Atlantic County Woman - 2016 November/December

Page 1

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10th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint disease. It is also the leading case of chronic disability in those older than 60 years of age. Page 18



Our recently renovated hospital-withina-hospital provides 30 private rooms with state-of-the-art monitoring to the medically complex and critically ill. Page 25

A recent scientific breakthrough is helping pets deal with the pain associated with arthritis as well as injuries to tendons and ligaments. Page 35

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ra b e l e C

Seashore Gardens Living Center, a nonprofit home for the aged, turned 100 years old this year! Read more about their dedicated staff and their commitment to enriching elder lives on pages 22, 23 & 24.

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Photo By Donna Andrews Photography



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General Dentistry

“Brush Up” On Your Dental Knowledge

Everyone likes to feel pampered, so why shouldn’t you feel indulged within the setting of a dental office? This is the thought behind the idea of a “dental spa.” DS Dental has embraced the dental spa concept. The office is tranquil and relaxing, not cold and sterile. Each treatment room is infused with aromatherapy, warm neck wraps, flat screen TVs with Netflix and music. New patients are allotted 90 minutes for appointments, waiting time is minimal, and each patient receives quality dental care tailored to his or her needs in comfortable, stress-free surroundings. Since dental insurance covers the same services at every dental office, the extra care a patient receives does not cost the patient anything extra. It is more beneficial for the patient and the dentist if the amenities of spa dentistry can create a calm environment. Some of our patients say that “it’s just like flying first class!” Does a root canal deserve its bad reputation?

A root canal may be performed when decay has reached the pulp or nerve of the tooth. The decayed pulp area is removed and the areas are refilled with a natural rubber material that doesn’t react negatively in the body. The purpose of a root canal may be to prevent infection, relieve a toothache and promote healing while saving the tooth itself and avoiding extraction. With new materials and techniques, root canals are similar to having a tooth filled and can be done in one visit.

Does DS Dental treat children?

We have many children in the practice, and we try to make it fun for them by providing cartoons and having silly names for the instruments and materials. The most important aspect in treating children is whether they can sit for treatment. Of course, there is the added bonus for them to choose a toy from the treasure chest! Teenagers who feel they have outgrown the pediatric dental office are especially comfortable here. DS Dental does an excellent

job of bridging the gap between the pediatric and general dentist offices. Dr. Spano has a particularly good rapport with adolescents and her demeanor encourages them to share their experiences with her. Also, general dentists often have a relationship with the entire family with a greater knowledge of family history, which may apply to your child.

How can I replace a missing tooth?

There are three ways to fix a missing tooth: non-removable options such as bridges and implants or removable appliances such as dentures. Bridges and implants are fixed, stable and feel like your own teeth. A bridge joins an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth. The artificial tooth is what fills in the space the missing tooth once occupied. An implant is surgically placed in the jawbone. Once healing is complete, an artificial tooth is attached to the implant. A removable appliance such as a denture consists of artificial teeth bonded to artificial gums and can be taken in and out of the mouth.

How do you accommodate patients with “dental phobia”?

Dental phobia is a specific form of anxiety. It leaves people panicstricken and terrified. People with dental phobia have an awareness that the fear is totally irrational, but are unable to do much about it. Dr. Spano first discusses dental treatment with her patients in a nonthreatening manner. She then uses simple methods to enhance their feeling of control, such as gently explaining what the patient will feel and for how long, asking frequently for permission to continue and giving the patient the opportunity to stop the procedure at any time. Using “super topical” (an extra-strength anesthetic gel that our office has made in a pharmacy), warmed anesthetic (which removes some of the sharp bite of an injection), and distracting patients with Netflix on the TV helps the fearful patient to relax. Chances are, visiting the dentist won’t be nearly as painful as they expect. We find, when asking patients after procedures such as a root canal or wisdom tooth extraction, that they anticipated much more discomfort than they actually experienced.


“You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” As we near the end of your insurance year, we wanted to remind you to take advantage of any unused dental benefits. Every year you receive a maximum amount from your dental insurance company, and in most cases the unused portion of this amount is lost when the new insurance year starts. These are benefits you have already paid for!

314 Central Ave. • Linwood, NJ 08221


609-365-2424 •

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Understanding Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Written by the Mayo Clinic Education What is GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive disease. GERD occurs when stomach acid or, occasionally, stomach content, flows back into your food pipe (esophagus). The backwash (reflux) irritates the lining of your esophagus and causes GERD. Both acid reflux and heartburn are common digestive conditions that many people experience from time to time. When these signs and symptoms occur at least twice each week or interfere with your daily life, or when your doctor can see damage to your esophagus, you may be diagnosed with GERD.

What are some of the symptoms of GERD?

• A burning sensation in your chest, sometimes spreading to your throat, along with sour taste in your mouth • Chest pain • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) • Dry mouth • Hoarseness or sore throat • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid (acid reflux) • Sensation of a lump in your throat

Dordaneh Maleki, MD

What if I don’t do anything about my 1. If you experience chest pain, especially with shortness of breath or GERD symptoms? When should I see my doctor for GERD?

jaw or arm pain. These may be symptoms of a heart attack. 2. If you experience severe or frequent GERD symptoms twice a week or more, or if you take medications for heartburn twice a week or more. 3. If you have a feeling of food getting stuck in your throat or chest.

Why do I get GERD?

The constant backwash of acid can irritate the lining of your esophagus, causing it to become inflamed (esophagitis). Over time, the inflammation can wear away the esophageal lining, causing complications such as bleeding, esophageal narrowing or Barrett’s esophagus (a precancerous condition).

What can I do to Prevent GERD?

When you swallow, the lower esophageal sphincter, a circular band • Keep your weight in the ideal range. Use BMI of muscle around the bottom part of your esophagus, relaxes to allow (Body Mass Index) as a standard. If you do not food and liquid to flow down into your stomach. Then it closes again. know what your BMI is, ask your doctor. However, if this valve relaxes abnormally or weakens, stomach acid • Do not eat or drink anything other than water three can flow back up into your esophagus, causing frequent heartburn. hours before lying down. • Do not smoke. What conditions increase the risk of GERD? • Eat small portions. • Obesity • Bulging of top of stomach up into the diaphragm (hiatal hernia) • Avoid excessive caffeine, fried or fatty food, tomato sauce, garlic or mint. • Pregnancy • Elevate the head of your bed. • Smoking • • • • •

Dry mouth Asthma Diabetes Delayed stomach emptying Connective tissue disorders, such as scleroderma

For more information or to schedule an appointment,

call 609-927-3888

Dordaneh Maleki, MD, FACP Diplomate of the American Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D5, Linwood, NJ 08221 609-927-3888 •

The County Woman Magazine

Dr. Maleki received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and went on to achieve her medical degree from George Washington University in Washington, DC. Following a surgical internship at Michigan State University, Dr. Maleki completed her residency in internal medicine at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, MD. She was then selected for a fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In 2006, Dr. Maleki opened her private practice, becoming the first woman Gastroenterologist in Atlantic County. Throughout her career, Dr. Maleki has published extensively and completed numerous pharmaceutical trials. She has also been an assistant professor of medicine at both the Medical College of Pennsylvania and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “It is my practice to treat each patient as an individual and to tailor my care to meet their specific needs.” - Dr. Maleki

November/December 2016

Manager’s Note

Monmouth County Woman Since 2008


An Educational resource for Women and Their Families Since 2007 Ce leb ra

r ea ting Our 9th Y

Publisher.............................................................. Chris Lam Production Manager ...................................Lauren Shover • 856-885-8066 Marketing Production Executive ..........Jessica Sochocky • 856-885-8066 Regional Sales Director................................ Kristina Pruitt • 609-412-1914 Distribution Manager.......................................Mike Dziuba Graphic Designers.................................................................. Golden Design LLC • CCO Designs, LLC CEO.................................................................. Lynn K. Wolf For advertising inquiries, please call:


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The leaves are changing their hue and the air is getting crisp. Is it November already? It’s hard to believe the holidays are upon us! Many of our professionals offer fantastic ways to look and feel your best during the holiday season. I hope you’ll heed their advice as you read their articles. Fall is also the perfect time to shop locally for your holiday gifts – there are so many businesses offering quality products and services for you and your family members this season. Reflecting on the past year, I am incredibly fortunate to work with an amazing team of talented writers, graphic designers and photographers. Many days, I am blessed with emails, voicemails and personal conversations with readers who have benefited from the information we’ve published. Additionally, it has become a pleasure to work with and promote the professionals featured in the Atlantic County Woman Publication and the significant educational impact they make on the readers of the publication. Many times, the articles are critical to the reader’s personal health and wellness! On behalf of the staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication, we wish you a safe and joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Warmest regards, Lauren Shover, Production Manager

“No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow” Featured on the Cover -

Seashore Gardens Living Center The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center celebrated its 100th anniversary this year. Read more about their wonderful home for the aged and dedicated staff on pages 22, 23 & 24.

! And follow us onFacebook and Twitter

FIND US ON THE WEB! WWW.THECOUNTYWOMAN.COM And follow us on Facebook and Twitter @TheCountyWoman

Welcome to theWinter Issue Of The Atlantic County Woman!

Cover Photo By Donna Andrews Photography. Schedule your holiday card order today. See page 75.

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Woman Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted ... Join over 371 other counties that are publishing or have an option to publish in the United States and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Join the fastest growing educational Woman’s Newspaper syndicated in the United States. MINIMAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Maximum return ... Be your own boss, set your own hours and make your life mean more! ALL TRAINING PROVIDED! If you are interested in developing with us in 2016 in your STATE, in your COUNTY ...

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Contents ^ Cosmetic & General Dentistry

^ Law

DS Dental, Dana Spano, MD.............................................2

Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law....................................16 Russell Laughlin & Marinucci.........................................17 D’Amato Law Firm...........................................................30

^ Medical Professionals

Dordaneh Maleki, MD, FACO............................................3 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa....................6 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Heart Institute.........................................................7 Shore Vascular & Vein Center........................................8, 9 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility....................................11 Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery..................13 Relievus...........................................................................18 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Cancer Care Institute...........................................20 Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey.........................25 Quality Dermatology........................................................26 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.........................................33 Morgan Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, PA.......34 Atlantic Medical Imaging...........................................36, 40 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia...........................37 Bella Derma Medi Spa.....................................................38 Atlantic Integrative Medical Center.................................46

^ Home Health Care

BAYADA Home Health Care........................................... 19

^ Featured on the Cover

Seashore Gardens Living Center..............................22, 23

^ Masectomy Boutique

Karing With Kindness......................................................28

^ Boutique Style Salon

Salon Kink.......................................................................31

^ Pets

Matt Blatt Kia...................................................................12

Newkirk Family Veterinarians..........................................35 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming......................................44 Funny Farm Rescue........................................................66

Allen’s Shoes.............................................................14, 32

Styles by LaRonne..........................................................36

^ Automobile Dealership

^ Wigs & Hair Replacement

^ Footwear

^ Elder Law

^ Health & Wellness

Linwood Care Center Part Of Genesis Healthcare..........47

^ Business & Finance

Copiers Plus, Inc.......................................................49, 50

^ Unique Style Salon

Christine’s Cleaning Services..........................................58

Barbara’s Boutique..........................................................27 Mrs. B’s Boutique............................................................31 Salon 50..........................................................................42 Efrance Beauty................................................................58

Beau Institute..................................................................10

^ Rehabilitation Center

^ Memory Care Services ^ Fashion & Beauty

^ Permanent Makeup Institute

South Jersey Center For Nutrition & Wellness................45

Shore Style Salon............................................................51 ^ Women of Atlantic County..................56, 57

Seashore Gardens Living Center....................................24

Barista’s Coffee House......................................................5

^ Nutrition & Wellness

^ Apartment Community

The Woods at Blue Heron Pines.....................................23

^ Coffee Shop


^ Commercial/Residential Cleaning ^ Shoe Repair

Friendly Cobbler..............................................................65

^ Real Estate

Barb Jolly, Berkshire Hathaway.......................................65

^ Fabulous Food

Cutting Board Creations, LLC.........................................67

^ Theatre & Entertainment

Cagney............................................................................68 Not That Jewish..............................................................69 Cape May Stage..............................................................74

^ Women’s History

Jane Jayroe.....................................................................70

^ Fine Art Photography

Donna Andrews Photography.........................................75 ^ Community...53, 55, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 71, 72, 73

Rice Elder Law................................................................39

Fast Track to Health Wellness Center.............................15 Breathe Studio.................................................................21 Body In Balance Physical Therapy & Fitness Center......29 Drift Day Spa...................................................................32 Curexa Pharmacy............................................................48 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio....................................52, 61 Nina Radcliff, MD............................................................54

^ Psychiatry

Charles Mesuburger, MD.................................................41

^ Assisted Living

Brandywine Senior Living................................................43

^ Men’s Clothing

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Lou Marchiano For Men..................................................44

Coffee Shop

Written by Gena Ansell Lande


“More Than Just A Coffee Place” Part 3

ACW: What are some customer favorites from the menu? Mark: The key to creating a favorite

dish is combining fresh ingredients with excellent preparation. Our food not only has to look good, it has to taste good and food is part of the whole Barista’s Coffee house experience. Everything on our menu is a customer

ACW: Do you have a lot of “regular” customers? Mark: Yes! Just like in our previous Galloway location,

Debbie and Mark Becker, Owners

Barista’s has quickly become the local community’s favorite coffee house. From the local residents, to out of town folks, the moment you walk through our doors the warm and friendly atmosphere envelops you. It does not take long for new customers to become part of the Barista family. Once you have tried our menu and coffee it becomes a destination customer’s return to time and again. In fact, Open most of our customer base cultivated in our Monday- Friday 7 AM - 6 PM previous location on Jimmy Leeds Road in Saturday 8 AM - 5 PM Galloway. They all find a way to get back Sunday 8 AM - 2 PM to Barista’s Coffee House when they are 199 New Road Central Square, in town. My wife Debbie and I love every one Linwood, NJ 08221 of them. You could say it’s like a family reunion on a regular basis. (609)904-2990



The success of Barista Coffee has been a true dream come true for the Becker family. Owners Mark and Debbie have combined their passion for coffee with their keen business sense to create a place that customers love. In fact, Barista has recently earned the title of “Best Cup of Coffee in Town.” In addition to their amazing coffee, they have an excellent menu where presentation is just as important as taste. The Becker’s are living proof that with a little passion and a lot of hard work dreams can come true.

favorite or it would not be on the menu. The challenge for our customers is deciding which favorite they should order on any given day.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Who’s Holding That Syringe? “There are 1.2 million doctors currently performing cosmetic injections of Botulinum toxin and cosmetic fillers. Of these, only 7% are qualified injectors!” (Copyright © 2012 ExpertInjector™) Is your doctor qualified? Virtually any physician can purchase and administer injectables. From gynecologists to pediatricians to internists, anyone with medical training can offer cosmetic injections. Many doctors are practicing outside their specialty without proper training, which can put you at risk for anything from mediocre results to deformity. It is important to choose a physician who is properly trained and qualified to perform injectable procedures. He or she must also be administering products that are FDA approved for aesthetic use. Signs You May Want to Look Elsewhere:

1. Poorly qualified injectors using non-FDA approved injectables are present right here in our own community SO BEWARE!


2. Injectors offering deep discounts are often getting their products from Dr. Nicola DeLorio is a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She completed her residency training in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery at Saint Barnabas Union Hospital Health Care System. She has practiced in Linwood since 1998. Dr. DeLorio is board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Additionally she holds certifications in Botox®, Restylane®, Juvaderm®,Sculptra® and a comprehensive array of laser treatments. Dr. Delorio is a Fellow of the Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.

outside the United States.

3. Injectors who offer to perform procedures at your home, at a party

or anywhere outside of a medical office setting: In the event of a complication, you may not be able to locate them and they usually are unlicensed and/or without board certification. Some may not even be physicians!

4. Injectors unwilling to show you the packaging from your product:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $200 off Sculptra

Don’t accept an unmarked, unpackaged syringe. You don’t know what is in that syringe.

5. You are not given an informed consent to read and sign. 6. You are not educated about complications or adverse reactions prior to treatment.

7. You are not given post-treatment instructions. 8. The injector does not inquire about previous injectable treatments, current medications, medical history or allergies.

9. The injector is not board certified in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, dermatology or oculoplastic surgery.

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The County Woman Magazine

For more information, call 609-652-6550 or visit November/December 2016

Medical Professionals



Reverse Your Heart Disease With Our New Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program If you or a loved one is recovering from a heart attack, heart surgery or living with heart disease, ask your doctor about taking part in Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease®, now offered by the Heart Institute at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC). You also may benefit from participating in this program if you are concerned about developing heart disease due to personal risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or family history.

What is Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™?

“AtlantiCare has the region’s only full-service cardiac program, and we are proud to introduce the nationally recognized Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ as part of our continuum of care for people diagnosed with, or at increased risk of, heart disease,” says Denise Sutor, B.S.N., R.N., the program’s clinical nurse manager.

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ is an intensive outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program designed to restore and maintain your heart health. “The program is scientifically proven, by more than 35 years of research, to prevent, stop and even reverse the progression of heart disease, through targeted lifestyle changes. People who go through the program report they have more energy, feel better, and are less dependent on heart medications,” Denise explains.

How does the program work? Participants in Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ attend half-day sessions at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Township twice a week, for nine weeks. In each session, you’ll learn proven techniques to optimize your cardiovascular health, with a particular focus on four key areas: • Nutrition • Stress management • Fitness • Social support According to Denise, “Participants go through the program in a comfortable small-group setting, sharing the experience with other community members who also have the common goal of reversing their heart disease and improving their well-being. Our dedicated, multi-disciplinary healthcare team expertly guides you through the program’s various activities every step of the way.” In addition to the clinical nurse program manager, team members include: • Program medical director • Registered dietitian • Stress management specialist • Exercise physiologist • Nurse case manager • Group support facilitator

What diagnoses may benefit from intensive cardiac rehabilitation? • Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) within the preceding 12 months • Coronary artery bypass surgery • Current stable angina pectoris • Heart valve repair or replacement • Coronary stenting or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) • Heart or heart-lung transplant Your participation in Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ may be covered through Medicare or other insurance plans, depending on your medical history. We can help you verify coverage prior to enrollment.

Call us today to find out more! “The choices you make in your personal lifestyle have a powerful effect on your health. If heart disease is a concern for you, now is a great time to try Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ at the Heart Institute at ARMC. Friends and family members are encouraged to sign up, too!” says Denise. To enroll in an upcoming session, please call Denise Sutor, B.S.N., R.N., Clinical Nurse Manager, Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation at 609-272-6326.

1-888-569-1000 •

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical edical P Pro rof essionals M fessionals

# 8

Groundbreaking New Technology For Laser Tattoo Removal Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center announces enLIGHT en™, the newest, most complete solution available anywhere for laser tattoo removal.

enLIGHT en

treatments than required with other lasers. You can also anticipate more complete results. However, since the exact number of treatments will not initially be known,

is the most advanced

system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever available. Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy over a very short period of time to break up ink. Inks of


removing tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is one trillionth of a Picosecond, sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been shown to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with lasers used in the past. - Flexibility - Picosecond lasers are the newest, most advanced tattoo removal technology available. Our enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” lasers. Never before has this combination of power and versatility been available. results in approximately half the number of treatments of prior lasers. - Number of Treatments Required and Result - People often ask how long it will take to remove their tattoo, and will it be able to be removed

gives you a set price in the beginning and eliminates the uncertainty of not knowing the exact number of can give you more information about pricing after we examine your tattoo.

- About Us years of experience in performing cosmetic vascular laser procedures using the highly acclaimed Excel V™ laser. Over those years, he has been asked by many patients if he could also remove their tattoos with his laser. While the Excel V™ laser is best-in-class for vascular applications, it is not When the new enlighten™ changed things. Dr. Gosin researched the technology, attended conferences, and personally consulted with laser experts from around the country who were involved in the very early use of this remarkable new device. It became clear that this technology would set the new standard in laser tattoo removal. We are very cutting-edge technology. If you are experiencing “tattoo regret” and would like to have your tattoo removed or changed, call us for a consultation.


because tattoo ink is deposited deep into the skin and multiple treatments are needed to reach all of the ink and break it up completely. In addition, tattoos of various sizes, colors and ages may respond

FREE Consultations for a limited time. Call today for more information!

very beginning how many treatments will ultimately be needed or how completely it will be removed. However, our new enlighten™ the prior lasers used for tattoo removal. In fact, many people can expect to obtain excellent results in half the number of treatments, or less, than with prior lasers. Our doctor can give you a good idea of the number of treatments that will be needed after your tattoo is examined. - Partial Tattoo Removal - Due to change in circumstances, relationships and other factors, some people desire to have their tattoos changed. We can remove parts of tattoos, while leaving other parts intact, to allow for tattoo changes. - Cost - Cost will vary depending on a number of factors including the size of the tattoo and the number of treatments needed. Keep in mind that with enlighten™, you should anticipate requiring far fewer TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) November/December November/December2016 2016

B Business usiness S Spotlight potlight


very interested in science so it was a natural progression for him to pursue a career in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of disorders of the circulatory system – also known as vascular surgery. He grew up in a “surgical” family and his dad was his partner for 17 years until he retired last year. He adds, “When I was a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital to make rounds with him on weekends. I really looked up to him and what he did for a living.” It was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with his own career that had a lasting impression on the younger Gosin. Dr. Gosin: My specialty involves treating vein problems, such as varicose veins and spider veins. I also treat diseases of the arteries such as aneurysms, blockage in the arteries to the brain, called carotid artery stenosis and peripheral artery disease (PAD). As a surgeon, I am able to perform surgery when necessary. However, in many cases I am able to treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive nonsurgical methods.

CW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Dr. Gosin:

better and healthier. In some cases, people experience dramatic improvements in their quality of life. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I was able to provide that.

CW: What is the most challenging?

Dr. Gosin: Every case can provide its own unique challenge. It is important to remember that each patient I treat is an individual. Certain elements of his or her care may be more challenging than a similar condition in another person. It is that variation that makes my job so interesting.

CW: Are varicose veins a genetic problem? Can they be prevented?

Dr. Gosin: Genetics are one of the most important risk factors in the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are more likely to develop the condition themselves, than individuals who do not have that family history. However, genetics are just one of a number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, increasing age and being overweight. It is also interesting to note that some people will develop varicose veins without any of those risk factors. Although there is no way to absolutely prevent the development of varicose veins, certain precautions, like wearing compression stockings, may help to keep the symptoms at bay.



Dr. Gosin: Treatment varies based on an individual’s particular obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause cosmetic concerns for some people, others with this condition will actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg

diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, then treatment will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement.

recovery with minimal pain and “down time.”

CW: How do you stay current with trends happening in your profession? Dr. Gosin: Vascular surgery is a specialty that has seen fantastic in a program of “lifelong learning” and current with the major specialty journals and regularly attend conferences. Dr. Gosin grew up on the Jersey Shore, and after graduation from the Medical College, he completed his training and was delighted to come back and begin his practice. He completed his residency in general surgery and a fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He has three children and enjoys spending time at the beach and boating. Dr. College of Surgeons and a member of Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.


442 Bethel Road • Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) • The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 November/December 2016

Permanent Makeup Institute


Discover the Benefits of Permanent Makeup The Beau Institute is restoring confidence in men and women with new advanced cosmetic procedures


Beau Institute’s clinic is renown for Permanent Cosmetic procedures and is a leading professional school that trains permanent cosmetic and medical professionals on the latest and most advanced corrective cosmetic techniques. Rose Marie Beauchemin, founder of the clinic and school, is a worldrecognized expert in the field of permanent cosmetics and micro pigmentation with over 25 years of experience in both the area of application and training. For the general public Beau Institute offers an extensive list of permanent cosmetic procedures such as: 1. Microblading 2. Permanent Brows 3. Permanent Eyeliner 4. Permanent Lip Color and Reshaping 5. 3-Dimensional Areola Nipple Tattooing 6. Scar Camouflage. Microblading is one of the most popular procedures, the latest technique which creates very fine natural looking hairstrokes to get the perfect brow as recently featured on Good Morning America. Beauchemin, known as the “Queen of Brows”, uses her exclusive system called CPR (Control Point Remedy) to design brows to suit your face in its entirety while complimenting every feature. The eyebrow is the “power feature” of the face and a well-designed brow has the potential to create a youthful lift. The arch of the brows tends to thin out first and this is the part that gives lift to the cheekbones. The detailed techniques lend movement, depth, and dimension. Brows appear totally natural and lend personal freedom from the laborious chore of applying them each morning. The permanent brows sometimes give our elated clients an additional


Enter To Win


30 minutes of sleep each morning, and save them the additional reapplication often required throughout the day. 3D Areola Nipple Before Tattooing helps postmastectomy clients regain a more positive appearance and rebuild self-confidence, both physically and mentally. In fact, it is often referred After to as the “finishing touch” to the long and arduous journey of breast cancer survival. The Beau Institute is also known for their annual “Day of Hope” event which was recently held in Mt. Laurel offices where practitioners spend the day performing complimentary 3-Dimensional Areola Nipple Tattooing for post-mastectomy patients. The main purpose of the event is to empower breast cancer survivors and to inspire hope in the community.


As a practitioner, Rose Marie’s artistry is unparalleled. Her extensive training and experience include facial morphology, paramedical cosmetics, color theory and analysis. She is known among colleagues as “The Brow Doctor” for her ability to create seemingly natural and beautiful hair simulated eyebrows personally designed for her clients’ unique faces. Rose Marie customizes each permanent cosmetics procedure to flatter each of her clients’ individual features, whether it is eyeliner, lip liner/reshaping, 3-dimensional areola tattooing, or scar camouflage. By using the most effective topical anesthetics, pigments, and advanced techniques currently available in the permanent makeup industry, Rose Marie has a fundamental understanding of how to achieve the best results.


Founder Rose Beauchemin states, “With my years of experience in this field, my main goal is to give my patients the confidence they always wanted, and by teaching my students the techniques, it is just a great chain reaction of people helping people. My hope for the future is to continue to teach and perform these life changing procedures for years to come.”


The Beau Institute continues to generate success stories year after year, patient after patient a real tribute to Rose Marie’s commitment to excellence.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit Beau Institute online at www.beauinstitute. com or call (888)-763-2328.

Enter to WIN a FREE 60 Minute Therapeutic Massage Name:_______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City:_________________________State:_________ Zip Code:________ Email:________________________________________________________ Please clip out and mail to: The County Woman. P.O Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

Offer vaild on Full Circle Wellness services only. Not available for purchase of any products. Entires will be accepted through December 31, 2016. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to third party ad servers without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

415 Rt 9 Ste #3 Somers Pt, NJ 08244

609-839-3810 November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Urinary Concerns? Help Is Here!


omen and urination is a complex and broad issue. Women in their lifetime face a host of problems and issues surrounding urination and overactive bladder. To continue this discussion, we must define several terms. What is the bladder? What is the urethra? The bladder is a pouch-like structure that stores urine produced as a by-product of metabolism. The urethra is a tube-like structure which allows the bladder to empty. The bladder and urethra are found in the pelvis. These organs are in front of the uterus, by the pubic bone. The urethra holds the bladder closed. When the bladder contracts, the urethra relaxes and magically the bladder empties of urine. When any of these do not work correctly, this leads to incontinence (leaking of urine) and/or voiding dysfunction (too much or too little urination, too frequent urination, urgency of urination). Can you briefly describe overactive bladder condition? Overactive bladder is a condition in which the bladder incompletely fills and empties frequently. Specifically, women wind up going to the bathroom and urinating time and time again. I’m pretty sure most of us have seen the “I gotta go” commercials. It can get to a point that when a person goes into a new place, the first thing located is the bathroom. It becomes a routine obsession. Their world begins to revolve around the bathroom and urination. This process progresses and begins to affect everyday life, limiting what and how people do things on a daily basis. What is urinary incontinence? What causes it? Urinary incontinence is an underreported and underdiagnosed problem that increases with age. It is estimated that over 50% of menopausal women and about 25% of women in their reproductive years are affected. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. It may come with activities such as running or jumping, laughing and coughing. Also, it may occur with urge to urinate (called urge incontinence). If the bladder is not immediately emptied, the flow will start no matter where a person is or what a person is doing. Out comes the urine. The urge-type incontinence is usually more concerning to people. The inability to predict or to stop this causes a great deal

of distress and embarrassment. This may cause a person to start to use adult diapers to avoid wetting clothes in public settings. This is not a new problem. But it is a growing problem as our population ages. There are many causes for incontinence. They can range from neurologic, structural (enlarged uterus, prolapsed uterus), lack of hormones, or poor tissue quality due to damage after childbirth. Most commonly, the frequency of episodes increases with each passing year. The volume of urine passed also tends to increase. What are the risk factors associated with bladder problems? With advancing age, estrogen levels begin to drop. Estrogen helps maintain the tissue around the urethra and bladder. This keeps the vagina moist, the tissue thick and the muscles working. Lack of estrogen, as in menopause, can lead to loss of muscle strength and increased vaginal dryness; the end effect is increased potential to have a leaky bladder. Just being pregnant can also be one of the causes of bladder issues. Pregnancy and related hormones increases the swelling of blood, stretches the tissue and skin, and causes possible nerve injury. Obesity is also a risk factor for bladder problems. Increased weight causes increasing pressure on the surrounding tissue of the bladder. Additionally, as body weight increases, so does the production of certain male and female hormones. This also can have a negative impact on the bladder, leading to increased bladder problems. How is urinary incontinence treated? Urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence are complex issues. The evaluation is dependent on the patient’s complaint and exam findings. We have patients complete a bladder health questionnaire. To fully evaluate the bladder, urodynamic bladder testing is often used. This provides detailed information on bladder function, filling and emptying. This information assists in making an accurate and correct diagnosis. We can then implement a treatment plan to correct your urinary problem. Bottom line—this can change and improve your quality of life. For those affected, it is life-changing. If you or someone you know has urinary concerns, we at Advanced Care can help in diagnosis and treatment. I strongly encourage a call to our office to arrange an evaluation of your urinary concerns. The addition of urodynamic bladder testing in the comfort and familiarity of the Advanced Care office is a great benefit to all of our current and new patients. We look forward to helping you. I know it will be a potentially life-changing call.

To schedule an appointment at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, call 609-272-0506 or visit

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

SALVATORE A. CARFAGNO, DO, FACOOG Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology Rachel Grencavich, CNM, MSN

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Automobile Dealership


Meet Suzette Dessoye of Matt Blatt KIA What People Are Saying About Suzette... “Suzette was very helpful with getting my son in to his new car. Will be coming back for my other son’s car when he’s ready. It was well worth the trip from Delaware.” -Deborah

“Had a great experience at Matt Blatt last Saturday. I was greeted by Suzette Dessoye who not only understands what she does but also the people she deals with, she made it her personal mission to get me the best deal possible; I left with everything I hoped for and more in my Optima. I don’t know what I would have done without her service!” -Brandon

Contact Suzette at


to test drive a 2016 KIA Optima Hybrid or any other vehicle in our inventory!

“I was always a Honda girl, but because of the wonderful, courteous, adorable, personable, helpful Suzette Dessoye, I am a KIA girl forever! She is by far the best person I have ever met, not just in the car business, but in general. She is warm, caring and the most knowledgeable car salesperson I have come across in this business.” -Barbara “Suzette Dessoye is absolutely amazing, very knowledgeable about her cars. She helped us find the perfect one that fit all of our needs and she added no pressure. I walked out of there not only with a car but a new friend that already feels like family.” -Albert

Suzette Will Help You Find The Car You Can Fall In Love With!

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Matt Blatt KIA

6211 Black Horse Pike Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

The County Woman Magazine

2016 KIA Optima Hybrid EX SAVE $7,000 OFF MSRP of $33,170. 4Cyl, ps, ps, A/C. No additional rebates are needed and none are available to get this discount. VIN G5092852, #K60131, Price includes all costs to be paid by the consumer except for licensing costs, registration fees, and taxes. There is a $298.50 doc fee charged on all deals. Test Drive vehicle with less than 500 miles. No Prior Sales. Based on Availability.

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Hope Is Beautiful On average, every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. This is why awareness, education and breast health is so important at the Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. Treating women with breast cancer and helping them restore how they feel and look is one of the reasons Dr. Mohit Sood is so passionate about breast reconstructive plastic surgery. This movement has changed his life forever. At Sood Center, we appreciate that breast cancer can be a very terrifying diagnosis. Through experience, we acknowledge the tremendous personal, professional and health-related burdens our patients are facing. The obligation of physician visits, imaging and possibly even surgical planning is life-altering and can be overwhelming. It is our goal to empower breast cancer patients to achieve their overall reconstructive goals. We strive to provide a comfortable office environment where patients can freely express their concerns and goals. So what exactly is breast reconstructive surgery? Breast reconstruction is a type of surgery for women who have had all or part of a breast removed due to cancer or trauma. Dr. Sood then rebuilds the breast mound to match the size and shape of the other breast. The goal is to restore confidence and comfort by creating both breasts to be near normal shape, appearance, symmetry and size. If only one breast is affected, it may be reconstructed alone. In addition, a breast lift, breast reduction or breast augmentation may be recommended for the opposite breast to improve symmetry and aesthetic appearance.

Breast reconstruction generally falls into two categories: implant-based reconstruction or flap reconstruction. Implant reconstruction relies on breast implants to help form a new breast mound. Flap reconstruction uses the patient’s own tissue from another part of the body to form a new breast. When choosing which option is best, relying on Dr. Sood’s expertise, experience and superior technical skills will provide confidence and comfort in developing the right plan to achieve your goals. Dr. Sood is highly trained in cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery and can offer a wide

At Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, our mission is to provide you with safe and comprehensive care from a double boardcertified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon in the most comfortable environment possible. We treat every patient like a member of our family. Our commitment to our patients is to always be honest and utilize all of our considerable expertise and resources to ensure that you attain your goals with exceptional results that look natural and beautiful. Our goal is to lead our patients down the path to healthier living, an uplifted self-image, greater personal freedom and improved quality of life by utilizing a comprehensive range of services.

“Dr. Sood’s care for me has been nothing short of exceptional. He has gone above and beyond to make me feel as though I am his most important patient, and uses humor in such a way that maintains my dignity, yet remains respectful and honest in his assessment of my condition. I am confident in saying Dr. Sood has provided me with the very best treatment possible, and I feel fortunate to have been referred to him. I whole-heartedly believe that my treatment and care could not have been any better.” — Daniel Dainton (Breast Cancer Survivor)

Enhance Your True Beauty Dr. Mohit Sood is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who is passionate about helping his patients achieve their overall aesthetic goals.

Procedures/Products Available: • Facelift • Rhinoplasty • Obagi Skin Care • Liposuction

“After receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, I met with Dr. Sood. He was not only empathetic—but he took time to explain every step of the breast reconstruction process —before, during and after the procedures. He is very professional and is an excellent surgeon. I am very pleased with the results of the re-construction surgery and thankful for such a caring surgeon.” —Vivian Johnson Bettis (Breast Cancer Survivor)

• Breast Augmentation • Breast Lift • Tummy Tuck • Mommy Makeover

199 New Rd., St. #31 Linwood, NJ

range of options for women having breast surgery. He is knowledgeable, compassionate and understands that breast disease is a major change in your Dr. Sood body. Dr. Sood works with his patients to help them achieve their goals and address cosmetic concerns.


The County Woman Magazine

Visit our website to hear Dr. Sood discuss breast reconstructive surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 609-342-2053. November/December 2016




331 Tilton Rd Northfield, NJ 08225 Mon-Fri 10-8, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5 Tel: (609) 646-3515 @allenshoes


Permanent Makeup Institute

Enhance your beauty

with Permanent

We Offer Complimentary 3-Dimensional Areola Tattooing For Breast Cancer Survivors

Perfect Brows

with 3D hair strokes.

Make-Up! Fuller Lips

Soft Eyeliner that

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Health ealth& & Wellness ellness 15 H W Fast Track to Health Wellness Center: NEW LOCATION! #

Stephanie Iannarone, L.Ac.,

Audrey Filardi has been a practicing

acupuncturist who has an extensive background in nutrition, health coaching and functional medicine. Her mission is to help people get healthier and prevent chronic disease.

Reiki Master/Teacher and Watsu practitioner for 9 years. She draws from her professional background in Mental individualized, therapeutic session for each client. She enjoys supporting and educating people on how to stay healthy and active throughout their lives.

Services Acupuncture:

acupuncture. We also take some insurance plans. Acupuncture is great for all types of pain, headaches, infertility, allergies, stress, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues and much more!

fatigued muscles.

Medium to deep pressure releases tight,

Sports massage – For the physically active seeking to improve


functional medicine, both help us get to the root cause of any health

performance and recovery.

Deep tissue massage – Penetrates into deeper muscle layers to

break up adhesions.

heavy metals and much more!

Seated chair massage – 10- to 15-minute massage focuses on head, neck, back and arms for a quick pick-me-up.

used as a screening tool for breast cancer and other pathologies. Healthy Products: We sell a variety of safe, non-toxic natural

Active assisted stretching –

Serenitea organic loose teas and accessories and a wide variety of quality whole-food supplements. Infrared Sauna: Get your sweat on! Infrared waves reach further

around the body to reduce tension and stress.

to detox safely, not to mention it helps burn some major calories.

stretches and moves you gently through the water to release fatigue and pain, improve circulation while mobilizing joints, and calm the nervous system for restful sleep. *Sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in EHT

function and lowering blood pressure!

Reiki –

Aromatherapy treatments –

be added to any service or as a stand-alone therapy.

Watsu –

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November/December 2016 2016 November/December




Ask Daniel Straffi, Jr. Esq.



When is it too late to investigate my bankruptcy options?

he short answer is NEVER. It is important to understand some basic facts about having a “fresh start.” “Normalcy” is defined as being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning. How we each come to define those limits over time is a whole other story. For many of the people I work with, a “normal” day starts at 8 am, when they are arisen by a cacophony of debt collectors ringing their house phone and/or cell phone, harassing them for money they simply do not have. A normal day may include a similar call made to their workplace, or in some cases a neighbor or relative. A normal day usually ends with a trip to the mailbox, where various forms of threats against one’s home, wages and belongings await. Of course, all of the aforementioned say nothing of the other daily stresses that we all know broaden our limits of normalcy by the day. There is a breaking point for everyone. The symptoms of approaching this breaking point can manifest in any number of emotional and physical ways,

all of which I have heard and seen in my daily interactions with clients. The question is whether or not a person can identify these symptoms and be proactive in addressing them, so that the limits of normalcy can, once again, become more defined. My answer to anyone seeking to redefine these limits is simple: it is never too late, and it is never too early to investigate one’s options. Bankruptcy is no longer a “four letter” word (alas, math was not my finest subject in school). Rather, it stands for a fresh start - an opportunity to redefine the normalcy in your own life. Bankruptcy is not for everyone. However, understanding what it encompasses and whether or not it is an option for you takes nothing more than being proactive. It is the will to move forward that one must find within themselves to take that next step of investigating their options. I hope this article proves helpful in realizing that a new normalcy is always within reach.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, Visit : Daniel Straffi, Jr. at 670 Commons Way Toms River, NJ, CALL: 732-341-3800 or

Daniel Straffi, Jr., Esq. VISIT: Protect Yourself Against Foreclosures, Judgments, & Harassing Creditors

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Or Visit to Enter Online! One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through December 31, 2016. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



What Is

Conscious Uncoupling? Written By Marla Marinucci, Esq.

I have wanted to do an article on the very interesting concept of “conscious uncoupling” for the longest time, but I just couldn’t find the time to do the research. From what I had heard, divorcing parties basically agree not to get nasty and not hate each other, which benefits the children immensely. All I really knew about it was that it was how Gweneth Paltrow and her former husband ended their marriage and it made quite a few media headlines. Turns out, this concept was first introduced in 2011 by marriage and family therapist, Katherine Woodward Thomas. She actually came up with the idea during her own uncoupling with her former husband, who she refers to as her “wasband.” She then turned it into an on-line course to help couples break up “better.” She is also the author of the New York Times Bestseller Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Ever After. While I have not yet read her book, I plan on doing so as I think it will be very useful in my practice. Conscious Uncoupling is a totally different paradigm and is not for everyone. It consists of a 5-Step process for how to end a marriage in a respectful way with a foundation anchored in kindness, honor and grace. The five steps involved are as follows: 1) Finding Emotional Freedom; 2) Reclaiming Your Power and Your Life; 3) Breaking the Pattern, Healing Your Heart; 4) Becoming a Love Alchemist; and 5) Creating Your HappyEver-After. On the topic of her own divorce, Katherine Woodard Thomas states: “We decided that ours would be a generous breakup, characterized by an uncommon amount of kindness and bighearted gestures meant to generate a continual flow of goodwill and wellbeing into our newly forming post-breakup ‘expanded family.’” She also speaks of how her and her former husband gave each other “parting gifts,” an idea that he actually crafted. After their uncoupling, Katherine and her “wasband” resided in the same high-rise, four floors apart,

so they could be near each other for the sake of their daughter. As a parent and family lawyer, I think that is extraordinary. While I am in no way claiming to be an expert in mental health, my experience in practicing only family law for over ten years qualifies me to say, with certainty, that the nastier your divorce, the harder it will be on your children. I can also say, with certainty, that the nastier your divorce, the more expensive it will be. Representing a parent who refuses to speak with their former spouse, or representing the parent who wants communication but the other refuses and would rather go to court, while it keeps me employed, is very sad. If just one of these ugly situations could be resolved via the Conscious Uncoupling process, there would be one less child affected by their parents’ acrimony that goes hand in hand with divorce. No doubt, Conscious Uncoupling is hardly a money-maker for attorneys because the less the parties need the services of a lawyer for their divorce, the less money the lawyer stands to make. But regardless of how people go about getting divorced, the services of a lawyer will always be needed to draft the pleadings and more importantly, the parties’ agreement, which must be drafted appropriately. However, when there are children involved, nothing is more important than coming out on the other side with the least amount of emotional damage as possible. One of the most popular questions I get when meeting with a potential client for the first time is, “How much is this all going to cost?” My response is the same each and every time: The cost is based upon how much the other side wants to fight. The nastier the case, the higher the cost. Conversely, the less nasty, the lower the cost. But in the end, it’s not the cost that should matter, but rather your children and their ability to move on and be happy in their own lives and in their future relationships. It’s up to you if you chose to hate your spouse more than you love your children.

For more information, call 609-398-1900.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

I’m Here to Help Your Family Through Them. Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Marital Settlement Agreements Post-Judgement Modifications • Emancipation • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden. Marla has recently been appointed to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court Family Practice Committee.


Marla Marinucci, Esq.

117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Are You Suffering From Osteoarthritis? Submitted by Relievus


steoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of joint disease. It is a degenerative disorder that arises from the biochemical breakdown of the joint as well as the cartilage that surrounds it. People with OA have a lower-than-normal concentration of hyaluronic acid, which acts like a lubricant and shock absorber, in their joints. So osteoarthritis is not primarily inflammatory, despite the “itis” in its name. It is also the leading cause of chronic disability in those older than 60 years of age. Younger individuals, such as athletes or laborers, may develop OA earlier in life due to excessive wear and tear of the joints or repetitive trauma to tissue surrounding it. Other risk factors include obesity, family history, muscle weakness, disorders of bone, and prior surgery, to name a few. The high prevalence entails significant costs to society. Costs by way of clinician visits, medications, or surgery can be particularly significant for the aging population, who face potential loss of independence and who may need help with daily living activities. Indirect costs include such items as time lost from work. Osteoarthritis predominantly involves the weight-bearing joints, including the knees, hips, cervical and lumbosacral spine, and feet. Other joints affected include shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands. Signs and symptoms of OA include deep and achy joint pain, reduced range of motion of the joint, cracking of the joint or “crepitus,” and stiffness at rest, usually in the morning, that lasts for less than 30 minutes. If OA has progressed, physical changes may be visible on imaging in deeper joints such as the knees or visible to the naked eye in the superficial joints in the form of osteophytes. Osteophytes are bony projections (spurs) that form along joint margins. For example, in the distal joints of the fingers, the palpable osteophytes are known as “Heberden’s nodes.” OA is typically diagnosed clinically and by imaging studies. X-rays are the imaging method of choice. CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, and bone scan may also prove useful. If fluid is removed from the joint (arthrocentesis), noninflammatory cells are present. The primary goals of treatment are to relieve pain and restore function. In the early stages, non-pharmacologic interventions are utilized. These include but are not limited to education of the patient, heat/cold modalities, change in activity, weight loss, exercise, physical therapy to strengthen musculature around the joints, and bracing or an assistive device (cane/walker) to unload the joint. Pharmacologic interventions include topical creams, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tramadol, acetaminophen, and intra-articular (joint) corticosteroid injections. Viscosupplementation may be a therapeutic option for individuals with mild to moderate OA of the knee. In this procedure, a gel-like fluid called hyaluronic acid is injected into the knee joint. As mentioned above, hyaluronic acid acts

as a lubricant to enable bones to move smoothly over each other and as a shock absorber for joint loads. Orthopedic surgical treatment (total joint replacement) is considered if OA does not respond to medical management. It is important to visit your primary care physician if you are experiencing pain in your joints that is not relieved with conservative care or over-thecounter medication for proper care and referral to the proper specialist. Though OA is the most common type of joint disease, there are also other arthritides that must be ruled out.

Central Park East, • 222 New Road, Suite 102 • Linwood, NJ 08221

The County Woman Magazine

For more information, call 888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit

Peter G. Pryzbylkowski, MD Anesthesiologist Interventional Pain Specialist

• Board Certified Interventional Pain Specialist • Interventional Pain Management Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania • National Board Certification, American Board of Anesthesiology • Anesthesia Residency: University of Pennsylvania • Medical Internship: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia • Former Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania • Medical Degree, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

November/December 2016

Home Health Care


Home Care Nursing: The Way Nursing Was Meant to Be Many view home care nursing as the purest form of nursing. In fact, Florence Nightingale – perhaps, the most famous nurse of all – said, “…the ultimate destination of all nursing is the nursing of the sick in their own homes.” When people are able to receive care in the comfort of their own homes, they have the benefit of being in familiar surroundings, with the people – and even, pets – who they love. Nurses who provide this care often develop close relationships with their patients, enjoying the meaningful-one-on-one care that is often absent in the hectic, impersonal setting of a hospital or institutional facility. When a patient welcomes you into their home, you’re entering their lives. With this Prudhomme, privilege comes great responsibility, requiring Director of BAYADA the kind of personal and professional skills Home Health Care that are unique to the home setting. It also comes with rewards that are deeply satisfying, as almost any nurse working in home care will tell you. As we celebrate National Home Care Month, it is appropriate to recognize the selfless efforts of home care nurses, who dedicate themselves to helping people have a safe home life with comfort, independence, and dignity.


The right balance is the key to success

Home care nursing derives its challenges and benefits from its unique work environment—a person’s home. Great home care nurses successfully navigate the professional-personal dynamic by not letting their close relationship with family affect the way they provide their skilled nursing services. Finding this balance requires tact, creativity, flexibility, good humor, respect, and patience, but the payoff is enormous: you’ll achieve closer and richer relationships with your patients than is possible in other settings. Many home care nurses who come from institutional settings often mention the disconnect they feel when caring for many patients at once and for only a short period of time. “I came to home care because I wanted to see the outcomes. What the other side looked like,” says BAYADA Nurse Mary Villanueva, RN, BSN, with the BAYADA office serving Atlantic and Cape May counties. “I used to work in the trauma unit of a major hospital and I would never find out how our patients did in the long-term after they left our unit. Home care nursing allows me to be a part of their lives.”

The benefits are many

Other benefits of home care for nurses include the opportunity to assume a wide spectrum of responsibility, work flexible schedules, and have the chance to

specialize and use high-tech skills. More and more qualified home care nurses are choosing to specialize in areas such as geriatrics or rehabilitation. Some high-tech nursing procedures – traditionally only offered through hospitals and skilled facilities – are now routinely provided at home, giving home care nurses the opportunity to use their specialized skills. Mary, who began as a field nurse and is now a BAYADA Clinical Manager overseeing nurses and their patients’ care, says that home care nursing is just as stimulating as hospital nursing. “I think one of the biggest misconceptions about home care nursing is that nurses stop learning. Nothing could be further from the truth,” explains Mary. “Home care nurses are continually using their clinical knowledge and critical thinking skills. And as a clinical manager, I make sure that all the nurses on my team receive the support and training they need to give the highest level of care, every day to every client.”

BAYADA Clinical

Just as Mary does, all of our clinical managers Manager Mary offer their nurses 24-hour professional support and Villanueva, RN, BSN, encourage a team environment—allowing nurses to enjoys the meaningful, maintain a feeling of community with other caregivers. one-on-one The value nurses bring to home care often allows them relationships that to have their pick of cases and shifts, giving them the home care offers. work-life balance they deserve.

To find out about immediate nursing job opportunities in Atlantic and Cape May counties, please contact BAYADA at 609-926-4600.

Immediate Opportunities in Home Care! • RNs, LPNs, and HHAs • Full-time, part-time, and per diem scheduling Sign-on bonus with mention of this ad! Apply now! Call 609-926-4600.

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Barista’s Coffee House

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Why Choose the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute? Greater Options for Treating Cancer, Closer to Home

At the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute — a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner — we understand the impact that a diagnosis of cancer has on your own life and on the lives of those close to you. Every step of the way, you can count on our doctors, nurses and professional staff to provide highly personalized and compassionate care, explaining what to expect throughout treatment, answering questions and providing encouraging support. Located in Egg Harbor Township and Cape May Court House, the Cancer Care Institute provides access to renowned cancer specialists, as well as advances in cancer treatment. In addition to focusing on the best ways to treat your cancer, we consider your needs from a wellness and healing perspective so your inner spirit gets the care it needs while your body fights the cancer.

AtlantiCare’s cancer program is accredited by the American College of Surgeon (ACoS) Commission on Cancer and ACR, a partner of Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Radiation Oncology AtlantiCare’s Department of Radiation Oncology is accredited by the American College of Radiology for radiation therapy. The innovative technologies used at the Cancer Care Institute treat many types of cancer with greater accuracy and safety, and with fewer side effects. Medical Oncology Our Department of Medical Oncology and Infusion Services provides outpatient chemotherapy and other intravenous therapies under the supervision of three full time medical oncologists from Fox Chase Cancer Center and two nurse practitioners. Cape May Court House Location The AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute has expanded into Cape May County, meeting a growing need for comprehensive cancer care in New Jersey’s southernmost communities. Our location in Cape May Court House offers outpatient medical oncology and radiation oncology services in a two-story health park. The health park also includes physician time-share space and an outpatient surgery center.

After Care Support Groups The AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute offers several support services designed to focus on your needs before, during and after cancer treatment.

Breast Cancer Support Group AtlantiCare’s breast health coordinator reaches out to patients and their families to assist them through breast cancer treatment. It is also a resource for family and friends of patients undergoing treatment of breast disease.

Look Good, Feel Better® AtlantiCare offers this program in cooperation with the American Cancer Society. Look Good, Feel Better® helps newly diagnosed female cancer patients improve their appearance and self-image with hands-on beauty techniques. Each participant receives a kit of cosmetics for use during and after the workshop.

Preparing for Chemotherapy & Preparing for Radiation Therapy AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner, offers monthly one-hour preparation courses to patients, their caregivers, and families facing chemotherapy and also a session for radiation therapy, regardless of where they are receiving treatment.

Locations 106 Court House South Dennis Road

2500 English Creek Avenue, Bldg. 400

Cape May Court House, NJ 08210

Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 • 1-888-569-1000

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016




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Barre at Breathe:


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The New Fitness Buzz You Cannot Ignore!


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Leah Schwartz, owner/certified barre and pilates instructor

“Start where you are, grow from there, the practice is yours.”

My journey started with my love for barre. I connected with the fluidity of the movements and how my body felt. Pilates was natural progression. The more the I practiced, the more I desired to perfect my skills. In 2013 I began my training and certifications in Barre and in 2016 I completed my reformer certification from Balance Body. Throughout my education I have collaborated with mentors of varying practices that have diversified my technique and knowledge, and molded my abilities as an instructor.


a way that you are lifting and toning while leaning and lengthening. Think ballerina body! Do you need to have ballet or Pilates experience? No! We will teach you everything you need to know. Form is key and that is what our guidance is here for. Below are the top questions people ask Who benefits from Barre classes? about Barre at Breathe. Everyone! Barre can be a great workout What is a BARRE workout? athe’s barre instructor and manager. Her fun and ever for runners or anyone who lacks flexibility. nue to challenge your body andare keep it from of plateauing. Barre workouts a fusion ballet, It is a great low-impact workout that training yoga.her body benefits all types of women—early to when shePilates, took herfunctional first barre class. Barreand changed ad before.This Eachworkout week she was watched as she became leaner, created with a woman’s mid-stages of pregnancy, just had a baby, Her hard work off, notItonly she see results, but she or maybe hasn’t worked out in a long time. bodypaid in mind. usesdid isometric or small ame a certified barre instructor. is atrouble fulfillingspots, experi- Many of our barre clients are people who movements to targetTeaching women’s h each opportunity to share the love of barre. Try her class and such as glutes, thighs, abdominals and backs have or are recovering from injury. They goals just as she has. of arms. All of the movements work in such choose barre because it is a low-impact, safer option for your joints; however, it’s still dynamic and provides awesome results. You will sweat, shake, burn, lift and tone, all while moving to great music. What should I expect during a Barre class? After warming up, our classes are usually broken into segments, which work through targeted muscle groups. For instance, we start with standing thigh and seatwork, c move to upper body, and finish with 199 New Rd. Suite 15 , Linwood, NJ 08221 great mat core work while adding lowof impact cardio intervals in between that. This will help get your heart rate up and n f you have never taken a Barre class, you may be a little confused on the concept. Even if you have taken a class, you might not be able to explain to your friend why she needs to come with you next time you visit our studio.

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burn fat. Each class will provide you with a total body workout, including stretching. Each class is a challenge and the exercises will change and so will you. Never expect to take the same class twice, as this will help to keep your body from plateauing. What results can I expect and how soon can I see them? Our clients tell us they see improved strength and more muscle definition after each class. They feel strong, graceful and feminine and feel a difference immediately, but see a difference after four to five workouts.

Visit New Class

Align, Lengthen and StrengthenSM When it comes to boosting recovery, releasing tight muscles, finding proper core engagement and aligning the spine, foam rolling can’t be beat. This class incorporates stability moves, deep core work and alignment exercises to improve your balance, strengthen your core and help correct posture. You will leave standing taller, looking leaner and most importantly feeling refreshed. All levels welcome.

March/April 2016

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great show! 405 Lafayette St. Cape May, NJ

Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________

Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012

Or Visit to Enter Online! One entry per person for the Cape May Stage. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through December 31, 2016. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Featured On The Cover

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Featured On The Cover


Alysia Ann Price, MSW, LSW, CDP, CALA, LNHA, Seashore Gardens Living Center Alysia Price is the Administrator and the Director of Social Services at Seashore Gardens Living Center in Galloway Township. Price started her career in Social Work at Family Service Association of Atlantic County as an Access Counselor while finishing her Bachelor of Science degree from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in 1997. In 2000 Price realized her desire to work with older adults and obtained a position at SGLC as a Social Worker. Over the years Price furthered her education and obtained her Masters in Social Work from Monmouth University in 2005. Price holds a Certified Dementia Practitioner and Nursing Home Administrators License from Richard Stockton College of NJ, and is an Assisted Living Administrator. Price is also a field supervisor and currently facilitates an Alzheimer’s Support Group for Caregivers. She enjoys meeting and touring new residents and their family members and finds much satisfaction in helping people, especially in the community where she was raised. Price currently resides in Mays Landing and has two college age children. When Price is not working she enjoys spending time with, family and friends and working on home projects.

Call Alysia Price at 609-404-4848 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Janice Thornton Cambron, LNHA, CALA, Seashore Gardens Living Center

Janice Thornton Cambron serves as Executive Director at Seashore Gardens Living Center of Galloway Township, New Jersey. Seashore Gardens has been providing care to the elderly since the early 1900’s in the Atlantic City area. Janice is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator since 1985 and a Certified Assisted Living Administrator since 2000 in the State of New Jersey. Janice is responsible for the overall management of the 30 apartment assisted living residences and 151 bed health care centers. Services include a special care Alzheimer’s Unit, rehabilitation services and respite and hospice care along with regular nursing facility care. Janice has been instrumental in developing the Seashore Gardens Alzheimer’s Outreach Services and Seashore Gardens Without Walls. Additionally she oversees the affordable housing for the elderly and special needs on the campus. Janice resides in Egg Harbor Township New Jersey where she was raised. She lives with her husband, Frank, and has a daughter, Valeska, in New York City. She is on the Board of Richard Stockton Alumni Association; Member of Leading Age New Jersey, receiving Professional of the Year in 2000; Board Member for Cygnus Creative Arts Center and Egg Harbor Township Historical Society.

Apartment Community

Call Janice Cambron at 609-404-4848 or visit


Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Apartment Community

Offering the best in apartment living - luxury, lifestyle and convenience - including garages and golf views.

Location, Location, Location… Our distinctive apartment homes are just 6 minutes from the Atlantic City Airport and just minutes away from the South Jersey beaches. The Woods at Blue Heron Pines offers awesome amenities, such as: • Free Comcast Cable Package • Free Local Telephone • 24/7 Fitness Center • Seasonal Pool At The Woods at Blue Heron Pines, you can experience truly carefree living. With 24/7 maintenance and valet trash service, you can just sit back and enjoy the golf views. With the inclusion of water and sewer, your bills will be kept at a minimum as well. • Spacious units with 9 ft ceilings • Garden soaking tubs • Attached garages • Oversized closets

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1000 Bally Bunion Drive • Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Memory Care Services


Seashore Gardens Living Center

Let’s Talk Turkey.

When they call me a “turkey”, I really don’t mind. It reminds me of Thanksgiving Day and evokes so many positive thoughts. Just the smell of the turkey in our SGLC kitchens starts the excitement for this special holiday. While we enjoy the food and decorations, the best part is visiting with family and friends. I never discount the warm feelings of friends. I remember the time that one of our memory loss residents in our secure Alzheimer’s neighborhood refused to go out with her daughter for Thanksgiving dinner. Her daughter was distraught and had tears in her eyes. I reminded her to take comfort in the fact that her mother feels safe and enjoys being with her friends. This is her home and she will get turkey here, too. The daughter left, comforted by those encouraging words and our wishes for her to enjoy her Thanksgiving dinner. In this day of bad press, I appreciate Thanksgiving even more. I enjoy reading all the positive statements voiced by our residents. They share what they are thankful for, and I in turn share mine. Yes, it is something we should do every day. But this annual tradition, that is based around family and community, makes it that much more special. May we all have a warm, comforting day of thanks this Thanksgiving, with lots of turkey.

Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA Executive Director Seashore Gardens Living Center

2016: Celebrating 100 Years with 100 Stories

Do you have an story to share about a visit to Seashore Gardens Living Center, or a memory from our old location? Email your story to and we’ll put it on our website to celebrate our 100th Anniversary! Footwear

Est. 1916

22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 • p. 609-404-4848


The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit home for the aged, guided by Jewish tradition, law, and charity, dedicated to enriching the quality of life for each of our residents. Assisted Living Short- and Long-Term Nursing Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Respite (Vacation) Care Rehabilitation • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy Home Health Care Independent Housing

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” —Melody Beattie Written by Claire Brown, BSN, RN, Director of Provider Relations When Mr. William “Bill” Allen walked into a local radiology outpatient office on July 5th of this year, he had no idea that his life would inexplicably be changed forever. Just as he walked through the front door of the office, he somehow fell backwards, fracturing his skull, causing him to become unconscious. Due to the skull fracture, Bill sustained a large hemorrhage to his brain and a blood clot within the lining of his skull. Bill, 68, does not remember much after that. He was taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center – Mainland Campus, where he was stabilized. He was then airlifted to AtlantiCare Regional Trauma Center in Atlantic City to receive further emergency care. Bill had to be intubated and placed on a ventilator Bill Allen in order to stabilize his breathing. He was also diagnosed with pneumonia on admission and a chest tube was placed for the drainage of secretions. Bill received excellent care in the Trauma Unit at AtlantiCare Regional Trauma Center. On 7/18/16, he was transferred to Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey for further care, with a focus on removing him from the ventilator. His condition was critical and his future was uncertain at that time. His partner, Diane was very overwhelmed, and remembers little about that very frightening time in their lives. Diane remembers a Nurse Case Manager at AtlantiCare who was very kind and patient. “She explained the care and services offered by Acuity Specialty Hospital. She helped me to understand why it would be the right place for him to go after receiving his initial trauma care.” While at Acuity Specialty Hospital, Bill received a tracheostomy and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube. He was then successfully Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey is a long term acute care

For Information or Referrals, Call 609-441-8123

hospital located inside AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in

A Simple Choice for Complex Patients

Atlantic City. Our recently renovated hospital-within-ahospital provides 30 private

rooms equipped with state of the

art monitoring to the medically

complex and critically ill. Patients are seen by physician specialists daily and typically discharged to acute and sub-acute

rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities or their homes.

Jennifer Brown, BSN, RN, Employee of the Year 2015 and Kathy Kerstetter, MSN, RN, ACNP-C, Leader of the Year 2015

Our achievements speak for themselves:

• •

First hospital in New Jersey to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification, maintained since 2012 New Jersey Hospital Association Excellence in Quality Improvement Award- 2016 American Association for Respiratory Care Center of Excellence 2012-present Current ventilator weaning rate over 80% Wound healing rate over 80%

Our team specializes in the following needs of our patients: • • • • •

Ventilator weaning Complex wounds Infectious diseases Medically or surgically complex care Multi-system organ dysfunction

liberated from the ventilator and his tracheostomy was removed. Unfortunately, he did experience a further stroke and a heart attack during his stay at AtlantiCare and Acuity Specialty Hospital. Bill has many memories of the staff at Acuity Specialty Hospital. “They kept me alive,” he said. “They came into my room with such care and concern. Lynette, the Speech Therapist, was fantastic. I had a hard time understanding why she cared about me so much, a total stranger, but it was very obvious that she did.” He particularly remembers Kathleen Angello, a Registered Nurse at Acuity. Kathleen shared that “My son Brian was in one of the top 5 drum and bugle corps in the country as a cadet. Mr. Allen, a Vietnam veteran, was also very familiar with drum and bugle corps. He had been in the Presidential Honor Guard when Lyndon Johnson was President.” Kathleen said, “I showed him a picture of Brian in his uniform and Mr. Allen became very emotional. It gave us some common ground. I think it served him well, getting him through some of the trying days of his recovery.” Diane remembers Michael DeCesero, MSW, Director of Case Management at Acuity. “He talked to me on the first day of Bill’s admission. He said, ‘If you need anything from me, come to the nurses’ station and ask for me.’ He proved to me that he was very well educated and prepared. In fact, he helped me to get Medical Power of Attorney for Bill.” She also remembers the first day that Bill was awake and alert and said, “Hello, cookie buns!” (Bill’s nickname for Diane, his partner). That was when she knew he was on the road to recovery. He said, “Physical Therapists came every day to help me walk in the hallways. They gave me pointers and tips on how to correct my posture, which was so important to improve my ability to ambulate.” Bill was finally discharged to a local acute rehabilitation hospital on 8/23/16 and then home with Diane. When he was asked how he was doing recently, he said he could run up and down his stairs and was hanging pictures in his lounge. “I can’t do somersaults, but then again, I couldn’t do them before,” he joked.

For more information, call 609-441-8123 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Eczema Nearly 31 million Americans suffer from eczema-related symptoms. Eczema can affect newborns, kids, women and men of any race or ethnicity. Those embarrassing patches of rough, reddened, intensely itchy skin can keep eczema sufferers from enjoying their lives, and for a parent, it’s difficult to watch your child go through it. Also, sometimes eczema is associated with some other conditions and needs a complete workup by your dermatologist. It also can be aggravated by infections, which your doctor might need to treat with oral medications. Dr. Renata Flaks, DNP

WHAT IS ECZEMA? Eczema is a skin condition caused by inflammation of the skin. Typically, eczema causes skin to become itchy, red and dry – even cracked and leathery. Eczema can appear on any part of the body any time of the year, but mostly during cold months. Eczema is a chronic problem for many people. It is most common in infants, many of whom outgrow it before adulthood. People with eczema have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions like asthma or hay fever. Also secondary fungal and bacterial infections are possible to get through the cracks in the skin. WHAT CAUSES ECZEMA? There are different types of eczema. Your dermatologist will be able to tell you what kind of eczema you have. Eczema tends to run in families. Certain genes can cause some people to have extra-sensitive skin. An overactive immune system is thought to be a factor, as well. Also, it’s thought that defects in the skin barrier contribute to eczema. These defects can allow moisture out through the skin and let germs in. People who wash their hands a lot, use hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap, work with gloves or chemicals (health care professionals, hairdressers, mechanics, teachers, police officers, and housekeepers) or those who take long or hot showers are usually more affected by eczema. You can try to treat eczema by moisturizing with over-the-counter emollients and creams, but seek a dermatologist if it is not getting better in a few weeks. Among other factors that may trigger eczema are: • Stress • Contact with irritating substances • Heat and sweat • Cold, dry climates • Dry skin TREATMENTS FOR ECZEMA Your dermatologist can put you on one or a combination of these: • Steroid creams or ointments • Creams or lotions that lubricate the skin • Antifungal medications • Antibiotics to treat secondary infections

Because eczema sometimes mimics other conditions like ringworm, psoriasis, rosacea, folliculitis and some autoimmune diseases, we don’t recommend patients to self-treat. If, after moisturizing your rash for few days or weeks, it is not getting better, you have to see your dermatologist. Also, in certain cases dermatologists might check your blood work if they believe it’s necessary; sometimes a simple test called a biopsy, done in the dermatologist’s office, will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Remember: On the day of the appointment we ask you not to apply any topical medications or over-the-counter moisturizers so we can diagnose a condition properly.

Call us for an appointment or your comprehensive skin cancer screening today.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2016

Mastectomy Boutique


A Health Care Agency With A Heart! $10 OFF YourOFF Purchase 20% Of $25 OrThe More Your First Visit To Boutique

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Mastectomy Boutique • Post Surgical Garments/Lymphedema Products • Mastectomy Bras - We have a full selection of beautiful, feminine and fashionable mastectomy bras. • Prosthesis - Breast forms are available in many styles, weights & colors to fit every unique individual. • Head Wear/Wigs/Turbans/Hats/Head Wraps • Certified Mastectomy Fitter (CMF) is available on staff.

Mastectomy items are covered by most insurances. Custom Prosthesis is now available.

Private Vocational School Durable Medical Equipment • Day and Evening Courses are available so you can work it within your schedule. • Need Help Paying? We have funding available from outside sources, government programs and payment plans. Charge card is accepted. Special funding available for people over age 55. • Employment Opportunities are offered and we help anyone who is looking for employment after completion of the course. We are now accepting applications for CHHA’s and CNA's.

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We accept MediCare and Most Insurances. We have Delivery and Set-Up Services.


The County Woman Magazine

ATLANTIC COUNTY 609-601-2150 700 NEW ROAD LINWOOD, NJ 08221 November/December 2016

Health &Wellness


Megan Reynolds — A Beacon of Hope And Healing For Her Patients Megan Reynolds was introduced to the field of speech pathology as a high school student in Voorhees and was instantly intrigued. She adds, “I was a volunteer at the Voorhees Pediatric Facility, which is a specialized healthcare facility providing services for children who are medically fragile. I loved how the practice was able to help patients with a variety of disorders improve swallowing, speaking and communicating with assistive devices, and cognition.” Her passion for the field grew and after graduating with a master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology from Loyola University, she is currently a speech pathologist at Body in Balance Physical Therapy & Fitness Center. She adds, “When you enter Body in Balance, it feels like a home where everyone is willing to help out in any way they can. My co-workers provide support for patients and other workers alike. They are one of the shining beacons at Body in Balance.”

ACW: What do you enjoy most about working with the geriatric population? Megan: Working with the geriatric population is rewarding on a daily basis. Whether it’s helping them regain independence in communication, strengthening their voice to be heard among friends and family, recovering swallowing muscles affected from a stroke, or working with cognition in order to help them be independent in controlling medication, establishing these connections with them makes it a highly fulfilling practice. ACW: What is the most challenging part about your profession? Megan: The most challenging (and most fun in my opinion) is that research is ever changing the field of speech pathology. This is a career where it is required to continue to research, learn, and communicate with others in your field to remain up to date with new findings. To put it simply, you will never be bored as a speech pathologist as there is always something new to learn. ACW: What are the most common issues you see in your field? Megan: The most common issue I see in my field is the need to educate other professionals who are not aware of what a speech pathologist can offer. There is a misconception that we only work with people who have intelligibility or articulation issues, but we offer so much more. A speech pathologist works with every age group and can range from working with people who may be on ventilators or have tracheostomies return to a normal diet by assisting with dysphagia (swallowing) exercises, to working with geriatrics who have suffered a stroke and as a result have aphasia, a communication disorder that results from damage to parts of the brain that contain language.

ACW: How do you stay current with new trends in your field? Megan: I attend continuing education events offered in person and online. In addition, I am a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association and have access to medical journals and the most current research available. ACW: Tell us about the LSVT LOUD program. Megan: This is a voice program designed to improve vocal volume and communication with people who are affected by motor speech disorders. LSVT LOUD is part of LSVT GLOBAL, which offers two programs: Megan Reynolds LSVT LOUD for speech and voice and LSVT BIG for physical movements. I offer LSVT LOUD certified classes for people who are having difficulty speaking, articulating, and utilizing their voice to communicate. Some motor speech disorders affect the muscles in the facial area responsible for speech, as well as affecting the vocal cords themselves. This is a very involved program that is offered four times a week for one month to address these deficits and provide education to patients to strengthen their vocal cords and the muscles responsible for speech. Published research data support improvements in vocal loudness, intonation, and voice quality for individuals with Parkinson’s who received LSVT LOUD, with improvements maintained up to two years after treatment. A home exercise program is offered to continue practice after completing the program with a certified instructor. ACW: What is the best part about working at Body in Balance? Megan: I love working with people with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. It is wonderful to see how dedicated everyone is to improving his or her health and well-being by participating in physical, occupational, or speech therapy and taking balance or yoga classes, and connecting with other people who are facing the same difficulties they are encountering in their lives. It’s a real privilege to witness strangers helping each other and creating their own support groups.

For more information, call 609-365-8499 or visit

314 Central Ave. • Linwood, NJ 609-365-8499

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

L L aw Law aw

L aw Kasi M. Gifford Joins The D’Amato Law Firm

30 30


Have I Voluntarily Limited Civil What Do You Do If Someone YouMy Love MayRights?! Have Autism?

And Continues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. “Massimo has Autism. Are Mythink denialthat house crumbling have been practicing as an You would youcame should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from down shortly thereafter. All of the kids suffering, right? The collision was not your fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and the MRI was negative for any additional with holes of various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover myatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for the child to put the shape make eye contact or respond to his name. What should I do? through the appropriate hole. have done at our firm for many He only would laugh when you threw him I’ll never forget that moment. Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios like thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to up in theis airrepresent or look atpeople you when you made a years that The Children’s Holiday Party had been in therapy for two months really loud noise. Our Pediatrician, Dr. Danayou! If you have selected the Limited seriously injured. Submitted by Sless Kare asi M.Brighton Gifford , EWhile squirE the shape into the usually a magician, games, with Pediatrics in Eggwe HarborRight toworking Sue,includes call on yourputting auto insurance right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza,immediately sweets, pictures with Santa Township had me fill out questionnaire at company handle most types of apersonal and ask them Paul R. R. D’Amato, D’Amato, Certified Certified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined Paul Attorney months younger than Massi,ofplaying Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and lots of gifts. Members the with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and to change your policy to the NO Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellorthe at Law injury cases, we get many calls this toy with ease. It just seemed D’Amato Law Firm in Egg Harbor Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellor at Law she recommended that I contact The New Jersey AtlanticAuto County Bar policies Associationlike such Rocco, 3-years-old Limitation. insurance a silly and easy game for Jerard, but yet for Township.Early Iabout formerly clerked for the car accidents. Intervention System (NJEIS). She didn’t and the Atlantic County Superior can be confusing so if you’re not sure Massi he had to actually work to be able to do that. James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court staff love to watch the come out and say that Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of It has been reported that over 90% of drivers in New Jersey elect the Limitation on what coverage you have and want to chaos could be causing his delays. Certainly and Iof were worried, but our oldest son Paul SuperiorAlex Court New Jersey, Civil Division, as the students unwrap their gifts, it, please Lawsuit or Limited to Sue forwith theirRocco auto insurance coverage. If in youthe aren’t sure What do schedule you doanifoffice someone you love may have Autism? was two years old, IRight was pregnant and we were next few daystalk for about in Atlantic County. I wasleaving born and raised and the excitement every time a new visit and I will review your you policy whetherWorld, or not the youhappiest elected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. When a child love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological Disney place on Earth! in Galloway Township; thus when it came gift children with youis atrevealed. no charge. condition likeThe Autism, it canare be asovery scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so Hoping for the best, I pulled intofor a post-clerkship job, my timetomyself toSue? look Have I Limited my Right appreciative and their smiles and many questions about our family’s future, and while we are blessed to have many friends believing that Massi wasn’t talking because top priority was to find a local firm that laughter fillyears, everyone’s and family thatthe loveD’Amato usheart dearlywith and were it was hard to find anybody his brother was talking forselect him the andLimited that heRight wasn’tto Sue option and save money on For over 40 Law Firmincredibly has beensupportive, representing people In New Jersey you can would allow me to be involved in the local community, and to continue happiness andtruly gratitude. be we able who could relate toTo what were going through. responding to his name called him your car insurance. Thatbecause sounds we great, but in reality, you are hampering your right who have been injured. If you have been seriously injured in a motor to give back to causes which have grown near and dear to my heart. cannot thank FACES Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and teachers to makeIthe children’s holiday4 season Massimo Massi And really to recoverand money forinterchangeably. your injuries. God forbid, but let’s imagine for a minute that a The D’Amato Law Firm was just anyway!? the place. From the second I stepped foot so vehicle collision orlife by a greatest defective product, if you the havefabulous been inlittle a situain is Massi’s who have helped guy he is today. He has how important is eye contact We went off special truly the gift I himorbecome drunk driver comes barreling down the road and crashes into your minivan with you into the D’Amato Law met Paul grown in leaps and bounds and while I am afraid he will always struggle to Disney with pitsFirm in ourand stomachs, “It’s a and Small Alexa, I could tell it was a or any of my colleagues could ever tion where your civil rights were violated, I can help. We pride ourselves to keep up both and your 3 kids in tow (that’s how I roll). You would thatonno what or Massi hismatter first for birthday! family atmosphere everlasting and think appreciation allyou things academically and socially, canroom see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier World” jingle with in ouran heads and a suitcaselove of denial. The excitement in Ithe your children’s you as should be able to recover money. That’s not the case iftosay, receive. in assisting thoseprogress in our area or excited elsewhere who are in need of profesas the years and am Every singleinjuries time weare, stood a family to take a picture the a photographers would charitable, especially efforts that make Atlantic County better place that day takes you back to being a about his future. you elected the Limited Right to Sue option. “Look at the Law cameraFirm and attorneys smile.” Massiand would not are look.encouraged Every singlt timeto theattend photographer live. The D’Amato staff sional, caring and effective legalmagic representation. kid, and reminds you of the of the holiday season. would ask us what namewith was. charities He would then “Massi, over here buddy.” If you think your child may be delayed developmentally or have a charity events and get Massi’s involved andsay the locallook community. Massi still would not look atCounty, the camera. It was not until photographer or his assistant Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about thefamily Young Lawyers Howlawyer will the Limited Right toI am Sue affect methe and my family? As a young in Atlantic actively involved with the Young like Autism, call your physician or see made a really loud noise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized on that Division or find out how you can contribute to the Children’s The smallofpercentage of drivers who know they have elected the Limited Right to Lawyers Division the Atlantic County Bar that Association. Originally established a developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online at trip, that something was really wrong with our baby. Holiday Party, please visit our website at or like SueAtlantic believe this simply means they can’t recover if they haveto whiplash. In reality, in 1877, the County Bar Association is dedicated promoting the you legal or call Isabelle Mosca at (609) 412-3750. have much worse injuries than whiplash and still not recover. profession could and advancing the public’s trust and confidence in our civil and criminal our Facebook page “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” Written Writtenby: by:Alexa AlexaD’Amato D’AmatoBarrera, Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law







Whatand isyou Autism? justice system. year I occurs served on the Executive of thetoYoung WhenLast a collision have selectedCommittee the Limited Right Sue, you can If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll Lawyers Division as the Charitable Outreach Chair. With my position came thefind only recover money for your injuries if you: different results. Division That’s because Autism comes in many privilege of coordinating many the Young Lawyers Children’s Holiday Party,forms and Visit Die if you know one withLawyers Autism, you truly only which started•when Alexa Chaired thechild Young Division in know 2004 one andchild has with Autism. At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder Lose a body part continued to•this day. that appears in early childhood and is characterized by difficulty in social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in Every year, the Young Lawyers Division ofor the Atlantic County Bar Association representing • Have significant disfigurement scarring those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato communication skills including using language, understanding abstract concepts, hosts a holiday party for the Bar members and their friends and family, where in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney forming relationships and communicating with others way that many of us easily • Suffer a displaced fracture (the bones havethe completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the 1 money is do raised for the purpose of holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. every day. In New Jersey 1injury; in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims • Sustain a permanent or Alexa D’Amato Barrera Our Children’s Holiday is the of the year the Youngplay Lawyers Many DoctorsParty will tell you highlight that early diagnosis andfor intervention a crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Counsellor at Law •inYour unborn child (fetus) dies Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Division, role because it is truly a life-changing event. the ultimate success of a child’s outcome. When we came back from Disney and PA BAR The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice inMember NJPaul R. D’Amato I made anHoliday appointment with NJEIS and CHOP for your an Autism evaluation. My next The Children’s is that made through the donations WOW! Did youParty realize youpossible were limiting rights in such a of way? representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R.Civil D’Amato Certified Trial Attorney callbusinesses, was to FACES 4 Autism. Ken raised and Isabelle created FACES in 2002 Bar after community and the money at theMosca Young Lawyers Division in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Let’s go back to that collision with the drunk driver that wasn’t your fault. You have 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 their son KyleParty. was diagnosed with proceeds, Autism. When I calledof Isabelle I knewLawyers that I had Alexa D’Amato Barrera collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the Association Holiday With those members the Young ankle. It’s but itput is fractured, so youwith haveatonumber stay off of of different it for Counsellor at Law toa broken dotheir something fornot ourdisplaced, baby. Isabelle me in contact countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims New Jersey 08234 Division and families go shopping for children’s holiday gifts. The gifts are Alexa D’Amato Barrera a few weeks. (Try that with 3 kids!) When you return to the doctor, the x-rays showfor injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PA BAR people and local resources. I contacted Sue Elmer whom Isabelle recommended individually hand-wrapped at a wrapping party, and then they are brought to the P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. the fracture has Within healed, but in painwith andMs. haveSue, difficulty The word!!!! doctor speech therapy. onlyyou’re a fewstill sessions Massiwalking. said his first StephenNJM. Van Esq. and PA Natten, BAR Atlantic County Court House in Atlantic City for the Children’s Holiday Party. F: 609-926-3883 Member sends you to physical therapy for 1 month. Still it’s not better so you have an MRI. Member NJ and PA BAR Each year, two schools from Atlantic County with a high ratio of economically Living in Denial disadvantaged families are chosen toMagazine participate in the Children’s Holiday Party. The County 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 We had not yetWoman seen the doctor in Philadelphia and Massi was starting to really Each school sends thirty firstand second-graders to attend the Children’s Holiday come along thanks to his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Party. TheIntervention Young Lawyers Division above all else,Ithe children services. I startedrequests to doubt that, my earlier concerns. started to takewho my are chosenhusband’s to participate areand good students, example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 approach set out to proveset thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier for their peers and are financially in need. F: 609-926-3883

CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION: 609.926.3300 TheCounty CountyWoman Woman Magazine Magazine The The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 March/April 2015




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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Diabetic Wounds What is a diabetic wound? A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that most commonly occurs on the bottom of the foot in approximately 15% to 20% of people with diabetes. Diabetes is a leading cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputation in the United States and approximately 15% to 25% of patients with diabetes who develop a foot ulcer will go on to have an amputation.

“offloading”), removing dead skin and tissue (called “debridement”), as well as applying medications or dressings used to heal the ulcer. Managing blood glucose and other health problems is of particular importance. There are several important factors to keep an ulcer from becoming infected. These include keeping blood glucose levels under tight control, keeping the ulcer clean and bandaged, cleansing the wound on a daily basis, and avoiding barefoot walking.

Who is at risk for developing diabetic foot ulcers? Anyone who has diabetes can develop a foot ulcer. Native Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics and older men are more likely to develop ulcers. People who are insulindependent are at a higher risk of developing foot ulcers, as are patients with diabetes-related kidney, eye and heart disease. Being overweight and using alcohol and tobacco also contribute to developing foot ulcers. How do diabetic ulcers form? Ulcers form due to a combination of factors, such as loss of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, friction and pressure, and trauma, as well as the duration of diabetes. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a lack of feeling in the feet due to nerve damage caused by elevated blood sugar levels. The nerve damage often occurs without pain and one may not even be aware of the problem. Your podiatrist can test your feet for neuropathy with a simple and painless tool called a monofilament. Vascular disease: Vascular disease can complicate a foot ulcer, reducing the body’s ability to heal and increasing the risk for infection. Elevated blood glucose can reduce the body’s ability to fight off potential infection and also delay healing. How are diabetic foot ulcers treated? The primary goal in the treatment of foot ulcers is to heal the wound as quickly as possible. The faster the healing, the less chance for infection. There are several key factors in the appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. These will include prevention of the infection, taking pressure off the area (called

Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

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It is important to offload ulcers on the bottom of the foot to promote faster healing. The patient may be asked to wear special footgear or use a wheelchair or crutches. These devices will help to reduce pressure to the ulcer and speed the healing process. The science of wound care has advanced significantly over the past 10 years. The old thought of “let the air get to it” is now known to be harmful to healing. Wounds heal faster with a lower risk of infection if they are kept covered and moist. The use of Betadine, hydrogen peroxide, whirlpools and soaking are not recommended. Appropriate wound management includes the use of specialized dressings and topically applied medications. These range from normal saline to advanced products such as growth factors, ulcer dressings and skin substitutes that have been shown to be highly effective in healing foot ulcers. For a wound to heal, there must be adequate circulation to the ulcerated area. Dr. Honick can determine circulation levels with noninvasive testing. If circulation is not adequate, you may need to see a vascular surgeon for additional testing and intervention. The key to successful wound healing is regular podiatric care to ensure the following “gold standard” of care: • Blood sugar under good control • Appropriate debridement of wound • Treatment of infection • Reducing friction and pressure • Restoring adequate blood flow

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 609-704-9001 or visit

Dr. Stuart W. Honick

received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey and went on to achieve his degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Kean College. Continuing his education at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, Dr. Honick was awarded a degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) and completed a two-year surgical residency. Dr. Honick is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. Dr. Honick has been selected as a “Top Doc” in Southern New Jersey.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


How to Beat the Heart Attack Gene For a very long time, I have been skeptical that simply lowering cholesterol numbers was the major answer to preventing heart disease. Lowering cholesterol levels does appear, at first blush, to give cardiology a preventive look. I have difficulty with the terms always and never. Should we always lower cholesterol? My confusion was compounded by attending a Harvard medical conference where a Harvard cardiologist lectured not to routinely prescribe statins — rather, treat the 38 causes of high cholesterol. And Dr. David Perlmutter, who wrote the book Grain Brain (the ninth non-fiction best seller in the world), explained that we desperately need cholesterol to prevent Alzheimer’s and to produce the dozens of hormones that are declining with natural aging. The conventional lipid panel does tell you your total cholesterol level, LDL (thought of as the bad kind of cholesterol), and HDL (thought of as the good kind of cholesterol). What you need to realize is that there are more sophisticated tests for cholesterol numbers that tell you if you have the fat puffy kind of LDL and HDL (called large particles of cholesterol, which are the good kinds of LDL and HDL cholesterol)…or the dense, tight type of LDL and HDL (which are the bad kinds of LDL and HDL cholesterol). Being confused is good, because you might learn something. What is becoming clear is that the major benefit of statins is that they act as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the absolutely necessary precursor to developing any chronic degenerative diseases of aging. Many of my patients think that they are coming to me to replace low levels of many hormones that naturally decline with aging, learn how to get lean/ replace nutritional deficiencies/sleep/restore a stable mood/feel sexual and have sexual function/experience optimal digestive function/restore muscle mass/ thicken crepe-paper-thin skin/enhance immune function and regain pristine memory. Yes, this is all true. But the bottom line is that my ultimate goal is to prevent what seems to be so inevitable for my patients’ parents, namely… cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s. If you want to witness nutritional and hormonal decline, visit your local nursing home. Not so long ago, I was suggesting that my patients get a 64-slice cardiac CT scan to determine their level of calcified-hard plaque. My level of calcification was zero — so I erroneously thought I had immense protection. I was hesitant about statin medications because so many of my patients had side effects of myopathy (muscle loss), elevated liver enzymes, and increased blood sugar, creating many to be pre-diabetic. After attending many medical conferences, I learned that the most important test is not the cardiac CT scan that determines your amount of calcified hard plaque; rather, it is a test called a cIMT — cardiac intima-

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media thickness test (an ultrasound of the cardiac arteries, not a carotid duplex scan) that tells you your amount of soft plaque. Please realize that it is your soft plaque that breaks off and causes a cardiac event. The cIMT test also tells you how your arterial age compares to your chronological age. Our present disease care system places amazingly little emphasis on preventing future cardiac events and/or dementia. After all, 25 percent of a hospital’s expenses are paid by performing catheterizations, bypass surgeries, and stent procedures — all of which do not prevent future cardiac events. The best defense isn’t having someone perform these heroic procedures, which offer temporary relief — rather it’s protecting yourself with a personalized protection plan, tailored to keep your heart healthy. I am optimistically hopeful that our medical love affair with only prescribing pharmaceuticals is expanding. The following information about how to prevent future heart attacks and strokes is found by reading Beat the Heart Attack Gene by Bradley Bale, MD, and Amy Doneen, ARNP. Consider the following information to be of paramount importance in helping you work with your doctor to prevent future medical catastrophes. In 2012, the American Heart Association recommended that ALL health professionals, not just cardiologists, be trained in genetics and genomics and order the following genomic tests: K1F6 gene to ascertain your risk of MI, and tells you which statins may provide benefit; 9P21 “heart attack gene”; ApoE gene and variants of ApoE gene to tell you how beneficial (or not) certain foods, alcohol, and exercise affect your risk of future cardiovascular events; and the IL-1 gene to tell you if you have hidden periodontal disease, an often overlooked cause of your inflammatory markers that cause CVD. These DNA tests only need to be done once, because your DNA doesn’t change. Who knew that there were tests to individualize a patient’s treatment plan to help doctors and patients know which, or if, a certain statin will work, what diet is most beneficial for your DNA (I’m happy to say that I was wrong — I previously thought that we should all be following a paleolithic diet), and how much exercise and alcohol affects your future health. There are many more tests to order to determine a personalized treatment plan, beyond the scope of this present article. But getting the correct type of cholesterol tests, doing a cIMT scan to measure your arterial age, and ordering the genetic tests is a very good beginning.

Visit Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O. completed post-baccalaureate training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. After which, she received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her internship and residency in Family Medicine was completed at the Virtua Health System. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. In 2005, Dr. Morgan authored her first book, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Weight Loss. Further training in European Endocrinology, Mesotherapy, Medical Weight Loss, and Intravenous Therapies has required extensive travel throughout the US and Europe. Dr. Morgan has appeared on CNN, Ch 3 KYW, Fox News and numerous other live TV and radio shows. She is a frequently requested lecturer to physicians and patients.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

ets PP ets

# 35

STEM CELL THERAPY - REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Dr. Mark Newkirk, Owner, Newkirk Family Veterinarians

to make sure that your pet receives the treatment that is most appropriate for its situation. Pets today are living longer and can feel great into their senior years.

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We can treat: Dogs • Cats • Birds • Exotic Pets Winner of the Best of the Press Gold for Best Veterinary Hospital...Again!!


recent scientific breakthrough is helping pets deal with the pain associated with arthritis as well as injuries to tendons and ligaments. A southern California company, Vet Stem, has developed the technology to provide veterinarians a therapy utilizing stem cells. In addition to easing the pain of chronic arthritis, anticipated future uses for stem cell therapy include autoimmune disease, liver disease, neurological disease and kidney disease.

We’ve all heard about the use of human stem cells in treating various human ailments. Stem cells are the ancestral cells that have the “programming” to turn them into specialized cells in many places in the body. But harvesting them has been difficult. One promising source of stem cells, human embryos, raises moral objections from those who consider the embryos human individuals. The use of these embryonic stem cells has proved very controversial. The difference in pet stem cell therapy is that we are using placental cells now to collect the stem cells for your pet. This replaces our original way of providing pets with stem cells, which involved surgery to remove fat from the pet, then harvesting the stem cells from that fat., This new technique then, eliminates surgery, so now we can provide even very old pets with the benefit of stem

cells!!! This also cuts the cost by almost 40% to you the pet owner so Stem Cell therapy is much more affordable! The beauty of this process is that we are dealing with the pet’s pain in a very holistic manner, utilizing the pet’s own body to heal itself! Thus, there may be no lifetime drugs to take, and best of all, there are very few, if any, side effects. Indications for stem cell therapy are (1) arthritis (done by intra-articular injection; the duration of effect is up to 18 months, with a 80% favorable response rate), (2) fracture healing, and (3) tendon and ligament repair. Stem cell therapy can be used along with NSAIDs (Rimadyl, Deramaxx, etc.), hydrotherapy, Adequan, glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. This process has been used in clinical trials for the past three years and the results have been extremely promising. Over 200 dogs have been successfully treated. I am hopeful that stem cell therapy will prove to be “the answer” for pets in chronic pain from arthritis that do not seem to respond well to our normal procedures for pain relief. Stem cell therapy “regenerates” and heals the tissue itself, rather than just slowing the “degenerative” process as drugs do. A veterinarian must be trained and certified in this technique in order to perform the procedure.

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November/December 2016 2016 November/December




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COMMUNITY FOOD DRIVE The AMI Foundation will host the 8th Annual Community Food Drive which will run November 1 – 18, 2016. Canned and other non-perishable food can be dropped off at any AMI office in Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Proceeds from the collection efforts will be donated to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.

by donating new, unwrapped toys to the

AMI Foundation’s 8th Annual Toy Drive which will run from

November 28 – December 18, 2016.

Toys can be dropped off at any AMI location. Proceeds from the collection efforts will be donated to the Toys for Kids program.

For more information, visit

For more information, call 609-568-9153 or visit;/events.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Flu Vaccine: Protection For Everyone Submitted by George Bross

George P. Bross, DO, FACOP

This conversation was overheard in a local supermarket pharmacy department on a recent shopping trip: the husband asks his wife, “Did you get the kids their flu shots this year?” The wife replies, “They are all getting them at the pediatrician’s office next week. What about you? When are you getting yours?” Her husband replies smugly, “I don’t need a flu shot. I never get the flu!”

Influenza, or the flu, is an unwelcomed guest across the country every year. The influenza viruses circulate worldwide and can affect anybody in any age group. Seasonal flu viruses cause annual epidemics that peak during winter in temperate regions like New Jersey. Influenza peaked last year in December. It is estimated by the World Health Organization that 5-10% of adults and 20-30% of children will come down with the flu each year. Because of the flu, over 200,000 people will be hospitalized, costing over $10 billion each year. Sadly, last year over 3000 people died in the USA from the flu, including 146 children. Seasonal influenza is characterized by the sudden onset of high fever, dry cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, runny nose and fatigue. The

Known far and wide. And right by your side. Our CHOP Care Network practices in Somers Point, Smithville and Cape May provide comprehensive primary care for children from birth through age 21. For big things, little things and everything in between, we’re right by your side. Our Locations: CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Cape May 1315 Route 9 South Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 609-465-6100 CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Smithville 48 S. New York Road (Route 9) Smithville, NJ 08205 609-748-2900 CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Somers Point 505 Bay Ave. • Bayside Commons Somers Point, NJ 08244 • 609-927-4235

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cough and fatigue may be severe and can last two weeks or more, while most of the other symptoms resolve in three to seven days. The incubation period for the flu is one to four days; however, you are contagious the day before your symptoms begin and for 5-10 days after the symptoms resolve. This is why the flu is so contagious and spreads so easily through schools and businesses. Although there is no cure for the flu, there is a widely available vaccine that can prevent anyone from getting the flu. Because the strains of influenza that circulate around the world change every year, the makeup of the flu vaccine changes each year as well to provide better protection.

Who should receive the influenza vaccine?

According to the US CDC, all persons six months and older should receive the vaccine annually. It is particularly important for persons at increased risk for severe complications from influenza or higher risk for influenza-related physician visits. These groups include all children aged 6-59 months, all persons aged 50 years and older, adults or children who have a chronic medical disorder like asthma, heart disorders, or diabetes, women who are or will be pregnant during flu season, immunocompromised people, and all residents of nursing homes and other longterm facilities. Also emphasis should be placed on vaccination of persons who live with or care for persons at higher risk for influenza-related complications, such as household contacts and caregivers of children younger than five years, especially contacts of children younger than six months (like the husband in that conversation at the start of this article). All healthcare personnel should also receive the vaccine. For 2016/17, there is a vaccine that protects against three different flu viruses (trivalent vaccine) and a vaccine that protects against four different flu viruses (quadrivalent). The trivalent vaccine protects against two influenza A viruses (an A/California and an A/Hong Kong virus) and an influenza B virus (B/Brisbane virus). The quadravalent vaccine also contains an additional influenza B virus (B/ Phuket). Both of the vaccines are available in several different types of injections. Vaccination should occur before the onset of influenza activity in your community and should continue to be offered as long as influenza viruses are circulating. Since it takes about two weeks to develop protective antibodies after vaccination, people should be vaccinated before influenza starts spreading in their community. People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccine and those with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome after a flu vaccine should not receive the influenza vaccine. Also those children or adults with an allergy to eggs should consult their physician before receiving the flu vaccine as most influenza vaccines are produced by growing influenza viruses in chicken eggs, so they contain trace amounts of egg protein. For better clarification on this issue, please consult your physician. One last thing to consider about the use of the flu vaccine: The percentage of children younger than 18 years who received the flu vaccine last year was 49.9%, while the percentage of adults age 18-49 was only 31.2%. This raises the question of who will take care of your children when you get the flu?

For more information, call 609-927-4235 or visit

©2016 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals



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November/December 2016 January/Feb January/February 2016

Elder Law Law



YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

Will Contests: How Do They Work? We Atlantic Wediscussed discussedA)A)Fraud Fraudand andB)B)Due DueExecution Executionininthethe Atlantic County Woman September/October 2016 issue, Part 1 Part 1 of of 2.2. Today, we will continue in our discussion discussion with with C) C) Testamentary Testamentary Capacity and D) Undue Influence.

Part 2

there are “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of proof will shift to the defender of the Will.

C) Testamentary Capacity

of that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At

the level of capacity needed to execute a Will is less than that required to enter

Testator and: an adult child; other relative; a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an

(called the “Testator”) understood:

naturally exists between a husband and wife, the presumption of undue

1 2

what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will.

next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them anything under the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are).

3 4

disinherited. Will contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious attorney to prepare the Testator’s Will, and where a nursing home patient was days later.


If you believe that a Will should be challenged because it was not executed properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it, or because

Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted to drugs or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the

your decision to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow window of time during which a caveat and/or a Will contest may be

Nancy Rice can answer your questions and concerns!

Call 609-398-3447 today!

mental or moral exertion. Mere suggestions, persuasions or the exertion of

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trust • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care & Disability Planning

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 | 1236 Brace Rd., Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 November/December 2016


Medical Professionals Atlantic Medical Atlantic MedicalImaging Imaging

LOW DOSE CT LUNG SCREENING AVAILABLE AT ALL AMI OFFICES Atlantic Medical Imaging (AMI) offers low dose CT Lung screenings, a breakthrough new tool in the fight against lung cancer. Today, 85% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States will die from it within five years. With over 160,000 deaths per year, lung cancer has become the number one cancer killer in America, claiming more lives than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined. AMI is working to alter those statistics with early detection. Low dose CT lung screenings of high-risk patients can detect lung cancers in their earliest stage, when up to 92% can be cured. A recent study by the National Cancer Institute revealed encouraging news. “Early detection of cancer improves patient outcomes and saves lives,” says Dr. David Levi, President and CEO of AMI “A low dose CT scan offers more hope for the early detection of lung cancer than we’ve ever had.” In the recent National Lung Screening Trial, the National Cancer Institute concluded that annual CT screenings in high risk individuals resulted in a 20 percent reduction in mortality compared with conventional x-ray screening. Since November 2011, AMI has screened over 2,100 patients. All patients screened meet the criteria set forth by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and the American College of Radiology (ACR).

AMI DESIGNATED AS LUNG SCREENING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE “We are very proud to have been named a Screening Center of Excellence by the Lung Cancer Alliance,” added Dr. Levi. “It’s an important designation that underscores AMI’s commitment to high quality, responsible lung cancer screening.”

According to the Lung Cancer Alliance, designated Screening Centers of Excellence are committed to providing clear information based on current evidence about who is a candidate for lung cancer screening. Additionally, they are committed to complying with comprehensive standards based on best practices developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) for controlling screening for quality, radiation dose and diagnostic procedures within an experienced, multi-disciplinary clinical setting. AMI is one of a select few imaging practices nationwide to offer this state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging. CT lung screening is a noninvasive procedure that uses low-dose x-rays to screen the lungs for cancer in just 10 seconds. The CT scan is a painless procedure in which a special computerized tomography imaging machine rotates rapidly around the body, taking more than 100 pictures in sequence.

WHO SHOULD BE SCREENED FOR LUNG CANCER? The low dose CT lung screening is intended for patients age 55-80* who have smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or more. The screening is performed by subspecialty-trained radiologists, and is availalbe at the AMI office locations in Atlantic County, as well as Cape May, Ocean and Monmouth counties. Participants will need to obtain a referral from their healthcare provider. To schedule an appointment, call (609) 677-XRAY (9729). For more information on low dose CT lung screening, visit

*Age may vary based on insurance.



The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



General Anxiety Disorder Passionate Disruption of the Mind and Body


look for love in all the wrong places; I wring my hands and rock back and forth sometimes; I can’t stop ruminating and over thinking whatever I’m thinking about; my brain struggles to shut off; I guess I worry more when I’m not worrying. It’s exhausting and I have nothing to show for it.


Common comorbidities of GAD include various forms of depression and substance abuse. Substance abuse in particular, is often a result of attempts of selfmedication or prescription drug abuse. The treatment modalities for GAD vary depending on severity and the degree and type of physical involvement. It is a very treatable disorder that may consist of both psychotherapy and pharmacology. Some interventions currently available include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as the preferred modality because the worrying experienced by those afflicted with GAD is so disruptive and excessive. CBT assists individuals to be aware of the causal factors of their anxieties and how they respond. By learning to be selfobservant in anxiety provoking situations, an individual can also learn to modify how they respond. When CBT is coupled with various methods of relaxation, the somatic responses can be quelled by relaxing the muscles and reducing tension. Certain medications may be necessary in controlling symptoms. They include benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), antipsychotics and beta blockers. It is extremely important to take note of the significant mind-body connection of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Such rumination, worrying and tenseness can also lead to the perception one has a cardiac or GI condition among other things, because of the physical manifestations caused by the disorder. As such, it is necessary to appropriately rule out a true cardiac or other condition versus GAD as the culprit. This relationship between the mind and body is also an excellent rationale for the need of coordination of care between and among clinicians. Its interdependence is substantially relevant in accurate, timely and effective diagnosis and treatment.

My friends and family try to help me and they try to get me to slow it down and not do it all so much, but that’s hard for me to let go of. I think I just get on their nerves and they just get fed up with me and walk away. I try to hide it if I can, but I have a lot of physical issues. Was I born like this or did I learn how to think and feel this way from something else? My mother seems to act pretty similar too. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a common disorder that reportedly effects about 5% of people and 22% of all primary care visits are because of it. The diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 describe Generalized Anxiety Disorder as manifested by excessive, even irrational anxiety and ruminative worries about life situations, events, circumstances that have yet to happen or overzealous intrusive concerns about things that already have happened. Manifestations can be different among those affected by GAD. These include persistent worrying, inability to sleep, relax and feeling always on edge. Concentration may be affected giving the feeling of not being able to grasp anything or inability to hold on to information; decision-making may be problematic because of the uncertainty in thought processes. An individual with GAD may analyze everything to deep levels of analysis and still be unsure about making choices. Somatic symptoms are very common and can disguise their origins in the psyche and lead to extensive and very expensive medical evaluations and treatments that Call 609.484.0770 miss the mark and create more frustration in the patients and on occasion, in the physicians and other clinicians who attempt to care for them. This level of anxiety ushers in the physical manifestations and may include fatigue, tenseness, sleeping difficulty, nausea, headaches, and being easily startled as examples of somatic symptoms. Some people even cease going out or going to certain places because of the anxiety it provokes. In short, fear is the chief predator in and on the minds of this afflicted population. Fear is the direct result of prior pain or trauma. As is commonly the case with many other neurobehavioral disorders, GAD has its genetic connections creating greater sensitivities to environmental challenges leading to perceptions of threat and harm. The emotional aspects give way to deeper psychological disruptions “Here to Listen & Here to Help” that eventually lead to the physical domain expressing more of what • Specializing in Adult & Adolescent Psychiatry and where the pain is in your mind, instead of it being done verbally. • 60 Minute Sessions Psyche and soma have a very intimate relationship, sometimes • Variety of Effective Talking Therapies • Medication- Evaluation & Management the communication is not accurate or helpful, but ritualized and • All Services Rendered by Same Provider repetitive.

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Charles Meusburger, MD For a thorough, confidential, psychiatric evaluation and an individualized treatment plan tailored to fit your specific needs with appropriate treatment(s), please call our office at 609.484.0770 to set up, by appointment, this comprehensive and compassionate confidential assessment.

Don’t suffer in silence any longer. We can help!


The County Woman Magazine

Providence Professional Park 3069 English Creek Ave, Ste. 225 EHT, NJ 08234

November/December 2016

Fashion & &BBeauty eauty Fashion

42 32

The Professionals At Salon 50 Will Transform You The four professional hairstylists at Salon 50 would love to give you an individualized, fabulous look. Taylor Stueber Since I was fourteen, I’ve always had a passion for cutting hair. I am a recent graduate from ACIT and have grown up in the Atlantic County area. I take pride in making each of my clients look and feel their absolute best. I love creating relationships with all of my clients and I always have a smile on my face. Whether you are a man, woman or child, I promise you will leave the salon feeling absolutely beautiful and beyond happy.

Phyllis Hamill, Owner Twenty-two years later, I am still excited and passionate in leading my hairstylists to perform their craft at their most optimum level. We know the competition, prices and reputation of our competitors. We also know that your hair is your “crowning glory.” Save the hassle and come see us. Don’t put your hair at risk. Make your next appointment at Salon 50.

“Amazing talent at this salon. Would never go anywhere else or let anyone else touch my hair.” — One of Many Satisfied Customers Mackenzie Bastian My passion for hair color and design spans over six years. I will find just the right cut, color and style that will complement your personality and appearance. There are so many options available to our clients in the latest color trends! In addition, I love building relationships with my clients and seeing them leave the salon with hair they absolutely love. Stop in today. I promise, you will not leave unsatisfied.



To schedule an appointment with one of these four professionals, call 609-625-4488. 800 Route 50, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Kerry MacPhee My specialty and passion is precision haircuts. I have worked in both salons and barber shops in the area. My skills with my precision haircuts guarantee my client a cut that can be easily replicated. As a local, I am very grateful for the opportunity to become a part of the Salon 50 family. I already love them so much!

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November/December September/October 2016 2016

Assisted Living


Did you know... If you are the type of person who likes to enjoy life to the fullest, someone who enjoys getting out of bed in the morning and embraces what the day has to hold, then Brandywine Living at Brandall Estates is the place for you. Brandall Estates was the first assisted living community to be licensed in Atlantic County and has a long history of providing exemplary care to the community. Its reputation does precede itself! Brandall Estates is scenically located in the heart of one of Linwood’s finest neighborhoods. Influenced by the Victorian homes of the Jersey Shore, Brandall’s extraordinary design is breathtaking. The aesthetics of the dramatic double grand, curved staircase, and the beautiful grounds, and wrap-around front porch are a constant source of enjoyment for the residents, families and friends. Our studio and one bedroom suites offer the best of both worlds - safety and comfort. But then again, you probably know all this. But…did you know? Brandywine has licensed nurses 24/7 - All day, all night, on-site. Medication administration services for those who need it are provided only by nurses.

Did you know? Brandywine provides free transportation for local medical appointments, shopping, banking, and fun group outings. Did you know? Brandywine has a waiting list but is accepting deposits for those who would like to secure their unit for the future! Did you know? Brandywine has a secured unit called Reflections, devoted to caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease and memory care issues. Did you know? Brandywine offers All-Day Dining so you can choose to eat on your schedule – as much as you like at no extra cost, with over 25 menu choices. Did you know? Brandywine has received, for 5 years in a row, the State’s highest distinction of Advanced Standing which exemplifies a commitment to quality care, staffing and service achievement. Did you know? After two years of private pay, and if qualified, Brandywine does accept Medicaid for all of its residents.

The County Woman Magazine

And these are just a few of our amenities! But most importantly…did you know…You can schedule a visit or just drop by to see us anytime it’s most convenient for you. We are here to serve you! So if you or your loved one is interested in a “vibrant” lifestyle where priority is placed on laughter, excitement and making the most out of each day, come visit Brandywine Living at Brandall Estates. Life is truly beautiful at Brandywine! What are you waiting for? For more information, call 609.926.4663 or visit us online:

November/December 2016


Men’s Clothing


From Food To Groom-Jolly Pets Has It All! Jolly Pets is not your ordinary pet shop. It is the most unique pet shop on Absecon Island! As Barb Jolly’s business continues to grow, her array of products does too. • Natural Foods and Treats • Full Service Dog Grooming • Toys, Beds and Leashes • Clothing • Shampoos and Conditioners • Pest Control Solutions • Dry and Canned Foods • Life Jackets and Airline Bags • Boating, Booster Seats, and Safety Belts Testimonials:

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9414B Ventnor Ave., Margate, NJ 08402 609.350.7518

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

N utrition& & W ellness 45 N utrition W ellness Are You Tired? Have Brain Fog? Weight Not Coming Off? You may have Adrenal Fatigue and Hormone Imbalance


Your adrenals are two small glands that sit atop your kidneys and help you manage your stress levels, hormone levels, thyroid function, sleep, sex drive and metabolism. They produce hormones that help the body control blood sugar and burn protein and fat. When your adrenals are functioning properly, you have good and stable energy throughout the day, a good sex drive, can sleep well and maintain your weight. Adrenal Fatigue is a compilation of symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, fatigue or brain fog that disrupts your dayto-day life. These are not just nagging issues; it is your body’s way of signaling you that there is an imbalance. Emotional or chronic daily stress, poor diet, too much caffeine and sugar, skipped or irregular mealtimes, lack of sleep, digestive and gut issues, chronic inflammation and pain are all contributors to adrenal fatigue. Signs of Adrenal Fatigue • fatigue • weight gain • digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea • sugar and/or salt cravings • the “3 pm crash” • brain fog • increased susceptibility to illness • decreased ability to handle stress, feeling frazzled • insomnia or waking around 4 am, unable to get to sleep • anxiety • depression • PMS/hot flashes associated with menopause

Save 10%

on either Saliva or DUTCH adrenal test.

• inability to focus • low sex drive

When your body/adrenals cannot keep up with all the stressors of a poor diet, caffeine consumption, skipped meals and constant lack of sleep, you are headed for adrenal burnout. Your adrenals cannot produce enough hormones to keep you going, and you begin to experience symptoms. Your adrenals affect your thyroid as well as your female hormones. Thus, you may begin to see symptoms of hypothyroid, like constipation and thinning or loss of hair. You may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, weight gain (especially around the mid-section), and are unable to lose weight no matter what because your metabolism has slowed due to your body being in a state of stress.

A stressed body is not in fat-burning mode.

At this point, your adrenals, thyroid and female hormones are imbalanced, and even though your bloodwork may look normal, you know something is off because you’re just not feeling right, you have gained weight, and your hormones are out of balance. Reverse Adrenal Fatigue Step One: saliva or dried urine (DUTCH) testing determines what your cortisol levels look like. Blood testing for cortisol is not nearly as accurate and only offers one snapshot of what your cortisol levels are doing during the day. The saliva and DUTCH test requires four samples so that you can see your cortisol rhythm that is needed for repair.

High cortisol is treated differently than low cortisol, so it is important to test and see what your rhythm looks like. Step Two: combine a healing herbal protocol with a nutrient-dense diet and lifestyle changes.

• Adaptogenic herbs are extremely helpful in healing the adrenals, but be sure to have an experienced practitioner identify which ones are appropriate for you. • Eat a whole food–based diet free of processed foods (refined flour and sugar stress your adrenals). • Eliminate digestive issues. If your digestive tract is inflamed from too much white flour, sugar and alcohol, it will stress the adrenals and minimize absorption of nutrients. • Restore your natural circadian rhythms by putting your body on a schedule. Go to bed by 10 pm or 11 pm, wake up at the same time and get at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night. • Do not skip meals. • Eat every 4 hours. • Find tools to manage your stress, like meditation and yoga. • Do not over-exercise.

Lifestyle changes are the most important. You will not get better if you do not change your habits: sleep, stress, and diet.

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November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

hCG Hormone Rx Therapy:

Is It Right For You?

Happen to Have CANCER? Need Alternative Support?

Submitted by Sam Jonuzi, N.D, & Pia Gardiner, M.D., Atlantic Integrative Medical Center


ave you been working hard for a long time to lose weight and are frustrated and ready to give up because you still do not see the evidence of your hard work? Do you eat well and exercise but haven’t lost any weight? Well, if so, the hCG Diet program may be the perfect fit for you and your body. HCG has helped thousands of people lose both a little and a lot of weight. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and is a naturally occurring glycoprotein hormone present in both men and women. It is administered by an injection, which you will learn to give yourself, and is coupled with a 500-calorie diet. Essentially, with the help of hCG, the 500 calories will provide the energy to help you get through the day and will be supplemented by the calories being released from your abnormal fat stores. The 500 calories that you consume is an addition to those fat cells being released. The majority of those on the diet say they are not hungry. Some patients claim the Atlantic Integrative Medical Center’s hCG Diet is the easiest diet they were ever on. However, you will have to judge that for yourself. Dr. Simeons, the originator of the hCG Diet and author of Pounds and Inches, spent more than twenty years scientifically testing every aspect of obesity. His story is remarkable. Dr. Simeons found that by injecting a small amount of hCG along with a specially tailored diet, he reduced a person’s weight by a pound a day. That’s an average over many thousands of patients. At Atlantic Integrative Medical Center, we have experienced many patients who lose even more pounds—and we will be happy to tell you about them.

We specialize in high dose of IV Vitamin C, as a Cancer Fighting Therapy.

Tired of Being OVERWEIGHT? Need A Cure?

In general, as a patient enrolled in our hCG Diet program, you will experience many additional benefits, including but not limited to the following: • No loss of muscle mass • Balances the hormones • Normalizes cholesterol levels • Normalizes appetite demands • Reduces fat deposits on the body

If you are having trouble losing weight and would like to learn more about the hCG Diet, please call Atlantic Integrative Medical Center. *The information in this article is only for educational purposes. It is not for treatment or diagnosis purposes.

Please visit or call 609-641-9009 or 1-877-462-2299 to schedule an appointment. 201 E Black Horse Pike • West Atlantic City, NJ

The County Woman Magazine

We address & correct the physiolohical cause of Obesity, Weight Gain, & the Inability to Lose Weight.

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New Patients Call: 1.877.462.2299 or 609.641.9009 November/December 2016

Rehabilitation Center


November is National COPD Awareness Month Adopting the theme of “Learn More, Breath Bet¬ter,®” the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has deemed November National COPD Awareness Month. It’s a time for organizations, communities, and health care providers to raise overall awareness of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.) With good reason: 15 million Americans have been diagnosed with COPD, and it is estimated that another 12 million may have the disease with¬out yet being diagnosed. As a result, the illness is currently the nation’s 3rd leading cause of death. What’s more, those with COPD have an increased risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer, and a variety of other conditions.

Her vitality is important to me. As the nation’s largest provider of specialists in living and rehabilitation, it’s our focus to make sure every day is one of dignity and vitality. From fresh, modern spaces to health specialists for every need, life can be lived as it should - to the fullest, free of guilt, knowing you’re doing all you can. To find a Genesis center near you:

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What you should know As its name implies, COPD is an inflammatory lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. When you breathe, air travels through airways in your lungs to millions of tiny air sacs. When a lung is healthy, the airways are open, the air sacs fill up with air, and the air is released quickly. With COPD, however, it is a struggle to get air into and out of the air sacs. Two common types of COPD are chronic bronchi¬tis, which is characterized by a persistent cough and mucus, caused by inflammation of the airways; and emphysema, caused by damage of the air sacs or the collapsing of the smallest breathing tubes in the lungs. The NHLBI recommends this four-point strategy for confronting the disease: 1. Be aware of the risk factors. These include long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter, especially cigarette smoke. 2. Recognize the symptoms. Do you or a loved one have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, fatigue, and chronic cough with mucus? 3. Talk to your doctor. He or she can conduct a simple breathing test to diagnose the condition. COPD is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, so the sooner a diagnosis is made, the better. 4. Follow treatment advice. COPD can be managed with medication and adjustments to lifestyle. As National COPD Awareness Month approaches, learn all you can about the disease. Whether you’re dealing with COPD firsthand or care about someone who is, schedule time to meet with a doctor. Also, pass along what you learn to the people close to you — and even connect with others who are also living with COPD to form a support group. For more information, visit the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s website at



The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016




Ask The Pharmacist‌

Pain Control With Fewer Side Effects Many of us live with some sort of pain on a daily basis. The source of this pain can be from many causes. Disease states such as diabetes can cause chronic neuropathic pain in the feet and/ or hands. Maybe an old sports injury now bothers you all the time. Work-related accidents or other traumas caused by automobile accidents or other injuries are very common. Many people suffer from arthritis. Whatever your source of pain, a compounding pharmacy can help. Pain control has come a long way over the years. There are numerous medications on the market such as muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), non-narcotic pain relievers and narcotic pain relievers. Anyone who has taken these medications knows that the side effects can be troublesome. Side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, diarrhea and the inability to work or drive due to impairment are very common. As far as narcotic pain relievers, the amount of abuse associated with them has become rampant, so most physicians are reluctant to prescribe them. At Curexa, we may have an answer for you. We can incorporate muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, numbing agents and drugs that help with neuropathy or circulation into a cream that you apply directly to your painful area. We usually dispense these creams in a metered pump that dispenses a measured amount for you to apply. We also mix the medications in a special cream that allows them to penetrate your skin and get directly to the site of pain.

Studies show that when these creams are applied to the skin, only about 5% of the actual medication gets into your bloodstream. This is important because this generally means you will experience fewer side effects than if you took the medications by mouth. It is important to keep in mind that individual patients can react differently to all doses of medications. Many of our patients have had great success with topical pain creams and are able to live normal and productive lives because of decreased side effects. Many of our patients have also been able to decrease their dependence on narcotic pain relievers or eliminate narcotic pain relievers altogether. All compounded topical pain creams do require a prescription from your physician. We are happy to work with any patients or physicians to customize a pain cream that will be tailored to your symptoms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information call 609-927-0390 or visit

Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award!

Mark Taylor, Owner 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Phone: 609-927-0390 Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Fax: 609-927-0392

Compounding Excellence Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy


The County Woman Magazine

Compounding combines an ageless art with the latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, allowing specially trained professionals to prepare customized medications to meet each patient’s specific needs.

November/December 2016



Business & Finance

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OFFICE PRODUCTS COMMERCIAL PRINTING The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2016 2015 November/December

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At Copiers Plus ~ Custom Work Is Our Specialty!


Copiers Plus Copy Center Ocean City ing, sign fabrication, vehicleExpands wraps, vinyl banners, signs, and window Copiers Plus Their Printing Services Division…Part CPI Custom Graphics Two! graphics continues to grow from their Ocean City location. print from their smart phones, are designed to produce 609-398-7676 EmailCopy Copiers• Plus Center Ocean City Their services have expanded to vehicle and boat lettering. They pride opiers plus’ expansion into specialized large format print-

and send and receive faxes. mainly outdoor work such themselves on versatility and innovative design coupled with cutting edge techOur printing services as vinyl banners and signs. nology and are able to meet the needs of a wide of customers. division hasbase developed quickly With this equipment we will

935 West Ave, CPI Custom Graphics Ocean City, N.J. 08226 935 West Ave, Ocean City. N.J. 08226 609-398-7676 Email

and offers a wide ranging listcut-outs be expanding our services Custom work is their specialty and they enjoy creating life-size for Truck of up commercial and personal into motor vehicle and boat special events, scanning and touching original artwork, along with custom Before printing services including: lettering, along with full and greeting cards, photo collages, and much more. • business cards partial vehicle wraps. Robert and Debra Matthews founded Copier’s Plus in 1986. Their goalWhat is really works out • real estate postcards to continue growing their company by•educating their customers and maintaindirect mail great is that we use many ing the loyalty they have experienced for many years. As your business grows, • letterheads of the products we sell in Truck and Trailer After Vehicle Wrap Copiers Plus is able to meet your needs• in all areasand including copier salesthe or equipment leasbooklets binding division to Written By: ing, service, repairs, supplies and all of•your regular commercial and personal invitations and produce the work created in Vehicle Wraps Are A Great Way To Advertise Robert P. Matthews announcements our copy centers. This enables printing needs. President, Copiers Plus Inc. • promotional items us to become experts on As a reminder, their printing services include: • format banners and the capabilities of all of the Business cards, real estate postcards, direct mail, letterhead, booklets and posters products we represent and binding,e invitations and announcements, promotional items, blue prints, graph-extremely competitive had just finished • blueprint remain new shredding. • reprographic services with our pricing. ic designrenovating services andour document store in Ocean City when • graphic design services Lastly, Copiers Plus sells andcian services the award winning linesof of weather, Lanier, format copiers and printers; black & may encounter in terms n By: Robert P. Matthews Hurricane SandySr. hit. So NEW JERSEY • document shredding “Custom work Ricoh, Samsung, and Kyocera office products. They offer traditional office Look for future white and full color multi-function prod- is our specialty!” traffic or any unforeseen event that may nt Copiers here Plus we Inc.are a year later to Custom work is our Copiers Plus is your placephoto when everyone else says no. From announcements we drawn copiers, large our format copiers and printers; black & white and full color multiFromas hand invitations to go lifetosize COPY PRODUCTS reintroduce newest I find this part ofproblem. ucts, printers, scanners, fax machines, delayspecialty. the resolution to their hand drawn invitations to life size photo cutouts to elaborate function products, printers, scanners, faxbusiness machines, andthe all most the software necesexpand our service cutouts to elaborate memorials…..we do it all. let printing services location. the to be and all the software necessary to improvedo it all. Let our expert staff help you create your As a medium sized office products memorials…..we 1-800-834-3598 saryCopiers to improve workflows.rewarding. Plusbusiness is now offering ourprocesses. expert staff help you create your next project. offerings. We gethas to the be very Look for future announcements next project. business dealer, Copiers Plus advantage printing services at our newest creative with theasvarious weagreements, continue to expand to offer custom service billAdditional Services... location at 935 West Ave. requests we get. Things ourlike offerings. Draw ing and financing programs tailored Ocean City, N.J. scanning and touching up In addition, we attention to any businesses’ individual With this latest addition, to fitoriginal artwork, creating life-needs. are an Authorized your we are bringing much neededDecisions are made locally,events, speeding up size cut-outs for special DocStar Dealer, proservices to the businesses, along with custom greeting the entire process - from the acquisition business viding a variety of residents, and tourists of cards, photo collages, almost of equipment, to billing - timely and with electronic document n independent Oceanoffice City. equipment anything you can imagine. accurately. Life Size storage and retrieval We have a very compecomfortable Out latest capabilities we are constantly battling We have implemented all the same Cut-Outs retail store solutions. Boat Graphics include a 64” wide eco-solvent om all fronts. Fromwhere large customers nationand programs that the large compacanRobert come P. inMatthews and use our PC’stoolsplotter, a 64” laminator and Copiers Plus now ufacturers and chain stores, to the use to analyze overallproducts copy and print offers our products to send and receive e-mails, nies contour cutter. These



& Finance

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oday’s hyper-competitive iness climate, it is important companies to distinguish mselves in order to survive d prosper.

working out of their garage, we ays looking for ways to differenticompany to bring value to our

usage so that we can make educated and services to all of recommendations for new equipment or southern and central redeploy assets so they are better utilized New Jersey, with in our customers’ environments. offices located in Egg opiers (now MFP’s), laser printCopiers Plus recently celebrated 23 Harbor Township, fax machines have become years in business. Our goal is to continue Palmyra, and our lathat of a commodity, the service growing our company by educating our est affiliation with pport required to maintain uptime customers and maintaining the loyalty New Jersey Copy nerate maximum efficiency is now we have experienced for many years. We Products in Old red a professional service. With are very proud to say that we still have Bridge. P becoming an integral part of many of the same clients that started usiness’s operations, it is imporwith Convenient us from the beginning.Locations! Three us to understand this and posiJust The Right Size... rselves for success in the future. 935 West Ave Fire Road, Unit 21 East Broad Street At 3112 Copiers Plus, we are justC,the right ets Us Apart ... Egg Harbor NJcopying, 08234 print-Palmyra, N.J. 08065 Ocean City, N.J. 08226size to handle all Twp., of your opiers Plus, we believe that local ing, and overall document management1-800-834-3598 609-398-7676 609-645-7587 dge and the ability to be nimble needs. apart from the Wal-Mart strategy in 1986 by Robert and Visit usFounded at mega-dealers and manufacturer Debra Matthews, ranches. Copiers Plus Inc. TheCounty County WomanMagazine Magazine essional services such as The Woman enjoys serving as a traawyers, CPA’s, and architects ditional and specialty

Window Graphics 2014 “Custom July/August work is our2016 November/December


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Winter Is In The Hair! At Shore Style Salon,

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Give us a call. We’d love to meet you. We are a TOXIC-FREE SALON and there’s always room for one more! The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

6525 Ventnor Ave. Suite 3, Ventnor, NJ 08406

November/December 2016 November/December 2016

Health &Wellness


Yoga for Therapy & Conditioning for Everyone Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT Owner, Yoga Nine Ventnor & Ship Bottom, LBI Yoga is incorporated into many training regimens for competitive athletes, and used in therapeutic applications for everything from chronic conditions like MS, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis, to the physical challenges of aging like arthritis, high blood pressure and degenerative disc disease.It is also therapeutically used to reduce the side effects of treatments for cancer and the more common struggles of anxiety and depression. When a practice regimen is structured around the appropriate protocol, yoga may be adapted therapeutically and to a myriad of conditions. Using props and apparatus which accommodate physical limitations and a practitioner’s level of ability and limitations. Along with the more common blocks and bolsters and straps, BKS Iyengar developed a system of ropes and slings secured into a wall. Called “yoga karunta,” this apparatus can be used to target strength training, conditioning and alignment, and allow access to yoga’s benefits for individuals who are recovering from injuries. Along with the general expansion and deepening of asana practice, the Great Rope Wall provides the following benefits: • • • • • •

Hold poses longer Improve flexibility Allow access to inversions (handstand & headstand) Build strong and reliable muscles Recruit various muscle groups to attain poses not yet accessible on the mat Therapeutic benefits: supports the healing of athletic injuries, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica • Athletes can incorporate a Great Rope Wall practice into cross-training and preparation for competitions • Open joints and connective tissues using movement, breath, awareness, postures and positioning • Improve postural alignment in asana For those who are disabled, or have more severe physical limitations while recovering from injuries, the rope wall offers access to the benefits of yoga, by providing assistance with standing and sitting, or allowing access to yoga from a wheelchair or other assistance device.

SCHEDULE Vinyasa Krama: Targeted Sequencing & Adjusting in Support of “Deep Learning” Wednesdays, 6-9pm: Specialized training for yoga teachers. One Wednesday a month--Learn the art and science of coupled sequencing and adjusting to bring students into a deeper practice and help them to overcome obstacles to advancement.’

2016 DATES: November 9: Twists and Binds-Closing the Loop December 7: The Kinetic Chain: Adjusting the Body with Ease $45/session, $400/10 session certification pre-registration required. 3 CEU's per session-Specialty Certificate issued with completion of 30 hours, (all 10 sessions). CEU certificate issued for each session. YA Certified. 4 week Intro class series Oct. 4,11,18 and 25. $10 per class. $40 series.

If you would like to see what yoga can offer you in terms of optimal functioning, come to Yoga Nine, and give our certified therapeutic services a try. SHIP BOTTOM LBI 2512 Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom 609.404.0999

The County Woman Magazine

VENTNOR 5301 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor November/December 2016

C Community ommunity



People with Alzheimer’s Wander More During the Winter: The Warning Signs and Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday Season As many as 85,000 South Jersey residents are living with Alzheimer’s, the leading cause of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association®, six out of 10 people who have dementia will wander. During the winter months, however, incidences of wandering tend to escalate, especially around the holidays when family members descend upon the home for annual family gatherings like Thanksgiving.

Meantime, there are a few things caregivers can do to make the holiday season less stressful for themselves, as well as those who are coping with dementia: • Adjust others family members’ expectations. • Involve the person with Alzheimer’s with your activities. • Adapt gift-giving and receiving. • Reach out for help.

Extra guests and holiday activity can be overwhelming and confusing for someone whose memories are already fading. Faces that were familiar a year or a related disorder that causes dementia can become so disoriented she might not realize she is in her own home and could easily slip out of sight and become lost in an attempt to “go home.” People living with Alzheimer’s could be at risk of wandering if they: • Return from a regular walk or drive later than usual.

operates a free, 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 for anyone who has questions about the disease, programs and services, including support groups, MedicAlert+Safe Return, Early-Stage initiatives and more, or needs help with resources. Information is also available online at

as going to work. • Leave home to “go home”–usually a former home they remember. • Are restless, pace or make repetitive movements. dining room. • Check the whereabouts of familiar people. • Act as if they’re doing a hobby or chore, but nothing gets done (such as moving around pots and dirt without planting anything). • Feel lost in a new or changed environment. ones might be at risk of wandering to enroll in MedicAlert®+Safe Return®, a 24-hour nationwide emergency response service that provides help to individuals with Alzheimer’s or a related disorder who has wandered or has a medical emergency.

About the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The chapter’s Atlantic County about the Chapter and the disease is available at or its 24/7 Helpline, 800.272.3900. The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

November/December November/December2016 2016





Breakfast: Health Benefits

espite being labeled as “the most important meal of the day,” a shocking 31 million Americans skip breakfast every morning! Its importance lies in the fact we are providing our bodies with food, or fuel, after several hours of not eating. To put it in perspective, if you eat dinner at 7 pm and then eat lunch at noon the following day, that is 17 hours without food or fuel. In addition to putting an end to “starvation,” there are a number of short-term and long-term physical and mental benefits.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need to Know About the Health Benefits of Breakfast

must be underscored. Kids who eat breakfast regularly have been shown to perform better in school, and are less likely to have emotional, behavioral and attention problems. Here are some tips and tricks to eating a nutritious breakfast regularly: We can see big results even when we begin with small changes to our grocery shopping and morning routine. While we have discussed that eating breakfast is important, what we eat for breakfast is also important. The next time we are at the grocery store or market, make sure to fill our grocery carts with some nutritious ingredients, such as: • Fresh fruit: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes • Frozen fruit: great for smoothies or adding to Greek yogurt • Whole grains: wheat bread, bran cereal, steel-cut oats (different than instant) • Nuts: peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios; and peanut or almond butter • Eggs or egg substitute • Dairy: skim cow, soy, or almond milk; Greek yogurt; cottage cheese; cheese Consider preparing items the night before, or when we have time, make and freeze them.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

What are some healthy, quick, easy breakfast ideas?

Let’s take a closer look at why this meal is so important and how we can make minor changes to get us on the right track—eating our breakfast!

Our weight depends on net calories in (consumed) and calories out (burned). And using this logic, it may seem intuitive that skipping breakfast translates to eating fewer calories and can help us lose weight. Wrong! Eating a nutritious

breakfast has two primary effects:

• suppresses the release of hunger hormones that would stimulate our appetite • maintains blood sugar levels • provides a feeling of fullness or “satiety” When our hunger hormones are raging, it makes even the most disciplined powerless in the face of high-calorie, high-fat, or sugary options that can wreak havoc to our waistlines. So come mid-morning, or lunch, we are less likely to choose healthy options. And when we combine that with low blood sugar levels or a growling or empty-feeling tummy, we are in trouble! We will grab whatever is in front of us. SOS!

Type 2 Diabetes

• A bowl of steel-cut oatmeal or bran cereal with fruit or nuts sprinkled on top • A cup of Greek yogurt with fruit, honey, steel-cut oats, or nuts on top • Whole grain bread with cheese or peanut butter spread on it • Scrambled, omelet, sunny-side up, boiled, or over-easy eggs with veggies and/ or cheese on whole-wheat bread, or wrapped inside a pita • Smoothies with skim milk or yogurt, fruit, veggies • Cheese and fruit platter • Lunch or dinner leftovers There are an endless number of creative, tasty, easy, and quick breakfast options that can help us get our morning started off right...and place us on a path to a lifetime of healthy eating. And while we have sung the praises of breakfast, let’s not forget about lunch, dinner and snacks. Food is fuel. And choosing nutritious items will fuel our bodies and minds so we can be at our optimal performance—be the best us.

Today, there are an estimated 29 million Americans with diabetes and another 86 million with pre-diabetes. Consequently, diabetes has been labeled the “disease of the century.” In a 2015 study published in Diabetes Care, researchers found that when diabetics skipped breakfast, their blood sugar levels were 37 percent greater at lunchtime and 27 percent greater at dinnertime compared to days when they ate breakfast. The reason behind this is that after fasting all night, our blood sugar levels are often low in the morning. In response, our body releases the stress hormone cortisol to increase blood sugar levels, and can overcompensate.

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

Heart Health

In a 2013 study from Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that men who regularly skipped breakfast had a 27 percent greater risk of having a heart attack and dying from heart disease compared to those who did not. The heartprotective effects of breakfast appear to be because it fends off risk factors for heart disease: obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Mental Sharpness

In order to function at peak performance, our brain needs the right food/ fuel. Studies have shown that eating breakfast is associated with better memory, concentration, learning, and creativity. And the importance of breakfast in children

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Thank You

From The American Red Cross As we make our way into the holiday season, all of us at the American Red Cross New Jersey Region wish to express our gratitude to the many in New Jersey who make the work of the Red Cross possible, especially our blood donors, volunteers and financial donors. Two simple words that come to you expressing so much more than mere gratitude. Behind our gesture is the gratitude of the hundreds we help every day in New Jersey. Behind our “thank you” is a family devastated by a home fire being helped through the caring gift you gave, a military member needing to reconnect with his or her family, someone receiving donated lifesaving blood, or a volunteer who gained a new purpose to their life through their work helping someone else. This appreciation and so much more comes with our “thank you.” We’re continuously inspired by the dedication of our volunteers. Those who jump out of bed at 2:00 a.m. to help a family in need, the attention given to someone donating blood, the compassion to brighten a veteran’s day and the wisdom of our youth members developing new ways to be philanthropic. It’s a point of pride for us to know there are so many of you who really care for people, the community and the Red Cross mission. It’s that keen awareness of your unselfish acts that inspires us all to do our very best. When you take a good look at the benefits derived from time, blood and or dollars donated to the American Red Cross mission, the simple words “thank you” illuminate in a much greater light.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Ana Montero Regional CEO

American Red Cross New Jersey Region

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


Devon Schilling, Owner, Drift Day Spa Devon has spent most of her career working as a clinical esthetician under the supervision of board-certified dermatologists. She is licensed under the NJ Board of Cosmetology and brings to you over 10 years of experience in the skincare field. Her love of educating clients on proper skincare and services makes her a standout in the industry. Beyond staying on the cutting edge, Devon consistently attends workshops and seminars to further her career. It has always been an aspiration of Devon’s to have her own business and she fulfilled her dream in February of 2016 when she became the new owner of Drift Day Spa. Devon is passionate about helping people look and feel their best. She values the loyalty of her clients, her amazing and talented staff, and the friendships she has made along the way. With a warm and welcoming way about her, you will feel the same way when you visit Drift Day Spa. One service with Devon and you will know you are in the hands of someone who has truly mastered her skill. Devon is a longtime resident of Atlantic County. She enjoys an active, healthy lifestyle, cooking and most of all, her 7-year-old daughter, Joelle.

For more information, call 609-377-8175 or visit

Caroline Atwood, RT(N), RMA, Medical Practice Manager, Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

Caroline leads a team of dedicated staff and is responsible for the day-to-day operational management of Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. She prioritizes providing a safe, comfortable, and positive office experience for all patients and staff alike. Caroline is a Rutgers College graduate with degrees in psychology and biological science. Her passion for people and healthcare led her into the medical field. She earned a license in nuclear medicine and has had extensive experience working in the healthcare sector for over 24 years in the hospital and outpatient settings. Caroline loves both the administrative and clinical aspects of her job and is always excited to meet new patients. She is proud to work for Dr. Sood, who is very well liked and respected by patients, peers, and his supporting staff. She is motivated to continue learning both in and out of the office. When not working at Sood Center, Caroline enjoys spending time with her family of six, reading and the outdoors.

For more information, call 609-342-2053 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Linda D. Peyton, Business Administrator, City of Pleasantville Linda Peyton is the Business Administrator for the City of Pleasantville, born and raised in Atlantic City, NJ, educated through the public school system. Mentored by the late Redina Gilliam Mosee, she joined the City of Pleasantville in 1999. She earned her BA (cum laude) in business administration, minor in human resource management, certified by Rutgers University in Supervisory Management, and obtained her master’s degree in Public Administration from Thomas Edison State College. Former positions include Mayor’s Aide, Assistant Coordinator Neighborhood Preservation Program, Affirmative Action Officer/Deputy Municipal Clerk and the City’s first Personnel Director. An advocate in empowering young females, she has mentored, in various capacities, a former women’s ministry director and a past coordinator for Pleasantville Municipal Alliance, a community-based committee that addresses their own community’s substance abuse needs and problems through prevention education programming. She is a CASA worker, president of the Ralph Peterson, Sr. Education Foundation, and board member of 21st Century Learning Center (STEM) program, Pleasantville Envisions Pride & Prosperity and John Brooks Recovery Center. She is a member of New Shiloh Baptist Church and resides in Pleasantville with Billy, her husband of 18 years, and their two sons, Billy and Lyndon.

For more information, call 609-484-3636 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Denise V. Monahan, Executive Vice President, PNC Bank, N.A. Denise Viola Monahan was born in South Philadelphia, where she attended Merion Mercy Academy until her family moved to Longport, NJ, where she attended Blessed Sacrament in Margate, NJ, and Holy Spirit High School in Absecon. She earned a degree in Education from St. Joseph’s University but has spent the last 31 years as a banker for PNC. As Executive Vice President of PNC Bank, her favorite parts of the job are helping clients, being engaged in the community and working with an incredible team of professionals. Denise has embraced service to her community, sits on the Board of Trustees of Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey and is passionate about improving the lives of sick children. Whenever she has the opportunity to speak to young women about her career, she encourages them to “stay hungry, stay humble, be confident, work hard and take advantage of what life has to offer. Be excited each day to author your life journey.” Denise, her husband and two daughters like spending Friday nights together, out on the town, enjoying dinner and celebrating the beginning of the weekend.

For more information, call 856-966-4663 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


Suzanne McGettigan, ACNP-BC MSN, RN, Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey

Suzanne McGettigan has been an Acute Care Advanced Practice Nurse at Acuity Specialty hospital for over 2 years. She received her Bachelor’s degree in nursing from Trenton State College and worked as an RN for over 20 years. She received her MSN from Drexel University and has worked as an Infectious disease and Hospice Advanced Practice Nurse. Her years of clinical expertise and her ability to communicate with patients and their families made her a perfect fit for Acuity. “I love the staff at Acuity and feel that collectively we are able to provide comprehensive care to this patient population to give them the opportunity for the best outcome possible.” Suzanne was born and raised in Atlantic County and enjoys spending time at the Atlantic City beaches and experiencing the entertainment that Atlantic City has to offer. She is a self-proclaimed football fanatic and can watch any game on any given day. She lives in Absecon with her husband PJ and two sons, Sean and Brett.

For more information, call 609-441-8123 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Rita Battaglini, RN, BSN, CBCN, Breast Health Coordinator, AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute

Rita Battaglini, RN, BSN, CBCN®, is the Breast Health Coordinator for the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, A Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner. Rita grew up in a very large family and has 10 siblings. Her parents were definitely her role models. Rita says her dad always had sage advice for her and, while she was in nursing school, recommended for her to think about leading causes of death and specializing in one of those areas, and that is how she decided to specialize in oncology. Rita is celebrating her 30th year as an RN and has been an oncology nurse for the past 25 years. One of Rita’s passions in life is food and how it brings people together. She loves baking and cooking, trying new recipes and making them healthy, and sharing them with her husband and friends and family. She volunteers with Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, Sons of Italy, Lions International, and her local garden club.

For more information, visit or call Rita directly at 609-677-6010.

Mary Villanueva, RN, BSN, Clinical Manager, BAYADA Home Health Care After many years as a hospital nurse near and far—she worked in the trauma center of a major South Jersey hospital as well as in Saudi Arabia— Mary craved the one-on-one relationship that home care offers. She joined BAYADA three years ago, providing care that enabled clients to remain safely at home. Approximately six months ago, Mary was promoted to a clinical manager, where she now has the opportunity to oversee all of the services that are given to her clients. She supports her nurses and enjoys working with all members of the care team. She says the best part of her job is “collaborating across disciplines to positively affect a client’s plan of care.” Mary is actively involved in many charitable events including dragon boat racing to support breast cancer research. She is also a member of N.O.D. (Nurses on Deployment), a suicide awareness and prevention group that uses activity and healthy lifestyle changes to promote wellness. Mary enjoys spending time with her family: husband, Ronald Villanueva and their son, Chris; her daughters, Monique and Maritza Brown; and her stepdaughter—or bonus daughter, as Mary says—Aida Villanueva.

For information about career opportunities with BAYADA Home Health Care, call 609-926-4600. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Suzette Dessoye, Sales Specialist, Matt Blatt Kia Suzette has been in auto sales for the past nine years with four of those at Matt Blatt KIA in Egg Harbor Township. She has successfully built a loyal following of customers who swear by her knowledge, professionalism and truly caring nature. Her five hundred plus customers not only return for their next purchase but often send their family and friends to Suzette. Suzette’s seventeen-year-old twins, Robert and Alex are now seniors in high school. Her devotion to her family, customers and the Matt Blatt KIA family show through in everything she does. Her customers say that when they meet and work with Suzette, they are family and love the experience. Suzette started her career in business development in Atlantic City’s casino industry. It was in that dynamic environment that she developed the communication and service skills that have contributed to her tremendous success in the auto industry. Buying a car should be and is fun with Suzette Dessoye at Matt Blatt KIA.

Suzette can be reached at 609-867-5009. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Commercial/Residential Cleaning

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It’s That Time Of Year For Holiday Cleaning

This is the season for family and friends to enjoy time together. No one has the time to worry about dusting or cleaning the windows or getting the house ready for the holidays. With Cristine’s Cleaning we can help your house shine for the holidays. All it takes is one call to Cristine’s Cleaning Services to experience the benefits of our commerical/residential cleaning experts. Below are all of the services we provide.

Residential Cleaning

Home Maid Services

General Cleaning

Power Washing

Window/Blind Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning Ceramic Stone Floor Cleaning Happy Holidays From


ristine’s Cleaning

Call Today! 609.531.5717


Fashion & Beauty

Introducing The Most Advanced Skin Care System Available Efrancé Beauty, the Jersey Shore’s most advanced anti aging skin care line! Efrancé Beauty is an anti-aging line of skin care designed for women ages 35 and older; however, men can use it too. All of the products are high quality and compare to the high-end brands that you will find in department stores. My serum, Super-Boosted Triple Peptide Serum, is priced at $80, compared to high-end brands starting at $150. I thought it was extremely important to make all of the products affordable. My complete line contains a cleanser, Cucumber and Calendula Hydrating Cleanser, Eyejuvenate Eye Treatment, Resplendence Botanical Moisture Cream and Super-Boosted Triple Peptide Serum.

For more information please call Efrancé Beauty at 732.637.9830 today! Cassandra Maguire, Founder

Nominate a breast cancer survivor for the Face of Beauty award go to for more information.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour Saturday, December 17, 2016 • 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM Sponsored by the Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association, Inc. [501(c)(3)]


The 27th Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour is our premier fundraising event. On the 3rd Saturday of December each year, a minimum of eight beautifully decorated 18th- and 19th-century historic homes, as well as several public buildings and two churches, are open to the public. Please think about starting your holiday season with a festive glimpse of history in Dennisville at Christmastime!

Tickets are $10.00 and will be sold at the Dennisville Post Office, 24 Hall Ave. in Dennisville the day of the tour beginning at 2:30 PM. Advance ticket sales will be available online at our website beginning October 1, 2016. Greeters will distribute programs and get tour-goers started on their way. Houses open at 3:00 PM. The Post Office will be open for stamp sales as well. Soup and sandwich supper at the South Dennis Trinity United Methodist Church beginning at 2:00 PM until food runs out ($8.00 adults, $3.50 children under 12). Refreshments and comfort stations at the Dennisville United Methodist Church Social Hall and Dennis Volunteer Fire Station. The Middletones Carolers (Middle Township High School a cappella vocal quartet) will perform through the village in period costume. Alice Belanger McGuigan’s illustrated Historic Dennisville A Walking Tour will be available for sale at the ticket center. Dennis Volunteer Fire Company will be open with new and antique equipment on display. Light refreshments will also be available there.

For further information visit or contact Jack Connolly at (609) 861-1338 or at Like us on Facebook!!/HistoricDennisvilleChristmasHouseTour


The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House – 1883

“Preserve what you have—you can never replace it.” Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA

The Carroll House is a late example of the Gothic Revival style built with a 2½-story frame, 3 bays wide and a tall cross gable in the center of the façade. The center front door has an original arched transom and three light sidelights. The door is sheltered by an original, 1-story porch with molded square columns topped with heavy scroll brackets. Herbert Carroll is enumerated in the 1900 census as a 55-year-old widowed merchant living in the house with three sons and a daughter. The house currently serves as parsonage for the Dennisville United Methodist Church.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Yoga Nine Retreat to Morocco

March 10-17, 2017 Join us in the breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage Site city of Essaouira, a relaxed fishing town on the coast of Morocco. (For television enthusiasts, the recent series Game of Thrones was filmed here.) Of late there have been many amazing press pieces on this lovely part of Morocco. We have been going to Morocco for the past four years and to Essaouria for the last three. It is the perfect location for a yoga retreat in Morocco as it offers a more relaxed medina and some of the best shopping in the country!

OPEN CLASSES 7 DAYS A WEEK • Yoga • Meditation • Therapeutic Massage • Holistic Services • Targeted Yoga Therapy

SHIP BOTTOM LBI 2512 Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom

Gift Certificates Available for Classes or Massages

• Rope Wall • Foundational and Advanced Teacher Training • Continuing Education Courses 609.404.0999

The County Woman Magazine

VENTNOR 5301 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor November/December 2016



You’ve helped us celebrate all year… and it doesn’t have to end.

Seashore Gardens Living Center, a nonprofit home for the Aged, turned 100 years old in

2016! We celebrated – with many of you – in grand style. Our centennial year was filled with memorable events from our 5K at the Tropicana to our Golf Outing at Blue Heron Pines, the SCLC Gala held on our campus, and the Black & White Ball at the Tropicana. The Schultz-Hill Foundation brought the Music and Memories series to our residents, featuring five different musical experiences. The Rutgers Master Growers (RMG) and Atlanticare Growing Green helped us usher in a second season in our Alzheimer’s Garden and Sensory Trail. The Garden continues to win acclaim with an Innovation Award from Leading Age and an Award of Excellence from the Master Growers Association of New Jersey, presented to our RMG team led by Patti Dorr-Lewine.

Aaron Cohen of Stage Trip Productions donated screens and live feeds for our Gala and Ball and a portable state-of-the-art sound system for future programs, in memory of his aunt Elaine Waxman. Board member Bob Hordes led the call to bring Wi-Fi to Seashore Gardens with two consecutive, and very generous, gifts. Judy Schlank underwrote the cost of the invitations and ‘save the date’ cards for both the Gala and the Ball, in loving memory of her husband Lionel, and the list goes on and on. It’s been quite a celebration, but it doesn’t have to end. Mark your calendars for April 30, 2017 for our annual Walk/Run and May 22, 2017 for our annual Golf Outing. We are never finished with our mission to enrich elder lives and care for the elderly. It is an honor and a privilege to do so, but we can’t do it without you.

Sharon D ’Angio

Sharon D’Angio Fund Development Coordinator

To learn more about what we do and how you can help go to or “like” us on 609-404-4848 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Twp. Nj 08205 TestLetterHead.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine

10/7/2016 11:08:04 AM

November/December 2016



Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey Providing a Home-Away-From-Home for Families of Sick Children since 1983 in Camden, New Jersey.

Donate Your

VEHICLE One Car, One Difference is a NEW national vehicle donation program operated by Insurance Auto Auctions (IAA), specifically for Ronald McDonald Houses. The following vehicles can be picked up at no charge when you choose to donate:







November 12th is RMHC Vehicle Car Donation Day Celebrate by visiting or calling (856) 966-4663 for info.

Beat the Clock!


Make your tax-deductible gift by December 31st at midnight! Ring in the New Year by making a donation to support our mission of keeping MAKES A DIFFERENCE families close.


Giving is Easy! Make your gift online at or mail a check payable to RMHSNJ to 550 Mickle Blvd., Camden, NJ 08103 SHARE A

NIGHT When her baby arrived four weeks early, Yoselin was told her son needed specialized care. For a week, she commuted from Atlantic City to the hospital, just to be by his side. Thanks to Share-A-Night donations, Yoselin was able to stay at RMHSNJ, just steps away from her newborn son.

Your $15 gift helps us help keep moms like Yoselin close their little ones, every day of the year.

Ronald McDonald FAMILY ROOMS provide families with complimentary snacks and a relaxing home environment when their babies are admitted to nine South Jersey hospitals.

AtlantiCare – Atlantic City & Pomona, NJ Capital Health – Trenton, NJ Cooper University Hospital – Camden, NJ Inspira – Vineland, NJ Kennedy Health – Washington Twp, NJ Shore Medical Center – Somers Point, NJ Virtua – Mt. Holly, NJ For information on becoming a Family Room Partner, call (856)966-4663.

Follow @RMHSNJ on Social Media! The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



The JCC Welcomes New Curriculum And Partnerships To Their Agency The Katz JCC is excited to expand its already trusted and accredited education programs with new curriculum and partnerships with several area agencies. Partnerships include the Wildlife Conserve of New Jersey, the Atlantic City Aquarium and the ShopRite of Somers Point. These agencies will provide monthly programming in our preschool and day care classes. “It is our hope that these partnerships will continue to inspire a love of learning in each and every child who passes through our door, creating lifelong learners,” said Jan Higbee, Early Childhood Education Director. The Wildlife Conserve has created a curriculum especially for preschool children centered on endangered species indigenous to New Jersey. The Atlantic City Aquarium’s curriculum will focus on marine life native to the Jersey Shore, with classes culminating in a field trip to the Aquarium for our three& four-year-old classes. Jesse Tannehill, Dietician at the ShopRite of Somers Point, will be providing fresh fruits and vegetables for our children to sample. In addition we will be revamping our community garden this coming spring and engaging students in a farm-to-table project of growing produce to use in their classrooms. The JCC Early Childhood Education Center is currently in the process of becoming accredited with Grow NJ Kids, which is New Jersey’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for schools within the state. Accredited schools are assessed and rated after Grow NJ Kids has observed classes within each school, giving parents a consistent rating system to compare child care centers.

Through participation in the Grow NJ Kids program, we were able to purchase a complete set of Creative Curriculum materials for each classroom. Teachers are currently reviewing the new materials and will have received training from a ertified Grow NJ Kids representative at the end of October. The Creative Curriculum utilizes both whole group and small group instruction to guide students through 38 learning objectives that directly align with the NJ State Early Childhood Learning standards.

To learn more about Creative Curriculum and Teaching Strategies, please visit

live up to playtime

New Sessions Starting Soon

Milton & Betty

Katz JCC

Join the movement of 60+ who are getting fit and healthy for FREE in our 12 week fitness program. For more information or to register, contact: Antoinette Wood (609) 822-1167 Ext. 116.

501 N. Jerome Avenue Margate, NJ 08402 609.822.1167

The Live Long – Live Strong program is partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant by the Division of Intergenerational Services.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Shoe Repair


The Friendly Cobbler Domenick Basile

Here at The Friendly Cobbler we don’t just repair and clean your shoes, we do it with a smile and pride in our work. With over 20 years of professional shoe repair experience, we guarantee every repair and cleaning to be our very best! You can get your Ugg boots patched up just in time for winter! Domnick can dye black or brown boots to return them to their original splendor and have them cleaned and waterproofed before the snow comes. It’s going to be getting cold out there quickly, so grab those Uggs and come on over to the Friendly Cobbler at 331 Tilton Road, Unit 20 to turn them into new, stylish footwear for all to see! (Located between The Honey Tree and United Check Cashing.) This holiday season, you can help your friends and family fix up their shoes with a gift card to The Friendly Cobbler! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on new shoes for your kids when Domenick breathes new life into old shoes with meticulous custom repairs and cleanings. Look sharp all year long with your “new” old shoes!

331 Tilton Road, Northfield, NJ 08225 Real Estate


We Clean Uggs Remove Water Stains Elimanite Salt Stains Restore Orginal Color Remove Dirt & Soil

20% OFF

Ugg Boot Cleaning Good Through December 31st.

Barbara Jolly

Sales Associate, Realtor for Berkshire Hathaway You may know Barb Jolly as the owner and operator of Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming, the best little pet shop on Absecon Island. What you may not know about her is that she is also a Sales Associate, Realtor* for Berkshire Hathaway Home Services also located in Margate. She totally enjoys interacting with animals as well as people which adds to her success in the pet and people business. On her days off and throughout her work day at Jolly Pets you can often find her showing homes to her local customers as well as out of state people who have second homes here at the shore or those who are looking to purchase a second home.

Whatever you or your pets need, Barb Jolly can help you out. • 609-335-7553

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Funny Farm Rescue: A Sanctuary For Animals If you set up a camera and placed it in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and you could capture the looks on the faces of the children, that’s the same looks you see when car after car arrives at the Funny Farm Rescue on visiting days – only it’s not just the kids with the lit-up faces, it’s also the adults!! Animals of all breeds come running to your car to greet you. Once you open the door, Cowboy the baby goat, nicknamed the “Donations Inspector,” jumps up into your car and kisses everyone while looking for lost Cheerios. Laurie Zaleski, the Founder and President of the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary, always has something exciting she’s planning, from Critter Camp, to the Fall Family Festival, to the semi-formal wine tasting benefit for the animals coming up in November. With 350+ animals, you can imagine the food bills, so all the fundraisers are essential to making sure the animals have the best lives possible with the best medical care. Many of the animals have special needs. All seem to know and appreciate their second chance at life. The Funny Farm now has online “virtual” adoptions!! People can contribute into a specific animal’s fund that they have fallen in love with, from anywhere in the world, and they receive a nice picture of their favorite animal. One of the most fascinating things nearly everyone notices is that all the animals seem to get along with each other. They don’t care what color you are or the kind of car you drive or who you vote for. They see you as their new best friends and family. We can learn so much from them! There is no admission and people can even have a birthday party or special event in our event barn for a recommended donation to the farm to help care for the animals. The Funny Farm Rescue is a 501(c)(3) charity, which allows all donations to be tax-deductible. Donors can also plan their estate planning to make a difference for the animals long after they pass on. Funny Farm Rescue and Sanctuary isn’t just a place, it’s an experience. Imagine being a baby sheep, knowing you were trapped in a small cage and going to be someone’s dinner, and you escaped to save your life. You just want to survive. You are so scared and have nowhere to go. You just run. Day and night. You’re hungry. What are the chances that you would run into the backyard of a family who would end up falling in love and saving you by buying you from the previous owners in order to save your life? What are the chances they heard of the Funny Farm Rescue? That family did just that and contacted Laurie. A few months later that little sheep is known as “Reggie,” who is one of the sweetest animals you could ever meet. He’s like your little shadow. The Funny Farm Rescue is a magical place where miracles happen, lives are saved, and people can come bond with their new furry and feathered friends and see and feel their unconditional love.

The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us!

For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at:

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: ________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip:____________________________________


Phone: Email:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

abulousFF ood FF abulous ood


Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

ith the holidays approaching, thoughts naturally turn to food, friends and family. Here are some healthy alternatives to the abundance of cookies that are always around this time of year. Better options for you and great for gift-giving as well!

Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins – Makes 12

2 cups flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1/4 tsp ground allspice 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp salt 2 eggs 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice concentrate, frozen and thawed 2/3 cup buttermilk 2 T oat bran 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped 1 small Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin slices, for garnish Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with 12 muffin papers. Mix together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and salt in a medium bowl. Mix together eggs, apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture until the dry ingredients are just moistened, being careful to not overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. Spoon batter into the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish with an apple slice. Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Pumpkin Bread

2 cups flour 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2cups sugar 3/4 cup vegetable oil 3 large eggs 1 tsp vanilla 3 cups shredded fresh pumpkin 1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one large loaf, or you can make multiple smaller ones. Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla. Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. When all are incorporated, pour into pans. Bake one large loaf for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller loaves will take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. Remove and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely.

Giving as a gift? Wrap tightly and put into a pretty basket or box. Give with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee lover, why not give with coffee and coffee mugs.

Giving as a gift? Place muffins in a pretty basket lined with a cloth

napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative spoon and include a jar of preserves.

Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

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Give the Gift of a Personal Chef this holiday season! Our gift certificates are always a welcome surprise and make a unique gift too.

Visit Stephanie was professionally trained at the Culinary Business Academy, is a Certified Personal Chef, a Certified Food Safety Manager, and Finalist for the USPCA Personal Chef of the Year in 2012 and 2013. Services are provided on a first come, first served basis and there are no contracts – ever! For more information on our services or Gift Certificates, references, and fees, contact Cutting Board Stephanie Hopkins Certified Personal Chef Creations, LLC today. The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2016 2016 November/December






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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016





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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Women’s History


Jane Jayroe

Submitted by Rita King, MSW, LSW n June of this year, I attended a charity event that displayed auction items for bid. There was one item in particular that caught my attention. The auction item was tickets to the Miss America preliminary nights and the final night of competition. As a child, I never attended a Miss America pageant. I was lucky enough to ride on a float one year but did not realize the significance or history of the Miss America pageant. Approximately four years ago, my husband started a tradition with our daughter of attending one preliminary night of the pageant. My daughter loves attending the event every year, and this year would be her year to not only attend all three nights of preliminary events but also the big grand final night! Since there were more than one night of tickets, I was lucky enough to attend one evening. On the particular preliminary night I attended, the former Miss Americas were introduced and recognized for their respective “anniversary” years. This one Miss America in particular was so beautiful, graceful, and exuded confidence. Later in the show, this Miss America would be recognized for her 50th anniversary as Miss America 1967. Her name was Jane Jayroe. As the announcer read through Jane’s biography, I was intrigued by this amazing woman who had accomplished a great deal in the 1970s and 1980s in television journalism. Jane was born on October 30, 1946 to Peter and Helene Jayroe. Jane had one sister. She grew up in Oklahoma and attended Oklahoma City University as well as Tulsa University. At the young age of 19 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Jane became Miss America 1967. As Miss America, Jane would embark on many “firsts,” not only for personal achievements but for America. Jane started her year representing our nation by becoming the first Miss America to perform in the USO show in a combat zone. Back in the 1960s, women were not permitted to serve in the military in combat zones, and Jane being given special permission to perform was a risky mission. After Jane’s year as Miss America,


she went on to complete her college education and started her career in journalism as a co-host. Jane would later become the six o’clock and ten o’clock news anchor for a prime-time television network in Oklahoma. Keep in mind this was in the late 1970s early 1980s, when the news was considered “the good old boys club.” In the 1980s Jane became the news anchor for the early evening news for an NBC affiliate in Dallas. Jane would go on to become the first female named “Outstanding News Personality.” Jane’s career in journalism spanned 17 years. Jane would later become sworn in as the Oklahoma Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Executive Director of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department. Jane has written several books, which include stories of her inner growth and connection to her spirituality, a biography, as well as her journey as Miss America. Jane reported having a “roller-coaster” of a life that included a first marriage which she describes as “dysfunctional,” and caused a great deal of stress in Jane’s life. It appears through Jane’s life experiences, she has made lemonade out of lemons. Jane is now married to Gerald Gamble and has a son who is married with two children. Through Jane’s life journey, she has gained the wisdom and strength that many of us aspire to have at any point in our lives. If you have never attended a Miss America event, you cannot truly appreciate the sacrifices made by the contestants to compete for Miss America. All of the women are amazingly talented, intelligent and driven women. To have the honor to have been a guest the night Jane Jayroe was recognized on her 50th anniversary of receiving the crown was truly spectacular! As Jane Jayroe stood on the Miss America stage with such amazing beauty and grace, one could not fully appreciate the life lived by this remarkably talented and strong woman who appears to finally be at peace in her life. References:, 2017 Miss America Magazine., retrieved October 5, 2016, retrieved October 5, 2016, retrieved October 5, 2016

Rita King, MSW, LCSW is a full-time mental health therapist and advocate of women’s history. During her undergraduate studies in psychology, Rita developed a strong passion for women’s history after completing classes in political science. As an activist, Rita has raised awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures, history lessons in elementary and middle schools and creating women’s history displays at local libraries. Rita also utilizes her knowledge of women’s history to empower women and young girls in her current role as a mental health therapist.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Community Tree of Life

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Mainland division has transformed and renovated their facilities with a two and ½ story addition. The upgrades have included taking down the RNS memorials, the 3 Tree of Life’s and the Wall of Honor. These RNS memorials have been replaced with a beautiful, artistic and modern Tree of Life, which expands across a full corridor wall on the first floor of the hospital. Every existing Leaf, Rock and Wall of Honor inscription has been replicated on a glass-like material in soft variegated pastel shades of yellows, greens, pinks and blues. Each memorial is sized, according to Leaf, Rock or Wall of Honor inscription, and has been placed on this beautiful Tree of Life. Each memorial (Leaf – Rock) from the “Trees” and “Wall of Honor” has been taken to the RNS office and alphabetized.

71 Celebrate RNS’

Bag Ladies Luncheon’s 15th Birthday Designer Handbags, Raffles, Mini Fashion Show and More!


RNS is encouraging anyone interested in taking their loved ones “leaf or rock” to call 609-487-1190 with your name, number and a brief message.

Now that the ”Holidays” are upon us, perhaps a donation to RNS in a loved one, a friend or family name would make a wonderful gift.

To get on the mailing list contact:

Joanne Kenny – 609-214-7541 Renee Wolf – 609-823-6371 Or: and leave your mailing address...

3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406

609-487-1190 • RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain. Community

401 West Presents Cut-A-Thon 401 West’s Cut-A-Thon, held on Sunday, September 18, 2016 was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. The event raised $3,000 to purchase wigs for women who are undergoing cancer treatment by an organization called Friends Are By Your Side.

Bella enjoying the photo props.



Kim Cavallaro with her hair donation.

Our mission is to provide wigs to as many women with cancer as we can at no cost to them, and the local community’s kindness and generosity has made it possible to accomplish our goals. We would like to express our gratitude to the local businesses that have donated goods and services in order to make the day special and we truly thank everyone who joined us in celebrating the lives of our loved ones with cancer, and know that these women and their families cannot thank you enough as well.

The Cut-A-Thon will be an annual event and we all hope to raise awareness to women in our area who may need hair replacement services due to cancer treatment. Please feel free to contact the salon at 609-065-5455 if you or a loved one are in need of these services.

The County Woman Magazine

Pictured are our stylists and a few volunteers. L-R: Heather Clark, April Ortiz, Dorene Corliss, Janet Champion, Pushime Ala, Katy Berthold & Marcy Adams

3 3 Olivia and Jonathan waiting to get their hair cut.

3 November/December 2016



From Seed to Flower: Every Breath Counts Celebrates 10 Years of Lung Cancer Advocacy Over the past 10 years, the Every Breath Counts Foundation has grown from the seed of an idea planted by a group of South Jersey oncology nurses to the blossoming Walk, Run, Survive 5K each November, supported by the passion of local individuals making a difference. “We’re grassroots through and through,” said Michele Gaguski, MSN, RN, AOCN, CHPN, APN-C, who founded Every Breath Counts in 2006 when she was president of her local chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. “We started as a walk, grew to a run, and this year we have hats and wristbands to celebrate our tenth anniversary.” The foundation has raised $146,000 to date, which is donated directly to three lung cancer-focused organizations: • The South Jersey Cancer Fund, directing funds to patients and families in the South Jersey Shore area affected by the disease. • The LUNGevity Foundation, the only foundation dedicated exclusively to funding lung cancer research.

• The Lung Cancer Alliance, the only national nonprofit organization dedicated to providing patient support and advocacy to those living with or at risk for the disease. As the clinical director of medical oncology/infusion services at AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute in Egg Harbor Township, Michele comes face to face with the effects of cancer every day. “Our foundation’s goal is to raise awareness of lung cancer and to make a difference by raising funds for research and advocacy efforts, and support people with the disease in our community.” “There’s not the same empathy for lung cancer as other cancers, even though it has a higher mortality rate due to late stage at diagnosis,” she said. “People hear ‘lung cancer’ and immediately assume the patient is a smoker, even though smoking is only one risk factor out of many.” Barbara Jean Douglas, current president of the Every Breath Counts Foundation, was the primary caregiver for her mother, Jean Trabocco, when she was diagnosed

with lung cancer in March 1991 and advised she had six months to live. She died September 25th of that year. “She was a smoker, but had stopped 12 years prior to her diagnosis,” Barbara said. “You don’t need to be a smoker to get lung cancer. It could be radon exposure, it could be the water or air pollution or secondhand smoke.” In 2008, Every Breath Counts board member Lois Shohen-Brown urged Barbara to get involved with the foundation, completely unaware of her connection to lung cancer. The coincidence was too much to ignore – “I didn’t need a brick wall to fall on me,” Barbara laughed – and by 2009, she was helping to coordinate the event. “Breast cancer and prostate cancer survival rates have risen above 90% thanks to funding, but lung cancer patients have only an 18% chance of survival five years after being diagnosed,” Barbara said. “Research and testing costs money – and early detection saves lives.”

Get Involved!

To donate or volunteer to support the Every Breath Counts Foundation, email

Walk, Run, Survive 5K Saturday, November 12, 2016 Newport Avenue & Boardwalk, Ventnor, NJ Registration starts 8AM Run begins 10AM Walk begins 10:15AM Online Registration – $25 Day-of Registration – $30 Children under 12 – $15 Lung Cancer Survivor – FREE


Register at or email


5K ORN RUN N or v ario ACE ERS us d ivisi ons

rds f

Walk Run Survive


Your support makes a difference in the lives of people with lung cancer.

Saturday, November 12, 2016 St. James Church Newport Ave & Boardwalk Ventnor, NJ

Registration starts at 8AM Race starts at 10AM Walk begins at 10:15AM


For more information and registration visit:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016




ATTENTION MEN AND WOMEN! Learn the Facts About Bio-Identical Hormones!

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms then you need to attend this life changing seminar. Hot Flashes • Night Sweats • Insomnia • Weight Gain • Loss of Sex Drive • Anxiety • Depression • Joint Pain • Headaches • Vaginal Dryness • Brain Fog

Get control of your hormones! And live a better life!

Age and stress are key reasons for the loss of many important hormones, vitamins, and minerals in both men and women. Attend this important SEMINAR with Dr. Roberta Foss-Morgan and you can finally get all your questions answered about natural, lasting relief through Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) so you can live a better life.

$10.00 Per Person. Program includes a delicious breakfast!

WHERE: The prestigious Seaview Hotel & Resort, 401 South New York Rd., Galloway, NJ DATE: Saturday, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 | TIME: 10 am Dr. Roberta Foss-Morgan completed post-baccalaureate training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. After which, she received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her internship and residency in Family Medicine was completed at the Virtua Health System. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. She has appeared on CNN, Ch 3, KYW, Fox News and numerous other live TV and radio shows. She is a frequently requested lecturer to physicians and patients. LIMITED SEATING, REGISTRATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 23, 2017.


Curexa Pharmacy Web Site: or on our FaceBook page at Facebook/

Sponsored by:


3007 Ocean Heights Avenue, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 P: (855) 927-0390 F: (855) 927-0392 Web Site: Email:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016




The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Fine Art Photography


Donna Andrews Photography Seasons Change and So Do Our Children

Portrait Sessions booked before November 30th revieve 20% OFF Holiday Card Order plus $125 credit towards the purchase of your prints mobile: 609.412.5123 studio: 609.646.5374 The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

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High-end, luxurious medical spa setting with 8-treatment rooms and 2-lounges.

Choose Accent Aesthetics Because Quality & Experience Matters!

323 S. Pitney Road Suite 100 • Galloway Twp., NJ • 609•652•6550

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

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