September 2016

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The Columban st. columba’s church, knock, september 2016

Charles in Kenya


Rector’s Letter

Dear Parishioner, This month sees the start of a new season for our Parish Organisations together with the return of the full pattern of our church services. I hope that you are looking forward with fresh enthusiasm to the resumption of all that we are about in St. Columba’s. It is good to be returning to the order and routine of parish life! I am looking forward to commissioning the leaders of our Parish Organisations at the All Age Worship Service on Sunday 4th September,. At the beginning of this new season It is right that we seek God’s richest blessing on our lives and our parish. This is an ideal time to get further involved in the life of St Columba’s. Full details of our Parish Organisations are contained in each edition of The Columban together with the leaders’ contact details. They would be delighted to hear from you! Why not contact them for information or better still why not go along for a “taster” to one of their activities or meetings to see for yourself? The parish website www. is regularly updated and provides much helpful information about the life and ministry of St Columba’s. Please include the website in your ‘favourites’ and visit it regularly for all the latest news. In recent weeks three significant projects were successfully completed:

The interior of the church building was repainted following the generous response to the Painting Appeal.

The Church Hall floor was sanded back to bare wood and sealed by Mark Wilson.

A second toilet was installed in the church by Jim Stevenson and his brother-in-law, Noel Scott, just beside the Choir Vestry.

It is important that we take good care of our buildings and that they are well maintained for our church services and parish activities. I thank all those who worked so hard on these projects and I am grateful for your cooperation while this work was being carried out. 2

CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL THURSDAY 24TH – ADVENT SUNDAY 27TH NOVEMBER Preparations are well underway for our forthcoming Christmas Tree Festival. The Co-ordinator of this important event is Ronny Martin and the committee is meeting regularly as the date gets ever closer. The theme for the festival is “Let there be Light!”. The church will be decorated with approximately 50 trees, depicting our church services, our local community, specific parts of the Christmas story, and how Christ’s birth can connect with our daily lives. Festive refreshments will be served in the Hall during each day.

“LET THER E BE LIGHT ” Come glo w with us at our





St Colum ba’s Par Church, Kno ish ck 29 King s Road, Belfast BT5 6JG


24th – Sund ay 27th November 2016

A luminous and thoug ht-provokin festival featur ing beautifully g decorated Christmas trees, interludes, festive stalls musical and light refreshmen ts in the Churc h Hall. Cele

brity laun ch event Thursday 24th at 7pm Opening times: Thursday 6pm Fri & Sat 10am to 10pm Sunday 2pm to 10pm to 5pm

All proceeds

to St Colu mba’s Refu For more detai rbishment Fund. ls visit ww



At this early stage I wish to invite every member of St Columba’s and all our Parish Organisations to fully support the Christmas Tree Festival and to become actively involved in it. This will be a busy and exciting time for us and it is also a wonderful opportunity to welcome visitors to our parish. The Christmas Tree Festival will only reach its full potential when the whole of the parish is actively involved. Here are some of the ways how you can support it:

• • • • • • •

Assisting with the distribution of posters and fliers Assisting with the setting up of the trees Assisting with the preparing and decorating of the Hall Serving as a Steward Assisting with supplying and serving of the refreshments Donating specific items for decorating our charity trees (details to follow later) Making a financial contribution using the Gift Aid Envelopes provided

Please give prayerful consideration as to how you can support and assist the festival as we together we seek to raise money for our Church Refurbishment Fund. Further details will be contained in the October Columban and in the Pew News sheets. As we now begin our autumn activities, it is my hope and prayer that we will all give of our best to God in everything that we say and do. May we daily ask ourselves, “Am I treating others as I would like them to treat me?”. Hopefully the answer will be a resounding “Yes!”. Yours in His Service


SERVICES IN SEPTEMBER Thursday 1st (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 4th 8.15am

The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Carol Willis Philemon 1-21 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 14: 25-33


10.30am All Age Worship with Dedication of Parish Organisation Leaders followed by refreshments Reader Joyce Stevenson Luke 14: 25-33 Interview with Charles Auchmuty upon his return from Nairobi with Jengana. 7.00pm Choral Evensong Reader Jennifer Pyper Isaiah 43: 14 – 44: 5 Reader Jennifer Pyper John 5: 30-47 Occasional Prayers: Karen McAlpine Thursday 8th 10.30am

The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (White) Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Sunday 11th The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Billy McAlpine 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 15: 1-10 10.30am Holy Communion Reader Eleanor Launchbury 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 15: 1-10 Intercessions Gina Greeves 7.00pm Compline Reader Gillian Sadlier John 6: 51-69


Thursday 15th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 18th 8.15am

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Jayne Martin 1 Timothy 2: 1-7 Gospel Karen McAlpine Luke 16: 1-13



9.30am 10.30am 7.00pm

Family Communion Gospel Rachel Leacock Luke 16: 1-13 Morning Prayer followed by refreshments hosted by Railway & Model Club Reader David Beattie Jeremiah 8: 18 -9: 1 Reader Hollie Wilson Luke 16: 1-13 Occasional Prayers: Roberta Rogers Holy Communion Reader Eileen Anderson Ezra 1 Gospel Clergy John 7: 14-36 Preacher: Karen McAlpine

Thursday 22nd Saint Matthew (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 25th 8.15am

The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Back to Church Sunday Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-17 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 7: 24-29

10.30am 7.00pm

Holy Communion followed by refreshments hosted by Catering Committee Reader Ronny Martin 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-17 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 7: 24-29 Intercessions: Barbara Laverty Evening Prayer Reader Gerald Hill Nehemiah 2 Reader Gerald Hill John 8: 31-33, 48-59

Thursday 29th Saint Michael and All the Angels (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:



HARVEST Saturday 1st October, 10.30am – 12.30pm No flower arranging skills necessary willingness to help is all that is required. Children and young families will be particularly welcome to help with the decorating! Refreshments served in the Rectory.

Harvest Thanksgiving Services Sunday 2nd October 2016 8.15am 11.00am

Holy Communion All Age Worship followed Harvest Lunch (please note Preacher: The Bishop of Connor time change) The Rt. Revd Alan Abernethy 7.00pm Choral Evensong Preacher: The Very Revd John Mann Dean of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast



Charles in Kenya I would like to begin with a word of thanks to everyone who supported me both financially and spiritually both while I was getting ready to go to Kenya and during my time there. I went to Kenya with a charity called Jengana, - “a Christian ministry that seeks to reach to people living in very desperate situations in the slums of Nairobi in Kenya. It was born out of personal experience of life in poverty changed by the compassionate response of many people. They are aware that the need surpasses our ability and resources, as such, by faith we seek not to change the whole world but the world of one person at a time.” Jengana strives to give the people of Kenya a better life whether it be through sponsoring children in schools, building houses, doing home visits and carrying out maintenance in both schools and churches. Jengana also currently run their own orphanage for babies and are now constructing their own compound. ‘I should stop taking photographs of others and take a close up of myself.’ I think that this phrase perfectly describes my trip. By this I mean that the trip has made me realise how we here in Northern Ireland take education for granted and in Kenya it is a gift that not many people are able to receive even though it may be the difference between life or death, a life in the slums or a life in the city. Another aspect that really struck me was the fact that the Kenyans have such a different work ethic which in my opinion should be applied to our modern society - it is that no matter what you have to do, you do it to the best of your ability and that you help others before yourself. During my 17 day trip we worked extremely hard on many different projects. This included building a house in 6 hours and working in an orphanage. We carried out several building and landscaping tasks e.g. building a house for a single mother in Oyugis, rebuilding a wall in a school in Mukuru slum and 8

building an animal pen at the Jengana land. We also cut the grass at a street boys rehab home with tools called slashers. During our time in Kenya we also went into Nairobi City centre to carry out street feeding which was very emotional and quite distressing at times. We witnessed some horrific sights that were truly horrendous such as young boys aged about 6 or 7 lying on the ground, barely moving due to an overdose on drugs also boys being beaten up by men because they asked for food. This seems so negative but I can assure you that there were some very special and memorable moments such as the time that we were painting in a school in Kibera slum and the children whose classroom we were painting outside came up to the window and began singing “You raise me up�, we joined in with the singing and it was a great feeling. Another special memory will be walking into a classroom and all the children would come running up to us for hugs and to be lifted or to teach us their special handshake. I did not undergo any of these tasks and activities alone I was accompanied by a superb team who left the bus station in Belfast as individuals but departed from Kenya as friends who have achieved miraculous things together. I look forward to taking further about my experiences in Kenya at the All Age Worship service on Sunday the 4th September Charles Auchmuty 9

Thought for the Month

St Paul is one of history’s most famous letter writers. In today’s world, letter writing is something of a dying art given the convenience of email and text.

I think there is something special about receiving a message in someone’s own hand writing. It feels more personal than an email or text. A hand written note takes a bit more effort to write and send and it suggests that the writer has invested time in the person receiving it. That’s probably why we are inclined to hang on to personal letters as treasured items. And in the short term, a letter can be popped on top of the fireplace to be read again or perhaps to show to others. I have been fortunate to receive some lovely letters over the years. After my father passed away I found great support in people taking the time to write words of comfort. On a happier note, I received lovely hand written messages when celebrating a big birthday recently. John’s family in Scotland have been regular letter writers to us over many years, if only just to update us on the state of the weather in the Highlands! I am not the best of writers but it’s something that I’ll try to stick with and I will hope to encourage our children to do so as well. So, my thought for the month is that we should take some inspiration from St Paul and write a personal letter to encourage, thank, congratulate or console someone. I’m sure someone would love to receive a letter from you! Emma Macpherson Our sincere thanks to Emma for sharing this ‘Thought’ with us. The October ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Marie McCordick.


Still Available

An House Not Made With Hands This beautifully extended limited edition contains coloured photographs and updated information on how the parish has developed to the present day. The new section of the book has been written by our Organist Emeritus, Gerald Hill to compliment the original work by Betty Rainsford. The book is available for purchase at the back of Church, the Church Hall and Choir Vestry. Cost: ÂŁ10 per book.



Any articles or photographs for publication in the October parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 7th September. His contact details are:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390 Email:

We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks

CRAFT & HOBBY CIRCLE September again, where does the time go? We will now meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Some will be making decorations and things for Christmas, others will be doing their normal crafts and some will keep us entertained with their chat. This photo shows some of the decorations Karen Patterson has already made, aren’t they great? Tea, coffee and chat as usual. Looking forward to seeing you then. Carol 9079 9997 / 07831 345560 or Email: pchwillis@

Men’s Club Notes It’s that time of year again, gentlemen. A reminder to all existing and all potential new members that we will opening our doors on the 5th September commencing at 7.30pm in the church hall. The refurbishment of the floor in the hall should be completed in time for our first meeting. If you wish to know more about us as a club feel free to come down any Monday evening where you will be assured of a warm welcome. Or you can contact me on my mobile anytime and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. The programme for the coming season will be available before the end of September John 07956 061929 12

PAUSE I hope that every reader of the Columban will have had time to relax and enjoy the summer, such as it was. Autumn has arrived and the children will soon be back at school, ready for the new academic year. In July we met in St Patrick’s Church and in Binkys. In August we were in the Park Avenue Hotel. Quite a number of parishioners are at home during July and August! PAUSE is an opportunity to come along for a short time to have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with whoever happens to be there. The day varies as does the venue. Everyone in the parish is invited. If you are free, do come and join us. We will meet on two occasions in September. Monday, 12th September at 10.30am at the Old Mill at Dundonald for coffee and a chat. Wednesday, 28th September, at 10.30am at the Secret Garden for coffee and a chat. If you are free do come and join us. Come on your own or with a friend. We look forward to seeing you. If you require further details or help with transport please contact me. Eileen 9020 3684

From the Registers Holy Baptism Sunday 7th August Wedding Friday 1st July

Our Joys

Sophia Elizabeth Gillard 28 Farmhurst Green Gavin Dominic Smyth and Sharon Anne Craven 10 Laurel Grove Avenue

Our Sorrows Christian Burials Tuesday 21st June Tuesday 5th July Friday 15th July Friday 29th July

Andrew McKeown 50 Knockwood Crescent Michael Davey 4 Kensington Park James Arthur Henshall 36 Ballyhanwood Road John Victor Lewis 72 Shandon Park


Back to Church Sunday 25th September 2016 First of a series of five invitations Back to Church Sunday is designed to encourage as many people as possible to attend church on a regular basis. It is always challenging to take that first step on a new journey, so I am personally inviting you to come along to the first of five special services on 25th September, and to bring along your friends, neighbours and families. We will be hosting special refreshments at the back of church and I would encourage you to mark this date in your diary. The other services which are especially relevant in this season of five invitations are:

Harvest Sunday 2nd October followed by Harvest Lunch Remembrance Sunday 13th November Advent Carol Service Sunday 27th November during our Christmas Tree Festival Christmas Day Service Sunday 25th December Please come along and support the outreach of our parish by bringing along as many friends and family as you can. The Rector


FLOWERS IN CHURCH As many parishioners will be aware, the provision of flowers at the Main Table each Sunday has been a long standing tradition in our Church. These flowers are generously provided by parishioners in remembrance of family members, loved ones and associated events in family life and are always most welcome. Prior to the renovations at the West End of the Church a lectern held the ‘Flower List’ where donor’s names could be entered against their preferred date(s) throughout the year. Due to the reorganisation of the enlarged space the ‘Flower List’ has now been relocated to the Noticeboard adjacent to the Baptistery. There are currently a number of ‘Free’ dates for the remainder of this year and the 2017 List is now also in place, allowing the opportunity to ‘book ahead’ as it were. Just add your name against your preferred date. Flowers are no longer placed on the side table but a small memorial table sits nearby and flowers may be placed here at any time if a particularly relevant date has already been taken on the main Flower List. A telephone call to myself is all that is required to arrange this. I am usually at the Church each Saturday morning between 10.30 and 11.30 attending to the porch decoration etc. and will gladly give any assistance which may be required. Eleanor Launchbury

FLOWER ROTA SEPTEMBER Sunday, 4th September......................................Dianne Gibson Sunday, 11th September.......................................... Carol Willis Sunday, 18th September..................................... Paddy Nesbitt Sunday, 25th September.......................................... Carol Willis


St. Columba’s Parish Walk & BBQ Saturday 10th September

Starts at 3pm from the Comber Greenway, walking back to St. Columba’s. Transport to Comber available from the church car park at 2.30pm.

The BBQ Party starts at 5pm at the church. “Who do you think they are?” Quiz during the BBQ – can you identify your fellow parishioners from a brief historical fact?

 Everyone is welcome to join us for any part of the day!  Proceeds for the Church Hall Refurbishment Fund.  Please sign the sheet on the noticeboard indicating if you can attend the walk, BBQ or both, or if you can provide transport to Comber.


Happy September everyone! We hope you all had a fun relaxing summer break and are ready for a new year of excitement! Kathryn and I have met up and planned our new year of activities and badges and there are quite a few things we have never been to before but we are hoping will be a success. We are also very pleased to announce that there will be another Snores and S’mores camp for us to attend this year which was a big hit last year. This year will be busy for more reasons than one as my husband and I are expecting our first baby in November. We are very excited but this does mean that I will be absent from Brownie leader duties for a few weeks and we will be in need of a new volunteer to help Kathryn running the unit from the end of November-February, if you feel you would be able to assist please get in touch as without a willing volunteer we will really struggle to provide the great opportunities Brownies creates for the girls. We meet on Wednesday nights from 6.30 to 8.00 in the main hall and have already had enquiries from several new girls and have plenty of room for more, if you are interested please get in touch. Looking forward to seeing you all! Amanda and Kathryn

SIDESPERSON’S ROTA 4th September 11th September 18th September 25th September

The Allen family Eleanor and Geoff Launchbury Jack Dunlop and Ross Thompson Yvonne and John Robb


Railway and Model Club Here we are again, Happy as can be. All good pals and jolly good company. Yep...we are off to another busy and creative year. In this next month we will have our AGM and our OPEN DAY on the 18th September. Wednesday Evenings will again be filled with track laying, house building and developing the ‘00’ scale countryside. That is apart from 1200th scale harbour and ship building. The only limit is our imagination. Don’t forget, we are open to all.....male and female, young and old. If you can’t make it down every Wednesday evening but would still like to be part of our club, do contact us and let us know. I’m sure something could be arranged. Looking forward to meeting you on the 18th September. Keep ‘er rolling. David

ART CLUB Having spoken to several of our members during the summer it was obvious that not many masterpieces were being completed. The standard excuse was that they missed the discipline (and the tea/coffee) of our Thursday mornings painting sessions. Never fear, relief is at hand, as we start the 2016/2017 season on Thursday, 8th September at 9.30am. Please remember that Christmas card designs should be completed by mid-September. Billy


SUNDAY SCHOOL I hope all the children and teachers had a relaxing summer. Sunday School starts again on 11th September and all boys and girls between 3 - 13 years are welcome to come to the church hall from 10.20 am on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month. The children take part in a wide range of activities including art, craft, role play and discussions. We will continue to participate fully in the All Age Worship services with children reading the lessons, saying the prayers, singing an anthem and lifting the collection. We hope our numbers will continue to increase and we welcome any new church members. Sunday, 4th September

10.30 am All Age Worship

Sunday, 11th September 10.30 am Sunday School Sunday, 18th September

9.30 am Family Communion

Sunday, 25th September 10.30 am Sunday School Joyce Stevenson

Youth Etc. Youth Etc. is the name for the youth group at St Columba’s and is open to all secondary school young people. New members are very welcome and they can bring their friends along as well. Youth Etc. will be recommencing in September. Activities are normally around once a month and have in the past included; ten pin bowling, crazy golf, trampolining at Vertigo, Aunt Sandra’s workshops (chocolate and sweet creations), raft building, laser quest and snow tubing. Details of the selected activity for September will be given nearer the time. If any new young people would like to join, could you let me know by emailing David Kelly at: David


Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 90471514). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Rector will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during September: Rector Glenallen Street

Glencregagh Park

Glenmillan Drive

Glenbrook Avenue

Glenmachan Drive

Grand Parade

Grangewood Grove

Green Road

Hospital Visiting The Rector would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume that he already knows the information as situations have occurred previously when he has not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (9047 1514) to enable him to take careful note of the details.


God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711 20

Christian Care for Families We are commencing our new season in September this year. Our first meeting will be the opening service on Tuesday 6th September at 8.00 pm in the church. This will also be the Annual Gilnahirk Area Service and our guest speaker is June Butler, our Mothers’ Union Diocesan President. All members and parishioners are invited to come along to hear June’s address and also to support and show our appreciation to the Gilnahirk Area Representative, our own Irene Gray, for her sterling work on behalf of our local branches over the past six years. There will be light refreshments after the service. Our 4th October meeting will include a talk by local historian Aidan Campbell who will discuss his latest book. All parishioners and friends are welcome. Finally, a Prayer Breakfast for all members of Mother’s Union in Down & Dromore Diocese has been arranged for Saturday 22nd October in Rockmount Golf Club from 10.00am-12.00 noon. Breakfast will be served at 10.00am followed by a time of Devotion. The cost is £5.00. This is always an uplifting experience, well worth making the effort to come together for meditation, fellowship and thanksgiving. If any members wish to attend can they please let Jill Gillespie or Katrina Dukelow know before Monday 10th October.” Jill Gillespie

ACTIVITY NOTES During May and June we enjoyed some lovely walks and were very lucky with the weather. Our last walk took place on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 along the Down coast at Holywood ending with a visit to the Coast restaurant for a light supper. A most enjoyable evening. Although the weather over the summer months has been mixed, I hope you had time to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. Activity starts back on Tuesday, 13th September 2016 at 7.30. in the Church Hall, where we will be making plans for our weekend break to the Lodge Hotel, ColeraIne on 17th September 2016. Maureen 21

Choir Brian Clements We were all delighted to hear that our Assistant Organist, Brian Clements, had some wonderful experiences at the Annual Summer School of the Royal College of Organists based at the Church of St Gile’s, Cripplegate, in the City of London. Brian has attended a number of these courses where students attend consultation lessons and master classes from some of the finest teachers and performers in the UK. A highlight from the recent course was that Brian was selected to play the grand Organ in St Paul’s Cathedral. Our parish organ has 2 manual keyboards. St Paul’s has 5, so that alone is a significant challenge to anyone confronted with such a vast array of stops and other controls. I know that Brian received a very creditable set of assessments, and rightly so, because he put in a huge amount of rehearsal time and private preparation in the weeks leading up to the course. His many friends in the choir and in the parish take great satisfaction in hearing of Brian’s continuing development as a musician. Well done! Caroline McCartney At the end of June St Columba’s Church played host to a large number of singers and instrumentalists from Methodist College as a fund-raising event for the Chapel Choir’s visit to Westminster Abbey in July. This event raised a significant sum for the choir’s travel fund. (Earlier in the year the Methody musicians had provided St Columba’s with a similar concert which raised an equally impressive amount for parish funds.) I was invited to travel with the choir to London to play at the rehearsals in the Abbey and to accompany a service of Choral Evensong in St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. I am delighted to report that the choir sang magnificently and that the young people were outstanding ambassadors for their school and city. Of particular interest to us in Knock is the fact that our own chorister, Caroline McCartney, sang the soprano solo


in Stanford’s splendid setting of the Magnificat in the key of G, and had a further solo in John Ireland’s fine anthem, Greater Love. Caroline’s mother, Mrs Ruth McCartney who is Director of Music at Methody, rightly drew very warm praise from the clergy and staff of the Music Department at the Abbey for the quality of the singing. On the final afternoon it was estimated that around 1000 people attended evensong. As a postscript, later in the summer, Caroline attended the summer course of the Ulster Youth Choir where she had the distinction of being the youngest member of the choir. Calling New Members At this time of the year it’s to be expected that we would be looking for new members for the Parish Choir. Potential singers of all ages will be genuinely made to feel very welcome. The Parish Choir gets through a significant amount of music each month, so there are obvious musical benefits (not least around sight-reading and aural awareness) especially for younger people who may be studying an instrument or involved in GCSE or AS/A Level Music at school. These music skills and attributes, of course, are not limited to any specific age group! Choir rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings and immediately before the principal services. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me, either through my mobile phone (07976 294 574) or at Why not think about joining us for a few weeks, as a trial, to see what’s involved? Thanks. Joe McKee


One of my favourite hymns is “For the beauty of the earth”. We sang it at our wedding ceremony. Growing up on a farm I have always been close to nature and this hymn is all about the love of creation. Beauty, glory, and love are the first three words of importance. The hymn written by F. S. Pierpoint continues to mention the rhythms of the universe and “the mystic harmony of sound and light”. My favourite verse is number four when the whole family is thought about “brother, sister, parent, child “, and of course friends here and those departed. Pierpoint continues by thanking God for all the gifts with which we have been blessed and finally for our church with its sacrifice of love. The chorus is a reiteration of all of this. For me this hymn has to be sung to the tune Lucerna Laudonia as the rising 6th and 7th suit the words and rhythms. Maureen Beckwith


Dobar dan! Once more I have the great pleasure of reporting to you about my recent time serving in Serbia for six weeks. As many of you know, every summer for the past 8 years I have been travelling to Serbia to serve with the missionary organisation Josiah Venture. My work there mainly involves helping and teaching at English camps designed to spread the Gospel to high-school and university students. Before I go into detail about the events of the summer, I’d like first to describe many of the changes I’ve seen in Serbia over the past few years. Economically, the situation there has become worse. Widespread corruption, ineffectual government coalitions and a fall in the value of the Serbian dinar have made unemployment a serious problem for young people, many of whom have little chance of finding worthwhile jobs in their own country. European Union membership is perceived is being something that might reverse the situation, but this is unlikely to happen as long as Serbia refuses to recognise Kosovo as a separate state, which few Serbian politicians are willing to do. At the moment, the younger generation have a lack of hope for their future. There has also been a disengagement with the Serbian Orthodox church over the past few years. While in the past, Serbian youth would passionately identify themselves as Orthodox, as part of their cultural identity, such connections are now appearing more lukewarm. This does mean that, although youth are more tolerant of Protestants (rather than viewing them as a sect), it has fostered a climate of spiritual apathy. This year I served as part of a joint Northern Irish / United States intern team, working at three different camps alongside church teams from both the US and Serbia. In many respects, it was a difficult trip. Stresses and worries from both within Serbia and beyond were serious distractions and sapped a lot of my energies. The high temperatures and lack of privacy also weighed heavily. Nevertheless, I really felt God’s energy and presence flow through the camps. Many students came closer and closer to Christ; either starting from non-belief 24

and going to a genuine determination that there is something out there, or from some knowledge and half-hearted convictions to a real hunger for the Word. It was a particular pleasure to see the spiritual growth and maturity in those returning students, who had come to camp once or twice in years past. One student, a young man, said to me that he felt like the camp was what Heaven will be like, because of the way people interacted and loved each other. I personally, find sudden, emotional conversions suspicious. While people definitely do come to God that way, for the majority the affective high lasts merely as long as real life is kept at bay, and the belief fades as soon as they are faced by the pressures of everyday living. True, saving faith frequently takes time to mature and grow, aided by both discipleship and commitment from both mind and heart. I feel great joy in that I saw such maturation this summer in Serbia. Please pray, however, that it continues, and that the Serbian churches Josiah Venture partner with may provide comprehensive follow-up with these students, and that those who did move forward in their faith may continue dynamically to salvation and not regress or remain static. Please pray also for the team members still out there, and for next year, where we plan to increase the number of camps. I learnt a lot this summer, both in terms of how I need to rest in God, and how I need to be more intentional in prayer and spending time in God’s word. I’m also seriously considering about whether God’s calling is for me to move to Serbia on a more permanent basis. Your prayers would be much welcome in this regard. Thanks you for all of your support and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Hvala lepo i doviđenja.  (Thank you very much, and goodbye) Ross Thompson 25

LADIES GUILD Summer holidays are over but thankfully I’m writing this on a beautiful sunny morning, hope we have a few more before winter arrives. Our programme is all sorted and printed and I would like to thank Lilias and Jennifer for the interesting choices, also Karen for printing for us. As it is printed on bright orange card you can’t miss the extra copies at the back of church so please help yourselves and maybe take one to a friend. We begin our new season on Wednesday, 21st September at 7.45pm in the Choir Vestry. We are looking forward to welcoming Robert Scott who will take us on a journey through the parks of Belfast searching for WILDLIFE!!! I thank you again for your wonderful support last year and I hope you will join us as often as possible this year too. It would be lovely to see some new faces as well. Remember if you have travel problems please contact us and we will do our very best to arrange a lift for you------ don’t sit at home when you could be enjoying an evening with us !!!!! DON’T FORGET WEDNESDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER. Imelda


“LET THERE BE LIGHT” Come glow with us at our


St Columba’s Parish Church, Knock 29 Kings Road, Belfast BT5 6JG

Thursday 24th – Sunday 27th November 2016 A luminous and thought-provoking festival featuring beautifully decorated Christmas trees, musical interludes, festive stalls and light refreshments in the Church Hall.

Celebrity launch event Thursday 24th at 7pm Opening times: Thursday 6pm to 10pm Fri & Sat 10am to 10pm Sunday 2pm to 5pm

All proceeds to St Columba’s Refurbishment Fund. For more details visit 27

All Age Worship Tea & Coffee All Age Worship tea and coffee is back this month on Sunday 4th September and this is a little reminder we shall be raising funds for Down’s Syndrome NI. The Down’s Syndrome Association is based in Northern Ireland and they work with children to young adults and with parents of young babies. They provide support in many ways:

They are the main point of contact for hospitals, schools and the general public in Northern Ireland providing information and support on all aspects of living with Down’s syndrome.

They offer training for parents/carers and to all professionals.

They provide workshops for young adults and adults with Down’s syndrome, improving their self-esteem and confidence.

They facilitate residential events to develop young adults through outdoor pursuits, drama, and many other social activities and they run seven youth clubs throughout Northern Ireland.

They also work with hospitals, schools, nurseries and in a range of community settings offering training in all aspects of Down’s syndrome, from birth to older age. They provide a New Parent’s Day for all new parents in Northern Ireland each year. This involves counselling, physiotherapy, speech and language and Makaton training. Please plan to be with us and support a very worthwhile cause and at the same time enjoy a chat and cuppa. Roberta

The Order of St John

Congratulations to our Rector, Reverend John Auchmuty, on his recent appointment as Honorary Chaplain to the Commandery of Ards. This voluntary role will be effective immediately and will end in June 2020.


St Columba’s Parish Office The primary function of the Parish Administrator is to support the Rector and the honorary office bearers in the Parish. The Administrator works part time (mornings only) and the business of the Parish must take precedence. If and when the Administrator has time to do so she will assist Parish organisations with special events, etc. Unfortunately, whilst the following may seem a rather prohibitive list it has been drafted to help preserve the smooth running of the Parish office and to permit our Parish Administrator to continue to provide essential support to the Rector and the Parish. • The Parish office is a professional office and the Parish Administrator is custodian of confidential information, records and data. Therefore, visits to the office should be booked in advance. Visitors must not go behind the desk or make any attempt to view the computer screens. If the Administrator receives a telephone call, visitors should immediately leave the office and wait outside until invited to return. • The Parish Administrator will be very busy in advance of major Parish events such as the Christmas Tree Festival and Easter Vestry. Thursday is always the busiest day in the office. • The Parish Administrator requires the co-operation of all Parish organisations to enable the Parish to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements such as safeguarding trust. All organisations must provide contact details, membership details, parental consent, etc. for these purposes when requested to do so. • The Parish Administrator is not responsible for maintenance and repair of the church buildings, equipment or appliances. Any problems or defects should be reported to the glebe wardens. • The Parish office and the Parish Administrator enable the Parish to function effectively for the benefit of all parishioners. They should not be used for photocopying, laminating, administrative support for individuals or organisations. This encroaches significantly on the Administrator’s time. • Where time permits, the Parish Administrator will assist Parish organisations with special events such as fundraisers. A minimum of 3 months’ notice should be given. Where an organisation requires the use of the Parish projector and screen, a minimum of 1 week’s notice must be given and the equipment must be collected, signed out and returned during Parish office hours. • No dogs (except assistance dogs) or other animals should be brought into the church buildings including the hall and Parish office.

The Staffing committee 29

PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday


Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche Craft and Hobby Circle Ladies Bowling MU Afternoon Group Mens’ Club


Ladies Badminton Ladies Badminton Activity Group Mothers’ Union


Brownies Doves Railway and Model Club Bible Study Group Ladies Guild


Art Club Choir


Mums & Tots


Toddler Soccer (3-5 years) Pause


Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am

Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays

Lynn Ryan 07955 479065 1st and 3rd Monday each month Carol Willis 10.30am 9079 9997 2.00pm Phyllis Newton 9048 2113 2nd Monday each month 2.30pm Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 7.30pm John Robb 9058 1438 10.30am Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 2.00pm Kyleen Clarke 9079 7155 Maureen Irwin Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 9079 5155 Katrina Dukelow 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 9029 0625 6.30pm Amanda Fee 07739 039750 6.30pm Moira Saunders 07739 041392 7.00pm David Beattie 9028 5868 7.30pm Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Imelda Shephard 3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9079 7683 9.30am Billy Nelson 9048 3889 7.30pm Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 9.45am Anne Clarke 9065 1412 3.45 - 4.30pm Tim Wareing 07740 120788 As arranged Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 As arranged David Kelly 9079 3684 Social events as arranged Emma Macpherson 9028 2076

Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.


WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:


The Reverend John R Auchmuty

St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514

Assistant Priest

The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth

3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706

Diocesan Lay Reader

Karen McAlpine

Diocesan Lay Reader (Emeritus)

Bryn Harris

028 9187 8816

Rector’s Churchwarden

Andrew Hirst

028 9065 8785

People’s Churchwarden

Andrew Ellis

07920 112818

Junior Churchwardens

Henry Auchmuty, Jonathan Kelly

Rector’s Glebewarden

Jim Stevenson

028 9058 3381 07973 392448

People’s Glebewarden

Mark Reid

028 9028 4367 07810 648167

Honorary Sexton

John Proctor

028 9087 0526 07989 469773

Select Vestry

Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens,Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, David Craig, Helen Donaghy, Jill Gillespie, Patrick Good, John Macpherson, Mark Ryan, Moira Saunders, Mark Wilson

Honorary Secretary

Elizabeth Leonard

28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB 028 9065 3162

Honorary Treasurer

Gillian Sadlier

70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG 028 9040 3278

Assistant Honorary Treasurer

Victor Dukelow

028 9029 0625

Gift Aid Secretary

Ronny Martin

028 9079 0821 07526 396838


Parochial Nominators

Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Moranne Noad

Diocesan Synod members

Patrick Good, Moranne Noad, Ross Thompson (under 30)

Organist and Choral Director

Dr Joe McKee

07976 294574

Assistant Organist

Brian Clements

028 9079 3641

Reader’s and Intercessor’s Co-ordinator

Muriel Arndell

028 9065 5500

Sidespersons’ rota Co-ordinator

Rosemary Coffey

028 9754 2198

Crèche rota Co-ordinator

Lynn Ryan

07955 479065

Magazine Editor

Billy McAlpine

028 9042 4390

Parish Webmaster

Ivan Roche

028 9514 0141

C of I Gazette Distributor

Moranne Noad

028 9079 3704

Bible Reading Fellowship notes

Evan Preston

028 9048 9884

Church flowers

Eleanor Launchbury

028 9028 1204

Premise’s Convenor

Stewart Beckwith

028 9048 6622

Parish Office Administrator/ Financial Giving Secretary

Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm

028 9065 6891

SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...............................................................................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good...........................................................................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard................................................................................................028 9065 3162


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