Application No.: OH0145165 Ohio EPA Permit No.: 0IL00172*AD
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program PUBLIC NOTICE NPDES Permit to Discharge to State Waters Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Permits Section 50 West Town St., Suite 700 P. O. Box 1049 Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049 (614) 644-2001 Public Notice No.: Date of Issue of Public Notice: Name and Address of Applicant: Name and Address of Facility Where Discharge Occurs:
OEPA 18-08-037 DFT Aug-23-2018 Oxford Mining APV Area, P.O. Box 427, Coshocton, OH, 43812
Oxford Mining APV Area, Clayton Twp., New Lexington, OH, 43764, Perry County
October 2, 2018, 6:00 PM at New Lexington High School Cafetorium, 2547 Panther Drive, New Lexington, OH 43764
October 7, 2018 at 5:00 PM. Send all comments via email to: epa.dswcomments@epa.ohio.gov or via mail to: Ohio EPADSW, Attn: Permits Processing, PO Box 1049, Columbus, OH 43216-1049.
Outfall Flow and Location List:
0IL00172001 0IL00172002 0IL00172003 0IL00172004 0IL00172005 0IL00172006 0IL00172007 0IL00172008 0IL00172009 0IL00172010 0IL00172011 0IL00172012 0IL00172013 0IL00172014 0IL00172015 0IL00172016
Receiving Stream:
Unnamed Tributary to Rush Creek
Nature of Business:
Construct, monitor and treat surface water runoff and seepage in proposed sediment ponds 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, and 016.
Key parameters to be limited in the permit are as follows:
N 39.748889 W 82.1975 N 39.750278 W 82.200833 N 39.753333 W 82.200833 N 39.757778 W 82.206111 N 39.759722 W 82.203056 N 39.762778 W 82.205 N 39.762778 W 82.208056 N 39.765 W 82.212222 N 39.7675 W 82.213611 N 39.768333 W 82.21 N 39.768333 W 82.205833 N 39.768889 W 82.203611 N 39.766389 W 82.199722 N 39.39.765278 W 82.196667 N 39.751944 W 82.194444 N 39.746667 W 82.194167
Total Suspended Solids, pH, Total Iron, Total Manganese