The Chronicle responds to massive class cancellations
chronicle THE COLUMBIA
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Huffington visits Columbia The Official News Source of Columbia College Chicago
February 1, 2010
Volume 45 Number 17
Arianna Huffington comments on new media vs. traditional media by Jazzy Davenport Managing Editor “YOU CANNOT enter into the same river
twice,” said Arianna Huffington as she addressed Columbia’s students in Film Row Cinema at the 1104 Center, 1104 S. Wabash Ave. “I think many of the old media are trying to enter into that same river that is gone. You cannot recreate that reality.” Huffington, born in Athens, Greece and co-founder of The Huffington Post blog, visited Columbia on Jan. 27 as the featured speaker of the Conversations in the Arts program, a lecture series that offers an in-depth dialogue with some of the world’s most notable cultural figures in a select and intimate setting, according to Columbia’s Web site. The nearly 5-year-old Post, which was recently called the most-linked blog on the Web, is what Huffington admits is “a product of the 2004 election.” It is one of the few publications in the country that continues to grow amidst the recession and has featured blog posts from both Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. “We saw the role media played and the way the news was covered and not covered,” Huffington said. “I saw how often Lenny Gilmore THE CHRONICLE
Youth employment hits a new low Teens and young adults struggle to find jobs by Spencer Roush
Assistant Metro Editor MANY HIGH school and college students
seek part-time work to help support their families and pay rent. Others search for minimum-wage employment just to have some spending money for their weekend escapades. However, finding a 20-hour-per-week job has become increasingly difficult and has led to a record low of youth employment. According to a report commissioned by the
Arianna Huffington, co-founder of The Huffington Post, speaks to Columbia students as part of the Conversations in the Arts program on Jan. 27.
Alternative Schools Network, the national teen employment rate fell to 26.2 percent in fall 2009.The Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, who prepared the report, also concluded that Illinois’ teen employment rate decreased 20 percentage points below its 2000 value, also a record low. Jack Wuest, executive director of the Alternative Schools Network, said youth employment has been decreasing, while the adult employment rates are improving. He added that he doesn’t see the job situation getting any better for young adults under the age of 24, as well as teens. The report stated that the employment rate for young adults between the ages of 20 and
24, dropped 12 percentage points from 2000. This is the lowest rate recorded since the data collection began in 1974. “I’ve been trying to get a job since last summer,” said Kolleen McNalis, a 19-year-old film major. McNalis couldn’t recall how many jobs she has applied for because she has simply lost track. She mainly uses the Internet to search for and apply to jobs. “I just applied to Whole Foods and I’ll try to respond to some things on Craigslist. com or just walk into [businesses],” McNalis said. “But a lot of times when you walk into places, they’ll tell you they aren’t hiring or that they’re taking applications,which I hate because then even if you fill one out,you never
hear anything back.” According to McNalis, she has only received one interview from the countless applications she has submitted. She said financially, she can last until May without a job. “I’m pretty much living off of loans and every once in a while my parents will help me out,” she said. McNalis said she probably wasn’t being considered for the jobs last semester because of her limited availability with classes and also because her last working experience was when she was 16 years old. Wuest said teens and young adults » SEE EMPLOYMENT, PG. 40
» SEE PG. 16
Single Mingle » SEE PG. 20
New gym grand opening
Students respond to A&C Obama plan » SEE PG. 38
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