Atlantic County Woman - September/October 2018

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October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month le Ce

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O ur

12th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families




There are three primary types of sleep apnea. Page 19 Page 2

Page 23

In New Jersey, the probate of a Will and the appointment of an Executor is most commonly not a formal procedure. Page Pae332

Our focus is on the planning and administration of physical therapy treatment. Page 38

The attorneys at D’Amato Law Firm primarily focus on individuals who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. They have a national reputation for excellence and a proven record of success. Read more about these extraordinary attorneys on pages 16 & 17.

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Page 36



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Premier Dental Spa


You Slept A Full Eight Hours But You’re Still Tired. Why? If you, your partner, or someone else you know is waking after a night of sleep feeling completely unrested, there is a chance that they may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway is intermittently blocked during sleep, reducing or completely stopping airflow.

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three primary types of sleep apnea that can be caused by a person’s physical structure or medical conditions.

1. Central Sleep Apnea One type of sleep apnea is called central sleep apnea (CSA) and it happens when you stop breathing because the muscles involved in the act of breathing don’t receive the proper signal from the brain. Causes of CSA can be brain stem injuries/concussions, congestive heart failure, Opioid usage, and CNS diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and occurs due to a physical blockage, usually the collapsing of the soft tissue in the back of the throat. Loud snorers may have a serious case of blocked air passages, known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In these cases, the blockage of air is so great that no air can get through, causing repeated awakenings throughout the night. 3. Mixed Sleep Apnea Mixed/complex sleep apnea is a combination of CSA and OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea can contribute or lead to many other conditions, such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and depression, so it is important to be diagnosed by a medical professional if you experience any sleep-related symptoms. While each individual case is different, the first step in diagnosing sleep apnea is with a sleep study. Our office works with both respiratory pulmonologists directly or through a written prescription by your primary care physician with Meridian Hackensack SOCH to provide home or in-lab sleep studies. We will do an oral screening and have you answer some questions which will assist in informing your medical doctor why we feel you should have a home sleep test done.

Once the study is completed and both the respiratory pulmonologist/primary physician and our office receive a copy of the results, we will both coordinate the best treatment for you. Today the two standards of treatment for sleep apnea are CPAP (Controlled Positive Airway Pressure) or OAT (Oral Appliance Therapy).

Insurance Coverage for Sleep Apnea

Your respiratory pulmonologist or your primary care physician referred hospital dispensed study will be covered again, by your medical insurance not your dental since it is a medical condition. The two standards of treatment for sleep apnea are CPAP (Controlled Positive Airway Pressure) or OAT (Oral Appliance Therapy). Both of these treatments are covered under both medical insurance and Medicare.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatments for sleep apnea vary widely depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea a person suffers from. Suggested treatments can include: • Losing weight • Quitting smoking / drinking • Eating healthy and controlling blood pressure • Sleeping on your side • Oral devices • Surgery in extreme cases • CPAP (breathing machines) Federici Dental works closely with both local respiratory pulmonologists and your primary care provider to have your home sleep studies completed. They are proud members of both the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and NJ Sleep Society, and are on the cutting-edge of sleep apnea knowledge and treatment.

This is the appliance we use at Federici Dental.

Testimonial: “…Dr. Federici’s compassion and patience is much appreciated. My oral device was custom made for me! It’s small and comfortable, plus I can easily take it with me when I travel. Dr. Federici is very cautious with making adjustments to my device so I will not have jaw pain. His staff was friendly and handled the billing to my insurance company with ease. Finally, I’m getting a good night sleep! Thank you Dr. Dave!” -Michelle D.

About the Practice… Joseph R. Federici, DMD David E. Federici, DMD With over 60 years of combined experience, Dr. Joe and Dr. Dave provide high-quality general, cosmetic and restorative dental treatments to give their patients beautiful smiles, along with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of Sleep Apnea. Their experienced staff have created a friendly and transparent office atmosphere where they will always work with you to create a personalized treatment plan. Federici Dental utilizes state-of-the-art technology to provide the finest in dental care.

• Dental Implants • Hybrid Dentures • Sleep Apnea Treatment • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns • Bridges • ZOOM Teeth Whitening • Partials • Root Canals • Cleanings • Exams • Digital X-Rays

Call our office today at (609) 597-1234. We look forward to seeing you!

1301 Route 72 W. • Unit 230 • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Just minutes from the parkway!

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

EElder lderLawLaw


YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney

Nancy NancyRice Ricehas hasbeen beenpracticing practicingEstate EstatePlanning Planningand andElder ElderLaw LawininNew NewJersey Jerseyand andPennsylvania Pennsylvania since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1977, and has maintained since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintainedoffices officesinin Atlantic County and Camden County, specifically in Linwood and Cherry Hill. She can answer Camden andand Capeconcerns May counties, specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer your questions - just call 609-398-3447. your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

Will Contests: How Do They Work?

“ WILL CONTESTS: How Do They Work? ”

In Jersey, probate of aDue Will and theinappointment WeNew discussed A.)the Fraud and B.) Execution the Atlantic of anCounty Executor is most commonly not a2015 formal procedure. Woman September/October issue, Part 1 of 2.

IfToday, a Willwe is properly executed and discussion has two witnesses andTestamentary a notary’s will continue in our with C.) signature, theand WillD.) canUndue be admitted to probate by the Surrogate’s Office Capacity Influence. of the county in which the deceased resided. No court proceeding is C.) Testmentary required, and SurrogatesCapacity Offices are set up to make the probate process simple and The test forcost-efficient. determining testamentary capacity is rather permissive. Indeed, If a beneficiary of an estate has reason toless think Will to the level of capacity needed to execute a Will is thanthat thatthe required to be enter submitted to The probate is not valid, it is critical that hewho or she contact into a contract. key questions are whether the person made the Will (called the immediately “Testator”) understood: a lawyer following the death. New Jersey law provides that the Will cannot be admitted to probate by the Surrogate until the The nature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words, eleventh dayTestator following of death. that what(11th) assets the hadthe anddate planned to leaveDuring under his or 10-day her Will. period, anyone seeking to challenge the Will may file a Caveat - a simple statement of objection which the that Surrogate The “natural objects-of his orprevents her bounty,” is, who from are theprobating Testator’s a Willnext for of that If or a Will is or presented, Surrogate advises the kinEstate. (whether not he she wantsthe to leave them anything under named Executor under thetoWill that hethey or she the Will, the Testator needs know who are).must file a Complaint and Order to Show Cause. He or she must file this in the Superior Court, The effect of theProbate Will; that theto Will would dispose of property followingby Chancery Division, Part have the Will admitted to probate death. the Court. If no Caveat is filed, and the Will is in proper form, the Surrogate may each of these factors to the other. admitThe therelation Will toofprobate and issue executor “Short Certificates” to the person appointed as executor in the Will. the law presumes that has all Testators are ofpower, sound and Notably, As the executor of an estate tremendous it is competent critical to mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age prevent the appointment of the executor from the outset if there is aand basis has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the to challenge the Will. This is important because most judges are hesitant presumption capacity, theafter contestant lack of unless testamentary capacto “remove”ofan executor he or must she isprove appointed, there is clear ity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is evidence that he or she acted improperly. important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted If the Will has already been admitted to probate, you must still act to drugs or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the influence of if the youtime wantofto a promptly substance at thechallenge executionit.ofIn theNew Will.Jersey, Nor isaitresident sufficientwho to show hasthe received Notice of Probate the Will hasasonly to that Testator was forgetful at theoftime, so long he orfour she (4) had months some capaccontest the filing of the Will; non-residents have only six (6) months. ity to manage his or her business affairs. The reasons to challenge the validity of a Will, include: (A):Undue The Will was subject to fraud; D.) Influence (B): The Will was not properly executed; Undue influence has been defined as any type of exertion that can prevent (C): The person who signed the (Testator) didinclude not have “testamentary the Testator from following his/herWill free will. This can physical, mencapacity” understand sign the Will; tal, or moraltoexertion. Mereorsuggestions, persuasions or the exertion of some (D): TheisTestator was to coerced or unduly the Will.has the influence not enough invalidate a Will.influenced Ordinarily,tothesign challenger

1 2 3 4

burden of proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who

Part 1

Part 2 of 2

A.enjoyed Fraud a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are

“suspicious It is fairlycircumstances” unusual but possible that the a Will was signed thethe Testator surrounding execution of the by Will, burden of asproof a result someone’s fraudulent will of shift to the defender of theconduct. Will. An example of this is, if a Testator is beguiled into signing a document A “confidential relationship” can it besays, found special trust without knowing what it is, what orwhere even there that itis issome a Will. between the Testator and a beneficiary under the Will and where the Another example is if a beneficiary induces a Testator to execute nature a Will of that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At times, based on false facts (e.g. a suitor promises to marry the Testator if he a special or confidential relationship has been found to exist between a Testator isand: made a beneficiary under the Testator’s Will, when the suitor has no an adult child; other relative; a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an attorney; actual intention marrying theaTestator). or an accountant.ofNotably, while confidential relationship naturally exists be tween In the context of a Will contest, fraud will not beinfluence presumed. a husband and wife, the presumption of undue will Moreover, not generifally thearise Testator learns of the fraudulent conduct and does nothing to even when the Testator’s children are disinherited. change the Will over an extended period of time, it may be argued that As to the affirmed “suspicious component of as an aundue Will the Testator thecircumstances” contents of the Will and, result,influence it may be contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious circumstances have upheld. been found where a beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to prepare the

B.Testator’s Due Execution Will and where a nursing home patient was removed from the facility

byInthe New Jersey, aoftypewritten Willsigned mustabe beneficiary a Will that was fewwitnessed days two (2) persons, over the age of eighteen (18) years, both of whom witnessed the you believe a Will(but should challengedfor because it was WillIfsigning. It isthat helpful notbe necessary) the Will to not haveexecuted a “selfproperlyaffidavit” (i.e., it was forged, didn’t the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or proving attached, whichhave is signed by the Testator, the witnesses, because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it or because the and a notary. Will was the product of undue influence, you should hire a seasoned attorney, If a Will is entirely in the handwriting of the Testator (called a who has significant experience in this area of require law. Do witnesses not delay with deci“holographic” Will), New Jersey does not to beyour present sion to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow but it cannot be admitted to probate to the Surrogate; it must be window ofbytime caveatofand/or a Will contest may betofiled. admitted the during Court,which uponafiling a Complaint and Order Show Cause. Nancy Rice can answer your questions and concerns! In the next issue, we will discuss the other two grounds to challenge a Will: (1) Lack of Testamentary Capacity and (2) Undue Influence. In the meantime, if you believe that a Will should be challenged because it is defective, for one reason or another, you should hire a seasoned attorney, who has significant experiences in this area of law. Do not delay with your decision to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow window of time during which a Caveat or a Will contest may be filed.

Call 609-398-3447 today!

Nancy Rice, Esq., CELA can answer your questions and concerns. Call 609-398-3447.

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • WillContests Contests• Special • SpecialNeeds NeedsTrusts Trust •• Medicare, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid, Long-Term Long-Term Care, Care & Disability Planning Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will and Disability Planning

200New Asbury Avenue Ocean City, NJ Suite F •F Cherry Hill, NJNJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 2021 Road, Unit •#9 • Linwood, NJ08226 08021• 609.398.3447 • 609.398.3447| I 1236 1236 Brace Brace Rd., Road, Suite • Cherry Hill, 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2015 September/October 2018

Manager’s Note


Welcome to the Fall Issue of the Atlantic County Woman Publication!

All correspondence be addressed to: be addressed to: Allshould correspondence should Ce leb rat r ing Our 11th Yea

The County Woman The County Woman Summer seemed to go by fast and furious this year. Fall – my favorite season – officially begins on

P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Saturday, September 22nd and I am looking forward to the beautiful transformation of the foliage as the Turnersville, NJTurnersville, 08012 NJleaves 08012 turn vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, and gold. Publisher

Chris Lam

The County Woman’s NewspaperThe is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at and County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly is available of charge The first few free weeks inat October is usually peak “leaf-watching” time – a great time for an Autumn getaway display stands in approved private and public and authorized only,and authorized distributors only, display standsestablishments in approved private and publicdistributors establishments with family or friends. You may enjoy an outdoor adventure, with a bonfire of course, or a weekend stay at Lauren Shover or by paid mailProduction subscription. Manager or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protectand TheU.S. County Woman’s part Trademark Copyright LawsNewspaper. protect TheNoCounty Woman’s Newspaper. No breakfast. part of a ofquaint bed and The Jersey Shore also offers a ton of Fall activities as the landscape bursts into a this paper may be reproduced without the written the publisher. this paper may be permission reproduced of without the written permission of the publisher. Regional Sales Director Kristina Wheeler Pruitt breathtaking scene The County Woman’s NewspaperThe is not responsible forNewspaper any editorial comment (otherfor than County Woman’s is not responsible any editorial comment (other that than you can only catch in our beautiful Garden State. its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted camera ready or anysubmitted reproducits own), typographical errors asfrom advertisements camera ready or any reproduc asAs always, our mission is to provide you, our readers, with valuable, educational information that tions Marketing of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. 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It’s what you want to do with your life, and BAYADA gives you the tools, training and opportunity to live up to your— and our—values of compassion, excellence and reliability. Your passion is our passion. Together, we can help home health clients and their families stay safe at home with exceptional skilled nursing care, especially on weekends and overnight. Find out more about how you can follow your heart and give your life to something bigger than yourself. You belong at BAYADA. Call 609-926-4600 to care for our adult clients. BAYADA specialty practices include Home Health Care, Pediatrics, Hospice, and Habilitation. EOE

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Table of Contents Premier Dental Spa

Federici Dental............................................................................. 2

Elder Law

Nutrition & Wellness

Beau Institute ................................................................ 15, 24, 25

Fine Art

Permanent Makeup

BAYADA Home Health Care......................................................... 4

Featured on the Cover

Coffee Shop

Barista’s Coffee House................................................................. 5

Medical Professionals

Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa............................... 6 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility................................................. 7 Shore Vascular & Vein Center ...................................................... 8 Certified Dermatology................................................................ 10 Sood Center for Plastic Surgery .......................................... 20, 21 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 26 Atlantic Medical Imaging ..................................................... 30, 31 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.................................................... 32 Relievus ............................................................................... 34, 35 Barbara Greenling, DNP............................................................. 44

Fashion & Beauty

Barbara’s Boutique....................................................................... 9 Seagrass Boutique .................................................................... 14 The Bra Boudoir......................................................................... 24 Mrs. B’s Boutique....................................................................... 29 Talk of The Walk......................................................................... 46

Pet Services

Newkirk Family Veterinarians..................................................... 11 Funny Farm Rescue................................................................... 58 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming................................................. 61

Financial Management

Garden State Trust Company .............................................. 12, 13

Health & Wellness

Breathe Studio............................................................................ 15 Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 23 Body in Balance Rehabilitation & Fitness................................... 36

Specialty Wigs

Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .............................................. 40, 41 Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................... 48 Curexa Pharmacy ...................................................................... 49

Rice Elder Law............................................................................. 3

Home Health Care


D’Amato Law Firm................................................................ 16, 17

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus............................................................................... 18

Legal Professionals

Russell & Marinucci.................................................................... 19

Assisted Living

Seashore Gardens Living Center .............................................. 22

Psychic Advisor

Mark Nichols.............................................................................. 22

Higher Education

Wigs By Pat And Cubby ............................................................ 45

Vitality FYI .................................................................................. 45 Cathy Tvieci Fine Art ................................................................. 46

Women’s History

Martha Raye............................................................................... 52

Wigs & Hair Replacement

Abstrax Hair Designs.................................................................. 53

Shoe Repair

Friendly Cobbler ........................................................................ 55

Construction Company

Iona Construction Company...................................................... 55

Fabulous Food

Professional Tutoring

Cutting Board Creations, LLC ................................................... 56 The Cracked Egg Café .............................................................. 63 Women of Atlantic County............................ 59, 60


Strength First, LLC .................................................................... 61

Atlantic Cape Community College............................................. 27 Study Smarter............................................................................ 27 Vagabond Travel Agency............................................................ 28

Men’s Clothing

Lou Marchiano For Men............................................................. 29

Home Improvement

Clay’s Climate Control................................................................ 33


Sunshine Community Acupuncture............................................ 33


Charles Meusburger, MD............................................................ 37

Theatre & Entertainment

Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... 39 Cape May Stage......................................................................... 66 This One’s For The Girls............................................................. 72 Show-Score................................................................................ 73

Private Training Studio

Family Portraits & Headshots

Donna Andrews Photography.................................................... 79 Community........................................................................... 42, 43, 47, 50, 51, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Coffee Shop

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


Introducing The CoolAdvantage Petite Curve+ Contour Only at Accent Aesthetics When it comes to your reflection, you can be your toughest critic. Even that favorite outfit can feel off limits because of stubborn fat that resists diet and exercise. The Coolsculpting® procedure shapes what you see without surgery or downtime so you look great from every angle! Trouble areas that come to mind are the abdomen and love handles, but there is so much more to Coolsculpting®. With a variety of hand pieces, you can treat any size or location of trouble spots! Thighs, arm, chin and jaw, bra fat and back and knee fat, the area under your buttocks and more! As a leading procedure for removal of unwanted fat that has been proven safe and effective, you have nothing to lose with Coolsculpting® except fat! The advent of cool mini cool petite and cool advantage hand pieces allow custom treatments in only 30 minutes!


Discover how to freeze away fat with the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure: • Transformational results without surgery or downtime • Millions of treatments performed worldwide • FDA-cleared, safe and effective

Save The Date!!

Coolsculpting Event Thursday, October 4th

Special event only savings on • Coolsculpting and other treatments and products • Live demo • Giveaways and much much more!

Coolsculpting Can Target Stubborn Fat In The Areas That Bother You The Most.

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Fall Specials

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Introducing GLO facials, peels and products! Our fabulous skin care just got better! 10% off all GLO treatments plus 10% off any GLO product purchase at the time of treatment Free Obagi post treatment kit with any purchase of a series of three blue radiance peels Coolsculpting save with special packages then save again with these offers!

Free skin tightening lotion with purchase 323 South Pitney Road • Suite 100 • Galloway, NJ 08205 of petite package or half price cool mini with purchase of deluxe package

609-652-6550 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


Expect Only the Best Care When You Are Expecting There is nothing more exciting in a woman’s life than when she is expecting her first child. As exciting as it is, it can also be a time filled with anxiety. That is why you want a gynecologist who will provide “old-fashioned” care combined with state-of-the-art technology. Dr. Carfagno and his staff at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn are the professionals you want on your team during this incredible time of your life.

When is the best time to intervene to ensure a healthy pregnancy?

Interventions to improve a pregnancy outcome are most effective when implemented prior to pregnancy. Maternal health and wellness allows for healthy conception. In the weeks prior to a missed menstrual cycle, major organ systems are formed in the fetus. Maternal circulation and hormones support the newly conceived fetus and implantation of placenta. Exposure to toxins and infectious agents will also be exposed to the fetus.

What is the best way for a woman to prepare herself for pregnancy?

We make the following recommendations in accordance with our governing professional bodies (American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American College of Nurse-Midwives). We assure adequate folic acid intake through a diet rich in folate and multivitamins containing folic acid 400 micrograms. We stress avoiding alcohol and illicit substances before trying to achieve pregnancy as both increase the risk for serious birth defects and developmental disabilities. A woman must quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke as this too can decrease fertility. Smoking during pregnancy limits a baby’s growth and increases risk for premature birth and placental abnormalities. Be sure and wash all fruits and vegetables as pesticides are used on many farms. We also suggest using natural cleaning agents whenever possible.

Advanced Care Obstetrics & Gynecology offers quality, compassionate healthcare for all stages of a woman’s life. With a philosophy that emphasizes a comprehensive wellness approach, they seek to provide their patients comfort and satisfaction by establishing a patient-focused, family-friendly environment. With admitting privileges at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center, Dr. Carfagno and his team focus on a woman’s lifestyle from adolescence through maturity.

Tell us what sets your practice apart from others like it.

Our practice is dedicated to caring for a woman’s unique needs in a warm, personal and courteous environment. Our dedication to excellence in care during pregnancy, labor and delivery means we will keep you surrounded by the best medical team available in the region. During your pregnancy we will closely monitor your progress and ensure the best possible quality of care.

Tell us about some of the prenatal services you offer.

We provide a large selection of prenatal services for pregnant women – from routine care for the healthy mother, to the most sophisticated care for the complicated pregnancy. Our providers work together with maternal-fetal medicine specialists and they can perform a wide range of testing for any need. We also seek to provide complete and integrated care from the preconception period through postpartum care.

Tell us about your family planning services.

Our patients receive a full range of contraceptive services that include counseling to teens as well as all women who seek contraception care. Some options include oral contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, contraceptive rings, contraceptive patches, Implanon® and tubal sterilizations.

What type of counseling do you offer a woman planning to conceive?

Besides getting a complete physical exam from their healthcare providers, we address many of the psychosocial aspects with the couple. We are invested in guiding our patients toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally. We consider ourselves an essential partner during this important stage in their lives. We realize this involves a considerable amount of time targeted toward education during prenatal visits in our office. We plan to provide additional services to our patients in the Advanced Care office and network with a range of professionals to direct families towards complementary services. We encourage our patients to ask questions and inquire about their choices and options. Being well informed allows the patient to achieve a comfort and confidence level in their choice of provider as well as themselves.

Call us to reserve your appointment.

To schedule an appointment at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, call 609-272-0506 or visit

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


M edicalProfessionals Professionals Medical


Veins: Varicose Varicose Veins? Not Just A Cosmetic Problem


Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D. F.A.C.S.

Not Just a Cosmetic“Venous Problem Reflux Disease”. ne of the most common circulatory system problems affecting individuals of all ages is venous insufficiency, also known as

be used cure venous reflux ne ofThis theoccurs mostwhen common one-way valves in the leg veins begin to failcan andoften become leaky.toThis causes disease and its symptoms. circulatory system problems blood to pool in the legs and can lead to the development of large protruding legs veins, known One of the most effective treatments affecting individuals of all asages varicose It can also cause a variety in the affected the Closure for venous reflux disease is veins. venous insufficiency, also of painful or uncomfortable symptoms Procedure, which treats the abnormal veins known “Venous RefluxofDisease”. Some ofasthe most common these symptoms are leg pain, leg fatigue and heaviness, swelling and with radiofrequency (RF) energy. The RF This occurs when one-way valves skin itching. In severe cases, this can lead to permanent defects in the appearance and integrity of the in the begin to fail skin and leg evenveins the development of and wounds, called venous leg ulcers. energy is delivered through a device called a catheter that is inserted into become leaky. blood to It is estimated thatThis 20 causes to 40 million Americans suffer from venous insufficiency. Both men andthe diseased vein. This causes the vein to close down, essentially pool in the legs and can lead to the women are affected. The most common risk factors are occupations that require standing, a family removing it from the circulation. The body development of large protruding legs history of varicose veins, pregnancy, being over weight and increasing age. However, then redirects thesome bloodaffected into the normal leg veins, known as varicose veins. It can also individuals not have any of these risks. The diagnosis of venous reflux is made with physicalreflux, veins.disease This eliminates the venous cause a do variety of painful or uncomfortable examination painless Doppler ultrasound markedly relieving the symptoms and often symptomsand in the affected legs. Some oftesting. the Advances in treatment nowsymptoms make reliefare of the of varicose possibleof the varicose improving the veins appearance most common of these legsymptoms and appearance veins people, as well. wearing The procedure pain, leg fatigue and heaviness, swelling without the need for hospitalization or painful vein stripping surgery. For some special is performed in a comfortable office setting and takes and skin itching. In severe cases, this venous support stockings will help control symptoms. However, when stockings alone are not sufficient, about 30 minutes. There are usually no can lead to permanent defects in the or when individuals require a more permanent solution to varicose veins, new minimally invasive office incisions or sutures. General anesthesia is appearance andbeintegrity of the skin reflux and disease and its symptoms. procedures can often used to cure venous not required. Patients typically experience even the development of wounds, called One of the most effective treatments for venous reflux disease is the VenefitTM Procedure. This is a minimal discomfort and are able to return venous leg ulcers. new procedure treats the abnormalsuffer veins with radiofrequency (RF) in energy. RForenergy to their usual activities aboutThe a day two. is remarkable It is estimated that 20 to that 40 million Americans delivered through a device called a catheter that is inserted into the Shore diseased vein. This causes the vein to close The Vascular & Vein Center, in Somers from venous insufficiency. Both men and women are down, essentially from the circulation. The bodyPoint, then is redirects the blood into vascular the normal veins. the region’s premiere andleg vein care affected. The mostremoving commonitrisk factors are occupations This require eliminates the venous reflux, markedly relieving the symptoms andGosin often has improving appearance of in the center. Dr. over 25the years experience that standing, a family history of varicose successfully of patients with varicose veins, pregnancy, being over weight and increasinginage. varicose veins as well. The procedure is performed a comfortable officetreating setting thousands and takes about 20 minutes. There veins. They are one of New Jersey’s leading centers in However, some affected individuals do not have any are usually no incisions or sutures. General anesthesia is not required. Patients typically experience minimal performance of the Closure® Procedure as well as other of these risks. The diagnosis of venous reflux disease is discomfort and are able to return to their usual activities in about a day or two. vein premiere procedures, including microphlebectomy and made withVascular physical&examination painless Doppler Shore Vein Center and in Somers Point is the region’s center for treatment of venous disease. sclerotherapy for spider veins. ultrasound testing. Their Board Certified Vascular Surgeon has extensive experience in successfully treating thousands of patients with Advances in treatment now make relief of the varicose veins other vascular diseases. It ispossible one of New Jersey’s leading centers in performance of the VenefitTM symptoms andand appearance of varicose veins If you aretreatment experiencing signs or Procedure. sclerotherapy and Excel cosmetic of spider veins. without theThey needalso for offer hospitalization or painful veinV Laser for the symptoms of varicose veins and venous stripping surgery. For some people, wearing special If you are experiencing orsymptoms. symptoms of varicose veins and Dr. venous refluxGosin disease,of Shore reflux disease, Jeffrey venous support stockings will the helpsigns control Vascular is available However, when stockings alone are not sufficient, or the physicians of Shore Vascular & Vein Center are available&toVein help.Center Call (609) 927-3030 to when individuals require a more permanent solution to help. Call (609) 927-3030 to schedule a for aveins, consultation, or visit themoffice on the web at varicose new minimally invasive procedures consultation.

Fall Is A Time For Change! Jeffrey Gosin, M.D. F.A.C.S. 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346)


and Jefferson What causes Medical College. He varicose veins? completed his General Surgeryveins Residency Varicose are usually and an caused byaccredited diseased valves fellowship Vascular in legs veins, calledinvenous reflux disease. Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He is Board Will varicose veins get worse Certified in General Surgery and Vascular Surgery. over time? Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The American College As venous reflux is for present of Surgeons and a member of The Society for a for long time, the appearVascular Surgery, The Society Clinical Vascular anceother of varicose veins may and worsen, Surgery, and numerous national surgical vascular societies. but this does not always happen. Varicose veins that develop during pregnancy will often improve after delivery of the baby.




Frequently asked Who is questions affected by varicose veins? about varicose veins:

Q: What causesAvaricose veins?

Typically, men and women who have jobs that require standing, have a family history of varicose veins, or are overweight A: Varicose veins are usually caused by at increased risk. Pregnancy diseased valves are in legs veins, called venous reflux disease. is also a risk factor for women. However, it is not necessary to have any of these risks to be affected.

Q: Will varicose veins get worse over Does treatment time?


require surgery?

A: As venous reflux is Major present for ashould long not be surgery


time, the appearancerequired of varicose veins to treat varicose may worsen, but this does not always veins. Usually, if procedures are happen. Varicose veins that develop during required, minimally pregnancy will often improve afterinvasive deliveryoffice of based or outpatient procedures are the baby. most effective.

vein care covered by Q: Who is affected by varicose insurance?veins? QIshealth

A: Typically, men andThat women who have is determined on a case-


jobs that require standing, have a family by-case basis, however many history of varicose veins, or are overweight times vein care is covered. In our are at increased center, risk. Pregnancy is also our insurance specialists a risk factor for women. However, it is not health work directly with individual’s necessary to have any of these risks to be insurance companies to deal with affected. that issue.

Q: Does treatment require surgery?

Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D.should FACS not be required to A: Major surgery Dr. Jeffrey Gosin is a graduate of if procedures treat varicose veins. Usually, are required, minimally invasive University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson office based or outpatient procedures are most effective. Medical College. He completed his General Surgery Residency and an accredited fellowship in Surgery at Robertby health IsVascular vein care covered Wood Johnson University Hospital. He is insurance? Jeffrey S. Board Certified in Surgery and Vascular Gosin, A: That is determined on a case-by-case Surgery. Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The basis, however many times vein care M.D. FACS American College Surgeons andour a memis covered. In of our center, insurance ber of The Society for directly Vascular Surgery, specialists work with individual’s The Society for Clinicalcompanies Vascular Surgery, and with that health insurance to deal issue. numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.


Eliminate your veins, don’t hide them!

Dr. Jeffrey Gosin is a Frequently Asked graduate of University ofQuestions Pennsylvania The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

September/October 2018 November/December 2014

Fashion & Beauty



ith the next season just around the corner, it’s almost time to move those sleeveless tops and shorts to the back of the closet and make way for your fall wardrobe. If you’re looking for a way to freshen it up and round it out, Karen and Stephanie at Barbara’s Boutique can help. They’ll guide you in selecting just the right accent pieces or help you put together a whole new outfit. The sooner you get there, the better, because there is only one size of each item in the store. You’re guaranteed that every item you buy is one-of-a-kind! This fall, the fashion is in the detail – lace illusion, leather, and faux fur will give you the look and feel of luxury without breaking the budget. Tunic tops are hotter than ever, worn over leggings or skinny jeans. They have a relaxed, casual and edgy look available in many designs, fabric choices and prints. A good pair of jeans is hard to find…but not at Barbara’s. Whether you’re a size 2 or 14, apple-shaped or pear, you will find jeans to fit your body. Barbara’s carries several wonderful brands in a variety of colors. Another change to look forward to in the fall is a whole new pallet of colors, deep and warm to reflect the brilliance of the season. This year’s signature colors are radiant orchid, royal blue, aluminum, aurora red, misted yellow, sangria, mauve mist, cognac, bright colbalt, cypress and of course black. n

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


Medical Professionals

Summer Is Over…It’s Time To Get Your Skin Checked Skin cancer is very common affecting one in five Americans. If some of the following skin conditions sound familiar to you, it may be time for a screening: Actinic Keratoses (AK) – Precancerous scaly dry

patches often found on sun exposed skin areas. AK’s are the most common type of precancer affecting 58 million Americans. Early detection and treatment is important because AK’s can progress to Squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer).

Basal Cell Carcinoma- Flesh colored or pearly lesion

that develop (usually) on the face and sun exposed areas. BCC is the most common type of skin cancer. Early treatment is important to avoid disfigurement, skin grafting, and invasion into local tissues. 4.3 million cases are diagnosed per year in the U.S.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma- Firm or scaly bump or

patch, ulcer that bleeds, sore that does not heal usually found on sun exposed areas. Early detection and treatment is important to prevent spread to other areas of the body. Second most common type of skin cancer.

Melanoma- May develop in a pre-existing mole or

present as a new unusual growth. Most dangerous type of skin cancer with 200,000 new cases per year. Kills approximately 10,000/ year in US. One person dies every hour from malignant melanoma. Almost always curable if recognized and treated early.

Certified Dermatology Testimonials: “Nurse-practitioner Lisa Ledden has treated me for 14 years. Because of my exposure to the sun since childhood, I have required continued care and treatment for multiple skin problems over these past 14 years, including some serious issues. Ms. Ledden has pinpointed many problems at their very early stages. I highly recommend Lisa Ledden for anyone who has any skin condition that requires attention.” - Vinny “August of 2008, I met Lisa Ledden for the first time. Little did I know my life would forever change. Lisa made no time for small talk as she noticed a spot on my leg that had been there for years - other dermatologists have seen it, yet never paid it any mind. After biopsy confirmed it was indeed a stage 4-5 melanoma, Lisa and her incredible staff went into action. Thanks to Lisa I am 100% fine. I have now been a patient 10 years, two more melanomas and many many skin checks later, I have come to know Lisa and her staff as part of the family. Her attention to detail, and how she explains each and every procedure, makes every visit like seeing an old friend. She has knowledge and clarity like no other.” - Mrs. Lorraine Adkisson

The County Woman Magazine

Specializing in General and Cosmetic Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) 609-940-3100 (Office) 609-437-6921 (Cell)

599 Shore Road, Suite 202, Somers Point, NJ

Lisa M Ledden MSN, APN-C

Nurse Practitioner September/October 2018

Pet Services


amily Veterina F k r i k w e N rians t e J e h t r s u e o y S e f n o i r e O m v a e M r 30 Ye N a r usted AT

Essential Tips To Care For Your Dog’s Or Cat’s Teeth

Let’s face it: No matter how much you adore your pup or kitty, their breath can be downright gross at times. But that may mean that he/she needs more than a good brushing — bad breath can be a sign that your pet is suffering from gum disease (also known as periodontal disease), which can lead to serious health concerns, ranging from tooth loss to organ damage. With a majority of adult pets suffering from some degree of periodontal disease, maintaining your pet’s oral hygiene isn’t a luxury — it’s a vital piece of their healthcare routine. Here’s how to keep your pet’s mouth cleaner so you can keep your cat or dog healthier from tooth to tail.

1. Visit Your Veterinarian for Teeth Cleaning

Dental care for dogs and cats should start at your veterinarian’s office. Pets need to be regularly evaluated for the presence of dental tartar and disease and be treated if necessary. The fact is, about 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats over the age of three suffer from significant oral disease that requires treatment. Such treatment might include a tooth or multiple teeth being pulled to stop infection and prevent additional health problems. But your pet’s teeth don’t need to get to this point. When she visits the veterinarian for her annual or six-month examination, the doctor will check your pet’s teeth. He or she will be on the lookout for reddened gums, yellow-brown tartar and other signs of dental disease. If there is any evidence of dental disease, the veterinarian will likely recommend a dental cleaning for your pet. But unlike people, cats and dogs don’t lie still for their dentist. Therefore, dental cleanings are performed while pets are under general anesthesia.

2. Brush Your Pet’s Teeth Every Day

Another important component to staving off dental disease is at-home care. While it’s critical to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for getting your pet’s teeth cleaned in the clinic, the best thing you can do at home to promote good oral hygiene is to brush your pet’s teeth — daily. Start with the basic tools: a soft-bristled toothbrush (ideally, one specifically for pets) or a finger brush and toothpaste. Be sure to use toothpaste specially formulated for pets, since toothpaste for people is designed to be spit out and can be harmful to cats and dogs when swallowed. And be patient. If you haven’t brushed your pet’s teeth before, you may need to start by simply getting your cat or dog used to

FOR YOUR PURRRFECT KITTY… THE CAT HOUSE! A separate space within the hospital just for cats!



having her mouth touched. Then you can gradually work up to longer brushing sessions.

3. Offer Appropriate Chew Treats

Some treats are designed to help keep your cat’s or dog’s teeth cleaner. Look for products that carry the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal. This seal signifies products that meet pre-set standards of effectiveness when it comes to controlling plaque and tartar in dogs and cats. It’s also helpful to know which treats you should probably avoid. For example, treats like cow hooves, pig’s ears and real bones can damage your pet’s teeth or cause other serious problems if ingested. Also, as much as your pooch may love playing catch with a tennis ball, the yellow/green spheres are notorious for causing mechanical wearing of the tooth surface. As for you, about one minute of tooth brushing a day and the right food and treats will help keep your pet’s pearly whites a shining example of health — so the rest of her body will be, too.

Signs of Dental Disease

Keeping a watchful eye on your pet’s teeth will help you catch problems early. The following are the most common signs of oral disease:

• Yellow-brown tartar • Bleeding gums • Red, inflamed gums • Bad breath • Difficulty chewing/dropping food when trying to eat • Excessive drooling • Change in eating habits • Pawing at the mouth or rubbing the face against the floor or furniture

Newkirk Family Veterinarians Announces Pet Dental Month in September National Pet Dental Month is February but we know there are many pets who cannot wait!

Dental disease is rampant in our dog and cat population. This periodontal infection causes bad breath, loss of teeth and entry of bacteria into the bloodstream. This can lead to infections of the kidney and liver and valves of the heart! Dentistry is then NOT just about pretty teeth and fresh breath! We have special interest in the older pet with dental disease. These pets are MORE at risk of secondary infections. If you have been putting this surgery off, NOW is the time to call. Call today: 609-645-2120. (Pre-surgical examination, blood tests and cardiogram must be scheduled first, for your pet’s safety while under anesthesia. We are booking pre-anesthesia examinations now.)

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Financial Management


Garden State Trust Company

Spanning Generations

Our focus is where it should be...

On you. On your family. On your future. The Garden State Trust Company Difference Independence & Stability

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The Garden State Trust Company is privately owned. Our independence allows us to take a long-term investment and wealth management view. An approach that creates organizational focus and stability in service of our clients and their families across generations.

Garden State Trust Company focuses primarily on Trust and Estate Settlement Administration and the full range of Investment and Wealth Management services. As one of our clients, be assured that you

Accessible Expertise Our independence attracts and helps us to retain a professional group who, on average, have more than 20 years of industry experience. Garden State Trust Company has four locations in New Jersey - Toms River, Cherry Hill, Lebanon in Hunterdon County and Linwood.

given with your best interests in mind.

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Premier Ancillary Services Garden State Trust Company can partner with services such as home health care, insurance income tax preparation.

Local Experience and Accessibility 2021 New Road, Suite 9 Linwood, NJ 08221

Sean M. Rice Vice President and Trust OďŹƒcer


By appointment only.

Visit us at:

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Financial Management


Your Digital Estate – The “Digital” Dimension In Estate Planning After years of delays, on September 13, 2017, the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act was enacted into New Jersey law. In general, the Act provides executors, trustees, guardians, and power of attorney holders (“fiduciaries”) the ability to access and control “digital assets” belonging to decedents, beneficiaries, and wards. Going “digital” may improve efficiency, access, storage, and ease of sharing. At death, those benefits disappear. For an estate’s executor and its beneficiaries, going digital can have the opposite effect, making assets more difficult to access or even entirely inaccessible and lost. The first step in estate planning is compiling an inventory of all current assets. Financial records, life insurance policies, real estate interests, bank accounts, brokerage accounts, retirement accounts, collectibles … the list is extensive and can be exhausting. In the digital age, this first step needs to include more than paper. The key to unlocking the value of digital assets is access. For example, Michael Crichton’s unpublished novel, Pirate Latitudes, was found in his computer files by his heirs, and the novel eventually was published. On the other hand, Leonard Bernstein’s unpublished memoir, Blue Ink, was password protected and is still not accessible to his heirs as of this writing. The two illustrate the range of outcomes for digital assets after death. Digital assets encompass all electronically stored information, not just what’s on one’s computer. An estate plan today should include a digital inventory of assets such as: • Computer access codes. Power-on passwords and user account passwords may be required. Advanced users may have encrypted files or storage devices, such as external hard drives. A list of passwords may be useful but may need to be updated periodically.

• Financial information and accounts. Some people use programs such as Quicken or Microsoft Money to manage their finances. Others rely upon online banking or brokerage services, which usually will have another layer of password protection. Credit card issuers also may offer online access to account data. Finally, those who do their own taxes with the help of their computers, using programs such as TurboTax or Tax Cut, may have stored digital copies of old tax returns. • Email. An email account is a convenient way to contact a network of friends. Once again, the family will need to know the password to access the account. Some Internet service providers will give the password to appropriate family members with a simple phone call, but Yahoo!, for example, insists on a court order. • Social networks. Neither MySpace nor Facebook will provide a member’s password to family members when a member dies. They instead give the family the option of closing the page or leaving it up, as is, as a memorial to the member, where friends and family can still leave messages. Do you recognize yourself here? Do your loved ones know how to access your accounts in case of emergency? The new Act addresses questions such as: • As an executor, how do I obtain access to the electronic communications of the deceased? • If I am a trustee, does a custodian of a digital account have to provide me access? • Once I obtain access, am I treated as an “authorized user” under the law? Our suggestion: the next time you meet with your estate planning attorney, be sure to mention your “digital assets” to be sure that your Power of Attorney, Will and/or Trust address them.

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Fashion & Beauty


Let’s Talk Fall Trends! Elbow and Shoulder Cutouts

Embroidery & Velvet

Chunky Oversized & Fuzzy Sweaters

Don’t Forget The Accessories

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The County Woman Magazine September/October 2018

Health & Wellness


Pilates At Breathe Leah Schwartz, owner/certified barre and pilates instructor

“Start where you are, grow from there, the practice is yours.” My journey started with my love for barre. I connected with the fluidity of the movements and how my body felt. Pilates was natural progression. The more the I practiced, the more I desired to perfect my skills. In 2013 I began my training and certifications in Barre and in 2016 I completed my reformer certification from Balance Body. Throughout my education I have collaborated with mentors of varying practices that have diversified my technique and knowledge, and molded my abilities as an instructor.

reformer) the resistance of springs to lengthen and strengthen your muscles, while moving the body as a whole. Regardless of what class you choose, make sure to let your instructor know you’re a beginner. This way, they’ll be able to keep an eye on you throughout the class and offer modifications or form adjustments that ensure you are moving in proper posture. 2. You’ll feel your muscles burn during class, and you’ll probably be sore the next day. While you may not be crushing high-intensity exercises like squat jumps or lifting heavy dumbbells, the mostly bodyweight routines that Pilates classes offer can be pretty intense. Take the signature Pilates Hundred, for example. A core-focused move that involves less than two inches of constant movement, it will make your abs burn. Dedicating your entire focus to even the smallest movements means that you’ll work the muscles more efficiently and solidify good posture through movement. This means you can be dealing with muscle soreness after your workout. Don’t fret: Being sore the next day doesn’t mean you’re out of shape; it just means you’re challenging your muscles in new ways or working muscles you didn’t know you had. 3. Pilates is the foundation of a well-rounded fitness plan. NEW CLIENT Pilates stretches, strengthens, and aligns your SPECIAL body all at the same time. With that said, it 5 group classes & complements every other fitness endeavor 3 Private training because it prepares your body to move better in sessions for $215! every way. Adding it into your routine will help A great way get started you lift heavier weights, run faster, swim with and learn about how better form, or even achieve that elusive arm your body moves! balance in yoga.

If you’ve wanted to try Pilates classes but something has been holding you back, now’s your time to sign up for your first one. Pilates offers plenty of benefits to your body, no matter your fitness background. You’ll improve your posture, focus on body alignment, and get one heck of a core workout. Want to know what the hype is all about? Here are three things a Pilates newbie needs to know to enjoy her first class. 1. There are two different kinds of Pilates classes: mat classes and reformer classes. You’ll be tackling a class that’s based on either a mat, which is a tad thicker than your standard yoga mat, to cushion pressure points, or a machine called a reformer, which is a sliding platform complete with stationary foot bar, springs, and pulleys that provide resistance to help tone the body. Both options focus on the concept of control rather than cranking out endless reps or muscle exhaustion. In Pilates, your muscles are working to lift against gravity and (in the case of the

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

inues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community “Massimo has Autism. Are Legal Professionals 16 have been practicing as an You would think that you should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. My denial house came crumbling down shortly Allnot of your the kids suffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover Writtenmy Byatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for child to put the shape prior. When our client came to us, she was really concerned her neck make eye contact respond to hisolder name.we get, the larger theyear t’s a small world, isn’torit? And the What should I do? through the appropriate hole. have done at our firm for many was reinjured. Ultimately her neck was fine, but her shoulder had a tear He only laugh youexpands. threw him That’s why the the circle of would people wewhen know I’ll never forget that moment. Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios like surgery. thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to that required up inLaw theis air or look atpeople you you made a D’Amato Firm does notwhen publish the cases we settle years represent that The Children’s Holiday Party had been in therapy for two months If you have Limited loud noise. Oursettle. Pediatrician, Dr. Dana and for really how much they Boasting ouryou! verdicts andselected theDog Bites the seriously injured. While we Submitted by Sless Kare asi M. G ifford , E squirE working on putting the shape into usually includes a magician, games, with Brighton Pediatrics in Egg Harbor Right to Sue, call your auto insurance Our client was at her friend’s house when their dog attacked our client settlements touts our firm but at the expense of our clients’ right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa Township haddon’t me fill do out apersonal questionnaire at company handle most types of it. immediately and ask them from behind, requiring surgery with plates and screws. privacy so we just We are honored tomonths represent ified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined ified Attorney younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and lots of gifts. Members of the to change your policy to the NO clients to their satisfaction, and most of the referrals to a, Counsellorthe atour Law injury cases, we get many calls Negligent Construction this toy with ease. just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old D’Amato Law Firm that in Egg Harbor era, Counsellor at Law she recommended I contact The New Jersey Atlantic County BarItpolicies Association Limitation. Auto insurance our office come from word of mouth from clients we have A Jerard, mantelbut came silly and easy game for yetoff forthe wall, hitting our client’s child in the face and Township.Early I formerly clerked the She didn’t and athe about car accidents. Intervention Systemfor (NJEIS). Atlantic County Superior can be confusing so if you’re not sure successfully represented. head. work The mantel wastonot designed or constructed. Massi he had to actually to be able do properly that. James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court t Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of watch the chaos ed that over 90% of driversofintouting New Jersey the Limitation on examples what coverage youlove havetoand to Instead our elect verdicts, here are some of staff cases that want While our client was working, someone other than her employer delays. Certainly and Iof were worried, but our oldest son Paul SuperiorAlex Court New Jersey, Civil Division, unwrap gifts, off the roof, injuring our client, who had a prior back wetheir either recently resolved or that aresure active nowas inthe our students office. am threw something it, please aniftheir office ightpregnant to Sue for autohave insurance coverage. If in youthe aren’t What doI schedule you do someone you love may have Autism? was with Rocco and we were leaving next few daystalk for about in Atlantic County. I was born and raised and the excitement every time a new using the female gender for all of these cases. surgery. visit and I will review your policy ected the Right toTownship; Sue then youthus probably came When a child you love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological appiest place on Earth! inLimited Galloway when gift is revealed. children with you at no charge. Product Liability Negligent Supervision condition likeThe Autism, it canare be aso very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so best, I pulled myself intofor a post-clerkship job, my time to look my Right to Sue? appreciative and their smiles and Our client borrowed her friend’s battery charger, whichmany exploded in about A thousands of inappropriate our client’s questions ourteacher family’ssent future, and while we are blessed emails to havetomany friends child, assi wasn’t talking because topher priority was to find a local firm that laughter fill everyone’s heart with pocket, causing to her leg on and lower torso. significant trauma. it was and family thatthe lovecausing us dearly and were incredibly hard to find anybody ngcan forselect him the andLimited that heRight wasn’t For over 40 years, D’Amato Law Firmpsychological has beensupportive, representing people to Suesevere optionburns and save money volved in the local community, and tocracked, continue The frame of our client’s bicycle causing a severe fracture to happiness and gratitude. To be able who could truly relate to whatEntity we were Lawsuits going through. me because called him That sounds we great, but in reality, you are hampering your right who the have been was injured.Public If you have been seriously injured in a motor which have near andrequired dear to my heart. ourgrown client’s leg, which surgery. Our expert found bicycle I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well asalong all ofthe the shoreline therapistsin and teachers to make the children’s holiday season nterchangeably. And really Our client’s spouse was walking ankle-deep your injuries. God forbid, but let’s imagine for a minute that a was just the place. From the second I stepped foot negligently manufactured. vehicle collision orlife by awater defective product, if you the havefabulous been inlittle a tragically situain is Massi’s have helped himor become guy he iskilled. today.Discovery He has contactdown anyway!? We went off into your minivan with you so special truly thewho greatest gift when theI beach collapsed and he was arreling the road and crashes m and met Paul and Alexa, I could tell it was a grown in leaps bounds and while II am afraid heWe will always strugglesignificantly to keep up both n our stomachs, “It’s a Small or of my colleagues could ever proved the lifeguards knew that thepride waters would erode away tionany where your civiland rights were violated, can help. ourselves w (that’s howFall-down I roll).love You would think thatonno matter what you or Massi his first birthday! an everlasting and appreciation for all things academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier heads and a suitcase of denial. Our client fell down a set of stairs at a condominium, breaking the beach, receive. The her excitement in the causing room cave-ins. eswe are, you should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if in assisting those in our area or elsewhere who are in need of profesthefirst yearstime progress and excited hisher future. a family to take a picture the a photographers would ortsstood thatas make Atlantic County better place tosay, Itthat foot, which required surgery with a plate and screws. wasas the client riding bicycle on the street which, unbeknownst day takes you back Our toam being awasabout ed Right to Sue option. and attorneys smile.” she Massi would notthose look.encouraged Every Our singltexpert timeto the photographer rm and staff are attend went down stairs. opines that thekid, stairs were not to her, had a massive pothole thatseason. was filled with water. She went flying sional, caring and effective legal representation. and reminds you of the magic of the holiday Massi’s name was. He would then say “Massi, look over here buddy.” builtcharities to code. and the local community. handlebars, permanent injuries. The If you think over yourher child may besustaining delayed serious developmentally or have a neighbors nvolved with look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant If you would like to learn more about the Young Lawyers Our client was leaving a store when she fell, breaking her hip. Our had written numerous letters to the city alerting them to the dangerous mited Right toI am Sueactively affect involved me andwith my family? antic County, the Young neurological condition like Autism, call your family physician or see oise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized on that expert inspected the threshold and found it was broken and to condition that could not be seen afterto it rained and the significant danger Division orcode. find out how you can contribute the Children’s of drivers who know they have elected the Limited Right to antic County Bar that Association. Originally established a not developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online at was really wrong with our baby. Our client was ahave carpenter working on you top of the third floor ofParty, a it posedvisit to cyclists. Holiday please our website at or like y means they can’t recover if they whiplash. In reality, ty Bar Association is dedicated to promoting the legal or call Moscafor at (609) 412-3750. home construction job when a gust of wind carried him and a piece of page Thank youIsabelle to our clients their trust and faith in all of the our Facebook “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” rse public’s injuries than whiplash and still not recover. he trust and confidence in our civil and criminal plywood that he was carrying off the roof 30 feet to the ground. The staff at the D’Amato Law Firm. What isyou Autism? rvedand on the Executive Committee ofgeneral thetoYoung homeowners acting asRight contractors curs have selectedwere the Limited Sue, you can and were aware of the If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find aritable Outreach Chair. With my position came thework exceedingly high winds that day and insisted proceed. for your injuries if you: different results. Division That’s because Autism comes in many enyYoung Lawyers Children’s Holiday Party,forms and Visit Auto know one withCrashes Autism, you truly only one child with Chaired thechild Young Lawyers Division in know 2004 Our client sustained herniated discsand andhas a shoulder injury in a car At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder part crash. We learnedby through investigation that the childhood and is characterized difficulty in social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in wyers Division of the Atlantic County Bar Association ant disfigurement or scarring responsible driver was working for Uber at the representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato s including using language, understanding abstract concepts, eaced Bar communicating members and their friends and family, where time of bones the crash. Certified Civil Trial Attorney s and with others the way that many of us easily in construction, products liability and motor vehicle fracture (the have completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the The driver of an oncoming car was looking 1 pose of holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. wmanent Jersey 1injury; in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims orcell phone at her and crossed the double Alexa D’Amato Barrera ty is the highlight of the the Young Lawyers ll tell you that early diagnosisyear andfor intervention play ayellow crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Counsellor at Law line, hitting our client’s car head on. Our client child (fetus) dies a life-changing success of a child’sevent. outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. and PA BAR The D’Amato LawLaw Firm Firm focusesfocuses their practice lostpossible consciousness andAutism was donations helicoptered to the The D’Amato theirinMember practiceNJ inPaul R. D’Amato Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire ent with NJEIS and CHOP for your an evaluation. My next Party is that made through the of realize you were limiting rights in such a way? representing those who have beenbeen seriously injured injured Paul R. D’Amato Member Bar hospital, where she was diagnosed with a broken representing those who have seriously Certified Civil TrialNJ Attorney Autism. Ken raised and Isabelle created FACES in 2002 Bar after the money at theMosca Young Lawyers Division in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire leg anddrunk a When facial laceration thatyour ultimately in construction, products liability and motor vehicle at collision with the driver that wasn’t fault.that Youscarred. 2900cases Fire Road, agnosed with Autism. I called Isabelle I knew Ihave had Alexa D’Amato Member NJBarrera & PA Bar collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 With those proceeds, members of the Young Lawyers collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country butOur client passenger in vehicle that ot displaced, itput is fractured, soayou haveatonumber staya off of different it for Counsellor at Law M. Van Natten, Esquire our baby. Isabelle me inwas contact with of countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims Stephen Newinjured Jersey 08234 go shopping forturning children’s holiday gifts. The gifts are with a primary focus on representing victims Alexa D’Amato was left at an intersection. Another car ran Member &Barrera PA Bar turces. with 3I contacted kids!) When you return to the doctor, the x-rays show injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PANJ BAR Sue Elmer whom Isabelle recommended for at a wrapping party, and then they are brought to the P: 609-926-3300 in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a Counsellor at Law a red light, causing our client to sustain a severe Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Kasi M. Gifford, Esquire d, in painwith andMs. haveSue, difficulty The word!!!! doctor in but onlyyou’re a fewstill sessions Massiwalking. said his first StephenNJM. Van Member NJNatten, & PA Bar Esq. Member and PA BAR national reputation for excellence. use in Atlantic City for fracture the Children’s Holiday comminuted of her upper arm, Party. requiring F: 609-926-3883 Member NJ and PA BAR therapy for 1 month. Still it’s not better so you have an MRI. surgery with scar. m Atlantic County withaasignificant high ratiokeloid of economically 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Our client was Children’s hit from behind at anParty. hosen to participate in the Holiday oman Magazine 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 een the doctor in Philadelphia and was surgery starting just to really intersection. She had Massi hadthe neck one P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883 stand second-graders to attend Children’s Holiday o his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Division above all else,Ithe children I startedrequests to doubt that, my earlier concerns. started to takewho my end good set example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 students, The County Woman Magazine September/October 2018 set out to prove thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier

Amato ’AmatoBarrera, Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law


No Case Is Too Big Or Too Small For The D’Amato Law Firm




cially in need.




F: 609-926-3883

Featured The Featured OOn n T he Cover Cover


Meet the Attorneys at D’Amato Law Firm L Law aw

Paul R. D’Amato, Esq.

Alexa Alexa D’Amato D’Amato Barrera, Barrera, Esq. Esq.

L aw ns The D’Amato Law Firm

Paul Paul R. R. D’Amato, D’Amato, partner partner at at the the D’Amato D’Amato Alexa Alexa D’Amato D’Amato Barrera Barrera isis partner partner at at the the Law Firm, was admitted to the New Law Firm, was admitted to the New D’Amato D’Amato Law Law Firm, Firm, where where she she practices practices special Jersey Bar Bar in in 1974 1974 after after receiving receiving his his Juris Juris Jersey education and plaintiffs’ personal injury law. special education and plaintiffs’ personal Doctorate from from Georgetown Georgetown Law Law School. School. Doctorate Alexa injuryreceived law. the Young Lawyer of the A partner in the firm of Hankin, D’Amato, A partner in the firm of Hankin, D’Amato, Year Award from the proud AtlantictoCounty Bar Alexa is incredibly have received Sandman and Sandson, Paul opened up his his Sandman and Sandson, Paul opened up Association in 2009Stockton and from the New Jersey the 2014 Richard College own personal injury practice in 1987. His own personal injury practice in 1987. His State Bar Association in 2007. She was Professional Achievement Award and toalso have daughter,Alexa Alexa,joined joinedthe theD’Amato D’AmatoLaw Law daughter recognized as one theMainland Top 40 Under 40 been inducted intoofthe Regional Firm in 2002. From 2000 to 2002 Paul Firm in 2002. From 2000 to 2002 Paul she under The MRI shows that there are no tearsin orAtlantic injuries toCounty the ligaments surrounding your 30 High School Hall ofwhen Fame in was 2012. served as as Mayor Mayor of of Linwood Linwood and and continued continued served old. She is incredibly proud to have ankle. You go back to physical therapyyears and are then discharged to do home exercises. She has been a speaker and moderator on place to live, in the moment. his political political career career until until 2003 2003 as as New New Jersey Jersey ism. Are his received theoccasions 2014 Richard Stockton College numerous locally for New Jersey Mythink denialthat house crumbling ng as an You would youcame should be able to recover money for your pain and State Assemblyman. State Assemblyman. Professional Achievement andBusiness to have doctor from Association for Justice, theAward National down shortly thereafter. Allnot of the kids suffering, right? Thethe collision was your fault.High The other driver wasofdrunk. Your Paul Paul has has received received numerous numerous awards awards over over the the course course of of his his 43 43 years years as as an an rs and been inducted into Mainland Regional School Hall Fame in 2012. Massi was Institute andplaying on thetogether national level for American Association for Justice. Her were and the extent of attorney. Among kids in the car. Thankfully, they were not on injured, but youoccasions were off your feet for attorney. Among them: them: he he was was named named the the Best Best Lawyer Lawyer in in New New Jersey, Jersey,Top Top Shewere hasMassi’s been a speaker andme. moderator numerous locally for New usband Alexwritings onor have been published byMy thenephews, New Jersey State Bar Association, NJESQ delay truly hit Legal Mind in New Jersey, Best Lawyer in America for the last 20 years, Top one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. Legal Mind in New Jersey, Best Lawyer in America for the last 20 years, Top Association for Justice on the national level for American Association out to Jersey Magazine andand theCaprio, American Association for Justice. Jerard who and are about nine sset law 100 Attorneys by NJ Super Lawyers for the last 10 years, Rotary Club of Unfortunately youwritings have elected thebeen Limited Right to Sue on your insurance 100 Attorneys by NJ Super Lawyers for the last 10 years, Rotary Club of for Justice. Her have published the Newauto Jersey Statepolicy. Bar months younger than Massi, were playing In November 2017, Alexa was elected to thebyLinwood School Board for a If I am being Atlantic City City & & March March of of Dimes Dimes Service Service Awards, Awards, 2011 2011 McAllister McAllister Award Award for for Your fracture was not displaced and it is not a Permanent Injury because the fracture gnot with Atlantic Association, NJESQ Magazine and the American Association for Justice. withterm. this red box is that yellow lid with FACES 4 Autism and helps three year Alexa onhad thea committee surprised Professionalism in in Law Law from from the the Atlantic Atlantic County County Bar Bar Association Association and and rated rated healed the MRI negative forprogram, any additional injuries. YouR.cannot recover Professionalism Alexaand iswith on the Board of Directors of the Ensign John Elliott ofwas various shapes. Inside the forholes their scholarship Massi’s Mission, which isHERO named after o, when fundraise Preeminent by Martindale Hubbell for the last 20 years. This year Paul received Preeminent by Martindale Hubbell for the last 20 years. money for your pain Campaign Foundation andshape is a member of Rotaryfor International’s box were toysand in suffering. the of thescholarships holes. Alexa’s son, Massimo, and provides children withSomers autism Point to didn’t speak, do and from the New Jersey Association for Justice the Gerald B. O’Connor award Paul’s love, greater than practicing plaintiff’s personal injury law, are his for Alexa is Board ofput FACES 4 Autism, and helps fundraise for The idea wasonforthe child to the shape learn how to survive inthe the water. o his name.Chapter. his ability, professionalism as aand trialAshley, lawyer.their husbands, his ten wife Sandi,skill threeand daughters Alexa, Ava What shouldthe Iprogram, do? scholarship Massi’s through appropriate hole. Mission, which is named after Alexa’s son, many threw him their Paul’s love, greater than practicing plaintiff’s personal injury law, are his I’ll provides never that moment. Massi grandchildren, and his dog Macie, the office mascot. and scholarships withDon’t autism to learn I haveforget seen scenarios likefor thischildren many times. let this happenhow to to n you madeMassimo, a Unfortunately, hat wife Sandi, three daughters Alexa, Ava and Ashley, their husbands, his ten Children’s Holiday hadwater. been in the therapy for Party two months survive in you! IfThe youthe have selected Limited an, Dr. Dana grandchildren, and his dog Macie, the office mascot. ile the shape into the usually a magician, games, nuirE Eggwe HarborRight toworking Sue,includes call on yourputting auto insurance right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza,immediately sweets, pictures with Santa stionnaire at company onal and ask them d months younger than Massi,of playing Paul,Van 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, Stephen Natten, Esq. and Kasi Gifford, Esq. ncerned her and and lots of gifts. Members the with M. to change your policy to the NO calls Stephen M. Van Natten, Esq. this toy with ease. It just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old Kasi Gifford, Esq. trbor The New Jersey AtlanticAuto County Bar policies Association Limitation. insurance silly and easy game for Jerard,Stephen but yet for M. Van Natten joined the D’Amato he She didn’t and athe Kasi Gifford is an associate at the D’Amato EIS). Atlantic County Superior can be confusing if you’re not sure Stephen Vanthat. Natten joined Kasi Gifford is an the D’Amato Massi he so had to actually work to be ableM. do Law Firm into2014, bringing withthe himD’Amato 21 years fthe thethings that Court Law Firm, where sheassociate practicesatplaintiffs’ staffyoulove watch theLaw chaos ation on what coverage havetoand want to Firm in 2014, bringing with him 21 years Law Firm, where she practices plaintiffs’ of experience as a trial attorney. est son Paul personal injury work. She received her BA Division, as the students unwrap theirofgifts, it, please experience as a trial n’t work.of She received BA For 17you of those years, he served as a prosecutor personal What do schedule you doanifoffice someone love mayattorney. have Autism? extsure few daystalk for about from theinjury University Delaware in her 2011, raised excitement every time a new For 17 of those years, he served as a prosecutor visitand andthe I will review your policy theJ.D. University of Delaware in 2011, the Lehigh Office delay of theorDistrict When a child you love isfor diagnosed with aCounty developmental neurological from and her from Widener University, came gift The children are sovery for the Lehigh County Office of family. the District with youis atrevealed. no charge. and her J.D. from Widener University, condition like Autism, it can be a scary, lonely time for the Alex and I had so Attorney in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He Delaware Law School in 2015. Prior to b, my appreciative and their and future, Attorney in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He many questions aboutsmiles our family’s and while we are blessed toand have manyoffriends Delaware School Law in 2015. retired as the Chief of Prosecutions Chief joining theLaw D’Amato Firm,Prior Kasi to was that laughter fill everyone’s heart with retired as the Chief of Prosecutions and Chief of and family that love us dearly and were incredibly supportive, it was hard to find anybody For over 40 years, the D’Amato Law Firm has been representing people the Violent Crimes Unit. He spent that part of joining the D’Amato Law Firm, Kasi James was ney on Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable ontinue the Violent Crimes Unit. He spent that part of happiness andtruly gratitude. be able who could relate toTo what were bringing going through. hiswe career violent criminals to justice, Judicial Clerk to the Honorable James right P. Savio,Law J.S.C., of the Atlantic County who have been injured. If you have been bringing seriously violent injured incriminals a motor to heart. his career justice, I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and teachers to make the children’s holiday season handling thousands of cases including sexual P. Savio, J.S.C., of the Atlantic County that a Superior Court, Civil Division, where she ped foot so vehicle collision orlife by a greatest defective product, orbecome if you robbery have been in a situathousands offabulous cases sexual in is Massi’s havehandling helped the little he is today. has special truly thewho gift I him assaults, burglary, asincluding well asguy capital and He Superior Court, Civil Division, ith you handled over a hundred motionswhere everyshe was a grown in leaps and bounds and while I am afraid he will always struggle to keep up both assaults, burglary, robbery as well as capital and or of my could ever I can non-capital murder handled over adealing hundred motions every of tionany where yourcolleagues civil rights were violated, help. cases. We pride ourselves motion cycle with every aspect hat or hday! allyou things academically andalso socially, Ithe can see the pieces of Adjunct thecases. puzzleProfessor fitting together easier and easier non-capital murder Stephen’s experience includes 17 years as an of Business receive. The excitement in room motion cycle dealing with every aspect of civil litigation. he iftosay, in assisting thoseprogress in also our area or excited elsewhere who in needProfessor of profes- of Business as the years and about future. erscase would place Stephen’s includes 17a years ashis anare Adjunct Law at Penn State’s Lehigh Valley Campus, during which time he was awarded civil litigation. that dayexperience takes you back toam being Kasi is an active member of the Atlantic County Bar Association, and photographer Law at Penn State’s Campus, during which time he was awarded oheattend sional, caring andLehigh effective legalmagic representation. thekid, “Part-time Teaching Award.” Kasi is an active member of theforAtlantic County Bar Association, and and reminds youExcellence ofValley the of the holiday season. on the Executive Committee the Atlantic County Bar Association’s r here buddy.” the “Part-time Teaching Excellence If you think yourUniversity childAward.” mayand be Widener delayed developmentally orLaw. have a isis on munity. He is a graduate of DeSales University School of the Executive Committee for the Atlantic County Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division, where she is the acting Co-Director of Events and or his assistant you would like to learn more about the Young Lawyers Hecurrently isIfaneurological graduate of the DeSales University and Widener University School of Law. ily? Young condition like Autism, call your family physician or see Young He sits on Executive Board of the DeSales University Legal Society Lawyers Division, where she the acting Co-Director of Events previously served as the Director of is Community Outreach. Kasi is also and an realized or find out how you can contribute to the Children’s He currently sits on the Executive Board of the DeSales University Legal Society Right toon that andDivision theaDeSales University Athletic Steering Committee. He is a member of the blished developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online atpreviously served as the Director of Community Outreach. Kasi is also an active participant in the Vincent S. Haneman American Inn of Court. the City DeSales University Athletic Steering Committee. He is a member of the Holiday Party, our or like Ocean Knights ofplease Columbus and thewebsite New Jerseyatat Association for Justice, ty, you he legal and active in theofVincent Haneman American of Court. orvisit call Isabelle Mosca (609) 412-3750. As a participant lifelong resident AtlanticS.County, Kasi hopes toInn continue to find new Ocean City Knights of Columbus and the New Jersey Association for Justice, our Facebook page “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” d criminal and has lectured on multiple occasions to students at Mainland Regional High As a lifelong resident of Atlantic County, Kasi hopes to continue tolaw findand new ways to serve and help the members of our community through the and has lectured on multiple occasions to students at Mainland Regional High School. ng ways to serve help the members ofshe ourstrives community therole lawmodel and any other wayand possible. Additionally, to be a through leader and you can School. mme you’ll thefind Over the past several years, Stephen’s experience and passion for representing any other way possible. Additionally, she strives to be a leader and role model for young people, especially young women in the community who hope to He now passion for victims of an crimes to serving and victims ofbrings other’shis negligence hasprotecting helped him become experienced personal many for young people, of especially Party,forms and enter the practice law. young women in the community who hope to Visit assisting those who have been injured as aPaul result of Alexa someone’s negligence here in ne child with injury trial attorney. In December 2017, and asked him to join them enter the practice of law. nd has Jersey. disorder South as Partner at their firm.


Limited Civil meone YouMy Love MayRights?! Have Autism?

n Of Giving Back To Our Community

nd sociation ncepts, here of us easily rated)

Party. awyers a crucial





The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

Paul R. D’Amato Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Alexa D’Amato Barrera

609.926.3300 Visit

Counsellor at Law rom Disney and PA BAR The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice inMember NJPaul R. D’Amato My next of way? Magazine TheCounty County Woman Magazine representingWoman those who have been seriously injured Paul R.Civil D’Amato Certified Trial Attorney 002 after on Bar in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney You 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 hat Ihave had

July/August 2017 September/October 2018


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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Legal Professionals


The Impact Of The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Of 2017 On Family Law Matters Written By Marla Marinucci, Esq.


he Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (“TCJA”) was passed by Congress at the end of 2017. In addition to a major overhaul of the tax code, there are several areas upon which it will have a substantial impact specific to divorces and family law matters. From my perspective as a Family Law practitioner, the most important changes are: 1) After December 31, 2018, alimony will no longer be includable as income to the person receiving it (“payee”), and no longer deductible to the person paying it (“payor”); 2) The child tax credit has increased from $1,000 to $2,000, and reduces your tax liability; and 3) Elementary and high school education are now qualified expenses under a 529 plan, up to $10,000 per year.

Let’s start with the big “A” word: alimony. “I just can’t wait to make my alimony payment this month!” said no one ever. For the past 75 years, alimony payments have been deductible by the payor and includable as income to the payee. The new law only affects divorces entered after December 31, 2018, and does not apply to those entered prior to that date. Even subsequent modifications to alimony payments for divorces originally entered prior to December 31, 2018, but modified thereafter, are grandfathered in and the old law will still apply, unless the parties agree otherwise. The million-dollar question is, which law is better? The answer: that remains to be seen. Under the old law (that is still in effect through December 31, 2018), the payor spouse didn’t pay taxes on the alimony and their taxable income was reduced dollar for dollar for the alimony paid, while the payee spouse was required to pay taxes on the alimony received. Under the new law, the payor spouse must now pay taxes on their entire earnings first before paying alimony, while the payee spouse does not have to include it in their income, nor pay taxes on it like previously. At first glance, it may appear that the new law will benefit the payee spouses, but the reality is, it could end up hurting both parties. Under the current law, payors were slightly pacified despite having to pay alimony, knowing they would be getting a substantial tax deduction on the alimony paid, making it less of a bitter pill to swallow. By repealing the deductibility of alimony, it will most likely make the extraordinarily difficult task of negotiating alimony and arriving at a mutually agreed-upon amount nearly impossible. In addition, you will probably want to invest in your accountant’s services not just at tax time, but to assist you during your divorce to help you understand your and your exspouse’s earnings and respective tax brackets, in order to determine a reasonable

and fair alimony award. Let’s face it, there is rarely enough money to go around post-divorce, and the end result should be one that is fair and not just based on one party’s budget. The old days of the payee living large post-divorce while the payor lives in a shoebox are long gone. No doubt the new law will result in substantially lower alimony awards. The question remains: How low? The next major revision to the TCJA and its impact on divorces and separated parents is the child tax credit. While it is nothing new, it has been greatly expanded. Under the new law, personal exemptions have been eliminated, while the standard deduction has been doubled. As currently drafted, this is in effect through tax year 2025, and is supposed to revert back to the old law starting in tax year 2026, unless it is extended. Previously, divorcing parties would oftentimes negotiate the dependency exemptions regardless of where the children resided primarily, as the exemptions were considered an asset because they carried with them a financial benefit. Under the new law, for children who are under the age of 17 as of the last day of the taxable year, the credit is increased to $2,000. What that means is that if you owe $4,000 in taxes, if you claim the child tax credit, your overall taxes will be reduced by $2,000. If you claim two children, your tax liability is decreased by $4,000. Because the child tax credit under the TCJA reduces your taxes dollar for dollar, whereas the prior exemption reduced your taxable income, it is predicted that the child tax credit will be a hotly contested issue in divorces for years to come. Finally, the last item that I would like to include in this discussion is the expansion of the use of 529 plans. Under the old federal tax rules, 529 plans could only be used for colleges and universities. With the advent of the TCJA, 529 plans can now cover qualifying expenses for private, public, and religious schools from kindergarten through 12th grade without penalty. There is, however, a cap of $10,000 per child per year and anything over that results in a ten percent penalty, in addition to taxes on the amount of investment growth distributed. This applies only to the new law and the permissive use of 529 plans for qualifying educational expenses for kindergarten through 12th grade, and not for withdrawals made for college-aged students. The above is just the tip of the iceberg. The changes in the tax law will no doubt have a substantial impact on divorces, separated parents and the taxpayers of this country as a whole. It has never been more important to choose an attorney who is not just educated and experienced in family law, but who is current on all the various moving parts that affect your future and your bottom line if you face the unfortunate experience of getting divorced, or even find yourself in a custody battle. Call my office for a consultation and I will do my absolute best to provide you with the necessary information to empower you to make the right decision. 609-398-1900.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

We’re Here to Help Your Family Through Them.

Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Marital Settlement Agreements Post-Judgment Modifications • Emancipation • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals



117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


Cosmetic Procedures and Self-Esteem Over the years, the practice of turning to cosmetic surgery for physical enhancements has become much more accepted. Data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) shows continued growth in cosmetic procedures year over year. According to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics, there were 17.5 million surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2017 alone.

At Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, we see many patients who have not always had an appropriate understanding of cosmetic procedures. “Overdone. Fake. Plastic. Vain. Ridiculous.” These are just some of the negative adjectives used in the past to describe the choice to have plastic surgery. In 2018, this depiction is not accurate. Many of our patients are average men and woman who have turned to cosmetic enhancements to help them build confidence and even “change their lives” for the better. We often hear our patients state that they never thought they would turn to cosmetic procedures or find themselves in a plastic surgeon’s office because they “are not vain.” These same patients tell us that they “feel so much better” about themselves and continue to refer their friends. On the contrary, some patients have been thinking of a certain cosmetic procedure for years and are thrilled to be moving forward with what they consider “life-altering” surgical procedures. Research published in Clinical Psychological Science reports that plastic surgery patients could experience more joy in life, a higher sense of satisfaction and greater self-esteem. When comparing the results of the psychological tests of the surgical patients to those who had not had plastic surgery, people who had cosmetic procedures had higher selfesteem, experienced less anxiety and felt healthier overall. Additionally, those who opted for a procedure reported that they were happier with their bodies as a whole, not just the area on which they had work done. Dr. Mohit Sood is a Board-Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with extensive plastic and reconstructive surgery experience and knowledge. He can offer you appropriate options and develop a customized

treatment plan that is suitable to meet your personal goals. A meticulously planned procedure, whether it be invasive or noninvasive, will leave you looking and feeling your best, giving you confidence and greater self-esteem.

No matter the procedure you are considering, it is very important that your expectations are realistic. Dr. Sood encourages his patients to research and educate themselves, and he and his staff are happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

[\ For more information call 609-342-2053 or visit

Dr. Mohit Sood is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is passionate about helping his patients achieve their overall aesthetic goals.

Procedures/Products Available: • Facelift • ZO Skin Health • Liposuction • PRP Hair Restoration • Buttock Augmentation


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• Breast Augmentation • Breast Lift • Tummy Tuck • Mommy Makeover • Advanced Scar Treatment • Laser Skin Resurfacing

The County Woman Magazine

609-342-2053 September/October 2018

Business Spotlight


A Passion for Enhancement & Perfection There is no doubt about it, plastic surgery has become safer, more mainstream, and highly accessible. While once only reserved for the rich and famous, these days Americans are undergoing thousands of plastic surgery procedures. One of the reasons for this surge is because of the increased awareness about the success and safety of these procedures, thanks to enhanced technology and education. Dr. Mohit Sood has a reputation that precedes him and as a boardcertified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, he takes great pride in putting his patients first. He adds, “Cosmetic surgery patients are no different than any other medical patients in that they want to be treated with dignity and compassion.” Thanks to his well-rounded training he has become one of the most trusted names in the South Jersey plastic surgery industry. His practice includes everything from laser treatments, to all kinds of reconstructive surgery. Dr. Sood and his entire team at Sood Center encourage new patients to drop by and learn about the vast array of treatments that are available. “Our team realizes the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery can be a difficult one for many people. We are more than happy to provide you with information and answer any questions you have without applying pressure or becoming judgmental.” His office frequently offers plastic surgery and med spa specials so be sure and visit their website before your first visit.

ACW: What are the most commonly treated conditions at Sood Center?

Dr. Sood: I believe no two patient’s desires and experiences are the same. Each patient is treated as an individual in our practice. Our most common requests are for body contouring (liposuction, tummy tucks, body lifts), facial enhancement (non-filler eyelid rejuvenation, facelifts, laser resurfacing), breast enhancement, and minimally invasive procedures (lasers, PRP, CoolSculpting). We additionally have a full reconstructive practice where we work alongside leading surgeons to offer breast and skin oncology reconstruction.

ACW: What is the average age of your clientele?

Dr. Sood: We take pride in offering a wide variety of services to the community so we have no age and gender boundaries. The human form changes dramatically over the course of our lives and we enjoy treating the entire spectrum.

ACW: What is the most challenging aspect of your profession?

Dr. Sood: The pursuit of perfection! It is our mission to individualize everyone’s experience. At Sood Center my staff and I constantly strive for the best possible experience and outcomes for our patients. We can impact the patient experience on so many levels from their initial office visit, to

procedures, to follow-up care. At our office, we are constantly striving for enhancement and improvement of our personalized boutique style care. It is a never-ending journey to offer the latest aesthetic advancements that make impactful differences in our patient’s lives with minimal downtime and side effects. It’s a challenge we all thoroughly enjoy.

ACW: Please share a success story from your practice.

Dr. Sood: In sincerity, there are just too many to count. Every win is a big win when it comes to patient care and satisfaction. Having the Dr. Mohit Sood ability to impact our patient’s self esteem and confidence is [\ important to our practice and it’s a responsibility we take very seriously. In some ways, I would say our biggest success story is our practice as a whole and the community’s warm reception to our message. We are grateful for the overwhelming support from our patients. I love the idea of having a lifetime of making positive impact in the lives of others and look forward to a countless number of successes!

ACW: What is your educational background?

Dr. Sood: At a young age, I moved from New Jersey to South Florida to pursue a highly competitive dual admission BS/DO seven-year advanced program at Nova Southeastern University. I was inspired during this time in Florida to pursue a surgical career and continued my postgraduate training at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. I spent five full years training to become a board certified General Surgeon and completed an additional two-year fellowship as a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. I then became board certified in Plastic Surgery, as well earning myself the distinct title of double board certified. I trained at leading medical institutions in the Northeast including Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cooper University Hospital, Jefferson Hand Centers, St Christopher’s Children’s Hospital, Reading Hospital, Westchester Medical Center, and several more. I was fortunate enough to work alongside industry leading surgeons learning specialized techniques and take pride in maintaining exceptional standards to deliver my patients the highest quality of care.

Call 609-342-2053 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Caregivers: How to Cope This Winter

Assisted Living Seashore Gardens Living Center


Wanted: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress position, no vacations or days off, and zero monetary compensation

A Campaign Against Fall

Est. 1916

Seashore Gardens 22 W. JimmieCenter Leeds Rd. Living Galloway Township, NJ 08205

Chances are you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But for millions of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They have a loved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver. • p. 609-404-4848 Services I love everything about Fall—the crispness in the The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore air, the wayan theespecially world around metime changes and The winter months pose tough to becolor, a course, pumpkin spice There’s a special caregiver. Withofinclement weather and anything. an increase in colds and Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit joy inThe reaching for the sweater theaffect season, flu, it’s harder to get out of the house. reduction in first sunlight alsoofcan our The Simon Sylviaguided Zisman home for the&aged, by Jewish knowing that later you’ll be enjoying homemade mood. Being in the same home 24/7—even with someone whom you care about— Seashore Gardens Living Center is a soupburnout. to ward off the chill or better yet, hot chocolate. tradition, law, and charity, dedicated to can take its toll, and lead to caregiver nonprofitthe home for the aged, enriching quality of life for guided each of While many falls may result in no injuries, when you do by Jewish tradition, law, and charity, Caregiver Burnout: Know the Symptoms our residents. have a sprain, strain or fracture it has potentially devastating dedicated to enriching the quality of • Anger at your loved one; moodiness and irritability effects. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries in seniors, Assisted Living life for each of our residents. • Exhaustion, preventing youand from completing daily tasks a common cause of nonfatal trauma-related admissions, Short- and Long-Term Nursing Care • Sleeplessness, worrying about yourtoloved oneCenters for Disease Control and according the U.S. Assisted Living • Anxiety about how you’ll care for your loved one if he/she becomes worse Prevention. Alzheimer’s & DementiaNursing Care Care Short- and Long-Term • you used tonot enjoy Social withdrawal from the activities Yet surprisingly, falls are an inevitable consequence of


aging. That’s why I’m starting an unofficial fall campaign to keep safer. Help is• On Way Instability and balance issues occur when we stop our regular activity and Staythe Active: You’re not in this alone. outlifestyle. to family, friends20and community resources. transition into a moreReach sedentary Just walking minutes a day is beneficial. TalkItto could be as doctor simple as arranging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your your about exercising safely. loved •one. SGLC has Support Groups and a effects Respite if you’d like to get away Know Your Medication: Sometimes side canProgram compromise our stability. and need a place forEnvironment: your loved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 • Improve the Your home environment could poseto fallfind risks,out suchmore. as uneven floors, stairs, low lighting or throw rugs. Add grab bars in the Finally, bathroom. take care of yourself. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember to schedule own healthAfter appointments. a far better • Plan your Your Movement: two sprains onYou’ll stairs Ibe always hold on caregiver – if you September take care of yourself. to hand rails and wished I did before. 22, 2018 is At Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC), we for workour withfirst our Alzheimer’s Join us Sincerely, Falls Prevention residents, some who come to us for rehab services, to improve stability Support Group of the Year! Awareness Day, and balance. We’re on a campaign this Fall against falls. I hope you’llat 5:30pm January 9, 2018 recognized by the National join us. Council on Aging Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA For more information email Alysia Price You can find more information about our services Executive Director at us anytime at

Seashore Gardens Living Center

(609) 404-4848 to set upCenter a visit. rdens Living Cambron, CALA w to Janice Cope ThisLNHA, Winter

dicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress vacations or days off, and zero monetary Executive Director on

Respite (Vacation) Care Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia Rehabilitation Respite (Vacation) Care •Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Physical Therapy •• Occupational Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy • Speech Therapy Home Home Health HealthCare Care Independent Housing Independent Housing

S eashore ousing H 24 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 p. 609-748-4455

Est. 1916

Seashore Gardens Living Center

you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They Galloway Township, NJ 08205 d one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver. • p. 609-404-4848

Psychic Advisor months pose an especially tough time to be a Where are Healed and Lives are Changed Services ith inclement weatherHearts and an increase in colds and


house. The reduction inelcome sunlight canPSYCHIC affect our ADVISOR The Simon & Sylvia Zisman toalso TRUE where you will find the friendly services 24/7—even with someone whom you care about— Seashore Gardens Living Center is home a of MARK NICHOLAS. From removing negative energy in your life or to egiver burnout. nonprofit homeservices for the that aged,will guided healing the mind and soul, Mark peforms various help you live by Jewish tradition, law, and charity, specializes in SPIRITUAL HEALING mptoms a more POSITIVE ans HEALTHY lifestyle. MARK dedicated to enriching the quality of and CHAKRA CLEANSING. moodinessand andAURA irritability life for each of our residents. ou from completing daily tasks Other Services: about your loved one • REMOVE BAD LUCK, NEGATIVE ENERGY • SPECIALIZE SPIRITUAL HEALING & CLEANSING AssistedINLiving care for your loved one if he/she becomes worse • REUNITE LOVED ONES & SOUL MATES TAROT CARD READINGS Short-•and Long-Term Nursing Care he activities you used to enjoy & Dementia CareHEALING • PSYCHIC MEDIUM • CRYSTAL HEALINGAlzheimer’s • NATIVE AMERICAN HOLISTIC (Vacation) Care • ENERGY HEALING • HOUSERespite BLESSING AND CLEANSING out to family, friends and community resources. It Rehabilitation • PHONE READINGS, ONLINE AND IN PERSON for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your • Physical Therapy oups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away • Occupational Therapy The County Woman Magazine one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more.

Speech Therapy

Mark Anthony Nicholas True Psychic Advisor 201-704-6776 1238 Rt 109, Cape May NJ


September/October 2018

Health & Wellness Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Break Free Of That Negative Habit One dictionary definition of “habit” is -“an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.” It’s an action you engage in subconsciously. That sounds innocuous enough; after all, you engage in all sorts of harmless or even helpful habits each day, without much conscious thought – like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, setting the alarm, and buckling your seatbelt. But what habits are- diminishing the quality of your life, possibly shortening your life? Do you (or someone you care about) engage in any of the following negative habits – or others?

• I eat more food than my body needs, and I eat too much junk. • I sit around a lot and don’t exercise enough. • I smoke. • I worry too much and stress myself out. • I have awful sleep patterns. • I procrastinate a lot. • I grind my teeth, or chew my nails, or tug at my hair. Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.


Habits form through a process of repetition and reinforcement. Usually you repeat an action because you’ve learned it results in a reward of some sort. Maybe it just feels comforting. The behaviors you repeat become imprinted in the neural pathways of your brain – they become the path of least resistance. Maybe you find pleasure in the quick gratification, and

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

the habit continues, even though you’re aware of the dangers it poses. Habits are carried out on automatic pilot: Sit in front of the TV – eat junk. Get in the car – light up a cigarette. Try to sleep – stress and grind your teeth. You get the idea. Because habits are dictated by the subconscious, it’s almost fruitless to rely on intellect – the conscious mind – to eradicate the behavior. If you smoke, you’re aware this behavior can lead to ill health and death. The same may apply to excessive overeating or junk food eating. No matter how much you tell yourself you shouldn’t smoke (or overeat, stress out, chew your nails, grind your teeth, etc.), you continue the behavior. Understanding the dangers generally isn’t enough to make you change. There’s a difference between “knowing” and “doing.” What habit(s) are you engaging in that are potentially harmful or disturbing to you? Certified consulting hypnotists can help you access the aspect of the mind that retains these habits, and use a variety of approaches to neutralize them – by coaching you into a state of receptivity, making suggestions, and employing techniques like mental rehearsal and reframing. In addition to releasing your habit, you get a feeling of “I’m in charge now!” For so long your habit was controlling you, and now you’re taking back control. Imagine your life without your habit. You feel more in charge, more confident and optimistic. You already know that willpower alone doesn’t work over the long haul. If you’re ready for something far more effective and empowering, do something about it now.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


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Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Permanent Makeup


Beau Institute Is The Leader In Natural And Beautifully Applied Permanent Cosmetics. Call Today To Schedule Your Appointment With Our Master Artists.


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Our Skilled Practitioners will create the most beautiful and natural permanent makeup:

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touch for breast cancer survivors. Restore the natural-looking appearance of your nipple and/or areola through this noninvasive procedure.

Scalp ~ Create the look of close, cropped hair, thicken remaining hair, or camouflage transplant scarring. This procedure is popular with both men and women.

Wake up every day with the ease andnot confidence of knowing I may be PERFECT is perfect but your my makeup MAKEUP is!and designed for your face! See what our happy clients are saying: PERFECT PERMANENT PERMANENT BROWS with 3D hair

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One entry per person for the Bra Boudoir. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through10/31/2018. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to the third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Permanent Makeup


Beau Institute’s

Complimentary 3-D Areola Tattooing for Breast Cancer Survivors at the Beau Institute Beau Institute is proud to announce our 8th annual Beau Day of Hope on October 18th, 2018. The Beau Day of Hope is dedicated to empowering breast cancer survivors by offering complimentary 3-dimensional areola tattooing to women who have undergone reconstructive surgery following a mastectomy. Our goal is to help restore confidence and allow mastectomy survivors to feel feminine and whole once again. If you or someone you know is in need of this procedure please contact our office or visit our website for more information. 2000 Academy Drive, Suite 400, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • • 856.727.1411

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


Fall Special

10% Off

Coolsculpting Package (Minimum Four Treatments) Expires 4/30/18 Expires 10/31/18 Expires 10/31/18 The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 2017 March/April September/October 2018

Higher Education


Behind every hero is a Cape. Atlantic Cape. The college that gives you lots of options. Choose from nursing, culinary arts, criminal justice, business administration or 40 other programs. Take classes online or at one of three campuses. At night or during the day. Even on weekends. With transfer agreements with dozens of colleges nationwide and dual admission agreements with Rutgers, Stockton and Fairleigh Dickinson, you can start here and finish there. While spending way less.

For more information visit or call 609/625-1111

Professional Tutoring

It’s a Fresh Semester – Get a Jumpstart on Your Academic Year Andrea M. Garcia, M.D. , Founder

Whether your goal is earning an ‘A’ in high school algebra, graduating from college with honors, getting into medical school, or matching your first choice for residency, a professional tutoring service will provide you the necessary tools to achieve your goals.

What we do…

Study Smarter Professional Tutoring empowers students with the necessary tools to be successful, independent life-long learners. Teaching students how to study effectively and be better learners with a tutor who is committed to education and understands the science of learning is our focus. Study Smarter is about quality time spent between tutor and tutee that fosters a love for and mastery of

learning. That’s the way we learned. Our teachers shared their enthusiasm for and dedication to academics, which made learning fun and contagious. That’s the way we do it. There are no guarantees for straight A’s, but our study methods provide one with the tools to achieve them. Learning is fun and rewarding with Study Smarter. That’s our promise!

Smart Tips:

• It takes a small investment of time to make a huge difference. • There are “tricks” to become immediately better at taking a test – we’ll show you how! • Student anxiety is effectively reduced when a tutor is in your corner. • One-on-one means personalized attention on how your brain works in the learning process.

Dr. Andrea Garcia has spent most of her life in the classroom. From career student to medical doctor, and now professor and professional tutor, working with students to achieve their goals is her dream come true. She attended an allopathic medical school, matched her first choice for residency, was a chief resident and a chief fellow. She also played an active role on an admissions committee interviewing candidates for an internal medicine residency program. Andi loves learning, the science of memory, and the reward of intellectual achievement. She has sought to utilize teaching and memorizing techniques that are evidence-based, fun, and have stood the test of time.

TESTIMONIAL: “Andi is very enthusiastic and inspiring. I am in my Junior year in high school and improving my grades is crucial now. We have been working on my testing skills for my regular exams and the PSAT. I have already shown improvement with some quick, easy tips she gave me. I am gaining confidence and overcoming my testing fears with her help.” – E.M.P.

Study Smarter Professional Tutoring

609.579.1835 • studysmarter@gmx.con •

The County Woman Magazine

@studysmarterprofessionaltutoring September/October 2018


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More fun, more memories! Part of raising a family is making memories that willFloating Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children cherish forever. A family is part offor those memories. Whether you’re interested in glacier hotels havevacation something everyone. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve



trekking or pool lounging, exploring secluded islands or city streets, spending days iver cruising may be the hottest cruising

paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. ion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river it there’s a ship for it. on vineyard tours or in spasif you name A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises operating for decades. The besthave part been ofProfessional cruising onand any size ship remains the same: you only need to ravel and you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with ravel ready to pack your , every each with unpack once and the views change day.its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded

70 00


 Six Hawaiian Islands

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ravel 56 Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do youAre takeyou a Foodie or a Wine T ravel Lover? ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with If Memories” you’re cruising the Caribbean “Create Lasting Top chefs have expanded to in waterways with local ingredients riverboats with focus on current themes. “Create Memories” from every room, including and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many newLasting fees and diving

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

55 63

River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience

•Part Add aWith few more tee shirts and another of shorts Taking It You: A Packing Primer More fun,, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing more memories! of raising aFood family is making memories thatpair from evert port. Annual and Wine Festival sailings feature  Greece restrictions the airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, • Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags your children will cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories.

guest chiefs and sommeliers, cooking classes and more. imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider your entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local leaving a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. Today’s opportunities to travel asfor a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s to exciting • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the tion. From warm beaches adventures, every destination offers a new vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags.trend So was what createdinlong to2017 beawaited the ultimate get river around -even though tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of A sample ofports some with your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have been operating for beaches decades. ogether getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re years from now what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’sfew focused resorts and destinations with Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that ready to pack your rated the best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) watersports and unlimited scuba diving exciting Six Hawaiian Islands , of each its own personality, you will remember is the total canals, span thousands of Continental of some thewith best special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: might helpand with the process. Cruise lines upped Examples their with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices of your vacation, NOT for certified divers).connecting North Sea to Blackamenities waterways, Sea. and intriguingexperience itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: Are you anthe Adventurer? are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. things you forgot to pack. BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers andANTIGUA surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is oneSail of the ways we •civilization. Viking Cruises, through partnership with tobest ports the edges of *Remember, your Vagabond* oceanat cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with you? simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Enjoy watersports offand back of small ships. Travel Professional can diving riverboats with focus onVirtuoso current themes. from every room, Watersports waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and go cities, where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you canships right to the beach) ounges are so popular with children and families. 19access. SpecialtyClub. restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruising destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. • 2 cover-ups imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet t will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value andthe added ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, 7-day cruise guests local for wet suits. home from on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the atbeach & 1now Pareo) experience the touches long rides. From tobus make your experience a Whatever you forget you can • purchase on board or at the •tour Avalon Waterways and other airlines let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what“Austrian ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & created to beHighlights” the ultimate getfrom tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ships together were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by•Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting NorthBridges waterways, Sea to Black Sea. program, including family cooking River CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazy rivers and warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, lessons. *Remember, your Vagabond* through partnership with Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Professional can  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counDo you appreciate the finer things in life? (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups Silverseas ships have dedicated Butlers for each cabin. They are It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for eveningsas dining the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to make your experience a •the Avalon Waterways “Austrian from trained English Butlers and they make a world of difference to and Scenic cruises to fill Each line Highlights” The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to demand. • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable Munich • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships built with families inas mind. Along deluxe Ocean view your cruise experience. Sea Dream cruisers check into their cabin Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has itswere highlights, such the ships and the • 2 families, shorts and 2Alaska tees and an evening purse South Africa for tours (Perfect for summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses to find Monogrammed pajamas waiting for them. next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler the right cruise Working with your Virtuoso Advisor, you will lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Yourisland Travelorfind Experience. *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist size and experience that works with your lifestyle. Why notAdvisor contact • Facial and body moisturizer Start yourwith There are several brand new River cruise lines •unforgettable Sunglasses special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways me today to begin an exciting cruise vacation? • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

website: 732-222-2792 Direct *Check out *Check out

732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some County Woman Magazine foramazing Digital Magazineand some County Woman The The County Woman Magazine Magazine travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

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Fashion & Beauty


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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


READING YOUR mammogram?

Who is

Choose the experts at AMI. Atlantic Medical Imaging is the only Breast Imaging Center of Excellence in southeastern New Jersey.

Research shows that where you get your mammogram makes a difference and that your mammogram is only as good as the radiologist who reads it. AMI’s team of breast imaging specialists are dedicated to providing the most accurate and timely diagnostics, in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

To schedule an appointment, please CALL (609) 677-XRAY (9729).

CMCH • EHT • Galloway • Hammonton • Manahawkin Northfield • Somers Point • Brick • Manasquan • Toms River amiradiology

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Business Spotlight


Who is Reading Your Mammogram Matters: Meet Dr. Peggy Avagliano, A Pioneer in the Field of Radiology


about their cancer journey. We have a team of patient navigators that help guide them and their loved ones through the process of recovery.

ACW: What are some of the positive attributes of your job? Dr. Avagliano: It’s incredible to be able to save someone’s life. The


death rate for patients with breast cancer was unchanged for decades before screening mammography began in the mid 80’s. Over 30% fewer women die from breast cancer today compared with death rates prior to the mid 1980’s. Early detection really saves lives.

ACW: What attracted you to the field of Radiology? Dr. Avagliano: A radiologist uses state of the art technology to

It was a love of solving puzzles that attracted Dr. Peggy Avagliano to the fascinating field of Radiology. As the attending Radiologist at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, she has special clinical interests in ultrasound, mammography, and minimally invasive breast biopsies. Dr. Avagliano is part of this full service radiology practice, which operates 12 offices throughout New Jersey. From standard X-rays to more complex procedures, their board certified fellowship-trained radiologists get accurate results to your doctor. They are known for utilizing cuttingedge equipment and the most advanced imaging services and procedures available.

ts at AMI.

ACW: As head of Women’s imaging, what is the llence in southeastern New Jersey. most challenging aspect of your profession? Dr. Avagliano: Early detection of breast cancer on a screening

am makes a difference andis low in the screening mammogram. The incidence of cancer population, 5-7 cases every 1,000 women screened will ologist whoabout reads it.forAMI’s have cancer. Cancer can have many different appearances from providing thetomost accurate calcifications, subtle changes in architecture, to a mass. Normal breast tissue, benign masses, and cancers are white on a mammogram; g environment.

only fat is black. Although every person’s cancer journey is unique in many ways, it begins with someone like me, confirming your worst The air seems to be(9729). sucked out of the room as patients sit teary 609)fears. 677-XRAY eyed. We comfort them as best we can and begin the discussion

take a look inside patient’s bodies; without having to cut them open. We scour the images to uncover clues, taking note of everything we discover. We examine the findings in conjunction with the clinical information and any pertinent history we have available to come up with a possible diagnosis.

ACW: What sets AMI apart from other Medical Imaging offices? Dr. Avagliano: We are committed to improving the health and

wellness of our own communities. Our sub-specialization ensures academic quality in your own back yard. In 2003 we created the AMI-foundation, a non-profit entity that allows us to serve the most vulnerable in our community. Our mission includes: free screening mammograms to the uninsured in October; backpacks filled with supplies for children in need, and sponsoring Noogieland at Gilda’s (for children whose lives are touched by cancer).

ACW: Please walk us through a typical day at the office. Dr. Avagliano: I typically start the day at 7 am batch reading 3D

screening mammograms. Morning tomography guided biopsies are followed by diagnostic mammograms and breast ultrasounds (these are patients who have symptoms such as a lump or pain, or were called back from a screening mammogram). I speak to every one of my diagnostic patients, so they leave our office knowing what I know. The afternoon is dedicated to ultrasound–guided and MRI guided breast biopsies. Patients returning for biopsy results or consults are typically seen on the day I get the results. For over 50 years, Atlantic Medical Imaging has brought state of the art technology to the Jersey Shore. They are an organization on the cutting edge, constantly looking to the future and partnering with imaging vendors, and academic centers to advance new technologies; such as: Coronary CTA (for heart disease), PET/CT scanning (for Alzheimer’s disease), and artificial intelligence (AI). All the advances in technology such as 3D tomography increase the visibility of cancers. Just as finding Waldo becomes easier after you have looked through many puzzles, breast experts have improved cancer detection. At AMI, radiologists read about 50,000 mammograms a year.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


Your Guide to Preventing Athlete’s Foot Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection caused by growth of the Tinea fungus on your foot. This fungus is especially prevalent in moist, warm environments. It often feels like you have an itch that you just can’t scratch beneath the surface of your skin. While it can be embarrassing, it’s easy to treat, and even easier to prevent. What are the causes of athlete’s foot?

Approximately 3-15% of the population is affected by athlete’s foot. While you don’t have to be an athlete to contract it, it remains largely an issue in athletic places, such as gym locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools. It’s also been reported in many nail salons. To get athlete’s foot, all you have to do is let your tootsies come in contact with the fungus. Symptoms of athlete’s foot include red, cracked, and flaky skin that’s very itchy. The skin may also appear swollen. It’s most commonly seen in between the fourth and fifth toes. While men and women can most certainly get it, the fungus is most often diagnosed in males and older adults.

How do I prevent it?

The best way to prevent athlete’s foot is to keep your feet dry and away from any surfaces that may be contaminated. Try these preventive strategies: Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

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Laser Therapy



1. Carry a pair of flip-flops or rubber sandals in your gym bag, and wear them when you’re changing or in the shower. Keep them separate from the other items in your bag by storing them in a plastic bag. Wash the shoes with a sanitizing soap or wipe as soon as you can, and replace the plastic bag before putting them back in your gym bag. 2. Wash your feet thoroughly every day. Scrub, scrub, scrub! Pay special attention to the bottoms of your feet and between your toes. 3. Make sure the floors of your home showers and tubs are cleaned and sanitized. 4. Buy shoes that fit you correctly and aren’t too tight. 5. Don’t share towels, socks, or shoes with anyone. 6. Try not to wear the same shoes two days in a row. 7. If you’re heading to the nail salon, ask the technician to place a new plastic liner in the basin before your feet ever make contact with it. This is becoming standard practice in many nail salons now, so don’t be afraid to ask. If they’re unwilling or don’t have any liners available, it may be time to switch to a new salon. 8. Another tip for the nail salon: Make sure the instruments have been properly sanitized. Some salons offer the option of purchasing your own tools that you can leave at the salon, that they’ll sanitize for you after use. You can also bring your own tools. Heat sanitization is always the best.

Getting treated for athlete’s foot

Successful treatment for athlete’s foot usually involves topical medications -- creams and sprays -- that contain a fungus-killing ingredient. It’s best to treat athlete’s foot quickly, so it doesn’t spread, especially if you have diabetes or a weakened immune system. While athlete’s foot usually doesn’t cause any serious problems, it’s a fungal infection that will not go away on its own. Leaving it untreated can cause the fungus to spread to your toenails.


If you think you have athlete’s foot, it’s best to get professional treatment. Our experienced podiatrists at Go Feet can effectively nix your athlete’s foot, and get your feet feeling their best again. Simply click the “book online” button on our website or call one of our offices in Mays Landing or Hammonton, New Jersey.

Call 609-704-9001 or visit

Dr. Stuart W. Honick

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery

Dr. James R. Williamson

Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Home Improvement


What Are The Dangers Of A Cracked Heat Exchanger? What Are The Dangers Of A Cracked Heat Exchanger?

Jen and Clay Pierce Clay’s Climate Control LLC is a family-owned and operated company located in Linwood, NJ. The company was founded by Clay and Jen Pierce in 2001 based on the principle that we could offer an excellent HVAC experience to our customers. Our goal is simple; to provide a professional, stress-free experience for your HVAC repair, maintenance or installation.

Many people at the Jersey Shore heat their homes with fossil fuels (natural gas, propane, or fuel oil). When fossil fuels burn they produce fumes containing carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and soot. A furnace depends on the heat exchanger to contain these dangerous fumes and safely conduct them to the chimney while transferring the valuable heat into the home. If the heat exchanger is compromised by a crack or rust, flue gases and carbon monoxide will leak into the home, resulting in illness and possibly death of the occupants.

What Is The Cause Of Heat Exchanger Cracks?

Overheating causes nearly all premature heat exchanger cracks. When a furnace cannot get enough airflow, the heat exchanger overheats and suffers excess stress from expansion and contraction. Over time, the heat stress causes cracks near weak areas such as bends or welds. The most common cause of an overheated heat exchanger is as simple as a dirty air filter. A clogged air filter restricts airflow through the furnace,

overheating the heat exchanger, and eventually resulting in stress cracks. An oversized furnace can also cause overheating and heat exchanger cracks. We frequently see too much furnace with too little ductwork or too little house. A furnace with undersized ductwork will lack proper airflow and suffer a similar fate as that of a clogged filter.

Typical Cure And Cost

Unfortunately, heat exchangers cannot be repaired. When a heat exchanger cracks or rusts through, it must be replaced. Because the heat exchanger is at the center of the furnace, nearly the whole furnace must be disassembled. Another solution is to replace the whole furnace with a right-sized furnace. Ironically, a furnace replacement can actually be cheaper than repairing the old furnace, when you add up utility rebates, tax credits, factory rebates, and the energy savings of a properly sized furnace. Call us today to set up a maintenance call or in-

home evaluation to keep your family safe this winter.

501 W. Patcong Ave • Linwood, NJ 08221

609-653-2295 • • Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM

Emergency services available



For Over 2500 Years, People have used Acupuncture to Achieve Better Health. Why?

f you’ve never tried Acupuncture before, you may have wondered what all the fuss is about. It may seem like just another alternative health craze. But did you know that over 14 million Americans have either tried or used Acupuncture? If it didn’t work, it couldn’t possibly be so popular.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

So How Does It Work?

What should I expect during my first visit?

Acupuncture is very gentle and relaxing to receive, and has an extremely low probability of side effects. It does no harm, it can only help. You may feel a pinch when being needled, but most patients don’t know they are being needled! The needles are finer that a human hair! Over 2500 years old, this time-tested method of healing speaks for itself by alleviating conditions normally addressed by drugs or surgery in Western medicine.

Acupuncture is a holistic medicine which empowers the body to heal Wear comfortable loose clothing. Your arms, hands, legs, and feet need to be accessible. The treatments primarily use distal points on itself. Rather than focusing solely on symptoms, it supports the body and addresses the root of the problem. It’s a form of treatment rooted in your extremities where your Qi is very receptive. You will relax in a zero-gravity recliner and then the appropriate points will be needled ancient tradition that involves the insertion of needles at specific points according to your particular diagnosis, and you will rest for about 30 on the body, also called acupoints. The practice is focused on correcting minutes and allow the needles to do their magic! You will feel better, feel imbalances of energy and improving the flow of Qi or Chi - the life good, feel GREAT! Most patients feel immediate results, but depending force energy - and treats a variety of ailments.Acupuncture has been on the severity of your ailment, you may need a series of treatments to used for centuries to prevent as well as treat disease and improve general resolve your issue. health. It is very effective to relieve acute and chronic conditions, such as... • Asthma • Chronic pain • Anxiety/depression Testimonial • Fertility “I am a 72 year old male and have had wrist pain for over 20 years. Some modalities have helped, but • Gastrointestinal issues not as much as Acupuncture. Also my shoulder pain decreased significantly. And, my friends have told me they • Neurological disorders such as MS experienced extreme back relief from Maria’s Acupuncture treatments. I highly recommend her!” - James McClean • Ear, Nose and Throat disorders

Maria DeAngelis Lascheid, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. Maria is a Licensed Acupuncturist who holds a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in Glenside, Pa. She developed an interest in Acupuncture during her career in the casino industry. She is drawn to natural methods of healing and, in particular Eastern Medicine, which has a holistic perspective of health and healing. She believes in the body’s amazing ability to heal itself and utilizes various therapies in addition to Acupuncture including Auricular Acupuncture, Cupping, and Gua Sha.

Feel better, feel good, feel GREAT!

Atlantic Holistic Health Center • 6717 Atlantic Avenue • Ventnor, NJ 08406 • 609.551.5778 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


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888-985-ASAP (2727) • The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 September/October 2018


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals



When Do You Need To See A Specialist For Low Back Pain? Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for patients to seek medical attention.


ith some pain episodes, the sudden reaching, bending or lifting event that began the misery is remembered, but sometimes the circumstances of onset are uncertain. Common causes of back pain include overstretching muscles or ligaments, the so-called “strain/sprain,” and these tend to resolve quickly. Many adults experience episodes of low back pain from time to time and fortunately, most resolve with no more than a single day’s rest, a few days of over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, and intermittent use of ice. These problems do not generally require X-rays or MRI studies. Other pain episodes may resolve with physical therapy or chiropractic within 4-6 weeks. Injuries to the lumbar discs, nerves or spinal joints tend to be the cause of most persistent pains. When back pain doesn’t resolve after a period of four to six weeks, progressively worsens despite treatment, or includes severe leg pain, weakness, incontinence, falling or an inability to walk, it is time to see a physician. If you have several episodes of recurring severe back pain over several months, evaluation is also merited. Often, family practitioners and general internists see initial episodes of low back pain, but after imaging studies, refer the patient to a specialist. While it was once traditional to refer patients to a surgeon for consultation, most patients don’t require surgery. Over 20 years ago, physicians who were previously called upon to address pain problems with specific techniques such as injections or rehabilitation by their surgical colleagues began to focus on the intricacies of pain diagnosis and treatment, creating the new field of Pain Management. Pain Management This field represents a new kind of multi-disciplinary thinking, focusing specifically on the understanding and treatment of pain as a symptom. Multispecialty training in pain combines physical medicine, anesthesia, psychiatry, neurology and radiology with some additional experience, often in orthopedics or neurosurgery. The American Board of Medical Specialties recognizes expertise in Pain Medicine by awarding the Certificate of Added Qualifications in Pain Medicine. This certificate shows expertise exceeding the physician’s original Board Certification in Anesthesia or Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Holders of this certification must pass a rigorous re-certification examination every 10 years. While few practicing pain physicians are primarily trained in orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery, all pain physicians are trained to recognize the serious problems

which merit prompt referral to their surgical colleagues. A well-trained and Board Certified Pain Management physician is a good choice to help understand and relieve your back pain. At our practice, Relievus, most patients are referred from their primary care providers, orthopedic or neurosurgeons, or from a physical therapist or chiropractor. In our practice, we seek to discover why your pain exists and to explain this to you. Only after a specific cause of pain is identified can treatment options be thoughtfully discussed. While some pain management practices seem to offer epidural or caudal injections to all of their patients with back pain, we are highly selective, routinely using a variety of advanced injection techniques to target your specific problem, but only where your pain pattern and physical examination findings support this specific treatment. It is our policy to personally review your MRI or CAT scan images, where available, as part of providing you a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis. We often identify subtle findings relevant to your diagnosis, which alter our recommendations for treatment. Frequently, a bulging or herniated disc is not the cause of your pain. While this condition is often (and wrongly) called “non-specific” low back pain, most patients are found to have pain originating in the spinal joints. Epidural injections do not help this problem. Unfortunately, many patients and some physicians fail to realize that at least half of all back problems will not improve with epidural injections. Long ago, research showed that the practice of administering three identical epidural injections was without merit, but unfortunately, some pain physicians still practice this way. We think that patients deserve better care and better value. With rising deductibles and co-payments, we think that you have a right to expect that your pain doctor will practice not just good, but better medicine.

When your low back pain doesn’t go away, call Dr. Pryzbylkowski and the staff at Relievus, (888) 985-ASAP (2727), for prompt evaluation at either of our convenient offices.


Central Park East, • 222 New Road, Suite 102 Linwood, NJ 08221 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The The County Woman Magazine

Peter G. Pryzbylkowski, MD Anesthesiologist Interventional Pain Specialist

• Board Certified Interventional Pain Specialist • Interventional Pain Management Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania • National Board Certification, American Board of Anesthesiology • Anesthesia Residency: University of Pennsylvania • Medical Internship: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia • Former Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania • Medical Degree, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

September/October 2017 2016 September/October September/October 2018


Health & Wellness Body In Balance Offers A Complete Rehabilitation Experience Body in Balance began humbly in 2005 as a small business bringing physical therapy services (Lic #40QA00915700) into our patients’ homes. Today, our private, Atlantic County outpatient clinic has grown into Body in Balance Rehabilitation & Fitness. We are committed to providing each and every patient with a timely, effective rehabilitation program. Our experienced therapists come from diverse, clinical backgrounds and possess the understanding and enthusiasm to support you safely throughout your recovery. Our focus is on the planning and administration of physical therapy treatment to restore function, relieve pain, and prevent disability following disease, injury or surgery. Body in Balance also offers a beautiful, non-intimidating Fitness Center designed with you in mind. We have made the process of exercising quick, easy, and beneficial without overcrowding, long waits, overly loud music, or messy gym floors. Our machines are state of the art from Biodex, SciFit, Keiser, and Cybex. Personal Trainers are on staff to assist you.

314 Central Ave. Linwood, NJ 609-365-8499

The County Woman Magazine September/October 2018



Psychopharmacology And Genetic Testing-What This Means For You Psychopharmacology

The term “psychopharmacology” describes the study of medications used to treat mental health conditions. “Psycho” pertains to the mind or psychology. It is of Greek origin, meaning “breath, soul, mind.” “Pharmacology” is the branch of medicine concerned with the “uses, effects, and modes of actions of drugs.” Thus psychopharmacology translates to the uses, effects, and modes of actions of drugs on the mind. Notably the Greeks included “breath” and “soul,” which could be interpreted as connecting the state of mind with the deepest part of our human selves; our very life essence. While that may seem far-reaching, we have come to know there is no separation between what the mind experiences and its impact on the body or vice versa. However, the somatic nature of mental health conditions is not the focus of this article, though there will be times the inference is clear. A formal definition for medications used to treat mental health is: “Psychopharmacological medications are defined as ‘any medication used for managing behavior, stabilizing mood, or treating psychiatric disorders.’ These medications may include antipsychotics (i.e., Risperdal), antidepressants (i.e., Lexapro), anxiolytics (i.e., Ativan)…” (adopted from Alixa RX; Use of Psychopharmacological Medications for Behavior Control; August 2016)


Genes are described as “a unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring.” Genes are made of DNA and act as “instructions” to make proteins. Every person has two copies that are inherited from each of our parents. Genes are pretty much the same in every person in terms of their purpose, but there are small differences of the same genes called alleles that change the sequences of the DNA. These small differences are what make us characteristically unique.

The Research

The last decade has seen meaningful advances in the science of genetics in order to better support the art of mental health and its treatment. The advent of more refined, specific and available pharmacological and disease state testing for medicines and other treatments to assist psychiatrists is coming. A review of the healthcare literature regarding differences in response to medication therapy has long shown that one’s ethnicity may determine an individual’s response to certain medications as well. Ongoing research will help to individualize and target treatments, decrease unnecessary trials, increase patient trust and adherence to treatment, and produce better outcomes in a timelier manner. Stay tuned!

is due to the unique sequence of proteins in human beings. Simply put, one size does not fit all.

Applying The Research To Psychiatry

The area of genetic research and pharmacology is called pharmacogenetics. It is the study of inherited genetic differences concerning an individual’s metabolic pathways (an individual’s unique metabolism process), and how they affect a person’s response to various drugs, including therapeutic effects as well as adverse responses. This applies to the psychodynamics of the drug, or how the drug works on its target in the brain. The process for doing a genetic test is very simple and involves obtaining a specific kit for this kind of genetic testing from your doctor. Inside the kit is one pair of long Q-tips that are used to swab inside each cheek 10 times respectively, then the Q-tips are placed in the supplied envelope with the necessary documentation and then sent to the confirmatory lab via FedEx. The results are returned to the ordering physician/APN usually in less than a week. There is a cost to genetic testing that may or may not be covered by your insurance; however, as an investment in your health, it helps to know the results are good for life. Although the results are not easily interpreted, a trained medical professional can help explain specific data and its relevance to a more refined medication selection process. These tests measure the various genetically derived liver iso-enzymes that are responsible for metabolism of almost all medications you might need. Some meds are better metabolized than others. The testing helps to define which meds in all classes of psychotropic meds (and beyond) your body prefers. However, this is not yet a foolproof method for finding your “silver bullet.” But it does help to narrow the field of options and some degree of efficacy. The potential for side effects may also be extrapolated as well, depending on the sophistication of the test. In time, this narrowing benefit will get even more individualized and this will help to expedite better outcomes, patient comfort, and satisfaction.

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What Is The Research Telling Us?

What we know is that our genetic code is a set of “rules” that translates what is encoded in the genetic material into amino acids. Amino acids are units of proteins. And specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions in metabolism. Since that is a fact, how a thing metabolizes in one person is not necessarily how it will metabolize in another. At this point, you may be able to ascertain that since our unique characteristics occur at the level of genomes inherited from our parents, it is reasonable to infer that the chances are very high that two individuals given the same substance will respond differently. The reason for these differences

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September/October 2018


68 72

Breast Cancer Awareness Month B reast ancer wareness onth B reastC C ancerA A warenessM M onth

Have You Had Your Annual Mammogram? Breast Cancer Awareness Month

(BCAM), also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. NBCAM was founded in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (now part of AstraZeneca, producer of several anti-breast cancer drugs). The aim of the NBCAM from the start has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer. In 1993 Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Estée Lauder Companies founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and established the pink ribbon as its symbol, though this was not the first time the ribbon was used to symbolize breast cancer. In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation had handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. A variety of events around the world are organized in October, including walks and runs, and the pink illumination of landmark buildings. In the United States, the National Football League promotes breast cancer awareness by incorporating pink on and off the field, and comic strip artists use pink on one day in October. (1)

What are the key statistics about breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2014 are: • About 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. • About 62,570 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). • About 40,000 women will die from breast cancer After increasing for more than 2 decades, female breast cancer incidence rates began decreasing in 2000, then dropped by about 7% from 2002 to 2003. This large decrease was thought to be due to the decline in use of hormone therapy after menopause that occurred after the results of the Women’s Health Initiative were published in 2002. This study linked the use of hormone therapy to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart diseases. Incidence rates have been stable in recent years. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman’s death is about 1 in 36 (about 3%). Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment. At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (This includes women still being treated and those who have completed treatment.) (3) The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The The County Woman Magazine

How can National Breast Cancer Awareness Month make a difference? We can use this opportunity to spread the word about steps women can take to detect breast cancer early. Take action to increase awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer screenings. • Ask doctors and nurses to speak to women about the importance of getting screened for breast cancer. • Encourage women ages 40 to 49 to talk with their doctors about when to start getting mammograms. • Organize an event to talk with women ages 50 to 74 in your community about getting mammograms every 2 years. • Display posters about breast cancer screening in your organization’s break room. • Ask health professionals from your local hospital or clinic to share information about mammograms and early detection with your employees or members. • Distribute materials about breast cancer screening at a local health fair. • Partner with local women’s organizations, community groups, and senior centers to reach women ages 40 and older with important information on breast cancer screening. • Host a breast cancer walk with your organization’s members. (2) Sources: (1) Wikipedia: Awareness_Month (2) American Cancer Society: detailedguide/breast-cancer-key-statistics (3) Susan G. Komen Foundation: UnderstandingBreastCancer.html

September/October 2015 2014 September/October September/October 2018

Theatre & Entertainment


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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Yoga Practice & Yoga Teaching Now the Practice of Yoga Begins…Are You Ready? Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT, Owner

Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT500 Atha Yoganushasanam (yoga sutras 1.1)&“Now Owner, Yoga Nine, Ventnor LBIthe practice of yoga begins” The first sentence of the bible of classical yoga is this. Atha, which often opens important Sanskrit texts, means “now” and has the connotation of auspicious beginnings…like saying “behold!”: it acts at once as an imperative— “wake up,” we are beginning—and as a “blessing” for those who are ready to begin. It insinuates that we are finally ready to get real, and “to discover the essence of our existence in the core of our own heart and at the center of our being” (Freeman). It signals our ability to be in the present moment (“now!”). Anushasanam refers to a systematic, scientific teaching; a teaching which is only offered to a qualified student—one who is ready to fully commit.

“Yoga” is difficult to define. It is a practice that has many techniques and interpretations, originating in India and now modified and blended into many cultures worldwide.

Foundational 250 Hour Training September 13-April 21st Advanced CEUevery Segments “Every little gesture of theand hand, Mudra has a deep (60 hours each) (see website for dates & times):

meaning – the entire philosophy of life is contained in Therapeutics: Inclusive teaching for all populations these gestures. convey a whole history of God’s Teaching beginners:They Breaking down core concepts Teaching advanced: The higher limbs through holistic practice self-manifestation in the universe.” Tantra: Philosophical foundations of hatha yoga

– Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati Pranayama: Exploring the physics of breath Sequencing and Adjusting: Teaching through energetic and structural principles The Histrory of Yoga: Comprehensive history from East to West Mudras play a very important role in Taoist alchemy, Buddhist meditation, yoga, and Indian classical dance and The word mudrasegments: stems from 300 hour (leading to theater. 500 certification) Yoga is a very varied practice. are do many diverse I am often asked, “What kindThere of yoga youdifferent teach?”styles, My answer the Sanskrit root mud, which means “bliss.” This hints at the power of Fall-Winter 2018-2019 practices, and distinct lineages, but there is also an underlying web of similarity is a simple if unsatisfying one. I teach a modern interpretation, my these beautiful gestures to evoke deep feeling in the observer and joy in the VENTNOR that joins these different approaches. Indian folktale tellsinofmedieval a man who is LBI STUDIOThe (location) practitioner. word mudra also denotes “seal” in(location) yoga and is employed to interpretation, of the practice mostAnrecently described texts. digging a well. He begins by digging down five feet and when there is no water, HISTORY OF MODERN YOGA (Online) 3 person minimum enrollment explain the process of sealing and strengthening the body’s vital energies. In These texts, collectively known as “tantra” or “hatha” yoga, depart from he is discouraged by his hard work, and he climbs out of the hole, moves a few classical Indian dance, mudras are used to express the vast array of human Sundays 11am-4pm the earlier descriptions of “classical yoga” in met that by they see the bodyagain as a yards away and begins digging again, only to be disappointment emotion and experience; to communicate deep feelings intricate stories. Meetings 9/16 &and 2/3,tell1-3pm Saturdays necessary of thefinds energetic nature of endlessly. existence. and again. instrument This goes on for andexploration on, and he never water, but labors In the yoga tradition mudras are used for spiritual concentration, healing, PRANAYAMA SEQUENCING AND ADJUSTING They traditions seek to use in us a “forceful” way to self-exploration. understand how we ask are Most of the yogabody inspire to engage in deep They removing obstacles, and other subtle energetic practices. Sundays 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 us to stick with it, work hard, andalldig deeper deeper. we tend seems to do connected to everything, that reality is and “one.” The What conundrum Please come and join us at Yoga Nine for10/14, a deeper exploration of the “now.” 10/7, 10/20, 10/27, 11/4, 11/25, 12/2, THERAPEUTICS in our how lives iscan leave practice) it becomes challenging. We clear: onea practice exist in (any a body and atjust theassame time be “everything”? We will always offer challenging, guided practice to every student as we dig jump from regimen to regimen, diet to diet, relationship to relationship, career 12/9, 12/16, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 1/12, 1/19 The Tantrics saw the answer in the “physics of breathing.” They understood deeper into experience. Come dig deeper…the time is now! to career. In yoga we are asked to stick to it, so that through the body and breath 8-10am the human condition to be subject to the forces of physics; in particular, we can investigate deep and subtle feelings, responses, and reflexes in relation to gravity (apana),mind. whichWeis do expressed on the everything exhalationdown breath. Call 609-214-6596 for registration or go to the conditioned this by slowing andThey observing sought reverse of gravity, which situatedofwithin it closelytowith freshthe eyes.force We try to look past the kept rapidone evaluations our conditioned minds. Atha is therefore about present, in the moment. their circumscribed body, and be able tobeing expand (theirhere, consciousness— Yoga 101: 5 Week Course for new beginners March 26-April 23 Sundays: 11:30 includes instructional course, free rubber mat and 5 weeks access to all classes at both locations

experienced through sensation)this intofocus the and “boundless” or “infinite.” The diverse styles physical of yoga accomplish concentration in different ways. Somebut study and philosophy (jnana),which some engage That’s a tall order, an texts experience of connection can beinachieved, chanting and through other forms of devotion to (bhakti), some very simply, manipulating thea higher breathcause and movement in aengage in good works (karma), and still others look to the movement of energies in concentrated way. the body to create deep experience (hatha). The body in hatha yoga is seen as The principles of hatha yoga align with the principles of Western physics an arena for metaphysical experience. It is manipulated through body postures, and, in my ever-evolving practice, can be taught bandhas (locks), and mudrasinterpretation (body & handof gestures), which enhance thefrom either perspective. should only teach what knowsaretoancient be true, and channeling of energyOne and therefore experience. Theseone practices and found in many artistic traditions. classical thatare truth should not Eastern contradict other beliefs.Indian Yoga Nine is atheater studioand where dance make West, use of postures and mudras to feelaround and express emotion and create East meets and teaching is centered honest attempts to apply transformation in the performers and the audience. Mudras in particular help Western knowledge to the interpretation of Eastern philosophy. to focus the gross body energy through delicate and precise movements of the Want to practice? Come join us; we are a growing and learning hands. We are familiar with “anjali,” the mudra of prayer, which focuses our community. to teach? Come trainenergy with us; we offer critical bodies on our Want vital energy and the essential of others, buta there are many exploration of the “science of yoga.” mudras with many intentions.

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September/October 2018 January/February 2017

Health & Wellness


NOVEMBER 13-18, 2018

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018





EXPO Presented by





Katz JCC

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Campus

10:00 AM-2:00 PM

at the Milton & Betty Katz JCC 501 N. Jerome Avenue, Margate, NJ 08402

The County Woman Magazine

609.822.1167 September/October 2018




“My husband and I are celebrating 22 years married in December. Wishing us many more beautiful years together and my children, every happiness.” - Lisa Scott

“Happy Birthday on September 26th to our newest employee Meghan Malloy!

Enjoy your special day!”

- The County Woman Team

“Congratulations on your wedding on September 29th. We wish you a lifetime of good health, love and happiness!” - Love, Greg & Lauren

“Mom & Dad, Congratulations on your 37th wedding anniversary. Erin & Kyle, Congratulations on your 4th wedding anniversary.” - Love, Greg & Lauren

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


Tips For Boosting Your Metabolism Metabolism is often the scapegoat for weight gain or difficulty losing weight. While metabolism absolutely plays a role in your body’s equilibrium, it cannot always be to blame when you have trouble shedding pounds, or end up putting on more weight than you were expecting. Having an efficient metabolism that works in conjunction with your body and weight loss goals can be one of the best ways to lose some excess weight and keep your digestive system running smoothly. Here are a few tips to try to boost your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the higher metabolic rate you have too. In order to boost your metabolism, pack on the muscle and watch your body do the work. Experts recommend two days a week of weight-lifting in order to keep your muscles working hard and continually developing, thus kicking your metabolism into gear. Hydration—we’ve all heard it, but did you know that water helps process calories in your body? Drinking water before meals helps to break down your food during and after your meal, which lends a helping hand to your metabolism. Continuous hydration throughout the day is key to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also to give your metabolism a boost. High-intensity aerobic exercise is another key to boosting metabolism. While consistent anaerobic exercises throughout the week help to lower your

heart rate and keep your body fit, the high-intensity aerobic workouts are the ones that will jumpstart your metabolism, raising your overall metabolic rate. Snacking throughout the day can lead to a faster metabolism, too. By eating small meals and snacks every couple of hours, your metabolism keeps grinding. If you find yourself eating big meals with lots of time between meals, your metabolism is probably slowing down significantly between meals. Smart snacking during the day helps prevent you from overeating at mealtimes, keeping your overall calorie intake down, and making it easier for your metabolism to process the food efficiently. Finally, a tip all caffeine addicts can get behind—coffee has been shown to speed up your metabolic rate, though only on a short-term basis. Black coffee in moderation is best, but any caffeine can help speed up your metabolism, and even help increase your endurance during workouts. At the end of the day, maintaining a balanced diet and workout plan will help keep you healthy, all the while supporting your metabolism in burning fat and building lean muscle.

If you need further assistance with weight loss or wish to know more about metabolism and the role it plays in your body, contact Barbara Greenling, DNP at 609-625-9146. Source: WebMD

About the Practitioner Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family.

• Endocrinology • Diabetes • Metabolism

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“She is very caring and intelligent. I would recommend her especially to anyone with diabetes and thyroid conditions.” - Wendy, Mays Landing, NJ

Primary Care Practitioner specializing in:


Testimonials “I have been a patient of Barbara Greenling for about a year and a half. She is an excellent practitioner who cares about her patients. As a person who makes their living working with medical staff, I have seen both the good and the not so good, I highly recommend her to all who are looking for a knowledgeable, compassionate and caring practitioner!!!!!” - Ann, Mays Landing, NJ

Barbara Greenling, DNP

The County Woman Magazine

(609) 625-9146 September/October 2018

Specialty Wigs


Wigs By Pat And Cubby Most of us will experience changes in our hair at some point during our lives. Some may have a lot of thinning or some of us may have just a little. It can happen at any time, for countless reasons. One reason for hair loss could be due to medical conditions and/ or treatments. Thankfully, wigs, hair ‘toppers’ and hair extensions of today are nothing like those of the past. There is something available for everyone. The wonderful feature about specialty wigs and hair accessories are the variety of options that are now available. Since there are so many solutions, it is important to choose the best possible option for you. Pat and Cubby, the professionals at Micchelli’s Hair Design, are specialized in this area and can share their knowledge and expertise to help you find the perfect fit for you. Being prepared for hair loss can give you back a feeling of control and make the process of hair loss much less traumatic, because it can be just that.

What do you do when your doctor tells you that you will lose your hair?

Again, hair loss can often be a traumatic experience. Being prepared is a great way to feel more in control and make the process much easier to handle. It would be important to schedule a wig consultation PRIOR to hair loss, when able. It is then that you can determine what wig works best for you. Many clients can’t decide between all of the great wig selections, so we suggest that you bring pictures to the consultation also. They can be pictures of you or any type of style, color or texture you would like. You can also bring a lock of your hair when looking to match it as close as possible to your wig. If your hair is on the longer side now, but you plan on wearing a shorter style wig you may want to have your hair cut into a shorter hair style prior

to help ease the transition. Hair follicles and scalp may feel extra sensitive during hair loss/treatments. Wigs are now made to address these issues. There are wigs designed to suit every taste, and comfort level. They are being made so lightweight and comfortable, you’ll forget you’re even wearing it. If hair loss is due to chemo, your hair will generally begin growing back about a month after your last treatment. Remember, regrowth will also take time. This means you will be wearing a wig for at least quite a few months. A quality, breathable wig will allow new hair to grow in while protecting it at the same time. Some Ladies prefer to wear a cap (even if just for sleep), or a turban, etc, rather than a wig. Again, there are lots of choices here as well. The fabrics used are ultra soft and extremely comfortable. Pat Marini is the original ‘Wig Lady’ located in this area for many years. Cubby (Kathy) Fisher has worked and trained with Pat so that together they can offer the very best combined experience possible to our clients. Both have previously owned hair salons and they have both worked in the Beauty Industry for many years. They offer private consultations and their goal is to take each client easily through the entire process start to finish-STRESS FREE. They want every client to leave with a big smile on their face, feeling comfortable and confident. They truly care, and are here for you.

Pat and Cubby at Micchelli’s Hair Design

609.645.3811 •

2500 New Road, Northfield, NJ, 08225 Hours by appointment

Nutrition & Wellness Let’s Do It With Food

Sharon Garland’s

Sharon Garland FDN-P Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Want to get rid of belly bloat & fat? Stop hair loss? Increase energy? Detoxify your body and balance your hormones with expert guidance. Come on in my kitchen

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Participants typically experience increased energy, improved sleep, 3-7 lb weight loss and a greater understanding of which foods serve their body and which foods cause inflammation.

Register for next 5 Day Detox at

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(hurry spaces limited)

September/October 2018

Fine Art


Never too Late to Find your Passion! F

County Woman recently caught up with the up and

coming artist Cathy Tveici. Although she’s been a graphic designer for 30 years she is new to the fine art world. This summer she started doing oil paintings of Cape May and her paintings have drawn a lot of attention from people who live and vacation in Cape May. We asked her to tell us how she got to this point and here is what she had to say.

Cathy Tveici in her home studio


rom a very young age I always knew I was going to be an artist. There was never the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I just always knew. I never had home ec, wood shop or sewing classes, I somehow always ended up in art classes. I believe the teachers saw it and just automatically placed me there. When it came time to go to high school, most of my friends went to local schools for secretarial, beauty, nursing, etc. I, on the other hand, decided to apply for The High School of Art and Design. At A&D I really began to flourish as an artist. I was exposed to so many facets of the art world, but I gravitated towards Graphic Design. I loved that school; being surrounded by so much talent was a very unique experience. Going to school on 59th Street in Manhattan was the icing on the cake. After high school I worked for one year for a type designer but my co-workers pushed me to go back to school. Before I knew it I was accepted into Parsons School of Design. Parsons was an unbelievable experience; once again I was surrounded by amazing talent. At Parsons I majored in Communications Design with emphasis on Advertising. After 4 years I received my BFA and went off into the real world. After graduation I picked up a job at Pearl Arts & Crafts (great store that unfortunately

no longer exists). One day I was ringing up a customer at the register and she hired me on the spot to work at a newspaper. I was there a few months when the woman who hired me got into an argument with the boss and quit. The next day I was the new Art Director. With very little experience and the work ethic instilled in me by my mother, I managed to pull it all together. Eventually the newspaper expanded to a magazine and then we added another magazine, and here is where my two passions of publishing and advertising joined together and made going to work a joy. Somewhere in there computers came along and the way I did my job totally changed. Computers allowed me to do things that were in my head and transfer them to print beautifully! So fast-forward 30 years: I am an InDesign/Photoshop wiz and I do what I love every day. But then one day early this summer, I saw a photograph and this overwhelming desire to paint it came over me. I was obsessed and thought about it constantly. Finally I bought all I needed to start painting. At first my daughter and husband chuckled at the beginnings of my first painting, but once I was finished they were amazed. But more importantly, I was amazed! I had no idea I was capable of painting and now I have a new passion. Facebook has exposed me to a lot of

people who love my work and gave me the opportunity to share my work with thousands of people. Over the summer I’ve managed to build a bit of inventory and built my website. I picked up a few commissioned jobs, and sold a couple of limited edition prints. My Facebook page has grown and I’m getting new followers all the time. Now I have a new goal and that is to become a different kind of artist. It just seems that I have been designing on the computer so long that I forget how much fun it was to get my hands dirty! n

Fashion && Beauty Fashion Beauty

On October 4th one of my prints will be auctioned off at a charity for Family Promise of Cape May. This charity raises money for homeless children and I was so honored to be asked to donate one of my limited edition prints. For more information about the auction/dinner, please visit my website at and click on events. Also please check out my Facebook page @CathysFineArt

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

The Black & White Ball

The Black& White Ball




The Black& White Ball

You Are Invited




Master of Ceremonies And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while diningDean and dancing to the sounds of L. Scarpa the Eddie Bruce Experience Honoring Invite you to DR. JEFFREY DELSON TheLeadership 2018 Martin H. Klein Save the Date Award

Black & White Ball


2018 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while dining and dancing to the sounds of 2018 the Eddie Bruce Experience


Your Contribution will Enrich Elder Lives. To inquire about sponsorship or other participation, please call Sharon D’Angio 609-487-4614 or email Or visit or Facebook event page

Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest and Richard & Lisa Cohen Co-Chairs Master of Ceremonies Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest Dean L. Scarpa and Richard & Lisathe Cohen Invite you to Save Date


The Black & White Ball

The Black & White Ball



2018 Co-Chairs



22 West Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway Township, NJ 08205

The County Woman Magazine

TheJEFFREY BlackDELSON & DR. White Ball

2018 Martin H. Klein Leadership Award


22 West Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway Township, NJ 08205

2018 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

The Black& White Ball 2018 Co-Chairs

Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest and Richard & Lisa Cohen Master of Ceremonies Dean L. Scarpa Invite you to Save the Date

And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while dining and dancing to the sounds of the Eddie Bruce Experience September/October 2018 Honoring

Health & Wellness


Keeping Personal Items Personal


e love to share great times, secrets, and thoughts with our loved ones. But we need to draw boundaries when it comes to our personal makeup and beauty items. Those items need to be kept personal. Although seemingly harmless, they can become a vector for passing germs—staph infections, herpes simplex virus, fungus, hepatitis, and the seasonal flu—from one person to the next. Sharing is caring, except when it comes to germs!

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know About Keeping Personal Items Personal: JARS OF LOTION • Do you recall the famous argument where George Costanza on the show Seinfeld was confronted for double-dipping? He was attending a funeral, dipped a chip in a bowl of dip, took a bite off the chip, and then dipped it back in the bowl. The concern was that his germs would be transmitted from his mouth into the bowl of dip, where others who were hungry for some dip would be inadvertently exposed to his germs. Germs—bacteria and even fungus—can be transferred from our hands into these jars on the first “dip.” And the thick consistency of these items is fertile ground for these bugs to grow. They are similar to that of a Petri dish. Some solutions that allow our loved ones to moisturize include transferring the product into a pump dispenser, spooning a small portion into a travel jar and washing it regularly, or using a spatula or spoon to share.

LIP GLOSS • This is an absolute NO-NO! Our mouths are dirtier than a toilet in terms of the number of bacteria per square inch as well as the types of bacteria. It is estimated that our mouths contain 600-some different species of bacteria! OMG! Herpes simplex virus—the organism responsible for those pesky cold sores—can also be transmitted through lip gloss. Additionally, with flu season around the corner and the common cold always a clear and present danger, we want to stay away from lip gloss, lip balms (including Chapsticks), drinking after someone, or sharing utensils. The solution: just say no!

loss of vision. Solution: DON’T DO IT. No one ever got hurt from not having killer lashes.

TWEEZERS • This may surprise some: when we pluck a hair, bleeding may occur. As we know, blood contains bad bacteria such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, to name a few. We should never share personal items such as tweezers, razors, or nail cutters. The solution is to pick up some disposable razors the next time you are at the store. If you are at a salon, make sure that they observe proper disinfecting technique.

TOOTHBRUSHES • This reminds me of a quote by Denis Waitley: “A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.” Let’s share a smile often, but when it comes to sharing toothbrushes: “fuggedaboutit.” A reminder: our mouths are dirtier than a toilet. So if you think you want to clean your mouth, do it, but not with someone else’s toothbrush. The solution: pick up a few extra toothbrushes the next time you are at the store. And in general, make sure to get a new toothbrush every two-three months so we can keep our pearly whites shining. Ann Landers stated: “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, SHARING and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” Let’s choose to smile, forgive, love, and share…while keeping our personal items, personal.

MASCARA • While eyelashes make for a dramatic display when we bat our eyes, they are actually meant to keep debris and germs out of them. Sharing mascara can lead to the transfer of a number of germs, including those that cause pink eye and keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea. It can even cause herpes simplex virus. Although a herpes outbreak usually clears without any permanent problems, in some instances it can cause scarring to the transparent front part of the eye (the cornea), which can lead to permanent

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Health & ellness Health &W Wellness



Back To School Time Already?

For more inf or visit www.

Health Problems That Spread At School Kids should learn to share, right? But, gee whiz…. When it comes to bugs and other contagious health problems in school, does your kid have to get everything that’s passed around?

Whether kids are packed into a classroom or messing around on the playground, they do tend to share lots of health problems in school. What can you do about it? And when should you be concerned? Here are a few things to think about. Does head lice top your list of concerns? Although these creepy insects might disgust you, it may help to know that they don’t cause diseases or other health problems – other than maybe a red, rash-like reaction. Of course, that doesn’t mean you want to ignore them since they spread really easily. Follow up with the doctor if your child complains of an itchy scalp or you catch sight of tiny white eggs firmly attached at hair roots. These are often confused with dandruff. Your child’s doctor may prescribe a treatment and other over-thecounter (OTC) shampoos or rinses. Follow directions closely and be sure to ask me if you have any questions. Viral Infections And Other Diseases Viral infections such as chicken pox are common, too. Many are contagious before skin lesions appear. Be sure to keep your child home until the sixth day after the rash 609-927-0392 appears unless all lesions are dry and crusted over. To prevent this infection, have your child vaccinated. Fifth disease is another viral disease. It causes a lacy rash on arms and redness on

cheeks that looks like the result of a wellplaced slap. Unless your child feels too sick, there’s no need to stay home. That’s because the disease only spreads before symptoms appear. However, tell the school so female employees of childbearing age can be notified. Fifth disease can severely hurt a developing fetus. Although there are many kinds of hepatitis, hepatitis A is the most common type in children. This virus is in blood and more information call 609-927-0390 bowel movements, so hand washingFor is really important to prevent its spread. A child with or visit hepatitis A should stay home until a week Mark Taylor received the after the onset of illness and until any jaundice Independent (yellowed skin) disappears. Another disease Pharmacist of the spread through bodily fluids is HIV/AIDS. Year Award! Although it can cause anxiety among parents, remember that casual physical contact – such Mark Taylor, Owner Pain Bioidentical Hormone Veterinary as hugging, holding hands, or sharing a glass – Medication Replacement Therapy Medicine does not transfer this virus.609-927-0392 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Colds And Flus Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Then, there’s the run-of-the mill colds and Phone: 609-927-0390 flu. Deciding whether or not to send your Toll Free (855) 927-0390 child to school can be a challenge. General Fax: 609-927-0392 rule of thumb? If there’s a fever, keep ‘em home – until the fever’s been gone for at least 24 hours. If there’s no fever, more than likely it’s a cold and it’s okay to go to school. When in doubt, check with your child’s doctor. Compounding Excellence And, don’t forget the flu vaccine, which is recommended for everyone six months and Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy older. Compoundingcombines combines ageless with Compounding anan ageless artart with thethe Stop by or call Curexa Pharmacy, latest and state-of-the-art 609-927-0390, and I can advise you on the latestmedical medicalknowledge knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, professionals best way to keep your child comfortable technology,allowing allowingspecially speciallytrained trained professionals to prepare customized medications to meet while the cold or flu runs its course. I to prepare customized medications to meet can also give you a brief overview of prescription or OTC treatments for the more common childhood viral infections.

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September/October 2017 September/October 2018


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Corey is a 3-year-old male who is a tough guy and yet very comfortable with his gentle side.

Jonah is an 11-year-old male hoping for a home with a sunny spot where he can take frequent naps.

Kashi is an acrobatic and agile 1-year-old male who loves to play and have fun.

Tales of the Olive

Tibet is a devoted 2-year-old male who, when you give attention, you’ll get love in return.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


Kiki is a loyal 2-year-old female looking for someone who considers dogs as members of their family.


Marielle is a pleasant 4-year-old female who is happy just to be near you.

Cutting Board Creations


Lovey is an adoring 6-yearold female trusting in the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Janet is a pleasing 2-year-old female whose purring is the most delightful sound. .

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018


Women’s History

Martha Raye: Singer, Actress And Nurse In The United States Army Reserve! Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award in Martha Raye was born 1969 for her work with charities and under the name of Margaret Teresa Yvonne entertaining the US troops. Martha received the Women’s International Reed on August 27, Center Living Legacy Award in 1916 to Maybelle Hazel 1988. Martha was also awarded the (Hooper) and Peter Presidential Medal of Freedom in Reed in Butte, Montana. November 1993 by President Bill By the age of three Clinton. Martha was performing Martha also had her share of personal troubles that included seven with her parents in marriages, and a daughter with whom it their variety show that was reported she had tension as a result toured the nation. By her daughter’s decision to cremate her her late teens, Martha ex-husband. Martha was known for her began working with a outrageous behavior when flying due band in New York and to over-consumption of alcohol prior to her flight. Martha got herself into trouble after being “discovered” by a Hollywood talent scout, she on many occasions for her loud and inappropriate behavior when flying. In 1956, it relocated to Hollywood. Martha is known to have been a was reported that as a result of the break-up of Martha’s fifth marriage, the “demise” performer of “slapstick” comedies and initially performed of her variety show, and what is referred to as “other personal problems,” Martha with Bing Crosby, Jimmy Durante, W.C. Fields and Joe E. attempted suicide by ingesting sleeping pills. This appeared to be an eye-opening experience for Martha, and from that point on she appeared to have connected with Brown. Martha has been described as “The Big Mouth” and her faith. It is reported that Martha always acknowledged “The Sisters of St. “The Female Bob Hope.” Francis Hospital” at the end of her television shows, where Martha had It has been reported that when World War II began, recovered from the life stressors that were causing her great despair. Martha joined the USO and began entertaining the Martha Raye died on October 19, 1994 at the age of 78. military troops in war zones. Martha’s dedication and It is reported that she died from complications of pneumonia. commitment to her country soon became evident Martha was buried with “full military honors” at the Fort Bragg as she was not only a performer but also a nurse. Main Post Cemetery in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. This Martha reportedly had a “surgical specialty” and cemetery is a “Special Forces” cemetery and Martha is reportedly had no problem entering into combat zones to tend the only female buried amongst the military veterans. Although to the wounded. Additionally, Martha had a fear of it is noted that flying, even though being a performer with the USO she was buried as well as a surgical nurse included extensive travel as with military honors part of the job. There is a particular time in history that has and she is the only female been conveyed by a Vietnam Army helicopter pilot who has shared buried at this cemetery, on her that during an extremely tense and active mission where there were dead soldiers, wounded soldiers being removed from the front lines and they were “running out of tombstone it is reflected that she was a “civilian.” Martha body bags,” with a commanding, strong and loud voice, Martha Raye had appeared was dedicated to her country with a Special Forces beret and “jungle” fatigues. Martha jumped into action and and with her “Big Mouth” and began tending to the wounded and placing them into the helicopter and also courageous spirit, she made carrying the dead aboard. The helicopter pilot was dumbfounded and could not sure her voice was heard! “Yeah, believe her support. The pilot expressed concern to Martha and noted her “USO Man!” show” as he did not want the current circumstances to hinder her performance.[P1]. Martha firmly responded by saying, “Captain, see this eagle? I am a full Bird in the US Army Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Reserve, and on this is a Caduceus which Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, means I am a nurse, with a surgical specialty…. Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for now, take me to your wounded!” (www.warincarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental Martha was an anomaly with a voice that illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. could command with confidence. Martha Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special would travel with the USO to carry out the Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also strength of the mission of the USO and a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for became a prominent figure during the war, women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness at times at her own expense. Martha was of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community an honorary Green Beret and known as Lt. speaking engagements. Colonel Maggie. Martha was awarded The

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Wigs & Hair Restoration


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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

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Shoe Repair

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For over 16 years, Domenick, The Friendly Cobbler, has been cleaning and servicing your boots. With friendly, personalized service, Domenick will attend to those kicks that have been lying around at the bottom of your closet. You can get your Ugg boots patched up just in time for winter! He can dye black or brown boots to return them to their original splendor and have them cleaned and waterproofed before the snow comes. Customizing your boots is Domenick’s specialty, and now he’s conveniently back in Northfield! It’s going to be getting cold out there quickly, so grab those Uggs and come on over to the Friendly Cobbler at 331 Tilton Road, Unit 20 to turn them into new, stylish footwear for all to see! (Located between The Honey Tree and United Check Cashing.) Parents and kids alike know that when the leaves start changing, it’s time to head back to school, which also means it’s time think about students’ back-toschool style. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on new shoes for your kids when Domenick breathes new life into old shoes with meticulous custom repairs and cleanings. Look sharp all year long with your “new” old shoes!


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Fabulous F ood Fabulous Food Fabulous Food

# #

Springing into Fresh Vegetables Making the Most of Late Season Produce Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more And just like that, summer is over and it’s back about the ith fresh produce thatapproaching, will start to pop up in ournaturally grocery the holidays thoughts to school time! Don’t lose out on the chance to take stores. While we’ve beenfriends able to get “fresh” produce all through turn to food, and family. Here are advantage of the Fall grown and Winter seasonal the winter,some it won’t bewonderful longalternatives until things more locally will healthy to the abundance of produce when feeding your those family at this busy start to be available. (Think about wonderful greenstime and cookies that are always around this time of year. Better of year. Chef Steph Cutting Board Creations Jersey asparagus!) Thatwith means that you’ll have the chance toiseat options for you and great for gift-giving as well! meals with lots of fresh haven’t had to travel happyprepared to prepare these anditems otherthat delicious, healthy Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins – Makes long distances to you get towhen your plate. Here are a12few dishes that meals just for the demands of your 2 cups flour might inspire you. Don’t have the being time or able the desire toso. do all this schedule prevent you from to do 1 tsp baking soda Chef Steph with Cutting Board Creations and yourself? Contact 1/4 tsp she’ll doground all the cinnamon work for you. Simply heat and eat! LENTIL CHILI WITH BLACK 1/4 tsp ground ginger VEGETABLE 1/4 tsp ground allspice BEANS, PUMPKIN AND KALE tsp ground nutmeg –1/4 Serves 4 FRITTATA 1/4 tsp salt chili that is packed with super foods Hearty vegetarian – Serves 4-6 and protein. Perfect for a quick meal on the go or toBreakfast have for dinner? Yup! In 2 eggs on hand when watching the game. 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice this dish a colorful selection of •concentrate, 1 small red onion, finely diced vegetables pair with protein rich frozen and thawed •2/3 4 cloves garlic, minced eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, cup buttermilk • 1 tablespoon chili powder or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice 2 T oat bran • 1 teaspoon ground cumin side, and you are ready to go! Feel 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped •free 1 teaspoon smoked to mix up the vegetablespaprika based on what you like and what’s available. Just make 1/3 cup walnuts, choppedtomatoes, fire roasted •sure Two 15-ounce to cut them intocans piecesdiced of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. 1 small Granny Smith •• 12cup brown or green apple, lentils peeled cored and cut into 12 thin T butter for garnish ••slices, One 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 onion, chopped •• One 15-ounce unsweetened 1 small zucchini, thinly sliced Preheat oven to can 375 degrees. Preparepumpkin muffin panpuree by spraying or lining with (not pumpkin pie filling) 12 muffin papers. • 1 cup mushroom, sliced •• 1Mix kale, thinly sliced (if you don’tginger, like kale, you nutmeg can use together baking soda, cinnamon, allspice, and 1bunch large redflour, bell pepper, diced spinach instead) salt in a medium bowl. • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces together eggs,dried apple juice buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour •• 4Mix cups vegetable broth, lowand sodium ¼ tsp thyme, into the egg mixture until the dry ingredients arecheese, just moistened, ••mixture Additional toppings of your choice – shredded avocado, 6-8 large eggs, lightly beaten (you can also use egg being careful to not overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. cilantro, diced tortilla strips, etc. substitute or tomato, a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) batter into theheat prepared pans, filling cups aboutthe 2/3onion full. Garnish • Spoon In a large Dutch oven, 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Sauté over 2 T parmesan cheese


eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for lunch the next day!)

ACORN SQUASH STUFFED WITH APPLES, SPRING CHICKEN CRANBERRIES AND SAUSAGE – Serves 4 Pumpkin Bread 2 This dish is Fall in a bowl! There are lots of opportunities to mix flavors up in this cups flour AND BARLEY versatile recipe – use chicken sausage, change the apple or use a pear, add spinach or 2 tsp cinnamon kale or simply -change the herbs. The best part is that you can eat directly out of the SOUP Serves 1 tsp baking soda 4 squash! Barley paired with fresh spring 1/4 tsp isbaking powder •vegetables 2 acorn squash and chicken in this 1/2 tsp salt •tasty 2 T soup. olive oil, divided Again, feel free to mix 1 1/2cups sugar •up 1 pound sausage the vegetables based on your 3/4 cup onion, vegetable oil Use •preferences. 1 small diced Don’t like barley? 32 large •rice, celery dicedjust pasta eggs orstalks, farro instead, •adjust garlic cloves,time minced 12 tsp vanilla the cooking appropriately. ••31 cups small apple, peeled, and diced 1 tablespoon oil shreddedolive freshcored pumpkin ••11 cup T fresh sage, minced 1/2 cup onion, finely seeds toasted pumpkin • 1 chopped T fresh rosemary, minced Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one ••1 1/2 T fresh minced cupthyme, celery, finely chopped large loaf, or you can make multiple smaller ones. ••1/3 cup cranberries, dried 2 clove Siftgarlic the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. ••1/3 cup pecans, chopped toasted 6 cups chicken broth, and low-fat, reduced sodium

In a separate bowl, mix the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla.

12 ounce breast, boneless, skinless, into • Preheat oven tochicken 425 degrees F and athe large baking sheet with cut foil parchment Combine both mixtures and foldline in shredded pumpkin andorpumpkin cubes paper. seeds. When all are incorporated, pour into pans. • Using aone sharp knife and on a flat surface, cut each squash open, 1/3 pearl barley Bakecup large loaf forworking 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds/strings with a spoon, creating your bowl. Brush the •loaves 1 15will oz. diced tomatoes take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. top of each squash with a bit of olive oil and place cut side down on the baking •Remove 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally inch and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 sheet. Roast for 20-25 minutes or until the top of the squash gives a bit when you press on • 1 cup peas it.Giving as a gift? Wrap tightly and put into a pretty basket or box. • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaf - torn Give While thesmall squash roasts, prepare theand stuffing. Heat a med/large over medwith decorative plates a pretty knife. If this isskillet for a coffee 1 tablespoon orange zest hi•lover, heat and add a tablespoon of olive oil and coat the bottom of the pan. Add the not give with coffeemedium and coffee mugs. Heatwhy oil in large add onion and from celeryheat and and cook,transfer stirring, sausage, breaking upsaucepan to evenlyover brown. Onceheat; browned, remove until beginning to soften, 2-4 minutes. Grate or finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan to a plate, leaving fat in the skillet. Return skillet to medium heat and add the onions and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth, chicken and barley; bring and celery, stirring while cooking to soften. Add the garlic and cook another minute, to a gentle simmer. Cover and cook over lowGive heat until chicken through and thetheGift of isacooked Personal stirring to avoid browning. barley is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending on the type of barley you are Add the diced apples, fresh herbs, and salt and pepper to taste, stir to combine. Chef this holiday season! using. Cook for another few minutes to allow apples to soften. Add the cranberries, pecans the sausage barley isback done,toadd and juice, asparagus Return Our gift certificates are and When browned thethe pantomatoes and cook over low heat for aand fewpeas. minutes to to simmer. and cook over low heat until always the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes. with an 1apple slice. medium-high heat until soft.oven Add safe, the garlic, chili powder, Cook blend theCover flavors. a welcome surprise Melt T butter in a large, nonstick skillet over cumin, mediumand heat.paprika. Add vegetables Coarsely chop theinto remaining garlic clove.bowls, Gatherfilling basil,asorange zestAny and extra garlicstuffing and one minute more, until fragrant. Stir in the tomatoes, scraping up any brown bits Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer Place the stuffing the acorn squash desired. and thyme. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until the vegetables are and make a unique gift too. sprinkle over soup. that may have formed on the bottom of the pan. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until to a wire rack to cool completely. (depending on the size of the squash) can be served alongside the dish. Preheat the cooked through. slightly reduced. Add the lentils, beans, pumpkin puree, kale, and broth. Bring to a broiler and place the stuffed squash underneath. Broil for 4-5 minutes or until nicely In a medium bowl, combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. boil, reduce the heat to medium low, and cook, uncovered, until the lentils are tender Giving as a gift? Place muffins in a pretty basket lined with a cloth Melt the remaining 1 T of butter in the skillet with the vegetables, turning to coat the browned, watching closely to keep from burning. and the chili is thick, about 30 minutes. napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative andthe include a jar of vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down tospoon low. Pour egg mixture over Visit preserves. the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the

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March/April2018 2018 September/October November/December 2016


The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2018

Pet Services


Kids of All Ages 70

Written by Matt Reeves


“Unconditional Love”

There’s just something that happens when a person comes to the Funny Farm and it doesn’t matter how old you are! Here, everyone can be a kid again, even if you’re 86!

didn’t celebrate with him! He was a celebrity! Everyone hugged him and kissed him! Grumps told stories of his of the in thelovers world to learn theourmeaning One Families sharebest laughsplaces and adventures, get engaged around iconic red of childhood like it was yesterday! Stormie, the free“unconditional love”company. is theIndividuals Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuaryroaming in horse, decided he wanted a taste and helped tractor, enjoying each other’s come and escape loneliness, enjoying the peace and serenity around the farm Mays Landing, NJ. himself to most of Grumps’ piece! Everyone laughed and a true sense of belonging. Everyone belongs and laughed! If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea wings how much they love you and get – animals with broken and people with We have recently visited our first nursing home excited when you come home and broken how sadspirits. they are you It’swhen a place to leave. escape!Those are the lucky ones. with some of the animals from the Funny Farm Not all animals are so lucky to have someone loveones them. When loved get older and memories begin The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands Rescue. Some residents haven’t been outside of their to fade deteriorates, a of people each year who come to visit andand givehealth them the love they there need.really Mostisanimals rooms in over 3 years! When they heard that Adele “Fountain of Youth,” and it’s called the “Funny come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or the chicken, who lives in the house, was visiting with Farmmake Rescue!” unwanted. Some people simply didn’t arrangements for their pets after they were her sister Lilly, the baby goat, and Farley the Farm gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How thatcome musttobethe forfarm theseand sweet When olderscary people see animals a Manager, they rolled themselves down the hall as that gave their owners so much love. baby goat jumping on a newly built playground, fast as they could with hope and excitement on their One example is a nameless little whitebybaby with a broken leg. At less builtblack and and donated the goat Girl Scouts, their faces Pets 70 than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Throughfaces! a In the course of it all, they made new friends light up! Their eyesFunny sparkle! TheyRescue, hear laughter series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Farm found out about with neighbors. Everyone laughed together! children, ducksrescuing quacking, and happy cows this little goat’s situation and didn’tofwaste any time him. The Funny Farm is a place of inspiration and mooing. Somehow, it brings back memories We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on itofat all. He One of the best places in the world to learn the meaning of excitement. There is always something to look forward to, needed food brought his mouth while some he layofinthe a new warmtimes bed made “unconditional love”and is the water Funny Farm Rescue &toSanctuary in their childhood, happiest of just for such as an event or fundraiser. Mays Landing, NJ. the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wing him. Farley their lives, maybe even growing up with their brothers We are about to release our second book, called If you’ve ever hadhim a pet, youahave a pretty idea how much attention. they love you and get and gave lot ofgood love and excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave.and Those are the lucky ones. sisters, who are now gone. To relive those special Not all animals are so lucky to havegoat someonewas love them. The little black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned the Chucky the Miracle Dog!, which will be part of the new The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. Theymoments have thousands brings a tremendous amount of joy. Some “Cowboy.” Over days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took documentary now being filmed called “Chucky, the of name people each year who come to visit and give themthe the lovenext they need.few Most animals come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled,people abused, injured,who or haven’t spoken in years suddenly begin to to him to the University offor Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements their pets after they were Funny Farm Story.” gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet animals tell stories, stories that should be told! thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and that gave their owners so much love. Chucky, a special needs German Shepherd, taught us One example is a nameless little black and white baby goat with a broken leg. At less amputation. The Funny Farm has triggered so many memories than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Through a that no matter what challenges we face, we can all live series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about He lived in the house so he be cared for properly and received much forcould one special visitor: 86-year-old “Grumps!” His this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste any time rescuing him. incredible lives! He taught us to never give up and to We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on it at all. He socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for Michael and his daughter Bernadette grandson he thinks he’s a dog! him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wing always have fun! Millions knew him and he was famous and gave him a lot of love and attention. brought him tolegthe FunnyheFarm. Now that’s he of people all over months later, not has healed, has captured theall hearts The littleSeven goat was black and white and looked so much like aonly cow that he earnedCowboy’s the around the world. name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski tookabout! talks globe!! makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations to the him to the University ofHe Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several Professionals said Chucky would live only 6 months. thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and Grumps is a retired and Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the Philadelphia animals, theyfirefighter barely have time to get out of amputation. Through the love, care, and dedication of a wonderful He lived cars in the house so he could be careddiscover for properly and received their when they Cowboy is already inside their amuchheschool bus driver who hascar! served his community socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, has no idea he’s a goat, mother, also has the Founder of the Funny Farm, Chucky he thinks he’s He a dog! has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and forthe hearts years. The Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured of people all overbest part is Grumps just celebrated just and overhe 5 years, a true miracle in and of itself. thean globe!!unlimited He makes everyone laugh and gets into He isEveryone now known as the “Donations supply ofeverything! kisses! is his friend! Somehow he knows what was donelived for him Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely time to get out of hishave86th birthday!!! Almost nothing surprises him appreciates his life now. their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! At the Funny Farm, it doesn’t matter if He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has anymore, but that all changed when thebut owner Theof unconditional lovehethat comes from an animal is astounding, the of unconditional love that comes from an animal that an unlimited supply kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow knows what was done for him and he appreciates his life now. you’re 6 or 86. Everyone is a kid again! the Funny Farm himNearly with a birthday cake! You was once in nothing short of surprised miraculous! The unconditional love distress that comes fromis an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting to meet you and your family!! Coming thesmile! Farm Not is easy but leaving your around new furry friends is very difficult. should have seentohim a person or animal to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult.

Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski

“Unconditional Love”

All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.

All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.

The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at:

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue” Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

TheThe Funny Farm Farm Rescue Rescue is open Sundays andSundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., at Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Funny is open and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There isis no as weasoperate entirely byentirely donationsby anddonations we don’t haveand any paid positions. Comeany seepaid us! There noadmission admission we operate we don’t have positions. Come see us!Follow us on Facebook: Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gift Amount: Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny Farm Rescue” To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

March/April 2018 2017 September/October

Women Of Atlantic County Kasi Gifford, Esquire Associate Attorney, D’Amato Law Firm, PC Kasi Gifford is an associate attorney with the D’Amato Law Firm, PC where she specializes in representing victims of all types of accidents, including motor vehicle and products liability. Prior to joining the D’Amato Law Firm, Kasi was Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable James P. Savio, J.S.C. of the Atlantic County Superior Court, Civil Division. Kasi received her J.D. from Widener University Delaware Law School and her B.A. from the University of Delaware. Kasi is an active member of the Atlantic County Bar Association, and is on the Executive Committee for the ACBA’s Young Lawyers Division. Kasi is also an active participant in the Vincent S. Haneman American Inn of Court. Kasi grew up in Galloway and now resides in Ventnor. Kasi aims to be accessible, easy to talk to, and honest with her clients. Additionally, she strives to be a leader and role model for young people, especially young women in the community who hope to enter the legal profession. Kasi looks forward to the summer and spending her free time on the beach and outside with her two dogs, Savannah and Gingersnap. For more information, call 609-926-3300 or visit

Lisa Ledden Nurse Practitioner, Certified Dermatology Lisa Ledden has been a nurse practitioner specializing in dermatology since 1996. Before this, she had a broad background in civilian and military medicine. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts in 1985, she was awarded a military commission and accepted into a competitive internship with the U.S. Air Force. As an officer, she practiced trauma and emergency/critical care nursing and was part of a field medicine deployment team. She was awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal in 1991. After seven years of service, Lisa left the military as a captain to pursue a civilian career. She accepted a position as nurse manager of the Heart Group of Oklahoma (the largest cardiac practice in central Oklahoma) and subsequently managed emergency services at Milford Memorial Hospital in Delaware while pursuing a master’s degree in nursing at Wilmington College in Georgetown, DE. At that time, she developed a special interest in dermatology. While continuing to practice in dermatology, she was an adjunct professor in the graduate program at Wilmington College. In 1998, she relocated to Michigan to practice dermatology and expanded her knowledge of cosmetic and surgical dermatology. Missing the East Coast, she then relocated to southern New Jersey, where she now practices with Certified Dermatology. For more information call 609-940-3100.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Denise O’Meara, RMHSNJ Ambassador & Volunteer, Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey Denise is a former teacher who retired and moved to Four Seasons 55+ community in Smithville, NJ with her husband, Harold. She wanted to give back by volunteering her time at the Ronald McDonald House Family Room in AtlantiCare. The Family Rooms were created in response to RMH of SNJ’s commitment to enhance services to families of seriously ill and injured children throughout the nine southern counties of New Jersey. Denise replenishes all the supplies and tidies up the room for families who visit the Family Room. Her favorite part of volunteering is meeting so many wonderful family members, who pop in to the Ronald McDonald Family Room for a short respite and nourishment. They are so grateful the family room is on the same floor as their hospitalized child. Favorite quote to live by: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” M. Gandhi For more information, call 856-966-4663 or visit


Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Maria DeAngelis Lascheid, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. Sunshine Community Acupuncture Maria is a licensed acupuncturist who has earned a master’s degree in Acupuncture from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in Glenside, PA. Maria has worked in the casino industry for over 30 years, and developed an interest in natural healing after a successful treatment of an illness. She was drawn to acupuncture and Eastern medicine, which has a holistic perspective of health and healing. She believes in the body’s amazing ability to heal itself, and bringing balance to your body with acupuncture can prevent, as well as treat, disease and improve general health. Maria has 3 adult children, and lives in Ventnor with her husband, Rick. They love the beach and enjoy walking and biking on the boardwalk, and playing with their two-year-old grandson, Leo, and dog, Chloe. To schedule an appointment, call 609-551-5778.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Women Of Atlantic County


Julia Mastalski Owner, The Bra Boudoir Julia grew up in Egg Harbor Twp. She later attended college at Moore College of Art and Design, where she earned her BFA and discovered her love for lingerie. After college she moved back to NJ in 2012. She started working for The Bra Boudoir in Somers Point. That’s where she learned all about and fell in love with doing bra fittings. Getting to see the transformation from a woman coming in insecure and uncomfortable to leaving comfortable, confident and happy from receiving a great bra fitting gave Julia just what she was looking for in a career. It combines her love for lingerie, knowledge of garment construction, and being able to help people all in one awesome job. Julia worked for The Bra Boudoir for four more years down in Rio Grande and took over ownership in October 2017. She moved the store to her hometown on Main Street in historic Mays Landing, where it resides today. Providing everyone a comfortable place to get a bra fitting, great fitting bras as well as shape wear, lingerie, swimwear and solution accessories. For more information visit or call 609-829-2867.

Jennifer Gallas Physician Assistant, Advanced Care OB/GYN Jennifer Gallas-Balmer, Physician Assistant, was born and raised in Middlesex County and now resides in Egg Harbor Township with her husband, Thom, and their three young sons, Thomas, Jack, and Owen. She has been a resident of Atlantic County for over a decade after receiving her degree in Physician Assistant studies from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has been a practicing physician assistant for the past 10 years and recently joined Advanced Care OB/GYN with Dr. Salvatore Carfagno, DO, to focus her practice on women’s health. Jennifer has always wanted to work in the health care field and finds it very rewarding to be a physician assistant. She enjoys providing care to her patients and promoting overall wellness. When not working, she is spending time with her family, traveling, and going to the beach. For more information, call (609) 272-0506 or (609) 927-2244 or visit www. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Barbara Jolly

Mary Villanueva, RN, BSN

Owner, Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming

Clinical Manager, BAYADA Home Health Care

It was ten years ago that Barbara Jolly decided she wanted to open her own pet supply and grooming business. That decision she made while working at Bally’s casino for 32 years. Now, Barb resides in Margate, NJ with her husband, and her family of dogs, which are frequent visitors of Jolly Pets. She has been open now for four years and enjoys the mom-and-pop, homey feel of the store and wants to keep that as her business grows. Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming carries a full line of natural foods and treats, all made in the U.S. Her store carries toys, beds, leashes, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want for your four-legged friends. She sells booster seats and seatbelts for safely taking your dog in your car and in the summer, she sells plenty of life jackets for your pets that enjoy boating with you and your family. If there is something Barb does not have, she will immediately order it for you. Jolly Pets is also a fullservice groomer, offering haircuts, baths, nail clippings, ear cleanings… anything that contributes to the overall health and beauty of your dog. For more information, call 609-350-7518, visit Jolly Pets on Facebook, or stop in today with your pet(s) to socialize!

After many years as a hospital nurse near and far—she worked in the trauma center of a major South Jersey hospital as well as in Saudi Arabia— Mary craved the one-on-one relationship that home care offers. She joined BAYADA five years ago, providing care that enabled clients to remain safely at home. Mary was promoted to a clinical manager, where she now has the opportunity to oversee all of the services that are given to her clients. She supports her nurses and enjoys working with all members of the care team. She says the best part of her job is “collaborating across disciplines to positively affect a client’s plan of care.” Mary is actively involved in many charitable events including dragon boat racing to support breast cancer research. She is also a member of N.O.D. (Nurses on Deployment), a suicide awareness and prevention group that uses activity and healthy lifestyle changes to promote wellness. Mary enjoys spending time with her family: husband, Ronald Villanueva and their son, Chris; her daughters, Monique and Maritza Brown; and her stepdaughter—or bonus daughter, as Mary says—Aida Villanueva. For information about career opportunities with BAYADA Home Health Care, call 609-926-4600.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

September/October 2018

The Friendly Cobbler Pet Services


331 Tilton Road, Northfield, NJ 08225


From Food To Groom- Jolly Pets Has It All! Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming is a unique pet store in Margate with pet supplies and grooming services for all your four-legged friends.

Come in today and treat your furry friend to a special trip!


Accessories & Grooming Products

Food, Treats & Toys

Free Local Delivery Phone: 609-350-7518

The County Woman Magazine

9414 B Ventnor Ave, Margate, NJ, 08402


Private Training Studio

May/June 2018

Thinking About Beginning Or Restarting A Workout Routine? Concerned about osteoporosis prevention or control? Want to avoid the overcrowded gym or class scene?

If Yes, Strength First is the ideal fit for you!!! • Strength First prides itself on a non-intimidating, private atmosphere. • Injury prevention and safe progression is stressed for beginners and seniors. • We follow osteoporosis and fall prevention guidelines recommended by the National Institutes of Health and the National Osteoporosis Foundation. • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Registered with US Registry of Exercise Professionals (

• Classes are limited or completely private so there is never overcrowding. • Personalized classes offer beginner thru advanced exercises. • Private and semi-private training reservations with entire studio exclusively for you or your group. • Flexible pass options with no lengthy contracts or commitments. Passes are on a per-workout basis and never expire! • Reserve your private or group free trial by calling 609-271-5555.

Bernard Fox, Owner

7913 Atlantic Ave. Margate City, NJ 08402


One FREE Trial Class *New clients only. Expires10/31/2018

Bernard (BJ) Fox is an Atlantic City High School (91’)/Rutgers University(96’) alumni. He has been a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) since passing examination in May 2015. He lives in Margate with his wife and three strong daughters. He is also a member of the AC Guns&Hoses(Police/Fire) travel Ice hockey team and as an LPBP alumni, rows in long distance lifeguard races.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Red Cross Welcomes Rosie Taravella as New Jersey Region CEO Rosie Taravella, former chief executive officer of the American Red Cross of Western and Central New York, has been promoted to regional chief executive officer of the New Jersey Region. Taravella began her new role overseeing all Red Cross service delivery, fundraising and external relations throughout the state in early July. “I am proud and humbled to have been selected for this promotion by senior leaders of our national organization,” said Taravella. “The work of the Red Cross has a positive, meaningful impact on the communities it serves. I will do my best to lead the group of dedicated and talented people who carry out the mission of the Red Cross in New Jersey.” Taravella succeeds Ana Montero, who has assumed new responsibilities as chief of the Red Cross Hurricane Maria Recovery Program in Puerto Rico. “I’m thrilled to welcome Rosie to New Jersey,” said Mathieu Nelessen, northeast division vice president, American Red Cross. “Her leadership skills, management philosophy and experience will enable her to build upon the region’s existing strengths and lead the Red Cross to provide even better service to communities in the Garden State.” Taravella became the regional chief executive officer of the American Red Cross of Central New York in early 2012, overseeing the organization’s operations throughout 16 Central New York counties. In late 2014, the region was expanded to include Western New York, with Taravella providing oversight for 26 counties. During her tenure, Taravella developed a vision and strategy to increase the teamwork of employees reporting across the region, executed a plan to reduce the number of facilities in the region to better utilize donor dollars, and partnered with emergency management officials to develop community resilience and improve readiness for large-scale disasters. After Hurricane Harvey devastated parts of Texas last year, Taravella was deployed by the Red Cross to work as a liaison with elected officials in Texas. She also served as interim CEO of the Red Cross Greater New York Region while leadership there was deployed to help with hurricane relief efforts. Prior to her work with the Red Cross, Taravella was vice president of corporate advancement at WCNY Public Broadcasting in Syracuse, New York. Taravella was invited to participate in the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows Program of Western and Central New York from 2013-2015, and was awarded “Nonprofit Executive of the Year” by the Central New York Business Journal in 2014.

Would you know what to do if a Tornado WARNING was issued? Although the majority of tornado activity occurs in the central and southern regions of the country, tornadoes have been reported in every U.S. state. In New Jersey, we’re more familiar with hurricanes, which allow a few days to prepare. Tornadoes can occur quickly with little or no warning and are violent, with winds that can exceed 250 miles per hour. Pay attention when a tornado WATCH or WARNING is issued. Download the free Red Cross EMERGENCY App which, in addition to alerts, includes safety information about what to do before, during and after disasters. Have this critical information available at your fingertips. For more information about what to do to help you and your family be prepared for all types of storms and emergencies, including free tools and resources, visit

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

shine inside & out! Visit our website:

Fabulous Food

Fabulous Food



The Cracked Egg Cafe Stop in today or place an order for take-out!

“We are happy to welcome you to The Cracked Egg Café!”

“A Little Bit Of Love In Every Bite,” states Melanie Ruggles, owner of The Cracked Egg Café, located in Galloway, NJ. With an open-door policy, Melanie is excited to welcome everyone to come try them out! The Cracked Egg Café has a warm atmosphere, from the décor on the walls to the smiling faces that welcome you when you come in.


637 S. New York Rd. • Galloway, NJ Hours: 6am-2pm • Open 7 days a week The County Woman Magazine


The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2017

September/October 2018



WIN ONE OF THESE MERCEDES-BENZ MODELS! TICKETS ARE $100 AND ONLY 1,500 WILL BE SOLD. Ticket purchasers and guests are invited to join us during the drawing for a “Night of Celebration” featuring hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer, musical entertainment and more. You do not need to be present to win. Drawing will be held on Wednesday, October 17th at 7:30 PM at Mercedes-Benz of Atlantic City. (6623 Black Horse Pike, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234)

Call 609-573-5029, ext. 15 or visit BIGTICKET2RIDE.ORG for more details. Enclosed is my payment of $_______________ for _______ tickets at $100 each. Please make checks payable to BBBS and send to Big Brothers Big Sisters, 450 Tilton Road, Suite 214, Northfield, NJ 08225. Name: ________________________________________________Address: _______________________________________City: _______________________________________ State: ________________Zip Code: _______________Home Phone : (_____)_____________Cell Phone: (_____)____________ Email:________________________________ I authorize Big Brothers Big Sisters to use my Visa/MasterCard/American Express (circle one) for the purchase of my ticket(s). Card Number: ______________________________________CCV Code: ____________ Exp. Date: _____ / _____ Signature: ________________________________________ No substitution of the offered prizes will be made. Winner is responsible for taxes. ID#458-5-36060 RL #19-2018

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Crossroad for Angels: Helping Survivors Overcome Their Past Eve Cortes, founder of Crossroad for Angels, strives to educate, help and inform survivors of sexual abuse and incest. Her Story When I walked into my new apartment for the first time and saw the surreal view from the window, it took my breath away. I walked out to the deck and looked out towards the ocean and watched the waves flow back and forth. I was drawn to the ocean, the sound of the waves and the seagulls as they glided by. It brought me back. Back to a place I had spent years trying to forget. As a child I had always lived by the ocean; the sounds and smells of the shore always brought me back to the abuse. I knew my brother loved me, but was this love? It started off with small things like an innocent game of playing house. I was the mom and he was the dad. “This is what mommies and daddies do,” he’d say, demonstrating with my Barbies how they should kiss and touch. Eventually the toys went away and our game of house turned into him on top of me, touching me in the living room, not uttering a word. The silence was deafening. I knew this was wrong, but he was loving me. This was love. Someone loved me. One morning I went downstairs and saw my brother in the living room, where that awful green velvet couch

was, that couch. I told him I wanted a new teddy bear. He told me that he probably couldn’t get me one on that particular day. That’s when I made my threat. If he didn’t get me the bear, I would reveal our secret to the world. He promised me he’d try. The next night, after I had fallen asleep, I woke up to screams. It was my mother crying and screaming for her son. The neighbor was over and had seen me come down the steps. She took me to her place and sat me down to tell me that my brother had killed himself. For years I blamed myself, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that this was all out of my control. One day I was watching my daughter, who, at the time, was four years old, and it hit me. I was her age when it started, and seeing how innocent and vulnerable she was helped me realize I was not at fault. I couldn’t have been, because I was once her. A million mistakes later and years of therapy have helped me heal. I still have eons of healing to do, but I am a great work in progress. I love my new apartment now. I embrace the past and have learned I cannot change it. Whenever I look out into the ocean and can see where the sky and water meet, I know there is something greater out there guiding me. What I experienced with my brother was not love, it was abuse. I know that now and the ocean no longer reminds me of the pain. It brings me hope. I have finally realized that the only way to forget was to remember...

Eve Cortes at age 4

Eve Cortes, Founder

Speaking Arrangements Are Available & FREE

Why I Share My Story Over And Over Again… • Because I know there is a young person out there considering suicide • Because there is a young child out there so afraid of reaching for help, and in need of knowing that they are not alone • Because I know that my truth can move mountains and shatter stigmas • Because there is a woman out there in an abusive relationship, accepting a partner to beat her, because she feels that she deserves a life filled with punishment, because of the guilt she lives with on a daily basis • Because there is someone out there turning to drugs or alcohol to numb their pain • Because I was once that child, and that woman #BreakTheSilence • #MeToo

Eve Cortes

(609) 626-1920

Enter To Win Enter to Win Two Tickets to the Atlantic City Ballet This Season! Name: Address:


City: Phone:




Clip and Return to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 *One entry per person. Expires 10/31/2018.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Theatre & Entertainment




By Shawn Fisher Directed by Roy Steinberg Constance has spent her life on the deck of a workboat. When her troubled son is lost at sea, and her long-lost daughter suddenly decides to visit, she is forced to face the truth about her family and the secrets that broke it apart so many years ago. A world premiere by a Cape May County native.

WED-SAT 7:30 PM SAT & SUN 3 :00 PM






The Robert Shackleton Playhouse 405 Lafayette Street, Cape May

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Community The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

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July/August 2018 September/October 2018



For more information on upcoming exhibits & additional classes visit

Funding has been made in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts/Dept. of State a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Through a grant administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage affairs.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Fall Festival Fifth Annual

Blueberry Crossing • 240 S. White Horse Pike • Hammonton, NJ

Saturday, Sept. 29 • 10AM - 3PM Join The Businesses Of Blueberry Crossing For A Fun Day For The Whole family! Music by DJ Tony In-Store Specials Children’s Games Jeep Show by Los Fugitivos Crafters Face Painting Demonstrations Giveaways Food Trucks Fantastic Free Kids Games!

Tractor Display by Farm Rite Collectibles & Gifts Jewelry Vendors Health & Wellness Vendors Baked Goods New Cars from Arena’s Refreshments Civic Clubs And Much More!

In-Store Don’t Miss Out On This Fun Day! Sales & Giveaways! Call Chris Giardino and Bill Doberstein - Health Tree, Inc. 609-561-8316 for more information. Rain Date 9/30 Sponsored By

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Lawn & Garden Show September 16th-18th Atlantic City Convention Center

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



When a child is sick,

is always the best place to be. When Comfort and Care are in need, Ronald McDonald House of Southern NJ is

RMHSNJ offers the following services free of charge to families of admitted pediatric patients at the Ronald McDonald Family Room located within the pediatric units at AtlantiCare and Shore Medical Center:

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Comfortable Lounge to Rest & Regroup Complimentary Snacks & Beverages Computers with Internet Access Helping and Caring Volunteers

To help families of sick children through donations to the Family Rooms, please contact Dawn Ellis at (856) 966-4663

35th Annual Golf Classic Monday, October 1, 2018 Tavistock Country Club Haddonfield, NJ

Join us for a beautiful day of golf at Tavistock Country Club. Your day will begin with a delicious brunch, and an 18 hole golf tournament. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres served on outside patio followed by a sit-down dinner. Participants will receive a very special gift bag for attending.

Since 1983, Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey is a home-away-from-home for families who have seriously ill children being treated at local hospitals. RMHSNJ also operates 11 Family Rooms in hospitals across South Jersey. RMHSNJ • 550 Mickle Blvd. Camden, NJ 08105 • 856.966.4663 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Theatre & Entertainment


“Makes you want to jump out of your seat and dance!” - Theater Pizzazz

“Deliciously Sassy!” - Theater Scene

l Rosegg

Photo: Caro


ar M y h t o r o itten by D

r W l a c i s u M A New

From the Soundtrack of Your Life

A high energy celebration of women featuring Top-40 songs like RESPECT, Stand by Your Man, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, These Boots are Made for Walkin’, I Will Survive, Greatest Love of All…

St Luke’s Theatre, 308 West 46th Street - 212-239-6200

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Theatre & Entertainment

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The County Woman Magazine


2018-08-16 9:17 PM

September/October 2018



Save the Date

Octoberfest Sunday 10/21/18 • 4:00 - 7:00 Exchange, in Linwood German Fare • Raffles & Prizes

Come for an Evening of Fun, Food and Friends!

3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406

609-487-1190 • RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Red Shoe Society's

Night at Kaminski's

Food, Fundraising & Football benefiting Ronald McDonald House SNJ

Monday, October 15 | 7pm - 9pm

Tickets: $25 Includes Buffet, Beer & Wine PLUS Fun, Games & Raffle Baskets!

Tailgate Sponsor: $100 Includes 2 Tickets, Tabletop Placement & Social Media Mentions Contact!

Raffle Tickets: $5 each or 5 for $20

Kaminski's Sports Bar & Restaurant 1424 Brace Rd Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Purchase tickets at

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018




Saturday, October 27th 10am-5pm I Route 9, Smithville NJ ic m o c r o r r ho h t i w s r o s, d d n r e a v c g g n n i i r rad atu t e f y r a w c o s h s e tag les sts, i t r a , s t s Collectib ter magazines, vin e Gu . s t f a r s c n . g o s n p i l u l i o r h c g , e s books, m tum ster s o o p c e s i e v i t o i r es. g spooky m lishers and celeb a l l a r o sf e ub z p i r , s p r h e t t i i r w est w t n o c e m Costu

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Lake Lenape Park, Hamilton Township

September 22nd-23rd 12pm-5pm

Presented by the Mays Landing Merchants Association Enjoy a wide variety of local foods while tasting local wines Crafts and novelty vendors will be present as well Visit for tickets and more information

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018



Join All In Together for a nonpartisan, action-oriented civic engagement workshop focused on equipping and empowering women to raise their voice and impact change around the issues that matter most to them. Event Information

Draft Agenda

Date: Saturday, September 8, 2018, 9:00am-12:30pm

Registration and Breakfast

University, 10 South Albany Avenue Atlantic City, NJ

Message From Gretchen Carlson Why We’re “All In”: Advocacy 101 Workshop

Location: Fannie Lou Hamer Events Room, Stockton Tickets: Registration is free and includes breakfast,

workshop materials, and a copy of Gretchen Carlson’s

book, Be Fierce. Register at

Childcare: Free childcare is available on-site for children of all ages.

State/Local Policy Update A Panel Conversation with Local Leaders

About GCLI The Gretchen Carlson Leadership Initiative is an AIT educational program, funded by the Gretchen Carlson Gift of Courage, that aims to bring women’s civic leadership training to thousands of underserved women across the country, with a special focus on empowering survivors of gender-based violence, discrimination, and harassment. The program has three main goals: ➤ Teach women across the country how government works and provide them with the tools, resources and tactics to influence political change on the issues they care about most. ➤

Help women connect to their power as citizen advocates, highlighting the importance of their voices and leadership in the civic arena and prioritizing the issues on which they want to take action.

Empower and inspire women to take action and become leaders of change in their communities—and beyond.

About All In Together All In Together (AIT) equips voting-age American women with action-oriented, nonpartisan civic education to realize their full potential as leaders shaping our nation. AIT is the only nonpartisan women’s organization committed to delivering cross-sector, innovative solutions to advance women’s leadership potential in their communities, their companies, and the nation. In partnership with:

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

Family Portraits & Headshots

The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2018

In support of our commitment to breast health awareness, and the importance of early detection through education and screening, The AMI Foundation offers the following events to help fight breast cancer! WITH YOUR SUPPORT… IMAGINE WHAT WE CAN DO TOGETHER.

FREE SCREENING MAMMOGRAM AMI will offer a FREE SCREENING MAMMOGRAM* during the month of October to women age 40 and older with no insurance and no current or previous breast issues. This program is made possible through the generous support of the AMI Foundation and Susan G. Komen Central and South Jersey. Convenient evening and weekend appointments are available. Appointments will be scheduled starting October 1, 2018. To schedule an appointment, please call (609) 677-XRAY (9729) or (609) 463-9500. *A Screening Mammography is a routine mammography for women with no current or past breast issues.

GIRLS NIGHT OUT AT OUR EHT OFFICE Wednesday, October 17, 2018 • 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM 6529 Black Horse Pike, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (Corner of Spruce Ave. and Black Horse Pike) This breast health event incorporates the things women love most: pampering, snacking and time with friends. Not to mention, you are making a very important choice by taking charge of your body—and your health. FOR EVENT INFORMATION VISIT:

MAKING STRIDES WALK JOIN TEAM AMI IN THE ANNUAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER® WALK Sunday, October 14, 2018 @ 10:00 AM, Ocean City, NJ & Sunday, October 21, 2018 @ 10:00 AM, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ Every step you take is personal, and every step will help people stay well and get well, find cures, and empower communities to fight back. FOR WALK INFORMATION VISIT:

amiradiology The AMI Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing opportunities to enhance the quality of life and improve the well-being of community residents through education and programs, as well as through financial support of charitable organizations with compatible missions.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

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