November 2010

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November 2010

RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Parishioner, HOPE AND THANKSGIVING The safe rescue of the 33 miners in Capiapo, Chile, has been greeted with great joy. Those miners have survived the unimaginable experience of being trapped underground in such difficult conditions for 70 days. One of the rescued miners said he could not begin to recount how awful the experience was. Yet despite the enormous difficulties and challenges which were encountered with the complex rescue operation, no one gave up hope. The Chilean people have demonstrated to the whole world the importance of having a strong and vibrant hope in terrible adversity. It was their hope and strong faith that kept them focused in their determination to reunite the miners with their families. Since the tunnel collapsed on the 5th August, the spotlight of the world’s media has been focused on the San Jose mine in the Atacama Desert. This has enabled us to follow the daily developments associated with the rescue operation and to remember them in our prayers. As one newspaper editorial said, “We were witnesses to a moment of great humanity: they were lost and are found”. One of the most memorable images which will remain with me was of those miners who got down on their knees in prayer as they came out of the rescue capsule. Having spent such a long period of time underground their first priority was to give thanks for their safe rescue. Their immense gratitude and joy was evident as they said their prayers and then proceeded to thank their rescuers and families. We assure them of our continued prayers as they receive medical support and readjust to home and family life. As inevitably happens, the camera crews and journalists have now moved on to another location leaving the miners an opportunity to rebuild their lives in peace. As Christian people, we are called to proclaim a living faith and to bring peace and hope to the world. We draw strength from the hope that there was on the cross as Jesus was being crucified. Just at that moment of great suffering there was hope that goodness would triumph over evil, and there was hope that there was victory in the cross. We give thanks that there was such hope on that day as Good Friday was not the end, but rather just the beginning. May we all approach our daily challenges with fresh hope in light of the cross and of the recent events in Chile, in addition to giving thanks for the blessings we receive. On a personal note, Caroline, Charles, Henry and I wish to thank all those who offered us support on the night the derelict house beside the Rectory burnt down. We received so many kind offers of practical support on the night of the fire and throughout that week. We are very grateful to the fire crews and the police for carrying out their professional duties in a most efficient manner. Through their hard work, the fire was brought under control and no damage was caused to our church property. Yours in His service,

SERVICES IN NOVEMBER Thursday 4th All Saints (Transferred) (White) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 7th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The Third Sunday before Advent (Green) Holy Communion Reader Leonard Pugh 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5, 13-17 Gospel Clergy Luke 20: 27-38 All Age Worship followed by refreshments Reader Grace Owens Luke 20: 27-38 Preacher Mr. Andrew Brannigan, Diocesan Youth Officer Choral Evensong Reader Graeme Stevenson 1 Kings 3: 1-15 Reader Graeme Stevenson Matthew 22: 15-22 Occasional Karen McAlpine Prayers

Thursday 11th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 14th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

Remembrance Sunday (Green) Holy Communion Reader Muriel Arndell Romans 8: 31-39 Gospel Clergy John 15: 9-17 Morning Prayer with Act of Remembrance Reader Tony Greeves Isaiah 2: 2-5 Reader Clare Best John 15: 9-17 Occasional Clergy Prayers Compline Reader Robin Haldane Matthew 5: 1-12 Prayers Karen McAlpine

Thursday 18th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 21st 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am

The Sunday before Advent The Kingship of Christ Holy Communion Reader Lindsay Hodges Gospel Clergy Family Communion Gospel Karen McAlpine Morning Prayer Reader Moranne Noad Reader Eileen Gibson Occasional Clergy Prayers

(White) Colossians 1: 11-20 Luke 23: 33-43 Luke 23: 33-43 Jeremiah 23: 1-6 Luke 23: 33-43


Holy Communion Reader Jennifer Pyper Gospel Karen McAlpine

1 Samuel 8: 4-20 John 18: 33-37

Thursday 25th (Green) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry Sunday 28th 8.15am 10.30am 7.00pm

The First Sunday of Advent (Purple) Holy Communion Reader Trevor Buchanan Romans 13: 11-14 Gospel Clergy Matthew 24: 36-44 Holy Communion Reader Robin Haldane Romans 13: 11-14 Gospel Karen McAlpine Matthew 24: 36-44 Intercessions Roberta Rogers United Belmont and District Council of Churches Advent Carol Service in St. Columba’s

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact Muriel Arndell (028 90655500). The readings are from Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:

PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love and fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and lack of love. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy; and here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711

NOVEMBER SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA Sunday 7th................................................................ Rosemary and Ivan Coffey Sunday 14th.............................................................. Jenny and Morris Corrin Sunday 21st............................................................... Roberta and Alan Rogers Sunday 28th.............................................................. Dawn and Garth Macartney

CLERGY PARISH VISITING It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Clergy will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during October: Rector Belmont Park Campbell Park Avenue Wandsworth Crescent Wandsworth Road Castleview Terrace

Curate Kincora Avenue Hillview Avenue Limewood Grove Earlswood Road Pasadena Gardens

SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES Sunday 7th November

10.30am All age Worship

Sunday 14th November

10.30am Sunday School

Sunday 21st November

9.30am Family Communion

Sunday 28th November

10.30am Sunday School

We have had a very successful start to the year. We welcomed Patricia Wilson to share the role of teacher to the 3-5 age group with Louise Craig and we have been able to split the upper class. Altogether we currently have an average of 22 children attending Sunday school, although we still have small numbers in the 3-5 and 5-8 age groups. Our choir sang very well at the All Age Worship Service in September and at the Harvest Service in October. Also, at the Harvest Service, five members read the prayers very clearly. We hope to continue involving the children fully in the All Age Worship Services. We still have plenty of room in Sunday School so if your children do not attend at the moment, please bring them along and see how by using the Light programme, our children are learning about God in a fun and interesting way! Beth Cairnduff

UP AND RUNNING (OR RATHER BOWLING!) After the customary slow start, we are up and bowling in the Men’s Club every Monday night at 7.30pm. Under the guidance of our Captain, Andrew Launchbury, we have settled in and are looking forward to our first match of the season. We host our friends from St Donard’s on Monday, 25th October. We expect it to be a tight tussle as previous games have shown. We wish to welcome a returning member to the club. It was good to see Mr Tom Gracey back amongst us and trust he will continue to enjoy the fellowship and bowling. Also, I would like to wish a speedy recovery to Johnathon Launchbury who is at present recuperating at home, following his recent operation. As part of our 50th Anniversary Celebrations we would like to remind you all of the forthcoming concert being organised by the Club in aid of the Church Building Fund. We present an evening of music performed by the Ballykeel Conservative (Silver-Part) Flute Band. They will be providing a wide repertoire of music in St. Columba’s on Friday, 19th November, commencing at 7.30pm. This is a very versatile band and I would stress they are not to be confused with current idea of what we term flute bands in Northern Ireland. They provided the music for our Church Service last year at the start of our Anniversary Celebrations. Refreshments will be available after the concert, which will have a 15 minute interval halfway through the programme. We welcome all to attend and support our efforts towards the Building Fund and can assure everyone of an enjoyable evening’s entertainment! Further notices will be handed out prior to the event. Until next time, John Robb (Hon. Secretary)

LADIES BOWLING With the indoor season well under way we are looking forward to our match with Kirkpatrick Presbyterian Ladies. We will be entertaining them later this month. According to records, our first match against Kirkpatrick was in the 1968/1969 season! Phyllis Newton

TO AFRICA WITH LOVE MMS (Ireland) Container Ministry are sending a container to Africa in the next two months filled with equipment, desks, chairs, uniforms etc. to set up a new school. They desperately need DVDs for children who are under eight years old. Can you help? If you have any that are no longer used please give me a ring and I will collect them. Thank you.

Patricia Wilson (028 90401066)

KNOCK KNOCK, IT’S THE CURATE! Much has been accomplished over the last few months in terms of our vision for Youth Ministry in the Parish, as you will already have read in the centre pages of The Columban. As we approach the winter, we are continuing to roll out our website design and content. By January, we will have something for you to see. The Rector’s car and the Green Machine (a.k.a my car) have been busy ferrying fruit, vegetables and flowers from the Harvest to those members of the Parish who, for whatever reason, were unable to join us for our services. Pastoral visits continue... it is great to be able to chat to families. If you have happened to receive my card through your door over the past couple of months and would like me to call in the evening, or at a more suitable time during the day, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email. Elsewhere in the magazine I have a small advertisement about something I have been considering for a little while now … “St. Columba’s Silver Surfers”. If you would be interested in this please do let me know, all ages and beginners welcome! Every Blessing Robert

ST COLUMBA’S CRÈCHE In an exemplary marketing exercise spanning several months, John and Robert have been extolling the virtues of a Parish Crèche through the media of sermon, church magazine and parish website – so everyone should be well aware that the facility now exists in St Columba’s! Our aim is to provide well run Crèche facilities where children feel happy to stay and play while their parents enjoy the church service. In practice, this has resulted in a more relaxed experience for all and will hopefully help the future development of our youth organisations. So far we have counted out the same number of children as were counted in – phew! – and all have been returned in one piece to the correct parents. We enjoy story-telling, colouring and play, and look forward to welcoming all of our youngest parishioners over the forthcoming weeks. We are grateful to the Choir for the use of their cosy vestry, and to the Mums and Tots group who have kindly let us take our pick from their toy box until we manage to fill our own. If anyone would like to donate any items that would be of interest to the under threes, we would be most grateful! The Crèche Team

YOUTH PRAYER FOCUS - OCTOBER As November is here, we think of all those who may be undergoing exams at this time. Loving God be with me now,as I prepare for my exams. Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have given me and for the opportunity of education. Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me to remember all that I have studied, to express it clearly and to answer the questions the very best that I can. Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam - and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


AWESOME ANAGRAMS A Decimal Point...................................I’m a Dot in a Place Dormitory....................................Dirty Room Slot Machines....................................Cash Lost In Me Eleven Plus Two.....................................Twelve Plus One The Morse Code............................Here Come Dots Mother in Law.....................................Woman Hitler

LADIES GUILD NOTES Dear Ladies, We of the Ladies Guild would like to thank everyone who came to our Beetle Drive and made it such a happy occasion. On Wednesday, 17th November, Roger Dixon will be coming along to tell us about the ‘Grand Houses’ of Belfast and the people who lived in them, which should make a fascinating insight into the lives of the rich and famous! Don’t forget our date on Wednesday, 15th December, when we shall be having our Christmas party with the usual festive supper. Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Lilias Smith

MU ACTIVITY GROUP The Beetle Drive held on Friday, 24th September, was very successful and most enjoyable – so much so that the Rector has requested another one in the not too distant future! The Church Hall resounded with laughter and sounds of ‘Beetle’! I have to say that I never realised there were so many different species of ‘beetle’ in Belfast! The Bran Tub and surprise parcels were very popular and, all in all, it was a really good evening’s fun. Sincerest thanks are due to all the Ladies Guild members who helped in the organisation of this event; and especially to all those who supported it. Nan Armstrong

THE AFTERNOON GROUP On Monday 8th, November, our group will meet in the choir vestry at 2.30pm. Mrs Marietta Lammy will be with us to introduce some “gentle exercises”. Marietta is always entertaining and her visits – very enjoyable. Come along and find out how to keep active in a fun way! May

FLANAGAN’S BISTRO A group of 40-year-old friends gather to discuss where they should all meet for dinner. Finally, it is agreed that they should meet at Flanagan’s Bistro because all the waitresses there are both charming and most attractive. Ten years later, at 50 years of age, the group meets again and once more they discuss where they should meet. Finally, it is agreed that they should meet at Flanagan’s Bistro because the food there is very good and the wine selection excellent. Ten years later, at 60 years of age, the group meets again and once more they have a lengthy discussion about where they should meet. Finally, it is agreed that they should meet at Flanagan’s Bistro because they can eat there in peace and quiet, and the restaurant is smoke free. Ten years later, at 70 years of age, the group meets again and once more they discuss and discuss where they should meet. Finally, it is agreed that they should meet at Flanagan’s Bistro because the restaurant is wheel chair accessible and they even have an elevator. Ten years later, at 80 years of age, the group meets again and once more they discuss and discuss where they should meet. After mulling it over, somebody suggests that they should meet at Flanagan’s Bistro, and everybody agrees it would be a great idea because they’ve never been there before. 10

This month’s reason for going to Church

Observed on a board outside Methodist Church in Yorkshire:

“Come in for a faith lift!”

Hello Ladies

I’m sure you’ll agree we had a lovely opening to our new Season. As usual our Rector John and Curate Robert did us proud, conducting a beautiful service and for this we give them our sincerest thanks. It was just great to see so many old friends and absolutely wonderful to see some new ones - all of you are very welcome to St Columba’s Mothers’ Union.

Our meeting on Tuesday, 2nd November, is a talk by Jim McDowell on ‘Women’s Role in the American War of Independence’, which promises to be a really entertaining one. Please note there is a change to our programme in December. There will be no meeting on Tuesday, 7th December. Instead we will be going to First Comber Presbyterian Church on Friday, 3rd December, for a Christmas Flower Festival followed by supper. Also on Monday, 6th December, the Young Families Advent Service will be held in Newcastle. Can you please let me know if you wish to attend these events so that transport can be arranged? Names to be given no later than our next meeting on Tuesday, 2nd November. Thank you all very much.


PARISH PRAYER CHAIN At a recent meeting of the Parish Prayer Chain it was agreed that the list of names should be cleared at the end of each month, and that parishioners should rewrite the names of those they wish to be included for prayer on the first Sunday of each month. This can be done by using the pro forma on the table at the back of the Church. It is hoped that this will encourage parishioners to support the Parish Prayer Chain on a monthly basis, whilst also ensuring that the prayer list contains the names of those who currently are in need of prayer. Amendments for the inclusion of new names can be done by using the white cards on the second and subsequent Sundays of each month. Similarly, amendments for the removal of existing names can be done by using the yellow cards. The Rector


CATWALK SHOW HELPS BUILD FOR THE FUTURE In the fashion stakes St Columba’s is definitely bang on trend! Sandwiched neatly between Fall for Fashion and Belfast Fashion Week, Sharon Elkin’s showcase event, organised in tandem with the Young Families group, defined the very best of ‘what’s hot’ for Autumn/Winter 2010. And the catwalk was certainly ‘hot, hot, hot’ with nearly 100 models - from tiny tots and young people to mums, dads, grandmothers and celebrity guests, including UTV presenters Marc Mallet and Ruth Gorman. Strutting their stuff magnificently were familiar faces from our Parish, friends from outside the church and travelling all the way from Dublin were Sharon’s mum, Vivienne, and little Leah, whose dream of being a model came true at St Columba’s! It certainly was a night to remember for all who took part and hopefully also for those in the audience! Key ‘magic moments’ included the ‘stockbroker style’ men with umbrellas modelling to “It’s Raining Men, Hallelujah”, beautiful ‘bride’ Ruth Gorman and her gorgeous little flower girls with dashing groom, Mark. Also Laura Stevenson so wonderfully escorted along the catwalk by Gary! Not to mention Robert who ditched the dog collar for a smart yet casual ensemble and last lady on the catwalk, Caroline, who elegantly managed on those oh so high heels! The event showcased a full range of smart and casual clothes from top labels Minuet, Alex & Co and Kaliko, all from Menarys in Newtownards, as well as Pronuptia bridal and formal dresses, and shoes and boots from Carl Scarpa. Also on show were children’s clothes from George at ASDA and trendy teenage outfits from New Look, Boucher Road, and, of course, Sharon Elkin’s new season collection for Autumn and Winter. (If you liked what you saw contact Sharon on 07846 946021). Sharon did an outstanding job organising so many ‘willing recruits’ (future stars?) alongside her more experienced models and the show was a tribute to her professionalism, hard work and dedication, not to mention sense of humour! Helping Sharon so efficiently and fantastically was friend and co-director, Ranea, and extra help was on hand from the highly experienced Vanessa. Ensuring that all models looked a dream were Stuart and his team from Bespoke Hairdressing as well as four expert Oonagh Boman trained make-up artists. Behind the scenes there was a terrific back-up team of dressers and helpers whose patience and constant hard work was much appreciated by all! Thanks to Louise Mercer, Moranne Noad, Joyce Stevenson, Kathleen Acheson, Beth Cairnduff and Elizabeth Roche. Thanks also to the Young Families committee who prepared food and drink, and to all who helped with the ballot prizes and packing the goody bags. The craic was certainly mighty both on and off the catwalk, and judging by the audience’s reaction guests had a brilliant night! And the best news of all... £1630 was raised for the Parish Building Fund... a tribute to Sharon, her models and assistants, and the Young Families committee. Rosemary Allister 12



ST. COLUMBA’S SILVER SURFERS What’s the idea? Do you have a Night 1 - Computer basics and word computer sitting in your house and processing (if you have a laptop you don’t know how to use it? are welcome, if not please speak to the Curate as there will be access to a Are you considering purchasing a limited number of computers). computer in the next while but want to try one out? Would you like to know Night 2 - Email and communicating something about the internet? online (limited number of places available). In the new calendar year, the Curate and friends are going to run three Night 3 - Surfing the web, buying one-off sessions on computer basics things online securely (limited for those who would like to know number of places available). something about them. Sign-up Further details (times, venue sheets will be posted on the notice etc) will be made available once board at the back of Church during numbers wishing to participate are November/December - you can sign known. up for all three sessions, or just for one or two that take your fancy! Robert

WHEN I SAY I AM A CHRISTIAN When I say, “I am a Christian,” I’m not shouting, “I am saved!” I’m whispering, “I get lost; that is why I chose this way.” When I say, “I am a Christian,” I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Him to be my Guide. When I say, “I am a Christian,” I’m not bragging I am strong. I’m professing that I’m weak, and pray for strength to carry on. When I say, “I am a Christian,” I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and cannot ever pay the debt. When I say, “I am a Christian,” I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are all too visible, but God believes I’m worth it. When I say, “I am a Christian,” I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches which is why I cry his name. When I say, “I am a Christian,” I do not wish to judge. I have no authority; I only know I’m loved. 17

LEST WE FORGET During the First World War, forty eight parishioners from St. Columba’s of all ranks served in H M Forces, the vast majority in the Army and of whom sadly twelve did not return, a truly horrific rate of attrition. The names of both the fallen and the survivors are shown on the memorial plaque in the south transept where, in 1919, the beautiful memorial window was erected to their eternal glory. No less than three MCs, one MM and one DFC were awarded for gallantry. In the Second World War, reflecting its far greater global reach, one hundred and twenty parishioners from St. Columba’s served in H M Forces, not only in the Army but also in the Royal Air Force, the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, the Women’s Royal Naval Service, the Auxiliary Territorial Service and the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Tragically, twelve also did not return, eight from the ranks of the Royal Air Force, as high a rate of attrition as that suffered by the Army during the First World War. In more recent times, Constable Mark Evans was killed whilst serving with the RUC in Pomeroy on 7th September, 1981, and his name is displayed on a memorial glass case towards the rear of the Church. St. Columba’s wartime Roll of Honour, inscribed on the front two pillars of the Nave, reads as follows:

1914-1918 J. Burke A. D. Deane T. B. Elliot H. Hooton I. C. McCormick H. McCormick R. Nelson W. Nelson J. Purvis A. Rodgers W. H. Unsworth G. W. Webb

1939-1945 A. S. Craig R. A. A. Doherty M. D. Green J. C. Harris A. R. Hill M. C. Hind H.G. Montgomery R. N. Morgan C. McConnell A. McFarland J. H. Rice N. Turner

“Pro Deo, Pro Rege, Pro Patria” (For God, King and Country) Mindful also of the ongoing war in Afghanistan and this year’s 70th Commemoration of the Battle of Britain, let us pause on Remembrance Sunday to remember all those men and women who, in endless conflicts, chose to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for our freedom; as well as all innocent victims of war, brutality, terror and oppression. Let us pray especially for those valiant young men who set forth from this Parish in those dark and storm filled days never to return to their homeland, nor see their loved ones again. They knew their duty and they died for it.


ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE (d. circa AD 60) The apostle Andrew, whose Feast Day is celebrated on 30th November, is the Patron Saint of Scotland, as well as of Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Patras in Greece, Amalfi in Italy , Luqa in Malta and Esgueira in Portugal. According to the gospel of Matthew, Andrew and his brother, Simon Peter, were the very first two disciples whom Jesus called. “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:18,19). Without more ado, they obeyed, “At once they left their nets and followed him.” The story is touching for the simple but total faith which they had in Jesus. Born in Bethsaida in Galilee, a former disciple of John the Baptist and later to be associated with Jesus in Peter’s house in Capernaum, Andrew always appears in the first four whenever the gospels mention the disciples. Rather than a boisterous leader of men like his brother, he seems to have been an approachable person who wanted to help people. It was Andrew who introduced a group of Greeks to Jesus (John 12:20-2), and Andrew who offered Jesus the five small barley loaves and two small fishes when Jesus challenged them to feed the five thousand (John 6:8). His trust in Jesus over small things was richly rewarded and this faithful, kindly Galilean fisherman turned disciple went on to become one of the twelve apostles of the Christian Church. After Jesus’ crucifixion, Andrew never settled back in Capernaum by Galilee. Instead, his ‘fishing for men’ seems to have taken him far. As well as founding the church in Byzantium in AD 38, one ancient tradition links him with Greece where both Scythia and Epirus claimed him as their apostle. Another place in Greece, Patras in Achaia, is attributed as the place where he was eventually martyred. Like Jesus, Andrew was crucified, but upside down on a saltire shaped cross, and the story goes that during the two days it took him to die, because his limbs were bound rather than nailed to the cross to prolong his suffering, he preached earnestly to the people about Jesus. Andrew was not afraid of death on a cross – he had seen it before, and knew one thing for certain: because of Jesus, there was nothing but eternal life ahead of him. In the West, Andrew’s Feast Day was universal from the 6th century and hundreds of churches were named after him in Italy, France and England. But how did he end up as Patron Saint of Scotland? According to one ancient legend, his relics were taken from Patras in Greece to Scotland during the 8th century and ended up in Fife, where a church dedicated to him was built and became a centre for evangelization and later pilgrimage (present day St. Andrew’s). As Andrew was the only apostle to make it as far as Scotland, he was chosen as their Patron Saint. But Andrew’s relics did not stay there. After the fall of Constantinople in 1204, it is said that the Crusaders took them to Amalfi. From there, the despot Thomas Palaeologus sent his skull to the Pope in Rome in 1461, where it became one of the most treasured possessions of St Peter’s until it was returned to the church in Constantinople by Paul VI. In art, Andrew is depicted with a normal Latin cross in the most ancient examples. The saltire cross ‘X’, commonly called the St Andrew’s Cross and which represents Scotland on the Union Jack, became associated with him only from the 10th century onwards. 19

HARVEST LUNCH Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Harvest Lunch such a great success, either by providing food or coming on the day. All the tables were taken and there was a great atmosphere in the Hall. We raised ÂŁ950 for the Building Fund which was super. At All Age Worship on Sunday, 7th November, we shall be collecting for the Earl Haig Appeal. Hope to see you all there. Roberta



Last year St. Columba’s donated £1500 to the Royal British Legion from Parish Mission Allocations. Parishioners may be interested to know a little more about such a much loved and generously supported national charity.

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION The Royal British Legion provides financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces, as well as to their dependants. Nearly 10.5 million people are eligible for help and the Legion is one of the country’s largest membership organisations with about 400,000 members nationwide, and a further 11,000 overseas. Men and women of all ages are welcomed, whether they have served in the Armed Forces or not. Founded in 1921, the Legion is not just about those who fought in the two World Wars of the last century. It is also about those involved in the many conflicts that have occurred since 1945, as well as those currently fighting for the freedom we enjoy today. This year, as always, British troops remain engaged in conflict in some of the world’s most dangerous trouble spots and they most certainly will need support in the future. In addition to providing wide ranging welfare care the Legion remains the nation’s custodian of Remembrance, ensuring that the sacrifice of members of the Armed Forces and their dependants is never forgotten.

THE POPPY APPEAL Each year, the nation expresses its unequivocal support for the Legion’s work through its generous support for the Poppy Appeal. It is one of the best known and supported campaigns of the calendar. The Poppy Factory in Richmond, London, produces over 38 million artificial poppies every year including the wreaths laid at Remembrance services around the country, as well as the poppy petals that fall during the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall. Major George Howson MC founded the factory in 1922 as a means of providing gainful employment for disabled ex-servicemen. Today, the thriving Richmond factory remains a charity in its own right, along with another factory founded in 1926 in Edinburgh by the wife of the British commander, Earl Haig, which produces over 5 million poppies a year for distribution in Scotland. The petal on the Scottish poppy is slightly different to its English counterpart in that it consists of four lobes instead of two. All employees of the two poppy factories, known as ‘The Buttonhole Battalion’, are either disabled ex-servicemen or disabled dependants of someone who has served. The Poppy has become a symbol of Remembrance, Reflection and Hope.

WHY POPPIES? The First World War caused appalling devastation to areas of northern France and Belgium. Yet despite this dreadful destruction the simple poppy flowered every year, bringing colour and hope to the shattered landscape. Colonel John McCrae, a doctor serving with the Canadian Armed Forces, was deeply moved by what he saw and, inspired by the poppies, wrote his famous poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. Sadly, McCrae died in a military hospital in France but the poem was published in Punch magazine as a testament to those who died on the battlefields of Flanders Fields. In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh month, hostilities ceased on the Western 22

Front but millions had died, been injured or scarred by their horrific experiences, and needed support and practical help when they returned. For such soldiers and their families life would never be the same again. At home, civilians wanted somehow to remember those who had given their lives for peace and freedom. An American War Secretary, Moina Michael, inspired by John McCrae’s poem, sold poppies to raise money for the ex-service community and so the tradition began. The first official Legion Poppy Day was held in Britain on 11th November 1921, and since then the Poppy Appeal has been a key annual event in the nation’s calendar.

For further information on the Royal British Legion, contact: Legionline – 08457 725 725

SPANISH CLASS A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. House for instance, is feminine: ‘la casa’. Pencil, however, is masculine: ‘el lapiz’. A student asked, “What gender is computer?” Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation. The men’s group decided that computer should definitely be of the feminine gender (‘la computadora’), because: 1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic; 2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else; 3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and 4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your income on accessories for it. The women’s group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine (‘el computador’), because: 1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on; 2. They have a lot of data but still can’t think for themselves; 3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and 4. As soon as you commit to one you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have got a better model. The women won… 23

St Columba’s Kids Christmas Party Saturday 11th December 3pm – 5pm

More details to follow BROWNIE NOTES I am glad to say our numbers have increased with four new members and our special friend, Sophie, coming along each Friday night. Due to the Fashion Show we already have been on our first outing to the Ice Bowl to try our hand at bowling. Other activities have included making pompom people, baking cookies and chocolate brownies, and gymnastics with a special demonstration by our leader! We are looking forward to the Hallowe’en Party with fancy dress and party games, including ducking for apples. We still have plenty of room for new members so if your daughter is between 6 ½ and 10 years of age she is very welcome to come along on a Friday night and give us a try!

“Still no bishops want to be your friend on Facebook, dear?”

Beth Cairnduff

HOSPITAL VISITING The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. Do not assume they already know the information as situations have occurred recently when they have not been informed. Please telephone the Rector (028 90471514) or the Curate (028 90653370) to enable them to take careful note of the details. 24

DECEMBER/JANUARY MAGAZINE Please note, any articles or photographs for publication in the December/January parish magazine should be handed or e-mailed to the editor by Sunday, November 14th, at latest. Many thanks

FLOWER ROTA FOR NOVEMBER Sunday 7th........................................................................Margaret McKee Sunday 14th......................................................................Remembrance Poppies Sunday 21st.......................................................................Catriona Wilson Sunday 28th......................................................................Eleanor Launchbury

2011 FLOWER ROTA NOW AVAILABLE In St. Columba’s we are very fortunate that many parishioners give so willingly of their time to ensure that there are lovely flowers on both the main and side altars each Sunday. I thank Paddy Nesbitt and all those who assist with the church flowers either by arranging the flowers themselves, or by giving money in lieu of flowers each week. If you can assist with the church flowers during 2011 please place your name on the Flower Rota which is now available at the back of the Church, for a particular Sunday of your choice. The Rector

FROM THE REGISTERS Our Joys Holy Baptism Sunday 19th September Isla Louise Henry 36 Cumberland Park, Dundonald Our Sorrows Christian Burial Tuesday 12th October

Sidney Alexandrina Brice Smyth Somme Nursing Home, formerly of 25 Malone Heights, Belfast 25

PARISH ORGANISATIONS SOMETHING FOR YOU? SUNDAY 10.30am Sunday School (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Bubbles (3-5 years) Louise Craig 90472512 Patricia Wilson 90401066 Splash (5-8 years) Joyce Stephenson 90583381 X-treme (8-11 years) Alan Boyd 07833 391945 The Grid (11 years +) Beth Cairnduff 90874047 8.00pm Beatitudes Choir David Beattie 90797125 MONDAY 2.00pm Ladies Bowling Phyllis Newton 90482113 2.30p.m. Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) May Preston 90489884 7.30pm Men’s Club John Robb 90581438 TUESDAY 10.30am Ladies Badminton Eithne Hobson 90797793

WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Bible Study Group Trevor Buchanan 90657697 7.45pm Ladies Guild (3rd Wednesday) Lilias Smith 90592039 8.00pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 THURSDAY 9.30am Art Club Bob Killen


7.30pm Senior Badminton Club Jill Spratt 07754 405511 7.45pm Choir Practice Gerald Hill 90422101 FRIDAY 9.45am Mums & Tots Anne Clarke 90651412 3.45-5pm Toddler Mini Soccer 3-5yrs Tim Wareing 07740 120788 6.30pm Doves Karen McAlpine


2.00pm Ladies Badminton Kyleen Clarke 90797155

6.30pm Brownies Beth Cairnduff


8.00pm Mothers’ Union (1st Tuesday) Irene Gray 90653438

8.30pm H2O Mark Wilson


8.00pm Activity Group (except 1st Tuesday) Maureen Irwin 90795155

Young Families Group (Social events as arranged) The Rector 90471514

Please note, requests for the occasional use of Church premises must first be submitted to the Premises Convenor, Alan Rogers, on 90656183 26


RECTOR The Revd John R. Auchmuty St. Columba’s Rectory 29 King’s Road BT5 6JG Tel 028 90471514 Email

PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN John Proctor 13 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90870526 Mob 07989 469773 SELECT VESTRY Rector, Curate, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Asst. Hon. Treasurer, Brian Acheson, Clare Best, Helen Donaghy, Patrick Good, Jennifer Johnston, Elizabeth McCaughey, Moranne Noad, Roberta Rogers, Linda Wilson

CURATE The Revd Robert Ferris The Curatage 3 Sandown Park South BT5 6HE Tel 028 90653370 Email

HON. SECRETARY & PREMISES CONVENOR Alan Rogers 50 Cabin Hill Gardens BT5 7AQ Tel 028 90656183 Email

PARISH READER Karen McAlpine 10 Old Quay Court Holywood BT18 OHT Tel 028 90424390 DIOCESAN LAY READER (EMERITUS) Bryn Harris 22 Dalton Glade Glen Road Comber BT23 5SZ Tel 028 91878816

HON. TREASURER Gillian Sadlier 70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG Tel 028 90403278

RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN Victor Dukelow 19 Thornhill Park BT5 7AR Tel 028 90290625

ASST. HON. TREASURER/GIFT AID SECRETARY/FREE WILL OFFERING Murray Hunter 13 Knockdarragh Park BT4 2LE Tel 028 90761295

PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN Elizabeth Leonard 28 Knockdene Park South BT5 7AB Tel 028 90653162

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS Trevor Buchanan Patrick Good Moranne Noad Meryl Townsend

RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN Jim Stevenson 44 Casaeldona Rise BT6 9RA Tel 028 90583381 Mob 07973 392448

DIOCESAN SYNOD MEMBERS Emma Hill Elizabeth Leonard Moranne Noad Roberta Rogers Paul Stewart 27

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Gerald Hill 6 The Coaches Brown’s Brae, Croft Road Holywood BT18 OLE Tel 028 90422101

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR CO-ORDINATOR John Holland Greengraves Cottage 8 Ballyrogan Park, Newtownards BT23 4SD Tel 028 91814036 PARISH WEBMASTER Ivan Roche 49 Richhill Park BT5 6HG Tel 028 90229310 Email

ASSISTANT ORGANIST Brian Clements 150 Sandown Road BT5 6GX Tel 028 90793641

C of I GAZETTE DISTRIBUTOR Ruth Pugh 147A King’s Road BT5 7EG Tel 028 90483459

READERS & INTERCESSORS CO-ORDINATOR Muriel Arndell 18 Kinedar Crescent BT4 3LY Tel 028 90655500

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP NOTES Evan Preston 12 Carrowreagh Gardens Dundonald BT16 ITW Tel 028 90489884

SIDESPERSONS’ ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Rosemary Coffey 44 Thornyhill Road Killinchy BT23 6SJ Tel 028 97542198

CHURCH FLOWERS Paddy Nesbitt 30 Knockhill Park BT5 6HY Tel 028 90650716

CRÈCHE ROTA CO-ORDINATOR Daphne Nelson 14 Rosepark BT5 7RG Tel 028 90483889

ST. COLUMBA’S PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm Parish Secretary: Janet Johnston Tel 028 90656891

MAGAZINE EDITOR Ian Noad 36 Shandon Park BT5 6NX Tel 028 90793704 Email


SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the Parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel below, or any of the statutory agencies.

The Rector Patrick Good Elizabeth Leonard 28

028 9047 1514 028 9065 6908 028 9065 3162

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