November 2013
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill will complete 27 years as our Organist and Choirmaster at the end of March next year. Throughout that time, he has served our parish in a most dedicated and conscientious manner. His personable approach and friendly manner, coupled with his professionalism, has provided us with an excellent musical standard from which we all benefit at our church services. He was worked extremely hard over a very considerable period of time in the life of St. Columba’s to develop our musical tradition, with the full support and cooperation of the Choir, my predecessor, Archdeacon McCamley, and myself. This is clearly reflected in the wide range of traditional and contemporary music which Gerald provides in consultation with me for our church services each week. We appreciate the carefully chosen hymns, psalms, canticles, chants, anthems and the communion motets. Gerald’s excellent relationship with the Choir members is very evident and is clear for us all to see. In addition to his organ playing and leading the choir, Gerald also established and developed the Music Group. Under his leadership, they participate in the All Age Worship service on the first Sunday of each month and in the Family Communion at 9.30am on the third Sunday. He has also been an influential supporter and advisor to our Assistant Organist, Brian Clements, and Emma Hill throughout their training on the Down and Dromore and Connor Organ Scholarship Scheme. The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve is one of the highlights in the liturgical calendar as we come together to hear in word and song the good news of God’s redeeming love, made known to us in the birth of Jesus Christ. A few years ago, I called Gerald during the summer and when he answered the phone he was listening to a new setting of Away in a Manger which he was considering using at the Carol service. It came as no surprise to me when that setting to the well known carol was included in the service some five months later! Throughout his time in St. Columba’s, he has been well supported by his wife, Glenys, and family. Gerald now wishes to pass the baton on to his successor. I received his letter of resignation with great regret and sadness, as indeed have the Choir and members of the parish. I thank Gerald for all his hard work and support, and for the diligent way in which he has carried out his duties. As he prepares to say farewell in a few months’ time, we wish him and Glenys every good wish and blessing for the future. The process to appoint his successor has already begun. This important position in our parish has been widely advertised and it is hoped to arrange auditions at the end of this month. As someone once said, “Music is the bicycle of liturgy”. It is essential that we maintain and develop the excellent musical tradition which exists in St. Columba’s. Please pray for all those involved in the recruitment process and for those who are considering this position. Yours in His service,
A fashion show with a difference to be held on Wednesday, 6th November, at 7.30pm in St. Columba's Parish Hall, 29 Kings Road, Belfast War on Want NI presents you with the Flapper Show, 1920s to 1930s. In our collection we have an outFit worn at the jubilee celebrations of King George V in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, as well as 1920s bathing wear dress, a wedding dress, outdoor coats and evening wear, plus a special collection ’Rhapsody in Blue’. Tickets £10 each (including supper) on sale in church or contact Liz McCaughey on 9065 2031. Net proceeds in aid of the church hall refurbishment fund.
SERVICES IN NOVEMBER Thursday 7th 10.30am
All Saints’ Day (Transferred) (White) Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 10th Remembrance Sunday (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 25: 14-30 10.30am Morning Prayer with Act of Remembrance Reader Clare Best Micah 4: 1-8 Reader Tony Greeves 1 Corinthians 15: 50-58 Occasional Roberta Rogers Prayers 7.00pm Compline Reader Gina Greeves 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Thursday 14th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 17th The Second Sunday before Advent (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Gospel Clergy Luke 21: 5-19 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 21: 5-19 10.30am Morning Prayer Reader Olivia Budde Isaiah 65: 17-25 Reader Maura Dawson Luke 21: 5-19 Occasional Clergy Prayers 7.00pm Holy Communion Reader Tilly Heyburn Daniel 6 Gospel Clergy Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Thursday 21st (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 24th 8.15am 10.30am Gospel
The Kingship of Christ (White) Holy Communion Reader Patricia Wilson Colossians 1: 11-20 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 23: 33-43 Holy Communion Reader Alan Rogers Colossians 1: 11-20 Karen McAlpine Luke 23: 33-43 Address by Dr. Kim Stevenson: My Experiences in Malawi Intercessions Gina Greeves 4
Evening Prayer Reader Reader
Esther Templeton Esther Templeton
1 Samuel 8: 4-20 John 18: 33-37
Thursday 28th Saint Andrew (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
DECEMBER Sunday 1st 8.15am 10.30am 11.00am 7.00pm
The First Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Romans 13: 11-14 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 24: 36-44 Informal Recital by Members of the Music Group All Age Worship followed by Parish Advent Lunch (Organised by the Zambia Team) Reader Ben Roche Matthew 24: 36-44 Preacher Lyndsey Miles, E3 SU East Belfast Schools Worker BDCC United Advent Service at Stormont Presbyterian (NO evening Service in St. Columba’s )
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 5
NOVEMBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 10th................................................ Jill and Brian Gillespie Sunday 17th................................................ Caroline and Noel Higginson Sunday 24th................................................ Eileen Anderson and Ann McGarvey
December Sunday 1 ................................................... Charles and Henry Auchmuty st
SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday, 3rd November
10.30am All Age Worship
Sunday, 10th November
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday, 17th November
9.30am Family Communion
Sunday, 24th November
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday, 1st December
10.30am Informal Musical Recital 11.00am All Age Worship Parish Advent Lunch for Zambia
The children played a full part in the recent Harvest service. Their chorus of Someone’s brought a loaf of bread was very well received by the congregation and was followed by the prayers which featured a prayer for each letter of the word HARVEST. Our numbers continue to increase which is most encouraging but we still have plenty of room if any other young people would like to join us, particularly in the oldest age group, The Grid. Don’t forget about the Christmas Party on Saturday, 7th December, let’s hope it is as successful as last year’s! Also don’t forget to bring along 20p to each Sunday School, as mentioned in last month’s magazine. Beth Cairnduff
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514). We convey our prayers and good wishes to Canon Ken Smyth as he recovers from his operation and look forward to welcoming him back to St. Columba’s at the earliest opportunity. In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Rector will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during November: Elsmere Park, Enid Parade, Enler Park Central, Finchley Park, Finchley Vale, Forthill Close, Gilbourne Court. 6
LEST WE FORGET During the First World War, forty eight parishioners from St. Columba’s of all ranks served in H M Forces, the vast majority in the Army. Tragically, twelve did not return, a truly horrific rate of attrition. The names of both the fallen and the survivors are shown on the memorial plaque in the south transept where, in 1919, the beautiful memorial window was erected to their eternal glory. No less than three MC’s, one MM and one DFC were awarded for gallantry. In the Second World War, reflecting its far greater global reach, one hundred and twenty parishioners from St. Columba’s served in H M Forces, not only in the Army but also in the Royal Air Force, the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, the Women’s Royal Naval Service, the Auxiliary Territorial Service and the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Tragically, twelve also did not return, eight from the ranks of the Royal Air Force alone, as high a rate of attrition as that suffered by those parishioners who served in the Army during the First World War. In more recent times, Constable Mark Evans was killed on 7th September 1981 whilst serving with the RUC in Pomeroy, and his name is displayed on a memorial glass case towards the rear of the church. St. Columba’s Roll of Honour in two World Wars, inscribed on the front two pillars of the nave, reads as follows: 1914-1918
J. Burke A. D. Deane T. B. Elliot H. Hooton I. C. McCormick H. McCormick R. Nelson W. Nelson J. Purvis A. Rodgers W. H. Unsworth G. W. Webb
A. S. Craig R. A. A. Doherty M. D. Green J. C. Harris A. R. Hill M. C. Hind H.G. Montgomery R. N. Morgan C. McConnell A. McFarland J. H. Rice N. Turner
Mindful also of the ongoing war in Afghanistan and other military operations, let us pause on Remembrance Sunday to remember all those men and women throughout the ages who, in endless conflicts, chose to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for our freedom; as we also remember all innocent victims of war, brutality, terror and oppression. Let us pray especially for those valiant young men who set forth from this parish in those dark and storm filled days, never to return to their homeland nor see their loved ones again. They knew their duty and they died for it
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Thanks to everyone who supported Life after Loss at the beginning of the month. There will be no tea and coffee at the All Age Worship on Sunday, 1st December as the Zambia Team is holding an Advent lunch in the church hall after Morning service. We shall be back on Sunday, 5th January, when we shall be raising funds for The Salvation Army who do great work all year round, but especially at Christmas for the homeless. Please plan to be with us and support this worthy cause. See you then.
APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY SEXTON As St. Columba’s continues to grow and develop, it has become apparent that we need additional help in the church to assist me. John Proctor has kindly agreed to serve our parish as Honorary Sexton and I am personally grateful to him for taking on this new responsibility. The duties are: 1. Ensure all church grounds are well presented and are accessible. Inform Jim Stevenson and the Property Committee when difficulties arise. 2. Set up the church for Thursday Holy Communion service and lock the church when the Rector is absent. 3. Open and close the church for funerals and weddings, and ensure there is sufficient heat for the service. 4. Remove flowers when necessary from the Garden of Remembrance. John has recently commenced his duties and I wish him well as he serves his church as Honorary Sexton. The Rector
LADIES BOWLING Our season got off to a wonderful start at the end of September with 16 members and it was great to see a number of new players! We look forward to our regular Monday afternoons as well as to meeting bowlers from our neighbouring churches over the season. We appreciate the Rector calling down with us, with words of welcome. Phyllis Newton 8
Our new season began on Monday, 2nd September, when we welcomed 12 members. Having enjoyed a fine summer, all were keen to resume their bowling activities and a lively opening session took place. The first of our Inter Church matches took place on Monday, 7th October, at St. Donard’s when victory went to St. Columba’s. On Monday, 14th October, our meeting acquired a ‘new look’ when we held our first Games Night. Members tried their hand at chess, backgammon, draughts, darts and target bowls. Whilst enjoyed by those present, a greater number of participants would have made the evening even more worthwhile. To date we have only welcomed two new faces to our club. Our next Inter Church match will take place on Monday, 28th October, when we visit Stormont Presbyterian Church. We also look forward to our next ‘Open Night’ on Monday, 18th November, when we will welcome Professor Chris Shaw who will speak on Cancer Research. This very relevant topic is of interest to many and we would hope for a good audience of male parishioners on the night. Membership of the Club is not necessary for your attendance. Finally, the Committee and members of the Club wish to extend sincere sympathy to our valued member, Dr. Billy Nelson, and his family circle on the sad loss of his wife, Daphne, following her long illness. Geoff Launchbury
BROWNIE NOTES I am pleased to report that we have a good turnout every Friday night but we still have room for new Brownies, if anyone is interested! We enrolled three new Brownies recently and it was very special for me as it was the first set of twins I have enrolled into the Pack. We are currently working on our Sharing is Fun badge which has seen us making bracelets and bookmarks. We will finish them after Hallowe’en with posters to encourage more girls to join us, as well as pencil toppers which we will share with our friends. We are looking forward to the Hallowe’en party on Friday, 25th October, when all sorts of strange creatures will be visiting the hall! The first event of our centenary next year is a weekend at Lorne from Friday, 31st January to Sunday, 2nd February 2014, when we hope most of the girls will be able to participate. We will join other Brownies from all over Northern Ireland in a Star Quest themed weekend. It should be lots of fun! Beth Cairnduff 9
ST. COLUMBA’S CRAFT AND HOBBY CIRCLE Our group continues to meet on Monday mornings and we have good news for those of you who felt it was too cold to have our meetings in the church hall – we are now in the Choir Vestry! Anybody is welcome to come along, why not bring a friend with you and have a chat and a cuppa? Our group welcomes those who are not parishioners but would enjoy a morning’s company with like-minded people who can share their crafting skills and hobbies. We will be having a couple of themed mornings, eg, card making and flower arranging for Christmas - more info in Pew News, on noticeboards and the website nearer the time. If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Look forward to seeing you there! Carol (9079 9997/07831 345560 or email: )
Hello Ladies, Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 5th November, when Aiden Campbell will be coming to speak on the history of the Stormont area. The annual Advent service will be held on Monday, 2nd December, in Seapatrick COI, Banbridge. Our own MU Christmas outing will be to Willowfield parish on Tuesday, 3rd December, where they are holding a Christmas tree festival which includes supper. More details will be included in the next Columban. Our thanks to our Rector for officiating at our Mothers’ Union annual service, to Gina Greeves for playing the organ so beautifully and for all who helped with readings, prayers and supper. Could I also please remind you to return your subs to Eileen Gibson. Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting. Sandra
KEN’S GREAT RAILWAY CHALLENGE! Don’t forget to enter Ken’s Great Railway Challenge at only £1 a go and support the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund as well! Guess the number of miles our own Canon Ken Smyth clocked up when he travelled on every railway line throughout Ireland earlier this year and win a super prize! The winner will be announced at the Parish Advent Lunch for Zambia on Sunday, 1st December – with a prize for the under 16s as well! Go on, guess as many times as you want! Entry forms are available at the back of church and should be placed, along with your contribution(s), in the box provided. The closing date is Sunday, 24th November. Rail buffs, the challenge is on... 10
PAUSE Following on from our ‘PAUSE’ at Skainos last month, we are planning to meet as follows: Thursday, 14th November, 10.30am – The Secret Garden, Dundonald, for coffee This is a new venue for PAUSE but not, I know, for many of you! I am looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces and, hopefully, a few unfamiliar ones as well. Wednesday, 4th December, 10.30am – The Bobbin, Belfast City Hall, for coffee This will be a good opportunity to have a coffee and a chat before exploring the Christmas Market which should be in full swing! If you are free on either or both of these dates, do join us. Bring someone with you. It really is a short ‘PAUSE’ in your day! If you require further details or transport, do not hesitate to contact me. Eileen Anderson (9020 3684)
CRÈCHE VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED! The Crèche runs during the academic year. Whilst in the Crèche, children can read books, play with toys or just interact with other children. We cater for children up to 3 years of age. The Crèche is held in the Choir Vestry every Sunday at 10:30am and there is no charge to parents! We now urgently need volunteers to help out. If you are interested, please contact the Rector or myself (07533 871166) and tell anyone you know who could use the Crèche all about us! Michelle Jamison (Crèche Rota Co-ordinator)
THE WATER WHEEL TURNS AGAIN! On Friday, 4th October, two ladies from the Ladies Guild and two from Mothers’Union were invited to Dundonald Old Mill for the restoration of the water wheel. After seeing off all other contenders, Lilias and Pauline representing the Ladies Guild, and Eileen and Irene representing Mothers’ Union, set off to attend the official ceremony. This turned out to be a most enjoyable and interesting evening with Dawson Stelfox, architect and intrepid climber of Mount Everest, pressing the button that was to set the wheel in motion. After a heart stopping pause, the wheel, dating from 1850 and said to be the largest in Ireland, commenced to turn amidst much clapping and cheers. We then moved into the coffee house for a lovely supper accompanied by a lively jazz band and this certainly contributed to the enjoyment of the evening! We were also delighted to meet up with ladies from St. Donard’s and Holywood parishes. The Old Mill has such a homely and friendly atmosphere, it is worth thinking about when any of our organisations are considering an outing. Irene 11
Sunday, 1st December
In the church hall immediately after Morning service Hot Stew, Mince Pies, Tea and Coffee! VOLUNTARY DONATIONS for the SCHOOL PROJECT in ZAMBIA
Jenny Smith, the new Partnership Co-ordinater for CMSI, will be joining us and will give a brief update on the school project in Zambia. 12
10 YEARS, 32 COUNTIES AND 441 GOLF COURSES A VERITABLE GOLFING MARATHON! It has taken over ten years, but on 28th July 2013, at the Montgomery course at Carton House, parishioners Garth and Dawn, along with their two sons, Philip and Simon, finally completed their unusual hobby of having played every golf course affiliated to the Golfing Union of Ireland! Our golfing gurus explain… “Originally, we started playing several new courses whilst on holiday with our sons in the Wexford and Cork areas. When the boys reached an age when holidays with parents were no longer cool, Garth and Dawn started to arrange self-catering holidays in Ireland with the aim of playing the courses in that particular area. We have stayed in holiday homes from Dunfanaghy in Donegal to Rossbeigh in Kerry, from Courtown in Wexford to Spiddal in Galway, and have always been impressed with the standard of accommodation on offer. Self-catering gave us the opportunity to come and go as we pleased, eating at the clubs we visited wherever possible. As regards our golfing experiences, Dawn acted as secretary, pre-arranging tee off times so that we knew when the various courses were available for play, and on which days. Garth says the fun came in not having played the courses before, so you never knew what lay ahead of you and what ‘hidden gem’ of a golfing experience you might be about to savour! It is a great sport in Ireland and we undoubtedly have some of the finest golf courses in the world on our doorstep. The most frequently asked question has invariably been: “What was your favourite course?” If links, Garth’s answer would be Ballybunion in Kerry (either Old or New) or the European in Wicklow; and if parkland, either Christie O’Connor’s new course in Headford, Co. Meath, or Adare in Co. Limerick. Dawn’s favourite links course is the European in Co. Wicklow, Dooks in Co. Kerry or Rosses Point in Co. Sligo; while her favourite parkland course would be Carlow or Cork. Over the years, we have met and played with a great variety of people, from visiting Americans to one local lady who had been to school with Dawn’s mother nearly 70 years ago! Our welcome at courses has been both fulsome and varied, with Muskerry in Cork, Baltinglass, Bunclody and Dun Laoghaire all deserving special mention. It has also been a wonderful way to visit every corner of Ireland!” Garth and Dawn Macartney 13
PARISH HARVEST SUNDAY As last year, St. Columba’s celebrated Harvest Sunday with Morning service postponed by half an hour to 11.00am to allow an informal recital by the Music Group to take place at 10.30am. This provided an excellent opportunity for parishioners to sit and enjoy the music, or to wander round the church and admire the beautiful decorations that were in evidence everywhere. In excess of 240 parishioners turned out to support the Music Group and the lovely Harvest decorations, as well as the Harvest service itself, including the children’s anthem (Someone’s brought a loaf of bread) sung after the presentation of Harvest gifts. The visiting preacher, The Very Reverend Kenneth Hall, Dean of Clogher and Enniskillen, gave an extremely informative sermon on his visit to Kenya. He commenced with a joke about a Minister who saw a man standing in the middle of a field. Intrigued, he asked the man what he was waiting for. The farmer replied he was waiting for a Nobel Prize! The Minister enquired further how he might expect a Nobel Prize. The reply came that he was “Outstanding in his Field”. One of Dean Hall’s abiding memories was of a country with so little, yet he observed a woman on a donkey speaking on a mobile phone! Sunday services there last approximately 4½ hours and in homes no more than huts with little luxury, other than a sign on the wall “This House belongs to God”. An inspirational sermon that was warmly received by parishioners. Following the service, over 120 parishioners gathered in the church hall at midday to enjoy the traditional Harvest lunch of soup and apple pie, amidst a truly positive atmosphere of chatter, laughter and fellowship. Sincerest thanks are due to Roberta and Alan Rogers and their dedicated team of willing helpers, as well as to those who so kindly contributed the delicious nourishment, for all their hard work and most efficient serving. Parishioners were also able to avail themselves of products at a Fair Trade stall run by Hazel Reid and Joyce Stevenson. Voluntary donations from the lunch amounted to a magnificent £953.00, excluding Gift Aid. With such fulsome attendances, joyous fellowship and bountiful giving, there can be no doubt that parishioners gave a resounding endorsement, once again, to the Harvest Sunday arrangements and the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Brian Gillespie 14
VISIT OF THE EDITOR OF THE CHURCH OF IRELAND GAZETTE Following Choral Evensong on Sunday, 6th October, the visiting preacher, the Revd Canon Dr. Ian Ellis, Editor of the Church of Ireland Gazette, met with a number of parishioners who are existing subscribers to the Gazette. Canon Ellis outlined the history of the Gazette since its first publication in 1856 and subsequent development into a weekly newspaper in its present form. He emphasised the difficulties experienced by the newspaper media in face of the growing use of the internet and the need for the Gazette to seek to expand its subscriber base in view of this challenge. With that objective in mind, Canon Ellis posed a challenge to those present of seeking to apply themselves to secure at least five new subscribers from St. Columba’s. In the lively discussion that followed, those present provided constructive criticism and ideas which the Editor acknowledged. For an annual subscription of only £35, the Gazette provides a valuable weekly source of news and commentary upon the affairs of the wider Church of Ireland. Parishioners wishing to subscribe are asked to contact Moranne Noad on 9079 3704 or email:
E3 SCHOOLS PROJECT EAST BELFAST This is a project of the Schools Department of Scripture Union Northern Ireland (SUNI) aimed at engaging, equipping and empowering school pupils. In East Belfast, volunteers and the Schools Worker, Lyndsey Miles (standing in for Lyndsey Robinson while she is on maternity leave), visit local primary and post-primary schools to take assemblies and RE lessons. To help fundraise for the work, Lyndsey has booked the Strand Cinema on Friday, 13th December, when the premiere of The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug will be shown from 7.00pm to 10.30pm. 290 tickets are available priced £10 each, including popcorn or a drink. I have 10 tickets at present so if anyone would like one, please let me know as soon as possible! Beth Cairnduff (07719 803806)
BAPTISM A couple took their five year old daughter to church. During the service, the minister conducted the baptism of a tiny infant. The little girl watched in wonder as he held the baby, said solemn words, poured water over its head and then carefully wiped it dry. Finally, she turned to her father and asked, “Daddy, why is he brainwashing that baby?” 16
On a cloudy evening on Friday, 4th October, 16 members of Youth Etc and friends journeyed to the Belfast Activity Centre. After a rather confusing start when Stephanie and Rebecca entered the Centre to find nobody there from the parish (they had come early, without realising), everybody met up in the car park for a fun and exhilarating evening. Once through the daunting red gates, the instructors explained all the fun activities we would be undertaking and the safety precaution of NOT throwing stones, before going into the briefing room. Lined up on the bench, we were told how to fit the gear on securely and were handed harnesses and white hard hats to protect us from accidents. We were the only group there so we had the whole area to ourselves! After phones, money and bags were all locked in a locker in a locked room (so they were really safe), we proceeded to the climbing area. Taken into the dank, dusty and inky black caves to find out what caving was like, we all saw the stalagmites and stalactites, the cave drawings and the tunnels leading from the cavern we were in. After ‘oohing and aahing’ we came back out into the light once again. The first activity we tackled was a moderately difficult climbing wall. Splitting into two groups with the two instructors, we raced up, head to head, bringing out the competitive side in all of us! The second activity, the vertical challenge, was yet again another race. Navigating our way up around totem poles, logs, tyres and cargo nets, on reaching the summit a victory dance was called for, Asher Mills giving the best performance with the sprinkler. The next obstacle to be overcome was the leap of faith. Clambering up the wobbling pole and onto the platform, we were faced with the challenge of reaching the trapeze. Leaping from the platform and finding the pole in our hands, we then had to let go and come falling back to earth - with the safety of a rope and harness, of course! The final activity to be faced, the free fall, tested everyone’s fears and concerns. Charles Auchmuty literally went over the edge, climbing to the edge of not just the platform but also the platform holder, then zipped down to the ground with the motorised rope mercifully slowing the fall. By 9.20pm, we started to head back to the briefing room to remove the safety equipment and collect our belongings from the lockers, before we set off for home, exhausted but happy! Rebecca Burns The next outing for Youth Etc will be to Dundonald on Friday, 15th November, meeting at 7.30pm. The group will enjoy tenpin bowling at the ice bowl, followed by supper at McDonald’s. New members and their friends are always welcome to join in – please contact the Parish Office if you would like to come along! 17
IT’S YOUR CHURCH HALL – HAVE YOUR SAY! An article in last month’s Columban announced plans to launch a questionnaire designed to gauge the views of those that use the church hall (and those who would like to make use of it in future). The questionnaire has now been launched and details of how to access it are set out below. Where you use the church hall currently, the survey seeks details of how you use it, what space requirements you have, other requirements (heat, light, kitchen, etc) and how you consider your needs for church hall usage might change over the next number of years. The answers you provide to this important survey will be added to those received from other respondents and will be critical in determining current and future demand for the church hall, and how that demand can be most effectively met. All parishioners, including the leaders of our parish organisations, are encouraged to complete this important questionnaire. It will only take a few minutes, so please do so as soon as possible.
COMPLETING THE ST. COLUMBA’S CHURCH HALL QUESTIONNAIRE The following computer link will take you directly to an on-line version of the questionnaire: This link will also be published in the weekly Pew News and is available on the front page of the parish website: While respondents are encouraged to use the above link to complete the survey (it makes analysis of your views so much easier), hard copies will also be available from the parish office on request. Your views and support for the development of the church hall are vital - please take this opportunity to make them known!
FANCY A PREVIEW? Every Friday, the Pew News for the following Sunday’s service can be found on our parish website: This will give parishioners the opportunity to read the details of services and events prior to that Sunday service. It will also allow those parishioners, unable to attend church any particular week, to find out what is going on. Our Webmaster, Ivan Roche, has updated the website to allow you to access more information than ever before, including The Columban parish magazine. The Parish Office will continue to update the StopPress and Pew News in advance of the Sunday service each week. This means that parishioners will always have the most up-to-date information! So why not make some time to browse the website and make it one of your “favourites”, so that you can be up to date with events as they unfold... 18
GOOD HOUSE KEEPING! Does anyone else feel that our church is looking slightly grubby? You will admit that dust, cobwebs and grime are not the most welcoming of sights! Our cleaner, Kate McGrady, is allocated four hours fortnightly to clean the church. This is an impossible task for one person, given the size of St. Columba’s. The Churchwardens would like to organise a quarterly “cleaning blitz” on the church. Eventually, we would like small areas of the church to be adopted by parishioners for regular cleaning. If you would like to see St. Columba’s looking its best for the upcoming festive season, come along on Saturday, 23rd November, at 10.00am and lend a hand. Bring your dusters, Mr. Sheen, friends and any other cleaning products, along with plenty of energy and enthusiasm! Refreshments will be provided! Please give this project your serious consideration. Remember our church building is at the centre of the St. Columba’s community. John Little and Mark Wilson (Churchwardens)
PARISH RECORDS Thank you very much to everyone who responded to the Parish Survey. We appreciate all the help and support from parishioners which has allowed us to update all of our records with correct information. The Rector was delighted to visit some households when required, and surveys were completed and returned promptly. The survey has also created changes to magazine distribution and I would like to thank the distributors for their assistance in helping with these changes, and understanding the constant amendments to the lists. We would also like to thank Brian Gillespie and his committee members for the help and support with the survey - their ideas and assistance were invaluable. Now that all of our records have been amended, we need to keep them up to date and this is where we need your help! If any of your details change - including names, addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers - please contact the Parish Office to have your records amended accordingly. All of this information is kept confidential in accordance with Data Protection. Thank you all, once again, for your invaluable help in allowing us update and maintain accurate records. Karen Patterson Parish Administrator Office hours: Mon-Fri 9.00am - 1.00pm Tel: 9065 6891 Email: 19
CHURCH GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WORK PARTY SATURDAY, 16th NOVEMBER at 10.00AM There are two opportunities this month to become involved in looking after the church grounds: 1. End of Season Work Party • Tidy up around our beautiful church grounds • Come along for an hour, or stay all morning • Something for all ages/abilities • Bring your own tools • Meet old friends and make new ones 2. Adopt your own plot If you can’t join the work party or would like a more regular involvement, you could adopt a plot where there are now three vacancies. Now in its fourth year, the grounds maintenance plan has proved to be a great success. In 2009, the Select Vestry gave every parishioner the opportunity to “adopt” their little piece of St. Columba’s. The church grounds were divided into 16 areas and volunteers came forward to take on responsibility for the regular maintenance of each. The results are plain to see – we are managing to keep our grounds in a very neat and tidy state. With the church grounds now divided into 18 areas, we are looking for three new volunteers to cover plot 6 (paving at the front of church/paths around lawn), plot 10 (planters around church lawn) and plot 17 (new plot – privet hedges on left of path to the hall). If you would like to volunteer for either plot 6, 10 or 17 (see map opposite) or obtain more information, please contact Brian Acheson on tel: 9042 4892 or mob: 07766 057473 CHURCH GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PLAN GUIDELINES The Church Grounds Maintenance Plan operates with a few simple guidelines: • The list of volunteers will be refreshed each spring (so you do not need to commit for more than a year); • Volunteers will be expected to look over their area regularly and undertake maintenance work, as required; • If heavier work is necessary, volunteers may seek the assistance of others through the Property Committee; and • Volunteers should maintain their area in its current state and not seek to change its character, without the involvement of the Property Committee. 20
Church Grounds Maintenance Plan
Front hedge/lawn
Cutting hedge, maintaining lawn edges
Small front bed
Pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed 1st section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed 2nd section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Left hedge/bed 3rd section
Cutting hedge, pruning shrubs, weeding
Paving at front of church/ paths around lawn
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Car park
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Path/stones rear of church
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Hedges around car park
Cutting hedge
Planters around church lawn
Weed killing, maintaining tidy
Bed at rear of church
Pruning shrubs, weeding
Signs and gates
Washing gates and frame of church signage
Large bed behind choir vestry
Pruning shrubs, weeding
Path, steps, ramp to hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Steps to left of hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Path, steps to right of hall
Weed killing, sweeping, cleaning
Hedge to left of hall path
Cutting hedge
Garden of Rememberance
Weed killing, maintaining tidy 21
FOR S E DAT DIARY YOUR k it Mar it! miss or
Wednesday, 6th November (7.30pm) War on Want Flapper Fashion Show (1920’s & 30’s) Sunday, 1st December Parish Advent Lunch for Zambia Saturday, 7th December St. Columba’s Kids Christmas Party
THE MISSION TO SEAFARERS We are at that time of year again when we might begin to think of shopping for Christmas presents, deciding what we can put into stockings etc. So much of what we buy will have been transported by sea - 95% of all goods in our shops come by sea. Christmas, most will agree, is a time for families to come together to share and celebrate. Picture, if you will, how you would feel if, having been away from your family for eight or ten months on the other side of the world, you were spending Christmas Day in a strange port or battling heavy winter seas in the Atlantic or the North Sea. Not being able to see the joyous faces of your children or grandchildren as they open their gifts, or share a family meal with your wife or parents. The Flying Angel Centres throughout the world are open 365 days a year and we regularly have seafarers come in on Christmas Day, where they are welcomed and can spend a little time away from the confines of their ships. Throughout December, during routine ship visits, all crew members are given a small parcel and Christmas card as a means of sharing the spirit of the festive season. The parcels contain toiletries (shower gel, shaving foam, shampoo, soap etc.), a knitted hat, chocolate/sweets, a notebook, pen and a small book of prayers (usually in their own language). These parcels are much appreciated by the seafarers and are gratefully received. This time of year brings many appeals for donations of all kinds but I would ask our parishioners if they could contribute one or two toiletry items which the Belfast Centre can use in their parcels this year. Items may be placed in the marked box at the back of the church during the month of November and up until Sunday, 8th December. Many thanks. For further information please, contact Eleanor Launchbury on 9028 1204 or 07709 917548. 22
NEW VITAL SIGNS MONITORS Thanks to the generosity of the following donors, seven new vital signs monitors with accessories and stands have been purchased and have just arrived at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi. Sufian Sadiq and colleagues from Luton Sixth Form College raised nearly £7,500 for Unleashing Potential (, who partner with Mai Aisha Trust ( of Malawi. St. Columba’s parishioner, Dr Kim Stevenson, worked for nine months in 2012 at the QECH as a junior doctor on an entirely voluntary and self funded basis. Before she went to Malawi, she started fundraising and between her own efforts at Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry (especially A&E and Paediatric departments), her church, St. Columba’s, Belfast, her mum at Harberton Special School and personal donations, she raised £3,000. The balance of the cost of the monitors was met from a bequest received specifically for medical equipment. A huge THANK YOU to Sufian, Kim and everyone involved in enabling the purchase of these vital pieces of medical equipment.
Dr Neil Kennedy, Head of Department at QECH, looking delighted as he shows off one of the new monitors. He said: “The monitors will help us assess very sick children efficiently and accurately. Within seconds we will know if they need oxygen or other emergency treatments. The monitors will be located on all of the paediatric wards in QECH”. Footnote: Dr. Kennedy is originally from Bangor and lectured at QUB before moving to Malawi where he is Head of Department at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital. He is also Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Malawi.
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) to enable him to take careful note of the details. 23
St. Columba’s Kids Christmas Party Saturday, 7th December 3pm – 5pm More details to follow! ADVANCE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MAGAZINE DATE DECEMBER /JANUARY PARISH MAGAZINE Please note that the combined December 2013/January 2014 parish magazine will be available to parishioners and magazine distributors at the back of church one week later than usual, on Sunday, 1st December (instead of Sunday, 24th November). It is hoped the above change of dates will not cause any undue inconvenience to parishioners or magazine distributors alike.
THANK YOU Following my appeal last month, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the anonymous parishioner who so very kindly donated the funds to enable St. Columba’s to purchase a multimedia projector. The parish will benefit enormously from this extremely generous gift as we can now use the projector for church services, as well as guest speakers at various meetings in St. Columba’s. Having our own projector will also be much more convenient and practical, as previously we had to book and then collect one from Church House. The kindness and generosity of this gift is deeply appreciated. The Rector 24
DECEMBER 2013/ JANURAY 2014 MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the combined December/January parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 17th November. Many thanks
FLOWER ROTA FOR NOVEMBER Sunday 10th..................................................................... Remembrance Sunday 17th..................................................................... Helen and John Proctor Sunday 24th..................................................................... Diana Noble
DECEMBER Sunday 1st........................................................................ Roberta Rogers
FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday, 13th October
Joseph Charles Ford
10 Cabin Hill Park Our Sorrows
Christian Burials Wednesday, 25th September
Sydney Harold Turkington
5 Kensington Court
Friday, 27th September
Ernest Basil Walmsley
30 Knockdene Park South
Thursday, 18th October
Margaret Elizabeth Daphne Nelson
14 Rosepark 25
PARISH ORGANISATIONS SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson
9047 2512 07712 593773
Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stevenson
9058 3381
X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd
07833 391945
The Grid (11-14 years) Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 9028 5868 MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 9028 1204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 9067 1051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155
TUESDAY (continued) 7.30pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 9080 8755 WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 9047 1514 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 9059 2039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 07954 273755 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine Email: 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of church halls must first be submitted to the Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor, Karen Patterson, on 9065 6891 or email: (Monday-Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm). 26
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167
ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706
HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Ivan Roche, Roberta Rogers, Gillian Sadlier
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Email DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816
HONORARY SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Little 14 Barnetts Lodge Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 028 9080 8755
HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Mark Wilson 7 Finchley Vale BT4 2EU Tel 028 9076 1040
ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER GIFT AID SECRETARY MAGAZINE DISTRIBITOR CO-ORDINATOR Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email
JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Zac Elkin, Rebecca Burns RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 27
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email
DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill Mob 07954 273755
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 9079 3641
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Administrator Premises Convenor Financial Giving Secretary Karen Patterson
CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Michelle Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens Glengormley, BT36 5LA Tel 07533 871166
Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email
The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 28