The Columbia Chronicle Oct 5, 2009

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Read Jazzy D.’s take on Chicago’s stunning Olympic defeat




The Official News Source of Columbia College Chicago

October 5, 2009

Volume 45 Number 5

» PAGE 11

Gov. Quinn and students discuss MAP grants » SEE PG. 3



LOSSES, small gains $11.5 million Additional funds for student

Columbia responds to smaller budget than anticipated due to economy and enrollment


$1.4 million Investment in Media

by Benita Zepeda

shortfall of $6 million for the tuition-driven operating model. The college also saw a loss of $37 million ON SEPT. 25, President Warrick L. Carter in endowment funds, which are gifts that announced the budget for Columbia’s 2010 provide an income for an institution. Cartfiscal year, which began on Sept. 1 and will er’s announcement noted, however, that end on Aug. 31, 2010. The announcement because Columbia is not that dependent on displays how the college has been affected endowment funds, the college did not have financially during the current economic to borrow money to maintain operations. Efforts are being made to offset the loss climate. The 2010 budget’s key goals focus on in funds that the college projected during three main areas. The first is investing the summer. In preparation for this fiscal $1.4 million for the operation of the Media year, Carter has limited hiring, suspended Production Center, which was approved in several capital renovation projects and curfiscal year 2009 and is expected to open in tailed travel. This helped offset investment February.The second is to increase student losses in the endowment portfolio. scholarships by 47 percent and the third is Alicia Berg, vice president of Campus to allow for improvements in academic and Environment, said that last fiscal year the administrative affairs. school postponed or eliminated capital The budget for this fiscal year is approxi- projects, which included the possible relomately $227.1 million, which is a 3.1 percent cation of the bookstore. increase.The college initially projected the “This fiscal year we had to cut about $1 budget based on hopes of maintaining a flat million from the capital budget,” Berg said. enrollment, which means no significant “We didn’t have to really cancel any projfluctuation in student enrollment from the ects, but we looked at rethinking the scope of projects.” previous academic year. However, the college has seen a decrease The current economic climate is what in enrollment numbers from the past aca» SEE LOSS, PG.10 demic year. This factor caused a budget

Assistant Campus Editor

Production Center

$5.5 million Loss in MAP grants (estimated) $6 million Loss due to enrollment BUDGET DIFFERENCES Fiscal Year 2009: Approximately $220.2 million Projected budget for 2010: Approximately $231.2 million

$37 million Loss in endowment

Actual budget for 2010: Approximately $227.1 million

Chris Rock talks about ‘Good Hair’ by Katherine Gamby Assistant Arts & Culture Editor “GOOD HAIR” are two words that have helped

to keep the black community in a slave mentality for more than 400 years. The new documentary, Good Hair, starring actor/ comedian, Chris Rock, paints a different, lighter side of the issue. Historically, there are many things that divided black slaves, such as having lighter skin versus darker skin, working in the house beside the master as opposed to in

the fields under an overseer and possessing good hair instead of bad hair. “Good hair” is defined as having a better grade of hair that is curly, wavy and easily managed, but most of all for what it is not— kinky, nappy and coarse. Many black women spend whole days at hair salons getting relaxers, hair weaves and press and curls. These processes can lead to bad hair breakage, severe scalp burning and sores. In some ways, black hair care can be considered a form of self-mutiliation. The documentary, Good Hair, examines the issue from the historical Hollywood perspective of many celebrities, including » SEE ROCK, PG.22

Renegades hoop hopes



Dating for nerds » SEE PG. 18

Mammoths and INDEX mastodons CAMPUS

» SEE PG. 11


Actor, comedian explores relationship of black women, hair management

» SEE PG. 34










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