Learning Studio should consider group tutoring
chronicle THE COLUMBIA
The Official News Source of Columbia College Chicago
March 15, 2010
Volume 45 Number 23
» PAGE 28
The state of a ‘student-focused’ institution
Daley speaks to journalism students In impromptu press conference mayor touches on war, public education, privatization by Patrick Smith Assistant Metro Editor
Carter addresses scholarship initiative, low enrollment
MAYOR RICHARD M. Daley said he believes
all sports, music and arts programs should be taken out of the school system and converted to separate nonprofit after-school programs. Daley spoke in an impromptu press conference with Columbia journalism students from Marla Donato’s Reporting and Writing II class. Topics ranged from Fenger High School and health care reform, to the wars in the Middle East and privatization of city services. “Music programs should be after school, all of that should be after school,” Daley said in a small room adjacent to the City Council chambers. “We should take all of that out of the school system. It should all
John Harrington COURTESY Columbia President Warrick L. Carter speaks to students, faculty and staff in his State of the College Address on March 10 on Stage Two of the 918 S. Michigan Building.
by Ciara Shook
She also announced SGA’s launch of a campaign, in partnership with Campus Environment, to end student vandalism WARRICK L. Carter, president of Columbia, and ensure tuition dollars are put toward said although enrollment was down for the programs benefitting students while 2009-10 academic year, prospective students ensuring the treatment of Columbia’s urban campus. still display great interest in attending. Carter gave his annual State of the College address before faculty, staff and a handful of students on March 10.The State of the College Address was hosted by Columbia’s Student Government Association. Carter spoke of Columbia’s achievements, challenges and plans for the future. Prior to Carter’s speech, Jessica Valerio, president of SGA, spoke to the audience about SGA accomplishments the past year and what’s in store for the months ahead. Valerio recounted the SGA’s new constitution, which was passed at the beginning —Warrick L. Carter of the academic year, and Columbia’s stu“While Columbia is a community of credent representation on Lobby Day, Oct. 15, ative individuals and supports the notion 2009, in Springfield, Ill. “Though the fight for aid is not over and of allowing students to express themselves will, for some time, be a long-term issue the freely, having to spend that amount of efforts of the Student Government Asso- money [$645,000] on graffiti used as vanciation, with exceptional support from dalism is unacceptable,” Valerio said. Carter took the stage and welcomed his Columbia administration and student organizations, we’re making higher educa- audience by saying he enjoys the annual tion attainable for at least one more year,” State of the College address because it gives Valerio said. him an opportunity to see students, staff Assistant Campus Editor
There is still great interest in the place, and the interest continues to be high because of what everyone in this room does.”
be after school or on Saturdays.” He stressed these “are not good days” for public schools, and in times of financial crisis, a greater emphasis needs to be placed on the core curriculum. “If [students] can’t read or write, they’re not going to do too well,” Daley said. Daley also said the current financial
» SEE PG. 19
Brent Lewis THE CHRONICLE Mayor Richard M. Daley takes questions from Columbia journalism students outside the March 10 City Council meeting.
» SEE PG. 32
» SEE PG. 3
Organization works toward literacy
The price of knowledge
and fellow faculty and to share with them accolades about Columbia. “It also gives me a chance to get suggestions in terms of what’s going on and to hear what’s on your mind as we move forward as a college,” he said. Carter cited two challenges Columbia faced in the past year: the state of the economy and the evolving world of technology. He said current students’ financial challenges are different from the challenges college students faced three or four years ago, due to the state of the economy. Carter said innovations in technology affect how a unique institution such as Columbia can function. He also stated that when money is spent on new technology, less is available to other areas throughout the college. “Technology is demanding,” he said. “We spend money on new things to stay abreast and move forward. But in every challenge, there’s an opportunity.” Carter said Columbia takes advantage of said challenges by keeping the college affordable to students. This includes salary freezes, an increase in scholarships, a smaller tuition increase for the 20102011 academic year, which he reported was 3.5 percent for undergraduates.
Gov. Quinn responds SEE PG. 3 to budget» crisis