The Independent Investigation Summary of Findings I. Primary Questions to be Answered by the Independent Investigation A. In the hiring, retaining, supervising and firing of former Assistant Coach Zach Smith, did Head Coach Urban Meyer (“Coach Meyer”) violate any Ohio State University (“OSU”) policies or rules, Title IX, NCAA rules, Big Ten Rules, Ohio State Ethics laws, any other state or federal laws, or his contractual obligations to OSU in connection with Zach Smith’s alleged commission of domestic violence against his former wife, including any obligations to report the alleged domestic violence? B. When Head Coach Urban Meyer spoke at Big Ten Media Days on July 24, 2018 about the firing of Zach Smith on July 23, 2018, did he misrepresent his knowledge of a law enforcement investigation of Zach Smith in 2015 for possible domestic violence and, if so, did he do so intentionally? C. What was the role of Athletic Director Gene Smith (“AD Smith”) in the above events and did he engage in conduct violative of any laws, rules, policies, or his contractual obligations to OSU in connection with those events? II. The Independence and Scope of the Investigation A.
The Special, Independent Board Working Group
1. The OSU Board of Trustees established a special, independent Board working group to: (a) oversee the independence and work of the Independent Investigation; (b) be available to provide consultation and advice to the investigative team; (c) receive the report of the factual conclusions of the Independent Investigation; and (d) assist with communication with the full Board on this matter. The working group will dissolve upon fulfillment of its responsibilities. 2. Former Ohio House Speaker Jo Ann Davidson has served as Chair of the working group. Its other members include current trustees Alex Fischer, Janet Porter and Alex Shumate, as well as former acting U.S.