The Columban st. columba’s church, knock
July/August 2014
The latest parish news, events and notices View from Dunfanaghy, courtesy of Paddy Malone
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, NEW PARISH EMAIL ADDRESS Our new parish email address is and is now fully operational. Please take note of this new address and amend your contacts on your computer and Smartphone without delay! I am most grateful to our Parish Webmaster, Ivan Roche, and our People’s Churchwarden, Jon Allen, for all their hard work in setting up our new email address. They have both worked extremely hard over many days to successfully set up a single email address on the office computer which we can all easily remember and use. They have done an excellent job and I thank them for making this resource available for our benefit. However, the fruit of their labours will only be fully realised if we actually use our new email address! We live in a community and a society where effective communication is so important. If we don’t know what is going on or if we are not kept informed of changes to our monthly schedule of activities, how can we be expected to attend? As we continue to reduce our day to day parish running costs, it is essential that we use email more frequently with the ever increasing cost of postage. Our diligent and conscientious Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson, works tirelessly to remind us through email of the events, activities and meetings which take place each week. Emails which are sent from the parish will now arrive in your inbox with the title ‘St. Columba’s Parish Office’. SHARE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH US TODAY! Our Parish Administrator can now send group emails about significant forthcoming parish events and services which have been previously advertised in our award winning Columban. These will be very useful in giving parishioners a timely reminder a few days before the date appears. You will only have the benefit of this new parish initiative, however, if you have first shared your email address with the Parish Office! Please share your email address by sending it to the Parish Office today, using our new address From time to time we may wish to share your contact details with other members of the parish. This will only be used for parish business. If you have an objection to any particular part of your contact details being shared, please advise the Parish Administrator by Thursday, 31st July, and we will act according to your wishes. With all prayerful good wishes for an enjoyable summer, Yours in His Service,
DID YOU KNOW? The parish spends approximately ÂŁ650 each year on the printing costs of Free Will Offering and Charity & Mission Envelopes! As it is approaching the time to place our order for 2015, we should be grateful if parishioners would consider changing to Standing Order. The benefits are significant:1. Reduces the costs of printing Free Will Offering envelopes, allowing us to divert these valuable funds to alternative parish use 2. Reduces errors in the recording of monies, caused by parishioners not writing amounts or writing incorrect amounts on the envelopes 3. Improves security as there is less cash on the premises 4. Allows us to double check entries for errors as they will be shown on the parish bank statement 5. You will not have to hunt around for cash each Sunday to put into an envelope - saving you time and effort! Thank you to the many parishioners who have already made the move to Standing Order. They will still continue to receive their monthly Charity & Mission envelopes, providing them with an envelope to put on the plate on Sundays, for those who wish to do so. Please consider the benefits of this as we would appreciate as many parishioners as possible moving to Standing Order. Standing Order forms are available at the back of church or from the Parish Office, on request. Please advise the Parish Office of your intention to change to Standing Order by 10th July 2014 at the latest to allow us to order fewer envelopes this year and thus save money. Thank you,
Josephine Kelly, Hon.Treasurer Karen Patterson, Financial Giving Secretary
God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 3
SERVICES IN JULY Thursday 3rd Saint Thomas 10.30am
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 6th
The Third Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Gospel Karen McAlpine
Romans 7: 15-25a Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30
All Age Worship and Holy Baptism Reader Jamie Sadlier Prayers Karen McAlpine
Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30
Compline Reader Esther Templeton
Luke 18: 31- 19:10
Thursday 10th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 13th The Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Gospel Karen McAlpine
Holy Communion Reader Yvonne Robb Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions
Romans 8: 1-11 Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Romans 8: 1-11 Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Clergy
Late Evening Office Reader Clare Best
Luke 19: 41- 20:8
Thursday 17th 10.30am
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 20th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am
Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
Morning Prayer Reader Ronny Martin Reader Michael Sadlier Occasional Muriel Arndell Prayers
Romans 8: 12-25 Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine
Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Gospel Karen McAlpine
Compline Reader Fiona Haldane
Genesis 28: 10-19a Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56
Thursday 24thSaint Mary Magdalene (Transferred) 10.30am
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 27th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am
Romans 8: 26-39 Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52
Holy Communion Reader Eileen Gibson Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Elizabeth Leonard
Romans 8: 26-39 Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52
Late Evening Office Reader Carol Willis
John 6: 1-21
Thursday 31st Saint James the Apostle (Transferred) 10.30am
Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Gospel Clergy
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
SERVICES IN AUGUST Sunday 3rd The Seventh Sunday after Trinity 8.15am
Holy Communion Reader Gospel
Arthur Hobson Karen McAlpine
Romans 9: 1-5 Matthew 14: 13-21
Charles Auchmuty Karen McAlpine
Matthew 14: 13-21
Jennifer Pyper
John 6: 24-35
Compline Reader
Thursday 7th The Transfiguration of our Lord (Transferred) 10.30am
All Age Worship and Holy Baptisms Reader Prayers
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 10th The Eighth Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Gospel Clergy
Holy Communion Reader Chris Heatley Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Clergy
Late Evening Office Reader Tillie Heyburn
Romans 10: 5-15 Matthew 14: 22-33
Romans 10: 5-15 Matthew 14: 22-33 John 6: 35, 41-51
Thursday 14th 10.30am
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 17th The Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 15: 21-28 9.30am
Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine
Morning Prayer Reader Linda Wilson Reader Alison Acheson Occasional Clergy Prayers
Compline Reader Tony Greeves
Matthew 15: 21-28
Genesis 45: 1-15 Matthew 15: 21-28
John 6: 51-58
Thursday 21st
10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 24th Saint Bartholomew 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Acts 5: 12-16 Gospel Clergy Luke 22: 24-30
Holy Communion Reader Ivan Roche Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine Late Evening Office Reader Gina Greeves
Acts 5: 12-16 Luke 22: 24-30
Matthew 10: 1-22
Thursday 28th 10.30am
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 31st The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey Gospel Karen McAlpine
10.30am 7.00pm
Songs of Praise Healing Service with the Laying On of Hands Reader Karen McAlpine Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Romans 12: 9-21 Matthew 16: 21-28
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500) The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website: 6
JULY/AUGUST SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA JULY Sunday 6th.................................................Jayne and Ronny Martin Sunday 13th...............................................Joan Madill and Helen Proctor Sunday 20th...............................................Roberta and John McKeown Sunday 27th...............................................Eileen Anderson and Ann McGarvey AUGUST Sunday 3rd.................................................Henry Auchmuty and Jonathan Kelly Sunday 10th...............................................May Preston and Maureen Irwin Sunday 17th...............................................Linda and Mark Wilson Sunday 24th...............................................Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday 31st................................................Rosemary and Ivan Coffey
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Many thanks to everyone who supported the Assisi Animal Sanctuary at our tea and coffee last month when we raised £78. Our next All Age Worship Tea and Coffee service will take place on Sunday, 7th September - if there is a particular charity you would like us to support, please let me know as I am always looking for new charities that need help. Enjoy the summer break!
BETH CAIRNDUFF Beth Cairnduff has served St. Columba’s with great distinction as a most hardworking member of the Sunday School team during the past 15½ years. She has made a most significant contribution, in particular, to our Sunday School where she has been a much respected and very popular teacher, and in more recent years, Superintendent. She has seen many of our parishioners through each of the classes from infants through to confirmation and has greatly encouraged them in their understanding of the Christian Faith. Beth now wishes to retire from Sunday School and I wish to personally thank her for the huge contribution she has made to St. Columba’s in this capacity. At the prize giving on Saturday, 7th June, Beth was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Henry Auchmuty as a token of our appreciation for all that she has done to support our young parishioners. I am delighted that Beth will be continuing as our Brownie Leader when they recommence in September. The girls can look forward to more exciting programmes which Beth and the Assistant Leaders organise for their weekly activities. The Rector 7
Parishioners will want to offer their congratulations to our Brownie Leader, Beth Cairnduff, on the presentation of her 40 years’ service award on 15th May this year. The presentation took place at the City Hall as part of a Belfast County Awards ceremony in the presence of the Deputy Lord Mayor, Alderman Christopher Stalford, and the Ulster Chief Commissioner, Mrs Carole Graham. Beth’s husband, Mervyn, and her 97 year old father were also there to enjoy the occasion.
SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday, 1st June, saw us singing for the last time this school year. We had a good turnout of children and the singing of We are marching in the light of God was excellent with the congregation joining in on the last verse. Saturday, 7th June, dawned damp and miserable but as this was to be our Fun Day followed by Prize Giving everyone was looking forward to it. There was an excellent crowd of young people and we enjoyed DOC which later was revealed to be Discover Our Church, playing games with the parachute, fishing for ducks, ten pin bowling, face painting, tattooing (not permanent!) and nail painting. This was followed by an excellent barbeque prepared by the two Brians in the tent outside the front entrance of the hall, with food supplied by the Young Families group. Last, but by no means least, was the Prize Giving. Beginning with the Crèche children, followed by the junior classes and finally the senior classes, a large number of books were presented to the young people. This year we have had so many attending regularly on Sunday School mornings that the number was larger than usual. The teachers hope everyone enjoys the books they received. As this is my last report due to retiring from the post of Superintendent, I would like to thank everyone for all their support over the years. Firstly all the parents – without you sending your children regularly on Sunday School mornings we would not be able to have such a successful Sunday School. Secondly, to all the teachers both past and present- there are too many to name them all but I hope I will be forgiven for particularly mentioning the current ones – Louise, Patricia, Helen, Joyce and Alan. Thank you so much for being there Sunday by Sunday with all the material prepared for the children. Lastly, thank you to the Rector for his continual support in everything to do with Sunday School – it is invaluable to know there is someone to call upon and to discuss problems with. As Joyce now takes over from me as Superintendent I hope everyone will support her as well as you all supported me, and just a reminder that Sunday School recommences on Sunday, 14th September. Beth Cairnduff PS. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, they were magnificent! 8
BROWNIE NOTES It is hard to believe we have reached the end of another fun packed year! This one was particularly exciting as it was the Brownie 100th birthday. Over the year, we have taken part in a number of events and gained our special Birthday badges. For our last one we had to make a journey on a train and try out a new outdoor activity. On Saturday, 31st May, we set off from Titanic Quarter station for our train journey to Cultra and then a short walk to Girl Headquarters at Lorne, where we tried our hand at orienteering. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we were sorry we had decided to do the short course instead of the longer one, but the day was so warm it was great to finish by playing in the playground at the back of the Brownie House. Unfortunately, the end of the year means we have to say goodbye to some of our older Brownies. We hope they will continue their Guiding journey by joining Guides locally and we wish them all the best for the future. This means we will have space for new Brownies when we recommence on Friday, 12th September, so please come along if you are aged from 6½ to 10 years of age and give us a try!
Beth Cairnduff
Saturday, 7th June, was a very wet day, nevertheless, ten intrepid members of the MU Activity Group set off in good spirits on their annual outing, efficiently researched and well organised by Maureen, as usual. First stop was at Ballylesson garden centre where we enjoyed tea/coffee and delicious scones. Afterwards, since it was still much drier inside than out, we had a wander round the shop which sold a myriad of things - joke books, balls of rubber bands (I bought one) coconut halves (don’t ask), tall trees in large pots - oh yes - and plants! Eventually, we proceeded a bit further - to Sprucefield - where we had a whole 25 minutes of retail therapy before deciding it was time to head to our lunch venue at Scarva. To get there, we had to drive through Banbridge and I must tell you now - never go to Banbridge on a wet Saturday! After a hiccup or two we reached Scarva. Now I can’t say much about Scarva except it is a lovely place to drive through. I have, however, been reliably informed that on a certain day of the year thousands descend upon it - I presume they mean people - I don’t know where they put them! But if you would like more information go to or some such website. We were just finishing a lovely, leisurely lunch at our chosen restaurant (great place, Mo) when the sun came out and we were able to have our walk along the tow path after all, complete with the obligatory photo call! Then it was time to go. Many thanks to Maureen who organised everything so well and thank you also to our lovely drivers, Joyce and Jenny, who brought us safely home about six o’clock, tired but happy. Nan Armstrong 9
All of a sudden the Activity Group have lots to talk about! When we were asked to serve coffee/tea after the service at Kim and Mike’s wedding on Saturday, 26th April, at the back of the church, we immediately said “Yes”. This was a new experience for us and we enjoyed being part of Kim and Mike’s special day, as well as meeting and mingling with their guests. On Tuesday, 13th May, we were delighted that Philip Cheembela from Zambia was able to spend time with us. We introduced him to scrabble and he quickly got the hang of it. Just before supper we had a surprise visit from the Revd Robert Ferris who joined us for the rest of the evening, enjoying the company of his friend, Philip. After supper, with some encouragement, Robert and Philip joined us for a fun packed game of badminton. Of course, there was no time to relax as the parish outing was the next day to Áras an Uachtaráin. Not all of our group could be there but what a wonderful day we had, and it was just so good to relax and enjoy it, knowing that the Rector and John Little were in charge! Maureen
PAUSE Summer has officially arrived and apparently the weather has received the message – long may it last! Many events and organisations take a break during the summer months but PAUSE continues to facilitate those of us who are at home during all or part of this time. It gives us the opportunity to meet with other parishioners and friends in a relaxed environment to catch up with news and have a chat – hopefully with someone new. If you have not been able to join us in the past, please come and meet with us now! In May, we met at Neill’s Hill at Ballyhackamore. We were delighted to greet Philip Cheembela, a Lay Canon from the diocese of Northern Zambia, who joined us for coffee before visiting the Titanic Quarter. On Tuesday, 8th July, PAUSE will meet in The Secret Garden at Dundonald at 10.30am for coffee. On Wednesday, 6th August, we will meet at the Park Avenue Hotel, also at 10.30am for coffee. If you require further details or help with transport, please contact me on 9020 3684. Eileen Hello Ladies,
On the evening of Tuesday, 3rd June, 33 Mothers’ Union members and friends left St. Columba’s car park to visit Aunt Sandra’s Candy Factory on the Castlereagh Road. There we were met by Uncle Jim who gave us an amusing account of candy making and how Aunt Sandra’s started back in 1953. We experienced the smells, colours and tastes of old time candy making as Uncle Jim created heart lollipops, the Grumpy Man, the Oompah Lumpah’s foot, a snake and traditional boiled sweets, using recipes passed down through the generations. Prizes were won by those who had been listening carefully or were faster than the rest to give answers to the quiz! We couldn’t leave without visiting the candy store where we felt we had gone back to our childhood - all left smiling! Supper followed at Orangefield Presbyterian church hall. Mothers’ Union will meet after the summer with our new office bearers in post on Tuesday, 7th October, for our Annual Service. Have a lovely, relaxing summer. Sandra and Yvonne 10
MU AFTERNOON GROUP Monday, 12th May, was dry and warm - an answer to all my prayers! 33 intrepid explorers set off at 10.15am on their Magical Mystery Tour. Our coach was comfortable and our driver, Frank, very pleasant. Our first call was Bangor Castle. We were greeted at the door by the Mayor’s secretary and shown into the council chamber where we were given a very warm welcome by Jennifer Gilmour, the Deputy Mayor. Jennifer told us a little about herself and then one of the guides gave us a potted history of the castle. After a short tour, we were provided with tea/coffee and tray bakes in the heritage museum cafe. Some explorers then walked to the walled garden through Castle Park while others took the coach. The newly refurbished walled garden was a pleasure to visit. The coach continued our journey by the coast road to Groomsport, Donaghadee, Millisle, Ballywalter and across to Greyabbey. Our final port of call was Harrison’s where a wonderful lunch was waiting for us. It was difficult to persuade our explorers to get back on the coach as retail therapy was in action in the farm shop. The last part of the journey was much quieter – I wonder why! My thanks to Rosemary, Jennifer, Mrs Harrison and all our members who made it such a great day out. Our next meeting will take place on Monday, 8th September. Have a great summer! Joy
The Annual General Meeting of the Art Club was held on Thursday, 22nd May, chaired by our President, the Revd John Auchmuty, and the following officers were elected to serve for the year 2014-2015. Chairperson Billy Nelson Hon. Treasurer Rena Robbins Hon. Secretary Vida Shaw Assistant Hon. Secretary Gladys Lees Committee Billy McAlpine, Margaret Hirst, Esther Templeton, George Birch Ex-Officio Bob Killen Gladys has stepped down from her post as Honorary Secretary, a position she has held for ten years but at least she will still be available to help with advice in her new role as Assistant Hon. Sec. She has been tireless in her organisation and support for the Club and her final contribution was at our last meeting before the summer, when she provided the materials and encouraged us to be ‘fast and loose’ (when sketching). It was a fun morning followed by a lunch out at the Hillmount nursery. Art Club activities will resume on Thursday, 11th September, from 9.30am to 12.30pm in the church hall. Vida Shaw
ST. COLUMBA’S RAILWAY AND MODEL CLUB It’s on the rails and rollin’ along! The club got under way on Tuesday, 27th May. Members have been busy since then, preparing the Club Room for normal operations. The Club will meet at 7.30pm on each Wednesday from 3rd September onwards. Membership of the club is open to all parishioners. If you have never built or operated a model railway layout, don’t worry, we will teach you how! If you have never built a card or plastic model….. we can teach you! If you do not have any model railway material, don’t worry, we have some bits and pieces of club material to get us started. During the year we also plan to have open days and visits to a number of outdoor venues…but more of that in September. If you have any old model railway “stuff” which you no longer want and would like to donate it to the club, we would be pleased to give it a good home! If you are interested in learning more, contact David Beattie on 028 9028 5868.
PARISH OUTING TO ÁRAS an UACHTARÁIN “We have received an invitation to visit the President’s official residence, Áras an Uachtaráin”, announced the Rector - an interesting invitation which caught my imagination right away. The Rector had been given the invitation by the President himself at a reception in the City Hall in Belfast. He and I both felt a trip to the Áras from St. Columba’s, properly organised, was well worth doing. After some preliminary planning 48 hardy souls, including the Rector and yours truly, set out by coach from St. Columba’s at 10.00am on Wednesday, 14th May. A touring coach was provided by Ulsterbus and was extremely comfortable. Right from the outset a very happy and convivial atmosphere was obvious. The 48 became 49 when the bus halted at Banbridge and we picked up our former Curate, Robert Ferris, whose famously unkempt appearance (when not on duty) conceals a heart of purest gold. A very popular man! Our next stop on the journey was Applegreen services, just off the M1 outside Dublin, where an enjoyable break was enjoyed by all. It was interesting to note that one family brought special salads in plastic containers (well done, Mark!) while others got stuck into Whopper meals from Burger King (good man, Brian!). It was a good place to stop and everyone enjoyed it. 12
We continued to the President’s residence, Áras an Uachtaráin, which means, I am told by various Irish speakers at St. Columba’s, the house of the President. The first sight through the trees in Phoenix Park was impressive indeed, reminiscent of the White House in Washington only even more striking. We were given a very friendly welcome at the front of the building by a Lieutenant of the Irish Navy. This was unusual in that, historically, the guides at the Áras have always been from the Irish Army but this was recently changed to include all branches of the service. Tea and coffee were laid on in the State reception room, and everyone was made to feel thoroughly welcome. Then commenced a most interesting tour of the house ably led by the Naval Lieutenant, a big hit with the ladies of St Columba’s! There were many highlights of the tour - apart from the Lieutenant - and to list them would take up half the magazine. Items of note included the magnificent entrance hall dating from 1751, with its coffered barrel vaulted ceiling. The hall contained the visitors’ book with many famous names in it the signature of Queen Elizabeth II was on display during our visit. The large number of fine busts and paintings, many on loan from various art galleries in Ireland or privately donated, enhanced the magnificent setting of the rooms. Included in these were paintings of every President in Ireland from 1937. The carpeting, much of which was especially created for the Áras, was also notable. The fine furniture and fire places, including some Louis XIV sofas and chairs, helped to create the ambiance of luxury. One item which caught everyone’s attention was the Steinway grand piano in the State Drawing Room. Anyone who could was invited to play it and our organist, Dr Joe McKee, didn’t need to be asked twice! The look of sheer pleasure on his face as he very ably played the appropriate tune St. Columba was truly moving. A most enjoyable tour and worthwhile experience ended with group photographs. We then boarded the coach and returned via Newry where dinner had been organised in the Canal Court Hotel. This proved to be very enjoyable, the hotel offering an excellent menu, served most efficiently and speedily. Onto the coach again and back to Belfast (dropping off a tired but contented Robert on route) and the end of what everyone agreed had been a very happy and enjoyable day out. It will be a hard act to follow but hopefully we can organise another interesting trip in the future. To end on a very sad note, however, our dear friend, Paul Stewart, who with his wife, Margaret, had enjoyed the day enormously, tragically passed away a few days later. He will not be forgotten. Jon Little
Hello Ladies, The Rector kindly officiated at our AGM on Wednesday, 21st May. Following the Chairperson’s and Hon. Treasurer’s reports, we were left in no doubt that the Ladies Guild is still flourishing. Sadly our Chair, Irene, and our Honorary Secretary, Lilias, had both intimated that they wished to stand down. We thanked them for their hard work in providing an interesting and varied programme for us to enjoy, and hoped they would continue to give us the benefit of their experience. Thank you both. So we have some changes in our office bearers for the year 2014/15 and our election results were as follows:Chairperson: Deputy Chairperson: Hon. Treasurer: Hon. Secretary: Hon. Bowling Secretary: Hon. Chaplain: Committee:
Maureen Beckwith Caroline Cleland Higginson Yvonne Cadden Imelda Shephard Phyllis Newton Joan Madill Eileen Anderson, Vicky McMonagle, Helen Proctor, Lilias Smith
We were then delighted to welcome Karen Patterson, our Parish Administrator, who entertained us with a most interesting account of her life to date. It is no wonder that she is so good at her job as she has such a wealth of not only work experience, but also a wide choice of pastimes. At the moment we are busy preparing our programme for the coming year and think we have a particularly interesting topic for March - Invisible traffic. Slavery near your door - they do say everything goes round in circles! Wishing all our members and friends a healthy, happy and sunny summer. Imelda Shephard (Hon. Secretary)
CHOIR MAY CONCERT Not long after I was appointed Organist I was asked if the choir, like every other organisation in the parish, might consider a fund-raising event for our buildings. As the choir members had worked remarkably hard at learning a fair amount of new music in the past three months, I asked them if we could put together a concert using some of this music as well as inviting along a couple of guests to join us. The response was immediate, enthusiastic and entirely positive. On the night of the concert we were delighted to find a church well filled with a most appreciative audience of parishioners, friends and neighbours. The parish choir, in my obviously prejudiced opinion(!), rose magnificently to the occasion and did themselves great credit in a wide range of musical styles from the recent seasons of Lent and Easter. We were greatly assisted at the organ by the Revd Dr Peter Thompson, from Castlecaulfield Rectory, who provided appropriately supportive accompaniments and solo items, including a marvellously tongue-in-cheek Sailors’ Hornpipe and the splendid Toccata from Boëllman’s Gothic Suite. Guest soprano, Lynda Barrett, thrilled everyone with music by Purcell, Handel, Fauré and Puccini. Her performances of You raise me up and O mio babbino caro will long be remembered for their bell-like clarity and superb tone. The audience, responding generously to an entrance request for a 16
modest voluntary subscription, raised the splendid sum of just under £600. Best of all, we had a lovely evening with great music and a lingering sun that shone on those who stood around, glasses in hand, chatting at the back of the church or on the lawn for ages afterwards. Motorists driving past on the Kings Road must have wondered what these “church” people were doing at that time on a Saturday evening! I hope we can do something similar in the not too distant future. I wish to record my warmest thanks to the choir for their tireless hard work and good humour – and to the members of the audience for their kind remarks and their financial generosity. Many thanks. Joe McKee
NATIONAL TRUST OPEN GARDEN WEEKEND Tony and Clodagh opened their magnificent gardens to the public over the May Bank Holiday weekend. They very generously invited parishioners from St. Columba’s to serve the refreshments, with the monies raised going to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Parishioners from the church provided shortbread, scones, tray bakes, cupcakes, fruit loaves and a bounty of other goodies. The room Tony and Clodagh provided was beautifully set up and the team from St. Columba’s were raring to go! Unfortunately, Saturday, 24th May, was a very wet and damp day so the catering team did not expect many visitors. However, people arrived and queues started to form, and soon there was a buzz from the crowd, with St. Columba’s parishioners serving a steady flow of hungry visitors. There was a real sense of community spirit with people coming from far and wide, and everyone remarked on the beautiful setting of the gardens and the delicious refreshments. By the end of the first day, stocks had to be replenished and the ladies of the parish had to rush home to whisk up tray bakes, buns and scones for the following afternoon! Sunday, 25th May, dawned another damp day. St. Columba’s parishioners were diverted because of road closures on the Comber Road but, once again, the team were surprised by the number of visitors to the gardens arriving in the tea room to enjoy the refreshments. Soon the room was bustling with laughter and chat. It was hard work but lots of fun. Many parishioners took part by baking and serving food, undertaking the huge amount of washing up or supporting the occasion by calling in for refreshments. It was a tremendous success in drawing all members of our church and community together in fellowship. On behalf of the Rector, the Select Vestry and everyone in St. Columba’s Parish Church, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Tony and Clodagh Reid for their generosity and the use of their beautiful home and facilities. This event was one of the major fundraising events this year and raised the magnificent sum of £1230 for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. Liz McCaughey
A ROYAL GARDEN PARTY Our very good friend and neighbour, Adrian, came to see us one day in early April and surprised us by asking if we would care to use his allocated tickets to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, June 3rd, as he would be unable to travel on that date. Following a very brief consideration we, of course, accepted his kind offer and our names were duly submitted to the relevant authorities for necessary checks to be made. We arrived at our London hotel at lunchtime on the day and quickly changed into the ‘good clothes’. A short taxi ride later we joined the very long queue forming on Constitution Hill and in a surprisingly short time entered the gates of the Palace. Passing through the archway, so often seen on television, we crossed the quadrangle and made our way up the carpeted stairs to progress through a hallway and reception room towards the West Terrace. On emerging, we were met by a palette of colours of the well attired guests spread across the gardens. Pastels, bright hues, clerical purple in abundance and service uniforms of all sorts interspersed with the dark suits of the gentlemen and, of course, some wonderful hats to complement the ladies’ dresses! Music from the Irish Guards band added to the relaxed atmosphere as guests strolled around the garden and the lake, or just sat and watched the scene unfolding. Around 3.30pm lines began to form from the West Terrace, creating avenues along which the Royal Party would progress. We were fortunate to find ourselves (albeit unwittingly) in Her Majesty’s line. Anticipation was evident as Yeomen of the Guard cheerfully marshalled us into neat formation and at 4.00pm Her Majesty, accompanied by Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Earl and Countess of Wessex, emerged from the Palace. Just as the final notes of the National Anthem faded away, we felt the first spots of rain and within minutes a torrent was unleashed upon us! Umbrellas proved limited protection from the pelting rain. Her Majesty put up her umbrella and carried on! Fortunately, the deluge was short lived and she continued to proceed, stopping at intervals to speak with selected guests. We were lucky to have two such guests standing within four feet of us and thus were able to have a long look at the Queen who was dressed in a bright yellow ensemble. Her conversations were longer than one might have expected and her interest in what the guests had to say was genuine. The other members of the Royal Party were proceeding along similar lines throughout the garden. Then it was time for tea and we made our way to the tea tent where we enjoyed a welcome cuppa with delicious sandwiches and small cakes, whilst making the acquaintance of some folk from Surrey. All too soon, the Royal Family departed and we made our way to the front entrance, stopping on the way for some photographs with guests willingly swapping cameras to ensure that they had a record of the day. We walked across Green Park to Piccadilly where we were able, at last, to sit down for a while and give ease to tired feet! After an early dinner, we made our way to the Gielguid Theatre to see Angela Lansbury in a much acclaimed production of Blithe Spirit. Whilst settling into our seats who should we find in the next row but Roy and Esther Templeton, who were in London to attend their granddaughter’s recital at the Royal Academy of Music. A happy coincidence which just proves that “you can’t go anywhere” without somebody knowing! The play was marvellous - the entire company were excellent in this very funny Noel Coward comedy. The star of the evening was, of course, Miss Lansbury whose agility at the age of 88 put us all to shame. At her curtain call the audience rose to their feet as one to give her a richly deserved and prolonged ovation. Leaving the theatre, we made our way to the stage door and joined the sizeable number who awaited the departure of the cast. We were told that Miss Lansbury would not be signing autographs that night as she was rushing off to attend a farewell cabaret evening given for her by the cast and company, as the play was finishing its run on Saturday. She did emerge and gave us all a beaming smile, acknowledging the applause of the crowd on the short walk to her car. So ended a memorable day which made the sore feet worthwhile! We had been truly fortunate to see two exceptional ladies who have given so much pleasure and inspiration, in different ways, to so many over a very long number of years. Eleanor Launchbury 18
ST. COLUMBA’S SUMMER SPECTACULAR AND BBQ On Saturday, 7th June, we tried something new to kick the summer off - a D.O.C adventure. “What does D.O.C stand for?” – DISCOVER OUR CHURCH! Lots of families gathered in the church hall and collected their D.O.C challenge sheets. The challenges were colour coded, pink for the adults and green for the children. The questions involved a treasure hunt around the church, following clues in search of the answers. Along the way we got to enter parts of the church which we previously did not know existed. There was even a first for the Rector who got to explore new places even he had not ventured into before! The questions prompted us to stop and look at our church in detail for the first time. We examined windows, pillars, chairs, handrails, the pulpit and the lectern. We learnt the names of many of the people who have contributed to our church over the years and have helped to make it what it is today. Often we become familiar with our surroundings and fail to notice the real beauty around us. The DOC challenge gave us all the opportunity to appreciate our church for the beautiful building that it is. Dr Joe McKee was extremely patient and encouraged everyone to step forward and have a go on the organ. Did you know the organ has three keyboards (one is played with your feet) and over 1000 pipes? When endeavouring to play it, one was reminded of the old trick of patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. However, many of the children managed to produce some recognisable tunes, including chop sticks, the sand dance and twinkle twinkle little star! Once our challenge was completed, we headed down to the church hall for some games and refreshments. Great fun was had with the parachute, the bouncy balls and tin cans. Many of the younger kids showed real skill in catching some ducks from the paddling pool and enjoyed getting their faces and nails painted. We were treated to some delicious hamburgers and hot dogs, and had a huge choice of varied and very tasty salads. We were then put out of our misery as Billy McAlpine gave us the answers to the D.O.C challenge. The results were very pleasing with most children scoring highly, unfortunately the adults did not do quite so well... Three children obtained the same score and after a blind draw, Henry Auchmuty was the winner. The afternoon concluded with the presentation of the Sunday School and Crèche prizes. A great time was had by all and everyone agreed they had learnt something new about St. Columba’s Parish Church. Louise Craig
CHANGING TIMES This past year has seen the Men’s Club ringing the changes in an effort to take the club forward in a new direction. Although bowling will still remain a key activity, the club have endeavoured to widen its scope. The past season has enjoyed a varied calendar of talks, events and outings. We welcomed three new members, David Beattie, Stuart Beckwith and Jack Dunlop and all three have been taking an active part in the life of the club. In November 2013 we had our very first speaker in the shape of Professor Chris Shaw, Queen’s University, who delivered an inspirational talk containing a section on the use of toxins derived from frogs in the battle against cancer. Such was the response we followed it up in the second half of the season with another talk. This time we had Aidan Campbell, a local historian, who gave a talk entitled Stormont – Journey from Holywood Arches to Dundonald Village. This talk was thrown open to all in the parish and we were delighted to have almost 50 people on the night. Our programme for the season also contained a Games Night and a Social evening for partners and guests. Our Annual Dinner and Prize Giving was held in May, the report and pictures appearing in last month’s Columban. Prior to this, on Monday, 28th April, some of our members visited the Ulster Aviation Society premises based on the Long Kesh site, where they enjoyed an evening of nostalgia. Knowledgeable guides, a wide variety of aircraft and stories of times gone by led to an excellent outing. So much so, it also led to a few new members for the Association! The programme for next year will be compiled over the summer months and hopefully our endeavours have stirred some interest amongst the many male members of the congregation. This has been a very positive year and many thanks go to the committee and members involved. We look forward to seeing some new faces in September when we resume. Our door, like the church, is always open! I cannot sign off without mentioning the late Paul Stewart who sadly passed away recently. A long standing member and supporter of the Men’s Club, Paul served us in many roles and although recently retired from bowling still took an active role in the club, holding the post of Honorary Auditor. A gentleman who loved his bowls and his evenings amongst us, he strove constantly to encourage new members. He has left the club a legacy in the shape of the Paul Stewart Trophy, so generously donated a few years ago. We as a club are the poorer for his passing such was the respect and admiration in which he was held by all. Our deepest condolences go to his wife, Margaret, and the wider family circle. John Robb
I am delighted that the new Youth Etc leader will be David Kelly. This is an exciting appointment and I wish David every success in his new role. David is well known in St. Columba’s and has got to know the Youth Etc members well on some of their recent activities, including transporting his sons, Andrew and Jonathan, to various events. The photographs show some ‘action shots’ from the recent outing to the Scout Adventure Centre at Crawfordsburn.
The Rector
Holy Communion on Whitsunday, 8th June L to R: Dr Joe McKee, Parish Organist and Choral Director, Mr Martin J White, Lay Canon and Organist Emeritus of Armagh Cathedral, The Rector, Canon Ken Smyth 22
NEW PREMISES CONVENOR Our new Premises Convenor is my former Churchwarden, John Little, who succeeds our Parish Administrator, Karen Patterson. John has now commenced his new responsibilities and it is imperative that parish organisations or parishioners, who wish to make use of any of the church halls for an event, contact John well in advance of the date, including also changes to times or dates. This is to ensure that the specific hall is available and that he has recorded it in his diary. Please note John’s contact details for your reference:-
Mobile: 07732 494151
Email: The Rector
Please note the new address for The Church’s Ministry of Healing with immediate effect: The Church’s Ministry of Healing The Mount 162 Upper Knockbreda Road BELFAST BT6 9QF Tel: 028 9079 5832 Counselling: 07842 925433
TIMBER A man with a nagging secret couldn’t keep it any longer. In the confessional, he admitted that for years he had been stealing building supplies from the timber yard where he worked. He told the priest he had taken enough to build his son’s house, a cottage for his daughter and a garden house for his wife. “This is very serious, my son,” said the priest, “I shall have to think of a far-reaching penance. Have you ever done a retreat?” “No, Father, I haven’t,” admitted the man, “But if you can give me the plans, I’ll get the timber.”
THANK YOU I would like to thank the Clergy, the members of the Zambian Team and all the parishioners of St. Columba’s for making me feel so welcome during my recent stay. I enjoyed my visits to the various groups of the church, doing lots of things from bowling to playing scrabble. I also visited a number of parishioners in their houses and everyone made me feel very much at home. They showed me many things in Belfast – St. Anne’s Cathedral, the Diocesan Office, the Titanic Quarter and many other places. I would also like to thank the parishioners for the beautiful present they gave me as well as the presents for my wife. The link with Zambia needs to be strengthened and we look forward to working together on various projects, especially the school which will provide education for our vulnerable children. May God bless you and strengthen our mission. Canon Philip Cheembela 23
COFFEE MORNING AND PLANT SALE The Church’s Ministry of Healing The Mount 162 Upper Knockbreda Road BELFAST BT6 9QF Thursday, 24th July 10.30am – 12.30pm Subscription £5
Parish Sponsored Walk and BBQ Saturday, 13th September (pm) A leisurely walk from Comber along the Greenway to St. Columba’s, with BBQ and refreshments to follow
All Welcome
More details in the September Columban!
FOR DATES DIARY YOUR k it (Mar t!) or miss i
Parish Sponsored Walk and BBQ Saturday, 13th September (pm) Parish Harvest Lunch Sunday, 5th October
SEPTEMBER PARISH MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the September parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 17th August. Many thanks
Sunday 6th …………………………........................................Maureen Fleming Sunday 13th ………………………..........................................Margaret McKee Sunday 20th ………………………..........................................Jennifer Johnston Sunday 27th.............................................................................Carol Willis
Sunday 3rd …………………………........................................The Noad Family Sunday 10th …………………………......................................Lindsay Brown Sunday 17th ………………………..........................................Lilias Smith Sunday 24th …………………………......................................Ella Wilkinson Sunday 31st ………………………….......................................Roberta Rogers
FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism Sunday, 1st June Christian Burials Tuesday, 27th May
Our Joys Christopher Jonathan Martin 12 Stormont Park Our Sorrows Paul Stewart 9 Glenmachan Drive
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
(2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
Superintendant Joyce Stevenson
9058 3381
TUESDAY (continued) 7.30pm MU Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 Union 8.00pm Mothers’ (1st Tuesday) Katrina Dukelow 9029 0625
Bubbles (3-5 years)
Splash (5-8 years)
7.O0pm Railway and Model Club David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Bible Study Group Anella Gallen 9065 8077 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Imelda Shephard 9079 7683
X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis
9079 9997
2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton
9048 2113
2.30p.m. MU Afternoon Group
(2nd Monday)
Joy Montgomery
9029 5427
7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb
9058 1438
TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie
9067 1051
2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke
9079 7155
THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Moira Saunders 07739 041392 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) David Kelly 9079 6658 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) Victor Dukelow 9029 0625
Requests for the occasional use of church halls must be submitted to the Premises Convenor, John Little, on 07732 494151 or e-mail: 26
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167 HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, John Little, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Mark Wilson HONORARY SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658 ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 9029 0625 GIFT AID SECRETARY Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706 PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Email DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816 RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Macpherson 10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF Tel 028 9028 2076 PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Jon Allen 9 Cabinhill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 9065 3511 JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Andrew Kelly, Charles Auchmuty RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 27
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Patrick Good Moranne Noad Ross Thompson (under 30) ORGANIST AND CHORAL DIRECTOR Dr Joe McKee 76 Sandown Road BT5 6GU Mob 07976 294574 ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 8 Lacefield BT4 3PA Tel 028 9079 3641 READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500 SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198 CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Michelle Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens Glengormley, BT36 5LA Tel 07533 871166
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884 CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716 PREMISES CONVENOR John Little 14 Barnetts Lodge, Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 07732 494151 Email
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE PARISH ADMINISTRATOR FINANCIAL GIVING SECRETARY Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 28