The Columban st. columba’s church, knock
march 2014
The latest parish news, events and notices Spring in Ballymenoch Park, Holywood, courtesy of Eileen Gibson
LENT AND EASTER PREACHER: ARCHBISHOP ROBIN EAMES THEME – THE GIFT OF FAITH We look forward to welcoming Archbishop Robin Eames to St. Columba’s at our morning services throughout Lent and on Easter Day. The theme of his sermons during these seven weeks will be The Gift of Faith. By way of introduction he writes, “We will be looking at some of the difficulties facing us in relating our Faith to everyday experience”. The titles of the Archbishop’s sermons this month are: Sunday 9th Sunday 16th Sunday 23rd Sunday 30th
Faith in ourselves Faith at home Faith at work Faith in the community
Faith brings strength and comfort in the difficulties we experience. Remember those words of Christ when he said, “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. (Mt.11:28). The gospel stories describe people putting their faith in Christ and depending on him each day. Now that is exactly what we need to do 24/7. But do we? This point was carefully illustrated in a sermon preached by Bishop Michael Marshall in St. Anne’s Cathedral: One bright sunny day while he was Chaplain at London University he left his flat to walk to work. Suddenly it started to rain heavily and he didn’t have his coat, hat or umbrella with him. Along with many other people, he took shelter in the British Museum. While he was waiting for the rain to end he started to look around him at all the priceless pictures on the walls. Many were irreplaceable. He thought how many people came from all over the world to examine and view these paintings, and reflected that he was only there with the others that day because of the rain. Everyday he passed by these wonderful paintings without recognising their beauty. He then turned this ordinary experience to thinking of the Church and Christ, and asked the congregation, “Do we pass by the message of the Church and Christ, only thinking of them in the difficult times of life – illness, bereavement, difficulty or stress? Yet Christ is always there but we can get so caught up in the business of living that we forget and shut Him out of our lives.” During Lent and Easter we have an opportunity to reflect, develop and strengthen our Faith so that it can sustain us in our everyday experiences. I therefore encourage you to make church attendance a priority. The results may surprise you! Yours in His service,
PARISH LENTEN ADDRESSES Get set to be inspired, challenged, supported and enlightened by Archbishop Robin Eames each week from Sunday, 9th March, and culminating on Easter Sunday, 20th April! The former Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland will explore The Gift of Faith in a series of seven talks each Sunday morning during Lent. The multi-faceted elements of Faith and how it applies 24/7 to our everyday life, community and work experiences will be the central focus. Each week Archbishop Eames will deliver a thought provoking, energising address on All things wise and wonderful in our Faith World - past, present and future. We’d be delighted if you could join us each Sunday morning - see you there! • • • • • • •
Faith in ourselves Faith at home Faith at work Faith in the community Faith where it counts Faith in doubt Faith for the future
Sunday, 9th March Sunday, 16th March Sunday, 23rd March Sunday, 30th March Sunday, 6th April Palm Sunday, 13th April Easter Sunday, 20th April
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
MARCH SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 2nd.................................................. Charles Auchmuty and Jamie Sadlier Sunday 9th................................................... Jack Dunlop and Ivan Coffey Sunday 16th................................................ Jane Scott and Rosemary Coffey Sunday 23rd................................................ Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday 30th................................................ Maureen Irwin and May Preston 3
SERVICES IN MARCH Sunday 2nd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
Transfiguration (White) Holy Communion Reader Arthur Hobson 2 Peter 1: 16-21 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 17: 1-9 All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Isobel Mills Matthew 17: 1-9 Choral Evensong Reader Tilly Heyburn 2 Kings 2: 1-12 Reader Tilly Heyburn Matthew 17: 1-23 Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine
Wednesday 5th Ash Wednesday 10.30am Service for Ash Wednesday with Holy Communion 7.30pm Service for Ash Wednesday with Holy Communion
Thursday 6th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 9th The First Sunday in Lent (Purple) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Romans 5: 12-19 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 4: 1-11 10.45am Instrumental Music 11.00am Holy Communion followed by Lenten Lunch Reader Jill Armstrong Romans 5: 12-19 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 4: 1-11 Preacher: Archbishop Robin Eames - Faith in ourselves Intercessions Karen McAlpine 7.00pm Compline Reader Robin Haldane Luke 15: 1-10 Thursday 13th (Purple) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 16th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am
The Second Sunday in Lent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17 Gospel Clergy John 3: 1-17 Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine John 3: 1-17 Morning Prayer Reader Jill Gillespie Genesis 12: 1-4a Reader Clare Best John 3: 1-17 Preacher: Archbishop Robin Eames - Faith at home Occasional Prayers Clergy 4
Holy Communion Reader Fiona Haldane Gospel Karen McAlpine
Monday 17th 10.30am
St. Patrick Holy Communion
Numbers 21: 4-9 Luke 14: 27-33 (White)
(White) Thursday 20th St. Joseph of Nazareth (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 23rd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Third Sunday in Lent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Karen McAlpine Romans 5: 1-11 Gospel Clergy John 4: 5-42 Holy Communion Reader Mary Beard Romans 5: 1-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine John 4: 5-42 Preacher: Archbishop Robin Eames - Faith at work Intercessions Elizabeth Leonard Evening Prayer Reader Esther Templeton Joshua 1: 1-9 Reader Esther Templeton John 2: 13-22
(White) Thursday 27th The Annunciation of our Lord (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Mothering Sunday (Purple) Sunday 30th 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 Gospel Clergy Luke 2: 33-35 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Joy Montgomery 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 Reader Caroline Auchmuty Luke 2: 33-35 Preacher: Archbishop Robin Eames - Faith in the community Occasional Prayers Lady Christine Eames (former worldwide M.U. President) 7.00pm Healing Service with the Laying on of Hands Reader Clergy John 9: 1-41 Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500). The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website: 5
10.30am All Age Worship
Sunday, 9th March
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday, 16th March
9.30am Family Communion
Sunday, 23rd March
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday, 30th March
10.30am Mothering Sunday
At the beginning of February, we started our new books with a great many new activities and our attendance in both junior classes is excellent. We are still missing some of the young people from the older classes, however, and we hope to see them return. The new books have some very exciting activities, so please come along and take part in them! Beth Cairnduff
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during March: Rector Kings Crescent Kings Road Kings Link
Assistant Priest Kings Brae Kings Drive Kings Park St. Columba’s Parish Church
Lenten Lunch Sunday, 9th March 10.45am: Instrumental Music 11.00am: Morning Worship followed by Lenten Lunch in the church hall Voluntary Contributions towards the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund 6
WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (interdenominational)
Friday, 7th March 2014 8.00pm: Sydenham Methodist Church Theme: Streams in the Dessert Prepared by the Christian Women of Egypt. ‘All are welcome, men and women, young and old to join this prayer service held across the world’
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Many thanks to everyone who supported Diabetes UK/Northern Ireland in February when we raised £85 for a very worthwhile cause. Our next tea and coffee at All Age Worship will be Sunday, 2nd March, and we shall be raising much needed funds for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This neurological condition affects around 100,000 people in the UK. Most people are diagnosed between 20-40 years of age but it can affect younger and older people, too. Roughly three times as many women have MS as men. No one knows the cause and there isn’t, as yet, a cure but research is progressing fast. Please plan to be with us for tea or coffee and contribute towards this vital research. Roberta
TUESDAY AFTERNOON BADMINTON The ladies voted to hold our bi-annual lunch in the church hall kitchen in January rather than go elsewhere during a busy December. Food was provided by our members and we had a jolly time! Then out came the rackets and bats, and we played our usual badminton and/or table tennis. We have a new member, Sandra, and anyone joining us for the remainder of the season will be most welcome as a visitor. Just turn up on a Tuesday shortly after 2.00pm or telephone me on 9079 7155. Kyleen 7
INTRODUCING JOE - OUR NEW ORGANIST AND CHORAL DIRECTOR In saying hello as your new Organist, I’d like to thank the Editor of The Columban for granting me space to pen a few lines. I’d also want to say how delighted I am to be playing a more active role in the parish, following Gerald Hill and a long list of distinguished musicians who’ve worked tirelessly to give the parish of Knock the best possible liturgical music over the past century and more. In the 21 years since we moved to live on Sandown Road I’ve been a regular communicant at the early service on Sunday mornings, although I’ve rarely been at the “main” services because I’ve either had an organist’s job elsewhere (Methody, Malone and Armagh) or I’ve been busy at other things. That’s all about to change! The Rector has asked me to share a few thoughts about where I see music in St. Columba’s. Firstly, I want our music to be as attractive and as engaging as we can make it. Anytime I go to church, especially when I’m not playing the organ, I want to come away at the end feeling that I’ve been inspired and refreshed for the week ahead. I genuinely believe that if all the elements of a service – the readings and the prayers as well as the music – are well thought through and presented with care and commitment, then all of us leave feeling much better for the experience. You might be surprised to hear a musician arguing that we need a careful balance between the words, music and silence. I passionately believe that in this busy world part of the precious time we spend in church should be quiet and reflective. There’s a lot to be said for silence, now and again. In St. Columba’s we have a beautiful building on which this, and previous generations, have lavished care and love. We have weekly access to a very handsome architectural space, one of the most elegantly proportioned and tastefully decorated churches in Belfast. One of my main aims, through the music I hope to produce with our singers and instrumentalists in the months and years ahead, is that we might all share a vision of beauty that helps us to develop our faith (however we see that) in the context of the challenging and testing world in which we live and work. The start of any new chapter in parish life presents new opportunities. I know the choir members would love to see some new faces in the choir stalls. Obviously it’s a bonus if you can read music, but the ability to sing in tune along with enthusiasm, commitment and the ability to get on with those around you are just as important. And if you’d rather stay where you’ve always sat down the church then all I’d ask of you is that you join in lustily during the singing of the hymns. It always amazes me that people (men and women) who can shout and sing with abandon at sporting events or at family parties, become reticent and retiring when confronted with a simple hymn in church. I’d like us to be less inhibited in our singing! I already feel very much at home in St. Columba’s, even before I’m started. Thanks to all who’ve gone out of their way to make me feel welcome or who’ve spoken to me when I’m out for a walk. It’s much appreciated. Joe McKee 8
You are invited to:
St. Columba’s Young Families Spring Soirée Venue: The Rectory, St. Columba’s Date: Friday 28th March Time: 7.30pm Whether you are a new or existing member of the congregation this evening event will be a great opportunity to get to know others in a relaxed and informal setting. It is intended for those in the young families category, youngish (your interpretation!) couples, married or otherwise, and to individuals. RSVP by 18th March to: Victor Dukelow 9029 0625 / or Linda Wilson 9076 1040 / All net voluntary contributions made on the evening will be donated to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund
BIBLE STUDY GROUP FILM EVENING Wednesday, 9th April, at 7.30pm in the Choir Vestry Film: Amazing Love (based on the life of Hosea) All parishioners and friends welcome! Tea and Coffee Voluntary Donations towards the Church Hall refurbishment Fund 9
BROWNIE NOTES Our first big Brownie event took place from Friday, 31st January to Sunday, 2nd February. Nine Brownies and two leaders set off for the Ranger Cottage at Craigavad for a fun filled weekend, as shown in the photographs! After the opening ceremony on Friday night we made our name badges, decorated our Brownie bags and made our passports for our weekend jouney. The theme of the weekend was the four Guide World Centres, concentrating mainly on Our Chalet in Switzerland but also finding out information about Our Cabana in Mexico, Sangam in India and Pax Lodge in London. Saturday morning saw us up bright and early and off to Lorne for breakfast. This was followed by a session about the World Association and two of our girls were allowed to wear saris whilst we decorated elephant door hangers and iced biscuits to look like sombrero hats. After ‘elevenses’ we went to Community where we made bird feeders from toilet rolls, peanut butter and bird seed, as well as making sweets to give to someone who needed cheering up! Lunch was followed by our turn on the climbing wall. Unfortunately, we suffered the worst weather of the whole weekend during this session but, undaunted, everyone except the leaders (who weren’t allowed) tried out the wall and several of the girls climbed right to the top! Luckily the wall was just beside the Ranger Cottage so we were able to get changed before returning to Lorne for afternoon tea. Our next session involved looking for pictures of squirrels hanging in the trees outside the lodge with facts about Our Chalet, and then inside again to try our hand at cheese and chocolate fondue – a well known Swiss experience. Most agreed that the chocolate one in which we dipped our marshmallows was the favourite! After dinner on Saturday evening we all tried set dancing shown to us by several senior citizens - great to see the young and older folks enjoying themselves together! Each unit attending then had to teach everyone else an action song - lots of new ones for us to try out on a Friday night! An exhausted group finally made their way back to the Ranger Cottage, climbed into bed and fell quickly asleep. Our craft session took place on Sunday morning after breakfast. We made skiers from pine cones, clay ornaments, luggage labels from wood and shrinkie magnets with pictures of Our Chalet on them. We then headed back to pack our bags, strip the beds and vacuum the Ranger Cottage, before returning to Lorne for lunch and the closing ceremony. We all agreed it had been brilliant fun with lots of souvenirs to remember and not least the friends we had made with Ballymoney Brownies, with whom we might go on Pack Holiday in June. Now we look forward to our next Big Birthday event! Beth Cairnduff 10
March brings us to the penultimate month of our year when the club competitions are completed in readiness for the finals in April. Our inter Church match away to Knock Methodist on Monday, 3rd February, proved to be a nail biting affair and was only settled in the final game when we attained a one shot win - the final score line being 40-39. Congratulations to all who participated to make this a great evening! The result of our next match against St. Colmcille’s on Monday, 10th February, will appear next month. Monday 10th March will be another of our Open Nights when we will welcome Aidan Campbell, a speaker known to many of you. His talk entitled Stormont - A Journey from Holywood Arches to Dundonald Village should be of great interest and will, no doubt, stir many memories of past times and places amongst the audience. This evening is open to all parishioners and their friends and will also be advertised in neighbouring churches. The talk will commence at 7.30pm and a light supper will be served afterwards to close the evening. Donations, if desired, may be made to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Please put the date in your diaries! We were delighted to welcome a new member to our meeting on Monday, 3rd February, and hope he will be a frequent attender. Geoff Launchbury 11
Ladies Guild Notes Dear Ladies By the time you read this it will be March and wonderful spring, and I want to remind you about our special fundraising event on Wednesday, 19th March, at 7.45pm. Dr Marion Gibson is coming to speak to us in St. Columba’s on her life and career, entitled Expect the Unexpected. Some of us will know Marion and her fascinating talks about her work on the impact of trauma on individuals, organisations and communities throughout the world - so we hope to see a large congregation for our initiative! There will be a collection at the back of church and supper for everyone, as well as music from our Music Group. Looking forward also to seeing as many of you as possible at the Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, 5th March at 7.30pm. Lilias Smyth (Hon. Sec.)
Following on from our ‘pause’ at Hillmount Garden Centre last month, we are planning to meet in March as follows:
Wednesday, 5th March, 10.30am - coffee at Stormont Hotel Tuesday, 25th March, 10.30am - coffee at Park Avenue Hotel If you are free on one or both of these dates, please do come and join us for some chat and friendship. Come on your own or bring a friend or two! If you require transport or further details, do not hesitate to contact me. Eileen (9020 3684)
CHRISTIANS AGAINST POVERTY Our Christmas Hamper Appeal was very successful again this year, with great support from the parishes of St. Columba’s, St. Donard’s, St. Finian’s and Knockbreda. We were able to make up 44 hampers which were delivered to CAP clients in the week commencing Monday, 16th December. There was also food left over which will enable us to support clients who are living on tight budgets throughout the year. The clients were delighted with the hampers and very grateful for the extra support in the run up to Christmas. One said, “We are so grateful and blessed by you and the churches. It is God sending you to people in need. Thank you and Merry Christmas!” I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Hamper Appeal and Fuel Fund, and also for your prayerful support as we work to bring God’s hope and blessing into the lives of our clients. Heather Purdy, Centre Manager, Belfast Central CAP Centre 12
THE ANNUAL EASTER GENERAL VESTRY MEETING will take place in the church hall on Thursday 3rd April 2014 at 7.00pm All parishioners are encouraged to attend but only those who are registered can vote to elect: The People’s Churchwarden The People’s Glebewarden 12 Select Vestry Members 2 Honorary Auditors As this is a Triennial Year the following elections will also take place: 4 Parochial Nominators 4 Supplemental Parochial Nominators 2 Diocesan Synod Members 2 Supplemental Diocesan Synod Members PARISH PRESENTATION TO GERALD HILL Refreshments will be served during the meeting.
ST. COLUMBA’S CRAFT AND HOBBY CIRCLE We continue to meet in the Choir Vestry which is so conveniently located to the car park and one has no hill to negotiate. We enjoy a cuppa while catching up with each other’s exploits. Please come and join us any Monday morning, you are more than welcome! On Monday, 24 March, we are having a flower arranging morning and Eleanor Launchbury has very kindly volunteered to do the demonstration. Look forward to seeing you any Monday! Carol (9079 9997/07831 345560 or email:
New Year – New Photographic Resolution! Readers will have noticed a change to the front covers of the February and March parish magazines, reflecting a new theme of seasonal photographs. Any parishioners who would care to submit a high resolution photograph of their own (minimum 300dpi and at least 1 Mb in size) will be most welcome to send it to the Editor for consideration for a future front cover. 13
EARLY BIRD PLEA FROM THE PARISH OFFICE Our ultra busy Parish Office is delighted to help all our organisations, groups and individuals. BUT we must ask everyone to submit all notices and information as early and as quickly as possible! We manage services on a ‘first come first served basis’ but particularly at hectic times of the year, we can’t support all requests - much as we’d love to help everyone! So in true Baden-Powell style - Be Prepared! • Talk to the Parish Office regularly • Send in all meetings and events notices early • Book the hall to ensure heating is switched on • Don’t assume notices in The Columban automatically appear in Pew News and the website. Send in a separate notice to the office • Please note - parishioner contact details will not be given to any other parishioner (unless they already appear in The Columban) without the permission of that parishioner. * Don’t forget: The Early Bird Gets the Worm!
ies: e Activit c ffi O h g Paris d printin prep an • Flyer les ews artic • Pew N ents and bsite ev e w h is r • Pa articles kets rs and tic g AGMs • Poste etings e e m r fo g • Typin copying o t o • Ph tasks e c ral offi e n e G •
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Karen Patterson Parish Administrator Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel: 028 90656891 Email:
24/7 PRAYER IN ST. COLUMBA’S The Diocesan Year of 24/7 Prayer which precedes the Year of Mission (2015) started in The Dock, Titanic Quarter, at midnight on 31th December 2013. St. Columba’s received The Prayer Scroll on the Friday morning of 17th January which marked the start of our responsibility to maintain continual praying for 72 hours. The scroll had been brought to St. Columba’s by St. Donard’s and on the morning of Monday, 30th January, it was handed over to St. John’s, Orangefield. The prayer sessions were booked in advance. Frequent church services and organ voluntaries throughout the three days complemented the praying in the side chapel. The Rector and Canon Smyth offered helpful prayer guidance during the services and also provided prayers for personal use. This diocesan initiative was well received in St. Columba’s and it was most rewarding to challenge our prayer routine by participating in the year of continual prayer. Elizabeth Leonard
The Rector writes…I want to thank all those parishioners who participated in the 24/7 prayer while St. Columba’s had responsibility for the Diocesan Prayer Scroll. It was a source of great blessing and encouragement that we were able to fill all the 72 hour slots on our rota. I also want to thank the Mission Team members, our Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, and Gerald Hill and Brian Clements for all of their hard work and support. After careful reflection and consideration, we decided to use the church itself for the 24/7 Prayer as, in the words of one parishioner, “The church is a prayer room”. By using the church, many parishioners attended the services, were able to appreciate the organ music and were able to spend time in our beautiful building in personal prayer and reflection. It was a busy and most rewarding weekend. 15
CASH FOR CLOBBER Cash for Clobber will be back in the church car park on Saturday, 5th April, at 10.30am to 11.30am to raise funds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. So have a good clear out of all those crammed wardrobes and cupboards, and fill a bin bag or two! Collection bags will be available in March at the back of church. Remember, the heavier the better as all the bags are weighed. If you need to have any of your bags collected, please let me know and I will collect at a time that suits you. Roberta (9065 6183)
This time, we are able to take only the following: Clothes Shoes Handbags Belts
For our first trip of the New Year, Youth Etc visited Titanic Belfast when 15 of us met up on a cold Sunday afternoon and were greeted by Suzanne, one of the Visitor Experience Team Leaders. We braved the cold weather and followed Suzanne out onto the plaza. Suzanne showed us how the tiles represented a map of the world and that on the map was marked out the route that Titanic took on her fateful maiden voyage over 100 years ago. We then looked out towards the slipways where the Olympic Class Liners Olympic, Titanic and Britannic were built. We tried to imagine what a very different place it would have been all those years ago! The ships were built under the Arrol Gantry and stood 90 metres high, the same height as Titanic Belfast is today. Following that, we walked over to the Drawing Offices where Thomas Andrews, Managing Director of Harland and Wolff at the time, designed the largest ships in the world! Suzanne then took us back to the main building, showed us the start of the exhibition and left us to enjoy our afternoon. There were nine galleries and the first gallery told us about Belfast in the early 1900s and about the different industries that existed in those days. We then went on the Dark Ride, a little cart that holds six people, which took us round a reconstruction of what it would have been like to have worked on the building of Titanic. We spent nearly two hours walking around and, out of the whole afternoon, the bit I enjoyed best was when we reached the replica grand staircase. There were people finishing off their afternoon tea and it looked very grand indeed! We all had a great afternoon and I am really looking forward to our February visit to the Belfast Giants which we are all very excited about! Grace Owens 16
In February, we were delighted to welcome parishioner, Bob Killen, to our meeting to share his immense expertise and passion for art. We appreciate Bob giving up his time and who knows how many budding artists he may have inspired in the Mothers’ Union! Our meeting on Tuesday, 4th March, will be our Overseas Night when members bring their donations for MU Overseas projects. Our speaker will be Helen Maries from Christian Aid. As many MU members collect for the charity, it will be interesting to hear how the money donated by St. Columba’s is spent. Other parishioners are most welcome to come and join us that evening at 8.00pm. The Mothers’ Union Diocesan Festival Service will be held on Tuesday, 25th March, in St. John’s, Orangefield, at 8.00pm. Please let Irene Gray know on 9065 3438 if you plan to attend. On Mothering Sunday, 30th March, Mothers’ Union will provide tea/coffee and tray bakes after Morning service, followed by a tray bake sale with proceeds going to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Yvonne
CORRECT USE OF FREE WILL OFFERING/ MISSION & CHARITY ENVELOPES Over the years, some parishioners have had their Free Will Offering Envelope numbers changed and these numbers have been reallocated to other parishioners. This includes those parishioners who have moved to Standing Orders. PLEASE DESTROY ALL OLD ENVELOPES IMMEDIATELY AND ONLY USE THOSE DATED 2014. It is imperative that we record your valued contributions against your current number. Your donations can only be recorded against your 2014 envelopes. In addition, we would also like to request that you CLEARLY ANNOTATE YOUR ENVELOPE WITH THE AMOUNT ENCLOSED to help prevent mistakes during recording and counting. Standing Order forms are available at the back of church if you would prefer to use these. The use of Standing Orders allows more accurate recording as mistakes can be made with cash. Thank you very much for your assistance with this matter. Karen Patterson Financial Giving Secretary Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.00am-1.00pm Tel: 028 9065 6891 Email: 17
The Men’s Club of St. Columba’s Parish Church, Knock, invites everyone to:
“Stormont – A Journey from the Holywood Arches to Dundonald Village” by our guest speaker Aidan Campbell
Monday, 10th March at 7.30pm Light supper served afterwards Donations if desired to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund
Grosvenor Chorale in Concert
We are delighted to have secured Grosvenor Chorale to sing at our Christians Against Poverty fund raising concert on Friday, 14th March in Willowfield Parish Church, Woodstock Road, at 7.30pm. Grosvenor is one of Northern Ireland’s top choirs. Their list of achievements includes singing at George Best’s funeral, winners of numerous singing competitions and performance at the opening of the recent Police and Fire Games. They have also had a record in the charts and can often be heard on the radio. The programme will consist of a selection of familiar Irish melodies, followed by a series of easy listening favourites e.g. My Way, Fly Me to the Moon, The Way We Were (all of which you can sing along to!). Refreshments and a programme are included in the ticket price of £10. All proceeds will go to Belfast Cental CAP. Why not start your St. Patrick’s weekend with a relaxed evening of enjoyable music and help the work of your local CAP Centre at the same time! Tickets are available from parishioner Ronny Martin on 9079 0821/07526 396838 or email: 18
Gerald and his family enjoy the musical evening 19 organised by the choir to mark his retirement
PARISH MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Following the successful re-launch of the parish website at the end of the summer, a number of parishioners have commented on how easy it is to access The Columban parish magazine on the parish website at and have indicated that they no longer require the parish magazine to be delivered. We want to ensure that the parish website achieves its full potential and we would encourage all parishioners to consider whether they require hand delivery of the parish magazine. We realise that some parishioners will wish to continue to receive a hard copy of the parish magazine – because they do not have access to the internet, are not comfortable using the internet or simply prefer having a hard copy to read. We are committed to providing a delivery service, where required, and we will also ensure that extra copies of the parish magazine are available for collection at the back of church each month. We will continue to deliver the March editions of the parish magazine to all parishioners as usual, but thereafter distribution will only be made to those parishioners who specifically request a home delivery. If you would like to continue having a copy of the parish magazine delivered to your home each month, please contact our Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, on 9065 6891 or e-mail during March. Alternatively, simply complete your details on the form below and post it in the Churchwardens’ box at the back of church during March. Many thanks, Ronny Martin, Magazine Distribution Co-ordinator
ADDRESS .................................................................................................
................................................................................................. 20
NATIONAL TRUST OPEN GARDEN SCHEME Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May from 2pm to 5pm at the home of
Tony and Clodagh Reid, 88 Ballyrainey Road, Comber, BT23 5JU (parishioners of St. Columba’s who hosted the Hog Roast BBQ)
This well established garden surrounding a mid-18th century house extends to approximately nine acres and is designed for relaxation. Rhododendron, camellias and climbers bring colour to the garden, while mature trees create structure. Open Gardens offers a rare opportunity to explore the secrets of private gardens not usually open to the public. Whether you are a keen gardener eager for some useful tips or simply wish to savour the splendour and beauty of unusual plants, then come along and enjoy the beauty and vitality of summer, and take a walk through their beautiful garden. While you are there relax and enjoy the refreshments supplied and served by St. Columba’s parishioners.
Everyone is invited to attend! Admission to Gardens £3 in support of National Trust gardens in Northern Ireland. Refreshments £3 in aid of St. Columba’s Church Hall Refurbishment Fund.
CLERGY CONFERENCE A young Curate went to a conference at which most of the gathering consisted of Bishops, Archdeacons and high officials of the Church. The weather was very cold and it was natural, perhaps, that the more senior clergy should cluster around the cheerful fire in the dining room as often as possible, blocking everyone else out. The young Curate thought that it was time he did something about this, so the next morning he said in a loud voice: “I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt that I had died and gone to hell.” After a few moments of dead silence, one of the senior clergy asked, “And what did you find there, my son?” “Just the same as here,” came the reply, “I couldn’t get near the fire for Bishops.” 21
CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PARISH 2013 Listed below are the totals of contributions given by parishioners in 2013 for Free Will Offering and Mission & Charities by means of FWO envelopes, standing orders and / or cheques.
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
002 003 005 006 008 009 010 011 012 013 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 024 026 027 028 034 035 036 039 040 041 042 044 045 046 047 050 053 056 057 061 062 064 065 066 068 069 070 071
072 073 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 097 098 099 100 101 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 113 115 116 117 120 123 124 126 127 129 131 132 133
135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 148 149 150 151 153 156 158 159 161 163 164 165 166 168 169 170 171 172 173 176 178 179 180 182 183 185 186 188 189 191 192 194 195 196 197 198
199 200 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 214 216 218 219 221 224 226 227 228 230 231 233 234 238 239 240 243 245 249 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 265 266 267 268
£120.00 £510.00 £40.00 £60.00 £120.00 £120.00 £11.00 £741.00 £600.00 £1,080.00 £170.00 £179.00 £40.00 £35.00 £355.00 £255.00 £193.01 £428.00 £250.00 £150.00 £409.00 £214.00 £579.80 £405.00 £80.00 £128.00 £85.00 £120.00 £420.00 £296.00 £90.00 £140.00 £193.60 £21.00 £275.00 £200.00 £175.00 £5.00 £435.00 £61.50 £165.00 £119.40 £285.00 £115.00 £60.00 £60.00
£88.00 £80.00 £310.00 £348.00 £135.00 £52.00 £350.00 £277.50 £420.00 £80.00 £5.00 £620.00 £10.00 £66.00 £134.10 £16.00 £705.00 £50.00 £200.00 £320.00 £180.00 £1,300.00 £20.00 £220.00 £588.00 £500.00 £37.00 £102.00 £437.00 £15.00 £5.00 £102.00 £424.02 £200.00 £181.00 £15.00 £575.00 £460.00 £570.00 £125.00 £50.00 £710.00 £41.00 £20.00 £111.50 £510.00 22
£364.00 £195.00 £85.00 £110.00 £55.00 £270.00 £20.00 £940.00 £110.00 £5.00 £40.00 £190.00 £440.00 £220.00 £50.00 £80.00 £240.00 £110.00 £28.00 £190.00 £20.00 £1,177.20 £164.00 £235.00 £345.00 £90.00 £410.00 £570.00 £52.00 £5.00 £173.00 £199.20 £625.00 £155.40 £183.55 £50.00 £100.00 £25.00 £35.00 £116.00 £30.00 £945.00 £290.00 £59.00 £188.00 £315.00
£50.00 £25.00 £166.00 £63.50 £1,052.20 £1,760.00 £100.00 £520.00 £100.00 £100.00 £560.00 £329.00 £293.00 £10.00 £467.00 £336.00 £1,150.00 £674.00 £300.00 £122.50 £260.00 £810.00 £210.00 £310.00 £160.00 £8.00 £130.00 £40.00 £58.04 £250.00 £450.00 £535.00 £165.00 £250.00 £590.00 £5.00 £32.00 £20.00 £45.00 £30.00 £205.00 £210.00 £43.50 £25.00 £134.00 £80.00
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
Env YTD No. Total
270 271 273 274 798 851 852 853 857 858 859 861 864 870 871 874 875 876 877 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 891 892 893
894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 906 907 908 910 911 912 913 914 915 917 918 919 921 922 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931
932 933 934 936 937 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972
973 £540.00 974 £240.00 975 £600.00 976 £360.00 977 £840.00 978 £310.00 979 £180.00 981 £780.00 982 £300.00 983 £630.00 984 £278.00 985 £365.00 986 £300.00 987 £100.00 988 £910.00 989 £380.00 990 £280.00 991 £760.00 992 £244.00 993 £480.00 994 £1,020.00 995 £240.00 996 £214.00 997 £300.00 998 £370.00 999 £240.00 1000 £540.00 1002 £780.00 1006 £50.00 TOTAL: £108,255.84
£371.00 £107.00 £14.02 £48.00 £500.00 £60.00 £50.00 £242.50 £240.00 £360.00 £10.00 £80.00 £5.00 £100.00 £40.00 £625.00 £650.00 £720.00 £265.00 £1,100.00 £300.00 £360.00 £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 £135.00 £630.00 £600.00 £860.00 £660.00 £240.00 £1,020.00 £275.00
£585.10 £240.00 £150.00 £270.00 £240.00 £441.70 £330.00 £300.00 £20.00 £1,200.00 £700.00 £1,520.00 £648.00 £1,490.00 £745.00 £2,690.00 £500.00 £500.00 £600.00 £48.00 £540.00 £120.00 £480.00 £640.00 £1,010.00 £350.00 £372.00 £445.00 £400.00 £240.00 £300.00 £580.00 £300.00
£420.00 £390.00 £830.00 £1,270.00 £343.00 £200.00 £1,220.00 £180.00 £512.00 £585.00 £470.00 £600.00 £250.00 £412.00 £2,020.00 £420.00 £579.00 £180.00 £140.00 £1,635.00 £920.00 £300.00 £120.00 £600.00 £1,330.00 £380.00 £624.00 £125.00 £240.00 £487.00 £180.00 £360.00 £848.00
The above FWO contribution figures (which include Mission and Charity contributions) and other major annual contributions listed below do not include income tax reclaimed from the Inland Revenue through the Gift Aid Scheme. Zambia £2,675 Building Fund/Hall Refurbishment Fund
Bishops’ Appeals (inc. Philippines)
Loose Plate £2,907 On behalf of the Rector and members of the Select Vestry, may we take this opportunity to thank you for your regular and generous support. Josephine Kelly, Hon. Treasurer Ronny Martin, Asst. Hon. Treasurer 23
FOUR WORMS A Rector decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday morning sermon. Accordingly, he placed four worms into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a jar containing alcohol. The second worm was put into a jar filled with cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a jar full of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a jar filled with good clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Rector reported the following results: The first worm in the alcohol... dead. The second worm in the cigarette smoke... dead. The third worm in the chocolate syrup... dead. The fourth worm in good clean soil... still alive! Triumphantly, the Rector asked his congregation, “What did you learn from this demonstration?” There was silence until a parishioner at the back shouted: “As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t get worms!”
Mar k it or miss it! Sunday, 9 March th
Parish Lenten Lunch Wednesday, 19th March Ladies Guild Fundraising Evening – Dr Marion Gibson Friday, 28th March Young Families Spring Soirée Saturday, 5th April Cash for Clobber Wednesday, 9th April Bible Study Group Film Saturday, 24th/Sunday 25th May Tony and Clodagh Reid’s Open Gardens Saturday, 7th/Sunday 8th June Patronal Festival Weekend 24
APRIL PARISH MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the April parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 16th March. Many thanks
FLOWER ROTA FOR MARCH Sunday 2nd Wendy Killen Sunday 9th Caroline Auchmuty Sunday 16th Geoff and Eleanor Launchbury Noel Ford
Sunday 23rd Cyril and Doreen Thompson Sunday 30th John and Sandra Little
“Hmmm... We still have a problem filling the slot that coincides with Strictly...�
Our Joys Holy Baptism
The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
Sunday, 2nd February Peggy Anne Hirst, 7 Edenvale Gardens Our Sorrows Christian Burials Tuesday, 28th January Leslie Farmer, 18 Knock Green Saturday, 8th February Sarah Harris, 94 Kings Road 25
PARISH ORGANISATIONS SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson
9047 2512 07712 593773
Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stevenson
9058 3381
X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd
07833 391945
The Grid (11-14 years) Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 9028 5868 MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 9028 1204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 9067 1051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155
TUESDAY (continued) 7.30pm MU Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 9080 8755 WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 9047 1514 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 9059 2039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine Email: 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of church halls must first be submitted to the Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor, Karen Patterson, on 9065 6891 or email: (Monday-Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm). 26
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167
ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706
HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ivan Roche, Roberta Rogers, Gillian Sadlier
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Email DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816
HONORARY SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Little 14 Barnetts Lodge Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 028 9080 8755
HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Mark Wilson 7 Finchley Vale BT4 2EU Tel 028 9076 1040
ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER GIFT AID SECRETARY MAGAZINE DISTRIBITOR CO-ORDINATOR Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email
JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Zac Elkin, Rebecca Burns RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 27
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email
ORGANIST AND Choral Director Dr Joe McKee 76 Sandown Road BT5 6GU Mob 07976 294574
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 9079 3641
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator Premises Convenor Financial Giving Secretary Karen Patterson
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Michelle Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens Glengormley, BT36 5LA Tel 07533 871166
Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 28