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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families
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SUPPORTING CARETAKERS AS WELL AS SENIOR CITIZENS Relief has arrived in the form of We Care Adult Care, a quality adult day care center, managed by committed health care professionals. Page 21
CONCUSSION: YOUNG ATHLETES AND HEAD TRAUMA Imaging is an excellent way to detect injuries that may require immediate medical therapy or surgery. Page 31
Abstrax Hair Designs offers many styles of hair replacement and wigs. Services are offered with compassion and integrity.
The Gastroenterologists of Ocean County aim to provide the highest quality of compassionate medical care and perform endoscopies in a convenient, friendly, non-threatening office setting. See pages 32 and 33.
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Photo By Tracy Harman Photography
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M Medical edical P Professionals rofessionals
New Custom Knee Pain Relief Treatment ealth ellness Common Causes Of Knee Pain: REHABILITY of Freehold announces their new, customized Knee Pain Relief treatment ͻ ƌƚŚƌŝƟƐͬ ĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ƚŽ ŚĞůƉ ƚŚŽƐĞ ǁŚŽ ƐƵīĞƌ ĨƌŽŵ ŶĞǁ Žƌ ĐŚƌŽŶŝĐ ŬŶĞĞ ƉĂŝŶ͘ EĂƟŽŶͲǁŝĚĞ ƚŚĞƌĞ ŚĂǀĞ ďĞĞŶ ƌĞƉŽƌƚƐ ŽĨ Ă ƌĞĐĞŶƚ ƐƵƌŐĞ ŝŶ ĚŽĐƚŽƌƐ͛ ǀŝƐŝƚƐ ƌĞůĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ǀĂƌŝŽƵƐ ƚLJƉĞƐ ŽĨ ŬŶĞĞ ͻ ĂƌƟůĂŐĞ ĂŵĂŐĞ ƉĂŝŶ ĂŶĚ ĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞĚ ŝŶũƵƌŝĞƐ͘ tŚŝůĞ ŬŶĞĞ ŝŶũƵƌŝĞƐ ĂƌĞ ŬŶŽǁŶ ƚŽ ďĞ ŵŽƌĞ ĐŽŵŵŽŶ ŝŶ ͻ dĞŶĚŽŶŝƟƐ ĂƚŚůĞƚĞƐ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ƐƚƵĚŝĞƐ ŚĂǀĞ ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞĚ ŵŽƐƚ ŬŶĞĞ ƉƌŽďůĞŵƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐLJŵƉƚŽŵƐ ƚŚĞLJ aw ͻ ƵƌƐŝƟƐ ĐĂƵƐĞ ĂƌĞ ŽŌĞŶ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƐƵůƚ ŽĨ ĞǀĞƌLJĚĂLJ ǁĞĂƌ ĂŶĚ ƚĞĂƌ͕ ŽǀĞƌƵƐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵŽŶůLJ ŽĐĐƵƌ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ůĞŝƐƵƌĞ͕ ŚŽŵĞ Žƌ ǁŽƌŬͲƌĞůĂƚĞĚ ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ͘ ͻ /ŶƐƚĂďŝůŝƚLJ ŽĨ ŵƵƐĐůĞƐͬůŝŐĂŵĞŶƚƐ Cold Laser Therapy (Low-Level Laser Therapy) ͻ ĞŝŶŐ ŽǀĞƌǁĞŝŐŚƚ ŽůĚ >ĂƐĞƌ dŚĞƌĂƉLJ͕ ĂůƐŽ ŬŶŽǁŶ ĂƐ ůŽǁ ůĞǀĞů ůĂƐĞƌ ƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ Žƌ >>>d͕ ŝƐ ĂŶ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ͕ ŶŽŶͲŝŶǀĂƐŝǀĞ ƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ ŵĞƚŚŽĚ ĐůĞĂƌĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ & ŝŶ ϮϬϬϭ ĨŽƌ ĂĚũƵŶĐƟǀĞ ƵƐĞ ďLJ Ă ůŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ ƉƌĂĐƟƟŽŶĞƌ ŝŶ ƉĂŝŶ ƌĞůŝĞĨ ĂŶĚ ĂĐĐĞůĞƌĂƚĞĚ ŚĞĂůŝŶŐ͘ ^ŝŶĐĞ ƚŚĞŶ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ lder aw hundreds of clinical reports that support the usefulness of cold laser therapy for Clinical Benefits include: ŬŶĞĞ ƉĂŝŶ ƌĞůŝĞĨ͘ /ƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĐŽŵĞ Ă ǀŝĂďůĞ͕ ŶŽŶͲƐƵƌŐŝĐĂů ƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ ŽƉƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ƚŚŽƐĞ ŝŶ ͻ ZĞůŝĞǀĞƐ ĂĐƵƚĞ Θ ĐŚƌŽŶŝĐ ƉĂŝŶ ƐĞĂƌĐŚ ŽĨ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĂů ŵĞƚŚŽĚƐ ƚŚĂƚ ŵĂLJ ŚĂǀĞ ĨĂŝůĞĚ ƚŚĞŵ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚ͘ hŶůŝŬĞ ƐƵƌŐĞƌLJ ĂŶĚ ŬŶĞĞ ŝŶũĞĐƟŽŶƐ͕ ĐŽůĚ ůĂƐĞƌ ƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ŝƐ ƉĂŝŶůĞƐƐ ĂŶĚ ĚŽĞƐ ŶŽƚ ͻ ZĞĚƵĐĞƐ ŝŶŇĂŵŵĂƟŽŶ ;ƐǁĞůůŝŶŐͿ ĐĂƵƐĞ ĂŶLJ ŚĂƌŵĨƵů ƐŝĚĞ ĞīĞĐƚƐ͘ ͻ /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƉĞĞĚ͕ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ Θ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ REHABILITY’S ĐŽůĚ ůĂƐĞƌ ƵŶŝƚ ; LJŶĂƚƌŽŶ yϯͿ ĂůůŽǁƐ ĨŽƌ ĂŶ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƌĞĚ ĂŶĚ near ŽĨ ƟƐƐƵĞ ƌĞƉĂŝƌ heater ntertainment infrared light over an injured area which speeds the healing process as it reduces the ͻ /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞƐ ďůŽŽĚ ƐƵƉƉůLJ ůĞǀĞů ŽĨ ƉĂŝŶ͘ EŽŶͲŚĞĂƚ ƉƌŽĚƵĐŝŶŐ Žƌ ͞ĐŽůĚ͟ ůĂƐĞƌ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ŝƐ Ă ĚŝƌĞĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ůŝŐŚƚ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ͻ ŝĚƐ ŝŶ ŶĞǁ ĐĞůů Θ ƟƐƐƵĞ ƌĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ƉĞŶĞƚƌĂƚĞ ĚĞĞƉ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ƚŚĞ ďŽĚLJ͛Ɛ ĂīĞĐƚĞĚ ƟƐƐƵĞƐ ƚŽ ƉƌŽŵŽƚĞ Ă ͻ WƌŽŵŽƚĞƐ ĨĂƐƚĞƌ ǁŽƵŶĚ ŚĞĂůŝŶŐ ƉŽƐŝƟǀĞ ŝŵŵƵŶĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐĞ ĨŽƌ ŽƉƟŵĂů ƌĞĐŽǀĞƌLJ ƟŵĞ͘ NEW! Thermo-Electric Compression Therapy REHABILITY’S new Thermo-Electric Compression system (Quad 7) ŝƐ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ƐĂĨĞ͕ ĨĂƐƚͲĂĐƟŶŐ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ ƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ĂƉƉůŝĞĚ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ŬŶĞĞ ƉĂŝŶ ƌĞůŝĞĨ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ͘ ĂƐĞĚ ŽŶ ĞĂĐŚ ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶ͕ ǁĞ ǁŝůů ine rt hotography ĚĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĞ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞ ƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌ ŚŽƚ Žƌ ĐŽůĚ͕ ďĞƐƚͲƐƵŝƚĞĚ ĨŽƌ ƌĂƉŝĚ ŚĞĂůŝŶŐ͘ ƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĞĚ ĐŽŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ǁƌĂƉ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐĂůůLJ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ŬŶĞĞ ŝƐ ƚŚĞŶ ĂƉƉůŝĞĚ͘ tŚĞŶ ĂĐƟǀĂƚĞĚ͕ ƚŚĞ ǁƌĂƉ ďĞŐŝŶƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉƌĞƐƐ ƚŚĞ ŬŶĞĞ͕ ƉƌĞƐƐƵƌŝnjŝŶŐ ĚĂŵĂŐĞĚ ƟƐƐƵĞƐ ĂůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĨƵůů ƚŚĞƌŵĂů ĞīĞĐƚ ƚŽ ƌĞĂĐŚ ĚĞĞƉĞƌ ůĂLJĞƌƐ͘ ƐŚŽƌƚ ƟŵĞ ůĂƚĞƌ͕ ƚŚĞ ƉƌĞƐƐƵƌĞ ŝƐ ƌĞĚƵĐĞĚ͕ ĂůůŽǁŝŶŐ Ă ƐƵƌŐĞ ŽĨ ŚĞĂůƚŚLJ ďůŽŽĚ ŇŽǁ ďĂĐŬ ŝŶƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƐƵƌƌŽƵŶĚŝŶŐ ŬŶĞĞ ũŽŝŶƚ ƚŽ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ĨĂĐŝůŝƚĂƚĞ ƚŚĞ ŚĞĂůŝŶŐ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ͘ DŽƐƚ ƉĂƟĞŶƚƐ͛ ƌĞƉŽƌƚ ŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞ ƉĂŝŶ ƌĞůŝĞĨ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ƚŚĞƌĂƉLJ ŝƐ ĂƉƉůŝĞĚ͘ LJ ƉƌŽŵŽƟŶŐ Ă ŵŽƌĞ ĞĸĐŝĞŶƚ ƉŚĂƐĞ ŽĨ ƉĂŝŶ ƌĞůŝĞĨ ŵŽƐƚ ƉĂƟĞŶƚƐ͛ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ Ă ƐŵŽŽƚŚĞƌ ƚƌĂŶƐŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚĞŶŝŶŐ ƉŚĂƐĞ͕ ǀŝƚĂů ŝŶ ĂƐƐƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ĨĂǀŽƌĂďůĞ ŽƵƚĐŽŵĞ͘ ducation
Phase 2
Phase 3
CALL TODAY TO GET STARTED! ;ϳϯϮͿ ϳϴϬͲϲϮϯϬ /Ŷ ŵĂŶLJ ŝŶƐƚĂŶĐĞƐ͕ ƉĂƟĞŶƚƐ ĂƌĞ ŐŝǀĞŶ ƚŚĞ ŽƉƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƉƌŽĐĞĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ Ăƚ ŽŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ Ă ϴϯ ^ŽƵƚŚ ^ƚ͘ ^ƵŝƚĞ ϮϬϰ ƉŚLJƐŝĐŝĂŶ ƌĞĨĞƌƌĂů ŝƐ ŶŽƚ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞŐŝŶ ĐĂƌĞ͘ KƵƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ĂƌĞ ĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ ŵLJ ŵŽƐƚ ŵĂũŽƌ &ƌĞĞŚŽůĚ͕ E: ;&ƌĞĞŚŽůĚ ŽŵŵŽŶƐͿ ŵĞĚŝĐĂů ŝŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ ƉůĂŶƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ DĞĚŝĐĂƌĞ͘ ;ϳϯϮͿ ϳϴϬͲϲϮϯϬ WŚLJƐŝĐĂů dŚĞƌĂƉLJ ŚŝƌŽƉƌĂĐƟĐ ĐƵƉƵŶĐƚƵƌĞ Or visit us online at ǁǁǁ͘Z , />/dzŶũ͘ĐŽŵ The County Woman Magazine The Magazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman
July/AugustJanuary/Feb 2014 January/February 2016
Featured Articles Medical Professionals
Cosmetic Dentistry
Rehability, LLC.........................................................................2 Kessler Rehabilitation Center...................................................5 Medimorphosis.........................................................................7 Barnabas Health Medical Group: Ob/Gyn........................14, 68 Professional Hearing Center..................................................15 “East Coast Radiation Oncology Associates, PA...................18 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists..........................................20 Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine.................22 Ocean Hematology & Oncology.............................................29 University Urology Associates of New Jersey........................30 Toms River X-Ray and MRI Center........................................31 Vein Center For Women.........................................................35 Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery, PC..............................38 Caring Heart & Brain Imaging.................................................45 Personal Enhancement Center........................................66, 67
Amara Dental..........................................................................13
PACE Program
Beacon of LIFE.................................................................16, 17
Adult Day Care
We Care Adult Care, Inc.........................................................21
Hair & Company Oasis Spa..............................................24, 25
Fashion & Beauty
LADACIN Sponsor...............................................26, 63 Featured on the Cover
Gastroenterologists of Ocean County..............................32, 33
Holmdel Orthodontics.............................................................34
Rehabilitation & Long Term Living
Pediatric Dentistry
Tender Smiles 4 Kids...........................................................8, 9
Permanent Hair Removal
Salon & Spa
Lynne’s Fashion Boutique................................................26, 27
Health & Wellness
From the Garden, Inc.............................................................43
Business & Finance
Pearls of Wisdom...................................................................45
Construction & RREM
Dream Homes, Ltd.................................................................48
A Woman’s Heart......................................................49 Women of Monmouth County.........................50, 51 Theatre & Entertainment
Chocolate Carousel..........................................................21, 63
Math Learning Center
Saltwater Horizon.....................................................................6 Freehold Yoga Center............................................................10 Brain Health Center................................................................11 Crosscut Boxing.....................................................................15 Honor Yoga............................................................................37 Jersey Shore Pharmacy.........................................................40 Hypnosis For Women.............................................................44
Massage School
New Jersey School of Massage.............................................42
Specialty Cakes & Chocolate Novelties
Assisted Living
Fine Jewelry
The Jewelry Link.....................................................................41
Garden & Local Honey
Law Offices of Laura M. D’Orsi, LLC......................................19 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law............................................19 Ansell, Grimm, and Aaron, PC...............................................28 Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq..........................................................46
Lightbridge Academy..............................................................23 Red Bank Charter School.......................................................37
Spring Oak of Toms River........................................................3
Clever Little Lies.....................................................................52 The Woodsman......................................................................53 Lives of Reason......................................................................60 Monmouth Symphony Orchestra............................................64
Travel Yoga Retreat in Tulum, Mexico............................................. 47 Jensen’s Marina.....................................................................54 Vagabond Travel Agency.......................................................59
Adult Community Fountainhead ........................................................................56
Fine Art Photography
Annette Jenkins Photography, LLC........................................65 Community..........................................55, 57, 58, 61, 62
CareOne at Holmdel...............................................................36
Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!
Hair Replacement & Wigs
AMP Electrolysis.....................................................................12
Abstrax Hair Designs..............................................................39
Assissted Living
We Are So Much More…
e are not your average assisted living community. Spring Oak of Toms River provides several levels of specializes services to meet each individual’s needs, including Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Support. These programs are specifically tailored and combined to promote the highest level of independence and health. Our community is designed to serve older adults and provide a wonderful alternative to struggling alone at home while still helping to maintain their independence. We strongly believe that the need for assistance as we age does not mean having to give up one’s independence. Our emphasis is on helping each resident to maintain their health, wellness and dignity, and enjoy the socialization our communities provide. At Spring Oak of Toms River, our residents live in private apartments that feature a kitchenette, bathroom and
emergency call system. A variety of floor plans are available, with residents furnishing and decorating the apartment to their taste. All residents receive three meals per day in our restaurant-style dining room, weekly linen service with housekeeping, access to laundry services, transportation for medical appointments and shopping trips, and a 24-hour emergency response system, as well as a variety of activities to participate in. Staff is on-duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide personal assistance with medications and a full array of activities. This valuable combination of housing and optional services provides a home-like setting with the right balance of health and wellness without compromising an individual’s choices, dignity, or independence. Visit our community and learn more about what we have to offer.
Home is where the heart is… welcome home!
Monthly Rate Includes:
Starting At
Three Homestyle Meals Daily Social and Recreational Activities Weekly Housekeeping Utilities Included Emergency Call System Spacious Studios, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Access to Common and Social Areas Additional Services Available: Assisted Living Services Personal Care Assistance Wellness and Health Monitoring Laundry • Medication Management Scheduled Transportation Memory Support
2145 Whitesville Road • Toms River, NJ 08755
Call Spring Oak today to schedule a tour!
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Publisher’s Note
4 Monmouth County Woman
Welcome to the January/February 2016 Issue Of The Monmouth County Woman!
Since 2008
Publisher.......................................................... Lynn K. Wolf • 609-929-4189 Art & Production Executive........................Meghan Morse Public Relations Executive .........................Lauren Shover • 856-885-8066 Graphic Designers..........................................Laura Golden Stephanie Wolfgang • Paula Brewer • Mary Wilsbach Katz For advertising inquiries, please call:
A New Year offers fresh opportunities for success and the potential for much joy and happiness. It is due to the Monmouth County Woman’s contributing writers, readers, distributors and staff that we are able to continue bringing you six issues a year full of educational articles written by professionals who are leading experts in their fields. We are grateful for this opportunity and Thank You for the support we receive from you in the form of emails, Facebook posts, tweets and phone calls. It is our privilege and honor to continue to supply the most informative articles, events coverage and special deals to the residents of Monmouth County! We wish you a prosperous, happy and successful 2016! Best, Lynn & the Staff at the Monmouth County Woman Publication
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Featured on the Cover The Doctors of the Gastroenterologists of Ocean County
The County Woman P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012 The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper is not responsible for any editorial comment (other than its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproductions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged and/or previously published. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will protect and indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against any and allAll liability loss or expense arising out should of claims for be libel,addressed unfair trade names,to: patents, correspondence copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication of this newspaper or its advertising copy. The publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertiseP.O. Box 619 ment. The publisher shall not be liable by reason of error, omission and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement. The publisher will not be liable delay or failure in performance Turnersville, NJfor 08012 in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue is delayed or suspended for any reason. The publisher exercise is reasonable in these make at The County Woman’swill Newspaper publishedjudgment bi-monthly and isinstances availableand freewill of charge adjustments forintheapproved advertiser whereand andpublic when establishments appropriate. and authorized distributors only, display stands private Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproducorThe by paid mail subscription. tionsTrademark made by advertisers. and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of newspaper be published by the the written 15th of permission every otherofmonth. thisThis paper may be will reproduced without the publisher. TM COPYRIGHT 2008. Representations by The Newspaper MonmouthisCounty Woman, for LLC The County Woman’s not responsible any editorial comment (other than
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FIND US ON THE WEB! 732-982-4650 WWW.THECOUNTYWOMAN.COM $500 Hearing System And followOFF us on Facebook and Twitter
Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 2/29/16. For details, see page 15. Woman @TheCountyWoman
Back row (left to right): Dr. Edgar Bigornia, Dr. Jai Mirchandani, Dr. Kenneth Glazier. Front row (left to right): Dr. Jill Collier, Dr. Allan Cohen, Dr. Omar Tamimi. Read more about the doctors and their services on pages 32 & 33.
Cover photo by Tracy Harman Photography. Tracy can be contacted for appointments at 732-797-0377 EVENTS IN MONMOUTH COUNTY N We Care Adult Day Care (p. 21 ) Jan. – Elvis Presley’s Birthday Bash, Pizza Party, Tea Party, and Outing to a Matinee Movie. Feb. – Sweetheart DoWop Dance, Superbowl Party, Outing to Middletown Library, and Candy Making/Candy Contest. N LADACIN Network (p. 55) Jan. 16 – Polar Bear Plunge. March 12 – Rosebud Gala Dinner Dance. May 1 – 2016 New Jersey Marathon/Long Branch Half Marathon. N SCAN (p. 57) Jan. 11 – April 7 – Winter Semester Begins. Feb. 3 – General Membership Meeting. Feb. 14 – Chinese New Year Celebration at Monmouth Mall. N Two River Theater (p. 60) Jan. 9 – Feb. 7 – Lives of Reason. N WEforum (p. 61) April 20 – Health and wellness conference featuring local medical practices, businesses and healthcare facilities, products for mind, body and soul, and free giveaways and raffles. N YMCA (p. 62) Jan. 9 – Freehold YMCA Open House. N Monmouth Symphony Orchestra (p. 64) Feb. 14 & 28, April 3, and May 14- Sixty-Seventh Anniversary Season.
EXCLUSIVE DEALS N Mathnasium (p. 6, 48) FREE assessment. $100 towards the school year plus programs. N Plays (p. 7) Enter to win two free tickets to see two great plays. N Freehold Yoga Center (p. 10) Free class of your choice. N Monmouth Symphony Orchestra (p. 12) Enter to win two FREE tickets. N Amara Dental (p. 13) Exciting new patient promotion, $79. N Two River Theatre (p. 13) Enter to win two FREE tickets to see Lives of Reason. N Professional Hearing Center (p. 15) $500 OFF Hearing System. N Crosscut Boxing (p. 15) Family package. 2 adults, 1 kid $120 a month. N Chocolate Carousel (p. 16, 21, 63) Enter to win a $35 gift certificate. Enter to win a free 7” birthday cake. N New Jersey School of Massage (p. 23, 42) $500 OFF tuition. N The Jewelry Link (p. 41) 30% off everything in stock.
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Hand And Wrist Injuries: “A Hot Topic In Winter Months”
inter is a season full of opportunity. Whether you prefer skiing, sledding, skating or simply a backyard snowball fight, winter can be a fun-filled time for sports enthusiasts and their families. But it can also be a time for slips and slides and falls on the slopes or the sidewalk that often result in injuries to your hand, wrist or arm. As you begin to tumble, your natural instinct is to try to break the fall with an outstretched hand, resulting in what is often referred to as a “FOOSH Injury” - a Fall On Out-Stretched Hand. This may include a strain, torn ligaments, or fractures to your fingers, thumb and/ or wrists. Not surprisingly, the number of hand and wrist injuries increases during the winter months. Snow and ice present potentially dangerous conditions, especially on untreated streets, sidewalks and driveways. Add to that the general risks involved in skiing, snowboarding, tubing and other winter sports, and it’s easy to see why the risk of injury multiplies at this time of year. What’s not quite as easy is preventing injuries to the hand. Basic recommendations include: • Be extra cautious when walking on wet or slippery surfaces. • Wear shoes or boots that provide better traction. • Consider using wrist guards and taping when participating in certain sports activities. The additional support may help prevent the wrist from bending too far and causing injury to bones and ligaments.
exam. This advanced certification What is Hand Therapy? reflects the highest standards of care According to the American Society and expertise in this field. CHTs must for Surgery of the Hand, hand therapy renew their certification every five years is “the art and science of evaluating Our Newest Outpatient and participate in continuing education Physical Therapy Center and treating injuries and conditions programs. is Now Open in of the upper extremity which includes How can a Hand Therapist help me? Manalapan / Englishtown the hand, wrist, elbow, forearm and Hand therapists provide nonshoulder girdle to help return a person 18 Wilson Ave at Gordons Corner Rd invasive interventions, preventative care to their highest level of function.” In Club Metro USA and post-surgical rehabilitation for a More specifically, through the use of variety of upper extremity disorders. Call N ow! a variety of therapeutic interventions, Treatment is tailored to your individual hand therapy addresses a wide range diagnosis, needs and goals. Your hand of conditions, including fractures and therapist will provide the care and sprains of fingers and wrists, carpal caring that will help you to restore tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel function, recover skills, build strength, syndrome, trigger finger, nerve and minimize pain and resume daily tendon repair, osteoarthritis, cysts and activities. masses, rheumatoid arthritis, finger amputations and tendinitis. Hand therapy can also help to alleviate swelling, scar tissue, disuse, weakness For more information about hand therapy, contact Pamela at Kessler Rehabilitation Hand Center in Eatontown, at and pain. Who is a candidate for Hand 732.542.5266 or email Therapy? Whether the problem is common or complex, the loss of hand function Pamela J Scanlon, OTR/CHT Certified Hand Therapist can be devastating. It can impact you at Kessler Hand Center of Eatontown - 2 Industrial Way home, work, school or leisure activities, 732.542.5266 and make everyday tasks like dressing, preparing meals or using a computer Pam Scanlon brings more than 30 years of clinical proficiency difficult. Specialized hand therapy is to the care and treatment of individuals with injuries or designed to help individuals optimize conditions affecting the hand, arm and shoulder, and has extensive experience in manual therapeutic techniques and function following an injury or surgery orthotics fabrication. As a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), she or in response to a chronic condition. has gained the expertise to best address the intricacies of the What is a Certified Hand Therapist? hand and enable patients to recover their highest level of skills and function. To earn this The designation of Certified advanced certification, Pam had to have a minimum of five years of clinical practice, log Hand Therapist (CHT) is awarded to more than 4000 hours of work as a hand therapist and pass a rigorous exam. Pam has maintained the CHT designation for 21 years through continuing education courses. A occupational and physical therapists 1985 graduate of Kean College, Pam continues to share her knowledge through therapy who have a minimum of five years student supervision programs and at healthcare and community events. Pam enjoys of experience -- 4000-plus hours -living in Ocean County, and spending time at the beach with family and friends. working with hand and upper extremity disorders, and have passed a rigorous
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Math Learning Center
To complement and enrich any student’s regular school year studies, we offer one–on-one academic support, enrichment and tutoring for students in grades 1 through 12. Mathnasium values true understanding above memorization of facts and formulas. A personalized curriculum is designed for each student, with activities that strengthen core command of math concepts as well as balancing homework assistance and test preparation. Mathnasium’s individualized curriculum overcomes one of the basic pitfalls of group instruction: the need to teach a roomful of learners at the same speed, leaving some perplexed and others bored. By focusing specifically on each student’s individual learning needs we are able to help students of all abilities.
Call For Details Must present card to receive discount
Towards our school year plus programs.
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Please call us to learn more about how we can position your student for a lifetime of critical thinking success.
Three Convenient Locations
Middletown 500 Rt. 35 732-842-6284 (Union Square)
Ocean 1460 Rt. 35 732-493-6284 (Kohl’s Plaza)
Matawn 1016 Rt. 34 732-758-6284 (Pine Crest Plaza)
Health & Wellness
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Do You Struggle With Your Weight?
It’s Not Your Fault
loss process. In addition, the practice has a trained and experienced behavioral counselor who utilizes cognitive therapies, behavioral techniques, problem-solving and accountability to help those seeking treatment. A professional trainer is on staff as well to help patients get started or improve upon a physical activity program.
re you one of more than 30% of all Americans who struggles with excess weight?
In 2013, the American Medical Association identified overweight and obesity as chronic diseases and recommended they should be treated as such. Not a personality flaw, not a moral judgment, not a lack of personal responsibility or willpower—a disease. Recent research has found almost 100 different obesity-associated genes, meaning overweight commonly runs in families. In addition, scientists have discovered many chemicals, the most important being leptin and ghrelin, that send signals between the digestive system, the fat cells and the brain. Abnormal levels lead to becoming overweight, staying overweight, and difficulty losing weight. These levels are also affected by lack of sleep, stress, medications and other medical conditions. Board-certified family doctor Claudia Huegel, M.D., recognized as a community leader, founded Medimorphosis Physician Assisted Weight Loss in Shrewsbury. She serves the needs of those suffering with weight problems. Dr. Huegel and her experienced team believe that obesity, including its associated medical problems, is a complex condition that must be treated with a compassionate, nonjudgmental approach. With over 10 years’ experience, nonsurgical bariatric (weight management) medicine is her area of expertise. Dr. Huegel and her motivational staff utilize a number of methods to help patients combat these biochemical issues. Dr. Huegel prescribes individualized, safe and proven nutrition plans, various FDA-approved medications, and supplements to aid patients during their weight
As science uncovers more information and as the population battling weight grows, the future of this condition’s treatment will be at medical bariatric centers like Medimorphosis. Visit
Feeling so healthy from going through the Medimorphosis program. For the first time that I can remember I'm able to fit into clothes that don't have an X or XX in front of the size. It's the best feeling in the world.
- B.H., Cranford, NJ Working with Medimorphosis Physician Assisted Weight-Loss has been life changing. I have learned so much about weight loss and management through informative counseling and smart food options. I would recommend Medimorphosis to anyone looking to improve their health and appearance for the long term!!!
- C.P., Shrewsbury, NJ Dr. Claudia Huegel graduated from Rutgers University and Ross University Medical School in 2001. She completed her Family Practice Residency at Mountainside Hospital in Glen Ridge, NJ in 2004. Dr. Huegel is a Board Certified Family Doctor Claudia Huegel, MD and Board Eligible Bariatric Medicine Doctor with seven years experience in weight loss medicine. She is the winner of the Compassionate Doctor Award, Patient's Choice Award, and Vitals Top 10 Doctor. She is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Obesity Medicine Association.
499 Broad Street, Suite 110 Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 (On the corner of Monroe St.)
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January/February 2016
Pediatric Dentistry
Tooth Injury:
When Your Child Should See The Doctor And How It Can Be Prevented With many indoor winter sports and the fast approaching spring season, there are many more opportunities to incur a trauma to your child’s teeth or mouths! Sports, bicycling, diving boards, and just about any other activity can pose a risk of tooth and jaw injury to your child. Mouthguards are an important piece of equipment for any athlete. Whether or not your child participates in contact sports, mouthguards are the single best preventative for tooth trauma and jaw-related injuries such as fracture and concussion! Why are mouthguards important? A mouthguard is the single best prevention for head and neck injuries such as concussions, jaw fractures and tooth trauma. A mouthguard is a plastic covering that fits snugly over and around the teeth. They protect not just the teeth, but also the lips, cheeks and tongue. If an individual were to sustain a blow to the mouth while wearing a mouthguard, the force of the blow would be distributed evenly throughout the mouth instead of to one section of the teeth or jaw. The plastic itself would protect the teeth, and the plastic would prevent the top and bottom teeth from “banging together.” The “banging together” is what causes concussions. Mouthguards hold top priority as sports equipment.
How do I choose a mouthguard for my child?
Any mouthguard works better than no mouthguard. So, choose a mouthguard that your child can wear comfortably. If a mouthguard feels bulky or interferes with speech, it will be left in the locker room. There are typically three types of mouthguards: Ready, Mouth and Custom. These mouthguards vary in price and comfort, yet all provide some protection. All mouthguards should fit properly, be durable and easily cleaned, and not restrict speech or breathing. In fact, at Tender Smiles 4 Kids we can create a customized mouthguard that will fit perfectly and even match your team colors! It is important to help your child to enjoy the outdoors safely and with good oral health in mind.
What should I do if my child’s tooth is knocked out?
Permanent teeth that are knocked out have a better Dr. Max’s “Toothfairy Mobile” long-term prognosis the shorter the amount of time is a favorite attraction for children at they are outside of the mouth! Find the tooth and community events. The children get do NOT handle it by the root, as there are important to know the other side of dentistry fibers on the root that can be damaged by handling. beyond drillings and fillings. Rinse it gently in cool water. (Do not scrub or clean it with soap – use only water!) If possible, replace the tooth in the socket immediately and hold it there with clean gauze or a washcloth. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container with cold milk, saliva or water. Get to your pediatric dental office immediately. If you are unable to reach the dentist’s office, you must go to the nearest hospital emergency room. The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth. Many people do not realize that the future prognosis of the tooth depends on the first minutes after the trauma. There is no time to waste!
What if a tooth is chipped or fractured?
Again, call the after-hours emergency line. We can triage the extent of the injury over the phone and provide instructions on quick action to save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling if the lip also was injured. Do not invest a lot of time looking for the broken fragment but, if you can find the broken tooth fragment, place it in cold milk or water and bring it with you to the dental office. The fragment may or may not be replaced in the mouth but if it is available, it can be used to help assess the injury. Evaluation of the tooth fragment will give us valuable information regarding the whereabouts of the chipped fragment if, for example, your child’s lip is cut and there is any concern that there may be a fragment lodged in the lip.
Protect that perfect smile – wear a mouthguard!
First of all, baby teeth that are knocked out cannot be replanted, yet we still need an emergency phone call.
Dr. Max Sulla, D.D.S. and Associates
Pediatric, Laser & Orthodontic Dentistry FREEHOLD • MANALAPAN AREA 122 Professional View Dr. Bldg. 100, 2nd Floor Freehold, NJ 07728
SOMSERSET • NORTH BRUNSWICK AREA EDISON • WOODBRIDGE AREA 1656 Oak Tree Road 1330 How Ln Edison, NJ 08820 North Brunswick 08902
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Business Spotlight
Dr. Max’s Dental Practice is Something to Smile About TenderSmiles4Kids is a pediatric and orthodontic dental practice where they see kids as early as age one through college. Dr. Max Sulla is known for his gentle and caring approach to dentistry and his ability to calm even the most anxious patient. Additionally, the entire staff has extensive expertise in caring for patients with special needs. Dr. Max uses the most advanced materials and procedures available. He adds, “We practice comfortable, health-centered dentistry with a strong emphasis on getting to know each of our patients.” In addition to his technical proficiency, Dr. Max is a careful listener and will explain beforehand what treatment is best for your child’s individual needs. Getting an early start in regular dental care is an important step on the road to teaching your child healthy lifetime habits. The first dental visit should occur shortly after the first tooth erupts and no later than the child’s first birthday. “Beginning tooth and mouth examinations early may lead to detection of early stages of tooth decay that can be easily treated,” he adds. It takes just one visit to their Eco-friendly office for kids to be intrigued. The office provides a gentle environment and kids instantly feel at ease. There is the prize drawer, balloons and of course their golden tokens for the toy tower to obtain even more prizes. Going to the dentist has never been this fun! Parents will be happy about their free infant exams and orthodontic consultations.
MCW: What attracted you to the field of Dentistry, specifically Pediatrics? Dr. Max: I was always interested in the science of the human body and pediatrics. I also liked geometry and the perfect orientation of objects so all of these interests combined brought me into the world of Pediatric Dentistry. Creating a perfect smile, preventing illnesses, and working with kids is what it’s all about.
Dr. Max Sulla, D.D.S.
Tender Smiles 4 Kids Pediatric, Laser & Orthodontic Dentistry FREEHOLD • MANALAPAN AREA 122 Professional View Dr. Bldg. 100, 2nd Floor Freehold, NJ 07728
NORTH BRUNSWICK • SOMERSET AREA 1330 How Ln. North Brunswick, NJ 08902 732.249.1010 EDISON • WOODBRIDGE AREA 1656 Oak Tree Road Edison, NJ 08820
MCW: What kind of services does your office provide?
Dr. Max: We offer services such as Laser dentistry (No Shots, No Drills), Nitrous Oxide Sedation, Oral Conscious Sedation, and In-office I.V. Sedation administered by an M.D. Anesthesiologist. We also offer General Anesthesia in the Hospital. We use digital radiography which is safer for your child and produces up to 90% less radiation.
MCW: What is the most challenging aspect of working with children?
Dr. Max: There are many challenges but the most critical one is establishing life long comfort in the dental office at a young age.
MCW: What is your favorite part about working with children?
Dr. Max: Seeing my patients smile and tell us how much they love going to the dentist makes me very happy.
MCW: What are the most common ailments you see in your practice?
Dr. Max: Cavities, decay of teeth has become the #1 chronic disease in children, bypassing even asthma.
MCW: What is the importance of primary teeth?
Dr. Max: It is very important that primary teeth are kept in place until they are lost naturally. They serve a number of critical functions. Primary teeth maintain good nutrition by permitting your child to chew properly and are involved in speech development. They also help the permanent teeth by saving space for them. A healthy smile can help children feel good about the way they look to others.
MCW: Please provide our readers with your top 3 tips for parents for preventative dental care.
Dr. Max: Avoid nursing toddlers to sleep or putting anything other than water in their bedtime bottle. Also, learn the proper way to brush and floss your child’s teeth. Take your child to a pediatric dentist regularly to have his/her teeth and gums checked.
MCW: How do you like to relax after a long day at the office?
Dr. Max: I like to exercise, spend time with my family and cook for my friends. My wife Elana and I have been married for 16 years and have 3 children—Matthew, 14, Jordana, 11 and Vivien, 5. Dr. Max Sulla received his D.D.S. from the NYU College of Dentistry followed by his Pediatric Dentistry degree at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey. He is a member of multiple accredited organizations. Dr. Max is the President of NJ Academy of Pediatric Dentistry & AAPD Council member. Additionally, Dr. Max and his associates were recognized as three of the “Top Dentists of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015″ by New Jersey Monthly.
Dr. Max looks forward to your child’s visit and to showing you how exceptional dentistry can improve your child’s life.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Freehold Yoga Center Our Meditation Room is the perfect space for your practice before or after a class. Join us for Satsang and Kirtan with Dharma talk and Arati twice a month.
Pilates Reformer and Mat Classes Starting in January! Monthly events and specials! 3rd Weekend of the Month!
Teacher Training Weekend!
OPEN CLASSES Mon-Thurs 9am to 10:30 and 7pm to 8:30 No 7pm class on Tuesdays Sat & Sun 9am-10:30 Friday 9:45 -11:15
BEGINNERS CLASSES Mon and Weds. 7pm-830
YOGA NIDRA 1st Friday every month 7-8pm
RESTORATIVE YOGA 3rd Thursday at 5:15 -6:45 VARIOUS TECHNIQUES Tues 4:45 to 6:15 & Thurs: 5:15 to 6:45
MEDITATION Sat 8:30-8:50 Sunday 2nd and 4th 8:30 – 8:50
MEDITATION & SATSUNG 1st and 3rd Sunday
Lectures and Classes open to the public! Check out our website for topics and guest lecturers! Bring this ad to receive a FREE class of your choice! Expires 2/29/16.
Come see why we have been here 30 years! • 732-462-YOGA SARADA DEVI Sarada Devi Graduated Freehold Yoga Center’s Teacher Training Program several years ago and teaches our Monday Evening Beginner Classes. She has an amazing voice which you can experience for yourself at any of her classes! Some of her most recent lectures have been with our current Teacher Trainees as she introduces them to chanting and its meanings. Her compassion and warmth are ever apparent from the moment you meet her!
The County Woman Magazine
FREEHOLD YOGA CENTER 3 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728
732-462-YOGA January/February 2016
Health ealth &W &Wellness ellness H
Make Brain Science Work For You Learn A New Calm! L aw Law
Written by Dr. Richard Ponton
E Elder lder L Law aw
kids Counties have beenare People inStressed-out? Monmouth andThe Ocean home-bound winter for what seems changing the waythis they live with the help of like forever. Your job or your finances neuroscience. Sharon Moleski at the Brainare Health uncertain. areadvanced not goingtechnology so well in Center in WallThings is using yourallows relationship. school which people Your to train theirwork brainis to very demanding. You or someone you work most efficiently…it is biofeedback care about is ill. And the list goes for the brain called neurofeedback. on Thisand on. All of these examples things intervention is nonare invasive andofuses special in people’s lives that cause them stress. equipment to listen to brainwaves; clients And they should. Stress is the body and train themselves to keep the brainwaves brain’s alarm system, announcing that it at optimal levels. Neurofeedback has been is time to do something different, time to shown to be an effective intervention for respond. We experience stress, Darwin and attention problems (ADD and ADHD) in adults others would suggest, because our ancestors and children. It can improve sleep problems, who were wired with the stress alarm system emotional regulation, anxiety, OCD lived to make babies.depression, Those who did not have Sharon Moleski, LPC, Sharon Moleski, LPC, and substance abuse. Sharon, who is licensed as a the stress alarm, kept on eating the berries instead LCADC, CMHC CCMHC professional counselor and a clinical alcohol and drug LCADC, CMHC of hiding from the raptor…they quickly went from counselor, combines compassionate care and professional therapy with be at lunch to being lunch! neurofeedback. She reports “…people seeitreal lasting results, When the brain’s alarm system works best, canresults, tell us when there is a threat, without and urgent its sideiseffects.” how muchmedication of a threat, how the response, and when the threat is over. When the brain’s alarmthat system is not working efficiently, falsely identifies Sharon explained “neurofeedback is like physicalittherapy for your brain. threats, exaggerates threats and their immediacy and it fails to tell us when safety If your leg wasn’t working properly and that was causing pain and interfering with has returned. The brain gets stuck in the habit of high alertcalled anxiety. your life, you would invest time and effort in physical therapy in order to heal. many shapes including avoiding social situations for TheAnxiety same iscan truetake for neurofeedback. Like physical therapy, the length of treatment fear of being embarrassed or judged, the inability to make decisions, varies with the severity of the issues but significant improvement is usually seen panic withinattacks, weeks.” phobias, sleep difficulties, and recurrent thoughts about unpleasant events. In general, anxiety is a pretty consistent background of The Brainworry Health Center is aalso home to Brainand Sharpening. innovative unnecessary that is both habit of thinking a habit of This the brain. For approach to peak performance allows adults, students and athletes to maintain those who are anxious, the brain’s alarm system is constantly on alert, signaling theirbody edge. athletes in the NFL, NBA, PGA, the toOlympic be ready athletes, to react. professional Overtime this high-alert exhausts the body andand the LPGA, as well as elite college and high school athletes have used neurofeedback mind, generalizes to include more threats, and may seek escape in drugs, alcohol, to withdrawal. enhance performance. Journal of the American Board of Sport Psychology or The brain’sThe alarm system combines with habitual thoughts of published the “if following “…Neurofeedback has been “what if ” and only” toconclusion: keep a person in a state of vigilance andshown have potential for quieting the mind to improve performance…It can also be used to improve concentration and focus, to improve cognitive function and emotional control following concussions and mild headof: injuries, and it has untapped Offices
T Theater heater &E &Entertainment ntertainment
You cantolearn a new calm by changing your brain functions. potential increase physical balance.” On the the way playing field, in the classroom or at Neurofeedback is one of thehelps mostimprove efficientperformance. methods people use to teach their work, Brain Sharpening brain to think differently. Unlike medication, neurofeedback uses learning The same science that suggeststo neurofeedback fortheir athletes techniques andbrain sophisticated technology help people use ownmakes brain’sBrain Sharpening at the Brain Health Center in Wall a perfect match for seniors. power to reset the brain’s alarm system. Neurofeedback often provides effectiveIf you can’t rememberrelief wherefrom youranxiety, keys are, have trouble sleeping, find that are not and long-lasting obsessive-compulsive disorder, andyou other able to retrieve words or recall names like you used to, or if you are having trouble stress-related concerns without the side effects of medication. with balance, it may be time for brain brightening. Neurofeedback can enhance At the Brain Health Center, licensed professionals combine neurofeedback your brain’s power…without medication. and counseling to assist with anxiety, depression, attention and memory issues, ADHD addiction unique approach on both the Theand Brain Health issues. Center Our is located in treatment Wall, convenient to builds the Parkway, Route science of the brain and compassionate support to provide an opportunity to learn 18 and Route 34. Sharon and Dr. Richard Ponton, the Director of the Clinical new brainHealth connections and new patterns of thoughtCourt and behavior thatprovide have been Mental Counseling Program at Georgian University, demonstrated to be effective. personalized and affordable services in a comfortable setting. With over ten years’ experience, Sharon Moleski, MA, LPC, LCADC, CMHC, has presented seminars and workshops locally and at national conferences focusing on neuroscience and related topics. She can be reached at the Brain Health Center at 848-404-9111 or VISIT visit the website at:
F Fine ine A Art rt P Photography hotography
E Education ducation
What is neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is exercise for the brain that trains the brain to function more efficiently. It uses information about the electrical waves in your brain to help the brain learn to work more at its optimum level. This noninvasive, brain-training method “hears” your brain’s electrical waves through small sensors on the scalp. A computer compares these readings to brainwave patterns that are most efficient. During a treatment session, you receive feedback from this comparison in the form of lower volume or poorer picture resolution in the movie you’re watching. The healthiest brainwave patterns produce the clearest picture and sound. Sound and picture improve when your brain unconsciously matches healthy patterns. Through such “rewards,” your brain effortlessly learns the patterns that make it function more efficiently.
Business &Finance Business &Finance
Brain Dr. Richard Ponton Offices of: Moleski, MA, LPC, LCADC Dr. Richard Ponton Brain Sharon Health Health Sharon Moleski, MA, LPC, LCADC Center Center • Sharpened Attention Brain Sharpening for a • Emotional Regulation LPC NJ 37PC00087400 LMHC NY –18-000614
LPC NJ 3700150500 LPCNJ NJ37PC00371300 37PC00087400LCADC LMHC NY –18-000614
3100 Rte 138 West, Wall, NJ 07719
LPC NJ 37PC00371300 NJRte. 3700150500 Close to Pkwy Exit LCADC 98, I195, 18 & 34
3100 Rte 138 West, Wall, NJ 07719 Close to Pkwy Exit 98, I195, Rte. 18 & 34
competitive edge for in a Brain Sharpening work,competitive sports, school edge &inlife! work, sports, school & life! Call: 848-404-9111 nty Woman Magazine Call: 848-404-9111 Brain science helping people of all ages to be their best!
Sharpened Attention ••Improved Sleep Emotional Thinking Regulation ••Sharpened Improved Sleep ••Better Balance • Sharpened Thinking • Better Balance nty Woman Magazine
Brain science helping people of all ages to be their best!
Does it hurt? No! Neurofeedback is painless and easy to do for people of all ages! Unlike medication, nothing is put into the body or brain.
What problems can neurofeedback address?
Neurofeedback has helped people of all ages with challenges that interfere with their lives, such as ADD/ADHD and other attention issues, autism, learning disorders, PTSD, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, sleep problems, addiction, migraines, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.
What are the benefits of Brain Sharpening? Brain Sharpening is training the brain for peak performance. This training is used by pilots, military special forces, surgeons, professional and elite athletes, performing artists, and CEO’s to enhance attention, concentration, memory, and emotional regulation. Many active seniors use Brain Sharpening to keep their minds in great shape.
Does Brain Health Center provide other services?
January/February 2015 that is Yes, we provide individual, family, and couple counseling compassionate and focused on helping people make lasting changes in their lives. Often neurofeedbackJanuary/February and counseling together 2015 help people address challenges and learn new behaviors.
Please contact us today for more information!
The County Woman Magazine
he County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
September/October 2015
Permanent Hair Removal
Hair Be Gone! Ann Marie Preston is a certified and licensed electrologist and proud owner of AMP ELECTROLYSIS. By removing her clients’ unwanted hair they are able to look and feel their very best. She adds, “Having unwanted hair can make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance.” Her Oceanport business has been extremely successful due to word of mouth and because she has a reputation for being the best in the business.
Ann Marie always knew she wanted to be an entrepreneur but wasn’t sure which direction to take. After she received her first electrolysis treatment, her mind was made up and she knew exactly what she wanted to do. This year, she celebrates 20 years in business and could not be happier with the success she has had. Electrolysis is the permanent removal of hair. A small amount of electricity gets applied to the base of the hair follicle, which destroys the hair growth tissue. Hair will no longer be able to grow in that area. Appointments can range anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour. When Ann Marie meets with a client for the first time she discusses their goals and reviews their history. “After discussing which areas they are concerned about, I come up with a treatment plan and let them know how much time it will take to
achieve their goals. I explain to them how electrolysis differs from other hair removal methods, and we also talk about infection control procedures and aftercare.” Once they establish a treatment plan, clients typically come in every week, every two weeks or every month until they achieve the desired result. Did you know that Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal approved by the FDA for all skin types? However, the key to success is patience. “To achieve the desired result of smooth skin, clients must be patient and absolutely not tweeze or wax. You may shave or cut the treatment area between appointments,” she says. Permanent hair removal is definitely a process that requires patience, as well as commitment. Clients must be reminded that results are not instantaneous. She adds, “Because hair grows in stages, permanent hair removal is a multi-step process and one that is worth the results.” Often times throughout a woman’s life unwanted hair can develop. This can be due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause or the onset of puberty. Another common area of unwanted hair can be on a woman’s breast or growing from the areola. “This is an area that is seldom discussed, as some women find it difficult to talk about. Our treatments can safely and permanently remove breast hairs,” she says. Ann Marie treats a variety of different people from women, men, teenagers and transgender clients. The male population
AMP ELECTROLYSIS Electrolysis Treatment - Permanent Hair Removal Arms • Legs • Bikini Area • Chin • Facial Hair • Eyebrows Complimentary Consultations • State of the Art Technique
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makes up a fair percentage of her practice. Most of the time they are dealing with unwanted back hair or on the baseline of the neck or hair growing around the ear. “Let’s face it – men are just as concerned about their appearance as women. My male clients are concerned about unwanted hair growth and want to feel confident by looking their best,” she says. Anytime you are having hair removed the client will feel it. “I don’t like that electrolysis is associated with pain. Even our most sensitive clients can handle it,” she says. Nothing gives Ann Marie greater satisfaction then when her clients stick to their treatment plans and reap the benefits of being smooth and hair-free. She adds, “I love seeing my clients feel more confident and self-assured.” AMP ELECTROLYSIS is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and recently the Mayor of Oceanport, along with members of the Borough Council came over for a visit and to celebrate with her. “Afterwards, my husband and I went out for a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. It was a beautiful day and I’m looking forward to the next 20 years.”
Ann Marie Preston, LE, CPE, Owner of AMP ELECTROLYSIS
The cost of a treatment: $30.00 for 15 minutes $45.00 for a half hour $65.00 for one hour Pre-paid packages and gift certificates are always available!
“Leave your unwanted hair with me!” 732-389-9141 • Oceanport Village Plaza • 265 East Main St. • Oceanport, NJ 07757
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Cosmetic Dentistry
Enter To Win Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See Lives of reason!
JONATHAN FOX JA N 9 – F E B 7/2 0 1 6
A world-premiere play by Two River Founder Robert Rechnitz and Kenneth Stunkel. Set at an English Department faculty party, Lives of Reason brings audiences inside the world of academia — and what happens when one woman’s secret passions explode. Lives of Reason is directed by Jonathan Fox, the former Artistic Director at Two River and now the Executive Artistic Director of the Ensemble Theatre Company of Santa Barbara.
One entry per person. Entries will be accepted through February 29, 2016. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be included. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.
Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ Phone: ____________________ Email: _______________________________ Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Annual Exams Post Childbearing Health Years &Wellness Barnabas Health Medical Group is a multi-specialty group practice How often do you get a comprising highly trained and experienced world class primary and specialty care physicians. Barnabas Health Medical Group preventative gynecological Law physicians provide compassionate and innovative cutting edge exam? Hopefully, the answer care for people at every stage of life at easily accessible facilities conveniently located throughout New Jersey. Backed by the vast is every year – even after continuum of resources of Barnabas Health, the largest not-for your childbearing years profit integrated health care delivery system in New Jersey and one Eourlder Law of the largest in the nation, dedicated physicians and expertly have completed. trained supporting staff continuously strive for clinical excellence.
Dr. Eric Lehnes Makes the Case
Eric G. Lehnes, MD
Eric Lehnes, MD, a board-certified ob/gyn specializing in minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgery at Ocean Gynecological and Obstetrical Associates, part of Barnabas Health Medical Group, weighs in on this topic. At any age – during childbearing years, menopause and beyond – it’s important for women to get an annual exam to avoid and treat health problems. Annual assessments – which include screening, evaluation and counseling - enable gynecologists to counsel patients about maintaining good health. Many women are under the
Claims such as “An annual pelvic T heater &E ntertainment exam in an asymptomatic woman Prevention is Key misconception that they no longer need an annual exam as they age. This can’t be farther from the truth. It’s no wonder there’s overall confusion about when you should see a physician. After all, many highly regarded health care associations and organizations release guidelines about how often and when women should get particular exams and get screened. I am opposed to blindly following any of these guidelines as most of these claims are based on dollars and cents – not good clinical practices.
Ocean Gynecological and Obstetrical Associates has two convenient office locations: For more than 50 years, women in Ocean County have trusted Ocean Gynecological and Obstetrical Associates (OGOA) to provide comprehensive obstetric and gynecological care. In 2012, OGOA took the bold step of expanding to include a team of experienced, board-certified nurse-midwives to join its seasoned group of boardcertified physicians. Today, OGOA is one of the only practices in the region that offers daily appointments with a midwife for in-office gynecological or prenatal care and around-the-clock midwifery coverage for pregnant women in the hospital. OGOA has one of the lowest C-section rates for obstetrical practices in the region. Toms River Office 368 Lakehurst Road, Suite 303 Toms River, NJ 08755 732.349.0485
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is unnecessary,” “Mammography before the age of 50 causes more harm than good,” “Pap smears are no longer needed after menopause” are just a few examples. For a large percentage of women, the gynecologist is their primary care provider. Without question, the risk of cancer increases with age. To stop conducting pelvic exams for women who go through menopause is taking a huge step backward as this is the time of life when a woman’s risk for cancer is the greatest. I strongly believe that a screening pelvic exam should be an individualized and shared decision between the patient and her health care provider. Does a 75-year-old woman with a history of a hysterectomy for benign disease need a pelvic exam every year? Probably not, but you can’t issue a blanket statement or guidelines to dictate who needs a screening when. Had I not performed preventative exams on asymptomatic women over the years, I would have missed many problems and diseases that would have progressed further. Early diagnosis is the most critical factor when it comes to many disease states.
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Know What’s Normal When the doctor and patient move to the exam table, it’s a
whole different perspective. As a diagnostic and therapeutic tool, the annual exam is critical. During these annual consultations, patients can talk freely about any changes in their bodies or personal concerns as they age such as incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pelvic prolapse and risk factors for STDs. Physicians can also ask women specific questions about a woman’s health to uncover any issues. It’s a great way to differentiate what is normal and to determine treatment options. Why suffer through certain conditions like pelvic pain or vaginal atrophy - which leads to pain with intercourse - when treatment is available? The Magazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman
Due to advances in health care, along with a proactive stance on health, women are living longer just look how far we’ve come. At the last turn of the century in 1900, the average age of menopause was 50 and the average life expectancy was 55. Now, a century later, menopause age is still around 50 but life expectancy is climbing into the 90s. Let’s not turn back the clocks on women’s health. Having an annual exam is one great way of taking a proactive stance on your health to detect and treat any issues and avoid major problems down the road.
January/Feb January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
When Is It Time To Schedule A Hearing Test? Part 1
Hearing loss should always be taken seriously. Having a hearing health condition can have a dramatic impact on your relationships, your ability to communicate effectively, and your overall physical and mental health. What might seem like a small annoyance now, may actually put your health in Jill Gordon, Au.D., jeopardy. Recent studies CCC-A, F-AAA from researchers at Johns Hopkins University suggest that untreated hearing loss may cause long-term changes in how the brain functions because speech perception is distorted or suppressed. Hearing Loss That Goes Untreated Can Lead to Bigger Problems rkshop Speech and sound recognition are central to how the brain works. If you develop hearing problems and fail to treat them promptly, the results may be far more serious than a bit of conversation missed now and then. Unless you treat your hearing u stand to receive problems soon, you risk a spectrum of unfortunate in your 60s can determine have in your 80s consequences listed below. ousal benefits, survivor nefits, and even divorced- You may be at a significantly higher risk of retirement benefit with falling and seriously injuring yourself. a spouse or divorced should make the decision A preliminary scientific study reported in the Arhould apply for Social Security r husband’s life expectancy chives of Internal Medicine in 2012 found that your own retirement benefit r ex-husband diespeople with a mild hearing loss were nearly three tus changes times more likely to have a history of falling— g life the falling risks increased for people with d for men who haveand women s). It features essential greater hearing deficits. e if they are concerned nt. You could be vulnerable to dementia. Studies
men On Social Security
ns are required. ce by calling
published in 2011 and 2013 have linked hearing loss with eroding mental abilities. Research subjects who began the 2011 study with moderate hearing loss were three times more likely to develop dementia than people who could hear well. The 2013 research concluded that hearing loss tends to speed up mental decline, as people grow older. Hearing is critical for effective communication in the work force. A hearing-impaired individual will suffer losses in compensation due to underemployment, may make mistakes on the job, and may experience higher rates of unemployment. Approximately a billion dollars is lost each year by Americans who ignore hearing loss. The earlier you get hearing aids, the lower your risk becomes of losing valuable income.
DO YOU… H ave a problem hearing over the telephone? H ave trouble following the conversation when two or more people are talking at the same time? H ave people complain that you turn the TV volume up too high? H ave trouble hearing in a noisy background? F ind yourself asking people to repeat themselves? M isunderstand what others are saying and respond inappropriately? If you have any noises in your ears, called tinnitus, you should also have your hearing tested. For a Complete Audiological Evaluation, please call 732-303-9660 to schedule your appointment. Stay tuned for Part 2 in the March/April issue of Monmouth County Woman Publication and discover the different causes and types of hearing aids available.
In general, a loss of hearing may result in an overall reduction in your quality of life. Serious conditions such as depression, anger, anxiety, Visit paranoia, and loss of self-esteem haunt people with hearing problems. In addition, it may cause a decrease in social activity. How can I recognize if I have hearing problems? Hearing loss typically occurs gradually over time. On average, it 4257 Route 9 North $500 OFF takes people seven years from the Building 6, Suite B time they think they might have a Hearing System Freehold, NJ, 07728 hearing loss to the time they seek Cannot be combined treatment. The following are some with any other offer. questions that may help you or Expires Feb. 29th, 2016. Dr. Jill Gordon, Au.D., CCC-A, F-AAA your loved one determine if you NJ Hearing Aid Disp. #25MG00056400 Supervising Licensee should have a hearing test by a licensed doctor of audiology.
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January/February 2016
PACE Program
Beacon Of LIFE : A Program Of All-Inclusive Care For The Elderly
Imagine a place where your mom or dad’s entire health care needs comes from ONE location. A place where doctors, nurses, therapists and other health care professionals work together and partner with families and caregivers to deliver exceptional care to the elderly population who, without the Program of All-Inclusive Care (PACE), might need nursing home care. For more than 150 seniors and their families, Beacon of LIFE has provided an alternative to nursing home placement. This option can dramatically improve their quality of life while allowing elderly individuals to stay living safely and independently in their homes with the help from the services at PACE. The Beacon of LIFE PACE Program is open to seniors ages 55 and older, who meet the New Jersey clinical criteria, live in a PACE service area, are certified by the state to need nursing home-level care and able to live safely at home with the support of PACE services. PACE provides a team of health care professionals, who are experienced in caring for people like you, to help you make health care decisions. Beacon of LIFE offers Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage, if you are eligible, and supports your family members and other caregivers with caregiving training, support groups and respite care to help families keep their loved ones in the community. Care and services are provided at your home, in the community and PACE center. All PACE centers meet
state and federal safety requirements and include adult day programs, medical clinics, personal care, activities, and occupational and physical therapy facilities. Most Importantly, the PACE Program becomes a second family to many seniors with limited support and resources. An interdisciplinary team provides highly coordinated care for each PACE participant. This program is available at no cost for eligible participants. Very similar to nursing homes, PACE tends to attract participants who are older and who have very high care needs. Most PACE participants live alone in the community (only seven percent live in nursing homes). However, when participants need nursing home care, they do not withdraw from PACE. The PACE Program pays for nursing home care whenever necessary. The care of the interdisciplinary team follows the participants through all care settings, including hospital stays and nursing home placements. Beacon of LIFE PACE reduces hospital and nursing home use for two reasons: PACE’s emphasis on preventative care and regular monitoring by an interdisciplinary care team. PACE’s capitated financing creates incentives to reduce the total cost of care. However, the main focus of the PACE Program is to help you live in the community for as long as possible.
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• The first PACE site opened in 1971 in San Francisco • 97 PACE organizations operate across the country in 31 states • PACE serves 28, 255 nationwide • The average age of a participant is 80-years-old “My mother and I attended the grand opening on October 15th. Beacon of LIFE offers excellent care to senior citizens of Monmouth County, my mother included!” - M.K.
Susan M. Skola, Executive Director Beacon Health and Social Services
Ivan Solero, Director of Marketing and Enrollment
1075 Stephenson Ave., Suite B, Oceanport, NJ 07757
Beacon of LIF E –
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2510 Belmar Blvd., Colfax Plaza Wall, NJ
PACE Stats:
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Winner will recieve a $35 gift certificate, good for one year. Entries will be accepted through February 29. 2016. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.
January/February 2016
Business Spolight
Beacon of LIFE Provides a Bright Light and A Whole Lot of Hope for Senior Citizens Ivan Solero, Director of Marketing and Enrollment
The Beacon of LIFE center provides community-based care and services to people who may require nursing home level of care. It was primarily established to deliver PACE (Program of All-inclusive care for the elderly) services. The PACE model is centered on the belief that it is better for the well-being of seniors with chronic care needs and their families to be served in the community whenever possible. Under PACE, participants must receive all needed health care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services) from the PACE organization or from an entity authorized by the PACE organization. Ivan Solero, Director of Marketing and Enrollment, has been involved with all aspects of health care for over 15 years, working mainly in marketing and enrollment. He adds, “The last four years I have been focused on solution based healthcare programs addressing The County Woman Magazine
children’s health, women’s health and senior health.” He is an individual that has always had a strong desire to give back to his community. It was this passion that became the driving force for him to join Beacon of LIFE, with the primary goal of helping senior citizens. This groundbreaking program provides the family with a team of health care professionals to help with decisions as they develop a plan of care. He adds, “The team takes the time to get to know the client and what his or her preferences are. We support family members and other caregivers with support groups, training and respite care to help families keep their loved ones in the community.” The PACE model is centered on the belief that it is better for the well being of seniors with chronic care needs to be served in the community whenever possible. It was created as a way to provide the elderly with flexibility to receive health care needs while helping them remain in the comfort of their own community. MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Ivan: Working with family members, healthcare teams, and operations to create all-inclusive solutions for seniors. This can be anything from stabilizing a home, developing a recreational program, or addressing episodic and chronic illness head-on to provide relief. MCW: What is the most challenging part? Ivan: The current healthcare system has left many seniors jaded on how we treat those who are ill and just getting older. When we present the PACE program to them or their caregivers, it takes a while for them to believe and trust us that we will do what we say will are going to do. MCW: Describe what a typical day looks like for you. Ivan: My day begins each with an early morning meeting with the Interdisciplinary Teams to communicate who are getting prepped to be or (not be) enrolled in the PACE Program. This includes scheduling, assessing and counseling family members about the process. Additionally, I will give
presentations and work with other disciplines in counseling them on participant history. Another large part of my day is devoted to marketing the Beacon of LIFE program on TV, web sites, and in the newspaper. MCW: What sets your program apart from others like it? Ivan: Th ere are no programs that follow what the Beacon of LIFE PACE Program offers, which is, “All Inclusive Care” for life. It is a standard that is creating a new trend in healthcare. MCW: What are the benefits of a team approach for senior citizens? Ivan: Th e benefit of having a team approach is a “High Touch, High Delivery” system in providing many services. It delivers better overall care as all disciplines are involved in the participant’s care. Additionally, because we monitor their well-being on a daily basis, we are able to see differences in appearance that allows us to address issues earlier rather than later, thus we are more pro-active in our interventions. MCW: Why do you think PACE participants lead longer lives? Ivan: P ACE covers three broad categories: promoting longevity, optimizing function, and providing excellent palliative care. Our participants receive different approaches depending on the categories. Life expectancy and quality of life issues require an individualized approach for frail adults. It is our goal to meet the participants where they are, one day at a time. We have found that when seniors are kept in their home, dignity is restored and medical issues can be addressed quickly. Studies have shown an increase in their lifespan of over two years. Ivan received his degree in communications from Northeastern University and studied at Liberty University with a focus on political and religious philosophies. He is currently a candidate for a doctorate in counseling and theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, Divinity School. He and his wife have two children and live in Burlington Township. January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Halo Breast Radiation Therapy (HALO) For Breast Cancer Along with conventional treatment plans, our physicians offer Halo Breast Radiation Therapy (Heart And Lung Omitting).
Is treatment uncomfortable? No. The treatments are painless. How will I know that the treatment was effective? Through follow-up visits and examinations, we continue to ensure your well-being into the future. Am I a candidate for this treatment? The majority of breast cancer patients are candidates for HALO. We can evaluate you during an initial consultation and formulate an optimal treatment plan at that time. Will my treatment be covered by my health insurance? Our practice accepts almost all health insurance plans. HALO breast radiation therapy is routinely covered under standard plans. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 732-923-6890.
What is HALO breast radiation therapy? HALO breast radiation therapy is a technique of delivering whole breast radiation therapy with effective removal of the heart and lung from high exposure, which may reduce future risks of heart conditions and breathing problems. Is this radiation different than I would receive at another hospital? The radiation doses to the breast are the same but the technique of delivery of treatments is unique. Treatment length and time are just minutes a day over a four to six week period. Can I work during treatments? Yes. Most patients are able to work throughout the entire treatment course. Our office can accommodate nearly all work schedules.
East Coast Radiation Oncology (ECRO), established in 1996, delivers the most advanced care in radiation therapy for twenty years. We treat all types of cancer with cutting-edge technology in a comfortable environment. Our physicians trained and served as Chief Residents at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, bringing excellent standards of medical care to New Jersey residents. ECRO was the first to offer Image Guided Radiation Therapy in Central New Jersey and host multiple seminars on advances in radiation delivery. We have trained numerous visiting physicians in Tomotherapy and are the exclusive Tomotherapy physician-training center throughout the country. Sang E. Sim, MD Board Certified Radiation Oncologist Co-Medical Director, GammaKnife at Monmouth Medical Center Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Former Chief Resident, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Previous Chief of Radiation Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ NJ Monthly “Top Docs” 2011 and 2015 Member, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Sang E. Sim, MD and Mitchell F. Weiss, MD
Mitchell F. Weiss, MD Board Certified Radiation Oncologist Chairman, Monmouth Medical Center Radiation Oncology Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Former Chief Resident, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center NJ Monthly “Top Docs” 2011 – 2013, 2015 Member, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
The County Woman Magazine
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732-923-6890 January/February 2016
Should I Consider Mediation? What is Mediation? Mediation is the process by which you and your spouse reach an agreement with the help of a mediator. A mediator can be an attorney, mental health professional or financial professional. Even if the mediator is an attorney, the mediator cannot give either you or your spouse legal advice. The mediator should advise you and your spouse to seek your own separate counsel. It is helpful to select a mediator who regularly handles divorce mediation and also has an understanding of divorce law.
What happens in mediation? You and your spouse meet with the mediator. You discuss finances, income, assets and liabilities, alimony and the allocation of debts and assets. If there are children, child support and child custody and a parenting schedule are discussed. The mediator may have you complete a Case Information Statement which sets forth your income, assets and liabilities.
communicate with each other. Once the attorneys for the parties agree on the changes, if any, the parties can sign the agreement.
How many mediation sessions are needed? It really depends on each case. In some cases, the parties reach an agreement on their own and merely seek the mediator to draft a Memorandum of Understanding or a Property Settlement Agreement memorializing the agreement. In other cases, the parties attend several mediation sessions with the mediator until an agreement is reached.
When is the divorce scheduled? Once the Court has all of the appropriate paperwork, a Final Divorce Hearing is scheduled and the parties can be divorced.
What is done once there is a Memorandum of Understanding or a draft Property Settlement Agreement? Each party should take the document to an attorney for attorney review. The attorneys should
When do you file for divorce? Once there is a signed Property Settlement Agreement the Complaint for Divorce can be filed. The other party can file an Answer and Counterclaim. The parties may also file Case Information Statements with the Court.
How much does mediation cost? The mediator usually is paid by the hour and expects to be paid at the end of each session. You will also have to pay for your review attorneys and the costs of filing for divorce.
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January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Treatment for Life-Threatening Brain Aneurysm Has Patient Law Back on Her Feet in No Time
DOCTOR’S HealthORDERS &Wellness Avoid Bridges and Tunnels
Elder Law
Maureen Myers went back to work in the Food Services Department at Manasquan There’s no need to travel to a big city to see a top High School just four after surgery.ntertainment Tweeks heater &E
After the summer, Maureen Myers couldn’t wait to get back to making lunches and manning the cash register as a member of the Food Services Department at Manasquan High School. She’s been working there for 17 years and adores her job.
Her excitement for starting the new school year was dampened over Labor Day weekend. Maureen wasn’t feeling well and soon found herself in Brick Hospital’s emergency room with multiple heart exams being done. All tests were negative – and she was released with the diagnosis of an ulcer. A few days later, she still didn’t feel right … plus now she had a terrible headache.
Maureen went back to the hospital where a CT scan of her head revealed a large brain aneurysm. Immediately, she was transported by ambulance to Jersey Shore Medical Center knowing it could rupture at any moment. Within a few hours, Dr. Pinakin Jethwa, a neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS), and his team were operating on her. “Maureen had a large aneurysm located just behind the left eye,” explains Dr. Jethwa. “An aneurysm is a ballooning of a blood vessel, similar to a bubble on a tire. When an aneurysm this large causes a severe sudden headache, as it did in Maureen’s case, you worry that is has ruptured or is about to rupture. It is essential to get that aneurysm treated right away before bleeding occurs. Traditionally, the treatment was open surgery where we remove the skull and close off the aneurysm with a metal clip. Thankfully, today we have another, minimally invasive, option called coiling.”
neurosurgeon. Now, there’s a nationally renowned expert right here in Neptune.
Fine Art Photography Dr. Pinakin Jethwa, one of the few neurosurgeons nationwide trained in both complex and minimally invasive spine and endovascular surgery, has joined Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS). ANS, New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice, offers cuttingedge treatment options with unparalleled expertise.
So if you’re looking for a vascular, tumor, or spine neurosurgeon, don’t look any further than your own backyard.
Business &Finance For more information about Dr. Jethwa and ANS, visit or call 732.455.8225. Not sure about your insurance coverage? We can help! Ask to speak with our insurance counselor.
Luckily, Maureen’s aneurysm could be treated with coiling. Dr. Jethwa was able to take a catheter from an artery in her leg up to her brain. He was able to place this very small catheter inside the aneurysm and packed it with coils to block it from the inside. Maureen and her family were amazed. There was no head shaving. No need for longterm medication. No visible scars. It was as if nothing had happened. “It took a few weeks to recover completely, and when I returned to work, my colleagues couldn’t believe anything had been wrong with me – let alone the fact that I had been through five hours of surgery,” Maureen shares. “I feel great, and I owe that to Dr. Jethwa; Dean Barone, a physician assistant at ANS; and the Jersey Shore team. They were all reassuring, kind, compassionate, and patient. In fact, the last time I was in the office, I had a clean CT scan. I was so excited – and so grateful – that I hugged Dr. Jethwa. It was the only way I knew how to thank him!” For more information on life-saving treatments for brain aneurysms and ANS, visit or call 732-455-8225.
3700 Route 33 Neptune, NJ 07753 732.455.8225 11 Overlook Road Suite 180 Summit, NJ 07901 908.516.2941 781 Route 15 South Jefferson, NJ 07849 973.729.0266
MCW/OCW December Doctor’s Orders V2 (Jethwa) #1234.indd 1 The Magazine County Woman Magazine The County Woman
310 Madison Avenue Suite 300 Morristown, NJ 07960 973.285.7800 Glenpointe Centre Atrium 400 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 201.530.7035
11/30/15 2:22 PM January/Feb January/February 2016
Adult Day Care
We Care Adult Care Supports Caretakers As Well As Members
resident and a registered nurse with a Masters in nursing administration. “We provide ax and Muriel were married for more than 60 years when he noticed an alternate resource of care and respite. Our society understands the importance her forgetfulness was more than occasional. She asked him to drive her to places she had visited every week for decades. Once fastidious, of day care for our toddlers and puppies, well, our senior citizens can benefit with a similar approach, maintaining their quality of life with stimulating activities, she was now casual about her hygiene. She needed help to make decisions, and she could not be left alone. Dementia was taking away the wife that Max nutritious gourmet meals, nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy loved and while he still enjoyed going to his office a few days a week, that and social services to name a few.” would have to take a backseat to Muriel’s care. She would not hear of an aide Max was able to recover from his illness, return to work a few days a week and feel in her home. The stress of caring for Muriel was taking its toll on Max, and his confident that Muriel was in good hands at We Care Adult Care. He also addressed his health was suddenly in jeopardy, including a bout of pneumonia. concerns and questions by joining a We Care Adult Care support group for caretakers. At We Care Adult Care, a staff of experienced, compassionate professionals Relief arrived in the form of We Care Adult Care, the quality adult day care center including, the Registered Nurse who is present to check blood pressure, sugar levels and conveniently located in Union Square Mall, Route 35, in Middletown, NJ. weight, as well as administrator medication, work in conjunction with the member’s “Max and Muriel’s story is not uncommon,” said Tracey Wolfman, Administrator physician. The Social Worker assists members and their families with financial of We Care Adult Care. “Whether it is the spouse, sibling or children of an adult needing care, the challenges are emotional, financial and logistical. Whether chronically assistance through grants, accessing community resources, assessing members and organizing support groups for their caretakers. ill, suffering from dementia or other limitations, our members receive patience and kindness from our knowledgeable and compassionate staff. While we care for your loved one, you are free to work, shop or pursue your own UPCOMING EVENTS interests without concern. January Visit us on Facebook or at “Not everyone is suitable for or able to afford full-time • Elvis Presley’s Birthday Anniversary Bash home or institutional care,” noted Wolfman, a Middletown • Pizza Party • Tea Party • Outing to a matinee movie
Union Square Mall 552A State Route 35 Red Bank, NJ 07701
February Find Us on Facebook
• Sweetheart DoWop Dance • Superbowl Party • Outing to Middletown Library • Candy Making/Candy Contest
Specialty Cakes & Chocolate Novelties
Nothing Says, “I Love You” On Valentine’s Day Like Chocolate! It’s hard to think about Valentine’s Day without thinking about all the delicious chocolates that go with it. Here at Chocolate Carousel we love Valentine’s Day because we have the opportunity to be creative while spreading love and joy with our handcrafted treats. This year, like in the past, Chocolate Carousel will be featuring our unique, “all-chocolate” heart box filled with assorted chocolates. The entire box is edible and hand painted so that each one is different. These can be personalized with a name or message of love as well. Don’t forget to get creative with your Valentine’s ideas. Unique gifts show that you put some thought into it and really care! Another creative idea we love is our Chocolate Dipped Wine bottles. You bring the wine or champagne in and we will dip the bottle in the chocolate of your choice. Wine pairing is trendy and this makes a unique and beautiful gift. Below are some of the chocolate related questions I received this month. Hopefully these will inspire you during the Valentine’s season!
Life’s Short... Eat Dessert First!
• Valentine’s Gifts • Specialty Cakes • Wedding Cakes • Dessert Tonight • Gourmet Stuffed Cupcakes • Pastries, Pies & Cookies • Hand-dipped Chocolate • Novelty Candy • Gifts, Gift Baskets & Favors • Chocolate Fountain
How much Chocolate is sold on Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day is a serious chocolate holiday. Let’s face it; the chocolate heart box has become a symbol of the day. Worldwide nearly 58 million pounds of chocolate are sold during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. At our store we sell over 100 pounds of chocolate covered strawberries between the day before and Valentines Day.
What does tempering mean and what is the best way to temper chocolate at home? Tempering chocolate is a process of heating and cooling chocolate to a precise temperature in order to keep the fat solids in the cocoa from separating out. Tempering machines are the best way to temper chocolate. However, for tempering chocolate at home without a tempering machine can be done. The best way is to heat 2/3 of the chocolate over a double boiler. Remove the chocolate from the heat and add the remaining 1/3 chocolate pieces stirring frequently until all the chocolate is melted and smooth. Tempered chocolate will appear glossy and have a nice snap when bitten.
The County Woman Magazine
Chocolate Carousel is an old-fashioned bakery and sweet shop featuring homemade specialty cakes for all occasions, desserts, hand-dipped chocolates and novelties located in Wall, NJ. 2510 Belmar Blvd., Colfax Plaza • Wall, NJ 732-280-0606 Voted Best Bakery In Monmouth County For 5 Years In A Row!
Lisa Porada, Owner January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
New Discount IVF Program Helps Wounded Veterans Start Families
he current ban on the Veteran’s Administration (VA) to provide medically-indicated infertility coverage for veterans has long been called “antiquated and unconscionable” by many in the American healthcare community, particularly among fertility doctors, who are now vocalizing their frustration with Congress’ apparent inability to provide proper care for our veterans. Dr. Allen Morgan of Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine says, “The Senate has passed legislation to remedy this devastatingly unfair situation. But, Congress has consistently failed to complete the process due to partisan gridlock. So, we’re calling on Congress to lift the statutory prohibition on the VA to cover IVF for our veterans when medically indicated.” He adds, “In the meantime, we are not just going to stand by and do nothing to help,” says Dr. Morgan. “We’re taking matters into our own hands to offer these young men and women the chance at having a family of their own. We are committed to provide IVF services to our veterans at a deeply discounted price,” says Dr. Morgan. When asked about the timing of the program, Dr Morgan says, “Many of our service members
are coming home injured by IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) during combat or rendered otherwise unable to have a family of their own. Injuries from IED’s are particularly devastating. It is the least we can do to express our gratitude for their service and sacrifice.” Representatives of several Veterans Service organizations have publicly rejoiced in the “Serving Our Veterans” program. Wounded Warrior Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Vietnam Veterans of America and Paralyzed Veterans of America are just a few who have recently put out press releases praising participating fertility doctors. All expressed hopes this program will help veterans transition out of the military by giving them back the basic ability to start a family and move on with their lives. Dr. Morgan says he’s proud to spearhead this initiative in New Jersey and warns that not all fertility practices are participating. Service members and their families living in New Jersey who find themselves struggling to start a family due to service related wounds, injuries and illnesses should contact Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine for a free consultation in order to learn more about this pioneering program.
Concierge Fertility Care
Call Today (732) 361.2252 Lakewood . Ocean . Old Bridge . NYC
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Lightbridge Academy: “The Solution For Working Parents” Lightbridge Academy of Freehold is a new educational childcare facility that opened late September. What started as a family owned business in 1997 turned into a franchise in 2011 as Lightbridge Academy “Innovators in Educational Childcare”. Freehold owners Vito and Vita Maria Rizzo, and Anthony and Nicole Hulak chose to become a part of Lightbridge Academy because of their belief in strong family values, educational values and love of children. Lightbridge Academy is “The Solution For Working Parents”. We offer year round programs for Infants through PreKindergarten. We understand how stressful parents feel when leaving their child in someone else’s care. To help reduce their stress, we aim to go above and beyond to meet the needs of the parents and children by offering services to help support them as they become part of our family and we become part of theirs.
Our Circle of Care, Core Values and our technology are what sets us apart from other childcare centers. We provide a balance of a high educational programs and nurturing care. Within our Circle of Care, the community, parents, owners and staff each play an important role in the child’s development. Our Core Values (C-H-I-L-DR-E-N) are the guiding principles for how each center is led. These values help to create our high level of care within our center. Lightbridge Academy follows a curriculum called “Seedlings”. It is designed for infants,
toddlers and preschool children to achieve key developmental milestones through a detailed scope and sequence for each age group. The focus is on the whole child, as well as the individual child. The curriculum includes enrichment programs for Music, Spanish and American Sign Language, all while promoting play, connection, interaction and discovery. In our centers, there are interactive whiteboards, iPads and developmentally appropriate software, which also enhance our stimulating environment. We have two other features in our centers that we are excited to share: ParentView® Internet Monitoring System and our parent e-Communication App. These two systems help keep parents connected to their child while being away from them. ParentView® is one of the most popular features that is offered in our centers: with cameras in each classroom and the playground, parents can view their child via a secure internet connection. Grandparents can also be part of the ParentView® connection.
Lightbridge Academy of Freehold is located at 1 Schlechtweg Way in Freehold (on Route 537, Main Street). Call or come visit us for a tour of our center. Our hours are 7:00 am to 6:30 pm daily; telephone number is 732-303-9600.
Vito, Vita Maria, Nicole and Tony are eager to make a difference in their community. Early education is more than a business; it helps to share and transform lives of children. It’s a business that makes a difference in many lives; for our parents, for our children, for our staff, and they are very proud to be a part of this journey.
1 Schlechtweg Way, Freehold
County Woman Exclusive Coupon
Did You see? The NJ School of Massage is offering exclusive New Years savings!
$500 OFF Tuition Expires 2/29/2016.
For more information, see page 42.
The County Woman Magazine
917-5 North Main St. Toms River, NJ 732-505-0055 January/February 2016
Start The New Year With A Fresh, New Look Written by: Darwin Munoz, Color Specialist
s the New Year begins and the winter months approach, we at Hair and Company Oasis Spa, do not want you to forget how important it is to keep your locks fresh and bold. The cold months can be quite harsh on your hair, as it has become more porous making it more susceptible to damage. During this time, your hair is the most important accessory and that is why at Hair and Company we offer a variety of quick services that will have your hair flowing for the entire season.
IGORA COLOR10 is ideal for full-growth and touch-up services, as well as global applications on short to medium length hair, achieving the same result as a standard permanent coloration-all with just a 10-minute development time. By a client using the innovative Amino Acid Carrier Technology, IGORA COLOR10 delivers beautiful color results, perfect coverage and outstanding care that will last all throughout the winter. BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT, the only smoothing treatment that can be customized, instantly repairs, seals and protects ends. Known for significantly reducing drying and styling time for up to 12 weeks, a major benefit of this treatment is that there is no “down” time. This means you can leave the salon and immediately wash your hair, exercise, put it in a stylish ponytail or clip without having to wait days to do so. Lastly, the Brazilian Blowout works wonderful for clients with curly hair that want to minimize frizz but keep the appearance of the natural wave/curl. The seven professional hair stylists at Hair and Company would love to give you an individualized, fabulous look. Schedule an appointment with one of these professionals today!
IGORA VIBRANCE and IGORA VIBRANCE gloss and tone are a high-end tone-on-tone collaboration, which evolve beautifully over time with a minimized re-growth effect. This ammonia-free multi-layer technology provides fresh and intense colors with irresistible shine that is perfect for the dreary, winter months. The highlights of this gloss include clear shine, up to 70 percent white hair coverage, high intensity volume, vibrant, expressive fashion tones, a 25 minute processing time, and lasts up to 25 washes. This type of gloss is perfect for fashion lovers, color shy clients, ammonia refusers, and shine lovers!
Call 732-747-6983
YOU DESERVE THE TOTAL TREATMENT Full service salon for him and her!
Scan Here to View Website Schwarzkopf HairCare
• Ammonia-Free Color
• Hair Extensions
• Innovative Cuts
• Corrective Hair Color
• Keratin Hair Treatment
• Waxing
• Hair for Day or Evening
• Brazilian Blowout™
& Special Events
Smoothing Treatment
Joann Wiener, Owner
Celebrating 40 Years in Business! 732.747.6983 Stephy’s Place: A Network Of Support At Stephy’s Place, a non-profit 501(c)3 Support Center for Grief and Loss, we understand the trauma, fear, confusion, and loneliness you feel when you lose a loved one. You are not alone. At Stephy’s Place we offer a network of support, built by people who have lived through the same experience. We believe in the power of Healing in Community. Located at 210 West Front Street, Red Bank, in the Swede Chevalier building, Stephy’s Place is currently offering 10 peer support groups, as well as monthly mindfulness meditation sessions, all free of charge. Current groups include: coping with the loss of a spouse, child, parent or sibling, and helping survivors deal with the loss of a loved one due to addiction. We also plan to offer groups to help people cope with Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), divorce and loss due to suicide. Please contact us if you are interested. For more information including a schedule of weekly groups, please visit us at, on our Stephy’s Place Facebook page, or call us at 732.614.1142.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Meet The Stylists
The Professionals At Hair & CO. Will Transform You Joann Wiener Owner, Hair & Co. Fourty years later, I am still excited and passionate in leading my hairstylists to perform their craft at their most optimum level. We know that your hair is your “crowning glory” – a sign to the world of your style, health and attitude. Healthy locks are better achieved through appropriate hair care products and regular haircuts. To that end, the relationship between stylist and client is helpful in achieving those goals.
Darwin Munoz As a certified technical advisor for Schwarzkopf Professionals, I’ve always strived for higher education in the art of color and cut. I began my training at the Paul Mitchell Academy in New York City, also with Vidal Sassoon. With my skills as a color specialist, I’m able to create the perfect color combination for my clients with amazing results. To maintain your healthy hair, I always emphasize a proper home hair color care routine to my clients. I recommend using our Schwarzkopf Pro BC Bonacure Color Free shampoo and conditioner. The combination of these products will guarantee 70% color retention.
Denise Cruz My passion for hair color and design spans over 20 years. I will find just the right cut, color and style that complement your personality and appearance. I’ve trained with Schwarzkopf Professional, Redkin Exchange, Martin Parson, L’Oreal Professional, Paul Mitchell and Logic and Goldwell Lines. If you have ever been told that you don’t have the hair to wear a certain style due to lack of hair, length or volume, call me. I am certified in Hot Heads Hair Extensions and will give you the confidence and style that is great for special occasions or for a total new look. You can trust me to use only non-damaging products that provide volume, length and dynamic color easily.
Tiffany Colelli Looking for a fresh blonde color for your hair? Call me to create the multi-dimensional color look from the base of your hair through the ends. I have 18 years experience as a professional in the industry. My specialized training is from the industry giants like Redken, Goldwell, Matrix and Schwarzkopf professionals. My passion is with innovative foil techniques in blonding. I keep my inspirations and trendsetting visions for my client’s hair current by attending classes by professional color companies.
Professionals, Goldwell, Paul Mitchell, Vidal Sassoon, and Pivot Point. In addition, I am certified in keratin complex kertin treatments. Keratin Complex’s signature keratin works effectively on all hair types. My skills with my precision haircuts guarantee my client a cut that can be easily replicated again. With the proper design an attention to detail, the architecture of every cut is what makes the colors stand out in a precision haircut!
Michele K. Lawson As a specialist in hair color and multidimensional color, I highly recommend the latest in hair color trends, Ombre’or Balayage highlights. Balayage is applied on the surface and not saturated through the section until the very tips of the hair. With the Balayage, I will be able to place the color to suit your skin tone so it’ll look amazing and really light up your features. You can go bold, soft, colorful or natural with endless color choices with Ombre’. Ombre’ hair colors are a great way to have a low maintenance look that doesn’t sacrifice style! Both of these techniques allow my clients to enjoy the latest trend in hair color without the commitment of the traditional highlighting. You will not be a slave to your roots with either of these latest techniques. I have over 26 years experience as a master colorist for corrective and multi-dimensional color and is also certified in the latest smoothing treatments. Both the Ombre’ and Balayage techniques can be done in traditional blonde highlights, fashions shades or a multiple of natural colors from reds to browns. There are so many options available to our clients in the latest color trends!
Kristin Robertson I’ve always had a passion for styling hair and once my two children were in school, I attended and gradated from The Hair Design School in Ocean Township, NJ in 2010. In addition, I’ve attended barbering classes, and am certified with Brazilian Blowouts. Brazilian Blowout is a professional smoothing treatment, which is the most innovative and effective in the world. If you want to get rid of your split ends, but don’t want to cut your hair, you can instantly repair, strengthen, seal and protect your ends in only 10 minutes with the Brazilian Blowout Split Ends Repair Treatment. You will have smooth, frizzfree hair with a radiant shine that will last up to four weeks. Lastly, I specialize in dimensional foil work and color that will look great with your smooth shiny hair!
12-14 White Street, Red Bank, NJ
Karen Liquori My specialty and passion is precision haircuts, followed by foil work, highlights, glaze and single process coloring. With over 30 years experience in the industry, my ongoing training has been with the professionals Redken, Schwarzkopf
Photos by Annette Jenkins Photography.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Fashion & Beauty
The Latest Chic Styles at Lynne’s Fashion Boutique
As we welcome 2016 let’s bring the New Year in with positivity—that we all enjoy good health, prosperity and a joyous year. One way to bring an instant lift to your selfesteem is to purchase something new for yourself now that the holidays and gift giving is complete. Whether you need casual attire or are ready to celebrate a special occasion, Lynne’s Fashion Boutique has the perfect selection from which to choose. Now arriving are our resort and early spring collections. We are constantly receiving new fashions that you will not find in department stores. When customers allow our knowledgeable staff to select choices for them to try, they are amazed that the items look so different and wonderful on them. Come in and create a wish list for Valentine’s Day— it will be here before you know it! We carry beautiful jewelry and accessories in addition to our clothing. Be sure to visit our website to sign up for our informative newsletter and be the first to know about our pop-up sales. My staff and I look forward to seeing you soon. Best wishes,
Lynne Goldberg 732-530-5443
Winter Hours: Monday CLOSED Tues-Fri 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Sunday CLOSED
31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ
Where creative storytelling meets beautiful cinematography
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Business Spotlight
Lynne Goldberg Offers Distinctive Fashion Sense
and will enhance our clothing and make a If you are looking for a one-of a kind statement. Working as a team between our shopping experience then a visit to staff and our customers, you’ll leave the bouLynne’s Fashion Boutique is a must. tique feeling good about yourself and satisfied Lynne will provide you with the personwith your purchases.” al attention often lacking at department stores. She and her knowledgeable team One thing you are guaranteed when you are skilled at dressing all body types and visit Lynne’s Fashion Boutique is special attenthey have a wonderful seamstress if any tion. She adds, “When you come here, we do adjustments are necessary. She adds, “My all the work so you can enjoy yourself. We do staff and I are familiar with the fits and the zipping and the hanging up. You just do designs and often make great suggestions. the trying on.” We’re told time and time again that the items we suggest for the customer would Lynne Goldberg has always had a pasnever have been chosen on her own. The reason is because sion for fashion. She adds, “ I began in the fashion industry many styles lack hanger appeal but look great on the body.” by selling accessories with girlfriends which then expanded to include clothing. When my friends chose to leave the Lynne takes pride in her ability to dress women of all ages and sizes, whether it’s for a special evening or a casual business I ventured out alone, moving the business to Little Silver where I have been located for the past 18 years.” afternoon. Although her boutique carries casual clothing, Lynne grew up in Monmouth County and after graduating she specializes in beautiful Mother-of-the-Bride/Groom college, getting married and having children, she chose to gowns. “I research the latest trends by attending fashion be a stay at home mom. Both her sons are now happily trade shows and showrooms in New York City, but I nevmarried to lovely women who have blessed her with 3 er forget to include the classic styles. I seek out unique, well-made clothing, handbags, jewelry and accessories not beautiful grandchildren. found in your local department stores,” she adds. For Lynne, there is no better feeling than when a Lynne has a knack for finding items with fabrics that customer is pleased with her purchase and tells friends feel good and are comfortable to wear. When you come and family about her shopping experience. into the store, you’ll be surprised at the large selection of Come on in and see for yourself how special Lynne’s designers in both casual and evening attire. Lynne adds, Fashion Boutique really is! “I also look for jewelry and accessories that are unusual Lynne Goldberg, Owner of Lynne's Fashion Boutique, has been in the women's retail clothing business since 1989, and her boutique has evolved and changed along with the times. Specializing in Mother of the Bride or Groom attire, she also carries a wide selection of casuals, sportswear and accessories that will allow you to dress well and feel comfortable-for everyday or any occasion.
We Carry Sizes 2 to 20!
A wonderful selection of: Evening attire including gowns and mother of the bride and groom dresses Fabulous jewelry • Sportswear • Belts and accessories • Handbags • And much more!
31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ • 732-530-5443 • Winter Hours: Monday CLOSED • Tues-Fri 10:30 am - 5:30 pm • Sat 10:30 am - 4:30 pm • Sunday CLOSED
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Spotlight on Attorney Pamela A. Mulligan, Esq.
BAnsell Grimm & Aaron B
efore Pam Mulligan joined the law firm of Ansell Grimm & Aaron she had a successful career as a business development executive, working on national marketing programs for some of the nation’s largest entertainment, media, and non-profit organizations. She has established herself as a trusted partner to businesses, banks and individuals by helping them navigate challenges and establish new relationships. “I provide counsel to businesses and individuals who are financially challenged, partner with lenders and other creditors on finalizing business and banking relationships, and assist in working out issues those businesses have with their clients, including the collection of debt,” she adds. Pamela also helps businesses to grow by working on establishing their brand, researching the competition, and working with them to secure their trademark and/or copyright. MCW: How did you become involved in this field? BPam: I went into law to further my career as a business development executive, which spanned 15 years. I attended law school in the evening while working full-time. While challenging, it enabled me to strengthen my skills including writing and communications. After practicing law for eight years, primarily as counsel for a large bank, I married my love of business development and marketing with law by building a practice counseling businesses and individuals, and leading the marketing efforts of the Ansell Grimm & Aaron Law Firm. MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? BPam: Lawyers can make their careers as varied as they wish. Some enjoy working with people or litigating matters in court, while others enjoy doing research. For me, the most rewarding part is connecting with people whether they are a president of a company, the CEO of a bank, or an individual wishing to file for bankruptcy. Listening to their needs and developing a plan of action with clients is very satisfying. MCW: What is the most challenging? BPam: The most challenging part is fitting everything into a 24-hour day. From producing a quality legal product, attending business development events, meeting with clients, being involved in the community, and having a busy family, it is challenging to say the least. However, thanks to smart phones and other technologies, it has made being available when your clients and family need you much easier.
MCW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind? BPam: The most memorable case that I had was a matter in which I represented several artists who licensed their artwork to major manufacturers for use on various products. The artwork was modified ever so slightly to avoid paying the artists their commissions. This was a “David & Goliath” situation where the artists needed a strong advocate to recover their commissions for their creative works. My work resulted in a favorable outcome for the artists with their commissions being paid. MCW: Tell us about the copyright & trademark section of your practice. How long does it typically take to obtain a trademark? BPam: While it varies, a trademark applicant will receive a filing receipt almost immediately after filing. Typically, within three months from that time an initial response will be received from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, filing can take much longer depending on any legal issues that may arise during the process. Pam graduated with a dual Bachelor of Arts degree in Television, Radio, and Film Management from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and Political Science from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She followed that with a Master of Arts degree in Corporate and Public Communications from Seton Hall University, and a law degree from Seton Hall Law School. She is involved in many legal and charitable associations and groups. In 2015, Pam was nominated as Secretary of the Burlington County Bar Association and will serve as an Officer of the Burlington County Bar Association. Pam and her husband Jim have a five-year old son, as well as two dogs and a cat. When she is not working she enjoys attending her son’s sporting events and cheering on the “Orangemen” from her Alma Mater.
For more information: 1500 Lawrence Ave., Ocean, NJ 07712 732.922.1000 210 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 07712
365 Rifle Camp Road Woodland Park, NJ 07424
140 Grand St., Suite 501 White Plains, NY 10601
41 University Dr., Suite 400 Newtown, PA 18940
MCW: What are the most common issues you see in your profession? BPam: I think that individuals see lawyers (misrepresented) as very adversarial to their clients and each other. However, being an effective advocate does not require being argumentative 24/7. Most lawyers work together in a collegial fashion and communicate promptly with their clients. Leaving the issues behind in the courtroom (and boardroom) is a critical part of the profession. The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
“ Why Did I Get Cancer, Doc? ” Submitted by Sarah J. Easaw, MD, FACP
h is is a question I hear at least once a day. Whether it is Mark,
who was diagnosed with leukemia at age 45, or Marge, who was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 80, or Mary, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her thirties, they all have the same question, ultimately:
“Why me? Why did I get cancer? How long did I have it? What could I have done to prevent it?” The answer is not simple. Scientists have been researching for decades to find the answer to this question. In fact, there is no one simple explanation to why one person developed cancer, while another person in the same environment and genetic background may not develop it in his or her lifetime. But scientists have found links between certain things and the development of cancer. It is known that cancer is caused by changes in one’s DNA. DNA is a component of the nuclei in the cells. When the DNA is damaged somehow, it makes the cells multiply in abundant numbers. Usually, abnormal cells that are made in the body are destroyed by the body’s own defense mechanism, a process called ‘apoptosis’ or programmed cell death. When there is a defect in apoptosis, cells accumulate and become tumors. The damage to the DNA can be caused by several factors. There are some changes or mutations that are inherited and are present from birth, which can later make a person susceptible for cancer. Only a small percentage of cancers
develop this way. In the majority of cases, certain environmental factors play a major role. Some factors that play a role in the development of cancer are: • Lifestyle factors (nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity, etc.) • Naturally occurring exposures (ultraviolet light, radon gas, infectious agents, etc.) • Medical treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, immune system-suppressing drugs, etc.) • Workplace exposures • Household exposures • Pollution Substances and exposures that can lead to cancer are called carcinogens. Some carcinogens do not affect DNA directly, but lead to cancer in other ways. For example, they may cause cells to divide at a faster than normal rate, which could increase the chances that DNA changes will occur. Carcinogens do not cause cancer in every case, all the time. Substances labeled as carcinogens may have different levels of cancer-causing potential. Some may cause cancer only after prolonged, high levels of exposure. And for any particular person, the risk of developing cancer depends on many factors, including how they are exposed to a carcinogen, the length and intensity of the exposure, and the person’s genetic makeup. There are several substances that are proven to be carcinogens. Still others are felt to be involved with a high risk for cancer, but their role is not substantially proven. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a part of the World Health
Organization (WHO) that works on identifying causes of cancer. IARC classifies potential carcinogens into five different groups, depending on the level of evidence that links each to the cancer. Some of the known Group 1 carcinogens are: alcohol, afflatoxins, benzene, coal tar, hepatitis C virus, radioactive materials, tobacco smoking, etc. A detailed list of the carcinogens is available on the American Cancer Society’s website, Even though exposure to carcinogens increases the chance of developing cancer, a variety of other factors also play a role. While most of it is beyond our control, there are some things which a person can do to reduce their chance of getting cancer. 1. Practice a healthy lifestyle and good dietary habits. Eat more fruits and vegetables and lower the amount of fatty foods. 2. Exercise daily. 3. Avoid obesity. 4. Quit smoking. 5. Avoid excessive alcohol use. 6. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight. Use protective sunscreen. 7. Get regular medical check-ups for screening. This includes screening mammogram, PAP smear, colonoscopy, chest CT in heavy smokers, and dermatology evaluation for screening against skin cancer.
Visit Scan Here!
Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders We offer a full range of Hematology & Oncology services.
1255 Route 70, 31S Near Exit 88 on GSP
Lakewood, NJ 08701
732.961.0010 Accepts Most Insurances. Affiliated with Kimball Medical Center and Community Hospital Access to Clinical Trials.
We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer care in a warm and personalized manner. Our newly renovated, spacious infusion room provides a peaceful and friendly atmosphere to patients while they receive chemotherapy and other infusions. We have a highly qualified, experienced and compassionate staff.
Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP Diplomate of the American Board of Hematology, Oncology & Internal Medicine
Compassionate Care, Close to Home
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Understanding Prostate Cancer
rostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America, affecting 1 in 7 men. Approximately 233,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014, and more than 29,000 men died from the disease. One new case occurs every 2.3 minutes and a man dies from prostate cancer every 18 minutes. A non-smoking man is more likely to develop prostate cancer than he is to develop colon, bladder, melanoma, lymphoma and kidney cancers combined. In fact, the latest statistics reveal that a man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with breast cancer. As serious as prostate cancer can be, however, most men diagnosed with it do not die from it. In fact, more than 2.5 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today.
African American men are 60% more likely to develop prostate cancer compared with Caucasian and Hispanic men and nearly 2.5 times more likely to die from the disease. As men increase in age, their risk of developing prostate cancer increases. Approximately 1 in 10,000 under the age of 40 will be diagnosed; the majority of prostate cancer is found in men 65 or older. Men with a single first-degree relative—father, brother, or son—with a history of prostate cancer are twice as likely to develop the disease, while those with two or more relatives are nearly four times as likely to be diagnosed.
How curable is prostate cancer?
Because nearly 90% of all prostate cancer is detected in the local and regional stages, the cure rate for prostate cancer is very high—nearly 100% of men diagnosed at this stage will be disease-free after five years. This is largely due to advancements in healthcare. By contrast, in the 1970s, only 67% of men diagnosed with local or regional prostate cancer were disease-free after five years.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
RISK FACTORS FOR PROSTATE CANCER Race, age and family history all affect the In the earliest stages, most men with prostate likelihood of a man being diagnosed with the cancer will not experience any symptoms. Some disease. HOWELL Parvez Mahmood, MD, FACS 2364 Route 9 South Howell, NJ 07731 Mukaram Gazi, MD, FACS
Alexander Gotesman, MD
Michael Nazmy Jr., MD
HAMILTON 1374 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Rd. Hamilton, NJ 08690 TOMS RIVER 20 Hospital Drive Toms River, NJ 08755
men, however, will experience frequent, hesitant, or burning urination, difficulty in having an erection, or pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips or upper thighs. Because these symptoms can also indicate the presence of other diseases or disorders, we do a thorough “work-up” of each patient to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.
How do you screen and treat prostate cancer?
We screen for prostate cancer by doing a prostate-specific antigen blood test (PSA) and a digital rectal exam (DRE - often referred to as a “prostate exam”). If there are any abnormal findings, a biopsy will be recommended to make a definitive diagnosis. Prostate cancer treatments vary from one individual to another. Once a patient is diagnosed, his treatment can be tailored to his specific needs.
University Urology Associates of New Jersey was established in 2003 and it proud to be serving Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean counties. Our mission is to be a solutions-based practice, maximizing the value of the service we deliver our patients with commitment to excellence, integrity, and treatment.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Concussion: Young Athletes and Head Trauma one hour but just because they feel better does not mean they are better. Some symptoms can return in 2-5 days.
Approximately 3.8 million concussions occur annually in US sports. The media has recently begun paying more attention to the effects of repeated concussions suffered by professional athletes, particularly in the National Football League. These concerns have been highlighted by the lawsuit 2,000 former professional football players filed against the NFL, which claims the League withheld information related to the long-term effects of repeated head trauma. Repeated concussions can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI), which has been linked to severe neurologic disorders, mental decline, anxiety, and depression—which can lead to suicide. Appropriately, there is increasing popular support for protecting our young athletes from such injuries.
Some institutions have their student athletes take a computer or written standardized test in the preseason. These tests examine neurocognitive function including memory, attention, brain processing speed, reaction time, and post-concussion symptoms. Returning to play may be considered once their scores return to their preseason baseline.
What about imaging?
What is a concussion?
Imaging is an excellent way to detect injuries that may require immediate medical therapy or surgery. In the emergency setting, a CT of the brain is the best method to exclude a skull fracture or bleeding in the brain. An MRI of the brain is better for evaluating long-term effects of possible injury and evaluating an athlete who has prolonged concussion symptoms. Unfortunately, we cannot actually see a concussion on any modality nor can we see if a patient is fully recovered from a concussion. However, with advancing technology, exciting new imaging is being created that may be available to allow us to see how brain functionality is affected by mild trauma.
It is important to note that these injuries are not just in football. It can happen to girls or boys in any contact sport. It is important for our young athletes to compete and have fun but it is more important to have proper education and treatments in place to make sports safer for our children and grandchildren.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which alters the way our brain functions. It is caused by a blow to the head or a blow to the body which causes the head and brain to violently move back and forth. The brain can swell, which can cause electrical and metabolic disruptions.
Why are concussions dangerous?
Most concussions are mild and result in full recovery. People who receive a concussion are more susceptible to having additional concussions. Many times it takes less force to have a second or third concussion. It is very important to let the brain heal fully. If an athlete returns to the sport too early and receives additional concussions, it can lead to serious long-term mental issues, irreversible brain damage, and possibly death.
How do I recognize a concussion?
Contrary to popular belief, most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness. Symptoms can be subtle. These include headache, nausea/ vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion and feeling groggy. A coach or parent may notice the athlete moves clumsily, appears dazed, cannot concentrate or follow instructions, answers questions slowly, has personality changes, and cannot recall events prior to or after the injury.
What should we do if a concussion is suspected? Immediately remove the athlete from play. The athlete should promptly be evaluated by a health care professional, and they should abstain from play until they are symptom-free for at least one week. An athlete can feel better in less than
Visit As always, contact our office where our staff will be more than happy to assist you.
About The Author...
Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is an Ocean County native who attended kindergarten through twelfth grade in Toms River. He is a graduate of Temple University Medical School and completed his radiology residency at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Khorrami completed a Cross Sectional Imaging Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has returned to Toms Ricer to work with his family as Medical Director of Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center.
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January/February 2016
Tel: 732-244-0777 • Fax: 732-244-1428
5 The County Woman Magazine
Medical Professionals
The Dreaded Bowel Preparation For A Colonoscopy… How Bad Can It Actually Be? Written by Jill Collier, MD Medical Director, Endoscopy Center of Toms River
our doctor has informed you that you need to have a colonoscopy. It may be for a routine screening due to your age or to investigate a problem, but regardless you know the dreaded bowel preparation will be needed. You may have heard horror stories from your friends and family and often it is the thought of the bowel preparation, which stops patients from having this needed test. It is important for you to know that there are many preparation options and adjustments in timing that have made the bowel preparation for today’s colonoscopy much improved over that of the past.
Why do I need a Bowel Preparation?
The intent of the bowel preparation for colonoscopy is to remove all debris and stool from the colon so that your physician can have the clearest possible view of the colon. Any stool left in the colon will hinder your doctor’s ability to see small polyps and may lead to the need to repeat the exam.
Will I need to starve before the test?
Starving is not required but you will be limited to fluids only for about 24 hours before your exam. These fluids do have nutrition and taste. You are allowed to drink water, broth, coffee, tea, Gatorade, fruit juices, soda, ice pops and Jell-O. No red fluids should be taken. There should be no pulp or sediment in the liquids. A small amount of milk added to your coffee or tea is allowed, as are sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Will I have to drink a nasty tasting laxative to prepare?
There are multiple methods to cleanse the colon and the majority doesn’t have a bad taste. Which preparation is chosen may vary depending on your health and your doctor’s preference. MiraLax laxative is a colorless powder that can be dissolved into any fluid without leaving any taste or grit. Citrate of Magnesia is a salt solution, which can be diluted with other liquids to make it more palatable. Flavored buffered solutions like Golytely can also be utilized by prescription. Lastly the pill prep, Osmo-prep, can be taken in select individuals without any history of high blood pressure, kidney disease or seizures.
When will I have to drink the laxatives and can I work that day?
The timing of your preparation will vary with your scheduled arrival time, your doctor’s preference and your individual health needs. Typically for procedures scheduled before noon you will begin your preparation when you awaken the morning the day before your exam, starting your liquid diet with breakfast and taking the first dose of laxative about 10 am. For those patients with a procedure scheduled later in the day you may have what is called split dose prep. This allows you to have a solid breakfast the day before your exam and start your liquids at lunchtime. You will begin the laxative component of your preparation at 5 pm the day before the exam and you will awaken early on the day of your procedure to complete the second half of your laxative preparation. With the split dose prep you can easily work the day before your colonoscopy.
When do I stop drinking liquids?
Finally, you should realize that although the bowel preparation may not be the easiest part of your exam, it is certainly one of the most important. Your doctor and their staff are there to ensure that the preparation chosen is the right one for you and that you complete it properly, so that the important and needed colonoscopy can be completed as effortlessly as possible.
Jill Collier, MD, Medical Director, Endoscopy Center of Toms River
Finally, because you will be receiving anesthesia for your examination, your stomach must be empty of all fluid and food for at least four to six hours prior to the exam. Those patients with a morningscheduled procedure are not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the exam. Those with procedures scheduled after 1 pm, are not to drink or eat anything after completing their morning laxative.
What if I have questions or I take medications?
It is very important that you read all your directions thoroughly. Your doctor and their nurses and office staff are available to answer any questions. Your doctor will instruct you about which medications to take and which to hold. Diabetic medications may be adjusted, but typically blood pressure, heart or seizure medications are taken as usual. Some medications, like blood thinners may be held for up to a week before your procedure and some preps need to be prepared the night before so look at your directions before your scheduled date.
The Endoscopy Center of Ocean County • The Endoscopy Center of Toms River
Patient Tesimonials:
“Staff here always receptive, pleasant and caring, including Dr. Collier, as always! Everyone was very attentive and efficient. It was my first time using Dulcolax and Miralax prep. It was easy to take and worked VERY well!” Jane, 64, Brick “The medical staff was excellent. Dr. Collier has a great bedside manner and explained things very clearly. All staff double-checked and confirmed all of my information before the procedure. Very professional.” Jeff, 49, Forked River “It was and is a real blessing to be handled by such a competent staff. Love Dr. Collier- she is awesome. Adrienne, 74, Jackson
Hospital Privileges at Community & Ocean Medical Centers
“I was treated very well by all. In comparison to other facilities (by word of mouth with coworkers), my experience was easier than others. Thanks to Dr. Collier and staff. Dorothy, 63, Bayville
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Meet the Doctors of Gastroenterologists of Ocean County Allan Cohen, MD
Doctor Allan Cohen is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He attended Medical School at the SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn (formerly Downstate Medical Center) and completed his Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology training at State University-Kings County Hospital in New York. Doctor Cohen is highly skilled and has extensive experience and has performed over 30,000 gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures. Doctor Cohen served as Chairman of the Gastroenterology Subsection at Community Medical Center in Toms River, NJ. Dr. Cohen enjoys gardening, fine wines, and collecting sports memorabilia.
Jill Collier, MD
Doctor Jill Collier is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where she was Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude. She attended medical school at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan where she was elected to the honor society, Alpha Omega Alpha. Her medical residency was also completed at Mt. Sinai. Her Gastroenterology fellowship was completed at Montefiore Hospital/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She received extensive training in all aspects of Gastroenterology and has performed over 20,000 procedures. She has been chosen as one of “America’s Top Physicians” annually since 2007. Doctor Collier is currently Medical Director of the Endoscopy Center of Toms River . She was chairperson of the Division of Gastroenterology at Community Medical Center from 2010-2104. Doctor Collier and her husband Douglas have two children. She enjoys skiing, reading, travelling and being involved with her children’s activities.
Omar Tamimi, MD
Doctor Omar Tamimi joined Dr. Cohen in 1992. He is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He is a graduate of Rutgers University and University of St. George’s Medical School. His medical training was completed at Seton Hall University, St. Joseph’s hospital, Patterson, NJ. Since completing his medical training he has performed over 25,000 endoscopic procedures and has vast experience in all aspects of the practice of Gastroenterology. Doctor Tamimi had been a member of the executive committee at Kimball Medical Center since 2003 and served as the Chief of the Medical Staff from 2007-2009. Doctor Tamimi and his wife Patty have three children with whom they are very involved. Doctor Tamimi enjoys outdoor sports, coaching Toms River Little League, vacationing and spending time with his family and is a big fan of Rutgers sports teams and Bruce Springsteen.
Edgar Bigornia, MD
Doctor Edgar Bigornia is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He is a graduate of Brandeis University and attended Medical School at SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn (Downstate) in New York. His Internal Medicine training was completed at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and he served as a Chief Medical Resident at Booth Memorial Hospital. His Gastroenterology fellowship was at New York Medical College. He is the recipient of the Lawlor Award for the best scientific paper submitted by a fellow at the American College of Gastroenterology meeting. He previously practiced in Poughkeepsie, NY. He enjoys outdoor sports with his family. He listens to all types of music and relaxes by playing the piano and guitar.
Kenneth Glazier, MD
Doctor Kenneth Glazier is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He graduated from the University of Michigan and Northwestern University Medical School. He completed his medical residency at Boston City Hospital and his training at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in Manhattan then Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey. He has extensive experience in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease at the Crohn’s and Colitis Center of New Jersey and published a manuscript on the use of 6MP in treating Crohn’s disease. He is presently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and joined the group after five years in private practice in the Marlboro-Freehold area. Doctor Glazier and his wife, pediatrician Kim Glazier, MD are the parents of two children. Dr. Glazier enjoys sports including golf and softball.
Call today to schedule your procedure in one of our tranquil and private endoscopy centers! We hope this enlightens you about the consultative gastroenterlogical services that we provide. We perform endoscopic procedures in the
473 & 477 Lakehurst Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-4422
1617 Rte. 88 W. Brick, NJ 08724 732-249-4422
Jai Mirchandani, MD
Doctor Jai Mirchandani is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry-New Jersey Medical School. He completed his medical residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and his Gastroenterology training at New York Medical College in Valhalla, NY. He served as an attending physician and instructor at Maimonides Medical Center for three years, where he was the Director of Capsule Endoscopy, Director of the Colon Cancer Screening program, and the Assistant Program Director for the Gastroenterology Fellowship program. Dr. Mirchandani has presented half a dozen abstracts at the national gastroenterology meetings, and his work has won two awards at the American College of Gastroenterology. He is the author of a chapter published in “Curbside Consultation of the Pancreas”. Dr. Mirchandani and his wife, neurologist Lakshmi Nadiminti, D.O., are the parents of two young children. Dr. Mirchandani enjoys spending time with his family, listening to music, and is an avid sports fan.
convenience of our two office based endoscopy centers. We aim to provide the highest quality of compassionate medical care and perform endoscopies in a convenient, friendly, non-threatening office setting. We serve patients from many different backgrounds, which is mirrored in the diversity of our physicians.
939 Lacey Rd. Forked River, NJ 08701 609-971-5949
355 Rte. 9 Bayville, NJ 08721 732-349-4422
7 Sherwood Dr. Lakewood, NJ 08701 732-367-3338
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS FOR BRACES? With the myriad of different choices these days, getting braces is a lot more fun (and confusing) than it used to be. The braces of today are also much less noticeable and although metal braces are still the most common, you may be able to get clear braces or others that match the color of your teeth. Believe it or not, there are even braces that go behind your teeth where the only person that knows they are there is you. Braces involve attaching small metal brackets to each tooth with a special type of cement. The brackets are then wired together and the orthodontist makes adjustments every few weeks to slowly force the teeth to
Metal Braces
Ceramic Braces
change positions. A typical course of treatment with metal braces lasts two years.
What are my options for braces? Depending on the patient’s aesthetic preferences they can choose between a variety of different types of braces. The most common are stainless steel braces and today’s metal braces are smaller and more comfortable than
Dr. Sezer Olcay is not your typical orthodontist. In fact, it is not
uncommon for her patients to keep in touch with her and actually form caring relationships. She has been practicing Orthodontics in Monmouth County for the past 12 years, dealing with discrepancies and misalignments of the teeth and jaws. The official name of the specialty is “Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics.” She adds, “It is not just correction of crooked teeth, but also facial/jaw bone problems, such as under and over bite issues.”
Lingual Braces
in the past. For those that want their braces to be less noticeable, the best choice would be ceramic braces. These involve attaching larger brackets to each tooth and because they are mostly clear and less noticeable, adults generally prefer them. We use coated wires that make the braces barely visible. However, patients that choose ceramic braces must be particularly careful to maintain a regular brushing and flossing routine. Most of the time the braces are placed in front of the teeth. But there are also bracket systems that can be placed on the tongue side of the teeth (thus lingual braces). Some of the brand names are Incognito and Sure Smile. Lingual braces are very expensive due to the degree of difficulty for the
Clear Aligners
orthodontist to work with. Minor orthodontic problems can be corrected with Invisalign. They are clear plastic aligners that are worn at least 19 hours a day. Patients receive a new set of aligners every two weeks. The aligners are usually anchored by tiny white “buttons” that your orthodontist will attach to your teeth (and remove at the end of treatment). These buttons are colored to match your teeth and are barely noticeable. Thanks to the amazing technology in the field of orthodontics, patients now have more options when it comes to wearing braces. Rest assured that Dr. Olcay and her caring staff will ensure that you make the right decision.
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The County Woman Magazine
Call: 732-657-7868 January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Appropriate Treatment of Spider Veins Girija Surya, M.D. Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
Hi Friends, In Part I of this article we discussed using sclerotherapy as a treatment for varicose veins. Today we will talk about what happens after your treatment of sclerotherapy.
What Happens After Sclerotherapy? ✺ ✺ Side Effects of Sclerotherapy After sclerotherapy you will be able to drive yourself There are mild effects, such as itching, which can home and resume your regular daily activities. Walking is encouraged. You will be instructed to wear support stockings to compress the treated veins. Following the injections, avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, or other antiinflammatory drugs for at least 48 hours. Tylenol may be used if needed. Avoid the following for 48 hours after your treatment: • Hot baths • Hot compresses • Whirlpools or saunas • Direct exposure to sunlight for at least two weeks Showers are permitted, but the water should be cooler than usual.
✺ Sclerotherapy Effectiveness Studies have shown as many as
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50%-80% of injected veins may be eliminated with each session of sclerotherapy. Although this procedure works for many patients, the results are always variable and are somewhat unpredictable. In general, spider veins respond in three to six weeks and larger veins respond in three to four months. If the veins respond to the treatment, they will not reappear. However, new veins may appear at the same rate as before and if needed, you may return for injections. Follow-up sessions are necessary for a complete resolution.
Medical Professionals
Insurance Coverage for Sclerotherapy ✺ Insurance coverage for sclerotherapy varies. If your
varicose veins are causing medical problems such as pain or chronic swelling, your insurance provider may offer reimbursement. If you are pursuing sclerotherapy for cosmetic purposes only, your insurance carrier most likely will not provide coverage. To optimize results and minimize the risks of complications, visit a trusted clinic specializing in the treatment of vein disorders. Ensure that those performing the treatments are providers who have undergone extensive training. Also, strictly follow posttreatment instructions.
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last for one to two days after the procedure. You may experience raised and/or red areas at the injection site. This should disappear within a few days. Bruising may occur around the injection site and can take several days or weeks to resolve. Other side effects include: • Larger veins may become lumpy and hard and may require several months to dissolve and fade or might need needle aspiration to remove the painful clot. • Brown lines or spots may appear at the vein site. In most cases, they disappear within three to six months. • Neovascularization: the development of new, tiny blood vessels may occur at the site of sclerotherapy treatment. These tiny veins can appear days or weeks after the procedure, but should fade within three to twelve months without further treatment. Should any of the following side effects occur, contact your doctor immediately. These include: • Inflammation within five inches of the groin • A sudden onset of a swollen leg • Formation of small ulcers at the injection site
Part II of II
The County Woman Magazine
Join Us For A Cool Event!
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January/February 2016
Term Living
Give Your Loved One The GiftCareOne Of Better Health at Holmdel Center for Congestive Heart Failure
areOne has developed a CHF PROGRAM – Congestive Heart Failure PHYSICAL THERAPY, SPEECH THERAPY, Why Our Program reputation as a premier health Is Unique Dr. Oladaji is the Director of Cardiac Care here at OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY care company and assisted living Holmdel and oversees this program. Our CHF Team The Rehab Department at Care-one Holmdel Caring for patients who have had congestive heart failure warrants • Community/home re-entry training community due to our commitment to best consists of our Cardiologist, Respiratory Therapist, and consists of (31) staff members. The Department is a specially trained team of health care professionals. At CareOne • Personal care (assistance with bathing, dressing and hygiene) clinical practices, strong management Director of Nursing, Director of Rehabilitation and filled with experienced therapists, at Holmdel, we have created clinical guidelines which define best • Two gram sodium diet available, including dietitian visitswho and are provided standards and resident quality of life. Dietitian. Each highly skilled and qualified professional with a myriad of equipment options and tools training practices in congestive heart failure excellence, while focusing on We are here to help your loved ones a treatment Family education and each patient’s needs and goals. will work with each individual patient• for totraining provide optimum rehab services. Our Rehab suffering from COPD, CHF, stroke and other plant that is specific to his or her level• ofRegularly functioning scheduledDepartment care planningworks meetings with Accelerated Care Plus(ACP) Because each patient requires a variety of clinical medicalneeds. services Because • each Physician-directed care plans Neurological diseases, as well asheart weakness, and individual patient in providing the latest in modalities such as Diathermy, including and CHF speechrequires therapy,a nutritional dementia, Alzheimer’s, in our physical, awardoccupationalwith variety of medical services US, and E-Stim for pain and wound management. monitoring, emotional support and physician care, our program winning recognized rehabilitation center. including: Physical, occupational and speech therapy, Program has been designed to emphasize on-going communication among Admission To TheWe are equipment with the Omni-cycle, Nu-step, as nutritional monitory, emotional support and cognitive physician, At CareOne of Holmdel, the we care offerteam, long-term andpatient and family members. well as with the Life Gait, all great options to assist in patient therapies are vital to the patients care.Any Our team who has had congestive heart failure is a candidate for short-term stay, sub-acute and respite care. We offer regaining strength and function. OurtoRehab facility the Congestive Heart Failure Program. We encourage patients approach is designed to foster open communication guaranteed care for your loved onesThe andProgram ensure About consult with their hospital discharge planner to make arrangements also provides 1 of 2 Physiatrists to oversee the Rehab between patient and the patient’s family. caregivers, who need peace of mind while your for admission to the program. Additionally, stay. Rehab serviceswe areencourage provided patients 7 days/week, so no Heart Failure Program is physician-directed and is– Wellness away, that each individual The is inCongestive the best hands. INTERGRATIVE MEDICINE Program and family members tolong visit weekends CareOne atwithout Holmdelthe prior to admission essential rehab services. focused on assisting patients to achieve their highest potential for to have any questions regarding their stay answered. Dr. Babita Saaraswat brings a unique approach Listed below are some of our recovery. programsPatients that wewill arereceive very a treatment plan that is specific to to healing by combining current medical advances RESPIRATORY THERAPY their level of functioning and individual clinical needs. All of our proud of. Upon admission, an interdisciplinary team consisting of physicians, in last century and integrate it with Ancient Holistic Respiratory Practitioner responsible treatment staff have been specially trained in Congestive Heart nurses, therapists, nutritionists and social services willis assess each to provide STAR PROGRAM – A certified Cancer Therapies like Yoga, In a stressbyfree Environment. Ur direct resident care including BIPAP/CPAP care, Failure protocols and follow the clinical guidelines established patient and develop a care plan tailored to meet their individual Rehabilitation Program approach is, not just to treat Disease; we see whole ourEver clinical team. care,part pulmonary rehabilitation and many needs. Family memberstracheostomy are an important of the program and We are proud to be the First STAR Program being the body mid and soul. Gentle are Chair Yoga, kept informed throughout each patient’s stay. A discharge other respiratory modalities to residents on the units. delivering oncology services in an in-Patient, Sub-Acute Meditation Stress Relief and Relaxations alongwill with planner assist in making the necessary arrangements for home The Respiratory Practitioner collaboratively assists with Care Facility in the State of New Jersey. Provided When a patient Services services to ensure a smooth transition. mindful breathing exercises have shown to lessen current plan of care and respiratory management with has a diagnosis of cancer, upon their arrival here, they anxiety seven to many • Physical, and occupational therapies dayspatients a week and will help them to get their will automatically be placed on our STAR Program. Nursing, Rehab and Restorative personnel as needed. • Daily weight monitoring, scaleoptimal trainingresults during their stay here. Our dedicated teams that will• manage their care consist The therapist provides care to residents For additional information on The Congestive Heart in accordance 24-hour-a-day nursing care RESPITE CARE of physicians, nurses, certified• assistants, physical with physician orders, policy procedure, established Weekly physician evaluations as needed Program at Holmdel or to and arrange Respite Care is a wonderful serviceFailure that allows care at CareOne therapists, occupational therapists, speech, Counseling facility protocols and standards of practice defined by • Specially designed clinical protocols for congerstive heart failure personalized givers time to attend to personal needsa while knowing consultation, please contact our and support staff, Social workers, Facility • Social workeducators, and discharge planning the AARC clinical practice guidelines. Respiratory staff their love ones are cared for in a warm and support admissions office atconsists 732-946-4200. dieticians, palliative care professionals and physiatrists. • Coordination with home care agencies of skilled, licensed, and seasoned therapist that environment. Many people choose respite care when Each team member provides their individual expertise, are on staff seven days a week. guidance, training and support throughout their stay to preparing for a scheduled vacation, a business trip, or simply because they need time off from the demands of maximize their health and well-being. care giving.
Elizabeth Renner, Unit Manager, Licensed Nurse, WCC
Terri Rufo, Assistant Administrator, Administration, RN, BSN
Care One Holmdel 188 Highway 34, Holmdel, NJ 07733
4838NJ-jck chf
732-946-4200 Toll Free: 877.99.CARE1
The County Woman Magazine
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Red Bank Charter School Aims to Serve a Greater Number of Red Bank Families through Expansion
ed Bank Charter School submitted a request to the Department of Education for amendment to the charter to increase enrollment of students from 1 to 2 classes at each grade level, Pre-K through 8th grade, for a total enrollment of 400 students. If approved, a phased implementation plan will begin with grades Pre-K through 4 in 2016-17, grades 5-6 added in 2017-18, and grades 7-8 added in 2018-19, along with a weighted lottery in order to provide access to a greater number of underserved students. “Red Bank Charter School growth is in fact a shared public priority, and choice in education is a family preference in Red Bank,” said Red Bank Charter School Principal Meredith Pennotti. “The RBCS wait list average is 112 candidates over 3 years. As an academically high-performing Tier 1 school, RBCS could influence a substantial shift to greater achievement for a significant number of children in the town of Red Bank.”
RBCS growth is underway with the recent addition of a connected campus dedicated to discovery-based learning activities integrating concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. The 18,000 square feet of multi-purpose space easily accessible from the rear of the school includes a STEM Lab, a stage venue for Performing Arts, and a fitness area to support the physical education curriculum and year-round recess activities. Mrs. Pennotti continued, “At RBCS, we are committed to always reaching higher. We credit our founders for their commitment to educational reform, the town leadership of Red Bank, RBCS families, community partners and private benefactors as pivotal to the success of our school. We rely on their continued support to bring our achievements to more children in the town of Red Bank.” For more information or to schedule a media tour of the new RBCS STEM campus, please contact Red Bank Charter School at (732) 450-2092. Media Contact: Teicia Gaupp, Social T Marketing (908) 531-7182,
The County Woman Magazine
ABOUT THE RED BANK CHARTER SCHOOL The Red Bank Charter School is a PreK-8 public school serving children in Red Bank, N.J. Founded in 1998, the school has a current enrollment of 200 students with a highly qualified faculty and staff numbering more than 40. New Jersey Charter Schools are free public schools that are open to all children and which typically offer their students more individualized attention, longer school days, longer school years, and innovative programs with substantially less funding than conventional public schools. Further information is available at
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Got An Itch That Can’t Be Scratched?
As we enter the New Year, a common ailment affects many individuals. This is the time of year when people make New Year’s resolutions to eat “healthy” and diet in order to lose weight for spring break or in preparation for the summer. This is also the time of year for football season and tailgating parties and all of the foods that are associated with it. Because of these unique situations, many people suffer from aggravating symptoms of perianal itching, burning, and discomfort as well as a “wet” or moist feeling in the perianal area.
What is Pruritus Ani?
Pruritus ani is a Latin term literally meaning “itchy anus”. It is an uncomfortable sensation around the anus which produces the desire to scratch. Scratching causes irritation of the perianal skin which in turn causes the desire to scratch more. The skin becomes more irritated and damaged which causes the desire to scratch even more. This becomes a vicious cycle. Pruritus ani affects 1% to 5% of the population. Although it affects both men and women, it is four times as common in men. This condition is most often encountered in patients in their 40’s to 60’s. Pruritus ani is treated medically. An accurate diagnosis is mandatory for proper care.
What causes Pruritus Ani?
The symptom of pruritus or itching is common to many anorectal conditions. Disorders such as hemorrhoids, skin tags, fecal soilage and/or incontinence, anal fistulae, anal fissures and anal warts all may be associated with itching. This is termed secondary pruritus ani. However, pruritus ani may be independent of these conditions. This is called primary pruritus ani. The cause of the syndrome in these cases is usually from topical agents applied to the perianal skin and/or the pH of the stool. The pH of the stool is determined by foods which we eat. In addition to inadequate hygiene, overzealous or aggressive hygiene using irritating soaps, fragrances and lotions may cause pruritus ani. Overzealous cleaning and the use of topical steroids can destroy natural skin barriers and cause trauma to the anal skin, making the problem worse. As such, attempting to keep the perianal skin too clean, is harmful and may worsen the problem. The use of baby/toilet wipes is a common culprit for many patients suffering from pruritus. It is very important to note that there are many medical conditions that may cause perianal itching and are treated differently from basic, primary pruritus ani. There are infectious conditions such as bacterial skin infections,
fungal infections, parasitic infections (pinworms or scabies) and viral infections (anal warts). Skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and lichen sclerosus may cause secondary perianal itching. Local cancers such as Bowen’s disease or Paget’s disease are also potential causes of pruritus ani.
How is Pruritus Ani diagnosed?
In order to accurately diagnose pruritus ani, your physician will obtain a complete history and physical examination. The timing and duration of the symptoms are important factors. Toileting rituals/behaviors, stool frequency and consistency and hygiene/cleansing routines are noted in order to help make a diagnosis. Travel history, medical history and medications taken are also important. It is crucial to include any supplements taken, topical ointments/creams used and whether or not baby/toilet wipes are being used. A careful diet history is also taken in order to identify any possible contributing agents. Your doctor will perform a physical examination. This will include a careful inspection of the perianal skin and a digital rectal examination. Common findings are irritated, swollen, reddened skin that may have linear ulcerations/cracks. Sometimes the perianal skin may be thickened. An examination of the anal canal via an anoscope will also be performed in order to ensure there is not any intra anal pathology causing the symptoms such as hemorrhoids, warts, a polyp or tumor. Considering the serious diseases that may cause the symptoms of pruritus ani, it is very important not to self-diagnose, but rather to seek consultation with a physician. In certain situations, a small skin biopsy may need to be performed.
Where can you find help?
Dr. Paonessa is very familiar with diagnosing and treating pruritus ani as well as all the other diseases/ conditions that may be mistaken for pruritus ani. Since there are many serious diseases that may be mistaken for primary pruritus ani, it is very important to see a physician trained in treating this condition. It is incredible how a fairly simple ailment such as pruritus ani can alter a patient’s daily life and affect his/her quality of life. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call for a consultation. Stop suffering and begin to live life again.
How is Pruritus Ani treated?
The first goal of treatment of pruritus ani is to make a correct diagnosis. That means determining if the condition is primary pruritus ani or secondary pruritus ani caused by a medical condition/ disease. Once this has been accomplished and it is confirmed that the patient has primary pruritus ani, the goal of therapy is to restore clean, dry and intact perianal skin. This will help to alleviate the symptom of itching. The first step is to alter the consistency of the stool so as to avoid seepage of stool from the anus. This may be accomplished with diet modification and adding a fiber supplement.
Board-certified in general surgery and proctology and a fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Dr. Paonessa specializes in colon and rectalsurgery. She believes in patient-centered care and preserving each patient’s independence, well being and dignity. The County Woman Magazine
The second step in treatment is to discontinue any offending agents such as cortisone ointments, hemorrhoid creams, lotions, perfumes, soaps and baby/toilet wipes. Topical agents containing alcohol are very irritating to the perianal skin. Likewise, any topical agent that causes the perianal skin to remain moist should be avoided. This includes Vaseline, witch hazel, A & D ointment, antibacterial ointments, etc. Additionally, it is important to remember not to over clean the perianal area. This causes further skin break down and irritation. Believe it or not, plain water is the best way to keep the perianal skin clean and healthy. Finally, the last step in treatment is to modify the diet to avoid a change in pH. Foods related to pruritus ani include: caffeine, colas, citrus, dairy, tomatoes, nuts and beer. As mentioned earlier, these foods are very common during this time of year while watching football or trying to lose weight.
Colon and Rectal Surgery Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology laparaoscopic surgery colonoscopy abdominal/pelvic surgery anorectal surgery fecal incontinence pelvic floor disorders NEW endoanal/rectal ultrasound office proctology LOCATI ON!! anorectal manometry/physiology 2101 Route 34 South, Suite H Wall, NJ 07719
1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Phone: (732) 282-1500 Fax: (732) 282-1501 Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM
January/February 2016
Hair Replacement
Hair Designs &
Real Solutions For Hair Loss At Abstrax A Variety Of Hair Replacement And Wigs Abstrax Hair Designs offers many styles of hair replacements and wigs. Our hair replacement systems are individualized to satisfy your specific needs and desires. Services are offered with compassion and integrity to ensure your confidence and trust. In addition, Abstrax also offers a selection of wigs at reasonable prices. Wigs are available in silky straight, curly, multidirectional, layered, and much more! The professionals at Abstrax feel the more natural you look, the better you’ll feel not only about your appearance, but yourself, too, which is why they are meticulous with the maintenance and styling of your hair.
What is Theradome? IN THE WORDS OF THE EXPERTS: Laser hair therapy, the most powerful
and effective treatment for hair restoration, is exploding on the market with the introduction of Theradome. With its revolutionary technology, four out of five hair rejuvenation experts such as Bosley, Hair Club and other prominent medical clinics and high-end salons recommend the FDA-cleared Theradome LH80 PRO from all around the world. Multiple clinical trials prove that our powerful helmet is one of the safest and most effective hair loss solutions amongst all other medications.
How does it work?
The Theradome™ LH80 PRO brings you advanced technology to enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Unlike Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) devices, our laser light targets the stem cells at the base of hair follicles. This allows the
formation of a new photonic pathway that can restore hair to a healthy state. Our one-ofa-kind laser helmet was engineered based on four crucial scientific criteria, which together provide the most powerful and efficacious laser hair therapy out on the market.
What to expect?
Good things come to those who wait. When it comes to achieving the thicker, luxurious hair* you’ve been dreaming of, a little patience will go a long way. While not an overnight solution, the process couldn’t be simpler. All it takes is a commitment to using your Theradome helmet twice a week for just 20 minutes. You are taking the best action possible against hair loss with the next-generation Theradome LH80 PRO. Results may vary from person to person. The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine
January/February May/June2016 2015
Health & Wellness
Cough and Cold Season Is HereAre You Ready?
Believe it or not, cough and cold season is upon us. Our nights are becoming very cold and children have been back in school for about four months now. This is the season everyone dreads. It seems we see people with the sniffles everywhere—at work, at the mall and even at home. Now is the time to take some steps that will reduce your risk of catching a cold and stock up on things that will help with the symptoms when the inevitable happens. You can reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu. Here are some helpful hints: WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY This will help stop the spread of germs. Everything you touch potentially has cold germs on it—door knobs, handrails, pens, pin pads, etc. Also, keep hand sanitizer easily accessible—keep it in your car and your desk at work. REDUCE STRESS Whenever a big day is coming up, or a deadline you have been rushing to meet, you are more likely to become sick. Relax, your health is more important. Also, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. EAT WELL Certain foods combat colds. Try to include as much of the following as possible in your diet: broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, and whole grains. Some evidence also exists supporting using vitamin c and Echinacea to boost your immune system. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Drinking plenty of water helps flush germs out of your body. Water also helps keep your mucous membranes moist, allowing them to trap the virus and dispose of it.
The County Woman Magazine
BREATHE FRESH AIR Try to breathe as much fresh air as possible. Recycled, contaminated air can make you sick! Get outside as much as possible. Cold air will not give you a cold!
Don’t be afraid to ask us, that is what we are here for.
For the most part, everyone catches some degree of a cold at least once a year. Once you feel the symptoms coming on, then what? For starters continue the above tips. Also, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (no one else wants your germs). And most importantlyCONTINUE TO WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY.
Jersey Shore Pharmacy is an independently owned and operated full service pharmacy. Our pharmacists and technicians are here to answer your questions. Stop by and see what a pharmacy experience should be!
There are many cough and cold medications on the market that can help with your cold or cough symptoms. Decongestants in a pill form or a nasal spray can help with a stuffy nose. Antihistamines can help with itchy, watery eyes. Cough suppressants help control a nagging cough. Cough drops or throat lozenges help with a sore throat. Tylenol or Motrin can help any body aches or fever. Before taking any medications, please consult with your pharmacist or doctor to be sure the medication you are buying doesn’t aggravate any existing medical conditions or interact with any current medication you are taking. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Many over the counter cough and cold medications can cause adverse effects.
Once you have determined which medications are safe, keep some at home so that you are prepared when that cold comes along.
“Your Special Order Is Our Pleasure To Fill!”
January/February 2016
Fine Jewelry
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Massage School
Consider A Great New Career In Massage Therapy Meet Alice Marin, Owner of the NJ School of Massage my students face knowing they have a life long career of helping others ahead of them.
Alice Marin, LMT, CMA New Owner/Director
Q: What sets your business apart from others in the area?
A: I have worked in this business for a long time
Q:How do you spend your leisure time?
My leisure time is spent taking care of my A: mother and spending time with my husband
Don and our dog, Molly. My hobbies include speed walking, singing and studying the bible.
and I can honestly say that the NJ School of Massage is an extraordinary environment. The school has been around for 20 years. Our classes are created to be interesting and fun and we offer free, personal ermanent air emoval tutoring in special situations. Our facility is accessible lice Marin has a way of making to the parkway, near shopping areas and restaurants her students feel comfortable with plenty of parking available. Additionally, we let and right at home. As the new the students know do up whatever it takes of her practice. achieve their goals. I explain to themthat howwe will makes a fair percentage Ann Marie Preston is a certified owner of the NJ School of Massage, she differs of the time electrolysis other removalwithMost and licensed electrologist and proud to from ensure theyhair graduate confidence andthey job are dealing with has over 15 years of experience with unwanted back hair or on the baseline of methods, and we also talk about infection owner of AMP ELECTROLYSIS. placement. Class of July 11, 2015 the neck or hair growing around the ear. massage She began her control careerprocedures and aftercare.” Once By removingtherapy. her clients’ unwanted they establish a treatment plan, clients “Let’s face it – men are just as concerned Do you offer different massage programs? hair they ablemassage to look andtherapy practice, with herare own “Words cannot express how grateful we are for about their appearance as women. My typically come in every week, every two feel their very best. She adds, If so, what is included? and then began teaching at the school everything you have done for us. male clients are concerned about unwanted weeks or every month until they achieve “Having unwanted hair can make the desired result. Our massage programs consist hair growth andand want to feel confident byhave given us your wisdom and we have of day night four years ago which she purchased in You you feel uncomfortable about your looking their best,”from she says. Did you know that Electrolysis is the are three classes. Day classes days a week March. In addition, she is certified as a grown so much as massage therapists.” appearance.” Her Oceanport Anytime you are having hair removed only method of hair removal approved by a.m. – 5 p.m. and the it is a six-month program. Medical Assistant and is CPR andthe first aid business has been extremely the client will feel it. The “I don’t like thatLove, Your family, Paul, Alexis, Limin,Donnabelle, FDA for all9skin types? However, successful electrolysis is associated key to success isnight patience. “Toare achieve themonths, classes for 10 two nights a weekwith pain. Even certified.due to word of mouth Estrella: Grads of July 2015 desired result offrom smooth skin,–clients must our most sensitive clients can handle it,” and because she has a reputation for 6 p.m. 10 p.m. However, if the student she says. be patient and absolutely not tweeze or being the best in the business. has aorproblem with this schedule, we will tryAnn to Marie greater “The knowledge and skills that I gained at What is always the most part about Nothing gives wax. You may shave cut the treatment Ann Marie knewrewarding she wanted to accommodate them to make it more comfortable forclients stick NJSOM gave me the ability to start a rewarding satisfaction then when her to area between appointments,” she says. profession? be anyour entrepreneur but wasn’t sure which their treatment plans and Permanent hairthem removal is definitely a direction to take. After she received her and their family. With the tuition, we include reap the benefits massage career and help others at the same I love helping people get relief from pain,process stress that requires patience, as well as of being smooth and hair-free. She adds, “I first electrolysis treatment, her mind was a massage textbooks, alove school t-shirt, lotionfeel more confident time.” - Julie, class of 2011 and up other a massage therapist.commitment. I also seeing my clients Clients musttable, be reminded made andaliments she knewas exactly what she samples and free tutoring for special situations. Our and self-assured.” that feel rewarded I know that we’ve20trained anresults are not instantaneous. She wanted to do.when This year, she celebrates adds, in “Because hair grows in stages, AMP ELECTROLYSIS years in business and could not beand happier is very affordable and our payment plans do is celebrating individual to become confident professional the tuition permanent hair removal is a multi-step their 20th anniversary this year and with the success she has had. not have interest. field of massage therapy. I enjoy seeing happiness processon and one that is worth the results.” recently the Mayor of Oceanport, along New Years Special!
Hair Be Gone!
Q: A:
Q: A:
Electrolysis is the permanent removal of hair. A small amount of electricity gets applied to the base of the hair follicle, which destroys the hair growth tissue. Hair will no longer be able to grow in that area. Appointments can range anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour.
When Ann Marie meets with a client for the first time she discusses their goals and reviews their history. “After discussing which areas they are concerned about, I come up with a treatment plan and let County Woman Exclusive them know how much time it will take to
Often times throughout a woman’s life unwanted hair can develop. This can be due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause or the onset of puberty. Another common area of unwanted hair can be on a woman’s breast or growing from the areola. “This is an area that is seldom discussed, as some women find it difficult to talk about. Our treatments can safely and permanently remove breast hairs,” she says. Ann Marie treats a variety of different people from women, men, teenagers and Coupon transgender clients. The male population
917-5 North Main Street Toms River, NJ
Electrolysis Treatment - Permanent Hair Removal Arms • Legs • Bikini Area • Chin • Facial Hair • Eyebrows Complimentary Consultations • State of the Art Technique
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Good through 2/29/16. The cost of a treatment: $30.00 for 15 minutes $45.00 for a half hour $65.00 for one hour
732-505-0055 •
Ann Marie Preston, LE, CPE, Owner
with members of the Borough Council came over for a visit and to celebrate with her. “Afterwards, my husband and I went out for a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. It was a beautiful day corner of Route 37 & 166 and I’m looking forward to the next 20 years.”
Ann Marie Preston, LE, CPE,
Pre-paid packages and gift certificates are always available!
“Leave your unwanted hair with me!” 732-389-9141 • Oceanport Village Plaza • 265 East Main St. • Oceanport, NJ 07757
The Cost $30 For $45 For $65 For Of A 30 Minutes 60 Minutes Treatment: 15 Minutes See page 12 for more details!
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
More Honey, Please! More honey equals more nutrients! One teaspoon of honey contains 21 calories but zero saturated fat, trans fat, or cholesterol. The natural sweetner is a great source of Vitamin C, protein, calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc. It is also rich in other nutrients, such as riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, choline, betaine, and amino acid.
To Be 100% Pure Honey... Or Not?
eople in the honey bee world, including the National Honey Board, know that the honey they see in some grocery stores and dollar stores may not be 100 percent pure but instead may be “adulterated” (contaminated with tainted elements). This fact is upsetting to people because not only are we not getting what we pay for, but we also are being duped, as often the honey is tainted with unhealthful, cheaper ingredients such as antibiotics. This ordeal is making headlines in the news more rather than less and it’s causing concern for both consumers and beekeepers. All-natural, 100 percent pure honey will have one ingredient listed on the nutrition label: honey. Imitation honeys, much like quality imitation dark chocolate, are not a laughing matter in the real world. That means trouble lies ahead for real honey lovers who want to “save the endangered honey bear.” Honey-flavored syrups, or honey that’s diluted with other ingredients, are becoming more commonplace and being sold to the unaware consumer. To be sure you get the pure golden food of the gods, check the label.
Beekeepers know that honey bees provide another service; as second-shift workers they pollinate one-third of the food we eat. As a bee travels in search of nectar, it brushes against pollen-bearing parts of a flower and picks up pollen. When the honey bee goes to another flower for more food, some of the pollen from the first flower sticks to the second flower—and the flower is pollinated. The honey bee pollinates more than 90 crops, including apples, blueberries, citrus fruit, and nuts—approximately four-fifths of the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat. Indeed, hardworking honey bee colonies (50,000 to 60,000 bees per hive, including workers, drones, and one queen) who work double duty (like hardworking humans) are man’s best friends because they are vital to our planet. Honey bees are woven into our food chain. Without honey bees the whole food chain would be diminished in diversity and quantity for us. These humble, buzzing bugs deserve a huge thanks for helping provide us with our favorite fruits and vegetables, their delicious honey, and beautiful, flowery gardens!
Have a safe and happy new year! Pictured left: Our honeybees (the largest bee towards the middle is the queen). Pictured right: Our Honey Shop, brimming with goodies for 2016.
Honey Cake with Carmelized Oranges
If you’ve never tried them, the flavor of caramelized oranges will definitely surprise and delight you. Serves 6. 1½ cups honey 2 small oranges, sliced into ½-inch pieces 1½ cups butter ½ teaspoon salt 3 eggs ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice 2 teaspoons orange zest ½ cup flower ¾ cup blanched almonds, ground 1 teaspoon baking powder Extra butter
Patty & Drew Madzin
1. Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add ½ cup of honey and orange slices, reduce heat to low, and cook for 30 minutes, or until the oranges turn golden brown. Remove the pan from heat and set aside.
The County Woman Magazine
2. In a large bowl, beat together the butter, salt, remaining honey, and eggs with an electric mixer on medium speed, until the mixture is smooth and light. Add the orange juice and zest and mix until thoroughly blended. 3. Fold in the flour, almonds, and baking powder with a spatula. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 4. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease an 8-inch round baking pan. 5. Arrange the caramelized orange slices in the bottom of the prepared pan. Pour in the batter. Bake for 45 minutes, or until golden brown. 6. Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then flip over onto a serving plate and gently jiggle pan to remove. Let cool completely before serving. Store for up to 2 days in an airtight container at room temperature.
January/February 2016
Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080
Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification is complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Your Ticket to Freedom from Smoking
There is a safe and powerful method that actually diminishes the desire to smoke and helps you choose to not smoke.
f you’re sick of being controlled by cigarettes, are concerned about the health risks, hate the smell, feel like a social outcast, or worry about being a poor role model – the time is right for you to stop. Maybe you feel as though a “tug of war” is going on inside of you. A part of you desperately wants to quit smoking, but another part is afraid to let go. After all, you’re deriving something from it, or you wouldn’t smoke. You’ve probably even convinced yourself there are valid excuses for smoking; frankly, they’re totally flawed. A few dumb reasons to continue smoking . . . • Smoking relaxes me: Nicotine is a stimulant that increases your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. You may feel that smoking is relaxing you, but that’s because your body and mind have come to depend on the ritual of smoking and the nicotine. Within a week or two after quitting, you’ll actually be more relaxed. • I’ll gain weight if I quit: Weight gain can certainly be avoided, even though smoking slightly speeds up metabolism. As your sense of smell and taste return to normal, you will more fully enjoy what you eat and be satisfied
with less. Urges for cigarettes don’t have to be turned into urges for food. If you’re someone who uses cigarettes to deal with feelings (i.e., stress, boredom, loneliness), or as an excuse to take a break or reward yourself, you’ll learn to deal with these feelings and needs more appropriately. • It helps me concentrate: Smoking constricts your blood vessels and deprives your brain of oxygen, contributing to cloudy thinking. Any trouble concentrating shortly after stopping is temporary. • But I enjoy it – it’s like a friend to me: Friends don’t kill. Cigarettes are toxic – they destroy quality of life, and impact every organ and system in your body. It’s essential to find other sources of pleasure and companionship. • I only smoke a few a day: There is no safe level of smoking. You’re inhaling harmful substances into your body, and there’s a good chance you’re inhaling more deeply and more often. You also run the risk of increasing the amount you smoke when stress builds. Even smoking just one to four cigarettes a day doubles the chance that you will have, or die from, a heart attack. • I’ve tried before – it’s too hard: Thousands of people in the U.S. quit every year – many who have smoked
Commonly Asked Questions about Hypnosis What is hypnosis? It’s a naturally occurring state, like ❀
daydreaming, becoming absorbed in a good book, or zoning out while you’re driving. Used in a clinical setting, it’s a powerful vehicle for change. You are coached into a state in which the deeper part of your mind, the subconscious, is more accessible and open to change. Diverse techniques are used, such as guided imagery, mental rehearsal, NLP, etc. As with meditation, there are many physiologic benefits when it’s practiced regularly. ❀ Do some people lose control? That only happens on TV and in the movies. People use this technique because they want to gain more control over themselves. No one can make you think, say, do, or
several packs a day for decades - and many have also made several attempts before stopping. What’s your life worth to you – and your family? You can do this – and you don’t have to rely strictly on willpower. One-on-one multi-session Hypnosis/ Coaching programs have been successful in creating permanent change for motivated individuals. This drug-free approach makes the smoking cessation process easier, and builds your sense of empowerment. It addresses key physical, behavioral, and emotional issues. You’ll be prompted to replace the ritual of smoking with healthier, smarter behaviors; and you’ll love how good you feel about finally being free! An important side benefit of this approach is that it is extremely relaxing, and enables you to better manage stress. If you would like personalized assistance to help you move forward, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.
Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!
feel anything that runs counter to who you are and what you want. What if I’m not “hypnotize-able”? It’s rare that someone is ❀
unable to enter this state because it is a naturally occurring state. Therefore, just about anyone who wants to enter the state can do so. And, the more it’s practiced, the easier it becomes. People who would not be good candidates include those with organic brain damage, difficulty processing simple information, and severe and untreated psychiatric disorders. Is it possible to get stuck in hypnosis? No. It is possible to drift ❀ into a sleep state, however, because it’s often quite relaxing; but a good practitioner won’t let that happen. Can I use this approach instead of seeing a medical doctor ❀ or a therapist? This is not intended to take the place of licensed medical or mental health care. If you are having a significant physical or mental health problem, it needs to be appropriately handled. There are times when it is necessary for a hypnosis practitioner to request authorization before seeing certain clients, and hypnosis practitioners often work in tandem with physicians and therapists.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Medical Professionals
At At Caring Caring Heart Heart & & Brain Brain Imaging, Imaging, You You Are Are In In Our Our Caring Caring Hands Hands
Q What Can Be Done About Memory Loss Or Family History Of Alzheimer’s Disease? Let’s talk about the brain…Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the first imaging center in New Jersey to be able to detect plaque in the brain, the precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. Although fighting the disease of Alzheimer’s continues to be an uphill battle, there is great hope on the horizon. That hope comes in the form of new treatments, medications, and most important new methods of early detection. The AMYVID Pet Scan is the new “weapon” on the market to combat this heartbreaking disease. If you are experiencing memory loss, and/or have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, the Amyvid PET Scan could help you do just that.. help your children. Alzheimer’s disease affects the entire family. Help protect your children by getting an early diagnosis; the neuritic plauque that is a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease can be present in our brains years before symptoms occur. NORMAL MEMORY LOSS The AMYVID PET SCAN may enable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by identifyNo plaque present Plaque Present ing beta-amyloid plaque in brain tissue. This means that the disease can be diagnosed several years before symptoms actually appear and an individual can receive groundbreaking treatments before the disease develops to advanced stages. Just as Alzheimer’s disease affects the entire family. Help protect your important, the incorrect diagnosis of Alzheimer’s may be eliminated for patients children by getting an early diagnosis. Early detection and treatthought to have it and appropriate treatment decisions can be made based on the ment can help slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. patient’s actual form of dementia. If it’s not important to you for your reasons, it is important for Another important benefit to undergoing a PET scan is the reduced radiation expoyour children and their future! sure. The scanner does not use CT in obtaining brain images. This is a huge factor CARING HEART & BRAIN IMAGING for patients who may have had substantial radiation in the past. This scan will give We can be reached at 732-292-1008, the information needed for doctors to make appropriate treatment decisions. Be sure to stop by and tour their impressive facility and meet their friendly, talented Lorraine Catalano or visit our website at E-mail: staff.
Business & Finance The County Woman Magazine
Ways to Build Your Pinterest Following
November/December 2015
Pearls of Wisdom Media LLC
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Filing A Worker’s Compensation Claim: 23 Law aw 46 What are the benefits? 33 LawYou Will Qualify For Social Security Worker’s Compensation
Disability? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Now You Need a Lawyer er’s Do Compensation Claim: to Make Sure 23 Ok, let’s face WhenYour you hear I Treatment is aboutMedical someone the collecting Workers’ hat are benefits?
for any of the bills associated with your injury. Not one and I am only paid if I cent. No co-pays, no deductibles. Why should you pay What is a Motion for Med and Temp? get you RESULTS. if you don’t havehelp to? Well,anything that’s something I can Take care and work safely! 4. Can you the work you •AThe wagedoreplacement, alsodid in the past? Even if f you or a loved is considering whether to file an second you with. Motion forbenefit Med &isTemp If you have more quesyour condition is debilitating, as temporary disability payments. This meansbut not on the SSA’s a court document we filemedical for injured application for disability benefits,islet meknown help tions determine and would like to list severe medical conditions, thedue SSAtowill then that if your authorized doctor says you can’t work workers to make sure the of insurance you understand the criteria the Social Security schedule anIfappointment if you are ablemonetary to work inweekly a job that you held in the past. it your injury, you will treatment receive benefits carrier provides all medical Compensation benefits, the to first thing Administration (SSA) uses review your file. with Kathleen M. Dotoli, would be difficult to do any of your past jobs because of your fromI your employer’s workers’ compensation insuryour work injury. That any of the associated with your injury. is Not“Give one and only paid ifwith call 732-228-7534. that crosses your mind meI amassociated ons tobills Ask Yourself Now medical condition, you wage may qualify for benefits. ance carrier with your and rate. means making sure commensurate you are covered t. No co-pays, noSSA deductibles. Why step shouldprocess you pay to make The uses a five decision. get youtheir RESULTS. 5. Can you do any other type of job? The SSA Dotoli will is a licensed Kathleen f you’re reading this article a break, I go to work with aches and Those payments willdiagnostic continue as long as you are receivthing if you don’t have to? for emergency room visits, Take care and work safely! look at your background, education, medical conditions and attorney for over 20 years 4. Can you do the work you did in the past? Even if •leThe second benefit is wage replacement, also anpains all ing authorized care,and awaiting surgery or recovering. in a doctor’s office, there’s studies MRIs, X-rays, EMGs, 1. Are you the time! People should be Ifonyou have more like quesyour medical condition is debilitating, but not the SSA’s own as temporary disability payments. This means aptitude to determine if there’s another type of job you could helping residents of Ocean lp Written by: Protecting your rightmedicines, to wage replacement is just another tions determine and would like to prescription doctor’s visits, Written by: aof severe good chance you’ve presently working? Written by: list medical conditions, thedue SSAtowill then authorized doctor says you can’t work working, not complaining!” do that would allow you to work full time without interference and Monmouth Counyt if your Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq schedule an appointment reason to file a claim. surgery, and physical therapy, with no Kathleen Dotoli, Esq. If you are not working, if you are able to work in a job that you held in the past. If it Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq. r injury, you will receiveinjured monetary weekly benefitsand in been at work ties.other Her types practice focuses on from your disability. It’s a good idea to consider of with Kathleen M. Dotoli, • The third benefit compensates you for the long would be difficult to do any of insuryour past jobs because out of your your application of pocket costs from you, no comWell, your employer’s workers’ compensation Imedical want some of the needto of dispel medical treatment. Workers’ benefits. Compensation andKathleen before filing an application for disability call 732-228-7534. Dotoli, Esq. a licensed Kathleen Dotoli is isa licensed you wage may qualify for benefits. e carrier commensurate with your and rate. term of employment your injury, also known as permanency will becondition, reviewed pays, and no effects deductibles. on. Social Security Disability Claims. She is the present Co-Chair attorney for over 20 years 5. Can you do any other type of job? The SSA will If your employer’s workers’ myths that are associated with Kathleen Dotoli is a licensed attorney for over 20 yearshelping helping ose paymentsby willa continue as long as you are receivbenefits. Let’s saytemporary you experienced a lifting injury that Disability forand It also addresses your ofillness the Workers’ Compensation Committee for theand Ocean County atawaiting your background, education, medical conditions residents of Ocean Monmouth attorney over 20 years authorized look care, surgery or recovering. The decision to leave your job due to or compensation insurance residents of Ocean and Monmouth a herniated disc in your back. Hopefully you Workers’ Compensation claims. Determination Services disability (wage in replacement) if your determine if there’s another type ofhelping job youresidents could of resulted Ocean Bar Association and a Member of theHer Workers’ Compensation Counties. practice focuses on Written by: tecting youraptitude right totowage replacement is just another Writtenget by: injury should benot taken lightly. Making sure Counties. Her practice focuses behave responsible and may not be for the carrier is stalling your office. If you are makeyou a full recovery, tonot work, and little for that would allow you to work full time without interference and Monmouth doctorCounsays can’t workM. aback period Executive Committee NJ State Bar Associationand as well Kathleen M.for Dotoli, Esq on toPeople file ado claim. Workers’ Compensation Social Kathleen Dotoli, Esq. who file Workers’ Compensation claims are ties.other Herdemonstrating practice onresiduals your disability. It’s good idea to consider types of focuses onJ. Workers’ Compensation you the best possible position qualify able to afford. youfor pay forVincentSecurity working, then almost by definition, you are that or fromare thatininjury. Unfortunately, thereWhytoshould treatment, you may need • The thirdfrom benefit compensates youa for the long as a member of the Apruzzese MockClaims. Trial Sheand of time duenoto your injury. Disability is the JUST LIKE YOU. They areashardworking, dediWorkers’ Compensation and Kathleen Dotoli is a licensed before filing an application forhonest, disability benefits. Social Security Disability Claims. medical bills when the workers’ comp you CAN work and probably won’t qualify for benefits. This Social Security Disability benefits is an important m effects of employment your injury, also known permanency are many people who go on to have physical limitaCommittee for the NJ State Bar Foundation. present Co-Chair of the Workers’ Many times, there are issues arising my services to file what Social Disability attorney Claims. She the present Co-Chair forisover 20 years helping carrier should be wholly responsible? catedLet’s employees who true unfortunately experienced an Security injuefits. say you experienced aiflifting that more She is the present Co-Chair is especially you injury are making about $1070 tions despite the best care. That doesn’t If mean can’t part ofand that decision. youyou need guidance with your Compensation Committee for of the ofillness thethan Workers’ Compensation Committee for the Ocean County from a work injury that lead a workers’ The decision to leave your job due to or is known as a Motion residents of Ocean Monmouth ulted in their a herniated disc your back. this Hopefully you inand ry at job. I’minnot talking about sprains strains. per month. I realize puts you a terrible spot. You are Bar Association andwork a Member of the Workers’ Compensation the Workers’ Compensation Another important point to Ocean County Bar Association or enjoy life! It just means that you have to be application, don’t hesitate to contact me for compensation insurance deny injury should beTreatment taken sure Counties. Hercarrier practiceto focuses ke a full recovery, back tonot work, and havelightly. little Making forgetbroken Medical Executive Committee for the NJ State Bar Association as well Instead, think bones, herniated discs, torn rotator struggling with a serious and debilitating medical condition, and a Member theOcean Workers’ Committee forofthe County remember is that more careful. How much you are paid depends on yourfiling for NJ State on Workers’ Compensation and you the best possible position for ng residuals that a claim or suspend treatment. Issues a free consultation. no fromare thatininjury. Unfortunately, there to qualify as a member of the Vincent J. Apruzzese Mock Trial and Temporary Disability but at the same time you need money to live and health care Compensation Executive Committee cuffs, and traumatic brain injuries. In other words, the Bar Association and a Member Temporary Disability doesn’t cover Social Security Disability Claims. This people unique injury, occupation, Social Security Disability benefits is anCommittee important many who go on to have physical limitathe NJ State Bar Foundation. likeforpre-existing injuries, failure tojob function and personal for the Workers’ NJ State Bar Association. insurance and cannot quit your job. is the case, itShe is is Receiving the present compensation Co-Chair of 070 Payments, also known as aIfbythat of the Compensation ns despiteofthe best That doesn’t mean you can’t forpermanent more than 26 weeks. Workers’ part ofcare. that decision. If you need guidance with your types serious injuries proven and supported medical lifestyle. foryou your report the injury in a timely manner, uk are In addition, she is a Board the Workers’ Compensation important to speak to me to determine how to balance your or enjoy life! It just means that you have to be don’t hesitate contact me for Executive Committee forMember the NJ Comp, by law,filing covers you for as long as Motion forterm Med & toTemp. injurymisinformation. is something youAn are unlikely to get without evidenceapplication, that have long limitations. or just plain Committee for the Ocean County of the American Red Cross, South retion, careful. How much you are paid depends on your day-to-day financial needs with your disability application. a free consultation. State Bar Association as well as a your authorized doctor says you cannot a claim. hque careinjury, occupation, job function and personal experienced attorney is sometimes what Bar Association and a Member Jersey Division, and is a Member of 2. Is your medical condition so severe that it But is filing a claim really necessary? member of the Vincent J. Apruzzese work. If your injury keeps you out of it is Receiving compensation for your permanent theyou Workers’ Compensation I hope see why style. isof needed tonow sort out Workers’ these Compensation benthe Paralegal Advisory Committee of 225 Washington St. The Cottage with basic work related activities? instance, your Mock Trial Committee for the NJ longerofthan that, you need not Executive Committee for the NJthem,work lawinterferes in you New workers are entitled to Forefits ury isBy something areJersey, unlikelyinjured to get without filing are so important! Without thousands NJ complicated factors to make Ocean County College. on. are you a secretary who can no longer use her hands due State Bar Association as well as a Toms River, NJ 08753 aim. State Bar Foundation. worry about your benefits running out. three really important benefits - benefits they need in each would themselves lacking medical youyear receive thefind benefits to carpal tunnel syndrome? That might prevent youworkers fromsure member of the Vincent J. Apruzzese Don’t get stuck paying for medical I hope why Workers’ Compensation orderyoutoseegetnow better, pay their bills, and benprovide compen225 Washington St. The Cottage treatment, income and compensation stance, you need and are entitled being Without able to type, or useof the of Trial Committee for the NJ for their injuries. s are so important! them, file, thousands NJ phone for long periods Mock (732) 228-7534 benefits somebody else should bePhone: paying e sation for their permanent injury. If you’re ever hurt at Toms There’s noBar two ways it. Workers’ Compensation River, NJ 08753 by law to getabout you back State Foundation. kers each year wouldAre findyou themselves medical time. a long lacking haul truck driver who cannot sit forto om go without your pay while you are work,income you’ll and need to know about these three benefits. help thousands of New Jerseyorworkers each year good health, financial compensation fordue their injuries. Have you or a loved one been long periods of time to a severe back injury? If benefits that’sin the dstment, of Phone: (732) 228-7534 recuperating from your injury. If you • The first and most important benefit is payment 225 Washington St. The Cottage ere’s no two ways about it. Workers’ Compensation and are there for YOU if you need them. stability and protect your or case, your condition will dictate how long you can drive and injured at work and don’t know efits helpfor thousands of New Jersey workers year emergency needathelp inthefull medical treatment. Thattoeach means Have youyou or aorloved one workmaking and sure your rights are Have a loved onebeen beeninjured t’s future. whether you will be able meet delivery deadlines. That’s where to turn to ensure ALL of 225 Washington St. The Cottage for YOU if you need them.diagnostic Toms River, NJ you 08753 e are andtherebills, injured at work don’t know ALL protected, urge to contact me to room MRIs and X-rays, testing, surgery, don’t know where to and turn to ensure of your Irights Think your private what is meant by “interference with your basic work related your rights are protected? Don’t Have you or a loved one been injured at work and That’s where to turn to ensure ALL of schedule your free consultation today. physical therapy and even psychological testing to help Toms River, NJ 08753 are protected? Don’t navigate this maze alone! Call me activities”. health care carrier covers navigate this maze alone! Call n’tated know where to turn to ensure ALL of your rights your rights are protected? Don’t deal withDon’t catastrophic injuries. You areme not responsible We’re always here to help you to discuss your injury. The consultation is FREE protected? alone! Call 3.navigate Is onethis ormaze more of your medical issues on today the SSA your work injury? Think me today to discuss your injury. navigate this maze alone! Call Phone: (732) 228-7534 aySSA to discusslist yourof injury. The consultation is FREE me today to discuss your injury. and there is no fee unless we obtain disabling conditions? Some diagnoses are so severe again! Putting your The consultation is FREE and evere The consultation is FREE and that the SSA will automatically deem them to be totally workers’ benefits for you. comp claim I am only paid if I get you y Children’s Boutique I am only paid if I get you disabling. Others may be severe but require documentation, through your private carrier RESULTS. ation, RESULTS. doctor’s reports, evaluations to assess your condition and can result in co-pays and d For more information, perhaps your testimony. If you’re sure if they your condition is ition is by to see all that they offer! Stop by to see allnotthat offer! deductibles that work you Stop should Take care and safely! Take care and work safely! hrough
y For Social Security Covered?
Phone: (732) 228-7534
Call 732-228-7534.
onVie theChildren’ SSA list, consult just withmade me toitshelp you navigateCity. through Sea La s Boutique debut in Ventnor It isSea not your average La Vie Children’s Boutique just made its debut in Ventnor City. It is not your average children’ s boutique. They offer a mix of hand-made and store brands, embroidery this most important step. children’sservices, boutique. They offer a mix of hand-made and store brands, embroidery services, fun sewing classes and more! Sea La Vie carries both boys and girls clothing from sizes fun sewing and more! Sea La Vie carries both boys and girls clothing from sizes Newborn to Girl’s size 16 and Boys size XL. The owner, Christina Rubenstein, has beenclasses in Community Newborn to Girl’s size 16 and Boys size XL. The owner, Christina Rubenstein, has been in business for five years making children’s clothing out of her home, selling at craft shows Theonline Leukemia & the Lymphoma (LLS) the world’s health agency to making children’s clothing out of her home, selling at craft shows and under business,Society Too Too Cuteis Tutus. She largest will bevoluntary creatingbusiness clothing and fordedicated five years embroidering in the andCure will leukemia, feature other local crafters. La and Vie tounder be improve blood cancer. The LLSstore mission: lymphoma, Hodgkin’sSea disease and myeloma, and Thestrives Leukemia & the Lymphoma (LLS) the world’s agency online business,Society Too Too Cuteis Tutus. She largest will bevoluntary creatinghealth clothing anddedicated unique andofaffordable and and newtheir merchandise comes in lifesaving frequently! the quality life of patients families. LLS funds blood cancer research around the
to Ms. New Jersey Senior blood America Pageant 2016 Seeking Contestants embroidering in the store andCure will leukemia, feature other local crafters. La Vie to and be improve cancer. The LLS mission: lymphoma, Hodgkin’sSea disease and strives myeloma,
2nd Annual Come enjoy all-you-can-eat spaghetti Spaghetti Dinner with meatballs, bread, and salad! March 28, 2015 Honoring The The County Woman Magazine
world and provides free information and Make supportItservices. “Wish Hard, Dream Big, Happen!”, is the theme for the MS. NEW JERSEY SENIOR AMERICA PAGEANT 2016. unique and and and new merchandise comes in lifesaving frequently! the quality ofaffordable life of patients their families. LLS funds blood cancer research Visit Us On Facebook in Atlantic City will onceworld againand hostprovides the NEW JERSEY SENIOR AMERICA PAGEANT 2016 in June of or Instagram! information and support services.
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around the
Visit Us On Facebook 2016, the exact date still to be determined. • Ventnor, NJ, 08406 • 609-226-3010 • Since 1971, the purpose of the Pageant has been a search for ladies who have reached the “Age of Elegance”, thator is, Instagram! 60 years and better, to enter the nation’s most prestigious contest. After winning the State Title, the Queen becomes the delegate from New Jersey, who will compete for the November/December 2014 2:00 - 6:00PM coveted title of MS. SENIOR AMERICA 2016. The National Pageant will also be held in Atlantic City at Resorts next October. 6616 Ventnor Ave
Come enjoy all-you-can-eat spaghetti with meatballs, bread, and salad!
• Elks Lodge, 711 West Kenndy Blvd., Lakewood, NJ, 08701• $15.00 per person at the door For an application and call or e-mail: • Wonderful Raffle and Gift Auction! • Visit to donate!
November/December 2014 March 28, 2015
Blog: Johanne Santori, 2:00 - 6:00PM State Website: MS NEW JERSEY SENIOR AMERICA PAGEANT • Elks Lodge, 711 West Kenndy Blvd., Lakewood, NJ, 08701• $15.00 per person at the door March/April 2015National Website: ADMINISTRATOR & STATE PAGEANT DIRECTOR • Wonderful Raffle and Gift Auction! • Visit to donate! Ms. Senior (609) 822-7441 or America 2015 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Construction & RREM
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At Dream Homes, our Elevation Elves had a great year in 2015 and completed over 60 successful projects, including both RREM elevations and new homes. Our Rebuilding Blog, Rebuilding Seminars and our sponsorship of Stop FEMA Now have helped many people and we’ll continue to make the rebuilding process as painless as possible for homeowners who need to rebuild. We’re looking forward to another busy year in 2016 and are currently filling our schedule for the 1st quarter of next year.
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January/February 2016
A AW Woman’s oman’s H Heart eart
February Is American Heart Month What are some “atypical” symptoms?
Learn about the symptoms of a heart attack so you can protect yourself from the worst.
hen people think of a heart attack, they often picture the “Hollywood Heart Attack”: someone grips their chest in pain and collapses to the floor. While chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack, not everyone experiences chest pain during a heart attack.
In fact, women are less likely than men to feel chest pain during a heart attack. Studies suggest that more women than men experience so-called “atypical” symptoms, such as back pain, nausea, or fatigue. And for many people, a heart attack won’t strike without warning. A study of 515 women who had a heart attack found that 95% experienced symptoms before the attack. For this reason, it is important for women to recognize the various signs and symptoms of a heart attack so that they can take immediate action if the need arises. Even if you have already suffered a heart attack, the symptoms of a second attack may not be the same as your first.
What are the common symptoms of a heart attack?
Chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack in both men and women. Women often describe their chest pain as pressure, tightness, or an ache. But often women do not experience severe pain during a heart attack; for this reason, women should also take milder chest pain seriously. When chest pain occurs, it usually feels like discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes; this pain may come and go. Many heart attack patients do not feel any chest pain. This is especially true for women. In the study of 515 women who suffered heart attacks, 43% did not experience any type of chest pain or pressure during their heart attack. About one third of the women in the study did feel chest pain, but most did not describe the sensation as ‘pain’ instead describing various types of discomfort. Although you may not consider what you are feeling to be pain, chest sensations may indicate heart disease or a heart attack. Other common heart attack symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating, and pain in one or both arms. Shortness of breath may occur at the same time as the chest pain or it may occur before it. Shortness of breath has been found to be more common in women, whereas sweating is more common in men.
The term “atypical” is misleading because these symptoms are actually relatively common. Women experience more “atypical” symptoms at the time of a heart attack than men. In one study, women were more than twice as likely as men to experience nausea, vomiting, or indigestion as heart attack symptoms. ‘Atypical’ symptoms include (but are not limited to): • Back, neck, or jaw pain • Nausea • Vomiting • Indigestion • Weakness • Fatigue • Dizziness • Lightheadedness
What are pre-heart attack symptoms?
Pre-heart attack or prodromal symptoms are symptoms that occur before a heart attack, generally from about 4 to 6 months to 1 week before (though some people report these symptoms up to 2 years before their heart attack). Common pre-heart attack symptoms include : • Unusual fatigue • Sleep disturbance • Shortness of breath • Chest pain • Indigestion • Anxiety • Pain in shoulder blade or upper back Shortness of breath seems to be a particularly important symptom for men and women, though it is often not thought of as a serious medical concern. In a study of nearly 18,000 men and women (40% were women), those who experienced shortness of breath were 3 to 5 times more likely to die from heart disease than those who did not have this symptom. This symptom seemed to be a particularly good indicator of heart troubles for people who were not previously aware that they had heart disease.
Do women and men experience pain differently?
Some studies have shown that men and women perceive pain differently and this may help explain why men and women report different heart attack symptoms. Women have a lower threshold for pain, including pressure-type pain, than men. Several studies have found that when women experience chest pain, they rate it as more severe than men. Women may appear more likely to experience so-called atypical symptoms because they report a wider variety of symptoms and because they experience these symptoms more intensely than men.
Why is recognizing symptoms important?
Learning to recognize the wide variety of symptoms that may be experienced before and during a heart attack will help you get the treatment you need fast - and may even save your life. TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The
This article was originally printed in Ocean County Woman Jan/Feb 2013 issue.
January/February2016 2013 January/February
Women Of Monmouth County
Delia Dobrescu, MD, FACC, Barnabas Health Medical Group Delia Dobrescu, MD, FACC, a board-certified, fellowship-trained cardiologist with Barnabas Health Medical Group, fell in love
with cardiology during medical school. “I definitely made the right career choice,” said Dr. Dobrescu. “I absolutely love what I do. The patients, the work and the entire staff are all incredible. I feel very lucky.” Dr. Dobrescu earned her medical degree at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania and completed her residency and fellowship at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in New York. At Monmouth Medical Center, a Barnabas Health facility, Dr. Dobrescu offers consultations for women’s heart health as well as inpatient and outpatient testing, including EKGs, echocardiography stress tests, holter monitors and electrophysiology. As a member of Barnabas Health Medical Group, Dr. Dobrescu has access to a wide-range of resources, including six acute-care hospitals, two children’s hospitals, a statewide behavioral health network and center, hospice and palliative care centers, home health care, ambulatory and outpatient centers and extensive diagnostic laboratory and imaging services.
For a consultation, please call 732-615-3900, or visit
Susan M. Skola, MSN, RN, MBA, NEA-BC, Executive Director Beacon of LIFE PACE Program
Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography
Sue was born in Jersey City and raised in Hasbrouck Heights. She currently resides in Point Pleasant with her husband, Walt and her daughter, Emily. Her son, Alex is a student at CSULB. Sue started her career as an RN graduating from Holy Name Hospital School of Nursing and completed her BSN at Jersey City State University. She worked at Monmouth Medical Center for 28 years in a variety of nursing management and administrative positions including AVP Patient Care Services. Sue received her MSN from Monmouth University and her MBA from University of Phoenix and is a certified Nurse Executive. Two years ago the opportunity was provided to Sue to develop and implement a PACE program; “A Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly” in Monmouth County by AcuteCare Health System. The Beacon of LIFE PACE program is now open and operating in Oceanport, NJ at Fort Monmouth. It serves the frail elderly to keep them living safely at home and avoiding Nursing Home placement. Sue enjoys traveling, boating and motorcycling with family and friends.
For more information, call 732-592-3400 or visit
Catherine Facciolli, Patient Coordinator, Personal Enhancement Center
Photo by Tracy Harman Photography
Catherine was born and raised in Lacey Township, NJ and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing at Florida Atlantic University. Since 2010,Catherine has worked at Personal Enhancement Center as an integral part of Dr.Godek’s team. From scheduling the initial consultation to discussing financial information and reserving your surgery date, Catherine guides our patients every step of the way. Her goal is to ensure patients feel comfortable with their decision to have plastic surgery by educating them on the process, discussing their goals and expectations, and help alleviate any concerns that might arise during the process. She takes great pleasure in building relationships with patients and ensuring their visit is a pleasant one. In her spare time, Catherine enjoys spending time at the beach, reading, exercising, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.
For more information call 732-281-1988, email, or visit
Jill Collier, MD, Gastroenterologists of Ocean County
Photo by Tracy Harman Photography
Jill was born in Newark and raised in East Brunswick, graduating East Brunswick High School in 1982. She attended college at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with a degree in Biology. She was Phi Beta Kappa and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Jill earned her medical degree and completed her residency at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. She was a member of the honor society Alpha Omega Alpha. Her gastroenterology training was completed at Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. She was one of the first two women accepted into the gastroenterology program at Montefiore. She joined Gastroenterologists of Ocean County in 1995. She is currently Medical Director of the Endoscopy Center of Toms River. She has been chosen as one of “America’s Top Physicians” annually since 2007. She has performed over 20,00 procedures during her career. She is on staff at Community Medical Center and Ocean Medical Center, and has offices in Toms River, Brick and Forked River. Jill has been married to her husband, Douglas for over 25 years. They have two beautiful children. Dr Collier and her family reside in Toms River, where they are very active in the community. She enjoys skiing and traveling with her family and being involved with her children’s activities.
To schedule an appointment call 732-349-4422 or visit
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Women Of Monmouth County
Jaclyn Borden, Center Director, Mathnasium
Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography
Jaclyn Borden is the Center Director of Mathnasium of Ocean Township. She graduated from Moravian College in 2012, was the Vice President of the Business and Economics Club, a member of the national economics society, Omicron Delta Epsilon, and a Resident Advisor for three years at Moravian College. Jaclyn began realizing her passion to enlighten students while working at another learning center, during which time she tutored students and worked with parents to ensure that family goals were being met. Jaclyn began working at Mathnasium in 2015 and has become a Mathnasium Master Certified Instructor. Jaclyn’s most memorable success story is when a student came to Mathnasium almost failing Algebra I, and after a month under her instruction, the student received their first A on a test. According to Jaclyn, “Most people don’t actually dislike math; rather they are put off by things that don’t make sense. Once they understand a topic at hand, it often becomes enlightening and even enjoyable.”
For more information, call 732-842-6284 or visit
Cristina Klymasz, MS, OTR/L, CBIS, RYT, Kessler Rehabilitation Center
Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography
A graduate of New York University, Cristina Klymasz is an occupational therapist with advanced certification as a brain injury specialist (CBIS), and is also a registered yoga teacher (RYT). She joined Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in 2010, focusing on treating individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain injury, dementia and other neurological conditions. As part of Kessler’s Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (CRP) team, Cristina has combined cognitive rehabilitation with holistic therapies, such as yoga and mindfulness meditation to benefit clients. Cristina developed a specialized Parkinson’s program to address the cognitive changes associated with the disease. She also developed brain injury “booster sessions” for clients recently discharged from the CRP, and published an article about the program in OT Practice magazine. She has also contributed to articles on concussion and Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis for Advance publications. In addition, she served as co-leader of the Essex County Brain Injury Alliance’s Support Group. Cristina, a Monmouth County resident, is eager to continue her work and expand the scope of neuro-rehabilitation services available at Kessler Rehabilitation Center in Ocean Township.
For more information, contact Cristina at 732-918-4848 or email at
Jennifer DeMarco, RN, Director of Nursing – CareOne at Holmdel
Jennifer started her career in nursing in 1998 at Staten Island University Hospital, specializing in drug and alcohol abuse psych, neurology, neuro-surgery unit, and medical surgical nursing. Her commitment to improving the quality of life for the elderly is her passion. In 2005 Jennifer joined CareOne at Holmdel as a staff nurse. CareOne enriched her career over six years by allowing her to achieve many career goals up to Director of Nursing. She was Director of Nursing for several years in an Ocean county facility until rejoining the CareOne team in the summer of 2014. Jennifer is proud to have returned to the team where she started her career in long term-sub acute care. Her priority is as a patient advocate for quality care. Jennifer provides overall leadership, to all clinical staff with compassion and commitment. Jennifer looks forward to engaging with residents, family and staff. We are a five star rated for quality at CareOne at Holmdel with many thanks to Jennifer and her team, we are extremely proud of those statistics. We received zero clinical deficiencies this past August from the Department of Health; we continue to strive for excellent care.
For more information, call 732-946-4200 or visit
Melanie Frka, Financial Coordinator, Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography
Melanie Frka heads up the Insurance and Billing office at Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine. As Financial Coordinator, she acts as an advocate and liaison between patients and their insurance companies and helps patients overcome financial obstacles in order to realize their dream of becoming parents. Melanie is originally from New York, where she was a graduate of Sanford Brown Institute in Manhattan. She began her career in the medical field in New York, first in dentistry then later in fertility. She was welcomed to the Morgan Fertility team in January of 2014. When asked what she enjoys most about her daily life at Morgan Fertility, she says it’s the challenge of helping patients navigate the evolving insurance landscape. “The coding system is both intricate and precise. It takes a lot of knowledge and persistence on our part to go the extra mile for our patients. But, it’s something that is very rewarding when you get to see the joy on people’s faces when they finally become moms and dads.” Melanie says her secret to balancing a new home, an active lifestyle, and a demanding job is simple. “Work hard. Have fun. Make a difference.”
For more information, call 732-361-2252 or visit
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Theatre & Entertainment
52 “
directed by
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Theatre & Entertainment
is an elemental reimagining of L. Frank Baum’s World of Oz. The puppets are fanciful and gorgeous; the spectacle is handmade, infused with breath and light.” The New York Times
Overflows with vivid imagery and emotion.”
CRITIC’S PICK Evocative and haunting.”
New York Magazine
Time Out New York
THEWOODSMANPLAY.COM RETURNING JANUARY 27 | 212-239-6200 | New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Je nse
a ch lf” Bea ctly on the be u G e h e T ’s “On sort dir Jensen only small re Shell Beach! antic. ’s White e • Rom Captiva Pristine sets • Intimat n king Su 239-472-5800 a t h t a e Br Call
n Style”
sua xed, ca la e r , k c laid-ba 5800. enjoy a u o y 39-4722 If ll . a a C in r s & Ma on spot! Cottage perfect vacati lm a P the Twin Historic phere – this is ’s n e s n s o Je ls. Resort” arina atm n Renta . “Marina istoric island M o i t a c a h V ch
a v pe i rien pt ce True Ca
a v i t p a C e u Tr -5800
s t r o 2 7 s 4 e 9 R s 23 ’ l l n a e C s • Jen .com.
a v t i i t s p i a c V o g . w w w e: t i s b e W g cozy t offerin with a r o s e r run ges Family ites and cotta u s ock beach shing d fi e t a priv ls! at renta o b h it w
Celebrate birthday’s, anniversaries, family gatherings, girlfriend’s weekends, amazing fishing, shelling, manatees, and so much more!
ion a vacat h it w r Yea ! the New Marina today t r a t s o t d n e a tim rts perfect d Reso It’s the ensen’s Islan J
There is fun for the entire family! Fisherman • Artists • Musician • Nature Lover • Sheller. Unplug, unwind and relax in “True Captiva Style” at Jensen’s Resorts and Marina.
The County Woman Magazine
ily at tire fam n e e h t Fun for en’s Marina! Jens 800 9-472-5 3 2 ll a C
Boat Rentals • Water Taxi • Fishing Guides Bait • Tackle • Ice • Gas • T-Shirts • Hat Coolers and much more!
January/February 2016
in sup n of the l Fu h a e l H port artnett Memoria
35 A
“Every Step Counts”
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Adult Community
Start Your 2016 Retirement At Fountainhead! Land leased communities offer an easy and affordable lifestyle. With less pressure to get it all done in a day or a weekend, living in your own single family home on a 5,000 square foot lot is a great way to relax and unwind after a full life of working, raising a family, and planning.
Home prices in land-leased communities tend to be much lower than land/ home real estate purchases. Land leasing costs are much lower than the usual combination of mortgage, property taxes, utility costs and exterior home/lot care. Land leased communities are located all around the state and many are age-qualified. Fountainhead is a 55+ community in Jackson (Ocean County) offering new and pre-owned homes at prices to satisfy most budgets.
Fountainhead maintains an experienced home sales staff and a la carte services to supplement the services included in the land lease fee. Land leasing is not a new idea, but it is a lifestyle whose time has come. As our state population increases, and our free time decreases, we want to make the most of every day. So why use our time to do a lot of upkeep to the home and yard. The days of enjoying that kind of hard work are passed for many 55+, a little to do is better. Visit Fountainhead online or Facebook and learn more about saving your time for family or your favorite hobbies. New homes available at Fountainhead can be as large as 1,400 square feet or as modest as 900 square feet. Each home lot developed includes an area for parking off the street and a place for a garden building (shed). Each home offered includes the features of natural gas appliances and heat, gutters, air conditioning and easy care exteriors. Every new Fountainhead home is built to high standards and inspected to just as high standards. It is a friendly community on the Jackson-Freehold border, less than two miles from I-195 (the major east/ west artery for central New Jersey). All the services are within a mile or two and for those who don’t drive as much as they used to, Jackson offers free senior transportation.
"You'll Love Living Here!"
The “Vista”
The “Madison” • Quality Constructed Homes • Central Air & Gas Heat • Deluxe Appliances • Energy Efficient Insulation • 2 and 3 Bedrooms • Beautiful Kitchens • Land Leasing • Off-Street Parking • 25 min. to Trenton • 20 min. to the Shore • New and Pre-owned Homes
1 Rose Drive, Jackson, NJ 08527 For directions call
or visit our website
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Social 72 Community ActivitiesC Network... ommunity Where Active Adults Meet To Be Informed SCAN (Social Community Activities Network) In 2016, new funding from the Affordable Housing is a non-profit adult social education and resource Alliance will allow SCAN to provide thirty limited center founded in 1988 and conveniently located in income adults, age 60 and up, with a free tablet, the Monmouth Mall. The name reflects the actioninternet service and regular meetings with technology oriented profile of its members and the vibrancy and coaches. Selected applicants must stay with the social networking strength of the organization.Activities The program forManor at leastCare 6-9 months get toBay keep their King Center, to Laurel Health CAN (Social Community main draw of membership, is opensocial to anyone tablet.&The 2016Monmouth program will start on February Rehab, County Division of Network) iswhich an adult aged 50 and over, is the opportunity to socialize 4th and applications are available by contacting Aging, Disabilities & Veteran’s Services, Ocean education and resource center and stay healthy. SCAN is a place ‘Where we in January. Associates, SCAN is partnering with United the Pharma-Care, founded in 1988, headquartered on SCANOrthopedic build communities of active adults so that they are Affordable Housing Alliance to conduct the program Health Care, VNA Health Group, and Williams the basement level of Monmouth Mall. Informed,The Empowered and Inspired.’ in two 2016 locations, Freehold Boro and Neptune. Lift Company. name reflects the action-oriented Individuals of income level who already have Your Calendars: profile of its members and the vibrancy Mark any 2016 promises to be an exciting year at SCAN. their own tablet and internet service may also apply to and social networking strength of SCAN is producing the 2015 Senior We will continue to offer a full catalog of classes in of participate in this technology training program. the organization. The main draw Citizen Art Contest and Exhibition and art, computers, technology, fitness, health, languages, initiative at SCAN in 2016 will be to bring membership, which is open to anyone A new we would like to extend an invitation to all music, TVaged production, finance and more. All qualified individuals on board to serve as Interns (as 50 and over, is the opportunity to Monmouth County Seniors to participate in the classes socialize are offered and at lowstay or nohealthy. cost. We SCAN will recent movie The Intern). Details for the Intern is a in the this annual event. The show will be held at the also continue to produce three shows per month program are still being worked out but we are looking place “where active adults meet to be Monmouth County Library Headquarters, 125 in our TV Informed, studio. TheseEmpowered shows can be seen adults with the background and experience andonInspired.” for active Symmes Drive, Manalapan, NJ and it will be the Cablevision, Comcast and FIOS networks in to fill positions such as: organized by SCAN. The art show will run from Monmouth and Ocean counties as well as SCAN’s • August Coordinator for the 30th, SCAN2015. MainPlease Campus 5th to August call in own YouTube channel. Go to our website, www. Eatontown SCAN for additional details. to see when the shows are broadcast in SCAN will hold and display all 1st place • Coordinator of SCAN volunteer your community. winners at the SCAN campus in the Monmouth programs from September to September 18th, Presented by • Mall Social media expert 1st to help expand our 2015. SCAN will host an Open House Art social media outreach Friday, September 11 from • Reception Teachers/subject matter experts to 1-3PM. *** 2015 Event Sponsor *** Take Control of Your Health conduct classes at SCAN Investors Bank workshops will be held the summer • Coordinator of a Lunchduring and Learn club so please call for details of locations and ** Sponsors ** • Travel industry expert to coordinate a dates. TCOYH is a 6-week, evidence based workshop Monmouth Mall travel club designed by Stanford University to help those Monmouth Medical Center • Theater club coordinator chronic conditions New jersey Natural Gas/Save Green • with Technology coaches to better manage their symptoms and live life to the fullest even with Asbury Park Press • Peer Leaders for Evidence Based their physical limitations. The workshop is Atrium at Navesink Harbor Beacon Health Social Services Programs The 2015 DAMP class shows off/ their free&tablets. facilitated by a team of trained Peer Leaders. Captel Outreach / Comfort Keepers of Central Jersey Free computer classes are available for Garden Hills Residence-CIS / Healthsouth Rehab Hospital of Tinton Falls In 2016, SCAN is Wednesday. looking for US Veterans every You must register The 2015 Digital Aging Mastery Horizon Blue Cross Blue ShieldProgram / King Manor Care Center in advance, so check the complete class listing at interns! (DAMP) was a resounding success and SCAN was Laurel Bay Health & Rehab / Monmouth County Division of Aging, Disabilities again funded to continue program during Associates 2016. & Veteran’sthe Services / Ocean Orthopedic We are working with the Monmouth A graduation ceremony for /the 2015 class/ VNA wasHealth held Pharma-Care United Health Care Group County Office on Aging Caregivers Department, in December and they will continue to meet once Williams Lift Company VISIT and have a free Caregivers Support Group a month throughout 2016 to fine tune their newly at SCAN which is open to the public. Call for acquired technology skills. details. On May 20th SCAN held its annual By popular demand, we have added Take Control of Your Health Fair at the In a very local example of East meeting a Parkinson’s Support GroupWest, withthe a Monmouth Mall. We had 24 vendors and Social Community professionalActivities facilitatorNetwork which is(SCAN) open to hosted the 400 attendees. We want to thank our Event 15 government representatives from Hainan Province, public. Join the group on 7/8, 7/22, 8/5, and 8/9. Sponsor, Investors Bank, and all of our Sponsors: Peoples RepublicThe of China on Octoberof22nd. The Fall Semester classes will begin Monmouth Mall, Monmouth Medical Center, Chineseon representatives visited the United States to September 8. Details will be available at the New Jersey Natural Gas/Save Green, Asbury gain insight into the American inour placewebsite to at end of August. Updatesprograms will be on assist senior population. A panel consisting of Park Press, Atrium at Navesink Harbor, Beacon Health & Social Services, Captel Outreach, Angela Lee, Monmouth Medical Center; Ivan Solero, The Boscov’s Campus of Courses will Beacon Of Life PACE Program; Colleen Smith, Comfort Keepers of Central Jersey, Garden Hills run from September 14-October 9 and details Monmouth County Office of Aging; and Carlos Rodriguez, Residence-CIS, Healthsouth Rehab Hospital of Executive Director, FoodBank of Monmouth/ will be available by the end of August. Updates Ocean Counties provided briefings information to the visitors. Tinton Falls, Horizon Blueand Cross Blue Shield, will be on our website at
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS SCAN’s winter semester classes: January 11th through April 7th
SCAN Offers Information, Empowerment, and Inspiration 3
Take Control of Your Health Fair
SCAN’s Campus of Courses at Boscov’s (free to SCAN members): Monmouth Mall and Ocean County Mall – February 2 to February 27. Look for the class listings in the Asbury Park Press in January and on the SCAN website (
General Membership Meeting: February 3rd, Guest speaker – David Willis, Asbury Park Press, Press On Your Side will discuss scams directed at seniors and how to prevent becoming a victim. Free – registration required. The SocialNew Community Activities Chinese Year celebration at Monmouth th Network (SCAN)14 is located at 180 Route Mall – February . 35 in Eatontown (basement level of And remember, SCAN membership, which is Monmouth Mall); for more information only $30 for one year (and $20 to renew and a schedule of other upcomingfor each subsequent year) entitles you or to reduced events, call 732-542-1326 visit class fees, special offers, and free attendance at all Boscov’s classes.
3 3
Pat Bohse
Executive Director TheWoman County Woman Magazine The County Magazine
180 Route 35 • Eatontown (basement level of Monmouth Mall)
732-542-1326 July/August 2015 January/February 2016
131 Bath Ave, Long Branch, NJ 07740 732-222-8755
145 Somerset St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 732-249-1222
Providing a “Home away from Home’ Because families are stonger
What lengths would you go to help your ill child?
It costs an average of $80 a day to house a family. We ask our families for a $10 a night donation to help defray that cost. However, we waive that donation in cases of hardship.
We cannot do this alone! We rely on the This is the question our families have to generosity of you, and our community to answer every day. Since 1987 The Ronald help us continue our mission. Our McDonald House of Central & Northern families are your friends, neighbors, New Jersey has been helping families co-workers and maybe even your family. answer that question. Our mission is to keep these families together by We don’t want to turn providing a warm, welcoming supportive any family away. environment during their time of uncertainty and stress. Please donate: The proper medical treatment is not always available close to home. Families are faced with the trauma of an ill child and then the trauma of needing to travel hundreds and even thousands of miles from their homes. These families find a “home away from home” at our houses. Families are welcomed by staff and volunteers whose primary focus is to make them as comfortable as possible.
Ellianna’s Story “On November 24th 2014 at 3:30 am my life changed forever! I was experiencing intense pain in my lower back and abdomen and I was scared out of my mind because I was only 29 weeks pregnant. The doctor came in and said you are having a baby today. My husband and I started crying she wasn’t due until February 8th 2015. Ellianna was immediately transferred to NICU that morning since she born at 29 weeks and she was only 3lbs. I was worried as our car would not make the trip from the hospital to our home and we didn’t know anyone local to the hospital that we could stay with. We were told not to worry about a place to stay just concentrate on your daughter. We visited with our daughter and were then told to go down the street to a place called The Ronald McDonald House, I was not sure of what to expect. This charity has literally saved our lives and we will forever be grateful for everything they have done. They did not just provide a roof over our heads for two months; they were there to be a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, they provided us with meals, they gave us a Christmas to never forget and they really made us feel like a part of their family. The Ronald McDonald House and the people that work & volunteer there are amazing, they made the most horrifying two months of our life the most magical time of our life. We love all of you!” ~ Rodney, Dana and Ellianna
We provide a ‘home away from home’ for thousands of families with seriously ill children while they receive care at nearby medical facilities. Our houses and family rooms offer comforting surroundings where family members can stay together during a time of uncertainty and stress. Your generosity has enabled us to support our families for more than a quarter of a century. We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to continue our mission.
Follow us online! Social Media: RMHCNJ For info or to donate visit our website: or email us: The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016 January/February 2016
00 61
59 Travel Top Caribbean Islands For Fall / Winter 2015 SHAKE UP YOUR HOLIDAYS
TGrand ravel ravel Cayman — River Cruising: An Extraordinary ☼ he air might still be balmy and the evenings warm andThe light,Food but the Destination
55 63
Experience Taking It With You: Packing Primer mayA notthis realize fall and winter holidays will be here before you knowYou it, making the it, but Grand Cayman is one ofcruising the region’smay culinary River be
the hottest cruising
perfect time to think about booking your holiday travel. The majority of capitals. From Eric Ripert’s Blue to your trends around 2016 -- even though river the holidays occur in the “lowYou’ve season”booked when the lines are shorter, theof morein Ortanique, it’s full than 200 long awaited vacation cruises have been operating for decades. top-level restaurants weather is often quite pleasant and thewith prices more affordable – especially if featuring both your Travel local and- international Professional you’re you book in advance. Not to mention all the festivals and and activities it truly is a cuisine. In other Cruise haveAnd upped their game with expanded amenities and words, a foodie’slines dream. when ready magical time to discover Europe! Here are ato fewpack travelyour ideas for you to consider while intriguingeating, itineraries vessels can’t reach. River you’re finished you to canplaces retireocean-going to suitcase. cruises are luring experienced ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and celebrating the holiday season abroad. Now the big question theis:luxury of the Ritz-Carlton or the
onto intimate riverboats with focus on current interests. What do you takeWestin on Seven Mile Beach. The river cruising destinations, like a 12 day Bordeaux River you? If you’re cruising Caribbean # Italy with & Thanksgiving Pasta British Virgin Islands --in the cruise, or 7 day Danube, offer cruise guests the local experience With so many new fees and • Add a few more tee shirts and another pair of shorts More andrestrictions more we the areairlines seeinghave families escape the hustle and tour bus rides. From April’s tulips to December’s Inwithout Searchthe oflong Adventure • Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags Christmas Markets, hundreds bustle a traditional U.S.entire Thanksgiving for the flavors of Italy. Diving, sailing, snorkeling, hikingof riverboats and barges glide along imposed for baggage, you will have to of consider leaving your closet for wet suits. Europe’s historic rivers and canals, which span thousands of miles of at home from now on. Some airlines are the charging for carry-on bagsand now,island Though holiday is not recognized in Italy, you may someVirgin hopping. Thefind British • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the and other airlines let you boardrestaurants first if you have no carry-on bags. Islands So what Continental waterways, North Sea to Black Sea. serving a traditional turkey dinner, be prepared toand is full ofbut adventures bigconnecting ports or resorts. are the essentials to pack? receive the restaurant’s original small, delicious Italian menu. A Europe Cruise whether snorkeling The of the best ways we know to A fewyou’re yearsRiver from now whatat one Examples the best Hereof is asome packing of primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that willinland remember is the total IndiansMarkets oryouexploring theEurope, caves of The explore visiting cities, towns and villages might helpLine with theThemes: process. # Germany’s Christmas River Cruise experience of your vacation, NOT Baths. Virgin Gorda’s North Sound is traditional big ships usually can’tofaccess. Let with the colorful lights, aromas of hotthat chestnuts andforgot grilled and the chill winter cast a the things you tosausages pack. • Uniworld Boutique River Cruises their sleek small ships, an adventure in itself — led by its Bitter For a week in the Caribbean: *Remember, your Vagabond* magical spell over you. There are so many markets in best Germany choose cruise through 29 countries. • 2 swimsuits End Yacht Club,Travel the hoteltoincan the from that we suggest visiting Virtuoso Professional With less than passengers, Uniworld regional foods acan couple larger ones and also one in a smaller village town to experience the different settings. (put 1 in200 your carry-on so just you gooffers right to the beach) Caribbean foryou watersports. assist in planning a vacation
There’s a Caribbean island for ☼ every travel desire, however, every Caribbean island is different, and each one has a diverse range of experiences to offer, whether you’re looking for food, beaches, and chances to visit homes in local villages. • 2 cover-ups with the most value and added — #dining New Year’s Eve Fireworks • Avalon Waterways Highlights” Vienna MunichAntigua (1 with sleeves“Austrian for evenings onfrom the beach & 1toPareo) art or adventure. This year’s touches to make your experience a ☼ focuses •Beer themed. A our Trip Through Some of favorite cities to visit when ringing in the New Year are memorable one.History Yoga pants and 2 tank tops • Tauck•offers family river cruises with its Tauck Bridges program, This is one of the best-kept secrets Fall/Winter list highlights OurBarcelona. dedication toInour clients before, during andtoafter Paris, Dublin and Paris, if you really want be every at thevacation cen2 shorts and 2 tees including• family cooking lessons. makes a world of difference. theparty, Caribbean. meticulously for the front-row action. But don’t 3 sundresses ter ofinthe head to AChamps-Elysées There are several brand new Riverbest cruise lines entering the include some of the preserved and restoredInstead, dockyard • SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers expect to see any fireworks. theand Parisians organize an incredible light Enjoy Your Travel Experience. market like Emerald Waterways, and Scenic cruises to fill the • Pashmina naval base where Horatio Nelson once show (and, in some demand. Each line has itscases, highlights,under like the long ships and thethat features the Eiffel Tower. In Dublin, grab a pint of Guinness and • Sunglasses Your Travel Virtuoso It’s Vagabond really because it’s andAdvisor enjoysojourned. all the special events,great parades, fireworks concerts. In Barcelona, next generation Space-Ships. • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag For over 25 years, a historical site where you stay right the radar) attributes take part in the tradition of La Nochevieja, when families and friends get It’s a great new cruising experience!of a host • Costume jewelry, (leave the real jewels home) inside truly a feel for one of the the arrival of the New Year. Carole Kaiman together to and share a lateget meal before celebrating Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist at Vagabond Travel, and an evening purse of Caribbean destinations. region’s historical treasures. Vagabond Travel According wearing red underwear and eating twelve grapes at MustVirtuoso Haves: Host on the Uniworld River Cruise will be the in to tradition, chime of*Check the clockCAROLE in the countdown to midnight brings good luck! TO CONTACT KAIMAN Listed are our25, top picks Repellent, Sun2016 Protection (with at least 30 SPF)every out France •onInsect September for eight days. • Facial and body moisturizer NowCALL: that you732-222-2792 have a few travel ideas, or let’s shake things up this year by Please contact 732-222-2792 for more details. for Fall / Winter 2015. • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, for our Digital Magazine gathering your family and friends to celebrate the holidays in European style! Visit hair conditioner and shampoo
VISIT: and some amazing travelinformation. ideas. Call Vagabond Travel Agency for more
Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. Little Silver New Jersey 07739
*Check out for our Digital Magazineand some amazing travel ideas.
Over 25 Years
732-222-2792 Direct 732-842-2600 Office
website: The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine
May/June 2014 2014 September/October November/December May/June 2014 January/February 2016 2015 September/October 2015
JONATHAN FOX JA N 9 – F E B 7/ 2 0 1 6
A world-premiere play by Two River Founder Robert Rechnitz and Kenneth Stunkel. Set at an English Department faculty party, Lives of Reason brings audiences inside the world of academia — and what happens when one woman’s secret passions explode. Lives of Reason is directed by Jonathan Fox, the former Artistic Director at Two River and now the Executive Artistic Director of the Ensemble Theatre Company of Santa Barbara.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
WEforum Health & Wellness Conference
we presents
SAVE THE DATE April 20, 2016 Ocean Place Resort & Spa One Ocean Blvd. Long Branch, NJ 07740
educate . empower . evolve
When you educate a woman, she empowers her family, and together WE can evolve a community. LECTURE TOPICS INCLUDE:
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Medition and the Power of Positive Thinking
Your Brain on Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Best Non-surgical Options for Looking Youthful
It’s Not You. It’s Your Hormones!
Caring for our Aging Parents
Food Politics; Big Business and many more topics…
Local medical practices, businesses & healthcare facilities in fitness, food, cosmetics and wellness fields
Products for mind, body and soul Free giveaways & raffles
$99 Early bird special (by March 15th) ■ $125 Regular Admission ■
■ Proceeds will support free educational
health and wellness programs and services developed by Monmouth Medical Center to make vital health care information accessible to the entire community.
For sponsorship and vendor opportunities call Davina Feingold at 732-923-7521 or by email at
The County Woman Magazine
evolve January/February 2016
A BETTER YOU FOR A BETTER US Whatever you resolve to do this year, the Y is here to help build a better you. Whether it’s becoming healthier, trying new activities, spending time with family, making new friends, or volunteering, the Y is where building a better you, builds a better community. Join us for a fitness class sampler, come meet our staff and learn more about membership, programs, child care and summer camps. Members bring in a non member guest and receive a free gift!
Visit the Freehold YMCA
SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 2016 9:00AM – 12:00PM & start making a better you.
Freehold YMCA 470 East Freehold Road Freehold, NJ 07728
(P)732.462.0464 Instagram @yofwmc
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Specialty Cakes
Chocolate Novelties
Enter To Win A FREE 7” Birthday Cake! Just clip and return to:
The County Woman P.O. Box 619, Turnersville, NJ 08012
Name: Address: City:
Email: Winner will receive a free 7” birthday cake, good for one year. One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through February 29, 2016. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.
2510 Belmar Blvd., Colfax Plaza • Wall, NJ
35 A
35 TH
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
The Monmouth Symphony Orchestra
Invites you to join us for our Sixty-Seventh Anniversary Season 2015-2016
Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. The MSO’s special 67th Anniversary Evening Concert Grieg: In Autumn Strauss, R.: Four Last Songs Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 in E Minor Victoria Cannizzo, Soprano Roy D. Gussman, Conductor
Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. Featuring our 2015 Goldwasser Young Artist Concerto Competition Winner Wagner: Siegfried Idyll Bruch: Scottish Fantasy, Op. 46 Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet Suites Carolyn Wong, Violin Lucian Rinando, Conductor
Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. Goldwasser Young Artist Concerto Competition Final Round United Methodist Church of Red Bank
Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. Featuring a Special Pre-Concert Recital at 2:15 p.m. Weber: Overture to Der Freischütz Schocker: Hannah’s Glade Mozart: Concerto in C Major for Flute and Harp, K. 299 Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 Gary Schocker, Flute; Emily Mitchell, Harp Roy D. Gussman, Conductor
Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Berlioz: Overture to The Judges of the Secret Court Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 14 in Eb Major, K. 449 Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 3 in Eb Major, Op. 75 Ravel: Boléro Ron Levy, Piano Roy D. Gussman, Conductor
Pre-Concert Interviews 45 Minutes Prior to Concerts
Count Basie Theatre
99 Monmouth Street, Red Bank Adults $35; Seniors (60+) $30; Children & Students $5 Become an adult or senior subscriber and get all 4 concerts for the price of 3!
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Fine Art Photography
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
Medical Professionals
Enhance Your Natural Beauty As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Christopher Godek has developed a true love for the specialty. Part of what makes him so successful is his ability to appreciate the way plastic surgery can transform a person’s life. He is devoted to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery including facial, breast and body surgery. His reconstructive practice includes breast cancer reconstruction, skin cancers, facial trauma, and facial reconstruction. Dr. Godek also has a very busy non-surgical practice that includes skin care, chemical peel programs and injectables, including Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse, Belotero, and Sculptra. “These minimally invasive techniques are used to improve facial balance and create a more natural, youthful and rested look,” he adds. He and his team take an individualized approach to each patient they see. He adds, “Our team strives to achieve results that enhance specific areas of concern, while also complementing the beauty of your natural features.”
MCW: How did you become involved in this field?
Dr. Godek: I originally trained as a biomedical engineer at Syracuse University and then went on to complete my medical degree at the Boston University School of Medicine. I also completed a one-year research fellowship at Harvard Medical School. While in Boston, I had the opportunity to work alongside one of the top plastic surgeons in the country. After spending time with this surgeon, I came to realize the unique aspects of Plastic Surgery. I became involved in this field due to the wonderful interactions I had with my teachers and patients while training at Boston University, Harvard Medical School, and the University of Pennsylvania, where I completed my Plastic Surgery residency.
MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession?
Dr. Godek: I love being able to help others in need. Patients often come to me with a problem or concern and being able to offer them the most up-to-date options to help them is incredibly rewarding. This includes everything from helping young children with birth defects or injuries, to helping women who have lost a breast due to breast cancer. The ability to help someone feel “whole” again is tremendously rewarding.
MCW: What is the most challenging?
Dr. Christopher Godek
Dr. Godek: The most challenging aspect of the profession is that not all deformities can be corrected. Additionally, not all patients that see us in our practice are candidates for surgery due to other health issues or medical conditions. My number one priority is the safety of our patients. Having to tell a patient that they cannot undergo a certain procedure due to their health is very challenging and can be quite upsetting to the patient. We work very closely with our patients to help them overcome these obstacles when, and if they occur.
MCW: What sets your practice apart from others like it?
Breast Enhancement
Dr. Godek: We provide a great deal of extra care before, during, and after surgery. For facial procedures, patients meet with one of our Bella Derma aestheticians for skin care and make-up advice beforehand; then for microdermabrasion and facial massages following their surgeries. For body procedures, patients visit the Bella Derma Medi Spa for massage and ultrasound to reduce any swelling or bruising and to help diminish downtime after surgeries. My patients receive so much more than just a procedure. Our state-of-the art spa treatments speed our patient’s recoveries and help them look and feel healthy so that they may return to their everyday activities as soon as possible.
Body Contouring
MCW: What are the most common procedures that you perform?
Face Lifts Eyelid Lifts Rhinoplasty
Injectables and Fillers
Dr. Godek: The most common procedures that I perform include nasal surgery, eyelid lifts, face lifts, breast enlargement, breast lifts and breast reductions, as well as tummy tucks, and liposuction. I also perform a significant number of breast cancer reconstructions, facial cancer reconstructions, and reconstruction after facial trauma.
Skin Care
MCW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind?
Facial Rejuvenation
1430 Hooper Ave., Suite 200A • Toms River, NJ 08753
Dr. Godek: One of my most memorable cases is from early in my career. Upon completing my training at the University of Pennsylvania, I started working in New Jersey and was on staff at several hospitals in both Monmouth and Ocean Counties. At that time, I was taking trauma calls at Jersey Shore University Medical Center and was on Plastic Surgery call. I received a phone call from the emergency room about a young girl who lost her hand in a rollover motor vehicle accident on the Garden State Parkway. I was able to take the patient to the operating room and re-attach her hand with techniques and microsurgery that I had learned while at the University of Pennsylvania. She made an incredible recovery and was able to keep her hand. Dr. Godek consistently puts his patients first. Beginning with the consultation visit, he spends quality time getting to know each of them and to better understand their goals. He adds, “I want to be sure they feel comfortable expressing their aesthetic goals to me. All of my patients are very special to me. I thoroughly enjoy getting to know each one of them on a personal basis and developing a lifelong relationship with them.” He grew up in a small town in Western Massachusetts where he met his wife, Kristen, when they were both in high school. The couple now lives in a small ocean community with their two boys. Outside of Plastic Surgery, they enjoy time at the beach paddle surfing and fishing.
The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016
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The County Woman Magazine
January/February 2016