Atlantic County Woman - 2015 March/April

Page 1

Ce leb ra

r ea Y ting Our 8th

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. About 9 in 10 people with colorectal cancer are age 50 or older.

Pages 8 & 9



Patients tell me they have tried every diet, yet they can’t lose weight like they could when they were younger. All calories are not created equal. Pages 52 & 53

No two fitness journeys are alike. In fact, maintain and struggle with achieving personal wellness in different ways, at different times in our lives and for different reasons. Pages 54 & 55

Dr. Bidic and his staff at American Surgical Arts specialize in reconstructive surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery. Read more about the “Mommy Makeover” and this dedicated team on pages 42 & 43.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Business Spotlight


Meet The Top Dentists In New Jersey

Interview with Dr. Nosti, Dr. Noveck, and Dr. Katz


he doctors of Advanced Cosmetic and General Dentistry have been chosen by their peers as “Top Dentists in New Jersey” every year from 2011-2014. Our doctors are amongst the 1% in the country who have earned fellowships in the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics, the Academy of General Dentistry, and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

The dentists in the back row from left to right: Bryan R. Katz DDC, John R. Nosti DMD, FAGD, FICOI, Steven Katz DDR and Milton A. Noveck DMD, FICOI and their friendly and talented staff.

John R. Nosti DMD, FAGD, FICOI Tell us about your educational background and active memberships.

I graduated from the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey in 1998 and completed my residency from Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, PA. I hold fellowships in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD), the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics (FACE), and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (FICOI). I have completed over 1900 hours of continuing education in cosmetic dentistry, Temporomandicular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ), and full mouth rehabilitations. Additionally, I hold memberships in the American Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and several

other organizations. Currently. I enjoy donating my services and giving back to the community through programs like Give Kids a Smile, Dentistry from the Heart, Give Back a Smile, and Smiles for Life.

What led you into the field of cosmetic dentistry?

I became interested in dentistry after completing a career report on oral surgery during my sophomore year in high school. From that day forward, I knew that I wanted to become a dentist and was dedicated in school to achieving this goal.

Describe briefly what you do in your chosen field. At Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry, we treat all aspects of dentistry with an emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry, Reconstructions, and TMJ.

What sets your dental practice apart from others?

Tell us about your educational background and active memberships.

I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in 1980. I have accumulated over 1600 hours of postgraduate continuing education with special emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, esthetics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, full mouth reconstruction and myofacial pain. I completed my postgraduate curriculum at the world-renowned Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study in St. Petersburg, Florida. Additionally, I have had extensive training by Dr. Frank Spear of Seattle, widely leading dental educations. I hold a Fellowship from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (FICOI), am an active member of the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Many patients spend their whole life unhappy with their smile. The most rewarding part of my profession is seeing someone’s self confidence restored and being told that I have changed someone’s life. It is an unbelievable experience.

What are the most common issues you see in your profession?

By far the most common issues we see are tooth decay and periodontal disease.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I believe that the way we treat our patients like family is what sets me apart from other practices in the area. Many of the patients who undergo cosmetic or reconstructive dentistry have been fearful in the past; we love making them feel comfortable throughout their treatment.

Milton A. Noveck DMD, FICOI

What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

With traveling around the country, teaching seminars to other dentists, when I am home I enjoy spending as much time with my wife Jen, 10 year old daughter Isabella, and 2 year old son Anthony that I can. We enjoy boating, fishing, going to the beach, and doing family outings.

Bryan R. Katz DDS Tell us about your educational background and active memberships.

I was looking for a profession that would provide the opportunity to utilize my artistic talent and require the hand/eye coordination of a skilled surgeon in order to be successful. Dentistry allowed me to fulfill all of these personal requirements while also making it possible for me to own and operate my own business!

I graduated with my DDS from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2009. After that, I was active duty in the Air Force from 2009-2014. I completed my AEGD residency at Bolling AFB in 2010. Describe briefly what you do in your chosen field. I perform all aspects of general dentistry, including restorative, crown and bridge, implant placement/restoration, endodontic, and oral surgery.

An aspect that sets Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry apart from others is the amount of education we have dedicated to cosmetic dentistry, as well as the amount of cosmetic dentistry we have performed.

The most rewarding part of my career is being able to ease the pain of a patient.

The most rewarding part about my profession is being able to hand someone a mirror and see him or her truly happy with their new smile. Seeing someone’s self confidence restored is an unforgettable experience.

I enjoy running, Crossfit, listening to music, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

What led you into the field of cosmetic dentistry?

What sets your dental practice apart from others?

What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

How do you like to spend your free time?

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Publisher’s Note


An Educational resource for Women and Their Families Since 2007

Monmouth Monmouth County County Woman Woman Since 2008 Since 2008

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r ea ting Our 8th Y

Publisher........................................................ Lynn K. Wolf • 609-929-4189 Art & Production Executive.......................Meghan Morse • 856-885-8066 Public Relations Executive ...................... Lauren Shover • 856-885-8066 Feature Cover Writer..........................Gena Ansell-Lande Graphic Designer, Real Grafix Design.......... Cathy Tveici Graphic Designer, Golden Design, LLC...... Laura Golden Graphic Designer, Designer Photos........... Paula Brewer Website Designer.............................................P.J. Santos Distribution Manager..................................... Mike Dziuba For advertising inquiries, please call:

1-866-398-0898 All correspondence should be addressed to: All correspondence should be addressed to:

The County Woman The County Woman

Welcome to the March/April 2015 Issue Of Atlantic County Woman! “Knowledge is Power” is a phrase most often attributed to Francis Bacon, in his Meditationes Sacrae (1597). I interpret this phrase to mean that knowledge allows people to reach their full potential and abilities in life. The Atlantic County Woman publication is dedicated to providing you with knowledge from contributing writers who are prominent in their professions. It is a true blessing working and learning from the professionals in each issue. I have utilized their information in times of need on several occasions and cannot image what would have happened if I had not had this wonderful information at my fingertips! This issue is no exception! Our long, gray winter will make the arrival of spring especially welcome this year. It is a pleasure to feel the sun gradually warming up the earth, drawing out the crocus, daffodils, forsythia and other early bloomers. Our shore communities will be bustling with activities in preparation for the arrival of summer residents. All the stores have received their spring/ summer merchandise and local gardening events will be in full swing. Start this spring season with a phone call to Julia’s cleaning service on page 37 for a thorough spring-cleaning of your home. Many of us will be in need of nutritional counseling or an exercise and beauty regimen. Helpful information on these topics can be found in the Medical, Health, Fashion and Beauty Sections. And as usual, we bring you in-depth expertise from legal and financial professionals whose valuable advice may save you countless hours of time and trouble. If you haven’t already planned your summer vacation, it’s time to begin. There are still lots of last minute deals to some great destinations. Of course, being at the shore, you don’t have to travel far to find wonderful summer activities for the whole family. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to check out local events and investigate the many informative articles in this issue. Last but not least, if you have been thinking of expanding your family unit by adding a pet, please see pictures of the pets looking for a home on pages 64 & 65. Each one has been sponsored by a business that cares deeply for these homeless animals that desperately need a loving and caring family. We wish you a “Happy Spring” in eager anticipation of the warmer months ahead!


Lynn K. Wolf, Publisher, and the Staff of the Atlantic County Woman

Featured On The Front Cover The Staff at American Surgical Arts

P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Turnersville, NJ 08012

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Pictured L-R: Deborah Lago, Lauren Bidic, Gretchen Bidic, Dr. Sean Bidic, Sharon DiGerolamo, and Danielle Forte. This caring team work to help patients achieve their aesthetic and reconstructive goals. Read more about their passion for making people happier and healthier on pages 42 & 43. Cover photo by Donna L. Andrews Photography

Schedule your family portraits with Donna Andrews Photography, see page 83.

Change Your Life in 2015 Licenses Available In Your Area Woman Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted ... Join over 371 other counties that are publishing or have an option to publish in the United States and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Join the fastest growing educational Woman’s Newspaper syndicated in the United States. MINIMAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Maximum return ... Be your own boss, set your own hours and make your life mean more! ALL TRAINING PROVIDED! If you are interested in developing with us in 2015 in your STATE, in your COUNTY ...

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Featured Articles

Cosmetic Dentistry

Advanced Cosmetic and General Dentistry..........................2, 3

Ultimate Day Spa

Tranquil Touch Day Spa...........................................................5

Medical Professionals

Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey..................................6 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Heart Institute........7 Dordaneh Maleki, M.D. FACP..............................................8, 9 Thomas Jefferson/Department of Otolaryngology..................12 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa.........................13 Shore Vascular & Vein Center....................................14, 15, 84 South Jersey Fertility Center..................................................25 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick................................................26 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility...........................................28 Relievus..................................................................................31 Hammonton Family EyeCare.................................................32 AtlantiCare Urgent Care Center.............................................33 Atlantic Medical Imaging.........................................................34 Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates........35, 36, 37, 38 AtlantiCare: The Cancer Care Institute...................................39 Atlantic Integrative Medical Center.........................................40 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia..................................41 Bella Derma Medi Spa............................................................47 Morgan Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, P.A.......52, 53 Premier Neurology..................................................................56


Jolly Pet’s Supplies & Grooming..............................................8 Newkirk Family Veterinarians.................................................51

Health & Wellness

Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio..................................................10 Synergie.................................................................................11 Full Circle Wellness................................................................18 Galloway Nutrition..................................................................27 Jersey Shore Pharmacy...................................................46, 82 Leah Schwartz: Certified Barre Instructor...............................48 Tilton Fitness & Wellness.................................................54, 55 Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................63

Ultimate Day Spa


D’Amato Law Firm South Jersey Personal Injury Law Center..........................17 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law............................................22 April & Marinucci, P.A.............................................................23

5 Unique Style Salon

Shore Style Salon...................................................................57

Assisted Living

Brandywine Senior Living.......................................................58

Fabulous Food


Cutting Board Creations, LLC.................................................61

Financial Management

Balley Losco Realty................................................................62 Adopt a Pet............................................................64, 65

Hilary Akman, Parent Coach/Psychotherapist........................18

Real Estate

Janney Montgomery Scott......................................................19

Home Health Care

Shoe Repair

Bayada Home Health Care...............................................20, 21

The Friendly Cobbler..............................................................66

Fine Children’s Boutique

Adult Community

P.Weee’s: A Fine Children’s Boutique....................................22

Fountainhead..........................................................................67 Women of Atlantic County...............................68, 69

Fashion & Beauty

Mrs. B’s Boutique...................................................................24 Barbara’s Boutique.................................................................48 Leisure and Lace....................................................................49


CASA for Children..................................................................71

Book Corner

Nutrition & Wellness Spotless Cleaning

Buzzin’ With Kindness............................................................72 Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame.............74

Yoga Therapy

Porchtown Recyclers, Inc.......................................................76

Rehabilitation Center

Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................78 It Shoulda Been You...............................................................79

South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness........................24

Recycling Facility

Julia’s Cleaning Service.........................................................27

Theatre & Entertainment

Yoga Heals 4 Life...................................................................29 Linwood Care Center by Revera............................................30

Women’s History

Featured on the Cover

Women in History.............................................................80, 81

American Surgical Arts.....................................................42, 43

Fine Art Photography

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus, Inc....................................................................44

Ultimate Day Spa Elder Law

Rice Elder Law.......................................................................45


Charles Meusburger, MD.......................................................50

Donna Andrews Photography.................................................83 Community…. 16, 59, 60, 61, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 82

✤ Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook! ✤


Relax, Revitalize, and With Rejuvenate At Tranquil Touch Relaxing Into Fall A Delicious Body Wrap Skin wrinkles are caused by two main factors:

Summer is filled with activity – fun in the sun, running the kids around, barbecues and more. and and thetheenvironment. is little you can do it’s about But heredity once the fall comes kids settle into theirThere school-year routines, timeheredity for youand to the natural aging process, but there is something you can do about the other causes. Pollution in unwind and treat yourself to some relaxation. the environment, sun exposure andmuch stress needed can all lead to premature aging of the skin. The creams

your facials. body with our delicious scented body are even more effective when combinedDetox with regular wraps. They are a great and effective way to enhance and moisten the making itisfeel from a variety of The 24K Gold Anti-Agingskin, Facial ansilky-smooth. intense Select anti-wrinkle aromas, including milk & honey, French lavender and pumpkin bliss. protector that have amazing skin-firming effects. It nourished That scent will be included into each product that is applied. the skin to help revive youthful vibrancy, visibly reduce Each wrap includes a butter scrub, which isthe a full body exfoliation that combat helps tofree remove built-up appearance of fine lines, radicals, and dry skin. After the scrub is washed away in the shower, a mud masque will be applied. This masque includes enhance skin rejuvenation. ingredients such as seaweed, sea algae, evening primrose, kaolin (natural clay), almond, sunflower and avocado oil and aloe vera gel. You will After completing the 24K Gold be enveloped for about 20 minutes to allow the product to pull out all try the new impurities and toxins. Afterward you will washAnti-Aging off and will have aFacial, full body application of body butter to moisturize warm your skin. candle massage. Enjoy the relaxation of our traditional swedish massage with an Let’s not forget about our face! At the conclusion of the summer added bonus of warm aromatherapy candle oil. Benefits our faces need some extra attention. What better way to deep-clean our include soothing feeling, easing of tension, skin than with microdermabrasion or a chemical peel?relaxation, Both are effecstiffness and pain, as well as giving an enhanced feeling tive and efficient ways to do away with uneven surfaces, leaving a fresh, of well-being. hydrated appearance.


We are also proud to announce that we will be celebrating our 8 years in To see our full menu, current specials and receive our business! We would like to thank all of our loyal and new newsletter visit us at customers that continue toSpray support our acompany. one boutique single service Submitted by: of $50 or more Tan item Caruso, us on facebook To see our full menu, current specials and receive our newsletter Visit Kacey exp. 4/30/2015 exp. 4/30/2015 exp. 4/30/2015 andTranquil twitter. Touch Day Spa visit us at Visit us on facebook and twitter.

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Medical Professionals

Acuity – A Facility That Is Dedicated To Creating Miracles Health &Wellness Written by Claire Brown, BSN RN Director of Provider Relations.



ften understated and behind the scenes, Case Managers and Social Workers can hugely impact the way in which a patient will transition from an acute care setting into another level of care ranging from a rehabilitation unit to home or to an extended care facility. Acuity Healthcare assigns a Case Manager to every patient upon admission. The purpose of this role is to be the patient’s advocate, while helping the physician to coordinate and manage the personalized plan of care through the inpatient stay. Case Management also helps to ensure proactive, safe discharge planning while moving the patient appropriately across the continuum of care. A case manager oversees the processes of care delivered to patients. Their role is to work collaboratively with the entire interdisciplinary health care team and is often referred to as the “Driver of the Bus or the Captain of the Ship” by bringing both leadership and patient advocacy to each case that they oversee. By working collaboratively with the entire interdisciplinary team, case management plays a vital role in achieving quality outcomes and the timely provision of care. Many of the general public do not realize the multi-faceted role of the Social worker and Case Manager within the healthcare system. Acuity Specialty Hospital is extremely fortunate to be staffed with three dedicated, experienced Case Managers whom are RNs, as well as a Director of Case Management who holds a Masters Degree in Social Work. Mr. Newell, a former patient of Acuity, had been on a trip to Virginia in November 2014 when he experienced some shortness of breath and exhaustion. He waited until he reached home to see his own doctor. Unfortunately, he ended up in a local hospital and had to be placed on a ventilator. Mr. Newell, 75, had suffered from numerous health problems prior to his admission to the hospital, but had tried to live as independently as he could. He lives alone in his own home with his daughter living next door. While in the hospital, Mr. Newell Mr. Newell at Mainland Manor. underwent a Video Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) to remove excess fluid around his lungs and he began Hemodialysis treatments due to acute kidney failure. Following these procedures, he was transferred to Acuity Specialty Hospital on December 8th 2014 and was successfully weaned from the ventilator. He also received management of his complex medical needs. His daughter was very involved in his care and medical progress. She worked closely with the Case Management Department to help them plan his discharge. Mr. Newell was discharged from Acuity Specialty Hospital to Mainland Manor Sub Acute rehabilitation unit on January 10th, 2015, for continued rehabilitation following his stay at Acuity. The Case Management team at Acuity Specialty Hospital had referred Mr. Newell to Mainland Manor, which is just one of many facilities where patients are sent to following their stay at Acuity. Mainland Manor Skilled Nursing Facility has the ability to provide patient’s short term physical and occupational therapy. “I can’t wait to see Ms. Cali and Mr. Blue; I have missed them so much.” Mr. Newell said about his beloved cats. “I haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving.” sighed Mr. Tracey and Kathy at the Newell, during my visit to him at Mainland Manor. patient’s bedside.

Before Mr. Newell could be transitioned to his next level of care, the Case Management department had to make sure he got The Case Management Department, Left to Right: Kathy Hoffmann RN, a permanent intravenous access (an Cathy Reedy RN, Christa Fries MSW arteriovenous device) for his hemodialysis Director of CM, Tracey McNally BSN, RN. treatments. The Case Manager assigned to his case, (Tracey) had to discuss the progression of his medical condition daily with the nephrologist and surgeon to determine which facility would be equipped to either perform the Hemodialysis or could send Mr. Newell out to outpatient dialysis. Tracey also had to ensure that Mr. Newell would receive transportation to and from Mainland Manor to his place of Dialysis treatments. Mr. Newell was finally discharged to his own home from Mainland Manor Facility on Friday 1.23.15. It was a wonderful moment for him to see his cats again, Ms. Cali and Mr. Blue. The Case Management team at Acuity is proud to be a part of the care and final discharge of Mr. Newell from Acuity Specialty Hospital and that he is finally reunited with his cats.

Elder Law

Theater &Entertainment


Fine Art Photography

Contact us today at 609-441-8123 to learn more. Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey is a long term acute care hospital located

For Information or Referrals, Call 609-441-8123

inside of AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City. Our hospital-

Business &Finance

within-a-hospital provides 30 private rooms to the medically complex and critically ill. Patients

meeting acute care criteria are seen by physician specialists daily and typically discharged to

Acuity Specialty Hospital celebrates its 5th year in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

acute and sub-acute rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities or their homes.

Our team specializes in the care of patients with needs that include:

The County Woman The Magazine County Woman Magazine

Ventilator weaning

Complex wounds

Infectious diseases

Medically or surgically complex care

Multi-system organ dysfunction

March/April 2015 January/Feb

Medical Professionals


Let’s Have a Heart-to-Heart about Your Risk of Coronary Artery Disease Vicky Miesemer and her daughter Taylor Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Follow Your Heart to AtlantiCare

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is caused by the gradual buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries that carry blood to the heart — which can lead to a heart attack. Without prompt treatment to open a blocked artery, blood stops flowing to the brain, causing disability or even death, and heart muscle can be permanently damaged.

In southern New Jersey, thousands of people have chosen the Heart Institute at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC) for the expert cardiac care they need. ARMC is designated by the State of New Jersey as a STEMI Center for treatment of the most serious and potentially fatal type of heart attack: ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).

Risk Factors for CAD • High cholesterol • High blood pressure

I believe

you’re never too old for a new lifesaving procedure. At age 87, Vicky Miesemer was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Open-heart surgery is usually recommended. But Dr. Dib, her cardiologist, suggested TAVR—a minimally invasive procedure. During a TAVR procedure, a surgeon inserts a new aortic valve within a diseased valve—while the heart is beating. Vicky’s daughter Taylor wanted a second opinion, believing the best of the best are in Philly or New York. However, Vicky trusted her cardiologist and decided on AtlantiCare for the surgery. Her two-hour procedure couldn’t have gone more smoothly. After three days in the care of Drs. Dib, Levite, Axelrod, Dralle and Van Hook, Vicky went home, without needing rehab or pain medication. Her Valve Program Coordinator, Dawn Christensen, MHA, BS RT (R) (CV), was especially appreciated during and after Vicky’s hospital stay, and is now like a member of the family. “The procedure was miraculous,” says Vicky. And it changed Taylor’s belief about where excellent doctors can be found: “The best of the best are right here. I thank them for giving my mom the heart of a 30-year-old!”

Healthcare you can believe in.


• Family history of heart disease • Not getting enough exercise • Smoking • Obesity • Diabetes • Advancing age Because the development of coronary artery disease is a long-term process, many people with CAD don’t know something is wrong until they have chest pain or end up in the hospital after a heart attack. In addition, because conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol have no symptoms, it’s important to take steps now to protect your good health — even if you think you’re too healthy, too physically fit, or too young right now to worry about suffering a heart attack in the future.

The County Woman Magazine

Our skilled emergency medicine physicians and heart-care specialists are here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to evaluate chest pain and treat blockages caused by CAD. Call 1-888-569-1000 or visit to learn more about our healthy-heart resources and services.

Two minutes today can start you on the road to being well for life. Take our free online heart risk assessment. REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER


March/April 2015


Medical Professionals

Are You At Risk For Colon Cancer? Health N

ot everyone needs to be tested for precancerous polyps and colorectal cancer. Your need for screening depends on your level of risk. Four major factors determine your risk:

Age: About 9 in 10 people with colorectal cancer are age 50 or older. The 2003 guidelines developed by the U.S. Multisociety Task Force (the consortium) on Colorectal Cancer, recommends that adults at average risk began a regular screening program by age 50. If you’re 50 or older and have no other rick factors, you’re at average risk. For those at average risk, the consortium recommends screening by at least an annual fecal occult blood test or a flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years, or both. Alternatively, it commends screening with a doublecontrast barium enema every five years or colonoscopy every 10 years. Earlier and more frequent screening may be needed if you’re at higher-than-average risk of colorectal cancer. Factors that put you at higher risk include: Personal or family history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps. You should have a colonoscopy every three to five years. You’re also at higher risk if a family member-a parent, sibling or child- has had the disease. In this case, begin screening tests at age 40. If you have more than one close family member with this condition, you’re at even higher risk. The consortium guidelines recommend an initial colonoscopy at age 40, or 10 years younger than the earliest age at which a family member was diagnose, whichever comes first. Repeat the test every five years. Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease also puts you at higher risk of colorectal cancer. If you have either of these conditions, the guidelines

recommend having an initial colonoscopy eight to 10 years about your initial diagnosis of IBD. Your gastroenterologist can help determine exactly how often you’ll need follow-up exams. Genetic Colorectal cancer syndromes. Inherited gene mutations result in relatively small number of colorectal cancers. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), is a genetic condition in which leads to the growth of hundreds of polyps in the colon and rectum. If you have FAP, you may develop polyps by your early teens and a near 100 percent risk of colorectal cancer by the age of 35. Genetic testing and regular colorectal cancer screening is highly recommended if FAP is known or suspected in your family. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is another hereditary disorder that puts you at high risk of developing colon or rectal cancer. If you suspect HNPCC in your family, talk to your doctor about genetic testing and colorectal cancer screening options. Other factors that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer but usually don’t affect screening recommendations include: A high-fat, low-fiber diet, smoking, extreme overweight, heavy alcohol intake, diabetes and physical inactivity. For more information, contact Dr.



Elder Law Dr. Maleki received her undergraduate

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Dr. Dordaneh Maleki,MD

degree from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and went on to achieve her medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. Following a surgical internship at Michigan State University, Dr. Maleki completed her residency in internal medicine at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, MD. She was then selected for a fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In 2006, Dr Maleki opened her private practice, becoming the first woman gastroenterologist in Atlantic County. Throughout her career, Dr. Maleki has published extensively and completed numerous pharmaceutical trials. She has also been an assistant professor of Medicine at both the Medical College of Pennsylvania and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “It is my practice to treat each patient as an individual and to tailor my care to meet their specific needs.” - Dr. Maleki Accepts most major insurance plans. Appointments are available during the day as well as late afternoons.

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Maleki’s office for an appointment at 609-927-3888.

Dordaneh Maleki, M.D. FACP Diplomate of the American Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite E2 Linwood, NJ, 08221

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~ Interview With Dr. Maleki ~


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Dr. Dordaneh Maleki

general surgeon and the director of an army hospital, and my mother was a great leader, teacher, and the principal of a high school. They were the first important role models I kraM had in my life.” From an early age Dordaneh developed a love for medicine and science. This passion continued to develop and propelled her through a rigorous education in the United States. Due to the political turmoil in Iran at the time, universities were closed. She completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University and attended medical school at George Washington University. Later, she completed a fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at The Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN. “I entered the real world of practicing medicine in 1997 and oC ehT my paramount thought has always been the following: the best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered. This is how I practice,” she says.


Dr. Dordaneh Maleki Manifests Change in Her Patients Using Old School Values 2 What are some challenges facing the medical industry today?

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Dr. Maleki: Healthcare in the United States has become very challenging, not because of medicine itself, but due to the inexperienced leadership of nonmedical professionals. I believe that physicians must take more of an active role in developing regulations and policy making. Of course this is challenging because our time is spent practicing medicine. In the current environment it is the insurance companies, for profit organizations and third party payers that dictate the quality of health care.

2 What are the most common ailments that you treat?

Dr. Maleki: I treat all gastrointestinal conditions. Some of the most common are Colon Cancer screening, Irritable bowel syndrome, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, Hepatitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis).

2 Have you seen an increase in gastrointestinal disorders?

Dr. Maleki: Since the economic crisis of 2008 in this country and the entire world, I have seen an increase in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. The Gastrointestinal (GI) System is called the second brain of the human body. The reason for this designation is that the GI system has its own nervous system which functions independently, as well as under the control of the central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord. Therefore what one feels, is felt quite strongly in the gastrointestinal system.

2 What lifestyle modifications can people do to prevent these conditions?

Dr. Maleki: Stress directly affects the gastrointestinal system more than any other organ system in the body. My best advice to avoid disease process is: “BE HAPPY.”

2 What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

Dr. Maleki: The practice of medicine continues to be my passion. I consider it a great privilege to be able to make significant changes in the lives of people. We can only manifest change by understanding and treating patients as individuals in the context of their own personal lives. I tailor my care to meet their specific needs. When Dr. Maleki is not treating her patients she can be found spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys music, painting, and learning “anything new.”

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



& Wellness

Health &Wellness Yoga & Magical Thinking 10 L

Why Does Breath Matter?

“Movement and attention to movement can produce a heightened sense of awareness and Laurie Greene, PhD, RYT-E less stressed sense of identity---a less Owner, Yogaaw Nine,practice Smithvillehas & Ship Bottom, LBIties to magioga traditional rigid sense of self.” cal thinking. One could ask for example, reathing IS yoga the body. Proper breathing matters. Changing the way we move our bodies also has “How is it that this physical practice can When one masters the breath, one on how we feel about ourselves and and breathwork an impact ?” transform your mind; changing who you are masters the body and the mind. the environment. When we learn new ways is what makes of making sense of and using our bodies (for Thea answer in the concept of “transmutation” yoga uniqueliesand lder aw From a Western perspective, example when we master a new physical skill in the alchemical thinking of the Tantric Yogis on the powerful discipline. proper that breathing has been or a drop-back backbend) our experience of who we are and our likealso a headstand hand, in the psychological processes lie Itonemay be and difficult shown be a crucial forcepotential in good also changes. This process of living differently in the world with a new sense the this basiswhen of movement theory on thetoother. toatsee the through this linkage one can experience a health. Slowing down the breath slows of self is called “rehabituation”. media of people feats ofTantric Yogis, sense of full embodiment. In thepresents traditionalimages philosophy of the Medieval a variety of “austerities” down the heart rate, reduces blood pressureof “embodiment” The experience that connection allows for this and transformation. According to heater ntertainment gymnastics and but for those who Evenness of breath, coupled with evenness of (practices which havecontortion; at their root sacrificial offerings of theand body)anxiety, producecalms ritual heat the mind, andZarelli, manages Philip have awhich dedicated the and importance movement leads to evens of mind. (tapas) “ignites”practice, psychological spiritual changes. anger. Fasting, Therefore giving up worldy the ability to“When managewe engage with our bodies we are able to have more of breathing techniques extreme is obvious. The possessions and attachments, contortionism, lying on of nails, withthea bed breath allows one in some measure to heightened levels of experience in which seepractitioner ourselves as full “Hatha Yoga” practice of the medieval Tantric regulate As one young we male the autonomic drawing from the world, holding ones breath, and ritual bathing are among the many nervous system. Yet human beings…the body isexpressed connected to is thenew mind in a dialectic” yogis is the only practice to incorporate who to yoga practice another way that yoga makes what is usually acts that led yogis to experience life at its extremes. In particular, Tantric Yogis sought Therefore, challenging “This and moving our bodies can “magically” transform us. It can postural practice (asana), yet even in tantric is the hardest thing I have ever done, “unconscious”, “conscious”. Improper to create inherently “liminal” (dangerous and ill defined) states like the “moment of lead to a “heightened sensitivity” ourbest! “livedIbodies” andrelax, broaden possibilities yoga, the cornerstone of the practice lies ine rt hotography but itsinthe came to butthethis has breathing even been shown to cause or death or orgasm”. It was in these states that sensory experience was mosthas profound in our lives. Modern theories about the power of embodiment and the importance of in moving potentially transformative vital given me back a sense of trust in my body. increase back pain. and one might find the ritual heat to transform. bodily experiences on our Isense self body are notagain. so different from thoseatofwhat the energy (kundalini) through the power of loveofmy I’m amazed From the perspective of Western psychologists and movement theorists, like alchemical yogis. For the Tantrics the goal was “escaping death”, for modern highly controlled manipulation of the it does for me.” That’s precisely why we all For the yoga practitioner, controlled Maxine Sheets Johnstone, Westerners the goal, leading a full life. breath (pranayama), not in moving and breathwork is the first and most crucial practice. Come join us and see how amazing strengthening the body. In Tantric Yoga step to “yoking” the body and mind. It helps you are when you connect with yourself. breath is the life force, and the principle For moreUpcoming information onEvents Yoga Nine call 2014 ducation one to locate oppositions inherent in every vehicle through which we move our body us today at-609-404-0999 visit online at posture, and to be able to practice vinyasa-, WORKSHOPS TRAINING or - COMMUNITY energies, it is the link between the mind and the linking of breath and movement. It is November 7-9 Andrew Eppler ES Article Written by: Laurie Greene, PhD ERYT, owner, Yoga Nine Studios, Smithville and Ship Bottom, LBI












“ Re -you-venate” S K AS EE L W C A N PE YS O ge a DA s s n 7 ga tio Ma

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egardless of your body shape, skin tone, diet, or exercise plan, over time your skin loses elasticity, collagen weakens, and it becomes harder to lose certain pockets of fat. Women in particular also have a genetic predisposition to cellulite, which only compounds with age. Synergie can give you a comfortable, affordable treatment that is proven to work with no risk and no downtime.

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March/April 2015

Medical edical P Professionals rofessionals M



beginning with the Heducation ealth &Wellness patient’s initial visit through

Will A Cochlear Implant Help Me? Presented By: The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center at Thomas Jefferson University


earing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States. More than 31 million Americans have some type of hearing problem. Although hearing problems are commonly associated with the normal aging process, more than one-half of hearing impaired persons are under the age of 65. Hearing difficulties are often unrecognized by the person involved. As a result, most people wait seven to ten years before seeking help. The good news is that there is help for people with hearing loss. The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center, located within Thomas Jefferson University’s Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, provides patients with on-

site diagnostic audiologic and vestibular testing to identify a wide range of hearing and balance disorders. The Center provides a wide range of diagnostic testing using state-of-theart equipment. The Center also offers aural rehabilitation services in the form of hearing aids and cochlear implant follow up. Physicians within the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery provide diagnostic evaluation and medical intervention in the treatment of patients with hearing and balance disorders. Physical therapists from Jefferson’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine provide Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for patients diagnosed with balance problems that may benefit from this specialized therapy. The Center’s audiologists provide counseling regarding hearing loss, appropriate amplification options, and realistic expected outcomes from the use of amplification.


In the past, there were few options to improve the hearing of persons with profound hearing loss or singlesided deafness. In the last decade, however, micro power hearing instruments, cochlear implants and implantable hearing aids have emerged as exciting options. Micro power instruments provide the power needed without annoying feedback to allow patients to have a sense of hearing on both sides. These may be ideal for deafness due to surgical removal of an acoustic neuroma. Cochlear implants are surgically implanted hearing devices that produce hearing sensations by directly stimulating the auditory nerve in ears that no longer benefit from hearing aids. This bypasses the damaged cochlea, sending a signal directly to the portion of the brain responsible for hearing. The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery offers a full-service cochlear implant program. We provide counseling and


post-implant care. The initial evaluation is conducted by our Otologist/Neurotologists, Thomas Willcox, M.D. and Gregory Artz, M.D., Stanley Pelosi, MD who then refer the patient for an implant eligibility assessment to be conducted by an experienced audiologist. Based on the assessment, the otologist/neurotologist determines if surgery is indicated. The audiologist then provides follow-up care including cochlear implant programming and rehabilitation after surgery. Tinnitus is a common problem with an extensive differential diagnosis. Underlying medical conditions need to be identified and treated. The Centernow offers tinnitus Center offers tinnitus therapy using Neuromonics, an FDA-approved tinnitus treatment, which has been patented and clinically tested. With the aging population, tinnitus will become more common and research into the mechanism and treatment is needed

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to better help those affected. With one of the above treatment options, one should get at least some relief from their tinnitus and the anxiety that it provokes. Patients with symptoms of tinnitus should make an appointment for evaluation with one of our physicians or audiologists who are trained to work with these patients to discuss symptoms and which treatment options may work best. Highly trained professionals, state-of-theart technology and equipment combined with a team approach make The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center uniquely qualified to meet the need of patients with hearing and balance disorders.

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Call 1-800-JEFF-NOW (1-800-533-3669)


The Jefferson Balance and Hearing Center at Thomas Jefferson University 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine The The Magazine County Woman Magazine

November/December 2013 March/April 2015 January/Feb

Medical Professionals


The Fountain of Youth


o you ever look at some women your age and wonder how do they look so great, so young, and so vibrant? A steady diet of facials, peels, fillers and neurotoxins may be their secret. No doubt some are graced with youthful genes but more and more women are turning back the hands of time with routine maintenance and not drastic surgeries, or overhauls. The secret to looking ageless requires a degree of commitment, both in terms of time and money. You do not have to mortgage the house to look your best but you must spend wisely and regularly to get those results. Today, women in their 40’s are committing to Retin-A, sunscreen, and enjoying the benefits of Botox and fillers. Women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s have a much different perception of age. Our 40 is not our mothers or grandmothers 40. Diet and exercise have taken a front seat to looking our best and there is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding smoking is also huge factor. The effects of tobacco smoke on our skin are hard to reverse especially if you are not willing to give it up. With all that being said, women are still looking to reverse and prevent what a healthy lifestyle will not. When I evaluate patients I break down recommendations into three major categories: Home care, facials and in-office skin treatments, and injectable. We also look beyond the face, at the neck and hands and décolletage, areas that can easily give away your age if ignored. Home care is extremely important to long-term results! You cannot use over the counter products haphazardly and acquire the healthy skin you deserve. Often times we see patients that have pigment issues. I do not recommend laser treatments or peels if they are not going to use hydroquinone and sunscreen. Why? Because it will return and they will have wasted their money, “once a pigment always a pigment maker.” So it is important that the client understands the role that maintenance and long term investment in their treatment plays. The clients in our practice that keep up with routine facials and mild peels as well as a home skin care routine, enjoy the best results. There are a few proven effective ingredients that really are the basis of good skin care. You cannot find them in adequate concentrations in over the counter products to have any significant results. Medical grade products have higher concentrations and the most effective form of the ingredient to give you the best results for your money.

In the office skin care treatments vary from deep peels to routine facials and include lasers, light therapy and many more options. Everyone’s skin is unique and your treatments should be unique also. I always wondered how you could pigeonhole a person into a choice of one of five different facials and believe you are giving them the best results. At Accent Aesthetics, we have groups of facials aimed at certain common skincare problems, but the difference is we customize the products used in that facial based on your skin care needs. What we offer in the winter is not what we offer in the summer. As the seasons change so does our skin and we customize treatments to address those changes. We also make sure we are giving our clients long-term treatment plans to get them where they want to be and keep them there. We usually recommend a bit of a boot camp regimen in the beginning, a series of facials, peels and/or lasers that accelerate changes in the skin, followed by treatments that are scheduled appropriately to maintain the results. Injectables play such an important role in the cosmetic industry and allow for less need for surgery and more natural results when performed properly. Unfortunately, Hollywood gives us some examples of overdone distorted individuals which seem to show the expected results of fillers, meanwhile the stars with the best results seem to just be naturally beautiful and we don’t even realize they too have taken advantage of the gifts of fillers and neurotoxins. The goal of a well-done treatment is a natural enhancement of your features. You should look like the best version of you! There are many fillers on the market and we carry a wide assortment. I tell clients that all fillers work well, but they don’t all work well for the same thing. Your consult includes an explanation of which fillers and neurotoxins are recommended, where and why. I keep budget in mind because my happiest clients are those who can get a full treatment and maintain it. That being said sometimes people cannot afford what they need at the beginning, some treatments can be broken down into parts, but others I will recommend they wait as there is nothing worse than someone disappointed in a partial result. Again the clients that maintain their filler results get the best long-term result. If you start with biweekly or monthly facials and quarterly Botox and then build to quarterly or biannual peels with biannual filler and occasional laser treatments and maintain an effective home care regimen you will have created your own “fountain of youth.”


Juiced to Spa! Introducing two energy-focused treatments paired with cold pressed locally sourced juices!! Vitality C Facial: Antioxidantbrightening facial that fights the signs of aging, rejuvenating the skin with 100% vitamin C paired with Refresh juice pressed orange carrot, cucumber and lemon to detox the body and provide more energy. $110

Purifying Green Facial: skin firming and brightening fruit enzyme peel followed by a collagen mask and detox peppermint foot treatment paired with Restore juice pressed to perfection kale, cucumber, celery, apple, parsley, ginger and lime. Serves as an anti inflammatory, packed with minerals and vitamins to recharge the body. $135

Dr. Nicola DeLorio is a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She completed her residency training in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery at Saint Barnabas Union Hospital Health Care System. She has practiced in Linwood since 1998. Dr. DeLorio is board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology. Additionally she holds certifications in Botox®, Restylane®, Juvaderm®,Sculptra® and a comprehensive array of laser treatments. Dr. Delorio is a Fellow of the Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.

SPECIALS FOR MARCH AND APRIL PEEL EXTRAVAGANZA!! Series of three Blue Radiance peels for the face and chest for only $375 Save $300!!

Also select from a variety of Greens and Grains juices to bring home and continue your juice detox program.

Dr. Nicola DeLorio,

The County Woman Magazine

FREE EYEBROW WAX with purchase of any eye care product!

FREE EYE TREATMENT with any Botox or Xeomin treatment 30 units or more

FREE FACIAL ($100 value)

with any Radiesse purchase

FREE COLLAGEN FACIAL with any Medical Peel

Expires 4/30/2015

March/April 2015

edical Professionals Medical

14 6

Health &Wellness

Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs? Help Is Available! underlying cause, known as V venous reflux disease, are the most

An Interview With Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin...

aricose veins and their

common circulatory problems that affect individuals of all ages. These conditions are twice as common as coronary heart disease. They occur when vein valves in the legs become damaged, damage, causing abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Consequently, blood is allowed to pool in the lower legs. This causes a variety of physical symptoms such as leg pain, leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of unsightly varicose and spider veins. People who have occupations that require standing, such as casino employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without any of these risk factors. Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or symptomatic, as individuals get older. In more severe cases, people with long standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss of integrity and discoloration of the skin, leg wounds, and blood clots.

Hospitalization and painful vein stripping surgery areusually not necessary. are not necessary.Jeffrey JeffreyGosin, Gosin, M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular & Vein Center states, “In our practice, we have been caring for individuals with vascular problems, such as varicose veins, for our entire careers. In recent years there have been fantastic advancements in the treatment of vascular disease. In many cases we can offer these state-of-the-art treatments to our patients. As a result, we are able to treat most of the vein problems that people experience with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. Many of these are performed right in the office. These procedures have the advantage of being very safe and effective. Patients usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately following the procedures, and have fast recovery.” One of the advancements in vein care is the *Venefit® Procedure (formerly known as Closure). This procedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating venous reflux. Dr. Gosin states, “The Venefit Procedure has greatly improved the way that we treat patients with varicose veins and venous reflux disease. It is performed in a comfortable office setting. General anesthesia is not necessary. The whole procedure is guided by ultrasound. Therefore, incisions and sutures are not needed. That means less pain and faster recovery for our patients. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to perform and is over 95% successful in eliminating venous reflux, which is the cause of most varicose veins. We have now performed thousands of these procedures and results have been excellent.” “One of the significant advantages to seeing a vascular surgeon for vein care is that we treat the full spectrum of vascular diseases, from routine to very complicated ones”


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Theater &Entertainment The good news

Fine says A rt Photography Dr. Gosin. “We have experience with conventional


The good news is that modern vein care allows for treatment of many of these problems in a far less invasive way than in the past.

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Eliminate your veins, don’t hide them!

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open surgery, and are certainly prepared to do that when necessary. However, more commonly and more we are able to treat our patients with minimally invasive procedures. This is especially true for varicose veins and venous reflux.” If you you are are suffering sufferingfrom fromthe thesymptoms symptomsororappearance appearance If of varicose veins, or if you think you have leg symptoms of varicose veins, or leg symptoms orififyou youthink haveyou leghave symptoms thatyou youthink thinkmight mightbeberelated relatedtotoyour yourcirculation, circulation, that thethe BoardCertified CertifiedVascular VascularSurgeon Specialists of Shore Vascular Board of Shore Vascular & & Vein Center are available Mostinsurance is Vein Center is available to Most health insurance is accepted. accepted.

Business &Finance Please feel free to call for a consultation or

Get Great Legs for Summer! Jeffrey Gosin, M.D. F.A.C.S.

is that modern vein care allows for treatment of many of these problems in a far less invasive way than in the past.

for additional information.

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) or visit us on the web Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D. FACS

My legs look and feel so much better! Making appointments was easy and they worked with my crazy schedule. Dr. Gosin and his staff were very understanding about my care. Highly recommend! - K.R.

Dr. Jeffrey Gosin is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College. He completed his General Surgery Residency and an accredited fellowship in Vascular Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Jeffrey S. Hospital. He is Board Certified in Gosin, Surgery and Vascular Surgery. Dr. Gosin M.D. FACS is a fellow of The American College of Surgeons and a member of The Society for Vascular Surgery, The Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies. The County Woman Magazine The County Woman The Magazine County Woman Magazine

September/October 2014 March/April 2015 January/Feb

Business Spotlight


~ Interview With Surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Gosin ~

Shore Vascular & Vein Center Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D. FACS 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244 (609) 927-VEIN (8346)


s a young man, Dr. Jeffrey Gosin was very interested in science so it was a natural progression for him to pursue a career in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of disorders of the circulatory system – also known as vascular surgery. He grew up in a “surgical” family and his dad was his partner for 17 years until he retired last year. He adds, “When I was a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital to make rounds with him on weekends. I really looked up to him and what he did for a living.” It was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with his own career that had a lasting impression on the younger Gosin.

Describe what you do in your chosen field.

Dr. Gosin: My specialty involves treating vein problems, such as varicose veins and spider veins. I also treat diseases of the arteries such as aneurysms, blockage in the arteries to the brain, called carotid artery stenosis, and peripheral artery disease (PAD). As a surgeon, I am able to perform surgery when necessary. However, in many cases I am able to treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive non-surgical methods.

What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

Dr. Gosin: I feel quite fulfilled when I check my patients after they have had a treatment or surgery. They come back to my office feeling better and healthier. In some cases, people experience dramatic improvements in their quality of life. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I was able to provide that.

What is the most challenging?

Dr. Gosin: Every case can provide its own unique challenge. It is important to remember that each patient I treat is an individual. Certain elements of his or her care may be more challenging than a similar condition in another person. It is that variation that makes my job so interesting.

Are varicose veins a genetic problem? Can they be prevented?

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Jeffrey S. Gosin, M.D. FACS Dr. Gosin grew up on the Jersey Shore, and after graduation from the University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College, he completed his training and was delighted to come back and begin his practice. He completed his residency in general surgery and a fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He has three children and enjoys spending time at the beach and boating. Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The American College of
 Surgeons and a member of The Society for Vascular Surgery, The Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.

Dr. Gosin: Genetics are one of the most important risk factors in the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are more likely to develop the condition themselves, than individuals who do not have that family history. However, genetics are just one of a number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, increasing age and being over weight. It is also interesting to note that some people will develop varicose veins without any of those risk factors. Although there is no way to absolutely prevent the development of varicose veins, certain precautions, like wearing compression stockings, may help to keep the symptoms at bay.

What is the most effective way to treat this condition?

Dr. Gosin: Treatment varies based on an individual’s particular situation. That is one of the reasons why it is so critical for people to obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause cosmetic concerns for some people, others with this condition will actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg veins. That is a specific vascular disease called venous reflux or venous insufficiency. Leg pain and fatigue, swelling and a variety of other symptoms are common. If the varicose veins are treated without first diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, then treatment will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement. Therefore, it is essential that an individual receive a thorough evaluation. Most all of the treatments for varicose veins that I offer are minimally invasive and do not require major surgery. There is a fast recovery with minimal pain and “down time.”

How do you stay current with trends happening in your profession?

Dr. Gosin: Vascular surgery is a specialty that has seen fantastic changes in recent years. It is critical that I offer the most up to date care to my patients. My Board Certification ensures that I participate in a program of “lifelong learning” and maintenance of my certification. I stay current with the major specialty journals and regularly attend conferences.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



Creating Autism Awareness & Acceptance For Those We Love & Support

Embracing Autism Faces 4 Autism Annual Conference Thursday, March 12, 2015 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Bubbles For Autism

5th Annual Stand Up for Autism Comedy Night A Soul Joel Production Saturday, March 28, 2015

April 1, 2015

Reception: 6pm Program: 7pm

Help Us Spread Bubbles of Hope!

Harrah’s Resort, Atlantic City Brigantine Ballroom

Campus Center Pomona, NJ 08201

Ticket Price: $55.00 per person For tickets call Ken Mosca at 609-412-3738

“FACES 4 Autism supports children, teens and adults on the autism spectrum and those who love them. FACES provides autism education and resources to families and educators in the South Jersey area. We are dedicated to improving the lives of individuals on the spectrum through social opportunities and programs that will foster self advocacy, independence and dignity.”

Stress Awareness Month

April is National Stress Awareness Month!

Here are some tips from the experts on coping with your every-day anxieties: “Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.” - Marilu Henner “There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” - Sylvia Plath

“Organization isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life.” - Christina Scalise

“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you just need to believe in yourself. Always go back to the person that you know you are and don’t let anybody tell you any different, because everyone’s special and everyone’s awesome.” “Stress is something that’s created - McKayla Maroney in the mind, basically. It’s how we look at things. So our greatest busy is a distraction and I defense against stress is the ability “Being am sure that doing nothing, resting to change our minds; to change our and sleeping are all good cures for thinking.” - Goldie Hawn modern life. I am not suggesting we

The County Woman Magazine

all do nothing but sleep, however, sometimes stopping long enough to ‘be’ can be very powerful.” -Joanna Runciman “Exercise is really important to me- it’s therapeutic. So if I’m ever feeling tense or stressed or like I’m about to have a meltdown, I’ll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan.” – Michelle Obama March/April 2015





Have I Voluntarily Limited My Civil What Do You Do If Someone You Love MayRights?! Have Autism? The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. “Massimo has Autism. Are Mythink denialthat house crumbling have been practicing as an You would youcame should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from down shortly thereafter. All of the kids suffering, right? The collision was not your fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and the MRI was negative for any additional with holes of various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover myatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when money for boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. I At 1214 months age,All Massi speak, was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for the child to put the shape make eye contact or respond to his name. shouldthe I do? appropriate hole. have our when firm you for many He onlydone wouldatlaugh threw him What through I’ll never forget that moment. Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios like thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to up in the air or look at you when you made a years is represent people that had been in the therapy for two months selected Limited really loud noise. Our Pediatrician, Dr. Danayou! If you have are with seriously injured. While putting the shape into the Sless Brighton Pediatrics in Eggwe HarborRight toworking Sue, call on your auto insurance right hole and there Jerard, nine Township had me fill out a questionnaire at handle most types of personal company immediately and askwas them Paul R. R. D’Amato, D’Amato, Certified Certified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney Attorney Paul months younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and to change your policy to the NO Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellor at Law injury cases, we get many calls Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellor at Law she recommended that I contact The New Jersey this toy with ease. It just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old Limitation. Auto insurance policies a silly and easy game for Jerard, but yet for about car accidents. Early Intervention System (NJEIS). She didn’t can be confusing if you’re not sure Massi he so had to actually work to be able to do that. come out and say that Massi had Autism, but she did mention it as one of the things that It has been reported that over 90% of drivers in New Jersey elect the Limitation on what coverage you have and want to could be causing his delays. Certainly Alex and I were worried, but our oldest son Paul it, please Lawsuit or Limited to Sue forwith theirRocco auto insurance coverage. If in youthe aren’t What do schedule you doanifoffice someone you love may have Autism? was two years old, IRight was pregnant and we were leaving nextsure few days talk for about visit and I will review your you policy whetherWorld, or not the youhappiest elected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. When a child love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological Disney place on Earth! with youcondition at no charge. like Autism, it can be a very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so Hoping for the best, I pulled myself into Have I Limited mywasn’t Righttalking to Sue? many questions about our family’s future, and while we are blessed to have many friends believing that Massi because and family thatthe loveD’Amato us dearlyLaw and were it was hard to find anybody his brother was talking forselect him the andLimited that heRight wasn’tto Sue option and save money on For over 40 years, Firmincredibly has beensupportive, representing people In New Jersey you can who could truly relate to what we were going through. responding to his name because we called him your car insurance. That sounds great, but in reality, you are hampering your right who have been injured. If you have been seriously injured in a motor I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and teachers Massimo Massi And reallybut let’s imagine for a minute that a to recoverand money forinterchangeably. your injuries. God forbid, vehicle collision orlife by who a defective product, if you the havefabulous been inlittle a situain Massi’s have helped himor become guy he is today. He has how important is eye contact anyway!? We went off drunk driver comes barreling down the road and crashes into your minivan with you grown in leaps and bounds and while I am afraid he will always struggle to Disney with pits in our stomachs, “It’s a Small tion where your civil rights were violated, I can help. We pride ourselves to keep up both and your 3 kids in tow (that’s how I roll). You would think that no matter what you or academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier World” jingle in our heads and a suitcase of denial. Massi on his first birthday! your children’s you as should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if say, in assisting thoseprogress in our area or excited elsewhere who in need of profesas the years and am about hisare future. Every singleinjuries time weare, stood a family to take a picture the photographers would you elected Limited to Sue option. “Look at thethe camera andRight smile.” Massi would not look. Every singlt time the photographer Written Writtenby: by:Alexa AlexaD’Amato D’AmatoBarrera, Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law





sional, caring and effective legal representation. If you think your child may be delayed developmentally or have a neurological condition like Autism, call your family physician or see CALL NOW FOR a developmental neurologist. ReachA outFREE to FACES 4 Autism online at or call Isabelle Mosca at (609) 412-3750. CONSULTATION: 609.926.3300

would ask us what Massi’s name was. He would then say “Massi, look over here buddy.” Massi would look at Right the camera. It was not until photographer or his assistant Howstill will thenot Limited to Sue affect methe and my family? made a really loud noise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized The small percentage of drivers who know that they have elected the Limited Right toon that trip, that something was really wrong with our baby. Sue believe this simply means they can’t recover if they have whiplash. In reality, you could have much worse injuries than whiplash and still not recover.

What is Autism?

When a collision occurs and you have selected the Limited Right to Sue, you can If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find only recover money for different your injuries if you: many results. That’s because Autism comes in many forms and • Die


if you know one child with Autism, you truly only know one child with Autism. At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder • Lose a body part that appears in early childhood and is characterized by difficulty in social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in • Have significant disfigurement or scarring representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato communication skills including using language, understanding abstract concepts, Certified Civil Trial Attorney forming relationships and communicating with others way that many of us easily in construction, products liability and motor vehicle • Suffer a displaced fracture (the bones havethe completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the 1 do every day. In New Jersey 1 in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims • Sustain a permanent injury; or Alexa D’Amato Barrera Many Doctors will tell you that early diagnosis and intervention play a crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Counsellor at Law unborn child (fetus) dies outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. role•inYour the ultimate success of a child’s The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice inMember NJ and PA BAR I made an appointment with that NJEIS CHOP for your an Autism My next WOW! Did you realize youand were limiting rights evaluation. in such a way? representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato call was to FACES 4 Autism. Ken and Isabelle Mosca created FACES in 2002 after in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Let’s go back to that collision with the drunk driver that wasn’t your fault. You have 2900cases Fire Road, their son Kyle was diagnosed with Autism. When I called Isabelle I knew that I had collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 ankle. It’s but itput is fractured, so youwith haveatonumber stay off of of different it for toa broken do something fornot ourdisplaced, baby. Isabelle me in contact countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims New Jersey 08234 Alexa D’Amato Barrera a few weeks. (Tryresources. that with 3I contacted kids!) When return to theIsabelle doctor,recommended the x-rays showfor injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law people and local Sueyou Elmer whom P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. the fracture has Within healed, but in painwith andMs. haveSue, difficulty The word!!!! doctor speech therapy. onlyyou’re a fewstill sessions Massiwalking. said his first F: 609-926-3883 Member NJ and PA BAR sends you to physical therapy for 1 month. Still it’s not better so you have an MRI.

Living in Denial The County Magazine We had not yetWoman seen the doctor in Philadelphia and Massi was starting to really

come along thanks to his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Intervention services. I started to doubt my earlier concerns. I started to take my husband’s approach and set out to prove the doctor’s wrong. Denial is a much happier

2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 P: 609-926-3300 F: 609-926-3883

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



Parenting With Purpose

Join The Many Other Like-Minded Parents Who Are Making Real Life Transformation In 10 Weeks!

Parenting with Purpose ✤ Manage your triggers to your child’s behavior

provides a comprehensive 10 week breakthrough program for parents with children of ANY age via weekly individual telephone sessions. In between sessions, parents will be provided with audio recordings, articles, handouts, and meditations. Experience one on one coaching where you get the opportunity to ask questions and be coached through your limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the same self-defeating parenting patterns and create beliefs that will support you despite the kind of childhood you experienced. You can raise respectful, thoughtful, caring children who are responsible, happy, and confident without yelling, punishing and threatening OR turning a blind eye to unacceptable behavior. ✤ Create deep and lasting connections with your child through mutual respect of values and needs.

instead of blindingly reacting to them. ✤ Become your child’s emotional coach to help them feel right on the inside so they can act right on the outside. ✤ Learn effective ways to approach your child differently so that they can respond to you differently. Topics: Week 1: Creating a safe space. Week 2: Letting go of the way you were parented. Week 3: Understanding brain development and re-patterning. Week 4: Developing emotional intelligence. Week 5: Embracing forgiveness. Week 6: Empowered conversations. Week 7: Setting limits that peacefully stick. Week 8: Dealing with anger. Week 9: Bridging the gap through playful parenting. Week 10: Overcoming breakdowns and celebrating breakthroughs.

Hilary Akman Parent Coach Psychotherapist

✤ Hilary Akman, LPC and Parent Coach provides a free strategy session over the phone to help you get clarity about what is going on in your family. She is also available to speak to parent groups at schools, churches, or in other community settings. She provides 1 hour, interactive workshops that engages the audience and offers them tools they can implement immediately. Visit: www.hilaryakman. com for various workshop topics and to contact her for a free consultation. • Contact for a free consultation (609) 576-2586/ •

Health & Wellness

Water For Life

they can walk and exercise more easily with less pain. Physical therapy in warm water is also becoming more widely used for healing and recovery. Watsu® goes a step ver notice how they can the walkwork and exercise with less pain. further and does for you.more You easily simply allow lively people seem to in warm is alsoInbecoming yourself toPhysical be in atherapy quiet place andwater receive. a one- more be when they are in the widely used for healing recovery. Watsu® as goes hour Watsu® session your bodyand heals and recovers if a step ver notice how lively is a water? Whether it further and does the work for you. You simply allow people seem be when youthey slept yourself for 6 hours. The healing effects of a Watsu® to be in a quiet place and receive. In a onepool, lake, ocean are inor thepond, water? Whether extend beyond the physical healing but also works on when peopleitare thelake, ocean or hour Watsu® session your body heals and recovers as if is ain pool, emotionalyou andslept mental health well. for 6 hours. as The healing effects of a Watsu® water they come pond,alive. whenKids people are extend beyond the physical healing but also works on are jumpinginand theswirling, water they comeBenefits you’ll gain with a Watsu® session. emotional and mental health as well. Purchase a package Purchase a package of Kids are jumping$ Improves muscle tone, body awareness, laughing andalive. screeching Introductory Special Benefits you’ll gain with a Watsu® session. of THREE 30-minute and swirling, andand posture with excitement. Adults laughing are THREE 60-minute Purchase a package Purchase a package of $ Improves pain andmuscle fatiguetone, body awareness, having theirscreeching fair share with of excite-$ Reduces Watsu® sessions watsu sessions and posture of THREE 30-minute THREE 60-minute $ Reduces Muscle tension and guarding fun too-body surfing, swimming laps,ment. doingAdults waterare having $ Reduces pain and fatigue their fair share of fun for a 30 minute session. and receive a 4th and receive a 4th Watsu® sessions watsu sessions $ Increases energy Muscle and range of motion fitness exercisestooor playing with swimming their kids laps, in the $ Reduces tension and guarding body surfing, doing water fitOR $ Increases Circulation water. The water to bring out with the kid all of and receive a 4th and receive a 4th session FREE! session FREE! $ Increases energy and range of motion nessseems exercises or playing theirinkids in the water. Expires 4/30/15 $ Improves breathing us as we experience suchseems freedom of movement $ Increases Circulation The water to bring out the kid that in all of us as session FREE! sessionValue) FREE! ($200 value) ($340 $ Improves sleep patterns $ Improves breathing the water allows. bodiessuch resonate with the water that the we Our experience freedom of movement ($200 value) ($340 Value) $ Improves sleep patterns waterWe allows. bodies limited resonateby with the water like like a tuning fork. are Our no longer gravWatsu® helps relieve: a tuning no longer limited ity. Being in the water fork. allowsWe ourarebodies to move inby grav-$ Chronic Healthy Body, Vibrant Life! Watsu® helps Syndrome relieve: Fatigue ity. Being in the water allows our bodies to move in many ways we wouldn’t dream of on land. $ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome $ Fibromyalgia Audrey S. Filardi many ways we wouldn’t dream of on land. $ Fibromyalgia Y WATSU $ Headaches In my years ofInteaching water fitness classes I $ Headaches my years of teaching water fitness classes I Y Massage $ Arthritis have witnessedhave overwitnessed and overover the and positive healing $ Arthritis over the positive healing Y Water Fitness $ Acute$and Chronic Pain Pain effects of watereffects on those whoonhave difficulty Acute and Chronic of water those who havemoving difficulty moving Y Swim Lessons $ Sleeping problems on land. The water is such a powerful $ Sleeping problems on land. The water is suchtherapeutic a powerful therapeutic (609) 839-3810 $anxiety, Stress, anxiety, and related disorders tooland for well recovery and Water well being. Water is Stress, and related disorders tool for recovery being. walking is walking$ $ Depression, Hyperactivity popular as people who have trouble $ Depression, Hyperactivity becoming morebecoming popularmore as people who have trouble $ Neuromuscular Disorders walking or exercising on land find that in the water $ Neuromuscular Disorders walking or exercising on land find that in the water Watsu® sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Twp. For more information call 609-965-7229 or 609-839-3810. Watsu® sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Twp. For more information call 609-965-7229 or 609-839-3810.

WaterE For Life E



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Financial Management

Financial Management


Adjusting Adjusting to to Life Life Financially Financially after after aa Divorce Divorce There’s no doubt about it—going through a divorce can be an emotionally trying time. In addition to the emotional impact, however, it’s important to know how your financial position will be affected. You need to assure that your finances are on the right track, so you can start building a foundation for your new financial future. Assess your current financial situation

Following a divorce, you’ll need to assess your financial situation. You may likely lose your former spouse’s income and be solely responsible for expenses you once shared. Ultimately, you may find you’re no longer able to continue the lifestyle you had before your divorce.

Establish a budget

Focus on establishing a budget that reflects your current monthly income and expenses. In addition to your regular salary and wages, include other types of income, such as dividends and interest. If you’ll be receiving alimony and/or child support, include these payments also. Divide expenses into two categories: fixed and discretionary. Fixed expenses include things like housing, food, and transportation. Discretionary expenses include entertainment, vacations, etc. You may need to cut back on discretionary expenses until you adjust to living on less income.

Reevaluate/reprioritize your financial goals

While you were married, you may have set certain financial goals with your spouse. Now that you’re on your own, these goals may have changed. Start by making a list of things you wish to achieve. Do you need to save more for retirement? Would you like to save for a new home? Reprioritize your financial goals as well. After your divorce, goals you had shared with your spouse may no longer be important, while others become far more important (for example, having an adequate cash reserve).

Consider tax implications

In addition to your regular salary and wages, you may have new sources of income after your divorce, such as alimony and/or child support. If you are receiving alimony, it will be considered taxable income to you. Child support, on the other hand, will not be considered taxable income. Your tax filing status will also change. Filing status is determined as of the last day of the tax year (December 31). This means that even if you were divorced on December 31, you would, for tax purposes, be considered divorced for that entire year. Finally, if you have children, and depending on whether you are the custodial parent, you may be eligible to claim certain credits and deductions—including dependency exemptions, the child tax credit, and the credit for child and dependent care expenses, along with student loan interest and tuition deductions.

Call Janney Montgomery Scott at 609-601-2509 or 1=-800-346-1446 1-800-346-1446 Tracy Fiedler-Santoro, First Vice President/Wealth Management of Marchel Wealth Management Group of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. Tracy offers personalized retirement and wealth management solutions to individuals, families and organizations. She takes a comprehensive approach with her clients, getting to know and understand them, and then helping define and prioritize their goals. She has been with Janney Montgomery Scott, a leading full-service wealth management, financial services, and investment banking firm, since 2008. Her areas of expertise include financial guidance, retirement solutions, estate planning, insurance, and education savings, as well as mutual funds, equities, annuities, and trust services. Tracy also specializes in investment strategies designed specifically for women.

Take control of your debt

While you’re adjusting to your new budget, be sure to take control of your debt and credit. Avoid the temptation to rely on credit cards. And if you do have debt, try to put a plan in place to pay it off as quickly as possible.

Protect/establish credit

Since divorce can have a negative impact on your credit rating, take steps to protect your credit and/or establish credit in your own name. A positive credit history is important, since it allows you to obtain credit when you need it, at a lower interest rate. Also, potential employers frequently check credit records. Review your credit report for any inaccuracies. You’re entitled to a free copy once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. Go to www.annualcreditreport. com for more information.

Review your insurance needs

Typically, insurance coverage for spouses is negotiated as part of a divorce settlement. However, you may have additional insurance needs that go beyond what you received. Having adequate health insurance is a priority. Unless your divorce settlement requires your spouse to provide you with health coverage, one option is to obtain temporary health insurance (up to 36 months) through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Also consider purchasing coverage individually or through your employer. Also make sure your disability and life insurance coverage matches your current needs. This is especially true if you’re reentering the workforce or if you’re the custodial parent. Finally, make sure your property insurance policy is updated to reflect ownership changes that may have resulted from your divorce. Beneficiary designations After a divorce, you’ll want to change the beneficiary designations on any life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank accounts you have—unless the divorce settlement requires you to keep your ex-spouse as a beneficiary. This is also a good time to make a will or update your existing one. Make sure to change representative, trustee, or other appointments in the will (if your ex-spouse is named).

You wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive. Why plan your retirement that way? The average person buys a dozen cars in their lifetime. But unlike cars, you only get one retirement, one chance to get an income plan that you will drive the rest of your life. To help people make smarter choices, Janney has developed the Retirement Test Drive—a way for you to sit in the driver’s seat of your own retirement and personally test the feel and fit of particular plans to find the best fit for you. You’ll drive away with a roadmap you can feel confident about. Don’t jump into the first retirement vehicle you see. Get behind the wheel of your own retirement and get a real sense of what works for you today and down the road. Get started today! TRACY FIEDLER–SANTORO, CFA, AWMA® FIRST VICE PRESIDENT / WEALTH MANAGEMENT


January/February 2015 March/April 2015


Home Health Care

When Both Client and Caregiver Need Special Care Submitted by Maryann Prudhomme, director of BAYADA Home Health Care serving Atlantic and Cape May counties


our days a week, BAYADA Nurse Paula Young rises early to make the drive from her home in Tuckerton to Hammonton. By 7am, she arrives at the home of a young woman who, years earlier, suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury as a child in a car accident. Now 23 years old, Kasandra A. cannot speak, walk, or use her arms. Even her eyesight is limited. Paula greets her client as she always does – with compassion and determination. She knows it’s her job to help Kasandra live the best life she can – and she’s been committed to doing just that for the past ten years.

“Life is tough for Kasandra, so I make it a priority to help her live as normal a life as possible,” says Paula. “One of the most difficult things for her, though, is her lack of communication. But we’re working on that.” As a result of the accident, Kasandra has a hole between her trachea and esophagus, which prevents her from having a voice. Paula, knowing BAYADA client Kasandra (left) is pictured how debilitating this is for Kasandra, has spent with her sister Marisol. much of her personal time researching doctors who could perform a specialized surgery to repair the hole, hopefully allowing her to speak once again. Paula eventually found a local surgeon who could perform the procedure and worked with the family to help make that happen. Kasandra underwent surgery in the fall and they are all hopeful that it will be successful, but they won’t know for another few months. In the meantime, Kasandra receives speech therapy to help her regain the voice she lost so long ago. Paula is one of the team of BAYADA nurses who take care of Kasandra’s personal and complex medical needs for 22 hours a day. Most of the other nurses have been with Kasandra for many years as well, and are just as dedicated to Kasandra’s well-being as Paula is. The other two hours are covered by family caregivers, including Kasandra’s sister, Marisol, who lives across the street. “Paula goes above and beyond her duties. She makes sure Kasandra’s fine all the time,” says Marisol. “She’s not afraid to take her anywhere. She even takes the dog with her because that makes Kasandra happy. We’re happy that she provides the majority of her care.” Paula has been such an integral part of Kasandra’s care that when Paula experienced her own health emergency, her first thoughts turned to Kasandra. “It gave me peace of mind to know that other nurses at BAYADA were able to cover my shifts while I dealt with my own health problems,” shares Paula.


Work for a company that cares about you!

Do you want to be part of an organization that’s mission-based and valuesdriven, encourages your success, offers career advancement opportunities, and supports you with 24/7 clinical management? Then BAYADA Home Health Care is for you.

As a BAYADA Nurse, you can take advantage of: •

Full-time, part-time, and per diem opportunities

Flexible scheduling options, including day, overnight, and weekend shifts

Benefits and recognition programs

Clinical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Resources, supervision, education, and training that will nurture your success and create opportunities for you to achieve your career goals


For more information about home care or career opportunities, call 609-926-4600.

With BAYADA Home Health Care…

“It is my honor to walk this

journey with these families.” – Susie Ecker, RN


Going above and beyond

After a routine mammogram in September 2013 revealed a malignant tumor, Paula had a double mastectomy and started chemotherapy. Complications of her treatment – she had a severe allergic reaction to the medications – and additional reconstructive surgery meant that Paula was unable to work for several months during 2014. It wasn’t until August that she was able to return to care for Kasandra on a fulltime schedule. “I was out for several weeks, came back, and then was out again for several more,” explains Paula. “During that time, my colleagues were absolutely wonderful. Janice Bucknam, a client services manager, and Maryann Prudhomme, director of the BAYADA office serving adults in Atlantic and Cape May counties, were especially supportive.” Janice, who does all the scheduling in the office, had the challenging job of ensuring that all of Paula’s shifts were covered so that Kasandra was never without care. It gave Paula the time she needed to recover completely so that when she returned, she could give 100 percent to her client. “I’ve been a nurse for 34 years and have worked in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and now home care. I can honestly say that I can’t imagine another employer allowing me to do this,” says Paula. Today, Paula is feeling “totally healthy” and grateful that she’s able to come back and work with Kasandra – something that she’s hoping to do as long as she can.

BAYADA Nurse Susie Ecker

Join our expert team of nurses, therapists, and home health aides who are committed to keeping people of all ages safe at home. BAYADA health care professionals enjoy: • A variety of scheduling options • Clinical support 24 hours, 7 days • Meaningful one-on-one care • Training and career pathways Call 609-926-4600 BAYADA specialty practices include Home Health Care, Pediatrics, Hospice, and Habilitation. EOE

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Business Spotlight


Making A Difference In The Lives Of The Elderly


concerns, match them with a caregiver who has the skills and compassion s a Registered Nurse needed to break down those barriers and improve their quality of life. certified in geriatrics and care management, Maryann With BAYADA Pediatrics… What are the most common issues you see in your profession? Prudhomme helps her A common issue that we see in providing adult home health care clients and families navigate services is the lack of community knowledge about home care. The our complicated health needs of the aging population are often supportive care needs that care system. BAYADA Home help the individual remain in their home. The needs, such as assistance Health Care is dedicated to with activities of daily living, homemaking, and companionship are helping individuals remain in not covered by traditional insurance. Our office employees play an the comfort of their home. integral role in educating families about alternative payor sources such – Mary D., Kasey’s mother She adds, “It is a privilege to as Medicaid, County programs, and Veterans insurance. Our office be involved in this process. I employees are knowledgeable and supportive in helping families obtain feel my skills and experience the best services possible. add great value in the home What are some exciting things happening at BAYADA? care setting.” Maryann has Maryann Prudhomme Our office staff, nurses, and home health aides continue to grow worked in many areas of and develop to meet the challenges of our community. We believe that health care such as hospital, acute care nursing and hospice. building relationships and working together are critical to our success She has been with BAYADA for over 12 years as the Director as a community of compassionate caregivers. We are focusing on our of the Atlantic and Cape May counties adult office and has Talent Scout program that encourages employees to refer home health witnessed many exciting changes through the years. aides and nurses to BAYADA Home Health Care. Both the employee

“I know that Kasey is safe and getting the care she needs.”

What is the most rewarding part about your profession?

It is an honor to work with families during very challenging times and to provide their loved ones with support. Providing quality home care services requires the dedication of our nurses and home health aides who are committed to compassionate, excellent and reliable care. It is heartwarming to be involved in our clients’ care and receive the feedback from family members that we made a positive impact during a stressful time.

and the individual who was referred receive a bonus and BAYADA continues to grow our staff of caring and reliable professionals. It is a win-win! Individuals that are referred through our Talent Scout program become long time, satisfied BAYADA employees.

Maryann lives in Ocean City and enjoys all of the benefits of the island such as the beach and boardwalk. As an advocate of life-long learning, she is completing her Masters’ Degree in Aging Kaseyin D.,serving BAYADA Services to expand her knowledge the client senior population. She is an active speaker for Stockton Center for Successful Aging What is the most challenging part? and enjoys working with the community providing presentations There are many challenges in home careWith today and one of the greatest a broad range of services and a team of pediatric on aging. is the need for home health aides and home care nurses. Home health professionals who are committed to keeping special children care is one of the growing professions and the need for compassionate safe atpercent home, BAYADA provides: and dedicated caregivers is expected to grow by 70 between BAYADA Home Health Care is accredited by CHAP now and 2020. The aging population and • desire to remain in the home Specialized care at home and at school (Community Health Accreditation Program), which sets the highest setting will put pressure on all providers of home care. At BAYADA quality standards of practice for home care providers nationwide. • Thoroughly screened care professionals Home Health Care we strive to be the employer of choice and focus on our employees as our greatest asset. We offer employees benefits, • our Clinical support 24 hours, 7 days training, scholarships, and recognition programs. Many of them love • A variety of payment options that they can provide meaningful, one-on-one care in the home.

How does Home Health Care benefit the client?

Home Health Care benefits the clients BAYADA specialty practices include by allowing them to remain in Home Health Care, Pediatrics, their home safely with comfort, independence and dignity. Most clients would not choose to have caregivers in their home; and however, they would Hospice, Habilitation. rather remain at home instead of a long-term care facility. As individuals face illness, injury or aging, the support ofCall home609-601-2200 health aides and nurses l www.bayada.comCall 609-601-2200 allow them to remain home, with their loved ones, where they want to be. We work with our clients and their families to understand their

Compassion. Excellence. Reliability.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



Thinking of Bankruptcy? It’s critical that your case be handled correctly. Part I


f you are considering filing for bankruptcy or have specific questions about it, Daniel Straffi is the person you want to see. His law firm, Straffi & Straffi is a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code. He offers payment plans and can certainly put your mind at ease about what can be a very stressful time in people’s lives. Bankruptcy rules can be very technical and it is critical that your case be handled correctly. Any misstep may affect a debtor’s rights. Additionally, bankruptcy has long-term financial and legal consequences and hiring a competent attorney is strongly recommended.


What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is an opportunity for people who are experiencing financial difficulties to obtain a fresh start. Bankruptcy is afforded to the honest and unfortunate as a means, via federal law, to start over or otherwise reorganize their debts.


What can bankruptcy do for me? Bankruptcy can do a number of things for those in financial duress, including but not limited to: getting rid of credit card debt and medical bills, stopping foreclosure actions, wage garnishments, and other forms of creditor harassment. More than anything, bankruptcy affords people the opportunity to rest peacefully and begin anew.


How can I get a copy of a bankruptcy filing? Bankruptcy filings are done electronically through the federal court system. Although a matter of public record, they are not “advertised,” so to speak. Any bankruptcy attorney or other person familiar with the electronic system can easily obtain bankruptcy filings.


What doesn’t bankruptcy do? Bankruptcy does not afford relief to those trying to take advantage of the system. Fraudulent behaviors and actions are vigorously prosecuted both criminally and civilly. Again, bankruptcy relief is only afforded to those who are honest and unfortunate, not those looking to pull a fast one on the system.


How often can I file bankruptcy? It depends. Generally speaking, a person may receive a discharge in bankruptcy every eight years. However, in some cases a person may be looking to reorganize their debts as opposed to getting rid of them. Therefore, there is no blanket rule that applies to all bankruptcy filings. Every case is very fact specific as far as goals and eligibility.

Protect Yourself Against Foreclosure, Judgments & Harassing Creditors We are a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code Chapter 7 & 13 Individual, Business and Creditor Representation Payment Plans Available

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What different types of bankruptcy should I consider? The two most common types of bankruptcy that people consider are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7, which is known as a liquidation, is an opportunity to discharge (or get rid of ) creditors without having to pay any money back. Chapter 13, which is known as a reorganization, is a three to five year plan of repaying creditors, most commonly invoked to try and save a home or vehicle from foreclosure or repossession.

Contact Straffi & Straffi today for a free consultation. 732-341-3800.

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


Marla Marinucci AttorNey At LAW



31 23

200 South Shore Rd • Marmora, NJ 08223 •

• About Marla . . . Marla Marinucci is a partner at the law firm of April & Marinucci, P.A. located in Marmora, New Jersey, and has been certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers Camden School of Law. Marla serves on the Family Law Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Marla is a member of the Atlantic and Cape May County Bar Associations and volunteers her time as a Matrimonial Early Settlement Panelist in Cape May and Atlantic Counties and serves as a Panelist on the Fee Arbitration Committee.

Marla Marinucci, Esq. Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Photo By: Roger Mason

• April & Marinucci, P.A. . . . If you are looking for a team of experienced attorneys who will take the time to get to know you, and help you with effective, passionate representation in court or at the negotiating table, we can help. Contact the New Jersey offices of April & Marinucci, P.A., to schedule a consultation about your legal needs.

DevoteD to Helping You! • Divorce • Separation • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Prenuptial Agreements • Civil Unions • Post Judgment Modifications • Father’s Rights • Domestic Violence



ByByMarla MarlaMarinucci, Marinucci,Esq. Esq.

the court is still necessary, but one thing that’s really seek relief from the court. Fortunately, and especially important to know is that the new law permits you to in the circumstances in which we find ourselves these n September 10, 2014, Governor Chris matters involving are generally perfectly capable assisting their child withworkers homework s a family law attorney who only handles make that application ahead of time so that when you days of with the thousands of casino out oforjobs, as signed a bill (A845), etc. which prepare for a test. If the child has an activity, birthday party, or anything divorce,Christie custody, child support, day in and day out, I turn 67, it can end. Another major revision to the statwell as the unemployment rate in general these past of few made substantial changes to New the sort that is going to fall during the other party’s time, that parent will have found that parents who are arguing about custody/ ute is that a payor may also be permitted to retire prior years, the revised law provides much needed relief for law. Thethe resulting becertain responsible for taking the child they need tounfortunate go. It is further parenting timeJersey’s quite alimony often overlook fact that it’s what is to about attaining full retirement age in circumstances. those whowherever find themselves in the situation revisions to the statute were the culminot ok for the primary parent not to advise to other parent about special best for the children and not what is best for the parents. In other For example a police officer who is paying alimony may of losing their jobs. nation of overfocus two years of efforts from involving the child such as banquet dinners, back to school night, words, too often, parents on how many days the other parent be granted relief from the courtfunctions to modify/terminate various interest groups State: raised byand two involved parents and not have to has versus how many days theyacross have.this The standardhisthat governs all after 25 etc. Alimony Cohabitation. alimony obligation years Children of service, deserve and not to be lawyers, legislators, alimony payors, alimony recipients, goare through sadness their dad didn’t bother child custody issues in this State is what’s called “the interests” Under thewhy revised statute, alimony “may to be make sus- it havebest to wait until age 67. There several the factors for of wondering just to name a few. to the awards banquet. standard. Translated: What is in the best intereststhe of court the child? pended or terminated if the payee cohabits with another to consider in such circumstances which are The of the new law, N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23, person.” The court can still find cohabitation even if set forth the new statute. Previously, when a police Too highlights often, divorced or divorcing parents try and hurt one in another The statistics regarding children of broken in question doesfamilies, not resideespecially together on a fullofficer wanted to retire at age 50, or even younger, it was the couple andasuse the child to accomplish this task. are follows: those who grow up time withbasis, littleputting to no father involvement are to rest the all too common he-onlynearly impossible to receive a modification of alimony. staggering. You can run your own Internet search on this topic to read ThereBelow is No More “Permanentwhich Alimony.” stays-over-a-few-nights-per-week defense. Unlike before, Of the course, that person was allowed to retire, however is a dialogue, illustrates point I am further. For example, girls who grow up without fathers often suffer from This phrase “permanent alimony” which was in the there are now specific factors the court can consider the court would not grant any reduction in the alimony low self-esteem, feelings of unworthiness and displays of anger. Daddy-less toprobably make:the biggest issue in the formertrying statute, was before suspending or terminating alimony: for example, obligation. Finally, such relief is possible. daughters also may display certain deviant behaviors including drug abuse battle to reform the law. Proponents of alimony reform the duration of the relationship, sharing of household sexual deviance resulting in teen pregnancies. Additionally, most of the Dad: to“Hello ex-wife of mine. Justcompletewanted to tell you that I will wanted removelovely this phrase from the statute Modification of Alimonyand Based chores, the frequency of contact, and the recognition of be The picking up Johnny school today.Durational According to the court order, I research suggests that girls are more affected by not having a father figure ly. compromise wasfrom terming it “Open the relationship in the couple’s social and family circle. Upon Loss oftwo Employment. am supposed to have him two overnights per week and it’s been over in their lives than boys. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The list goes Alimony.” Additionally, under the revised law, alimony This is a much lower burden than previously, and a Under the prior law, lostoftheir weeks since I’ve seen him because you always seem to have ‘something’ to when anonobligor and on the job, possible detrimental effects of children who grow up in a cannot exceed the length of the marriage for marriages much needed revision to the statute. In the past, alimoany applications to do. Today is my day and my son needs me in his life.” the court often would not grantsingle parent household with little to no involvement with the other parent. lasting under twenty years, unless the court finds there ny payors found themselves in the situation of essentially reduce that individual’s alimonyNow obligation there until are ofthe course certain justifiable reasons for such a situation such are “exceptional circumstances” to warrant a longer term. their ex and their ex’s paramour who (more passage of at least one year’s time. This was not an exact or supporting Mom: “Well hello there, my darling cheating, married-a-girl-half-youras death; incarceration; the absent parent suffers from serious issues and is often than not) resided together in the payor’s former age ex-husband. Gee, I wish you could see my son today butand it’s was justlargely not a up to thenot science discretion of the permitted to judge. be around the child. However, in situations similar to the Retirement is Finally Possible. home. A bitter pill to swallow as the payor was often left good day for us. You see, Johnny has to study for a testMore today and there is often than not, an obligorhypothetical would not bedialogue granted above, there simply is no excuse. Another major issue in the revisions to the alimony without relief because the burden was too great to carry, just no way there will be any spare time to see you after anythat. How reprieve at about all, until at least six months post job statute involves retirement. Under theduring prior law, it and watch you swing by his school tomorrow recess him play on thelaw in effect now, while there are not to mention expensive. loss. With the revised Children need and deserve two parents to nurture and raise them. was extremelyfrom difficult for away an alimony payor to retire. playground a mile for five minutes?” The revisions to the alimony statute are plentiful a myriad of factors that must be considered in order Parents who to engage in alienating or hurtful behavior are not Even worse is that you had to actually retire first before and complex. Additionally, it’s quite possible that receive a reduction of an alimony obligation uponfirst andfairly putting the based children are setting them up for potential mental requesting reliefdialogue from the court and there was no of guarThe above is a prime example parentsloss using a child the new law may not benefit everyone, especially if you of employment, an obligor and can file the appropriate emotional issues in the years to come. antee your would be terminated or actually even to getthat back atalimony the other parent, instead of realizing that, no request for modification after 90 days of unemployment already have a divorce judgment in place, which provides reduced once the court ruled on your matter how much you detest yourapplication. former spouse, your both for a defined term of alimony. The above are just a few and,child basedneeds upon the circumstances, may be granted a parents their is aa prefect example of a parent not putting the Under theinnew law,life. thereThis is now rebuttable presumpIf you or someone know isinbeing parenting ofyou the highlights the newdenied alimony law. Call me for a reduction instead of having to wait for more time to childthat first“alimony and only focusing onupon how the to hurt their former spouse. I have tion shall terminate obligor to seereason, if and howIthis newyou legislation time withwould theirgenchildconsultation for no valid urge to may pass. In the past, matrimonial practitioners seen the “has-too-much-homework” over and over and spouse or child partner attaining full retirement age.”excuse For used erally affect you. advise a potential client who had justme lost at their job contact 609-390-9078. it is not valid reason to deny the other parent time with as theya reduction in alimony, to wait at most, thisameans at 67 years old, your alimony obligaCall my office to schedule a consultation, andthe whochild was seeking tion will end. It’s not automatic and an application to least six months to a year before it was even worthy to 609-390-9078.

A 3


3 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2014 March/April 2015





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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals


Erratic Periods. Sometimes Even Absent. -8

What is PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Irregular Periods? It Might Be Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Treatment Goal The single most prevalent human hormonal disorder, The treatment goal for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is present in up to 10% a woman with PCOS is to of reproductive age women. It’s most common symptom, alleviate all her particular and also its most easily definable characteristic, is a fairly symptoms (such as unpredictable menstrual period. Skipping 2 to 3 months can haphazard uterine bleeding, unwanted hair growth, feel the norm for a women with PCOS. Such women are much 00 Medical Professionals or infertility) and to limit more likely to have difficulties conceiving a pregnancy. herbecome risk for developing Presented by: South Jersey Fertility Center getting too thick. This can make periods lin and even more Failure To Launch cancer of the uterus.with The lighter and reduce the risk for cancerous resistant to it. Women Presented by: South Jersey Fertility Center By: The number one cause of female infertility is when the ovary fails to ovulate (release most common treatment Dr. Van Deerlin localtofertility specialist. Two ofhormonal these tests spontaneously abort.those The common reason for similarly aged woman with(FSH). good eggThese reserve.shots changes the lining. Another PCOS, particularly stimulating hormone a mature egg) consistently. This erratic or non-existent ovulation is theOne reason for assays erratic formiscarriages irregular periods (and require a tube of blood. of these these is a chromosomal imbalance But it doesn’t mean she has to give up hope. Endometriosis isI a female medical condition often optionhas isbeen to give progesterone alone forswell a who are overweight, are atfurther an increased risk Itdirectly stimulate the ovaries, but must or absent periods. and Ovaries that stutter during the egg “My husband didn’t meet untiland I misfire utilized for ripening 20 years. process It looks at thatprevention is not compatible withcancer) fetal still pill. only “The takes one egg. For of uterine is the birth control pillâ€?good provides boththose estrogen 10-12 days each month, though this of diabetes and benefit most from losing be used with care because patients nd rd bit with dozens the usual ofFSH small cysts (mostonsmaller wasassociated 38 years old. more Now I am and we number are and andfollicular Estradiol, obtained the 2 ,than 3 development. want tothe settle for aoflow and progesterone to regulate the menstrual women periodswho anddon’t to protect lining thewith uterus withthan painful periods pelvic discomfort. (PCOS) is40 the th option unintended oftoodiet and exercising moreforchance PCOS can have anaisexcessive response to to start my body doesn’t by ordoesn’t 4 dayexam ofprevent the. menstrual cycle. Apreghigh are weight. It Change is getting also important to understand success, there the option ofofusing aready tic tac mint)a family, that arebut easily observable ultrasound Androgenic hormones from thick. This effectthe allows lighterofperiods and reduced risk cancerous It consists of the endometrial tissue from inside mostproduced common hormonal seem to be in cooperating.â€? This isusual a common FSH means the body is struggling bit of your malelining. partner. He can have eggs donated by a woman with prevent atoo normal more thanuterine their amount during this ovarian turmoil. Some,just butanot nancies. arefertility the usual recommendations forhormonal such a option these medicines and make many eggs, changes to the Another that doesn’t necessarily pregnancy refrain hear in PCOS the fertility world. Most to polycystic find nice egg to ripen thatmore month. a semen analysis to identify ifand his lessen egg reserve. Naturally, easier to become all, women with notice bodies reacting thisuterus. androgen excess. Examples is a to prescription of progesterone (or another “progestinâ€?) 10-12 days each the wombgrowing intheir areas outside oftoathe The ovary makes tes-Theof woman lessendone herform symptoms increasing the riskforit’s ofjust multiple pregnandisorder inweare women, affecting women already the sobering fact numbers. other blood test is fairly new, but yields more “swimmersâ€? are plentiful and moving well. pregnant if a woman does not wait until her these reactions areaware facialofhairs in substantial The symptoms of PCOS usually month. tosterone than usual. High testosterone herThere risks. Medications can be tried to pos- late cies30’sincluding the possibility of triplets or 5-10% the femaleasbut population. that fertility declines their advances results detecting mildly low egg is a gradual decline in sperm numbers or beyond. But in today’s society of start inDuring a pelvic exam endometriosis may be suspected by paladolescence, canagestart in the 20’s orconsistent 30’s.lead There is a in large variety ofand body Shaving Is Okay, But Beware Stubble. levels can to excess facial hair sibly help control insulin and help with higher-order pregnancies. Therefore, past the 35 year mark.inBut all ranks. heard This syndrome reserve. It imparts is called Anti-Mullerian Hormone as men age, but it is not as steep that’s not always a choice. Egg reserve testingthese pating tender nodules behind the uterus or by visualizing a persistent weights represented thewe’ve PCOS a tendency to gain weight and quality Excess hair growth, as well as acne, are sometimes caused by PCOS and these symptoms Again, thesmall birthamount control is isansecreted weight loss. medication is metmedicines besituations. monitored carefully by It is characterized by irregular menstrual of examples someone having a baby at ageacne. (AMH). of pill AMH a decline as One seen insuch women. Men don’t have can often helpmust in these ovarian cyst on ultrasound that has certain echogenic characteristics (an easily unlessofthe individual is rather strict in either theirAexercise regimen or their calorie can be quite distressing. Again the easiest treatment is the birth control pill (though it takes 44 orinfertility a similar age. There is large individual by all of her remaining egg follicles. as So it a low formin an absolute reproductive cut-off analogous effective treatment for this symptom (Glucophage), which can result in a trained Fertility Specialist (Reproductive “endometriomaâ€?). Many times endometriosis can be found even in the periods and due to a lack of ovurestriction. PCOS sometimes turns milder with weight loss and exercise and limiting sugar months to see anSome improvement). estrogen it contains counteracts to some extent variability when it comes to reproductive lowersAMH number correlates with a low more to aseveral woman’s menopause. men have The Endocrinologist). absence of symptoms or signs. The diagnosis can only be confirmed or testosterone levels. Itdirectly takes several regular menstrual cycles, ovulation, Some patients will ation (release intake.of an egg), and by signs of the androgen influences on the hair follicles by slowing the formation of new thick hair aging. The age-related decline depends on the number of remaining eggs. The third test is fathered children in to their 70’s when they excluded by undergoing a laparoscopy. Endometriosis is staged based months see improvement. Otherdifficulties mediand pregnancy. benefit from in Vitro (IVF), The chance overproduced of being born with an ovary that istoprone to having ovulatory xcess male hormones by the follicles acne-promoting sebum production in the skin’sFertilization oil glands. Additional woman’s eggs, not the aging of her uterus. It a careful internal pelvic ultrasound to count have a youngand wifedecrease (think movie stars like Tony on the depth of the lesions and the extent of the involvement in the seems to be related to genetics. Female relatives of a woman with PCOS have a 50% chance cines that block testosterone production Infertility problems occur with PCOS where eggs are removed from the ovaries ovaries. pelvis. Stages 1 and 2 are termed “minimalâ€? and “mildâ€? endometriosis, Unwanted hair is tosometimes medicines thatcontinues block testosterone can be usefulfacial to a woman get an assessment the number of visible follicles (egg sacs) in the Randall). A man to make newproduction such as spironolactone (Aldactone) rarely of having PCOS themselves. such as spironolactone can be because ofany theday lack of ovulation. The stimulation fertility shots and haveevery side whenlives, combined with theafter birth control pill.with A prescription facial of her “egg reserveâ€? when she might be ovaries. The number(Aldactone) of such medium-sized sperm ofeffects their adult so most sign ofwhile stages 3 and 4 are “moderateâ€? and “severeâ€? disease. The presence excess male hormones. The sympcausing them to adhere to other pelvic structures, and thereby distort cream called Vaniqa is also available to help slow facial hair growth. However, the hormone making decisions about when to reproduce. follicles correlates directly with the number of their reproductive cells are at most prescribed. A prescription facial cream, common treatment for inducing ovulation then introduced to sperm in a laboraoms usually start in adolescence, but canImplies, Promotes Gestation Progesterone, As The Name of an endometrioma in an ovary usually translates to at least stage 3. understand ovarian reserveknown assessment wecalled (microscopic) follicles held in reserve that is only a few old.methods One do not causecitthe existing hairs embryos. to fall out.One Bleaching or Vaniqa, is also available to the normal anatomy. Having a normal anatomical relationship of the help slow to manipulation give thedays fertility pillstudy clomiphene toryunwanted dish to create or more While PCOS is widely for its excesstiny of one type of hormone described above, ppear in To the 20’s or 30’s. Many patients The prevalence of endometriosis has been calculated to be 3-10% must first review the workings of a woman’s have not yet begun the ripening process. reported a slightly higher ovary and fallopian tube are crucial for natural conception since the egg hair removal by tweezing or waxing are commonly used for temporary removal of that hair it is are also a direct cause for a dramatic absence another important hormone. That facialofhair growth. Electrolysis and laser rate (Clomid,). Eighty percent of patients embryos then can be placed into the uterwith PCOS in the general population of reproductive age women; however, it is ovaries. overweight, but not all of Just because a woman is over 40 years the fallopian tube where fertilization can take place. riskfrom of schizophrenia infollicles. must reach the existing hormone is progesterone. Its productionhair by the ovary commences only after the follicular will ovulate and half of those who ovulate can also us. Any remaining embryos can be frozen, found in 40% of infertile patients. Endometriosis often runs in families. hem. The ovaries are isusually enlarged and A woman born with all of the eggs she removal of age doesn’t meanbe sheused needstototemporarupThere are a number of treatment options to boost fertility for all the offspring of new give Excess Insulin cyst ovulates its egg out. Progesterone stabilizes the endometrial lining of the uterus and hair,a once testosterone will ultimately within several if desired, to limit the risk if higher order will ever have. cannot be made ily remove hope ofthe having baby. the Many women have fathers over ageconceive 50. ontain Most experts agree that endometriosis impairs fertility. One mechanism multiple smallNew cystsones seen on an these women with endometriosis. Probably the easiest treatment from Many women with PCOS are relatively insensitive to their own body’s insulin. The signals when the egg has been released so the womb can prepare for the incoming embryo. for infertility is the inflammatory response incited by the endometriosis later – but eggs do need to ripen before they fears that their chances of having a baby with A woman who levels are suppressed. attempts. There is a modest increase in multiple pregnancies (triplets or more) and ultrasound exam. The small cysts are actuthe patient’s perspective is to have the endometriosis lesions surgically resulting high levels of insulin promote the storage of fat, making it hard to lose weight. However, there is ano embryo growing by 12 Down’s days after ovulation the progesterone lesions. White blood cells, the warriors in the body’s defense system, can ovulateifand have chance of getting Syndrome orPCOS other chromosomal hasrisk a diminished Many women with are relatively the of having twins (7%) with clofor use in future fertility attempts. eradicated during a laparoscopic procedure, which is done so that the lly follicles (2-8 mmsperm sized small fluid Women production off to and then thesacs suddenly unstable endometrium sheds inhigh. an orderly try to eradicate the abnormally located endometrial tissue and release fertilized by afalls then become an abnormalities is outrageously In fact, number of with PCOS, particularly those who are overweight, are at an increased risk of resistant to their own body’s insulin. The miphene. Some patients do not respond doctor can make the definitive diagnosis. Laparoscopy is an outpatient diabeteseggs and benefit most from losing weight. Change in diet and physical exercise help fashion. Without the stabilizing influence endometrium too tall, remaining hat house the eggs) that not organs grown substances into the pelvic cavity which have been shown to be toxic to embryo. Other cellshave in other in the of progesterone, at age 40, the the chances of having a grows pregnancy In Summary ... procedure commonly referred to as “band-aidâ€? surgery owing to the fact resulting high levels ofthe insulin promote tohas clomiphene andtomay require othersymptoms and some women lessen both their their risks. Medications can be tried to shedding at erratic times andnew in varying factan when growth of arge enough tobody release egg. human are their replaced with ones as amounts. withIn such abnormality reach theendometrium 4th a lower sperm, eggs, and embryos. In addition, as the body tries to heal the inthat the necessary incisions are so small as to be sufficiently covered by There hope formedication women affected by possibly help control insulin and help loss.isOne such is metformin storage fat, making ituterine hard lose3%. therapies. option is metformin to with weight is it can leadthe to cancerous to the weunchecked age, but notbysoprogesterone for the egg cells in the month of ofchanges pregnancy is fairly lowto –lining. only chance ofOne flamed areas it may inadvertently scar the fallopian tubes and/or ovaries standard band-aids. In cases of moderwhichoption can also result more regular menstrual cycles, ovulation, thisincommon syndrome called PCOS to Causesovaries. of PCOS So a 40 year old has only 40 year- weight. One however, IS increased is the conceiving a (Glucophage), A risk, vicious cyclethat is created because help the ovaries ovulate. Another ate or severe endometriosis it has been and pregnancy (see below). old eggs. Not all eggs are perfectly normal. chance of miscarriage. On average 40% of pregnancy with SJFC Celebrating 25 Years of Creating Families in the South Jersey Area! regulate their periods or to conceive a baby. overweight women make even more insuis to use fertility shots that contain follicle The actual cause of PCOS is unknown. well-established that surgical removal of The eggs that ripen earlier in her life have pregnancies in women over the age of 39 will her own eggs than a Dozens Of Negative Urine Pregnancy Tests t appearsa that women are genetically both endometriosis lesions and adhesive South Jersey Fertility Center higher chance of being normal. And For those women actively wanting to conceive a child, the treatment prone to since this disorder. relatives of scar tissue improves fertility by restoring a woman’s Female supply of eggs is limited it Division of Regional Women’s Health Group, LLC most commonly chosen for inducing ovulation is a 5-day fertility pill regimen the correct anatomical relationship of the patient eventually with PCOS chance runshave low. aAs50% the reserve of eggs utilizing estrogen modulators like Clomid, Tamoxifen or the newer Femara Full Service Infertility Center With: fallopian tubes and the ovary. The addilow, the percent of eggs that are of havingbecomes it themselves. Certain lifestyle SOUTH JERSEY FERTILITY CENTER (letrozole). Eighty percent of women not already ovulating on their own will ¡ All Of The Doctors Are Board Certified In Reproductive 'LYLVLRQ RI 5HJLRQDO :RPHQ¡V +HDOWK *URXS //& tional use of medications such as Lupron, normal (perhaps is now offering a discount for IVF to Endocrinology And Infertility actors such as adrops highconsiderably calorie, high carbo-to 10% ovulate with these pills. Half of those who ovulate will conceive within several a GnRH-agonist, to suppress any residual or so).Doctor Menopause the time ¡ Top Awards marks For 7 Years In A when Row no ACTIVE MILITARY AND VETERANS —ŽŽ ‡”˜‹…‡ Â?ˆ‡”–‹Ž‹–› ‡Â?–‡” ‹–Šǣ “cyclesâ€?. This treatment yields a moderately increased twin rate of 7 percent. hydrate diet and inadequate exercise may ¡ Laparoscopic Tubal Reversals Call 856.596.2233 ext. 1227 for more information. more usable eggs remain. The average age of endometriosis has been advocated by ȉ ÂŽÂŽ ˆ Š‡ ‘…–‘”• ”‡ ‘ƒ”† ‡”–‹Ď?‹‡† Â? ‡’”‘†—…–‹˜‡ Another pill, 6287+ -(56(< )(57,/,7< &(17(5 metformin (Glucophage), when used daily for months has a 17% ¡ Money Guarantee Available worsen many of Back theissymptoms. PCOSFor Ivf And Donor Egg menopause 50. some. ¡ Full Service Fertility Center Â?†‘…”‹Â?‘Ž‘‰› Â?† Â?ˆ‡”–‹Ž‹–› incidence of ovulation but no increase in the twin rate. Some patients do not LV QRZ RIIHULQJ D GLVFRXQW IRU ,9) WR auses a woman not tohas ovulate reliably.300,000 By A woman approximately However, numerous studies have ¡ Robotic Surgery Available ȉ ‘’ ‘…–‘” ™ƒ”†• ‘” Íš ‡ƒ”• Â? ‘™ 8 respond to fertility pills alone and may require the addition of daily injections immature eggs, eachher in abody tiny follicle $&7,9( 0,/,7$5< $1' 9(7(5$16 not ripening an egg fully, fails in her failed to show that these medications imȉ ƒ’ƒ”‘•…‘’‹… —„ƒŽ ‡˜‡”•ƒŽ• that contain follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which directly stimulates the ovaries, at puberty. So what &DOO H[W IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ Robert A. Skaf, MDbecame FACOGof those o make an important female hormone, prove fertility rates beyond that of surgery Top Row (left to right): ȉ ‘Â?‡› ƒ…Â? —ƒ”ƒÂ?–‡‡ ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ ‘” ˜ˆ Â?† ‘Â?‘” ‰‰ ovaries. Close monitoring of the egg ripening process by blood test and pelvic egg follicles between pubertyMD and FACOG menopause? Peter G. Van Deerlin, Dr. Gary Packin, alone. This may be, in part, due to the progesterone. Progesterone protects the ultrasound are needed to allow optimal dosing and duration of treatment in ȉ —ŽŽ ‡”˜‹…‡ ‡”–‹Ž‹–› ‡Â?–‡” Were they all released during theFACOG once-aDr. Stephen Sawin, Stephen W. Sawin, MD fact that patients must avoid becoming uterine lining from overgrowth and from order to limit the chance for side effects. The risk of triplets is a real possibility daVinci Robotic Surgery Available ȉ ‘„‘–‹… —”‰‡”› ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ Dr. Peter Van Deerlin, month ovulation process? No. Usually only Gary S. Packin, DO FACOOG, Dist. pregnant while on these medications for Dr. Oumar Kuzbari potentially changes. (5%) from this treatment. Some infertile PCOS women will benefit from in onecancerous eggOumar will reach the fully mature state Kuzbari, MD, FACOG fear of possibly inducing birth defects. Yet Bottom Row (left to right): Vitro Fertilization (IVF), where eggs are harvested from the ovaries matured necessary to ovulate during each menstrual A woman with PCOS is not necessarBarbara Alice, APN-C, MSN ‘„‡”– Ǥ Â?ÂƒÂˆÇĄ Barbara Alice, APN-C, MSN, the optimal time to achieve pregnancy cycle. The average woman has 450 menstrual by these FSH shots and then introduced to sperm in a laboratory dish. The Tracy APN-C,MSN ly going to exhibit allKrause, of the aspects of the Dr. Robert Skaf, may be immediately following the surgery ‡–‡” Ǥ ƒÂ? ‡‡”Ž‹Â?ÇĄ

cycles during her lifetime. The other 299,550 resulting embryos can be returned (typically one at a time) to the uterus Tracy Krause, APN-C, MSN yndrome. Some may be lean and others (when the fallopian tubes have just been –‡’Š‡Â? Ǥ ƒ™‹Â?ÇĄ

or so eggs slowly degenerate over time at a rate (sometimes after having been stored frozen indefinitely in liquid nitrogen). may not of have any25unwanted hair growth. flushed and before any scar tissue has about per day. Fertility medications willour Website Visit us on

ƒ”› Ǥ ƒ…Â?‹Â?ÇĄ ÇĄ ‹•–Ǥ had a chance to re-form). Post-operative Most, however, have menstrual cycles that In summary, there are effective treatments for the various not400 alter this rate of egg degeneration. Some Lippincott Drive Harbor Pavilions Burlington Prof Campus AtlantiCare Life Center ƒ”„ƒ”ƒ Ž‹…‡ǥ ÇŚ ÇĄ medication IS recommended, however, Suite 130 570 • Suite B4 500 English Creek Ave. • #225 1900 Mt. Holly Rd #4A are known speed upEgg theHarbor loss of Rd eggs, requentlythings go longer thanto40 days from symptoms of this most common syndrome, PCOS. Marlton, NJ 08053 or radiation Sewell, NJ 08080 Burlington, NJ 08016 Egg ”ƒ…› Â”ÂƒÂ—Â•Â‡ÇĄ ÇŚ ÇĄ Harbor Twp. , NJ 08234 when pelvic pain from endometriosis is such chemotherapy treatments one period toasthe next. The treatment for a

Fertility after Age 35 Fertility? Could Pelvic Endometriosis Be Interfering with Your

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome






the patient’s biggest concern.

used to fight cancer. Smoking cigarettes also woman with PCOS is directed toward alle appears to hasten the depletion of usable eggs. The County Woman and Magazine viating her particular symptoms limitIn fact, menopause typically arrives one or two The County Woman Magazine ng her risk developing of the yearsfor earlier in womencancer who smoke.

January/February 2015

March/April 2015

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals



Understanding Common Foot Conditions




Understanding Common Foot Conditions 1

CORN AND CALLUSES he human foot is a complex structure containing Corns and calluses are protective layers of dead skin. They are caused by friction and 26 bones, 33 joints and more 100 tenmade footwear. also aon major contributing pressure from the skin rubbing against bony areas. Being Cornsoverweight ordinarilyisform the tops of the he human foot isthan a complex ⌘BUNIONS factor. Some general health conditions, i.e., arthritis, gout,by and toes and calluses usually on the soles of the feet. The pressure and pain may be relieved structure containing 26 bones, ealth ellness dons, muscles, and ligaments. An average day Bunions are misaligned big toe joints which can become circulatory problems can also cause heel pain. moleskin or padding on the affected area. Never cut corns or calluses with any instrument, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, and painful. The deformity causes the first joint of walking brings a force equal severalThe hundred tonsswollen and never apply home remedies. muscles, andto ligaments. components the big toe to slant outward and the big toe to angle towards ⌘HEEL SPURS of your feet work together, sharing Heel spurs are growths of bone on the bottom of the heel. the second toe. Bunions tend to HAMMERTOES be heredity based but can bear on the feet. This explains why your feet are more tremendous pressures of walking. An They canany occur without although pain mayposition. result when also be aggravated by wearing shoes that are too narrow Hammertoe is a condition in which of the toes pain, are bent in a claw-like inflammation develops at the point where the spur forms. average dayany of walking, in the forefoot and toe. There are conservative measures en subjected to injury than otherbrings part aofforce your body. It occurs most frequently with the second toe, often when a bunion crowds the second toe aw


L forcing it to become deformed. Hammertoes are often aggravated by poorly fitting shoes.


Both heel pain and heel spurs are often associated with plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the long band of connective padding, strapping, and orthotics but frequently surgery is Avoid pressure on the toes as much tissue as possible, and shoes a high andofwide toe box running from thewith heel to the ball the foot. Thewill Although some foot illnesses can be traced to heredity, many are caused by the recommended to correct the problem. injury than any other part of your body. help. Surgery may be necessary to realign toesisin their proper position. plantarthe fascia a ligament, which helps support the arch ulative impact of a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Your feet are specialized structures CORN AND CALLUSES FOOTspecialized ILLNESScare. A podiatrist will make an important contribution to of the foot. This may become inflamed with pain especially therefore require HEEL PAIN Corns and calluses are protective layers of compacted Foot illnesses are among the most common of our health noticed upon rising from bed in the morning. r total health whether it is regular preventive care or surgery to correct a deformity. You are caused by Heel pain usually too much stress is placed on the heel bone,Treatments ligaments, dead skin cells. They repeated frictionoccurs and when problems, although some can be traced to heredity, many may range from exercises, physical therapy, and customuld see a podiatrist when any of the following conditions occur. and nerves in the area. Stress results from walking or jumping on hard surfaces or from pressure from the skin rubbing against bony areas. Corns are caused by the cumulative impact of a lifetime of abuse molded foot orthotics to anti-inflammatory medications and poorly made footwear. Being overweight is also a major contributing factor. Some general and neglect. Your feet are specialized structures and therefore ordinarily form on the tops of the toes and calluses usually cortisone injections. ATHLETE’S FOOT health conditions, i.e., can arthritis, gout, and circulatory problems can also cause heel pain. on the soles of the feet. The friction and pressure require care. A podiatrist makebetween an important Athlete’s footspecialized is a skin condition usually can starting the toescause on the bottom INGROWN NAIL pain and may be relieved by moleskin or padding total health whether it is regular HEEL SPURS he feet. Itcontribution is caused bytoa your fungus that thrives in a warm, dark, and moist environment. Ingrown nails are nails whose corners or sides dig or calluses with any preventive care or surgery to correct a deformity. You should on the affected area. Never cut corns Heel spurs are growths of bone on the bottom of the heel. Pain may result when s of athlete’s foot are dry scaling skin, itching, inflammation, and blisters. You can help painfully into the skin, often causing an infection. They see a podiatrist when any of the following conditions occur. instrument, and never apply home remedies. Over-theinflammation develops at the point where the spur forms. Both heel pain and heel spurs ent infection by washing your feet daily with soap and warm water and drying carefully are frequently caused by improper nail trimming but alsoare counter acid preparations can be dangerous because they can often associated with plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the long ligament running from the ATHLETE’S from pressure from shoes, injury, fungus infection, heredity, cially between your toes. FOOT Changing shoes and socks regularly will decrease moisture. lead to infections. Athlete’s foot is a skin condition usually starting between poor foot structure. Toenails should especially be trimmedupon heel to the ball of the foot. This mayand become inflamed, with pain noticed FOOT ODOR BLISTERS the toes on the bottom of the feet. It is caused by a fungus straight across with nailexercise, clippers.physical If painfultherapy, or infected, your rising from bed in the morning. Treatments may include and cusFoot results from excessive perspiration from the Blisters arethrives causedinby skin friction. not environment. pop them. Apply or odor an adhesive that a warm, dark, andDo moist Signsmoleskin podiatrist may remove the ingrown portion of the nail. tom foot orthotics, to anti-inflammatory medications and cortisone injections. more than 250,000 footleave are dry scaling itching, inflammation, dage overofa athlete’s blister and it on untilskin, it falls off naturally in the bath or shower. Keep sweat glands in the foot. Change your NEUROMAS and change your socks INGROWN NAIL cansocks help as prevent infection by washing your r feet dryand andblisters. alwaysYou wears a cushion between your feet andshoes shoes.daily to let each pair air out, Neuromas are an growth the nerves. twice daily if your feet tend to perspire. Foot powders andwhose corners or sides Ingrown nails are nails digenlarged, painfullybenign into the skin,ofoften causfeet daily with soap and warm water and drying carefully They are most commonly found between the third andpresantiperspirants can help to the odor. They are frequently caused by improper nail trimming but also from BUNIONS inglessen an infection. especially between your toes. Changing shoes and socks fourth toes. They are caused by bones or other tissues Bunions are misaligned bigmoisture. toe joints, which can become swollen andHAMMERTOES painful. The regularly will decrease sure from shoes, injury, fungus infection, heredity, and poor foot structure. Toenails should rubbing against and irritating the nerves. Abnormal bony rmity causes the first joint of the big toe to slant outward and the big toe to angle is a condition be trimmed straight across with nail clippers. If painful or infected, your podiatrist may Hammertoe in which any of the toes are BLISTERS structure or pressure from poorly fitting shoes can also ards the second toe. Shoes that are too narrow in the forefoot and toe may aggravate remove the ingrown portion of the nail. bent in a claw-like position. It occurs most frequently with Blisters are caused by skin friction, do not pop them. contribute to this condition. The most common findings ions. Conservative measures helpbandage minimize discomfort of bunions, buttoe, fre-often when a bunion crowds the second toe are pain, burning, tingling, or numbness between the toes the second Apply moleskin or an may adhesive overthe a blister and leave NEUROMAS ntly surgery recommended to correct thebath problem. forcing the second toe to become deformed. Although this it onisuntil it falls off naturally in the or shower. Keep and thegrowth ball of of thethe foot. Conservative treatmentfound includes Neuromas are an enlarged, benign nerves, most commonly condition usually occurs from a muscle imbalance, it is often padding, taping, orthotic devices, and cortisone injections your feet dry and always wears socks as a cushion between between the third and fourth toes. They are caused by bones or other tissues rubyour feet and shoes. If your blister breaks on its own, wash the aggravated by poorly fitting shoes. Avoid pressure on the toes but often time’s surgery is necessary to remove the abnormal bingshoes against and irritating the nerves. Abnormal bony structure or poorly fitting as much as possible.P.T. Use of extra-depth with a high and nerve Honick, D.P.M., area, apply an antiseptic, and coverStuart with a sterile W. bandage. growth. shoes can contribute to this condition, resulting in pain, burning, tingling, or wide toe box will help. Surgery may be necessary to realign Podiatric Medicine & Surgery WARTS Treatment padding, taping, orthotic devices, or injections, the toes innumbness. their proper position. may include StuartAmerican W. Honick, P.T. are caused by a virus,growth. which enters the skin Diplomate Board ofD.P.M., Podiatric Surgery but surgery is often necessaryWarts to remove the abnormal HEEL PAIN Board Certified In Foot&Surgery through small cuts or breaks. Children are most susceptible Podiatric Medicine Surgery Heel pain usually occurs WARTS to the wart virus especially between the ages of 5 to 17 Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery when too much stress isare placed Warts caused by a virus, enters skin through smalleven cutsthough or years old. which Most warts arethe harmless and benign, 4 Arthritis Board Certified In Foot4 Hammertoes Surgery on the heel bone, ligaments, breaks. Children are mostpainful susceptible to the wart virus. areprocedures harmless and unsightly. There areMost severalwarts simple 4 Athlete’s Foot 4 Heel Pain and nervesand in the area. even Stressthough painful benign, and unsightly. There are simple procedures which your podiatrist may use to remove warts. These that may Arthritis 4 Hammertoes walking or jumping 44 Bunions 4 Nail Problems results from include applying a topical medicine or laser surgery. your podiatrist may use to remove warts, including topical medicines and laser 4 Athlete’s Foot 4 Heel Pain on hard surfaces or from poorly surgery. 44 Diabetic Foot Care 4Nail Neuromas Bunions 4 Problems 44 Foot & Ankle 4Neuromas Orthotics Schedule your appointment today! Diabetic FootInjuries Care 4 44 Foot Surgeries 4Orthotics Warts Foot & Ankle Injuries 4 You can also visit us at 44 Fungal Nails Foot Surgeries 4 Warts Stuart W. Honick, 4 Fungal Nails


equal to several hundred times to bear on that can help to minimize discomfort of bunions such as

FOOT theILLNESS feet. This explains why your feet are more subjected to





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Dr. Stuart W. Honick received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey and went on to achieve his degree in Physical Therapy at The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Kean College. Continuing his education at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Dr. Honick was awarded a degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D. P. M.) and completed a two-year surgical residency. Dr. Honick is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. Dr. Stuart W. Honick has been selected as a “Top Doc” in Southern NJ. The Magazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman he County Woman Magazine

January/Feb March/April 2015 November/December 2014



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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2014

March/April 2015


Medical Professionals

The Art Of Medicine


We’re With You All The Way Health &W ellness

ave you ever heard the term “The Art of Medicine”? This is a term that many people (doctors, patient alike) are losing focus on. Medicine is definitely an art. It’s meant to be practiced and continually improved upon. It should be individualized to the specific person being treated. One size does not fit all. Medicine historically has been taught as an art form, complete with an apprenticeship (modern day equivalent is our medical residency programs). We as novice doctors in our residency learn to treat patients and diseases. In my medical training, my professors held near and dear the philosophy of treating the “whole patient”. This includes the disease and patient as a single living being. The patient should never be separated from disease and vice versa.


SALVATORE A. CARFAGNO, DO, FACOOG Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Elder Law Old-Fashioned Care With


We continue to maintain a private Ob/Gyn practice.

I have carried this ideal and philosophy into my own Ob/Gyn practice. At Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, this is maintained as our philosophy. All Advanced Care Ob/Gyn provides firmly believe and practice this philosophy on a daily basis. This sets Advanced Care apart from most other medical practices. This is especially true when it comes to the large multi-provider practices. In these settings, people are treated as numbers. Shuffled from doctor to doctor. It must be unsettling to not know the provider who is delivering your child. There has been a definite change in how hospitals are also treating the patient. One of our local hospitals is supporting the idea of a single large practice treating and delivering their children. It appears that they are not supporting the private practice. Instead, favoring their large group. A one size fits all idea. “Obama care” or Accountable Care is not helping the private practice of medicine. It has made it significantly more difficult to near impossible for individual doctors to have a private practice. Advanced Care Ob/Gyn continues to maintain a private Ob/Gyn practice. We are dedicated to caring for the “whole patient”. At Advanced Care, our providers are centered on the care of the whole person, and of course including the disease. Advanced Care providers spend quality time with patients to ensure a great doctor patient relationship. Also, we have considered our patients interest in an additional female provider. I am pleased to introduce MaryAnn Campbell. She is a board certified physician assistant. She has many years of experience in Ob/Gyn female medicine. She is well versed in all aspects of Ob/ Gyn and has a fantastic bedside manner, which allows her to be able to relate to adolescents to post menopausal women, and all those MaryAnn Campbell, PA-C in betweeners! She is taking new patients at both our Linwood and Absecon offices. This is in addition to Rachael Grencavich our dual certified nurse midwife and women’s health nurse practitioner. Together these ladies make a well-rounded, experienced collection of Ob/Gyn providers. Rachel Grencavich, RN, CNM, MSN

State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life

Theater &Entertainment Absecon Professional Offices

707 White horse Pike, Suite D4 Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607

Fine Art2106P hotography New Road, Suite D10


Linwood Commons

Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

Business &Finance

Advanced Care continues to offer in-office lab services.


We have fully staffed lab professionals to draw blood in the office, at the time of your visit. You will need no extra steps or trips just to have your blood drawn. Advanced Care offers a full line of in-office procedures such as Colposcopy, IUD placement and removal, Implanon placement and removal, and Pessary fitting and placement. Advanced Care performs complex surgeries, such as Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic procedures with improved recovery and healing time. New advances in Ob/Gyn care include noninvasive blood testing for Down syndrome for both low and high-risk individuals. This is in addition to caring for low and high risk pregnancies, offering vaginal birth after cesarean section (vbac) or trial of labor after C/S (tolac), or performing “gentile” cesarean sections. We offer total women’s health care for whole women.

At Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, it is my hope that people see the value in individualized, care. Treating each person with respect and dignity is my concern, as well as healing their diseases. Call today to schedule your appointment!

The County Woman The Magazine County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015 January/Feb

Yoga Therapy


Strengthen Your Bones With Therapeutic Yoga Take an active role in your journey to healing Yoga and Bone Density Research: Robyn Tiger, MD, PYT, RYT-500, CRMT

❧ In the cold winter months with shorter sunlit days, we tend to be less active and stay inside where it is comfortable and warm. Too much inactivity can be harmful to our health, including the health of our skeletal system. Without movement, bones become thin and weak, increasing their risk of fracture.

Roles of the Skeletal System:

The bones are made of a strong outer layer called the cortex and a spongy inner layer called the marrow. The cortex is responsible for providing strength by creating the internal frame for the body. It also protects the internal organs. A strong vertebral system allows for good posture which improves the body’s ability to breathe and digest. The marrow produces red blood cells which carry oxygen to tissues and organs, white blood cells which fight infection, and platelets which help with blood clotting.

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis:

Bones begin to develop in infancy and reach their maximum strength at about 30 years of age. Bone strength then declines after this age. Osteopenia is a decrease in the normal amount of bone density. It is the forerunner to osteoporosis; a critical level of bone loss.

Statistics show that osteoporosis affects 44 million Americans, more than half over the age of 50. A person with decreased bone density has a significantly greater risk of fracture, especially involving the hip and spine. A research study performed by Dr. Loren Fishman at Columbia University in New York showed that bone density increased in both the hip and spine in patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis who practiced yoga regularly. Bone density decreased in those who did not practice yoga.

Bone is Living Tissue:

Although we may visualize the skeleton as something very hard and rigid, bone is actually living tissue and is constantly changing. Bone cells called osteoclasts, “the cleaner – uppers”, take away the old, weak bone so that bone cells called osteoblasts, “the builders”, can create new strong bone.

Cancer and Osteoporosis:

Cancer patients have an increased risk of osteoporosis. They are more inactive due to the effects of treatment. Chemotherapy kills cells that actively multiply, such as osteoblasts, the “bone builders”. Also, estrogen, which helps to stimulate bone growth while preventing bone loss, is blocked and decreased by some cancer medications.

Yoga Therapy and Osteoporosis:

Private yoga therapy sessions and classes include postures and movements that safely stress the bones to stimulate bone growth. Modifications are made for people at risk for and already diagnosed with osteoporosis. This allows for a mindful active practice to effectively strengthen the bones and improve the overall health of the body and mind.

Call today and receive a free consultation!

How Yoga Strengthens the Bones and Prevents Fractures:

Yoga safely stresses the bones. This stimulates the formation of new bone in several ways:

❧ Compressive stress is created by weight bearing. ❧ Tensile stress is created by the pull of working

muscles which attach to bones. ❧ Dynamic tension is formed as the body moves in and out of poses. ❧ Sustained resistance is created by holding poses.

Yoga also further aids in fracture prevention by improving range of motion, sense of balance, dexterity and grace of movement.

Testimonial After my first class, I was more relaxed than I have been for over a year. Cancer is so devastating emotionally and of course physically but this is the first time since my diagnosis that I feel I am learning how to relax without the use of drugs. I like moving my body again and knowing I am doing it in a safe way led by a knowledgeable and caring person. ~ Nancy

Traditional Western Medicine Integrated with the Eastern Science of Yoga

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“Like” Giglio Awning on Facebook and they will donate $1 per like to Ronald McDonald House between March 1st and April 30th.

7802 Long Beach Blvd. Harvey Cedars, NJ • 609.494.3004 • • The Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch & New Brunswick, now known as Ronald McDonald House of Central & Northern New Jersey, provides a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children who recieve care at medical facilities near our locations in Long Branch and New Brunswick, NJ. Your donation will help us further our mission.

The County Woman Magazine

Long Branch House 732-222-8755 New Brunswick House 732-249-1222

March/April 2015

Rehabilitation Center


All together now. Hospitals, rehab centers and nursing homes are working more closely together than ever to ensure better outcomes for patients. Here’s why—and how this change affects you.

The landscape of health care is changing. And for all the hoopla surrounding the Affordable Care Act, most health professionals are working hard to implement the three principal goals of the Act: To prevent illness, to improve care, and to decrease costs. “We’re definitely seeing a more proactive, patient-centered culture developing,” says Pam Montemurno, Regional Developer for Census Development at Revera Health Systems. “There’s a much stronger emphasis on accountability, communication, and coordination of care.” What does this mean for patients? For one thing, it means people with chronic conditions will be more involved in managing their health – with the help of their physicians, of course – to reduce the incidence of serious complications requiring surgery or hospitalization. “Accountability” also means that physicians and hospitals are taking more responsibility for 3Diane Delaney

to the well-being of patients,” says Montemurno. “We’re as frustrated as they are when treatments fail and patients bounce back to us. That’s why you’re seeing so many caregivers embracing the new paradigm of accountable care.”

No more “silos” One exciting change, for caregivers and patients alike, is the move away from what Montemurno calls “the silo mentality.” “Silos are created when health care systems and caregivers don’t communicate with each other,” she explains. “This lack of communication isn’t something nefarious or intentional, it’s just the way our systems have evolved. Hospitals, labs, clinics and practices – they’ve all operated independently for decades. The idea that we all need to talk to each other, to share data and coordinate care, that’s something new. But it’s the only way to ensure effective, seamless care for patients.” Most public health experts believe that seamless, coordinated and transparent care will dramatically improve the quality of patient care – and reduce the incidence of medical errors. “The key is communication,” says Montemurno.

The nursing home connection

Pam Montemurno 4 outcomes, tracking patients and following up more closely than ever before. “The Affordable Care Act requires hospitals to achieve certain quality benchmarks – or lose Medicare funding,” explains Montemurno. “That’s a powerful motivator.” But it’s not the only one, of course. “Every health care professional I know is passionately devoted

At Linwood Care Center in Linwood New Jersey, the emphasis on accountability and coordination of care has been enthusiastically embraced, says Executive Director Diane Delaney, LNHA. “Nothing is so frustrating to our caregivers, patients and families than seeing a resident bounce back to the hospital because of a recurring health problem,” she says. “And it’s especially hard on frail and elderly patients.” But ensuring that Linwood residents don’t suffer relapses required a concerted effort for the nursing home.

“In effect, we’ve been asked to deliver a higher level of medical care within our facility,” says Delaney. It’s a challenge she and her staff have embraced. “We’ve increased our skill sets and now have more trained specialty nurses on staff than ever before. So instead of sending patients over to the hospital to be treated for infections, or respiratory problems, for IV therapy or for certain tests, we do all that here.” Yes, the landscape of health care is changing. There’s more communication. More accountability. More follow-up. It’s challenging, for sure. But for patients, it’s a step in the right direction.

Skilled care you can count on 24/7 STAR short-stay rehab | Ventilator care Specialized dementia care | Extended residential care | Respite care | CHF program Outpatient rehab services | Hospice care

Call: 609-927-6131 Linwood, NJ

Linwood Care Center is part of Revera Nursing and Rehab’s outstanding network of skilled nursing facilities across New Jersey and the United States. Other NJ locations include: Bey Lea Village in Toms River, Hamilton Plaza in Passaic, Laurelton Village in Brick, Meadow View in Williamstown, Neptune in Neptune, Oak Ridge in Wayne, Whiting in Whiting and Willow Creek in Somerset.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Medical Headache? Professionals Do You Have A Constant


Could From NeckFor (Cervical Spine). WhenBeDoOriginating You Need To See Your a Specialist Low Back Pain? What Low Are Options For Relief? back pain is one

who were previously called upon to address pain problems with specific techniques such as injections may prove normal but aid in ruling of the most common electrodiagnostics) t are some structures in the cervical What treatment interventions are or rehabilitation by their surgical colleagues out significant pathology. began to focus on the intricacies of pain diagnosis (neck) thatreasons are pain generators? recommended at Relievus for patients to Interventional procedures under fluoroscopic guidance and treatment, creating the new field of Pain for cervicogenic headaches? e seven cervical spine vertebrae surround the spinal seek medical attention. such as diagnostic cervical medial branch nerve blocks Management. anal and also create a passageway for thethe spinal Manual therapy (physical, chiropractic, massage) can With some pain episodes, sudden reaching, with anesthetic aid in ruling out/in facet joints as a source which supply the upper extremities. The vertebrae facilitate healing and return of biomechanical function bending or lifting event that began the misery of is headaches. Occipital nerve blocks at base of skull may Pain Management arated byremembered, discs. Other structures that help to mainof head/neck structures. Modification of work-out roubut sometimes the circumstancesalso of aid in diagnosis. This field represents a new kind of multie integrity andare structure of theCommon spine include facet tine/home exercise approved by a professional is critical. onset uncertain. causes of back pain disciplinary thinking, focusing specifically on vessels, muscles, tendons, ligaments, soft tissue, Modalities such as cold/heat, ultrasound, transelectrical include overstretching muscles or ligaments, the What are some differential diagnoses the understanding and treatment of pain as a n. Inflammatory processes caused conditions so-called “strain/sprain” andbythese tend to resolveof headaches nerve stimulation (TENs) may accompany therapy for an can alsotraining present symptom.that Multi-specialty in pain combines fect thesequickly. structures are adults the usual culprits episodes of dis- of low back Many experience additive effect. with neck pain? physical medicine, anesthesia, psychiatry, neurology fromaspect time to and fortunately, most resolve rt in the pain posterior oftime neck/head. Medications used to manage pain are usually multiandheadaches radiologysuch withassome additional experience, migraine or tension with no more than a single day’s rest, a few days of Primary modal in nature and may include anti-inflammatories, often incan orthopedics or neck neurosurgery. The American t are cervicogenic type headaches present with pain. over-the counter medications, such as ibuprofen or muscle relaxants, topical patches/creams. Opioid therapy Board of Medical Specialties recognizes expertise intermittent use of ice. These problems aches?naproxen What and popuTemperomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can also is reserved for severe or chronic intractable pain due to in Pain Medicine by awarding the Certificate do not generally require X-rays or MRI studies. Other side effects as well as potential addictive qualities. n of individuals may present with neck pain/headaches. is important to This of Added Qualifications inItPain Medicine. pain episodes may resolve with physical therapy or Injections are an integral part of treatment and discuss your symptoms with your primary carethe provider sceptible? certificate shows expertise exceeding physician’s chiropractic within 4-6 weeks. Injuries to the lumbar are considered if a patient is not responding to the in order to be directed the right specialist as well or as to original BoardtoCertification in Anesthesia se headaches from discs,stem nerves or spinal joints tend to be the cause of aforementioned in a timely manner. Physical and Rehabilitation on of cervical spine order appropriate diagnostic studies. Medicine. Holders of Unfortunately, many patients and some most persistent pains. Trigger point injections (TPI) with or without this certification must pass a rigorous re-certification res and areWhen referredback to the physicians fail to realize that at least half of all pain doesn’t resolve after a period anesthetic/corticosteroid may aid in relief of cervicogenic What are some “Red Flags”? examination every 10 years. While few practicing pain back problems will not improve with epidural of 4-6 weeks, progressively worsens despite headaches of muscular focus. Percutaneous electrical nerve physicians are primarily trained in orthopedic surgery Red flags warrant immediate medical evaluation. injections. Long ago, research showed that the ording totreatment, the International Classification of or includes severe leg pain, weakness, stimulation (PENs) with TPI may provide further benefit. neurosurgery, pain physicians arethat trained inclusive but notall limited to headaches are to practice of administering three identical epidural che Disorders 3rd edition,falling there are 2 basic categories incontinence, or an inability to walk, it They is are or Interventional procedures under fluoroscopic recognize the serious problems whichwith merit prompt progressively worsening, headaches associated high injections was without merit, but unfortunately, some daches, primary Primary headaches time to and see asecondary. physician. If you have several episodes guidance include cervical epidural referral to their surgical colleagues. A well-trained fever/stiff neck/ rash, sudden onset of severe headache, pain physicians still practice thiscorticosteroid way. We think that e those ofofvascular origin (cluster and migraine recurring severe back pain over several months, injections for neck pain associated with pain radiating and Board Certified Pain Management physician is a patients deserve better care and better value. With onset of headache after head injury, and problems with hes) as well as thoseisofalso muscular origin (tension evaluation merited. Often, family practitioners intorising upper extremities. As mentioned above diagnostic good choice to help understand and relieve your back deductibles and co-payments, we think that vision or dizziness. hes). Secondary headaches result from another and general internists see initial episodes of low back cervical medial branch nerve blocks mayPain provide short pain. At our practice, Relievus/Advanced Spine and you have a right to expect that your doctor will including inflammation as stated above or head pain, but after imaging studies, refer the patient to term benefit if the facet joints are the source and should Pain, most patients are referred from their primary practice not just good, but better medicine. ck injuries. Cervicogenic into a to refer a specialist. While headaches it was oncefall traditional care providers, orthopedic or neurosurgeons, or from a be followed with therapeutic radiofrequency ablation/ patients toheadaches. a surgeon for consultation, most patients oup of secondary When your low back pain doesn’t physical therapist or chiropractor. rhizotomy for longer lasting relief of pain. require surgery. Over years ago, yone candon’t be susceptible but they are 20 common in physicians go away, call Dr. Nwachuku and In our practice, we seek to discover WHY your hat weight train and those who have whiplash or the staff attoRelievus (888) 985-2727 ***It is important be evaluated by your primary care pain exists and to explain this to you. Only after sive type injuries once brain or head injury are physician or neurologist initially if you have for prompt evaluation at either of a specific cause of pain is identified can treatment ut. Occupation may also play a role, such as those to rule out any primary causes. our convenient offices. options be thoughtfully discussed. While some pain headaches ch one may have to position neck in a particular management practices seem to offer epidural or for a prolonged period of time or improper caudal injections to all of their patients with back e. In the elderly degenerative changes of the spine pain, we are highly selective, routinely using a crease susceptibility. variety of advanced injection techniques to target

can cervicogenic headaches agnosed?

horough history and physical exam is the basis. ns/symptoms are inclusive but are not limited to nd/or stiffness in posterior cervical spine which es or exists with the headaches. Pain can be ral (one sided) or bilateral (both sides). Head ck pain can radiate to upper extremity or anterior aspect of head. sical examination is inclusive but not limited to g of the cervical facet joints on affected side(s) g limited range of motion of neck, discomfort with ning, muscle spasms/trigger points in head and nd variations in muscle strength. ere is no definitive diagnostic study. Imaging/ stic studies (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs,

your specific problem, but only where your pain pattern and physical examination findings support this specific treatment. It is our policy to personally review your MRI or CAT scan images, where available, as part of providing you a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis. We often identify subtle findings relevant to your diagnosis, which alter our recommendations for treatment. Frequently, a bulging or herniated disc is not the cause of your pain. While this condition is often (and wrongly) called, “Non-specific” low back pain, most patients are found to have pain originating in the spinal joints. Epidural do not help this problem. No Pain. No Gain. No injections More. Dr. Nwachuku has presented exciting original research on optimal strategies for diagnosis and these at several national Now there’streatment a place to help youof manage your problems pain. So you can keep on living your American dream. meetings. To learn more, visit

The County Woman Magazine

County Woman Magazine

Adaku U. Nwachuku, DO, MBA Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Certified Pain Medicine

Relievus/Advanced Spine and Pain

888-985-2727 (ASAP) 2512 Atlantic Avenue Central Park East Atlantic NJSuite 08401 222 NewCity, Road, 102 Linwood, NJ 08221 Central Park East 222 Road, 506 New S. New YorkSuite Road102 Linwood, Galloway,NJ NJ08221 08205

2 8th Street 1125 Atlantic Ave., Hammonton, NJ 08037 Suite 106 Atlantic City, NJ 08401 4248 Harbour Beach Blvd NJ 08203 2Brigantine, Eighth Street Hammonton, NJ 08037

March/April 2015

November/December 2014

edical P Professionals rofessionals Medical

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DO CHILDREN REALLY Come In For An Exam AndNEED CheckSUNGLASSES? Out Our New According to most eye doctors and researchers, Gorgeous Designer Frames! the answer is an emphatic “yes!” • Focusing or accommodation is tested. Eyes must be addition able to focus a specificeye object, and easily both shift In tooncausing problems, focusand fromUVB one object another. UVA raystocan cause skin cancer

are committed to! Remember: comprehensive

eye exams are an investment in your and your child’s future! Early testing is key to promoting a

of the face, including the motility delicateisskin of • Visual alignment and ocular evaluated. lifetime of healthy vision. the eyelids and the area around the eyes. • Binocular fusion (eye teaming) skills are assessed. 50 M edical Professionals UV exposure been associated with These skills are also criticalhas to coordinating and aligning We invite you to visit our beautiful frame growths on the so surface ofcan thefuse eyethecalled the eyes precisely the brain pictures it dispensary and choose from the latest in pingueculae and eye pterygia. receives from each into a single image. fashionable eyewear. We carry both affordable • Eye tracking skills are tested to determine whether The staff at Hammonton Family Eyecare is ready to serve all of Be oftrack children’s with your family’s eyecare needs. Pictured (l-r) Arun Kaistha, OD; and high-end frames! thewary eyes can across a sunglasses page accurately while Rupal Patel Kaistha, OD; Helen Knox, Optician labels that say, “blocks UV rays” without and Harvey Wolbransky, OD. reading. • the Focusing or accommodation isof tested. Eyes must are committed to! Remember: comprehensive specifying actual percentage UV • Color vision testing is especially important in Many designer brands to choose from! Since comprehensive children tendeye to spend be able to focus on a specific object, and easily shift eye exams are an investment in your and your radiation the lenses absorb. According preschoolers since a large part of early education focus from one object to another. child’s future! Early testing is key to promoting a more time outdoors than most to Prevent Blindness America, children’s involves color identification. examination by a • Visual alignment and ocular motility is evaluated. lifetime of healthy vision. adults, some experts say nearly sunglasses should block 99 to 100 percent • Binocular fusion (eye teaming) skills are assessed. • Eye-hand-body coordination, critical for doctor of optometry half of a person’s lifetime expo- of both types ofskills untraviolet rays:anUVA area critical to coordinating andand aligning handwriting,These throwing ball, playing instrument, We invite you to visit our beautiful frame can diagnose those sure to ultraviolet radiation can UVB. Also, thebe eyesaware preciselythat so theUV brain radiation can fuse the pictures it and visual perception, used to interpret visual dispensary and choose from the latest in receives from each eye into ayour single image. kids and to take place ageare 18.affecting your penetrates causes, if any,bywhich informationclouds. like form,Encourage size, orientation, texture fashionable eyewear. We carry both affordable • sunglasses Eye tracking skills are tested to determine whether The staff at Hammonton Family Eyecare is ready to serve all of wear their even on overcast days color perception is also tested. ability to see well. your family’s eyecare needs. Pictured (l-r) Arun Kaistha, OD; and high-end frames! the eyes can track across a page accurately while Rupal Patel Kaistha, OD; Helen Knox, Optician to protect their eyes. Children are more susceptible to retinal • Overall eyereading. health is determined by examining the and Harvey Wolbransky, OD. The American Optometric Association damage from UV rays because the lens structures •ofColor the eye. vision testing is especially important in Many designer brands to choose from! recommends a child’s first exam take place at 6 months you to schedule an comprehensive eye We encourage inside a child’s eye is clearer than an adult preschoolers since a large part of early education of age. Unless problems are detected, the next exam BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL appointment for your child’s next involves color identification. examination by a lens, enabling more UV to penetrate deep Our goal is to serve our should be at age 3, again before entering school, and eye exam* and invitecoordination, you to visit our • Eye-hand-body critical for into the eye. doctor of optometry then every 2 years after. Typically, these exams are patients by helping them beautiful frame dispensary choose handwriting, throwing a ball, to playing an instrument, can diagnose covered by insurance policies, so we encourage youthose to with their personal eye health and and visual perception, used to interpret visual from the latest in fashionable eyewear. These factors make it very important causes, if any, which arefor affectingprovide your them check with your provider. information like form, size, orientation, texture and withaffordable professional and We carry both and highall children, even infants, to wear UVcolor perception is also tested. Here’s what you can expect at your eye well. exam: ability to see end frames! eye care. We believe state-of-the-art Some exclusions apply. Cannot be combined with any other offers, blocking sunglassesThewhen they are out• Overall eye health is determined by examining the • Visual acuity is measuredAmerican at severalOptometric distancesAssociation to discounts, *Itthat is recommended that child’s healthystructures eyesight to afirst higheye exam take vision, or insurance plans, previous purchases or prior ordoors. This is especially true between the of is theavital eye. recommends a child’s first exam take place at 6 months ders. ensure a person can comfortably read, work on a place at 6 of months, then of again at 3-5 age ifSome restrictions may apply. See optical associate for details. quality life – both which we years of Offer ofand age. Unless problems are detected, the next exam hours of 10 a.m. 2 p.m., when UV ends 10/31/2014. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL computer, and also see distance. no problems are detected, and every 2our years after. 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609. 5 67. 7479

80 S. White Horse Pike,

Peach Tree Plaza (near ShopRite) Hammonton, NJ Magazine The County Woman Magazine Harvey Wolbransky, OD Lic #270A00373002

609. 5 67. 7479 March/April 2015 September/October 2014

80 S. White Horse Pike,

Medical Professionals


When Allergy Symptoms Become Severe, AtlantiCare Urgent Care is Here. At one time or another, we’ve all been reminded to “stop and smell the roses,” but if the blooming buds of spring make you sniffle, itch and sneeze, you could be suffering from seasonal allergies. A stuffy or runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, post-nasal drip, and a scratchy throat are some common signs of a mild to moderate allergic reaction, according to John Ruskey, DO, senior medical director of AtlantiCare Urgent Care Centers. In addition to pollen, you might be allergic to bee stings or poison ivy. You might have reactions after inhaling household dust, mold spores, or pet dander. Tobacco smoke, sensitivities to certain foods or food additives, and other irritants inside or outside your home can also bring on the misery of allergy suffering. “For many people, allergies can be managed like a chronic health condition by your primary care provider or an allergist,” says Robert Holtzin, DO, medical director of

the AtlantiCare Urgent Care Centers in Egg Harbor Township, Hammonton, Little Egg Harbor, and Marmora. “However, when you’re having an issue with your allergies and your regular doctor is not available, or you don’t want to go to the hospital, an AtlantiCare Urgent Care Center is a convenient place to get the care you need.” Dr. Ruskey notes that AtlantiCare Urgent Care Centers “can see patients quickly and efficiently.” “We don’t require appointments — and because we don’t take care of serious complicated emergencies, our providers are more readily available,” he says. AtlantiCare Urgent Care Centers see patients for medical conditions that require prompt attention but do not pose an immediate, serious threat to your health or life. If you are having a life-threatening medical emergency, call 9-1-1 to get help right away.

URGENT CARE CENTER LOCATIONS: Nine convenient locations. Walk-ins welcome. • Berlin • Egg Harbor Township* • Galloway Township • Hammonton • Little Egg Harbor • Marmora • Mount Laurel • Sicklerville • Somers Point For a complete list of our hours, visit or call 1-888-569-1000. *Pediatricians on-site

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To learn more, visit or call 1-888-569-1000.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


Medical Professionals

® SafeCT

Now available on all CT scanners at Atlantic Medical Imaging.

Why take a chance elsewhere? When you or a loved one needs a CT scan, ask for Atlantic Medical Imaging, the only ultra low dose CT outpatient facility in the area. It’s one more reason why AMI is the region’s leader in medical imaging. Atlantic Medical Imaging is the first radiology practice in the area to offer SafeCT®, an ultra low dose CT technology available at all of our outpatient facilities that provide CT services. With this new, highly advanced technology, we are able to reduce radiation doses by 50-75%* without compromising image quality. You can be assured that your imaging will be done with the least possible radiation dose while still maintaining exceptionally high quality imaging.

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*Compared to conventional CT scanners. SafeCT is a registered trademark of MedicVision Imaging Solutions.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

35 00

Warning Signs Of Hip And Knee Arthritis, The Spine: A Common Of Back And Leg Pain AndAging What To Expect When YouCause See Your Orthopedic Surgeon


Written byost Frederick MD, FAAOS peopleDepaola will experience back

pain at some point in their life. As people age, their joints (such as hips and knees) experience wear and tear. The spine also consists of a complex set of joints that t is not unusual to see a patient with an arthritic problem of can degenerate. When this degeneration leads to a narrowing of the spinal the hip or knee, and the patient has mistaken his problem for canal in the lower back, it is referred to as lumbar spinal stenosis. another condition. Anatomy Most commonly hip arthritis will present as either right or left groin pain that

It is important to understand some of the basics of the anatomy of the spine to understand

worsens with stenosis. activity and withconsists rest. But theofpain may occur on lumbar spinal The improves spinal column of often a series bones connected to the one outside or posterior aspect of the hip or pelvis, making the diagnosis more difficult. another by intervening discs, joints and ligaments. The bones are referred to as vertebrae. Things such ashave bursitis, tendon even the hernias cause pain thesecord areas. The vertebrae a space withinstrains, them called spinalmay canal where theinspinal and nerve roots travel. Generally in as thetorn low back region thefemoral spinal cord has ended and there are Pre-arthritic conditions such cartilage and acetabular impingement nerve roots these that supply the legs. The sections of the spinal have can mimic symptoms as well. Back problems maycolumn also can be different mistakennames, for a hip where the low back section is referred to as the lumbar spine. condition, such as sacroiliitis which is inflammation or arthritis of the sacroiliac joint. happenspain as may the occur spinein ages? What Uncommonly the thigh and people frequently believe they are With aging, the normal discs and joints that have connect vertebrae suffering from sciatica when in reality they an the arthritic hip. degenerate. This leads to narrowing of the discs and arthritic changes of the joints, which can subsequently lead to painOther key symptoms of an arthritic hip are joint stiffness and loss of motion of in the low back. In addition, the ligaments overgrow and bone spurs form. All of these the hip.together cause the spinal canal to get narrower over time. Once the spinal canal narfactors rows Knee generally has a that more straightforward withlumbar pain orspinal to a arthritis certain point, the nerves travel to the legs getpresentation pinched causing stenosis.around the joint, and occasionally swelling and deformity in more advanced stiffness cases. time patients will report pain in the back of the knee or calf, or WhatFrom aretime the tosymptoms? The symptoms of lumbar spinal back pain, which can vary depending on pain running down the lower legstenosis makinginclude the diagnosis more difficult. severity the arthritis.isThere also be pain in theand buttocks can travel theOnce theofdiagnosis madecan treatment for hip knee that arthritis are down the back of the legs, for oftentimes referred to as “sciatica.” can also bedependent numbness orontingling individualized each patient’s symptoms, butThere are frequently the in the buttocks or legs. As the pressure on the nerves roots worsens, weakness can occur, patient’s disability and other conditions. especially in the foot. Patients will often times report that the pain is worse by standing up straight Theseand treatments may include activities thatAs aggravate the condition walking, but gets better the withavoidance sitting and of leaning forward. time progresses, such as stairclimbing, twisting, jogging andpain heavy lifting. patients will not be able kneeling, to walk assquatting, far they once did without feeling in their legs.Weight Some loss is often cited as a common recommendation to reduce joint pain in overweight patients, however, note that leaning forward on a shopping cart will allow them to walk farther without pain. patients. Often times, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories medications such as Ibuprofen or Naprosyn, may be recommended to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints. How is it treated? The treatment withshown seeingto a physician trained in dealing with thearound spine and Physical therapy begins has alsofirst been increase flexibility and strength the obtaining an accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis is made based on the history and physical joint to reduce pain. and also injections with X-raysfor andthe MRI. Generally, is started with non-surgical options. exam, Sometimes knees, such astreatment cortisone or viscosupplementation will This includes physical therapy, medications, acupuncture and steroid injections. Oftentimes help prolong the time before a joint replacement is needed. Braces are another option. patients will feel good pain relief from these treatments. If a patient has a poor quality of life In who are stenosis, too disabled or ill to undergo joint have replacement surgery, walker or duepatients to lumbar spinal and non-surgical treatments not worked or onlya worked specialized may be isrequired. temporarily, cane then surgery considered. The main stay for treating lumbar spinal stenosis is to remove In patients who do not respond to these treatments, the ligaments, bone spurs and other initial compressive factorsjoint fromreplacement placing pressure on the nerve roots. This process is referred to as decompression, or a laminectomy. surgeon becomes an option. Advances in total joint replacement in recent years haveThe been many. does not remove all of the vertebrae, only the elements in the back that are placing pressure These include medications to reduce pain and bleeding, newer prosthesis with the hope on longer the roots. Sometimes and a spinal fusion is also needed for joint various reasons. TheIlaminectomy of survivorship, newer techniques to insert replacements. personally can be done using a traditional incision, a small “mini-open” incision or a minimally invasive have begun doing the direct anterior approach for hip joint replacements in most of approach. The choice of approach will be determined based on the severity of the stenosis, my patients who require hip replacement surgery. have foundgood the use a special the individual patient and surgeon factors. Most peopleI experience painofrelief in their operating table and imaging during thenormal procedure toafter be helpful in obtaining more legs after surgery andx-ray are able to resume their lifestyle recovering from surgery. However, improvement in theaccurate back is variable. results. As you can see, it is interesting to talk about the In Conclusion . . . Lumbar spinal stenosis is diagnosis one cause of back and leg pain peoplearthritis, as they age. and treatment forthat hipaffects and knee the It is important to see a physician trained in treating this disease to obtain an accurate diag-the first step is to see your orthopedic surgeon to make nosis. Once that is achieved, there are multiple treatment options that can help improve a proper diagnosis and obtain the treatment plan that patient’s quality of life. most fits your needs.

Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates

Call one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment.

Board Certified And Fellowship Trained Physicians

Spinal Surgery Total Joint Re STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A. Bone Density T ROY D. MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. Workers’ Compe ARTHUR P. VASEN, M.D., PH.D., P.A. Foot & A ■ OCEAN OFFICE KENNETH Y. CHERN, M.D., P.A.■ BRICK OFFICE 1200 Eagle Avenue 1640 Route 88 West HARALAMBOS DEMETRIADES, M.D., P.A. Ocean, NJ 07712 Brick, NJ 08724 222 ARTHUR K. MARK, M.D., P.A. Ph: (732) 458-7866 Ph: (732) 660-6200 CHRISTOPHER J. SPAGNUOLA, M.D., P.A. HOAN-VU T. NGUYEN, M.D., P.A. 120 ARON M. GREEN, M.D., P.A. B SUNIL R. THACKER, M.D., P.A. 16 KEVIN C. MCDAID, M.D. Clea PAUL T. HAYNES II, M.D. 294 Appl JOEL P. FECHISIN, M.D. Sa ROBERT P. PANNULLO, M.D. ■ MONROE OFFICE ■ FREEHOLD OFFICE 294 Applegarth Road, Suite C 222 Schanck Road D.O. ADAM M. MEYERS, Freehold, NJ 07728 KEIRON W. GREAVES, M.D. Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 Ph: (609) 495-1888 Ph: (732)GARLA, 462-1700 ww SUDHA M.D.


Official Team Doctors Of:

■ BARNEGAT OFFICE 500 Barnegat Blvd, Bldg. 200 Barnegat, NJ 08005 Ph: 609-488-3988



Seaview & Medical Medical SeaviewOrthopaedic Orthopaedic & Associates thehighest highest Associateshas hasprovided provided the quality of care in Monmouth and quality of care in Monmouth, Middlesex Ocean Counties forfor over and Ocean Counties over3030years. years.

Praveen Yalamanchili, MD. Dr. Yalamanchili is a fellowship-trained Spine Surgeon, who completed his training at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. A native of New Jersey, Dr. Yalamanchili has returned home after completion of his Fellowship training. He attended medical school at UMDNJ – Robert Wood Frederick DePaola MD, FAAOS Johnson Medical School and completed his orthopaedic residency at UMDNJ- New Jersey Medical School. He specializes in the treatment of spinal disorders www.seav i ew orparticular t h o. interest comin cervical • (neck) 732660 -6as2minimally 0 0 invasive and motion sparing procedures. including degenerative, deformity and trauma and has surgery as well • 732-660-6200 The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

M edical Professionals M edical Professionals

36 24

The Doctors The DoctorsOf OfSeaview SeaviewOrthopaedic Orthopaedic&&Medical Medical Associates Associates


{Steven Berkowitz,



Dr. Berkowitz attended medical school at the College of Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, NY and completed a residency at NYOH/ New York (Columbia) Presbyterian Medical Center. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, as well as the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center and Ocean Medical Center.

{Kenneth Chern,



Dr. Chern is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University, NY and completed his residency at NY Orthopaedic Hospital/ Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY. He completed a Fellowship in sports medicine at Southern Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center in Nashville. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic surgery with a subspecialty certification in sports medicine. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

{Vinay Chopra,


Dr. Chopra earned his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, and medical degree with honors from Ross University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in Family and Community Medicine at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, and completed his fellowship in Sports Medicine at Atlantic Health, Morristown Medical Center, in affiliation with the prestigious Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Vinay Chopra specializes in non-surgical orthopaedics, concussion management, sports performance, and rehabilitation.

Dr. Chopra is the head team physician at Felician College and school physician for Manalapan and Feehold High Schools. He is certified in Combat Medicine and appointed by the New Jersey State Athletic Control Board as a ringside physician. He has covered numerous mixed martial arts events such as Cage Fury Fighting Championships, Ring of Combat, and Dead Serious.

{Haralambos Demetriades,


Dr. Demetriades attended Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York and completed his residency training at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Demetriades continued on to obtain a Fellowship in Spinal Surgery Fellowship at Beth Israel Medical Center. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. His specialties are spine surgery, spine trauma and deformity and scoliosis. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

{Joel Fechisin,


Dr. Fechisin is a graduate of UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Following a one-year surgical internship at Abington Memorial Hospital in Abington, Pennsylvania, he completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at Monmouth Medical. He went on to earn his Fellowship in Adult Reconstruction at Insall Scott Kelly Institute in New York, NY. Dr. Fechisin specializes in all disorders and injuries of the knee, total joint replacement, and also has subspecialty training in arthroscopy and cruciate ligament reconstruction. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

{Keiron Greaves,


Dr. Greaves graduated UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He completed his residency in Anesthesiology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in 1993. Dr. Greaves completed his Fellowship training in Pain Management at SUNY Heath Science Center at Brooklyn University Hospital, Kings County Department of Anesthesiology, and Long Island College Hospital Veterans Administration Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. Dr. Greaves is board certified in pain management. He is an attending physician at Monmouth Medical Center.

{Aron Green,


Dr. Green is a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/New Jersey Medical School. He also completed a Foot and Ankle Fellowship at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. He is board certified by the American Board of Or- The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

thopaedic Surgery and is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

{Paul Haynes II,


Dr. Paul Haynes completed medical school at UMDNJ/New Jersey Medical School in Newark New Jersey. Following medical school, he completed internship and residency at Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center, Waters Place, in Bronx New York. He went on to complete his fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatric Sports Medicine, Limb & Pediatric Deformity at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Montefiore Medical Center at Waters Place, in Bronx New York. He also completed an Arthroscopic Fellowship at Staten Island Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, in Staten Island, New York. Dr. Haynes is a general orthopaedic surgeon, specializing in Pediatric Sports Medicine, Limb & Pediatric Spine Deformity as well as General and Pediatric Orthopaedics/Surgery. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center, Monmouth Medical Center and Saint Peter’s University Hospital.

{Arthur Mark,


Dr. Mark is a graduate of Temple University School of Medicine. He completed his residency training at Albert Einstein Medical Center. Dr. Mark then obtained a Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital in Adult Reconstruction. He presently is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Drexel University College of Medicine. His specialties are general orthopaedic surgery and total joint replacement and revision. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

{Kevin McDaid,


Dr. McDaid is a graduate of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He completed his residency at Monmouth Medical Center and his Fellowship training in upper extremity/hand surgery at The Hand Center of San Antonio in Texas. He specializes in general orthopedic surgery and upper extremity and hand surgery. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center. ABOUT SEAVIEW ORTHOPAEDICS: At Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates, we have been committed to providing you with quality orthopedic care for over 30 years! Our patients’ total experience with our practice is our number one priority.

March/April 2014 2015 July/August

Medical Professionals


Seaview Orthopaedics is committed to providing quality care in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. We specialize in surgical and non-surgical care of orthopaedic-related injuries. Adam Meyers, DO, FAAPMR Dr. Meyers received his medical degree from the University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine and also trained at the University of Pennsylvania and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his residency training at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and is certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Academy of Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He is an attending physician at Monmouth Medical Center.

Roy Mittman, MD Dr. Mittman attended Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He completed his residency at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. He specializes in general orthopaedic surgery, total joint replacement and arthroscopic surgery. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

Hoan-Vu Nguyen, MD, FAAOS Dr. Nguyen is a graduate of Temple University School of Medicine and completed his residency training at Penn State Milton S. Hersey Medical Center. From there he obtained his Fellowship in spine surgery at San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders. He specializes in general orthopaedic surgery, neck and back surgery and disc replacement. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

Robert Pannullo, MD, CIME, FAAPMR Dr. Pannullo is a graduate of Wayne State University School of Medicine and also trained at KDV Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation in York, PA. He completed his residency at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center (currently NY Presbyterian Hospital) and completed an Interventional Spine Techniques and Pain Management Fellowship at KDV Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, LTD. He is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and EMG Testing. He is certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners. He is an attending

physician at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

Christopher Spagnuola, MD, FAAOS Dr. Spagnuola is a graduate of The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He completed his residency at Monmouth Medical Center. He received his Fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University in Sports Medicine. He completed further training at Monmouth Medical Center and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery with sub-specialty certification in sports medicine. Dr. Spagnuola worked as an Assistant Team Physician for the Philadelphia Phillies and Wings organizations. He specializes in arthroscopic surgery. He is presently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Drexel University College of Medicine. He is an attending at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center, and Monmouth Medical Center.

Sudha Garla, MD She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine with focus on Occupational Medicine. Dr. Garla received her Electrical/Biomedical Engineering Degree with the highest honors from Rutgers State University in New Jersey. She then attended UMD&J at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School where she received her medical degree. Dr. Garla trained in Internal Medicine at UMD&J, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She is a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology. She is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Medical Association, the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers and the Society of Women Engineers. Dr. Garla has certification as a Medical Review Officer (MRO).

Sunil Thacker, MD, FAAOS Dr. Sunil Thacker is a graduate of UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School. He also completed his residency at UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School. He went on to earn his Fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA and is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. His practice also focuses on joint preservation arthroplasty in active adults. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center, Monmouth Medical Center and Saint Peter’s University Hospital.

The County Woman Magazine

Arthur Vasen, MD, PhD, FAAOS Dr. Vasen attended the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He completed his residency at Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH. He earned his Fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in hand and upper extremity surgery. His specialties are general orthopaedics, trauma surgery, hand and upper extremity surgery and arthritis surgery. Dr. Vasen is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. He is presently an Assistant Clinical Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine. Also, he is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center.

Praveen Yalamanchili, MD, FAAOS Dr. Yalamanchili attended medical school at UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and completed his orthopaedic residency at UMDNJ- New Jersey Medical School. He specializes in the treatment of spinal disorders including degenerative, deformity and trauma and has particular interest in cervical (neck) surgery as well as minimally invasive and motion sparing procedures. Dr. Yalamanchili is a fellowshiptrained Spine Surgeon, who completed his training at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Ocean Medical Center, Monmouth Medical Center and Saint Peter’s University Hospital.

George J. Fahoury, Jr., D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S. Dr. Fahoury received his Doctorate degree in Podiatric Medicine from the New York School of Podiatric Medicine in New York, N.Y. and completed his residency at Baptist Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. Fahoury achieved his Board Certification in Foot & Ankle Surgery from the American Board of Podiatric Surgery in 1987 as well as his Fellowship within the same year from The American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. He specializes in reconstruction of foot and ankle deformities such as flat feet, bunions, hammertoes, sports injuries, foot & ankle trauma, arthroscopic joint surgery and fractures. Facility Appointments: Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ and Clara Mass Hospital, Belleville, NJ.

March/April 2015


Medical Professionals


Dr. DePaola

to Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates!

Frederick DePaola MD, FAAOS

Seaview Orthopaedics Welcomes Dr. DePaola Seaview Orthopaedics is pleased to welcome Dr. Frederick DePaola to their practice. As a board certified orthopaedic surgeon specializing in General Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement, Fractures and Arthroscopic Surgery, Dr. DePaola makes an ideal addition to the already exceptional practice.

Prior to joining Seaview Orthopaedics, Dr. DePaola has been providing orthopaedic care in the Wall area for over 15 years. One of his main area of interests is performing the anterior approach for Hip and Knee replacements. He is excited about the prospect of working in a large group practice. “I have found that practicing as an individual without the benefit of coverage of a larger group to be quite difficult. I know it will fSitting, Row 1, (left to right) - Drs. Berkowitz, Mittman, Demetriades benefit myself and my patients to be in a group that comprises almost all orthopedic Sitting, 2nd Row, - Drs. Vasen, Thacker Standing, 1st Row - Drs. Garla, subspecialties with well trained surgeons to allow greater continuity of care,” he adds. Mark, Meyers, Greaves, Chern, Spagnuola, Nguyen Standing, 2nd Row Dr. DePaola became interested in orthopedic surgery during his last year of medical school. “I had the opportunity to work with my cousin who is a surgeon in Jersey City, Drs. McDaid, Fahoury, Yalamanchili, Green, Chopra, Fechisin, Haynes Not pictured - Drs. DePaola & Pannullo. he got me very interested in surgery. From that experience and from discussions with several orthopedic surgeons, I decided to enter an orthopedic residency.” Most of the patients he sees suffer from hip, knee or shoulder disorders. His medical philosophy isost one that iswill patient inclusive.back “I treat patient as aninindividual people experience paineach at some point their life. and As avoid factorypeople type medicine. encourage be knees) active participants their age, theirWejoints (such patients as hips to and experienceinwear orthopaedicand decision whether be a surgical non-surgical tear.making, The spine alsoitconsists of a or complex set ofapproach,” joints that If you have questio hecan says.degenerate. When this degeneration leads to a narrowing of the spinal concerns, call Seav Orthopaedic & Med & Medical Associates He is excited about some of the new advances happening in his field. “Hip Associates, 732-660 canal in the lower back, it is referred to as lumbar spinal stenosis. Call one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment. replacements with anterior incisions and intraoperative imaging show significant Call one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment. Anatomy promise. Similarly, in knee replacements smaller incisions have become popular over Spec It is important to understand some of the basics of the anatomy of the spine to understand thelumbar last few years.” The nonoperative options, including injections, physical therapy, Spinal Surgery/Scolios spinal stenosis. The spinal column consists of a series of bones connected to one Fellowship Trained Physicians Board Certified And and bracing is also good news for and patients seeking to surgery. Total Spinal Joint Replacem another by intervening discs, joints ligaments. Thealternatives bones are referred to as vertebrae. Surger Fellowship Trained Physicians STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A. The Dr. vertebrae DePaola have attended medical at Ross University Schooltheofspinal Medicine, a space within school them called the spinal canal where cord and If you have questions or Total Joint R ROY D. MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. If you questions or concerns, call have Seaview nerve rootsWest travel. Generally the low back the spinal cord hasHospitals ended andMedical there are Dominica, Indies, andincompleted hisregion internship at United ■ OCEAN OFFICE ■ BRICK OFFICE ■ FREEHOLD OFFICE ■ MONRO concerns, callP. Seaview Orthopaedic & Eagle Medical ARTHUR VASEN, M.D., PH.D., P.A. 1200 Avenue 1640 Route 88 West 222 Schanck Road 294 Applega & Medical Associates nerve roots that supply thefinished legs. Thehis sections of theatspinal column haveofdifferent names, STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A. Foot &Density Ankle • Orthopaedic & Medical Bone Center, Newark, N.J. He residency the University Medicine and Associates, 732-660-6200. & Medical Associates Ocean, NJ 07712 Brick, NJ P.A. 08724 Freehold, NJ 07728 Monroe Tw KENNETH Y. CHERN, M.D., Associates, 732-660-6200. where the low back section is referred to as theCalllumbar spine. one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment. Ph: (732) 660-6200 Ph: (732) 458-7866 Ph: (732) 462-1700 Ph: 609-49 ROYHARALAMBOS D. MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. M.D., P.A. Dentistry of New Jersey. Pa Call one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment. DEMETRIADES, Workers’•Comp Official Team happens spinehigh ages? 732 Doctors Of:Official Team 222 Schanc Specializing in: ARTHUR K. MARK, M.D., P.A. What With over 30 yearsas of the providing quality healthcare, Seaview Orthopaedics Doctors Of: ARTHUR P.Specializing VASEN, M.D., in: PH.D., P.A. Foot & With aging, the normal discs and joints that connect the vertebrae degenerate. This leads Spinal Surgery/Scoliosis • Hand & Upper Extremity ■ OCEAN OFFICE ■ BRICK OFFICE Spinal Surgery/Scoliosis • Hand & Upper Extremity has earned their stellar reputationFellowship inFellowship the area. Trained They believe in earning the trust of Physicians Physicians KENNETH Y. CHERN, M.D., P.A. to narrowing of the discs and arthritic changes of the Trained joints, which can subsequently leadTotal to Total Joint Replacement • Trauma/Fracture Care Joint Replacement • Trauma/Fracture Care 1200 Eagle Avenue 1640 Route 88 West their only by addressing their orthopedic needs, but by treating each painpatients, in the lownot back. In addition, the ligaments overgrow and bone spurs HARALAMBOS DEMETRIADES, M.D., P.A. STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A.form. All of these STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A. patient theircause familythewith compassion. Dr. DePaola istime. a perfect addition to their Ocean, NJ 07712 Brick, ■NJ 08724 factorsand together spinal canal to narrower over Once the spinal canal narROY D.get MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. ■ SATELLITE ROY D. MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. SATELLITE 22 ■ OCEAN OFFICE ■ BRICK OFFICE ■ FREEHOLD ■ K. MONROE OFFICE M.D., BARNEGAT ■ ARTHUR MARK, P.A. ■ OCEAN OFFICE ■ BRICK OFFICE ■ FREEHOLD OFFICEOFFICE ■ MONROE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE ■ BARNEGAT OFFICE ARTHUR P. VASEN, M.D., PH.D., P.A. OFFICE team. rows to a certain point, the nerves that travel to the legs get pinched causing lumbar spinal 294 Applegarth Road, Suite C 500 Barnegat Blvd, Bldg. 200 1200 Eagle Avenue 1640 Route 88 West 222 Schanck Road ARTHUR P. VASEN, M.D., PH.D., P.A. Ph: (732) 660-6200 Ph: (732) 458-7866 Foot & Ankle • General Orthopaedics 294 Applegarth Road, Suite C 500 Barnegat Blvd, Bldg. 200 1200 Eagle Avenue 1640 Route 88 West 222 Schanck Road IN Foot & Ankle Monroe • General Ocean, NJ 07712 Brick, NJ 08724 Freehold, NJ 07728 Twp., Orthopaedics NJ 08831 Barnegat, NJ 08005

Medical Pro



The Aging Spine: A Common Cause Of Back And Leg Pain


Seaview Orthopaedic Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates

Seaview Orthopaedic Seaview Orthopaedic

IN KENNETH Y. CHERN, Ocean, NJ 07712CHERN, Brick,M.D., NJ 08724P.A. Freehold, NJ 07728 CHRISTOPHER Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 Barnegat, NJ 08005 M.D., P.A. J. SPAGNUOLA, KENNETH M.D., LAKEWOOD Ph: (732) Y. 660-6200 Ph: P.A. (732) 458-7866 Ph: (732) 462-1700 Ph: 609-488-3988 Ph: 609-495-1888 Patriot’s Park LAKEWOOD Ph: (732) 660-6200 Ph: (732) 458-7866 (732) 462-1700 Ph: 609-488-3988 Ph: 609-495-1888 HARALAMBOS DEMETRIADES, M.D.,Ph: P.A. Patriot’s Park HARALAMBOS DEMETRIADES, M.D., P.A. • 732-660-6200 HOAN-VU T. NGUYEN, M.D., P.A. What are the symptoms?ARTHUR K. MARK, M.D., 222 Schanck Road • Freehold, NJ P.A. 732-660-6200 222•Schanck Road • Freehold, NJ ARTHUR K.include MARK,back M.D., The symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis pain,P.A. which canor varyth depending on www.s eav i ew o. com • 73266 0 -6M.D., 2 0 0 P.A. ARON M. GREEN, the severity of the arthritis. There can also be pain in the buttocks that can travel down the SUNIL R. THACKER, M.D., P.A. back of the legs, oftentimes referred to as “sciatica.” There can also be numbness or tingling The County Woman Magazine March/April 2015 in the buttocks or legs. As the pressure on the nerves roots worsens, weakness can occur, KEVIN C. MCDAID, M.D. especially in the foot. Patients will often times report that the pain is worse by standing up



1 Cle

Medical Professionals


What is Interdisciplinary Cancer Care, and Why Does it Matter? When you or someone you love is fighting cancer, where you choose to go for treatment is one of the most important decisions you will make. For the best treatment results, you’ll want to choose a cancer center that approaches your care from an interdisciplinary team perspective. “Interdisciplinary cancer care brings together specialists from multiple medical specialties, who work cohesively in formulating a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient. At AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner, interdisciplinary care is provided by a broad-based patient care team that most often includes medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, primary care physicians, nurses, radiation therapy specialists, clinical trials professionals, nutritionists, social workers, and spiritual and genetic risk counselors,” explains Vijay Sandilya, MD, medical director of Medical Oncology and Infusion Services, AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, and assistant professor, Department of Hematology/ Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center. AtlantiCare’s specialists and professional and support staff work together as one closely coordinated team to develop the best plan of care for your particular type and stage of cancer. From day one, this entire team is dedicated to providing you with highly personalized, patientcentered care, which continues even after treatment ends with personalized survivorship care plans. “A great benefit of our interdisciplinary approach is that we discuss what’s going to happen in the sequence of treatment. Patients can have a lot of fear when they

don’t know what’s going to happen next. Our approach helps patients understand what to expect before, during, and after treatment,” says James C. Wurzer, MD, PhD, medical director of Radiation Oncology at AtlantiCare. “Caring for cancer patients can be complex and requires a multispecialty team to work closely with each other. For this reason, several professional organizations promote and support the

interdisciplinary patient care model. Studies have shown that this approach helps to lower mortality, improve quality of care, and lower associated costs, with an eye to providing the patient and their family the best and most coordinated care possible,” says Dr. Sandilya. Please call 1-888-569-1000 or visit to find out more about the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute.

Frank Ricco Erma, NJ

I believe

that as a survivor, I can make a difference.

At age 64, Frank Ricco fought cancer—then found his calling. Frank was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010 and went through radiation at AtlantiCare’s Cancer Care Institute, a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner. He’s been in remission for four years and counting. Through it all, he remained hopeful—and, more important, grateful. Frank was so inspired by his experience that he wanted to do something in return. So he began driving the van that transports cancer patients to and from AtlantiCare. He still does it today, bringing smiles to the faces of those in need of a little friendly comfort. And he also brings them music. A passionate music fan, Frank makes CDs for the patients he transports. He’s truly doing his part to give back, and we couldn’t be more thankful. Frank is a valued member of the AtlantiCare team. He’s a symbol of the pride we have in our cancer treatment, and the dedication to great outcomes we share with our patients.

Healthcare you can believe in.

The County Woman Magazine

1-888-569-1000 March/April 2015

Medical Professionals


Facts And Side Benefits Of hCG Hormone Rx Therapy For Weight Loss Health &Wellness Law

What Is hCG?

No “sagging”

hCG treatment and weight management Perhaps you have noticed that people who plans. At Integrative Medical Center, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin have lost weight quickly often have excess HCG hormone weight therapy has been (HCG), is a naturally occurring gylour specialty for the past seven years. We skin that has commonly been termed coprotein hormone present in both adhere to Dr. Simeons’ comprehensive “sagging.” When looking for energy, men and women, which is produced your body will look for the easiest energy and cutting edge approach to weight in great amounts during pregnancy. loss. We require a complete history source first. As a result, lean muscle mass It’s levels double approximately every and physical examination along with is often burned by the body before fat 2.2 days during the first trimester or comprehensive lab panels and thyroid when dieting. Thus, we observe the loss pregnancy in order to send the mesof shape and contour that occurs with the testing including free T-3 and T-4 to be sage to the brain and body that there followed by clinical detoxification prior loss of lean muscle tissue. hCG Reduces Cravings is a developing fetus. This is crucial to weight program. To ensure safety we Clinical and medical supervision can HCG helps to modify eating behavior because if a woman is not reaching require weekly weight and measurement avoid the complication of dieting by by targeting the hypothalamus, thus adequate caloric intake for the day, it in the office and new fresh supplies every maintaining lean tissue and targeting can be dangerous to the fetus, therefor reducing caloric intake. The hypothalamus the right fat. Because HCG targets only week. Our team of physicians, medical the brain sends another message to the in the brain regulates the homeostatic assistants and diet coaches offers you the stored fat deposits, the body’s structural contril of food intake by receiving, body to unlock and release stored fat best techniques to help you achieve the fat and visceral fat, found in muscles coordinating and responding to metabolic into the bloodstream to nourish the weight you desire. and around the organs, is left intact. In fetus. During that time, it almost com- cues and signals from the digestive system. contrast to other forms of weight loss, pletely controls the woman’s metabolo- By integrating these metabolic signals, the use of hCG, along with exercise and hCG is also being called the the hypothalamus tells us when we need ic function. Various functions invitro a caloric restriction, produces a more “Weight Loss Cure” because after include ovary protection, progesterone to eat, much like a thermostat set on a immediately noticeable effect because all specific temperature. In other words, it level maintenance, and even immune of the fat being burned is directly targeted you lose the weight you will fools the body, meaning it tells the body to tolerance during preganncy. It also at the common problem areas. In essence, maintain it and not regain it. mobilizes fat and makes it bioavailable feed with the calories that are pulled from hCG not only helps with weight loss, but the fat. In this case, there is no baby, but actually helps to reshape the body and to burn as en energy source. Call us today, 609-641-9009, these calories in the blood tell the brain maintain or improve health. to get started on a healthier HCG hormone is being produced by we’re fine, so it doesn’t make you hungry. the placenta and maximizes the functional tomorrow! HCG “targets” fat in those hard capactiy of the body’s control centers in Is HCG safe? the hypothalamus especially the center to lose places • Pia Gardner M.D. (Medical Director) HCG hormone therapy is very safe called “The Fat Bank,” which controls and effective when properly administered • Marvin Roth M.D. (Staff Physician, the movement and distribution of the fat When administered in small daily and medically supervised. Daily doses BHRT, Hormone Evaluation Specialist) throughout the body. Therefore, when doses, HCG helps to mobilize fat deposits of 150–225 IU should be administered • Sam Jonuzi N.D. (Managing Director) we administer doses of 200 MIU/ml to that have formed around the hips, thighs, intramuscularly daily. When the hCG the body it sends a similar message to the abdomen, and upper arms. Once this fat This article is for injections are used for fertility reasons, Informational brain. At the direction of a physician, it is has become mobile, it is available for use the large doses of 10,000 IU are known to purposes only. Always clinically supervised, safe, effective, and a as a source of fuel. This open access to cause occasional headaches and pregnancy consult with your natural tool that enhances and accelerates the hip and waist fat actually facilitated a symptoms. licensed medical weight loss. After all, HCG Hormone is “targeted” weight loss in people who find practitioner before Miraculous! None of us would be here it difficult to lost it in these places after a beginning any course Today, there are numerous clinics offering without it. history of dieting. of medical treatment.

Elder Law

hCG and Weight Loss

Theater &Entertainment

Fine Art Photography


Business &Finance

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and clinical nutrition. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Rowan University in 1986 and a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Trinity College of Natural Medicine in 2001. Dr Jonuzi also earned an Integrative Health Practitioner degree at the

Most insurance accepted in network with Medicare and all others out of network

Your First Consultation is FREE! Call to schedule your appointment 609-641-9009 •• 201 East Black Horse Pike • West Atlantic City, NJ 08232

Dr. Sam Jonuzi specializes in bioionic chemistry, detoxification,

Advanced Integrative Medical Institute in Washington, D.C. Dr. Jonuzi is Diplomat of the College of Natural Therapies and Member of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Jonuzi is Founder and Managing Director at Atlantic Integrative Medical Center in Pleasentville.

The County Woman The Magazine County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015 January/Feb

Medical Professionals

41 37

Quality Pediatric Care For Your Child Is “Right By Your Side” z

CHOP Primary Care,

health. We provide comprehensive primary care from birth through age 21 and are conveniently located in Somers Point, Smithville and Cape May Court House.

Harborview has been privileged to be a part of the Atlantic and Cape May County communities as Harborview Pediatrics and later in 1997 as The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network. As part of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network, we are committed to providing your child with the highest quality pediatric and adolescent care, delivered with compassion and respect. In addition to offering newborn hospital care, well checks (physicals) and sick visits, we are here to answer your questions and help you learn about your child’s

About Our Physicians… All of our physicians are Board Certified Pediatricians and active members of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. For children and adolescents requiring hospital admission, the practice also maintains close contact with the pediatric hospitalist at all of the local hospitals. Our Pediatricians have areas of special interest in pediatric care as well as overall primary care. If you have a specific health concern or simply require primary care for your infant or child, please contact our office for more information and make your appointment today.

Care Close to Home As part of the The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network, our practices conveniently located in Somers Point, Smithville and Cape May provide comprehensive primary care for children from birth through age 21. We accept most insurance plans, and our doctors have staff privileges at Shore Medical Center, in addition to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We look forward to partnering with you to help your children stay their healthiest. Our Locations:

CHOP Primary Care – Harborview/Cape May

1315 Route 9 South • Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 • 609-465-6100 CHOP Primary Care – Harborview/Smithville

48 South New York Road (Route 9) • Smithville, NJ 08205 • 609-748-2900 CHOP Primary Care – Harborview/Somers Point

505 Bay Avenue • Bayside Commons • Somers Point, NJ 08244 • 609-927-4235 Our Doctors: • George P. Bross Jr., D.O. • Yasmin D. Deliz, D.O. • Christopher W. Drexler, D.O. • Sharon L. Held, D.O. • Mark P. Jacobson, D.O. • Christopher J. Keenan, D.O.

• Courtney G. Kivel, C.R.N.P. • Lisa J. Share, M.D. • Andrea R. Thorp, D.O. • Gerald E. Vekteris, D.O. © 2014 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved.

George Bross Jr., D.O.

Christopher Keenan, D.O.

Dr. Bross has been with Harborview since completing his residency at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1990. He is also the medical director of the Atlantic County Special Services School District, where he cares for many special needs children.

Dr. Keenan completed his residency in pediatrics at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and a fellowship in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Michigan Medical Center. moe about our doctors and about

Yasmin Deliz, D.O. Dr. Deliz completed her residency at Cooper University Hospital/ Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Camden, N.J. She also completed a fellowship in pediatric sports medicine at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, N.J.

Christopher W. Drexler, D.O. Dr. Drexler completed his residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and has been practicing at Harborview since 1999.

Sharon Held, D.O. Dr. Held completed her general pediatric residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center in 1992 and has been with Harborview for over 20 years.

Mark Jacobson, D.O.

Dr. Jacobson completed his residency at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine. He founded Harborview Pediatrics in 1989 and is currently an associate clinical professor of Pediatrics at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.

The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

Courtney Kivel, MS, C.R.N.P. Courtney is a boardcertified pediatric nurse practitioner who received a bachelor and master’s degree in nursing from Columbia University.

Lisa J. Share, M.D. Dr. Share completed her residency in pediatrics at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital/ Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and joined Harborview in 1998.

Andrea Thorp, D.O. Dr. Thorp completed her residency in pediatrics at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pa. and has been practicing at Harborview since 1999.

Gerald Vekteris, D.O. Dr. Vekteris completed his residency in general pediatrics at Albert Einstein Medical Center in 1992 and has been practicing in the Atlantic County area ever since.

March/April 2015 2014 March/April

al al P rofessionals week ofrofessionals the injury before the nose heals 11 in its trau-

matized are much lessPlikely to 42position, patients M edical rofessionals Buttock Enhancement Procedures have life-long breathing problems or desire a nose ominoplasty with removal Is It Time For A Mommy Makeover? reshaping in the future. These operations are covVisit our website at from the belly and a bdominalby wall muscles is insurance toplans. see actual patient ered most Has having ame time as the Brazilian children and

Featured On The Cover


Fat stores on the back and flanks are increased during pregnancy. These new stores are often also resistant to exercise. This change is natural, but it masculizes the feminine hourglass appearance.

and after photos changed before the videos. appearance of your breasts and Breasts 3TheDuring pregnancy, the breasts enlarge due to and abdomen?

breast-feeding s are real and really amaz-

The Operation and Post-Op Care


A single small incision is concealed at the base of Patient Before Patient After the nose under the tip between the nostrils. The Visit our website procedure takes between three and four hours to to see more patient before to and see more p 3 after photos and videos. The Solution: 3 able to go home after complete, and the patient is A Message From Dr. Bidic . . and . 1. Abdominoplasty y Lift: before afte the operation. Specific nasal splints are worn for I love what I do. My plastic surgery practice y lift is for patients that 2. Breast augmentation and/or lift, and allows me to form lasting relationships with my weight loss often after 3. Suction lipectomy of the back flanks of aanother week. form of No bariatricheavy lifting for two weeks and most patients as we work toward the common goaland vide and hips. restoring or enhancing their function or appearients that have substantial 373830 4c ASA-Bidic Bio Card_Layout 1 skin 2/19/13 11:53 ance.AM EveryPage patient 1 is an individual with special • Abdominoplasty: removes the excess and patients can after a week or two f their buttock. For thesereturn to work desires and wishes. My passion is to employ every skill that I stretch marks from the abdomen, and tightens and the upper portion of the have, for every patient that I have, to safely assist in creating a restores the “abdominal wall corset”. depending healthier, happier person. o literally lift the butt.on • Breast Augmentation/Lift: Depending on the size For me, the study of Art on the Masters level was much more y is also often a combined of the breasts, the amount of drooping (ptosis) than being able to render or appreciate “beauty”. The study ytheir Lift. Theoccupaexcision can and the patient’s desires, a breast lift (mastopexy), of Art improved my ability to view my environment through breast augmentation (with silicone “gummy bear” ve the presence of celmultiple perspectives so that I might better appreciate the world or saline implants), or a combination of the two tion. er portion of the buttock. around me. Also, it allows me to more confidently create with can be performed to restore and enhance breast

The abdominal wall is composed of skin, then fat, then the rectus abdominus muscles (the “six-pack”) encased in a non-elastic substance called fascia. To accommodate the enlarged uterus (or womb) during pregnancy, all three abdominal wall layers—skin, fat, and muscle encased in fascia—from just above the navel (belly-button) to the pubic bone stretch at a rate that often outstrips a woman’s ability to make new tissues. How well these tissues bounce back after delivery is dependant on many factors including the mother’s age, health, skin elasticity, and weight gain during pregnancy. The abdominal wall tissues of mothers bearing multiple children (twin, triplets, etc.) are stretched to a more extreme degree. “Stretch marks”, or striae, are caused by a rate of skin stretch that overwhelms the skin’s elasticity or ability to create new skin. Even though women spend millions of dollars every year purchasing products to improve stretch marks, there are no FDA approved therapies to remove to the stretch buttock canStretch also marks are irreversible. marks. Although theLower abdominal wall muscles will snap back e same time as the after pregnancy, the tissue that encases these muscles (the fascia) does not have the same elasticity and is weakSeeThe Real Results! ened. weakening of the fascia causes a paunch, or protruding belly. This can never be improved with exercise or diet—it is a mechanical change in the tissue. Often I’ll hear, “I work out regularly and still can’t improve my belly.” 373830 4c ASA-Bidic Bio Card_Layout 1 2/19/13 11:53 AM Page 1




hormonal factors in preparation for milk production. If the mother does breast-feed (a healthy option for mother and child), the internal breast tissue loses much of its structural integrity. This change causes a flattening of the natural teardrop appearance of the breast. The flattening and dropping of the nipple position is called ptosis, often referred to as “drooping breasts.”

This is not due to decreased physical activity (you are contouring (a breast lift likely running now more than ever), slow metabolism, or gmentation) is combined poor eating habits. These changes are due to structural alterations in your body’s tissues that can be explained and utt Lift and an abdominorejuvenated to restore your pre-pregnancy appearance. eous results are absolutely The ware: this one is Abdomen a life

An untouched picture of an actual Dr. Bidic Mommy Makeover patient.

Photo Gallery

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of:


American Surgical Arts, PC shape. • Liposculpture of the back and flanks is performed to permanently remove the excess fat.

The results are striking and long-lasting. Patients, and their partners, are equally ecstatic post-operatively. 856-362-8898.




Board Certified Plastic Surgeon BoardCertified CertifiedHand Plastic Surgeon Board Surgeon

“Exceptional experience... Extraordinary results”

MD, MFA, FAAP, FACS “Exceptional Extraordinary

results.” experience... Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Extraordinary Board Certified Hand Surgeon results”

Skin Care

SEAN M. BIDIC SEAN M.M. BIDIC SEAN BIDIC Board Certified Hand Surgeon 2950 OLLEGE DDrive RIVE 2950CCollege SSuite UITE 2H 2H VVineland, INELAND, NJ 08360 NJ 08360 856-362-8898 856-362-8898 FAX : 856-362-8903 Fax: 856-362-8903

About the Doctor… Dr. Bidic is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery (Board Certified Plastic Surgeon) with an added Qualification in Surgery of the Hand (Board Certified Hand Surgeon). Dr. Bidic was born and raised in southern New Jersey and is a graduate of Cumberland Regional high school. After graduating cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia with degrees from the Wharton School of Business and the College of Arts and Sciences, he completed his medical school training at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. In between the General Plastic Surgery portions of his integrated Plastic Surgery residency at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Bidic completed a Master of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in mixed-media sculpture at the renowned Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Art. Dr. Bidic is one of three board certified plastic surgeons in the nation with a Masters in Fine Arts. Following this, Dr. Bidic completed a hand and microsurgery fellowship as a Clinical Instructor with both the Departments of Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). From 2005-2010, Dr. Bidic was an Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery and Program Director of the Hand and Microsurgery Fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas--America’s largest plastic surgery residency. During his time in Dallas, Dr. Bidic was a faculty member at the Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium, Dallas Cosmetic Symposium, Mathes Reconstructive Surgery Symposium, and AO Hand Fracture Management Course. He has lectured internationally and published extensively in both plastic surgery and hand surgery in addition to teaching over 50 currently practicing plastic and hand surgeons throughout the world. Dr. Bidic and his family now reside in Mullica Hill, NJ. Dr. Bidic is an active member of: • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons • The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons • The American Society for Surgery of the Hand • The American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery • New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgery

Skin Care

“Exceptional SEAN M. BIDIC experience...

American Surgical Arts, PC

any medium--including skin, fat and bone--as well as traditional medium like paint and clay.


856-362-8898 FAX: 856-362-8903 The County Woman Magazine January/February 2015 The County Woman Magazine January/February 2015

July/August 2013 March/April 2015


e may not be fully developed a be at performed at the same time as the Lower the fat injection provides and increases in Body Lift. volume to cheeks. ou are The a teen, your plastic surgeon See Real Results! procedure takes about anF hour. Only eatured On The Cover four that small incisions (two on thethought back beltline carertain you have and one under each butt cheek) are needed The Art of Plastic Surgery for the liposuction and LipoAugmentation.


The patient wears a tight garment under their 2950 College Drive clothes for a month. Suite 2H

A Rhinoplasty Specialist


Vineland, NJ

Brazilian Butt Lift with an Abdominoplasty:

856-362-8898 www.AmericanSurgicalArts


“Exceptional experience...Extraordinary results.”

SEAN M. BIDIC SEAN M. BIDIC ard-certified plasMD, MFA, FAAP, FACS Dr. Sean Certified Plastic Surgeon has taught nose Bidic MD, MFA, FAAP, FACS: Board Board Certified Hand Surgeon A Body Contouring Specialist lastic surgeons Dr. Bidic is a from board-certified plastic surgeon that has taught plastic surgery to other plastic surgeons fromat around the world as an d as an instructor instructorat the Dallas Cosmetic Symposium the years of 2005-2010. He is an plastybetween Symposium active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of of 2005-2010. Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. member of the The County Woman Magazine of Plastic Surgeons n Society of Aesthetic To achieve the maximum in gluteal en- Plastic Surgeon As a successful

Dr. Sean Bidic has a passion for helping his patients improve their appearance. But it is the ability to form lasting relationships with them that he enjoys the most. “Every patient is an individual with unique desires. My goal is to employ every skill that I have to Dr. Sean Bidic, and his wife, Gretchen Bidic safely assist in creating a healthier and happier person,” he says. His love for the specialty was discovered while in his first year of medical school at Columbia University. He had won a grant to study the effects of smoking on wound healing with the Department of Plastic Surgery and found himself in the operating room as much as the lab. Whether it was reconstructing trauma patients or working with cosmetic patients desiring body rejuvenation, he loved every aspect of the field. In between his General Surgery and plastic surgery residency he was given the opportunity to study art at Carnegie Mellon. He adds, “Ironically, I believe my background in Fine Arts sets myself apart from others in this area. During that time I practiced and taught all aspects of art. My focus on multimedia sculpture has permitted me to see tissues of the body as distinct media. Just as each individual’s work is original and different, so is each patient.” For Dr. Bidic, the study of art has allowed him the freedom to create unique approaches to problems in both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. He adds, “For me the study of Art was about more than just being able to appreciate beauty. It had to do with the ability to see the world through multiple perspectives and having the ability to create with any medium, including skin and fat as well as paint or clay.” Deborah Lago Practice Manager

Deborah Lago began working with Dr. Bidic a little over a year ago. She has 30 years experience in the nursing field, from working in the operating room to assistant office manager for a thoracic surgeon. Debbie consistently receives positive feedback from her patients due to Dr. Bidic’s compassion and his ability to meet or exceed their expectations.

Woman Magazine

Dr. Bidic is one of just three board certified plastic surgeons in the nation with a Masters degree in Fine Arts. His practice focuses on cosmetic and reconstructive body contouring; including immediate breast cancer reconstruction using the patient’s own tissue, “Mommy Makeovers” (abdominplasty with either a breast augmentation and/or lift), and all other facial plastic surgeries. Additionally, he is skilled at complex hand surgery. Over the last three years he has seen an increase in patients coming in after a massive weight loss. Removing the excess skin and improving the contour for these patients is something he finds quite rewarding. “One of the Drive most critical goals in my practice 2950 College is to make sure the patient and I have the Suite same understanding of what can be 2H achieved through surgical (and non-surgical) therapies. I spend about an hour with Vineland, NJ 08360 each new patient so I can explain the current options for their specific issue and 856-362-8898 provide a full explanation of what kind of results they can expect.” Fax: and 856-362-8903 Dr. Bidic has lectured internationally published extensively in both plastic surgery and hand surgery. His co-worker Gretchen, who also happens to be his wife, started the skin care division in their office. She is a licensed skin care professional and has certification in permanent cosmetics. Gretchen enjoys working with her husband and sees it as a healthy outlet for their marriage. “For us, it’s an escape from the three kids and a place where we can appreciate each other’s talents and ideas outside of the house,” she says. Gretchen has been certified in oncology skincare therapy and is currently finishing a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Academy of Art University. Some of the services they provide include skin treatments; machines for laser hair reduction and quality skin care products. Although some of these aids can be pricey, she has witnessed first hand the miraculous results on her clients and family. She adds, “Customers may spend hundreds of dollars for makeup products that aren’t really changing their skin. What we offer can reduce brown spots, clear up acne and improve texture. The challenge is commitment and cost.”

Sharon DiGerolamo Aesthetician Sharon DiGerolamo works as an Aesthetician and has been with the office for almost one year. Previously, she worked in the pharmaceutical advertising industry before making a career change. She enjoys being part of such a talented team of professionals who can touch people’s lives in such a positive manner. The most challenging thing is allowing people to understand that you cannot put a price on your health and safety. “Sometimes it is not always a good idea to “shop around” for skin care services and make a decision based solely on price,” says Sharon.

Board Board

Lauren Bidic Patient Coordinator Lauren Bidic began working with Dr. Bidic over three years ago. She has her Bachelor’s Degree from Rowan University in Psychology. She enjoys working with the wonderful patients of Dr. Bidic’s and finds the most challenging part of her job is working with insurance companies.

The County Woman Magazine





Danielle Forte Physician Assistant Danielle has been the Physician Assistant to Dr. Bidic since November 2011. She received her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Kings College and completed her Masters of Physician Assistant Studies at Marywood University. Danielle enjoys being an integral part of the healthcare team and working between patient and physician. Knowing that she has made a positive impact on each patient she interacts with is very fulfilling.


March/April 2015



Copiers Plus, Inc.


icoh Americas Corporation today announced that Copiers Plus, Inc. has been officially confirmed as a Ricoh Certified Managed Document and Business Process Services and Production Printing Professional Services Provider through Ricoh’s CHAMPS program for dealer transformation. Individual workstyles continue to quickly evolve in today’s dynamic work environment, and as a result Ricoh is focused on information mobility: helping workers at organizations of all sizes access relevant information from anywhere and at any time to make critical business decisions. Ricoh’s CHAMPS program is an innovative approach that enables dealers to successfully redesign their business models and gain the proper knowhow and Ricoh expertise to offer advanced services that deliver information mobility and ultimately help customers capture, transform and manage information more effectively in today’s new world of work. The program qualifies dealers to analyze customer business challenges and prescribe custom services drawing from Ricoh’s Business Information Solutions



Now Helps Customers Unleash The Power Of Information With Ricoh Services

expertise. The CHAMPS certification program confirms that a dealer has successfully completed all Ricoh Services certification requirements for a particular specialized service or solution offering. The professionals at Copiers Plus have successfully completed expert training on delivering Ricoh’s Managed Document and Business Process Services and Production Printing Professional Services. Several of the dealer’s employees passed rigorous certification examinations that followed intensive training through the Ricoh Learning Institute, the company’s comprehensive training organization. “Congratulations to Copiers Plus and its newly certified staff,” said Jim Coriddi, Vice President, Dealer Division, Ricoh U.S.A. “This certification arises from a unique and transformative program in our industry. The overall goal is to give our dealers the tools to address their clients’ most pressing business problems. We remain committed to supporting our dealers with differentiating programs that allow them to be the best resource for information management in their region.” About CHAMPS Program Ricoh’s CHAMPS program combines a proven methodology, best-in-class

resources and Ricoh’s industryleading services to create custom solutions that improve customer business performance. The program makes it easier for the Ricoh family group of dealers to leverage what they need, when they need it, while lowering their document-related capital investment and helping accelerate profit generation opportunities. About Copiers Plus, Inc. Founded in 1986 by Robert and Debra Matthews, Copiers Plus enjoys serving as a traditional and specialty digital office equipment company. Copiers Plus represents over 28 years in the field selling and servicing office equipment. We continue to grow as a result of loyal customers who refer our company to others. This is a result of Copier Plus’ total commitment to customer satisfaction. We are grateful for their business and look forward to serving new customers as well. Copiers Plus, Inc. seeks to achieve steady controlled sales growth as a result of improvements in the value and service we provide to our customers. These improvements

become possible as employees develop superior techniques and abilities through training, experience and personal commitment. When our quality and customer service is better than our competitors, we ensure their satisfaction and ongoing patronage and thus secure our own operation and security. About Ricoh Ricoh is a global technology company specializing in office imaging equipment, production print solutions, document management systems and IT services. Headquartered in Tokyo, Ricoh Group operates in about 200 countries and regions. In the financial year ending March 2014, Ricoh Group had worldwide sales of 2,195 billion yen based on the IFRS accounting standard (approx. 21.3 billion USD). The majority of the company’s revenue comes from products, solutions and

services that improve the interaction between people and information. Ricoh also produces award-winning digital cameras and specialized industrial products. It is known for the quality of its technology, the exceptional standard of its customer service and sustainability initiatives. Under its corporate tagline, imagine. change. Ricoh helps companies transform the way they work and harness the collective imagination of their employees. For further information, please visit © 2014 Ricoh Americas Corporation.

For more information about Copiers Plus, visit

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Elder Law


Elder Law

Legal Documents For All Ages 18-118 Part 3 Of 3

Q: Q: Legal Documents For All Ages 18-118 - Part 1 18

By: Nancy M. Rice, Esq., CELA

of this marriage, the surviving spouse or domestic partner is entitled to the entire intestate estate. If the decedent has no children, grandchildren, or parents surviving, but is survived by one or both parents, the surviving spouse or domestic partner is entitled to the first 25% of the estate (but not • Health Care Proxy thanCare $50,000 more than $200,000), plus •less Health Power nor of Attorney remaining balance of the •three-fourths Medical Powerofofthe Attorney •intestate Medical Proxy estate.Directive

Other than stating who gets my property following my death, why else do I need a What are the “top 3” legal documents Will? everyone should have? You want to decide who will act as your 1. Advance Medical Directive/Living Will Executor, Trustee, and Guardian for minor or 2. Durable General Power of Attorney disabled children. You want to put provisions in By: Nancy M. YourtoWitnesses cannot be your attending 3. Rice, LastEsq., WillCELA and Testament yourc)Will reduce or eliminate death taxes physisuch cian or the Administrator or Employee of the health as New Jersey Inheritance Tax, New Jersey Estate care institution you are residing in unless he or she What are the “top 3” legal documents TRICK QUESTION: What happens to Tax,isand Estate Taxes. Your attorney can alsoFederal your relative. everyone should have? your assets if you die without a Will? also advise you how to best minimize or eliminate I favor the term “Advanced Medical Directive/Living Will” If all of the decedent’s surviving children are of 1) Advanced Medical Directive/Living Most people believe that their Will assets income taxesare on some assetsofsuch IRA’stoand 401(k)’s. What the as issues consider so that people can figure out from the title what 2) Durable General Power of Attorney the current marriage or domestic partnership and will pass to the State of New Jersey if they die it is. when making a Living Will? 3) Last Will and Testament the surviving spouse or domestic partner has one or without a Will; but think about it . . .if this really If I already have a Will, how often more surviving children who are not descendants A: Perhapsshould the most importantchanging thing to keep happens, we wouldn’t have to tax toilet paper or I consider it? in mind is Why do they ask me for my Living Will Which document is most important? to choose a person or persons whom you of the when decedent; or,the if one or more of the decedent’s that you need sell highways in order to balance the State budget, Whenever family circumstances change I go to Hospital? know will carry out your wishes. You are not required Arguably, the documents are listed above surviving children is not a descendant of the would we? (birth, death, or disability of a family member), to In 1990, Congress passed a law, known as the “patient name family members, and you might not want to tell in order of importance, meaning that the Advanced surviving spouse or partner, the surviving your assets increase or decrease Self-Determination Actdomestic which requires all Hospitals & anyone who you have named if youor feelchange that others may Medical Directive/Living Will is arguably the most spouse or domestic partner is entitled to the first OK, what REALLY happens if I die substantially, add oryour losemind. life insurance Nursing Homes to ask you, upon admission, whether put pressure on or, youyou to change You should important. you an Advance follow the always 25%have of the intestateDirective/Living estate (but notWill, lesstothan namewhenever a “backup” person in the first without a Will? coverage; you decide youevent wantyour to change When a child attains the age of eighteen (18) years, Directive if you have one, and to offer dispute resolution Representative falls ill or dies. Remember, you can only $50,000.00 nor more than $200,000.00), plus look“legally to seecompetent” how assetsand are parents TITLED who you named as Executor, Trustee, or Guardian; he or sheFirst, becomes lose in the event there is a question regarding your Directive. sign this document NOW when you are healthy! one-half of the balance of the intestate estate. (for example, if a medical house isdecisons ownedfor bythe a husband if you want to consider creating a Trust for your their right to make child. In fact, HIPAA privacy lawpass canto make impossible for In Part because 2, we willofdiscuss another which and the wife, jointly, it will theitsurvivor marital issues;document or, if your state AnyWhat part of thetheintestate estate not passing to the children are Legal Requirements to make parents to gain access to the child’s medical information, all of us should have in place: Durable automatically) and whether an asset has a of residence changes, you should consider a review surviving spouse or domestic partner as indicated a valid Living Will in New Jersey? let alone make medical decisions in the event the child Power of Attorney. beneficiary named (for example, all IRA’s and life of General your estate planning. above, or the entire intestate estate if there is no becomes incapacitated. Of course, this same HIPAA priIn order to sign an Advance Directive, New Jersey and insurance policies and annuities name beneficiaries, vacy law applies to the elderly, and everyone in between. surviving spouse domestic partner, passes as most other state’s lawsorrequire: and these beneficiary forms dictate In order to allow your loved ones to havewhere accessassets to your follows to descendant’s: 1) That the signer be over 18 and competent to sign a Call to Schedule an Appointment medical information and make whether decisions aforWill you says when pass upon death, regardless legal document; • Descendants; and if none, to: Call toOcean Schedule an Appointment City: 609.398.3447 you can’t (without a court, you must haveand otherwise. Assetsinvolving which are not titled jointly • Parent or parents equally; and if none, to: 2) That the witnesses must attest to the fact that you OceanCherry City: 609.398.3447 awhich properly and witnessed Advancedwill Medical Hill: 856.673.0048 dosigned not designate a beneficiary pass, in are of sound mind and free of duress or undue • Parents’ descendants; and if none, to: Directive/Living Will.) Cherry Hill: 856.673.0048 absence of a Will, to your “heirs” as defined by the • One influence when you signgrandparents; the document; and if or more surviving State Intestacy What is aLaws. “Living Will”? 3)none, That to: the document be witnessed and/or notarized. Nancy Rice has been Nancy Rice has been • The descendants of grandparents (e.g., aunts and The term “Living Will” was coined in the midpracticing Estate practicing Estate a) New Jerseyand law nephews); requires either (2) witnesses 1970’s following themy Karen Ann under Quinlanthe matter Who are “heirs” NJ which uncles, nieces andtwo if none, to: Planning and Elder Planning and Elder or a Notary Public. Pennsylvania law (which we reached the New Jersey Supreme Court. The Court Intestacy Laws? • Step-children orbecause their descendants. Law in New Jersey Law in New Jersey and must consider many patients choose or end strongly recommended that every person over the age of The New Jersey intestacy law changed a and up in a Philadelphia hospital for certain procedures) eighteen (18) have a document in writing- with his or If there are no relatives surviving, the intestate Pennsylvania since few years ago. Generally, the surviving spouse or requires two (2) witnesses, and does not recognize Pennsylvania since her wishes concerning life support. estate passes (escheats) by default to the state of 1986. She was just a notary. For this reason, I set up my Advance domestic partner is first in line to receive assets 1986. She was NewDirective Jersey. Thus, if you want to make a bequest document for both two (2) witnesses and Certified as an ElderCertified as an Elder from the intestate estate. However, the amount What is a “Health Care Proxy”? Is it thea to people or Public organizations a Notary to sign. other than those listed Law Attorney in 1997, surviving or domestic partner is entitled to Law Attorney in 1997, samespouse as a “Living Will”? above, or if Witnesses you wantcannot to exclude certain people, b) Your be one of the peoand has maintained varies as followed: and has maintained offices in Camden The New Jersey Advance Directive law went into you ple must a Will andastake to review youmake have designated yourcare Health Care all offices in Camden effect in January, 1992. After that time, a Living Will and Cape May counties, specifically in If the decedent has no children or grandchildren of your beneficiary This designations onimportant life insurance, Representative!! is especially to and Cape May counties, specifically in came to be known by many different terms such as: remember if you areannuities. signing your Living Will or parents surviving, or if all of the children are retirement plans, and Cherry andOcean Ocean City. Cherry Hill Hill and City. • Advance Directive around the kitchen table . . . . Call Call 609-398-3447. 609-398-3447. • Advanced Medical Directive

Q: Q Q Q:

Q Q:


Q Q: Q

• Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contest • Special Needs Trust

• Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care ELDEr AND DiSAbiLiTy Nancy M. rice, Esquire, CELA Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation

& Disability Planning

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 1236 Brace Road, Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine March/April 2015

November/December 2014

51 Health & W ellness H ealth &Wellness 46

Law Join In The Fight For Your Rights . . .

Replacement ForAllergic Men And WomenCan Compounding Help You? Allergies and Reactions…



Elder Law

Please P2C2.defined Bowing as to an pressure from llergies arejoin usually

heard in some shape or form about Wyeth, a big pharmaceutical company, overreaction of the immune systemthe Food At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, we deal with allergy treatments virtually therapy. Maybe you heard it from and Drug administration (FDA) is asserting a every day. As a compounding pharmacy, we help physicians treat allergic to a foreign protein substance, also new policy to deny women’s access to natural or from a news report of some sort.known as an allergen, that is eaten, breathed reactions, formulate medications that don’t contain allergens and work with

hormones. patients/parents to treat their particular allergic reaction. into the lungs, touched. This If thisinjected policy is or enforced, federal regulators overreaction causeswhat coughing, will decide medicinessneezing, you can take instead wer. One thing is for sure though---hormone itchy eyes and a runny nose. Severe allergic of you or your doctor. Do you really want to At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, we can: s of men and women feel better. Many patients customized medicine needs in the reactions can your result in rashes, hives, difficulty g from a natural source and it will make them feel leave hands of the government? You can help by joining Mix different medications together to treat allergic reactions. An s that are commonly prescribed. breathing and even death. Patients and Professionals for Customized Care (P2C2). P2C2would brings be together example mixing several topical creams together such as iple estrogens in human females. They are estriol patients, physicians, veterinarians, pharmacists and healthcare advocates who know how antihistamines, steroids and moisturizers to be used to treat a rash or itchy Unfortunately, there are no cures for These hormones prescribed Mark are Taylor, RPH in different comcritical compounded medicines are to modern, individualized healthcare. Membership skin. allergies. isHowever, allergies s such as hot flashes, postmenopausal problems free. It’s easy-it onlycan takesbe15managed seconds to join. It’s effective-Congress listens to their Make your current medication in an allergy free form. For example, if urse and they also thought to decrease the risk withareproper prevention or treatment. For instance, if you seasonal constituents. Your voicehave is critical to win this battle. Together, we can be one voice and you are allergic to a dye or filler in your manufactured medication, we allergies, you may want to start takingsave your allergy medications your medicine choices. leading up possibly could make that medication without fillers or dye free. secreted by in the season. second 2 weeks to the thatovaries particular If youofare already having an allergic reaction, vulating women. It is commonly used to treat Make your discontinued Join P2C2 at today. allergy medication. Some manufacturers get to your physician or local emergency room immediately so that the nses, PMS syndrome and for women with inferstopwelcome making medications from time to time. If you had an allergy can be treated right away with We the welcome proper medications. any questions that you may have. We also anycertain topics that you nopausal women it is commonly used to treat hot allergy medication you had been taking for years with success that suddenly would want covered in future articles. Please contact us by phone or e-mail. became unavailable, we may be able to make that same medication for you Here are some allergy facts in our compounding lab. sterone is used to increase libido and to treat Please contact us at 609-927-0390 or at from the Asthma and Allergy used to improve psychological well-being and Flavor your medication while still keeping it allergen free. Many Foundation of and America: d libido, increase muscle mass preserve bone jerseyshorepharmacy@earthlink.netflavorings with anycontain questions. sweeteners or dyes. If you are allergic to these confused with synthetic have derivatives “anabolic been or rushing to meet,“We you have lozenges help with a sore throat. Jersey Shore Pharmacy is an products, it is very difficult to find everything you need for a healthier tomorrow.” More Americans than ever before and body builders have caused many problems. are more likely to become sick. Tylenol or Motrin can help anya medication independently owned and oper— that smells and tastes Jersey Shore Pharmacy say they are suffering from allergies. Relax, your health is more impor— body aches or fever. Before tak— good. In many cases, we can still ated full service pharmacy. ermine which Mark Taylor, Owner Jersey Shore Compounding Only Pharmacy It is among thetant. country’s Also, most try tocommon, get at least 8 ing any medications, flavor your medication with dye free y to give you? 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg yet often overlooked, of diseases. sleep night. please consultMark with Taylor, your Owner flavorings and make your medication be you a combination of hours hormones basedper on the estimated 50 million Americans (1 in 5) suffer from all types ofto Heights Harbor Township, NJ 08234 pharmacist or3007 doctor Ocean Ave, taste great! blood work orAn saliva tests to determine what your EAT be surelatex, the medication allergies indoor/outdoor, food and drug, insect, skin Township, NJ 08234 Phone: Phone: (609)927-8900 oint, your dosage may beincluding increased or decreased Egg Harbor WELL you are buying doesn’t and eye allergies. Allergy prevalence overall has been increasing since the oms. 609-927-0390 If you suffer from allergies or Toll Free (800) 577-7932 Phone: 609-927-0390 Certain combat earlyforms. 1980sMost across all age,foods sex and racialcolds. groups. aggravate any existing ferent dosage commonly, they are an allergic reaction, Jersey Shore Toll Fax: Free: 609)927-8902 Toll • Fax: 609-927-0392 Try to aschronic much of the in themedical conditions or (800) the 5thinclude leading disease U.S. among all Free ages, and 577-7932 pplied to yourAllergy skin andisthe hormones are absorbed Pharmacy can help. Please contact 855-927-0390 Web Site: following possible your among children interact with any18cur— Visit: in. Hormonesthe can3rdalso be given in aascapsule most common chronic in disease under years us with any questions concerning Web: broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, rent medication you are given weekly suppositories to be used old.or monthly,diet: e-mail: allergies or any other compounding onions, citrus fruits, and whole taking. in your mouth and are400 absorbed throughdie mucous Nearly Americans each year due to drug allergies from e-mail: medication questions. We look Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for grains. Some evidence mpounded natural hormones is that the dosages rPh email: penicillin, 200 deaths occur eachalso yearexists from food allergies and 100 die forward to hearing from you! Call You should always seek the advice of your physician or other c and advice. nt of hormones you needsupporting will be differ-using vitaminprofessional THIS IS VERY due to insect allergies. medical professional if you have questions about a medical condition. Echinacea to boost your immune r. IMPORTANT. Manyor concerns609-927-0390. system. over the counter cough and cold t or not, Jersey Shore Pharmacy offers a medication DRINK PLENTY medications can cause adverse and cold disposal program. If you have any questions about this OF WATER effects. Don’t be afraid to ask us, on us. Our program or any other medication questions, please call Drinking plenty of water that is what we are here for. ecoming very us at 609-927-8900 or e-mail us at helps flush germs out Juniors of your to Seniors Once you determined Customizing from tohave Pets” ildren have Medications body. Water also helps keep your which medications are safe, keep n school for mucous membranes moist, allow— some at home so that you are Prescriptions delivered to mone eplacement Veterniary Pain Free Rx Pick-Up nthsRnow. This ing them to trap the virus and prepared that cold comes your home or office! erapy (HRT) Medicine Medication andwhen Delivery n everyone dispose of it. along. Jersey Shore Pharmacy ships eems we see prescription orders by UPS BREATHE the sniffles or Fed Ex. FRESH AIR —at work, Arrival next day! January/February 2015 Try to breathe as much fresh nty andWoman even atMagazine air as possible. Recycled, con— Our is the time to taminated air can make you sick! teps that will pharmacists Get outside as much as possible. risk of catchCold air will not give you a cold! and nd stock up For the most part, everyone azine November/December 2014 at will help with catches technicians some degree of a cold The March/April 2015 ms when theCounty at Woman least once aMagazine year. Once you are here to appens. feel the symptoms coming on,

Theater &Entertainment


3 Fine& AW rt P hotography 3ellness Health


gh and Cold Season Is Here3 . . . Are You Ready? 3 3


Business &Finance

3 3

4 ersey Shore PHARMACY


Restoring Hormone Balance

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2015






elcome the first day of spring on March 20th with a visit to Barbara’s Boutique, where a sensational selection of this year’s popular styles and colors are already awaiting you! “Figure-flattering” fashions are the look this year, designed to fit your form well, rather than hugging you tightly or hanging loosely. This is also the year of flower power, with designs ranging from bold to delicate. You’ll see floral prints on crimson backgrounds, delicate abstract floral motifs and cutouts, multi-floral retro patterns, and more. My daughter was thrilled to see that the retro look is back, featuring the classic elements of embroidered floral art, maxi and midi length dresses, blouson tops, earthy tones, and fringing and tassels on dresses, skirts, tops, jackets and accessories. The spring color scheme is quiet and minimalist, consisting of soft, cool hues blending with warm tones. Topping the list of popular colors this season is aquamarine, followed by scuba blue, lucite green, strawberry ice, toasted almond, tangerine, masala, glacier gray and custard. This soothing color pallet may reflect a growing trend toward taking breaks from the hustle and bustle of daily life by creating technology-free “quiet zones” in which to unwind and reflect. For some of us, the best way to unwind is with a shopping spree, especially at Barbara’s Boutique, where a friendly, professional staff makes your experience pleasant and stress-free. To make it even easier, I’ve started a shopping checklist for you! 3 Try on a “Comfy” USA line of fashion. It is designed for the woman who wants modern clothing that balances casual and career. The clothing is frequently described as young in spirit with a realistic fit - timeless, season-less, ageless and great for traveling! 3 You are going to love an Isabella Tote. No other fashion accessory offers as much value as the designer leather handbag, now available at Barbara’s in a variety of colors for your spring/summer fashion. 3 A large selection of Elliott Lauren’s incredible jackets, pants and tops is available at Barbara’s this spring. If consistent fit and quality are high on your list of priorities, you’ll love this clothing! 3 Last but not least, put the finishing touches on your wardrobe with accessories from Barbara’s. Check out the fun and stylish jewelry as well as the great selection of belts in beautiful shades of Italian leather.

Revamp your closet this spring by mixing and matching items from your existing wardrobe with new pieces in the latest styles. Take risks – pair a floral top with a skirt dotted with a tiny geometric print. You can’t be sure what works for you until you try it! But one thing you can be sure of: you’ll find the perfect options in spring fashions at Barbara’s Boutique.

Health & Wellness

What is Barre?

Barre is a ballet-inspired, Pilates based workout. It’s a great way to develop lean muscle mass while improving your strength, balance and flexibility. With a mix of cardio, yoga, core strengthening and ballet, you will sweat, shake, tone and burn all while moving to upbeat music. The hour flies by as you are having fun and working hard. The class format always stays the same, but the exercises change and advance just as your body will.

Leah Schwartz, certified Barre Instructor I started my journey when I took my first barre class. Barre challenged my body in ways that nothing else had before. Each week I watched as I became leaner and stronger. Soon I was committed to a 6-day a week routine that helped me focus on form and alignment. My hard work paid off, not only did I see results, but I found my passion and soon became a certified barre instructor. Teaching is a fulfilling experience for me. I am excited with each opportunity to teach and love to inspire my students to reach their goals just as I had.

The County Woman Magazine

For more information, contact Leah Schwartz by phone,

609-226-3696 or email,

March/April 2015

F Fashion ashion


& &

Beauty eauty B


Glamorous Evenings Start At Leisure And Visit Leisure and Lace For Your Dreamy Holiday Gifts from prom season and bridal seasonSleepwear approaches be prepared with Oh SoAstheSoft Winter proper bra before the search for the perfect dress begins.


Leisure and Lace

It is time to gear up your winter sleepwear for the fierce winter reports. Cozy, warm flannel and thermal sleepwear in fun prints or contemporary stylingBrides, are hereBridesmaids waiting to make comfyofand Another big realize hit, Prom goers, and you Mothers the happy. bride and groom, that what you put Not sure what to get? A gift certificate from Leisure and Lace is always our warm soft lounge jackets and robes will not only keep you comfortable, but make you even happier with under will make you look like a wonder. We have the experience not often found in larger stores. a winner. Hand written and beautifully wrapped, our gift certificates Leisure and Lace carries quality intimate apparel, which delivers exceptional wear, comfort andare our 20 percent discount. personal average plastic card. support. Wacoal and Chantellemore among somethan of theyour superior bras we carry. If you need a no back Sleepwear is aare great holiday gift. Our cute prints may or low back bra we can solve those problems too. remind you of a certain person on your list. We try to make gift For the woman looking for control, fit and invisibility under tight clothing we have the answer. giving easy and fun, and we wrap your gifts compliments of Leisure and Do you need to eliminate the muffin top, flatten your tummy, shape your derriere, or eliminate Lace. visible panty lines? We have stylish slimming products for today’s multi-tasking woman. Do love has a oday’syou sleepwear t for the Bride to Be... if G We are receiving reports that our customers are sleeping better in garready to wear look. RelaxNow on the look of leggings but hate the lines they leave at the waist? Try a pair of our high-waisted, control te a c tififrom the rstyle. your front porch in your We carry everything a bride could Cechip, ments made Modal fabric madewith fromany wood top leggings. Theyfrom slimModal. and shape and lookisgreat shoe need for her special day. Your dress PJs and no one will ever have beech tree. It absorbs moisture, is light in weight and oh so soft. We offer to know! is in, your fitting is near and we everything from pajamas and nightgowns to panties and camisoles made have the undergarments to make Leisure and Lace toyou thank you for being our loyal customer out of this luxurious fabric. wants We assure will sleep better. it all work. While you’re here, you by Parties... offeringholiday you 20% off most of looking our merchandise. Holiday party wear, remember good will notice we offer bridal chemises, onsider giving a Make great look greater when shop atresults. Leisure and Lace. starts from underneath. Small changes canyou add up to great peignoir sets, and bridal sleepwear robe for a gift that We do not cater to just one body type.anky WePanky willhas work with you, so bring your adorned with “Bride” in rhinestones staple in every does not look like problem garment and we help you become find aasolution. that can be customized for your woman's wardrobe, from your grandmothers. Today 's styles are entire bridal party. We also carry Bras, bras and more bras. Wetohave a sleepwear the most computer jackets, sleeveless vests, cocoon Black Friday Sale comfortable thongs and comfowith coobie, playful Hanky Panky thongs in a and hooded styles that are marshmallow soft great selection of bras starting panties on the market. A and cozy. PJ Salvage robes are creative with a young girl’s first bra to women’s comfortable 30% oFF rainbow of colors, a treat for the Panky gift is always cute, fun prints. Now for the grandmother sports bras or easy everyday bras.Hanky groom and much more exciting than But, let’s not EvErything appreciated. on your list, we offer zip front robes too! nov. 28 - All Day a toaster! forget about the serious supporting bras that will Starting 9 am lift, separate and give you the middle that your old bras have been hiding. addi Murphy softies combines We pay special attention to fashion with function, they make you look and feel beautiexceptional support and comfort. We ful. They We look for superb fit in the frontare designed especially carry the for women experiencing hot while eliminating ride-up in the oday’s busy woman has moved brands flashes, menopause, chemoback and solving the infamous away from the long gown to therapy, pregnancy or diabetes. “double bubble.” Finding the the pretty above the knee chemise. you love! The chemise is cute, more correct fit can be challenging, but contemporary and much easier the is help the women of of your Don’t forget, Leisure andwith Lace thefrom place to get all to move about in. Leisure and Lace, the properly holiday outfit needs, from bras and shape wear to hosiery and bra and undergarment is accessories that willfitting look your very best. nomake longeryou a myth.









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Betty Vasser (Seated) Owner, Phyllis Doran, 24 Year Employee

199 New Road, Suite 9 • Central Square • Linwood, NJ 08221 • 609 927 5572 The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

March/April2014 2015 November/December



Aggression: Appropriate Versus Violence for Destructive Reasons Part II P

ggression is certainly not just a human characteristic, the animal kingdom, at every sychiatry level and in every domain and phylum utilizes aggression everyday. Animals are bestowed with dozens of instincts. They learn a bit more through the environment they find themselves in, the available food supply and“Ion and is felt like an internal Reuptake tolerance Inhibitors or (SSRIs). Antidepressants are used combustion event frustration don’toccasion, want to go;” specific “Can’t you training, mostly byupon Impulsivity, frustration, lack thereof; modulating



Social Anxiety Disorder; “Fear” As The Never Silent, Silent Partner


for the treatment they are on alsothis helpthat escalates very quickly and subcortical intensely, then ends and cortical inhibitory roles areofalldepression necessarybut thespians just say something came up? I got ful in treating Social Phobias though they may take quickly.” In contrast, Social Phobia often has a signifiHumans on the other hand, are bestowed with one instinct primarily, and stage for human behavior(s). They all have an important role to play to help sick; my boss needs me to stay late, somedue timediligence before working. Antianxiety medications cant anticipatory phasebalance well in advance of thewith feared thatmy is survival; everything else we pseudo-learn basically through our early our actions the mindful of thoughtful oversight and kids have a game—make my excussuch as benzodiazepines canthe be service prescribed for social event, i.e.our the source is nonviolent identifiable. directives Yet the resulting observations of life, subsequent unfolding experiences throughout and choices to express emotions. In of a mature, es;” an all-too-common scenario for phobias. While they act quickly, they are very powerpanic stateare of two mind and physical symptoms due to autoyears, and yes, we too, through varying forms of “training.” I think there reliably functional ego, with requisite capacity and confidence to persevere anyone suffering from Social Anxiety ful and should be time-limited. Other options include nomic nervous system deregulation can feel exactly the significant differences between humans and animals. First, we get a computer— through life’s challenges, we can prevail and progress as a species towards peaceful or phobia. It interferes with, and robs a type of antidepressant called MAOIs or Monoamine same as Panic Disorder. better known as a frontal cortex, to analyze the internal and external data of life growth, constructive choices and attainable synergistic harmony. the individual of their potentials and Oxidase Inhibitors. These medications should be used The symptoms of Social Phobia usually linger as long and to also synthesize solutions to oft times, complicated situations and problems. with extreme caution because they can have interactions as the unwanted exposure to others and/or situations emotional dividends. In other words, “Figure it Out!!” Fight-flight are the innate choices we receive to However, if the continuouswith scourges earlyand childhood and adolescent certainoffoods other medications and may cause persist. The cost of this potentially crippling disorder facilitate desired survival when we feel threatened—especially with physical harm deprivation and trauma of all kinds, continues to permeate and • Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder described as significant side effects. In the case of performance phocan be in all life domains and cause alterations with the and confrontational situations. These are very handy options internally persistent fear of an object or situation. The person withto have contaminate one’sselfpotentials, I fear that continue to helplessly bia,then beta-blockers canwe bewill helpful in controlling symptoms “the self ” by lowering self worth, self-respect and hard wired aunder Thankfully, circumstances are phobiasuch goescircumstances. through great lengths to avoid these the object witness pointless destruction, ideological perversions, regression in the such as trembling, profuse sweating and adisservice racing heart. confidence. generally not a daily requirement to have to react Conflicts however, are. We of the phobia, or the situation causing it. Itto. is considered of mankind and a painful march backwards in time towards a selfish Pharmacological treatmentchaos is not as a one size fits all. It Causes lack much unreasonable, in the way ofirrational innate equipment to manage challenges and overwhelming to thethese indi-ubiquitous means to an ignorant end thus leaving it’s dangerous wake fanaticism and can beinvery in some unsatiated people like adolescents, vidual. and therefore, need to “learn” how to do just that. The preferred method to one factor There is no that hasitself beenasidentified as the and violence a self-righteous self-indulgent tonow extinction. children and youngfulfillment teens. Labels have warnings develop skills •for appropriate, measured healthier responses, as opposed to Anxiety Phobia as in many mental health because of the potential for increased suicidal thoughts or cause in Social Social phobias largely consistand of what all other anomalies. Factors that have been stated as interrelated more primitive and perhaps overzealous reactions. attempts. Treatment should not be undertaken without phobic states consist of: disproportionately greater,



information or help call Charles causes include inheritedFor traits;more some schools of thought the guidance of a professional mental health provider. paralyzing, irrational fear based on exposure to others. indicate socialofphobias Meusburger, run in families; naturalMD physi- today at 609-484-0770 These skills mustcan be be supported valued by the culture and mentors The exposure in severaland forms. All contacts can ological chemicals in the body, such as the brain chemical Don’t suffer alone . . . please call our the youth are “learning” to manage their internal and external becomewho the basis of negative how judgments and unkind serotonin conflicts using more mindful and sophisticated methods than what and maythe structure of the brain. Environmental office at 609-484-0770. scrutiny. The subsequent defensiveness can be intense factors that come into play are those come moreenough as a natural, survival reaction. The easier way, so to speak, is to remain to create a state of panic with any number of experiences that create negative instinctual physical and more aggressive with justification; for instance symptoms; none of which are comfortable or rage, in particular impressions effects such as family comforting. Allsanctioned of these symptoms are compelling about perceived loss and injustices. It takes a and lot of incentive, andand yes, conflicts, teasing, Here To Listen and Here To Help. intrusive. “training” to redirect and refine these powerful emotionally charged reservoirs. sexual abuse, ridicule and humiliation among others. The second difference from human and animal applications • The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5)is: The outcomes being sought. They can be significant contributing form(s) of of the American Psychiatric Association madefactors minor to the Treatment aggression utilized. An example would be appropriate and self-defending, versus There are standardized psychometric changes in defining social anxiety disorder. The manual violent andchanges predatory for destructive purposes. In6amonths word ortotwo,scales aggression that canisbe used to screen for the the “duration” from lasting at least not synonymous withanxiety, violence; violenceisused to self-preserve the same presence of Social Anxiety. Two such “The fear, or avoidance persistent, typically is not as violence lasting for the6 purpose of destruction. the outcomes being sought screening tools are the Liebowitz Social or more months.” There areHence, no other changes can often influence the form and extent of the aggressive behavior(s) taken and(SAS) and Anxiety Scale Social to the reminder of the definition that is a persistent fear Forthe a thorough, validated. of one or more social or performance situations in which Interaction Anxiety Scale. confidential, psychiatric Treatment for Socialevaluation Anxiety and an the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to posDisorder includes Cognitive Behavioral sible scrutiny by others;heterogeneous exposure to the constellation feared situationof “neuro” individualized Aggression is a complex, everything treatment plan tailored Therapy (CBT) in its two forms, cognialmost invariably provokes anxiety, which may…. take i.e. neurobiological, anatomical, biochemical, physiological, psychological, to fitmethods your specific needs tive and behavioral. These assist the form of a Panic Attack; the individual is aware that developmental, environmental, cultural, familial and social activities and with appropriate the individual in different ways fear is unreasonable or excessive; typically the in indiinfluences, the all simultaneously playing meaningful roles what, when and howto thinktreatment(s), and to react and behave differently please in call vidual will avoid fearful situations or they are “endured aggression gets produced by any human at any moment in time—provoked or our office at situations where they would commonly intense anxiety and distress;” thebeen reciprocal behavunsolicited.with These interactive variables have studied extensively and by 609-484-0770 to set experience anxiety. Some people do iors encompassed in avoiding a feared social or perforup, by appointment, many investigators pondering the question with their own hypotheses, expertise well with CBT alone but some may mance situation interferes with the person’s normal routhis comprehensive and observations. Inducing violent reactions in lab animals in a controlled require medication as well. tines; including academic functioning and relationships. and compassionate environment can give insights, but not directly applicable to the prediction of, The most commonly used psychopPeople also feel extreme distress because of the phobia. confidential assessment. or protection from, the chaotic, violently aggressive impulses more and more harmacological treatment includes The duration of the fear, anxiety or avoidance typically commonly lasts occurring in our global theatre. suffer in silence Serotonin 6 months or more (this is the change in the DSM-5 antidepressants such asDon’t any longer. definition); The cause of the fear, anxiety and avoidance We Can Help! is not connected to a physiological agent such as drugs, alcohol, medications or another mental health disorder. The County Woman Magazine March/April 2015 For a thorough, confidential, psychiatric evaluation and an Social Phobia compared to Panic Attacks individualized treatment plan tailored to fit your specific needs with appropriate





Happy Spring!

The VOICE of experience for South Jersey Pets. The only vet on air in South Jersey.


Pets Q&A


Spring is coming, is my pet really at risk for heartworm disease?

Heartworm, as the name implies, are worms that live in your pet’s heart! It is hardly healthy, as you might imagine, and potentially deadly. Heartworm is carried by mosquitos and is endemic (meaning, its always here) in New Jersey. The main problem is, there are NO symptoms of this disease until the heart has already been damaged! For dogs, infection eventually leads to congestive heart failure with symptoms of coughing and trouble breathing. At this point, heart damage is NOT reversible. For cats, heartworm can lead to sudden death with no symptoms. Treatment for heartworm disease is dangerous and can lead to death. As the worms die, they are swept along by the blood stream into the lungs, where they can act like a giant blood clot causing allergic reactions and severe complications. In addition, the treating drug is in short supply now, and it may not be available. We can not use this drug in cats as the drug has severe side effects, so in essence there is NO treatment for heartworm disease in cats Fortunately, there is a preventive medication that the pet takes once a month. I remind you, it only takes ONE mosquito, and so every time you walk your dog, the dog is at risk. For cats that go outside, even “on the porch” they are also at risk. For dogs now, there is an injection called Pro Heart. This is a shot given once every six months; so then you do not have to give the pills at all. This is not available for cats. Spring is a wonderful season, but it can turn deadly. Make sure your pet is tested and put on medication to prevent this potentially deadly disease.


My veterinarian performs a “combo test” every spring for heartworm and tick diseases. What are these tick diseases and what do they cause?

Yes, we also do the “combo” test, as we refer to it, for it tests for heartworm and also the three major tick diseases we see in this area, Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma. These are what are known as spirochete diseases, which are not bacteria, nor virus. Many types of ticks carry them, and contrary to popular belief, Lyme is NOT just carried by deer ticks anymore! So just because the tick you found was not a deer tick, it does NOT mean your pet is OK. All three can cause joint pain and lameness, but Ehrlichia and Anaplasma can also cause blood cell problems, such as anemia and bleeding. For Lyme disease in dogs, there is a vaccine that does work fairly well in prevention. I say fairly well because 1) NO vaccine is 100% in all animals, all the time, and 2) because this is a spirochete, it does not “behave” like most bacteria and viruses. This is also why many times we have to retreat the pet (and human) in order to kill the organism. The Lyme vaccine is much different from the human Lyme vaccine that was out several years ago. This seems to be because the organism “behaves” differently in humans vs. dogs. These spirochetes do not seem to infect cats, but why, we do not know. Using good quality tick control products is mandatory. Beware the imitators sold in many pet stores. Insects develop resistance as the years go by as we know, and it appears, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many clients, that the older products are not working as well anymore. Nexgard is a new compound that is also taken orally in a flavored chew cookie. No more messy topical applicators! Ticks are very susceptible to this compound. It is also important to understand that NO tick product keeps ticks off the pet!!! They must bite the pet to get the tick-killing compound. But we also know now, that it appears that the tick needs to be attached for several hours before the spirochete is transmitted from the tick to the dog. And that the new compounds kill the tick before this occurs. Remember, NOTHING is 100%, but the above is the best we have to combat ticks and the diseases they carry.

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

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Article Written By: Roberta Foss Morgan D.O.


omen lament over their muffin When you eat these foods, you need more sugar So try to have an open mind when I tell you that the conventional n an effort to enhance my stem cell education, I attended and flour to feel normal. Food companies have tops that seemed to appear when cholesterol test is giving you the false illusion that your heart is good a medical conference at Harvard two weeks ago.FDA approval to knowingly create foods that are if your numbers are good. Another type of cholesterol test must be they awakened one morning in addictive --- just like the tobacco industry knew Theoretical information on how to make stem cells done which will tell you if you have the good or the bad kind of their forties or fifties. Men lament, but less so, they were addicting you. and the multitudinous medical indications for them LDL and HDL. You need cholesterol for your brain, which is 60% aw over their Buddha bellies. Patients tell me they fat, to prevent Alzheimer’s. Also, you need cholesterol to produce was presented. But that was just the warm up. Medicine doesn’t presently have a test to see if have tried every diet, yet they can’t lose weight


Elder Law

all your hormones that are decreasing with age. Per the lecture from the someone to be awe cocaine/ Resveratrol to take pause . . .has the genetic potential like they could when they werecaused What cardiologist, need to know what is causing the cholesterol to be high. There are alcohol/opioid addict. I often tell the story of two A lecture research and development of an anti-aging dozens of infections, etc. that raise cholesterol which aren’t being treated when we happened? In the past theyabout couldtheeat less or people who go to a party try cocaine for the first called Resveratrol me to take pause. Resveratrol is what is andsimply use the conventional cholesterol numbers. exercise more andpill five pounds would caused disappear The biggest threat to your health is not how high time. One is able to use cocaine occasionally and the found in red wine (although you would have to drink 1,000 bottles Dr. David lectures on theis,“gut” without the Herculean effort they must now your cholesterol rather, it is whether or not you other will desperately need cocaine to carvePerlmutter out a life of red wine a day to get the proper dose). Resveratrol activates have a food addiction that cannot be controlled I was ready and eager to hear Dr. David Perlmutter, renowned neurologist and by because they have the genetic potential to be a cocaine employ to lose any weight --- are onlyanti-aging to have genes. the Resveratrol SIRT1, which also mimics caloric willpower. Sugargrains decreases metabolism, andtoactivates author Grain on Brain lecture about how eating decreases oxygenation your The gene wouldn’t have beenofturned if they lost weight quickly return. Ongoing medical studies show addict. restriction. that Resveratrol decreases food is addiction. Food addiction is the in brain and how a medically proven erroneous ideaelephant - both leading never tried cocaine. Genes can be turned onlowering or off bycholesterol blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation, Article Written to the increased incidence of Alzheimer’s. Weone have to prevent Alzheimer’s --not wait the room no sees. Seventy percent of Americans our behavior. seemsoxygen to be consumption, an American and increases metabolism. Once By: Being Robertaoverweight Foss- increases till it happens and then try to unravel the billions tightly wired neurons andten the are overweight andofcomplain of greater than hallmark. Since clearly percentthat areeven overweight orrenowned Harvard doctors are again, 66 it appears the world Morgan D.O. Dr.which Perlmutter changed course andprescribed there wasn’t symptoms, usually warrants being Unfortunately, those who accompanying live in Americaneuronal must inflammation. obese, being overly largetojust doesn’t abnormal. trying discover theseem one answer, the one FDA approved pill, to get onea mention of ifwheat or cholesterol. ten or more medications. Being overweight/obese will eat to live. And since there isn’t test to see you the Then, if you the opportunity to do someepidemic. rid of the truehave problem --- our obesity/diabesity Instead he lectured brilliantly for three hours showing the interrelationship between surely bankrupt us, regardless who pays for “health have the potential for food addiction, your behavior European travel, you makeprescription an insightful observation. Obtaining a Resveratrol is years away. Meanwhile, there was mention the precursor every disease, care.” namelyToo inflammation, thechildren western are diettoo andfat obesity, many of our to enroll in and body habitus shows you the answer. Toofascertain Europeans aren’tI prescribe as plumpquite as Americans. you are commonly of a medication frequently.IfMetformin, known to be a antibiotic use (70% of the world’s supply of antibiotics is put in your food supply), the military and the prediction that they may not live if my patient has the predilection for food addiction I adiabetic thinker, you wonder Europeans to the SIRT1 anti-aging genes. medication but why has off label uses,are alsoable activates the necessity of probiotics, the requirement to have exposure to microbes, encourage as long as their parents is beginning to sound like it ask, “What happens to your appetite if you eat some remain despite eatinginfatty foods Oh, andlean caloric restriction the area of and 30%drinking less calories.....turns on the SIRT1 vaginal births, and return to eating real food. may be true. crappy food? “ Many tell me “one M & M will send wine genes.with meals. How to reverse being overweight is In other words, Dr. Perlmutter lectured about the body’s microbiome, commonly me on a sugar/flour binge, or I feel awful if I don’t eat multilayered and complex. How would be toddler. if I have a picture of myself on thelovely beach itwhen I was Anyone who sees the called the gut. The microbiome (20 tube running center of quality you) Allfoot calories are notthrough createdthe equal. The after two to three hours. They are telling me that they the calories in calories out theory, alsopeople calledoneattheless picture comments that there are no fat beach. Iare often wonder if the shouldWestern contain about 15% bad bacteria. percent of of bacteria calories and really matters. How doSeventy you know if you’re addicted to our FDA approved diet. It85% good and exercise more our obesity epidemic.of new autoimmune your immune system is in your gut. The microbiome is dysfunctional (dysbiotic) growing weight andtheory girth ofcured our nation, the prevalence diseases, eating real food? You’re eating real food if you have is the rare person who can have some dessert once a because you eat low fiber western processed with approved and the childhood epidemics are somehow related. What happened in the last 60+ to chew, if it diets would rotFDA if you left it onGMOs, the kitchen week and return to eating clean. Unlike Americans, a constantly ingest antibiotics that are in your food supply. have C-sections, don’t years to create the 75% Europeans incidence ofdon’t beingingest overweight and the continuing growth of counter, if the food label contains less than fivebreast tsunami amount of toxins and antibiotics in their food feed, are too clean (bodies evolved to have exposure to microbes), are devoid high new autoimmune diseases? Why are babies being born with someWhen A word ---see Allergies, ingredients with words you understand, andofmost you an enormous person, do you supply. There are more than 600,000 FDA approved probiotics, and are obese (fat cells contain toxins). It’s incredibly difficult to get Asthma, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder,judgmentally Aspergers. Onesay into 68yourself, quality likely, if it didn’t come in a box, container, or package. why don’t they just processed fullNJofischemicals grocery shelves. lean if you don’t have healthy intestinal bacteria. You need a healthy microbiome to boys in thefoods state of born with on some form of Autism! stop eating so much? Of course Eating real food doesn’t turn on the feel good brain overeating leads to These toxins have created a one trillion dollar food lose weight. chemical Dopamine. But eating sugary foods lights up overweight or obese. But if you are a thinker, Changing previous beliefs asAmericans the medical field being evolves. .. industry ensuring that seven of ten will be There are numerous disease consequences of inhabiting unhealthy gut microbiota a brain scan, appearing like the patient just did a line you begin to wonder why the majority of Americans overweight andgetunable weight. Europeans don’t that can affect the chemicals in the brain and our behavior. The gut microbiota may You cannot anyonetotolose understand that which he already thinks he knows. The of cocaine! overeat and can’t imagine life without bread, pretzels, take cholesterol-lowering medications to lower modify the chemicals in the brain and consequently our behavior. This could affect lectures required minds willing to changeknown what was previously thought to be medical and desserts “for a treat.” every single hormone is already in peril diseases (including Alzheimer’s), weight gain, increased incidence of autoimmune law. Each lecture probedthat deeper and deeper into(aging the quagmire of medical maladies that So now mayminority be ableiftothey’re self-diagnose diseases, and the fact that your children areyou in the not bornwhether also lowers hormonal levels), and don’t have a food are evolving. or not you have a food addiction. If you do, it would Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. We are with some A word --- Asthma, Allergies (including food), ADD, ADHD, Autism, supply this isadvertising legally engineered to be addictive. Television for medications may be legal in the States, but it certainly be wise to have a little nervous breakdown, then trash a species that is hard wired toAsperger’s. seek pleasure. When basically called us to realize that these children are the The lectures isn’t ethical. When the most brilliant advertisers dilute medicine to a sixth grade the not realcoalmines. food from your pantry and refrigerator. rats are exposed to intravenous cocaine orequivalent intravenous neurological of the all canaries in the The most one trillion industry has created primer, people dollar believefood that taking a statin medication will prevent them from I’ll quote the Italian gastroenterologist who lectured, sugar (even diet sodas), they choose sugar. ahaving wholea new This is a lot to take in. And I only gave you the incredibly short version. It’s pretty heartbreed attack.of food scientists dedicated to “Americans must start cooking again so they know inventing addictive foods to trigger your bliss point. disturbing to realize that rubbing that antibacterial on when you go grocery shopping what they’re eating.” I foresee the day when there will causes your gut to be unhealthy. For now, try to clean up your diet, and stop using hand be 28-day programs to detox from food. sanitizer. Oh, and take a world-class probiotic on an empty stomach.

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Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O. completed post-baccalaureate training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. After which, she received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her internship and residency in Family Medicine was completed at the Virtua Health System. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. In 2005, Dr. Morgan authored her first book, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Weight Loss. Further training in European Endocrinology, Mesotherapy, Medical Weight Loss, and Intravenous Therapies has required extensive travel throughout the US and Europe. Dr. Morgan has appeared on CNN, Ch 3 KYW, Fox News and numerous other live TV and radio shows. She is a frequently requested lecturer to physicians and patients. The County Woman Magazine TheMagazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman

March/April2014 2015 November/DecemberJanuary/Feb

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A Pioneer In Weight Loss & Nutrition

1 What attracted you to the field

patients who present with double-digit medical complaints are just a normal day at the office for me. I like to turn chaos into harmony.

Dr. Morgan: As a woman I understand the feelings of desperation when someone feels they have irreversible weight gain. The European hormonal diet is occasionally offered to calm those who feel desperate. They will finally lose weight, and then there is much work to do to keep the weight off. My European endocrinologist mentor teaches me to do corrective hormonal therapy first, then address and teach my patients how to lose weight.

1 What are some of the positive

of weight loss?

1 Why do you think there is so much obesity in our country?



Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O. Board Certified in Family Medicine


n Dr. Roberta Morgan’s intense passion fo for medicine has led her to be one of ot the most informed physicians in New teiw gnipJersey. oC In fact, she freely admits to having D ,g.n..ivte il la t’nao“learning addiction.” Her patients are LsFecTio OhHc constantly provided with up to date ERPED ffa dna information and a monthly newsletter NIGAV nhit,teum B ocentitled, “What Has Dr. Morgan Been eb icisyhp Studying.” This summarizes the most Td tsum recent research obtained through her daily study schedule and attendance at different l tsum uoY medical conferences. iIla-eo r ieB hT dna sorp lla Dr. Morgan’s practice is based on siht esicrexeintegrative medicine, which is a marriage mmocer rehof conventional and complementary m stneitaPmedicine and her primary focus is on antiar siht nI aging/longevity medicine and weight loss. na evitca naShe adds, “Our ‘health care’ system will irnwod dnacontinue to be a ‘disease care system’ until oc ni stnem we acknowledge the elephant in the room, sii tneitap A namely that seven out of ten Americans tnsaey(ratnemare overweight or obese.” ro eveileb ot


em sa

rpretni ot tehptm tsuyrtsot riexhet sdrfao w The ot County sti ro metsys

Dr. Morgan: American medical training doesn’t teach doctors how to reverse or prevent weight gain. Americans appear woefully confused about what, how, when and why to eat. They are surprised to learn that most are pre-diabetic, if not full-blown diabetic.

1 What can patients expect when they visit your office?

Dr. Morgan: We take multiple body measurements and pounds of fat and muscle are determined. Occasionally, some medications are changed or discontinued. Patients will learn how to stabilize insulin levels by doing blood sugar testing at home. It is enlightening to find out what my patients think they know about nutrition and weight loss, and then re-learn what needs to be changed.

1 What are the most common issues you see in your profession?

Dr. Morgan: Many patients seek medical counsel with me after seeing nearly every specialist and being treated with 5-14 different medications. They experience profound insomnia, remarkably low energy levels, loss of libido and sexual function, mood changes, inability to lose weight, and poor digestive function. It is common for many of these patients to be referred to a psychiatrist. New

Woman Magazine

outcomes after your treatment?

Dr. Morgan: They include energy restoration, improved sleep and better memory. Patients will experience mood stabilization and re-experience a healthy libido with optimal sexual function. Digestion will improve and muscle will increase while fat will decrease --this means that weight loss needs to be part of the treatment plan.

1 What is the most rewarding part

of your profession?

Dr. Morgan: When patients tell me that they didn’t know they could ever feel this well again, and when husbands and wives tell me “thank you for returning my wife/husband to me.” Dr. Morgan believes that medicine today is too segregated. She is intent on learning what could be done to prevent (and reverse) disease, rather than wait for it to happen and prescribe medication. She adds, “Physicians today must constantly learn, unlearn, evolve and relearn all they know.” Her latest book which she coauthored with Dr. Robert Fleisher is called “Marriage: The Sexless Alternative (And How to Fix it)” will be released this May. She says. “Medical training doesn’t teach doctors about human sexuality, but when patients are questioned, floodgates of information flow. Dr. Morgan has two daughters, Cara, 34 and Sam, 27 who were both under 10 years old when she embarked on her medical career. When she is not improving the lives of her patients, Dr. Morgan enjoys dance classes, paddle boarding, and riding her bike on the boardwalk with her 9lb. pup, Bob in the bike basket. For more information please call 856.216.9001 in Haddonfield or 609-823-1899 in Ventnor NJ. March/April 2015



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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

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~Fitness For Every The Healing Power of Fitness Be Healthy, Be Active This Holiday Season By Julianne Dods, VP, Tilton Fitness & Wellness Written by: Julianne Dods,fitness VP, Tilton Fitness &are Wellness o two journeys alike. In fact, we each find,


maintain and struggle with achieving

vegetables that are in abundance this time of year.” Also, Stubley notes that while we tend toFunctional eat “comfort foods” in the fall Training: and winter months (soups, stews and breads are that always favorites)everyday these choices exercise simulates are actually packed with healthy nutrients like fiber, protein and Vitamin C, activities such as walking, jogging, provided they are made fresh, rather than canned or pre-packaged. standing, picking something up “As long as we make sure to load up on vegetables, choose overhead. lean meats and are or lifting something cognizant of serving sizes, soups and stews can be hearty and healthy.” Functional Training will not only Spacing meals throughout the day and planning low calorie willand also improve your balance, snacks mobility help to curtail junk food temptations and the desire to overindulge during the coordination but also your strength holiday season. and stamina.

Elder Law

t’s that time of year again! November officiallyways, at different personal wellness in different marks the beginning of a five-week holiday times in our lives and for different reasons. But at the core of celebration filled with high-calorie dishes and everyone’s fitness journey lies one predominant factor: high-stress calendar obligations. This year, Tilton overcoming Fitness & Wellnessadversity. challenges you to choose health. With a little forethought to balance and moderation, In 2010, Carolyn Bucci ofwithout Northfield would learn this the hard way. “I it is possible to enjoy the holidays had it all under control. My weight. compromising your health and fitness goals.My eating. Even after graduating college Be Active. and having two children,” says Carolyn. “But then, I lost my job and my father.” Each year, as summer slowly fades into fall, theAbout three years ago, 35 yeardays become cooler, darker and

Theater &Entertainment

Eat Healthy.

old Rae-Anne Brown was treated shorter. Take advantage of the daylight hours while they last and get outside. An independent study months, conductedCarolyn by the University of Texas found during the Within three had experienced twothat personal forsunlight a suspected stroke. The culprit: According to the Center for Disease Control, is proven to stimulate the fall and winter months we tend her to consume about additional caloriesTo percope day. We tragedies that altered physical and200 mental wellness. with theproduction of the feel-good hormone serotoninher Sincesymptoms then, Rae-Ann andlifestyle. helps relieve of seasonal can blame it on a combination of biology and holiday parties or we can take a proactive has madeevery fitness and nutrition affective disorder which impacts millions of Americans year. loss, Carolyn turned to food and began binge eating. Within three years, the approach to mindful eating. While the crisp autumn air and gorgeous foliage generally provide a picturesque her top priority. “Joining Tilton five-foot-one-inch had gained 20 pounds. “Rather than put yourselfCarolyn on a restrictive diet during the holidays, focus on portion Trainer Kelly with client backdrop for fall favorites from apple picking toFitness hay rides to pumpkin & Wellness hascarving, made allthe Trainer L control and nutrient timing,” says Jennifer Stubley, General Manager in Galloway. Rae-Anne trails orshe enjoying ourhas local thehiking difference,” says. “It learned the hard thatand regardless of howofmuch work out, cooler temperatures are perfect for exploring new “Choose fresh“Ifruits to satisfy sweetway cravings take advantage locallyyou grown beaches. and enduranc if you eat poorly you are sabotaging all of your efforts,” she says. helped me get my life back on track and take control of my health.” “Our bodies respond to the varying challenges of exercise, not to the amount of timeTrainer Lisa H “Health and wellness go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other we spend doing it,” says Stubley. According to Rae-Anne, functional Training has improved almost every facet of and still expect to see results.” Pack a pair of six running shoesshe tohas work and takelost your break forsizes, a brisk her life. In the past months, not only 20lunch pounds andoutside six pant Barbara, w walk or jog. Pack the family up and head to the beach for a stroll down the boardwalk but has more energy throughout the day, has improved her sleeping habits and chronic illnes With her fiftieth birthday looming on the horizon, Carolyn was or try eating dinner 30-minutes earlier and taking a family walk afterwards to boost priority each decreased her stress levels. determined to take control of her physical and mental well-being. “Not your metabolism. consistency o only did I want to lose those 20 pounds, but I wanted to be in the best “Before I began Functional Training with Certified Personal Trainer Kelly am the health Choose What Makes You Happy. shape of my life,” says Carolyn. The holiday months are action packed. From early November through mid-January, “(Before I began Functional Training) My fitness goals we spend our time planning, shopping, cooking, attending every event Barbara is Carolyn in Mexico, before shetraveling, startedand her fitness journey consisted (solely) of trying losingtoweight and tactic provedThis to be very imaginable all while maintain ourthat normal schedules. year, make a number. “It i In addition discouraging.” to taking Group Fitness classes and religiously hitting the weights at Tilton Fitness commitment to your health. Stay focused. of optimum w & Wellness, Carolyn began working with Certified they reviewed “Realistically, you may notahave an hourPersonal a day to Trainer. devote toTogether, a workout session,” says Activate this pass at any of health and wellness goals and focused on lifestyle modifications that would ensure Carolyn’s Stubley, also a working with twoon children. “SoMy planfitness accordingly, whether that Simon, I focused solely onmom the number the scale. goals consisted Lisa has h our six locations. sustainable, long-term results. means shorter more intense workouts or structured programs.” of losing weight and that tactic proved to be very discouraging,” she says. “Since transformatio High Intensity Interval Training is amy great way toregimen, maximizeIcaloric expenditure incorporating Functional Training into workout have been able to in she says “It is only 20-30 minutes and can be done 2-3 times week. In nineredirect months, Carolyn lost the weight as well as 13 inches in the process. “I was back my stress in a positive way and obtain measurable results.” If you can’t make it to the gym every day, choose one or two weekly Small Group or challenge her in a size four and feeling great about myself,” she says. “I am now able to maintain my Group Fitness classes to getonthemy most out of your time. “Exercising in group or small cardio trainin results and even put workouts together own.” For Rae-Anne, the one-on-one instruction she receives from Kelly has been vital group environments provide participants with the guidance of a fitness professional as to her 609.FITNESS wellsuccess. as the accountability and encouragement needed to stay motivated during the long Barbara’s a At a time in her life when others may have continued down an unhealthy path, Carolyn rose around her. “ fall and winter months.” above. “I am very“Kelly grateful to the Personal Training staff atI am Tilton Fitness & Wellness and my gym has the ability to motivate me when not so motivated to work out,” Remember, while social and family obligations can make it difficult to maintain your Lisa. “I feel p Must be 23 years of age. ID Required. See club for details. friends for encouraging me to keep going.” she healthy says. “Her constant feedback regarding my technique methrow preform lifestyle throughout the holiday season, they don’t helps have to yourthe progress movements safely and effectively thattoI get theTilton most out of my workout.wishes But, you a completely off track. From our so family yours, Fitness & Wellness Because, after all, adversity, the lingering of tragedy and pursuing happy, holiday season.enduring most of overcoming all,healthy she makes exercising fun and that’s what it’s alleffects about!”


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a better, healthierStart lifestyle, not inYour spite ofby it all but because ofatit www.TiltonFitness. all, is the measure of true success. Changing Life visiting us online Making Fitness Your Family’s Focus

nty Woman Magazine



Carolyn Bucci works with Personal Trainer, Gavin Reath.

Julianne Dods, Vice President, Tilton Fitness & Wellness

“When families workout, either together or separately, it’s an ideal situation,” said Paul Brones, Regional Training Director for Tilton Fitness & Wellness. “They feed off each other’s excitement and enthusiasm, motivate each other, and encourage each other to succeed as a family. At Tilton Fitness & Wellness, we are committed to creating a healthy and fun atmosphere the whole family can enjoy.”

January/February 2015

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Medical Professionals Medical Professionals



Would You Benefit From A Neurologist? About Neurology: Might You BenefitSeeing From Seeing A Neurologist? Presented Presented by:By: Syed Arif Ali Jaffery, M.D. Premier Neurology Dr. Janis Kahn-Jaffery

Health &Wellness

Medical Professionals

neurologist is often the principal care provider. Patients involve the brain or nervous system. The examination may also be performed when a patient wants a second with disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis may use a neurologist as their opinion from a neurologist. The neurologist’s expertise in disorders of the brain and nervous system can principal care physician. Protecting and treating the brain give patients effective diagnosis and treatment for In a consulting role, a neurologist will diagnose and and nervous system is the treat a neurological disorder and then advise the primary neurological disorders. essence of neurologists' work. care physician managing the patient’s overall health. For example, a neurologist would act in a consulting role for Who advocates for greater patient What is a Neurologist? conditions such as stroke, concussion or headache. access to neurologists? A neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized Neurologists can recommend surgical treatment, The American Academy of Neurology supports a training in managing disorders but do not isperform surgery. When Presented by:diagnosing, Syed Arif Alitreating Jaffery,and M.D. patient’sthe choice principal from neurologist often the principal caretreatment provider.includes Patients involve braintoorreceive nervous system. care The services examination of the brain and nervous system. Pediatric neurologists surgery, neurologists will monitor surgically treated either a neurologist or other physician. The American Premier Neurology with disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s may also be performed when a patient wants a second are doctors with specialized training in children’s patientsorand supervise theirmay continuing their opinion Academy of Neurology alsoThe supports direct access to disease multiple sclerosis use a neurologist from a neurologist. neurologist’s expertise neurological disorders. Neurosurgeons are medical doctors who specialize in neurologists and standing referrals for those who require principal care physician. in disorders of the brain and nervous system can Protecting and treating theandbrain A neurologist’s educational background medical performing surgical treatments of thewill brain or nervous frequent specialty carediagnosis because and of complex neurological In a consulting role, a neurologist diagnose and give patients effective treatment for andincludes nervous system isdegree, the four years training an undergraduate system. conditions. disorders. treat a neurological disorder and then advise the primary neurological of medical school, a one-year internship and three years essence of neurologists' work. Advocating for patients, the American Academy of care physician managing the patient’s overall health. For of specialized training. Many neurologists also have does a would neurologist treat? role for Neurology legislation assuring patient fair treatment example,What a neurologist act in a consulting Whosupports advocates for greater additional training in one area of neurology such as What is a Neurologist? treat disordersor of headache. the nervous of patients with neurological disorders and access to conditionsNeurologists such as stroke, concussion access to neurologists? stroke,Aepilepsy or movement disorders. neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized system, brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles and pain. necessary medical care. Neurologists can recommend surgical treatment, The American Academy of Neurology supports a training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders Common disorders include: but do notneurological perform surgery. When treatment includes patient’s choice to receive principal care services from of the brain and system. Pediatric neurologists Stroke neurologists will monitor surgically Alzheimer’s disease What isnervous the role of a neurologist? can research help patients? surgery, treated either a How neurologist or other physician. The American are doctorsNeurologists with specialized training in children’s Headache Epilepsy are principal care providers or recent years, hasdirect advanced patients and supervise their continuing treatment. Academy ofInNeurology alsoresearch supports access to neurological disorders. Parkinson’s disease Sleepspecialize disordersin consultants to other physicians. When a patient has understanding the brain’s fundamental Neurosurgeons are medical doctors who neurologists andofstanding referrals for thosemechanisms. who require A neurologist’s educational background andcare, medical Multiple sclerosis disorders frequent a neurological disorder that requires frequent a With thisspecialty new understanding, neurologists are finding performing surgical treatments of theMovement brain or nervous care because of complex neurological training includes an undergraduate degree, four years Brain and spinal cord injuries Brain tumors new treatments and, ultimately, cures for many system. conditions. of medical school, a one-year internship and three years Peripheral nerve disorders Cerebral palsy neurological whichthe areAmerican among the most of Advocatingdiseases, for patients, Academy of specialized training. Many neurologists also have Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis destructive and costly public health problems in the What does a neurologist treat? Neurology supports legislation assuring fair treatment additional training in one area of neurology such as United States. Neurologists treat disorders of the nervous of patients with neurological disorders and access to stroke, epilepsy or movement disorders. neurological disorders For example, system, How brain,are spinal cord, nerves, muscles and treated? pain. necessary medicalresearch care. breakthroughs now allow Many disorders can beinclude: treated. Treatment or neurologists to successfully treat stroke patients with clotCommon neurological disorders Tel:What 609-377-8516 Fax: Fax: 609-377-8520 609-377-8520 Stroke Tel: 609-377-8516 symptomatic relief is different for each condition. To busting medication proven tohelp reduce deaths and decrease Alzheimer’s disease is the role of a neurologist? How can research patients? find treatment options, neurologists will perform and disability. Research developments have also produced Headache Epilepsy Neurologists are principal care providers or In recent years, research has advanced Treating disorders of interpret tests of the brain or nervous system. Treatment new medications that relieve migraines, the Services: Parkinson’s disease Sleep disorders consultants to other physicians. When a patient has understanding of the brain’s fundamentalslow mechanisms. can help patients with neurological disorders maintain progression of multiple sclerosis and improve the nervous system, Multiple sclerosis Movement disorders a neurological disorder that requires frequent care, a With this new understanding, neurologists are movement finding b Neurology the best possible quality of life. in Parkinson’s These are justfor a few of the many Brain and spinal cord injuries Brain tumors new treatmentspatients. and, ultimately, cures many brain, spinal cord, advances gained fromwhich research are the improving Peripheral nerve disorders Cerebral palsy neurological diseases, are that among most the b Sleep Medicine joints, nerves, lives of millions of men and health womenproblems around the world Whatlateral is a neurological examination? Amyotrophic sclerosis destructive and costly public in the muscles. b Painand Management suffering from neurological disorders. During a neurological examination, the United States. neurologist the patient’s health historytreated? with How reviews are neurological disorders For example, research breakthroughs now allow Contact Dr. Jaffery and his team at Premier Neurology b Medical Aesthetic special attention to the current The patient Many disorders can becondition. treated. Treatment or neurologists successfully stroke with furthertoquestions or totreat request an patients with clotTel: 609-377-8516Treating Fax: disorders 609-377-8520 then takes a neurological exam. the exam symptomatic relief is different forTypically, each condition. Totests busting medication proven to reduce deaths and decrease appointment. of the vision, strength, coordination, reflexes and sensation. find treatment options, neurologists will perform and nervous system, brain, spinal cord, disability. Research developments have also produced This information helps theorneurologist determine if Treating disorders joints, nerves, and muscles. of interpret tests of the brain nervous system. Treatment newClient medications that relieve migraines, Testimonial . . . slow the the problem is in the nervous system. Further tests may can help patients with neurological disorders maintain progression of multiple sclerosis and improve movement the nervous system, Dr. Jaffery listened to my issues carefully and be needed to confirm 3069 English English Creek Creekbrain, Avenue, Suite 203 the best possible qualitya diagnosis of life. or to find a specific in Parkinson’s patients. These are just a few of the many 3069 Avenue, Suite 203 spinal cord, explained everything to mythat understanding. treatment. advances gained from research are improvingI the Egg Harbor HarborTownship, Township, NJ 08234 Egg 08234 joints,NJ nerves, recommend him. His office staffthe is world very livesstrongly of millions of men and women around What is a neurological examination? and muscles. professional and helpful as well." J. L., EHC Why do patients need a neurological suffering from neurological disorders. During a neurological examination, the examination? neurologist reviews the patient’s health history with Contact Dr. Jaffery and his team at Premier Neurology An examination is used when a family doctor seeks a special attention to the current condition. The patient Find us us on on Facebook! Facebook! with further questions or to request an Find specialized aboutexam. a patient whosethe symptoms may appointment. If you have any questions then takes a opinion neurological Typically, exam tests vision, strength, coordination, reflexes and sensation. or would like to speak to About the Practice… This information helps the neurologist determine if Client Testimonial ... Premier Premier Neurology, in isEgg Township, dedicated to may serving the neurological and sleep Neurology call today thelocated problem in Harbor the nervous system.isFurther tests Dr. Jaffery listened to my issues carefully and toNeurology’s schedule an appointment! disorder area.a Launched in to 2008 Arif Jaffery M.D., Premier neededCounty to confirm diagnosis or findbya Syed specific 3069 English Creek Avenue, Suiteneeds 203of thebeAtlantic explained I physicians and staff are able to provide education and compassionate care for individual patientseverything in a timelyto my understanding. treatment. 609-377-8516 or go online at Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 manner. As director, Dr. Jaffery is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and ishim. His office staff is very strongly recommend also on staff at Altlanticare Regional Center. to,professional he is the area’s andonly helpful as well." - J. L., EHC Why doMedical patients needAccording a neurological 5-star Neurologist. examination? Dr. Jaffery and the physicians at Premier Neurology strive todoctor provide state-of-the-art diagnoses and An examination is used when a family seeks a Find us on Facebook! treatments using the specialized latest neurological innovations. Syed Arif Ali Jaffery, M.D. opinion about a patient whose symptoms may

Law From Seeing Q A Neurologist? About Neurology: Might You Benefit Q




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The County Woman Magazine About the Practice… Premier Neurology, located in Egg Harbor Township, is dedicated to serving the neurological and sleep The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

disorder needs of the Atlantic County area. Launched in 2008 by Syed Arif Jaffery M.D., Premier Neurology’s physicians and staff are able to provide education and compassionate care for individual patients in a timely

May/June 2014 March/April 2015 January/Feb

Unique Hair Salon




s winter slowly fades into spring, we begin looking forward to warmer temperatures, longer hours of daylight, flowers Kathy “Cubby" Fisher blooming, and Owner of Shore Style Salon new beginnings. We can also apply this ‘new beginnings’ thought process when it comes to our hair.


Always give your hair a cold water rinse.

It helps seal the hair cuticle and adds more shine to hair. Even if your scalp is extremely oily, your hair may still require a protein-based professional-grade conditioner. A healthy scalp means healthy hair, so again, if your scalp is dry, flaky, and cared for improperly, it will be seen in your hair. When you do shampoo, gently exfoliate the scalp area to remove any excess oil and/or flakes. Doing this will unclog hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. There’s no need to focus shampoo too much Many don’t realize how badly the on the hair shaft and ends when you shamdry air and cold temperatures can damage poo, unless you have a lot of product built your hair. Couple that with the dry heat inside, and hair becomes severely dry, brittle up. Instead, just use a clarifying shampoo and lifeless (and how about that STATIC???). every once in a while to remove product Once hair reaches this dry and brittle state, build-up. it loses its elasticity and it simply breaks off. The good news is, we don’t have to Use products recommended rely on the timely, costly, and complicated for your specific needs by methods of ‘yesteryear’ to maintain healthy your stylist. hair. There are many reasons why our hair becomes extremely dry and dull, but some I can’t stress this enough! Many simple changes can bring our hair back to spend a good amount of time and money at the healthy, shiny way it was meant to be! the hair salon, then go home and buy whatever hair care products they find on sale, many of which boast high-quality results. Your stylist knows you and your hair and what will keep your investment looking and feeling its best. Save the discount shampoo for the kiddos!


Just a few tips:


Do not over-shampoo.

Though most professional cleansing products are extremely gentle with no harsh ingredients, overshampooing will eventually strip all natural oils from the scalp. Many don’t realize that in doing this, they are removing muchneeded natural and healthy oils that dry, porous and especially chemically treated hair needs. If you feel ‘dirty’ when you don’t shampoo daily, try skipping at least one or two days a week. Instead of shampooing your hair, give it a long rinse and apply a quality conditioner to the ends. You’ll feel fresher, and your hair will look healthier.


Always take extra care with highlighted, fine, and damaged hair.

I often compare treating your hair to treating your finest washables. You wouldn’t wash your fine washables in hot water, put them in the dryer on the highest heat setting, and afterwards iron them using the hottest setting – the garment would be destroyed. Yet, that’s what many do to their hair, without realizing it. They then wonder WHY their hair is looking ‘rough,’ dry, and over-processed.

Once you get on track with all of these things, you will see an ABSOLUTE positive difference in the health of your hair – sometimes immediately. Please always remember that whatever happens to your body internally will affect you externally. This means everything – including your hair. Illness, stress, medication, vitamins (or lack thereof ), poor diet, change in diet, or any type of internal change in your body will affect your hair. It’s best to take care of ourselves inside in order to help how we look outside. As we all begin the transition out of our winter ‘hibernation,’ why not also think about making some changes with your hair color and style? Sometimes even the smallest of changes can feel like BIG changes, and they can be lots of fun. Start with our 100% Organic Color and a cut designed just for you. Think about sealing your color in and improving the health of your hair with a Keratin treatment, which will seal protein directly onto the hair. Even the most difficult hair is transformed into shiny, healthy hair that is easy to manage in half the time.

Out with the old – in with the new! Now you’re ready to spring forward!

costly, and complicated methods of “yesteryear” to maintain healthy hair. Gone are the noxious fumes, stinging scalp, watery eyes and the damage ammonia causes to your hair. Discover the exceptional performance, superior results, and healthier alternative of the product line with Certified Organic Ingredients.

We have come a long way since the “big hair” days of the 80’s & 90’s. Yet the question remains- when did you last update your look??

The right tools will actually preserve the health of your hair, and extend hair color as well. Is your hairdryer 10+ years old? If so, it is most likely not only drying your hair out, it’s literally BURNING your hair as well. The condition, age and type of hair tools you use are very important. Today’s hair appliances are made to dry hair in less time while locking in moisture and shine. Look for words like ‘Ionic’ and ‘Tourmaline’ when making these purchases. A hairdryer with different temperatures and a ‘COOL SHOT’ is a good way to go. Always finish drying hair with a cool shot to lock in shine. If you use a flatiron or curling irons, always look for the same key words as mentioned above. They should also have a choice of heat settings. Spray hair with a heat protector to assist in better end results. Start on the lower settings, and if you need to go higher (hotter), do so in small increments. When you’ve hit the perfect temperature, you’ll know it for future use. Don’t be alarmed if you see some steam rise as you use these appliances. That’s simply the product that’s steaming. Ask your stylist to direct you in making a purchase. If we don’t have what you’re looking for in stock, we can order it for you.

Talk with your stylist to find out which custom cut, color, and treatment best suits your needs. Communication is the key to any great look.

We don’t have to rely on the timely,

Remember the Days?...

Choosing the Perfect Hair Appliances

The County Woman Magazine

Join Our Styling Team! Are you a talented stylist looking for a POSITIVE change in your career?

Shore Style Salon offers an atmosphere that is relaxed and social, but also professional. We believe in working as a team to give our clients the best experience possible. At Shore Style Salon, we specialize in 100% Organic Salon Systems for coloring… NO Ammonia or corrosive ingredients, as well as, Brazilian Blow Outs. We have a chair available, so give us a call and come create with us!

We Are Looking For… • Experienced Stylists • Assistant/Shampoo Professional * All inquiries will be strictly confidential. 6525 Ventnor Ave., Ste. 3 Ventnor, NJ 08406

(Corner of Ventnor & New Haven Ave)

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Brazilian Blow Outs Certified in Organic Salon Systems

March/April 2015

Assisted Living


“My Life…My Story” favorite pastime? What is their history? A person can be celebrated by learning their story, embracing their identity and engaging them in familiar activities that will stimulate their mind, body and spirit.

Alice was so photogenic. With her long brown hair, bright eyes and toothy grin, she was always front and center, arms tightly around her friends and family in every photo. Her smile connected you immediately. She had that way with people. Always the life of the party, Alice entertained everyone from her storytelling to singing horribly off key to Sinatra songs. She never cared. She made everyone laugh and people loved being around her. The adventurer of the family, her passport was filled with colorful stamps from her many journeys, a showpiece she proudly toted around. “Did I ever tell you the story about how I went with no shoes for two days in Prague” Alice would say. A crowd would quickly surround her. She had a way of captivating an attentive audience. She made you belly laugh from her wild and outlandish experiences across the globe. Her stories were always bigger than life. She had so much personality and energy, enough to fill a room.You simply wanted to say you knew her. Sadly, her stories are now told by others. Alice’s voice is lost. She has forgotten the details of her stories. Her memory has slipped away.

Individuals with memory loss may not recall the details of an experience, but they don’t forget the feeling they get from a familiar picture, favorite song, or memorable interaction. For Alice, pictures of Paris may stimulate a memory. The sound of laughter and Sinatra on the radio, may elicit a warm, positive feeling and response - feel good moment that makes Alice feel connected even if it is only for a short time. There is a way to engage an individual and make their story come alive by celebrating how they were and who they are today. No one should be forgotten. Alice’s life should continue with pleasant days and magical moments - moments others develop for her. At Brandywine Senior Living, we are committed to providing the highest level of quality memory care services in a homelike, safe, secure, and supportive environment called Reflections. Our philosophy, “INVEST,” is a creative and dignified approach that involves the family, team members and resident in a true partnership of care giving by nurturing the resident’s individuality and identity. Our approach educates everyone on the importance of investing in the person by creating opportunities to make a difference to ensure their story is heard every day.

For individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, questions about life experiences and cherished memories become too difficult to answer and express. Memories are lost. Communication is challenged. Family and friends become unfamiliar. A life story is forgotten. But Alzheimer’s disease should not strip away who the person is. The life story of an individual and their legacy can stay alive by focusing on the person, not the disease. What are their most treasured memories? Who are the important people in their life? What was their

Maria Nadelstumph Brandywine Senior Living Vice President of Organizational Development & Program Excellence

432 Central Avenue | Linwood, NJ 08221 | 609-926-4663



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2015



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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Fabulous Food


Eating At Home Is A Healthier Option been grown more locally becoming readily available. What that means for you is the opportunity to eat meals that have been prepared with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables that haven’t necessarily traveled long distances to get to your plate. Stephanie Hopkins Certified Personal Chef The concept surely sounds appealing to most, s we come into but a majority of people the spring season simply does not have and shake off the the time to commit to winter doldrums, anyone preparing meals with all that fresh produce. In spite who likes the thought of of the fact that studies eating more healthfully have shown eating home(whether you are doing cooked meals is better the cooking or not) starts for your waistline, many to think about the fresh continue to eat out, or waste LOTS of money by produce that will start popping up in our stores. purchasing lovely groceries that never get turned into those home cooked meals. Sure, you’ve been able There is another option… to get produce all through As a Personal Chef and the winter, but it won’t be owner of Cutting Board long until you’ll be able Creations, LLC, I take to see things that have


care of all the menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, packaging and clean up Celebrating 12 Years of of nutritious Delighting our Clients! meals for you, leaving a kitchen that smells great and a fingertips – ready to heat refrigerator Stephanie was professionally and serve within minutes. and freezer full of trained at the Meals are designed with delicious, home-made Culinary Business you in mind, and are meals. All the cooking is Academy, is a Certified prepared with ingredients done in your home, and Personal Chef, a Certified that you can pronounce. I bring all the supplies Food Safety Manager, and No more throwing away and equipment needed to Finalist for the USPCA prepare your pre-approved, spoiled groceries, or Personal Chef of the Year in customized menu with me. stuffing your trashcans 2012 and 2013. Services are provided on a first come, first I use only fresh ingredients with takeout containers – served basis and there are purchased on the cook day, you are eating at home and no contracts – ever! getting a healthy meal too. and prepare meals based For more information on our on each client’s tastes and services or Gift Certificates, dietary needs. Special references, and fees, diets are no problem at all. contact Cutting Board Delicious meals are at your Creations, LLC today.

Below is a recipe that features spring vegetables. Add couscous or brown rice and you’ve got a well-balanced and healthy meal!

Apricot Glazed Pork with Roasted Spring Vegetables – Serves 4 8 oz baby carrots 8 oz asparagus, cut into bite size pieces 8 scallions cut into 1-½ inch pieces 2 tsp olive oil ½ tsp pepper 2 T apricot preserves (you can also use peach or raspberry for a different taste) 2 T Dijon mustard, whole grain 1 lb pork tenderloin

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray. Combine carrots, asparagus and green onions in a large bowl. Toss with oil and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Combine preserves and mustard in a small bowl. Sprinkle pork with remaining pepper; spoon preserves mixture over pork. Place on baking sheet; arrange vegetables in a single layer around pork. Bake 25-35 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees, stirring vegetables once. Remove pork; cover loosely with foil. Let stand 10 minutes. If necessary, bake vegetables an additional 10 minutes or until tender. Slice pork and serve with vegetables.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Real Estate


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STEFF SELLS THEM ALL Do you possess a compassionate nature and good listening skills? Compassionate Care Hospice Seeks Patient Care and Crafts Volunteers, Offers Free Training Opportunity in Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland Counties

MARMORA, NJ -- CCH is a community based group, and its Volunteer program is a very essential part of the highest quality of hospice services provided to patients facing a life-limiting illness and their family.

or 1544 W. Landis Ave, Vineland, NJ.

’ CCH’s Knitting Group meets weekly at the Marmora office to knit or crochet lap blankets for hospice patients. To enroll in the upcoming free training session, and/or become ’ CCH is looking for friendly, caring indi- a member of the knitting group, please call: Virginia Nikolaidis, Volunteer Coordinator viduals to visit patients, in Atlantic, Cape May (609) 675-3707 or email and Cumberland Counties. Monthly volunteer training sessions are held in CCH’s South Jersey Offices: 518 South Shore Rd, Marmora, NJ Volunteers may commit as little or as

much time as they can. They become a source of strength and support by providing friendly visits and companionship, sharing of special talents like storytelling or song, errands for the household and families and administrative support for the staff. Also, specialized services like beautician, massage therapy, pet therapy, Reiki, or handcrafted items that give warmth and comfort are welcome and appreciated.

The County Woman Magazine

About Compassionate Care Hospice Founded in 1993, Compassionate Care Hospice is a community-based organization committed to providing the highest quality hospice care to patients, their families, and close friends throughout the United States. We care for terminally ill patients with a wide range of illnesses including cancer, advanced cardiac disorders, advanced neurological disorders, AIDS, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Multiple Sclerosis and any end stage disease. Care is delivered by a team of physicians, nurses, social workers, home health aides, bereavement coordinator, pastoral counselor & volunteers.

March/April 2015

Health ealth & &W ellness H W ellness HDancing ealth & Wellness That

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Do You Know Health Screenings Every Woman Needs To Know About... Part 2 Benefits You In Many Ways? L aw Health Screenings Every Woman Needs To Know About I here is no question that women wear many


t is not surprising that Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance have taken over the television airwaves. Dancing has always been a part of Choose a healthcare provider that you are comfortable the pads test of our the What? AUsing bone density usesfingers, X-rays examine to measure human ealth culture, rituals and celebrations…almost in our DNA. screening should be a priority for as if it is wired Dental checkup how many grams of calcium and other bone minerals with and focus on why it is important to do it. breast and armpit in Today, dancing mostly a medicine form self-expression However, it different positions. The National everyone. Modern has provided us recreation. hats. Inis the process ofofmanaging their and Why? Many problems—cavities, gum disease, oral are packed intoFoundation aof segment bone. The bones information that are When? New suggest starting screening after Breast Cancer excellent also hasthe atime surprising number benefits to our body and mind, regardless age, ofcontains ability use tests, physical examinations cancer—may notguidelines be obvious until they enter advanced with tojuggling allofthose responsibilities, most commonly tested are inThe the spine, hip and forearm. age 21 and continuing until age 65. gender, ability size. disease early in or otherdancing procedures toor detect stages. A dentist can spot a problem before it becomes a on how to perform a good exam. In addition to lumps, Argentine is no pain or discomfort they may not find the time to take care of their own Although we must lie still, there BIG problem. dental How often?Additionally, Every 3 years.research Womenshows over that the age of 30 people who look or feel well. Early detection is if you experience breast pain,Tango skin thickening, nipple involved. health. But doing so can have dangerous conseissues can increase our risk of heart disease. the key to controlling and treating many health years can increase the screening interval to every 5 years Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know: discharge, or a change in thewith size Can or shape of the breast, When? 65 years of age or Muhammed older. Screening may conditions. However, women oftentimes put our own quences. Let’s take a look at health screening tests when cytology and human papillomavirus testing What? Cleaning tartar, plaque, or stains;(HPV) polishing with contact your healthcare provider. About The Health Benefits of Dancing be recommended earlier if there are risk factors for health on the back burner while taking care of our Karagoz, a rotating rubber cup or brush; XraysHowever, on some visits; and are combined (known as co-testing). discuss When? In our 20’s that can help ourselves, our mothers, our wives, osteoporosis such as a fractureBallroom from normal activity, responsibilities from all aspects of our lives at home, an examination. Evenprovider if we maintain oral sexual hygiene your healthcare if, basedexcellent upon your How often? Every month our our daughters, andactivity—whether our girlfriends livewe cha-cha-cha or hip-hop— and Latinrheumatoid arthritis, with ☼sisters, Heart healthy. Aerobic work, and in our communities. (brushing, flossing), we still need to see our dentists. history and prior results, they recommend more frequent kidney has ustake increasing our heart longer and healthier lives.rate. And in doing so, we are strengthening our heart Dance chronic Let’s a look at some When? As children. Yes, as children. But don’t fret; it’s disease, early screening. Instructor Cholesterol level and allowing it to screening pump blood more efficiently. One study even showed that important health better late than never. menopause, history Why?at Elevated levels increase our risk of waltz training was similarly effective to standard treadmill and cycling activity tests. of breast cancer, Dr. Nina’s What You Fasting bloodOn sugar How often? average, twice a year. This varies improving the cardiac function in patients with congestive heart failure. And that’s Heart disease is the number heart disease. significant loss of Need To Know: depending on the risk dental disease. Smokers, come not all. The group thatAbout waltzed also reported improvement in their sleep quality, Why? Symptoms ofofdiabetes and pre-diabetes one killer in women. And although heart disheight, smoking, Dr. Nina’s What You Need diabetics, people with current gum disease, with mood, and ability to Why, perform hobbies, housework, and have sex compared the on slowly and may not be obvious. Diabetesorcan cause The Who, What, ease istoconsidered a “malefamily disease,” in actualhistory of a chronic illness may need to see their dentist more To Know, 2: group. About treadmill andPart cycling numerous issues including blindness, heart attacks, ity, it kills more women osteoporosis, than men. use of andWho, When What, of Health frequently. The When,What better way to burn calories than to have steroid medications stroke, nerve damage, peripheral vascular disease, and ☼ Shedding pounds. fun What? A fasting blood sample is drawn Screenings Every for more than one and Where of Health while we are doing it?Woman Whether it is Zumba, pole dancing, or pairing up a kidney failure. Early detection and appropriate managethatwith measures our low-density lipoprotein Body mass index (BMI) month, use of Should Screenings Woman partner to Undergo jive,Every dancing can help us drop a dress size or two. Don’t believe me? Just ment can decrease the chance of having these complica(LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Why? The National Institutes of Health (NIH), thyroid hormone look at the transformation of the contestants on Dancing With the Stars at the end Should Undergo: tions. and triglycerides. LDL, also known asor“bad states that the BMI “ a reliable indicator of total body replacement, Mammograms depression and can even become a partAisoffasting an overall plan and forWe those who ofScreening the competition. fat,What? which related to thetreatment risk of disease death.” blood sample is drawn. are concholesterol” is associated with atherosclerosis increased(plaque alcohol are diagnosed with it. Why? In 2013,booster. nearly 300,000 women a new And because it measures our100 weight and Prediabetic takes into if ☼ Memory Learning new had skills, or in this case, steps, serves a sidered Normal if less than mg/dL; buildup inside ourasarteries) that can consumption. cause narrowing or Blood pressure consideration our height, it is a better way to assess obesity diagnosis and almost 40,000 women died from breast ☼ What dance style is right for me? Before choosing, some things to mg/ means to foxtrot our memory. When it comes to our brain, it is a well-known fact 100-125 mg/dL; and Diabetic if greater than 125 blockage of blood flow. Why? Increased blood pressure can elevate our risk for How often? Every 2 years. However, it may be than weight alone. consider we want to improve that ifdisease, we usestroke, it, we are likely to loseEarly it. Learning stepsBeginning is wait a mentally cancer. heart andless kidney damage. detectionnew dance dL. our fitness, flexibility, or coordination; dance on appropriate to longer. Discuss with are our ifhealthcare When? age 20 our own, with a partner, or large group;Anyone or move or slow. And if weberealize that engaging activity that can decrease deterioration of the hippocampus—a structure What? There areolder afast number of BMI calculators readily allows for lifestyle changes and medications that can provider determine whatyears is best What? Involves two x-ray images of each breast to When? than age 45 should screened. How to often? Every 4-6 in for ourus. 20s and more frethe Texas Two-Step is not quite our groove of choice, don’t worry. There are many in our brain that controls memory. available online that allows us to enter our height and decrease disease burden. And, symptoms of increased detect breast cancer in women who have no signs or However, if we have a body mass index (BMI) greater quently depending on our cholesterol level, other health and instantly get a value. There are some gray areas. cancer screening forms out there that may suitweight our needs. blood pressure are usually notAobvious, untilby the damage ☼ Stress reduction. quote GreeneColon tells the story: “Life is symptoms of the disease. Theygreat are capable of Vivian detecting than 25, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, polycystic problems, and overall risk for heart disease. BMI does not take into consideration gender, build, age, Why? In the United States, colon cancer is the second has been done. ☼ Where can I learn how to dance? A myriad ofatoptions exist. Classes not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain,” tiny deposits of calcium that can indicate breast cancer as leading cause of cancer-related deaths—50,000 per year. ovary syndrome, a large baby birth, gestational diabeor ethnicity. For example, an athlete may be considered What? Involves placing a cuff around our biceps may be offered at a studio, continuing education course, social club, or fitness both literally and figuratively. Physical activity is a well-known antidote to many of well as tumors that cannot be felt on a breast exam. tes, high cholesterol, a personal history of heart disease, overweight, but in actuality just be muscular and in great ItPap is believed of those deaths could be prevented smearthat and60% pelvic exams and life’s inflating it followed by slowly deflating the cuff.on, A we can twirl, spin, step, and center.treatment. Additionally, private instructors may come our homes or recreation our stressors. By keeping calm and dancing shape. withWhy? early Prior screening and appropriate or close relatives withto diabetes, screening should befacility perWhen? Recommendations differ between organizato screening Pap smears, cervical cancer singleour highway reading does notstress. necessarily mean we have and self-learning may be an option with YouTube or other instructional videos. strut to reducing formed earlier, regardless of age two. tions. Speak with doctorprovider to determine if you should wasWhat? the leading cause of cancer death ingeneral women in the In consult children starting A special device is used to visualize polyps hypertension. Our your healthcare will likely want to Some tips for dancingWhen? include: with our doctor if we have a ☼ Increasing our flexibility. Imagine having difficulty with our daily How often? Every 3 years. If there are risk factors, (precancerous lesions) and tumors within the colon and repeat the measurement at the end of a visit, or have us start screening earlier (age 40 versus age 50) based upon United States! Although the number of cases and deaths medical condition, are overweight, overoften? 40 years of age, or inactive; perform warmHow At least yearly activities such as getting out of bed, dressing ourselves, or playing with our children rectum. Tissue samples can be collected (biopsied) and check it at home or at a pharmacy. your doctor may recommend more frequently. risk factors, or symptoms or changes in your breast. from it have decreased, they are one toobefore many twirling; too upstill activities know our limits, especially for beginners, to avoid or grandchildren. Both inactivity and aging can impair ourpolyps flexibility worsenSedation can beand removed. and, sometimes, general high. Today, almost 12,000 women are newly diagnosed When? Age 20 years injury; and drink plenty of water before, during, and after. How often? Recommendations differ between organiWe strive to live long, happy, and prosperous joint or back pain. Boogying is a great way to fend these off. Our health needs to be at the top of our long anesthesia, will be administered to provide comfort. and nearly 4,000 women die every year from cervical Our bodies were meant to move. in that it at lives. InDancing order to is dounique so we must work zations; some recommend every 1 year while others state How often? Every 2 years if it is below 120/80 mm list of things-to-do. Women are vital to the home, ☼ Balancing act. Dancing can improve balance as well as the ability When? Age 50to in the general population and age 45 activity in cancer. maintaining good health—staying active, incorporates physical with music. As a result, it can also reapeating a every 2 years. Again, discuss with your doctor to deterHg and at least yearly as we get older. When higher, our African Americans. Ifthe risk factors are present, discuss with stabilize and control our body. As a result, it can be a useful tool in reducing work, our communities and our world. By doing balanced meals, not smoking, and undergoing number of body and mind benefits. As Albert Einstein stated: “We dance for What? Your healthcare provider will scrape cells from healthcare willyou. likely want to check it more often. mine whatprovider is best for your gashes, doctor iforyou risk of falling in the elderly, which can result in broken bones, life-should begin screening at an earlier age. so, we are positioning ourselves to be the best screenings. Our health is our laughter, we uterus) dance for tears, weroutine dancehealth for madness, we dance for fears, we dance the opening of the cervix (lower part of the while threatening head injuries. Breast self-exams How often? Repeat surveillance in those with a foundation and it is up to us to make sure that us. mother, wife, worker, sister, or daughter. The best for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers. We create dreams.” using a speculum to better visualize. The cells are then Bone density screening negative test is every 7-10 years until the age of 75. In that foundation stays strong in order to support ☼ Decreasing depression. Don’t worry, we do not need to be lifted Why?To It isdiagnose estimated that approximately 40 percent Why? osteoporosis or bone weakness andof examined under a microscopeThey sayfor heindications was a genius. to look of Let’s turn up the music and dance on. with abnormal tests it needs to be repeated more Stay tunedthat for part the everything in the air bydown our the dance partner inbefore order to have spirits those lifted. Dancing is try to slow progression, breaking aour bone. diagnosed breast cancers are detected because a woman For more on the benefitsliesofon dance cancer (referred to as cytology). Although the information description frequently. not a great form of physical activity but can also provide the opportunity Jan./Feb. 2015 issue. feltjust a lump. of the test may sound unpleasant, do not be intimidated. please contact Dr. Nina today! to socialize. Both are great ways to decrease our risk for developing

Elder Law

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Business &Finance

ABOUT NINA RADCLIFF, MD: Dr. Nina Radcliff is dedicated to her profession, her patients and her community at large. She is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wise preventive health measures. She completed medical school and residency training at UCLA and has served on the medical faculty at The University of Pennsylvania. She is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for Young Physicians and Communications. Author of more than 200 textbook chapters, research articles, medical opinions and reviews; she is often called upon by media to unty Woman speakMagazine on medical, fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle topics impacting our lives, today.

January/February 2015

Connect with Dr. Nina at:; Follow her on or

The County Woman Magazine The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

March/April 2015 January/February 2014 2015 November/December

Adopt A Pet


Kathy Kelsey Manager

The Atlantic County Animal Shelter was developed in 1995 as a response to the needs of the municipalities for a regional animal control facility. Since its opening, the number of intakes consisting of stray, unwanted and abused animals has drastically decreased by 50 percent. This achievement is attributed to the implementation of several programs, including all animals being spayed or neutered prior to adoption and early-age spay and neuter services. The primary goal of the Animal Shelter is to reunite lost pets with their owners and to facilitate meaningful adoptions that benefit both pets and owners. Community outreach programs and free canine obedience classes help support adopters and further promote responsible pet ownership.

Visit to learn more.

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EHT: 609.645.2120 3085 English Creek Ave. EHT, NJ

BamBam Bam Bam is a 3 year old domestic short hair male waiting to be a splendid companion.

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14 Central Square • Linwood • 609-601-0035


Emerald is a 4 year old tortie calico named for the color of her gorgeous eyes.

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2900 Fire Rd, Suite 200 Egg Harbor Township, NJ



Rico is a 6 year old male Chihuahua that despite his small size is a lead force and who wants to be in charge.

609-653-1743 • 199 New Rd. Linwood


Lelu is a 8 year old female bull terrier that has a jovial nature and who is extremely likable. Sponsored by:

Cutting Board Creations

Personal Chef Service


Jasmine Jasmine is a curious 6 month old female intrigued by everything.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Adopt A Pet

The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2015



Speaker Series presents

From Acting to Writing: Ways to Discover the True You Join us as Stephanie shares lessons she has learned about herself the and the process of empowerment including... Growth and development as a female writer

Stephanie Evanovich

Best Selling author of Big Girl Panties and The Sweet Spot Tuesday evening, March 31st $35.00pp Atlantic City Country Club Northfield, NJ 6:30-8:30pm

Turning your passion into a career that will help women discover their inner strength Process of empowering women through words (explaining the importance of female writers and comforts of exploring female sexuality) Marketing yourself not only as a woman, but as a brand (being active on social media helps you develop strong relationships and connections with your fans, i.e being relatable to the everyday woman) Inspiring women to find the True You.

For more information and to register visit the Speaker Series page at

Shoe Repair

Step Into Spring With a Fresh New Pair of Old Shoes With spring in the air, it is time to freshen up your footwearand The Friendly Cobbler is the perfect place to do so. Every man or woman knows how hard it is to find that perfect pair of shoes that both looks and feels amaz-

ing. So when you finally do get the holy grail of footwear, you want to extend its life as long as possible. Whether you found your dream sandals, sneakers, or shoes, Domenick, owner of The Friendly Cobbler, can help you! When it comes to extending the life of your shoes, preventative care can do wonders. Before you hit the streets with a new pair of leather-soled shoes, visit Domenick to put in comfortable, new rubber inserts. For over 15 years, Domenick has been cleaning and servicing all different kinds of shoes. With friendly, personalized service, Domenick will attend to those kicks that have been lying around at the bottom of your closet. You can get your favorite sandals or sneakers patched up just in time for spring! Not only does Domenick repair shoes, he also offers services for Uggs, handbags, belts, and anything leather. It’s getting warm out quickly, so grab those colorful handbags, wedges, or sneakers and come on over to the Friendly Cobbler at 331 Tilton Road (at the Gamer Zone) to turn them into new, stylish fashions for all to see! Springtime is the perfect time to express gratitude towards a a loved one or friend! Come see the beautiful, unique leather bands that were hand-crafted by Domenick himself- you can customize them by choosing from a variety of styles, studs and charms, and you can personalize them by adding your loved one’s name directly onto the band. They are absolute must-haves!

The Friendly Cobbler


We Clean Uggs  Remove Water Stains

25% OFF

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All Shoe Repairs

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Expires April 30th, 2015.

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Domenick Basile

The County Woman Magazine

 Safe & Effective

March/April 2015

Adult Community

Adult Less Stress For Home Owners 00Community- Land Lease Options, Adult Community 67


f you are looking to invest the proceeds of your home efficiently into a senior community or an adult community home, consider the homes available in land leased communities. The land lease- new home combination offered by Fountainhead and others in the adult community market are the right recipes for conservative retirement. Instead of reinvesting into a mortgage, seniors are finding the budget –friendly prices and carrying costs at Fountainhead a stress-free solution. Turn-key prices range between $80,000 and half of where what another land-included of As we grow into the latter stages of life and$150,000: chooseabout to move simplification home purchase might cost. responsibility will give us the opportunity to spend more our free timea new participating Like any homeof purchase, financing or preowned home is easy for those who’ve maintained in the things we enjoy most, it is time to consider all the choices. reasonably responsible credit. Fixed rate terms are Finding The Right Match For You Andavailable Yourwith Budget amortizations from 10 to 25 years. Lenders are licensed as allto other mortgage Adult communities can be over-the-top offering amenitiesthewesame hope enjoy or loan originators and adhere to all the same plan to enjoy- even currently enjoy. The key isdisclosures. to find Expect the one that matches your several factors to be part of the amount of down payment, comparedall wishes and does not break the bank. Breakingprocess, out ofthethe same old and exploring to the overall contract amount. The process is often the options are two of the skills we’ve honed along life’s trail. Look into land leased faster and less complicated by deed searches and other communities; you will find as wide of a selection ofofamenities as mortgage any other aspects a conventional as the55+ landchoice is not part of the sale in a land lease community. locations without the land cost and with much less ongoing ownership expense. The construction of the homes offered for sale at Homes may vary in age from proposed-to-be-built, new and there is always Fountainheadto55+ community in Jackson is quality construction. Every aspect of the construction is “vintage” too. If you are a conservative buyer and/or not a big risk taker, land leasing similar to any site built home. Six-inches of highmay be the right choice for you. A hybrid home ownership option that allows you grade insulation with increased R-factors (R-factor is freedom to be the homeowner you have alwaysthebeen with less costly measure of the ability of theresponsibilities. insulation to protect the dwelling from gaining or losing heata and effects Fountainhead, a 55+ community in Jackson, New Jersey is one that offers selection the frequency that the furnace or air conditioner will of homeowner services that you choose as youbeneed homeowners choosein calledto. uponMost to maintain an even temperature) the ranch-style homes are in complete conformance a home from a model or a blueprint and customize the interior/exterior colors and to the state and federal mandated construction codes. design features. Then they move onto designing and maintaining their lot. Maximum Energy conscious adults at least 55 years of age are privacy due to large lots, mature trees and widefinding streets evoke neighborhood thatat feels that the utilityabills in a single level ranch Fountainhead are delightfully frugal. This is directly familiar and where nice people reside. attributed to the increased insulation standard at

Fountainhead, heavily insulated crawl spaces and attic areas- the savings really is built-in. Low E vinyl thermal windows keep the inside of the home from fading from sunlight and from taking on heat that would only have to be air-conditioned away. Look up “Energy Star” certification when you have time. One of the major differences in the construction is that building materials for these systems-built homes are any budget. The denominator stored indoors, protected from the common weather, which allows the quality of theThe raw construction material remain as simpl cost. lease is easy to toread and it was when first milled or produced. New Newercertified Homes Are Great C Cabinetry built or by tradesman as cabinet makers offerThe manynewest choices ofhomes, finish andsome style in the estab Personalized floor plans can be made available for or longer than any other new home. Yo buyer specific wants and needs, allowing you to plywood highapeaked personalize will helpsub-floor, aide in completing stress free roof, co move. Our experienced staff can help ease the anxiety budget friendly version that is also energ of packing and moving. of commitment, with carpet and Landsymbol leasing is secure, buyer-oriented relationship betweenelement Fountainhead the home-buyer. It is experienced usually to and please you. Our less costly than buying a land-home package, a show and demonstrate the benefits of bu townhouse or condo and definitely less than renting. Some ofconservative the moreand popular op The land lease fees are protectedinterior by township ordinance. It is a win/win for the home ances, composite countertops or circle w buyer that is ready to save more in their home alsocosts thewhile option toa great go with ownership keeping home ceramic in a very tile fl pleasantsays neighborhood. Housing professionals are are on “you”. The possibilities endless w site to show home buyers how the decision to buy home, so why not see what is offered? A at Fountainhead will increase the buyer’s financial security.spective buyer can imagine, each manufa

So Many Houses For Sale, So Many Adult Com


t is a great and sometimes undervalued privilege to have a choice. It is one of the great things about our country- we have many choices, an endless supply of them.

Land Leases Are Another Option Land leases are very secure, and designated by municipal land use zoning. Leases are auto renewable, and the homeowner’s lease is protected by law. Security, mutual understandingANand cooperation, communication; these are some of the elements that ACTIVE 55+ ADULT COMMUNITY make very good long-lasting lease relationship. Thea Source of a New Worry-Free Lifestyle in JacksonAt ! Fountainhead, while there are nearly one hundred to build, 75% of the households have resided in • Top Qualitymore Homes • new Naturalhomes Gas and Central Air their homes for 10 years more. This has allowed for a very good market to satisfy • Deluxe Appliances • Energy or Efficient Insulation • 2 and 3 Bedrooms

Fountainhead • Beautiful Kitchens • Land Leasing Saves You Money • Spacious Lots, Mature Trees, Wide Streets, Off-Street Parking

Stop at the Office for The Best Home Choice For 55+ Population About Location ~ Great Homes Long TermInformation Affordability 1 Rose Drive, Jackson, NJ~08527 New homes for 2015!

• 25 min. to Trenton, 20 min. to the Shore • New and Pre-Owned Homes Available

For directions call, 732-928-3100, or visit our website

The County Woman Magazine

survive hurricane style winds and At Fountainhead, Jackson NJ buyers will find a the na rural suburban atmosphere that isatright in the heart all materials to stay their strongest, fo of this growing residential township spanning 110 squareOnce miles. One of the largest townships in in th you choose to stay Ocean County Jackson offers seniors top-shelf middle ofand I-195 between the Shor amenities, recreation entertainment for people of all ages andFountainhead 6Flags amusement park. Just a visit 55+. short drive to area beaches, it is a short drive to is home to Fountainhead about 60,000 peo the TrentonJackson area and Staten Island. is a milewe from medical all the allnew need just facilities, down the block from Fo shopping an conveniences as well as necessities. award-winning recreation facilities for al It is worth a drive from anywhere to see the benefitsand of this location. a great location. If you must contin Just two miles from Exit 22 of I-195 the Ocean County you won’t find a better to directions to reach Fountainhead are available on access tocalling the main routes. W the website or by Nancycommuter at 732-928-3100.

For directions to the sales Jackson, NJ 08527 call 73 www.njfountainheadho For directions to the sales center at 1 Rose Drive, Jackson, NJ 08527 call 732-928-3100 or visit

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March/April 2015


Women Of Atlantic County

Adaku U. Nwachuku, DO MBA

Linnea Brown, BA,RN, OCN

Relievus/Advanced Spine and Pain

AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute

Dr. Nwachuku was born and raised in Queens, NY. She is a Board Certified Physiatrist and Interventional Pain Management Specialist. She has been a part of the Relievus/Advanced Spine and Pain family for almost three years where she gives all her effort to treating musculoskeletal and spine pain. She believes that patient care is a team effort with the goal of returning the patient to maximal functionality. She works closely with primary care physicians, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and physical therapists among other specialists to achieve to aforementioned. Interventional spine procedures remain the mainstay of treatment after other measures have been trialed. She continues to maintain that pain management is multi-modal in nature with chronic medication as the last resort for treatment. Dr. Nwachuku obtained her medical training at New College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her Physiatry Residency at Nassau University Medical Center and her Musculoskeletal/ Interventional Spine Fellowship at RehabNY in Amherst, NY. She has also contributed to a number of Physiatry publications and is a member of various organizations. She enjoys spending time with family, fitness and exercise, mentoring, community service, and international health missions. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nwachuku, please call 1-888-985-2727 or visit

Linnea Brown, BA, RN, OCN, Breast Health Coordinator, AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, A Fox Chase Cancer Center, of Port Republic, NJ, helps those facing a breast cancer diagnosis navigate through the healthcare system before, during and after diagnosis and treatment. A certified oncology/breast care nurse and bereavement facilitator, she facilitates AtlantiCare’s Breast Cancer Support Group and the American Cancer Society program, Look Good…Feel Better® at the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute. Linnea enhances breast cancer awareness by providing presentations throughout the community about early detection, risk factors and treatment. She assists the uninsured and underinsured in obtaining access to screening/diagnostic mammograms. Winner of the Christina M. Rush Foundation 2008 Angel of the Year Award and Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame member, Linnea is also a member of the Shirley Mae Breast Cancer Assistance Fund Committee, Gilda’s Club South Jersey’s Medical Resource Committee, Ladies’ Invitational Blue Fish Tournament Committee (LIBT) and the Governor’s Task Force Work Group on Breast Cancer. She also serves as parish nurse at Central United Methodist Church in Linwood. Linnea enjoys spending time with her husband Jay and their children and grandchildren. She’s an avid reader and gardener. For more information, call 1-888-569-1000 or visit

Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O.

Kathy Kerstetter, MSN, RN, ACNP-C

Morgan Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, P.A As a native of Ventnor, Dr. Morgan never plans to retire and has trained with doctors in Europe who are 100 years old and still practicing medicine. Her American medical training gave birth to a passionate curiosity about what could be done to prevent and reverse disease rather than waiting for it to happen. She calls this “Internal Plastic Surgery.” Some call it Integrative Medicine, as this is a marriage of American and European medical ideology. She completed her training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and served a three-year residency in Family Medicine. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. Dr. Morgan’s personal life is just as fulfilling as her professional life. She loves spending time with her two grown daughters, Cara and Samantha. Her interests and hobbies vary from biking, kayaking, traveling, to competitive ballroom dancing and professional ice-skating. She feels privileged in many ways, and grateful. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Morgan call (609) 823-1899 or visit

Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey

Kathy Kerstetter assumed the Chief Clinical Officer role at Acuity Specialty Hospital in August 2013, after having served as a Trauma Nurse Practitioner with AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center for a number of years. Kathy received her Associates Degree at the Helene Fuld School of Nursing in 1995 and then went on to achieve her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nursing degrees, both at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. During her days as a Trauma Nurse Practitioner she was able to assist in life saving procedures on a daily basis. “Seeing the wonderful outcomes we were able to achieve with these patients gave meaning to my own life and in my career. During her days as a Trauma Nurse Practitioner she cared for the patient’s throughout the continuum of care; “Seeing the wonderful outcomes that were achieved made this role so rewarding. Now Kathy brings that expertise and mentorship to a leadership role at Acuity Specialty Healthcare. “It gives me even greater satisfaction to see the trauma patient come to Acuity and do well.” She is a longtime resident of Ventnor City, NJ, where she lives with her husband and a spoiled Husky dog. Kathy is the proud mother of three grown daughters. For more information call 609-441-8123 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Women Of Atlantic County Jan Higbee, Early Childhood Education Center Director

Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Milton & Betty Katz Jewish Community Center

April and Marinucci

Jan is the Early Childhood Director for the Katz JCC in Margate, NJ. She has been a part of the JCC family for 17 years, having started her career in 1998 as the two-year-old classroom teacher. Jan is a team leader of 20 educators who provide more than 120 students with a unique high-quality educational experience that not only delivers results but offers an enhanced educational facility with an indoor pool, a full-size gym and an interactive nature and science room. Born in Mesa, Arizona but raised in Linwood, NJ, Jan discovered her passion for education after raising three beautiful daughters. She was an active member of the Seaville United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School and Youth Group, a Girl Scout Leader and a PTA member. Jan has been married for 30 years and has three daughters and two sonin-laws. She recently started to knit and is a proud grandmother. To learn more about the Katz JCC and its programs in infant and toddler daycare, preschool and kindergarten, call her at 609.822.1167, Ext. 130 or visit and inquire about our early opening at 6:30 a.m.

Marla Marinucci is a Family Law attorney and practices primarily in Cape May and Atlantic Counties. As a family lawyer, she specializes in matters involving divorce, custody, domestic violence/restraining orders, prenuptial agreements, appeals, and post judgment motions, among other issues. Marla is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Lawyer and serves as the assistant prosecutor in Egg Harbor Township. According to Marla, one of the biggest misconceptions people have when they are involved in a legal battle is this strong desire to have their “day in court.” “It cannot be stressed enough that the best thing you can do, especially when young children are involved, is to find a way to settle your differences with the other party instead of putting a decision of such magnitude in the hands of a judge.” With every new client, Marla’s first thought is whether or not the case can settle so that court is avoided and the parties walk away with some level of dignity and the damage is minimized. Marla earned both her B.A. and law degree at Rutgers University in Camden. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising, cooking healthy, and spending time with her German Shepherds. To schedule a consultation, call 609-390-9078, or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Danielle Forte,

Physician Assistant

Paula Young, LPN

American Surgical Arts

Danielle has been a Physician Assistant (PA) to Dr. Sean Bidic for the past three and a half years, being part of the American Surgical Arts team since November 2011. She received her undergraduate degree, Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Kings College and then completed her education with a Masters of Physician Assistant Studies at Marywood University. She enjoys being a PA because it gives her the opportunity to be an integral part of the healthcare team, working between patient and physician. What Danielle enjoys most about her job is having a positive impact on each patient she interacts with along their journey. Whether it is for reconstructive surgery or cosmetic desires, this provides a sense of fulfillment to Danielle. She was born and raised in Northeast Pennsylvania and currently resides in Glassboro, NJ with her fiancé Joe and their cat, Finn. When she is not working Danielle enjoys spending time with her fiancé as well as family and friends. She is keeping busy with plans for her upcoming 2015 wedding. For more information or to contact Danielle, call 856-362-8898 or visit

BAYADA Home Health Care It was back in high school that Paula decided she wanted to become a nurse. That decision she made when she was just a teenager was definitely the right one – Paula’s been a nurse for 34 years and still going strong! She spent almost 20 years as a hospital nurse and now enjoys working for BAYADA Home Health Care, a position she has held for more than 10 years. She currently cares for a young woman with quadrapalegia and other complications from a childhood car accident. Paula finds great reward in knowing that she helps improve the quality of life for this young woman. Paula’s tremendous compassion for her client comes from her experience as a young nurse, when she cared for her father who couldn’t walk due to a tumor that crushed his spinal cord. It helped her understand what patients and families go through when dealing with a catastrophic diagnosis. She, too, dealt with her own health emergency when diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. After multiple surgeries and months of treatment, she is now in remission and feeling great. She’s happily back to work and to one of her favorite pastimes spending time with her grandchildren, assisting with their school activities and soccer league. To contact Paula, call 609-926-4600, or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography


The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

March/April 2015



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2015

Book Corner


Book Corner: Buzzin’ With Kindness


wrote this children’s book because this subject is dear to my heart. Many children are bullied day after day in school and out. Everyoneevery parent, every teacher, and every administrator should reach out to their children to help them deal with bullying, and the best way to start is with this must-read book for children: Buzzin’ with Kindness. It is recommended for Early Childhood Learners: Pre-K and Kindergarten through 4th grade. I believe that the best way to start teaching our children about bullying is by laying a strong educational foundation early in life. Bullying hurts all of us.” Dr. Sophia Z. Domogala: Author of a New Children’s Book About “ANTI-BULLYING”

Available at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, E-Z Book, Kindle, & Nook Website:

Like us on Facebook!


Dr. Sophia Z. Domogala, (Doctorate in Education), grew up in Uniondale, Long Island and attended Uniondale High School in New York. She is a long time resident of Eatontown, New Jersey for over 40 years. Dr. Domogala came to this country at the age of four and worked her way up the ladder in her career. She graduated with a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor’s degree in education from Hofstra University, New York, as well as a doctorate degree from Nova Southeastern University, Florida, in Educational Leadership. In addition, Domogala attended Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey for postgraduate course work in School Law. She served as a banking business consultant and pursued a career in the public education field for twenty years as a special education teacher, elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, principal, and director in the education field. She enjoys the arts, music, theater, traveling, cooking, and enjoys drawing, oil painting, and sketching. You can check her out on her YouTube channel: (sophiazdomogala).


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Local Nonprofit Sponsors Classes, Workshops and Groups In Atlantic County Mental Health Association in Atlantic County, MHAAC


re you looking to get move involved in your community?

The Mental Health Association (MHAAC) is sponsoring classes, workshops and groups in Atlantic County. The Mental Health Association is an organization dedicated to improving the mental health of people in our community through advocacy, education and support services. The MHAAC provides Wellness Programs, Peer Outreach Support Teams, Family Member Support Programs, Recovery Peer Outreach Support Teams, New Jersey Mental Health Cares, Sandy Stress Line, Sandy Health and Well-Being Recovery Initiative, Healthy Homes Eduction, and Parent Education. The MHAAC has acute care on-call seven days a week from 8AM-10PM for families of a family member in crisis and receiving services from the acute care system. Contact 609-517-8614 for help.

Y April Parenting Classes

An award-winning series of classes that teaches simple, yet effective parenting skills will be offered to parents and caregivers of children ages 5-12. As seen on Oprah, topics include communication and cooperation, discipline and responsibility, as well as power conflicts, courage and self-esteem. Based on the National Parenting Curriculum “Active Parenting Now” by Michael H. Popkin, PhD the classes will be once a week for four weeks in Galloway during the month of April. Cost to attend is covered by a grant/no fee. For dates, times and registration, call Anne Groh at 609 652-3800 ext. 311 or email

Y Weekly Women’s Wellness Group

A weekly group designed to give women an opportunity to share with other women on a variety of topics such as wellness, recovery, coping strategies and empowerment. Group meets 6 pm on Tuesdays at Atlanticare-AIS, 1601 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City. Sponsored by the Mental Health Association’s ICE Wellness Program. For more information, call Carolyn Quinn at 609 652-3800 ext. 303 or email

Y Hurricane Sandy Stress Line A free and confidential information/referral line for New Jersey residents who are still recovering from storm-related issues or stress. Residents can be connected to professional guidance, counseling and substance abuse services. This one-hour community education presentation will discuss the seven principles of a healthy home. Multilingual service available. Call 866-202-HELP or TTY: 877-294-4356. Funded by a Social Services Block Grant from the NJ Dept of Human Services.

4 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Suite 8, Galloway, NJ, 08205 • Phone: 609-652-3800 • Fax: 609-652-3801 Email: •

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



his career and activism. “Some of the scenes for the film were shot at last year’s festival which Ed attended. He was our 2012 Lifetime Achievement Winner and is a member of our Honorary Board,” says Harriet Diamond, Atlantic City resident and co-chair of the festival’s board of directors. “We are always happy to have Ed join us and delighted to have My Friend Ed at the festival.” Mr. Asner also appears in Joe’s War co-starring Armand Assante, the festival’s 2015 Lifetime Achievement winner. They will both be on hand to discuss the film that deals with the troubled return of a young local hero from the war on terror. Other stars attending the event include this year’s Wave of Excellence winner, Eric Roberts, who appears in three films at the festival. He stars in the psychological thriller Charlie, Trevor and a Girl Savannah making its worldwide premiere at the Garden State Film Festival on Saturday night, March 21. The Independent Spirit award goes to James Wilder, star of the award-winning black comedy, Three Holes, Two Brads and a Smoking Gun. Wilder plays an ex-Hollywood A roster of 180 films from around the world will be presented screenwriter turned teacher in a battle of wits with a devious as well as parties, forums, workshops and more. “This year’s student. festival is jam-packed with great movies featuring a lot of award A host of directors, producers and actors will descend winning performers and big name stars. The subject matter is on the festival for a weekend of film-related events including incredibly diverse and we truly have something for everyone,” an open casting call; a live-script reading featuring celebrity explains Diane Raver, festival founder and executive director. guests; professional workshops; filmmaker Q&As after every All events are open to the public. Individual screening tickets screening; parties and the closing Awards Dinner. In addition are $12.00 and weekend passes are $45.00. An Atlantic City to the categories mentioned above, other key honors are the Jitney will ferry guests between venues including Resorts Broader Vision Award for organizations that use filmmaking Casino Hotel, Claridge Hotel, Dante Hall, for the greater good. The 2015 recipient is Stockton College’s and the Arts Garage among other locations. Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center. “Last year we The festival traditionally begins with a benefit screening for instituted the Impact Award for Arts and Business Alliances and another non-profit. This year’s event will be held on Thursday, awarded it to Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno,” notes festival Chair March 19 at 7 p.m. at the Claridge Hotel with a screening of a Nicholas Falcone, Esq. “We hope she will be in attendance to festival favorite. Proceeds will support the Boys and Girls Club pass the honor onto this year’s recipient, Deborah Frank, chief of Atlantic City. GSFF officially opens with a Kick-Off Party operating officer of the legendary Frank Theaters.” at Resorts on Friday evening, March 20. This year’s Honorary As the festival nears, more bold-faced names will be added Chair, Mark Giannantonio, President and CEO of Resorts will to the roster of VIPs including Mayor Don Guardian who will be on hand to welcome guests. Following the party, the opening be on hand for a number of events. “Atlantic City is the perfect screening begins with the short, The Girl and the Gondola, venue for this star-studded event,” says Mayor Guardian, “I Eric Roberts, GSFF 2015 a coming of age story beautifully shot in Venice about the truly admire all the hard work of everyone involved with making Wave of Excellence Honoree daughter of a gondolier who wishes to follow in his footsteps. these high quality films and productions.” The premiere feature is As the Crow Flies, an exciting adventure On the exciting program, Diane Raver adds, “Our move to about a brother-sister duo of modern-day bootleggers as they transport cash Atlantic City has upped the ante for sure. We have attracted the highest quality of from a bank robbery over mountain trails outwitting FBI agents and hijackers films since our founding which is the key ingredient for a top notch festival. The along the way. audience we attract is the icing on the cake.” Celebrities expected to attend with their films include Ed Asner, the subject —Anne Kneuer of a documentary premiering at its first major festival entitled My Friend Ed about Director of Publicity and Developement

Exciting plans are underway for the 13th Annual Garden State Film Festival as it returns to Atlantic City, March 19-22, 2015. Just named NJ Monthly’s 2014 Readers Choice for best film festival in southern New Jersey, and a runner-up for best in state, GSFF was recruited to Atlantic City to help build the arts and cultural presence.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


Atlantic County Women’s Hall Of Fame

2015 Hall of Fame Inductees Chosen You Are Cordially Invited by he Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame

2015 Induction Ceremony Thursday, March 19, 6pm at Linwood Country Club, Linwood, NJ. Event cost $75 per person

To register, call 609-645-3800

The mission of the Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame is to honor, in perpetuity, women citizens of Atlantic County whose contributions have been of the greatest value for the development of their county. The non-profit, volunteer organization was founded in 1996 by Dr. Jacqueline McBride to recognize Atlantic County women who are pioneers in their fields or involved in community endeavors; who serve or have served as role models to other Atlantic County women or who, because of their actions, have championed women’s issues. 144 women have previously been inducted into the Atlantic County Women’s Hall of Fame.

Gina Benvenuto

Shelley Bernstein

Julia G. Clanton

Edythe M. Greene

Regina (Jean) Kohl

Government/Public Service Gina is the Executive Director for Community Mediation Services. She manages and oversees all municipal and superior court mediations and manages a group of 40 volunteers. As Executive Director Ms. Benvenuto creates and manages all fundraising events that support the community Mediation Services budget and is responsible for all public relations.

Social Services/ Volunteerism Shelley, a member of the Board of Directors of Seashore Gardens Living Center has been an active volunteer with the organization since 2005, She assumed the role of Chairperson from 2008 to 2011. During that time she served on many committees, becoming involved in both the big and little things. Shelley also volunteers with the Manna program and is an active volunteer in her synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, serving on their board.

Social Services/ Volunteerism Julia’s involvement in our community spans over 70 years. She was a pioneer in the health care field, specifically in the area of Family Planning. She has been active in numerous Community Health Education Programs and at one time was Coordinator of the Adolescent Health Project. In the past she has served as the Chairperson of the Healthy Mothers/ Healthy Babies Coalition, coordinated and presented numerous seminars and workshops for both youth and adults in our community.

Arts/Entertainment Edythe developed her love of the arts early in life. As a teacher in the Atlantic City Public School system, now retired, she also shared with her students various forms of the arts. Mrs. Greene has been the recipient of many awards both on the local and state level in the Senior Citizens Art Show Competitions.

Social Services/ Volunteerism Jean Kohl, is the epitome of a volunteer. She believes “Everyone should volunteer, take time from their own lives to help someone else, it’s important”; volunteering helps keep a person young. Jean is known as a team player, her patience and ability to relate to children, adults and seniors of all ages makes her a valuable individual for the eight (8) local organizations where she currently volunteers. Jean is active in fund raising events and in whatever way she is needed by her groups. Asked why she volunteers, her reply “I love to volunteer, to meet people who appreciate me”.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



The 10th Annual “Lines on the Pines” ~ THE NJ PINE BARRENS Artists & Authors ~ Art, Books, Crafts, and History ~ FREE EVENT Sunday, March 8, 2015 ~ 11:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM ~ EVERYTHING INDOORS Kerri Brooke Caterers ~ 755 South White Horse Pike/Route 30, Hammonton, NJ Artists: Meed Barnett “Mixed Meedia!” ~ Hand-Forged Jewelry and Paintings Charles Branigan "Charles W. Branigan Fine Art" ~ Paintings, Sculpture, Birdhouses, and T-Shirts David Caccia "David Caccia" ~ Wood Turnings, Metal Sculptures, and Watercolors Holly Doyle "Jersey Made” ~ Recycled Artwork NEW Cathleen Engelsen "Historical Paintings" ~ Art of the State’s Past Kathy English “English Pines Studio” ~ Watercolors & Fine Art Reproductions Jeanne Fox Ford "Fox's Cranberry Bog" ~ Original Artwork Nancy R. Klein “Follow Your Heart Fine Arts” ~ Acrylic Paintings and Photographs Nancee Jo Luciani "Painted Parrot Art & Decoy Studio" ~ Hand-Carved Decoys, Shorebirds, and Jewelry NEW Gloria Mahoney "Little Gidding Studio" ~ Ceramic Sculptures Barbara & Ray Nyman “Nyman Decoys” ~ Hand-Carved Ducks, Fish, and Shore Birds Cookie & Paul Pedersen “Pine Barrens Diamonds” ~ South Jersey Glass Jewelry ~ CD’s NEW David Phillips "Wildman Expressions" ~ Wood Carver ~ Faces Carved in the Jersey Pines Terry L. Schmidt “Terry Lee” ~ Original Pinelands Paintings, Notecards, and Prints Authors: Cathy Antener Discovering NJ’s Pine Barrens ~ Jersey Devil Chocolate and Bumper Stickers NEW Stephanie Armiger A Devil in the Pines and A Devil in the Pines II, New Blood Brian Burns Saving Mason’s Run ~ Saving Southern New Jersey’s Last Wild Trout Stream Matthew Cieslik Dante & Kamryn Explore the Pines Barrens Kristin Colasurdo Keating Post Card History Series ~ Hammonton Judy Courter Fred & Ethel Noyes of Smithville, New Jersey and Letters to Fred NEW Andrew Gioulis Legendary Locals - The Pine Barrens of New Jersey Dave Hart & John Calu Authors~ New Jersey Regional Fiction NEW Mary Hufford Pinelands Folklife (some available)Chaseworld, and Passing It On (Bring copy to be signed!) Lee A. Ireland Place Names of the Jersey Shore and America's Pirates & Their Treasures NEW Jeff Markowitz Cassie O’Malley Mysteries and Death and White Diamonds NEW Dennis McDonald Images of America ~ Medford, and Historic Prints of Medford NEW Rita Moonsammy Pinelands Folklife (Bring copy to be signed!) and Passing It On (some available) NEW Elizabeth Moore The Truth and the Life ~ Historical Novel of the New Jersey Pine Barrens NEW NEW Trinka Hakes Noble The Legend of the Jersey Devil and The People of Twelve Thousand Winters, etc. Shirley & Al O’Neill Leapy, The People of Pine Hill ~ Books, Prints, Cards, and Photographs Paul Evans Pedersen Jr. The Legendary Pine Barrens ~ New Tales From Old Haunts Gloria Repp Tales of Friendship Bog ~ Book Series on the NJ Pine Barrens Ilene Schneider Mystery Series set in South Jersey NEW Barbara Solem Batsto Village ~Jewel of the Pines Bill Sprouse Domestic Life of the Jersey Devil Businesses: Jason Chapman Pinelands Brewing Co. ~ Founder & Brewmaster ~ Hand-Crafted Ales NEW Ted Gordon Pine Barrens Inventories ~ Used Books, Maps, and Labels NEW It’s a Sign of the Pines R. Marilyn Schmidt ~ Piney Talk ~ Cranberry Cookery Complete ~ Best of Blueberries Ann Ramp Fox "Fox's Cranberry Bog" ~ Cranberry Items, Paintings, and Notecards William J. Riley “KFR Communications” ~ Books by Karen F. Riley Bill Smith “Jaws, Ltd.” & “Bogman Bill” ~ Carnivorous Plants and Bog Plants of the Pine Barrens Crafters: Mary Carty “Pinelands Folk Music & Basketry Center” ~ Pine Needle Baskets Steven Carty “Pinelands Folk Music & Basketry Center” ~ Baskets, Fatwood Products, and zines Victoria Cox-Barnett “Baskets by Vicky” ~ Patchwork Quilted Baskets ~ Coiled Basketry Niki Giberson “Swan Bay Folk Art Center” ~ Felted & Knit Items ~ Homemade Jersey Fresh Jams Carol Ritson “Tawes Creek Soap Co.” Handcrafted Soap, Bath & Body Products NEW Andrew Walker Handmade Cutting Boards Nicole Yohnnson “Southern Scents and Specialties” ~ Natural Candles and Soaps Groups:* AtlantiCare Foundation Healing Arts Program * Galloway Township Historical Society * Friendship Historic Church * * Historical Society of Hammonton * Lines on the Pines * Noyes Museum of Art * Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA) * * Plexus Publishing, Inc. * The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey School of Arts and Humanities * * The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey School of General Studies * South Jersey Guild of Spinners & Handweavers * * Tuckerton Historical Society * Tuckerton Seaport & Baymen’s Museum * Wharton State Forest " Batsto Village & Atsion * Musicians: Rich Carty “Dulcimer Guy” ~ “Pinelands Folk Music & Basketry Center” ~ Dulcimers NEW Tom Stackhouse Tragedy. Mystery. Hope ~ Original Songs of the New Jersey Pinelands Photographers: Albert D. Horner “Pinelands: A Visual Journey” DVD and Fine Art Photographic Images Matted/Framed Loralea & Zak Kirby “Thru our Eyes Imagery” ~ Framed Artistic Views and Designs of the NJ Pine Barrens Susan Puder “Eagle Creek Photography” ~ Photos, & Notecards Ann-Marie & Stephen Woods “NJPineways” ~ Pinelands Landscape & Nature Photography ~ Prints & Notecards Websites: Cathy Antener-PineyPower, Barry Caselli-Ghost Towns of So.NJ, Peter Hamilton-West Jersey History More Info: or Facebook: Lines on the Pines Facebook: Lines on the Pines

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Recycling Facility


Do You Want To Save Big Bucks Today? Written by Lauren Shover Q A

re you looking for a spare tire or rim for your car? What about a door or a fender? Porchtown Recyclers, Inc. is here to help! Specializing in new and used auto parts, Porchtown Recyclers Inc., is located in Newfield, NJ and has been in business for over 40 years. We are a family-owned and operated used parts retailer and recycling facility.


What does your recycling facility consist of?

At Porchtown Recyclers, Inc., we have a large inventory of junk cars, high mile-age cars, damaged, wrecked or just plain worn out old cars as well as junk vans, trucks and SUV’s. We have a large inventory of auto and truck parts along with lawnmower and bicycle parts. A small $2.00 entrance fee gives you full access to thousands of parts for your late model car or truck. You must be 18 to enter and toolboxes are checking upon entering and exiting the facility. The scrap recycling industry maintains specifications and regulations, and we adhere to these standards in every phase of our operation. With our great selection of parts to choose from, close location and easy access, it’s time for you to come visit our U-Pull-It yard today!


What other services do you offer? We offer a variety of services including: Roll Off Containers (10, 20, 30 & 40 yards), Tow Truck and Flatbed Services, Structural Tear Downs, Scrap Removal and Trucking. We buy lite iron, prepared steel, metal, and junk cars.

Porchtown Recyclers, Inc. 4408 Route 40, Newfield, NJ, 08343 Phone: 856.694.1555 Fax: 856.694.3621

Why donate, dump, or deal your car away with us? Your car does not have to be running for your to scrap your car with us! Our towers cover all of South Jersey and removal ALWAYS is reliable and fast. All of our towers can usually remove the car that same day if you call before 3PM. The amount of cash we pay depends on the condition of the vehicle and whether or not we salvage, scrap or simply junk your car. You do not have to be present at time of pickup - payment arrangements can be made. By calling our front office, you can receive an instant quite. It takes less than three minutes and our professional, friendly staff can answer all of your questions.


What scrap metal recycling services do you provide?

At Porchtown Recyclers, Inc., we buy all types of metals. We pay top prices. Some material may need to be analyzed and graded with our state-of-the-art equipment, or if oversized, may need special handling. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact our front office.


What is the roll off container process?

Our roll off containers come in 10, 20, 30 & 40 yards with an open top. Our trucking department will deliver and pick up the containers from your business or job site at your request. Containers can be left on the site for up to two weeks and payment is due at time of drop off. We pride ourselves on the slogan “Service is our Specialty” and are committed to providing you with a quick turnaround. Please notify us one day in advance for pick-ups and switch outs.

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM and Saturday 8AM to 3PM, closed Sunday. Our scrap metal purchasing closes 30 minutes before closing time.

Enter To Win

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See One of THESE Great Shows! In the history of totally insane wedding days… this one takes the cake.

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ Phone: (______)___________________ Email: ________________________________ p Gazillion Bubble Show p It Shoulda Been You Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012

Illustration: Esther Wu

Or Visit to Enter Online!




Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 256 W. 47th Street (Between Broadway & 8th Avenue) 877-250-2929

One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through March 31, 2015. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015



What “Still Alice” Teaches Us


y now, you’ve probably heard about “Still Alice,” the screen adaptation of the novel by the same name that explores the impact of Alzheimer’s disease. The film stars Julianne Moore as Dr. Alice Howland, a 50 year old linguistics professor who learns she has younger-onset Alzheimer’s. During the film, you begin to realize if you have Alzheimer’s or a related disorder such as Lewy body or frontotemporal dementia, it is a disease you can’t escape. It will ensnare you no matter how hard you try to wrest yourself from its grip. We see, for instance, Dr. Howland’s attempts to cope with her diminishing memory and occasional confusion in the very early stages of her disease, prior to her visits to a neurologist and eventual diagnosis. She creates memory games for herself. She plays word games online with one of her daughters–all to no avail. We see, and nearly experience for ourselves, what she experiences. If you are in the early stages of dementia, you recognize that experience and empathize with her. It is a piece of your reality. For everyone else, with or without a connection to the disease, it is eye-opening to witness before your very eyes, within the span of a nearly two-hour film, the deterioration of someone’s memory, self, perception, thinking abilities, behavior, along with the confusion and how it all affects not only the person with dementia, but the entire family. “We really encourage everyone to see this amazing movie,” said Linda Coppinger, Executive Director South Jersey for the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter. “One of the reasons Julianne Moore’s portrayal of Dr. Howland in “Still Alice” is so realistic and heart-wrenching is because the National Alzheimer’s Association’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Maria Carrillo served as a scientific advisor to the film, plus, one of our National Early-Stage Advisors, Sandy Oltz, who, like the character, is a 50 year old woman in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, provided guidance to Moore based upon her own firsthand experience.” According to Moore, she was able to incorporate Oltz’s suggestions into her portrayal of Dr. Howland, such as using a highlighter to mark her lines in a speech so she wouldn’t keep repeating the same ones during Dr. Howland’s keynote address to an Alzheimer’s Association conference audience. Alzheimer’s is the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death. It’s also the only one of the top-10 deadliest conditions or diseases that has no cure, or way to prevent or even slow

its progression. It is a disease that kills as many as 500,000 people each year - more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Right now, more than five million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s, including an estimated 200,000 who are younger than 65 - and although rarer, some as young as 30. Without a major medical breakthrough, the Alzheimer’s Association projects as many as 16 million people in the nation will develop Alzheimer’s by 2050. Furthermore, women are at the epicenter of the Alzheimer’s epidemic, because they are disproportionately affected by it: Not only do women comprise more than 60 percent of the 15.5 million individuals in the country providing care for someone with dementia, women in their 60s are nearly twice as likely as their male counterparts to develop Alzheimer’s. “As a result of the overwhelming impact Alzheimer’s and related disorders have on women, the Alzheimer’s Association has harnessed the power of ‘Still Alice’ executive producer, Maria Shriver’s recent report on women and Alzheimer’s to launch the Women’s Initiative.” said Coppinger. The Women’s Initiative, based on The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Takes on Alzheimer’s, is a one million women-strong movement that calls on women to use the uniqueness of their brains to “wipe out” Alzheimer’s by sharing “why my brain matters” while celebrating why she stands out, at While “Still Alice” focuses on the devastating impact of Alzheimer’s, Coppinger believes it can also serve as an inherent call to action – prompting anyone to join the fight against Alzheimer’s. “There are so many opportunities,” she said. “People can volunteer at any of our Chapter offices, plan ‘Friendraisers’ to raise dollars for Alzheimer’s research, care and support, or they can become a volunteer advocate to encourage state and federal lawmakers to make this disease a priority by crafting and supporting legislation that increases our current dismal level of research funding, so one day, we can all wake up in a world without Alzheimer’s.”

About the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the local arm of the national nonprofit organization, and serves 18 counties in South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. For more information about the Chapter and the disease, visit or call 800.272.3900.

For more information about Alzheimer’s Association volunteer or advocacy opportunities, contact the Delaware Valley Chapter at Chapter’s website, delval or its 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015




The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015




Illustration: Esther Wu

In the history of totally insane wedding days… this one takes the cake.




Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 256 W. 47th Street (Between Broadway & 8th Avenue) 877-250-2929

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015


Women’s History

Weaving the Stories is that time of the year again wherein we celebrate another year of writing women ✺ Itback into history. In celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Women’s History Movement as well as the National Women’s History Project, a new theme emerges.


he theme for 2015, “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives,” provides each of us the opportunity to learn about the continuous efforts of women who have made a difference in our society through the professional paths they have chosen and their passion to better the lives of all women in all cultures throughout the world. This year’s recipients encompass nine remarkable women from different cultures, different ethnic backgrounds and different eras that are reflective of various milestones in women’s history. Each of these women have displayed amazing courage in

their quest to gain a better understanding of the discrepancies within our history and their tenacity to set the record straight on the continued importance of women’s history through their professions, publications and advocacy. Although we may not know or have heard of some of these women, all of these “honorees” have shaped the lives of each and every one of us through their trailblazing efforts to raise awareness of women’s history, advocate for those who have no voice and educate the uneducated about the challenges faced by many women of different cultures, class, and race!

Delilah L. Beasley

(1867-1934). Delilah was an African American woman who was known as a historian and newspaper columnist. Her career began as a teenager writing social columns for both black and white newspapers. When Delilah’s parents died, she had to find employment that would support the family and worked in various employment fields that included hairdresser, massage therapist, nurse and maid. These are professions that continue to stand strong in providing financial opportunities to young girls and women today. Delilah returned to writing in the early 1900s and was writing a weekly column in the Oakland Tribune. Through her writing, Delilah advocated for African American freedoms. Delilah was able to demonstrate the active community lifestyle of African Americans and their potential as successful individuals.

Gladys Tantaquidgeon (1899-2005). Gladys was an American Indian woman who was known as a Mohegan medicine

woman, anthropologist and tribal elder. Gladys had a truly amazing life. She not only received an education at the University of Pennsylvania, she studied anthropology and then published several books on her research. In 1931 Gladys, together with her brother and father, co-founded the Tantaquidgeon Museum, which remains today, the oldest American Indian-owned museum in the United States. Gladys worked with the Bureau of Indian Affairs providing social services and served as a native arts specialist in the north central United States.

Eleanor Flexner (1908-1995). Eleanor was known as a historian and independent scholar. After publication of her book in

1959, Eleanor would be recognized as the woman who was the trailblazer in the field of women’s studies. Eleanor supported equal educational opportunity for women, supported the abolition of slavery and was a strong advocate for temperance laws. Eleanor researched extensively the labor struggles of American women. Eleanor included both Caucasian and African American women, and the detailed information contained in her publication caught the attention of the Harvard University Press.

Rita King, MSW, LSW is a full-time mental health therapist and advocate of women’s history. During her undergraduate studies in psychology, Rita developed a strong passion for women’s history after completing classes in political science. As an activist, Rita has raised awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures, history lessons in elementary and middle schools and creating women’s history displays at local libraries. Rita also utilizes her knowledge of women’s history to empower women and young girls in her current role as a mental health therapist. Reference: Retrieved on January 30, 2015. All photos were retrieved from the National Women’s History Project website for the express purpose of providing educational information about the women’s history 2015 theme. No payment was received by the author of this feature.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Women’s History


of Women’s Lives Polly Welts Kaufman (1929-Present). Polly is known as a writer, teacher and activist. Polly was passionate about equality,

specifically after being discriminated against because she planned to wed. Polly persevered and became a high school teacher. Polly continued her education and earned a PhD and taught women’s history for over 20 years at various universities. Polly is also known for creating the “trails” of women’s history, notably the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail and the Portland Women’s History Trail, and assisted in the establishment of the Walking Trail of Statues to Women.

Lynn Sherr (1943-Present). Lynn is known as a broadcast journalist and author. As a journalist her extensive resume includes

working for the Associated Press, WCBS-TV, PBS, ABC, ABC news magazine and 20/20, and she is a proud recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award in 1994 for her feature entitled “The Hunger Inside.” Lynn is also a recipient of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award, which honors a journalist for what is referred to as “exceptional coverage of reproductive rights and healthcare issues.” Lynn also wrote about Susan B. Anthony as well as Sally Ride, which is noted as the only adult biography written about Sally.

Judy Yung (1946-Present). Judy is known as an oral historian, author and professor. Judy is known for her ability to document the immigration history of Chinese American women who were detainees at Angel Island. Judy also designed an exhibit on the history of Chinese American women and wrote a book on her findings and her display. Through Judy’s publications she was able to convey the true lives of Chinese American women and how they were impacted by discrimination as a result of their race, socioeconomic class and gender.

Darlene Clark Hine (1947-Present). Darlene is known as a historian and educator. Darlene focused her attention on African

American women who were known to be “at the bottom of the ladder” in American history. Darlene is known to be an expert in the field of “race, class and gender in American society.” Darlene was a trailblazer for ensuring that African American women were included in history and historical writings.

Holly Near (1949-Present). Holly is known as a singer, songwriter and social activist. Holly had the unique ability to convey her

message through song during the most controversial moments in women’s history. Exercising her First Amendment right, Holly wrote music that publicized the killings at Kent and Jackson State, the struggles of the United Farm Workers and consequences of nuclear war. Holly worked with women in the military and was impacted by the difficulties women faced in the military. Holly was one of the first women to create an “independent record company.” It is interesting to note that Holly, through her music, was able to raise awareness in the 1970s about LGBTQ issues. Holly was truly a brave woman who was not afraid to sing for her cause.

Vicki L. Ruiz (1955-Present). Vicki is known as an educator and pioneer in Latina history. The first to earn an advanced degree in

her family, she earned a doctorate degree from Stanford in 1982. Vicki is known to have made a significant impact in Latino history. In 2012 Vicki became the first Latina historian inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vicki’s hard work and advocacy was recognized after 30 years of education, advocacy and dedication to the challenges faced by the Latino culture.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2015

Medical Professionals


Ask The Pharmacist . . .

How Do Compounded Medications Benefit You?

Mark Taylor, RPh is the owner of Jersey Shore Pharmacy, where he is also a pharmacist. Here, he shares his experience and expertise to answer a few common questions.

Pharmaceutical compounding is the art and science of medicine preparation. Compounding is a process of making medications from “scratch” by mixing individual ingredients together in the exact strength and dosage from prescribed by a physician. In old times, chemists, who were trained and skilled in the arts of formal medicine, compounded nearly all prescriptions. As mass drug manufacturing began in the 1950’s, a “one-size-fits-all” approach was widely adapted in the industry with pharmacists becoming dispensers of pre-manufactured medications. Within the last decade, however, many physicians realized that this approach does not work for all patients, and they are turning more and more to compounded medications as an alternative treatment option. At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, we have the capacity and expertise to prepare custom formulations that meet your needs: Unique Dosage Forms. We compound medications in alternate dosage forms such as capsules, topical gel, cream, spray, sublingual drops and troches, or suppository. Disclaimer: The medical information on this page is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This informaton should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

Combined Formulations. We combine multiple medications in a single dose formulation. Strength Variations. We customize dosage to patient specific needs. Flavored Medications. We make medicine taste better by changing the flavor and color of the medications. Allergen-free Medications. We formulate medication without allergyinducing ingredients such as sugar, gluten, soy, dye, or preservatives. Discontinued Medications. We compound discontinued, and/or long term back ordered medications. Jersey Shore Pharmacy offers customized solutions for a multitude of medical conditions including hormone restoration therapy (HRT), men’s health, pain management, sports medicine, pediatric, podiatry, dermatology, dental, and veterinary. As a compounding pharmacist, I have received special training and certifications, and I am ready to answer any questions or recommend a custom solution specific to your needs or conditions.

Please contact us at 609-927-0390 or at with any questions.

“We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow.”

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.

Mark Taylor is a 1991 graduate of Philadelphis College of Pharmacy and Science. Mark has pharmacy experience in hospital, retail, homeIV and compounding. Mark is the current treasurer of the South Jersey Pharmacists Association and also a member of the New Jersey Pharmacists Association, NCPA, APhA, PCCA and NJHSP.


Tree Of Life AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Mainland Division, has transformed and renovated their facilities with a 2½-story addition.

3 South Newport Ave. Ventnor, NJ 08406


The upgrades will include taking down the RNS memorials, the three Tree of Life’s and the Wall of Honor. These RNS memorials will be replaced with a beautiful, artistic and modern Tree of Life, which will expand across a full corridor wall on the first floor of the hospital. Every existing Leaf, Rock and Wall of Honor inscription will be replicated on a glass-like material in soft variegated shades of yellows, greens, pinks and blues. Each memorial will be sized, according to Leaf, Rock or Wall of Honor inscription, and then placed on this beautiful Tree of Life.

RNS is encouraging ………

Anyone interested in taking their Loved One’s “leaf or rock” are asked to contact the RNS website, (“contact us”), and fill in the information or call 609-487-1190 with your name, number and a brief message and someone will get back to you.

RNS is happy to announce……. Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation and Shore Medical Center are taking “Tree of Life.”

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March/April 2015

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March/April 2015

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