The Columban st. columba’s church, knock September 2014
The latest parish news, events and notices Donaghadee Harbour, courtesy of Roy Williamson
RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, ENNISKILLEN CATHEDRAL VISIT Following our most enjoyable visit to Enniskillen Cathedral at the end of June, it will be a great delight for us to host the Dean and members of his congregation in St. Columba’s on Sunday, 7th September. This will be their first visit since our parishes formed a link. I hope that you will be able to join us as we warmly welcome our friends. Refreshments will be served in the church hall at 10.30am as we meet informally before our worship begins at 11.00am. The preacher at the Holy Communion service will be the Dean, The Very Revd Kenneth Hall. Immediately following the service, we will go to Stormont Castle for our picnic lunch. We are immensely privileged to be given this opportunity and I am most grateful to John Little for making the arrangements. Please bring your picnics with you to church so we can all travel together without delay! After lunch we will be able to enjoy a tour of the castle. There will be plenty of opportunity during the afternoon for conversations and discussions about the development of our link with the cathedral.
COMMISSIONING SUNDAY – 14th SEPTEMBER At the All Age Worship service on Sunday 14th September, I will commission our Sunday School teachers, Crèche volunteers and parish organisation leaders as our autumn activities commence. As school teachers know all too well, the year starts not in January but in September! And so at the beginning of this year I am delighted to welcome these new leaders to our vibrant team as they commence their responsibilities: • • • • •
Joyce Stevenson David Kelly Moira Saunders, Hollie Wilson Victor Dukelow Anella Gallen
Sunday School Superintendent Youth Etc Leader Dove Leaders Young Families Co-Ordinator Bible Study Co-Ordinator
Members of our parish organisations will also be attending this service to support and encourage their leaders as they all commit themselves afresh to their work in St. Columba’s. Our new Parish Handbook which accompanies this edition of The Columban contains helpful information about the work of St. Columba’s and about how you can become involved in our activities. Your personal involvement will assist us to move forward with confidence as we seek to maximise attendances at our church services and parish organisations. By working together, we can strengthen our parish and achieve so much more! I encourage you to become involved as your parish needs your support.
Yours in His Service,
SERVICES IN SEPTEMBER Thursday 4th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 7th 8.15am
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Johnston Romans 13: 8-14 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 18: 15-20
Holy Communion followed by parish picnic with Enniskillen parishioners Reader Pauline Darke Romans 13: 8-14 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 18: 15-20 Intercessions Gina Greeves Preacher: The Very Revd Kenneth Hall, Dean of St. Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen
Compline Reader Eileen Anderson Mark 7: 24-37
Thursday 11thThe Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 14th The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Romans 14: 1-12 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 18: 21-35 10.30am
All Age Worship with Parish Organisations followed by refreshments Reader Emma Craig Matthew 18: 21-35 Prayers Karen McAlpine
Choral Evensong Reader Noel Higginson Ezekiel 20: 1-8, 33-44 Reader Noel Higginson Mark 8: 27-38
Thursday 18th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 21st Saint Matthew (Red) 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell 2 Corinthians 4: 1-6 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 9: 9-13 9.30am
Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 9: 9-13
Morning Prayer Reader Eileen Anderson 1 Kings 19: 15-21 Reader Brian Gillespie 2 Timothy 3: 14-17 Occasional Elizabeth Leonard Prayers
Holy Communion and Holy Baptism Reader Billy McAlpine Ecclesiastes 5: 4-12 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 19: 16-30 Preacher: The Revd Robert Ferris
Thursday 25th
Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 28th
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion Reader Irene Gray Philippians 2: 1-13 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 21: 23-32
Holy Communion Reader David Beattie Philippians 2: 1-13 Gospel Clergy Matthew 21: 23-32 Intercessions Karen McAlpine
Evening Prayer Reader Anella Gallen Ezekiel 37: 15-28 Reader Anella Gallen Mark 9: 38-50
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (9065 5500) The readings are from Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
SEPTEMBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 7th.................................................Andrew Kelly and Charles Auchmuty Sunday 14th...............................................Lilias Smith and Jack Dunlop Sunday 21st...............................................Irene Gray and Margaret McConkey Sunday 28th...............................................Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury 4
CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Rector will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during September: Knockdene Park North Knockdene Park South Knockhill Park Knocklofty Park Knockmount Gardens
Monday 1st – Thursday, 4th September, at 7.45pm
Willowfield Church, 149 My Lady’s Road, Belfast BT6 8FE
A Dangerous Faith
Revd Simon Genoe, Jasper Rutherford, Revd Craig Cooney and Andrew Brannigan
The theme will explore the biblical context, impact and dangerous meaning of the great commandments according to the Gospel of Mark The topics for each evening (7.45pm) are: Monday, 1st September: Tuesday, 2nd September: Wednesday, 3rd September: Thursday, 4th September:
The Lord our God, the Lord is one Loving God with everything Loving others as we love ourselves How far are we from the Kingdom?
SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday, 7th September
10.30am Meet the teachers in church
Sunday, 14th September
10.30am All Age Worship
Sunday, 21st September
9.30am Family Communion
Sunday, 28th September
10.30am Sunday School
Sunday school will commence on Sunday, 28th September, at 10.30am in the church hall. All boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 14 (not confirmed) are welcome to come down from 10.20am. On Sunday, 7th September, the Sunday School teachers will be available at the back of the church before and after the service to meet any new boys and girls, and answer any questions from parents. Joyce Stevenson 5
ALL AGE WORSHIP TEA AND COFFEE I hope everyone has been able to enjoy some ‘down’ time during the lovely summer weather that we have enjoyed recently, whether with family and friends at home or perhaps abroad. But there are many families, for a variety of reasons, who cannot get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The Mothers’ Union in Down and Dromore has recently embarked on a new initiative – AFIA - which stands for Away From It All. The Mothers’ Union believes in the importance of families and in quality time spent together to build meaningful relationships that strengthen families. Down and Dromore members encourage the value of family life by being involved in local initiatives that respond to the needs of the community. AFIA is a Mothers’ Union holiday scheme, primarily funded by Mothers’ Union members to help people who are experiencing stress in their family life. Funds are limited but the MU will always help as much as they can. Those hoping to have a holiday don’t have to be a member of a church or organisation, and are usually recommended by social services or a Rector. The holidays take many different forms, perhaps a week away in a caravan or a weekend trip to a bed and breakfast on the coast. Some holidays take the form of day trips. On Sunday, 14th September, at our All Age Worship service we shall be raising much needed funds for this very worthwhile cause. I hope to see all the usual faces back and many new ones! Roberta
DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR HARVEST Saturday, 4th October, from 10.30am – 12.30pm No flower arranging skills necessary! Willingness to help is all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating Refreshments in the Rectory!
Don’t forget our Harvest Lunch on Sunday, 5th October, immediately after Morning service. Our soup lunches are always very popular and tickets will be available during September, so pop it in your diary now and bring the family along for a nice lunch and at the same time support, by voluntary donations, the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. 6
8.15am: Holy Communion 10.45am: Instrumental music by Ruth McCartney and her daughters, Maria and Caroline 11.00am: All Age Worship followed by Harvest Lunch in the church hall Preacher: The Revd Canon Ken Smyth, Assistant Priest Children are invited to bring a Harvest gift to present during this service 7.00pm: Choral Evensong Preacher: The Revd Canon Walter Laverty, former Rector of St. John’s, Orangefield
ST. COLUMBA’S RAILWAY AND MODEL CLUB Holidays? What holidays? A number of the Club members just kept rollin' throughout the summer! There has been quite a bit of progress on the layout with a few trial rail layouts, and we have now decided on the one which will be our main effort for the coming autumn and winter programme. First, we decided on the covering we will use for the table tops. This is important as all of the rails and scenery will sit on top of it. A Wednesday visit to B&Q (pensioner discount day!) saw us come away with a large pack of uderfelt tiles. Experiments by John Robb and Jack Dunlop gave us the answer to fixing and sealing this layout base, and we now have a large square base which fills most of the room. Pinning down and ballasting the track begins immediately, and the first buildings in one of our villages will be built soon. One of the first buildings will be a church - I wonder if we will need the Bishops blessing for this...must check! We also have a hill farm with livestock, a blacksmith’s and a village hotel/pub, to mention just a few. Three stations are currently planned with mainline express and branch lines to the two villages. There will also be a sizeable fiddle yard - if you don't know what that is, come along on Wednesday, 3rd September, at 7.30pm and find out! Plans are also being made for two bus routes with their own colours. Prominent in the club room now is our large station clock. The village and station names will only be released in October, so watch this space! Thanks go to those who have so willingly donated rolling stock, buildings and railway lines, and many other bits and pieces. We could not have reached this far without their generosity and kindness. Hope to see more of our parishioners soon. Keep on rollin'.... David Beattie 7
PAUSE Autumn is here, holidays are over and the children will soon be back at school, well prepared for the new academic year. As you know, PAUSE continued throughout the summer. We welcomed two visitors at the Secret Garden in July, and in August a Columban lady tested the water by joining us at the Park Avenue Hotel – on her birthday! We shall meet for lunch on Thursday, 11th September, at 12.30pm in Hillmount Garden Centre. If you are free, do come and join the group. We would love to see you there! If you require further details or help with transport, please contact me. Eileen Anderson (9020 3684)
MU ACTIVITY GROUP I’m sure, like me, you have enjoyed the warm sunshine and dodged the scattered showers over the summer. A lovely time to spend with family and friends, experiencing the outdoor life - as shown by the photograph of our Group on the tow path at Scarva last June (see Nan Armstrong’s article on page 9 in the July/August Columban). September beckons and, as you know, this means the start of a new season of activity! The Group will meet on Tuesday evening, 16th September, in the church hall with our usual enthusiasm for badminton and scrabble. I look forward to meeting up with all our members and perhaps some new ones! Maureen
TUESDAY AFTERNOON BADMINTON Badminton is such a great game, On Tuesdays it’s always the same. We don’t only sit, We aim to be fit, So hurry and send in your name! It is such a joyful way to get a little exercise, though it is not only play – there is plenty of chat, too! Ladies Afternoon Badminton and Table Tennis resumes on Tuesday, 9th September, at 2.00pm in the church hall. Kyleen Clarke (9079 7155) 8
Youth Etc starts again on Saturday, 27th September, and we meet once a month to enjoy a range of activities. All young persons and friends from 1st form/year 8 are welcome and are invited to attend. The first activity that we have planned is a trip to the Craigavon Golf /Ski Centre to go snow tubing! This has always been a popular venue and enjoyed by everyone in previous years.The cost will be £5.50 per person for 1 hour snow tubing. Please meet at St. Columba’s church car park at 2.00pm so that we can travel to the Ski Centre to arrive at 2.45pm for the session starting at 3.00pm. Long sleeved tops, trousers and gloves are essential. Snow tubing takes place in an outdoor environment and will continue even in inclement weather! Please dress appropriately for the weather. Future activities for the coming months will be discussed on this date. Please let me know if you can come along so that I can book the appropriate number of places. Looking forward to seeing you there! You can contact me on 07730 468684 or by email at davykly@gmail. com David
It’s approaching that time of year again when the Men’s Club restarts on Monday, 1st September, meeting in the church hall at 7.30pm. The programme for the coming year is being planned as we speak. Following on from the success of last season, we will once again be offering a varied programme catering for a wider range of activities. Copies of the programme will be made available to any gentlemen within the parish. If anyone has any questions or indeed suggestions that may benefit the club, please feel free to contact me through the usual channels. Contact details will appear in the parish magazine, parish handbook or on the parish website. We welcome new members and urge any gentlemen in the parish who are considering joining us to come along any Monday evening, when you will be assured of a warm welcome! John Robb (Hon. Secretary)
Where did the summer holidays go? It is difficult to believe that another school year is beginning which means Crèche also starts again this month. I would like to introduce myself, the new Crèche co-ordinator. My husband Mark and I have a 6 year old daughter, Emma, and we have been attending St. Columba’s now for four years. I am also about to begin a new school year – my 20th as a primary school teacher. By the time you read this, I hope to have a happy band of volunteers up and running to help with Crèche on Sunday mornings. Everyone assisting with Crèche will have had the necessary Safeguarding Children checks carried out. Crèche is a very informal time for young children to play together as well as listen to stories, and perhaps sing the odd song! I hope that the list of helpers will be available in The Columban each month. If you would like to be involved with Crèche, please make yourself known to me some Sunday morning. There is always room for more helpers! 9
Lynn Ryan
DOVES Doves will resume on Friday, 12th September, with me and Hollie Wilson as the new leaders. Boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old are all welcome on a Friday evening for toys, crafts, games and fun activities. We look forward to seeing all the current members and hopefully introducing a few new faces. See you all on the 12th! Moira Saunders (07739 041392)
LADIES BOWLING Afternoon bowling will commence on Monday, 22nd September, at 2.00pm. We look forward to a good season of friendly games and sociability. Please come along and have a try. “They” say your first year is your best! Phyllis Newton
MUMS & TOTS Hi Everyone, Hope you had a great summer! Just to remind you that we start back on Friday, 5th September, at 9.45am. We look forward to you joining us for play, fun and laughter! See you then, Anne (9065 1412)
LADIES GUILD NOTES Hello Ladies, Time to start another Ladies Guild Year but what lovely summer holiday memories we have, pretty frocks and al fresco dining in the amazing sunshine. At our first gathering our aim is to carry on travelling with Jill and Dennis Wilson on the Peking to Paris Motor Challenge, visiting exciting places such as Ulaan Baatar, Omsk and Petropavlovsk! So pack your suitcase and join us on Wednesday, 17th September, in the Choir Vestry at 7.45 pm. Please bring along a friend or two who would also enjoy a jaunt! Programmes will be delivered to members as usual but spares will be available at the back of church on Sunday, 31st August, so grab one and see our exciting programme for yourself.. Imelda Shephard (Hon. Secretary) 10
Brownies meet on a Friday evening from 6.30pm to 8.00pm when we get together to have lots of fun and learn new skills. We enjoy trips out and weekends away as well as belonging to a world-wide organisation. Please come along if you are aged 6 ½ to 10 years of age and give us a try when we recommence on Friday, 19th September. Please note the change of date from that published in the July/August Columban Beth Cairnduff
THE COLOUR OF HAPPINESS Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why is the bride dressed in white?’’ The mother replied, “Because white is the colour of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.” The child thought about this for a moment then said, “So why is the groom wearing black?”
THE VALUE OF A SMILE It costs nothing but creates much. It enriches those who receive without impoverishing those who give. None are so well off that they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad and nature’s best remedy for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody until it is given away. To smile then is to look at others with the eyes of Christ. To know how to love them and smile at them, through our tears if need be, is to breathe in advance the atmosphere of heaven. 11
IMPORTANT CHANGES regarding Free Will Offering and Standing Orders We recently asked everyone using Free Will Offering envelopes to consider moving to Standing Order as our preferred method of contributing to St. Columba’s, in order to reduce costs and to improve security. Thank you very much to everyone who has already done so. We have made major changes to our donations software this year in the parish office, as well as how we record contributions to reduce the need for excess envelope ordering. These changes were necessary to allow us to keep a more accurate record of donations. While it may cause inconvenience for some parishioners, we hope that things will settle quickly and the need to constantly change numbers will end. Reference numbers have now changed for certain groups of people and all financial reports printed in January/February will use these new numbers. Please check carefully if you fall into any of the four categories below:1. If you pay by Standing Order MONTHLY, then your number will remain the same. 2. If you pay ANNUALLY by Free Will Envelope or by Standing Order, your number will have changed. Please contact the office if you would like to know your new number. 3. If you have not used any of your allocated Free Will Offering Envelopes since December 2013, your number will have changed. 4. If you have not used your Standing Order number for the last 6 months, your number will have changed. If you fall into any of the above categories numbered 2, 3 or 4, then you will need to contact the office to discuss your new number. The Parish Administrator will be happy to advise you about the use of existing envelopes.
THESE CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT, SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CONTACT THE OFFICE IF YOU ARE AFFECTED Free Will Offering Envelope numbers will also change for many parishioners and your new packet of envelopes will be available for collection at the back of church from the start of December. Please arrange for a friend or neighbour to assist you if you are unable to attend church, or contact the Parish Administrator for further help. Your new Free Will Offering or Charity & Mission envelopes will have your new number on the packet. This is the number you should use when checking the January/February reports printed in The Columban. All old envelopes MUST be destroyed at the end of this year as your old number will have been allocated to another parishioner. If you are unsure of any of this information and require more help, please contact the Parish Administrator (9065 6891) who will be happy to assist. Thank you. Karen Patterson, Parish Administrator
PARISH LINK WITH ST. MACARTIN’S CATHEDRAL, ENNISKILLEN On the last Sunday in June, a number of parishioners from St. Columba’s, along with our clerical team, made our way to Country Fermanagh to join the congregation of St. Macartin’s Cathedral in Enniskillen for a service of Holy Communion. There’s often a notion in and around Belfast that places like Enniskillen, Derry/Londonderry or Dublin are much further away than they actually are. When I got engaged to my future wife from Armagh in the 1970s, my older relations in County Antrim often asked me if I’d be travelling up and down to Armagh “on the same day?” Similarly, when I worked for BELB, my counterparts in the Western Board regularly joked that people in Belfast seemed to think it was somehow a shorter journey for Derry people to come to Belfast than it was for those travelling in the opposite direction! We’ve possibly all had bad experiences on long journeys when we’ve been stuck behind caravans, a boat or tractors, but Enniskillen now seems much closer to Belfast than it used to be, not least because of the recent extension of a dual carriageway as far as Ballygawley. Certainly on 29th June, the journey to the West lasted little more than 90 minutes due to the 8.30am early start and the very light traffic encountered on that gloriously sunny morning. So why are we involved in this new venture? It’s partly because our Rector and the Dean of the Cathedral Parish in Enniskillen have worked together in the past and know and respect one another. Similarly, the Bishop of Clogher, The Rt Revd John McDowell, until three years ago was Rector of St. Mark’s, Dundela, and a near neighbour to us in Knock. These types of personal relationships are important but there’s a bigger picture as well. It can be all too easy for a parish (or a business or community) to be focussed in on itself. We all know the line about charity beginning at home but few of us would deny the importance of looking outwards, and sharing experiences and good practice with others. In his recent sermon in Enniskillen, our Rector highlighted some of the values and traditions that our two congregations share. We embrace very similar styles of liturgical worship and, for both parishes, pastoral ministry is viewed as vitally important. Our two congregations have a long history of supporting those in need, both at home and much further afield, and both parishes have a proud tradition of ecumenical outreach. On the other hand, however, we’re certainly not clones of one another. We do some things differently in Knock than they do in Enniskillen and I’ve no doubt we each see certain things slightly differently, too. As your Organist, for example, I was amazed to learn that there are somewhere around 63 names on the Choir Roll in St. Macartin’s, so they’ve obviously found a way of attracting significant numbers of younger people into their choir. In the months ahead I shall be trying to find out how they’ve managed this and see if we can do something similar. This type of healthy exchange, of course, will give many of us involved in different organisations within St. Columba’s opportunities to compare various aspects of worship and parish life generally. I had a memorable day out in Enniskillen in June and it was a great privilege for a number of our choir members to join our new colleagues in the cathedral choir stalls as we sang together, just as it was an honour for me to provide the organ music before and after the service. When the formalities of the service were over, we went the short distance to Enniskillen Castle where we got to know one another even better over a picnic. We were undoubtedly blessed with good weather allowing the locals to crack endless jokes about the sun always shining in Fermanagh, even if it’s often hidden by the clouds! I hope as many of us as possible can keep Sunday, 7th September, free for the return match! 14
Joe McKee
Parish Picnic On Sunday, 29th June, the Rector, the Assistant Priest, Organist and a group of our parishioners travelled to Enniskillen Cathedral for the Sunday morning service to mark the start of our new parish link with St. Macartin’s. We then enjoyed a picnic in the grounds of Enniskillen Castle with our hosts. On Sunday, 7th September, we look forward to warmly welcoming the Dean of Enniskillen Cathedral, The Very Revd Kenneth Hall, along with some of his parishioners to St. Columba’s. Refreshments will be served upon their arrival at 10.30am and our service will commence at 11.00am. After the service, both parishes will join together in a picnic in Stormont Castle. Please come along to support us and bring your picnic, as we extend our warm and courteous welcome to our visitors!
There were many dignified ceremonies to commemorate, on 4th August 2014, the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The war – sometimes also known as The Great War – claimed the lives of some 10 million people drawn from many nations before its conclusion on 11th November 1918. The horror, loss and tragedy of the war has been recorded in literature that includes the poignant and often haunting lines of celebrated serving soldier poets such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. Among the lesser known soldier poets from that era is an Irishman, Francis Ledwidge, who grew up alongside the River Boyne at Slane, Co. Meath. Unlike Sassoon and Owen, Francis Ledwidge chose not to write about his experience of the war but of the Irish landscape that was his homeland. His inspiration was drawn from the riverside and lush green landscape of the River Boyne valley which many of us cross today at Drogheda on the new motorway bridge, linking Belfast with Dublin. In the first verse of one of his most acclaimed poems - June - Ledwidge evocatively describes the rich bounty of early summer in Ireland: 16
Broom out the floor now, lay the fender by, And plant this bee-sucked bough of woodbine there, And let the window down. The butterfly Floats in upon the sunbeam, and the fair Tanned face of June, the nomad gipsy, laughs Above her widespread wares, the while she tells The farmers’ fortunes in the fields, and quaffs The water from the spider-people wells… The parents of Francis Ledwidge were poor farm labourers. He was born in 1887 as the eighth of nine children who grew up in the family’s small cottage, less than one mile from Slane, which today serves as a museum commemorating his life and work. Despite having only a very basic education, the young Francis showed early promise as a poet and succeeded in having his first works published by his local newspaper, The Drogheda Independent. This prompted further support for his work by a major aristocratic landowner in Co. Meath, Lord Dunsany. By 1914, Ledwidge was beginning to find a foothold in Irish literary society – but the outbreak of the war in August of that year was to take his life in a very different direction. Like so many young men in Ireland, Britain and elsewhere, Ledwidge enlisted in the British Army and went on to serve in campaigns in both the Balkans and in Flanders. At St. Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, the War Memorial Lectern contains eight volumes of books that list the names of all 49,000 Irishmen who died during the First World War. Among those listed there is the name of Francis Ledwidge who was tragically killed during the 3rd Battle of Ypres on 31st July 1917, aged 29. He is interred at a military cemetery in northern France. The Francis Ledwidge Museum is located just a short distance outside Slane on the N51 road which connects it with Drogheda. It is furnished as it was in the time of the Ledwidge family, and it contains many items and artefacts that are linked with him. Most important of all, it celebrates the creative gifts and legacy of Francis Ledwidge – and serves to remind us of the terrible war that was to claim his life. More details on the life and work of Francis Ledwidge – and the Museum - can be found on the internet at 17
Ivan Maginnis
SERBIAN MISSION RENEWED Hello everyone, Once more, it is my great privilege to be able to write to you all about my experiences in Serbia this summer. For those who are unaware of what I do, I work with an American missionary organisation called Josiah Venture that seeks to bring the Word of God to young people via ‘covert’ evangelical camps in countries throughout Eastern Europe. These camps are advertised as being for the teaching of conversational English by native English speakers and, while we do teach, a lot of time is also spent spreading the Gospel amongst these students via talks, discussions and by generally just loving them. The past year has not been a good one for Serbia. Economically, Serbia is in a very precarious position, with rampant unemployment and many people living at a below subsistence level. To make matters worse, freak rainstorms in the spring resulted in terrible floods that killed many people and destroyed a good proportion of the country’s harvest for this year. In the city of Obrenovac, flood waters rose to over twelve feet high, ruining thousands of homes. In Sremska Mitrovica, where Josiah Venture has its headquarters in Serbia, the river Sava reached unprecedentedly high levels. Despite impressive flood defences and the use of sand-bags, if the river had risen just one inch higher the city would have been inundated. Government relief has been largely unhelpful and tens of thousands of people are having to rebuild their lives right now. Three different camps were planned for this year, the first being in Sremska Mitrovica, the second in Novi Sad (the administrative capital of northern Serbia) and the third in Bačka Topola (a largely Hungarian speaking town near the Hungarian border). Each camp would be run by three different American teams, with me and a few others staying for all three camps. Each camp would also be partnered with an evangelical Protestant church from the camp’s local city, so that any student who did make a commitment to receive Christ would have someone available to disciple them; or if a student didn’t make a commitment, they would still have Christian connections present in their lives. Rather than give a systematic outline of what happened, my goal here is to present you with different stories so that, hopefully, you’ll be able to see how God really worked in the lives of the people in Serbia, both students and team members. Firstly, there is a young man named Danilo from Novi Sad. Danilo holds the record for the being the student who has come to the most English camps, by far. His first camp was 2006 and he has been at one camp a year ever since (which is two years longer than I have, I might add). However, despite this, he has never once shown any desire to follow Christ, generally always zoning out when this was mentioned. By nature he was always a serious, intense character who was certainly not a people person. Yet last year, despite some immense personal difficulties in his life, a change was noticed within him, his manner becoming more genial and outgoing although he still barely participated in any discussions about Christ. This year, however, he seemed more open, even to the religious aspect of the camp. On the last night of camp, the American team leader (who has known him for five years) gave him a Bible. I happened to be in the room at this time and I saw the utterly genuine smile on his face, and the way he hugged her in thanks. This is someone who God is definitely changing for the better. 18
Szofi is a young girl about 15 years old who came to the third camp at Bačka Topola. While she is a cousin of the wife of one of the Mreža staff, the Serbian specific Josiah Venture organisation, she had little interest in church. She was even heard to describe herself as a satanist at one point near the beginning of the week. Yet she was always full of questions about God and, after camp had finished, we received word that she had expressed a desire to go to church for the first time. Monika is a 20 year old young woman with severe motor difficulties due to cerebral palsy who, while not from Novi Sad itself, came to the Novi Sad camp. While highly intelligent, speaking four languages and a talented artist, she is unable to walk by herself and has great difficulty in talking. As far as we knew, she had no church background of any sort. At the camp, almost everyone, both students and team members, spent time with her, showing her love and at the end of the camp she prayed to receive Christ into her life. We had all been concerned about how she would fit in and how it would be possible to really make her welcome. God answered beyond our wildest dreams. The camps can be amazing opportunities for learning for team members as well as for students. Trevor is a young man from Indianapolis who came as part of the US team for the Bačka Topola camp. Due to an accident while an infant, he had spent several minutes clinically dead, leaving him with both ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome. He was a difficult child both at school and at home because of this, and his mother had brought him with her to Serbia in a desperate attempt to give him some sense of responsibility and value. At the beginning, before camp started, he was something of a distraction and I must confess I was worried when I found out that he was going to be in my English class. Nevertheless, God really used him with the students and it gave him a sense of self-worth that I don’t think he has ever experienced before. I really do think that the camp has really changed his life for the better. The weather was also truly amazing this year. For some reason, this summer has been very wet, with major thunderstorms appearing almost every other day, although usually at night. At each camp, on the night in which we share the Gospel, we have a particular exercise called The Labyrinth which is used to help people think about what it is that they have just heard. Much of this involves being outdoors. Unfortunately, on the night of The Labyrinth at the second camp, there were huge (and I mean huge) storm clouds approaching over the horizon, already rumbling with thunder. As my job that night was to direct people, I was busy getting tarpaulins ready to use as shelters. Before it was due to begin, we prayed and as I went outside again, it seemed like there was a hole in the massive, black clouds directly over the camp. While it seemed that torrential rain was gushing down all around us, we barely had any. Later, during the third camp, the weather was again dreadful. However, it only seemed to rain when we were inside and it stopped when we needed to be outside (and I’m not making this up, incidentally!). 19
And what have I learned? I believe that God spoke to me this year clearer than he has ever done before. At the moment I have several major concerns, including finishing my PhD thesis and trying to find some kind of job. These thoughts were lingering over me as I started the camps. Half way through the first camp, I was randomly going through my Bible and I came across Matthew 8:26 where Jesus has calmed the storm and says to the apostles, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” This line seemed to almost jump out at me in a way I’d never known before. Knowing that there is an omnipotent God watching over me, why am I scared? A few weeks later, between camps two and three, I was feeling tired and anxious and I came across Romans 8:26 which basically tells us that whatever our worries are, the Holy Spirit is beseeching them to God in groans louder than our words. (You might notice that both passages are chapter 8, verse 26. Not only is this quite a coincidence but, as a friend pointed out to me, this was my 8th year in Serbia and I am currently 26 years old. If this is a coincidence, it’s an exceptionally improbable one!) Later, in my first service at St. Columba’s upon coming home, the Gospel reading turned out to be Jesus’ walk on the water and Peter’s attempt to join him. And what does Jesus say to Peter? “You of little faith. why did you doubt?” I still have worries about my future but knowing that God is watching over me, I cannot help but be comforted. As I close, I just want to ask you all to keep Serbia in your prayers, regarding both the people there who are busy trying to spread the word of God and those who have only recently come in contact with them. The camps themselves are only a small part of a much larger operation that will go on long after I and all the other foreigners have gone home. Thank you for your attention. Ross Thompson
Far away in the tropical waters of the Coral Sea, two prawns were swimming around. One called Justin and the other called Christian. The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that inhabited the area. Finally one day Justin said to Christian, “I’m fed up with being a prawn. I wish I was a shark and then I wouldn’t have any worries about being eaten.” A large mysterious cod appeared and said, “Your wish is granted.” Immediately, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian swam swiftly away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate. Time passed and Justin found life as a shark boring and lonely. All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin began to realise that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight. While swimming alone one day, he saw the cod again and thought perhaps the mysterious fish could change him back into a prawn. He approached the cod and begged to be changed back and, lo and behold, he found himself turned back into a prawn! With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes, Justin swam back to his friends and bought them all a cocktail. Looking around the gathering at the reef, he realised he couldn’t see his old pal. “Where’s Christian?” he asked. “He’s at home, still distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy and became a shark,” came the reply. Eager to put things right again and end the mutual pain and torture, Justin set off to Christian’s abode. As he opened the coral gate, memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted, “It’s me, Justin, your old friend, come out and see me again.” Christian replied, “No way man, you’ll eat me. You’re now a shark, the enemy, and I’ll not be tricked into being your dinner.” Justin cried back “No, I’m not. That was the old me. I’ve changed. I’ve found Cod. I’m a Prawn again, Christian.” 20
MY 15 MINUTES OF FAME (or thereabouts!)
Whilst tinkering on the internet one evening late in 2012, I filled out an application for The Chase and thought no more about it until an e-mail in March 2013 invited me to audition at the Premier Inn. Following a fairly rigorous five part audition, those fortunate to be short listed were informed. A call in August asked me if I could come to a recording on 17th September. The flight and accommodation were arranged for me and I flew to Heathrow to be met by a chauffeur driven car - what a thrill to have someone waiting with your name on a card! We went to the studios at Teddington where I met my fellow contestants and our ‘minders’ for the day, Lisa and Michael. Installed in the Green Room with refreshments, two of our requested five outfits were selected by wardrobe for colour/texture tests. We began our preparation by watching some do’s and don’ts from previous programmes. Legalities were attended to before we went off to make-up. We were shown to our dressing rooms and provided with lunch, before changing into our designated clothes and going down to the studio floor. I must confess it was with mixed emotions that I approached ‘the big moment’ - a frission of excitement at seeing my name in lights and a shiver of fear knowing that there was no going back now! We took our places, allocated in advance, and recorded our introductions. Bradley Walsh, the presenter, appeared to offer us reassurance and encouragement. The overwhelming aim of all the production team was that we should enjoy the experience and take away good memories. Then it was time! Richard took up his position and the cameras rolled. Next was the anticipation of which Chaser would appear - it was The Beast, Mark Labett. He really is a big chap in every way. Unfortunately for Richard, Mark was on form and our first team member was caught. Then it was my turn... I can honestly say that at this point I had lost all trace of nervousness and set out to do my best to get to the final chase. Five questions correctly answered in the cashbuilder and I felt we needed money in the bank, so declined the larger offer. The Chaser got the first answer wrong which was a good start and I was able to get home with a step to spare. I had achieved my first goal! Sadly, the other members of the team were also caught and I found myself alone to face the final chase. I was lucky with my questions and managed 16 correct answers, plus the bonus step, which gave Mark 17 to beat. He did so with just 26 seconds to spare! He was extremely gracious and complimentary about my effort, and admitted to a ‘wobbly’ moment or two... However, that was the end of my challenge and a memorable day. I had met some lovely people and realised a personal ambition! On returning to the hotel, we said our farewells and I set off in search of dinner and to reflect on what might have been, before returning home the next day.
Eleanor Launchbury
St. Columba’s Parish Walk, Scavenger Hunt & BBQ Saturday, 13th September Starts at 3pm from the Comber Greenway, walking back to St. Columba’s. Transport to Comber available from the church car park at 2.30pm. The BBQ Party starts at 5pm at the church.
• Everyone is welcome to join us for any part of the day! • Proceeds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund. • Please sign the sheet on the noticeboard indicating if you can attend the walk, BBQ or both, or if you can provide transport to Comber. 22
Chambisi school in Northern Zambia receives the sports kit presented to Canon Philip Cheembela by Stranmillis 23 Primary School
SAFEGUARDING TRUST On Thursday, 22nd May, a well-attended training session was organised for the leaders and helpers of our many parish organisations. The meeting provided an opportunity for the members of the Safeguarding Trust Panel, the Rector, Elizabeth Leonard and Patrick Good, to outline the Church’s Safeguarding Trust policy and to focus upon the particular aspects that might arise in the work of organisations. The Safeguarding Trust is the policy of the Church of Ireland to promote the wellbeing of children and to set standards for the welfare of all children sharing in its ministry, with a view to protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Parish Panel’s responsibilities include: –
• • • •
Interviewing persons willing to serve as parish workers; Advising parish workers on their responsibilities in respect of the Safeguarding Trust Code of Conduct; Advising the Select Vestry in respect of its responsibilities; Being an immediate contact point for parishioners when a suspicion or allegation of child abuse is made, whenever that abuse is occurring.
If you have any queries or concerns about this important work, please feel free to contact any of the Safeguarding Trust panel members whose telephone numbers are listed on the back page of each edition of The Columbian.
Parish Sponsored Walk and BBQ Saturday, 13th September (pm) Parish Harvest Lunch Sunday, 5th October
OCTOBER PARISH MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the October parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by 6.00pm at latest on Sunday, 14th September. Many thanks 24
FLOWER ROTA FOR SEPTEMBER Sunday 7th …………………………........................................Dianne Gibson Sunday 14th ………………………..........................................Paddy Nesbitt Sunday 21st ………………………..........................................Carol Willis Sunday 28th.............................................................................Peggy Pook
FROM THE REGISTERS Marriage Saturday, 2nd August Holy Baptism Sunday, 6th July Sunday, 3rd August
Our Joys Rachel Claire Noad 36 Shandon Park and Stephen Brian Leacock 3 Gilnahirk Rise Ethan John Stewart 4 Grangewood Terrace Dundonald Hugo and Charlie White 81 Deramore Avenue Our Sorrows
Christian Burials Wednesday, 2nd July
Mary Jane (May) McAnernan Cherry Valley Nursing Home
Wednesday, 16th July Desmond Wilkinson 63 Sandhill Park Wednesday, 13th August James Hugh Young Fergusson 74 Kings Road
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume the Clergy already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) or the Assistant Priest (9145 8706) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 25
(2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
Superintendant Joyce Stevenson
9058 3381
TUESDAY (continued) 7.30pm MU Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 Union 8.00pm Mothers’ (1st Tuesday) Katrina Dukelow 9029 0625
Bubbles (3-5 years)
Splash (5-8 years)
7.O0pm Railway and Model Club David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Bible Study Group Anella Gallen 9065 8077 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Imelda Shephard 9079 7683
X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) MONDAY 10.30am Craft & Hobby Circle Carol Willis
9079 9997
2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton
9048 2113
2.30p.m. MU Afternoon Group
(2nd Monday)
Joy Montgomery
9029 5427
7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb
9058 1438
TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Vi Dowie
9067 1051
2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke
9079 7155
THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen 9079 0210 7.30pm Choir Practice Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45-4.30pm Toddler Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Moira Saunders 07739 041392 6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff 9087 4047 Youth Etc (11-15 years) (Monthly outings as arranged) David Kelly 9079 6658 Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) Victor Dukelow 9029 0625
Requests for the occasional use of church halls must be submitted to the Premises Convenor, John Little, on 07732 494151 or e-mail: 26
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Mark Reid 54 Knocklofty Park BT4 3ND Tel 028 9028 4367 Mob 07810 648167 HONORARY SEXTON John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9087 0526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, John Little, Mark Ryan, Gillian Sadlier, Mark Wilson HONORARY SECRETARY Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 9065 6183 Email HONORARY TREASURER Josephine Kelly 15 Manse Road BT6 9SB Tel 028 9079 6658 ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 9029 0625 GIFT AID SECRETARY Ronny Martin 8 Gillycourt Manor 309 Gilnahirk Road BT5 7SL Tel 028 9079 0821 Mob 07526 396838 Email
RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 9047 1514 Email ASSISTANT PRIEST The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG Tel 028 9145 8706 PARISH READER Karen McAlpine Email DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber, BT23 5SZ Tel 028 9187 8816 RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN John Macpherson 10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF Tel 028 9028 2076 PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Jon Allen 9 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AP Tel 028 9065 3511 JUNIOR CHURCHWARDENS Andrew Kelly, Charles Auchmuty RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 9058 3381 Mob 07973 392448 27
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Victor Dukelow Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Patrick Good Moranne Noad Ross Thompson (under 30) ORGANIST AND CHORAL DIRECTOR Dr Joe McKee 76 Sandown Road BT5 6GU Mob 07976 294574 ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 8 Lacefield BT4 3PA Tel 028 9079 3641 READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 9065 5500 SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 9754 2198 CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Lynn Ryan 2 Ballyregan Road Dundonald BT16 1HY Tel 07710 652190
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 Email PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 9514 0141 Email C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Moranne Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 9079 3704 BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 9048 9884 CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 9065 0716 PREMISES CONVENOR John Little 14 Barnetts Lodge, Barnetts Road, BT5 7FS Tel 07732 494151 Email
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE PARISH ADMINISTRATOR FINANCIAL GIVING SECRETARY Karen Patterson Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Tel 028 9065 6891 Email
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel below, or any of the statutory agencies. The Rector 028 9047 1514 Patrick Good 028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard 028 9065 3162 28