Atlantic County Woman - 2013 November/December

Page 1



An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families FREE ~ Please Take One Change Your Body In Just 55 Minutes A Week!

Being physically active is one of the most important steps that people of all ages and fitness levels can take to improve their longterm health and quality of life.

Page 14


Meet Shore’s Spine & Ortho Doctors

Dr. Stephen Zabinski with Shore Orthopaedic University Associates is one of the expert surgeons from Shore Medical Center’s Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute included in our Meet the Doctors feature. Pages 30-31

Club Local Gives Customers A Choice! Since 2010, The Atlantic Club Casino Hotel has partnered with area businesses so that their customers are free to spend their comps as they choose ~ all over South Jersey. Page 59

Dr. Carfagno gives a few points of the Affordable Care Act which are expected to improve women’s health care on page 38. He is truly a physician who is “with you all the way.” Don’t miss the Feature On The Cover article on page 39!

Photo By Donna L. Andrews Photography


Visit Us

Nov./Dec. 2013

Please Take One

Cosmetic Dentistry


Missing Teeth, Your Smile, And Denture Security

Milt Noveck,

John Nosti,



Advanced Cosmetic and General Dentistry


ave you been suffering with missing teeth and are afraid to smile, or has the simple process of eating become too difficult? Are you tired of having ill-fitting dentures that wobble when you chew or talk? There are safe and reliable options today to replace missing teeth and to secure dentures so that they feel as if they weren’t dentures at all. In many cases, it is possi-

ble to have removable dentures converted to teeth that remain in place and are nonremovable.

bone loss and helping to maintain facial features.

Consider Dental Implants . . .

To determine if implants are right for you, a consultation with your dentist, oral surgeon, and/or periodontist is needed. During this appointment, your dental professional will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums and evaluate bone density and quantity, typically with the use of X-rays or computer tomography scans (CT scans). Based on the condition of your oral tissues, oral hygiene and personal habits, and commitment to follow aftercare instructions, your dentist will advise you of the most appropriate dental implant treatment plan. Depending on your situation, your dental professional will advise you of how long the entire treatment process will take, how many appointments will be necessary and what you can expect after each procedure.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a restoration for a missing tooth or teeth, helping to stop or prevent jawbone loss. The dental implant procedure is categorized as a form of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry, but also is considered a form of cosmetic dentistry. People who have lost teeth might feel too self-conscious to smile or talk. Additionally, biting irregularities caused by tooth loss can have a negative effect on eating habits, leading to secondary health problems like malnutrition. By replacing missing tooth roots, dental implants provide people with the strength and stability required to eat all the foods they love, without struggling to chew. Additionally, dental implants stimulate and maintain the jawbone, preventing

The following pictures are patients who presented to our office in need of cosmetic corrections.

Example of Patient’s Actual Implant To The Front Tooth


Picture demonstrates a fractured left central incisor that had to be extracted, note the inflamed tissue, as well as a failing and poorly fitted cosmetic veneer on the adjacent tooth.

Am I A Candidate?


Fractured tooth replaced by an implant and new cosmetic crown, and new adjacent matching veneer. The implant is undetectable as a fake tooth.

Will Implants Last? Today’s dental implant restorations are virtually indistinguishable from other teeth. This appearance is aided in part by the structural and functional connection between the dental implant and the living bone. Implants are typically placed in a single sitting, but require a period of osseointegration. Osseointegration is the process by which the dental implant anchors to the jawbone.

Osseointegrated implants are the most commonly used and successful type of dental implant. An osseointegrated implant takes anywhere from three to six months to anchor and heal, at which point your dentist can complete the procedure by placing a crown restoration, anchors to dentures, or non-removable prosthesis. Dental implants are among the most successful procedures in dentistry today and offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. When used to support a dental crown or dental bridge because multiple teeth are missing, dental implants represent a cavity-resistant and stable foundation for these restorations. When used to support dentures, implants can prevent dislodgment during chewing and talking. Although there are many restorative options for replacing missing teeth, none have proven as functionally effective and durable as dental implants.

Call Advanced Cosmetic and General Dentistry And Let Us Help You Put A Smile Back On Your Face!


Free Whitening

for all New Patients who come in for Exam, Cleaning, and Xrays! Milton Noveck, DMD, FICOI Milton Noveck, DMD JohnNosti, Nosti, DMD, DMD,FAGD, FACE, FICOI John FAGD, FACE StevenKatz, Katz, DDS DDS Steven 609- 927-8448

551 New Road Somers Point, Magazine NJ The County Woman


Must come in to the office before December 31, 2013. ADVANCED COSMETIC AND GENERAL DENTISTRY 609- 927-8448 551 New Road Somers Point, NJ

4705 Harding Hwy. Mays Landing, NJ

609-625-3499 4705 Harding Hwy. Mays Landing, NJ

(212) 619-4070 375 South End Avenue New York, NY 10280

November/December 2013


Publisher’s Note

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families Since 2007



Publisher.........................................................Lynn K. Wolf • 609-929-4189 Associate Publisher..................................... Kristina Pruitt • 1-866-398-0898 Regional Marketing Director............................... Jon Pruitt • 609-412-3606 Professional Page/Graphic Designer............ Darlene A. Davis PR Executive/Graphic Designer.................Katherine Githens • 856-885-8066 Art & Production Associate........................ Meghan Morse • 856-885-8066 Feature Cover Writer . .......................... Gena Ansell-Lande Graphic Designer, Real Grafix Design................... Cathy Tveici Graphic Designer, Golden Design, LLC............... Laura Golden Website Designer.............................................. P.J. Santos Distribution Manager......................................Mike Dziuba For advertising inquiries, please call:

Kristina Pruitt at 1-866-398-0898 or email: All correspondence should be addressed to:

The County Woman P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper is not responsible for any editorial comment (other than its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproductions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged and/or previously published. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will protect and indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against any and all liability loss or expense arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication of this newspaper or its advertising copy. The publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable by reason of error, omission and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement. The publisher will not be liable for delay or failure in performance in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue is delayed or suspended for any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgment in these instances and will make adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. The Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by The Atlantic County Woman, LLCTM COPYRIGHT 2007.

Find us on the web! And follow us on Facebook and Twitter @TheCountyWoman

The County Woman Magazine


Welcome to the Nov./Dec. 2013 Issue Of Atlantic County Woman

Along with the excitement and stress, the holiday season is also a time for gratitude. In this issue, I’ve expressed my gratitude for the professional contributing writers, the readers and my staff ’s dedication to bring you a highly desirable resource publication six times a year. Additionally, you can meet the staff of The County Woman publications on page 5. On behalf of our staff, we wish you a safe and joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Best wishes, Lynn K. Wolf and the Staff of Atlantic County Woman

We are members of: Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce

Featured On The Front Cover: Dr. Carfagno & His Patients: Back Row (l-r): Stacy Falcone, Evangeline Falcone (daughter, age 6), Linda Telli, April Hogan. Front Row (l-r): Katie Stys, Gabriel Falcone (son, age 6), Dr. Salvatore Carfagno, Silvio Falcone (son, age 6) Read more on page 39. Cover photo by Donna L. Andrews Photography. Donna can be contacted for appointments at 609-412-5123 or 609-646-5374. Schedule your family portrait appointment now. See page 75. Events in ATLANTIC County • Bayada Home Health Care (p. 18) Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the last Thursday of the month at 6pm. • Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio (p. 44) Nov. 1-3, 10, 15-17; Dec. 15 – Winter Workshops. • Total Hearing Care (p. 36) Nov. 11-13, 21-22; Dec. 9-10, 16-17 – FREE Special Hearing Workshops. • The Women’s Leadership Initiative (p. 74) Nov. 13 – 8th Annual Sweet Laughs fundraiser featuring humorist, speaker, professor and author Gina Barreca. • Katz JCC (p. 62) Nov. 14 – Ladies Night Out – Upscale shopping, high-end vendors, fashion show, cocktails, exciting door prizes and much more. • Wedding Belles (p. 25) Nov. 23-30 – Bi-Annual Sample Sale: gowns starting at $199. Dec. 10-23 – Annual 12 Discount Days of Christmas sale- new offer each day. • Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour (p. 61) Dec. 21 – featuring the Capt. Charles J. and Lydia Crawford House. • Dante Hall Theater (p. 64) 2014 season tickets available Exclusive Deals • Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry (p. 2, 65) FREE Whitening for new patients who come in for an exam with cleaning and x-rays. Must claim offer before Dec. 31. • Tranquil Touch Day Spa (p. 6) Great coupon offers for $10 off $50 or more spent in the Boutique or $10 off a 50-minute massage or facial. • South Jersey Fertility Center (p. 8-9) Now offering a discount for IVF to active military and veterans. • Heritage House Interiors (p. 10) Sandy victims receive special discounts and delivery allowances for purchases over $1000.

• Tilton Fitness (p. 14) $79 Special offer to first-time users. • Accent Aesthetics (p. 19) Special anniversary savingsBuy 1 1.5ml syringe of Radiesse and receive a ½ price discount on Radiesse, Xeomin, or Belotero. Also receive $100 off Sculptra (offers expire Nov. 30, 2013.) • Atlantic Medical Imaging (p. 24) FREE low-dose CT lung screening to qualified smokers. • Barbara’s (p. 25) Receive 20% off apparel through the 2013 holiday season. • Escape Beauty Boutique (p. 26) Enter to win a $100 Gift Certificate. • South Jersey Center for Nutrition and Wellness (p. 32) Special offer for an initial evaluation for $75. Save $45 (offer expires Dec. 31, 2013.) • Full-Circle Wellness (p. 48) Special Watsu® packages available. • Plays (p. 51) Enter to win a pair of tickets to see one of six great shows. • ICON Hospitality (p. 53) “Crystal Wedding Package”, $79 per person. • Absolutely Maid Clean (p. 54) 25% off first cleaning with coupon. • Shore Style Salon is looking for an experienced stylist to join their team. See page 55. • Galloway Nutrition and Love Your Body Nutrition (p. 58) are offering a FREE shake, energizing tea with a shot of healing aloe, and a personalized metabolism test. • The Friendly Cobbler (p. 60) Pay in advance and receive 10% off.

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper!

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We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

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November/December 2013


The County Woman~Behind The Scenes “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” These words of Melody Beattie, one of America’s most beloved self-help authors, echo the theme of this issue of Atlantic County Woman. These are the months when people focus on thankfulness and giving. We, the staff at the County Woman Publications, are thankful for the hard work and exemplary educational articles provided by our contributing writers six times a year to the readers in Atlantic, Ocean, and Monmouth County.

On this page, I want to introduce you to the key women behind the scenes of these three publications and express my gratitude for their contribution to our success.


Darlene Davis: “The creation and page layout design of the three publications is a tribute to your ingenuity. Thank you for your perserverance during the many late nights and weekends to ensure that our deadlines have always been met over the past seven years. Your vision in creating each page is always superb!” PJ Santos: “Thanks to your web design skills, our website is as attractive as it is functional. Your social networking expertise has helped to create brand recognition for us throughout all three counties. Thank you for your professionalism and your dependability. It’s been great having you work Lynn K. Wolf, Publisher with us since 2007 to help grow our “publication family.” Donna Andrews: “Thank you for the beautiful front covers, professional profile photos, and the additional feature on the cover photos that grace each issue. It’s been a privilege to work with you over the past seven years, and to have your award-winning photography enhance the pages of my Atlantic County Woman publication. Your keen eye for detail and composition translates to a “winning” photo each and every time.” Katie Githens: “Thank you for your excellent customer services and communication skills. Many of the clients and readers have shared how they appreciate your patience and assistance with each and every issue. You definitely bring the magic of “Disney World Customer Service” to the County Woman publications!” Kristina Pruitt: “As an Associate Publisher, Kristina assists me with the production, copyediting, and sales. I’m very grateful for her consistent level of expertise with the handling of all aspects of the publications. You have an excellent eye for misspellings and grammatical errors. Your humor and positive manner with our clients and readers is especially appreciated when on deadline!” Laura Golden: “Thank you for joining our design team this year. I appreciate your reliability, commitment, and skills with our publications!” Meghan Morse: “As our newest member of our team, I want to thank you for your enthusiasm, graphic skills, and helping the contributing writers realize their optimum satisfaction with their page.” Jeanne Teller: “Thank you for your exemplary job as my extension in Ocean and Monmouth County with the distribution. Under your management, the distribution of the publications is widespread and effective.” Gena Ansell-Lande: “The interview questions and subsequent articles that you write are well received by the clients and the readers. Your involvement with the publications span over two years and include working with a wide variety of professionals. Thank you for your professionalism and writing skills in all three publications!” I have been very fortunate to have a team of dedicated and talented women whose synergy results in superb client service and high quality primary educational publications, Atlantic County Woman, Ocean County Woman and Monmouth County Woman publications! We wish you a safe and happy holiday! Lynn K. Wolf, Publisher

The County Woman Team: (L-R) PJ Santos, Laura Golden, Jeanne Teller, Donna Andrews, Lynn Wolf, Kristina Pruitt, Darlene Davis, Katie Githens, and Meghan Morse.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

The County Woman~Behind The Scenes


Meet The Talented Women Of The County Woman Publications Read how their personalities, passions and dedication create the superb issues that women and their families in Atlantic, Ocean, and Monmouth counties read six times a year!

Donna Andrews, Photographer

Owner: Donna Andrews Photography since 2000 My passion is to photograph all different types and ages of people, either singularly or in groups. The Guild of Professional Photographers of the Delaware Valley, Inc. has awarded me the Best Portrait of a Child and the Best Portrait of a Group award. In my studio, you will see many portraits of my four wonderful children, Josiah (age 24 ), Emily (age 23 ), Lucas (age 17) and Leah (age 15). It’s a pleasure meeting the variety of professionals in the Atlantic County Woman publication through my photography. Through our conversations, I learn about their businesses and feel privileged to provide them with a photo they enjoy for the publication.

Kristina Pruitt, Associate Publisher I have worked with Lynn and the County Woman publication since its inception seven years ago. It has been exciting to watch the Atlantic County Woman publication grow and expand, as well as having been part of the launching of the Ocean County Woman and the Monmouth County Woman publications in 2008. I love speaking with different people and learning what they do and being able to help grow their business through educational articles. It is creative and interesting work, and I feel blessed to be a part of it. My home life is very busy with two wonderful children, a supportive husband and a pet snail!

Meghan Morse, Art and Production Associate I am the newest staff member at the County Woman publications. I enjoy learning all the various aspects of the publication business in this fast paced office! Currently, I’m a full time student at Cumberland County College pursuing an Associate Degree in graphic design. My favorite part of working here is learning the procedures and talking with the vast number of different businesses that are featured in these publications. In addition, I enjoy designing the display ads and pages along with working next to very talented and experienced graphic designers.

Darlene Davis, Professional Page

Designer /Graphic Designer Owner: Designs By Dar since 1999 I have been designing for thirty-five years and my work career and home design business compliment each other perfectly. I’m blessed with a beautiful family. A daughter, Kelly Jae, grandson, Bryce (age 5) and an 11-year-old Labador ‘Kel.’ Our family suffered a devastating loss this spring when the love of my life, my husband Jay, passed away suddenly, but our love keeps us afloat. I’ve been with Lynn from the start and I’m proud to be a large part of “The County Woman” publications. I learn a lot of valuable information through the articles and share it with family and friends outside of the counties. In my 35 years of designing, I must say that working with Lynn and the staff has truly been a source of joy for me.

PJ Santos, Webmaster

Owner: Digital Art Station, Inc. since 1999 I graduated from De La Salle University in 1999 and formed my business, specializing in website development, graphic digital design and online marketing business. I live in Egg Harbor Township with my husband, David, and my two beautiful daughters Isabella and Gabriella. My first meeting with Lynn was seven years ago when she approached me to design the Atlantic County Woman website. The website has expanded to include Ocean and Monmouth County Woman publications and evolved into a digital flipbook with active Facebook and Twitter accounts. As a resident of Atlantic County, I’m excited to see the publication everywhere I travel in the county, as well as watching the online presence grow stronger everyday.

Laura Golden, Graphic Designer Owner: Golden Design, LLC Four years ago I started a family graphic business, Golden Design, and am able to be home with my four year old daughter and enjoy a thriving business. I’ve been working with the Monmouth, Atlantic and Ocean County Woman for about a year. It is my privilege to create page designs for a wide range of different clientele through the publications.

Katie Githens, Public Relations

Executive /Graphic Designer I joined the staff of the County Woman Publications in 2012 after completing my Associates’ Degree in Graphic Design and a certificate of Web Design from Camden County College. Working with the contributing writers is the best part of my job. I’ve learned so much through reading their educational articles and have developed a rapport that would never have been possible if I wasn’t part of the County Woman team. My husband Eric and I have been married for three years and we have a boxer named Ratchet. I am an avid dirt bike rider, racing & competing in ECEA Enduro sanctioned events.

Gena Ansell-Lande, Writer

In addition to working as a writer for the County Woman publications, I am a “full time” Mom to twin boys Maxwell and Griffin, 4 ½ years old. I am also “Mom” to our 8 year old Weimaraner, Riley who is almost as much maintenance as my boys. My background is in professional writing and I graduated from Emerson College with a BFA Degree in Writing, Literature and Publishing and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Seton Hall University. I have enjoyed working for the County Woman Publications and it is the ideal fit for my lifestyle right now. Best of all, are the friendly staff and publisher. It is always a pleasure to work with other friendly, accomplished women. I am grateful for the opportunity to be working with County Woman team!

Jeanne Teller, Regional

Distribution Director I’ve enjoyed a career in two diverse fields, one in real estate/ construction and the other in healthcare. I worked as a claims supervisor for Barnabas Health for 16 years. While working for Barnabas Health, I gained a broad knowledge of health insurance and the inner workings of a hospital system. I’m happily married with three grown children, three grandchildren and one more grandchild coming soon! I’ve enjoyed interacting with the public in both Monmouth and Ocean Counties through The County Woman publications. I’ve met many interesting people.

In addition to those pictured, I would like to thank all my distributors for their contribution and dedication to ensure the publication is available in the medical offices, libraries, grocery stores, super Wawa’s, special events, and other professional buildings throughout Atlantic, Ocean, and Monmouth County. By 2018, over half of small businesses will be run by female entrepreneurs, according to a study by The National Federation of Small Businesses. Independent women are taking the initiative to start their own businesses and have shown they have the tenacity to make it happen. The following quote rings true for all entrepreneurs: “There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it, for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard.” – Madam C.J. Walker, America’s first female entrepreneur millionaire, 1912. Photo Credits: Page 4 group photo by Donna L. Andrews Photography. Page 5 individual photos by Donna L. Andrews Photography. Gena Ansell-Lande photo by Annette Jenkins Photography.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Featured Articles

6 ^ Cosmetic Dentistry Advanced Cosmetic & General Dentistry.......................... 2, 65 ^ Ultimate Day Spa Tranquil Touch Day Spa........................................................... 6 ^ Financial Management Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC............................................. 7

^ Medical Professionals South Jersey Fertility Center................................................ 8-9 American Surgical Arts.......................................................... 11 Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T............................................ 12-13 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa.................. 19, 76 Shore Vascular & Vein Center................................................ 15 Advanced Spine and Pain, LLC............................................ 20 Bella Derma Medi Spa........................................................... 22 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Heart Institute..... 23 Atlantic Medical Imaging....................................................... 24 AtlantiCare Neurosciences Institute Stroke Center............... 29 Shore Medical Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute.... 30-31 Shore Medical Physicians Group.......................................... 33 Stephen L. Newman, M.D., M.B.A........................................ 35 Total Hearing Care................................................................. 36 AtlantiCare: The Cancer Institute.......................................... 37 Advanced Care OB/GYN . ............................................... 38-39 Morgan Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, P.A............ 40 The Jefferson Balance and Healing Center........................... 41 Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy.......................... 42, 58 Atlantic Integrative Medical Center....................................... 43 ^ Contemporary & Rattan Furniture Heritage House Interiors....................................................... 10 ^ Health & Wellness Tilton Fitness......................................................................... 14 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio................................................ 44 Absolute Fitness.................................................................... 48

Ultimate Day Spa

Full Circle Wellness............................................................... 48 Dr. Nina Radcliff..................................................................... 52 ^ Business & Finance Copiers Plus, Inc................................................................... 16 ^ Assisted Living Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates...................... 17 ^ Home Health Care Bayada Home Health Care.................................................... 18 ^ Law Marla Marinucci, Esq............................................................. 21 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys At Law.......................................... 65 ^ Fashion & Beauty Barbara’s Boutique................................................................ 25 Wedding Belles...................................................................... 25 Leisure & Lace....................................................................... 27 Permanent Makeup by Amy.................................................. 49 ^ Boutique Skin Spa Escape Beauty Boutique....................................................... 26 ^ Blow Dry & Style Bar Avantgirl................................................................................. 28 ^ Nutrition & Wellness South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness....................... 32 ^ Elder Law Rice Elder Law...................................................................... 34 ^ Fence & Railing Contractor Progressive Fence and Rail................................................... 33 ^ Psychiatry Charles Meusberger, MD....................................................... 45 ^ Pets Newkirk Family Veterinarians........................................... 46-47 ^ Title Company Stewart Title Company.......................................................... 50

^ Home Improvement

Ultimate Day Spa

RKA Construction.................................................................. 51 ^ Icon Hospitality Icon Hospitality...................................................................... 53 ^ House Cleaning Absolutely Maid Clean.......................................................... 54 ^ Unique Hair Salon Shore Style Salon.................................................................. 55 ^ Women of Atlantic County........................................ 56-57 ^ Weight Loss Center Galloway Nutrition................................................................. 58 ^ Entertainment Atlantic Club Casino.............................................................. 59 ^ Fabric & Sewing Karen’s Kreations.................................................................. 60 ^ Shoe Repair The Friendly Cobbler............................................................. 60 ^ Fabulous Food Cutting Board Creations........................................................ 63 ^ Theatre & Entertainment Stockton College’s Dante Hall............................................... 64 Buyer & Cellar........................................................................ 68 Gazillion Bubble Show.......................................................... 68 Lady Day- The Billie Holiday Musical.................................... 68 iLuminate............................................................................... 69 Stomp.................................................................................... 69 Peter & The Star Catcher...................................................... 69 ^ Women’s History Elaine Stritch......................................................................... 73 ^ Fine Art Photography Donna Andrews Photography............................................... 75 ^ Community........................ 50, 55, 61-62, 66-67, 70-71, 74


v Please Take Advantage Of Our “Enter To Win” Contests throughout the paper! v

You Are Important Too This Holiday Season!

Submitted By: Kacey Caruso, Tranquil Touch Day Spa

fying & hydrating body wraps. For those in which an hour may be just too much time out of their day, how about a thirty minute treatment? We offer thirty minute massages, facials and some quick body treatments that can have you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day!

handbags and shoes. They can also check out our variety of skin care products as well as an assortment of body products as well.

The holiday season is a great time to step We wish everyone a back from the stresses of happy holiday season and everyday life. During hope to see you for some the holiday season, we treatments and shopping! tend to be in search of what we can purchase Give the gift of relaxation... During the holiday season, we for others. However, you all love to be with the people that are important too! Everyday stressors tend to take a toll on our bodies and put our needs at the end of the long list that needs to be accomplished in one day. Being in the spa business, we believe it is important to take an hour or two out of your day to relax your mind and body.

What better way to relax than with a spa treatment?

Enjoy one of our soothing massages, calming facials or detoxi

are essential in our lives. A great idea for catching up with one of your good friends or relatives is a couple hours at the spa. The gift of relaxation is the gift that keeps on giving.

The County Woman Magazine



$10.00 OFF $50 or more spent in the Boutique.

$10.00 OFF 50 minute TT Massage or Facial.

Tranquil Touch

Tranquil Touch

Good through 12-31-13

Good through 12-31-13

Tranquil Touch Day Spa PHONE: 609.927.8866 FAX: 609.927.8803 Ocean Heights Plaza, 37 Bethel Road, Somers Point, NJ 08244

Mon. - Fri.10AM - 7PM, Sat. & Sun. 10AM - 6PM

call to schedule: 609.927.8866

Raves from our Faves:

spray tan looks amazing! It was so natural looking, with ❋ Myno orange coloring. I was given so many compliments by

New Expanded Boutique!

Unsure of a gift for a particular someone that is finicky, purchase one of our gift cards that can be used in our new expanding boutique! We have a great selection from clothing, jewelry,

Enjoy the following Tranquil Touch Specials

Kacey Caruso, Tranquil Touch Day Spa

Visit us on facebook and twitter.

friends and even by complete strangers! I would highly recommend coming here. -Sarah “What a pleasant surprise! My husband gifted me with a massage and facial, I wasn’t sure what to expect but was instantly relaxed by the overall atmosphere. Also, the technicians and staff were all very accommodating and left me feeling rejuvenated.” ~ Susan.

November/December 2013

Financial Management


Changing Jobs? Take Your 401(k) And ... Roll It! If you’ve lost your job, or are changing jobs, you may be wondering what to do with your 401(k) plan account. It’s important to understand your options.

ing your paperwork, opening an IRA account, transferring your funds, and selecting investments. And if your rollover involves more complex issues such as special tax treatment of company stock through Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA), Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) upon reaching age 70 ½, or Inherited (Stretch) IRAs, your Financial Advisor has the expertise to help you.

Call Janney Montgomery Scott at 609-601-2509 or 1-800-346-1446.

Don’t Spend It, Roll It! While this pool of dollars may look attractive, don’t spend it unless you absolutely need to. If you take a distribution you’ll be taxed, at ordinary income tax rates, on the entire value of your account except for any after-tax or Roth 401(k) contributions you’ve made. And, if you’re not yet age 55, an additional 10% penalty may apply to the taxable portion of your payout. (Special rules may apply if you receive a lump-sum distribution and you were born before 1936, or if the lump-sum includes employer stock.) If your vested balance is more than $5,000, you can leave your money in your employer’s plan until you reach normal retirement age. But your employer must also allow you to make a direct rollover to an IRA or to another employer’s 401(k) plan. As the name suggests, in a direct rollover the money passes directly from your 401(k) plan account to the IRA or other plan. This is preferable to a “60-day rollover,” where you get the check and then roll the money over yourself, because your employer has to withhold 20% of the taxable portion of a 60-day rollover. You can still roll over the entire amount of your distribution, but you’ll need to come up with the 20% that’s been withheld until you recapture that amount when you file your income tax return.

Should I Roll Over To An IRA? You need to weigh all of the factors, and make a decision based on your own needs and priorities. It’s best to have a professional assist you with this, since the decision you make may have significant consequences--both now and in the future.

Tracy Fiedler-Santoro, First Vice President/Wealth Management of Marchel Wealth Management Group at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. Tracy offers personalized retirement and wealth management solutions to individuals, families and organizations. She takes a holistic approach, getting to know her clients and then helping them define and prioritize their goals. She has been with Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, a leading full-service wealth management, financial services and investment banking firm, since 2008. Her areas of expertise include financial, retirement, estate, insurance and education planning, as well as mutual funds, equities, annuities, and trust services. Tracy also specializes in investment strategies designed specifically for women.

Take Control of your Retirement

Reasons To Roll Over To An IRA:

• You generally have more investment choices with an IRA. You typically may freely move your money around to the various investments offered by your IRA trustee, and you may divide up your balance among as many of those investments as you want. • You can freely allocate your IRA dollars among different IRA trustees/custodians. There’s no limit on how many direct, trustee-to-trustee IRA transfers you can do in a year. This gives you flexibility to change trustees often if you are dissatisfied with investment performance or customer service. It can also allow you to have IRA accounts with more than one institution for added diversification. • An IRA may give you more flexibility with distributions. Your distribution options in a 401(k) plan depend on the terms of that particular plan, and your options may be limited. However, with an IRA, the timing and amount of distributions is generally at your discretion (until you reach age 70½ and must start taking required minimum distributions in the case of a traditional IRA). • You can roll over (essentially “convert”) your 401(k) plan distribution to a Roth IRA. You’ll have to pay taxes on the amount you roll over (minus any after-tax contributions you’ve made), but any qualified distributions from the Roth IRA in the future will be tax free. Understanding your complete financial picture is an important step in planning your retirement. Old 401(k)’s and other retirement accounts left behind at previous employers can make your investments difficult to manage. Many advantages of these plans, including loans and matching contributions, are lost when you leave your employer. An IRA rollover can offer you more investment options, flexibility, and control of your retirement assets. Your Financial Advisor can help you understand and if appropriate, consolidate your accounts to simplify your investments. Your Financial Advisor will make the process of rolling over assets to an IRA convenient for you. Your advisor will assist you in evaluating your rollover options, complet-

The Janney Rollover IRA Advantage

Do you have a 401(k), or other employer-sponsored plan, from an old employer that needs attention? Rolling over your assets to an IRA with Janney can be a smart move. You’ll receive: • Expert rollover advice and support. • Help with the paperwork and transfer of funds. • A comprehensive choice of investment options. • More control over your retirement assets, fees, and costs. Let us make the rollover process simple and easy for you—every step of the way. Please call our office to set up an appointment.


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The County Woman Magazine

10/10/2013 3:54:32 PM

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Fibroids Eliminated Without Hysterectomy Presented by: South Jersey Fertility Center

Fibroids are benign uterine muscle tumors present in up to 20% of reproductive age women. They are a common cause of heavy, painful periods. They can also dramatically increase the risk for miscarriage and diminish fertility. Sometimes a fibroid will grow larger than a grapefruit. When they grow large they can cause symptoms from pushing on other organs in the pelvis, such as the bowel and bladder. Not all fibroids cause problems or need any treatment. The symptoms depend on the size and location of a fibroid. These tumors start to fade away after menopause because they are dependent on the female hormones estrogen and progesterone which drop after the “change of life.” Treatment for fibroids is only necessary for those women who are bothered by fibroid-related symptoms or for those with fibroids greater than 3-5 cm in size who want to conceive a baby. The medical term for fibroids is “myomas,” so the surgery to remove these from the uterus is termed a myomectomy. A hysterectomy is the term for removing the uterus. Thus a hysterectomy can be a solution for fibroids for those women who no longer want to become pregnant. The women suffering with fibroids who want to maintain their ability to have children can choose a myomectomy. There are three different surgical approaches by which a myomectomy can be performed. The type of surgical approach depends on the location, size, and number of fibroids present. There are also a couple of nonsurgical measures to try to alleviate the suffering from fibroids, though pregnancy is not recommended following the nonsurgical methods. The least invasive surgical approach is through the vagina, utilizing a thin, lighted scope (hysteroscope) that can slip in through the natural opening in the cervical canal. However, this approach can only access fibroids that are close to 50% or more exposed in the central cavity of the uterus. Only a small proportion of women have their bothersome fibroids limited to just that location, but it is a very satisfying surgery for those candidates as the recovery and return to usual activity from hysteroscopy is generally three days.

When fibroids are located in the middle of the muscular uterine wall or even on the outer boundaries of the uterus, an approach through the abdominal skin is necessary. Traditionally this has been done by laparotomy, which means opening the abdomen with a large-enough incision for the surgeon to reach in with both hands. The recovery includes two nights in the hospital and six weeks before a return to full physical activity.

New Revolutionary Method

Fortunately, a revolutionary new method is available these days, which utilizes a minimally invasive approach called laparoscopy. The woman typically returns home the same day as the surgery and recovers sufficiently to return to work in 1-2 weeks since the 5 incisions are only as long as the width of their index finger. Laparoscopy consists of a lit scope for visualization and narrow instruments which can dissect the fibroids out, repair the uterus with suture, and remove the ground up fibroid material through small keyhole incisions in the abdomen. This is

The County Woman Magazine

generally performed with the assistance of the Da Vinci surgical device (sometimes referred to as “the robot.”) The robot allows the surgeon to manipulate the narrow instruments with much more accurate control than with standard laparoscopy. The closure of the uterine incisions, utilizing the robot provides the same strong suturing technique as is used with the laparotomy approach, but without the extended post-operative recovery that comes with the larger abdominal incision. Patients usually return home the same day as the surgery. Studies have found that the “robot-assisted” laparoscopic myomectomies have a lower risk for poor healing of the surgical incision and the loss of less blood. This minimally invasive approach is usually an option when there are fewer than 10 fibroids and none exceed 12 cm in size. Any time that an incision is made fairly deep into a woman’s uterine wall, she should have (according to national standards) a C-section delivery when she is nine months pregnant rather than trying to push the baby out in labor. This caution is taken due to concern that her weakened uterus may not hold up to the stress of labor. One potential complication

of any abdominal surgery is scar formation involving the pelvic organs, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This scarring could potentially limit fertility unless in vitro fertilization is pursued. To lower the risk for adhesion formation, most surgeons place a dissolvable barrier over the uterine scars. Patients who have had a myomectomy should not get pregnant for three months after surgery to allow the uterus to heal well. The chance for more fibroids to form following removal or ablation of fibroids is approximately 30%, but only about 10% of patients will require another procedure for their recurrent fibroids because of symptoms.

Conclusion . . .

In summary, fibroids in the uterus are relatively common, but only sometimes cause sufficient problems that need to be addressed, such as uterine bleeding and pain. The entire uterus need not be sacrificed if the woman wants to retain her fertility. Fortunately there is a new minimally invasive surgical procedure that takes advantage of robotic technology to allow removal of the fibroids through keyhole incisions which allows a much shorter and easier recovery than the previous method of surgical removal through a 5 inch incision.

South Jersey Fertility Center

Division of Regional Women’s Health Group, LLC Full Service Infertility Center With:

· All Of The Doctors Are Board Certified In Reproductive Endocrinology And Infertility · Top Doctor Awards For 7 Years In A Row · Laparoscopic Tubal Reversals · Money Back Guarantee Available For Ivf And Donor Egg · Full Service Fertility Center · Robotic Surgery Available

Robert A. Skaf, MD FACOG Peter G. Van Deerlin, MD FACOG Stephen W. Sawin, MD FACOG Gary S. Packin, DO FACOOG, Dist. Oumar Kuzbari, MD, FACOG Barbara Alice, APN-C, MSN Tracy Krause, APN-C,MSN


Call 856.596.2233 ext. 1227 for more information.

Please Welcome...

Dr. Kuzbari To South Jersey Fertility Center!

Visit us on our Website

400 Lippincott Drive Suite 130 Marlton, NJ 08053 856.596.2233

Harbor Pavilions 570 Egg Harbor Rd • Suite B4 Sewell, NJ 08080 856.218.8863

AtlantiCare Life Center 500 English Creek Ave. • #225 Egg Harbor Twp. , NJ 08234 609.813.2192

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Meet The Doctors Of South Jersey Fertility Center W art fertility care in a friendly, comfortable environment at a reasonable cost. We have three convenient locations in

South Jersey Fertility Center (SJFC) is the premier provider of fertility care in South Jersey. e have a long history of helping our patients achieve their dream of a family. We offer comprehensive, state-of-the-

southern New Jersey. Our main office is located in Marlton. We also have offices in Egg Harbor Twp and Sewell. Evening hours are available four days a week in Marlton and two days in Sewell. Services offered include IVF with ICSI, Assisted Hatching and Blastocyst culture performed in our Marlton location. In addition we performed Donor Egg/Donor Embryo cycles, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Ovulation treatment with Clomid and FSH, Intrauterine inseminations, Donor inseminations as well as surgical procedures i.e. laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, tubal ligation reversals, myomectomy and daVinci robotic procedures.

Robert A. Skaf,

Gary S Packin,

Dr. Skaf founded South Jersey Fertility Center in 1989. After completing his Reproductive Endocrine training in 1981, he was appointed Division Head at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Camden, NJ. Dr. Skaf was the first physician in the state to perform CO2 laser laparoscopy for the treatment of endometriosis and pelvic adhesions. During his tenure, he became Associate Professor. Currently he is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Robert Wood Johnson and Jefferson Medical Schools. In 1989, Dr. Skaf established the first outpatient In-Vitro Fertilization Program in the area. He is currently the Chief of the Reproductive Endocrinology section at Virtua West Jersey Hospital.

Dr. Packin has been in private practice treating patients with problems of fertility and associated hormone abnormalities for 29 years. He merged his practice with the South Jersey Fertility Center in early 2003. He is currently Head of the Subsection of Reproductive Endocrinology at the Kennedy Health System and Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Packin has served as President of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologist. He has been honored by the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists having conferred upon him their most prestigious Distinguished Service Award” in 1993 for his contribution to medical education and dedication to the advancement of women’s healthcare.

M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Peter G. VanDeerlin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Dr. Van Deerlin has been with South Jersey Fertility Center since 1997 after completing his Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Pennsylvania . He is an accomplished clinician and clinical investigator having published articles in major journals and presented his work at numerous scientific meetings.. Dr. Van Deerlin is well respected in his field having been selected as president of the Philadelphia Area Reproductive Endocrine Society in 2005. He also is conversant in Spanish, which in 2004 allowed him to lead a medical mission to Ecuador to teach laparoscopy to gynecologists in the Andes.

Stephen W. Sawin,

D.O. F.A.C.O.O.G (Dist.)

Oumar Kuzbari, M.D.

Dr. Kuzbari completed his residency training in Obstetric and Gynecology at Maimonides Medical Center in NYC. He received numerous awards for excellence in minimally invasive surgery. He joined South Jersey Fertility Center in July 2013, following his fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Utah. His clinical expertise includes IVF, fertility preservation, PGD and male infertility. He is also a skilled surgeon treating conditions that affect fertility such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polyps and other anomalies.

M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Dr. Sawin completed both his Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology and his Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Pennsylvania. After fellowship, Dr. Sawin moved to Asheville, North Carolina where he was the director of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for the Mountain Area Health Education Center. He joined South Jersey Fertility Center in 1992. His special interest and expertise is in the areas of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), surgical management of uterine fibroids (myomectomy), ovulation induction and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The County Woman Magazine

Call South Jersey Fertility Center for your evaluation today. 400 Lippincott Drive Suite 130 Marlton, NJ 08053 856.596.2233

Barbara Alice, APN-C, RN, MSN

Barbara joined South Jersey Fertility Center in 1999. She has over twenty years of nursing experience. Barbara is an active member of the nurse specialty group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as well as its nurse manager subspecialty group. She is one of a select few infertility nurses in the country chosen to be on the nursing advisory board for both the Serono and Schrafts pharmaceutical companies. She is a highly sought after speaker and has given presentations throughout the country on infertility and time management, and has published articles for the nursing journal for Reproductive Endocrinology nursing specialists.

Tracy Krause,


Tracy received her diploma in nursing from the Ann May School of Nursing followed by a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Tracy completed her Master of Science in nursing degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. She joined South Jersey Fertility Center in 2005 after nearly six years in private practice specializing in women’s health care where she had a dedicated following of patients. Her clinical approach has always been characterized by empathy and compassion. Tracy is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health and she recently participated in a national infertility conference for nurses.

Kieran Cunningham, TS,ELD

Kieran Cunningham is certified as an Embryology Laboratory Director by the American Board of Bioanalysts and has over 15 years of experience in the field of IVF. He joined South Jersey Fertility center in 1995 as the Laboratory Manager of the Embryology, Endocrine and Andrology after years of experience as the IVF Lab Supervisor in Delaware. Kieran has had many years of experience performing IVF, sperm and embryo cryopreservation, ICSI, assisted hatching with fragment removal, blastocyst culture and cryopreservation and many embryo culture techniques. He has worked closely with local Urologists specializing in male fertility in the collection of sperm from testicular tissue and epididymal fluid. He implemented embryo biopsy and cell fixation techniques for Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) of embryos at South Jersey Fertility Center.

Harbor Pavilions 570 Egg Harbor Rd • Suite B4 Sewell, NJ 08080 856.218.8863

AtlantiCare Life Center 500 English Creek Ave. • #225 Egg Harbor Twp. , NJ 08234 609.813.2192

Visit us on our website

November/December 2013

Contemporary &Rattan Furniture


We Carry American Manufactured High Quality Furniture The time has come to choose that holiday gift for your special someone—a spouse or significant other, a parent, or another important person in your life.

Heritage House has been fulfilling holiday wishes for almost forty years: whether it be a glider chair for Mom, a plasma stand for Dad, a wicker bedroom for sis, or a toy trunk for little brother, Heritage House has something for everyone. Maybe Grandma and Granddad would love a new plush recliner or matching swivel rockers. Look through our nooks and crannies and you will find wonderful inexpensive gift ideas for friends and teachers. Select from faux plant arrangements, pottery and glass, wind chimes, small decorative containers, fragrant candles and soaps, LBI posters, wall art, lamps and nightlights. Largest Selection of Lamps


In fact, Heritage House Interiors has one of the largest selections of distinctive lamps in the area… from traditional

to contemporary. We are very conscious of the corrosive action on metal at the shore. Therefore, we make sure that there are few metal parts on our lamps and art. Those that have metal are always painted or coated to prevent corrosion. We want you to enjoy them for years to come without a problem. In addition, you will see beautiful ceramic and glass lamps - from small bedroom lamps with shore or sport themes, to freeform organic wooden floor and table lamps. Some have built-in nightlights or decorated shore themed shades.

of peace and goodwill at Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza. Keep in mind that Heritage House Interiors can recover your cushions and repair your rattan and wicker!

Best wishes for the New Year from your friends at Heritage House Interiors.

Wide Variety Of Home Decor

You might consider a new mirror or framed print or painting to brighten a dull space that will add a festive addition to your holiday decorations. We at Heritage House Interiors can help you select the perfect piece for a dark corner or blank wall. In these cold months you may want to bring some of nature’s bounty into your home by placing one of our faux tropical trees next to the fireplace, or perhaps a palm tree in the corner next to the slider. Place a pot of tulips on a dresser or a basket of greens in the entrance hall in anticipations of the coming spring.

Customer Testimonial “A local Barnegat Business should be applauded for caring about its’ customers!

Open Year-Round

Heritage House is open all yearround to serve you. In the meantime, enjoy your family gathering at Thanksgiving and the celebration


Heritage House Exclusive Is Island Art La Lamps

It seems I have extreme reactions to odors caused by either chemical and/ or materials used in new furniture items. I thought that rattan framed furniture with removable zippered cushions would be a solution. I ordered a rattan loveseat from Heritage House after quite thorough discussions with the staff and owner about my issue. The loveseat was delivered by the owner’s staff, not subcontracted delivery people, Unfortunately, even after his staff had “aired” the cushions for a week prior to delivery I had a severe odor reaction. Upon advising the staff of Heritage House of my problem, this owner and businessman personally was understanding and concerned about a customer to call me and offer me a full refund return! I will not forget the quick reply and action Heritage House has taken. I will recommend this shop whenever the opportunity arises. I have a problem but other furniture shoppers should certainly support this shop. Isn’t it nice to know of a shop where the owner really cares about his customers’ satisfaction: and in my case, my health.” Very truly yours, C. A. Matthews

We Repair Wicker & Recover Cushions

Sandy victims still receive special discounts and delivery allowances for their purchases over $1000.00.



w w

The County Woman Magazine

With N Night Light

Written By: Wendy Miller

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Clients Trust Dr. Bidic For Facelift & Neck Lift Procedures


enetics and lifestyle cause every individual to age differently.

Furthermore, each person has different goals about how they want to look as they age. For that reason, people choose facial rejuvenation surgery as early as their late 30’s, or as late as their 70’s. In order to restore a more youthful appearance, many people choose procedures such as facelift and neck lift surgery. New Jersey facelift and neck lift patients trust their cosmetic treatments to Dr. Sean Bidic because of his extensive training, clinical experience, and aesthetic skill. Creams, office procedures, lightbased therapies, dermal fillers (like Juvederm), and Botox can only improve the face to a certain level. When a patient lifts the sides of their face with their fingers, only one procedure with create that lasting effect—a formal facelift or necklift. A facelift addresses the features from the cheekbones to the collarbones. A necklift addresses from the features from the lower jaw to the collarbone.

A Consultation That’s All About You

Since no two people age in exactly the same way, Dr. Bidic approaches each face and neck lift consultation as a unique case. He spends a great deal of time assessing your face and neck, answering all of your questions, and discussing the changes you’d like to make. He will customize the treatment plan to address your concerns and give you a result that looks like a younger, naturally refreshed version of you.

Your Facelift and Neck Lift rocedure

Dr. Bidic gently draws the skin of the face and neck into a more youthful position. In addition, he tightens facial muscles and repositions pockets of excess fatty tissue in the cheeks and jowls, making sure to maintain a natural look. Loose tissue is removed or altered. Some patients experience improved results by incorporating other treatments such as eyelid surgery, brow lift, and non-surgical skin care. These can be used to complement or prolong the results of facial surgery for enhanced aesthetic improvement.

What to Expect After Surgery

Facelift surgery results in a general firming of the soft tissues of the midface and lower face, while a neck lift tightens the tissues of the jawline and area beneath the chin. These procedures improve facial volume, reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, and restore definition to the chin and neck, giving you an appearance of youth and vitality. Pre-operative: Every patient spends one night in the 57 year old female. hospital or surgery center to help avoid complications and improve patient comfort. All drains and dressings are removed before the patient goes home. Only tape on the neck is left in place Visit for a week. Patients will sleep on a few pillows and be expected to stay out of the sun for a week. Mild bruising may be present for a week as well. Sutures are removed and makeup can be worn after the first follow-up appointment (1 week after surgery). Patients can return 373830 4c ASA-Bidic Bio Card_Layout 1 2/19/13 11:53 AM Page 1 to exercise after three weeks. Patients should wait at least three months before a major American Surgical Arts, PC social function like a wedding or reunion.

Facelift and neck lift are often performed together. During the procedure,

Dr. Bidic: Rhinoplasty Specialist Dr. Bidic is a board-certified plastic surgeon that has taught nose surgery to other plastic surgeons from around the world as an instructor at the Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium between the years of 2005-2010. He is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

An actual, untouched picture of a Facelift & Neck Lift patient of Dr. Bidic.

The County Woman Magazine

Post-operative: 6 months post-operative after full facial rejuvenation: Facelift, Neck Lift, Brow Lift, Eyelid Surgery and Obagi skin care regimen.

our website to see more patient before and after photos and videos.


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November/December 2013


Medical Professionals

What Are The Most Common Nail Problems? Q What Are Ingrown Nails?

An ingrown nail is the result of a nail growing into the surrounding skin. This often occurs at either edge of the big toe. Improper trimming, inherited nail deformities or injuries, fungal infections, and/or pressure may cause ingrown nails. Symptoms: Ingrown nails may cause pain at the tip of the toe or all of the way to the base of the toe. The pain is often worse while walking. An ingrown nail bed may also lead to infection, inflammation, or a more serious condition. If it is infected, you may see pus or redness. Evaluation To Determine The Extent Of Your Problem: Dr. Honick will examine the painful area. If other problems are suspected blood tests, cultures, or x-rays may be completed as well. Treatment: If the nail is not infected, Dr. Honick may trim the corner to help relieve the symptoms. He may need to remove one side of your nail back to the cuticle. The base of the nail is then treated with a chemical to keep the ingrowing part from growing back. If you have infection your ingrown nail may require antibiotics and temporary or permanent removal of the portion of the nail. To prevent pain, a local anesthetic is used in these procedures. This is usually done in Dr. Honick’s office.


What Are Thickened Nails? Abnormally thick or crumbly nails may be caused by injuries, pressure from shoes, fungal infections, or conditions such as: Diabetes, Psoriasis, or a vascular disease. The nail may loosen and fall off. Symptoms: Along with the thickening, the nail may appear rigid, brittle, or yellowish. The nail will also be painful when pressure is applied to it. Some thickened nails may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. It is important for Dr. Honick to look at your medical history for possible related problems. Treatment: If the nail is not infected, Dr. Honick may be able to treat it by trimming, filing, or grinding. If a fungal infection is present, oral or topical antifungal medication may be needed. This can help prevent ulcerations under the nail or keeping this fungus spreading to other nails. If pain is still present, the entire nail or a part of it can be surgically removed. Do not remove the nail by yourself.

If a fracture or a bone spur is suspected, x-rays will be needed. If small black spots are present under the nail, other problems may need to be ruled out. Treatment: If the pain is severe, the nail bed may be removed or a hole may be drilled in the nail to rule out drainage, which should ease the pressure. A local anesthetic will be used. Pain may also be relieved with prescription medicines as well by soaking or icing the area. If pain is not severe, you may not to need trim it. The nail can be fitted or left alone to fall off. The new nail should grow to replace it.


How Can You Prevent Nail Problems?

Wearing the right shoes and trimming the nails properly to avoid infection can prevent many nail problems. Keep your feet clean and dry. If you have diabetes, talk with Dr. Honick before starting any selffoot care.

The Right Shoes:

• Get your feet measured, your size may change as you age. • Wear shoes that are supportive and roomy enough for your toes to wiggle. • Look for shoes made of natural material, such as

The County Woman Magazine

DPM, PT, FACFAS Dr. Stuart W. Honick received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey and went on to achieve his degree in Physical Therapy at The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Kean College. Continuing his education at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Dr. Honick was awarded a degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D. P. M.) and completed a two-year surgical residency. Dr. Honick is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

Dr. Stuart W. Honick has been selected as a “Top Doc” in Southern NJ.

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

4 Arthritis 4 Athlete’s Foot 4 Bunions 4 Diabetic Foot Care 4 Foot & Ankle Injuries 4 Foot Surgeries 4 Fungal Nails


Stuart W. Honick,

Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery

What Are Black And Blue Nails?

A black and blue nail is usually caused by sudden or repetitive injury to a toe. This might occur during sports that involve running or stopping quickly. Injury may also result from a heavy object falling on your toe. If your toe is black and blue but not injured, see Dr. Honick immediately. Symptoms: The big toe is most often affected. Bruised and broken blood vessels cause the black and blue color under the nail. If the condition is a result of some injury, pain may be severe. Evaluation: Dr. Honick will talk with you regarding your symptoms and physical activities. He may palpate the area at the end of toe to determine the extent of pain. Your toe and foot are examined for any signs of infection.

leather, which allows your feet to breathe, to avoid problems. • Trim your toenails straight across and not cutting down into the corners. • If you cannot trim your own nails, ask Dr. Honick to do so for you.

4 Hammertoes 4 Heel Pain 4 Nail Problems 4 Neuromas 4 Orthotics 4 Warts

5401 Harding Highway Suite # 5 Mays Landing, NJ

392 N. White Horse Pike Suite # 2 Hammonton, NJ



© Frecklefoot Creative 2013

November/December 2013

Business Spotlight ~ Interview with Dr. Stuart W. Honick ~

Go Feet Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery 5401 Harding Highway 392 N. White Horse Pike Suite # 5 Suite # 2 Mays Landing, NJ Hammonton, NJ 609.625.5400 609.704.9001


How would you describe your practice philosophy? I employ a comprehensive, patient focused, goal-oriented approach to foot and ankle care. The feet, as our foundation of support, influence many other body systems. It is important to recognize this complex inter-relationship to the entire musculo-skeletal system. What sets your practice of podiatry apart from others in the area? I am both a Podiatric Surgeon and a Physical Therapist. This gives me a valuable insight into the management both conservatively and surgically of all aspects of foot and ankle care. How did it come about that you became both a DPM and a PT? I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. With a strong desire to combine my sports interests into the medical field, I went on to pursue a second degree in Physical Therapy at The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Kean College. I practiced as a pediatric physical therapist at Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside, New Jersey. I treated a wide variety of children with diagnoses that included: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, stroke, traumatic brain injury, developmental disorders, burns and orthopedic trauma. As a member of the Gait Analysis Laboratory at Children’s Specialized Hospital, I used sophisticated EMG and force plate studies to assist physicians and physical therapists in designing appropriate treatment programs. Continuing my education at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, I was awarded a degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D. P. M.). I completed a two-year surgical residency at Kessler Memorial Hospital, Hammonton, NJ. My surgical training encompassed all areas of foot and ankle surgery with a strong emphasis in diabetic wound care.

Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T.

The County Woman Magazine

How do your patients benefit by seeing a Podiatrist who is also a Physical therapist? I offer a unique perspective on the management of foot and ankle problems. My physical therapy background brings a higher skill set to developing appropriate rehabilitation protocols. I am well trained at knowing when to progress my patients individual therapeutic goals. Tell us something important that most people wouldn’t know about the treatment of a sprained ankle. An ankle sprain often means torn or severely over-stretched ligaments, and they should receive immediate care. An x-ray examination, immobilization by casting or splinting, and physical therapy to ensure normal recovery all may be indicated. Surgery may even be necessary if you fail to respond to conservative care. How do you keep current on new developments in your field? In both my Podiatric and Physical Therapy fields, I stay current by attending ongoing continuing education lectures and conferences. I have lectured at both the national and regional level in both of my disciplines. How has podiatry changed in the last decade? The field of podiatry has changed dramatically in the past ten years. One of the greatest changes has occurred in the field of diabetic wound care. With the advent of new biologic skin substitutes and the use of novel therapeutic treatment regimens, we have been able to positively impact the healing outcomes of these challenging wounds.

November/December 2013



& Wellness

Change Your Body In Just 55 Minutes A Week! “I was not in the best condition when I began the program, but Prep55 starts each participant off at a level and pace that is comfortable and slowly progresses you into more challenging workouts that aren’t intimidating.” ~ Marie

By Julianne Dods, Tilton Fitness

Being physically active is one of the most important steps that people of all ages and fitness levels can take to improve their long-term health and quality of life.


hile 150-minutes of moderateintensity physical activity is the most beneficial across all spectrums, some physical activity is better than none; especially for sedentary individuals who are just beginning to incorporate exercise into their daily or weekly routine.

For this reason, Tilton Fitness has launched a revolutionary new small group exercise program which gets participants to engage in just 55 minutes of physical activity per week: Prep55.


So, what is Prep55? According

to Joseph Giordano, Certified Personal Trainer and Program Design Specialist at Tilton Fitness, Prep55 stands for Physical Readiness Exercise Program. “Basically, Prep55 is a beginner or novice program that focuses on foundational exercises, proper mechanics and lifting techniques for safe and effective workouts. The program is comprised of two 25-minute small group exercise sessions each week, for 8 weeks. In addition, each participant receives personalized nutrition counseling and fitness evaluations prior to beginning the program, as well as at the completion of the program.”


Is it really possible to improve your fitness level in just 55 minutes per week? The experts at Tilton

Fitness say, YES! “This program was professionally developed to introduce effective exercise habits, support healthy dietary changes and educate participants about creating sustainable lifestyle changes,” said Paul Brones, Regional Training Director at Tilton Fitness. “Together, these things can make a profound difference in people’s health and fitness…not to

Q How do I get started? mention how they feel about themselves.”


How does Prep55 work? Often


Is Prep55 right for me? Prep55

times novice fitness enthusiasts become complacent with their exercise routines creating fitness plateaus and reducing motivation to continue exercising. Prep55 focuses on changing those routines by building on fundamental exercises. As the participant slowly progresses and becomes more proficient in the movements, they will notice considerable gains in both cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.

The cost to enroll in Prep55 is just $79 per person…less than $5 per session. It is open to Tilton Fitness members and non-members. Classes are forming now for January 2014 sessions. Space is limited, so register now by calling (609) FITNESS, today! For more information about Tilton Fitness and Prep55, visit

Join Tilton Fitness’ social networking followers on Making Fitness Your Family’s Focus

At Tilton Fitness, we are committed to creating a healthy and fun atmosphere the whole family can enjoy. Julianne Dods Vice President, General Manager, Tilton Fitness

is designed to be effective for all participants regardless of age or current fitness level. Giordano, who spearheaded the initial launch of the program this past June, says that one of the benefits of the Prep55 program is the personalized attention and support given to each participant in a fun and motivational environment. “Anyone can succeed with Prep55,” says Marie Hayes who, along with her son, graduated from the pilot class. “Even though the sessions are only 25 minutes, you accomplish and learn so much. Prep55 acclimates you to fundamental exercises and gives you the knowledge you need to change your life.” “If it wasn’t for Joe and Prep55, my son and I would not have achieved our goals. Together, we are more conscious of our food choices and making active lifestyle changes that are easy to implement and maintain.” Marie has continued to explore other Small Group classes such as the new Fit for Life program while her son, Lloyd, now meets with Joe one-on-one. “Prep55 made such a tremendous impact on both of our lives,” says Lloyd.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs? Help Is Available! any of these risk factors. Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or symptomatic, as individuals get older. In more severe cases, people with long standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss of integrity and Stephen Jeffrey S. discoloration of the skin, leg Gosin, Gosin, wounds, and blood clots. M.D. FACS M.D. FACS The good news is that modern vein care allows for treatAn Interview With ment of many of these problems Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin... in a far less invasive way than in the past. aricose veins and Hospitalization and painful their underlying vein stripping surgery are usucause, known as venous ally not necessary. Jeffrey Gosin, reflux disease, are the most M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular common circulatory prob& Vein Center states, “In our lems that affect individuals practice, we have been caring of all ages. for individuals with vascular problems, such Are you one of millions of people as varicose veins, for who suffer from our entire careers. In spider veins or recent years there have embarrassing been fantastic advancefacial veins? ments in the treatment of vascular disease. In many cases we can r offer these state-of-theYou in! art treatments to our e v Lo s Aga patients. As a result, g e we are able to treat L most of the vein problems that people expeShore Vascular & Vein Center, rience with minimally the Region’s Premiere Vascular and invasive, outpatient Vein Care Center, is pleased to offer Vein Gogh. procedures. Many of VeinGogh is a new, safe and reliable office these are performed procedure for the treatment of unsightly spider veins right in the office. anywhere on the body. A small burst of high frequency These procedures have energy is applied to the vein through a hair-thin probe, the advantage of being selectively heating and collapsing the vein. Treatment is fast and permanent. very safe and effective.


These conditions are twice as common as coronary heart disease. They occur when vein valves in the legs become damage, causing abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Consequently, blood is allowed to pool in the lower legs. This causes a variety of physical symptoms such as leg pain, leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of unsightly varicose and spider veins. People who have occupations that require standing, such as casino employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without

Experience the ultimate in vein care right here at the Jersey Shore. Our Board Certified Vascular Specialists can eliminate the appearance of most spider veins and get your legs looking and feeling great.

Shore Vascular & Vein Center Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D, FACS Stephen Gosin, M.D, FACS

442 Bethel Road, Somers Point, N.J. 08244

Phone: 609 927-VEIN(8346)

The County Woman Magazine

Patients usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately following the procedures, and have fast recovery.” • One of the advancements in vein care is the Closure® Procedure. This procedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating venous reflux. Dr. Gosin states, “The Closure Procedure has greatly The good news is that improved the way that we treat patients modern vein care allows with varicose veins for treatment of many of and venous reflux disthese problems in a far ease. It is performed in a comfortable office less invasive way than setting. General anesin the past. thesia is not necessary. The whole procedure sary. However, more and more is guided by ultrasound. Therefore, incisions and we are able to treat our patients with minimally invasive procesutures are usually not needed. dures. This is especially true for That means less pain and faster varicose veins and venous reflux.” recovery for our patients. The If you are suffering from procedure takes about 30 minthe symptoms or appearance of utes to perform and is over 95% varicose veins, or if you think successful in eliminating venous reflux, which is the cause of most you have leg symptoms that you think might be related to your varicose veins. We have now circulation, the Board Certified performed hundreds of these procedures and results have been Vascular Specialists of Shore Vascular & Vein Center are excellent.” “One of the significant advan- available to help. Most health tages to seeing a vascular surgeon insurance is accepted. for vein care is that we treat the full spectrum of vascular diseases, Please call for a from routine to very complicated consultation or for ones” says Dr. Gosin. “We have additional information. experience with conventional (609) 927-VEIN (8346) open surgery, and are certainly or visit us on the web prepared to do that when

Stephen Gosin, M.D. FACS Dr. Stephen Gosin is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, where he also completed his General Surgery Residency and was Chief Surgical Resident. He is Board Certified in Surgery. Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The American College of Surgeons, a charter member of the International Society of Endovascular Surgery, and many other professional societies. Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D. FACS Dr. Jeffrey Gosin is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College. He completed his General Surgery Residency and an accredited fellowship in Vascular Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He is Board Certified in Surgery and Vascular Surgery. Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The American College of Surgeons and a member of The Society for Vascular Surgery, The Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.

November/December 2013



& Finance

Is Equipment Leasing Right For Your Business? Written By: Robert P. Matthews Sr. President Copiers Plus Inc.

With technology improving faster than ever, leasing office equipment can keep your business up to date with the latest in Copiers, MFP’s and Printers. There are many advantages to leasing your office equipment.

Leasing can… 1. Free up capital: Instead of a large

upfront expenditure, you can conserve cash with making low monthly payments, which may be better used for other operational expenses for the business. 2. Tax advantages: Lease payments are usually tax deductible. (Consult with your tax professional for details) 3. Protected obsolescence: Your equipment can be upgraded every several years to keep up with rapidly

changing technology that is designed to reduce complexity and maintain efficiency in the office. 4. Option to upgrade: Unlike buying outright, lease agreements generally offer the flexibility to upgrade to higher value models especially when your business is expanding and the equipment becomes inadequate. There are many lease arrangements available today. The most popular is a lease that requires no money down with a fair market value purchase option at the end of the lease, otherwise known as an operating lease. Generally, this type of lease will run for 12 to 60 months, with the most popular being 36 months. If you are presented with a term longer than 60 months, I strongly recommend getting a second quote. You may also consider a lease that has service and maintenance included in the monthly payment. However, this type of lease usually requires you to commit to a minimum monthly copy/print allowance.

It is best to under-estimate this number, otherwise you will be paying for service that you will never use. Also, there are the conditional sales lease purchases that give you the right to purchase the leased equipment for a nominal price or a fixed percentage of the outright purchase price. These leases would not have the same tax advantages of the fair market value lease, as they would be considered conditional purchases. Be aware that there is usually documentation or a processing fee added to the first month’s payment. In addition, you are required to maintain insurance coverage on the equipment in case of theft, damage, or other types of losses. You can obtain this insurance yourself or the leasing company will provide it for you for a fee. At the end of the lease, should you decide not to renew or upgrade your equipment, it is your responsibility to pack, ship, insure and return the equipment in good working order to the leasing company’s designated warehouse. These warehouses can be located anywhere

within the continental U.S. Traditionally, your equipment vendor can assist you with equipment return and this is a non-issue if you are upgrading to a new machine. Leasing remains a very popular way to acquire office copiers and equipment. At Copiers Plus Inc., we offer a variety of purchasing, rental and leasing programs tailored to suit your individual needs. Please feel free to contact us for information or to answer any questions you may have in regards to acquiring office equipment. Founded in 1986 by Robert and Debra Matthews, Copiers Plus Inc. enjoys serving as a traditional office products company. At Copiers Plus, we sell and service the award winning lines of Lanier, Ricoh, Samsung, and Kyocera office products. We offer traditional office copiers, large format copiers and printers. This includes black & white and full color multi-function printers, scanners, fax machines, and all the software necessary to improve business workflows. Copiers Plus offers our products and services to all of southern New Jersey, with offices located in Egg Harbor Township, Ocean City, and Palmyra.

Copiers Plus Inc., 3112 Fire Road , Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234, 609-645-7587 Visit us at

Three Convenient Locations:

Copiers Plus Inc.

3112 Fire Road, Unit C, Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234 609-645-7587

21 East Broad Street Palmyra, N.J. 08065 1-800-834-3598

935 West Ave Ocean City, N.J. 08226 609-398-7676

Robert P. Matthews

Visit us at

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Assisted Living


“A Family That Plays Together Stays Together” We’ve all heard of the saying, “the family that plays together stays together.” So what’s the right phrase for a family that works together? Well, at Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates, that’s exactly what you have. A family, who for most of their lives, have been serving seniors. Originally from the Philippines, Ermita Carey, Charita and Ray Binghoy are brothers and sisters who all work at Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates’ dietary department. Ermita and Charita have been working for over fourteen years and Ray about five. Both Ermita and Charita have received Brandywine’s highest employee recognitionthat of being designated as a ‘BrandyStar.’ A BrandyStar is someone who, on a daily basis, goes the extra yard. A ‘BrandyStar’ is recognized for delivering the highest form of customer service and leadership. BrandyStar’s inspire others to achieve their best as well. What makes this accomplishment even more impressive is the fact that they work, full-time, in other long term care communities! According to Ermita and Charita, the key to their success is their

sense of humor and charm. Charita focuses on her ‘giggle.’ She says, “Once I start to giggle, that gets them smiling and eventually they will giggle too.” Ermita says that, “It starts with a smile and letting the residents know that they are happy to see them.” This approach seems so simple and obvious, but yet so effective at making residents feel welcome and at home. Ray is rather on the quiet side and says, “I just focus on my job. When I do my job well, that’s what brings a smile to the resident’s faces.” Frank Phillips, a resident at Brandall Estates says, “They know exactly what I want even before I ask for it. They are just fantastic.” In keeping with their family tradition of serving seniors, we are introduced to Shairamey, Ray’s eighteen year old daughter. Yes, she works in dietary and appears to be a “chip off the old block.” Like her father, she is shy and reserved and focused on doing the best job she can. But when she smiles, the room lights up, bearing a striking resemblance to aunts Ermita and Charita. And the tradition of serving seniors at Brandall Estates is handed to the next generation.

432 Central Avenue | Linwood, NJ 08221 | 609-926-4663



The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Home Health Care


Caring For Those Affected By Alzheimer’s Or Dementia Maintaining dignity and preserving independence is a primary concern as we age. Yet, this proves challenging when a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. To keep the individual with Alzheimer’s or dementia as safe as possible, home health care may be a viable option. But what exactly is home health care? Simply put, home health care includes medical or non-medical services provided in the comfort of a person’s own home. Depending on the type of care needed, home health caregivers may be nurses, home health aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, or social workers. Each person’s situation is unique. During the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s or dementia, personal care assistance may be what is most needed, as long as the person does not have any other medical needs. Personal care assistance can be any of the following services.


Homemaker and companion care is assistance with tasks like laundry, errands, meal preparation, and light housekeeping. If individuals receiving care are able to leave their homes, homemaker and companion caregivers can accompany them to appointments or take them shopping. Homemakers can help your loved one with household management to ensure a clean, safe, and orderly environment. Companions focus on well-being and provide social interaction, physical activities, and recreation. They create a safe and supportive environment for activities like reading, conversing, and playing games, while assisting with leisure time and providing cognitive stimulation. Home Health Aide (HHA) care can be personal care for your loved one, which includes assistance with activities, such as preparing meals, reminding to take medications, and exercising. HHA’s offer step-by-step directions for dressing and give cues and directions for bathing, grooming, and toileting. HHA’s can also assist with transfers for those who have difficulty walking. Most home health care providers allow HHA’s to perform some of the duties of a homemaker/companion. Nurse clinical managers usually supervise the care given by homemakers, companions, and HHA’s.


Respite care gives you an important interlude from your responsibilities of caring for your loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. It’s important to make time for yourself and maintain your health. Homemakers, companions, and home health aides can help pick up groceries and medications, perform light housekeeping, wash and fold laundry, and accompany the individual with Alzheimer’s or dementia to outings and appointments. But most importantly, these caregivers can help you feel confident when you leave the home by supervising your loved one. Often, 24-hour live-in companions are also available to provide support for primary caregivers who may need more time to tend to their own needs. Alzheimer’s and dementia are very trying for the person with the disease and also for the family. It’s important to select a home health care company that hires caregivers who will remain patient with the individual and step back if the individual feels threatened or frustrated. BAYADA Home Health Care understands that Alzheimer’s and dementia affect each person differently and because of this, we customize a care plan tailored to the individual’s needs. As the disease progresses, we continue to evaluate the situation and work with you to keep adapting our care to support the individual and you in the best way possible.


“If you are not taking care of yourself, you can’t effectively take care of someone else. Take time for yourself, ask for help, because you can’t do it all on your own.” ~Janice Bucknam, LPN, BAYADA Client Services Manager and Alzheimer’s Support Group facilitator

Submitted by: Maryann Prudhomme Director of BAYADA Home Health Care Serving Atlantic and Cape May counties.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Meets the last Thursday of the month ~ 6 pm BAYADA Home Health Care 199 New Road Linwood, NJ 08221

With BAYADA Home Health Care…

“I don’t have to worry about Mom anymore.” – Lisa B., Client’s daughter

Support For The Caregiver

BAYADA Home Health Care offers an Alzheimer’s support group for caregivers, friends, family, and anyone who is affected by the disease. The Alzheimer’s Association serving Atlantic County sponsors the group. Support group facilitator, Janice Bucknam, LPN, a client services manager with BAYADA, knows firsthand the challenges that can come with caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. As her own father succumbed to the devastating effects of the disease, she attended support programs and seminars to help her cope. “I thought I knew so much about the disease, but after attending seminars sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association, I realized there was so much I didn’t know,” shared Janice. “Our support group gives people a voice. It is a safe place where they can come and know that they are not alone, there are others going through the same thing, and that help is available!”

To learn about respite care, the Alzheimer’s Support Group, or comprehensive home health care services, call the BAYADA adult

Client Mary W. with her daughter Lisa B.

With a broad range of services and a team of professionals who are committed to keeping people of all ages safe at home, BAYADA provides: • Nursing and assistive care • Thoroughly screened health care professionals • Clinical support 24 hours, 7 days • A variety of payment options BAYADA specialty practices include Home Health Care, Pediatrics, Hospice, and Habilitation.

Call 609-926-4600 l

Compassion. Excellence. Reliability.

care office in Linwood at 609-926-4600.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Fillers.... Not Just For Your Face! Don’t Let Your Hands Give Away Your Age! More and more women are turning to cosmetic fillers and lasers to reverse the signs of aging in their faces and necks. Unfortunately, all that money is wasted if we neglect our hands and let them give away our secret. As we age, the hands lose volume in the intermetacarpal spaces (the space between the bones of the hand). Vessels become more prominent and the skin lax resulting in “aged hands.” Also years of sun exposure create brown spots on the skin, which again give them an aged look. The good news is in 15 minutes you can reverse all that! A simple combination of Radiesse® injections and laser treatment for pigmentation will bring back a youthful appearance to the hands. The Radiesse® is easily injected in the spaces between the metacarpals (bones) eliminating the appearance of prominent bones and vessels. The result is a smooth younger looking hand. Next, the laser is used to breakup the pigment in the skin. The results of the injection are immediate and the side effects are redness, bruising and mild swelling. The results last 12-18 months. The laser effects take several weeks as the pigment slowly resolves. Risks include redness, hypo or hyper pigmentation and scarring. The results last much longer depending on sun avoidance and use of sunscreen. There is no down time to the procedures and you can return to normal activity immediately.


To learn more about these procedures and to see if you are a candidate, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. DeLorio.

Buy one 1.5 ml syringe of Radiesse and receive a half price discount on Radiesse, Xeomin, or Belotero.

Finally! . . . Relief for High Heel Wearers Many of us have become familiar with the use of very popular, injectable fillers to smooth areas of the face resulting in a younger, more vital looking appearance. Now, some cosmetic fillers can make walking a less painful experience! Over time, we tend to lose our natural fat pads found under the ball area of the foot. These cushioned areas are subject to constant weight bearing and can diminish over time or can migrate distally to the areas just behind the toes. While not the only cause, high heels certainly are a major contributor to the resulting discomfort. We benefit most from shock absorption directly under the metatarsal heads. Without this protective tissue, conditions such as bursitis, capsulitis and generalized metatarsalgia (pain in the area of the metatarsal heads) can result. Some therapies consists of antiinflammatory medication, padding applied to shoes, physical therapy modalities such as ultrasound treatments, orthotic therapy and staying off your feet. All of these, individually or in combination, can successfully treat metatarsalgia but not consistently! Most of us cannot afford to stay off our feet for extended periods of time and the use of orthotic inserts is impractical for most women’s shoes. Especially high heels!


The County Woman Magazine

Special Anniversary Savings

Restore Padding to the Foot Injectable fillers such as Sculptra Aesthetic made of poly-L-lactic acid can stimulate the body’s metabolism resulting in collagen production in and around the areas of injection. The process takes about four weeks to obtain maximum benefit and can sometimes require additional injections. Overall, the results have been extremely positive with the majority of patients experiencing relief of the constant aching pain and pinpoint tenderness allowing them to wear stylish shoes comfortably!

Expires 11/30/2013

$100 off Sculptra Expires 11/30/2013


Please feel free to contact the professionals at Accent Aesthetics to discuss the most appropriate treatment plan for you! 609-652-6550.

Book a spa party for the holidays! Tired of the same old routine? Get your group together for facial and massages instead! Special pricing available.

This holiday season give the gift of transformation!!! Gift cards available in any denomination always the right size and color!

Consider a spa gift card for your office staff... We will deliver the gift cards right to your office!

Visit Our Spa Boutique For Amazing Gift Ideas For Him And Her! Dr. Nicola DeLorio, Owner

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Accent Aesthetics 609-652-6550

• Facials

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323 South Pitney Road, Suite 100 Galloway, NJ 08205

• Medical Grade Skin Care Products • Sculptra®


November/December 2013


Medical Professionals

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Hammonton OfficeLocations Linwood Office Vineland Office FNP-BC Mt. Laurel Office Hammonton Office Linwood Office Vineland Office Mt. Laurel Office Office Locations Office Erin Intessimoni, 2 Hammonton Eighth Street Office 222Linwood NewAvenue Road 3071 E.Laurel Chestnut Avenue 3829Mt. Church Road 2 Hammonton Eighth Street Office 222Linwood New Road 3071 E. Vineland Chestnut 3829 Church Road Office Vineland Office Laurel Office Office Office Mt. Office Hammonton Office Linwood Office Vineland Office Mt. Laurel Office Hammonton Office Linwood Office Vineland Office Mt. Laurel Office (S.White Horse 102 Building D12 SuiteChurch B (S.White Horse Pike) Suite Building D12 Suite BE. Chestnut 2 Eighth Street 222 NewAvenue Road 3071 3829 Roa 2 Eighth Street 222 102 New RoadPike) 3071 E.Suite Chestnut 3829 Church Road Avenue Main Office and 2 Eighth Street 222 New Road 3071 E. Chestnut Avenue 3829 Church Road 2 Eighth Street 222 New Road 3071 E. Chestnut Avenue 3829 Church Road Hammonton, NJHorse 08037 Linwood, NJ D12 08221 Vineland, NJB 08361 Mt. Laurel, Suite NJ 08054 Hammonton, 08037 Linwood, NJ 08221 NJ Suite 08361 Mt. Laurel, NJBuilding 08054 (S.White Pike) Vineland, 102 D12 B (S.WhiteNJHorse Pike) Suite 102 Building Suite Atco Linwood (S.White Suite 102 Building Suite B (S.White All HorseCorrespondence: Pike) Suite 102Horse Pike) Building D12 Suite B D12 Hammonton, NJ 08037 Woodbury Linwood, NJ 08221 Vineland, NJ 08361 Mt. Laurel, NJ 0805 Hammonton, NJ 08037 Linwood, NJOffice 08221 Vineland, NJ Office 08361 Mt. Laurel, NJ Office 08054 Atco Burlington Woodbury Atco Office Burlington Office Office Lumberton City Mt.Galloway Hammonton, NJ 08037 Vineland, Linwood, NJ 08221 Vineland, NJ 08361 Mt.Galloway Laurel, NJOffice 08054 Hammonton, NJ 08037 Linwood, NJ 08221 NJAtlantic 08361 Laurel, NJOffice 08054 506 S. New York Road 506 S. New York Road WhiteAtco House Pike Sunset Road 750 Mantua Pike 429 WhiteAtco House Pike 911429 Sunset Road 750911 Mantua Pike Mt. Laurel Galloway Office Galloway Office Office Burlington Office Woodbury Office Office Burlington Office Woodbury Office Brigantine Hammonton Office Galloway Office Galloway Office Atco Office Burlington Office Woodbury Office AtcoNJOffice Burlington Office Woodbury Office Pennsauken Galloway, NJ 08205 Galloway, NJ 08205 Atco, NJ 08004 Burlington, 08016 Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097 Atco, 08004 Burlington, NJ 08016 Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097 506 S. New York Ro 506 S.750 New Mantua York Road WhiteRoad House Pike Sunset Pike 429 White House Pike 911429 Sunset 750911 Mantua PikeRoad Burlington 506 S. New York Road 506 S. New Mantua York Road WhiteRoad House Pike Sunset 750 Pike 429 White House Pike 911429 Sunset 750911 Mantua PikeRoad 2 Eighth Street Vineland Galloway, NJ 0820 Galloway, 08205NJ 08097 Atco, 08004 Woodbury Burlington, 08016 WoodburyNJ Heights, Atco, NJ 08004 Burlington, NJNJ 08016 Heights, NJ 08097 Cherry Hill Township Office Hamilton Galloway, Office NJ 08205 Washington Township Office Hamilton Office Atlantic City Office Atlantic Office Galloway, NJ 08205NJTwp. Atco, NJ 08004 Burlington, 08016 Woodbury Heights, 08097 Atco, NJ (S. 08004 Burlington, NJ 08016 Woodbury Heights, NJWashington 08097 Washington White City Horse Pike) Galloway 100 Heritage Valley DriveOffice 3535Hamilton Quakerbridge 100 Heritage Valley Drive 3535 Quakerbridge 1125 Atlantic Ave. 1125 Atlantic Ave. Washington Township Office Washington Township Office Hamilton Office Atlantic City Office Atlantic City Office Woodbury Hammonton, NJ 08037 Hamilton Office Washington Township Office Washington Township Office Hamilton Office Atlantic City Office Atlantic City Office Suite 200 Suite 2 Suite 2 Suite 200 Suite 106 Suite 106 Hamilton 3535 Quakerbridge 100 Valley Drive 100 Heritage Valley Drive 3535Heritage Quakerbridge 1125 Atlantic Ave. 1125 Atlantic Ave. 3535 Quakerbridge 100 Heritage Valley Drive 100Sewell, Heritage Valley 3535 Quakerbridge 1125NJ Atlantic Ave. 1125 City, Atlantic Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08619 Sewell, 08080 Hamilton, NJNJSuite 08619 08080 Atlantic City, NJ2Drive 08401 Atlantic NJ 08401 Suite 200 2 Suite 200 Suite Suite 106 Suite 106 Suite 2 Suite 200 Suite 2 Suite 200 Suite 106 Suite 106 The County Woman Magazine Sewell, November/December 08080 Hamilton, NJ 08619 2013 Hamilton, NJNJ08619 Sewell, 08080 AtlanticNJ City, NJ 08401 Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Additional Locations:



Marla Marinucci Attorney At Law


200 South Shore Rd • Marmora, NJ 08223 •

• About Marla . . . Marla Marinucci is a partner at the law firm of April & Marinucci, P.A. located in Marmora, New Jersey, and has been certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers Camden School of Law. Marla serves on the Family Law Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association and is also a Barrister on the Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court. In 2010 Marla was the recipient of the area’s Top 40 under 40, awarded annually to local successful professionals under the age of 40. Marla is a member of the Atlantic and Cape May County Bar Associations and the Cape May County Family Law Committee. She also volunteers her time as a Matrimonial Early Settlement Panelist in Cape May and Atlantic Counties and serves as a Panelist on the Fee Arbitration Committee.

Marla Marinucci, Esq. Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Photo By: Roger Mason

• April & Marinucci, P.A. . . . If you are looking for a team of experienced attorneys who will take the time to get to know you, and help you with effective, passionate representation in court or at the negotiating table, we can help. Contact the New Jersey offices of April & Marinucci, P.A., to schedule a consultation about your legal needs.

Devoted to Helping You! • Divorce • Separation • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Prenuptial Agreements • Civil Unions • Post Judgment Modifications • Father’s Rights • Domestic Violence

Tips For “Fall”Ing Out Of Love And Untying The Proverbial Knot! By Marla Marinucci, Esq.


all is my favorite time of year:

the beautiful fall weather; the colorful and radiant sunsets; and being able to visit Ocean City or any other local shore town and find a parking spot in less than a minute, just to name a few. It’s truly a glorious time of year. It is also the hardest time of year for people to start their divorce process, especially those who are on the receiving end of a divorce complaint that they had no idea was in the pipeline. It makes all the upcoming holidays so very unpleasant, especially if you are still residing with your soon to be ex during the process. No doubt, it can be, and oftentimes is—sheer unadulterated torture. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your situation.

Shop For Your Attorney.

Treat it like a job interview with you as the potential employer. Just like you might interview a few possible candidates for an open position, it is recommended that you visit with

a few attorneys. Sometimes it’s just a matter of your personalities “jiving” together immediately and that is all you need to decide before hiring a particular lawyer. Or if you have children, you might consider hiring an attorney who also has children. My experience has revealed that when dealing with high conflict custody matters, the attorney making the ridiculous arguments and taking the outlandish and extreme positions, oftentimes does not have children. This is not to infer that it is appropriate to ask your potential attorney their zodiac sign or their favorite movie. Rather, a few select questions just might guide you into making the appropriate selection that suits you best.

Bring Questions.

Because our business is divorce, some of us attorneys get so tied up asking whether you have any retirement accounts; whether your house has equity; or how much in credit card debt you have, etc., that we forget to give you, our potential client, the opportunity to ask us important questions that are on your mind. I generally make it a habit to ask a potential client if I have answered all of their questions before finishing a consultation.

The County Woman Magazine

Don’t be afraid to bring a list of questions with you to your consultation. You’ll be glad you did.

Keep Facebook And Other Social Media To A Minimum. While your divorce

is pending, if you wish to “like” a cute picture on Facebook, or share a funny video of an adorable baby laughing really hard, that is fine. However, I would caution you not to post pictures of you in the midst (and let’s not forget glory) of your recent drunk fest, especially when you were supposed to be spending quality time with your 5 yearold twins. The location services on our trendy phones these days prohibits you from lying and saying that the picture of you holding the empty tequila bottle that just posted at 2am in Atlantic City was from some other night out. Also, do not post statuses about how you fooled the judge in court that day when you lied your way into successfully getting a Temporary Restraining Order against your soon to be ex-husband who did nothing to deserve one. (True story). I have used Facebook evidence in court on too many occasions to count and it has never ended well for the person answering the questions. No matter how tempted

you will be to tell all 1,200 of your closest friends what you think of your soon to be exhusband’s new girlfriend, don’t go there. It will come back to haunt you.

You Get What You Pay For.

If during your lawyer-shopping spree, you fall upon an attorney whose hourly billable rate is considerably lower, let’s say one hundred dollars lower, than any other lawyer you’ve met with, chances are, this particular individual may not be your best choice. The saying, “You get what you pay for” pretty much holds true regardless of the context in which it is applied. As much as you may want to go for the cheaper attorney to save money, you are creating problems for yourself by choosing someone solely based on a lower billable rate. It is critical that your attorney possess the skills and expertise in the area of family law. Hiring someone who possesses mediocre skills in many areas of the law is a recipe for disaster.

Your Children Should Not Be Exposed To The Unpleasantness Or Placed In The Middle.

Your children do not deserve to be put in the middle of any-

thing. For example, dad tells three year-old daughter while attending a sporting event for her older brother, that she is not permitted to say hello to her mother who she sees in the near distance, because it is “daddy’s parenting time.” Sadly, daughter gazes at her mother, her eyes filled with tears, wanting to say hi, but is disallowed because her father is spiteful and only looking out for his own interests, (i.e., finding ways to hurt his soon to be ex) and not considering how much damage he is doing. When you are in the process of untying the knot, you must keep your eye on the ball and do everything in your power to protect your children. In the end, they will have scars, but you can control how deep they will be.

Call my office to schedule a consultation and let us evaluate your situation, 609-390-9078.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Stubborn Fat Has Met Its Match

Freeze Your Fat Away With CoolSculpting

About CoolSculpting . . . ®

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive, clinically proven procedure to selectively reduce fat layers in problem areas using a patented cooling technology. It is a safe procedure cleared by the FDA and CE marked in Europe that gently cools unwanted fat cells in the body to induce a natural, controlled elimination of fat cells. This reduces bulges in treated areas of the body without harming surrounding tissue.


Key Benefits of CoolSculpting


It involves no needles, surgery or downtime.

• Since CoolSculpting® is non-invasive, patients can resume daily activities including work and exercise, immediately following treatment

It’s safe.

• Patients can generally sit or lie comfortably and read, work on their laptop or even nap during the procedure. The procedure is performed in a medical office, under the supervision of a physician specializing in cosmetic procedures.

It’s convenient.

• Procedures last about one to two hours, so treatment can easily be performed during a lunch hour or without major disruption to the day.

The results are dramatic.

• On average, each CoolSculpting® Procedure results in a 20% reduction of fat in the treated areas, and patients can start to see results as soon as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results occurring over a period of two to four months in most patients.

How CoolSculpting Works ®

During the CoolSculpting® Procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area to specifically target underlying fat, leaving surface skin tissue unaffected. When fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, a process of natural removal is triggered, which gradually reduces the thickness of the fat layer. The result is a visible reduction in fat bulges.

Target Patient

CoolSculpting® is not intended as a weight-reduction program for overweight individuals. The best candidates for the procedure are people near their ideal body weight who eat well and exercise regularly and have pockets of fat that have not responded to a healthy lifestyle. They are seeking spot reduction for specific areas of fat but are not considering a surgical procedure.

Treatments Starting At $750 & Up To schedule your personal consultation, contact:

Bella Derma Medi Spa

1430 Hooper Avenue, Suite 204 Toms River, NJ 08753

(732) 281-1988


On average, CoolSculpting® results in a 20% reduction of fat in the treated areas, and patients can start to see results as soon as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results occurring over a period of two to four months in most patients. Clinical studies1 involving hundreds of patients show that, for properly selected patients, CoolSculpting® is an effective way to reduce fat without the risk and recovery time of surgical procedures. The result is noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction in the treated areas.

1. Clinical data on file. ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. Pleasanton, CA. 2. Manstein D, Laubach H, Watanabe K, Farinelli W, Zurakowski D, Anderson R. Selective cryolysis: a novel method of non-invasive fat removal.a Laser Surg Med. 2008,40:595-604. Disclaimer: In the U.S., non-invasive fat reduction is cleared only for the flank (love handle). CoolSculpting® and the CoolSculpting® logo are registered trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. The snowflake mark is a trademark of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011, ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. The products described in this document may be covered by U.S. Patent 7,367,341. Other patents and patent applications pending worldwide. IC0185-A

To learn about all of our services, visit our website at:

The County Woman Magazine

Dr. Christopher P. Godek

M.D., F.A.C.S. - Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Dr. Christopher P. Godek and the Staff at Bella Derma Medi Spa are committed to you.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals

739.3 Womens Journal_cardio_Layout 1 10/10/13 12:34 PM Page 1


Heeding His Heart: ACHS Biology Teacher is Grateful for a Second Chance If heart attacks run in your family, take some advice from Jack Sorensen, a 62-year-old biology teacher at Atlantic City High School (ACHS), a lifelong athlete, a tennis coach – and a triple heart bypass patient at AtlantiCare:

Visit to see if you are at risk for cardiac disease.

“Genetics is like a deck of cards. No amount of exercise or healthy eating can change what genes you’re dealt,” says Sorensen, who was having chest pains as he walked into ACHS one morning in late February and had been experiencing discomfort for a few weeks. Though his father had been diagnosed with heart disease at 57, Sorensen says he assumed his own healthy lifestyle would counter any potential heart problems. By the time he reached his classroom, however, he was drenched in cold sweat and all color had drained from his face. “It felt like a heavy knee pressing into my chest,” he recalls, “It wasn’t the good kind of pain, like

you get with a great workout.” A co-worker, familiar with medical crises from previous work as a firefighter, sternly warned Sorensen that he was going to have a heart attack. Quick medical attention and treatment by the ARMC emergency medicine team and heart specialists prevented that life-threatening cardiac event. Today, Sorensen has regular appointments with cardiologist Haitham Dib, MD, and his primary care provider. He continues to include exercise as part of his healthy lifestyle, and he encourages other people to see a doctor to establish a baseline of heart health.

Anyone over the age of 40 should pay attention to potential Cardiothoracic surgeon, James symptoms of heart disease, Dralle, MD and Jack Sorensen on advises Dr. Dib -- especially the boardwalk in Atlantic City

The County Woman Magazine

those with risk factors. Family history, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle all can contribute to heart disease. “The AtlantiCare Emergency and Heart Institute teams were

phenomenal,” says Sorensen. “They saved my life. Who will save yours?” Call 1-888-569-1000 to learn more about our full-service heart program – the only one of its kind in the region.

Jack Sorensen at one of his regular appointments with cardiologist Haitham Dib, MD (above right).

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


If you smoke... A 10-second exam can change your life. Knowing changes everything.

National studies have shown low dose CT lung screenings can diagnose early stage lung cancer. Early diagnosis equals improved patient outcomes. This screening is for patients 55-74 who have smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or at least two packs of cigarettes a day for 15 years. In addition, patients 50-74 who have smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and with risk factors such as asbestos exposure or a family history of lung cancer are eligible.

For a limited time, Atlantic Medical Imaging is offering this screening free of charge.

Talk to your healthcare provider today. For more information on low dose CT lung screening, please call (609) 204-9279 or visit our website at



The CT lung screening program is sponsored by The AMI Foundation of Atlantic Medical Imaging.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013


Wedding Boutique




November 23-30

Bi-Annual Sample Sale: We’re making room for our 2014 Spring Bridal Collection and passing the savings to you!!! Bridal Gowns starting from $199 up to $999. Come early

The Plaza 1205 Tilton Road Northfield, NJ 08225


Bridal for the best selections! In-Store Gowns Only Special Occasion December 10-23 Mother of Bride/Groom Annual 12 Discount Days of Christmas Sale: Cocktail Dresses Each day we will have a new special offer. Follow us on Facebook for more details. Jewelry Accessories

The County Woman Magazine


“The Difference is in the Details”

November/December 2013

Boutique Skin Spa


Escape Beauty Boutique Embraces The Spirit Of Giving Winter is here! Welcome by some and loathe by others, a time when the warmth of family is just as important as that of a sweater. To remind each other just how important that warmth of love and security can be is an opportune duty and blessing. The experience of a cold nipped nose and frosty fingers being warmed by a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket is a gift in itself, while we are reminded how a house is made a home when together with our family and friends. It is true, to give is better than to receive, and this time of year has no shortage of opportunities to do both. Giving, however, rewards the soul and provides an opportunity for thoughtful generosity and genuine caring to gleam. It is in that spirit Escape Beauty Boutique believes in adding value to the entire menu of award winning treatments currently offered and is also the body’s road map of health, our clients may choose any I often hear stories from my worked with over forty skin introducing new goodies for our guests to enjoy! care companies and Escape take care of your skin now and facial from our menu of clients about how they’ve tried spa gift is notservices onlyforaawonderful single fixed price it will certificate look smooth, soft and Beauty Boutique’s SkinACare every skin care product on the Beginning this winter, after every facial, our clients receive a free week’s subtle for years to come. as well as enjoy discounted formula is proven to work and market. While we all know sample pack of amazing anti-aging skin care. Winter brings with it the truth – sometimes it does will work for you. When gift; investment rateswell-being for all other services,of anda you it is an Escape Beauty Boutique in the a chance to repair the sun, salt and chlorine damages of summer and Escape seem as though we’ve given more. Please see our website come in for regular facials and has heard the demands of our loved one. Pamper you love at skin treatments you’re investing clients and accordingly has the one for more details. Escape every product a chance at one Beauty Boutique takes that opportunity very seriously for our clients and guests. just launched a membership Beauty Boutique – Perfect in both your physical beauty time or another. To judge the It is not only vitally important to repair your skin, it is equally important to value of your current skin care and mental health. The skin is program! from head to toe. Of the many benefits,Boutique. Escape Beauty regimen, ask yourself the same our clients may choose any withcheap over forty skin body’s road map of health, I often hear stories from my worked protect it regardless of season. Using products istheanalogous to using none ask myof care companies and only Escapeuses quality take careproducts of your skinthat now and facialquestions from ourImenu aboutishow tried Beauty at clients all; that whythey’ve Escape Boutique aretwo easy it will look smooth, soft and clients services for a single fixed price Best facials in South Jersey will reveal a more glowing you! Beauty Boutique’s Skin Care every skin care product on the scientifically and third partyis proven corroborated These Honest, excitingProfessional offers are happening though the formula to work andto offer subtleamazing for years toand come.real anti-as well as enjoy discounted market. Whileproven we all know services by now licensed Estheticians • What like and ratesresults for allwould other you services, Escape Beauty Boutique will work for you. When you the truth – sometimes it does aging results.

Escape Beauty Boutique is also introducing a Shampoo Bar! An from this product? heard the demands of our to see more. Please see our website for regular facials andWritten seem as though we’ve given holiday months.Open Your7worth and with indulgence, as well as By: to days a week extended hours amazing new hair care line iscome nowin in the spa and EBBhas wants provide has you with • Is your current skin care for more details. Escape clients and accordingly skin treatments you’re investing every product a chance at one Rachael Pagano, LE to ourcan newbest location 2013at antime opportunity try the beforeinyou Samplebeauty the new line of Beauty shampoos and routine producing those Beauty Boutique – Perfect that of yourExpanding just launched a membership bothbuy. your physical or another. Totojudge Owner, Escape Boutique loved ones, be June served from head to toe. program! Of the benefits, results? mental health. skinAfford is value of your current skin care offering Hair & Nail care, Massages, and Skin Care conditioners and pick whichand one is best forThe you. yourself themany experience regimen, ask yourself the same Escape Beauty Boutique,Onsite The Salon Spa Experience! and hair proper pH balance and feel the nurturing richness of happy bridal and services While taking extra care of twogive easy your questions I ask my Best facials in South Jersey will reveal a more glowing you! your skin during the spring clients spring isand a loved and healthy hair. A visit to the Shampoo Bar can be a gift ow to that yourself Visit our website to enter to win a free facial. and summer months by finally coming our N one during the holiday season, so be sure to come get a few samples of Honest, Professional services by licensed Estheticians A winner drawn every month! is one of the • What results would you like way we have to take even more using sunscreen amazing, professional best things you can do for to see from this product?quality, hair care at EBB. Open 7precautions days a toward week protecting with extended hours

In the spirit of the holiday’s Escape Beauty Boutique is offering a deal on Gift Certificates as well. Purchase a $50 gift certificate, receive an extra $10 free!

Purchase a $100 gift certificate, Escape Beauty Boutique Willreceive Get You Ready Summer an extra $25 For absolutely free!


auty Boutique Will Get You Ready For Summer

• Is your current skin care routine producing those results?

our skin. I hear many people

your skin’s health; the worst

Expanding to about our new June you2013 can do during complain how thelocationthing Escape Beauty Boutiqueoffering is Galloway’s new salon and Open by appointment only, Escape Beauty Boutique offers inthese months is spa. put yourself sunscreen inposh their moisturizer Hair & Nail care, Massages, and Skin Care at greater skin damage risk feels. To them I can only say, dividualized attention to every client in a private upscale atmosphere while exceeding industry best practice standards for excellence. To anyone who enjoys the Onsite While taking extra care of just as Benjaminbridal Franklinservices said, by over-exfoliating and over luxuries in life but doesn’t enjoy the half fast approach offered by other day spas in the region, Escape Beauty Boutique provides a full menu of spa and salon Be sure to quench yourfiner skin during the spring “…an ounce of precaution Visit our website to enter tois wintreating. a free facial. your skin’s thirst and for protect it masterful work. and services summer months by worth and indulgence. Our fully worth a poundstaff of cure.” for your licensed haveThean unmatched passion their A winner drawn every month!


with lotion and sunscreen and using sunscreen is one of the spring and summer months only exfoliate when you come best things you can do for are upon us and now is the in for your monthly facial your skin’s health; the worst time to start a summer skin treatments. thing you can do during care regimen and routine. The The thing is that if you these months is put yourself spring and summer times of really aren’t seeing dramatic damage risk the body’s road map of health, our clients may choose yearanycan be very taxing for workedskin with over forty skin es fromatmygreater care companies and Escape results with your skin care by over-exfoliating and over take care of your skin now and facial from our menu theof health of your skin. This ,ey’ve tried it will look smooth, soft and services for a single fixed price uct on the Beauty Boutique’s Skin Care routine, you probably aren’t on Beissure quench is not only the time of year as well as enjoy discounted l knowtreating. formula provento to work and subtle for years to come. will workthirst for you.and Whenprotect you rates for all other services, es it does your skin’s it Escape Beauty Boutique whenand the sun is at its strongest, the correct product line. come in for regular facials and has heard the demands of our more. Please see our website e given If you are one of these with lotion and you’re sunscreen but we are also more prone skin treatments investingand clients and accordingly has for more details. Escape nce at one just launched a membership Beauty Boutique – Perfect in both your when physical you beautycome udge the people I do recommend only exfoliate to enjoy the outdoors and be and mental health. The skin is program! Of the many benefits, from head to toe. t skin care in for your monthly facial exposed more often to the sun’s that you schedule a free f the same Rachael Pagano, ask mytreatments. consultation with me. I have pleasures, and pains. Best facials in South Jersey will reveal a more glowing you! Rt. LE, Owner 29 S. New York Road, 9 Rachael Pagano The thing is that if you Honest, Professional services by licensed Estheticians d you like really aren’t seeing dramatic Quail Hill Professional Park Esthetician, Owner oduct? Open 7 days a week with extended hours n care results with your skin care Enter To Win Expanding 2013 300 Suite 609.464.2313 those routine, you probably aren’t onto our new location June offering Hair & Nail care, Massages, and Skin Care Galloway, NJ t, the correct product line. are of If you are one of these Onsite bridal services spring Visit our website to enter to win a free facial. s by people I do recommend A winner drawn every month! ne of the ’sdo for that you schedule a free he worst consultation with me. I have


utique Will Get You Ready For Summer



29 S. New York Road, Rt. 9 Quail Hill Professional Park Suite 300 5 Galloway, NJ

Rachael Pagano Esthetician, Owner 609.464.2313

Enter to win a $100 gift certificate to Escape Beauty Boutique!

ring yourself ge risk nd over quench d protect it creen and you come facial

if you ramatic n care ly aren’t on ine. these end ree e. I have Visit www.t to Enter or Clip and Return the Coupon Below!

Name: __________________________________________________________

BEAUTY BOUTIQUE 29 S. New York Road, Rt. 9 Quail Hill Professional Park Suite 300 Galloway, NJ 5

Rachael Pagano Esthetician, Owner 609.464.2313

The County Woman Magazine

Address: ________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________ Phone: (______)_________________ Email: ___________________________ Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012.

❏ Check to receive specials from Escape Beauty Boutique

One entry per person. Includes facials and waxing services only. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through 11/30/2013.


November/December 2013





Dreamy Holiday Gifts from Leisure and Lace Not sure what to get? A gift certificate from Leisure and Lace is always a winner. Hand written and beautifully wrapped, our gift certificates are more personal than your average plastic card.

Gift Certificate

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Treadyoday’sto wearsleepwear has a look. Relax on your front porch in your PJs and no one will ever have to know!

HbecomeankyaPanky has staple in every

does not look like your grandmothers. Today 's styles are computer jackets, sleeveless vests, cocoon and hooded styles that are marshmallow soft and cozy. PJ Salvage robes are creative with cute, fun prints. Now for the grandmother on your list, we offer zip front robes too!

woman's wardrobe, from sleepwear to the most comfo comfortable thongs and panties on the market. A Hanky Panky gift is always appreciated.

Pfashion addi Murphy softies combines with function, they make you look and feel beautiful. They are designed especially for women experiencing hot flashes, menopause, chemotherapy, pregnancy or diabetes.

Tawayoday’sfrombusythe woman has moved long gown to the pretty above the knee chemise. The chemise is cute, more contemporary and much easier to move about in.

Don’t forget, Leisure and Lace is the place to get all of your holiday outfit needs, from bras and shape wear to hosiery and accessories that will make you look your very best. “ You will see such a difference in your clothing with a good bra.” – A quote from one woman in the dressing room to another.

Before: A Bra that does not fit properly is unflattering and uncomfortable.

“The perfect fitting bra might as well be a myth, unless you shop at Leisure & Lace!”

After: A visit to Leisure & Lace Assures a proper fit every time. See for yourself!

Betty Vasser (Seated) Owner, Phyllis Doran, 24 Year Employee

199 New Road, Suite 9 • Central Square • Linwood, NJ 08221 • 609 927 5572

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Blow Dry



Style Bar

CHIC. STYLISH. SOPHISTICATED. The first of its kind at the shore, AvantGirl is elegantly appointed, surrounding our clients in opulence and offering the very best in hair, make-up and brow styling and make-up artists the area has to offer. Enhance the perfect blowout with the perfect cut and color! Ask about joining our Hair Society and save. There are salons…and then there is AvantGirl. Come experience the difference.


1 0 A M – 6 P M | F R I D AY - S A T U R D AY 1 0 A M - 7 P M | S U N D AY O T H E R H O U R S B Y A P P O I N T M E N T.

11AM – 4PM

W W W. AVA N T G I R L S T Y L E B A R . C O M | 6 0 9 - 5 4 1 - 2 9 4 7 7 8 3 4 V E N T N O R AV E N U E | M A R G A T E , N J 0 8 4 0 2

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


stroke can strike at any age. Know how to ACt FASt.

Face arMs sPeecH tiMe

Has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile?

Are they unable to raise both arms and keep them there?

Is their speech slurred?

Call 911 if you see any of these warning signs.

Now more than ever, adults of all ages are having strokes. The AtlantiCare Neurosciences Institute uses the most advanced technology to diagnose and treat stroke patients. And we are proud to be a part of the Jefferson Neurosciences Network.

1-888-569-1000 • ARMC City Campus, Atlantic City—State designated Comprehensive Stroke Center and Joint Commission designated Primary Stroke Center. ARMC Mainland Campus, Pomona— State and Joint Commission designated Primary Stroke Center.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013


Medical Professionals

Shore Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute Patient Care, Centered On You! The Shore Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute is unparalleled, offering a comprehensive continuum of care within a highly integrated healthcare delivery network that takes our patients from diagnosis through treatment and rehabilitation. We help patients deal with everything from everyday aches and strains to sports injuries, serious spine and orthopedic injuries and disease, as well as joint replacement and reconstruction. Our goal is to return our patients to normal function as quickly and safely as possible.

Joint Replacement & Spine Education Joint and spine education classes are offered regularly for patients about to undergo joint replacement or spine surgery, as well as for the community at large through Shore’s Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute.

For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call 609-653-4600 or visit

Shore Medical Center’s Spine Surgery and Hip and Knee Replacement programs have received the Gold Seal of Approval® for healthcare quality by The Joint Commission.

Advanced Treatment of Spine Disorders As the region’s leading spine surgery provider, the Shore Medical Center Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute offers effective treatment for spinal injuries, chronic back and neck pain and other disorders of the spine. Shore Medical Center’s Lumbar and Cervical Spine Surgery programs have received the Gold Seal of Approval® for healthcare quality by The Joint Commission. These programs provide a multidisciplinary approach, coordinating an exceptional team of specialists from the departments of neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, rehabilitation medicine, neurology, anesthesia and prosthetics. Board certified physicians and specially trained nurses work collaboratively and seamlessly with physical and occupational therapists, social workers and other affiliated healthcare professionals to deliver exceptional neurological care.

Orthopedic Care, Centered On YOU! We know you have a choice when it comes to joint replacement surgery. Choose Shore’s Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute, a nationally-renowned program featuring: Planetree Designation for Patient-Centered Care

Joint Commission Gold Seal® for Spine Surgery

South Jersey’s Leading, State-of-the-Art Surgical Pavilion

The Region’s Top Physicians & Surgeons

Joint Commission Gold Seal for Knee & Hip Replacement

Expert Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation


For information about the Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute, call 609.653.4600 or visit

Patient Centered Care Hospital! 609.653.3500 | 100 Medical Center Way, Somers Point, NJ

The County Woman Magazine


Our Passion Makes Us The Best

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


For information about the Advanced Spine & Orthopedic Institute, call 609.653.4600 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013




Food Sensitivities: Are They Wrecking Your Health & Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Are you doing all the right things, yet you are still unable to lose weight? Do you frequently experience discomfort after eating, such as bloating, gas or indigestion? Do you look and feel older than you are? Then you likely have a hidden food allergy/sensitivity. A food allergy reaction or an IgE reaction is when you have an immediate, severe reaction to a food such as a peanut or shellfish allergy. The food allergy I’m talking about is subtler, even hidden. A food sensitivity (FS) reaction, IgG reaction, is far less acute and may be a result of foods you are eating every day. Greater than 60% of the population could be affected by hidden sensitivities to food. I think that number is conservative. FS’s can result in digestive disturbances such as gas, belching or bloating after meals. Symptoms may include headaches, migraines, joint pain, arthritis, hyperactivity, skin rashes, asthma, dry cough, wheezing and diarrhea. You may feel lethargic, sleepy, experience low energy especially after meals. FS can be responsible for mood swings and cravings, lack of focus and moodiness.

with Leaky Gut Syndrome, the body’s immune system treats them as foreign objects, and immune reaction occurs. The causes of leaky gut are most commonly: 1. Drugs, antibiotics and NSAIDS such as aspirin and ibuprophen. 2. An overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract (generally from eating too many carbohydrates and sugar). 3. Improper digestion of food, which is generally due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes and insufficient mastication (chewing) of food. FS’s can develop from eating too much of the same food every day. As your body reacts to FS’s, a build up of immune complexes set off a myriad of symptoms. I am often asked, “If you have an FS, is it permanent?” The answer is sometimes. If you discontinue eating the FS long enough and repair the gut lining with healing foods and supplements, you may be able to reintroduce that particular food into your diet again.

Why Are Food Sensitivities So Destructive?

Food allergies and FS’s are not the same thing, but they are closely related. They are both responses to an apparently harmless or maybe even a healthy food involving your digestive system and immune system. Because FS’s are subtle, you may not notice the ill effects right away. It may take 48 hours or more for any reaction to occur. Removal of FS’s often results in increased energy and weight loss. Many people think it’s normal to feel stressed, fatigued, cranky and hungry all the time. We equate it to our hectic lifestyle our job and family. While it is common, it is not normal. The reality is, a diet high in FS foods, undermines your ability to sleep deeply, concentrate well and handle difficulties with good calm energy.

One reason is that eating high FS foods triggers a reaction of your immune system, causing inflammation. Eating FS foods that you are sensitive to keeps your immune system fired up on a chronic basis. Just a little or in moderation will cause inflammation and cause a myriad of symptoms and prevent weight loss. FS’s affects your body’s chemistry. The solution to getting healthy and achieving your optimum weight is to heal your body’s chemistry. Food is information to your body. All calories are not created equal. The same amount of calories for a cookie and for broccoli sends two very different messages to the body. One is healing and one promotes inflammation. It’s the message, not the calories that is of importance. We want to eat foods that send the right messages like burning fat, building muscle and giving us energy rather than to store fat, cause our energy to crash and aging to speed up. Cut the inflammation, cut the fat storage.

How Do We Get Food Sensitivities?

How Do You Get Rid Of Food Sensitivities?

What Are Food Sensitivities?

Food sensitivities can result from Leaky Gut Syndrome. The inner membrane of the small intestines, where food absorption takes place, is designed to allow tiny particles to pass into the bloodstream while larger particles are kept out. When large particles are allowed to pass through, as is the case

To overcome FS’s you have to heal your body. You will need to remove the foods that are creating the problem and you will need to heal the gut or the results will only be temporary. Removing food sensitivities gives your body a chance to

• Acid Reflux • Indigestion • Constipation • IBS • Leaky Gut

Endocrine Issues

• PMS/Menopause/Hot Flashes • Adrenal Fatigue • Thyroid Issues

Food Sensitivities/Allergies Purification/Detox Programs General Health

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The County Woman Magazine

Abdominal cramping Acne/Rosacea ADD or Hyperactivity Arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid) Asthma Brain Fog Chronic mucus/stuffy nose Congestion Constipation and /or diarrhea Dark circles under your eyes Depression Eczema

Fatigue Food Cravings Gas and Bloating Headaches/Migraines IBS Inability to lose weight Moodiness Muscle pain Psoriasis Sinusitis Skin rashes Throat clearing

If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed, you may have food sensitivities. If you think this is you, call today and let us help. We will help you to identify and eliminate your food sensitivities, heal up your gut and get you on the road to a healthier, happier, more fit and energetic you.

Call South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness to schedule your appointment!

We have gift certificates available... Give The Gift Of Health! Special Offer

Initial Evaluation $75 (Save $45)

(Offer expires Dec. 31, 2013)


Please call to schedule an appointment

2 Convenient Locations:

P lease call 856-467-3535 to schedule an appointment.

You May Have Food Sensitivities If You Have:

Dr. Tammy Lang has been in practice for 20 years and is the owner of South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness in Swedesboro, NJ. She specializes in clinical nutrition and Nutrition Response Testing: a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. Tammy graduated with a BS from Drexel University in Philadelphia and received her doctorate from Logan College in Chesterfield, MO. Dr. Lang has continued her education in the areas of Clinical Nutrition, Functional Endocrinology and Applied Kinesiology and is one of 250 masters in Nutrition Response Testing.

Services: Weight Loss Digestive Issues

recover from the inflammation and get rid of immune complexes that are causing you uncomfortable symptoms and your inability to lose weight. People who want to lose weight find it easier to reach and maintain when their food sensitivities are properly addressed through nutrition and lifestyle changes. Most people have at least one food sensitivity if not more.

3205 Fire Road Egg Harbor Twp., NJ

553 Beckett Road, Suite 406 Swedesboro, NJ

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter to improve your health & lifestyle email us at and put ADD ME in the subject line. Be sure to include your full name. You will only receive our newsletter and information on seminars and special events.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


No More Excuses. You Need A Flu Vaccine! Here’s some of the “Best Excuses” and “Worst Reasons” for not getting a Flu Vaccine. “I’m healthy. I don’t need a Flu vaccine!” Anyone can become sick with the flu. The flu (influenza) is a contagious disease which affects the lungs and can lead to serious illness, including pneumonia. While pregnant women, young children, older people, and people with certain chronic medical conditions like asthma, diabetes and heart disease are at increased risk of serious flu-related complications, even healthy people can get the flu.

“But what if the Flu vaccine makes me sick?” The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu. The most common side effects from a flu shot are a sore arm and maybe a low fever or achiness. The nasal-spray flu vaccine might cause congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or cough. If you do experience them at all, these side effects are mild and shortlived, unlike the flu.

“I got a Flu vaccine last year, so I don’t need another one!” Your body’s level of immunity from a vaccine received last season is expected to have declined. You may not have enough immunity to be protected from getting sick this season. You should get vaccinated again to protect yourself against the three viruses that research suggests are likely to circulate again this season.

“I hate shots!”

The very minor pain of a flu shot is nothing compared to the suffering that can be caused by the flu. The flu can make you very sick for several days; send you to the hospital, or worse. For most healthy, nonpregnant people ages 2 through 49 years old, the nasal-spray flu vaccine is a great choice for people who don’t like shots.


“I don’t trust that the vaccine is safe.”

Flu vaccines have been given for more than 50 years and they have a very good safety track record. Flu vaccines are made the same way each year and their safety is closely monitored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.

“It’s too late to get a Flu vaccine this year.”

Flu seasons are unpredictable. They can begin early in the fall and last late into the spring. As long as flu season isn’t over, it’s not too late to get vaccinated, even during the winter. Getting a flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and your family. If you miss getting your flu vaccine in the fall, make it a New Year’s resolution—flu season doesn’t usually peak until January or February and can last until May.

Flu vaccines are available through Shore Physicians Group by visiting

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Jon K. Pomeroy, DO Board Certified Internal Medicine

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501 Zion Rd., Suite 1718, EHT | 609-927-8069 Marlene Rodriguez, MD – Family Medicine

3320 Simpson Ave., Ocean City | 609-814-9550 Ulices A. Perez, MD, FACP, ABIM – Internal Medicine Aixell J. Mercedes, MD, FAAP, ABP – Pediatrics

401 Bethel Rd., Somers Point | 609-365-6200 Linda Brecher, DO – Rheumatology William E. Hooper Jr., MD – Internal Medicine Ann MacMurray, MSN, NP-C, CCRN Jon K. Pomeroy, DO – Internal Medicine Angelo Sparagna III, MD, DABFP – Family Medicine


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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Elder Law


Will Contests: How Do They Work? Written by: Nancy M. Rice, Esquire, CELA We discussed (A) Fraud and (B) Due Execution in the Atlantic County Woman September/October 2013 issue, Part 1 of 2. Today, we will continue in our discussion with (C) Testamentary Capacity and (D) Undue Influence.

C. Testamentary Capacity The test for determining testamentary capacity is rather permissive. Indeed, the level of capacity needed to execute a Will is less than that required to enter into a contract. The key questions are whether the person who made the Will (called the “Testator”) understood: (1) the nature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words, what assets the Testator had and

planned to leave under his or her Will; and (2) the “natural objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them anything under the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are); and (3) the effect of the Will; that the Will would dispose of property following death; and (4) the relation of each of these factors to the other. Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted to drugs or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the influence of a substance at the time of the execution of the Will. Nor is it sufficient to show that the Testator was forgetful at time, so long as he or she had

some capacity to manage his or her business affairs.

D. Undue Influence Undue influence has been defined as any type of exertion, whether, physical, mental or moral that can prevent the Testator from following his/her free will. Mere suggestions, persuasions or the exertion of some influence is not enough to invalidate a Will. Ordinarily, the challenger has the burden of proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of proof will shift to the defender of the Will. A “confidential relationship” can be found where there is some special trust between the Testator and a beneficiary under the Will and where the nature of that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At times a special or confidential relationship has been found to exist between a Testator and an adult child, other relative, a healthcare provider, a neighbor, an attorney or an accountant. Notably, while a confidential relationship naturally exists between a

Part 2 of 2

husband and wife, the presumption of undue influence will not generally arise even when the Testator’s children are disinherited. As to the “suspicious circumstances” component of an undue influence Will contest, the evidence on this issue need be no more than “slight”. Suspicious circumstances have been found where a beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to prepare the Testator’s Will and where a nursing home patient was removed from the facility by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later. If you believe that a Will should be challenged because it was not executed properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it or because the Will was the product of undue influence, you should hire a seasoned attorney, who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with your decision to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow window of time during which a caveat and/or a Will contest may be filed.

Nancy Rice can answer your questions and concerns, Call 609-398-3447.

Nancy M. Rice Esquire, CELA

Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation

Estate/Trust Administration Guardianships Will Contest

Special Needs Trust Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care & Disability Planning

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 1236 Brace Road, Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048

The County Woman Magazine

Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania  since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintained offices in Camden and Cape May counties, specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City.

Call 609-398-3447.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals

Update In Sleep:

Similar to all fields of scientific endeavor, scientists in the field of sleep disorders make advances every day. How Long Should I Sleep?

Stephen L. Newman MD MBA Diplomat American Board of Sleep Medicine

◌ Sleep Apnea ◌ Ambulatory, at home, sleep studies ◌ Overnight in laboratory diagnostics ◌ Driving Evaluation ◌ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia ◌ CPAP/BIPAP therapy ◌ Provent therapy ◌ Mouth Devices ◌ Narcolepsy evaluation Dr. Stephen L. Newman, a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is the first Board Certified Sleep Specialist in Ocean County. He also established the first Sleep Disorder Laboratory in Southern and Central New Jersey. A resident of Ocean County since 1986, he is married to Merrell Newman and has two children. The pride and joy of his life is his granddaughter, Madeleine.


The County Woman Magazine

This is perhaps one of the most common questions asked of me as a sleep disorders physician. There is a conception that eight hours is normal. A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, of over 50,000 adults noted that those over the age of 45 feel into three classes: 1. Short Sleeper- less than six hours: 31%, 2. Medium Sleeper- 7-9 hours: 66%, and 3. Long Sleeper- greater than 10 hours: 4.1%. From this study, it appears that there is a U-shaped curve in the absence of diabetes, stroke and heart disease with an increase incidence of both conditions. All conditions when people sleep less than seven or more than nine hours a night. A study from the University of Washington examined the relationship between genetics and sleep duration. They found a study of twins that short sleep less than five hours or long sleep greater than 10 hours resulted in increased incidence of depressive symptoms.

Sleep Quality & Aging

35 Beaverson Blvd, Suite 7C Brick, NJ 08723 Phone: 732.920.8022


Perhaps the most exciting field and recent medical history is the analysis and identification of the human genome. This is the DNA fabric from which we are made and “hard wired.” The most interesting aspect to me, however, is the relationship between environment and genetics phenomena called epigenetics. A study from the University of Utah correlated genetic structure with sleep quality resulted in premature aging. This study of women’s health across the nation indicated that recreational or physical axis activity outside the home promotes better sleep. Finally, a study out of Sweden indicated that the appearance of fatigue related to lack of sleep is readily identifiable on the face marked by increase wrinkles, a look of sadness, swelling and redness of the eyes.

Cancer & Sleep

A Study from the renowned Women’s Health Initiative found no relationship between sleep duration and the quality insomnia or disturbances, sleep disturbance with the development of breast cancer. A second study found that sleep apnea slightly increases the risk of cancer.

Dementia & Sleep Apnea

One of the most impressive clinical observations in those individuals with sleep apnea afflicted for over decades is a profound steady decline in memory. A study from an animal model now indicates that the repetitive

stresses of low oxygen level, common in sleep apnea leads to brain damage by the accumulation of cobalt. Sleep, that is highly fragmented, broken up into discrete periods of sleep and wakefulness has a high correlation to the ultimate development of dementia according to study from the University of Toronto. A study from Spain indicates that those individuals with early dementia, known as mild cognitive impairment, have both symptomatic and observed changes in their sleep structure. Notably is a misperception of the rapidity at which sleep begins known as latency to sleep.

Sleep Deprivation

A recent study showed that at night’s sleep, improved an individual’s ability to navigate through a maze the following day. This suggests that sleep is crucial to the formation of spatial memory. Another study indicated that self reported sleep quality was associated with subsequent depression in older men. Finally, an agent employed by the United States military, modafinil has been used successfully promoting wakefulness in many individuals in a variety of situations. A recent study indicates sleep deprived individuals show an increase in driving performance when they use this medication.

Nightcap & Sleep

Throughout the ages, alcohol has been used as a sedative agent and is probably the most common sedative known throughout the world. A recent study, from the University of Missouri, however, observes that after two days of alcohol the effect in the promotion of sleep was tremendously reduced. However, we do know that alcohol impairs reflexes and promotes sleep apnea.

Sleep & Adolescence

The excessive sleep disorder is perhaps only exceeded by the problems of the teenager itself. A study out of Norway indicates that sleep disturbance of any type in adolescence leads to an increased rate of hospitalization. It is interesting to note few high schools throughout the United States have responded to this by adjusting the onset of the first class time to a more appropriate time for adolescence: noontime.

If you have concerns or questions about your sleeping behaviors, call to schedule your appointment with Dr. Stephen Newman at 732-920-8022.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals

36 Total

Hearing Care

We Listen, You Hear

Give yourself the joy of hearing during this special season!



You are never too young (or old) to have a hearing screening. Hearing loss may be a natural part of aging, but approximately 95% of people can be helped with amplification. Total Hearing Care invites you and a guest to join us for our special events to learn more about hearing loss and the tremendous strides hearing technology has made in the past few years. Regardless of your age, if you think you may have hearing difficulties, plan on having a hearing screening as part of your overall health care. Taking control of your hearing means taking control of your life. “I am pleased to be associated with Total Hearing Care. They are a company committed to delivering unsurpassed hearing health care. They seek to educate the mature adult through workshops, seminars and expos so people can make informed decisions. Their professional staff is focused on providing patients with affordable, custom-tailored solutions.” Alexis Abramson, Ph.D. Leading Lifestyle Gerontologist Total Hearing Care Spokesperson





The following events are FREE but space is limited. Call today to reserve your seat!





We Listen, You Hear

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FREE Special Hearing Workshops November Events: December Events: Time: Address:

Mon., November 4th & Tues., November 5th Mon., December 2nd & Tues., December 3rd 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Total Hearing Care 3800 Bayshore Road Suite B, N. Cape May 609-301-6440

November Events: December Events: Time: Address:

Wed., November 6th - Fri., November 8th Wed., December 4th - Fri., December 6th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Total Hearing Care 450 Tilton Rd., Suite 212, Northfield 609-741-8945

Please call early to make an appointment. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are FREE OF CHARGE.


Learn more about Dr. Abramson at her website Elizabeth W. Cook, M.A., FAAA, Chief Audiologist NJ Hearing Aid Supervising Dispenser Lic. #697

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, A Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner

Meet Our Doctors

James C. Wurzer, MD, PhD | Medical Director of Radiation Oncology “A diagnosis of cancer touches on every aspect of a person’s life, and I believe outstanding cancer care should be equally encompassing. I strive to apply that philosophy in treating cancer patients and helping people who suffer from this frustrating and debilitating disease.” Areas of focus: all radiation treatment modalities, including intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic radiation therapy, brachytherapy, and CyberKnife® robotic radiosurgery (a non-invasive alternative to cancer surgery) Jorge F. Cassir, MD | Radiation Oncologist “We provide our patients access to the latest advances in cancer treatment, offering high-tech, comprehensive care in a warm, healing environment.”

Michael J. Kane, MD, FACP | Assistant Professor Department of Medical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center

Medical Director Department of Oncology & Infusion Services AtlantiCare “I strive to ensure that my patients receive the best medical care possible and treat all my patients with the same compassion, diligence, and attention to detail that I would desire for my own family.” Areas of focus: all adult malignancies, including the optimal selection of diagnostic modalities and the use of both approved and investigational systemic treatment to include chemotherapy, immunotherapy and other targeted approaches David E. Adelberg, MD | Assistant Professor Department of Medical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center Medical Oncologist, AtlantiCare “Compassionate cancer care means listening to patients and incorporating their concerns into all aspects of the care I deliver.”

Areas of focus: CyberKnife® robotic radiosurgery (a highly accurate type of external radiation therapy) and the only Spanishspeaking oncologist in Atlantic and Cape May Counties

To schedule a consultation with one of our specialists, call 1-888-569-1000.

Areas of focus: solid-tumor cancers, with a special interest in genitourinary malignancies

Vijay Sandilya, MD | Assistant Professor Department of Medical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center

Medical Oncologist, AtlantiCare “I consider it a privilege not only to be able to bring advanced medical care to my patients, but also stand by them during one of the most testing times in their lives.”

2500 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Township 106 Court House South Dennis Road Cape May Court House

The County Woman Magazine

Areas of focus: Dr. Sandilya is triple board certified in internal medicine, hematology and medical oncology, with a special interest in lymphoma and colon cancer

November/December 2013



during pregnancy, her infant will gain best course of action is prevention. that causes uncontrollable violent antibodies to pertussis. This is especially Vaccination is the key to prevention of coughing. The cough can be so bad it important in the 0 to 6 months age whooping cough. The Tdap vaccine is can be hard to breathe. This lends to edical rofessionals group. The infant immune system is recommended by the American the sound of a deep “whooping� sound not well developed at this point in life College of Obstetrics & which is heard often as the patient tries with the 0 to 3 months of age being the Gynecology and the Care Advisory (aka The Affordable Act and Women) to take a deep breath, hence the name most vulnerable period. Since infants are Committee on Immunization “whooping cough�. affordable by requiring private healthrisk of More cians to Tdap care for these growing numbers. For greatest severeInsurance infectionOptionsPractices (ACIP). weinfection all haveofbeen It is san the upper insurance plansattotheir cover recommended Find a doctor now, establish a relationship this period, anyWomen protection that vaccine is recommended after respiratory tract (lung) by andduring made aware theand is caused prevention wellness benefits without In our current system, most non-elderly now. Get the preventive care to keep you can be provided for health and 20 weeks of healthy. pregnancy. The cost sharing. Insurers must now coveris critical bacteria known as Bordetlla pertussis. women are covered by health insurance Affordable Care Act mammograms,well cervical cancerof screenings, being the infant.offered by employers. Womenoptimal for wait this until vaccine the waiting lines This infection is spread by respiratory are more timingDon’t is looming on the horizon. prenatal care, flu andThe pneumonia are long.The Contact your doctor today. initialvaccinasymptoms ofthan whooping to 36 weeks. current likely men to be coveredis as 27 family droplets. When an infected persontions, well-baby and well-child visits with members through their spouse’s employer. The ACA or Obama Care cough are very similar to the everyday recommendations are that the Tdap coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets no cost sharing. Additional recommended This translates to: a woman’s coverage is common cold. The onset of symptoms is vaccination be given in each pregnancy, is really difficult for move most through containing the bacteria preventive services such as well-women dependent on their spouse’s employment visits, screening for gestational diabetes, approximately one week after exposure. irrespective thepeople air and the infection status. In reality, women can lose their cov- of the patients’ prior history tospread understand all of from domestic violence screening, breast feeding Severe episodes of coughing thenlosestart of receiving Tdap. There is maternal to erage if they their job, become widperson person. just that easy. the intoand outsItletis alone supplies, and contraceptive services (birth owed,Indivorced, or if their spouse about 10 to 12 days later. children, fetalbecomes antibody transfer and protection Pertussis infection can last up to six control medications, procedures) will be unemployed. The ACA provides insurance the ups, downs and sidecoughing ends with a whoop-like at birth. The immune response to the weeks. It can cause permanent disability, covered with nothe cost-sharing. options outside of the employer sponsored ways noise. This is thenosoundinsurance made plans, whenthus improving Tdap vaccination peaks 2 weeks after This no cost-sharing thing means and evenissues. death. the secuco-pay known the as the“donut patienthole�. triesAbout to takerity a deep breath. of insurance for women. administration. 2010, there were 27,550 cases HelpInFor Women! 2 million women are benefitting from this, The whooping sound is not common Another concept I would like to of This pertussis reported in the US act includes several provisions that alone. realizing a cost savings of approximately Pre-Existing Conditions Are children under bring to your attention is “Cocooning�. are expected to improve women’s health. About 3,350 of those were infants$1.2 billion onin their prescription drugs.6 months of age. The Accepted Obama carethan is designed to improveof cov-age and betoso3 milintense as to cause This is the plan to protect infants from This number iscough slated tomay increase younger six months In addition, under ACA plans insurers erage for important preventive care and lion women , with cost savings in the $5 vomiting or loss of consciousness. In to adultpertussis 25 of those infants died. Studies have cannot deny coverage women or by vaccinating those in close maternity care services. It is proposed the billion dollar range. Salvatore A. Carfagno, Jr., DO, infants, choking episodes common. The ACIP has menare because of a pre-existing contact health con-with them. demonstrated thatquality when of our current act will promote higher carethe for source Under health care insurance FACOOG, received his medical dition or diagnosis. Other common pertussis symptoms recommendeding,cocooning with Tdap trainthe identified, older pertussis women, andinfection will bring towas an end the plans, there is definitely gender discrimiinternship and residency at The may include: runny nose, slight fever of since 2005. The strategyCollege is toofvaccinate gender discrimination women Philadelphia Osteopathic nation in the premiums paid by women. moms accountedthat forrequires 30-40% of the Get Educated Now! Medicine. He is currently to pay more for the same insurance coverhealth insuranceand/or compa- diarrhea. The initial degrees, all those expected tobycome into Board infant infections. The number of Currently, many102 Certified the American College These are just a few of the points of the age as men. It has also been suggested that nies charge women higher premiums than diagnosis is made on symptoms. close contact with the newborn. of Osteopathic in Obstetrics and pertussis cases in the USwomen this year men. is Depending upon age, the women new Affordable Care Act (Obama Care). approximately 13 million more Gynecology. He is presently on staff at Treatment symptom Cocooning enhances maternal Iof urge everyone to become educated on expected to bebythe will gain coverage 2016.highest since 1959 may pay 50-80% higher premiumsconsists than Atlanticare Regional Medical Center these changesrich and new benefits as they per- to provide maximum control. Maintaining oxygen vaccination men in the same plan. Beginning in 2014, an and Shore Medical Center and averwith more than 32,000 cases reported. tain to you. There may be a large backlog deliveries health insurance companies may no longer MorePertussis Affordable Careand, environment such as a high humidity protection to ages the300 infant. In per year, this in canPreventive cause serious of patients to be seen. Adding to this issue, addition to an extensive gynecological charge higher rates due to gender or health The ACA helps to make female preoxygen tent. The antibiotics like addition to vaccinating patients, at times, life-threatening infections/ surgical caseload. there may be limited numbers of physistatus. vention and preventive care services more




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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Featured On The Cover


Opening A Private Practice Is The Key To Dr. Carfagno’s Success And Happiness


hen Dr. Carfagno decided to open

Advanced Care OB/GYN, he was determined to do things differently.

A private practice is literally the practice of medicine (in his case obstetrics and gynecology) by a single doctor or multiple doctors. He adds, “The practice is owned and operated by the physician which is in contrast to a large, single or multiple specialty practice. It is usually run by a company or business person and is quite focused on the business perspective.” He has been an employee of a large group with multi-specialty settings, so he knows the difference. Atlantic County Woman sat down with Dr. Carfagno for an interview. These are his responses . . .

What led you to start your own practice? The bottom line was that I could not practice medicine

the way I wanted to in a large setting. In my years of practice, I have been an employee of large groups with multi-specialty settings. In this model, the patient saw whichever doctor was available and the practice manager tightly controlled the time allotted to each patient. Appointment times were minimal, leaving the patient little time to really get to know the doctor. Continuity of care suffered. As a doctor, this led to added stress and dissatisfaction in my work. I could not care for people in the way I wanted to. I’m sure the patients felt confused about care plans and were not getting the quality of care they were entitled to in this model. From the very beginning, I was determined to do things differently. I wanted an office that was relaxed so we created a spa-like environment with the room colors selected to optimize this experience.

What is your inherent philosophy when dealing with your patients? My philosophy has always been to keep the patient at the center. For instance, our office does special things like place the names of each baby delivered on the “Advanced Care Tree of Life.” The new baby’s name is placed on a branch of this tree. Many patients bring their children each year to take photos in front of their name. I also send a birthday card to our new arrivals on their 1st birthday.

How has this change affected your patients? Everything about our office is affected from the way I dress, to my relaxed demeanor. I am a big believer in professional closeness and it allows me to establish a great doctor patient relationship. A handshake or a hug can go a long way to help a patient. I have developed a fine group of patients and I welcome the children of my patients. There is a supply of toys to occupy the children while visiting my office.

are you passing down these values What do you love most about having your to other physicians just starting out? own practice? I have the opportunity to teach residents, interns, and I love that I am able to provide complete, compassionate care to women of all ages. I can’t imagine any other practice setting. In my private practice, I try to instill into my patients a desire to be happy and healthy. I also enjoy having autonomy, which is the ability to set up and run a practice. I can create and modify policy in a rapid fashion. I have removed the “middle men” and non value-added intermediaries. I now have a more direct relationship with my patients. I am a solo doctor with limited staff. To be honest, there is nothing I miss about the bureaucracy and administration of a large group practice.


students of OB/GYN. I attempt to teach and inspire them in training to treat the “whole patient” and to truly listen and care for people. I expose them to the philosophy of private practice: “A practice where the patient is at the center.” These young doctors-in-training also inspire me to continue to push ahead in modern day medicine. While many of my colleagues have become members of a large practice, hospital owned practices or multi-specialty settings; we work with many community schools to provide the students a place for internships as medical assistants and front-end receptionists.

Dr. Carfagno Is Surrounded By His Patients!

Patient’s comments . . .


Mother of Triplets, Stacey Falcone ... “When

I learned that I was pregnant with triplets, as a first time mother, I was elated and completely frightened at the same time. During my first doctors visit with Dr. Carfagno, he made it clear that it was his job to worry about my pregnancy and that I should relax and enjoy this time in my life. And that is exactly what I did and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Or should I say the three results. Dr. Carfagno and his fabulous staff made my husband and I feel extremely well cared for and secure. Dr. Carfagno is a wonderful physician who truly cares for his patients.”


Linda Telli ... “I am a 64-year-old woman with both osteoporo-

sis and osteopedia. While traditional medicine is the right option for most women, I wanted to try an intense exercise regime. I work out with a personal trainer five days a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours each day and I also play a number of sports. Over the last year my bone density improved 5% and while Dr. Carfagno may not have fully agreed with my decision, he listened to me and was willing to give it a chance. When the results came back, he was as happy as I was. In my opinion, this is how a doctor should be. Not every patient is the same nor is the same treatment right for every patient. I believe we have a very strong doctor/patient relationship and that I can discuss anything with him. More doctors should follow his example.”

The County Woman Magazine

Triple Blessing! (Back row, left) Patient Stacy Falcone is shown here with her six-year-old triplets delivered by Dr. Carfagno. Posing next to mom is Evangeline and brothers Gabriel and Silvio (left to right) are hugging Dr. Carfagno. (Back row, third from left) Patient Linda Telli appreciates her strong doctor/patient relationship. (Back row, far right) New patient April Hogan immediately felt comfortable at Advanced Care OB/GYN. (Front row, left) First-time mom Katie Stys feels confident in Dr. Salvatore Carfagno (center) and his knowledgeable staff.

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Weight Loss Written By: Roberta Foss-Morgan D.O.

Drugs Don’t Have To Be The ONLY Answer

Since the most common weight loss advice to count calories and exercise more hasn’t worked, pharmaceutical companies have finally garnered approval for two new “obesity” medications -- namely, Belviq and Qysmia. The FDA rejected Belviq in 2010 due to the development of heart valvular defects, yet recently received approval with acknowledged side effects of dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. Belviq isn’t an appetite suppressant; rather it works by activating a receptor in your brain that tells you that you are full with less food. Quality protein, good fats,

and appropriate portions will also signal the ventromedial nucleus of your hypothalamus that you are full too -- with the only side effect being that you will finally be able to lose weight. Qysmia, the other recently approved obesity medication, is a combination of Phentermine (and appetite suppressant prescribed for decades) and Topiramate (aka Topamax, a seizure medication that purports to promote feelings of satiety). Qysmia is available only through a mail-order pharmacy, requires monthly pregnancy tests, and is contraindicated if you have glaucoma or and over-active thyroid). The American Medical Association has declared what most of us already knew: obesity is a disease. Have you ever wondered why we didn’t have epidemic

obesity in the 1950s? Will taking one of these obesity medications finally be the “answer” to your continuous struggle to lose weight? These medications report that most will lose 5-10% of their body weight if they are greater than 35 pounds overweight. So if you are 170 pounds and 5’5”, what are you going to do after you whittle down to 153 pounds?

to your previous weight loss efforts that worked so well. Did you notice that so many hormones affect hunger and weight?

Ever since fat has been demonized we have become fatter and fatter. Food scientists are erudite

There is a European diet that I learned about 25 years ago. But I stubbornly said there will never be a diet in my practice, believing that if I taught patients what protein is and how much they need, monitoring carbohydrates and dividing carbs by 5 to see how many teaspoons of sugar they are ingesting daily, and that fat is essential to stabilize hunger and blood sugar, etc., they would be able to regain their lean body.

in understanding that satiety depends on understanding dopaminergic neuronal pathways, and they are also brilliant at creating foods that help develop refined food addiction. When a food is labeled low fat it means that the fat has been replaced with sugar and chemicals to enhance taste. Sugar is usually the major ingredient. Since the major ingredient of a food must be listed first, food scientists have cleverly used a dozen or so words for sugar to fool you. Food scientists also know that high fructose corn syrup (which has multiple names) and is everpresent in prepared foods stimulate the stomach hormone ghrelin to be activated. When you have ghrelin, your stomach is growlin’, and you are constantly hungry. Learning what food does to brain chemistry starts to explain why so many patients tell me they need to eat every couple of hours! I explain that when you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugar spikes, insulin is sent to lower your blood sugar, and then your blood sugar is low again. Since too much insulin is a fat storing hormone, you eventually complain of a newfound muffin top or belly fat that is heartbreakingly resistant

A Plan That DOES Work!

What I didn’t realize is that

so many are addicted to sugar and chemicalized foods that have been engineered by food scientists to ensure that you are constantly hungry. We are a species that has evolved to survive starvation but not to resist abundance. David Kessler, JD, MD, beautifully explains food addiction in The End of Overeating. The European diet, developed circa 1950, utilizes the injection of a hormone that purports to help you lose fat and retain muscle, without hunger. Patients receiving saltwater injections lost muscle and patients receiving the hormone injections lost fat. I suggest doing the diet

under the advisement of medical counsel Patients tell me that in addition to losing 2 sizes, their fat is redistributed, they feel more stable emotionally, sleep more deeply, and are mentally clear. What they are telling me is how well they feel when they do not partake of refined sugar, chemicals, wheat, or dairy. In addition to the hormone assisting fat loss, they are also detoxing from our standard American diet of bread and all it’s friends, chemicals, and astronomic amounts of sugar.

Most patients lose ten pounds or more when their declining hormones are replaced with lowdose bio-identical hormones accompanied by learning what to eat and why. For those who need immediate results, there is the option of the European diet. Call Morgan Medical Center today and let us help you look and feel better!

MORGAN MEDICAL CENTER OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE, P.A. 124 Kings Highway West Haddonfield, NJ 08033

phone: 856.216.9001 fax: 856.616.9837

Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O. completed post-baccalaureate training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. After which, she received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her internship and residency in Family Medicine was completed at the Virtua Health System. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. 100 South Cornwall Avenue In 2005, Dr. Morgan authored her first book, What Your Doctor Won’t Ventnor, New Jersey 08406 Tell You About Weight Loss. Further training in European Endocrinology, phone: 609-823-1899 Mesotherapy, Medical Weight Loss, and Intravenous Therapies fax: 609-823-1889 has required extensive travel throughout the US and Europe. Dr. Morgan has appeared on CNN, Ch 3 KYW, Fox Fee For Service News and numerous other live TV and radio shows. She is a frequently requested lecturer to physicians and patients.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Will A Cochlear Implant Help Me? Presented By: The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center at Thomas Jefferson University


earing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States. More than 31 million Americans have some type of hearing problem. Although hearing problems are commonly associated with the normal aging process, more than one-half of hearing impaired persons are under the age of 65. Hearing difficulties are often unrecognized by the person involved. As a result, most people wait seven to ten years before seeking help. The good news is that there is help for people with hearing loss. The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center, located within Thomas Jefferson University’s Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, provides patients with on-

site diagnostic audiologic and vestibular testing to identify a wide range of hearing and balance disorders. The Center provides a wide range of diagnostic testing using state-of-theart equipment. The Center also offers aural rehabilitation services in the form of hearing aids and cochlear implant follow up. Physicians within the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery provide diagnostic evaluation and medical intervention in the treatment of patients with hearing and balance disorders. Physical therapists from Jefferson’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine provide Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for patients diagnosed with balance problems that may benefit from this specialized therapy. The Center’s audiologists provide counseling regarding hearing loss, appropriate amplification options, and realistic expected outcomes from the use of amplification.


In the past, there were few options to improve the hearing of persons with profound hearing loss or singlesided deafness. In the last decade, however, micro power hearing instruments, cochlear implants and implantable hearing aids have emerged as exciting options. Micro power instruments provide the power needed without annoying feedback to allow patients to have a sense of hearing on both sides. These may be ideal for deafness due to surgical removal of an acoustic neuroma. Cochlear implants are surgically implanted hearing devices that produce hearing sensations by directly stimulating the auditory nerve in ears that no longer benefit from hearing aids. This bypasses the damaged cochlea, sending a signal directly to the portion of the brain responsible for hearing. The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery offers a full-service cochlear implant program. We provide counseling and

education beginning with the patient’s initial visit through post-implant care. The initial evaluation is conducted by our Otologist/Neurotologists, Thomas Willcox, M.D. and Gregory Artz, M.D., who then refer the patient for an implant eligibility assessment to be conducted by an experienced audiologist. Based on the assessment, the otologist/neurotologist determines if surgery is indicated. The audiologist then provides follow-up care including cochlear implant programming and rehabilitation after surgery. Tinnitus is a common problem with an extensive differential diagnosis. Underlying medical conditions need to be identified and treated. The Center now offers tinnitus therapy using Neuromonics, an FDA-approved tinnitus treatment, which has been patented and clinically tested. With the aging population, tinnitus will become more common and research into the mechanism and treatment is needed

to better help those affected. With one of the above treatment options, one should get at least some relief from their tinnitus and the anxiety that it provokes. Patients with symptoms of tinnitus should make an appointment for evaluation with one of our physicians or audiologists who are trained to work with these patients to discuss symptoms and which treatment options may work best. Highly trained professionals, state-of-theart technology and equipment combined with a team approach make The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center uniquely qualified to meet the need of patients with hearing and balance disorders.



Call 1-800-JEFF-NOW (1-800-533-3669)


The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center at Thomas Jefferson University 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013



& Wellness

Pain Relief Available Without A Prescription Submitted by: Jersey Shore Pharmacy


ost of us have some sort of aches and pains occasionally. Sometimes the pain is from something simple like working out or playing sports. For some people pain is chronic because of an illness or permanent injury. There are many different options available to treat pain without a prescription.

Most people have heard of or used common pain relieving medications such as Motrin® or Advil® (ibuprofen), Tylenol® (acetaminophen). These medications work well for short term pain

relief. However, with long term use, these medications can have side effects such as stomach upset, ulcers and liver damage. There are also topical products for pain relief. The most well known topical products are Aspercreme®, Icy-Hot®, Mineral Ice® and Tiger Balm®. For the most part these products contain ingredients that make the painful area feel warm, increase blood flow to the area they are applied which decreases the pain. Depending on where your pain is originating from these products may or may not be effective. Jersey Shore Pharmacy is excited to announce some alternative topical pain relievers available without a prescription. Our R & D department has been working for months on products that have not previously been available without a prescription. We have begun testing these products on various types of pain and the

results have been great. We have successfully developed creams that treat the pain associated with; arthritis, muscle strains, chronic foot pain and just general aches and pains. We would like to stress that we are not claiming that our topical pain creams cure any disease or condition. However, our specially developed topical pain creams do help control pain associated with certain injuries or conditions. Since we are a compounding pharmacy, we have the ability to customize a cream just for you. If you require a stronger medication we can work with you and your physician to make a prescription strength topical pain cream.

Please contact us at 609-927-0390 or at with any questions. “We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow.” Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.

We are happy to answer any of your questions. Please feel free to contact us with your questions about pain or about compounding in general.

Restoring Hormone Balance

Women have questions! We have answers! Women Interest in Customized Hormone Replacement Replacement Therapy surged after after Interest Oprah’s recent guests, doctors Christiane Northrup and guests, including including doctors PrudenceHall, Hall, discussed the the science behind customized HRT. Prudence HRT. Dr. Phil’s wife Robin Dr. Robin McGraw McGrawdescribed describedhow howthrough throughextensive extensive research and and with with the the help of of a compounding pharmacist and her research physician, and physician, she she found found natural natural ways ways to to battle battle menopausal symptoms symptoms and turned of life" life”into intoaapositive positiveexperience. experience. turned the “change "change of

Jersey Shore Compounding Only Pharmacy Mark Taylor, Owner 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Phone: 609-927-0390 Toll Free (800) 577-7932 • Fax: 609-927-0392 Visit: e-mail:

For more information on customized hormones, or to schedule a private consultation, call our professional compounding pharmacy.

We ship prescription orders, within 300 miles of the Jersey Shore Pharmacy, by UPS. Arrival Next Day! Call 609-927-0390

For more information on customized hormones, or to schedule a private consultation, call our The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Medical Professionals


Why Is Intravenous Vitamin Therapy So Effective? Written by: Dr. Sam Jonuzi, Integrative Medical Center

Did you know that Vitamin C: ✔ Is required for your body to make serotonin and other neurotransmitters? ✔ Is anti-inflammatory and a potent antioxidant? ✔ Supports the immune system? ✔ Helps in some neurological disease? ✔ In Naturopathic Medicine, IV therapy of Vitamin C is commonly used for cancer support treatment. What kinds of vitamin C dietary supplements are available?

Most multi-vitamins have vitamin C. The vitamin C in dietary supplements is usually in the form of ascorbic acid, but some supplements have other forms. Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient found in some foods, such as oranges, cantaloupe, cabbage, and strawberries, and is critical in protecting our bodies from disease. Unlike most mammals and other animals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. Therefore, we must obtain vitamin C through our diet or dietary supplements. In our bodies, it acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are compounds formed when our bodies convert the food we eat into energy. We are also exposed to free radicals from cigarette smoke, air pollution, and ultraviolet light from the sun. Scientists now believe that some chemicals cause cancer only if oxidized. By preventing oxidation, vitamin C may cut down on our exposure to cancer causing chemicals. What are the advantages of intravenous vitamin therapy?

The nutrients are delivered directly to your cells through the bloodstream. With intravenous nutrient therapy, as soon as your infusion starts, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are quickly circulated through your blood stream and delivered to your cells, where they are immediately available for use. In IV vitamin therapy, there’s no waiting for the nutrients to clear the digestive system and the liver.

Vitamin C (ascorbate) as a 4 Pharmacologic supportive Cancer Treatment IV Therapy.

People with high intakes of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables might have a lower risk of getting many types of cancer, such as lung, breast, and colon cancer. Oral doses of vitamin C can’t raise blood levels of vitamin C nearly as high as IV therapy. A few studies in animals and test tubes indicate that very high blood levels of vitamin C might shrink tumors. Recent studies at the NIH (National Institute of Health), conducted by Harvard Medical School researcher, Mark Levin, MD have demonstrated the anti-tumor effect of high dosages of vitamin C given intravenously. This therapy was originally developed by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, expanded upon by Dr. Klenner and Dr. Cathcart and, more recently, Hugh Rirodan, MD. Intravenous, high-dosage vitamin C does not interfere with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. There are studies that show Vitamin C intravenous therapy enhances chemotherapy drugs and also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation for those receiving conventional medical therapies. The use of vitamin C as a supportive cancer treatment isn’t new. Proponents claim that large doses of vitamin C are toxic to cancer cells. This has prompted renewed interest in the use of IV vitamin C as a supportive cancer therapy.

V. C can combat fatigue and boost Immunity 4 I.levels.

Intravenous vitamin C boosts the immunity in your body. It can stimulate collagen formation to help the body wall off the tumor. It inhibits hyaluronidase, an enzyme that tumors use to metastasize and invade other organs throughout the body. It induces apoptosis to help program cancer cells into dying early. It corrects the almost universal scurvy in cancer patients. Cancer patients are tired, listless, bruise easily, and have a poor appetite. They don’t sleep well and have a low threshold for pain. This adds up to a very classic picture of scurvy that generally goes unrecognized by their conventional physicians. The ability to dramatically increase tissue levels of vitamin C. Research shows that the astonishingly high levels achievable only by IVC not only help fight the risk of infection and the pain of metastases, they actually aid in the defeat of the cancer cells themselves, through a very elegant mechanism that does no harm to healthy cells.

To summarize, most organisms make their own vitamin C. When they are under stress, either by illness or injury, Mother Nature has provided them with a means to facilitate healing: they synthesize more ascorbic acid. As a result, they are in less pain, they remain active, they can sleep, and they have a better appetite: all functions, which promote healing. The conditions we find that we can treat effectively with IVC are cold and flu; wound healing; depression; fatigue; allergies; and certain neurological conditions. At Integrative Medical Center we offer an Alternative IVC Therapy. Our unique protocol is the combination of Super Oxygen, Super Antioxidants and Super Nutrition that involves high dose of unique Vitamin C. We don’t treat cancer... we treat people who happen to have cancer. IVC is a tool that allows our Center physicians to harness a healing mechanism that our human ancestors lost long ago. Now you have knowledge that there is a place that offers an option for those of you interested in alternative or supportive therapy for cancer treatment. We recommend that people being treated for cancer should talk with their oncologist before taking high dosages of Vitamin C or other antioxidant supplements. We believe that intravenous doses of Vitamin C are extremely beneficial on many levels!



We have done our homework and combined the best that nature has offered and have seen results. I take treatments myself for prevention and so does most everyone on our staff.

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201 East Black Horse Pike • West Atlantic City, NJ 08232

The County Woman Magazine

• Pia Gardner M.D. (Medical Director) • Marvin Roth M.D. (Staff Physician) • Sam Jonuzi N.D. (Managing Director)

Dr. Sam Jonuzi specializes in bioionic chemistry, detoxification and clinical nutrition. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Rowan University in 1986 and a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Trinity College of Natural Medicine in 2001. Dr Jonuzi also earned an Integrative Health Practitioner degree at the Advanced Integrative Medical Institute in Washington, D.C. Dr. Jonuzi is Diplomat of the College of Natural Therapies and Member of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Jonuzi is Founder and Managing Director at Integrative Medical Center in West Atlantic City. Physicians at IMC emphasize prevention and early diagnosis as well as cost-effective, non-invasive treatments that work toward the elimination of the root cause of chronic degenerative illnesses and medical conditions that have gone undetected by traditional medicine.

November/December 2013



& Wellness

Yoga: Self Discovery Through Movement ... Learn to Move/Move to Learn Written By: Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT Owner, Yoga Nine Studios Smithville, Ship Bottom, LBI

What does the physical practice in yoga (asana) have to do with self realization or enlightenment?


teach a course, Yoga: East Meets West, at the Richard

Stockton College, where I am a professor of anthropology. This course is heavy on philosophy and history and serves as one of the required senior level interdisciplinary electives. I often struggle with making the class relevant and meaningful to the diverse group of mostly young people who take it each term. Samkhaya Philosophy and the 6500 years of historical texts and competing cultural traditions are difficult to grasp in a single semester. The concept of “self-realization”, an animitistic force beyond time and space (purusha), and the whole notion of “nonattachment” in a material culture like our own can be mind boggling to anyone, let alone a 20 year old just counting the days to graduation. Surprisingly, the most effective way to teach this material is through movement.

physical appearance will tell you this. Our body opens us up to the world. It is a way of knowing ourselves. Physical activity can be a powerful way of learning about yourself, your body and your mind. We can “evolve” in the yogic sense through changing the experiences we have in our bodies. This is what psychologists call “rehabituation”-the reorientation of our sense of self after a significant physical experience. Rehabituation can occur because of increased sense of self-awareness, extraordinary physical performance, heightened sensory perception, “kinesthesia” (experiencing something in the whole body at once), feeling a sense of connection or community or physical experiences connected with heightened emotion. There is a reason people talk about yoga practice as more than exercise; yoga practice is precisely designed by good teachers to create such ecstatic experiences for their students. Physical practice builds a great deal of strength, improves flexibility, improves cardiovascular health, and most importantly allows us to change our ideas about who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Perfecting a skill, like a backhand, entails dexterity along

“Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.” ~Alfred

The County Woman Magazine

“People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates”. ~Thomas Szasz, This kind of experience comes only with practice. It takes a dedication to physical discovery. The power of movement is recognized as vital in other disciplines- dance, theater and even religious worship- where often ritualistic repetition and practice are the paths to mastery. The Sufi poet Rumi was a passionate musician who believed that music and dance were to be seen as spiritual disciplines in themselves, a perfect trigger to lead the soul to higher dimensions. This philosophy led him to found the order of the Mevlevi (whirling dervishes), who dance

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Photo by Donna Andrews

Practice your passion.

the “Sema” or turning; a sacred, repetitive, ritualistic dance, representing the journey of the seeker who turns to truth through love and abandonment of the ego. We aim to achieve something similar in yoga asana- a dance of self discovery, where each individual is recognized as sacred and vital to the whole. It is no wonder then that physical practice is important to personal growth and can be integral to our understanding of the world and our connection to it. It is in large part how we learn everything. “I am a dancer. I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living.... In each it is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical and intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one’s being, a satisfaction of spirit.” ~Martha Graham,

Give yourself the gift of movement this holiday season and learn whom in the world you might be. Peace and Happiness to all the students who create our community everyday.


11/1 - 11/3 - Thai Massage Workshop (LBI) 11/10 - Graham Schweig - Samadhi Now! The Perfection of Imperfection 11/15 - 11/17 - Jim Bennett - Tantric Vinyasa Yoga 12/15 - Holiday Retreat - Escape the Season Stress

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The experience of our bodies is the way in which we define ourselves in the world. You must exist physically before you can think about what it means to exist. You first need a physical body and brain before you can create an “essence” that is you. Philosopher Merleau-Ponty called this notion the “lived body”, and it is a theory at the crossroads of Eastern (monist) and Western (dualist) philosophy. Though we like to insist that our bodies and minds are distinct and separate, that our essence is “inside”; we are in the eyes of others and ourselves more about our experiences, which are embodied. We live in our present form. My experience in the world as a 5’ woman must be significantly different than that of a 7’ man. We see and experience the world from very different perspectives. Anyone who has gone through a major physical transformation, especially if stigmatized by their

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with the intellectual skills of analysis and synthesis. Mastery extends well beyond simple skill acquisition to the mastery of self. In the “heat of battle” you can experience the gamut of emotions: joy and sadness, exuberance and exhilaration, frustration and anger. Learning how to deal with and express these feelings is part and parcel of learning to play a game and learning to understand yourself.

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Saturday 11/23 - Breathing for Stress Relief Saturday 12/7 - Workman’s Relaxation neck, shoulders and wrists

Rope Wall Classes -12:30p-1:30p Smithville 11/2 - Inversion Immersion 11/23 - Strength & Standing Postures 12/14 - Hip Hip Hooray

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November/December 2013



Parkinson’s Disease: Where Movement Molds Mood - Reciprocally Parkinson’s disease occurs with the death of certain cells in the mid region of the central nervous system. Some of these cells, or neurons, produce dopamine so they are called “dopaminegenerating cells.” Dopamine is a chemical that sends specific messages to the brain to control movement. Because Parkinson’s is a chronic, progressive and degenerative disease, its affect is to cause the level of dopamine in the brain to decrease over time. Subsequently the decrease in dopamine affects a person’s ability to control their movement and coordination. Another clinical finding of Parkinson’s disease are clumps of protein occurring in the neurons. These clumps are called Lewy Bodies and can be seen on histology of the brain. Parkinson’s disease usually impacts persons over 50, but can occur in younger people such as the actor, Michael J. Fox. Some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are tremors, slow movement, stiffness of the limbs and trunk and trouble with gait (walking) and/or coordination. Scientists have also described several symptoms that are not related to motor function that may appear before loss of movement and coordination. These symptoms include such things as changes in speech, difficulty finding words, personality changes, low blood pressure when standing up and painful cramps in the feet. Parkinson’s disease can affect one’s emotions and how they think. It has also been linked with depression according to the National Institute of Mental Health which found that where both depression and Parkinson’s are present, the symptoms of both can be made worse by each other (See NIMH website). The article states that people with both Parkinson’s and depression may have lower rates of guilt and sadness as compared to people with just depression, but struggle more with the ability to concentrate. In addition, an article referenced by NIMH states that a recent brain imaging study found that people with Parkinson’s disease may have overactive reuptake of Serotonin levels. Serotonin helps to regulate mood so low levels caused by excessive reuptake could possibly result in depressive disorders in those with Parkinson’s disease. (Boileau I, Warsh JJ, Guttman M, Saint-Cyr JA, McCluskey T, Rusjan P, Houle S, Wilson

AA, Meyer JH, Kish SJ. Elevated serotonin transporter binding in depressed patients with Parkinson’s disease: a preliminary PET study with [11C]DASB. Mov Disord. 2008 Sep 15; 23(12):1776– 80). Current research questions whether the major depression occurring in Parkinson’s disease is reactionary to one’s degenerative motor function or if it is a component of the disease itself. A review of the literature proposes there is “considerable evidence” that depression may occur before motor symptoms which may support the theory that depression is a sign of neurological pathology. Other theories suggest that the depression is caused by the motor disability because the level of depression is compared to the level of motor disability. Parkinson’s disease demonstrates a definitive correlation between mood and motor function. Studies have shown that where motor functions improve with medications, it is not associated with improvement in mood; yet when depression is successfully treated, the motor function is better. There are also some studies that show a close correlation to depression and impaired cognition during the depression state “that reverse after treatment of the mood syndrome” (Psychosomatics 41:1, January-February 2000). The Rationale for Psychiatric Treatment in Parkinson’s disease It is no surprise that having Parkinson’s alone can cause an upset in one’s mental well-being due to its impact on motor function. The mental health impact of Parkinson’s disease includes anxiety, cognitive impairment, apathy and mood disorders such as major depression, or bipolar disorder. Other psychiatric effects may be adjustment disorders, drug induced mood changes and even psychotic symptoms. Some individuals are profoundly affected by psychiatric illness even when Parkinson’s disease is in its milder state. The research is clear that coupling psychiatric illness to Parkinson’s disease can wreak havoc on a person’s cognitive ability and motor function and that 90% of people with Parkinson’s disease “experience psychiatric complications.” The treatment involved in managing the psychiatric aspects of Parkinson’s disease further complicates things because of the psychoactive influence of the medications and the progressive, degenerative nature of the disease. On the other hand,

The County Woman Magazine

some studies suggest that greater insight into the different characteristics occurring within Parkinson’s and their correlation to the psychiatric phenomena seen in the disease can yield a better understanding of effective treatment modalities. The point is that the treatment of depression in Parkinson’s can have a positive effect on motor function and coordination, but more information is needed on the relationship between the two. The treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Parkinson’s disease begins with evaluating the factors specific to the Parkinson’s and those factors that are typically part of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. Putting the information altogether in order to derive a meaningful treatment plan requires an experienced professional. Depending on the professional assessment, the care plan can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

(CBT), a type of psychotherapy, or talk therapy, that helps people change negative thinking styles and behaviors that may contribute to their depression; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a type of antidepressant medication that includes citalopram (Celexa), sertraline (Zoloft), and fluoxetine (Prozac), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), a type of antidepressant medication similar to SSRI that includes venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta). In 2007, the United States initially approved Neupro, a Rotigotine Transdermanl System that acts as a dopamine agonist for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and Restless Leg Syndrome. However, as with any treatment plan, patients and caregivers should be fully engaged, informed and knowledgeable about treatment options, expected results and potential side effects.

Don’t suffer alone . . . For a thorough, confidential, psychiatric evaluation and an individualized treatment plan tailored to fit your specific needs with appropriate treatment(s), please call our office at 609-484-0770 to set up, by appointment, this comprehensive and compassionate confidential assessment. Charles Meusburger, m.d.

Don’t suffer in silence any longer. We Can Help!

November/December 2013



Stem Cell Therapy -- Regenerative Medicine A recent scientific breakthrough is helping pets deal with the pain associated with arthritis as well as injuries to tendons and ligaments. A southern California company has developed the technology to provide veterinarians a therapy utilizing stem cells. In addition to easing the pain of chronic arthritis, anticipated future uses for stem cell therapy include: autoimmune disease, liver disease, neurological disease and kidney disease. We’ve all heard about the use of human stem cells in treating various human ailments. Stem cells are the ancestral cells that have the “programming” to turn them into specialized cells in many places in the body. But harvesting them has been difficult. One promising source of stem cells, human embryos, raises moral objections from those who consider the embryos human individuals. The use of these embryonic stem cells has proved very controversial. The difference in pet stem cell therapy is that we are using the pets’ own adult body cells, or mesenchymal cells, to collect the stem cells. This is done by collecting a small quantity of fat from the pet. We use fat because it is readily available, easy to harvest and rich with stem cells. Within hours of collection, the pet’s own stem cells are returned for injection into the affected joint or bloodstream. The beauty of this process is that we are dealing with the pet’s pain in a very holistic manner, utilizing the pet’s own body to heal itself! Thus, there may be no lifetime drugs to take, and best of all, there are very few, if any, side effects. Indications for stem cell therapy are (1) arthritis, (done by intra-articular injection. The duration of effect is up to 18 months, with a 60% favorable response rate), (2)

fracture healing, and (3) tendon and ligament repair. Stem cell therapy can be used along with NSAIDs, (Rimadyl, Deramax etc), hydrotherapy, adequan, glucosamine, chondrotin and hylauronic acid. This process has been used in clinical trials for the past 5 years and the results have been extremely promising. Over 2000 dogs have been successfully treated. I am hopeful that stem cell therapy will prove to the “the answer” for pets in chronic pain from arthritis that do not seem to respond well to our normal procedures for pain relief. Stem cell therapy “regenerates” and heals the tissue itself, rather than just slowing the “degenerative” process as drugs do. A veterinarian must be trained and certified in this technique in order to perform the procedure.

Call Newkirk Family Veterinarians or visit our website for more information

Egg Harbor Twp. Office The Newkirk Family Veterinary Centers offer a wide array of services to make sure that your pet receives the treatment that is most appropriate for its situation. Pets today are living longer and can feel great into their senior years.

Listen to Dr. Newkirk on the Radio!!!

"All About Pets" Live radio, every Thursday from 9 - 10 AM

WOND 1400 AM Dial 609 927 1100 to "Ask Dr. Newkirk" "The Harry Hurley Show" Live radio, every 3rd Tuesday from 9 - 9:30 AM

WIBG 1450 AM Dial 609 407 1450 to "Ask Dr. Newkirk"

The Cat House Imagine - No Dogs Allowed! Newkirk Family Veterinarians understand that cats have special needs, so they developed a special place just for cats. The Cat House allows your feline companion to Visit our office without the stress of barking dogs in the same area. Separate entrance, lobby and rooms!

Dr. Newkirk will present topics in pet health, take your calls and talk to special guests.

Newkirk Family Veterinarians A Trusted Name in South Jersey for over 30 years! The Doctors and Staff at Newkirk Family Veterinarians pledge to provide the finest services to help their clients’ pets live healthier, longer lives.

Dr Newkirk is back in Margate!!

With the departure of Dr. Helmi, Dr. Newkirk is now able to see all of his former patients and friends!

9200 Ventnor Ave • Open 5 days a week. Call 609-823-3031!

Animal Rehab & Pain Center 3085 English Creek Ave. Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234 609-646-0700

The CAT HOUSE (a cat ONLY clinic) 609-813-CATS

We also offer Holistic therapies, such as herbal, chiropractic, and allergy treatments!

Grooming By Lisa Dunn.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013



9200 Ventnor Ave • O

pen 5 days a week.

MARGATE Hours for now are: Monday 9 – 6 PM, Tuesday 9 - 1 PM, Thursday 10 – 2 PM, Friday 2 – 5 PM and Saturday 9 – 12 Noon. The phone number remains the same as it has for 30 years, at 609 823 3031. For my Egg Harbor Twp clients I will CONTINUE to see patients at that office as well. Hours there will be Tuesday 3 to 7 PM, Thursday 4 – 7 PM and Friday 9 – 12 Noon. Phone: 609 645 2120

Dr Newkirk returns to Margate! Now able to see ALL former clients and patients!

Hello all, I am happy to announce that I am returning to the Margate Animal Hospital, a practice I owned and loved for 30 years, in order to restore quality veterinary medicine and service to Margate and beyond. I had some hopes of semi retirement, and it was nice for 2 years, working at Newkirk Family Veterinarians in Egg Harbor Twp, but plans to stay and work for the new doctor in Margate did not work out. As you know, he let go of all the original staff, and then finally, me, within 4 months of taking over. Many of you also know that I actually started working in the Margate practice when I was age 14! Cleaning the kennels, mopping the floors, you name it. Some of you remember my Veterinary School years, and my returning to my roots to take over the practice at the ripe young age of 28! What followed were many years of work, and fun, as I built Margate into one of the best animal hospitals in the area.

The County Woman Magazine

Well, I’m coming back to do it again! Most of you know that Newkirk Family Veterinarians in EHT has won the Best of the Press award for Best Veterinary Hospital in 2011 and 2012. I pledge to return the Margate practice to the high level of medicine and service it always had, when I was at the helm. Dr Helmi declared bankruptcy in mid June and just closed the doors. So I am back, on a part time basis for right now, as the business is only a shadow of its formal self. I realize this is a bit crazy, (it is for me too), but for now this is the best way for me to be in two places to continue to serve the pets of South Jersey. I must say that given all that has happened in the last 2 years, I am happy to be going back to Margate. Happy to rebuild the practice of my younger days and so glad to be able to see all my former patients and clients. I’ve missed you! Thank you to all the great people who have stuck by me through this time. I appreciate your confidence and trust. I am back. And glad to be here!

November/December 2013



& Wellness

Tips For Staying Fit This Holiday Season


he holidays are here, which means it is time to enjoy the company of friends and family. Many of us struggle with managing the daily stresses of life, fitness and holiday parties. Usually the area that we sacrifice is our fitness. This year challenge yourself to prioritize your fitness schedule and take part in some “out-of –the-box” activities!

Get the Whole Family Involved

Encourage your family and friends to get active with you! Instead of having a cookie exchange or cocktail party, organize a family hike, flag football game or snowball fight! You will be active with each other and it will bring you all closer together!

Take Time for Yourself

Although we may be surrounded by our loved ones, it is critical to set aside some time for ourselves to reflect. Make a commitment to yourself to give yourself at least five minutes a day where you can write in your journal, meditate or just simply relax.

Give Yourself a Break

It is easy to have a plan established, be committed and then something happens where you miss a few workouts and feel as if you are falling off the wagon. Obstacles are a natural part of life. This holiday season, go easy on yourself. Take it day by day. If you miss a workout try your best to accept it and get back on track the next day.

This season, give the gift of health to your loved ones …. gift certificates available! Enjoy your holidays!

1 Client Testimonial

To hire a sports psychology professional or personal trainer, please contact Joanne Barbieri at Absolute Fitness, LLC., 609.335.6082,,

“I am not a gym going type of person and was afraid of doing strength training without professional instruction so when a friend of mine told me about her personal trainer, JoAnne, I decided to check it out. I’m really glad I did because after three months I was able to do a lot more than previously with no injuries.” ~ Kathy W.

JoAnne Barbieri is the owner of Absolute Fitness, LLC. She is a sports psychologist, a NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist, a NASM performance enhancement specialist and a personal trainer. She holds a Psy.D. in sports psychology and performance and a M.S.S. in Sports Science.

Health & Wellness

Water For Life

they can walk and exercise more easily with less pain. Physical therapy in warm water is also becoming more widely used for healing and recovery. Watsu® goes a step ver notice how lively further and does the work for you. You simply allow people seem be when they yourself to be in a quiet place and receive. In a oneare in the water? Whether hour Watsu® session your body heals and recovers as if it is a pool, lake, ocean or you slept for 6 hours. The healing effects of a Watsu® pond, when people are extend beyond the physical healing but also works on in the water they come emotional and mental health as well. alive. Kids are jumping Benefits you’ll gain with a Watsu® session. and swirling, laughing and Purchase a package Purchase a package of $ Improves muscle tone, body awareness, screeching with exciteand posture ment. Adults are having of THREE 30-minute THREE 60-minute $ Reduces pain and fatigue their fair share of fun Watsu® sessions watsu sessions $ Reduces Muscle tension and guarding too- body surfing, swimming laps, doing water fitand receive a 4th and receive a 4th $ Increases energy and range of motion ness exercises or playing with their kids in the water. $ Increases Circulation The water seems to bring out the kid in all of us as session FREE! session FREE! $ Improves breathing we experience such freedom of movement that the ($200 value) ($340 Value) $ Improves sleep patterns water allows. Our bodies resonate with the water like a tuning fork. We are no longer limited by gravHealthy Body, Vibrant Life! Watsu® helps relieve: ity. Being in the water allows our bodies to move in $ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Audrey S. Filardi many ways we wouldn’t dream of on land. $ Fibromyalgia




$ Headaches In my years of teaching water fitness classes I Y Massage $ Arthritis have witnessed over and over the positive healing Y Water Fitness $ Acute and Chronic Pain effects of water on those who have difficulty moving Y Swim Lessons $ Sleeping problems on land. The water is such a powerful therapeutic (609) 839-3810 $ Stress, anxiety, and related disorders tool for recovery and well being. Water walking is $ Depression, Hyperactivity becoming more popular as people who have trouble $ Neuromuscular Disorders walking or exercising on land find that in the water Watsu® sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Twp. For more information call 609-965-7229 or 609-839-3810.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013





What Is Cosmetic & Medical Tattooing? Amy Druding has been in the medical and cosmetic tattooing industry since 2003. Here she answers some questions you may have.

Does it hurt?

Numbing agents are applied directly to the skin prior to and during the procedure to eliminate any discomfort. These numbing agents are used to help ease any discomfort to make it a comfortable procedure. Every procedure is different depending on your pain tolerance.

Millions of men and women are great candidates for cosmetic tattooing. It could be great for you or your loved one. Consider the following:

• Do you have vision problems? • Do you have an active lifestyle? • Do you have Alopecia? • Are you battling Cancer and experiencing hair loss? • Do you have Thyroid issues? • Do you have Parkinson’s? • Have you had physical trauma to your face? How long does it last? • Have you had a Stroke? It depends on the pigments used in your • Do you feel like you have a “washed out” look? procedure. There are a wide range of colors • Do you feel you need a “lift”- maybe some color? used in permanent cosmetics. As time passes If you’re not sure about cosmetic tattooing, come in for a consultation. your cosmetic procedure will fade due to your body’s normal 28-day exWe can talk about what you want your desired cosmetics to look like. I will foliation of the skin and because cosmetics are located on your face where show you photos and thoroughly explain what to expect from the beginning you are exposed to the sun at all times unlike a conventional tattoo, which to the end of your cosmetic experience. The pigments we use are MRI safe!! most likely will be hidden. Due to sun exposure, medicine, retinoal, or One rule I always go by is “different strokes for different folks!” Whether Retin-A, pigment may change size, appearance, or shape over time. Usually you prefer hairline-stroke eyebrows or something a bit different, everyone the lighter the color, the quicker it will fade. However, with a 6-month to has their OWN style and I cater to YOUR NEEDS. yearly color refresher, your Permanent Cosmetics can look fresh all the time Call to schedule your appointment today! Consumers beware of cheap tattooing. It may cost you MORE in the long run to fix that $60 set of eyebrows. Look and feel younger with our skin

care, massage and Cosmetic & Medical tattooing at Permanent Makeup by Amy! The holidays are coming and this is a great gift for you or your loved ones. A true daytime cosmetic tattooing can give you color all of the time!

This is a life-changing experience!




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800 Route 50, Suite E-1 Mays Landing Square Mays Landing, NJ

207 Stone Harbor Blvd. (Same Office As Dr. Carrusso) Cape May Court House, NJ

Before •

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013


Title Company We’ve spent the last 120 years helping to make wishes come true.

Our longevity is one more reason why Stewart Title is the right title company for you. We opened our doors in Galveston in 1893; and, ever since, we’ve been helping people secure their piece of the American dream. Over the years we’ve gone on to expand across Texas, throughout the United States and around the globe to become one of the largest title companies in the world. But no matter how big our company has become, we’ve never lost sight of what’s made us so successful – you. For 120 years Stewart Title has been dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, expertise and peace of mind to all our customers. And we plan on doing so for at least 120 more. Contact us for more information on the outstanding service you’ll receive at Stewart Title. 1201 New Rd., Suite 129 Linwood, NJ 08221 (609) 601-7180




For 120 years we’ve known the key to our success is yours. Visit to find out more about our history.

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Shore Medical Center’s Senior And Adult Expo Visited By 1000’S Thousands of area adults aged 50 and over attended the Shore Medical Center’s Senior and Adult Expo held at the Milton & Betty Katz Jewish Community Center at 501 N. Jerome Avenue, Margate on Thursday, September 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“We look forward to providing this event to the community again next year and hope for continued success.” ~ Katz JCC Board President Eric Goldstein

The attendees were able to visit any of the 60 vendors, listen to a speaker panel of Shore Medical Center Doctors and an area nutritionist, join a variety of JCC Fitness demonstrations, participate in health and wellness screenings, and be entertained by the Ms. Senior America Cameo Club. The Katz JCC and the Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce organized the event that celebrated its seventh successful year. “Attendance was at its highest this year,” Milton & Betty Katz JCC Executive Director Jack Fox said. “This is a high mission event for us and the attendance proved that it is wanted and welcomed by the community. We thank Shore Medical Center for once again being the events title sponsor; Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey for being our silver sponsor; and Bacharach Institute for Rehab, Shoprite, Centers for Specialty Care Group, Compassionate Care Hospice, Kangen Water, Our Lady’s MultiCare Center, Lions Gate and Elder Care Options For You LCC for their marketplace sponsorship; and all the vendors and participants for their support.” There were also interactive fitness demonstrations and more than a dozen free health screenings for blood pressure, blood glucose, vision and hearing.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Home Improvement Contractor


Home Remodeling In New Jersey ... Count On RKA Three Most Important Things...

RKA Construction, LLC is a reliable and trustworthy New Jersey home remodeling contractor that provides total interior and exterior home remodeling, renovation and home improvement to all of south Jersey including Atlantic, Cape May, and Ocean counties.

Quality, price and service are the 3 most important things when choosing a New Jersey home remodeling contractor. RKA Construction LLC will do a great job, at an affordable price, with excellent service. And here’s why...

1 2

Quality - We have over 10 years experience.

Looking to give your kitchen a new look? Want to add more living space or enhance the value of your home with a new basement, sunroom or deck? Maybe you just want to repair a leaky roof? No matter what you’re looking for, whether it’s an interior or exterior remodeling job, whether it’s a big job or small job, RKA Construction, LLC can help you save money, time and aggravation.

Price - Unlike many home-remodeling

companies doing business in New Jersey, we are not a national company. Therefore, our cost to do business is much lower and we pass those savings on to you.

Ryan K. Apel is a licensed home improvement contractor who has been working with clients in southern New Jersey for over 10 years. You can reach Ryan at 609-287-5841.




Services provided include...

call RKA Construction, LLC, you talk directly to the owner.

Interior - Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basement

Waterproofing, Room Additions, Attics, Floors, Painting, Crown Molding, Banisters and Fireplaces.

That is why your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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Foundations, Demolition, Sunrooms, Decks, Patios, Retaining Walls, Driveways, Sidewalks, Stairs and Railings, Brick and Stucco. Update Your Kitchen


Service - When you

Ryan K. Apel, Owner

230 S. New York Road Galloway, NJ 08205

Construction, LLC Additions


Roofing License Number: 13VH06765100


Maybe You’re Considering A Complete Kitchen Makeover.


Enhance Your Space With Beautiful Crown Molding.

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The County Woman Magazine

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November/December 2013





Be Brain Smart We pump iron to build our muscles. We eat foods that are good for our hearts. But did you know that your brain could benefit from mental exercises and “brain healthy” foods and vitamins? Generating new neurons and synapses is not limited to babies but continues as adults. In other words, it is possible to improve your “noodle’s” function, protect against dementia and enhance focus and clarity. After all, we can all use a little help up there.

Here Are Some Tips For Improving Cognitive Function: Brain Food: What we put into our

mouth has an impact on our brain. Just as Popeye ate spinach, there are brain super foods. • Nuts: Walnuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid (ALA). That means they help promote blood flow, which in turn allows for efficient delivery of oxygen to the brain. • Fish: Unlike land animals, the fattier the fish, the better the brain boost. Fatty fish like sardines and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been linked to a lower risk of dementia, improved focus and memory. • Vegetables: Green leafy veggies are not just heart healthy but brain healthy too. A study at Harvard Medical School showed that women who consumed green vegetables had significantly decreased rates of cognitive decline. • Fruit: A diet rich in berries, whether they come in blue or red or black, is associated with a slower decline of memory and focus. • Eating breakfast has been shown to improve the memory and acquisition skills of schoolchildren. • AVOID Dehydration: Not having enough water can cause brain tissue to shrink and affect your ability to think. It can also impair short-term memory and decision-making. • AVOID Saturated Fats: They have been shown to damage neurons.

Brain Vitamins And Nutrients: When bodybuilders try to build muscle, they often take protein supplements. The same can be said about supplementing your brain “muscle.” Certain vitamins and nutrients are needed to help your brain function at maximal capacity. • Omega’s: The human brain is mostly fat (approximately 60%). Omega-3 fatty acids play an important function in cell membrane and intercellular nerve connections. Therefore it is no surprise that it is required for proper growth, development and function of brain tissue. Diets rich in omega’s have been shown to delay cognitive decline. Conversely, diets low in omega’s are associated with mood disorders and depression.

Dr. Radcliff completed her medical school and residency training at UCLA and has served on the medical faculty at The University of Pennsylvania. She has authored over 100 textbook chapters, research articles, medical opinions and reviews. She is the editor of the hugely successful textbook “The 5-Minute Anesthesia Consult.”

You may contact her at, follow her on or

The County Woman Magazine

Brain Exercises: Although not quite the same as pumping iron, certain brain exercises can help improve your thinking without breaking out a sweat. • Puzzles: Using your problem solving skills for crosswords, brainteasers and other word-oriented games can help build new connections in the brain. Similar to physical exercise, do not get comfortable with one form or intensity. Challenge yourself! Switching to different types of puzzles stimulates new brain activity and learning because your brain has to generate new memories in order to master the new challenge. So consider trying Sudoku or Candy Crush. • Become A Student Again: Learning in a classroom setting is not just for the young. Continuing education courses are available at many community colleges and high schools in the evening and on weekends. They offer a wide variety of topics from poetry, cooking, foreign languages, poker playing, and public speaking to computer skills. The great part is that they are relatively inexpensive. • Take Up A New Hobby: We have heard the term “the pursuit of happiness.” I would like to coin a new term “the pursuit of preserving and enhancing brain cells.” Taking up a new hobby such as learning a foreign language, gardening, playing a musical instrument, or creating artwork can develop new connections between neurons. Numerous studies have shown that it can also delay the onset of dementia and memory loss. • Physical exercise. Walking, jogging, biking and other forms of physical movement can increase blood flow to the hippocampus, the tissue in the brain responsible for memory. Exercise has also been shown to improve the ability to learn and recall facts.

November/December 2013

ICON Hospitality


Making Memories For OurCommunity For all of Life’s Celebrations Choose Gourmet and The Carriage House Savor the warmth, quality and good taste of Galloway’s favorite restaurant. Enjoy casual weeknight dinners, elegant private functions, delicious to-go and outstanding catered cuisine.

Host your next event at Gourmet. Book your holiday party now! Whether personal or business, host your wedding, bridal/baby shower, rehearsal dinner, birthday, anniversary, retirement, corporate event, happy hour, church event and more at Gourmet Italian Cuisine!!

Customizable Packages

Lunch menus starting at $14.95 per person | Dinner menus starting at $20.00 per person (Tax and Gratuity Additional) To book your next event contact Jennifer Weisbecker at 609-748-2400 ext. 106, or email 324 South Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ |

We’ve combined a fairytale setting with world-class cuisine and incomparable service to create unforgettable, enchanting events. Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Corporate Events and State-of-the-Art Business Meetings, Sweet Sixteens and more!!!

Ask about our $79.00 per person “Crystal Wedding Package”

To book your next event contact Kristin Steelman at 609-748-2400 ext. 101 or Carly Wenz at ext. 111 25 South Pitney Road, Galloway |

Enjoy our other Icon Hospitality Properties:


The County Woman Magazine

Galloway’s finest gourmet bakery offering extraordinary confections sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. For Wedding and Specialty cakes call 609-748-2400 ext. 104 to schedule your free, private consultation. 319 South Pitney Road, Galloway NJ

The area’s largest and most reasonably priced selection of domestic and imported wines, spirits and beers combined with outstanding customer service. 609-748-4100 319 South Pitney Road, Galloway NJ

November/December 2013

Reliable Cleaning Service


Beyond Clean – Trusted & Dependable Cleaning Service the business doubled in clientele from 2011 to 2012 under Dalva’s expertise. With a deep concern for attention to detail, Dalva insists upon being personally involved with training of her cleaning technicians. “A cleaning service is much more complex than people imagine. Each client’s needs are diverse and unique. Therefore, it is imperative that we treat and care for their homes in a personalized way while applying the best cleaning techniques by operating top quality equipment in order to achieve satisfying results, said Dalva.

Dalva Karpinski, Owner Absolutely Maid Clean

We asked Dalva how her training and cleaning teams may differ from other services, and she shared ...

Over the past 20 years, Dalva has built a respected reputation for her work in residential and office cleaning. Dalva started her career in the cleaning industry as a female entrepreneur in the South Jersey shore area. She is an extremely dynamic person and cleaning is her passion, which led to the expansion of her cleaning business.

“We use a comprehensive and progressive training program that begins with verbal instructions on a one on one basis and follows with instructional video training and questionnaires. We provide hands on training at our sample home and office settings at our headquarters. Utilizing teams of two or three cleaning technicians per home or office, enables us to maximize our cleaning efforts and ensure that each room is cleaned meticulously.”

By the beginning of 2008, Absolutely Maid Clean operations settled into its headquarters in downtown Vineland, NJ. Even through the troubles of the economic recession of 2009, which came shortly after her business formed, Money Saving Coupon

At every educational event Dalva and her staff attends, whether they are conventions, workshops, seminars, etc…, they learn different cleaning techinques which they implement in the field. Their goal is to deliver better and more efficient cleanings that set them apart from their competition.

My philosophy as a business owner is to continually educate myself so that I can pass on the knowledge to my staff members in order to better prepare them to perform at their utmost capacity. To us, training is a very important aspect to be emphasized in order to perform in excellence. Ultimately, my clients reap the benefit of having a team of cleaning experts that sincerely care for their homes.”


Absolutely Maid Clean has long been affiliated with ARCSI (Association of Residential Cleaning Services International) and Cleaning for a Reason. ARCSI facilitates an unparalleled source of interaction with other business owners in the cleaning industry around the country as well as abroad. This November, Dalva will learn

about the latest cleaning practices and products at an international convention in Las Vegas hosted by ARCSI and other organizations. Cleaning for a Reason connects us with women fighting cancer so that we can provide free cleaning assistance to ease their home life. We are honored to use our skills and resources in our partnership with this foundation.

Call and schedule your home and office cleaning service, just in time for the holidays, with Absolutely Maid Clean, 856-405-6179 or 609-553-0431.

Office Located at: 616 E. Landis Avenue, Suite 301 Vineland, NJ 08360


Give the Gift of a Clean Home this Holiday Season!


Purchase a gift certificate from Absolutely Maid Clean, and you will give the most valuable gift... time for yourself and family.

Coupon good for one (1) house cleaning by Absolutely Maid Clean.

New customers only. Not to be combined with any other offer. Book your cleaning by December 31st, 2013:


The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Unique Hair Salon


Still Dealing With The End Of Summer SPLIT END BLUES? We have just the solution, literally!

It's our new and exciting Professional Split End Mender! It's fast, cost effective, and your hair will LOVE IT!

After treating your hair to our 100% organic permanent hair color, why not seal your split ends with a treatment never before available?

6525 Ventnor Ave., Suite 3 Ventnor, NJ 08406 Corner of Ventnor & New Haven Ave


6525 Ventnor Avenue

v “The BBO, and now, Split End Mender have seriously changed my life. I LOVE my hair for the first time in years. Even Super Storm Sandy couldn’t mess with this!”Suite - Toni3U. Ventnor, NJ 08406 v “My hair feels soft and silky and looks the best I think it’s ever looked!!!” – &Meg (Corner of Ventnor New L. Haven Ave)


Specializing in: Brazilian Blow outs And Certified in Organic Salon Systems

Come Join A Great Team!

If you are an experienced stylist looking for a salon with a professional yet comfortable atmosphere please contact us, we’d love to meet you!


Specializing in:

Brazilian Blow outs



Salon Systems

Available on-site, 6 a week Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy

With physical, speech and occupational therapies available on-site, the Living Center, a Medicare and Medicaid participant, provides a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere for those in need.

Just a part of what we do at Seashore Gardens Living Center…it’s a place you can call home. You have to take a tour and see for yourself!

Visit or call 609-404-4848 to schedule your today! Follow Us: Seashore Gardens Foundation is a non profit 501 (c)(3) Tax ID#56-2424727. All donations are tax deductible to full extent of the law.

The County Woman Magazine

22 W. Jimmie Leeds Road Galloway Township, NJ 08205

November/December 2013


Women Of Atlantic County

April Hogan

Blair Higgins

Though born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April was raised in Lindenwold, New Jersey. She is a graduate of Camden County Technical High School for business and accounting. April currently resides on the island city of Brigantine, New Jersey. After beginning what she believed was a career in banking and finance, April experienced several family health crises. “Within the last several years I have experienced the loss of both my parents and grandparents.” Through these trying times, April found her passion: Nursing. She is currently studying to become a Registered Nurse. “I would like to focus on caring for children. I am constantly amazed at the resiliency of the young. To know that I might be able to assist in their recovery, even just a little, is so rewarding.” Though her life seems to be busy with work and studying, April still finds time to spend time with family and friends, drawing the occasional portrait, baking pastries for friends, modeling, and collecting antique jewelry. In the near future April intends to travel. “I’d really like to add some stamps to my passport.”

Blair Higgins is the Executive Pastry Chef at Luscious and Sweet Gourmet Bakery in Galloway Township. She has been leading her creative team since 2011. Along with the bakery, Blair overseas all dessert production for The Carriage House and Gourmet Italian Cuisine. Blair Higgins is very familiar with the area as she grew up in Absecon. While studying Theatre at Atlantic Cape Community College, Blair began baking cakes for family and friends in her spare time. It was then she realized her love for creating the focal point & sweetest part of everyone’s events and decided to change her career path. After studying for three years, she received her degree in baking and pastry from The Academy of Culinary Arts at Atlantic Cape Community College. Blair now resides in Mays Landing with her Fiancé, Kyle. Her greatest accomplishment to date was designing and creating a 40th birthday cake for Wanya Morris from the popular 90’s band, Boys II Men, this past July. She still keeps her love of theatre alive by participating in local community theatre groups. (609) 748-2400 ext. 109

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Patient Service Representative at SHORE Urgent Care, Northfield

Dana Dunion Walz, CMM, CBCS

Kelly Oliver

Certified Medical Manager, Billing & Coding Specialist, and Billing Coordinator at Advanced Care OB/GYN

Executive Pastry Chef, Luscious and Sweet Gourmet Bakery

Concierge, Brandywine Senior Living At Brandall Estates

Dana is a native of Media, Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Jim, settled in Atlantic County with the onset of Casino Gaming. Dana has experience in Bank Operations and Data Services prior to her 9 years career in Medical Billing and Administrative Support. She holds Certifications in Medical Management and Billing & Coding. As a Billing Coordinator for Advanced Care OB GYN, Dana takes pride in her proactive approach to claims processing, collection and compliance. She maintains ongoing relationships with all the Commercial and Government Health Care plans that Dr. Carfagno and Rachel Grencavich, CNM participate with. As a Mother of three adult children, she enjoys spending time with them, whether it is in Virginia with James & Lindsey, Philadelphia with Daniel or in New Jersey with Haleigh. Her pastimes are filled with her love for cooking, painting and making jewelry. The family enjoys rowing events and cheering for Daniel, who rows for Saint Joseph’s University. She and her husband, Jim, enjoy traveling, but her favorite times are when her family gets together! (609) 927-2244

When you visit Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates, you will often hear Kelly Oliver, Concierge, referred to as the “face” of Brandall. That’s pretty close. But to the residents who live there, she’s more like the heart and soul! Frank Phillips, resident and President of Brandall’s Resident Council, says of Kelly, “Oh my goodness, we couldn’t function without her. She takes care of everything we need no matter what we ask of her. Having Kelly at the front desk is like having General Patton on the battlefield. You just can’t lose.” Kelly Oliver has been with Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates since the building was first opened. That’s almost 16 years! When asked why she loves working at Brandywine Senior Living at Brandall Estates she says, “it just feels good knowing that I’ve done something to help them make it through their day. And someday when I need the help and support, someone might be there for me. It doesn’t get any better than that.” Kelly will always be a caregiver and advocate at heart. Indeed-a winner! (609) 926-4663

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Women Of Atlantic County Francine De Dan Bator

Kacey Caruso

Francine was born and raised in Linwood. She is one of three daughters born to Gilbert P. De Dan, DDS and Rosaline Dolak De Dan, RDH. She attended Mainland Regional High School and graduated from Richard Stockton College in Pomona. In 1999, she and her business partner, George Pappadopoulos, self published two books that were carried by Barnes & Noble and Border bookstores around the world. Presently she co-owns and operates Galloway Nutrition. It is a nutrition club, which helps the local community get healthy, by offering one on one coaching, Weight Loss Challenges and coming soon Fitness Challenges. Over the past 8 years, she has helped her team of wellness coaches assist their clients to lose weight and get healthy. Her most rewarding experience is when she is able to help people get healthy and achieve their financial dreams so they may live the life they desire. Currently, Francine lives in EHT with her husband John, their dog Sasha and two cats Al and Sandy. She is a member of the Galloway Township Business Association and E-Woman Networking. (609) 748-0017

Kacey is the owner of Tranquil Touch Day Spa in Somers Point NJ. Born in York, Pennsylvania, she moved to Ocean City at the age of 5. She graduated O.C. H.S. in 1997; and was continuing her education at A.C.C.C. when she had her first spa experience. It was a life changing moment for her. The nurturing feeling she experienced through massage stirred a passion in her that made her want to share it with others. She enrolled in Philadelphia School of Massage Therapy and upon completion, worked as a massage therapist at Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa. As she gained knowledge and experience of the spa business she was more determined than ever to create her own day spa. Along with her then partners, Joe and Diane Dombrowski, they built Tranquil Touch Day Spa. She recently became sole owner and celebrated her 7th anniversary in business. She has been involved with local women’s groups, donating massages to women of need. Kacey recently expanded her business by creating a women’s boutique offering clothing and accessories. She also developed a new web site business: “TT Beauty Boutique” will offer these items to women across the globe. Kacey resides in Egg Harbor Township with her two sons. (609) 927-8866

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Co-Owner at Galloway Nutrition

Owner, Tranquil Touch Day Spa

Katie Thompson

Sheila Dean

Originally from Brick Township, Katie Thompson is both a Group Fitness Instructor and Certified Personal Trainer with Tilton Fitness. Growing up with a passion for animals, Katie went on to receive a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Rutgers University and an Associate’s degree in Social Science from Brookdale Community College. “After the birth of my first child 8 years ago, I struggled to get back in shape. I joined Tilton Fitness as a member and began personal training. My experience evolved into a new found love for exercise and nutrition and inspired me to pursue a career in the fitness industry.” Katie believes that the human body is meant to be physically active. “By incorporating exercise and proper nutrition into our lives we are able to enhance every aspect of our physical and mental well-being. As a result you will have more energy to enjoy life and reduce the risk of illness and disease.” Aside from specializing in core strength and stability, aerobics, weight loss and toning, flexibility, kickboxing and yoga, Katie is also a certified Sports Nutrition Consultant, as well as a PiYo, TurboKick and Muay Thai Pad instructor. To contact Katie, contact Tilton Fitness at 609-FITNESS or visit

As co-director of the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine, New Jersey, Sheila Dean’s job is a critical one. New Jersey has recently experienced the highest number of dolphin deaths on its shores since 1987. As the only facility of its kind in the state, the organization’s daily efforts are to help rescue, recover, rehabilitate, and release thousands of marine mammals that wash ashore on New Jersey beaches. Born in Corning, New York but raised in Ocean City, New Jersey, Sheila realized that she had a passion for working with dolphins at age 21. After training them for several years, Sheila became the center’s co-director when her husband, Robert Schoelkopf, founded the nonprofit in 1978. Sheila leads fundraising efforts for the organization, which relies fully on those funds, plus donations, memberships and grants. The Atlantic Club Casino Hotel, which adopted the center in 2012, raises funds and awareness through educational events and an ongoing donation program. Sheila spends her rare free time with her husband and many children – three lovable rescue dogs and two cats. To learn more about Sheila or the center, contact her at 609-266-0538 or, or visit

Group Fitness Instructor and Certified Personal Trainer, Tilton Fitness

Co-Director of the Marine Mammal Stranding Center

Photo by Randee Rosenfeld


The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

November/December 2013

Weight Loss Center


Eating Healthy On A Budget In today’s hustle bustle world grabbing food on-the-go is more the status quo than the exception, and unfortunately the choices we have available are not always healthy.

No names of course, but we all know of places where a cup of coffee far exceeds $2.50 and there is not a sip of good nutrition in it. There is an answer, a healthy solution to the grab-and-go concept. It’s called a meal replacement shake and for about the same $2.50 you can have a complete balanced meal! Our healthy meal is delicious, can be whipped up in just a couple of minutes and has all the essential nutrients to be called a complete meal. Best part, you can get all that nutrition for less than 150 calories and it doesn’t have chemicals and preservatives like so many other on-thego options, which contribute to the unhealthy state of the nation. You have choices too, you can either purchase what

you need to make your shake yourself or stop in our clubs and have us make it for you! As the focus on getting healthy is shifting we find many people drink our shakes just for the health benefits (which are amazing), but with proper coaching our shakes make up an awesome program for weight loss too. When you stop in to see us your weight loss program is customized just for you! We supply free coaching and guidance to make sure you get results. We are so proud of our weight loss success stories that we have before and after pictures throughout the clubs.

We are so confident in our products and results that we invite you to come in for a FREE delicious shake, awesome energizing tea with a shot of healing aloe and a personalized metabolism test.

Galloway Nutrition

Love Your Body Nutrition

Sunrise Plaza, 68 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd, Suite 9 Galloway, NJ 08205

London Square Mall, 201 Tilton Road Northfield, NJ 08225

Store Hours Galloway: Monday – Friday 8 am to 6 pm, Sat. 8 am to 3 pm • Alternate Hours by Appt.

Store Hours Northfield: Monday – Friday 9 am to 6 pm, Sat. 10 am to 4 pm • Alternate Hours by Appt.


Francine De Dan Bator George Pappadopoulos


Congratulations Sharon! “So excited! I’ve lost 21 pounds and 23 1/2 inches! I LOVE my Healthy Meal!” - Sharon I.

Health & Wellness



& Wellness

David and Nancy Schultz

Ask The Pharmacist . . .

Taking The Mystery Out Of Compounding

Mark Taylor, RPh is the owner of Jersey Shore Pharmacy, where he is also a pharmacist. Here, he shares his experience and expertise to answer a few common questions.


Does My Doctor Know About Compounding?


Will My Insurance Cover Compounded Medications?

Most doctors are aware of what compounding is. We try to educate our health care practitioners on how compounding can help their patients with certain conditions or allergies. When we start talking about different types of compounding, physicians usually will think of ways those compounds can help some of their patients. We are always happy and available to discuss compounding with health care practitioners.

The short answer... it depends. Because of the magnitude of ingredients that can go into a compounded prescription it is impossible to say until we submit a claim to the insurance company. However, most insurance companies will cover compounded medications. Once we have a prescription, we can submit a claim and then let the patient know what the out of pocket expense would be.


Is Compounding Legal? Is It Safe?

Compounding is legal and safe. Keep in mind, all prescriptions used to be compounded when you went to a pharmacy. When large scale manufacturing of medications started to occur, prescriptions were compounded less and less. However, many patients still need compounding. All pharmacies are legally allowed to compound. Certain medications need special equipment or knowledge in order to compound them correctly and safely. When choosing a compounding pharmacy, make sure you ask specific questions to determine the pharmacy’s ability to compound properly. Where do they buy their ingredients? Does the pharmacy strictly follow USP <795> and USP <797> guidelines? Does the pharmacy have equipment such as powder containment hoods to insure employee and medication safety? At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Disclaimer: The medical information on this page is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

Mark Taylor is a 1991 graduate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Mark has pharmacy experience in hospital, retail, home IV and compounding. Mark is the current treasurer of the South Jersey Pharmacists Association and is also a member of the New Jersey Pharmacists Association, NCPA, APhA, PCCA and NJHSP.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013



Club Local Gives Customers A Choice! Presented by: Atlantic Club Casino Hotel

Only At The Atlantic Club Casino Hotel! Since 2010, the casino has partnered with area businesses so that their customers are free to spend their comps as they choose ~ all over South Jersey. The program is called Club Local, and if you have an Atlantic Club Player’s Card, you’re automatically eligible to participate.

return, the Atlantic Club reimburses each business – in full – for the vouchers they redeem. They also advertise for their Club Local partners in direct mail, print ads, TV ads and online at no cost to the partner. Partners such as Art Handler’s Appliance Center in Pleasantville and online gourmet meat distributer Rastelli Direct are now offering specials exclusive to Club Local members. As for Club Local partners, the feedback speaks for itself. According to Howard Seiden of Casel’s Supermarket, “Club Local is the most ambitious and visible expression of this concept ever offered to local busi-

Spend Your Comps All Over South Jersey!

So how does it work? It’s quite simple. Players earn their comps just as they do at any casino. If they want to use their comps outside of the Atlantic Club, they simply choose where they want to go. Comps are issued as vouchers in increments of $5, $10 and $20 with a max of $200 per day. Players can have their daily comps issued to one business or many – it’s their choice. And it’s easy for the customer because all Club Local businesses accept the vouchers as cash and later redeem them with the Atlantic Club. Club Local originally started with fewer than 20 mostly-Margate businesses such as Tomatoe’s, Casel’s Marketplace and Johnny’s Café. However, when the Atlantic Club renovated and re-launched its brand in 2012, Club Local was also reinvigorated and has grown to more than 100 businesses PLUS the 75 retailers at Tanger Outlets The Walk. Atlantic Club Casino players can now spend their comps at the Atlantic Club on the usual room, food or show choices OR they can apply their comps toward medical supplies, appliances, car restoration, Jitney rides, and even room, food or shows at other establishments all over the region, as far as Cape May, Cherry Hill and Philadelphia. “Club Local gives us the opportunity to offer more choices than any other casino comp program thanks to ay pasaid Holly Campano, VP of Marketing. In our partners,”


Enter To Win

nesses by the casino industry.” Robert Senese from the Tilton Market agrees, “To participate in Club Local really is a no brainer. Besides giving our customers money to spend at my store, they are also putting our name out there and advertising our services. Everyone wins with the Atlantic Club Casino’s Club Local voucher program.” For a complete list of club local partners, visit www. or to sign up your business or recommend your favorite establishment, call 609-347-7111.

With Club Local, you can use your comps YOUR way at 150+ South Jersey businesses! Embrace the Spirit of the Season at Canal’s by Magaziner, Gourmet Liquors or Natali Vineyards. Tempt your Tastebuds with holiday favorites from Casel’s Supermarket, Tilton Market or Crazy Susan’s Cookies. Shop ‘Til You Drop at Tanger Outlets The Walk, Serago Roberts, Image Beauty, Beacon Cycling & Fitness or Harbor Pines Golf Club. For a complete list of partners visit

Boston Ave. & The Boardwalk | Atlantic City 1-800-338-7937 | |


Visit the Destination Shoppe or Front Desk for more information. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

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10/8/13 2:43 PM

Enter to Win a $100 Gift Certificate to Tranquil Touch Visit www.t to Enter or Clip and Return this Coupon! Name: __________________________________________________________________________


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Ocean Heights Plaza January than any other time of Raves from our Faves: the year. Divorce lawyers say Donna 37 Bethel RoadK. H H H H H from January to Valentine’s Day Best Spa in South Jersey …This Somers Point, NJ Spa is a hidden Gem for sure. Well is their busy season. How sad worth a trip to Somers Point, it is when we allow life to overThe Spa itself is beautiful and so whelm us to the point where we peaceful, the products excellent, forget the important things. Just the price, well let’s just say I’ve The Woman as County we take care of our physicalMagazine


Phone: (______)______________________ Email: ______________________________________ ❏ Check Here to Receive Specials from Tranquil Touch Day Spa Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through November 30, 2013. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.


November/December 2013





Discover Gorgeous Fabrics At Karen’s Kreations! While most young girls love to spend time at the mall or movie theatre, Karen Martinez had something very different in mind. Her favorite place to spend her free time was the fabric stores. She began sewing at a very young age and was employed as a seamstress for several businesses.

Karen started her homebased sewing business, “Karen’s Kreations in 1989 and 15 years later added medical uniforms. She later changed the name to “Karen’s Kreations & Uniforms.” She adds, “I actually went to medical offices and sold right off the racks. In 2008 I had the opportunity to rent space for my business inside of a fabric store.” The woman that she shared the store with had previously

bought out Joseph’s Fabrics and after one year she went out of business. Eventually, Karen made her an offer for all of her products. In 2011, she opened Karen’s Kreations & Uniforms Plus. “I added ‘Plus’ to the name to cover the many items that I have at the store.” She carries a wide variety of fabrics including satins, sheers, flannels, fleeces, tulles, silks, indoor and outdoor upholstery and more. Much of her lace and trim selections cannot be found anywhere

else locally. Additionally, she has a huge selection of buttons of every color and size and still offers medical scrubs. Karen adds, “I carry several handmade items made by myself and my customers like unique handbags, crocheted baby hats, American Girl Doll clothes, scarves, and tutus.” Her business also sells and services new and used sewing machines on location. Customers can expect a personal and friendly experience every time they visit. Have a question? Call 609-484-8878.

Karen’s Kreations & Uniforms Plus

Fabric, Trim, Buttons, Lace, Ribbon, Thread, & More! Check out our already discounted uniform racks, printed and solid scrubs! Monogramming & silkscreening available! Sewing machine Sales and Service

331 Tilton Rd. Northfield, NJ 08225 Tilton Shopping Center


Shoe Repair

The Friendly Cobbler Shoe Repair

Save Money – We Can Restore Your Ugg® Boots!

Ugg® Cleaning ^ Remove Water & Salt Stains ^ Restore Original Color ^ Remove Dirt & Soil ^ Safe & Effective

Get 10% Off Pay In Advance! 331 Tilton Road • Northfield, NJ • (609) 442-4518 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm $ Saturday 10am to 5pm

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013



Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour ~ December 21, 2013 Submitted by: Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association


he 25th Anniversary Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour is our premier fund raising event. On the 3rd Saturday of December each year a minimum of 8 beautifully decorated 18th and 19th century historic homes, and 2 bonus houses, as well as several public buildings and 2 churches, are open to the public. Please think about starting your holiday season with a festive glimpse of history in Dennisville at Christmas time! • Sponsor – Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association, Inc., [501 (c)(3)]. • Date – Sat., Dec. 21, 2013. • Time – 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Bonus hour for 25th Anniversary Tour.

“Preserve what you have—you can never replace it.” Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA

• Tickets - $10.00 - sold at the Dennisville Post Office, 24 Hall Ave. in Dennisville the night of the tour only beginning at 3:30 pm. Greeters will distribute programs and get tour goers started on their way. Houses open at 4:00 pm. The Post Office will be open for stamp sales as well. • Soup and sandwich supper at the South Dennis Trinity United Methodist Church beginning at 4:00 pm until food runs out ($8.00 adults, $3.50 children under 12). • Refreshments and comfort stations at the Dennisville United Methodist Church Social Hall and Dennis Volunteer Fire Station. • The Middletones Carolers (Middle Township High School) will perform through the village. • Dennis Volunteer Fire Company – will be open with equipment (new and antique) on display. Light refreshments will be available here.


The Capt. Charles J. and Lydia Crawford House - 1852 From the Personal Perspective:

In July 1988, the current owners purchased the house. The house was in deplorable condition: few windows or doors, floors that had more openings to the dirt than floor boards and holes in the roof and walls. Trees and shrubbery hid the house almost entirely from the street and the yard. In fact the house was slated for demolition and resale of the land. One of the earliest projects after closing in the house was the construction of a large 2 car garage. This served more as a place to store supplies, tools and furniture as work progressed on the house and the property in general. This work included the cleanup of the fallen in back porch, the cleanup of the remains of the outdoor shed/stable area which had been badly burned and the salvage of the original root cellar. This cellar has been converted to a beautiful Koi pond. The original outhouse remains on the property and now serves as a garden shed. There are also 2 other outhouses which were brought into the property and serve as storage buildings. The current owners’ stewardship of the Captain Charles J. and Lydia Crawford house will help to insure a long standing history for this house within the Dennisville Historic District. Many years of hard work are reflected in this house’s “finished product”. The house itself is a living documentary of how a house that was once slated for demolition was actually saved and lovingly restored to its present condition. They have tried to be as faithful to its original glory as possible not only by intermingling original materials and components with newer ones, but by a lot of TLC in hopes of giving this house at least another 161 year lifespan.

We suggest bringing a flashlight on the tour for dimly lit areas.

DHHOA MISSION The Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association is a private, non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation incorporated in April, 1990. Its mission is: “to study the history of the area and to encourage the preservation of the historic homes in the Dennisville Historic District and Dennis Township so that future generations will be able to view them and learn about the area’s rich history”. The village of Dennisville is on both the National and State Registers of Historic Places as a Historic District comprising more than 60 structures. As a result of its long term preservation, beautification, and educational efforts, the DHHOA is considered the Custodian of the Dennisville Historic District.

Further information or contact Jack Connolly at (609) 861-1338 or email

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013




The Katz JCC Early Childhood Education Center Enrolling Now Infant through Kindergarten


• Unique high-quality educational setting • Swim, computer, science and nature classes • Extended hours • Competitive prices • State-of-the-art security system

Call 822-1167 ext. 131 or visit for more information or to schedule a tour. United Way of Atlantic County

Sponsored By: Thursday, November 14 at 6 o’clock pm

Upscale Shopping High-End Vendors Fashion Show Cocktails & Lite Fare Exciting Raffle & Door Prizes and Much More

proceeds to benefit:

Tickets: $20 per person includes 1 drink ticket & 2 raffle tickets

Milton & Betty Katz JCC Auditorium | 501 N. Jerome Ave., Margate, NJ For vendor, sponsorship or event information, contact Julie Fink at 609.822.1167 ext. 159 or United Way of Atlantic County

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013

Fabulous Food


Out With The Old? No Way! ... Chef Steph Can Help of Cutting Board Creations. I’ve become a surrogate member of each family; being their Personal Chef is not simply a job.

My clients have said . . . • “Thanks for everything and for taking care of us for ten years. We will be growing old together!” • “We can’t thank you enough for keeping us on a healthy track.” Stephanie Hopkins Certified Personal Chef


s 2013, my 10th year as a Personal Chef, draws to a close, I once again find myself so very thankful that I have had the opportunity to finally have the type of job that many dream about but don’t achieve – a job they love. Every day is a new opportunity for me to prepare something new and share the goodness of healthy, home-cooked meals with my clients. I’m fortunate to call many of these clients my friends, as I have been preparing meals for them almost from the beginning

• “Thank you so much for all the wonderful meals you have created over the years – you do an amazing job and we love having you in our lives.”

equipment and supplies for your customized menu all come with me when I arrive. Your kitchen is left clean and your refrigerator is stocked when I’m finished. Many have found that using a Personal Chef is cheaper than throwing out old groceries and far tastier and healthier than frozen entrees. Menus are customized for each individual, addressing needs such as portion control and special diets. Cutting Board Creations can help you take the steps toward reaching your personal health goals.

Thank you for a wonderful 10 years. I am looking forward to the next decade of healthy cooking!

Gift Certificates Make Great Holiday Gifts!

Stephanie was professionally trained at the Culinary Business Academy, is a Certified Personal Chef, a Certified Food Safety Manager, and Finalist for the USPCA Personal Chef of the Year in 2012 and 2013. Services are provided on a first come, first served basis and there are no contracts – ever! For more information on our services or Gift Certificates, references, and fees, contact Cutting Board Creations, LLC today.


• “Thank you for helping me be healthy and happy.” As your Personal Chef, I prepare healthy, nutritional meals that will leave you full and satisfied. Meals are prepared using only ingredients that can be easily pronounced and are ready to heat and serve within minutes of your arrival at home. As the owner of Cutting Board Creations, LLC, I take care of all the menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, packaging and clean up for you – your biggest decision is what to have for dinner! All the cooking is done in your home – ingredients purchased that day,


Celebrating 10 Years of Delighting our Clients!

Treat Your Family This Season With These Easy To Make Recipes Blue Cheese-Mushroom Stuffed Tenderloin with Merlot Sauce Serves 8 2 ½ lb beef tenderloin 1T butter 1 c mushroom, sliced 1 c breadcrumbs, soft ½ c blue cheese ¼ c parsley, chopped Merlot Sauce 2 c merlot 1 c beef broth, low sodium ½ c currant jelly Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Melt butter in sauté pan over medium high heat and add mushrooms. Sauté until

liquid has evaporated. Cool 5 minutes then add bread crumbs, cheese, and parsley and toss to combine. Take off heat. Trim tenderloin and prepare for stuffing. Put blue cheese mixture into tenderloin and place into pan. Roast for 25-30 minutes or to desired degree of doneness, allowing to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. While the tenderloin is roasting, combine currant jelly, merlot, and beef broth in 1 quart saucepan. Bring to a boil then reduce to a syrupy consistency. Serve with steak.

The County Woman Magazine

Garlic and Parmesan Potatoes Serves 4 4 medium red potatoes, washed and cut into bite size pieces 2 T olive oil 4 large garlic clove, chopped ½ tsp rosemary, dried Salt and pepper to taste ½ c parmesan cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Tear off a 18x24 piece of aluminum foil and spray with nonstick spray. Center potatoes evenly on the foil and drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. Fold up sides and seal, leaving room for circulation inside. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Carefully open packet and sprinkle with parmesan cheese before serving.

November/December 2013



Your fabulous theater experience awaits!

Midsummer Night’s Scream Gina Roche and friends in Concert

Bay-Atlantic Symphony

Neil Simon’s Barefoot in the Park Latin American Heritage Festival

John Patrick Shanley’s Italian American Reconciliation

Random Canyon Growler’s Concert

Dante Hall Theater of Richard Stockton College A Beautiful and Historic Theater in the Heart of Atlantic City

Our 2014 Season is full of original productions, musicals, children’s theatre, concerts, film festivals, Bay-Atlantic Symphony, open-mic poetry, guest speakers and more! Highlights: In February, don’t miss the original premier production of “Growing Up in the Other Atlantic City”

14 North Mississippi Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ (609) 347-2162 •

Come see what all the excitement is about and bring your family for a wonderful local theater experience. Enjoy fantastic local restaurants and easy parking within safe walking distance. To order tickets or check scheduling for the upcoming 2014 season, visit or call Dante Hall Theater at (609)347-2162.

The County Woman Magazine

Stockton is an AA/EO institution.

November/December 2013



How Do Creditors Harass People? What’s the first thing we think of when we get an early morning phone call? Emergency. It startles us – we wonder who’s in trouble and what action we need to take, all before we’ve had our first sip of coffee.

tors ceases by law. It is a powerful means of protecting oneself and moving forward.


Stop wage garnishment -

Then imagine it’s a creditor on the other end. We are angry. We feel harassed. It’s a terrible start to our day, and worse, it’s likely not the last we will be hearing from them. For many of us, this scenario is not hard to imagine at all. Although there are laws in place to curtail some creditor recovery actions and techniques, the reality is that people are more overwhelmed by creditor harassment at their home and workplace than ever before. Here are a few ways bankruptcy may be an option in stopping creditor harassment and collection efforts:


Stop harassing phone calls

– This is likely the most common complaint I hear from folks when they are contemplating bankruptcy. The phone calls are non-stop. Many people stop answering their phones all together. It’s that constant emotional strain of knowing that they are being hounded that eats at people’s ability to sleep or otherwise carry on the normal functions of their day. Phone calls can sometimes extend to family members or the workplace. Creditors are becoming more creative in their methods by the day. Bankruptcy is a means of stopping the harassment. Upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition, all methods of harassment and communication by credi-

Some folks can withstand the harassment…that is until the harassment transforms into more affirmative collection efforts. The most common and effective form of collection comes in the form of wage garnishment. People don’t want their employers to know about certain debt problems they may be experiencing. Once a wage garnishment is imposed, the debtor has no say in the matter. Not only can this be a source of concern and consternation between the debtor and his/ her employer, but it, obviously, will have a dramatic effect on a person’s ability to meet their monthly expenses once the garnishment goes into effect. Bankruptcy will stop a wage garnishment in its tracks.


Levied bank accounts –

Ignoring creditor harassment can sometimes mean ignoring everything that comes in the mail. This would potentially include lawsuits and the judgments that would arise from them if said lawsuits are ignored. Oftentimes, the call to action to proactively deal with one’s debts comes only after their bank account is frozen – without warning. Bounced checks, lack of disposable income and an inability to pay bills for the month follow. In some cases, if a bankruptcy is filed soon enough, those monies can be saved. However, it is best not to wait until the last minute. It is important that folks not ignore their credit situation until the last minute, or their assets can come under attack. The point of all of this is that waiting to explore one’s options does nobody any good. It is important to be proactive in

Cosmetic Dentistry Savings Coupon

addressing credit problems - for the sake of your family, your job, and, most significantly, your own sanity. The purpose of bankruptcy is to get a fresh start. Taking that first step in exploring your options – and refusing to allow yourself to

Let me count the ways…

be harassed any longer – is the key to acquiring that fresh start.

Protect Yourself Against Foreclosure, Judgments & Harassing Creditors Daniel Straffi, Jr. was admitted to practice in the States of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as the District Court of New Jersey in 2001. A graduate of Boston College in 1998 and RutgersCamden School of Law in 2001, he began his legal career in 2001 serving as a judicial law clerk for the Presiding Judge of Family Law in Mercer County, the Hon. Lee Forrester, P.J.F.P. After completing his clerkship, Mr. Straffi was an associate at the law firm Cooper Levenson for two years where he concentrated his practice on the area of negligence defense. In 2004, he joined his father's law practice. He has focused his practice on representing individuals and businesses in the areas of bankruptcy, divorce and criminal defense. He is further an active member of the NJ and Ocean County Bar Associations.

We are a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code Chapter 7 & 13 Individual, Business and Creditor Representation Payment Plans Available

Bankruptcy • Criminal Defense

Daniel Straffi Jr., Esq. 670 Commons Way Toms River, NJ

Conveniently Located Directly Off Of the Parkway


Free Consultations


Free Whitening

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4705 Harding Hwy. Mays Landing, NJ


The County Woman Magazine

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Must come in to the office before December 31, 2013. ADVANCED COSMETIC AND GENERAL DENTISTRY

(609) 927-8448 551 New Road Somers Point, NJ

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(212) 619-4070 375 South End Avenue New York, NY 10280 November/December 2013



For More Information on Classes, Workshops and Memberships or if You’re Interested in Sponsorship – Please See Our Website:

We Wish to Thank Our Corporate Sponsors: Kenneth M. Irvis, MD FACOG NJM Bank

Funding for the HAC is provided in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts, Department of State, a partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts through the Local Arts Grant administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs. The HAC is a member of the South Jersey Cultural Alliance (SJCA). The media is invited to visit the SJCA press room at html. Visit the HAC at The HAC is ADA accessible.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013




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Some days a Bend in the Road is a good thing! For the children of South Jersey the long wait to open a new facility took a shortcut when the Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing generously offered to host a satellite location through the end of the year! While the fundraising campaign continues to open a BIGGER and BETTER location, families of our area have had a chance to reacquaint themselves with some of the past favorite exhibits, magically brought back to life by some dedicated volunteers.

As a ‘peek into the future’, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union has also installed the first NEW exhibit of the future-a miniature bank built to scale, to introduce children to the basic concepts of commerce. With the support of businesses and families in the community, the new facility has to date, contracted a Post Office/Copy Center with Copier’s Plus; a modern grocery store with Shop Rite-Somers Point; a Veterinary Office with Dr. Newkirk; a radio station with Townsquare Media; and a hospital ward with Shore Medical Center.

birds eye view of the future facility. With the community supporting this effort to bring this vision to fruition, the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum will be built and operational in 2014. This 501(c)(3) nonprofit has been restructured in its entirety by a handful of volunteers.

The location on the second level entrance next to Sears, is ideally situated near the Food Court, with ample parking and a

To see how you and your Family & Business can make the plans a reality, please visit the website:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013




S ee D ee D ee B riDgewater in the P erformance of a L ifetime !


Ben Brantley, New York Times



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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013



Holiday Activity Can Trigger Wandering Episodes for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease An emergency response service can help reunite families with missing loved ones. The winter holiday season is upon us. For many families, that means creating new memories and reliving past ones. However, for more than five million people in the United States, most recent memories will be fleeting. That’s because they are coping with the memory loss, confusion, and changes to thinking and behavior associated with Alzheimer’s - the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death. Alzheimer’s is also the only major cause of death without a known cure, a way to prevent it, or slow its progression. It is the most common cause of dementia. Typically, for people with Alzheimer's or a related disorder, confusion tends to increase around the holidays because of changes to the daily routine such as different visitors to the home, including family members they haven’t seen regularly because they live far away. Some people with dementia can become so confused by all the holiday activity and unfamiliar noises, they might

not realize they are in their own home or another normally familiar place, and might try to return to where they believe is home – sometimes even the one they lived in as a child. During a family holiday gathering they could easily slip out of sight, become more disoriented, and then potentially wander and become lost.

The Alzheimer’s Association has identified behaviors that indicate whether someone might be at risk of wandering: • Returns from a regular walk or drive later than usual. • Tries to fulfill former obligations that are no longer a part of daily life, such as going to work. • Tries to “go home” even when at home. • Is restless, paces or makes repetitive movements. • Has difficulty locating familiar places like the bathroom, bedroom or dining room. • Checks the whereabouts of familiar people. • Acts as if doing a hobby or chore, but nothing gets done (e.g. moves around pots and dirt without planting anything). • Feels lost in a new or changed environment. What's the difference between “Six out of ALZHEIMER'S and DEMENTIA? 10 people with Alzheimer's will wander,” said Linda Coppinger, South Jersey Executive Director for the Alzheimer's Association Delaware Valley Chapter. Vascular Dementia “We don't want a ALZHEIMER’S Mixed Dementia the most common form single family to have Frontotemporal Dementia to go through the Parkinson’s Normal pressure hydrocephaluse mental anguish of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Huntington's Disease disease not knowing where their relative is, and Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Dementia is an umbrella term that describes a wide range of symptoms including memory loss and mental decline. Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, but there are many others. Learn more at

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whether they will be found.” But just in case, advises the Alzheimer's Association, anyone who thinks a relative might be at risk of wandering should consider enrolling in MedicAlert®+Safe Return®, a 24-hour nationwide emergency response service that provides help to individuals with Alzheimer's or a related disorder who have wandered or have a Becoming confused with time or place is medical emergency. one of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s. Once enrolled, the person For more information, and to learn with dementia receives a what you can do now, go to MedicAlert®+Safe Return® I.D. or call 800.272.3900. bracelet or pendant that contains information about the wearer and a toll-free 24-hour 800 number. Their family also provides pertinent information like their missing person, all one has to do is call personal health record. the toll-free, 24-hour phone number on If they wander and cannot be found, the person's MedicAlert+Safe Return I.D. caregivers or family members call that jewelry. Soon, a reunion is under way. number, as well as 911 to report the For individuals with dementia and disappearance. their families who might like added “No matter when or where someone monitoring capability, the Alzheimer's has been reported missing, an entire Association recommends Comfort Zone®. community support network springs He or she wears, carries, or mounts into action, including local and state in their car a locator device similar to a law enforcement plus the Alzheimer's GPS, that communicates with an online Association that serves the area the location-based mapping service. Their family is from and even where they think family goes online to keep track of their the missing person might be headed,” relative's location as he or she goes about explained Coppinger. their daily activities. MedicAlert+Safe More than 40 states have a special Return is included with the Comfort public notification system that broadcasts Zone service. information about missing elderly or “Comfort Zone is very flexible because impaired adults, including New Jersey, it allows families to determine the level where the system is known as “Silver of monitoring they need at any time,” Alert.” explained Coppinger. “They can increase “As a result, emergency responders the level as the disease progresses.” receive important information about the For more information about Comfort missing person and their condition,” said Zone and/or MedicAlert+Safe Return, Coppinger. “So, everyone works together visit, or call the to try to find the person who wandered Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley and reunite them with their family.” Chapter’s 24/7 toll-free When someone comes across the Helpline at 800.272.3900

About the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter: The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the local arm of the national nonprofit organization, and serves 18 counties in South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The Chapter’s Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. For more information about the Chapter and the disease, visit, or call 800.272.3900.

November/December 2013

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November/December 2013

Women’s History


Now Presenting… The One, The Only, Elaine Stritch Of Broadway!


few weeks ago my husband purchased a copy of The New York Times newspaper. As we were sharing various sections of the paper, I came across an article about Elaine Stritch. The title of the article read, “As Fierce as She Is Fragile: Elaine Stritch in Michigan.”

The article, which was written by Charles Isherwood dated September 20, 2013, was an update about a woman who worked in the theater since her debut in 1944. Mr. Isherwood’s feature detailed an interview he had with Elaine Stritch since her relocation from New York to Michigan. I was intrigued to say the least about this woman who has been in the theater spotlight for decades and yet was not a regular face who appeared in tabloid magazines. Elaine Stritch was born on February 2, 1925 in Detroit, Michigan to George and Mildred Stritch. Elaine’s father was a rubber company executive and her mother was a “homemaker.” Elaine attended Convent of the Sacred Heart School in Birmingham, Michigan and then went on to attend Dramatic Workshop of the New School for Social Research in New York. Elaine Stritch was the youngest of three girls. Information about Elaine Stritch reveals that she began performing at an early age in front of her family and friends. When she was old enough to take her talent to the big city, Elaine Stritch relocated from Michigan to New York around 1944 and began acting off Broadway. Elaine Stritch had her Broadway debut in “Angels in the Wings.” Elaine Stritch played various roles on and off Broadway and one role in particular was the role of “Trixie” in the pilot for the television show, “The Honeymooners.” Elaine did not get the headliner role and it has been said that Jackie Gleason believed their personalities were too similar and did

not mesh very well. Anyone who can recall Jackie Gleason’s character from the show would give you a good indication of Elaine’s personality, frankness and bold mannerisms. Throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s Elaine starred in various television roles, movies and Broadway plays. In the 1970’s Elaine starred in Stephen Sondheim’s Broadway musical “Company” in which Elaine was given a Tony Award nomination for her role as “Joanne.” This was to be the role that was Elaine’s winning ticket in the theater business. Elaine followed the show to London where she lived for over a decade at the Savoy Hotel. Elaine Stritch married her husband John Bay in 1972 and remained married until his death in 1982. After John’s death, Elaine returned to New York. Elaine continued to act in theater and appear in television shows upon her return to the big city. Additionally, she began teaching at the Stella Adler Conservatory. Elaine Stritch starred in movies and shows throughout her adult life that included the sequel to the movie, “Cocoon;” a recurring role in the 1980’s sitcom, “The Cosby Show;” and in 2006, 2009 and 2010 Elaine starred in the sitcom “30 Rock” where she earned an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2006. Elaine Stritch had the privilege of starring in a one woman show about herself entitled, “Elaine Stritch: At Liberty” which featured a history of a dozen or so performances of her Broadway shows and included anecdotes relating to her personal and professional life. The show even focused on her sobriety and the many years of alcoholism, which Elaine suffered through while maintaining a perfect facade for the crowd. Elaine Stritch was a woman who appeared to have amazing confidence and yet her reality included many insecurities such as stage fright, alcohol addiction, and her inability to find true happiness in her personal life. In Elaine Stritch’s interview with Mr. Isherwood, she reflects upon her

life and her constant battle with trying to prove “something” to herself and this journey lead her on the path of lems with alcohol. Elaine celebrated 25 years of sobriety. However, recently at the age of 88 started drinking Cosmo-politans again. Additionally, her physical health has not been kind to her over the past year. After suffering injuries from a fall that lead to eye surgeries, another fall that lead to a broken hip and more recently a broken pelvis. Elaine Stritch continues to perform simply by her mere presence when she walks into a room. She is notorious for wearing something revealing that shows her amazing legs on her 5 ft. 7 in. frame and with black pantyhose or tights with a shirt just long enough to cover her body. Elaine Stritch is a true testament to the phrase, “the show must go on” because she is still performing not only for herself but also for interviewers and family when they come to check in on her. I am sure to her students and fans, it was a sad departure of a woman who was not afraid to say what she felt and with the humor, flare and “confidence” she displayed during her tenure in “the business.” Elaine Stritch closed the curtain on her career with Tony award nominations, Grammy nominations, and multiple awards.

Resources: Isherwood, Charles, (2013). As Fierce as She Is Fragile: Elaine Stritch in Michigan. The New York Times, September 20, 2013 edition. person/186009%7C45918/Elaine-Stritch. Retrieved on September 30, 2013. Elaine Stritch, Retrieved on September 30, 2013.

Rita King, Advocate Of Women’s History, obtained her bachelor’s degree from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in psychology. Rita acquired a strong passion for women’s history through political science classes taken at Stockton. She has become an advocate of women’s history. She has performed lectures in front of various audiences in an effort to raise awareness of the importance of integrating women’s history in the classrooms.

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November/December 2013




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November/December 2013

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