June 2014

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The Columban st. columba’s church, knock

June 2014

The latest parish news, events and notices Mount Stewart, courtesy of Roy Williamson

RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, PARISH LINK WITH ENNISKILLEN CATHEDRAL On Sunday, 29th June, at 11am in St. Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen, a link between St. Columba’s and St. Macartin’s will be formed. This will mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our respective congregations and has the full support of the Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Rt. Revd Harold Miller, and the Bishop of Clogher, The Rt. Revd John McDowell. I hope that our parish will be well represented at this service which will be followed by a picnic for everyone to enjoy. While this is a new initiative, we already know each other! We are coming together as friends. As a parish, we are most grateful to the Dean of Enniskillen and his congregation for generously supporting our Zambia Team fundraising efforts. In 2012, he invited Brian Acheson and Ronny Martin to cycle up the cathedral aisle when they arrived on a Sunday morning while completing their marathon. In St. Columba’s, we were delighted to welcome the Dean when he preached at our Harvest service last October. Both our congregations share a deep appreciation for liturgical worship with excellent music and active lay participation. We have an opportunity through this link to support and enrich each other in serving the risen Christ, while maintaining our individual identities. This parish link will also provide an opportunity for personal friendships to be made as we get to know each other over the coming years. In addition, our Parish Organisations will be able to benefit from exchange visits. We look forward to welcoming the Dean and members of Enniskillen Cathedral to St. Columba’s on Sunday, 7th September, for our morning service which will be followed by a picnic in Crawfordsburn. I encourage you to support our new parish link.

Photograph taken at the General Synod following discussions about the parish link. L-R: Dean Kenny Hall, Bishop John McDowell, The Rector, Bishop Harold Miller

Yours in His service,

Kick the summer off in style at St. Columba’s Summer Spectacular and BBQ! St. Columba’s Parish Church Saturday, 7th June, at 3.00pm Lots of activities for all the family including:

• A D.O.C. adventure for all ages – join in! • Games for children on the Rectory and church lawns • Play the organ – bring your own music! (Dr Joe McKee will assist)

• BBQ and refreshments for everyone Followed by Crèche and Sunday School prize giving


SERVICES IN JUNE Sunday 1st The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) 8.15am

Holy Communion Reader Paul Stewart Gospel Karen McAlpine


All Age Worship and Holy Baptism followed by refreshments Reader Henry Auchmuty John 17: 1-11


Compline Reader

Anella Gallen


Acts 1: 6-14 John 17: 1-11

Mark 16: 14-20

Thursday 5th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 8th Day of Pentecost (Whitsunday) 8.15am

Holy Communion Reader Arthur Hobson Gospel Clergy


Holy Communion Reader Helen Donaghy Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine


(White) (Red)

Acts 2: 1-21 John 20: 19-23 Acts 2: 1-21 John 20: 19-23

Choral Evensong followed by refreshments

Reader Reader

Tillie Heyburn Tillie Heyburn

Joel 2: 21-32 Luke 24: 44-53


The Revd Canon David Humphries, Rector of St. Molua’s Thursday 12th Saint Columba (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 15th Trinity Sunday (White) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Gospel

9.30am 10.30am


Michael Davey Karen McAlpine

Family Communion


Karen McAlpine

Morning Prayer

Reader Reader Occasional Prayers

Gillian Sadlier Maura Dawson Elizabeth Miller

Holy Communion

Reader Gospel

Robin Haldane Karen McAlpine


2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 Matthew 28: 16-20

Matthew 28: 16-20 Genesis 1: 1-2: 4a Matthew 28: 16-20

Isaiah 6: 1-8 John 16: 5-15

Thursday 19th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 22nd The First Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Gospel



Muriel Arndell Clergy

Holy Communion

Reader Gospel Intercessions

Suzanne Allen Karen McAlpine Helen Donaghy

Evening Prayer

Reader Reader Occasional Prayers

Noel Higginson Noel Higginson Karen McAlpine


Romans 6: 1b-11 Matthew 10: 24-39

Romans 6: 1b-11 Matthew 10: 24-39

1 Samuel 24: 1-17 Luke 14: 12-24

Thursday 26th The Birth of Saint John the Baptist (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 29th Saint Peter 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Gospel

10.30am 7.00pm

Paddy Malone Clergy


Acts 12: 1-11 Matthew 16: 13-19

Songs of Praise Healing Service with the Laying on of Hands


Karen McAlpine

John 21: 15-22

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500) The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website: www.coiknock.org


God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 5

JUNE SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 1st...................................................Irene Gray and Margaret McConkey Sunday 8th..................................................Sandra and John Little Sunday 15th................................................Roberta and Alan Rogers Sunday 22nd...............................................Patricia and Patrick Wilson Sunday 29th................................................Joy Montgomery and Jane Scott


10.30am All Age Worship

Saturday, 7th June

Youth Prize Day

Despite the small numbers on Sunday, 4th May, the singing of He’s got the whole world in his hands was excellent with the congregation joining in during the last verse. We hope many young people will join us for practice at 10.15am on Sunday, 1st June, before we sing again during All Age Worship - the last time for this current Sunday School year. Please note there is a change of arrangements from last month. The Youth Prize Day will now take place on Saturday, 7th June. It will come at the conclusion of a fun afternoon for all the families of the church. A D.O.C. adventure in and around the church, and a barbeque, will be followed by the presentation of prizes in St. Columba’s. Further details can also be found on page 3 of the magazine. We would like to see all our boys and girls at this fun event receive their prizes, especially as this year we have had so many attending regularly on Sunday School mornings! Beth Cairnduff


It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during June: Rector Knock Green Knock Grove Knock Link Knock Way

Assistant Priest Knock Road Knockburn Park Knockcastle Park Knockdarragh Park 6

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK I wish to thank Hazel Reid for organizing the Christian Aid door to door collections in our parish so efficiently. She has worked most conscientiously to ensure that there were collectors for all the districts in our parish and local community. I also thank those parishioners who kindly assisted with the collections last month. Together, they have all worked very hard to promote Christian Aid and to raise money to support those who are in such great need throughout the world. The total amount collected will be announced in church when all the money has been received and counted. The Rector

We have a vibrant and enthusiastic youth group in St. Columba’s which: Meets monthly for outings to local venues and caters for young people aged 11 years and older. Have been snow-tubing, bowling and canoeing, so it is not for the faint-hearted! Members often bring along friends and neighbours to join in the fun. After activities we meet for supper at a local eatery. New Youth Etc Leader Required for September to: arrange monthly outings suitable for this age group. develop the Youth Etc group within St. Columba’s. Do you enjoy working with young people? Then please contact the Rector for more information by Monday, 30th June, on 028 90 471514 or email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com This is a very rewarding role, as this group are great fun!


STRENGTHENING LINKS WITH THE DIOCESE OF NORTHERN ZAMBIA On Sunday, 11th May, we had the privilege of welcoming Philip Cheembela to St. Columba’s. Philip is a Lay Canon from the diocese of Northern Zambia. His visit was not only to consolidate St. Columba’s connection with his own diocese but also to represent Archbishop Chama at the 200th anniversary celebrations of the Church Missionary Society. Philip is a member of the parish of St. Cyprian Anglican Church in Mufulira. He holds many positions of responsibility in his own parish as well as in the diocese. At the invitation of the Rector, he attended each of our three Sunday services and spoke at each one. In his addresses, he brought greetings from his Archbishop as well as from his own family. When he left Zambia, he was a grandfather of nine grandchildren – and St. Columba’s rejoiced at the news that another granddaughter had been born on Saturday, 10th May! Philip brought parishioners up to date with the latest news of the building of St. Michael’s school and the plans of the new school were on display at the back of the church. This is the special project that St. Columba’s are supporting by financing the building of a classroom, at a total cost of £15,000. Half of this sum has already been sent to Zambia and the balance will be fundraised through time. Philip ended his presentation with his sincere thanks for St. Columba’s financial support for this vital project, asked for our continued prayers to ensure its eventual success and hoped that, with God’s help, our two parishes would become ever closer. During his stay, Philip visited Titanic Quarter, St. Anne’s Cathedral and the Ulster Museum, amongst a number of sites in Belfast and beyond. He was a guest of honour at many of our parish organisations and we hope that we learned as much from Philip, as he from us. Linda Wilson invited Philip to Stranmillis Primary School where pupils had been collecting items of sports kit for St. Michael’s which he was able to take back with him – forging yet a further link between us and the diocese of Northern Zambia. Murray Hunter



BIBLE STUDY GROUP The Bible Study group would like to thank everyone who came to our fundraising film night which was a most enjoyable occasion. We have been following a series of Bible commentaries by Bishop Tom Wright. These cover various books in the Bible and we are about to start on Ephesians. This year we have had a very interesting time following Galatians and James. These little books have been great. Not only are we studying the Bible, we have been challenged to look at how we apply the Bible to the real nitty-gritty of our daily lives. We would warmly welcome anyone to come along - we all enjoy it and get so much out of it. The Bible Study group meets in the Choir Vestry every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 8.30pm and is led either by the Rector, our Assistant Priest, Ken, or Alan Boyd - a loyal member of the group. We have good discussions and we simply finish by joining together in saying the Grace. You can join in or listen as you wish - there are no demands made! We hope that you will come along and enjoy it too - we are a friendly bunch! Anella Gallen

BROWNIE NOTES We decided to cancel Brownies on Friday, 9th May, so that all could attend the Giro D’Italia. Most of the girls made their way up to Stormont and apparently a great time was had by all! The next day was the Brownie Star quest day at the Belfast Model School for Girls – another event in our 100th Birthday celebration year. The second day of the Giro meant a long, difficult journey to the school but eventually we all arrived. The day was divided into Past, Present and Future. We began in the Past -1914 to be exact - when Brownies first began and we encountered a typical school teacher who told us what it was like to go to school at that time. She showed us the dip pen and ink, her cane and gave us our copy books in which to practice our writing. Next, we met a nanny from the same era who showed us some typical toys of the time – a china doll complete with real hair, a rag doll and a tin woodpecker. We then had a chance to play with some of these, such as the spinning top, yoyos, noughts and crosses. After lunch, we went to the Present and made three crafts - a bracelet; a key ring filled with different coloured sands; and decorated two flower bookmarks with felt tips and coloured stickers. This was followed by the Future when we were entertained by Mr. Hullabaloo. With his puppets and costumes (in which some of the other Brownies dressed up and acted out their parts) he took us through the stories of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Goldilocks. We all really enjoyed this. The finale saw approximately 600 Brownies coming together in the sports hall to watch six Senior Section girls dance to Reach for the Stars after which they taught us the steps. We all joined in, including the leaders, and we became quite good in the end. Finally, after singing Happy Birthday to ourselves we enjoyed our birthday buns and left for home, tired but having had a really great time!

Beth Cairnduff 10


Doves are coming to the end of this year’s meetings and we are planning (weather permitting!) some outdoor activities. Nine children have enjoyed our craft, cookery, stories and games over recent months and it has been lovely to see the increase in membership. Over the last 23 years, I have really enjoyed the opportunity each Friday to see friendships built, skills developed, opportunities grasped and fellowship shared. It is, however, time for me to step aside from Doves and explore new challenges as I prepare in the coming months for my commissioning as a Diocesan Lay Reader. I have been privileged to have worked with Brownies and shared responsibility for Doves with other leaders. We have planned and laughed, and perhaps even occasionally despaired, as together we worked to provide positive experiences for the young people in our care. Alan Boyd has also decided that he will not be continuing as a Doves leader and we thank him for the commitment, support and dedication he has given. NEW DOVE LEADERS REQUIRED FOR SEPTEMBER The Rector spoke, in his Easter Vestry Address, of our ministry for children as the

Church of today. They will, in turn, be the leaders of the Church of tomorrow. We need to protect, nurture and value children for what they offer now and what they will bring to the future. If you can share your unique talents and gifts with children aged 3 to 6 years by becoming a leader with Doves, please contact the Rector without delay. Thank you for your support with Doves over recent years and also thank you for the support I know you will offer to our successors. Karen McAlpine

The Rector writes...I thank Karen and Alan for all their hard and dedicated work over many years with Doves. Together, they have been a strong team and have worked tirelessly to plan interesting and exciting programmes for Doves each week, which have given such fun and enjoyment to our young people.

Hello Ladies,

Our triennial elections were very successful at our last meeting. We thank the Rector for chairing the proceedings and in electing our new Branch Leader, Jill Gillespie. Katrina Dukelow was duly elected Hon. Secretary and Jane Scott as Hon Treasurer. The Committee was also chosen, comprising Caroline Auchmuty, Maureen Fleming, Elizabeth Miller, Liz McCaughey and Roberta Rogers. The Rector drew the winning ticket for Bob Killen’s picture which was won by Joyce Stevenson. Our summer outing on Tuesday, 3rd June, will be to Aunt Sandra’s candy store on the Castlereagh Road. Supper will be provided afterwards at Castlereagh Presbyterian Church. The cost will be £10.00. Car drivers waiting will be waiting in St. Columba’s car park and we will leave at 6.45pm. We will be breaking for the summer until our Mothers’ Union annual service on Tuesday, 7th October. May I thank the Rector for all his support during my time as Secretary and Yvonne Robb, who has been a very successful and hard working Branch Leader. My grateful thanks also go to Eileen Gibson and the Committee. I would like to wish Jill and the incoming team every success. Sandra 11

Following a most successful and fun filled canoeing event last year at Shaw’s Bridge, Youth Etc are returning on Friday, 20th June, for further excitement! This will be the final activity before the summer holidays and it promises to be most enjoyable. Those attending are asked to meet at Shaw’s Bridge at 7.00pm and afterwards we will go to Burger King at Forestside for some much needed food and refreshments. Friends are most welcome to attend!

The Rector

ST. COLUMBA’S CRAFT AND HOBBY CIRCLE It was a great pleasure for us to present the Rector with a donation of £175 to the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund, together with £20 towards heat and light. Our Easter chicks proved to be a great success and certainly helped to make the amount more worthwhile. I do miss those Monday mornings catching up and chatting with friends in the Choir Vestry, making those small things home alone is not quite the same. Sadly, no more Craft and Hobby Circle until Monday, 22nd September, at 10.30 am. Please come and join us any Monday morning, you are more than welcome and it doesn’t have to be every week. Look forward to seeing you then! Carol (9079 9997/07831 345560 or email: pchwillis@hotmail.co.uk)

A SPECIAL VISITOR – SPORTS KIT FOR ZAMBIA This morning, Monday 12th May, we had a very special assembly in Stranmillis Primary School. It was special because we had a visitor from Zambia called Mr Cheembela with us. He was in school to collect all our old sports kits to take back to children in Zambia. The school council members had asked Mrs Wilson whether she knew of any children who don’t have many things and would use our kits. She told us about a school her son had been to in Zambia called Chambisi School, where there are a lot of children but very few resources. The group visiting this school had brought a bag of games which they thought wasn’t very much but the Principal had told them that ‘no gift is too small.’ So we decided to send the kits to this school. In assembly, Mrs Wilson introduced Mr Cheembela and showed us some slides of Chambisi School in Northern Zambia. Mia welcomed Mr Cheembela to our school and members of the School Council presented two huge bags to him which he is going to take back to Zambia. In the bags were shorts, rugby tops, t-shirts, socks, tracksuits, footballs, rugby balls, basketballs, cards made by us and, of course, a pump! We hope the children in Chambisi School will be able to wear them and will be very happy to have them, but if they are too small Mr Cheembela will give them to other children who need them.

Rhiane O’Malley, P5 Stranmillis Primary School 12

ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Many thanks to everyone who supported Crohn’s and Colitis UK at our tea and coffee last month when we raised a fantastic £100. This month, I hope to see you after the service on Sunday, 1st June, when we shall be supporting the Assisi Animal Sanctuary. The Sanctuary provides shelter for around 200 animals and operates a No Kill policy. Northern Ireland, sadly, has the highest number of stray animals destroyed in the UK. Assisi also operates a Chance of a Lifetime scheme whereby dogs and puppies are rescued from council pounds across the province and transferred for re-homing in Dog Trusts and Blue Cross Centres in England and Scotland. To date, this drive has saved over 5,000 dogs. Each transfer costs £350 and Assisi has no government or council help, and is totally dependent on fundraising, legacies and public donations. Please come along and support this worthwhile cause and at the same time enjoy a chat and a cuppa before the summer break. Tea and coffee at All Age Worship will be back on Sunday, 7th September. Roberta


The annual end of season Dinner and Prize Giving was held in The Coast Restaurant in Holywood on Friday, 2nd May. Members, partners and guests enjoyed an evening of excellent food and companionship. The evening progressed under the watchful eye of outgoing Club Secretary, Geoff Launchbury. Thanks were given to Geoff for all his hard work in making the evening a great success. Following the customary toasts and speeches, the Prize Giving took place as well as the Ballot. The Club President’s wife, Caroline Auchmuty, ably assisted by Club Captain, Jim Stevenson, presented the awards to the lucky recipients. The Awards were as follows: The Canon Noble Singles Trophy: Winner: Geoff Launchbury Runner Up: John Robb The Lamont Pairs Cup: Paul Stewart Cup: Captain’s Cup:

Winners: John Robb & David Beattie Runners Up: Jonathon Launchbury & Paddy Malone Winner: Andrew Launchbury Runner Up: Stuart Beckwith Winner:

Paddy Malone

Andy Armstrong Memorial Bowl: Winner: Geoff Launchbury 2nd place: Jim Stevenson 3rd place: Derek Funston Prior to the Annual Dinner, members of the Men’s Club had visited the Ulster Aviation Society premises at the Maze on Monday, 28th April. Details and photographs will appear in the next edition of The Columban. John Robb, Hon Secretary 13



PAUSE If you are free on Wednesday, 11th June, do pause at The Old Mill, Dundonald, at around 10.30am for tea/coffee and perhaps a scone or tray bake. If you haven’t joined us before you will receive a very warm welcome from those of us who are there. The group is different each time we meet so there is always plenty to talk about. We look forward to seeing you there! If you require further details or transport, please contact me. Eileen (9020 3684)


The banners were up and the candles ready to go on the cake to celebrate one of our group reaching her 80th birthday! Olive has been a faithful member of MU Activity Group for many years. She comes regularly to play badminton on a Tuesday evening and also supports all our outings. She is the first badminton player in our group at 80 years of age to still play and win games. Happy birthday, Olive, we look forward to many more games with you! Maureen

BABY A small boy wanted a baby brother so his father suggested he pray every night for one. The boy began to pray earnestly, night after night. When nothing happened, he gave up. A few months later, his dad said they were going to see mum in the hospital and he was going to get a big surprise. When they got to the room, the little boy saw his mother holding two babies. “Well, what do you think about having twin brothers?” asked his dad. The little boy thought for a moment and replied: “I guess it’s a good thing I stopped praying when I did!” 16

TRAUMA TEDDY Hello! Let me introduce myself, I’m a Trauma Teddy. Those of you who were at the Ladies Guild meeting in the church on Wednesday, 19th March, would have heard about me from Dr Marion Gibson who was speaking on her work in helping people who have to face trauma in their lives. Her talk was entitled Expect the Unexpected and covered experiences in Ireland and all around the world. Well, I am part of her work and am quite different from the usual Teddies whom you meet. I am a result of a knitting pattern which Marion brought home from Australia where she was working with some of the brave fire fighters who had just been involved in fighting forest fires.They showed her some of my Australian cousins who look just like me and who travel with the emergency personnel involved in all types of disasters. When these brave people find children who are frightened, or who have lost their toys or their homes, they give them a Trauma Teddy to love and to hold on to. Teddies are made by using scrap wool and they are made by those who know how we are used, and they knit them in love and concern for those who will need them. We travel all over the world when we are needed. Three weeks ago, the Mission to Seafarers in Belfast needed 50 of us to go to the Philippines where many children had lost their homes. We travelled there with a seafarer whose ship was visiting Belfast. This seafarer, who was the ship’s cook, was also a part-time firefighter in his home village when he was not at sea. He had told the Chaplain, the Revd Colin Hall –Thompson, of his fears and sadness at what had happened when he had been at sea and how he wanted to help when he got home. When requested, Marion was able to gather 50 of us and we are now in the Philippines and are being much loved by many children. Some of us are busy here in several of the hospitals in Northern Ireland and we are also widely used by the Fire and Rescue Support Service of the Red Cross. I am sending you my vital statistics if you or someone you know would like to create more of us. We need to be ready to move quickly when and where we are needed. Please stick to the pattern and do not add any buttons or anything which would accidently hurt anyone who cuddles us. You could give any Teddies you make to Irene Gray who will send them to Marion. Marion collects us together and arranges our transport to the destinations where we are needed. Thank you for learning about our family of Trauma Teddies and we will always do our best to bring love and hope to children when they need us. I would also like to thank Robbie McKeown for creating me – didn’t she do a wonderful job! 17

TEDDIES FOR TRAGEDIES It has been found that when children are upset and they are given a teddy to cuddle, it brings them instant comfort. These teddies are designed for such situations and are simple to make. Sometimes people place them in their own bags but this is not necessary. INSTRUCTIONS Double knitting wool, size 10 needles. Plain colour for head and paws (main colour), different colours for the trousers, jumper and scarf. Cast on 10 stitches in main colour. Knit 10 rows, change to trouser colour and knit 30 rows. Leave on needles. Make another leg in the same way. Knit across all 20 stitchess at the top of the two legs and work for 16 rows. Change to jumper colour and knit 24 rows. Change to the main colour for head and also change to stocking stitch. Work for 5 ½ inches and change to jumper colour. Continue the rest of the teddy in reverse order as before. Stitch down the both sides of the head. With the jumper colour pick up 8 stitches either side of the neck. Join (16 stitches) and knit 20 rows. Change to the main body colour and knit 10 rows for the paws. This makes the arm. Repeat on other side of the head for the second arm. Sew up the teddy, leaving opening at the crotch. Sew diagonal top corners for the ears before stuffing. PLEASE STUFF TEDDY WITH POLYESTER OR OTHER HEALTHY PADDING. Foam Rubber is NOT recommended as babies may chew it. Run a thread through the knitting around the neck to draw it in. Sew a happy face on teddy. For a mouth, please use either stem stitch or back stitch. SCARF: cast on 75 stitches. Knit 4 rows and cast off. Tie scarf on teddy and sew firmly at back of neck. Do not sew down at front. Please do not deviate from the pattern as it is good for all teddies to look the same. Please do not add buttons or anything extra which may cause choking, as these may also be given to babies and very small children. Teddies may also require a small bag made from material with a draw string at the top, finished size 10 by 13 inches. Please do not use elastic as draw string. 18

MARATHON MAN Parishioners will wish to congratulate, David Proctor, son of parishioner Helen and Honorary Sexton, John Proctor, on the completion of a magnificent run in the Belfast marathon which took place on Monday, 5th May. David’s time was 2 hours 55 minutes, earning him 23rd place out of some 3000 runners overall who took part in the full marathon. Last month, David completed the London marathon in a time of 2 hours 54 minutes and in the photograph he is seen with the London winner, Wilson Kipsang. However, David reckoned that the Belfast marathon was much tougher! David’s connections with St. Columba’s go back many years when he sang as one of the first two boy choristers (the other being Scott Dunlop) in the choir. He also spent 12 years in St. Columba’s 1st Belfast Company of the Boys Brigade, rising through the ranks from the Anchor Boys to the Senior Section of the Boys Brigade. The BB motto Sure and Steadfast seems to be most appropriate for a marathon runner! David, an electrical technician with the GPO at Mallusk, now lives on the Castlereagh Road with his wife, Anna, and two children, Emma and Ben.

GENERAL SYNOD 2014 For the final year of the current triennium, the General Synod met again in Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin, under the watchful eye of Sir Samuel Auchmuty, an ancestor of our Rector, whose bust and memorial stands at the west end of the building. At first glance, the programme did not seem anywhere as interesting as the venerable bust but closer inspection did reveal some points of interest. The General Synod’s principal functions relate to finance and legislation. For some years, as has been reported here, the major financial concern has been the Clergy Pension Fund. However the drastic measures taken last year, closing the fund to new entrants, freezing the rights of existing members and imposing a levy on parishes, do seem to be having some effect. The fund is still paying out more in benefits than it takes in by way of contributions but the levy and improved market conditions are moving it in the right direction. There have been a number of changes to the rules affecting select vestries. Previously, there was a restriction on the numbers of persons under 21 who could be elected – hardly appropriate now when the emphasis is on greater involvement of the young. That restriction has now been abolished and we can have as many as we like, if we can get them. There was also a limit of twelve on the number of ordinary members of a select vestry, except in limited circumstances where the Diocesan Council could give powers of enlargement for a limited period. Under the new provisions, the Diocesan Council has a wide discretion to direct that an alternative number be elected. It is expected that this power would be exercised in particular situations such as where a cure is growing or changing, although this is not specifically legislated for. However, the reasons for directing the change must be reported to the Diocesan Synod and must be renewed every seven years. Ecumenism was also on the agenda. The Bishop can now appoint ecumenical canons to the Chapter of Down Cathedral. They can serve for up to five years and can be reappointed. They can also be removed for cause shown, the nature of the cause not being specified. Much work has been done in the past in regard to closer relations with the Methodist Church. Provision has now been made for the interchangeability of ministry between the two churches. The churches themselves and their structures remain, for the time being, separate but the clergy can serve in either. So, our next Rector could be a Methodist. What would the founding fathers have thought? Michael Davey


PENTECOST On that long ago first morning of Pentecost, Jerusalem was crowded with thousands of visitors, for it was one of the most popular feast days in the Jewish calendar – the Feast of Firstfruits, looking forward to the wheat harvest. In one small room of that great city, a small group of people who had followed Jesus were praying. There was nothing else for them to do - Jesus had died, he had risen and he had ascended, promising to send them ‘a Comforter’. They were left alone, terrified, to wait in Jerusalem. And so they waited but were not disappointed, for that morning the Holy Spirit fell upon that small room and transformed those believers into the Church, Christ’s body here on earth. Pentecost was not the first time that the Holy Spirit came to the world – throughout the Old Testament there are stories telling of how God had guided people and given them strength. But now his Spirit would use a new instrument, not just isolated prophets but the Church, his body, on earth. Acts opens with the preaching of the gospel in Jerusalem, the centre of the Jewish nation. Within 30 years, the gospel had spread throughout the northern Mediterranean - Syria, Turkey, Greece, Malta and to the very heart of the Roman Empire: Rome. The Church was on the move – God was on the move! He was calling people from every nation to repent, turn to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins and to follow him.


Parishioners will be extremely sorry to learn of the departure of Wendy McCague, our parish magazine graphic designer. Every month for the past five and a half years, Wendy has brilliantly masterminded the design, colour schemes, graphics and photographic collages of our parish magazine, earning The Columban national recognition in the annual Church of Ireland Communications Awards on no less than three consecutive occasions, in 2009, 2010 and 2011; as well as giving, far more importantly, enormous pleasure to all our readers, both within the parish and beyond its boundaries. As an indispensable member of the team, Wendy’s graphic skills and huge personal input to The Columban, so generously given, have been simply immeasurable. Her leaving represents a huge loss for all of us at St. Columba’s and she will be greatly missed. Graphic design for the parish magazine will now be undertaken ‘in house’ by Ream, our excellent printer. Wendy now wishes to pursue and develop new opportunities in her flourishing freelance design business, and in expressing our heartfelt thanks for her unique guidance and magnificent contribution to The Columban, we wish her and her family every possible success and happiness in the future. The Editor


ST. COLUMBA MISSIONARY TO THE UK Last year (2013) marked the 1450th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the UK. It was brought by St. Columba (521-97) from Ireland to Iona – a tiny island off Mull, in the Western Highlands. Columba was born in Donegal of the royal Ui Neill clan and trained as a monk. He founded the monasteries of Derry (546), Durrow (556) and probably Kells. But in 565 Columba left Ireland with twelve companions for Iona, an island off southwest Scotland. Iona had been given to him for a monastery by the ruler of the Irish in Dalriada. Why would a monk in his mid-40s go into such voluntary exile? Various explanations include voluntary exile for Christ, an attempt to help overseas compatriots in their struggle for survival or even some sort of punishment for his part in a row over a psalter in Ireland. Whatever the reason, Columba went to Iona and spent the rest of his life in Scotland, returning to Ireland only for occasional visits. Columba’s biographer, Adomnan, portrays him as a tall, striking figure of powerful build and impressive presence, who combined the skills of scholar, poet and ruler with a fearless commitment to God’s cause. Able, ardent and sometimes harsh, Columba seems to have mellowed with age. As well as building his monastery on Iona, Columba also converted Brude, king of the Picts. Columba had great skill as a scribe and an example of this can be seen in the Cathach of Columba, a late 6th century psalter in the Irish Academy, the oldest surviving example of Irish majuscule writing. In his later years, Columba spent much time transcribing books. Columba’s death was apparently foreseen by his community and even, it seems, sensed by his favourite horse. He died in the church just before Matins and it is a tribute to this man that his traditions were upheld by his followers for a century, not least in the Synod of Whitby and in Irish monasteries on the continent of Europe. Christ With Us My dearest Lord, Be Thou a bright flame before me, Be Thou a guiding star above me, Be Thou a smooth path beneath me, Be Thou a kindly shepherd behind me, Today and evermore. Prayer of St. Columba 21


70 years ago, on 6th June 1944, the event much of Western Europe had waited for so long took place. Under stormy skies, grey cloud and accompanied by a lengthy bombardment of the German positions from the air, a huge fleet of ships set sail across the English channel. There were large naval vessels but also hundreds of troop landing craft, packed with heavily armed soldiers, tossed up and down by the heavy seas. Some said afterwards that the sea sickness was worse than the eventual landing on the Normandy beaches, though I think there’s a touch of bravado there! The invasion of the Continent, aimed at driving the occupying enemy forces from the lands they had held since 1940, had been long expected yet when it came, the impact of the news was sensational. My own family had thought something was ’up’ because my older brother, an RAF radar engineer and emergency lorry driver, had been strangely out of touch for quite a long while. The reason, we later found out, was that he, along with the entire invading force of some 150,000, was secretly encamped somewhere in southern England awaiting the order to embark. Weather was one problem; the other was ensuring that the enemy was taken by surprise. Then, on 6th June, it happened. The news bulletins were slow to confirm that this was actually the long awaited invasion - an ‘action’ was taking place involving navy, air force and army personnel along an unidentified French coastline. Emerging from the sea mist, the invading force did indeed take the German defenders by surprise for a few hours but quickly the defences were manned, and it was under heavy fire that many allied troops stormed up the beaches and tried to secure positions on land. My brother drove his truck up one of those beaches on the third day of the invasion and, as he put it, there were plenty of bullets flying around. At the same time, allied paratroopers had been dropped behind the enemy lines - a brave and risky undertaking, but one that again took the defenders by surprise. The landings were along the coast of Normandy, an area well known now to British holiday makers. The first major town to be captured was Caen which was terribly damaged in the battle. Yet the French people were overwhelming in their welcome for the invaders, even though many homes were destroyed and villages all but flattened. I remember a holiday many years ago when we visited Vers-sur-Mer on that same coast, a small seaside village where the invading army was largely British. There was (and probably still is) a memorial to the event, the wording of which I have never forgotten. Having recorded the date and details, it simply said: The allied forces, in freeing our little community, also began the liberation of the whole of Europe. ‘Liberation’ is a wonderful word and liberty a great human concept. As my brother and his colleagues made their way north through France, Belgium and then into Germany itself, they were welcomed (even in Germany, eventually) as those who were bringing the priceless gift of freedom to millions of people. It is a gift to be cherished, never taken lightly and never abused. David Winter 22

THE BIBLE ACCORDING TO CHILDREN Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree Noah built an ark, which the animals came onto in pears Lot’s wife was a pillar of salt by day, but a ball of fire by night The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to fetch the ten ammendments Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the Apostles

THE EIFFEL TOWER 125 years ago the Eiffel Tower was opened. It was actually the entrance arch to the 1889 World Fair and named after its builder, Gustave Eiffel. At 324 metres it was then the tallest structure in the world. Indeed, it kept that title until 1930 when the Chrysler Building in New York marginally eclipsed it. However, very few buildings, no matter how tall, have eclipsed its global appeal. Its 250 millionth visitor clocked in three years ago. As a cultural icon of France and as a defining image recognised world wide, it is unsurpassed. Of course, since 1930 there have been many taller buildings erected in various parts of the world - America, Europe, the Far East and the Middle East. We’ve got some pretty big ones in London, for that matter (though ’pretty’ is perhaps not the right adjective for many of them). We’re still obsessed with size. Human beings of the male gender still like to claim that they‘ve caught the biggest fish in the lake (even if it got away). Mine’s bigger than yours is a standard playground claim, be it a conker, gobstopper or bruise on the shin. It’s a trait beautifully captured in the story of the Tower of Babel in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-9) which probably relates to a period when men in the Middle East were very keen to build ziggurats - great rectangular stepped buildings, sometimes topped with a temple. In the biblical story human beings (men, I’m sure) had the bright idea of building one so big that it would have its top in the heavens. Thus, they hoped, they would ‘make a name for themselves’. Their plan was thwarted by the Lord who ‘confused their language’, leaving the would-be builders at odds with each other and the project hopeless. They left off building the city, Genesis wryly observes. It’s a strange story but it neatly captures a familiar human ambition, the desire to be ‘top dog’. Over the centuries, it has caused enormous suffering - jealousies, wars, plots, revolutions and assassinations. In the long term it cannot bring happiness or satisfaction. When Jesus caught his disciples arguing about rank and status, asking who is the greatest? he soon put them right: ‘Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all’ (Mark 10:33,34). Lent started early in March. A time, perhaps, for reassessing our ambitions - including any lurking desire to be the ‘greatest’ or own the ‘biggest’. Small is beautiful and so is the role of the faithful servant. I must admit, however, that I still love the Eiffel Tower and secretly wish I’d built it! David Winter 23


Sitting in a waiting room, Nerves a shredded mess. Waiting for the call of doom, The dreaded driving test!

“Please make it face the other way, By using reverse gears.” “Then stop it quickly when I say, And please dry up those tears!”

Then you’re in the driving seat, Can’t back out now – too late! Just getting moving’s quite a feat, Why must that gearbox grate?

The whole thing passes in a blur Although you’ve done your best. And then he says: “I can confirm That you have passed your test!” Nigel Beeton

FLOWER ROTA FOR MAY Sunday 1st................................................................................ Norma Black Sunday 8th............................................................................... Elizabeth Scholes Sunday 15th............................................................................. Irene Gray Sunday 22nd............................................................................ Esther Templeton Sunday 29th............................................................................. May Preston

FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Marriage Saturday, 26th April

Christian Burials Thursday, 17th April Wednesday, 30th April

Dr Kim Louise Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise and Michael Donald Martin Wilson 39 Carnreagh, Hillsborough Our Sorrows Ruth Elizabeth Pugh 147A Kings Road Norman Alexander Rea Glenmachan Nursing Home

HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 24

JULY/AUGUST PARISH MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the combined July/August parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 15th June. Many thanks

ON WHY PEWS SHOULD BE UNCOMFORTABLE (Letter from the Reverend Eustace to his nephew Darren)

The Rectory St. James the Least of All

My dear Nephew Darren expect them to return always welcome but I did not are rs one ishi par r you from Visits pews are uncomfortable. to you complaining that our ief of our congregation is fortable. The unshakeable bel ip must be. By the same om unc be to ant me are s rsh Pew e the pew, the holier the wo that the more uncomfortabl re fervent than one at 11.00am since it is much more mo is ice serv peratures and the damp, token, an 8.00am add on enduring sub-zero tem socially inconvenient. If you s. Your people may be used to lolling in upholstered then sainthood clearly beckon but I am sure such comfort places their souls in grave chairs in tropical temperatures peril. were several inches d years ago when people e themselves upon dre hun five lt bui e wer s modat Our pew lighter, and so could accom shorter and many pounds The fact that a twenty-first century body is in constant . tely qua ed somewhere near the them perfectly ade t and requires knees to be fold sea the off ing slid of l Wainwright, who still ger one dan ds focussed – apart for Col ry Sunday. eve ears at least helps to keep min yer Pra g rnin Mo throughout manages to sleep peacefully impossible – although chairs make kneeling almost r you t tha out nt poi ld as people would then be I cou encouraged in your church I suspect that posture is notyour overhead projector or wave their arms about quite unable to read the words on ile the majority of our congregation find the Anglican as easily during the hymns. Wh can see those who flop onto their knees on hearing ly compressed hassocks, crouch perfectly adequate, you of dust sent up from sudden ‘Let us pray’ from the clouds Queen Victoria’s Accession. purchased to commemorate dern times. Once a family box pews are very useful for mo I may also point out that our ly shut, any toddler is penned in and unable to use the. is seated with the door firmdieval carpenters were clearly forward thinking people aisles as a racing circuit. Medo tend to stick and few manage to look dignified while Admittedly, box pew doors be brought before they can climb out. they wait for step ladders to s without backs, turn r chairs and substitute benche your congregation’s sure If only you would remove you carpets with slate slabs, I am off all heating and replace r. soa uld wo l religious zea Your loving uncle, Eustace


PARISH ORGANISATIONS SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig Patricia Wilson

9047 2512 07712 593773

Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stevenson

9058 3381

X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd

07833 391945

The Grid (11-14 years) Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 9028 5868 MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis 9079 9997 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 9058 1438 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie 9067 1051 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155

TUESDAY (continued) 7.30pm MU Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Katrina Dukelow 9029 0625 WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group The Rector 9047 1514 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 9059 2039 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine Email: readercolumba@gmail.com 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 9047 1514

Please note, requests for the occasional use of church halls must first be submitted to the Parish Administrator & Premises Convenor, Karen Patterson, on 9065 6891 or email: office.knock@down.anglican.org (Monday-Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm). 26


RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706 PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood, BT18 OHT Email readercolumba@gmail.com DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816 RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Macpherson 10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF Tel 028 9028 2076 PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Jon Allen 9 Cabinhill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 9065 3511 JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Andrew Kelly, Charles Auchmuty RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448

PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167 HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, John Little, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Mark Wilson HONORARY SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email alanrogers53@gmail.com HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658 ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 9029 0625 GIFT AID SECRETARY Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email ronny.martin@sky.com 27

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Patrick Good Moranne Noad Ross Thompson (under 30) ORGANIST AND CHORAL DIRECTOR Dr Joe McKee 76 Sandown Road BT5 6GU Mob 07976 294574 ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 8 Lacefield BT4 3PA Tel 028 9079 3641 READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500 SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198 CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Michelle Jamison 11 Richmond Gardens Glengormley, BT36 5LA Tel 07533 871166

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email noadfamily@hotmail.com PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email ivan.roche@me.com C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884 CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE PARISH ADMINISTRATOR PREMISES CONVENOR FINANCIAL GIVING SECRETARY Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email office.knock@down.anglican.org


The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 28

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