Summer 2009

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Runner-up Parish Magazine of the Year July / August 2009

RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, LAUNCH OF BUILDING FUND APPEAL Sunday, 7th June, was a day of celebration as we came together to give thanks for the life of our patron saint and for the blessings we receive from our parish church. As we rightly reflected on the past, we also moved forward and launched our Building Fund Appeal. The money raised each year will be used initially for the church heating and lighting improvements, and thereafter for the general maintenance and improvements to all our buildings and grounds. It was very encouraging that all the St. Columba’s Day services were well attended. The total amount of money received from the Building Fund Envelopes on that day was £10,363. In addition, the parish will be able to make a Gift Aid claim for £2,723, giving a total of £13,086. Thank you very much for your generosity and for providing our Building Fund Appeal with such an impressive start. If you were unable to attend those services, please place your Building Fund Envelope on the collection plate the next time you are in St. Columba’s, or deliver it to the Rectory at your convenience. COPPER JUG The copper jug which stands on the table at the back of our church has proved to be very popular during the past year. Every Sunday, many people place their coppers in this jug as they enter church. As we focus our fundraising efforts on the essential improvements required for our church heating and lighting, the money collected from the copper jug will now be allocated to our Building Fund Appeal. PARISH SUDAN LENT APPEAL RAISES £ 7,253.37 The total amount of money raised for the Martha Eye Clinic in the Sudan throughout Lent was £7,253.37. This is a tremendous result and represents the largest amount of money ever raised by St. Columba’s during a Lent project. I thank you for your great support for this most worthy and important project. In addition to the £6,559.37 which I presented to Dr. Trevor Buchanan in church on Sunday, 3rd May, it was my great privilege to recently present him with an additional cheque for £694 at his home. Yours in His service,

SERVICES IN JULY Thursday 2nd 10.30am

St. Peter (Transferred) (Red) Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Sunday 5th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Gospel Clergy Mark 6: 1-13 All Age Worship Reader Olivia Budde Mark 6: 1-13 Compline Reader Jennifer Johnston Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20

Thursday 9th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 12th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Fifth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Gospel Bryn Harris Intercessions Clergy Late Evening Office Reader Tony Greeves

(Green) Ephesians 1: 3-14 Mark 6: 14-29 Ephesians 1: 3-14 Mark 6: 14-29 Luke 10: 25-37

Thursday 16th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 19th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Ephesians 2: 11-22 Gospel Clergy Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 Morning Prayer Reader Trevor Buchanan 2 Samuel 7: 1-14a Reader John Holland Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 Occasional Roberta Rogers Prayers Preacher Bryn Harris Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus) Compline Reader Clare Best Luke 10: 38-42

Thursday 23rd St. Mary Magdalene (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Sunday 26th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Seventh Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Lindsay Hodges Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Ian Noad Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Meryl Townsend Late Evening Office Reader Karen McAlpine

(Green) Ephesians 3: 14-21 John 6: 1-21 Ephesians 3: 14-21 John 6: 1-21 Luke 11: 1-13

Thursday 30th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

SERVICES IN AUGUST Sunday 2nd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Clergy All Age Worship Reader Timothy Acheson Compline Reader Esther Templeton


Thursday 6th 10.30am

The Transfiguration of Our Lord (White) Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Sunday 9th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Ninth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Caroline Auchmuty Gospel Bryn Harris Intercessions Trevor Buchanan Late Evening Office Reader Robin Haldane

Ephesians 4: 1-16 John 6: 24-35 John 6: 24-35 Luke 12: 13-21

(Green) Ephesians 4: 25 – 5:2 John 6: 35, 41-51 Ephesians 4: 25 – 5:2 John 6: 35, 41-51 Luke 12: 32-40

Thursday 13th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 16th The Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart Ephesians 5: 15-20 Gospel Clergy John 6: 51-58 9.30am Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine John 6: 51-58

10.30am 7.00pm

Morning Prayer Reader Meryl Townsend 1 Kings 2: 10-12, 3:3-14 Reader Elizabeth Leonard John 6: 51-58 Occasional Clergy Prayers Preacher Bryn Harris Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus) Compline Reader Maureen Fiakkas Luke 12: 49-56

Thursday 20th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 23rd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Murray Hunter Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Gina Greeves Late Evening Office Reader Fiona Haldane

(Green) Ephesians 6: 10-20 John 6: 56-69 Ephesians 6: 10-20 John 6: 56-69 Luke 13: 10-17

Thursday 27th St. Bartholomew (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 30th The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey Gospel Clergy 10.30am Service of the Word Reader Roberta Rogers Prayers Karen McAlpine 7.00pm Compline Reader Gina Greeves

(Green) James 1: 17-27 Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Matthew 4: 23 – 5:20

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:

www.stcolumbas.down.anglican .org

SUMMER SERVICE SCHEDULE During July and August, the full schedule of church services will be maintained as it is most important that we continue to worship God throughout the summer months. In direct response to requests which I have received from parishioners, the evening services will alternate between Compline and Late Evening Office. These two services are a shortened form of Evening Prayer and have been much appreciated when they have been used in St. Columba’s. They include two hymns, a psalm, canticle and a reading with a short address. The full schedule of evening services will re-commence again in September. The Rector

A PRAYER FOR OUR PARISH O God, make the door of our Church wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, and a heavenly Father’s care; and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hate. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet; but rugged enough to turn back the tempter’s power. Make it the gateway to thine eternal kingdom. Amen Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711

SUMMER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday, July 5th. ...........................................................Roberta and Alan Rogers Sunday, July 12th..........................................................Yvonne Cadden and Brian Gillespie Sunday, July 19th..........................................................Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday, July 26th..........................................................Kathleen and Alex Acheson Sunday, August 2nd.....................................................Meryl Townsend and Maureen Irwin Sunday, August 9th......................................................May and Evan Preston Sunday, August 16th. ..................................................Patricia Wilson and Patrick Good Sunday, August 23rd. ..................................................Jennifer Johnston and Joan Madill Sunday, August 30th. ..................................................Rosemary and Ivan Coffey

MINISTRY FOR THE SICK Prayers for the sick are an integral part of the ministry of our parish. We pray for those who are sick at all our church services. This can take the form of the clergy praying for those who are sick individually by name, or by providing space in our prayers when we can, in silence, name before God those known to us who are in need of healing and support. Many parishioners have spoken to me of the invaluable support they have received while they were sick, knowing that prayers were being said for them in church and by their friends. HOW CAN A NAME BE INCLUDED IN THE PRAYERS FOR THE SICK? Simply by placing the Christian name of the individual known to you in the Prayer Requests Box, using the cards provided on the table at the back of church. DO MEMBERS OF THE PARISH PRAY FOR THE SICK EACH DAY? Yes! St. Columba’s is fortunate to have a Prayer Chain Group who pray for all those on the Prayer List each day in their own homes. I start the Prayer Chain each time a new name needs to be included, or indeed deleted, by phoning the person after me on the Prayer Chain. That person in turn phones the next person, until everyone on the Prayer Chain has been informed. HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume we already know the information as situations have occurred recently when this has not been the case. Please telephone the Rector (90471514) or the Curate (90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details. The Rector

PARISH BUILDING FUND You will have read, in his letter this month, the Rector’s reference to the Building Fund Appeal. In taking forward this initiative, the Select Vestry, at their meeting in May, agreed that all funds raised through the Building Fund Appeal should be directed exclusively towards meeting the continuous building and maintenance needs of the parish: and, in particular, the immediate financial pressure of funding the proposed improvements to the church heating and lighting. In their consideration, the Select Vestry also recognised the need to continue with the established and successful means of offering support to mission and charities through the highly effective system of parish envelopes, and agreed that this should continue to provide the sole means of mission and charity support by the parish. Alan Rogers, Hon. Secretary, Select Vestry

PRORY II There was a large attendance at the Priory II concert on the evening of Friday, 5th June, in the Parish Church. The concert formed part of the St. Columba’s Day celebrations and Priory II, under their Director, Nigel McClintock, were received warmly by the appreciative audience. They performed a wide range of both sacred and secular music to an extremely high standard, which was complemented by some pieces for organ played by the very talented sixteen year old, Liam Crangle, and also Nigel McClintock.

ST. COLUMBA’S EVENING On Sunday evening, 7th June, we held our wellestablished informal service of hymns, readings and light music. This was equally well-attended, with well over a hundred in church. The choir sang an arrangement of Brother James’s Air and this was followed by two pieces for male voices: All through the night, and The Lark in the Clear Air. Members of the instrumental group performed a range of pieces, including the Flower Duet (Delibes); Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach); Sicilienne (Faure) and Witches’ Dance (Kullak). We were also very pleased to welcome back to St. Columba’s Archdeacon Gregor McCamley, who gave a short address, and his wife, Rosemary. Gerald Hill, Parish Organist and Choirmaster


The Fundraising Committee, supported by the Select Vestry, are currently looking at ways and means of raising urgently needed funds for our Parish heating and lighting projects. If you have any tried and tested ideas for a large fundraising event to be held in the forthcoming year, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with me by the end of August either in Church, by email: or on 90793704. Many thanks. Moranne Noad (Hon. Secretary) Parish Fundraising Committee

AFTERNOON GROUP Many thanks to Nan for hosting the very successful garden party on Monday, 8th June. Sincerest thanks also to all who helped with the catering and serving, to Paul Stewart for taking the photographs and to the Rector and Henry for calling in to wish us well. Congratulations to Henry for his success in his school’s swimming gala! Everyone enjoyed the food, the friendly atmosphere and the lovely weather. Once again, our group was blessed with sunshine. All the ladies looked lovely in their summer finery, and doesn’t a hat add glamour to an outfit! Nan and I wish to thank our members for all their support and encouragement, and the lovely flowers given to us at the garden party which were much appreciated. So until we meet again in September, take care and enjoy the summer. May

LADIES AFTERNOON BADMINTON Our Club has ten members so each person can play three or four games between 2.00 pm and approximately 3.30 pm every Tuesday. Our new season begins on Tuesday, 8th September, at 2.00 pm. New members, possible new members or visitors, are most welcome in the church hall. Kyleen Clarke (90797155)

PARISH ORGANISATIONS SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Beth Cairnduff (3-5 yrs) 90874047 Joyce Stevenson (5-8 yrs) 90583381 Alan Boyd (8-13 yrs) 07979 830122 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 90581438 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Muriel Jowett 90659984 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Irene Gray 90653438 8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155

WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697 7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen


7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101 FRIDAY 10.00am Mums & Tots Patricia Carson 90651575 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine


6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff


8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson


Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514

Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183 10


H20 MEETS OUR NEW CURATE On Friday, 12th June, the H20 group held their end of year barbeque. The Rector lent us the use of his garden and it was a bit chilly, to say the least! However, we all warmed up when the barbeques were lit. Then Robert, our new curate, arrived and we all introduced ourselves and after we had enjoyed some lovely burgers and (burnt) sausages, Helen kept her promise and started a rousing chorus of ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes’. It was a good way to end the year and we are all very pleased that Robert was able to come and tell us about himself. Thank you to Mark, Linda, Helen, Beth, Robert, the Rector and Caroline for the lovely food and the use of the Rectory. H20 is a good way to meet new people and it is really good fun on a Friday evening. It is usually from 8.30pm to about 10pm and we sometimes go on outings. We are looking for some new members between the ages of 10 and 15! H20 will return on Friday, 11th September, for Pirates Golf at Dundonald Ice Bowl. Olivia Budde

BARGAIN BOTTLE Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a lift. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car. Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make some small talk with her new travelling companion. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally. “What’s in the bag?” asked the old woman. Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, “It’s a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband”. The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two, then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder she said, “Good trade”. 11

ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB The Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday, 4th June, kindly chaired by the Rector, at which the following office bearers were elected: Chairperson Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Committee members

Dr. Billy Nelson Gladys Lees Rena Robbins Billy Anderson, Margaret Hurst, Joan Oswald, Esther Templeton Bob Killen also remains ex-officio on the committee.

Following the AGM, a group of eighteen members from the Art Club visited the Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Garden, situated inside the grounds of the PSNI headquarters. The garden is divided informally into three parts. On entering, there are steps with plants all around leading up to a sculpture entitled ‘The Community’, by Bob Sloan. The second part is informally entitled ‘The Area of Peace’, with dark stone rectangular blocks in seven ten year intervals from 1922 to 1979, recording the deaths of police officers from both terrorism and natural causes. At the top of a series of waterfalls is a sculpture for the physically and mentally injured, again by Bob Sloan. This part is very different from the garden area as it is all hard landscaping with some stainless steel walling. Our group then moved on to the history trail section of the gardens, which consists of a walk with posters illustrating the history of the Police Service in Ireland from its inception, even before that of the Metropolitan Police Service in England. On the walk are two sculptures, one depicting the RUC badge and the other made up of a number of George Crosses, the RUC being one of the few organisations (rather than individuals) in the world to be awarded the George Cross. The George Cross was also awarded to Malta in recognition of the tiny island’s heroic resistance to the forces of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. I have described the route our group took through the garden with a very knowledgeable retired RUC officer as a guide. The other half of our art group was shown around by another voluntary retired RUC officer. It was a most moving and worthwhile visit, highlighting the huge price paid by RUC personnel during the years of terrorist activity. Relatively few people are probably aware of these unique gardens behind the PSNI headquarters, which are very worthy of a visit by all. Billy Nelson (Chairman) 12

SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZE GIVING The Annual Sunday School Prize Giving took place at Morning Service on Sunday, 14th June. This was a great occasion for our young people as they received their prizes for Sunday School and church attendance throughout the year. They had all worked extremely hard and were well supported by their families, teachers and the large congregation present. This year, the Rector presented prizes to over thirty young people, a fitting testament to them and, of course, their parents and teachers. The Revd. Aonghus Mayes of St. Finnian’s, Cregagh, preached an excellent sermon on the subject of the leading light of Christ, aptly illustrated by a live demonstration of the importance of the invention of cats eyes on our roads! Two further special prizes were also presented to Helen Cairnduff and Hollie Wilson in recognition of their contribution to, and attendance at, the Instrumental Group.

A group of happy prizewinners! 13

ST. COLUMBA THE POET One of the lesser known of the legends about our patron saint is that he protected and encouraged the poets of Ireland. Because of this it is probable that the work of many later nameless poets has been attributed to him. The poetry of the eleventh to thirteenth centuries gathered up the highest aspiration of the monastic church; the love of solitude, asceticism, scholarship, and the acceptance of exile as the great sacrifice man can make for Christ. Columba was a prime example of this, abandoning his three best-loved places. Tir Lidech, his birthplace; Durrow, ‘with its cuckoos calling from the woodland on the brink of summer’; and lastly Derry, ‘noble angel-haunted city, calm and bright, full of white angels from one end to the other’.

We are extremely grateful that parishioner and former Assessor to the General Synod for twenty years, Michael Davey, has kindly provided us once again with a succinct and illuminating report of proceedings at this year’s General Synod, which took place in Armagh from 8th to 10th May.


Tony Greeves (with acknowledgement to Google)

The annual May Day holiday reminds most of us that spring is here. For members of the Church of Ireland General Synod, however, the holiday is a reminder that their three day meeting is just around the corner. This year the reminder was the same but the meeting was different. For some time the Standing Committee, the group that carries on the business of the General Synod throughout the year, has been concerned that the nature of the annual meeting, involving three days out of an ordinary working week, is a discouragement to involvement by young people, people in normal employment, mothers with young children and other groups. General Synod has in the past been criticised for being predominantly male, middle aged and middle class. This year the Standing Committee decided to hold the Synod at a weekend so as to reduce the intrusion into the working week and generally facilitate attendance to a wider group. On the final day of Synod attendance figures were announced. These indicated some increase on previous years overall but it will be some time before we know whether the experiment, if it is continued, has been successful. This arrangement, while perhaps more satisfactory for lay members, has presented particular problems for clerical members. One of the features of General Synod is its worship and on this occasion the Synod service was to be held at 11.00 a.m. in the Cathedral in Armagh. Clearly many clerical members have services for which they are responsible and which clashed with the Synod service. Arrangements can be made, but not without difficulty, particularly if the clerical member’s own service is a Communion service. Our own Rector was elected by the Clergy of the Diocese to represent them on General Synod, so for the benefit of anyone who couldn’t find him between 8th and 10th of May, that’s where he was. The Synod service on Sunday was distinguished by having not one but two sermons, the first from the Bishop of Limerick and the second, in a departure from the norm, from Cardinal Brady. Both were excellent and incorporated the Hard Gospel message of the need for self examination in living with difference. Cardinal Brady emphasised that our instinct for exclusivity is damaging to any Christian denomination. As well as the worship there was other business for the Synod to attend to, with new legislation to be passed and a number of reports dealt with from the Synod’s various committees. As a result of these there will now be included, in future printings of the Prayer Book, a declaration to accompany the Thirty Nine Articles of Religion, endeavouring to set them in their historical context, and to make clear



Here is part of a poem that, rightly or wrongly, has been attributed to him in the Celtic psaltery. Delightful it is to stand on the peak of a rock, To stand in the bosom of this enchanted isle Gazing alone on the face of the endless sea. I hear the waves Chanting a tune to God I see their glittering surf. I see the golden beaches I see their sparkling sands I hear the joyous shrieks Of the white swooping gulls. I hear the waves breaking, Crashing on the rocks, Like thunder in the heavens I see the mighty whales…. Contrition fills my heart as I hear the sea It chants my sins too numerous to confess. Let me bless almighty God Whose power extends o’er sea and land Whose angels watch and guard us all. Let me study sacred books to calm my soul Let me kneel at heaven’s gates and pray for peace. Let me do my daily work Gathering seaweed, catching fish, Giving food to those in need. Whether the Saint actually wrote this poem or not doesn’t really matter. What is important is that it captures the whole spirit of the man as we believe him to have been.

that the tone and language used in the original text would no longer be regarded as appropriate. There was no question of changing or undermining the Articles themselves. The purpose was to demonstrate that, while we may disagree with other denominations, we need not be disagreeable. Last year provision was made for the creation of Ecumenical Canons in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin and further provision was made for them. Not to be outdone, the Dean of Belfast brought forward legislation to enable the Chapter here to elect both Lay and Ecumenical Canons. We can expect to hear more about those soon. Provision has been made to enable payment to be made to non stipendiary Ministers in appropriate cases. New arrangements are to be made for the training and developing of leaders to serve in a variety of pioneer contexts, and a fresh effort is to be made to explore with other Christian denominations the common theology of baptism. Work is also beginning on new guidelines for the use of Liturgical Space; so if the Select Vestry is considering refurbishing or rearranging the Church they might like to take those guidelines into account. A major part of the Synod’s business always involves reports of the Church’s finances and, as might have been expected in the harsh economic times, the reports of the Representative Church Body, which holds and manages the Church’s property and money, and from the Clergy Pensions Board, did not make pleasant reading. The capital value of the Church’s general funds has fallen by some 35% and there has been a significant drop in income received, a state of affairs which is expected to continue. The Pensions Board and the Clergy’s Pension Fund have not been spared either. The measures taken to address these problems include a pay freeze for all central Church staff; the closure of the staff pension plan to new entrants; and a freeze on the minimum recommended stipend for Clergy for 2010. There has also been an increase in pension contributions required from the Clergy participants in the scheme and from the Diocese. This will, of course, impact directly on parishes. The financial news was not all bad, however. While the more ambitious plans for development of the Clergy Training College have been put on hold, major refurbishments have been started and will be completed in time for the new arrangements for training clergy which start this year. It was also pointed out to the Synod, most cogently by the Bishop of Meath, that financial hardship provides an opportunity for central Church structures to engage in a process of self examination and to remember just what they are for. The Church of Ireland, he reminded Synod, is not an organisation, it is an organism which must live and develop. The function of all Church structures, General Synod, the Dioceses and Select Vestries is to enable the people of God in the parishes to bring Jesus Christ to the world. Our present situation is one in which we must remember this and look to see how we can do it better or differently. Michael Davey 16

BROWNIE NOTES During May we spent three nights away from the Hall. First, to Stormont for a sports night, then to the Ice Bowl for a ten pin bowling night and finally to Seapark in Holywood for a night at the beach, followed by sausage and chips kindly fetched for us by Mr McAlpine. Unfortunately, our Pack holiday at the end of May had to be cancelled but instead we went off for the day to Newcastle. It was a beautiful sunny morning when we all met at the Europa Bus station and just over an hour later, thankfully, the sun was still shining in Newcastle! First, there was a visit to the playground and then a well deserved lunch at picnic tables down at the beach. This was followed by a search for shells and other interesting things on the beach such as crabs’ legs, and then we set off to the outdoor swimming pool. Unfortunately, being May, it was still not open for the season so a quick rearrangement of the programme found us in Coco’s indoor playground. Ice cream was definitely needed after all that exercise and then a spot of shopping as we made our way back towards the bus station. Just time for chips before we all climbed on the bus and made our way home tired, not too badly burnt but having had a great time! This completed our programme for the year and I would like to record my thanks to Karen McAlpine and Alan Boyd for making these outings possible by accompanying me as leaders, as I have no other adult help with the Brownies. It is hoped the Brownies will recommence on Friday, 11th September 2009, at 6.30pm. However, many of the girls who are currently attending will not be coming back in September as they are now too old. Unless numbers improve dramatically in September, and especially girls of our own church joining, I feel the future of the Brownies will be at risk. This would greatly distress me as I have just completed thirty seven years in charge! If numbers do improve I will certainly also need some adult help. Beth Cairnduff

GAZETTE HONOUR Heartiest congratulations to St. Columba’s parishioner Patrick Good, a member of the Select Vestry and a Parochial Nominator, on his recent election as Honorary Secretary to the Board of the Church of Ireland Press Ltd., which owns the weekly publication, the Church of Ireland Gazette. He follows in the footsteps of our Rector, the Revd John Auchmuty, who will continue to serve on the Board as a director of the company. Parishioners will recall that last year Patrick was also elected as Vice-Chairman of the Church of Ireland Complaints Committee. 17


DONE AND DUSTED! The end of another successful season for the Men’s Club! On Monday, 11th May, we held our Annual General meeting in the hall. Many thanks to Geoff Launchbury for overseeing the proceedings in my absence. All went well and our club officers were duly elected for the new season in September. The following Monday saw us all at The Platform, in Holywood, for our 49th Annual Dinner and Prize Giving. On the night, we enjoyed good food and great company.

The AGM was held on Wednesday, 20th May, and our Rector kindly agreed to chair the meeting. The following office bearers and committee members were elected: Eileen Anderson..........................Chairperson Irene Gray.......................................Deputy Chairperson Yvonne Cadden...........................Hon. Treasurer Lilias Smyth...................................Hon. Secretary Phyllis Newton.............................Bowls Secretary Committee Joan Madill (Chaplin) Jennifer Johnston Pauline Darke Vicky McMonagle We are working hard at present to put together an interesting and exciting programme for the year ahead! We shall be celebrating our 50th Anniversary in November with a service on Sunday 15th, and a dinner on Wednesday, 18th November, at Shandon Park Golf Club. Sadly, many of our founder members are no longer with us and we miss them, but I am sure they would be pleased that we are still going strongly! We hope you all have a lovely summer and look forward to seeing everyone in September. New members would be very welcome! Lilias Smith

ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Many thanks to everyone who supported Ross Thompson at All Age Worship tea and coffee last month. Just over £54 was raised which will help Ross during his time with Josiah Ventures in Serbia, where he will spend the summer teaching English and participating in missionary work in various camps. As some of you may know, Alan’s mother unfortunately suffers from Alzheimer’s and in September our daughter, Amy, is running the Great North Run in Newcastle to help raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. So I hope to see everyone back again on Sunday, 6th September, fully refreshed after the summer holidays, when you can lend your support to this worthwhile cause at our tea and coffee event after the service. Roberta 18

This year’s prize winners were as follows: Canon Noble Singles Trophy . ..................................... Geoff Launchbury (club captain) Runner Up . ........................................................................ Johnathon Launchbury Novice Trophy . ................................................................. Paul Rogers Runner Up . ........................................................................ Derek Funston Captain’s Cup .................................................................... Jim Stevenson Andy Armstrong Memorial Bowl . ............................. Ken McNamara Second Place . ................................................................... John Robb Third Place ......................................................................... Paddy Malone The Tommy Lamont Pairs Final has been postponed until the start of the new season owing to the ill heath of one of the finalists and the result will be announced accordingly. I must take this opportunity to express my delight at the accolade the parish magazine has achieved recently. Many thanks to Ian Noad for his diligence in ensuring all articles are promptly sent in and his advice on content (some of my jokes were suspect!). Well, that’s it for another season. Until next year, goodbye and have a safe and enjoyable summer! John Robb, Hon Secretary 19

FRIED EGGS A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband one morning. Suddenly, he burst into the kitchen. “Careful........CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! You’re cooking too many at once...TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Where are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They’re going to STICK! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you’re cooking! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you lost your mind? Don’t forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the SALT! THE SALT!” The wife stared at him. “What is wrong with you? You think I don’t know how to fry a couple of eggs?” The husband calmly replied, “Not at all, I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I’m driving with you in the car.”

THANK YOU FROM THE RECTOR As we approach the summer holidays, I want to thank all the Leaders of our Parish Organisations, their Assistants and the Committee Members for their outstanding contribution throughout the year. They have worked extremely hard to provide interesting and exciting activities each week for their members in the Church Hall. We are indeed fortunate in St. Columba’s to have such dedicated Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Committee Members who give so much of their time to serve their church in this unique and important way. I have greatly enjoyed my visits to our Parish Organisations this year where I have seen at first hand their enthusiasm and commitment. This has been very much appreciated by the members of our Parish Organisations and me. I look forward to welcoming everyone back again in September. I also thank all those who have given so much to the life of our parish in so many different ways throughout the year. It is very encouraging to see so many parishioners actively involved with the ministry of St. Columba’s and attending our Parish Organisations and Church Services. I thank you for your continued dedication and faithfulness. The Rector 20

CONVERSATION AT NAZARETH What love is? Well that’s a hard thing to say. To be a proper craftsman, that is love, There was a carpenter once, down the village there, Who loved his work, He was right quick at it; I heard his plane and hammer go all day. At evening he’d come out before the door, And sit awhile with us and talk as free As any of us here. He used to talk Of love, often as not. He held that love Was something different from the common thought. He used to say love meant perfection: all One did, or said, or made, it should be perfect. That’s a hard saying. What became of him? He left here after a while, and the shop Stood empty. Then I was away myself For ten years, but I hear them say he went As far as Jerusalem. I often think of him. Perfection! That’s a big word – only God Is perfect as I see it. This man said We could be perfect too: that is if we loved, Tried hard enough, saw God morning, noon, night, But loving’s hard too. Can you love A mean man or a thief? A liar’s worse. Can you love those? I used to ask him that. He’d look at me with those great eyes of his And say: “Love? Yes, love God, the rest will come. There’ll be a time when they may thieve no more, Will lie no more, if you keep loving on, They’ll come, they’ll come”. And when he said those words, His eyes would burn, and he’d get up and close The door, not in a hurry, and would stride, Quiet in all his movements, down the street, I think he used to meet his mother there. By Alice Jacqueline Shaw (nee Perry) who was the first woman in Great Britain and Ireland, and probably in the world, to graduate (1906) in Engineering. 21

CONFIRMATION 2009 On Thursday, 28th May, the Bishop of Down and Dromore, the Right Reverend Harold Miller, administered the rite of Confirmation in St. Columba’s. This year it was the turn of St. Columba’s to host the service and we were pleased to welcome the Rectors of St. Molua’s, Stormont, and St. Mark’s, Dundela, along with their confirmation candidates. We also welcomed the Rector of St. Dorothea’s, Gilnahirk, who was the Bishop’s Chaplain. There was a large congregation present to support the twelve candidates and everyone enjoyed refreshments in the Church Hall following the service. We congratulate all the candidates and assure them of our prayers. The photograph below shows Bishop Harold Miller, the Rector and Karen McAlpine, along with Anna Mercer, Conor Mills and Stephen Pyper, who were confirmed from St. Columba’s.

FAITH Faith is a process, not a possession. It gives us something to chew on for the rest of our lives. Faith is certitude in the midst of doubt rather than certainty with no doubts. Faith is a journey with a compass which points us in the right direction, not a detailed map which tells us every step to take. Faith is not being sure of where you are going but going anyway, because you like the travelling companions and you know who leads the way. William Willimon 22

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2009 The total amount of money collected during Christian Aid Week this year was £3,494.94. I thank all those from our parish and the local community who supported Christian Aid so generously. I also thank Hazel Reid for all her hard work in promoting the work of Christian Aid in our parish, and those parishioners who kindly assisted with the door-to-door collections. The Rector

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

TEN LITTLE CHURCHMEN Ten little churchmen went to church when fine; But it started raining, and then there were nine. Nine little churchmen stayed up very late; One overslept himself, and then there were eight. Eight little churchmen on the road to heaven; One joined a rambling club, and then there were seven. Seven little churchmen heard of Sunday “flicks”; One thought he’d like to go, and then there were six. Six little churchmen kept the place alive; One bought a TV set, and then there were five. Five little churchmen seemed loyal to the core; One quarrelled with the Rector, and then there were four. Four little churchmen argued heatedly About the freewill offering, and then there were three. Three little churchmen sang the service through; Got a hymn they didn’t know, and then there were two. Two little churchmen disputed who should run The congregation social, and then there was one. One little churchman, knowing what to do, Got a friend to come to church, and then there were two. Two sincere churchmen each brought one more; So the number doubled and then there were four. Four sturdy churchmen simply couldn’t wait Till they found four others, and then there were eight. Eight eager churchmen at worship every week Soon encouraged others, troubled souls to seek. In the people crowded, cramming every pew, Supply, O God, this grace and zeal in OUR parish too! 23

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Domestic Violence – The Work of Women’s Aid in Northern Ireland

(Source: Women’s Aid Federation NI) Domestic violence is, and remains, an under-reported crime. Similarly, the overall consequences of abuse, particularly on children and young people, can be long-term and often incalculable. However, the statistical level of incidents and official crime records highlights the extent of the problem in our society.

Women’s Aid is the lead voluntary organisation in Northern Ireland addressing domestic violence and providing services for women and children. We seek to challenge attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate domestic violence and, through our work, promote healthy and non-abusive relationships. There are twelve Women’s Aid refuges with 300 bed spaces, playrooms and facilities across Northern Ireland, and fifteen resource centres for women seeking information and support, group work and training.

PSNI statistics for 2008/09 indicate that there were more recorded crimes with a domestic motivation (9,211) than the combined total of all the following crimes (9,155). These include all recorded sexual offences (1,943), robbery (650), armed robbery (508), hijacking (125), theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle (2954), arson (2,002) dangerous driving (746), handling stolen goods (220) and offences under anti-terrorism legislation (7).

The core work of Women’s Aid in Northern Ireland, including Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland and the ten local Women’s Aid groups, is as follows:

PSNI Statistics for 08/09 indicate that they responded to a domestic incident every 22 minutes of every day of the year.

Where the gender of the victim was known, 76% of adult victims of domestic crimes recorded by the PSNI in 2007/08 were female.*

To provide refuge accommodation to women and their children suffering mental, physical or sexual abuse within the home. • To run the 24 Hour Domestic Violence Helpline. • To provide a range of support services to enable women who are leaving a violent situation to rebuild their lives and the lives of their children. • To provide a range of support services to children and young people who have experienced domestic violence. • To run preventative education programmes in schools and other settings. • To educate and inform the public, media, police, courts, social services and other agencies of the impact and effects of domestic violence. • To advise and support all relevant agencies in the development of domestic violence policies, protocols and service delivery. • To work in partnership with all relevant agencies to ensure a joined up response to domestic violence. Domestic violence is a crime characterised by the exercise of power, control and systematic isolation on the part of the perpetrator. Issues such as substance abuse, unemployment, debt and repossession are not the causes of domestic violence. They do, however, serve to exacerbate an already volatile situation. The nature of the abuse sustained can vary from physical and sexual to emotional and psychological. It often includes financial abuse in which the perpetrator may control the household income and financial accounts, or actively prevent a woman from seeking employment outside the home. Similarly, the impact of abuse can render it impossible for a woman to sustain or develop her career and attain economic independence. During the past twelve months, Women’s Aid has seen increasing numbers of women and their children reaching out to our organisation for help and support. • • • • •

In the period between April 2007 and March 2008 the Women’s Aid 24 hr Domestic Violence Helpline handled 24,153 calls, an increase of 7% on the previous year. 2,205 women and 1,831 children accessed the Floating Support service supporting women in their own home. In addition, 1102 women and 896 children sought refuge. 2,767 children and young people accessed protection and support services. 7,328 children and young people accessed Women’s Aid Prevention Programmes 24

(Source: PSNI Statistics 2007/08) (*Source: NIO Statistical Bulletin 16/2008) UNICEF research released in 2006 showing per capita incidence indicates that there are up to 32,000 children and young people living with domestic violence in Northern Ireland. The joint NIO and DHSSPS Strategy “Tackling Violence at Home” estimates that the cost of domestic violence in Northern Ireland, including the potential loss of economic output, could amount to £180 million each year. Making the decision to leave an abusive relationship is a complex and difficult process and requires considerable courage. There are also additional financial burdens for many women such as the costs incurred in moving to a new area, and additional transport costs for them and their children. In these challenging times, it is essential that the most vulnerable in our society are protected, and the invaluable financial donation of £1500 provided by St Columba’s Parish Church has contributed to sustaining the vital work carried out by Women’s Aid; as well as to providing an essential lifeline for women and children in Northern Ireland who have been subjected to domestic violence. We are enormously grateful for your support. For further information about this article please contact: Gillian Clifford Policy & Information Worker Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland Tel: 028 9024 9041 Website: 24 Hour Domestic Violence Helpline - 0800 917 1414 available to anyone affected by domestic violence 25

milies Group Wine Ta a F stin u ng g o Y

From Australia to Spain and Argentina to New Zealand - just some of the countries visited during a globetrotting trip of the world’s wines. On Friday, 22nd May, over thirty parishioners and friends gathered at the Ferguson Suite, Belmont Tower, to enjoy a relaxed and fun-filled evening of wine tasting and conversation. The event was organised by the Church’s Young Families Group and those attending sampled wines imported directly from source by Gapwines, an independent wine merchants located on the Antrim Road, Belfast. We were entertained and educated by Conall, our connoisseur for the evening. In celebratory style, the evening commenced with bubbles, a pleasing Prosecco from Veneto, Italy. Conall enlightened us on the origin, history and, of course, the palate of the wines sampled. We also learned of wine producers and local importers. A range of wines were sipped and savoured together with bread, crackers, creamy cheese and, of course, delicious dark chocolate with the rich, resplendent and refined red wines. Aside from the fun we all had, the evening raised the significant sum of just over £275 for charity, divided between the Sudan Mission and Building Fund Appeals. The Young Families Group would like to thank all those who supported the event. If you were unable to attend this time, the group will be organising more outings during the next twelve months! So keep your eyes peeled for more details in future editions of the Columban. Victor Dukelow

GIRL GUIDE TRIP TO CANADA Hello! Just to let you know that in November 2008 I attended an international selection weekend with Girl Guiding Ulster, and was selected to be one of the twenty guides representing Northern Ireland in Canada in August this year. This was a great achievement as I was up against many deserving girls and I was very happy to be offered this chance. I will be going from Tuesday 4th to Friday 14th, August, to a provincial campsite on the outside of Toronto, and will write a follow up article after I come back to let you know how it all went. Helen Cairnduff Ed. Heartiest congratulations, Helen, and we look forward to hearing about your adventures on your return!

HARVEST LUNCH I know Harvest must seem a long way off but as we all take a break over the summer I just wanted to give you some advance notice of our next fund raising event for our Building Fund. We shall be holding our ever popular Harvest Lunch immediately after the All Age Worship service on Sunday, 4th October. More details will be in the September magazine but pop it into your diary now and look forward to enjoying what is always a great lunch. Roberta Parish Fundraising Committee 26

“Due to our failure to secure a holiday-relief organist, the next hymn will also be sung to the tune, Chopsticks.” 27

Children’s Page! TAKING & GIVING

Dead Sea. But even through the water is all from the If you look at a map of same river, the two seas are Israel you willl see that completely different. there are two small island seas. And if you look closely All around the Sea of Galilee you will see that these two are towns and villages, trees seas are linked by the River and farms. The Dead Sea has Jordan. The river starts in no trees or farms, it is dead. the northern hills and goes What makes the difference? through the sea of Galilee, The Sea of Galilee is alive then through the Jordan because it has an outlet. Valley, and ends up in the It passes the water on as

quickly as it flows in. The Dead Sea is dead because it passes no water on. In St Luke’s Gospel we read what Jesus said about giving - ‘Give to others, and God will give to you’ (chapter 6, verses 27-28). Unlike the two seas we can choose how we want to be: to give and take and be alive. Or just to take and become sad and lifeless.

BEWARE THE SUMMER STRAWBERRY TEA (Letter from the Reverend Eustace to his nephew Darren)

The Rectory St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren strawberry tea has to be held in the Never, ever feel aggrieved that your summer isn’t a single blade of grass to be church hall rather than on a lawn, since there of the potential calamities you are found in your entire parish. You have no idea avoiding. will be desperately asking the Here, during the previous week, the organisers doing so, they forget that for the opinion of local farmers about the weather. In of weather anyway. I once received farming community, it is always the wrong sort rt for our ladies to stop calling a heartfelt plea from the staff at Heathrow airpo s may be imminent. them at hourly intervals to find out if hurricane y and so all the tables will be Naturally, the day will start out warm and sunn cloths will have been laid. By arranged on the vicarage lawn. By 10am, table someone will be delegated to 10.10am, a brisk breeze will have sprung up and patch. By 11am, clouds will gather retrieve them all from deep within the nettle into the church hall. Once that and a decision will be made to transfer everything change, the sun will re-emerge and is completed, just when it is almost too late to back on the lawn. This ensures that by there will be a frantic dash to put everything in a state of collapse. 2pm when teas start, the ladies will already be us with her presence. As she sat d grace Last year, the dowager duchess of Trilby a giant parasol over the table, r with her entourage, elegantly sipping tea unde her, leaving her looking like one the thing – equally elegantly – closed around vorous plant. To emerge from its of those unfortunate insects trapped by a carni nd even her social skills. Fortunately, depths looking entirely unflustered was beyo by the wife of one of our farmers. attention was diverted from her predicament with slightly too thin legs for the This substantial lady had been sitting in a chair grass, eventually catapulting the dear damp lawn. The rear two slowly sank into the r. Disentangling red flannelette from lady backwards into the lap of the local mayo mayoral chains took some time, and delicacy. be cleared in minutes by drawing At least when I have had enough, the lawn can cap and set of Christmas doilies has the raffle. The moment the last rubber shower , giving my dog the opportunity to been awarded, there will be a dash to get home r beds. retrieve remnants of cream cakes from the flowe Your loving uncle,

Colour in the Summer scene! 28



SEPTEMBER MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the September parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by Friday, 14th August, at latest. Many thanks

FLOWER ROTA FOR JULY Sunday 5th.................................................. Meryl Townsend Sunday 12th................................................ Wendy Killen Sunday 19th................................................ Nora Elliott Sunday26th................................................. Nan Armstrong

FLOWER ROTA FOR AUGUST Sunday 2nd. ................................................ Leonard & Ruth Pugh Sunday 9th...................................................................................... Sunday 16th................................................ The Coffey Family Sunday 23rd................................................ Sunday 30th................................................ Caroline Auchmuty

FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism Sunday 21st June Christian Burial Monday 1st June

Our Joys Toby James McDermott 97 Dunlady Manor Our Sorrows Elizabeth Livingstone McNeill Hawthorn House (formerly of 188 Barnetts Road) 30


PARISH WEBSITE: RECTOR The Revd. John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email

PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, John Best, Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth McCaughey, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, David Sweet

CURATE The Revd. Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email

HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183

PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390

HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278

DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816

ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295

RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Patrick Wilson 5 Kingsway Park BT5 7EU Tel 028 90401066

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Moranne Noad Meryl Townsend

PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Helen Donaghy 1 King’s Gate 91 King’s Road BT5 7BU Tel 028 90704932

DIOCESAN SYNODS PEOPLE Emma Hill Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers Paul Stewart

RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 31

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101

PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90229310 Email

DEPUTY ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641

C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459

READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884

SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198

CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland 8 Greengraves Cottages Ballyrogan, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036


SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the Parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.

The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard


028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162

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