15 minute read
Hypnosis for Women
Professional Hypnosis & Coaching
Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080 www.HypnoForWomen.com

Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Show Your Body Some Love and Gratitude This Holiday Season and Beyond
How have you been treating that body of yours? Have you been nurturing it? Neglecting it? Abusing it?
Maybe it’s not perfect, but it does so much for you – things you take for granted. . . like pumping 2000 gallons of blood through your heart chambers each day, regulating body temperature, contracting and expanding your lungs, digesting food, transporting you, allowing you to see, hear, smell, touch – and on and on.
By the lifestyle choices you make, you exert substantial control over how your body performs. Since lots of “food holidays” are approaching, consider what messages your body might want to convey to you now, before the festivities begin.
If Your Body Could Write . . .
“Please decide to do better this holiday season. Treat me like you care about me. I don’t like carrying around excess weight, feeling uncomfortable, and getting out of breath so easily.
My body doesn’t need as much food as you’ve been giving me, especially the junky processed stuff. I don’t like that heavy, bloated feeling. I love feeling light and free and energized. Let me remind you that that food is for fuel. Eating isn’t meant to be a form of entertainment or a way to handle your feelings. Make smart choices most of the time. I’d like to be proud of my lab results for a change.
Sitting around is terrible for me. I need to move and get all that oxygenated blood circulating. Let’s go for walks and bike rides. Take me swimming. How about some yoga or tai chi? It’s never too late to get more active, even if it means chair exercises.
I want to be able to keep working well for you, to take you where you want to go, to allow you to feel energized and enjoy your life. I promise that if you take good care of me, I’ll take good care of you. You can do this!”
When January rolls around, you don’t have to deal with excess pounds and inches. This year, approach the holidays in a totally different way. Instead of expecting to pack on extra weight, change your mindset now. Here are some affirmations to help you get started . . .
• This is the only body I’ll have in this lifetime, and it deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. • Food is for fuel; I handle my feelings and emotions appropriately. • Overeating and junk food eating prevent me from being my best self. • I choose to enjoy the holidays in wonderful, loving, sensible ways.
If you need help moving forward, hypnosis is an efficient, holistic, and empowering modality. It works optimally for people who truly want to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of creating change, and who understand they need to be a partner in the process.
For a brief No-Charge Phone Screening Consult, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.
Hypnosis For Women
Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence
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Thankful, Grateful and Blessed
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, the leaves are changing the weather cools down and, like it or not, we begin to settle into the hustle and bustle of our new fall schedules. It is also a time of reflection over the past year, and frankly speaking, contemplation of the world as we now know it since March of 2020. COVID-19 changed many of us in ways we have not realized from working, navigating family dynamics, socialization and intimacy with loved ones and friends. The world adapted to a new way of communicating through numerous social media platforms that made us forget the benefits of in person dialog. The theme of “Thankful, Grateful and Blessed” comes at the perfect time for us to dig deep into our lives and pull out the richness that has been buried deep within us that we have so easily taken for granted. It is time to put aside our fears, shame and guilt over what was and look to focus on our strengths and those who have been a part of our human infrastructure that makes us whole.
We can be thankful for many things, but it is personal relationships and direct human interactions that can provide the vast richness of our wellbeing. Such as a mentor, a family member or a friend. Personally, I am thankful for my mother who taught me life skills of always looking your best even if you are going to the grocery store, always having a plan to provide food for your family, making my bed every day and money management (although that is debatable). I am thankful for my sisters who taught me how to curl my hair in the 80s and use hairspray like I was putting paint on a wall, making sure I got out of bed every day when my twins were born and making sure that no matter what I am doing to always put on my lipstick. I am thankful for my mother in law who gave me the gift of her son as my husband and taking care of our twins when I returned to school full time and work out of the house. I am thankful for my daughter who has made me whole and continues to wake up each day with a positive attitude and lives her life to the fullest. She is smart, independent, not to mention hilarious and driven. I am thankful for each and every one of my dear friends who have inspired me from grade school, high school, college, graduate school and all the way up through work and our mommy and me classes to my neighbors who complete “my village.” Through each decade of my life all of these incredible people have left their imprint of their lives within me which have been valuable contribution to all of my successes. We have engaged in relationships in which we have endured the best of times and the “test” of times. We have celebrated births, cried over the loss of loved ones together and we are now at an age where we are navigating unpredictable illnesses. They have taught me that if there is a problem there is also a solution we can work through together. In my profession as a mental health practitioner, I work with individuals and encourage them to write out a list of at least one thing each day that they are “grateful” for in their lives. Such as, I am grateful for the way my dog greets me when I come home from work when he jumps up and down and wages his tail and smiles at me with his three front teeth. But at our core how can we express our gratitude to so many who have shaped who we have become? Gratitude can be expressed in small ways that make a big impact. Something I attempted during our lock down life was to send a text message to three people each day to let them know I was thinking of them. To remind them that they were not alone and we were together experiencing this unpredictable tumultuous moment in history. It is difficult to feel grateful when our lives may be compromised both mentally and physically. A moment when we are experiencing an unanticipated diagnosis and illness as we are staring down into the “belly of the beast” whether it be a product of COVID, anxiety, depression or even cancer. What we can focus on is
being grateful to have our “sisters” as our support systems to be there when we need them the most. We can be grateful to be included in one’s journey through difficult times knowing that sometimes we need to just listen without judgement. I read an excerpt recently that was written by Miley Cyrus about Dolly Parton and how Miley Cyrus identified Dolly Parton as her “hero” and how it has been said that you are not supposed to meet your hero. I disagree, as I have had the pleasure to encounter many heroes in my life. Women that have worked the front lines in the medical fields, women who have overcome breast cancer to women who have had to endure navigating a terminal illness and fighting the biggest fight of their lives. Yet, they continue on each day with amazing grace, dignity and strength so incredible it is astounding. I am grateful to call these women not only my friends and family but, real life heroes. If these women did not exist not only in my life by in the lives of others, our own existence would be cheated of the love, laughter and membership of a society that truly makes the world a better place. Each of our sisters have nurtured us in ways we do not always understand or quite understand how at the point in time. I encourage you look within yourself with gratitude for having the ability to be part of what it takes to be a sister, a mother, a wife, a friend and a coworker and the knowledge gained from those women who have been an inspiration throughout your journey. Lastly, although we may not practice the same religious beliefs, I have observed that people believe in a “higher power or being.” That being said, when things are going well for us we consider ourselves “blessed.” Sometimes a blessing comes out of navigating through a difficult time in our lives such as illness, grief, aging parents, COVID-19 and for some, children leaving for college. The outcome of a blessing is the presentation of resilience. The ability to overcome challenges and continue to persevere through the darkest of times. So one might say, to be blessed is to be a part of something greater than we planned or bargained for and how we choose to embrace the experience. As we approach the close of another historical year albeit with bumps and bruises, the scars left behind are mere markers that represent simple reminders of a life fully lived for good or for bad. I end with my favorite quote and that is, “refuse to sink” because every woman that has been a part of our lives holds a piece of our “anchor” that which keeps us grounded and those women remind us every day to be thankful, grateful and blessed! Rita King, LCSW is a mental health clinician providing psychotherapy services to adults and children. Rita has worked with individuals with mental illness in the community mental health setting, criminal justice system and private practice setting. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.
Dr. Payal Patel
Go Feet
Dr. Payal Patel is a New Jersey native and is very excited to join the private practice of Go Feet Podiatry, where she will be welcoming patients at office locations in Hammonton, Mays Landing, and Linwood. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University in biology and completed her podiatric medical degree at Temple University. She has completed her three-year surgical residency at Virtua Health in South Jersey. Dr. Patel is board qualified with the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. She treats all ailments of the foot and ankle including simple and complex deformities, conservative and surgical intervention of traumatic injuries, forefoot and rearfoot reconstruction, minimally invasive surgery, ankle arthroscopy, diabetic limb salvage, wound care, and sports medicine. Dr. Patel has attended multiple conferences and workshops to keep her skills cutting edge. Dr. Patel enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling and interior designing. For more information, call 609-704-9001.

Laurie Zaleski

Funny Farm

A truly remarkable, accomplished, self-determined, and inspirational woman living in Southern New Jersey is Laurie Zaleski.
Not only does she have an endless positive energy, when you think about all she has accomplished, and how many animals she’s saved, you can’t help but wonder how does she do it all?
Rising out of the ashes of a crumbled family because of an abusive father, with nothing to her name, and losing her mother at such a young age due to cancer, Laurie built one of the largest animal rescues in the Northeast. Tell her she can’t do something and she will prove you wrong every time. She has dedicated her life to helping those who can’t help themselves. She finds homes for those who desperately need them. She feeds animals and provides plenty of love to those who once never knew love. Not only does she have over 600 rescue animals and a team of volunteers, Laurie created Art-Z Graphics, a successful graphic design, photography and multimedia company that contracts with the Federal Government. Laurie proves to women everywhere that the only real limits are those you place on yourself.

Eve Cortes
Crossroad For Angels
Ms. Eve Cortes is an American Philanthropist, Captivating Speaker and Business-woman born in Isabella Puerto Rico. Ms. Cortes immigrated to the U.S. mainland from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico at the age of 5. Since a very young age her parents instilled within her the importance of faith and doing the right thing.
Early in her younger years she had an experience which would change her life forever. Ms. Cortes was subjected to sexual abuse by her brother and shortly after she told her brother she was going to disclose what he had done, he committed suicide at the age of 16, The emotional scars that were imprinted upon Ms. Cortes at a young age left her questioning what and why things had occurred in the way they had. She not only had to deal with the trauma of being sexually abused as a child but also had to grieve the loss of her older brother. The agony of her life experiences with her brother and her very public recantment of her story sent shockwaves throughout the family who had supported her however did not want to make public the ordeal. In 2014 Ms. Cortes after establishing herself as a successful entrepreneur owning and operating several tax offices and serving as a highly successful bilingual business woman she decided to start a foundation dedicated towards bringing awareness to children that were victims of sexual abuse named Crossroad for Angels. Since then Crossroad for Angels has cemented itself as a pillar of hope for the hopeless and a voice for all children and the adult survivors who have deep seated wounds and scars. Ms. Cortes has developed quite a reputation and caring for others is at the core of everything she does. Ms. Cortes lives in South Jersey with her children and is involved in charity work and is currently a Realtor associate as well as Ordained Minister, in her downtime Ms. Cortes enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends and walking on the seashore while looking at picturesque views of the sunset.

Gina M. Peccia, MA, LPC
A Mindful Renewal
As a Certified Mindful Coach, Gina Peccia is practicing her lifelong passion: helping others in their time of need. With over 15 years of experience as a therapist working in the community mental health field, she is a wonderful example of staying true to yourself. However, before realizing where her true passion lied, she worked at a global pharmaceutical company and was an Executive Assistant to the Director of Marketing. She soon realized this was not her calling so she listened to her heart and went back to graduate school to become a therapist.
After graduating, she worked in a traumatic brain injury program for adults and their families. She held a myriad of different titles in the field and finally decided to venture out to form her own private practice. Since 2012, she has been practicing independently and working with adolescents and adults suffering from mental health disorders, relationship issues, and stressors interfering with their contentment with life. Most recently, she became trained as a Certified Mindful Coach with a center in California. Learning from a Master Coach was a wonderful experience and she is now able to use what she learned to help others achieve their goals and gain balance in their own lives. She says, “Throughout all my roles, I believe in the value of mindfulness to bring peace and a sense of well-being to our daily lives.” For more information, call 609-204-9940 or visit www.amindfulrenewal.com.