february 2021
Aw, February. We finally made it past January 1526th. Valentine’s Day is around the corner and love is in the air...or maybe not. Maybe it’s drought season for you, I don’t know. I do know that Mercury has gone retrograde and it’s here to wreak havoc on your communication and technology, as well as breakdown the very foundations that your life is built on. Fun! Let’s see what the stars have in store for us. Aries - You’re seeking love and human connection, but alas your intensity and inexperience with compromise may get in the way. Add Mercury retrograde to the mix and it’s just a mess waiting to happen. Do your best not to put your foot in your mouth this month. Taurus - Surprise, your control issues are blocking you from joy and peace. Do yourself a favor and get out of your own damn way. Sure, it’s nice to have everything in its place and work at your own pace without having to rely on anyone else, but that’s not what this month is about. This month is about feeling out of control and relaxing into it. The sooner you accept that you can’t have it all your way, the sooner you can start enjoying things like people...and clutter...and chaos...oh god. Gemini - Gemini, you were made for these times. Your already chatty mind and buzzing enthusiasm is perfect for enduring this Mercury retrograde. You’ll still want to be mindful with your words and fact check your shit before blasting it online (you’re not perfect) but you’ll probably skate through this month with more ease than most. Could be wisdom and life experience, could be blind optimism. I mean, who really cares at this point, just enjoy it buddy. Cancer - Fatigue, exhaustion, drained...that’s you little crab. This retro-merc is asking you to look at what the heck you’re even doing with your life. Feeling drained is a natural response to overextending yourself. Just because you’re naturally nurturing doesn’t mean you have to give all of your energy to everyone else. Save some for yourself, little crab. I have nothing smarmy for you. Take care of yourself, even if that means completely withdrawing from the world for the next month.
Bagels And Locks reach out to me daily telling me how happy something made them, or how they laughed at an image I created. That means the world to me. I guess we all need our doses of happiness, especially right now. Are you good with staring at a blank canvas or screen and forcing something out of the ether or do you need some spark of inspiration before you start working? If I have to force it, it looks awful. I have to let the muses come play in my head. And I never know when that will happen. Do you show work at galleries often, or are you more geared toward the commercial art world? I haven’t done any shows since February of 2020. And my work honestly is better geared towards being in restaurants. I exhibited in a well known place about four years ago and still get people who tell me they remember my work when it was there. With the shutdown of restaurants, etc, that hasn’t happened much this past year. Are there any mediums or projects you’d
love the opportunity to tackle but haven’t yet? I’d like to sculpt some of my characters in clay. When I was 14, I used to make miniature food for a dollhouse store. So the medium isn’t completely foreign to me. Perhaps sometime if I have extra time on my hands. Anything (sales, shows, projects) coming up we should know about? As of now, I am scheduled to show work at Viva! in Las Vegas in October. But we will see where the world is by then. I dearly LOVE meeting new folks and customers in person. And I have so missed exhibiting in markets due to the pandemic shuttering them for now. Links and social media: C
Leo - This month you find yourself exceptionally charming and good at sweet talk. Exploit the hell out of that! Why actually solve the problem when you can just glaze over it with allure and flattery? Maybe there will be long term repercussions, but you don’t care about those. Good thing you’re cute. Enjoy the shorterm, unsustainable charm while it lasts. Virgo - Oh dear, rest is on the agenda for you. I can imagine you squirming in your seat and even dry heaving at the thought. But how will I finish the millions of projects that I’m working on and how will I meet my unreasonably high expectations AND impossibly short deadlines that I’ve created for myself?!? I know Virgo, it’s scary. But it is your work this month, and if you allow for it, you may have a new found energy to throw at future projects. Libra - This month is all about pleasure and play for you. Now, I’m not suggesting you ignore your responsibilities and only do things that bring you joy. Try to find little ways throughout the day to incorporate fun. Maybe get a little crazy and try expressing your feelings as they come up insteading of stifling them down (fun!). Or perhaps spice things up by not brooding so hard in self-pity. Amazing what a little joy can do for ya! Scorpio - This Mercury retrograde is really messing with your sense of comfort and home. Don’t let little hang ups deter you from moving forward. Life doesn’t always feel comfortable; you of all signs should know that. As a water sign, you might feel like you’re swimming upstream or even drowning, but the truth is you’re probably just hanging on for dear life to something that no longer serves you. Try to shift your perspective. Not everyone or everything is out to get you. Sagittarius - Brain fog, dissociation, irritability. It’s not your fault sweet Sag, it’s written in the stars baby. Not even your most well trained, locked in routine can keep you from faltering this month. But you can get through this. You just need patience, flexibility, self-restraint, adaptability, a positive attitude and...ok so it might be harder than I thought. I’m almost certain you can handle it. You got this..? Capricorn - This month will be tricky for you, my stability loving Capricorn. You see, nothing is certain right now, especially with Merc in retrograde. Try not to stress about money or security. Sure everything is up in the air and there’s no concrete evidence or viable numbers to base your 10 year plan on, but it’s just one month of discomfort. You’ll survive this. Aquarius - Self-care is on the docket, little water bearer. Really embrace those Venus vibes. Get yourself some rose colored glasses and start pretending like everything is fine. Take lots of baths, wash away last month’s self-doubt and grime and nurture yourself (not to be confused with your usual hyper-critical self-analyzing). Best of luck to you.