3 minute read
Funny Farm Rescue

The Grateful Heart Of A Puppy

Written by Matt reeves
There are over 600 rescue animals at the Funny Farm Rescue and Sanctuary, in Mays Landing, NJ. Every one has a story. Most had little or no hope. Now, they live the lives of celebrities and their fans come from all over the world to see them!
One animal at the Funny Farm has a very special story, Tucker. No one knew his mom was pregnant when she was rescued by two angels named Cindy & Mike. Tucker has a birth defect called megaesophagus. This meant he could not keep his food down, no matter how much food he ate. He was literally starving to death. Cindy and Mike tried everything to feed Tucker and were told by their vet to euthanize him as it would be the “best thing” for him. When faced with this extremely difficult decision to euthanize Tucker, they looked into his adorable eyes, and were determined to find a way to keep him alive and give him the happy life they knew he deserved. They asked everyone they knew what to do and they did as much research as they could. What are the chances that just a few miles down the road lived one of the most experienced persons in the world working with Tucker’s condition? Her name was Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary. Laurie’s famous dog Chucky was the worst case of megaesophagus the University of Penn had ever seen. They gave him 6 months max. He lived an incredible 5 years at the Funny Farm Rescue! Soon after Chucky’s sudden loss, Laurie received the phone call from Cindy & Mike asking her for help with Tucker. There was something genuine and honest about them. They poured out their hearts to Laurie explaining Tucker’s story. Laurie agreed to meet Tucker. When their eyes met, it was love at first sight. Fast forward 3 1/2 amazing years. Today, Tucker has grown into the most beautiful healthy, confident, tall, black, German Shepherd you ever saw. Besides how he eats sitting straight up in a Bailey Chair, he is a completely normal dog. He runs and jumps and plays with 600 brothers and sisters of all species every single day. Thousands of people come each year to meet him and be inspired by his story. The bond Laurie has with Tucker is extraordinary and amazing! Cindy and Mike saved all 9 puppies includingTucker and to this day, they are still involved in his life. They celebrate each day he lives and they know what that means. They know he is a miracle! Each time Tucker sees them, he runs up to them with a happy, grateful heart. Somehow, he never forgot what they did for him. Tucker also healed Laurie’s heart from losing Chucky. Who knows? Maybe Chucky had a little something to do Tucker coming to the Funny Farm. Cindy and Mike are now Funny Farm family. They did the right thing even though it was incredibly difficult. Each night they go to bed, just as we do at the Funny Farm, their hearts are full of love, gratitude and pure thankfulness for the blessing that Tucker is living such a great life! It’s icing to know he is now one of the most famous dogs in the world! This is just one of many wonderful stories at the Funny Farm. Tucker teaches us all to value each moment of life and to celebrate and appreciate all that we have. Once you watch Laurie feed Tucker and tell his story, you realize that life itself is a true miracle!

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”
Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski