early 1930’s he wrote his autobiography Titanic and Other Ships which he dedicated to his “persistent wife who made me do it”. After a few problems, the book became quite popular and began to sell well. However, it was removed from the shelves when the Marconi Company threatened a lawsuit, owing to a comment regarding the Titanic disaster and the role of the Marconi operators. The retired Lightoller did not turn his back on sailing altogether, however, as he eventually purchased his own private motor yacht, Sundowner, which he later used to help rescue soldiers during the Dunkirk evacuation. He received a mention in dispatches in 1944 and his boat is now preserved by Ramsgate Maritime Museum. After the Second World War, Lightoller managed a small boatyard called Richmond Slipways in London, which built motor launches for the river police. Family Charles’ parents were Frederick James Lightoller and Sarah Jane Widdows. His siblings, Richard Ashton and Caroline Mary, both died of scarlet fever in early childhood. On 25
an Australian run on board the SS Suevic in 1903, he met Sylvia Hawley-Wilson on her way home to Sydney after a stay in England. On the return voyage, she accompanied Lightoller as his wife. The couple had five children: Frederick Roger, Richard Trevor, Mavis, Claire Doreen and Herbert Brian. Their youngest son Brian, a pilot in the RAF, was tragically killed in action during a bombing raid over Wilhelmshaven on the very first night of Britain’s entry into the Second World War. Their eldest son, Roger, served in the Royal Navy and was to die, equally tragically, in the very last month of the war, in France. Richard joined the army and rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, serving under General Bernard Montgomery’s command for the duration of hostilities. Mavis served in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and Doreen in the Political Intelligence Unit. Charles Lightoller passed away on 8th December 1952, aged 78, due to chronic heart disease. A life long pipe smoker, he was living in London during the city’s Great Smog of 1952 which probably contributed to complications in his condition. He was cremated and his ashes scattered at Mortlake Crematorium in Richmond, Surrey, the last abode of many renowned national celebrities, including, most notably and recently, Margaret Thatcher. A most fitting final resting place for this very unassuming, largely unsung yet charismatic, British hero. Parishioners will recall the role of Charles Lightoller as portrayed by the redoubtable actor, Kenneth More, in the 1958 film A Night to Remember, reputedly the most accurate of all the disaster movies ever made about Titanic.
BISHOP’S BIBLE WEEK We’re on a Mission - four Bible teachings in Acts with Bishop Harold Miller Tuesday 27th – Friday 30th August at 7.45 pm Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan With the Year of Mission 2015 in mind, Bishop Harold will teach on four foundational themes from the early days of the church which are critical to effective mission: The Patience of Prayer The Preaching of Penitence The Pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost The Practical Practice of it all Please plan to come along to worship together and to put these building blocks from the Word of God in place in our lives and churches. 26
TREVOR HUDDLESTON When Desmond Tutu – the famous South African Archbishop and Nobel Peace Laureate - was a small boy he was walking along the pavement in Sophiatown with his mother. She took in laundry and was carrying a load of washing. They were approached by a tall white man, wearing a black cassock. They prepared to step off the pavement as they were required to do by the apartheid conventions of the time to make room for him, but before they could do so he stepped out into the road and doffed his hat to Desmond’s mother. The tall white man was Trevor Huddleston, born exactly a century ago last month. He was the parish priest of the sprawling African township where the Tutu family lived. Raising one’s hat to a passing woman carrying laundry might seem to us today a small courtesy, but for young Desmond it was a life changing gesture. It told him that for some Christians, at least, race and skin colour were matters of indifference. He sought out Father Huddleston who helped him with his education. More importantly, Desmond embraced the faith that lay behind that simple courtesy. Trevor Huddleston went on to become a tireless campaigner against apartheid as well as a passionate advocate of the Christian faith. Born in Bedford, with a public school and Oxford background, he happily immersed himself in the life of the people in Sophiatown where he served for 13 years. They gave him the nickname ‘Makhalipilo’ - Dauntless One. His book Naught for your Comfort published in 1956 became a world wide call to address the evils of apartheid, and later, as Bishop of Stepney in England and then of Masasi, he continued to protest that ‘in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, black nor white, but all are one in Christ Jesus’. He retired as Archbishop of the Province of the Indian Ocean in 1983 and died at Mirfield, the home of his Anglican Order, the Community of the Resurrection, in 1998. His ashes, however, were buried in Sophiatown, the place most dear to his heart. His simple prayer for Africa became a universal call: Abdul Minty, Father Trevor Huddleston, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Adelaide Tambo at the Nelson Mandela Freedom March, England, July 1988. Photographer: Kevin Ramsey
‘God bless Africa; guard her people; guide her leaders. And give her peace. Amen’.
Living on earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. You know that indestructible black box that is used on aeroplane? Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff? Someone has at last invented a solar powered laundry dryer. It’s called a clothes line. If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? 27
ON WHY WE DON’T BOTHER TO LOCK THE CHURCH (Letter from the Reverend Eustace to his nephew Darren)
The Rectory St. James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren
and Since I happened to be in your area last week, I tried to call in at your church ng watchi s camera ance surveill with bolted, was sorry to find it was locked and me. to the We tend to be a little more relaxed about matters of security. The key never and medieval lock was lost some time during Queen Victoria’s reign cast iron, replaced. How someone managed to misplace a foot long piece of pocket weighing about 10 pounds, is a mystery! If it had fallen out of someone’s with ed bother has one no since, Ever foot. their it would certainly have broken t though had year last s burglar our wish me locking the door – which makes window glass stained a ng smashi energy of trying it before wasting so much were when they visited in the early hours one morning. On the other hand, g an carryin for days these d the key still in use, I should probably be arreste offensive weapon. in the As with most rural churches, keys which open just about everything is under village are hidden in various parts of the church. The Select Vestry key hall key church the altar, the on vase a under my seat cushion, the organ key key door front spare n‘s Simpso Miss and rd on top of the hymn book cupboa safety, for there is latter the r whethe inside the font. I have never been certain e a book or as a general invitation. I am sure someone could usefully produc churches in d secrete found be suggesting the many places keys are likely to g to save wantin , thieves and for the use of Vergers, flower arrangers, cleaners – themselves time and effort. because I suspect that the burdened look that many urban Clergy wear is not to obliged are they e becaus but s, trouble they are weighed down with parish , church in door every te negotia to needed carry with them a superfluity of keys any has one no which for one always hall, school and vicarage. And why is there idea what it opens? to lock The only occasion I have ever thought it would be useful to be able the a church is when you have a party of visitors inside. So often on hearing door. words “Let us pray” or the start of an appeal for funds, they bolt for the Your loving uncle, Eustace 28
SEPTEMBER MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the September parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 11th August. Many thanks
Sunday 7th......................................................................Margaret McKee Sunday 14th ...................................................................Carol Willis Sunday 21st.....................................................................John and Olive Holland Sunday 28th....................................................................Patricia Wilson
Sunday 4th......................................................................Leonard and Ruth Pugh Sunday 11th....................................................................Hazel McGookin Sunday 18th....................................................................Peggy Pook Sunday 25th ...................................................................Ella Wilkinson
Holy Baptism Sunday, 2nd June
Khloe Adele Anthony 9 Jalan Pinggiran 5/2 The Golf East, Horizon Hills 79100 Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia
Sunday, 9th June
Daisy Katherine Coggins 89 Ballycoan Road Our Sorrows
Christian Burial Friday, 7th June
Edith Eleanor Marguerite Love Towel House
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 29
SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson
9047 2512 07712 593773
Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stevenson
9058 3381
X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd
07833 391945
The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 9079 7125 MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 9028 1204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 9067 1051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155
TUESDAY (continued) 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 9080 8755 7.30pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 WEDNESDAY 6.30pm Templemore Swimming Club 7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 9047 1514 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 9059 2039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 9058 6265 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine 9042 4390 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) Aaron Wilson 9076 1040 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of church halls must first be submitted to the Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor, Karen Patterson, on 9065 6891 or email: office.knock@down.anglican.org (Monday-Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm). 30
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167
ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706
SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ivan Roche, Roberta Rogers, Gillian Sadlier
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Tel 028 9042 4390
HON. SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email alanrogers53@gmail.com
DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816
HON. TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Little 14 Barnetts Lodge Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 028 9080 8755
ASST. HON. TREASURER/ MAGAZINE DISTRIBITOR CO-ORDINATOR Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email ronny.martin@sky.com
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Mark Wilson 7 Finchley Vale BT4 2EU Tel 028 9076 1040 JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Zac Elkin, Rebecca Burns
FREE WILL OFFERING/ STANDING ORDER SECRETARY Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 9076 1295
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 31
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email noadfamily@hotmail.com
DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email ivan.roche@me.com
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill Tel 028 9058 6265 Mob 07954 273755
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 9079 3641
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor: Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email office.knock@down.anglican.org
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Michelle Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens Glengormley, BT36 5LA Tel 07533 871166
The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 32