November 2009
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner,
SWINE FLU GUIDELINES The H1N1 Flu Pandemic has been dominating the news for some considerable time. In recent weeks, we have seen our schools, hospitals, surgeries, medical centres and many other public buildings implement specific guidelines in an attempt to protect those who use their facilities from the Swine Flu virus. Similarly, in St. Columba’s, we have a duty to ensure that we take these public health concerns seriously and offer protection to each person who attends our church and hall. The following guidelines, which will be implemented with immediate effect, have been discussed by the Select Vestry and are in accordance with the Interim Advice issued to Clergy by the Archbishops and Bishops: 1. The handshake at the Peace and at the Church door will be suspended to reduce the risk of hand-to-hand contact. . Those wishing to receive Holy Communion will be invited to wash their hands with a Cutan Foam Hand Sanitiser as they approach the chancel steps. The Sidespersons will administer these dispensers. . The shared chalice, which is at the very centre of our worship, will be maintained as the reaction between the fortified alcoholic wine with the silver in the chalice acts as an antiseptic. We will continue to offer the chalice to every communicant but if you would rather not drink from it, please bow your head during the words of administration and then return the chalice to the clergy in the normal way. It is possible to receive Holy Communion in one kind only. 4. Those using the toilet facilities in either the church or hall are requested to wash their hands very carefully, and to dry them with the recently installed paper hand towels. These should be disposed of carefully in the bins provided. 5. If you develop flu like symptoms, please remain at home until you are feeling completely better. According to current medical advice, this may take two weeks. Please notify the Clergy by telephone or email, who will be pleased to place your name on the Parish Prayer Chain List while you are recovering. It is also very important that we continue to pray for all those who suffering from the Swine Flu virus and for those who care for them. I ask for your full support in the implementation of these important guidelines which will be kept under constant review. Yours in His service,
SERVICES IN NOVEMBER Sunday 1st 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
All Saints Day Holy Communion Reader Lindsay Hodges Gospel Clergy All Age Worship & Holy Baptism Reader Helen Cairnduff Prayers Karen McAlpine Choral Evensong Reader Graeme Stevenson Reader Graeme Stevenson
(White) Revelation 21: 1-6a John 11: 32-44 Luke 9: 18-27
Isaiah 40: 27-31 Hebrews 11: 32 – 12:2
Thursday 5th (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 8th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
Remembrance Sunday (Green) Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Ephesians 6: 10 -17 Gospel Clergy Matthew 5: 1-12 Morning Prayer with Act of Remembrance Reader Tony Greeves Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Reader Bryn Harris Matthew 5: 1-12 Occasional Prayers Gina Greeves Compline Reader Clare Best John 14: 1-29
Thursday 12th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 15th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Second Sunday Before Advent (Green) Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Hebrews 10: 11-14, 19-25 Gospel Clergy Mark 13: 1-8 Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Mark 13: 1-8 Morning Prayer & Ladies Guild 50th Anniversary Service Reader Pauline Darke Daniel 12: 1-3 Reader Yvonne Cadden Mark 13: 1-8 Occasional Prayers Joan Madill Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Daniel 3: 13-30 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-53
Thursday 19th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 22nd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Sunday before Advent Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Linda Wilson Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Clergy Evening Prayer Reader Karen McAlpine Reader Karen McAlpine
need human love and fellowship, and a heavenly Father’s care;
Revelation 1: 4b-8 John 18: 33-37
and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hate. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet; but rugged enough to turn back the
Revelation 1: 4b-8 John 18: 33-37
tempter’s power. Make it the gateway to thine eternal kingdom. Amen
Daniel 5 John 6: 1-15
The First Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan 1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13 Gospel Clergy Luke 21: 25-36 Service of the Word Reader Alan Rogers Luke 21: 25-36 Prayers Karen McAlpine United Belmont & District Council of Churches Advent Carol Service in Knock Methodist Church No Evening Service in St. Columba’s
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
www.stcolumbas.down.anglican .org
O God, make the door of our Church wide enough to receive all who
Thursday 26th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 29th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during November:
Rector: Sandringham Mews Schomberg Park Kingsdale Park Kingscourt Crescent Sandown Park South Pembridge Mews Pasadena Gardens
Curate: Finchley Vale Earlswood Road Green Road Green Crescent Holland Drive Holland Gardens Holland Park
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume they already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
NOVEMBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 1st....................................................Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday 8th...................................................Kathleen and Alex Acheson Sunday 15th.................................................Eileen Anderson and Irene Gray Sunday 22nd................................................Meryl Townsend and Brian Gillespie Sunday 29th.................................................Roberta and Alan Rogers
FROM THE RECTOR’S DIARY... November 1st..................Church Services in St. Columba’s 2nd................Parish Visiting and Pastoral Appointments 3rd.................Staff Meeting and Hospital Visiting 4th.................Parish Office and Belmont School Board of Governors 5th.................Holy Communion and Parish Visiting 6th.................Parish Office, Parish Visiting and Sermon Preparation 8th.................Church Services in St. Columba’s
CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES 2010 All those wishing to be confirmed in 2010 are asked to give their names to the Rector in writing by Monday, 30th November.
9th.................Parish Visiting 10th..............Staff Meeting, Hospital Visiting and Area Deanery Clergy Meeting 11th..............Parish Office and Meeting with Knock Methodist Church
Confirmation preparation will involve:
12th..............Holy Communion and Bloomfield Board of Governors
Attendance at church services
13th..............Parish Office and Sermon Preparation
Attendance at weekly classes which will commence in January
Attendance at the H2O Youth Group each Friday evening
15th..............Church Services in St. Columba’s 16th..............Parish Visiting 17th..............Staff Meeting and Hospital Visiting
There will be separate confirmation classes for adults.
18th..............Parish Office and Ladies Guild 50th Anniversary Dinner The Rector
19th..............Holy Communion, Parish Visiting and meeting with Select Vestry Secretary 20th..............Parish Office, Area Deans meeting with the Bishop and Sermon
We’re back again! We will be giving a short recital before Evening Service on Sunday, 15th November, starting at 6:30p.m. This time we will be looking forward to the coming Advent and Christmas periods. The programme will include music by Palestrina, Boris Ord, Vaughan Williams and others, and may even bring back memories of Steeleye Span... for those old enough to remember !!
22nd.............Church Services in St. Columba’s
Some months ago a member of our Bass Section, Joe Silcock, died. Joe was a friend of more than forty years. His widow, June, has presented Beatitudes with a set of Carol Books in Joe’s memory. These books will be dedicated to the Glory of God, and in Joe’s memory, at the evening service following our recital.
27th..............Parish Office and Sermon Preparation
David Beattie
23rd..............Parish Visiting 24th..............Staff Meeting, Hospital Visiting and Select Vestry Meeting 25th..............Parish Office and Parish Visiting 26th..............Holy Communion 29th..............Church Services in St. Columba’s, Preaching in Killaney & Carryduff and Belmont and District Council of Churches United Advent Carol Service in Knock Methodist Church 30th..............Parish Visiting
KNOCK KNOCK, IT’S THE CURATE! October was a very busy month at the curatage, with harvest services, 24-40 prayer event, regular visiting, sermon preparing, hospital visiting, popping around to various parish organisations and also being an outpatient in the hospital myself, after the fall off the bicycle. However all is healing well, so it shouldn’t be too long before I’m back on two wheels, and very soon on four! Once again, thank you to those parishioners who sent cards and wished me well for my recovery. Thank you all, it was very much appreciated. November is also gearing up to be another busy month, some notable events are happening – an open night in our Youth Group H2O, when we would love to see as many young people with their friends coming along to Urban Assault (Laser Quest) at Dundonald. I look forward to meeting some old and new faces that night. Please do bring your friends! November also sees those curates who have just been ordained graduating (or commencing, as Trinity refers to it) in a ceremony on Thursday, 5th November. The ceremony is held in Latin – perhaps the People’s Churchwarden could give the Curate some lessons or even helpful hints!! Visiting is progressing well. I am enjoying getting out and about around houses across the parish. Once again, if I happen to have missed you and you get a card, please do not hesitate to give me a ring and I will arrange another visit. Every Blessing Robert
SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Beth Cairnduff (3-5 yrs) 90874047 Joyce Stevenson (5-8 yrs) 90583381 Alan Boyd (8-13 yrs) 07979 830122
7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101
7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 90581438
FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412
TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Muriel Jowett 90659984
8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Irene Gray 90653438
along and hear what she has to say!
THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen
2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884
Mrs. Laura Greenaway, whose talk “A Write To Life” sounds intriguing, so come
7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039
MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113
2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155
me, and I hope you will be with us on Monday, 9th November. Our speaker is
7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511
8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125
PS “My wee blog” is still being updated with sermons, random ramblings and other such things. The address is
The number of members attending our meetings is very encouraging to Nan and
WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697
3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788
8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155
6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine
6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff
8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson
Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183
ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB As a previous visit to An Teach Ban had proven such an enjoyable experience, it was decided to make a return trip. Eleven members of our Art Club, plus two members of Kilmood Art Club, set off from St Columba’s car park at 8am on Monday, 14th September. This time we had a fair idea as to what might lie ahead. Amazingly, as we stopped off at Ness Nursery for that ‘must have’ coffee rendezvous, all four cars arrived within minutes of one another...…such good planning! Having had necessary sustenance, we arrived at An Teach Ban, Rosapenna, amid glorious sunshine. Following our room allocations we sat down to a lovely freshly made lunch. Bob then did an oil painting demonstration to get us in the mood for his expected standard of art work... no pressure!! We set out our paints etc. and began to put our somewhat rusty painting skills into action. Alas, looking over Downings Bay proved a tad distracting, so a pre dinner stroll along the gorgeous white sands was a must before our meal and the obligatory first half of the ‘Bob Quiz’. Next day dawned with drizzle so we focused on our painting until lunch. As the sun rose higher and we gazed across the bay to Creeshlough, the lovely earth colours shone over the water and we set out in the early afternoon for some ‘plein air’ sketching, photographing, walking around the monastery and then farther round the bay, which has stunning scenery. When we finally got our last artist to come away, we headed back to another superb evening meal and the second half of the ‘Bob Quiz’. This proved a little disappointing for him as we did not know the answers to the seven virtues... enough said! The third and final morning saw some of the said artists up and painting from 6am, and by lunch time we were packed and ready for the homeward journey. We stopped off en route at the Glebe Gallery near Churchill and had a most inspiring and awesome tour of Derek Hill’s former home, which houses the most interesting and beautiful paintings and artefacts from the great artists, such as Van Gogh, to the paintings from the Tory Island Painters. Thus we ended on a high as we were shown around Derek Hill’s home by Jean, a former employee, who had a wealth of knowledge and was most animated and entertaining in her descriptions... Our warmest thanks to Bob, who organised the trip, to Tracey and Owen and all the friendly staff of An Teach Ban, and also to Adrian and Jean of the Glebe Gallery. Gladys 10
A group of tourists unfortunately became shipwrecked one day whilst cruising on the high seas. Within a week, the Welsh had formed a choir, the Scots had built a brewery and the Irish were still brawling on the beach. However, the English were not talking to anyone as they had not been introduced...
LADIES GUILD NOTES Congratulations to all our members on our 50th Anniversary! We look forward to the celebrations this month which will be the 10.30am service on Sunday, 15th November, and our Celebration Dinner on Wednesday, 18th November. It is hard to believe that we are fast approaching Christmas and have planned our December meeting for Wednesday 16th. We intend to have topical games, poems and quizzes, with a Christmas Supper and our usual exciting ballot. Looking forward to seeing you all then! Lilias Smith Ed. Heartiest congratulations to the Ladies Guild from all the parishioners of St. Columba’s!
Hello Ladies, It was lovely to see such a great turn out at our Opening Service on Tuesday, 6th October. The Rector and Robert, our Curate, are to be commended for leading us in a beautiful Service which I am sure everyone enjoyed. The refreshments in the Choir Vestry afterwards were held amidst a wonderful feeling of friendship and camaraderie. To have a few new members joining us was an added bonus, and I hope they will continue to meet with us and enjoy the fellowship in the Mothers’ Union. Thank you all for coming. Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Tuesday, 3rd November, and please don’t forget our Christmas meeting on Tuesday, 1st December, when we will have the very entertaining Shore Singers, followed by festive refreshments. Irene 11
Do you sometimes wonder on a Sunday morning whether you are getting to church or not?
Parishioners were delighted to listen to an excellent presentation by Aoibheann Fearon, the Bothar Representative for Northern Ireland, during the Family Communion and Morning Prayer Services on Sunday, 20th September. Following St. Columba’s fund raising initiative on behalf of Bothar last year, it was fascinating to learn of the extraordinary benefits that the goats immediately provided to so many needy families in Uganda, and even more gratifying to realize that these benefits will continue to expand to even more families as rapidly as the goats themselves multiply in number. Aoibheann’s talk was a powerful illustration of successful fundraising in action, providing through the goats a simple and yet brilliantly effective means of helping to solve poverty in Africa, as well as providing the local population with better health, essential nourishment, earning power, dignity and the opportunity of education.
Are you at home on Sunday mornings wishing that you were at church, but unfortunately you have no method of getting there? With the agreement of the Select Vestry, I am trying to set up a scheme whereby senior parishioners who have no means of transport will be collected, taken to church and returned home. If you require transport, either occasionally or on a more permanent arrangement, please contact me. To implement this we will need a pool of car owners willing to transport parishioners. Initially, participation would be on an occasional basis possibly leading to a more definite arrangement. Would you be willing to share your car? If so, please contact me. Waiting to hear from you at 90761295, Murray Hunter
JOHN WESLEY’S RULE Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.
LUNCH BREAK The Cabinet in Downing Street decided to adjourn their morning business for a lunch break, and trooped along to the parliamentary restaurant. The Prime Minister ordered a mixed grill. “And what about your vegetables, sir?” asked the waiter. “Oh, they can order what they like”, he replied. 12
The Down and Dromore Committee of The Church’s Ministry of Healing Is holding services of
Thanksgiving for Healing Preacher Rt Rev Harold Miller At St Mark’s Newtownards Monday 23 November at 8.00pm Seapatrick, Banbridge Monday 30 November at 8.00pm
HARVEST LUNCH Parishioners gathered together in the church hall after the morning All Age Harvest Service on Sunday, 4th October, to enjoy a delicious menu of soup and apple pie, along with a generous helping of fellowship and chat. Sincerest thanks must go to Kathleen Acheson and Roberta Rogers, along with their willing team of helpers and all those who so kindly provided the nourishment, for their hard work and most efficient serving. Voluntary donations towards the Building Fund over the whole day amounted to a magnificent ÂŁ1064.
LEST WE FORGET During the First World War, 48 parishioners from St. Columba’s of all ranks served in HM Forces, the vast majority in the Army, of whom sadly 12 did not return, a truly horrific rate of attrition. The names of both the fallen and the survivors are shown on the memorial plaque in the south transept, where, in 1919, the beautiful memorial window was erected to their eternal glory. No less than three MCs, one MM and one DFC were awarded for gallantry. In the Second World War, reflecting its far greater global reach, 120 parishioners from St. Columba’s served in the forces, not only in the Army, but also in the Royal Air Force, the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, the Women’s Royal Naval Service, the Auxiliary Territorial Service and the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Tragically, 12 also did not return, eight from the ranks of the Royal Air Force, as high a rate of attrition as that suffered by the Army during the First World War. In more recent times, Constable Mark Evans was killed whilst serving with the RUC in Pomeroy on 7th September, 1981, and his name is displayed on a memorial glass case towards the rear of the church. St. Columba’s wartime Roll of Honour, inscribed on the front two pillars of the Nave, reads as follows:
1914-1918 J. Burke A. D. Deane T. B. Elliot H. Hooton I. C. McCormick H. McCormick R. Nelson W. Nelson J. Purvis A. Rodgers W. H. Unsworth G. W. Webb
1939-1945 A. S. Craig R. A. A. Doherty M. D. Green J. C. Harris A. R. Hill M. C. Hind H.G. Montgomery R. N. Morgan C. McConnell A. McFarland J. H. Rice N. Turner
“Pro Deo, Pro Rege, Pro Patria” (For God, King and Country) Mindful also of Afghanistan and Iraq, let us pause this Remembrance Sunday to remember all those men and women who, in endless conflicts, chose to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for our freedom, as well as each and every innocent victim of war. Let us pray especially for those valiant young men who set forth from this parish in those dark and storm filled days, never to return to their homeland nor see their loved ones again. They knew their duty, and they died for it.
SENIOR PARISHIONERS PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege and delight for the Curate and me to visit our senior parishioners, whether they live in their own homes or in Residential and Nursing Homes. They always enjoy hearing about what is happening in St. Columba’s. Invariably, I come away greatly enriched from such visits. In recent weeks, a number of parishioners have enquired if they could visit our senior parishioners on a regular basis, in addition to the Clergy visits. If you would like to assist in this important ministry in your parish, please contact me during this month for further information. The Rector
FINANCIAL UPDATE Comparison of income between the first nine months of this year and the first nine months of 2008.
Missions & Charities
Building Fund
All of the Building Fund monies have been used to purchase the new
lights for the Church, to install them and also for the partial upgrade of
the Church heating system.
We have a long journey ahead and your company is much appreciated. Murray Hunter (Assistant Treasurer)
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Each year the nation expresses its unequivocal support for the Royal British Legion’s charity work through the Poppy Appeal. The current theme of “Serving those who Serve” emphasises the increasing need to help the men and women who are serving today. Please support our tea and coffee on Sunday, 1st November, for the Poppy Appeal which also helps ex-Services and dependants of the many families who have lost loved ones during Northern Ireland’s thirty year conflict, and in the many war-torn countries that exist today. Roberta 17
H2O is back and better than ever! ……… Only if we have more people! It is our intention to go to Battlefield sports at Dundonald on Friday, 6th November. We would like this to be a get together for all young people in our parish between the ages of 10 and 16! This is only one of the outings we have planned for the rest of the year. November
Battlefield Sports
Finish work in H2O room
Quiz Night
DVD & Pizza night
100 YEARS OLD!! This is the Centenary Year of Guiding and to celebrate it, a new ‘100 year Adventure’ badge has been produced. Brownies have to gain 100 points by doing a variety of activities and we have our first 25 points already!! 10 points for a visit to the Big Wheel, 10 points for a visit to the Dome in the Victoria Centre and 5 for playing games in the Dark without being scared. Events planned to allow us to get more points include a visit to the Fire Station and a Sleepover in the Hall. This is as well as our normal fun activities. We are delighted to have a new leader, Amanda Young, one of our parishioners, who has joined us and she has lots of new ideas and new games which she learnt as a Brownie. This is going to be an exciting year for us and we have some new Brownies as well but we still have vacancies for more. So if you are between 6 ½ and 9 ½ years of age, please come along and join us on a Friday night from 6.30pm to 8pm. If you don’t you will miss all the fun!! Beth Cairnduff 10
11th Belfast Night (Christmas Market)
We’ve got the tuck shop restocked and a room to hang out in, so come along and give it a try or you’ll never know what you’re missing! Aaron
THERE’S SUNSHINE IN A SMILE Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, Laughter and pleasure, teardrops and pain. All days can’t be bright, but it’s certainly true There was never a cloud the sun didn’t shine through. So just keep on smiling whatever betide you, Secure in the knowledge God is always beside you. You’ll find when you smile your day will be brighter And all of your burdens will seem so much lighter. For each time you smile you will find it is true Somebody, somewhere, will smile back at you, And nothing on earth can make life more worthwhile Than the sunshine and warmth of a beautiful smile. 18
ST. COLUMBA’S DOVES? In St. Columba’s this organisation exists for boys and girls aged between three and six years old. We meet from 6.30 -7.30 pm on a Friday evening and enjoy a range of activities together. These may include toys and games, stories, music, craft and cookery. We also join with the Brownies for special occasions and in the summer months go on outings. It’s a time for the younger members of our church family to meet together for fun and fellowship. Or it would be, except we currently have no members. It would be very disappointing if our parish did not continue to provide this opportunity for this age group, and the repercussions for our congregation would be significant. We would, therefore, invite all parents with children of this age to meet with the leaders and the Rector in the choir vestry on Sunday, 1st November, at 11.45am (after the All Age Worship Service). By meeting together we will be able to decide how best we can move forward to address the needs of these children, their families and our wider parish family. Karen McAlpine 19
Can you stand the heat or bring some light??? FUNDRAISER FOR THE BUILDING FUND
27 NOVEMBER 2009
THERE WILL BE PRIZES, BALLOT, SUPPER AND OF COURSE LOTS OF CRAIC! Suggested Donation: per person £5 / Under 18s £3
YES!! THE CURATE CAN BOWL!! You heard it here first, folks. We had the pleasure of Robert’s company one evening in September for a short time during his busy schedule. But we saw enough to see that he will more than fit in with us on Monday evenings. And not just in his role as Vice President. We will have him on the mat as much as we can! By the time this goes to print, we will have had our first bowling fixture of the season under our belt. Full report of the match against St Mark’s, Dundela, on Monday, 12th October, will follow in the next issue. Membership has been encouraging and it was good to see almost a full turnout prior to our first match. We were glad to have Michael Brown back with us after his spell of illness. Our thoughts are with Alva Anderson who is in hospital at the time of this article. November will be a busy month with two fixtures back to back against St Donard’s and Stormont Presbyterian. May I offer on behalf of the Men’s Club our warmest congratulations to the Ladies Guild who, like ourselves, are in their 50th Anniversary year. It was sad to hear of the passing in September of one our past members, Mr. Lexie Jeffers. Lexie had been a member starting way back in 1961, according to club records. Indeed, he even may well have been a founder member. Our sympathies and best wishes go out to his family circle. John Robb, Hon. Secretary
St Taking time out from badminton, the walking group comprising Florence, Edna, Lilias and Kyleen enjoy the beautiful surroundings and fresh air of Belvoir Park.
“But, apart from the pews, the sermon, the hymns, the coffee and, ‘all that praying’, you’d come again?”
ba’s m u l Co
Young Families
A date for your diary:
Autumn 2009 Wine and Cheese Evening Venue: The Rectory, St Columba’s Date: 6 November 2009
HOPE Grant me, O God, the power to see In every rose, eternity; In every bud, the coming day; In every snow, the promised May; In every storm the legacy Of rainbows, smiling down at me. Virginia Wuerfel 20
Gro u
Time: 7.30pm Any voluntary donations will be contributed to the Church Building Fund 21
We are truly grateful to parishioner, Norma Black, for sharing with us her personal and moving experience on a recent tour of some of the most famous, yet terrible, battlefields of northern France.
TWO WORLD WARS – MY VISIT TO FRANCE 2009 My main reason for visiting the battlefields of northern France was to pay my respects to all those who had fought and died there during World Wars 1 and 2. My father served In World War 1 with the 36th Ulster Division. When reading the Church Magazine, I noticed an advertisement for tours to visit the battlefields of France organised by the Rev. Canon Alex. Cheevers, and when I contacted him he sent me details of all the trips that were available. I identified “The Unique and the Unusual” as the tour that most interested me. We departed from Belfast by coach (very early) on Sunday, 6th September, to Dublin to catch the ferry to Holyhead, travelling through North Wales to our hotel near London for our first overnight stay, with Alex providing the commentary on places of interest as we went along. On Monday 7th we left our overnight hotel for Dover and the 35 minute cross channel journey to France. On our journey from Calais, we stopped at some of the First Word War battlefield sites and one of the graves we visited was that of Rudyard Kipling’s son, John (Jack), killed, missing in action in 1915. We then made a very nostalgic visit to The Ulster Tower where, just outside the entrance, was a memorial plaque in honour of those gallant Ulster men who had been awarded the Victoria Cross. A visit to the Thiepval Memorial and Connaught Cemetery followed, and that night we slept in our hotel at the Somme. On Tuesday morning of the 8th, and on every morning thereafter, we had some time for prayer and thanksgiving for our families, friends and all those who had sacrificed so much on our behalf. The town of Albert is at the heart of the Battle of the Somme and we visited the Somme Museum, one of the finest museums of the First World War, which focussed on trench warfare with an underground tunnel beneath the town centre. A church In Albert is topped With the Golden Virgin and the image of the leaning Golden Virgin is one of the best known of the war of 1914/18. After lunch we went to Lochnagar Crater, the largest mine crater of the war, and we visited numerous sites, cemeteries and graves within the area, with, for me, a highlight recording the involvement of a well known football team in the Battle of the Somme. To-day also featured those “Shot at Dawn”, a reminder of the 300 or so British soldiers shot for cowardice or desertion, and formally pardoned in 2006 in recognition of the fact that most, if not all, had been suffering from a medical condition, such as the effects of “shellshock”. After a very interesting day, we spent a second night in our hotel in Albert. 22
Wednesday 9th began with a visit to the scene of one of the most daring low level Royal Air Force raids of the Second World War - the bombing raid on the Gestapo prison at Amiens - a raid designed to release French Resistance prisoners due to be executed the next day. On then to the only German operated camp In France from which around 50,000 prisoners were shipped off to the Nazi death camps during 1939/45, before visiting the railway carriage in the Forest of Compiegne in which the Armistice of 11th November 1918 was signed. It was the same railway carriage used by Hitler in June 194O, when he insisted on making the French sign their capitulation. We then travelled to Paris and our overnight hotel. Thursday 10th was a free day in Paris to go where we wanted. We received good information from Alex of various tours and places we might like to visit, or take the opportunity to just relax and reflect on our journey so far. On Friday morning of the 11th we set off to visit a Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery which had no headstones, reminding us of the thousands whose bodies remain unidentified. We paid tribute to the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Air force and visited Vimy Ridge and the French and Canadian Memorials there, and were escorted through one of the tunnels used by the troops in the massive surprise attack on the Germans in the battle for Arras in 1917. All four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force fought together at Vimy Ridge, and the battle is a Canadian symbol of sacrifice and achievement. We also visited the site where, during the years of the Second World War, over 200 French Resistance members were shot by the Germans. That evening we spent the night in our hotel in the town of Arras. Saturday 12th introduced us to the latter stages of the 1939/45 war and we visited the truly massive V2 Rocket site pointing towards the shores of England. It’s hard to envisage how big the structure was, but the solidified bags of cement told a story. Arriving back in Calais we enjoyed lunch in the Cite Europe before boarding the channel tunnel shuttle for the return channel crossing, and our final overnight stay in our hotel in the Midlands of England. Sunday, 13th September, was the last leg of a very memorable and enjoyable tour as we set off for Holyhead in North Wales, and the crossing to Dublin by superferry, arriving back in Belfast around 8.OOpm. Looking at the gravestones of so many young men, including more than one from the same family, it made me thankful that my father had survived and returned to his loving parents and family, when others were not so fortunate. Harry Patch fought in the Battle of Paschendale in 1917 and died recently at the age of 111. He said, “War is organised murder and nothing else”. I would not disagree. Norma Black 23
St Columba’s Kids Christmas Party Saturday 12th December 3pm – 5pm
More details to follow LIFE IS... Life is a story in volumes three The past, the present, the yet to be. The first is written and laid away, The second we are reading day by day, The third and last of these volumes three Is locked from sight, God keeps the key.
PEARLS OF WISDOM You have to give this much to the Luftwaffe; when it knocked down our buildings, it didn’t replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that. HRH Prince Charles A man is about thirty eight before he stockpiles enough socks to guarantee a matching pair. Merrily Harpur Accountants are the witch doctors of the modern world, willing to turn their hands to any kind of magic. Charles Harman I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back. All generalisations are dangerous, even this one. 24
Zsa Zsa Gabor Alexander Dumas
Children’s Page! Poppies
e summer, don’t Poppies flower in th they?
vember? You will see So, why poppies in No next week or so, e them everywhere in th smallest Rainbow e th m fro and everyone en will be wearing a or Beaver to the Que e Sunday. poppy on Remembranc cause, among all the We wear poppies be e battlefields of the mud and chaos of th amazed to see the Great War, men were home spring up of humble field flower disturbed – a blood s where the earth wa a sea of khaki. red splash of colour in n started an appeal When the British Legio s or minds had die to help those whose bo poppy seemed e th r, wa by d he been smas en now, when ev d An ol. mb sy an ideal seem so far away, World War I and II , being wounded our troops are fighting at the poppy th and dying; reminding us e. ific cr sa of ol mb sy is also a
Joke Corner When is the first food fight mentioned in the Bible? ‘I looked and behold a flying roll!’ Do you know the phone number for the Garden of Eden? Adam 8-1-2 Did you know that Paul was the 1st surfer in the bible? Remember in Acts when he ‘came ashore on a board’
We remember
Print a poppy
How? Well the swer lies in your hands. You will nean own ed red and black fin a white paper plate, and two margari ger or poster paint put the paint on. ne lids or saucers to Put some newsp start. Squeeze soaper on the table and lid or saucer and me red paint onto one put black paint on other one. Put your the paint and use it to thumb into the red petals in a circ make 5 overlapping plate. Put yourle on the edge of your black paint and index finger into the centre for your po use it to stamp a ppy. Continue printing edge of your platpoppies all round the e to make a wre Leave it to dry an ath. ‘Lest We Forget d then you can write in the middle of ’ or ‘Remembrance’ hang the plate the plate. You could share with otheinrsyour front window and .
DECEMBER/JANUARY MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the December/January parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by Sunday, 15th November, at latest. Many thanks
FLOWER ROTA FOR NOVEMBER Sunday 1st............................................................................................. Ella Wilkinson Sunday 8th............................................................................................. Remembrance Poppies Sunday 15th.......................................................................................... Caroline Auchmuty Sunday 22nd......................................................................................... Constance Finlay Sunday 29th.......................................................................................... Irene Gray 2010 FLOWER ROTA NOW AVAILABLE In St. Columba’s we are very fortunate that many parishioners give so willingly of their time to ensure that there are lovely flowers on both the main and side altars each Sunday. I thank Paddy Nesbitt and all those who assist with the church flowers either by arranging the flowers themselves, or by giving money in lieu of flowers each week. If you can assist with the church flowers during 2010, please place your name on the flower rota which is now available at the back of the church for a particular Sunday of your choice. The Rector
FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism Sunday 11th October
Our Joys Frederick Roger Wolfrad Lees 41A Bullen Street, Battersea, London
Our Sorrows Christian Burials Friday 2nd October John McQuillan Toan 195 Clarawood Park Wednesday 7th October Gary James Pickering 396 Beersbridge Road 26
PARISH WEBSITE: RECTOR The Revd. John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773
CURATE The Revd. Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email
SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, John Best, Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth McCaughey, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, David Sweet
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390
HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278
DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816
ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Patrick Wilson 5 Kingsway Park BT5 7EU Tel 028 90401066
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Moranne Noad Meryl Townsend
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Helen Donaghy 1 King’s Gate 91 King’s Road BT5 7BU Tel 028 90704932
DIOCESAN SYNODS PEOPLE Emma Hill Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers Paul Stewart
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 27
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90229310 Email C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500 SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891
MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland 8 Greengraves Cottages Ballyrogan, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the Parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.
The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard
028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162