Runner-up Parish Magazine of the Year June 2010
St. Columba’s, Knock King’s Road, Belfast
I invite you, your neighbours and friends to visit our Flower Festival which commences on Friday 4th June and continues until Sunday 6th June. Those attending will be able to enjoy the beautiful flower arrangements which the Northern Ireland Group of Flower Arrangement Societies are designing. They will be using their enormous skills and talent to celebrate the life of St. Columba. This will provide us with an invaluable opportunity to learn about the life of our patron saint and to see how the spirit of Columba is alive in our parish today. Our parish musicians, together with some of the local school choirs and visiting organists, will provide music at different intervals throughout the weekend. After viewing the flower arrangements, you will be able to enjoy refreshments in the Church Hall. I am delighted that Bishop Harold and Mrs Liz Miller will open the Flower Festival on Friday 4th June at 11am, and that the preachers at the church services on Sunday 6th June will be Archbishop Robin Eames in the morning and Bishop Gordon McMullan in the evening. Both these distinguished preachers have many associations with St. Columba’s and we look forward to having them with us during our Patronal Festival weekend. ORDINATION OF PRIESTS The Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Right Reverend Harold Miller, will ordain our Curate, The Reverend Robert Ferris, and the Curate of Hillsborough, The Reverend Mike Dornan, to the priesthood in St. Columba’s on Sunday 13th June, at 3.15pm. This will be a most significant day for both ordination candidates and the parishes in which they serve. I hope that you will be able to attend this most important service. Due to the meeting of the Diocesan Synod on Thursday 17th June, Robert will celebrate Holy Communion for the first time on Sunday 20th June, at 8.15am.
FLOWER FESTIVAL Celebrating the life of St. Columba (Northern Ireland Group of Flower Arrangement Societies)
Friday 4th – Saturday 5th June 2010 10am – 9pm
CONGRATULATIONS I congratulate the editor of the Columban, Ian Noad, our printers, Dataplus Print and Design, those who contribute articles each month and our magazine distributors, on the wonderful achievement of being chosen for the second year in succession as Runner Up in the Church of Ireland Communication Competition for parish magazines. The Archbishop of Armagh presented the editor with the prize at the Church of Ireland General Synod, which met recently in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Yours in His service,
Sunday 6th June 2010 2pm – 6pm For Enquiries and bookings contact: Moranne Noad – Tel: +44 (028) 90 793704 / email: Morning coffee, lunches and afternoon – high teas available Group Catering by arrangement – Contact Kathleen Acheson Tel: +44 (028) 90 597707 Website:
SERVICES IN JUNE Thursday 3rd 10.30am
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Transferred) (White) Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry
Sunday 6th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
St. Columba (Transferred) (White) Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Romans 15: 1-6 Gospel Clergy John 12: 20-26 Holy Communion Reader Alan Rogers Gospel Clergy Intercessions Helen Donaghy Preacher Archbishop Robin Eames Choral Evensong Reader Moranne Noad Genesis 1: 1-12 Reader Murray Hunter Revelation 21: 1-7 Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine Preacher Bishop Gordon McMullan
Thursday 10th St. Barnabas (Transferred) (Red) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 13th 8.15am 10.30am 3.15pm
The Second Sunday after Trinity (Red) Holy Communion Reader Elizabeth Miller Galations 2: 15-21 Gospel Clergy Luke 7: 36 – 8:3 Sunday School Prizegiving Reader Holly Wilson Prayers Karen McAlpine Preacher The Revd Steven Foster Ordination of Priests There will be no evening service in St. Columba’s
Thursday 17th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the choir Vestry Sunday 20th 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am
The Third Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh Gospel Clergy Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism Reader Moranne Noad Reader Fiona Haldane Occasional Prayers Karen McAlpine
(Green) Galations 3: 23 – 29 Luke 8: 26-39 Luke 8: 26-39 1 Kings 19: 1-4, 8-15a Luke 8: 26-39
Holy Communion Reader Gospel
Tony Greaves Karen McAlpine
Genesis 24: 1-27 Mark 5: 21-43
Thursday 24th Birth of St. John the Baptist (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 27th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm
The Fourth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan Gospel Clergy Holy Communion Reader Caroline Auchmuty Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Clergy Evening Prayer Reader Patrick Wilson Reader Patrick Wilson
(Green) Galations 5: 1, 13-25 Luke 9: 51-62 Galations 5: 1, 13-25 Luke 9: 51-62 Genesis 27: 1-40 Mark 6: 1-6
Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:
PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make, we pray, the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love and fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and lack of love. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort, and the penitent be assured of your mercy; and here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711
SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZE GIVING The annual Sunday School Prize Giving service will take place on Sunday, 13th June, at 10.30am. I look forward to welcoming the young people, together with their teachers and parents, to St. Columba’s on that day. It will be an important day for the parish as we congratulate our young people as they receive their prizes. These will recognise their overall Sunday School and church attendance throughout the year. As a parish, we are very fortunate to have such dedicated teachers and supportive parents. This enables us to provide an effective Sunday School which enables our young people to develop a good understanding of the Christian faith. During that weekend, the annual Methodist Church Conference will take place in Belfast. The ministers who will be attending the conference have kindly offered to preach at services in parishes on the Sunday morning. This will be an opportunity for us to develop the Covenant between the Church of Ireland and Methodist Churches. We look forward to welcoming the Revd Steven Foster, who is the Methodist Minister in Longford, as our preacher for the Sunday School Prize Giving service. The Rector
CLERGY PARISH VISITING FOR JUNE It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370). During this month, the Rector will be continuing his visiting of the Young Families’ homes throughout the parish and the Curate will be continuing his visiting of our housebound parishioners.
HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume they already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details.
JUNE SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 6th............................................Meryl Townsend and Doreen Thompson Sunday 13th..........................................Irene Gray and Margaret McConkey Sunday 20th..........................................Dawn and Garth Macartney Sunday 27th..........................................Alison and Brian Acheson
FLOWER FESTIVAL Friday 4th to Sunday 6th June 2010 Please note that, as a result of the forthcoming Flower Festival at St Columba’s during the first weekend in June, the following church premises will not be available during the stated dates below: Choir Vestry:
Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June inclusive.
Church Halls and Kitchens:
Tuesday 1st June to Sunday 6th June inclusive.
Alan Rogers Flower Festival Co-ordinator and Premises Convenor
MRS BARBARA MEGARRY Artistic Director St. Columba’s Flower Festival We are extremely grateful to Barbara Megarry who has so kindly and willingly undertaken the demanding role of Artistic Director of our Flower Festival at St. Columba’s. Barbara is a member of NIGFAS (Northern Ireland Group of Flower Arrangement Societies) which comprises 22 Flower Clubs throughout Northern Ireland. NIGFAS is affiliated to NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) and covers England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Barbara has belonged to Comber Flower Club since it was founded in 1995, and is a past Chairman and President. She is also a member of “Inspirations” which is a group of flower arrangers interested in contemporary flower arranging. She has a keen interest in the garden and belongs to the Comber Horticultural Society. Barbara is a NIGFAS qualified Area Demonstrator, Area Judge and teaches flower arranging leisure classes at the Belfast Metropolitan College. Her qualifications include City & Guilds in flower arranging skills, NAFAS Certificate in contemporary Floral Design as well as attending Greenmount College, where she achieved her BTEC National Certificate in Floristry. Her work has been published in Flora Magazine, the Flower Arranger Magazine and the NAFAS booklet “Elements & Principles of Design”, and through NIGFAS she had the privilege of being invited to arrange flowers in Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Observance Day in March 2006. Representing Comber Flower Club with her fellow flower arranger, Hilda McClements, Barbara also had the honour of exhibiting at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show in May.
Following their Confirmation Service in St. Molua’s Church on Sunday, 25th April, and after receiving Holy Communion in St. Columba’s the following Sunday morning, our candidates gathered at the Mothers’ Union tree with their confirmation teachers. Ruth Hewlett, Jonathan Brown and Rosanna Good, with the Rector, the Curate and Parish Reader, Karen
KNOCK KNOCK, IT’S THE CURATE! Well, it is amazing how quickly a year goes by! One year ago this month, I was looking forward to my ordination as a Deacon, now in June I will be ordained as a Priest. This for me will be another moment in my Journey as a Christian. What an enormous privilege it will be to have colleagues and parishioners pray for me as my responsibilities increase in the Church of God. For me, Ordination to the Priesthood marks both a continuation and a beginning. A continuation of what I have already been doing in the parish as well as the beginning of a new sacramental ministry where I will be able to celebrate communion, pronounce the absolution after the confession and also the blessing the end of services. Please do come along on Sunday, 13th June, at 3:15pm… it would be wonderful to see as many parishioners as possible in St. Columba’s. On page 565 in the Book of Common Prayer the role of the Priest is summarized thus…
CUT IT A fresh young Curate arrived at a prosperous parish with a well heeled congregation, and for his first sermon, determined to impress, he chose to preach for over thirty minutes on a uniquely obscure theme. A fortnight later, it was his turn once again to mount the pulpit but he arrived that Sunday morning in a considerable state of embarrassment, dabbing a very noticeable cut on his cheek. On enquiry, he explained that he had cut himself whilst shaving, such was his haste to come to the service on time, eagerly prepared to conduct yet another mammoth and mind bending oration. “Oh, I shouldn’t worry about the cut on your cheek if I were you”, observed his seasoned Rector wearily, “But for the sake of your congregation, could you perhaps just concentrate on cutting the sermon instead?”
“Priests (or presbyters) in the Church of God are called to work with the bishop and with other priests as servants and shepherds among the people to whom they are sent. They are to proclaim the Word of the Lord, to call those who hear to repentance and in Christ’s name to pronounce absolution and declare the forgiveness of sins. They are to baptize, and to catechize. They are to preside at the celebration of the Holy Communion. They are to lead God’s people in prayer and worship, to intercede for them, to bless them in the name of the Lord, and to teach and encourage them by word and example. They are to minister to the sick and to prepare the dying for their death.
They must always set the Good Shepherd before them as the pattern of their calling, caring for the people committed to their charge, and joining with them in a common witness, that the world may come to know God’s glory and love.”
Our last get-together until September will be our outing to Castle Espie on Monday, 14th June.
So there is indeed much to be getting on with in my new ‘job description’!
The coach leaves the church car park at 11.15 a.m. promptly and will return by 4.30 p.m.
Before I conclude this article, could I sincerely thank all those who have helped me over the past month raise a fantastic total for our marathon walk … I know elsewhere Victor Dukelow has a report on what was a long but enjoyable day!
We look forward to a sunny and enjoyable day with all our friends. May
Every Blessing Robert
COLUMBAN ACCOLADE At the 2010 Church of Ireland Communications Awards Presentations held this year at the General Synod in Dublin, parishioners will be delighted to know that in the all Ireland Parish Magazine category, judged by an independent panel of external media professionals, the Columban was awarded the Runners Up prize for the second consecutive year. The winning entry was the Taney News, from Taney Parish, Dublin, while third prize was shared between the Parish News of St. Paul’s Parish, Lisburn, and the Parish News of Tamlaght O’Crilly and Innisrush Parish, Diocese of Derry and Raphoe. In the photograph Columban editor, Ian Noad, receives his award from the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Reverend Alan Harper.
As a member of the “Young at Heart but Older in Other Places” brigade, I was interested to read of the history making merger between Age Concern NI and Help the Aged NI. These two organizations have now become Age NI. However, not to be outdone, another great merger has been made in our own Parish between the Ladies’ Guild and Mothers’ Union Activity Group, albeit for one evening only. This event will take place on Friday, 24th September, with all proceeds going to the Building Fund. Details will be given in the July/August edition of our magazine. In the meantime, please do keep this date free for what promises to be a fun filled evening for all, regardless of whether you come under the umbrella of Age NI, Young Families, H20 or whatever, everyone is welcome. Please watch this space! Thank you, Irene
Afterwards, Ian said: “I am delighted to accept this prestigious award on behalf of the Columban, and would like to take this opportunity to thank those individuals who have contributed so many varied and fascinating articles over the past year, as well as Wendy McCague of our printers, Dataplus Print and Design, and the support of the Select Vestry, all of whom have played a vital part in this welcome success”. The Diocese of Down and Dromore also featured strongly. In the all Ireland Parish Website category, first prize went to Willowfield Parish, Belfast, and in the ‘Other Organisations’ Website category, Shankill Parish, Lurgan’s ‘Uganda 2010’ site took second prize, whilst Bishop Harold Miller came a worthy second runner up in the Caption Competition! 10
Ever wonder where the prayer … ‘May I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, and follow thee more nearly, day by day’ comes from? Richard of Chichester, a bishop in the 13th century, wrote it. He began life as Richard de Wych of Droitwich, the son of a yeoman farmer. But Richard was a studious boy, and after helping his father on the farm for several years refused an advantageous offer of marriage. Instead, he made his way to Oxford, and later to Paris and Bologna, to study canon law. In 1235 he returned to Oxford, and was soon appointed Chancellor, where he supported Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, in his struggles against King Henry III’s misuse of Church funds. After further study to become a priest, Richard was in due course made a bishop himself. He was greatly loved. He was charitable and accessible, both stern and merciful to sinners, as well as extraordinarily generous to those stricken by famine, and a brilliant legislator of his diocese. He decreed that the sacraments were to be administered without payment, Mass celebrated in dignified conditions, the clergy to be chaste, to practise residence, and to wear clerical dress. The laity was obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days, and to know by heart the Hail Mary as well as the Lord’s Prayer and the Creed. Richard was also prominent in preaching the Crusade, which he saw as a call to reopen the Holy Land to pilgrims, not as a political expedition. He died at Dover on 3rd April, 1253. In art, Richard of Chichester is represented with a chalice at his feet, in memory of his having once dropped the chalice at Mass! One ancient English church is dedicated to him. And, of course, he is author of that famous prayer, now set to popular music, which runs in full: ‘Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits thou hast given me, for all the pains and insults which thou hast borne for me. O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly, day by day.’ 11
Ladies, Thank you all very much for answering my plea about the Outing. Thanks also to those who have already paid; can those of you who haven’t, please let me or Yvonne have payment as soon as possible? - it would be much appreciated! Our last meeting on ‘a little bit of pampering’ with Kay Armstrong was a really enjoyable one. Whether beauty tips given have made any difference to us remains to be seen! However, one lady, who shall remain nameless for reasons that involve her being married to a certain influential figure in our church, left the meeting positively glowing. Did her husband recognise her? That has not been revealed! On Thursday, 13th May, there was a Mothers’ Union Showcase evening in Moneyreagh Community Centre, hosted by our Diocesan President, Roberta. This was attended by our newly enrolled members and was aimed at letting new members, as well as those ladies who are not members, see exactly what the Mothers’ Union is all about. It was a most interesting and enjoyable evening and gave a real insight into the wonderful work done by the Mothers’ Union at home and overseas. Sadly, our outing on Tuesday, 15th June, is the last item on our programme this season. I have, however, been asked to bring to your attention two events that will take place before we meet in October. From Friday 2 July - Tuesday 6 July, “Summer Madness” once again takes place in the Kings Hall. This is an annual Christian camp for young people and this year an appeal has been made for volunteers from Mothers’ Union to be part of the Security Team managing the front and back doors of the complex. Roberta has already volunteered and it would be nice if some of us could support her. So come on all you young, and not so young but agile, ladies…. look forward to being inundated with names! On Wednesday, 29th September, we have been invited to a service in St Christopher’s to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. I will take names of anyone wishing to attend. It only remains for me to thank everyone who supported us this year and helped in all sorts of ways. Thanks to John, our Rector, for his support and for visiting us before each meeting and to Robert, our Curate, for all his help. Thanks also must go to our award winning Editor, Ian, for making sure all the information goes to press on time though, as one of his ‘Roving Reporters’, he can be a bit of a stickler (in the nicest possible way of course!). And last, but not least, thanks to Roberta, Kathleen, Yvonne, all the Committee members and you the members, without whom we would not have a Mothers’ Union. I hope everyone has an absolutely lovely summer and to those who are going away, have a great and safe holiday! See you on Tuesday, 5th October. Irene 12
For a few hours during the May Day Bank holiday, Belfast resonated to the sound of 40,000 feet pounding along its highways and byways. It was into that heady mix of adrenaline and perspiration that a small army of intrepid Columban athletes strode – some more eager than others. The group was led by our Curate, Robert Ferris, who ditched the green machine for a pair of walking shoes for one day only. Robert and a couple of other members of the congregation had entered the full 26.2 mile marathon walk. They were supported by two relay teams, the “Ferris Fanatics” and the “Columban Crusaders”. Each relay team comprised five members who were required to run or walk distances of between 4 to 7 miles. As the arduous endurance test unfolded, the church’s athletes were buoyed up by the immense support they received from legions of people who lined the route. Indeed, many parishioners turned out to offer words of encouragement. The weather was kind too – not too warm and not too windy. All the participants and relay teams from St Columbas completed the event. Admittedly, no speed records were under threat. Despite a surprise sprint finish from Helen Donaghy and Jennifer Johnston, the relay teams finished 1954th and 1955th respectively. Rumour has it that a couple of relay team members searched in vain for an ice cream vendor on their way along Duncrue Street. It is not clear whether that helped or hindered their pace. Our Curate himself had a real battle to the finish line. He not only walked the entire marathon distance but did so while helping others who had fallen victim to muscles strains and blisters – a real modern day Good Samaritan. He demonstrated steely determination in completing the marathon – well done, Robert! Great fun was had by all that took part. Some even threatened to do it all over again next year but that should wear off as the endorphin levels fade. The real highlight was the significant sum of £1028 that the participants raised for the Church Building Fund and a number of other worthy causes. All those that took part would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all who provided such generous support and sponsorship – that certainly helped keep motivation levels fully charged! Victor Dukelow 13
M. U. ACTIVITY GROUP The month of May sees the end of our current year and looking back we have had a good fun packed programme. Each week we have enjoyed fun and fellowship in our badminton and scrabble playing as well as appreciating all our tasty suppers. We also found time to bond with each other on a weekend break to the Radisson Hotel, Limavady, afternoon tea at the Culloden and ‘A Night at the Musicals’ in the New Mill theatre. After some weekly walks we look forward to relaxing during the summer break and I hope to see you again on Tuesday, 14th September 2010. Maureen
DOVES The Doves have been very busy on Friday evenings from 6.30-7.30pm. Robert came to visit us and we had him lie down on a large sheet of paper and drew around him. We are now covering his 6’ 5” outline with copper coins to raise money for the Building Fund appeal! Over the next few weeks we are planning to visit the Flower Festival and have fun playing outside. We would love to have some new children join us! Karen
YOUTH PRAYER FOCUS – JUNE In our series on prayer for our young people, June marks a milestone in education – two long months of summer holiday lie ahead but before we get there, teachers are busy marking exam papers and pupils are beginning to wind down. For some, it may be a stressful period waiting for report cards to come through. For others, June may herald the end of an era – for Primary 7’s, it marks the end of Primary School as they move to Secondary or Grammar education; for Year 12’s, GCSE’s mark the end of compulsory education and decisions will have to be made during the summer months of the direction in which to head; for Year 14 (Upper 6th), A2’s mark a major stepping stone as university or the world of work beckons. These transitional students need the prayers of our parish – it is no easy step to go from one establishment to another. New groups of friends have to be created, new teachers, new environments, new pressures, fresh challenges. It’s sometimes the unknown which is the most frightening. This June, pray for our young people who are saying goodbye to friends and awaiting the results of their exams. ‘Heavenly Father, Once again we hold before you our young people, particularly those who are making the transition from one level of schooling to another, and those who are leaving our schools for work and university. We pray that throughout all of this you will be their Guide, that you will go before them. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen’ Robert 14
LADIES AFTERNOON BADMINTON GREENWAY WALK The Ladies Afternoon Badminton Club welcomes any walkers who would like to join us on Tuesday, 31st August at 2.00pm, meeting in the church car park. If the weather is inclement we will play badminton, otherwise the new season begins at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 7th September. Kyleen Clarke
CENTENARY OF FATHER’S DAY In the UK, USA and Canada, the third Sunday in June is Father’s Day. And 2010 is the centenary of the first ever Father’s Day. Ever wonder how the idea of Father’s Day came about? It all started way back in 1909 because of a woman in Spokane, Washington, named Sonora Louise Smart Dodd. That year she heard a church sermon about the merits of setting aside a day to honour one’s mother. Mother’s Day was just beginning to gather widespread attention in the United States at this time. But Sonora Louise Smart Dodd knew that it was her father who had selflessly raised herself and her five siblings by himself after their mother had died in childbirth. So the sermon on mothers gave Sonora Lousie the idea to petition for a day to honour fathers, and in particular, her own father, William Jackson Smart. Sonora Louise soon set about planning the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane in 1910. With support from the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA, her efforts paid off and a ‘Father’s Day’ was appointed. Sonora Louise had wanted Father’s Day to be on the first Sunday in June (since that was her father’s birthday), but the city council didn’t have time to approve it until later in the month. And so on 19th June 1910, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane. Gradually, other people in other cities caught on and started celebrating their fathers, too. The rose was selected as the official Father’s Day flower. Some people began to wear a white rose to honour a father who was dead, and a red one to honour a father who was living. Finally, in 1972, President Richard Nixon signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day - a permanent, national holiday. Today, Father’s Day is a great time to celebrate any sort of male role models, like uncles or grandfathers, as well as dads. Certainly Father’s Day has become a day for greeting card companies to rejoice, and sales of the most popular gifts for dad (shirts, ties, and electric razors) increase considerably. Perhaps most telling of all, though, is how children continue to see their fathers: more ‘collect calls’ to home are recorded on Father’s Day in America then on any other day of the year! 15
Our bowling season closed with the final of the Pairs Competition and presentation of prizes. The Eileen Madill Shield was won by Fiona Elliott and Jean Calderwood, runners up were Eileen Anderson and Dorothy McQuitty. Other prize winners were Hazel Reid and Evelyn Armstrong.
In 564 AD Saint Columba set sail with twelve disciples. They were a tight knit band of Jesus radicals, whose dreams were earthed in their conviction that God works most powerfully through small faithful bands of intimate disciples, grittily living together and sharing their lives in open vulnerability. They didn’t know their destination, but they trusted that in leaving their native Ireland, they would be guided to wherever God wanted them to serve him. God duly led them to a small island just off Scotland, where they founded what they described as a “little heavenly community” called Iona.
Thank you to all the members for their co-operation and loyalty throughout the season. We hope to open again at the end of September. Phyllis Newton
SCRIPTURE UNION NORTHERN IRELAND Would you like to make an investment that will accrue for life, an investment of a different kind? Scripture Union can help you make a unique one. We can equip you with ideas, resources, training and opportunities as a way to build good links with your local school. Which is better, to be appreciated or tolerated? Resources, such as SUNI’s Primary RE lessons, have been devised to enable children and young people encounter God in the classroom. We will train church teams to deliver the lessons. The Amazing Jesus lessons, geared towards pupils in P5/6, are based on the miracles of Jesus. Picture a child reading the Bible story, engaging with this Jesus, receiving the Gospel and the Bible notes afterwards, gifted by a local church. What if these gifts were from St. Columba’s? It’s your Move lessons equip P7 pupils to think through the choices, changes and challenges of moving on to the next school. One way to invest in young lives. For more ideas please contact: Anita Conkey Scripture Union Schools Development Manager Email: Tel: 028 90454806 16
The prevailing culture all around them was pagan, but they weren’t the types to settle for sanctified resignation as they observed the dark world in which they found themselves. They were on a mission from God! But their approach was totally unlike the church in Rome, whose top-down system was becoming progressively more hierarchical and institutionalized, and whose unwieldy centralized structures sucked the spiritual lifeblood out of most of those who claimed to follow Jesus. In complete contrast, these Jesus radicals sought to ferment their ideals and spiritually from the grassroots of society upwards. In due course, Columba reached out to the blood thirsty Picts in northern Scotland, and eventually led the king of the Picts to Christ. Steadily, the missionary forays from the community at Iona permeated much of Scotland, and then England, and even mainland Europe. Wherever they went, they established new “little heavenly communities” as beacons of light and life to reach out to the lost souls around them. This surging, vibrant movement’s manual was the book of Acts, and the results weren’t dissimilar to those achieved by the early church. Can we relearn some of the lessons from Columba and his merry men? Their commitment to each other, and to reaching the lost, was total. Their servanthearted faith was lived out in uncluttered simplicity. Their bold, risk-taking and adventurous spirit was unquenchable. And the bedrock of it all was their passionate love for Jesus. So like them, we should fall in love with Jesus again, and embrace the uncertainty and adventure of the next exciting chapter in the life of Saint Columba’s, which will be…....God knows what, God knows where, God knows when, God knows with whom, and God knows how. He knows the answers. We may not. That’s why we live by faith. Are we up for the challenge? SIMON GUILLEBAUD, For What It’s Worth: A Call to No Holds Barred Discipleship, p213-216, Monarch Books, Oxford, 2006. 17
We are most grateful to our Assistant Organist, Brian Clements, for sharing with us his thoughts on playing the organ and about the very enjoyable course that he attended last summer.
R.C.O. ST GILES’ SUMMER COURSE FOR ORGANISTS 3rd – 8th August 2009 I should start by perhaps explaining that I am a 60 year old who took up playing the organ nine years ago through the Church of Ireland Down and Dromore Diocesan Organ Scholarship Scheme. Gerald Hill, our choirmaster and organist, had encouraged me to apply, leading to three years of lessons with Michael McCracken at Down Cathedral. On completion of the scheme, I continued my lessons with Michael and was subsequently appointed assistant organist at St Columba’s. I have also passed my grade 6 organ exam and am currently preparing to sit grade 7. Anyone who is a pianist and has attempted to play the organ, especially in their later years, will know that it is quite a daunting task! One has to acquire the techniques of playing pedals with BOTH feet and learn how to register pieces of music as well as generally manage the organ and also face the fact that no two organs are the same! How many times have my non musical friends asked the question, “Have you not mastered that organ yet?” I decided I would like to attend a summer school where there would be a concentrated period of lessons as well as opportunities to improve my skills and play different instruments, and especially meet with others who were in the same boat. The RCO St Giles’ Summer School for organists provided me with the unique opportunity to do just that. The Summer School is held every August in St Giles’ Parish Church in the Barbican area of the City of London, under the very capable and talented leadership of Anne Marsden Thomas and her team of inspirational organ tutors from the St Giles’ International Organ School, including Daniel Moult and Gerard Brooks. St. Giles has three pipe organs and the Summer School also makes use of the organs of some 20 other churches situated in the City of London, most of which have wonderful organs with long histories. The opportunity to visit these historic churches was a delight in itself! The course was aimed at organists of all levels and abilities, from those who were beginners to those studying for the various diplomas. The timetables were designed to enable each student to decide what they want to achieve, and included: • Personal organ tuition. • Master classes for which students prepare set pieces of music. • Student concerts at which you are encouraged to perform. • Daily church service with all the musical elements undertaken by various students. • Technique clinics on pedalling, fingering, registration, practise methods, musical interpretation and conquering nerves. • Skills classes on sight reading, organ management, tonality and transposition, figured bass and harmony. 18
• Workshops on how to accompany anthems and hymns and help with choir training. As part of the course we were treated to a private organ recital in Southwark Cathedral by Peter Wright, the organist and choirmaster there, a truly memorable experience. We also had the opportunity to visit the Mander Organ Works. Personally, for me, one of the major difficulties in playing the organ is controlling nerves and I found the summer school extremely beneficial in that respect. Having to prepare and perform in front of your peers in concerts and master classes was a challenging experience. It was also a great opportunity to source a new and exciting repertoire, and to have the opportunity of playing so many wonderful instruments. I also had enormous fun and thoroughly enjoyed the social side of the course! Most of the students stayed in Sundial House, the student accommodation of the Guildhall School of Music, which was only a short walk from St Giles. I would encourage anyone who wants to expand and enliven their organ playing experience to consider attending this course. Applications are open for the Summer School this August and I have already applied! I would also like to say a special thank you to Gerald Hill and Michael McCracken for all their continued encouragement and support. If anyone would like further information on the Summer School, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Brian Clements
As we come to the end of another year in H2O it is an opportunity to say a sincere thank you to Robert, Beth, Helen and the Rector for their continued support. The year has been packed with many very enjoyable events and it has been a great privilege to work with such a committed group of leaders and young people. Amongst the most memorable evenings were the CSI experience, Laserquest and the visit from our Diocesan Youth Officer, Brandy. It must be said the evenings spent chilling out watching a DVD and eating pizzas were also a great success! Last month’s activities included ten pin bowling and the sponsored clean up of the church grounds. Thank you to those who directed operations, the workers and the people who so generously sponsored us.
To round off our year we hope to have an outdoor activity night in Crawfordsburn Country Park, details will follow. Mark Wilson 19
We are extremely grateful once again to parishioner and former Assessor to the General Synod, Michael Davey, for his succinct and illuminating report on proceedings at this year’s General Synod which took place in Dublin from Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th May.
GENERAL SYNOD REPORT 2010 General Synod met this year in Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin. Using the Cathedral like this was a reminder of the way cathedrals in the past provided space for many social and commercial activities. While a well equipped modern conference centre would have had more comfortable facilities, the Cathedral did all that was required. It also had an atmosphere which no conference centre could match. The Cathedral had one more big advantage. It was cheap. Even a glance at the annual accounts of the Church’s Central Funds and the Clergy Pension Fund was enough to show how important a consideration that was. The accounts did not make for happy reading. The Clergy Pension Fund showed an actuarial deficit of some £40million as at September 2009. Proposals were brought forward to repair this deficit over a five year period, sharing the pain between existing pensioners, central church funds, clergy in service, and the parishes. Central church funds will make a big contribution and the contributions payable by in-service clergy and the parishes, i.e. us, will rise to 9% and 21 % respectively of “pensionable stipend”. Further increases may be necessary in 2014. It is to be hoped that the present recovery in the capital value will continue. However, new retirements and increasing longevity make for increasing liabilities. Many final salary schemes have been closed to new entrants, or even closed altogether. The Clergy Pension Fund trustees and General Synod Members are reluctant to do this. No doubt they are conscious of the immense debt of gratitude due by the Church of Ireland to those clergy who, at disestablishment, commuted their pensions to provide the fledgling Church with the bulk of its capital. The financial message is, again, that pressure on the Pension Fund and central church funds will continue to increase and that the Church will have to rely more and more on the contributions of its members. There were other matters besides finance. The Synod passed, with the necessary two-thirds majority, a proposal by our own Bishop for a Bill next year to amend the Prayer Book by including a prayer for Northern Ireland. The Synod gave formal and unreserved support to the Board of Education in their efforts, with the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, to preserve their rights to appoint governors etc. in the schools transferred in the past to the Department of Education. Synod also discussed the continuing process of self examination being undertaken by the Church through its Hard Gospel project. The Synod was given a timely reminder by Bishop Harold that we may be in danger of believing we can go on living in a divided society without any intentionality in regard to becoming a reconciled people. We need, he said, to be holding our politicians accountable and to be implementing the Hard Gospel to a greater extent than before, so as to avoid the danger of returning to the conditions of 1969. On the last day of the Synod, it was a pleasure to see the familiar features of our Editor striding up the aisle to receive another award in the Parish Magazine competition. This is the second year that “The Columban” has achieved this 20
distinction and all concerned deserve congratulations. Finally, it should be noted that the proceedings of the Synod were conducted under the critical eye of Sir Samuel Auchmuty, an ancestor of our Rector, in whose memory a memorial and bust is set in the rear wall of the Cathedral. Whatever other benefits derived from this ancestral supervision it has to be reported that the Rector was remarkably well behaved. Michael Davey
THE DAY A DEER DISRUPTED A MEETING OF THE SELECT VESTRY One sunny Sunday some years ago the weighty deliberations of a Select Vestry meeting, specially convened after morning service, were somewhat abruptly interrupted by an excited parishioner bearing the news that a roving deer (actually, a stag) had been spotted in the undergrowth down behind the church hall. It seems the errant beast must have absconded from the deer farm at Baillie’s Mills and wandered along the old Comber railway line up to Belfast, strayed onto the King’s Road and thence into the leafy grounds of St. Columba’s, possibly in search of spiritual as well as nutritious refreshment. A vet was duly summoned who skilfully tranquilized the elusive creature with a dart. No mean feat as due to intense congregational interest there was a distinct possibility that had he missed his evasive target, he might well have tranquillised an innocent parishioner instead. The comatose stag was then manhandled into a van, but not before the vet was obliged to saw off its antlers to prevent it inadvertently damaging itself, or the inside of the van, on regaining consciousness. Deer lovers should not be unduly alarmed, however! The noble monarch of the glen, though shorn of its horns, would not on revival slump swiftly into a state of deep depression; happily, its antlers would grow rapidly again. Regretfully, however, once back on the deer farm, our wandering friend would be unlikely ever to escape again unless en route for consumption at a local restaurant..... Needless to say, in the aftermath of such a momentous event, the meeting of the Select Vestry was duly abandoned! Ed. We are most grateful to Richard Crowe, a former parishioner, member of the choir and the Select Vestry, for sharing with us his memories of this unusual incident, and wonder whether there are any other parishioners who can also remember that morning of some 20 years ago when the meeting of the Select Vestry was so unexpectedly interrupted... 21
FEAST OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL The two most famous apostles are remembered this month, for they share a feast day on 29th June. ST. PETER St Peter (d. c. 64AD), originally called Simon, was a married fisherman from Bethsaida, near the Sea of Galilee. He met Jesus through his brother, Andrew. Jesus gave him the name of Cephas (Peter), which means rock. Peter is always named first in the list of apostles. He was one of the three apostles who were privileged to witness the Transfiguration, the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the Agony in the Garden. When Peter made his famous confession of faith that Jesus was the Christ, Jesus recognised it as being the result of a revelation from the Father. He in turn told Peter that he would be the rock on which his Church would be built and that the ‘gates of hell’ would never prevail against it. Peter and the apostles would have the power of ‘binding and loosing’, but Peter would be personally given ‘the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven’. Jesus also forewarned Peter of his betrayal and subsequent strengthening of the other apostles. After his Resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter before the other apostles, and later entrusted him with the mission to feed both the lambs and the sheep of Christ’s flock. Peter played a prominent part in the early Church and is mentioned many times in the Book of Acts, where in the early chapters he organised the choice of Judas’ successor, preached with stirring authority at Pentecost and was the very first apostle to work a miracle. He went on to defend the apostles’ right to teach at the Sanhedrim and to condemn Ananias and Sapphira. It was Peter who first realised that Christianity was also for the gentiles after his meeting with Cornelius. Later, he took a prominent part in the council at Jerusalem and went on to clash with St Paul at Antioch for hesitating about eating with gentiles. Early tradition links Peter with an apostolate and martyrdom at Rome. The New Testament does not tell us either way but Peter being in Rome would make sense, especially as Peter’s first epistle refers to ‘Babylon’ which was usually identified with Rome. His presence in Rome is mentioned by early church fathers such as Clement of Rome and Irenaeus. Tradition also tells us that Peter suffered under Nero and was crucified upside down. There is no conclusive proof that St Peter’s relics are interred in the Vatican, but it is significant that Rome is the only city that ever claimed to be Peter’s place of death. St Peter exerted a major influence on Mark when writing his gospel, and the First Epistle of Peter was very probably his (many scholars believe that the Second Epistle was written at a later date).
Reformation churches were dedicated to St Peter, and another 283 to SS Peter and Paul together. Images of Peter are innumerable but his portraiture remains curiously the same: a man with a square face, a bald or tonsured head, and a short square, curly beard. Not surprisingly, his chief emblem is a set of keys, sometimes along with a ship or fish. ST. PAUL Like Peter, Paul also started life with another name: Saul. This great apostle to the Gentiles was a Jew born in Tarsus, and brought up by Gamaliel as a Pharisee. So keen was he to defend the god of his fathers that he became a persecutor of Christianity and even took part in the stoning of Stephen. He hunted Christians down and imprisoned them, and it was while on his way to persecute more Christians in Damascus that he was suddenly given his vision of Christ. It was the decisive moment of Paul’s life – Paul suddenly realised that Jesus was truly the Messiah and the Son of God, and that He was calling Paul to bring the Christian faith to the Gentiles. Paul was then healed of his temporary blindness, baptised, and retired to Arabia for about three years of prayer and solitude, before returning to Damascus. From then on Paul seems to have lived a life full of hazard and hardship. He made many Jewish enemies who stoned him and wanted to kill him. Nevertheless, Paul made three great missionary journeys, first to Cyprus, then to Asia Minor and eastern Greece, and lastly to Ephesus, where he wrote 1 Corinthians; then to Macedonia and Achaia, where he wrote Romans, before returning to Jerusalem. After stonings, beatings and imprisonment in Jerusalem he was sent to Rome for trial as a Roman citizen. On the way he was shipwrecked at Malta; when he finally reached Rome he was put under house-arrest for two years, during which time he wrote the four ‘captivity’ epistles. Later, Paul may have revisited Ephesus and even have reached Spain. Tradition tells us he was eventually martyred at Rome during the persecution of Nero, being beheaded as a Roman citizen (rather than crucified) at Tre Fontane, and buried where the basilica of St. Paul ‘outside the walls’ now stands. The belief that Peter and Paul died on the same day was caused by their sharing the same feast day. Paul was not only a tireless missionary, but also a great thinker. His epistles played a major part in the later development of Christian theology. Paul’s key ideas include that Redemption is only through faith in Christ, who abrogated the old Law and began the era of the Spirit; that Christ is not just the Messiah, but the eternal, pre-existent Son of God, exalted after the Resurrection to God’s right-hand; that the Church is the mystical body of Christ; that believers live in Christ and will eventually be transformed by the final Resurrection. It is difficult to overemphasise the impact of Paul on Christian thought and history. He had a major influence on Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Luther, Calvin and others.
In England there were important dedications to Peter from early times: monasteries such as Canterbury, Glastonbury, Malmesbury, Peterborough, Lindisfarne, Whitby, Wearmouth, and especially Westminster. Cathedrals were named after him, too; York, Lichfield, Worcester and Selsey. In all, it has been calculated that 1,129 pre-
In art, Paul is depicted as small in stature, bald and bandy-legged, with a long face, long nose and eyebrows meeting over deep-set eyes. His usual emblems are a sword and a book. In England he was never as popular as St Peter, and ancient English churches dedicated to him alone number only 43. The history of the relics of Peter and Paul is not very clear. Tradition says that Peter was buried at the Vatican and Paul on the Ostian Way under his basilica. Certainly, both apostles were venerated from very early times both in the Liturgy and in private prayers, as testified by Greek and Latin graffiti in the catacombs of the early 3rd century.
From very early times Peter was invoked by Christians as a universal saint. He was the heavenly door-keeper, the patron of the Church and the papacy, a saint both powerful and accessible.
JULY/AUGUST MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the combined July/ August parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by Sunday, 13th June, at latest. Many thanks
(With apologies to Messrs Rodgers and Hammerstein)
(The perfect gift for Fathers’ Day!)
Facebook and Bebo and E-bay and Twitter, Texting and typing – they won’t make you fitter, Sore eyes and fingers are all that they bring, They’re not remotely my favourite things!
Chapter 1... How to professionally line up your fourth putt Chapter 2... How to hit a Penfold from the rough after driving a Titleist off the tee Chapter 3... How to get greater distance from a shank
Viruses, Trojans, and spamming and phishing, Data on laptops that seem to go missing, Sitting on trains when a telephone rings, These aren’t exactly my favourite things!
Chapter 4... When to implement appropriate handicap management Chapter 5... How to rationalise a six hour round Chapter 6... How to find a ball that everyone else saw go into the water
When they break down, when they spam me, When they make me mad... Then I remember how things used to be, And I don’t feel so bad!
Chapter 7... Why your spouse doesn’t care that you birdied the 9th...
Letters from loved ones on handwritten packets, Walks in the park with no phones in our jackets, Capitals used when a sentence begins, Those were a few of my favourite things!
Chapter 8... Using curse words creatively to control ball flight Chapter 9... How to relax when hitting five off the first tee Chapter 10... When to suggest major swing improvements to your opponent
For those old days, and those old ways, I am feeling sad, Then I switch off my i-phone and PC, And I don’t feel so bad!
Chapter 11... When to re-grip your ball retriever Chapter 12... Throwing your clubs: an effective stress relieving technique
Nigel Beeton 24
FLOWER ROTA FOR MAY Sunday 6th.......... Flower Festival Sunday 13th .......
“I want a traditional church wedding but Sam prefers something trendy. Can we compromise and do it bunji-jumping from the steeple?”
Sunday 20th........ Moranne Noad Sunday 27th........ Jon & Sandra Little
FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 18th April Charlotte Olivia Louise Launchbury 32 Movilla Mews, Newtownards Sunday 2nd May
Yasmin Jude Saunders Mulgrew 104 Grand Parade, Belfast
Marriage Saturday 15th May
Mark Frederick Keatley and Claire Louise Dickson 101 Fog Lane, Didsbury, Manchester. Our Sorrows
Christian Burial Monday 19th April
Isabel Mary Attwood Towell House formerly of 122 Ravenhill Avenue
Wednesday 5th May Eileen Liddle 38 Green Road, Belfast Saturday 15th May
Hilda Simons Dumnall Intermediate Care Centre formerly of Abbey Court 25
SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Beth Cairnduff (3-5 yrs) 90874047 Joyce Stevenson (5-8 yrs) 90583381 Alan Boyd (8-13 yrs) 07979 830122 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 90581438 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Muriel Jowett 90659984 2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155 8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Irene Gray 90653438 8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155
WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 8.00pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen
7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill McDowell 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine
6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff
8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson
Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514
Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183 26
RECTOR The Revd. John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email
PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Curate, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, Clare Best, Helen Donaghy, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth McCaughey, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, Linda Wilson
CURATE The Revd. Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email
HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183
PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390
HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278
DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816
ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295
RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 90290625
PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Moranne Noad Meryl Townsend
PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Elizabeth Leonard 28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB Tel 028 90653162
DIOCESAN SYNODS PEOPLE Emma Hill Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers Paul Stewart
RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 27
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101
PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90229310 Email
ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641
C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459
READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500
BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884
SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198
CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716
MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email
ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891
MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland 8 Greengraves Cottages Ballyrogan, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036
SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the Parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.
The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard
028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162