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Commentary: Glee rips off Youtube cover See pg. 33
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Senators re-introduce bills to reduce student loan debt
by Angelica Sanchez Assistant Metro Editor
THE RISING COST of a college educa-
tion has caused cumulative student loan debt to exceed $1 trillion in the U.S., according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. To address the situation, two pieces of legislation that failed to win passage late last year were re-introduced on Jan. 23 by five U.S. senators: Dick Durbin (D–Ill.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D–R.I.), Jack Reed (D–R.I.), Al Franken (D– Minn.) and Tom Harkin (D–Iowa). The Know Before You Owe Private Student Loan Act and The
Fairness for Struggling Students Act, which are unchanged from last year, continue to promise to restore private loan prerequisites and bring transparency to student loans. The Fairness for Struggling Students Act would reverse a current law prohibiting private student loan debt from being excused when filing for bankruptcy. Federal loans have not been eligible for discharge in bankruptcy in more than three decades, but private loans became included in this policy as early as 2005. All other forms of private debt are liquidated in bankruptcy. xx SEE LOANS, PG. 39
Surge in 3D printing industry may revolutionize manufacturing by Hallie Zolkower-Kutz Assistant Sports & Health Editor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
the “third industrial revolution,” 3D printing has been touted as the next big transformation in the manufacturing industry. 3D printing is being used to create a diverse range of products, from plastic figurines and jewelry to machine parts, kitchen appliances and tools. In the science industry, 3D printing is utilized to create bone grafts and replacement organs and print objects needed for space
missions out of material that could be found on the moon. Foster & Partners, a group affiliated with the European Space Agency, reported on Jan. 31 that they had designed a 3D printer that could potentially use lunar materials to print components in a possible habitable moon base. 3D printing begins with a computer file. The file is a 3D mock-up of the object being printed, most often created with computer-aided design. The design is then sent to xx SEE 3D, PG. 15
Photo illustration Zach Stemerick & James Foster THE CHRONICLE
Students react to discounted dorm rooms
by Tyler Eagle
Assistant Campus Editor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
IN AN EFFORT to fill more dorms,
Residence Life is offering a discounted price to commuter students this semester. As part of the deal, eligible commuters, who are students cur-
AEMM hosts networking event • page 3
rently living off-campus and are willing to relocate to on-campus housing for the spring 2013 semester, will receive a $250 discount from the overall cost of the dorm and pay only half the regular deposit of $500. Approximately 9,000 students qualified for the discount, but only a few have applied, ac-
Schools mull non-cognition skills • page 11
cording to Liz Velez, coordinator of assignments and operations for Residence Life. The discount, offered until Feb. 9, is only available to commuter students who were enrolled in the fall 2012 semester and did not live xx SEE DORMS, PG. 9
Roller Derby girls skate on • page 22
Patrick Lichty, assistant professor in the Interactive Arts & Media department, is an engineer who is working to bring art and science together with his work in 3-D printing. The above bust was printed on Lichty’s Replicator 2.
City recruits new taxi drivers • page 36
Campus .......................................................3 Sports & Health ..........................................11 Arts & Culture ..............................................19 Commentary ..............................................32 Metro ........................................................35