The County Woman Media Kit

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e e kst oe duc a t ea ndi nf or mwome na ndt he i rf a mi l i e s TheCount yWomans

i nme a ni ngf ulwa ys . Wea r epubl i s he dbi mont hl ya nddi s t r i but e df r e eofc ha r ge t hr oughoutt hec ount y . Wec ha l l e ngeourc ont r i but or st ode mons t r a t et he i re xpe r t i s e , i ns i ght ,a nde nt hus i a s mf ort he i rpr of e s s i onsa ndbus i ne s s e sbywr i t i ngobj e c t i vea nd e duc a t i ona la r t i c l e s . Ourc ont r i but or sbe c omeknowna s“ e xpe r t s ”i nt he i rf i e l d,whi l epr ovi di ngt he r e a de r s hi pwi t hva l ue di nf or ma t i ona boutpr oduc t s ,s e r vi c e sa ndr e s our c e sa va i l a bl e t ot he m–ahugebe ne f i tf r omaf r e epubl i c a t i on! Ourpubl i c a t i onf or ma ta l l owsr e a de r st oga i na nunde r s t a ndi ngof“ who”t he c ont r i but ori spr i ort oma ki ngt hef i r s tphonec a l l . Thi si spa r a mountt obus i ne s s e s t ha tr e l yont he“ pe r s ona lt ouc h. ”I na ddi t i ont oourr e a de r sbe i nga bl et oma ke e duc a t e da ndi nf or me dc hoi c e s ,ourc ont r i but or sbe ne f i tbyha vi nga c c e s st oa s a vvya nddi s c e r ni ngr e a de r s hi p.

OurMi s s i on:

Themi s s i onofTheCount yWoma nPubl i c a t i onst obet heobj e c t i vea nde duc a t i ona lr e s our c ef ort hewome n ofAt l a nt i c ,Oc e a n,a ndMonmout hCount i e s .Ourf oc usi sonhi ghqua l i t ya r t i c l e st ha ta r eofi nt e r e s tt owome nof a l la ge s ,ba c kgr ound,a nde t hni c i t y .

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www. TheCount yWoman. c om

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Submi s s i onGui del i nes

Loyal Client Testimonials

LOVE OCEAN COUNTY WOMAN MAGAZINE! The Doctors and I have found that with its attractive presentation, clear, clean photos and easy reading, people enjoy reading and learning from the informative articles. We have doubled our weight loss clientele by advertising with the Ocean County Woman Magazine. It’s Great for getting the word out on exactly what we do here. Thank You all at Ocean County Woman Mag. ~ Sincerely, Jill Houston/Clinical Director & The Staff Of Ocean Health & Weight Loss Advertising in the Ocean County Woman has proven to be one of my smartest advertising decisions. Within the first two weeks I had received at least six calls of interest. By the end of the first month I had several more calls and seven new patients in my office. The article also worked great for my existing patients who showed to their friends to encourage them to come in. ~ Thank you, Lynn. Keith Koehler Koehler Acupuncture

We were in the May/June issue of the Ocean County Woman and Monmouth County Woman. I am honored to share my knowledge on a subject matter that deserves attention in today’s society. Not only have I expanded my client base, but I have increased my credibility tremendously. Being associated with other reputable professionals in Atlantic County has been an extremely rewarding experience. ~ Nancy Fountainhead Properties A couple of weeks after the November/December ACW issue was out, I received several new patients as the result of my article. We were very pleased with the response from the publication and look forward being a part of future publications! ~ Dr. Laura Janes High Point Medical I signed a $14,000 contract today from an Atlantic County Woman lead. Thank you for a great publication to advertise my business and educate my customers. ~ Charles Zuschnitt Miami Somers Company, Somers Point, NJ

Hi, Lynn. Just wanted to let you know that even though my practice has only been open since September, the same month I first advertised in your magazine, I’ve received MANY calls--and 99% of them have been because of Atlantic County Woman has proven to be an excellent AC Woman! Thanks for getting Dulcet Speech Therapy out to the vehicle in helping Tilton Fitness spread our message community! of health and fitness to women in Atlantic County. ~ Stacey DeNafo They have become a valuable marketing partner for us and Dulcet Speech Therapy have afforded us the opportunity to share information about our facilities and our programs with a very targeted audience. With a 23-year history for the Historic Dennisville ~ Julianne Dods Christmas House Tour, we have finally expanded our Tilton Fitness boundaries as far as visitors to the tour. We typically draw from the neighboring counties to Cape May, but we The number of new patients who have scheduled afhave now increased our reach into central New Jersey with visiter seeing our articles in the Women’s Journal has far tors hailing from Monmouth County enjoying our tour. Some exceeded our expectations! Even our current patients state Monmouth County visitors said they had no idea that Dennisville that they’ve learned new things about our practice!! The exposure existed and how happy they were to find it. Ocean County is also we’ve gotten has certainly been a great return on our investment. better represented and Atlantic County visitors have increased ~ Joanne Gauthier, Operations Manager through our exposure in the County Woman magazines that ser Thomas Jefferson University Hospital vice those communities. Department of Otolaryngology ~ Jack Connolly, President Head and Neck Surgery Dennisville House Tour Writing for Atlantic County Woman has given me the opportunity to express my passion of fitness and wellness with others. I am honored that I am able to share my knowledge on a subject matter that deserves attention in today’s society. Not only have I expanded my client base, but I have increased my credibility tremendously. Being associated with other reputable professionals in Atlantic County has been an extremely rewarding experience. ~ JoAnn Barbieri Absolute Fitness, LLC

Dear Lynn, We have had a tremendous response from our article in The County Woman publications. We received calls from medical professionals and many other people in the community that are struggling with hair loss. We will continue marketing with The County Woman publications. ~ G. Hergert Abstrax Hair Replacement Center

Loyal Client Testimonials After meeting with Lynn and discussing the exposure and focus the MCW publication provides for local physicians and medical facilities, I immediately recognized the opportunity that existed for me to market my practice to health-minded readers countywide. Uniquely designed as an educational resource allowing you to develop a relationship with the reader as they gain a sense of confidence in your services. Personally, I’ve learned that editorial type articles which both educate and inform the reader provide a far better response than placement ads alone. In addition to the several new patients we have received from our recent articles in MCW, not only have my existing patients made reference to having read them as well, but even patients we’ve received from other sources often will still mention having seen us in MCW. I want to thank Lynn and her staff for inviting me on board as your publication has been an asset to the continued growth of my practice. ~ Dr. Robert Chickara REHABILITY, LLC

I have been a part of the Atlantic County Woman publication for over two years. The advertising with Atlantic County Woman has brought my business to another level. It was a skyrocketing experience. Thank you very much. ~ Irina Tsyganova, D.P.M. Foot and Ankle Center, L.L.C., Egg Harbor Township

The Ocean County Woman publication has allowed the community to learn about our services. We are very pleased with the responses to our articles! ~ Bena Gulkowitz, Program Director The Regency Club

Lynn, I am so pleased CASA of Ocean County decided to promote our non-profit organization with your magazine. The result of our advertisement has brought in over 20 new program volunteers, new Board Members and donations. I receive calls to the office from your readers and the most extraordinary people who have read our articles have Dear Lynn, Just wanted to thank you for the great brought the resources we need to keep this struggling organizawork you are doing. Your paper has given us a great tion in business. Thank you for your working with us to help us venue for advertising our practice. My husband and I love do the important advocacy work for over 711 abused and neglectthe opportunity to customize our ads with subjects that are reled children in Ocean County. We are so blessed to have you as a evant to our practice and our patients. Atlantic County Woman has community partner! given us great exposure within the community. We have gotten ~ Vicki Berlenbach, Executive Director many new patients thanks to your publication. We look forward to CASA of Ocean County advertising with you for many years to come. ~ Thank You, Dana Carfagno, Practice Administrator Lynn: I have never had so much attention as I had Advanced Care Obstetrics-Gynecology-Infertility with the last article. I had been wanting to do one “for the dads” for a while, but hesitated since it is technically a I am very pleased in making the decision to advertise women’s publication and I didn’t know what kind of reaction in AC Woman! As soon as the magazine hit the stands I I would get. I am running into situations now where both parreceived 6 calls the first week ! I am still continuing to ties see my article and want a consult with me and I have to turn receive calls from people who need help in learning to make life- somebody away! style changes with their diet and learn how to make good healthy ~ Marla Marinucci, Esq. An Educational ResourceAttorneys for WomenAt&Law Their Families foods a staple in their everyday lives. Atlantic County Woman April & Marinucci, New Jersey magazine reaches out to everyone and helps them to change their An Educational Resource for Women & Their Families lives. Thank you AC Woman for helping me to help everyone! ~ Nancy Adler Nancy Adler Nutrition, Egg Harbor Township NJ

The County Woman loves hearing from you!

If you are a client or reader, and would like to share your I’ve received phone calls from people in • 1.866.398.0898 experience with us, email us at phia, who had read my article in the Atlantic County Woman magazine and called to request merchandise from my store. The response to our articles has been phenom@TheCountyWoma • 1.866.398.0898 enal! ~ Barbara Spolsky, @TheCountyWoman Barbara’s Fashion Experience of Linwood, NJ I’ve been really pleased with the results I’ve received through advertising in just a single issue of County Woman. I was getting phone calls within a day of picking up my copy of the paper. Thank you! ~ Stephanie Hopkins Cutting Board Creations

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County Woman


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