NOVEMBER 12th 2018
It’s the Chief Damon Robinson Editor-in-Chief
Hey guys, it’s me again. I’ve done a little bit of a redesign this issue. This is building off of my first redesign in April 2018, but I am not finished just yet. My hope is to have the fully-realized redesign set for January 2019. This would include a whole lot of improvements that I hope you will enjoy. Next week is International week, and I am really exited to participate and cover all the events that will transpire during it. I think it’s great that the college is celebrating the diversity that we have here at the college, as it is truly special. Also, Diwali is this week. I am beyond excited to attend and hope to see you all there! If you go, make sure to take photos and submit them to the magazine. I don’t have much to say this time around, but I hope you guys enjoy the fresh new look and give me some feedback on things that you like or I can improve on. Cheers.
Here’s the News Paige Riding News Editor
The stress is stressing my stress out. It’s chewing at my fingertips and my neck and the tip of my nose. November is making it worse. I think every post-secondary student needs a hug and a day to catch up classes. The dark, cold weather is engulfing the corners of my brain with a heavy, scratchy blanket. If I have to write one more essay, my eyeballs may fall out of my sockets. That’s saying a lot, considering I’m an English major. I know I am not the only person who is feeling the squeeze of the final month of the semester. When life hands you lemons, college sprays the lemon juice in your eyes… and in all your paper cuts. Complaining aside, attending college is a privilege in itself. The professors here challenge their students, but they also want their students to succeed. The small class sizes lead to a more intimate experience. It’s a blessing in itself to not just be a number on a list. At least when your biology professor drops 100 more terms you have to memorize for the midterm next week, they’ll do it with a personalized smile. Try to make the most of the grind. Stress is temporary, but your GPA follows you. The semester is only for four months, then winter break promises sleep (unless you work a lot like me. In this case, RIP).
On a more positive note, I hope you have a good November! Make sure to take time for yourself away from studying. Stay safe and stay warm, Confluence patrons.
Damon Robinson
Paige Riding
Harman Dandiwal
Editor-in-Chief, The Confluence
News Editor, The Confluence
Organizer, CNCSU
Rememberance day
CNC DIWALI 6PM-9PM PG Civic Centre
Chapbook release party | 7PM-10PM Sonar Night Club
Submissions, inqueries and requests can be made to, in person at the CNCSU office room 1-303, or mailed to “The Confluence c/o CNCSU 3330-22nd Ave. Prince George, BC. V2N 1P8” All submissions are welcome, the authors of edited works used in the confluence receive a $20 cheque upon publication. Advertisement rates are available upon request.
The Confluence is produced biweekly at the CNCSU office on CNC’s Prince George campus by Damon Robinson and Paige Riding.
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT EDUCATIOn Committee Paige Riding News editor
Today is the day where we make our stand and fight against the bad to right whats not right and get things right.
The Sexual Misconduct Education Committee is a group of well-equipped members of the CNC community that are teaming up to raise the universal understanding of consent, and what to do and where to go if a student is harassed or assaulted on or off-campus. Dana Hansen, Wellness Coach and member of the committee, says that they are “working on different education initiatives… to provide support and to tell students where to access it.”
Formed in May 2017, the committee already has a great expanse of short-term and long-term plans in place. The highest priority for the committee is providing training for more people in the college’s community. Online training for staff and others in support roles will soon roll out. Such members include Union representatives. The CNCSU office is a safe space for any student to voice their concerns. It is a location to head to first when reporting sexual harassment accusations of any caliber. Thus, it is crucial for the Union representatives
have it online soon,” Hansen begins, “we are developing workshops ourselves. Some are existing already.” These pre-existing workshops, created by the Prince George Assault Center, provide public education on what steps to take if one receives complaints or accusations about sexual harassment. Hansen hints that a collaboration or partnership with this city-based center may be in the works for the college. Once the organization of a timeline is settled, such a collaboration will really take off. This collaboration will focus on educating the public about consent
to be educated on how to handle such scenarios. The Sexual Misconduct Education Committee recognizes this, and plans to roll out information for Residence Heads, Union representatives, staff members, and others who will be turned to for help. Long-term goals of the Sexual Misconduct Education committee, including workshops on educating the general public about consent and what to do if one is approached with a harassment claim, will roll out with increased funding and work over time. While “it’s important to have the training done first, and we will
and bystander intervention. Educating the student body about consent is crucial to keep CNC safe. Hansen writes that “though consent is a simple concept, our culture often places too much emphasis on the situation and the environment rather than the people involved in the moment.” Some argue along the lines of, “if she dresses that way, she must be asking for it,” or, “if you go out and drink, advances are bound to happen, right?” Consent, however, can only be given by the people themselves. It is not determinable whether a person consented to sexual acts of any kind based on the situation at hand. Any substances consumed, what an individual is wearing, nor can the environment one is in determine whether that individual was “asking” for anything. “The situation or environment doesn’t speak for you – only you can give consent,” Hansen writes. Sexual consent must be given continuously through any acts, and can be retracted at any time. Consent can not be coerced through shaming or forcing another individual. The committee is also planning workshops on bystander intervention. Hansen writes that bystander intervention is “the act of a person intervening when they see or hear behaviours that promote harassment, bullying, or violence.” If a situation arises where an individual is threatened or appears uncomfortable, the skills for intervening are the 3 D’s: Direct, Distract, Delegate. ‘Direct’ is intervening in the moment. ‘Distracting’ is interrupting the situation without direct confrontation. ‘Delegating’ is where another person is contacted that is better able to help with the situation. To encourage those nearby to help a victim of assault is crucial. At the same time, informing bystanders of the steps to keep them safe, as well as to help others, is paramount.
The only student member of the committee, Michelle Frechette, recently attended a meeting in Victoria to strengthen Bill 23. Bill 23 was passed so that “A post-secondary institution must establish and implement a sexual misconduct policy that addresses sexual misconduct, including sexual misconduct prevention and responses to sexual misconduct” (Bill 23 – 2016). With 30 MLAs advocating for the allocation of funds to institutions to strengthen Bill 23 (2016) requiring all facilities in BC to review the 25 post-secondary institutes to have a sexual violence and misconduct policy. When asked what the committee means for the CNC student body, Dana Hansen says that it will “make people aware of the support available. [Victims of assault] may blame themselves, or will get uncomfortable,” Hansen says. “It is a
right as a student and as a human being to feel safe.” The committee hopes that dissipating myths about consent and bystander apathy will improve the campus’s environment. Letting CNC community members know that processes are in place to help them in the event of sexual assault claims are crucial to the committee. The project wants students to know it is not the victim’s fault, and there are steps in place to help survivors off and on-campus find support as they need it. If incidents do occur, Hansen adds that initiatives are in place to provide support for survivors immediately. The Red Phone Project is in place at the PG campus for immediate assistance. CNC security can be reached at 250-561-5827 any time. CNC Health and Wellness Centre provides health services and counselling for students. The College
of New Caledonia’s website includes extensive information on the processes necessary to report claims, whether formal or not.
Work Cited Bill 23 – 2016: Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, https://www.leg.
CNCSU Scrapbook
By: Karm Shah
Today is your birthday. Hope you have some fun.. Dont be mad at me Else i would shoot you with a gun.. You have to eat it Because i brought a cake.. Its not that sweet And its freshly baked. Today is your birthday And You are getting old.. Dont say to anyone But you are still a piece of gold.. I have one wish to god That you really never die.. I would say everything to you But i never wanna say goodbye.. All the things we do everyday That all were seriously planned.. I cant do that with anyone except you Because you are my only best friend...
Dont ever get away from me Otherwise you would be in loss..
Because you would be a mommy And i would be billionaire boss.. You would be baby sitting And i would start new trend.. I would gift your baby’s cloths That are made from my brand.. All this things are waste Please please please dont mind.. I was just saying the truth As i am so so so kind.. Ok so final thing I gotta say.. Dont mind anything And enjoy your day.. Be happy be safe Be as you are.. You are so young Still have to go so far.. This is a dedication As this is my way.. Once again dear A very happy birthday..
By: Madison Buckner
Dark, cold, and comforting; the uninspired abyss excavating my soul; attempting to unearth my triggers my father echoes, “you’re too stupid…you’ll never pass…” my sibling reverberates, “you’re an embarrassment,” neither powerful enough to elicit something, anything. my serendipitous partner-that-never-was, my stranger in a city, “I love you too,” not a flicker in the heart, a butterfly in the stomach, nor a tingle of the spine Am I disconnected from myself? Or, can I say with my entirety;
These are no longer hands that reign power I am the imperium, and this time, its only for me
Breath Healthily Live Happily
Kathleen Sturt Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Hold it. Hold it for a few moments. Now while holding the breath, run. Run fast. Run to the sanctuary. Quickly now. However, the bitter and stale smell quickly catches up. I gasp and release the air. Inhale. No exhale. Why can’t I breathe out? My lungs begin to burn. I can feel my lungs swelling and my chest getting heavier and heaving with each failed attempt to breathe. Inhaling now becomes harder. I try to breathe in again, but all that escapes is a loud wheeze as my lungs attempt to fill with life. I feel dizzy; the room begins to spin. I have to keep going; I can see sanctuary. Only a few more steps. Wheeze in, take a step. Wheeze out, take another. Finally, I have made it as the world around me starts to become dark. I enter the sanctuary and slam the door. Immediately I grab the blue canister and shake it for dear life before holding it to my mouth. Press down. Inhale. Hold. Exhale and repeat. The swelling begins to go down, and breathing becomes easier once again. This description is only
a sample of what my asthma attacks felt like every day, multiple times a day, living with a chain smoker who smoked in the house and car regularly. Smoking in homes and vehicles should be banned, made illegal, and enforced stringently when children under the age of 18 live in the household. My step-father was a chronic chain smoker; from the moment he got up to the very last minute before bed he always had a cigarette in his hands. The moment he stepped into our lives the thick pungent smell of stale smoke followed him and that smoke
began strangling and beating my lungs on a daily bases like a bully waiting for his victim so he could take his lunch money. When we first moved to Prince George I was diagnosed with severe asthma. For the first six years of my life I was in and out of the hospital—I was almost transported to Vancouver because they couldn’t get my asthma under control—due to the pollution in the city as well as the cigarette smoke. Being in the hospital constantly didn’t stop him. When I wasn’t in the hospital I struggled every day to breathe. The maintenance inhaler did nothing for
I wasn’t one of them. A new sector of government should be created to monitor every home in the country to keep young people safe from the effects of smoking. Twice a month someone from that sector should be going to every house and testing for cigarette smoke inside the homes and vehicles. This can include an actual home visit and/or having a specialized monitor installed into the home (one that can’t be tampered with). If the monitor detects cigarette smoke it will go off and let the new sector of government who is handling these new legislations know about the smoke inside of the home. Once cigarette smoke settles it’s hard to fully clean that smell out of fabrics and to wash off of walls. Every time I did a quick visit and left, as soon as I got home I had to wash my clothes immediately and shower because the smell burned my lungs and lingered on my clothes. I even Febrezed my car every single time. If you violate this law then punishment should follow, whether it be a fine or for repeat offenders who just don’t care to the possibility of having the children taken away. In 2009 British Columbia made it illegal to smoke in a vehicle with minors and if caught, you would receive a $109 fine. This fine needs to be tripled at least and there needs to be new legislation that includes stopping smoking inside of homes as well as more thorough and careful monitoring. I wish my step-father took my health, and his granddaughter’s health more seriously and at least smoked outside. If the government is reporting that second hand smoke amongst minors under the age of eighteen is one of the highest causes of death, then they need to step up their game and implement new rules and regulations regarding smoking inside of homes and vehicles. The government should be looking at Bhutan and Uruguay, two out of five countries with the
strictest smoking laws, for guidance and support. Children deserve the right to not have to be near such horrendous smells and conditions and should have the right to say so. Smoking inside of homes and vehicles needs to be banned to save more people from dying of secondhand smoke. Works Cited “WHO global report on trends in tobacco smoking 2000-2025 - First edition.” World Health Organization, tobacco/publications/surveillance/ reportontrendstobaccosmoking/en/ “B.C. sets $109 fine for smoking in cars with kids present.” CBC News, CBC/Radio-Canada, 18 Mar 2009, british-columbia/b-c-sets-109fine-for-smoking-in-cars-with-kidspresent-1.838560
me and the emergency inhaler, that you are only supposed to use a few times a week at max, I used multiple times a day. From elementary school to graduation I was constantly pumping my body full of asthma steroids just to find a few moments of relief that my lungs so desperately craved. Just before I turned 19 I moved out and rarely went back to the house to visit because I couldn’t stay longer than five minutes before I felt an attack coming on. When my daughter was born I told him that if he wanted to see his grandchild at his place that he would need to stop smoking inside. He was always welcomed to my home but never came because he knew he wasn’t allowed to smoke in the house. My reasoning was because I knew my kin had a higher chance of becoming an asthmatic and I wanted so desperately to spare her of the pain that I had to go through. His response was “I’m not taking demands from you.” That was the end of our relationship. Smoking was more important to him than his daughter and granddaughter’s health. Smoking in homes and vehicles with children under the age of 18 should be illegal and monitored. There are so many activists out there that say it’s the child’s choice to do something (an example being people against abortions because they say it’s impinging on that person’s human rights) but when it comes down to it, do they really have any rights? It isn’t our choice to sit in a small confinement and breathe in the second hand smoke which is found to be more harmful than smoking the cigarette ourselves. If we truly have the choice, than a four-yearold should be able to tell the adult to not smoke in the vehicle or home. But of course that isn’t how things work. According to the World Health Organization, every year at least 600,000 people die from second hand smoke. I’m honestly surprised
Written by: Ewan Gillespie
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win” ~ Stephen E. King
There was something different about Howard. It was his strange behavior and his more frequent absences in the days of late. Whenever he was in town he looked around as if he was looking for someone or as if he was being followed. The absences occurred more than usual and would happen at random, sometimes after looking at his watch. Bethany didn’t like to think it of him, but the actions that were displayed by Howard led her to believe he was committing adultery.
Bethany was in the attic, rummaging through the movie reels and video tapes whilst Howard was absent, yet another time when she came across her old Underwood typewriter, in a forgotten corner, blocked up by boxes. It had been so long since the last time she had seen it that she didn’t think she still had it. She picked the heavy thing up, to have a good look at it when she noticed something rather peculiar about the corner of the floor the typewriter was on top of. A floor plank in the corner seemed to be loose, as if it could easily be removed with the aid of anything flat enough to fit in between the planks. For the sake of her curiosity, she used her jackknife to try and remove the plank and to no surprise, the plank came out with ease. Underneath was a compartment that contained a book. The book had no title on the cover and seemed to be faded with age. She opened the book and revealed hand written pages. Bethany recognized the cursive to be none other than Howard’s. After reading a page it was then quite obvious that the book was Howard’s journal. Though the writings were personal, why he kept it in such a secretive place was unknown to her. She thumbed though the first third of the book before getting to where it caught her full attention. In the book, it read: I’m still able to recall the many girls I liked in high school. Some I’ve never even spoken to and others didn’t find interest in me. I came close to asking one of them to go with me to the prom, but I was too nervous to ask. It was probably a good thing I didn’t ask because I probably would’ve been humiliated. There were others I met in the first year of college, but their personalities were too rough around the edges for my liking. I would sometimes come across some of the girls I never met and when they didn’t know I was alive I would get nervous around them. I was feeling more and more alone and heartbroken as time went on. Though it definitely seemed as an indication of adultery at first, it was after a brief moment of thought when Bethany found it read more as a depressing tale of a teenaged romantic. She continued reading: When I made up with Bethany I felt a change come over me. My whole life seems to be brighter now. I want to tell her how I truly feel, but I can’t. For some reason it’s difficult for me to talk about it.
A little over a month ago, I noticed someone, a man and I saw him several times. He didn’t notice me, but I noticed him and I had a feeling he noticed Bethany. I spent a long time studying his patterns of travel and I noticed he usually roamed around where Bethany was. From the way his travel patterns were done I think he had been studying Bethany’s for a long time, most likely before I first noticed him. He was so careful and so confident when he followed Bethany. He knew where Bethany would go and where he couldn’t be seen. He’s probably going to do something terrible and I think he’s going to do it to Bethany.
Though the writings contradict any reason to assume adultery, her misgivings had not ceased. The writings then told another tale, one that held the reason for his absences. In the book, it read:
She had not the faintest idea that someone was stalking her. Howard was trying to protect her whilst she assumed adultery and because of that she felt a bit of shame upon herself. There was still much to read, so she continued. In the book, it read:
I followed the man without him noticing me, to all the places he visits and I found a good spot for my trap. If this man thinks he’s going to harm Bethany then he had just made a mistake. He has no clue what he’s up against, or who he’s dealing with. It wasn’t clear to her at first, but when she read more into the details it became obvious to her. Howard was going to kill the man. There was still much to be read, so she went on:
When I get him, I’m going to make him suffer a constant torment that’ll drag on until he dies. Death by a thousand cuts. There won’t be much left of him after that. To make sure the police can’t identify him if they ever find him I’ll simply rip every tooth out of his head and destroy them with a hammer. I intend on going through with it soon, hopefully tomorrow. I look forward to it. I think the last time I had killed someone was before I noticed Bethany for the first time.
Bethany wasn’t sure if she couldn’t believe it, or if she didn’t want to believe it. Bethany knew Howard’s secret, a secret that was hidden for years and it disturbed her to think that Howard would go as far as to harming her to ensure the secret stayed hidden. She heard a car pull up in the driveway. And there was no need for her to look out the window to see who it was. There was a distinct tune to the engine that she recognized. It was Howard’s car. In a moment of haste Bethany threw the book back into the compartment and placed the typewriter and the boxes in the positions she remembered they were in before leaving the attic. Bethany felt something unnerving in his presence. It was the same man she knew and loved, but she felt an unusual discomfort, a strong, fearful emotion when he was around. She tried her best to hide her
EWan gillespie
fear of him and it seemed to be enough for him not to notice. She had realised she no longer had any proper form of fond feelings for Howard, it was all replaced with constant fear. Bethany figured the best time to call the police was during Howard’s next possible absence. She could give the journal to the police and when Howard returns, the police will already be there to arrest him, hopefully before he kills again. Knowing Howard was a killer made sleeping in the same bed with him unbearable, but she knew she had to or she’d be walking on thin ice. She knew couldn’t afford to give Howard a reason to be suspicious. Bethany awakened to the sound of footsteps in the dead of night. Howard was not in bed. She felt she had to know what he was doing awake in the late hours of the night. She carefully tip-toed her way to the door frame to find Howard sitting in front of the fireplace. He was looking through his journal. She could tell he wasn’t reading, he seemed to be more interested in the slight damage to the pages that wasn’t there before Bethany had read it.
She was lying in bed, alone, wide awake and in fear for a long while before Howard entered the room. Bethany shivered in fear as Howard made his way closer to her. He whispered in her ear “I know you found my journal, Bethany.”
By: Gabrielle Sandhu
3:00am cravings: the taste of your skin Bright headlights shatter The thick, black night Emo rap blaring Through a quiet neighborhood street
Subduing the brain, exploiting
I see you when we drive.
When we drive, You are nothing of faรงade. You are real. I see you. I want to see more. And through only the corners of my eyes I try to.
Howling From the bottom of our bellies To rid the affliction of this turmoil Clenching onto our hearts, our throats The reverberating bass,
Run your fingers through my hair, and Keep me grounded on This plain. Reveal to me your entirety, and I will do the same. Sing to me every night, And I will become breathless.
Screaming From the tops of our lungs For those Who have broken us.
The involuntary and Temping the fingers to dance.
Support and Crisis Contacts and Help Lines • Crisis Line- for immediate 24/7 support and information and referrals: 250-563-1214 Toll Free: 1-888-562-1214
• Youth Support Line: 250-564-8336
Chat line at
• Provincial Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2334
• College and University students for mental health • CNC Counselling: 250-561-5818 • UNBC Counselling: 250-960-6369
• Individuals who identify as aboriginal or wish to access aboriginal services • Carrier Sekani (Family Services): 250-562-3591 • Central Interior Native Health: 250-564-4422 • Native Friendship Centre: 250-564-4324
• Healing Centre: 250-564-4324 • SUCCESS Chinese Help Line:
Cantonese Help Line, available 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.: 604-270-8222
Mandarin Help Line, available 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.: 604-270-8222
• Bounce Back teaches effective skills to help adults overcome early symptoms of depression and improve their mental health: