Each issue of The Corridor is targeted to a different industry. We then support that industry with interviews and articles about the celebrities, the workforce, the educators, the latest technology serving that industry, where to get funding...then we distribute the magazine to a germane readership. The book itself is high quality, 80 lb glossy, full color, beautiful and professionally done.
The Corridor is distributed to the business communities on Long Island via traditional route distribution to the 110 Corridor, Rt. 347, Rt. 454, Chambers of Commerce, County Government, both Nassau and Suffolk in addition to NYC, Washington DC and Albany NY via subscription. Molloy College, SUNY Stony Brook, Farmingdale State College also receive deliveries. Each issue has a shelf life of at least one year, because it then gets distributed year-round at trade shows like the HIA or Melville Chamber, association meetings Like Vision Long Island, USGBC or AITP. It also trickles into NYC and is