October 2011

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October 2011


Dear Parishioner, HARVEST THANKSGIVING Our Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sunday, 2nd October, will provide us with an opportunity to thank Almighty God for our daily needs. In the midst of the many and varied issues that we face each day we can become all too complacent in our expression of thanks – in fact, at times, we may even forget completely! Harvest is a timely reminder to us all that as we are dependent upon God for our daily needs we should say a very sincere thank you to Him. We only have to look at the newspapers or listen to the news programmes each day to realise that we have so much to be thankful for compared to all those many people throughout the world who are starving and living in such poor conditions. This year at our Harvest we will be financially supporting projects in Cambodia. New features to our Harvest Services this year: • Members of our Music Group will provide a short informal recital in church beginning at 10.30am. This will enable us all to benefit from their musical talents while also providing us with a wonderful opportunity to look carefully at the many Harvest decorations around the church representing different aspects of God’s creation, and the various types of food and vegetables which we need to maintain healthy lifestyles. It can be all too easy for us to attend Harvest Services and just notice the many decorations as we quickly pass them by on our way to our seats - and yet how often do we actually stop to really appreciate them! • Our All Age Worship service will then begin at 11am when the preacher will be the Revd Jonathan Pierce, Rector of our neighbouring parish of St. Finnian’s. The children will be actively participating in this service and are invited to bring a Harvest gift which will be distributed to some of our housebound parishioners. • With the slightly later start to our service we will be able to enjoy our very popular Harvest lunch at a more suitable time rather than at one which more resembled coffee as in previous years. The proceeds of the lunch will be divided between our Building Fund Appeal and projects in Cambodia which the Revd Jonathan Pierce visited in November 2010, supported by Bishop’s Appeal in partnership with Tearfund. Some photographs of his trip will be on display for us to view during lunch. • During Choral Evensong at 7pm the choir will be singing their Harvest anthem “Praise O Praise our God and King”. The preacher will be the Ven. Scott Harte, Rector of Dunfanaghy and Archdeacon of Raphoe. Those wishing to purchase some of the fruit and vegetables after this service are invited to place a voluntary donation on the plate at the church door which will be given to support the people of Cambodia. I hope that you will be able to join us in St. Columba’s for our worship on Harvest Sunday. Yours in His service,

SERVICES IN OCTOBER Sunday 2nd HARVEST THANKSGIVING (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Michael Davey 1 Timothy 6: 6-10 Gospel Clergy Matthew 6: 24-34 10.30am Informal Recital by Members of the Music Group 11.00am All Age Worship followed by Harvest Lunch in the Church Hall Reader Sarah Craig 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-18 Preacher The Revd Jonathan Pierce, Rector of St. Finnian’s, Cregagh 7.00pm Choral Evensong followed by refreshments Reader Jennifer Johnston Genesis 1: 1-3, 24-31a Reader Jennifer Johnston Matthew 6: 24-34 Preacher The Ven. Scott Harte, Rector of Dunfanaghy & Archdeacon of Raphoe Thursday 6th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 9th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Patrick Wilson Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Meryl Townsend Compline Reader Tillie Heyburn

(Green) Philippians 4: 1-9 Matthew 22: 1-14 Philippians 4: 1-9 Matthew 22: 1-14 Mark 10: 17-31

Thursday 13th St. Philip the Deacon (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 16th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Gospel Clergy Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Morning Prayer Reader Olivia Budde Reader Moranne Noad Occasional Clergy Prayers Holy Communion Reader Esther Templeton Gospel Karen McAlpine

(Green) 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Matthew 22: 15-22 Matthew 22: 15-22 Exodus 33: 12-23 Matthew 22: 15-22

1 John 3: 16 – 4:6 Mark 10: 35-45

Thursday 20th St. Luke (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 23rd 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

St. James, the Brother of our Lord Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Patrick Good Gospel Clergy Intercessions Karen McAlpine Evening Prayer Reader Gina Greeves Reader Gina Greeves

(Red) Acts 15: 12-22 Mark 3: 31-35 Acts 15: 12-22 Mark 3: 31-35 Isaiah 65: 17-25 Galations 1: 18-24

Thursday 27th St. Simon and St. Jude (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 30th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Fourth Sunday before Advent Holy Communion Reader Lindsay Hodges Gospel Clergy Service of the Word Reader Caroline Auchmuty Prayers Karen McAlpine Songs of Praise

(Green) Joshua 3: 7-17 Matthew 23: 1-12 Matthew 23: 1-12

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:


PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy; and here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711

OCTOBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 2nd..................................................Alison and Brian Acheson Sunday 9th...................................................Yvonne and Eddie Cadden Sunday 16th.................................................Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury Sunday 23rd.................................................Helen Proctor and Liz McCaughey Sunday 30th.................................................Patricia and Patrick Wilson

CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during October: Rector: Castlehill Road Ardgreenan Drive Ardgreenan Gardens Cairnburn Park Castlereagh Road Kincora Avenue

Curate: Cairnshill Close Cyprus Park Grand Parade Holland Gardens Isoline Street King’s Crescent

ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE Many thanks to everyone who supported our fund raising appeal for the Meningitis Research Foundation in September at which we raised just under £90. In October, we hold our Harvest Lunch immediately after our Morning Service (see separate notice) and our next fund raising event at All Age Worship will be Sunday, 6th November, when we shall be supporting The Royal British Legion as it celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2011. Hope to see you at the Harvest Lunch on Sunday, 2nd October. Roberta

DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR HARVEST Saturday, 1st October, from 10.30am – 12.30pm No flower arranging skills necessary! Willingness to help is all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating. Refreshments in the Rectory!

HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES SUNDAY 2nd OCTOBER 8.15am: Holy Communion 10.30am: Informal Recital by Members of the Music Group 11.00am: All Age Worship followed by Harvest Lunch in the Hall Preacher: The Revd Jonathan Pierce, Rector of St. Finnian’s, Cregagh The children are invited to bring a Harvest gift to present during this service. 7pm: Choral Evensong Preacher: The Ven. Scott Harte, Archdeacon of Raphoe and Rector of Dunfanaghy

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH HARVEST LUNCH Don’t forget our Harvest Lunch on Sunday, 2nd October, immediately after the Morning Service. Our soup lunches are always very popular and tickets will be available during September, so pop it in your diary now and bring the family along for a nice lunch and at the same time support the Church Building Fund and the Cambodia Project. Roberta

MUMS & TOTS Please note that due to the half term holiday there will be no Mums & Tots on Friday, 28th October. Anne Clarke

KNOCK KNOCK, IT’S THE CURATE! Last month in my letter I mentioned some of the exciting new things that are happening in church over September. As you will see on page 9 in The Columban we are also launching a new venture - a mission link-up with the Diocese of Northern Zambia. This will be very much a practical link. Much more will appear in forthcoming months about this trip, about Northern Zambia, about the land, the people and the church there. If you are aged 16 1/2 or over and are up for an adventure of a lifetime you are more than welcome to check out our website: www.stcolumbas.down. anglican.org/go. We are looking for around eight young people and four adults to head out to Zambia next summer. We are also looking for people to support us in prayer. If you are interested in finding out more, please do come down to the Church Hall on Thursday, 13th October, at 7:30pm. Every Blessing Robert

ST. COLUMBA’S ART CLUB Reflections on Summer Painting ‘En Plein Air’ A good morning’s painting is one on which you don’t quite get wet (I was always a fair weather sailor). Fourteen club members from St. C’s art club arranged an impromptu and informal group painting morning on Thursday, 18th August. We met at a lovely coastal area at Helen’s Bay in the hope of painting wild flowers, lichen covered rocks and seascapes. Nearly all arrived on time and at the correct location, armed with flasks of coffee/tea ready for the challenge. Some even had delicious sandwiches and grapes (edible ones). The sun shone and canvasses were covered amidst light banter. In fact, a good time was had by all and Bob was pleased with the end results. As we were wending our way back to our cars, a passer by remarked: “Is this what is known as a ‘Palette of Painters’?” Gladys (Hon. Secretary of the ‘Palette of Painters’)

DOVES... Letter from Lara ‘Every Friday evening between 6.30 and 7.30pm I enjoy going to Doves in the downstairs church hall. We play games (I love the princess castle), sing songs, do craft activities and listen to stories. Sometimes we bake and we have been known to have a messy play evening! I think it’s really good fun and I would love to make some more friends. If you are aged between 3 and 6 years and would like to join us, we’re waiting to meet you! Hope to see you soon.’ Lara

SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday 2nd October

10.30am Informal Musical Recital 11.00am All Age Worship (Harvest) Family Lunch

Sunday 9th October

10.30am Sunday School

Sunday 16th October

9.30am Family Communion

Sunday 23rd October

10.30am Sunday School

Sunday 30th October


There was a very promising start to the new year when 26 children and young people turned up to Sunday school on our first morning. It was really encouraging to see the eight children in the youngest age group, ‘Bubbles’. In addition, we had new families joining us and we all hope that the children enjoyed the experience and will continue to come along on the Sundays shown above. While we still have plenty of room for more children, the swelling of ‘Bubbles’ means that we would like to see at least one of the post confirmation young people come along and help out with this group in particular. The activities that the 3-4 year olds undertake include cutting out and making various things which is difficult for Louise or Patricia to manage all by themselves in the short time during the service. So if you are looking for a service for your Duke of Edinburgh award or would just like to help out, please contact the Rector or myself as soon as possible. Don’t forget to bring along a Harvest gift (fruit or vegetables) for the 11.00am Service on Sunday, 2nd October, which the children and young people will be asked to present during the Service. Beth Cairnduff

SUMMER 2012 ARE YOU UP FOR THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME? • An adventure to Zambia in Africa. • An opportunity to meet other Christians and work with them. • An adventure to help people who are in need. • An adventure to gain so much from others. • An adventure to cross cultural and ethnic boundaries. • An adventure to experience a totally different way of life. St. Columba’s has partnered with Church Mission Society Ireland and are putting together a trip to explore the world church, to engage with the issues of poverty and wealth, to play with kids and to find out what life is really like for those who are desperately poor as well as to meet people like you and me. We are hoping from this trip to create an on-going link with the Anglican Church in Zambia (home of the source of the mighty Zambezi River, the majestic Victoria Falls, herds of hippos and lions, giraffes and zebras!). We are looking for a team of around 12 young people (aged 16 1/2 and over) and adults who will be ambassadors for our parish. We are holding an information evening on Thursday, 13th October, at 7:30 in the Parish Hall. This is open to all who are in anyway interested in finding out more information (whether you are interested in going or simply praying for those who are). The evening will consist of input from the following: • The Rector will speak about the idea behind this trip. • CMSI Partnership Coordinator, Niall Manogue, will speak about CMSI Teams and his vision of the project. • Team Leader, Revd Robert Ferris, will set the scene based upon his previous experiences and answer incountry questions. • Other visitors who have had experience of past Mission Experience Teams. There will be opportunities to ask questions as well as discuss issues over tea and coffee at the end. More information is available on: www.stcolumbas.down.anglican.org/go Robert


I invite all those who currently assist on the Crèche Rota and those who wish to join the Rota to attend this short meeting. This will give an opportunity to meet our new Crèche Co-ordinator, Suzanne Allen, and to discuss the further development of our Crèche. Spouses and young family members are encouraged to attend this informal meeting. Refreshments will be served. Gifts of items that would be suitable for the toddlers attending the Crèche would be greatly appreciated. Please leave them in the box at the back of church during this month. The Rector

THE CARING GRANDFATHER A woman in a supermarket is following a grandfather and his badly behaved three year old grandson. It’s obvious to her that he has his hands full with the child screaming for sweets in the sweet aisle, biscuits in the biscuit aisle and for fruit, cereal and pop in the other aisles. Meanwhile, Granddad is working his way around, saying in a controlled voice, “Easy William, we won’t be long . . . easy, boy.” Another outburst, and she hears the Granddad calmly say, “It’s okay, William, just a couple more minutes and we’ll be out of here. Hang in there, boy.” At the checkout, the little terror is throwing a tantrum and hurling items out of the trolley. Again, his grandfather says again in a controlled voice, “William, William, relax buddy, don’t get upset. We’ll be home in five minutes; stay cool, William.” Very impressed, the woman goes outside where the grandfather is loading his groceries and the boy into the car. She says to the elderly gentleman, “It’s none of my business, but you were amazing in there. I don’t know how you did it. That whole time you kept your composure, and no matter how loud and disruptive he got, you just calmly kept saying things would be okay. William is very lucky to have you as his grandpa.” “Thanks,” said the grandfather, “But I’m William . . . the little blighter’s name is Kevin.”

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN GROUP The members of our Parish Prayer Chain Group provide an important part of the ministry of St. Columba’s. Each day in their homes the members pray for those people who are named on our Prayer Chain List. The next meeting of the Parish Prayer Chain Group Members will take place in the Side Chapel on Wednesday, 12th October, at 7.00 pm. I hope that all the members will be able to attend this short meeting which will conclude with the Late Evening Office service. The Rector 10


Over the course of the past few months in St. Columba’s we have been encouraging parishioners to take a wee bit of time out to ‘pause’. Time out to be still and to get together. These events are going to continue during October in a few different places, as follows: Monday 10th October 10.30am - pause over coffee at Lu-lu’s Coffee Shop, Kings Square (Opposite Super-Valu). Wednesday, 19th October 1.00pm - pause for Prayer in the City. A short Holy Communion Service in St. Anne’s Cathedral, followed by lunch in the Art College ‘Streat’ Cafe. These events are open to everyone!



On our opening night 13 members were present and the hall soon echoed with laughter and fellowship as tales of the summer recess were exchanged. Our new Captain welcomed everyone and applauded their efforts in making the opening a success. Our President, the Rector, called in to add his good wishes for the new season and to congratulate the Club on being the first of the organisations to restart activities. A creditable three games of bowls then followed, just enough to break us in gently! Unfortunately, we were missing some familiar faces on the evening and members send their prayers and best wishes to those who are ill or recovering from surgery, namely Alva Anderson, Evan Preston and Derek Funston. Also, best wishes were offered to Billy Nelson for the continuing recovery of his wife, Daphne. We look forward to a busy year and the forthcoming matches with our neighbouring churches! Geoff Launchbury

LADIES GUILD NOTES Dear Ladies, We are now well into autumn and the new Guild programme. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 19th October, and we are looking forward to a talk on the History of Music Halls by Jim McDowell, the well-known local journalist, who has told us that we must come along prepared to sing many of the popular songs from that era - so that should be fun! Members and friends very welcome! Lilias Smith (Hon. Sec.) 11

HERITAGE CHURCHES OF IRELAND ST. BARRAHANE’S, CASTLETOWNSHEND, COUNTY CORK Mizen Head, the most southerly point of Ireland, is our very own ‘Land’s End’ – a mysterious place in the imagination where, amid tall cliffs and an imperious ocean, the known world suddenly comes to a halt. Ten miles off-shore and often awash with surf is Ireland’s most famous lighthouse – the Fastnet Rock. Westward, the sea extends for another 2,000 miles to Cape Race, Newfoundland, first landfall of the Americas. This exhilarating place offers a memorable day trip for anyone in west Cork with its green hills, long inlets of the sea and pretty villages. One of these ‘picture-book’ villages, Castletownshend, provides this latest stop in our current tour of heritage churches. It’s in Castletownshend, on the coast five miles from Skibbereen, that we find the church of St Barrahane. The church dates from 1761 and takes its name from a local spiritual leader in early Christian times. The village sits astride a very steep main street that culminates at the pier, close to where the church keeps watch over Castlehaven, a long natural harbour of translucent green water. Nearby is the castle and home of the Townshend family from whom the village takes its name. Castletownshend was once home to two famous novelists – Edith Somerville and Violet Ross – who together penned ‘The Irish RM’ first published in the early 20th century. This work caricatured Ireland’s ‘Big House’ society of its day and was dramatised for British television in the 1980’s. Ross died in 1915 and is buried in the churchyard alongside Somerville, who died in 1949. Another interesting yet tragic feature of the church is in the porch where an oar from a lifeboat of the Cunard liner Lusitania can be seen. She was en-route from New York to Liverpool in May, 1915, when torpedoed by a German U-Boat off nearby Kinsale, with the terrible loss of 1,200 civilian lives. More happily, the church is today a centre not only for active worship but for a notable annual music festival that draws many visitors. There can be few other places where the music and the sanctity of the church combine to better effect. This is enhanced by windows by the hand of Harry Clarke (1889-1931), widely acclaimed as the greatest craftsman of stained glass of his time. Ivan Maginnis


E100 BIBLE CHALLENGE Each one of us has our own way of learning. Some people are happy reading and taking in what they have read, others are more visual and want to see images of what they are learning. Others still are more of experiential learners, they want to get down and do things. From the middle of October our parish is going to participate in the E100 Bible Challenge. This is basically to encourage you to read the Bible daily over 20 weeks. We not only want you to read the Bible but to think about what is being said within its pages, and to respond to it. We are supplying resources to back this up. E100 consists of 100 passages which take us through from Genesis to Revelation. 50 passages from the Old Testament and 50 passages from the New Testament, thus five passages a week which gives us 20 weeks of readings. We have produced a leaflet detailing what this is all about which will be available on the first Sunday of October. If you wish, you can purchase a study book which costs £7 from the back of the church. If you are linked to the internet you can check out a range for resources for each day on our blog: www.stcolumbas. down.anglican.org/e100 The week’s reading references will also be printed in Pew News or you can also come along to the weekly Bible Study Group on a Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9.00pm when we will be discussing the past week’s readings. Our first week on this new study will be held on Wednesday, 19th October. All are very welcome! Robert

A SUNNY SEPTEMBER STROLL There was a strong sense of “new term” in the air as a large, enthusiastic and energetic group of St. Columba’s parishioners set off for an expedition along the Comber Greenway. The six mile walk – in unexpected sunshine at the beginning of September – provided a fantastic opportunity to make new friends and reconnect after the long summer holidays. The children and four legged friends set the pace with the rest of the group following. Fresh strawberries and refreshments were shared along the way. A scavenger hunt acted as the perfect distraction from the long mileage although the search for a feather and white pebble proved somewhat elusive. The bright sparks took up the cryptic clue challenge – “the son of a reversed rodent, reversed” – among the frustrating brain teasers set. Answers on a postcard please! As you can imagine a healthy appetite and thirst were built up en route. So the walkers were delighted to be treated at the finish line – St Columba’s church door – with the welcome waft of a brilliant BBQ banquet. With dusk descending, the King’s Road was filled with chatter and laughter as parishioners shared stories of summer trips and looked forward to future fellowship; and a magnificent £700 was raised for the Building Fund. Victor Dulelow 13

CANON JOHN (JACK) ROBERTSON THOMAS WATSON The following is an abridged version of the address by the Revd Percy Patterson at the funeral service of Canon Jack Watson held in St Columba’s, Knock, Belfast, Diocese of Down, on Friday 10th June. We meet today to thank God for the life, witness and ministry of Canon Jack Watson. John Robertson Thomas Watson lived a life of rich variety. Born in Belfast on 3rd March 1927, he was reared in the city and, at an early age, joined the local boxing club. He managed to pursue a steady rise through the amateur boxing ranks while working in a series of jobs in building construction, engineering, the shipyard and as a bus driver. In the late 1940s, his standing in amateur boxing was such that he decided to turn professional. Fighting under the name of Dave Watson, he was a contender for the Irish lightweight title in 1948 and, later on, became a contender for the middleweight crown. He issued a challenge to any professional middleweight in Europe in 1950, but no one took him on. He was also a keen footballer, having played for Glentoran Football Club in East Belfast in his young days, and he was a scratch golfer and a keen bowler. He retired from boxing to study theology at Trinity College Dublin and in 1968, he entered the Church of Ireland Theological College. In 1970, he was made deacon in Lisburn Cathedral and appointed curate assistant of St Stephen’s, Millfield, in central Belfast; one year later, he was ordained to the priesthood. From 1973-1982, he was bishop’s curate of the Swanlinbar group of parishes, Diocese of Kilmore, and then he became rector of Arva, Carrigallen, Gowna and Columcille, also in the Diocese of Kilmore, where he remained until his retirement in 1998. For the last 10 years of his ministry, he was a canon on the chapter of St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore, holding the title of prebendary of Drurnlease. In the mid-1970s, he donned the boxing gloves again and issued yet another challenge to the leading middleweight contenders in Europe. However, this time, it was not a serious challenge, but, rather, a means of raising funds for the roofing of Swanlinbar church. Amidst huge media interest, including a documentary programme by the BBC, he waited for his challenge to be answered. It was not answered, but the parish was £16,000 better off at the end of his fundraising campaign. Jack was a prolific writer on theological and social issues. His articles, ranging from The Church is the People in 1972 to All Creatures Great and Small in 1998, have appeared in several publications. He took a keen interest in education and served on several school committees and boards. His great love, of course, was the Church of Ireland. At times, he was concerned about the Church, not in an abstract way, but, rather, in the way loving parents often are, as 16

they have to stand back and watch their children make their own mistakes. He also recognised that there were other ways of doing things and that some of them were good or even better than our own. He certainly lived life to the full. It has been said that “there are clergy and there are clergy and then there was Jack Watson”. I think that just about sums him up. In his retirement, Jack and his late wife, Paddy, lived at Church Road, Dundonald, Belfast. They were members of Knock parish. Indeed, he was chaplain to the parish bowling club for many years. He was devastated when Paddy died about seven years ago. Over the past few years in particular, he became very close to his sister and her family. He liked being with his nephews and niece and he treated his nephews like the sons he never had. Jack was a man who inspired others. He encouraged his nephew to take a master’s degree in his chosen profession and he always liked to see young people improving themselves. He will be greatly missed by all who loved him and I would like to offer sincere sympathy to all who mourn his passing. We think especially of his sister, Kathleen; his nephews, Peter, Andrew and Robert; his niece, Tracey; and all the family circle. You will all miss him, but I trust that the memories you have of Jack will be a source of comfort to you in the days ahead. Today, we celebrate the life of one who was loved by many and who gave freely of his time, energy and love to those who needed him. The struggle has ended for Jack and he rests in God’s grace. It was a privilege to have known him and we thank God for his life and ministry which touched and enriched so many lives. I believe he has heard those wonderful words: “Well done good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of thy Lord.”



Here is a riddle that only five per cent of Stanford University graduates figured out! Can you complete the following statements with the same word of seven letters?

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the members of St Columba’s who supported me in the sale of my Calendars. I was raising money in order to donate to the Church Building Fund and also to the new Donkey Sanctuary which has opened at Templepatrick. The new Donkey Sanctuary does not only rescue Donkeys but they are used to enable disabled children to learn to ride. I have now been able to make a donation of £350 to the Church Building Fund and will also be making a donation to the Donkey Sanctuary shortly. Eileen Gibson

• Preceded God • Greater than God • More evil than the devil • Rich people need it • If you eat it, you will die Well, how did you do? Try hard before looking at the answer on page 24. 17

MISSION TO SERBIA We are deeply indebted once again to Ross, elder son of parishioners, Doreen and Cyril Thompson, for sharing with us his most recent experiences of mission and evangelism on this his fifth summer visit to the student camps of Serbia. Добар дан! Hello again! Once more I am here to report on yet another wonderful and fruitful summer spent in what is rapidly becoming my second home of Serbia. This summer, my fifth in the country, lasted from 30th June to 10th August and it involved my helping at four camps, encompassing students from nine different towns and cities throughout Serbia. By way of recap, I work in Serbia with an American missionary organisation called Josiah Venture. Josiah Venture operates throughout Eastern Europe, from Latvia to Albania, setting up camps designed for the young people of these various countries. The camps are advertised as being for the teaching of conversational English but are, in fact, ‘covert’ evangelistic camps where the word of God and the message of the Gospels are spread tactfully, through discussions and talks. In Serbia, an Eastern Orthodox country and fiercely proud of the fact, Josiah Venture (the Serbian branch is called ‘Mreza’ – meaning ‘Network’) has to be especially careful mainly because of a certain stigma directed towards the Protestant Church. However, in the past few years its method of evangelism has become increasingly more open, with encouraging results. Foreign team members are always required to run the camps, primarily because the prospect of speaking English to native English speakers is one of the principal reasons that youth attend. Also, for various cultural reasons, Serbians tend to me more open to hearing the word of God when it comes from foreigners, as opposed to fellow Serbians. As a result, foreign volunteers are always desperately needed to come over and help serve. In the past they have usually been from the U.S. although there have also been teams from Romania, Slovenia and Northern Ireland (which is how I became involved). Josiah Venture organised five camps in Serbia this year. The first camp was held specifically for Roma from the city of Leskovac, in the deep south of the country. This camp is held not in summer but at Easter time, as the Leskovac Roma spend most of the summer in the fields so they can earn enough money to live through the winter. I was not able to be there but Northern Ireland was represented by my good friend and colleague from St. Donard’s, Andrew Pedlow. Four camps took place in the summer; the first for students from Sombor, a small city in the extreme north west of the country; the second for Serbs from 18

Leskovac and Sremska Mitrovica, a large town, again in the north; the third for Novi Sad, the second largest city in Serbia (we also had students from a bunch of other towns come to this camp); and the forth for Lebane, an extremely poor town in the deep south, by the Kosovo border. To say that God was working at the camps would have been an understatement, His presence being felt everywhere, often in the most unexpected places. To give one example, there was great difficulty in getting students for the Novi Sad camp this year so it was decided to put a banner for the camps up on Facebook, on the off chance someone might see it. A girl called Živana did so – either the night before or the morning before camp was due to start. She wasn’t from Novi Sad but from a large town called Zrenjanin about an hour’s drive away, and she didn’t know anyone who was going. However, she felt the need to sign up, did so and within hours her parents had dropped her off at the campsite. I guess even social networking sights can be used by God! All in all, about 70 students throughout the five camps gave their lives to God. However, their journey is not over yet. While foreigners like me visit for the summer and then go home, the Serbian Christians who are responsible for the camps must maintain contact with these people, constantly encouraging and being there for them. I ask that you pray that they might have the strength and will to do this. At this stage, I would like to mention the very kind donation that was made by the Select Vestry before I left in June. This proved invaluable. Usually when teams from the U.S. come over they donate funds that are used to subsidise Serbian students who would otherwise be unable to afford to come to camp. This year, one of the U.S. teams pulled out and another turned out to be very small in number, so there was a grave shortage of money for subsidies. As a result, the funds generously provided by the Select Vestry were used for this purpose. As an example of how helpful it was, I point to the story of a young man called Zoran. Zoran had been to every single Novi Sad camp since they started (this was the sixth) but he had always gone to the camps because they were fun, not because of anything to do with God. This year he would not have been able to afford to come were it not for the money given by the Select Vestry and finally, at this camp, he gave his life to Christ. I close by reiterating my requests for prayer, both for the follow-ups that are taking in place in Serbia at this moment and for next year, so that the right people may be at the camps to serve. I myself plan to head back next year and I would love to be able to take other people with me. If anyone has any questions about Serbia, please feel free to email me at: 1ross.thompson@sky.com Thank you and God bless, Χвала ти и Бог те благословио Ross Thompson 19

The Synod Examination Prize 2011/2012

What an economic mess the country has got itself into! Credit crunch; cuts in services; unemployment; toxic debts; inflation; negative equity; you name it, we’ve got it. And how to fix it all? Raise the Bank Rate? Drop the Bank Rate? Raise taxes? Lower taxes? Loose money? Tight money? The truth is no-one really has a clue… and pity the hapless expert who sticks out his neck with an answer; as sure as fate he’ll find it on the chopping block. But this hasn’t stopped one brave man trying to deal with a particular aspect of the problem without making the others much worse.

The APCK in association with the Church of Ireland Board of Education are delighted to introduce

The Synod Examination Prize to Church of Ireland second-level students. With a prize fund of over €6000 there will be a winner within each section in each of the twelve dioceses (in the Republic of Ireland: 2nd Year - €150; PreLeaving Certificate Examination Year €300. In Northern Ireland: Year 10 - €150 (in GBP equivalent); Year 13 - €300 (in GBP equivalent)).

A CAUTIONARY TALE FOR TODAY The great mistake of Mervyn King, when taking on the job to brin inflation to a permanent and manageable two percent, was breaking the most sacred rule of economics learnt at school.

In addition, there will be an overall winner in each section (in the 2nd Year/ Year 10 section - €350 (or GBP equivalent) and in the Pre-Leaving Certificate Examination Year/Year 13 section - €700 (or GBP equivalent)).

He marked the Bank Rate down so low it set the scene for cash to flow, and then, to save the bankers’ skins, committed quite the worst of sins; he gave them IOUs (QE) secured, guess what, by you and me!

The examination will be by way of a project in the junior section (2nd Year/Year10) and an essay in the senior section (Pre-Leaving Certificate Examination Year/Year 13).

Inflation consequently soared, his forecasts well and truly floored. A lesser man would have been fired; more prudent ones would have retired.

The deadline for application is Monday, 31st October, 2011

With apologies to the recently be-spurred Sir Mervyn who has rather more to worry about than just inflation!

To enter the Prize and obtain more information please visit: www.ireland.anglican.org/ synodexam

Tony Greeves 20

POLICING OUR LAWLESS SOCIETY The scenes of violence and mindless criminality seen on the streets of our major cities this past summer is perhaps only to be expected. For a number of decades we have experienced a decline in moral standards and an absence of discipline that has resulted in breakdown within our society. Two or three generations have grown up in a blame culture where every problem has to be anyone else’s fault - except their own. Accepting personal responsibility for our actions has become the exception rather than the rule. Many young people have grown up with no respect for their parents, no respect for school teachers and no respect for any figure of authority. The result of this is that they demand respect as a right rather than as something to be earned. When people have come to a mind-set that says ‘What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is my own’ there is a real breakdown in social norms. Whatever area is targeted by this mass criminality, it is normally those from socially deprived areas and who are under-educated, who are responsible. I do not want to pinpoint particular reasons for this breakdown as there are others more qualified than I who will do so. Rather, I want to look at that group in society who are expected to sort out the grievances of all and sundry to the satisfaction of everyone. An impossible task? Yes! Who are they? The men and women of the Police Service. It is the police who have to be berated and not shout back. It is the police who have to stand between the good and the bad and take insult and accusation from both sides, knowing that there will always be one party who will go away dissatisfied. It is the police who will have to face the rocks, rubble and petrol bombs thrown at them with the knowledge that some of them are going to be injured as a result. Since Robert Peel set out his principles for policing in the early 19th century, it has been accepted that in the UK policing is by the consent of the public. As a result, there have always been efforts to work with the public to maintain the peace and protect life and property. In recent years the Police Service have tried to achieve this through the introduction of Safer Neighbourhood Teams – small groups of police officers and community support officers tasked with getting to know their local community better and responding to their needs. This has had varying degrees of success. The Christian Police Association (founded in 1883) has recognised that community relations are important and so have adopted the strap line ‘Reaching out… building bridges’. Members of the CPA across the country have been encouraging the Christian community to work with the Police Service to improve community relations and develop safer, stronger communities. Much of this work now falls under their Coact Project (www.coact.org.uk). So we recognise that as we have seen the breakdown of society in certain areas, it is the Christian community who can, and is already making, strides towards building it up again. In the meantime, it is the officers out on the streets whom we need to remember in prayer and give our support to. They do not know from one minute to the next what dangers they will face or when they will be able to return home. Waiting anxiously for them will be families and loved ones hoping for a phone call; or fearing the dreaded knock on the door to inform them that someone will not be coming home any time soon. My prayer is that each person reading this will pledge themselves to do all in their power to restore a godly society to this beloved land of ours. Don Axcell, Executive Director, Christian Police Association 21

We are most grateful to David, youngest son of parishioners Alison and Brian Acheson, for sharing with us his recent experiences on the Christian Fellowship Church mission project to Thailand.


I am seventeen years old and a lifelong member of St. Columba’s. This summer I travelled to Thailand with the Christian Fellowship Church (CFC) – part of the Belmont Council of Churches – for a shortterm mission project. There were 17 of us in the party. Many were my good friends from school (Sullivan Upper in Holywood) while some I had met only at the preparatory meetings. This is the story of the trip - my first time in Asia and my first experience of foreign mission. On Thursday, August 4th, the whole team jumped onto the bus to Dublin airport. We then took a connecting flight landing in Abu Dhabi before boarding the second plane to Bangkok. On arrival, we were met by the Dornan family, members of CFC Belfast who had moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand, to do missionary work and also our culture guides for the two weeks that followed. They brought us to a guesthouse near the centre of Bangkok where we were able to unpack and get ready for our first service. We took the opportunity to lift the whole congregation off their feet and teach them the actions to a children’s song. It was a great start to the trip! We then had the pleasure of sitting through a two hour sermon in Thai. After the service we met some of the local Christian youth group. It was incredible to meet Christians our age from the other side of the planet – we made an immediate bond. I think this is when it really struck me that we were actually in Thailand! The next day we visited another church in the city, this time for a morning service. It was a Mother’s Day celebration (Mother’s Day in Thailand is their Queen’s birthday) which was quite similar to our church in that the youth came to the front to collect a gift for their mother and they also sang a special song for their mothers. We were invited to come to the front and pray for the mothers of the church which was a great experience; we weren’t nervous either because they didn’t know what we were saying as none of them spoke English! We stayed for lunch after the service where we were served local dishes, I opted not to ask what I was being given, just to gobble it down before I found out. We spent the following day visiting the King’s Palace and doing some low budget shopping – a perfect opportunity to get presents for the family! We then endured a ten hour bus journey up to Chiang Mai, the second largest city in Thailand, where the Dornans live. The day after arriving in Chiang Mai we started our two day English teaching camp attended by 135 pupils from five different schools in 22

the city. We taught five separate lessons; Conversation, Grammar, Directions, Sports and Music. I was teaching Directions so they learnt their left and right, forwards, backwards and how to direct someone around a town. In sport classes we were able to use some of the equipment that the St. Columba’s congregation so generously funded. This included footballs, tags for games and a huge parachute! It was a lot more of a challenge than I thought it would be as the children (aged up 14) knew no English – they were learning completely from scratch. The most satisfying part was that on the second day they remembered all the words we had taught them and we really felt we had made a difference. The children loved the whole team by the time we were finished and we spent hours having photos taken with them – we were like celebrities! An important focus of our mission was the Karen people - Burmese who had fled to Thailand because of civil war in their own country. The Karen live in very impoverished conditions in camps and villages close to the Thai/Burma border. Many of the refugees are children living as orphans separated from their parents. Our first encounter with the Karen was at the river project – a centre established in a Thai village to provide the Karen with a venue for church services and kids’ clubs. The centre leader invited us to run an event with the children. This was another opportunity to use the equipment we had brought over, particularly the arts and crafts which they loved. We got the paints out and they all painted whatever they wanted as long as it was colourful! It became a bit messy but then we put everyone’s paintings together into a collage which was lovely when you stepped back to look at it. The next morning we said our sad farewells to everyone we met and boarded a bus to travel to a Karen refugee camp on the Thai border with Burma. These Karen had arrived more recently. They spoke their own language so all the Thai we had learnt along the way was useless. The village they lived in was made from wood and they were sleeping on the floor in serious poverty. We realised that the best way to help was them was to let them have loads of fun and give them as much as we could! Over the two days we were there we ran two church services including dramas, talks, testimonies and worship songs. I’ve never seen that amount of people make so much noise and dance for so long when our band was performing! It was just incredible to be there. Throughout the main day we taught dances and songs, did sports and made puppets with the resources that St. Columba’s helped fund. Seeing the smiles on their faces meant so much. On the final night 25 children from the camp became Christians and that was the most rewarding part of the trip. We cannot thank St. Columba’s enough for your contributions and support before and during our trip. It was a very meaningful experience for me and I hope this short report and photographs give you some insight into the impact on us and the needs of the people of Thailand and Burma. David Acheson 23

St Columba’s Got Talent! And we would love your ‘talents’ and your ‘bids’

...I’ve moved with the times - I’ve now got a solar - powered radio microphone...

When an array of unique skills and services go up for auction at our special



Sunday, 2nd October Parish Harvest Lunch

(Chaired by Noel Thompson)

Friday, 18th November Parish Wine Tasting

on Friday, 8th June 2012, at 7pm for 7.30pm

Friday, 8th June 2012

Parish Dinner and Auction of Talents, Stormont Hotel

in The Grand Ballroom, Stormont Hotel, Belfast

Watch this space for further details!

Tickets: £30 pp

(including Drinks Reception)

Nothing preceded God Nothing is greater than God Nothing is more evil than the devil Rich people need nothing If you eat nothing, you will die

Dress code: smart/casual Proceeds to Parish Building Fund

Further details in forthcoming parish magazines!

The answer is: NOTHING!


NOVEMBER MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the November parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 16th October. Many thanks

FLOWER ROTA FOR OCTOBER Sunday 2nd . ................................................................................... HARVEST Sunday 9th. .................................................................................... Nan Armstrong Sunday 16th .................................................................................. Moranne Noad Sunday 23rd . .................................................................................

Sunday 30 ...................................................................................


FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 4th September Mollie Rose Carolyn Henry 36 Cumberland Road, Dundonald Marriage Friday 12th August Charles John Ballagh Kennedy with Nicola Emma Hall 26 Warrenne Road, Brockham, Betchworth, Surrey Our Sorrows Christian Burial Tuesday 30th August

Rene Joan Simpson 96 Knockwood Crescent

HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume they already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 25

PARISH ORGANISATIONS SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig 90472512 Patricia Wilson 90401066 Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stephenson 90583381 X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd 07833 391945 The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 90874047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club Geoff Launchbury 90281204 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Eithne Hobson 90797793

WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 8.00pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen


7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine


2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155

6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff


8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Sandra Lowe 90808755

8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson


8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155

Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514

Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183 26

WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH WEBSITE: www.stcolumbas.down.anglican.org

RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email johnauchmuty@btinternet.com

PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773

CURATE The Revd Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email rferris281@gmail.com robert@stcolumbasyouth.org

SELECT VESTRY Rector, Curate, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, Helen Donaghy, Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, Linda Wilson

PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390

HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 Email alanrogers53@gmail.com

DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816

HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278

RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Jill Gillespie 2 Cairnburn Crescent BT4 2HU Tel 028 90769508

ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295

PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Ronny Martin 12 Cyprus Gardens BT5 6FB Tel 028 90654301

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad

RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 Mob 07973 392448

DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Ross Thompson 27

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland Greengraves Cottage 8 Ballyrogan Park, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036 PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 95140141 Email ivan.roche@me.com

ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641

C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459

READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884

SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198

CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716

CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Suzanne Allen 9 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 90653511

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email noadfamily@hotmail.com

Email office.knock@down.anglican.org

SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.

The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard 28

028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162

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