Atlantic County Woman - November/December 2018

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12th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


Shore Vascular & Vein Center is now offering Enlighten, the newest solution available for laser tattoo removal.

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Page 23

Cancer of the skin is by far the most common of all cancers. Melanoma accounts for only 1% but is the most deadly. Page 10 Pae 32

We have over 35 flavors to choose from and can provide all forms of pet medicine. Page 38

Today’s families face many challenges. Marla Marinucci, Esq., Certified by the Supreme Court of NJ as a Matrimonial Law Attorney, is devoted to helping your family through them. Read more about her personal and professional experiences and how she can provide you with the necessary information to empower you to make the right decision on pages 34 & 35.

Smartphones Scan Here

Page 46

Photo By Donna Andrews Photography




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Pet Services


Pulsed Electro Magnetic Therapy (PEMF)

The science of magnawaving and the differences between low- and high-intensity PEMF What does PEMF do? PEMF comes down to maintaining good cell health. The stresses of everyday life, sports, work and more take a toll on our bodies. As a result our cells no longer function at their best, which leads to premature aging, degenerative disease and decline in performance. By stimulating cell metabolism, PEMF therapy may restore cell function and repair cells to recover from trauma or illness. PEMF therapy aids the body in a number of ways: 1. Blood circulation is increased throughout the body or body part being treated. 2. Oxygenation of blood and tissues. Many PEMF studies appear to demonstrate an increase in blood oxygen content. Cells thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. Oxygenation relieves inflammation, and because all pain is caused by inflammation, if we can relieve that inflammation, then the body begins to heal. 3. Calcium influx. This is an important function in repair of bone and in maintainance of cell membranes. 4. Macrophages. These cells, which function as protection against infection, may become activated, thus strengthening the immune system. Lymphatic drainage is improved, thus removing inflammatory toxins. 5. Acupuncture points are activated. While very technical, all of this boils down to the body’s healing power on the microscopic cell level. This is where repair and regeneration and health actually begins! Low- and high-intensity PEMF are both beneficial. Most notable is the amount of time it takes to achieve the same benefits. The low-intensity PEMF benefits capillary blood flow in the skin, great for relaxation therapy, skin conditions and healing. Highintensity PEMF takes less time and more immediate results are seen. It benefits blood flow in the deeper organs. PEMF therapy is approved for pain and inflammation treatment and for the treatment of depression in humans. We are already using PEMF on our animal patients with some very interesting results. Soon we will have a registered nurse using the PEMF therapy on humans! The only contraindication for PEMF is if a human has a pacemaker. Average treatments are two to three times a week, although daily therapy for severe or chronic problems is also done. Remember it is rare that any type of therapy works with just one treatment.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

MMedical edical P rofessionals Professionals

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Breastfeeding: “A True Gift” The topic for this issue is breastfeeding. This is a true gift! It is a gift that a woman has the ability to feed her baby. It is also a gift of love from Mom to her newborn baby. This ability to sustain life is a special thing. During pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to prepare for milk production. The breasts hypertrophy, meaning they get larger. The nipples (areola) also enlarge and may become darker in color (pigment). There are glands (milk ducts) that are contained in the areola that also change. This is the way Mother Nature prepares a pregnant woman for the birth and feeding of her baby. During labor and following delivery, certain hormones are produced that cause the body to begin to produce a thin white fluid called colostrum. Colostrum contains properties that help to protect the newborn until his or her own immune system is functioning properly. The breast gradually starts to produce breast milk. The fluid will become more opaque and white to yellow in color. As the baby begins to breast feed, a complex hormonal release of prolactin and oxytocin (to name a few) fosters the breastfeeding process. The benefits of breastfeeding to a mother are many. Breastfeeding uses a tremendous amount of calories, which translates into weight loss for Mom. Imagine that—losing weight without exercise! If a woman has breastfed she will also experience several long-term protective health effects, such as a lower rate of breast disease. When prolactin is produced and released, a woman can feel a sense of relaxation. Some may refer to this as a breastfeeding high. The calming effect prolactin has can help a new mom cope with sleep deprivation and other life stressors. There is also an emotional aspect to breastfeeding. The skin-to-skin contact between the two fosters a maternal-child bond.

Bonding is so important for the baby as well. The mother’s breasts are over her heart and lungs. The newborn is able to feel and hear her heart beating. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, as well as the sounds of breathing, are perceived by the baby. The breasts are in close approximation to the mother’s face so the baby can easily see her and make eye contact with her. There are also positive health effects for the baby. Contained in colostrum and breast milk are maternal antibodies that are transmitted to the baby. This provides passive immunization for the baby, reducing the risk of the baby becoming sick. Many new moms have concerns that the baby is not getting enough milk. Well, the baby is born with a special fat layer that helps to provide additional calorie support until milk production increases. The size of a newborn’s stomach is very small. It is approximately the size of a large marble. So not too much can fit in there at any one time. Although the art of breastfeeding on face value may seem to be an easy process, it takes patience and practice for both the mom and baby. Essentially they both need to learn how to breastfeed. One can find volumes on the ways to breastfeed. The one that is correct is the one that works for both the mom and baby. This is a trial and error process. Most hospitals now have lactation consultants. These are health care professionals that have completed additional training in the art and science of breastfeeding. They are usually available soon after delivery, and during your stay on the postpartum unit. Advanced Care now has a lactation counselor available in our office. I encourage each of my pregnant patients to meet with her during the pregnancy. This allows the patient to become educated on the art of breastfeeding. It is helpful to do this before the delivery because it greatly reduces breastfeeding stress. Meeting with her while you are pregnant helps to educate you prior to actually having to breastfeed your child, eliminating stress or worry about not doing it right. She is also available after delivery if the need arises.

We at Advanced Care fully support breastfeeding. With the addition of a lactation counselor in our office, we attempt to educate and support all women in their endeavor to breastfeed. For pregnant women, maintaining a well-balanced diet and continuing prenatal visits is necessary. Seek education and support from a lactation counselor and your doctor. Together, we can help you achieve your goal to breastfeed successfully.

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2017 November/December 2018

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The County Woman The County Woman Ce leb rat r ing Our 11th Yea

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Welcome to the November/December Issue of the Atlantic County Woman!

Welcome to the season of all things festive and fun! Along with all of the stress and excitement these months bring, it is also the time to give thanks to those near and far. For a minute, I would like to reflect on what we, as a team, are thankful for. First, our many professional contributors who share their expertise and help make our publication the number one educational resource for women and their families in Atlantic County. Next, our wonderful team of editors, graphic designers, and photographers who assist in making each page beautiful and a “must read” publication. And lastly, you, for your continued support and for sharing our articles with family and friends throughout the country. We wish each and every one of you a safe, joyful holiday season with your family and friends.

Contact us: P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ • 08012




Thank you for your continued support! Lauren, Production Manager, and the Staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Pet Services

Newkirk Family Veterinarians....................................................... 2 Funny Farm Rescue................................................................... 51 Senior Pets................................................................................. 52 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming................................................. 53 Atlantic County Animal Shelter............................................. 72, 73

Medical Professionals

Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility................................................. 3 Shore Vascular & Vein Center....................................................... 6 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa............................... 7 Certified Dermatology................................................................ 10 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics.................................................. 11 Sood Center for Plastic Surgery................................................. 17 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.................................................... 25 Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................................ 26 Kathy A. Banks, DMD................................................................. 27 Relievus...................................................................................... 30 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 38 Barbara Greenling, DNP....................................................... 40, 41

Home Health Care

BAYADA Home Health Care......................................................... 4

Coffee Shop

Barista’s Coffee House................................................................. 5

Premier Dental Spa

Federici Dental......................................................................... 8, 9

Elder Law

Rice Elder Law........................................................................... 12

Home Improvement

Clay’s Climate Control................................................................ 13

The County Woman Publications

Subscribe Today......................................................................... 13 Instagram................................................................................... 20 Testimonials................................................................................ 21

Health & Wellness

Breathe Studio............................................................................ 14 Body in Balance Fitness Center................................................. 31 Hot or Not Yoga.......................................................................... 32

Table of Contents

Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 33 Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................... 44 Curexa Pharmacy....................................................................... 46 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio..................................................... 50

Fashion & Beauty

Barbara’s Boutique..................................................................... 15 The Bra Boudoir......................................................................... 22 Seagrass Boutique..................................................................... 29

Assisted Living

Seashore Gardens Living Center............................................... 16

Psychic Advisor

Mark Nichols.............................................................................. 16

Financial Management

5 Tips for Sustaining Financial Health........................................ 18 Garden State Trust Company..................................................... 19

Permanent Makeup

Beau Institute............................................................................. 22


Simply Sweet Cupcakes............................................................ 23

Legal Professionals

D’Amato Law Firm...................................................................... 24

Higher Education

Atlantic Cape Community College............................................. 28

Professional Tutoring

Study Smarter ........................................................................... 28

Featured on the Cover

Russell & Marinucci.............................................................. 34, 35

Specialty Wigs

Wigs by Pat and Cubby............................................................. 36

Nutrition & Wellness

Vitality FYI................................................................................... 37


Charles Meusburger, MD............................................................ 37

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus............................................................................... 39

5 Acupuncture

Koehler Acupuncture.................................................................. 45

Wigs & Hair Designs

Abstrax Hair Designs.................................................................. 47 Women of Atlantic County............................ 48, 49

Men’s Clothing

Lou Marchiano for Men.............................................................. 53

Theatre & Entertainment

Cape May Stage......................................................................... 54 The Other Josh Cohen............................................................... 56 Show-Score................................................................................ 57 Atlantic City Ballet...................................................................... 59 Two River Theater....................................................................... 67

Shoe Repair

The Friendly Cobbler.................................................................. 55

Gourmet Shop

Tales of the Olive........................................................................ 55

Fabulous Food

Cutting Board Creations, LLC.................................................... 58


Vagabond Travel Agency............................................................ 63

Women’s History

Susan Burton.............................................................................. 64

Holistic Life Coach

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A..................................................... 71

Family Portraits & Headshots

Donna Andrews Photography.................................................... 75 Community..... 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74 Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Enlightened Solutions................................................................. 45

Coffee Shop

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


Medical Profe

Groundbreaking New Technolog Groundbreaking New Technology for Laser Tattoo Removal Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center announces enlighten™, the newest, most complete solution available anywhere for laser tattoo removal. enlighten™ is the most advanced

laser system available for safe and effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first laser system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever available.

The “Pico” Difference

Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy over a very short period of time to break up ink. Inks of different types, colors and depth can provide significant challenges to remove. It has been shown that shorter duration pulses are more effective in completely removing tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is one trillionth of a second. This is one thousand times shorter than prior lasers for tattoo removal. Picosecond, sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been shown to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with lasers used in the past.


Picosecond lasers are the newest, most advanced tattoo removal technology available. Our enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” technology with the flexibility of both 1064nm and 532nm dual wavelength lasers. Never before has this combination of power and versatility been available. This now allows for the treatment of all color tattoos and skin types, even the traditionally very difficult ones, with a single device. This provides effective results in approximately half the number of treatments of prior lasers.

Number of Treatments Required and Results

People often ask how long it will take to remove their tattoo, and will it be able to be removed completely. Laser tattoo removal typically takes multiple treatments. That is because tattoo ink is deposited deep into the skin and multiple treatments are needed to reach all of the ink and break it up completely. In addition, tattoos of various sizes, colors and ages may respond differently to treatment. Some colors are more difficult to clear completely than others. Therefore, it is impossible to know in the very beginning how many treatments will ultimately be needed or how completely it will be removed. However, our new enlighten™ picosecond laser has been shown to be faster and more effective than the prior lasers used for tattoo removal. In fact, many people can expect to obtain excellent results in half the number of treatments, or less, than with prior lasers. Our doctor can give you a good idea of the number of treatments that will be needed after your tattoo is examined.

Partial Tattoo Removal

Due to change in circumstances, relationships and other factors, some people desire to have their tattoos changed. We can remove parts of tattoos, while leaving other parts intact, to allow for tattoo changes.


Cost will vary depending on a number of factors including the size of the tattoo and the number of treatments needed. Keep in mind that with enlighten™, you should

treatmen ones, wi number


People be remo That is b are need of vario are mor know in how com laser has tattoo re the num a good i examine

anticipate requiring far fewer treatments than required with other lasers. You can also anticipate more complete results. However, since the exact number of treatments will Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center not initially be known, we offer complete tattoo removal packages. That gives you a set announces en light en™the , the newest, most complete price in the beginning and eliminates uncertainty of not knowing the exact number solution available anywhere for laser tattoo of treatments that will ultimately be needed. Our staff can give youremoval. more information about pricing after we™examine your tattoo. enlighten is the most advanced laser system available About Us and effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first for safe laser Our medical director, Dr. system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond Partia Jeffrey Gosin, is a Board Certified technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows Due to Vascular Surgeon. He has years of individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for other fa experience in performing cosmetic changed the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever available. vascular laser procedures using the leaving highly V™ laser. Theacclaimed “Pico”Excel Difference Cost OverLasers those remove years, hetattoos has been asked by delivering high energy over a very short period of time Cost w by to many patients if he could also break up ink. Inks of different types, colors and depth can provide significant includin remove their tattoos with his laser. challenges to remove. It has been shown that shorter duration pulses are more treatmen While the Excel V™ laser isremoving best- tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new effective in completely requirin enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is in-class for vascular applications, anticipa second. This is one thousand times shorter than prior lasers it isone nottrillionth designedof fora removing will not for tattoo removal. Picosecond, tattoos. Other prior lasers also had sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been you a se shown to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with significant limitations. Therefore, exact nu lasers used would in the past. he previously not provide this more in service. Flexibility About ™ Picosecond lasers are the most advanced tattoo removal technology When the new enlight ennewest, Our m available. Our enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” technology with the laser finally became available, that He has flexibilitychanged of boththings. 1064nmDr. and 532nm dual wavelength lasers. Never before has completely the high thisresearched combination power and versatility been available. This now allows for the Gosin theof technology, attended conferences, and personally consulted with laser experts from “University Quality Care at the Jersey Shore” around the country who were involved in the very early use of this remarkable new device. It became clear that this technology “University Quality Care would set the new standard in laser at the Jersey Shore” tattoo removal. We are very pleased to be the first center in the entire Delaware Valley to be able to offer this cutting-edge technology.

If you are experiencing “tattoo regret” and would like to have your tattoo removed or changed, call us for a consultation.

JEFFREY442 S.Bethel GOSIN, MD FACS Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

For more information, call 609-927-8346 The County Woman Magazine(609) 927 VEIN www.TheCountyWom (8346) or visit

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018


Medical Professionals Professionals Medical


November & December Specials SEPTEMBER SPECIALS

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Look your best for vacations, slip on *watch forwarm rebatesweather coming soon to Becauseofofitsitslong longterm termresults resultsit it important a qualified experienced injector Because is is important thatthat a qualified experienced injector a body conscience increase yoursweater savings dress or providesyour yourBellafill Bellafilltreatment. treatment. Bellafill a non-resorbable unlike provides Bellafill is aisnon-resorbable fillerfiller unlike manymany otherother get a Schedule jump start bathing today!! suit season! fillersthat thatrequire requirereinjection reinjectionevery every months. a combination of collagen combined youron freethe consultation fillers fewfew months. It isItaiscombination of collagen combined with microspheres of PMMA that stimulates your own collagen production. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• with microspheres of PMMA that stimulates your own collagen production. 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The CoolSculpting technology freezesallows the fatprecise cells and the body eliminates them. procedure takes about Off allisObagi, and Elta MD Accent 10% Aesthetics Proud toGlo Support the Following technology freezes the fatand cellseasy. andAfterward the body there eliminates them. The procedure takes 45 minutes and is painless is no recovery; you may return to about skin Charities withcare Twoproducts. Amazing Events 45 minutes is painless and easy. Afterward is no recovery; you may return to your normal and activity immediately. Results take onethere to four months to see. normal activityrequires immediately. Resultsconsult take one four months to methods see. your Every individual a personalized to to determine the best to 20% of all candles and body products Every individual requires a personalized consult to determine the EVENTS return their face to a more youthful look. Always make sure your doctor is best boardmethods certifiedto return their face to a more youthful look. 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Eyebrows, Lips or Chin $25, All proceeds will gowith to the Free Archipelago Winter Frost candle Right Notes to support the National MS Society purchase of $100 or more in Gift Cards. Wine & Cheese Board - Amazing Raffle prizes and More!! November 19-23 ONLY

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September/October2018 2017 November/December


Premier Dental Spa

You Slept A Full Eight Hours But You’re Still Tired. Why? If you, your partner, or someone else you know is waking after a night of sleep feeling completely unrested, there is a chance that they may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway is intermittently blocked during sleep, reducing or completely stopping airflow.

sleep apnea are CPAP (Controlled Positive Airway Pressure) or OAT (Oral Appliance Therapy). Both of these treatments are covered under both medical insurance and Medicare.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatments for sleep apnea vary widely depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea a person suffers from. Suggested treatments can include: • Losing weight • Quitting smoking / drinking • Eating healthy and controlling blood pressure • Sleeping on your side • Oral devices • Surgery in extreme cases • CPAP (breathing machines)

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three primary types of sleep apnea that can be caused by a person’s physical structure or We are now a medical conditions. Dental Sleep Medicine 1. Central Sleep Apnea Member Center of One type of sleep apnea is called central sleep Federici Dental the New Jersey apnea (CSA) and it happens works closely when you stop breathing because the muscles Sleep Society. with both local involved in the act of respiratory breathing don’t receive the proper signal from the pulmonologists This is the appliance we brain. Causes of CSA and your primary care provider to have use at Federici Dental. can be brain stem injuries/concussions, congestive heart failure, Opioid your home sleep studies completed. They usage, and CNS diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. are proud members of both the American 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and NJ Sleep Society, and are on The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and occurs due to a physical blockage, usually the collapsing of the cutting-edge of sleep apnea knowledge and treatment. the soft tissue in the back of the throat. Loud snorers may have a serious case of blocked air passages, known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Testimonial: (OSAS). In these cases, the blockage of air is so great that no air can get “…Dr. Federici’s compassion and patience is much appreciated. My oral device was through, causing repeated awakenings throughout the night. custom made for me! It’s small and comfortable, plus I can easily take it with me when I 3. Mixed Sleep Apnea travel. Dr. Federici is very cautious with making adjustments to my device so I will not Mixed/complex sleep apnea is a combination of CSA and OSA. have jaw pain. His staff was friendly and handled the billing to my insurance company Obstructve sleep apnea can contribute or lead to many other conditions with ease. Finally, I’m getting a good night sleep! Thank you Dr. Dave!” -Michelle D. such as hypertension, A-Fib, diabetes, GERD, stroke, and increased risk for car accidents to name a few, so it is important to be diagnosed by a medical professionals if you experience any sleep-related symptoms. While each individual case is different, the first step in diagnosing sleep apnea is with a sleep study. Our office works with both respiratory pulmonologists directly or through a written prescription by your primary care physician with Meridian Hackensack SOCH to provide home or in-lab sleep studies. We will do an oral screening • Dental Implants • Hybrid Dentures • Sleep Apnea and have you answer some questions which will assist in informing your medical doctor why we feel you should have a home sleep test done. Treatment • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns • Bridges Once the study is completed and both the respiratory pulmonologist/ • ZOOM Teeth Whitening • Partials • Root Canals primary physician and our office receive a copy of the results, we will both • Cleanings • Exams • Digital X-Rays coordinate the best treatment for you. Oral appliances work by gently moving your lower jaw and tongue forward thereby opening up your airway at back Call our office today at (609) 597-1234. of your throat.

Insurance Coverage for Sleep Apnea

Your respiratory pulmonologist or your primary care physician referred hospital dispensed study will be covered again, by your medical insurance not your dental since it is a medical condition. The two standards of treatment for

We look forward to seeing you! 1301 Route 72 W. • Unit 230 • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Just one minute off the parkway!

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Meet The Dentists


There Are Plenty of Reasons to Smile After a Visit to Federici Dental It’s a real family affair at Federici Dental Group. In addition to being partners, dentists Joe and David Federici are also brothers. Much of their staff has been with them for over 20 years, which is why they refer to their practice as a family, rather than a company. Joseph Federici, DMD

David Federici, DMD

Dr. Joe: Working with my brother provides a level of trust I couldn’t expect from a nonfamily member. We know we can count on each other and have the same values and work ethic.

Dr. Dave: My brother and I are caring, sensitive to anxieties, and we offer state of the art treatments based on needs all the while giving patients several different options. We are the leaders in offering “teeth in a day” and are the only dental office in the area with expertise in the screening and treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

ACW: What are the advantages of working with your family?

ACW: What led you to a career in Dentistry?

Dr. Joe: Although dentistry is scientific, it is often referred to as an art. There is so much creativity involved in restoring a patient’s smile, which in return boosts their self-confidence. Helping people when they’re in pain is also a highly rewarding experience. Dentistry allowed me to be independent, create my own business, and set my own career goals. It is the perfect blend of science, art, and skill.

ACW: How do you stay current with changes made in your field?

Dr. Joe: Dentistry is a rapidly changing field, which is why continuing education courses are important. We gain unique insight from experts that we can use to favorably impact our own patients. One of the newest areas we are involved in is Dental Sleep medicine. We are now able to fit patients with an Oral Sleep Apnea Appliance instead of wearing a CPAP mask to bed.

ACW: What are some important tenets of the doctor patient relationship?

Dr. Joe: Trust is the single most important building block for a long-term relationship with any patient. My patients must trust that I have their best interest at heart and that I have the expertise to perform at the highest level possible.

ACW: How do you handle patients who have severe anxiety about visiting the dentist?

Dr. Joe: We encourage our patients to share their fears and ask questions during their initial visit. It helps to tell them how modern dental techniques are less invasive and therefore, cause less discomfort. We also offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) that is administered through a mask and placed over the patient’s nose. This allows them to feel less pain and induces a feeling of euphoria. The nitrous oxide wears off immediately with virtually no side effects.

ACW: What sets your office apart from others like it?

ACW: Tell us about the “Teeth in a Day” procedure.

Dr. Dave: I work with a local oral surgeon in the treatment option of both screw and removable hybrid dentures. The procedure is advertised nationally by Clearchoice. My surgeon and our procedures go beyond what they offer and our lab and surgeon are all within a six-mile radius of our office. This is an option for someone who has deteriorating teeth, where investment into them would not be a wise financial choice due to limited lifespan. First, our surgeon screens for eligibility with a CBCT scan ensuring they are the right candidate. We then help them choose a final set of teeth that they want to live with, whether that be removable or screw retained. On the day of surgery we have teeth pre-made and the patient’s teeth are removed and implants placed in. Then we fit pre made teeth over those implants and screw them in. Then, four months later after everything has healed and tissues have shrunken down, we fabricate the final set of teeth. It is an amazing process all done under IV sedation.

ACW: How do you treat patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?

Dr. Dave: Our hygienists screen for it with our established patients during their recall cleaning visits. All new patients receive an in depth questionnaire about their sleep habits and how it may be affecting them. We have taken extensive continuing education in the screening and treatment of OSA. After a positive screening, we refer the patient to a local respiratory pulmonologist where they are given an at home sleep test. Because this is a medical condition, it goes through medical insurance and must be diagnosed by a board certified respiratory pulmonologist. If the sleep study comes back being mild to moderate OSA, we treat it with a custom made oral appliance that advances the lower jaw to pull the tongue forward and open the airway up. Because 80% of snorers have OSA, it is imperative through our screening that we treat (what most) think is just a nuisance. We are the doctors of the oral cavity and by seeing most patients twice a year for 60 minutes laying down in the sleeping position, we are in a position to help medical doctors screen for it.

ACW: What do you find most fulfilling about your profession?

Dr. Dave: I really enjoy creating and maintaining relationships with my patients. The patient testimonial section of our website truly reflects how our patients feel about us.

(609) 597-1234. •

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018


Medical Professionals

What Is Malignant Melanoma? Cancer of the skin is by far the most common of all cancers. Melanoma accounts for only 1% but is the most deadly.

Melanoma starts when pigment begins to grow out of control. Signs may include a new, unusual growth or a changes in an existing mole. Melanomas can occur anywhere on the body. The facts:

• Melanoma is the third most common cancer in women ages 20-39 and the second most common cancer in men ages 20-39.

• In the United States, one person dies of melanoma every hour. • 10% of all people with melanoma have a family history of melanoma.

In the past decade the number of new melanoma cases has increased by 53%. There has also been a significant rise in overall survival in patients with melanoma. This may be due to earlier diagnosis, when the tumors are at a thinner depth.

Early detection saves lives— Schedule your skin examination today!

Certified Dermatology


“Lisa Ledden is the epitome of a very knowledgeable, caring professional; I say this as a caregiver of my partner Patte, a patient of Lisa’s for over 10 years; I want to speak as a caregiver, because I wonder if the loved ones of patients are considered in their feelings about a partner with a potentially fatal disease, and how someone like Lisa can be the difference between anxiety and peace; I truly believe that Lisa has kept Patte alive, by diagnosing her 5 melanoma’s at early stages; Lisa has a very special gift of melanoma recognition...which has gone undetected by others; so, as a caregiver, I am extremely grateful for Lisa...she gives the whole family a sense of comfort and trust; to me, she is a real blessing.” - Linda Wexler

“I had been going to the same dermatologist for years. She was selling her practice and moving to New York. I was a little nervous about that but just stayed in her office and stayed with the dermatologist that took over her practice. I went to make an appointment and could not get in with a doctor but they told me they had a female nurse practitioner named Lisa that I could see, So I agreed. When I first met her I was thrilled! I knew we would be friends but I knew she was good at what she does. She has a better eye than any doctor I have ever seen! She found a melanoma on my back that was .3 cm was very deep and I had to have a wide excision done at Robert Wood Johnson hospital with a specialist. If that had grown I’m sure the outcome would’ve been different than today. I am fine and healthy. That was January 2003 when we got the results that it had not spread. I continue to see her every year. She cuts off 3 moles and we talk! We have become friends! I love her! She is bright, professional, timely and accommodating! I recommend her to everyone I can at every opportunity I can! She is the best dermatologist I’ve had and I hope to keep seeing her for a long, long time! Thank you, Lisa Ledden!” - Kerri Byrne

The County Woman Magazine

Specializing in General and Cosmetic Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) 609-940-3100 (Office) 609-437-6921 (Cell)

599 Shore Road, Suite 202, Somers Point, NJ

Lisa M Ledden MSN, APN-C

Nurse Practitioner November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


What is this?

This is a surgical technique that is performed through very tiny incisions, only a few millimetres long. This is in contrast to traditional surgery performed through large incisions on the foot. Dr. Baskin offers this technique with advantages over open surgery. Much less soft tissue stripping and dissection is required to gain access to the bone in order to make the corrections. This may alleviate the need for wires, implants, or screws.

This may lead to:

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Open Surgery

• Reduced surgical time • Walking the same day in a surgical shoe. • Less damage to tissues • Less internal scarring • Minimal external scarring (sometimes stitches are not needed) • Less joint stiffness • Same day surgery • Quicker recovery time • Faster return to work and normal activities • No need for pins or implants in the toes • Possibly a better result

What conditions can be treated this way? • Bunions (hallux valgus) • Lumps, bumps, corns, calluses on or in between the toes. • Hammer toes • Metatarsalgia (pain under the balls of the toes) • Big toe arthritis (Cheilectomy for Hallux Rigidus) • Morton’s Neuroma • Plantar Fasciitis • Some aspects of flat feet surgery • Some aspects of ankle arthritis surgery • Diabetic ulcers most places on the foot

Can any surgeon perform this kind of surgery?

No. Very specific training in minimally invasive techniques are required and these training courses have restricted access. A new range of surgical tools, not normally used in traditional open surgery are used and these require a new set of technical skills in order to master the different surgical techniques. This requires training and experience. Not all foot and ankle surgeons perform minimally invasive foot surgery.

Is it for me?

Most people are eligible to have minimally invasive surgery, however it is not for everyone. Some deformities are too large to be corrected using minimally invasive techniques. A consultation with Dr. Baskin will allow you to discuss this in detail and decide which method of foot correction is appropriate for you. n

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018


EElder lderLawLaw


YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney

Nancy NancyRice Ricehas hasbeen beenpracticing practicingEstate EstatePlanning Planningand andElder ElderLaw LawininNew NewJersey Jerseyand andPennsylvania Pennsylvania since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintained since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintainedoffices officesinin Atlantic County and Camden County, specifically in Linwood and Cherry Hill. She can answer Camden andand Capeconcerns May counties, specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer your questions - just call 609-398-3447. your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

“ WILL Will CONTESTS: How Do They Contests: How Do They Work? Work? ” Part l l

We discussed A.) Fraud and B.) Due Execution in the Atlantic County Woman September/October 2015 issue, Part 1 of 2. We discussed Fraudinand Due Execution in the Today, we will(A) continue our (B) discussion with C.) Testamentary Atlantic County Woman 2018 issue, Part Capacity and D.) Undue September/October Influence.

Part 2 of 2

enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of Testator, “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the proof willand shift there to the are defender of the Will.

execution of the Will, the burden of proof will shift to the defender A “confidential relationship” can be found where there is some special trust of the Will. 1 of 2. Today, we will continue in our discussion with (C) between the Testator and a beneficiary the Will and where A “confidential relationship” canunder be found where therethe is nature some of C.) Testmentary Capacity Testamentary Capacity and (D) Undue Influence. that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At times, special between the Testatorhasand beneficiary Will The test for determining testamentary capacity is rather permissive. Indeed, a specialtrust or confidential relationship beena found to existunder betweenthe a Testator C.level Testamentary Capacity and nature that special relationship the of capacity needed to execute a Will is less than that required to enter and:where an adultthe child; otherof relative; a healthcare provider; a creates neighbor;some an attorney; The test forThe determining is rather into a contract. key questionstestamentary are whether thecapacity person who made the Will type reliance or dependency. At times arelationship special ornaturally confidential or anofaccountant. Notably, while a confidential exists be(called the “Testator”) permissive. Indeed,understood: the level of capacity needed to execute a Will tween a husband wife, the presumption of undue influence will relationship hasand been found to exist between a Testator andnot an generadult ally arise even when the Testator’s children are disinherited. is lessThe than that required to enter into a contract. The key questions child, other relative, a healthcare provider, a neighbor, an attorney nature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words, are whether the person who made the Will (called the “Testator”) or an Notably, while a component confidential relationship what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will. As accountant. to the “suspicious circumstances” of an undue influence Will understood: naturally exists between husband wife,Suspicious the presumption of have contest, the evidence on thisa issue can beand “slight.” circumstances The “natural objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s been found where awill beneficiary of the Will engaged attorney to prepare the undue influence not generally arise even his when the Testator’s (1) The extent of the property the anything Will; in under other nextnature of kin and (whether or not he or she wantssubject to leaveofthem Testator’s Will and where a nursing home patient was removed from the facility children are disinherited. thewords, assets the to Testator hadthey andare). planned to leave under his Will, thewhat Testator needs know who by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later. As to the “suspicious circumstances” component of an undue or her Will. influence Will contest, the evidence on thisbecause issue need more The“natural effect of objects the Will;ofthat would dispose If you believe that a Will should be challenged it wasbe notno executed (2) The histhe or Will her bounty,” that of is,property who arefollowing the death. “slight.” circumstances have number been found whereetc.) a or properly (i.e., itSuspicious was forged, didn’t have the correct of witnesses, Testator’s next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them than because the deceased was not competent when he/she it or the beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to signed prepare thebecause Testator’s anything under the of Will, Testator The relation of each thesethe factors to theneeds know who they are). Will was the product of undue influence, you should hire a seasoned attorney, Will and where a nursing home patient was removed from the (3) The effect of the Will; that the Will would dispose of property who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with your decifacility by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later. following death. sion to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent If you believe that a Will should be challenged because it was (4) The each of(assuming these factors towas theatother. window of time during which a caveat and/or a Will contest may be filed. mind whenrelation a Will isofexecuted he/she least 18 years of age and not executed properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct has been declared a court to be legally incapacitated). Tosound overcome not Notably, the lawbypresumes that all Testators are of andthe number of witnesses, or because deceased was Nancy Rice canetc.) answer yourthe questions andnot concerns! presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capaccompetent mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was competent when he/she signed it or because the Will was the ity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is at least 18 yearsthat of age has nottobeen by a court to be important to know it is and not enough show declared that the Testator was addicted product of undue influence, you should hire a seasoned attorney legally incapacitated). To overcome the presumption of capacity, the to drugs or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the influence of who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with a contestant substance at must the time of thelack execution of the Will. Nor is it sufficient to show prove of testamentary capacity at the time the your decision to engage an experienced attorney because the law that thewas Testator was forgetful at the so long as evidence.. he or she had some capacWill executed, by clear andtime, convincing allows only a narrow window of time during which a caveat and/or ity to manage his or her business affairs. a Will contest may be filed. D. Undue Influence Undue influence has been defined as any type of exertion that D.) Undue Influence can prevent the Testator from following or her that free can will.prevent Mere Undue influence has been defined as any type his of exertion suggestions, or the some influence not the Testator frompersuasions following his/her freeexertion will. Thisofcan include physical,ismenNancy Rice, Esq., CELA can answer your questions tal, or moral Mere suggestions, persuasions the exertion of the some enough toexertion. invalidate a Will. Ordinarily, the or challenger has and concerns. Call 609-398-3447. influence enoughundue to invalidate a Will. If, Ordinarily, thethe challenger has the burdenisofnot proving influence. however, Will benefits burden of proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who one who enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the

1 2 3 4

Call 609-398-3447 today!

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • WillContests Contests• Special • SpecialNeeds NeedsTrusts Trust •• Medicare, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid, Long-Term Care, Care & Disability Planning Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will and Disability Planning

200New Asbury Avenue Ocean City, NJ Suite F •F Cherry Hill, NJNJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 2021 Road, Unit •#9 • Linwood, NJ08226 08021• 609.398.3447 • 609.398.3447| I 1236 1236 Brace Brace Rd., Road, Suite • Cherry Hill, 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2018 2015 November/December

Home Improvement


Why Go Tankless?

Hot water is an essential component of comfortable living in your home, especially during the cold winter months. This is why it is so important to have a reliable and effective hot water heater at your disposal. You know you have a hot water heater in your home, but unless you’ve run into issues, it’s unlikely you’ve put much thought into replacing it. Replacing your hot water heater is inevitable, however, and when the time comes it’s a good idea to consider a tankless water heater. Here are just a few of the benefits of going tankless.

Jen and Clay Pierce Clay’s Climate Control LLC is a family-owned and operated company located in Linwood, NJ. The company was founded by Clay and Jen Pierce in 2001 based on the principle that we could offer an excellent HVAC experience to our customers. Our goal is simple; to provide a professional, stress-free experience for your HVAC repair, maintenance or installation.

water on an as-needed basis, which means that it isn’t constantly working to keep sitting water warm. As a result of this, tankless heaters use 30 to 50% less energy than units with tanks. These kinds of energy savings ensure that you’ll see roughly $100 off your water bill each year. • Space Saving: Unlike a traditional bulky water heater that takes up space in a closet or basement, a tankless heater is compact and is usually mounted on a wall. This is key for those living in a smaller space, looking to maximize their square footage. A mounted heater frees up floor space for additional storage.

to be used, the warm water used in your home is actually cleaner and safer. With a tankless water heater, you avoid using water that has had the opportunity to accumulate rust and scale. • Longer Life Expectancy: Tankless water heaters, when properly maintained, can easily last up to 20 years. This is 5 to 10 years longer than you can expect to have a more traditional water heater. While it may be more expensive to install a tankless heater initially, you will see your return on investment over time. • Never Run Out of Hot Water: Nothing is worse than getting into a shower to find the water running cold within a few seconds. With a tankless water heater, you’ll never have to worry about running out of hot water. This is ideal for families with multiple bathrooms and those with hot tubs or whirlpools, and is truly one of the biggest benefits of having a tankless water heater.

For more information on tankless hot water heaters or to schedule your water heater replacement, please give us a call at Clay’s Climate Control.

501 W. Patcong Ave • Linwood, NJ 08221

609-653-2295 • • Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM

Emergency services available

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In New Jersey, the probate of a Will and the appointment of an Executor is most commonly not a formal procedure.

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• Energy Efficient: Tankless water heaters work by heating

• Cleaner Water: Because water isn’t sitting in a tank waiting

Sept./Oct. 2018

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November/December 2018

Health & Wellness


Pilates At Breathe Leah Schwartz, owner/certified barre and pilates instructor

“Start where you are, grow from there, the practice is yours.” My journey started with my love for barre. I connected with the fluidity of the movements and how my body felt. Pilates was natural progression. The more the I practiced, the more I desired to perfect my skills. In 2013 I began my training and certifications in Barre and in 2016 I completed my reformer certification from Balance Body. Throughout my education I have collaborated with mentors of varying practices that have diversified my technique and knowledge, and molded my abilities as an instructor.

reformer) the resistance of springs to lengthen and strengthen your muscles, while moving the body as a whole. Regardless of what class you choose, make sure to let your instructor know you’re a beginner. This way, they’ll be able to keep an eye on you throughout the class and offer modifications or form adjustments that ensure you are moving in proper posture. 2. You’ll feel your muscles burn during class, and you’ll probably be sore the next day. While you may not be crushing high-intensity exercises like squat jumps or lifting heavy dumbbells, the mostly bodyweight routines that Pilates classes offer can be pretty intense. Take the signature Pilates Hundred, for example. A core-focused move that involves less than two inches of constant movement, it will make your abs burn. Dedicating your entire focus to even the smallest movements means that you’ll work the muscles more efficiently and solidify good posture through movement. This means you can be dealing with muscle soreness after your workout. Don’t fret: Being sore the next day doesn’t mean you’re out of shape; it just means you’re challenging your muscles in new ways or working muscles you didn’t know you had. 3. Pilates is the foundation of a well-rounded fitness plan. NEW CLIENT Pilates stretches, strengthens, and aligns your SPECIAL body all at the same time. With that said, it 5 group classes & complements every other fitness endeavor 3 Private training because it prepares your body to move better in sessions for $215! every way. Adding it into your routine will help A great way get started you lift heavier weights, run faster, swim with and learn about how better form, or even achieve that elusive arm your body moves! balance in yoga.

If you’ve wanted to try Pilates classes but something has been holding you back, now’s your time to sign up for your first one. Pilates offers plenty of benefits to your body, no matter your fitness background. You’ll improve your posture, focus on body alignment, and get one heck of a core workout. Want to know what the hype is all about? Here are three things a Pilates newbie needs to know to enjoy her first class. 1. There are two different kinds of Pilates classes: mat classes and reformer classes. You’ll be tackling a class that’s based on either a mat, which is a tad thicker than your standard yoga mat, to cushion pressure points, or a machine called a reformer, which is a sliding platform complete with stationary foot bar, springs, and pulleys that provide resistance to help tone the body. Both options focus on the concept of control rather than cranking out endless reps or muscle exhaustion. In Pilates, your muscles are working to lift against gravity and (in the case of the

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Fashion & Beauty

The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2018

Caregivers: How to Cope This Winter

Assisted Living Seashore Gardens Living Center Chances are you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But


Wanted: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress position, no vacations or days off, and zero monetary compensation

for millions of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They Staying Connected have a loved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver.

Let pose me tell something about myto family. The winter months anyou especially tough time be a They think I’m a lot like fudge—mostly sweet caregiver. With inclement weather and an increase in coldswith and chocolate and with ainfew nuts! We each our flu, it’s harder to get out of the house. The reduction sunlight alsosavor can affect delicious moment as I try to fill some mood. Being in the same home 24/7—even with someone whom younutty care goodness about— into our times. can take its toll, and lead to caregiver burnout.

It’s the same for our residents. They savor every moment with their families, nutty or not. There is always joy at staying Caregiver Burnout: Know the Symptoms connected. Iand can see it in their smiles and laughter, and their • Anger at your loved one; moodiness irritability moods that last well beyond the visits. But • Exhaustion, preventing youlighthearted from completing daily tasks for those • Sleeplessness, worrying about yourfamilies lovedwho onelive out of the area, it’s a little more challenging to stay in touch. found a worse way to • Anxiety about how you’ll care for your loved one ifLuckily, he/shewe’ve becomes the distance. • Social withdrawal from thebridge activities you used to enjoy The ItsNever2Late ComputerTM uses touch screen technology allow ourWay residents to enlarge their world. Sometimes it’s listening to music or traveling Help istoOn the the caseReach of staying enables them to video chat in our You’revirtually. not in But thisinalone. outconnected, to family,ItsNever2Late friends and community resources. It fun house with their families using a program called Skype. could be as simple as arranging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your This SGLC Thanksgiving season, we’ll be arranging Skype sessions for ourifresidents so that they away may loved one. has Support Groups and a Respite Program you’d like to get “visit” with their families who live out of the area. Our Recreation staff is spearheading this, and need a place for your loved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. so families call to get on the list. It’s a wonderful way to stay connected, celebrate together and give thanks. Finally, take care of yourself. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember

to schedule your own appointments. You’ll be a far better caregiver – if you #GiveHome Thishealth Holiday Season take care of yourself. Staying connected is so important that we’ve begun a campaign to install WiFi throughout our building. Proceeds from our Giving Tuesday campaign go first toward the goal of creating a totally Join us forwill our Alzheimer’s Sincerely, wireless building. On November 28, Giving Tuesday, we invite you to #GiveHome Support Group of the Year! and help our current and future residents make important connections. Visit 9, 2018 at 5:30pm tuesday/ to see how you can make a difference.

Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA For more information email Alysia Price You can find more information about our services Executive Director at Seashore Gardens Living Center Call us anytime at

ardens Living Center (609) 404-4848 to set up a visit. How to Cope This Winter Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA

: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress , no vacations or days off, and zero monetary sation

Executive Director Gardens Center are youSeashore wouldn’t even apply forLiving the position above. But

Est. 1916

Seashore Gardens 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Living Center Galloway Township, NJ 08205 • p. 609-404-4848 Services


The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit The Simon & Sylvia Zisman home for the aged, guided by Jewish Seashore Gardens Living Center is a tradition, andfor charity, dedicated nonprofitlaw, home the aged, guided to by Jewishthe tradition, and enriching quality law, of life forcharity, each of dedicated to enriching the quality of our residents.

life for each of our residents. Assisted Living Assisted Living Shortand Long-Term Nursing Care Shortand Alzheimer’sLong-Term & DementiaNursing Care Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia Respite (Vacation) Care Care Respite (Vacation) Care Rehabilitation Rehabilitation •• Physical Therapy Physical Therapy •• Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy •• Speech Therapy Speech Therapy Home Home Health HealthCare Care Independent Housing Housing Independent

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Est. 1916

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ons of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They Galloway Township, NJ 08205 oved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver. • p. 609-404-4848

Psychic Advisor

ter months pose an especially tough time to be a er. With inclement weather and an increase in colds and the house. The reduction in sunlight also can affect our The Simon & Sylvia Zisman ome 24/7—even with someone whom you care about— Seashore Gardens Centerservices is a elcome to TRUE PSYCHIC ADVISOR where you will findLiving the friendly caregiver burnout. nonprofit home for the aged, guided of MARK NICHOLAS. From removing negative energy in your life or home to by Jewish charity, healing the mind and soul, Mark peforms varioustradition, services law, that and will help you live e Symptoms dedicated to enriching the quality of a more one; moodiness andPOSITIVE irritability ans HEALTHY lifestyle. MARK specializes in SPIRITUAL HEALING life for each of our residents. ng you fromand completing daily tasks CLEANSING. AURA and CHAKRA ing about your loved one Other Services: Assisted Living ou’ll care for your loved one if he/she becomes worse • REMOVE BAD LUCK, NEGATIVE ENERGY • SPECIALIZE IN SPIRITUAL Short- and Long-Term NursingHEALING Care & Funyou Giftused to enjoy m the activities CLEANSING • REUNITE LOVED ONES & SOUL MATES Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Idea for the • TAROT CARD READINGS • PSYCHIC • CRYSTAL RespiteMEDIUM (Vacation) Care HEALING Holidays! • NATIVE AMERICAN HEALING • ENERGY HEALING ach out to family, friends and community resources. It HOLISTIC Rehabilitation ging for someone to provide a mealBLESSING or give a AND ride CLEANSING to your • HOUSE READINGS, ONLINE AND IN PERSON • • PHONE Physical Therapy t Groups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away • Occupational Therapy oved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. • Speech Therapy The County Woman Magazine Home Health Care . Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember


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November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


Considering the Fees of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery In addition, the geographical location should be factored into the cost. Higher fees are common in major cities such as New York, Atlanta, and Dallas, to name a few.

Facility Fees:

The facility where your procedure will be performed should be accredited and adhere to national standards of safety and sterility. By choosing an accredited facility, your surgeon can assure you that the support staff is trained and qualified, the operating room is clean and fully equipped, and there is adequate personnel and equipment to respond to any emergency situation. Typically, the facility fee is based on the amount of time the surgeon will need in the operating room to perform your surgery.


When considering cosmetic plastic surgery, there are many variables to consider: • Is the plastic surgeon board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery? • Will the procedure be performed in an accredited facility? • What are the risks associated with the surgery? • What is the downtime needed after the procedure? • What can I expect from my procedure? • What are the costs associated with the surgery? Since most cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance, it is really important to consider all of the fees associated with the procedure in order to be financially prepared. The total cost of cosmetic surgery consists of 3 main components: professional fees, facility fees, and anesthesia fees.

Professional Fees:

Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons go through very competitive and expensive training. Certification specifically in plastic and reconstructive surgery indicates that a surgeon has completed extensive specialized training that not only shows superior knowledge and experience, but also speaks of commitment to excellence in the field. Remember, a ‘weekend seminar’ in liposuction doesn’t replace years of physician training! Because of the aforementioned, a board-certified surgeon will generally have a higher fee than a physician who is not boardcertified. A more experienced plastic surgeon may charge more than a less experienced one. However, an overinflated price does not guarantee quality, outcome, nor a necessarily better surgeon. In contrast, a lower fee does not indicate an inferior surgeon. In general, it is wise to stay away from a surgeon whose fees are “too good to be true” as well as the extremely high priced. Consider the specific surgery or surgeries being performed. Every year the American Society of Plastic Surgeons compiles a statistics report of plastic surgeons’ fees for various cosmetic procedures that can be used as a guideline and is easily accessible online.

When undergoing any procedure, your safety and comfort is of utmost importance. Similar to the facility fee, the anesthesia fee is generally based on the length of your surgery.

At Sood Center, we offer a first time complementary consultation and all follow up visits are included with your surgical procedure. We itemize all quotes for easy understanding of the charges, and any additional costs, such as scar treatments or garments, are listed as well.


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The County Woman Magazine

609-342-2053 November/December 2018


Financial Management

5 Tips for Sustained Financial Health in the New Year By Meghan Malloy The new year marks a new chapter in life and is also a great time to look back and evaluate the previous year. The new year is the perfect time to consider your financial health and make changes to protect or boost your finances going forward, as well. Take a look at our five tips for sustained financial health in the new year below! 1. Budget for major life changes:

To create a personal budget is simple, but following through with it takes discipline. One factor that people often overlook is budgeting for major life changes such as special occasions (weddings, graduation, anniversaries), changes in medical situations (disability, health insurance, assisted living facilities for loved ones), or education (daycare, tuition). By expecting the unexpected and actually maintaining the budget you set, you will find yourself saving money where you didn’t previously think possible! By putting away just a small amount each week or month, your savings will grow and accumulate interest. You may be surprised how easy it is once you begin!

2. Haven’t thought about your retirement fund? Start now: Unfortunately, many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck and are unable to save for retirement. However, it’s never too early to start contributing to your retirement fund, in whatever way you can. If you have a typical full-time job with benefits, chances are your company will match up to a certain percentage of what you contribute from your paycheck to your retirement fund. If you don’t have that option, it is still advisable to create your own savings account with the strict caveat that it is for retirement only! Too many people think retirement seems impossibly far away in the future, but the harsh reality is, the earlier you start saving, the more comfortable you’ll be in retirement. No one wants to be the eighty-year-old still working just to make ends meet—make sure you have the finances to sit back and kick your feet up when the time comes. Retirement should be a time of relaxation, not one of stressed over-working.

3. Recognize the difference between wants and needs: The fine line between something we want and something we need often gets blurred when making purchases. Some items (new cars, a speed boat, yet another pair of designer shoes) are clearly items that belong in the ‘Want’ column, and are not necessary. Likewise, it’s clear to see the bare minimum we require to survive (food, shelter, transportation) that fall under the ‘Need’ column. However, your budgetary line may waver when you see a new sweater that would just match perfectly with the pair of jeans you bought last month, especially if it’s on sale. It feels like you need the sweater to complete your pristine look, and you want to take advantage of the discounted price, but think twice before making the purchase. Although it may seem like a small indulgence at the time, frequent unnecessary purchases like those will soon add up.

4. Set goals:

This may seem like a given, but many people find themselves wishing they had more money or hoping to save more without ever setting a goal. By setting a realistic, achievable goal and physically writing it down alongside a timeline to achieve that goal, you are able to visually see a mark for which to strive. Something vague such as, “Save more money” falls more along the lines of a wish or a hope. On the other hand, something specific, concrete, and with a coinciding timeline such as, “Add $1,000 to my Savings Account for the new house by the end of November” is much more helpful in terms of forcing your brain and your body to keep your goal. Once you set a goal in those terms, you will likely find yourself making great progress more quickly than if you only think about your financial health.

5. Invest your spare change: It seems as though the days where people collect pennies in a mason jar are far in the past. In today’s modern world, consider using the help of a mobile app on your smartphone or tablet to put your change to use! Acorns is an app that was launched in 2014 with the purpose of investing your change in an investment portfolio. Essentially, if you make a debit purchase of $5.75, Acorns automatically invests the remaining $0.25 (to make an even $6) in one of five portfolio options. If you wish to stick with your tried and true mason jar system, that’s always a good idea too—as long as you end up investing that spare change in the end!

Financial health may seem like a difficult goal to achieve, but if you take advantage of the new year and use some of these tips, you will start feeling like Warren Buffet in no time!

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Financial Management


The Sandwich Generaton There is a generation of individuals becoming more commonly identified as the Sandwich Generation. This generation of adults in their 40s and 50s are sandwiched between the obligation to care for an aging parent, who may be ill, unable to perform various tasks, or in need of financial support, and their children, who also require financial, physical and emotional support. In addition to their parents, this Sandwich Generation may have loving aunts and uncles who have never married and do not have children to care for them as they age. Many rely on a niece or nephew to help them as if they were their children. According to a Pew Center Research Report released January 2013, nearly half (47%) of adults in their 40s and 50s have a parent age 65 or older, and are either raising a young child or supporting a grown child age 18 or older. Not only do many provide care and financial support to their parents and children, nearly 38% say both their grown children and their parents rely on them for emotional support. As more Baby Boomers become members of the Sandwich Generation, the need to understand aging dynamics and family relationships increases dramatically. This situation is becoming progressively prevalent as more individuals live well into their 80s and 90s. Complicating this situation even further is that families are dispersed across the country, with Baby Boomers and their grown children living at numerous locations and the Boomers’ aging parents living quite a distance elsewhere. This alone presents a challenge – how do you make decisions from afar when you are not seeing this aged loved one as often as you would like? Just think

about the challenges involved. Your son or daughter has a job that requires their complete attention, and they have a child involved with sports activities with games played on Saturday. What to do? Take time from work, disappoint your child by not attending their big game, or disappoint your parent by not attending to their needs in person? In order to plan effectively for aging parents (or that elderly aunt or uncle with no children), you must talk with them about their finances and their plans for the future if they are willing to do so. The problem I see firsthand in my profession is that the aging parent is reluctant to share their financial situation with their child or children. In order for the child to effectively help the parent, there must be a comfort level in sharing. Being secretive only compounds the situation. If there is not a comfort level in sharing, you should encourage this aged relative to seek advice from a professional experienced in providing elder solutions and services. At the same time, you can’t neglect your own personal and emotional issues. How do you give equal time to your family and elderly loved ones? How do you keep the peace when emotions and feelings are strained? When do you find time for yourself? It’s important that you obtain the assistance of professionals trained in this area so that you are adequately prepared to handle such challenges. Just as you would turn for help with managing these personal matters, you should seek out the guidance of professionals who are qualified to deal with the financial situations you may face. Juggling the financial needs of your parents and your family can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to go it alone. Finding the right balance oftentimes requires asking for help.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018






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November/December 2018



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November/December 2018

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Tastes So Good It’s Worth The Weight! “Had an assortment of cupcakes made for a bridal shower. They looked amazing and tasted great!! Everyone raved about how beautiful they were (they were decorated to go with the theme of the shower) and every flavor was delicious!! Thank you to the ladies at Simply Sweet Cupcakes!!” - RB

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“My family ordered a cake for my sister’s birthday. We were so amazed at the beautiful detail and overall design of this delicious cake. My family will definitely be back each time a birthday comes around. I would highly recommend their excellent cakes not only because of the beautiful presentation, but also because of how delicious your cakes are!” - CJ

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

inues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community “Massimo has Autism. Are Legal Professionals 24 have been practicing as an You would think that you should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. My denial house came crumbling down shortly Allnot of your the kids suffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover myatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. thea shape of the holes. meeting to determine eligibility. Ten days before the meeting you 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for the child to put the shape will be provided with the reports of the evaluations so that you can make eye contact or respond to his name. What should I do? through the appropriate hole. have done at our firm for many meaningfully participate at the meeting. Written By threw him He only would laugh when you I’ll never that moment. I haveforget seen scenarios like this many times. let this happen toand related services Your child isMassi eligible for Don’t special education Alexa D’Amato Barrera, up in theis airrepresent or look atpeople you when you made a Unfortunately, years that The Children’s Holiday Party had been in therapy for two months he or she has a disability that adversely affects educational really loud noise. Esquire Our Pediatrician, Dr. Danayou! If you have selected theifLimited seriously injured. While we Submitted by Sless Kare asi M. G ifford , E squirE working on putting the shape into the usually includes a magician, games, If your child is in fifth grade reading at a second grade with Brighton Pediatrics in Egg HarborRight to Sue, call your auto performance. insurance right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa Township had me fill out questionnaire at company immediately and ask level, his educational performance is clearly being affected and he handle most types of apersonal them ified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined ified Attorney months younger than Massi, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and peanut Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and lots of gifts. Members ofplaying the withforPaul, should evaluated a disability. If your child has a severe to change your policy to the NO be a, Counsellorthe at Law injury cases, we get many calls this toy with ease. It just seemed like such D’Amato Law Firm in Egg Harbor Rocco, 3-years-old era, Counsellor at Law she recommended that I contact The New Jersey but she is performing above grade level, she has a disability but AtlanticAuto County Barallergy Association Limitation. insurance policies silly and easy game for Jerard, butaffecting yet for her educational performance. Grades are not Township.Early I formerly clerked the She didn’t and athe about car accidents. Intervention Systemfor (NJEIS). itnot likely is not Atlantic County Superior can be old, confusing so if you’re sure hen our son, Massi, was 18 months he was Massi he had to actually work to be able to it’s do that. James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court staff love to watch t Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of though; the evaluation results that are key! the chaos ed that over 90% of driversdiagnosed in New Jersey elect theAutism Limitation on whatDisorder. coverage you have and the wantstandard, to with Spectrum delays. Certainly and Iof were worried, but our oldest son Paul SuperiorAlex Court New Jersey, Civil Division, If you disagree with the evaluation results, you are entitled to ask asempathetic, the students unwrap gifts, talk about it, please schedule aniftheir office ightpregnant to Sue forwith theirRocco auto Today insurance coverage. Ifincredibly youthe aren’t sure he is an loving, What do you do someone you love may have was and we were leaving in next few days for in Atlantic County. I was born and raised for independent evaluations at no cost Autism? to you and the district must and the excitement every time a new visit and I will review your policy ected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. friendly, happy, funny, popular eight-year-old in a When a child you love is diagnosed with a developmental delay appiest place on Earth! in Galloway Township; thus when it came provide you with a list of approved providersortoneurological do the evaluations or gift is revealed. The children are so with you at no charge. condition like Autism, it can be a very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so all best, I pulled myself into regular education classroom and at the top of his class filesmiles for due process. You must ask for the independent evaluations timetotoSue? look for a post-clerkship job, my mywasn’t Right appreciative and their and many questions about our family’s future, and while we are blessed to have many friends assi talking because comes to math. fantastic at the same time in the same area or even in an area that your child topwhen priorityit was to find a localI attribute firm that this to the laughter fillyears, everyone’s with and family thatthe lovewas usheart dearly and were incredibly it was hard find anybody ngcan forselect him the and that he wasn’t For over 40 D’Amato Law Firmtested. has been representing people Limited Right to Sue option and save money on physicians and interventional therapists he had when not originally Forsupportive, example, let’s say thetodistrict did an volved in the local community, and to continue happiness and gratitude. To be able who could truly relate to what we were going through. me because we called him That sounds great, but inunder reality, you are hampering your right educational evaluation and you disagree with the who have been If you haveand beenpsychological seriously injured in a motor hegrown was three andtothe amazing support heI cannot has injured. which have near and dear my heart. thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and teachers to make the children’s holiday season nterchangeably. And really your injuries.had God in forbid, but let’s imagine forand a minute that a since then. results of the educational evaluation. You can have an independent the community at school was just the place. From the second I stepped foot vehicle collision orlife by a greatest defective product, orbecome if you the havefabulous been inlittle a situain is Massi’s have helped guy he is today. He has contactdown anyway!? We went off into your minivan with you so special truly thewho I him arreling theIfroad and crashes evaluationgift done by an education consultant and speech therapist, if you feel like your child may be delayed in any way, there is a m and met Paul and Alexa, I could tell it was a grown in leaps bounds and while II am willpride always struggle to keep up both n our stomachs, “It’s a Small any of my colleagues could ever tion where your civiland rights violated, canafraid help. heWe ourselves you were believe it is necessary. w (that’s how I roll).love Yousupport would thatonno matter what or hasor out there for you. New Jersey “Project Child Massi his first birthday! an everlasting and think appreciation for allyou things academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier heads and a bunch suitcase of of denial. receive. The excitement in the room The New Jersey Department of Education has issued a handbook eswe are, you should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if Find” to help children obtain early intervention from birth through in assisting those in our area or elsewhere who are in need of profesthe years progress and am excited about his future. a familyAtlantic to take a picture the a photographers would ortsstood thatas make County better place tosay, that asday takes you back to being a titled “Parental Rights in Special Education” (PRISE). A simple ed Right to Sue option. two years old and assist local school in identifying children and smile.” Massi would not look. Every singlt timedistricts theattend photographer rm attorneys and staff are encouraged to sional, caring and effective legalmagic representation. kid, and reminds you of the of the season. internet search will giveholiday you access to the entire handbook. It is a under three years old who are in need of special education and related Massi’s name was. He would then say “Massi, look over here buddy.” If you think very yourhelpful child may be delayed developmentally or have a nvolved with charities and the local community. guide for providing basic guidance and the steps in the services. School districts are obligated to not only provide special look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant If you would like to learn more about the Young Lawyers mited Right toI am Sueactively affect involved me andwith my family? antic County, the Young neurological condition Autism, call your family physician or see educationlike process. education related services to children withon disabilities but also to out oise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized that Division or find how you can contribute to the Children’s of drivers who know they have elected the Limited Right to antic County Bar that Association. Originally established a developmental FACES 4 Autism onlinethe at proper neurologist. The District isReach taskedout withtoensuring your child obtains identify was really wrong with children our baby. who may have disabilities. Holiday Party, please visit our website at or like y means they can’t recover if they haveto whiplash. In reality, you ty Bar Association is dedicated promoting the legal education, and as a society we all when children leave school or call Isabelle Mosca at benefit (609) 412-3750. Whether your child is three years old with a confirmed disability page our Facebook “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” rse public’s injuries than whiplash and still not recover. he trust and confidence in our civil and criminal prepared to obtain a job or go to college. If you feel like you need or ten years old with a suspected disability, you can have him or her What is Autism? rved on the Executive Committee of the Young help beyond the PRISE guide, please call me. You are not alone. by your local school Send curs and youevaluated have selected the Limited Right district. to Sue, you cana letter to the Director If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find aritable Outreach Chair. With my position came the or Supervisor of Special Education in your school district explaining for different your injuries if you: results. That’s because Autism comes in many and enyYoung Lawyers Division Children’s Holiday Party,forms your concerns about your child’s educational progress and/or know one withLawyers Autism, you truly only know one child with Visit Chaired thechild Young Division in 2004 and has confirmed diagnoses and request that a meeting be held. Make sure to At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder part include your contact information and date the childhood and is characterized by difficulty in social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in wyers Division ofor the Atlantic County Bar Association representing letter.language, ant disfigurement scarring those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato s including using understanding abstract concepts, (the Within 20others days the school must hold eaced Bar communicating members andbones their friends and family, where Certified Civil Trial Attorney s and with the way that many of usaeasily in construction, products liability and motor vehicle fracture have completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the meeting to discuss whether an evaluation will 1 pose of holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. wmanent Jersey 1injury; in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims or be conducted. You an member Alexa D’Amato Barrera ty is the highlight of the year for theimportant Youngplay Lawyers ll tell you that early diagnosis andare intervention a crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Counsellor at Law child (fetus) dies of the team and your input is critical. A a life-changing success of a child’sevent. outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. and PA BAR The D’Amato LawLaw Firm Firm focusesfocuses their practice The D’Amato theirinMember practiceNJ inPaul decision willthrough beformade whether or notofyour R. D’Amato Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire ent with NJEIS and CHOP an Autism evaluation. My next Party is that made the donations realize youpossible were limiting your rights in such a way? representing those who have beenbeen seriously injured injured Paul R. D’Amato Member Bar representing those who have seriously child should be evaluated to determine if Certified Civil TrialNJ Attorney Autism. Ken raised and Isabelle created FACES in 2002 Bar after the money at theMosca Young Lawyers Division in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire in construction, products liability and motor vehicle at collision with theisdrunk driver that wasn’t your You Ihave there a When need for special education 2900cases Fire Road, agnosed with Autism. I called Isabelle I knew that had Alexa D’Amato Member NJBarrera & PA Bar collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 With those proceeds, members of the Young Lawyers collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country ot displaced, it isdetermination fractured, so youiswith have staythe off of it forthat Ifbutthe made by team Counsellor at Law M. Van Natten, Esquire our baby. Isabelle me in contact atonumber different countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims Stephen Newinjured Jersey 08234 go shopping forput children’s holiday gifts. The of gifts are with a primary focus on representing victims Alexa D’Amato Member &Barrera PA Bar turces. with 3I contacted kids!)evaluations When you return to the doctor, the x-rays show injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law are warranted, with your consent, Member NJ and PANJ BAR Sue Elmer whom Isabelle recommended for at a wrapping party, and then they are brought to the P: 609-926-3300 inFirm Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a Counsellor at Law has a national reputation for excellence. Kasi M. Gifford, Esquire begin theSue, evaluation d, still inwill painwith andMs. have difficulty Thewith doctor in but onlyyou’re a fewthey sessions Massiwalking. saidprocess his first word!!!! StephenNJM. Van Member NJNatten, & PA Bar Esq. Member and PA BAR national reputation for excellence. use in Atlantic City for the Children’s Holiday Party. F: 609-926-3883 Member NJ and PA BAR least two and therapy for 1atmonth. Stillchild it’s notstudy betterteam so youmembers have an MRI. m Atlantic County with a high ratio of economically possibly other specialists. Within 90 days the 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 hosen to participate in the Children’s Holiday Party. evaluations will be complete and you will have oman Magazine 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 een the doctor in Philadelphia and Massi was starting to really P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883 stand second-graders to attend the Children’s Holiday o his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Division above all else,Ithe children I startedrequests to doubt that, my earlier concerns. started to takewho my end good set example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 students, The County Woman Magazine November/December 2018 set out to prove thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier

Amato ’AmatoBarrera, Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law


You’re Not Alone 3



cially in need.




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Medical Professionals


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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


National studies have shown low dose CT lung screenings can diagnose early stage lung cancer. Early diagnosis equals improved patient outcomes. The low dose CT lung screening exam is for patients 55-74* who have smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or at least two packs of cigarettes a day for 15 years.

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*Age may vary based on your insurance carrier.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


Medical Professionals


If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Broken Teeth? Failing Dental Bridges? SEE DR. BANKS! Embarrassing Loose Dentures? Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.” What are you waiting for? Get RevitaliZEd! Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. When the gum ridge where are missing is too thin to place a dental implant, The RevitaliZeTMteeth (“all on four”) bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone concept utilizes newestown implant replacement product, or eventhe the patient’s bone, can be placed into the deficient area, stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that surgery techniques and concepts, area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” allowing fewer numbers of dental and can be accomplished in both the top and bottom jaws.

Actual Patients

implants to be placed at the time

When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward ofridge tooth into the andextraction, cause bone loss and in the immediate gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according to Dr.restoration Banks. “A Sub-Antral Augmentation commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be with Sinus dental implant–bridges. performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone in the area wherewho we would like to wearing place a dental For patients are already full implant. Again, a bone replacement product or TM be used.” even the patient’sRevitaliZE own bone can dentures, treatment allows our

A common is thatwearing the boneaisremovable placed intofull the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane patients misconception to transition from is actually liftedtouphaving (hencetheir to name “sinusdenture lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material denture existing modified is placed the sinus gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one andunder connected to membrane, implants atrestoring the timethethe dental procedure. implants are placed in the jaws.

Dr. Banks incorporates Patients who are state-of-the-art going to have diagnostic all of theirprocedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning TM of theteeth face and jaws, to evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately extracted are candidates for RevitaliZe diagnose the magnitude of thedentist bone loss in theanarea where we would like to place implants and the quality treatment, too. Their makes implant of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” bridge before the teeth are extracted. Then, in one She also prepares and uses advanced biologic materials into grafting procedures such as L-PRF visit with Dr.Rich Banks, all the teeth extracted andoffice at the time of surgery. (Leukocyte-Platelet Fibrin) which are are made right in the

the dental implants are placed. Then the implant

And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There bridge is modified and attached to the implants. are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offer After ageneral healing period of fournitrous months, a and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can intravenous anesthesia andabout sedation, oxide new comfortably. restoration is made and inserted. This way the be treated

patient is never without teeth.

“Of course, I’m making it sound easy but these procedures are technically demanding and take years So to thegain take-home outyour of bone grafting procedures performed by a of practice the propermessage You only want your dentures to permanent implants. Ask your well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.”

dentist or make an appointment with Dr. Banks to find out about RevitaliZeTM dental implant treatment.

For more information, call 609-488-2325 Callvisit Dr. Banks Today! or Before RevitaliZe 609-488-2325 •

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Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

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The County Woman Magazine

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November/December 2017 November/December 2018

Higher Education


Behind every hero is a Cape. Atlantic Cape. And what if that Cape were free? The college that gives you lots of options just added another: the possibility of attending for free*. Through the New Jersey Community College Opportunity Grant, we now provide free tuition and educational fees for qualifying students. Choose from nursing, culinary arts, criminal justice, drone technology or over 40 other degree programs. Take classes online or at one of three campuses. With transfer agreements with dozens of colleges including Rutgers, Stockton and Fairleigh Dickinson, you can start here and finish there. While spending way less – maybe even nothing.

For more information, visit or call 609-343-5626 *Students with an adjusted gross income of $45,000 or less, are taking 6 or more credits and have applied for federal and state grant aid will be eligible.

Professional Tutoring

Study Smarter Professional Tutoring Andrea M. Garcia, M.D. , Founder

What is a Professional Tutor?

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Dr. Andrea Garcia has spent most of her life in the classroom. From career student to medical doctor, and now professor and professional tutor, working with students to achieve their goals is her dream come true. She attended an allopathic medical school, matched her first choice for residency, was a chief resident and a chief fellow. She also played an active role on an admissions committee interviewing candidates for an internal medicine residency program. Andi loves learning, the science of memory, and the reward of intellectual achievement. She has sought to utilize teaching and memorizing techniques that are evidence-based, fun, and have stood the test of time.

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Health & Wellness


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The County Woman Magazine November/December 2018

Health & Wellness



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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Health & Wellness Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Your Ticket to Freedom from Smoking If you’re sick of being controlled by cigarettes, are concerned about the health risks, hate the smell, feel like a social outcast, or worry about being a poor role model – the time is right for you - to stop.

of life, and impact every organ and system in your body. It’s essential to find other sources of pleasure and companionship. • I only smoke a few a day: There is no safe level of smoking. You’re inhaling harmful substances into your body, and there’s a good chance you’re inhaling more deeply and more often. You also run the risk of increasing the amount you smoke when stress builds. Even smoking just one to four cigarettes a day doubles the chance that you will have, or die from, a heart attack.

Do you use these excuses for continuing to smoke?

• I’ve tried before – it’s too hard: Thousands of

Maybe you feel as though a “tug of war” is going on inside of you. A part of you desperately wants to quit smoking, but another part is afraid to let go. After all, you’re deriving something from it, or you wouldn’t smoke.

• Smoking relaxes me: Nicotine is a stimulant

that increases your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. You may feel that smoking is relaxing you, but that’s because your body and mind have come to depend on the ritual of smoking and - the nicotine. Within a week or two after quitting, you’ll actually be more relaxed.

• I’ll gain weight if I quit: Weight gain can

certainly be avoided, even though smoking slightly speeds up metabolism. As your sense of smell and taste return to normal, you will more fully enjoy what you eat and be satisfied with less. If you’re someone who uses cigarettes to deal with feelings (i.e., stress, boredom, loneliness), or as an excuse to take a break or reward yourself, you’ll learn to deal with these feelings and needs more appropriately.

• It helps me concentrate: Smoking constricts Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.


your blood vessels and deprives your brain of oxygen, contributing to cloudy thinking. Any trouble concentrating shortly after stopping is temporary. Also, smoking can increase your risk of developing dementia.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Legal Professionals


Divorce And Snowflakes… No Two Are The Same Written By Marla Marinucci, Esq.


hen I meet with a potential client for the first time about a divorce, I am often faced with the same two questions: 1) What will the judge do? and 2) How much is this all going to cost? Understandably, clients are hoping for exact answers but in family law, every single case has a different set of facts and circumstances. No two cases are ever the same. While a skilled attorney will be able to assess your case and render an opinion as to a fair resolution of the matter, definitive answers are difficult, and sometimes impossible to render. One of the first things I tell a potential client is that 99% of divorce cases in New Jersey settle, which means that there are very few divorce trials, and translates into very few cases going before and being decided by a judge. After alerting the client that the possibility of their divorce going to trial is less than one percent, I like to share with them an analogy that I find helps them understand just why there are so many shades of gray. That is, that divorces are much like snowflakes in that no two are ever the same. This last thought is so very important for divorcing couples that it bears repeating here: Divorces are like snowflakes; no two are ever the same.

When a potential divorce client says something like, “My friend just got divorced and her lawyer got her so much child support…” as graciously as I can, I immediately inform this potential client how every case is extremely fact-sensitive and how two cases that may appear quite similar on the surface can have completely different outcomes. I will then share with this person some words of wisdom that I always share with my clients and which go hand in hand with the snowflake analogy: Do not listen to advice from friends and family regarding your divorce.

While they undoubtedly have your best interests at heart, with very few exceptions, the “advice” being proffered often leads to unrealistic expectations. For example, if your friend tells you that they got everything in the divorce, or to the contrary, that they got nothing, chances are, that is not the case. Hypothetical: Your friend tells you that their lawyer is the greatest bulldog/barracuda/ goes-for-the-jugular lawyer of all time because your friend got

to keep the house in the divorce. Chances are, your friend failed to mention that in exchange for the house, they waived their interest in their ex-spouse’s pension, which was actually worth more than the house. In other words, it is a balancing act when it comes to dividing assets and liabilities. New Jersey is an equitable distribution state with an emphasis on the term “equitable.” For the most part, though not necessarily always, this means that marital assets will be divided fifty-fifty. So when your friend brags about keeping the house, keep in mind that the spouse on the other end of that divorce retained an asset, such as a pension, that was worth about the same as the house. While no two divorces are ever the same, there are, of course, some glaring similarities that are present in every case, such as acrimony and hostility. An unfortunate similarity that is often found in cases involving custody disputes is the practice of one or both parents using the children as pawns in the divorce. Quite often it is in the form of either bribing the children with toys or candy in order to win their affection in an attempt to alienate the other parent. My final and most important words of wisdom for purposes of this article are: Do not use your children as pawns in your divorce.

While I am not a mental health expert, I have witnessed parents using their children as pawns time and time again, and the end result is always the same: mentally and emotionally distraught children. Your children are undoubtedly your most prized possessions, not pieces in a game of chess. High conflict between parents is one of the most harmful experiences a child can have. As the holiday season approaches once again this year, be mindful that your children should not be the ones getting caught in the middle of your personal battles with your former/soon-to-be ex-spouse or ex-partner. If there is no court order in place that specifies holiday time for each parent, you owe it to your child(ren) to co-parent and work something out with the other party and show your child that their parents are capable of getting along, the effects of which can be profoundly positive. I speak from a place of both professional and personal experience.

Wishing everyone a happy and joyous holiday season! Call my office for a consultation and I will do my absolute best to provide you with the necessary information to empower you to make the right decision. 609-398-1900.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

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117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Featured On The Cover


A Labour of Love –

Marla Marinucci Helps Couples Navigate through the Tangled Web of Divorce Although divorce is considered one of the most emotionally taxing events in a person’s life, finding the right attorney can make the process seem at bit less painful. Marla Marinucci is that attorney. We’ve all heard stories of too much time and money being wasted on expensive drawn out divorce cases. Marla avoids that nightmare and is highly adept at compromise and comfortable with all areas of divorce proceedings. ACW: What have been the most pivotal changes in the last five years in the area of Family Law? Marla: A highly pivotal change in my practice occurred on September 10, 2014, when former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill that completely overhauled the alimony statute. The amendments to the statute had been a long time in the making and this was a landmark day for those of us who practice family law. Another major change in the area of Family Law (and an incredibly historic day for this country) occurred on June 26, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court decided that all states had to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, thereby legalizing same sex marriages throughout the country. Another big change in the past five years came about last August when the New Jersey Supreme Court decided what has become a very famous case name in my profession: Bisbing v. Bisbing. The highest court in this State modified the prior standard, set by the same court nearly 20 years ago, for a parent seeking to relocate outside of the state with the children. Previously, the standard was low and it was too easy for a custodial parent to move clear across the country with the parties’ children. The standard is now what’s called a “best interests” standard and requires a complete custody trial. ACW: Please walk us through a typical day for you. Marla: There is no such thing as a typical day because each day is different. Other than getting my children to school every day (which is predictable and constant) as far as work is concerned, it varies. There may be weeks that go by when I don’t go near a courthouse and there are those weeks where I am in court several days each week. Otherwise, it’s office work, consultations, and the administrative work that goes hand in hand with

CALL: (609) 398-1900

having my own law practice. I also make sure to exercise between four and five times per week. Exercising for me is the key to survival and maintaining my sanity, not just in this profession, but also in life in general. And I am not talking about running on a treadmill. For me, staying healthy and strong requires lifting weights, or doing bodyweight movements; maintaining a strong core; and sweating. ACW: How do you balance your busy career with your family life? What is the hardest part? Marla: I am still looking for the answer on how to balance everything. I have two teenagers who attend Ocean City High School: my daughter is a freshman and my son is a sophomore and they keep me pretty busy between school and their activities. The hardest part is eating dinner before 9 pm most nights. ACW: Have you noticed a change in the average age of your clientele? Marla: There is no doubt that “gray” divorces are on the rise. While I have no official statistics to offer, there is a consensus amongst my colleagues and I that there is a definite uptick in elderly divorcing couples who have been married over 30, 40, and even 50 years. From a divorce lawyer’s perspective these cases are very sad as one party is invariably left completely alone. ACW: In what ways has social media impacted your industry? Marla: People nowadays have this uncontrollable urge, which often turns into an addiction, to post every mundane detail about their daily lives on social media. I used to tell my clients that Facebook makes and breaks cases all the time. These days, there are so many different outlets to post things, but the concept holds true. Don’t tell the Court that you were home all evening with your child when your Facebook page tells a completely different story. To respond to the question whether social media has impacted my industry: a resounding yes. In it’s purest form, divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving assets and resolving custody issues. But when you add kids and emotions into the mix, it becomes so much more. Choosing the right lawyer for your situation will be one of the most critical decisions you make.

• Email:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Specialty Wigs


Wigs – Not Just for Hair Loss This Season! Hair loss happens. Most of us will deal with it at some point in our lives. People will often change their natural hair color, haircut and style, accordingly. A good hairstylist will do all that is possible to help ‘camouflage’ thinning hair, but sometimes a little more ‘HELP’ is needed. What is the answer? Wigs. Quality, comfortable, and affordable wigs that also look GREAT are a huge part of the beauty industry today. Wigs are not just for hair loss. They are great for all kinds of beauty needs. Much of this is thanks to the many celebrities wearing wigs today. Celebrities are relying on wigs more and more to change their hairstyle/color completely, depending on need, mood, and necessity. With such high demand for fashion wigs, manufacturers now focus more on quality, comfort, a huge variety of colors/styles, and, of course, beauty. There are wigs to suit every taste and every need. As we move into the holiday season, things tend to get hectic and we often feel a ‘time crunch’. It can be difficult to look

and feel our best. We’re tired, low on energy, short on time, short of cash, etc, but somehow we still have to pull it all together to join in on the festivities. A wig is a wonderful way to look great in no time at all. We have many styles, colors, lengths to suit every need. We have many years of experience so we can take you through the wig selection process, giving you all of the information you need. We offer comfortable, private consultations, and will work with you to determine, and then meet your needs. We also carry a full line of wig care products, and wig/hair accessories. Our goal is for you to be completely satisfied. Quality wigs can last a long time, if properly cared for. We will provide you with everything you’ll need to get the most out of your wig with our wide selection of products for care and comfort. We always provide a comfortable, relaxing, yet upbeat atmosphere for our clients. Stay tuned in the upcoming January/February issue to learn more about the reasons for having a wig on hand and the many different styles that we offer to our clients.

We love what we do and we CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR HAIR!

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Sharon Garland FDN-P Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

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609 431 0824

November/December 2018



Compulsive Gambling—Wanna Bet?! flow activities in the brains of people with substance use disorder and those with compulsive gambling, it appears that the same brain circuits are altered in many ways. This compulsivity robs people of their lives, their families, their jobs, and themselves!

“What time is it? I lost track. I have time for one more— bet, that is. It will surely be the turning point, one that will get my special streak back on track. It always comes back, just not sure what’s taking so long this time. I must be doing something wrong or maybe I did something wrong and this is my punishment. Maybe someone at the table is emitting bad vibes. You know luck works in mysterious ways.”


“Oh, right! What time is it now? Oh no! I’m really late—again. I don’t think I can show up for work now, at this hour. They’ll be upset with me for not coming to work, but I’ll figure something out. For that matter, my wife isn’t going to be too happy with me either—especially after not coming home all night. She’s already given me the benefit of the doubt to get myself under control. I could lose another job and that will mean big trouble covering my losses. My 401K is gone and so are the college funds for my son and daughter. But I still have time to win it all back. I can most likely double or triple my stake—right? After all, the kids are just in high school. Oh, yeah, I’ll have to pick up a cheap, fake wedding ring before I go home as well.” “I get these headaches. My insomnia really gets the best of me. I have to get my belly pain checked out soon. I think I’ve lost more weight. When I see myself in the mirror, I look terrible. I don’t enjoy much of anything anymore. On the other hand, that’s not necessarily true because when they approved cyber sports betting, I was elated! I feel guilty for a lot of this, but I can’t seem to stop. Maybe I have a problem, but it’s the only thing that excites me, and when I win, it makes it all good. I know that I’m the ‘lucky one’ down deep. It will all be okay and then we’ll be on ‘Easy Street’ and they’ll all thank me. Why’s the Sheriff talking to me with papers in his hand; are they for me? I wish my father was still around. I wish anybody was still around.” Compulsive gambling is an addiction like many others. There’s tolerance, withdrawal and awareness that these are harmful behaviors, but I do them anyway.

The Science of Gambling

The research into compulsive gambling regarding genetics and neuroscience resulted in the American Psychiatric Association moving pathological gambling to the addictions chapter in the latest edition of the DSM-5. This has changed how psychiatrists approach treatment for compulsive gambling. There is no cure for gambling; no endpoint at which one is declared cured. The most important objective is to break its grasp, regardless of whether you are a “sometimes” gambler or you are compulsive. Therapeutic models include intensive individual treatment to specific group therapies. As in many disorders, one size does not fit all. Among the therapies is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), in which one learns to identify the thought processes that have created the compulsive conduct and how to better manage their impact. Psychotherapy helps to deal with gambling triggers through individual or group sessions. Family therapy can play an important role in compulsive gambling as families are often embroiled in the lifestyle and consequences of the addiction from which their loved one suffers. Setting limits on access to gambling opportunities is also important, especially in a time where it is more accessible than ever. There are also residential gambling treatment centers that may be a great choice for one’s journey to recovery. Most important is that treatment is guided through a sensitive, patient professional who is well experienced and current in their knowledge about what the research has shown us.

Don’t suffer alone…

There have been years of research about gambling. It turns out there are many Call 609.484.0770 or visit facets of gambling that are synonymous with drug addiction from a neuroscience perspective. Researchers have demonstrated brain changes as addiction develops. Specifically, in the middle of the cranium are a series of circuits known as the reward system that connects other regions of the brain that impact memory, movement, pleasure and motivation. According to the research, as a result of engaging in “an activity that keeps us alive or helps us pass on our genes, neurons in the reward system squirt out a chemical called dopamine, giving us a little wave of satisfaction and encouraging us to make a habit of enjoying hearty meals and romps in the sack. When stimulated by amphetamine, cocaine or other addictive drugs, the reward system disperses up to 10 times more dopamine than usual.” (Ferris Jabr, “Behavior & Society: How the Brain Gets Addicted to Gambling,” Scientific American). Over “Here to Listen & Here to Help” Charles Meusburger, MD time, the dopamine bath that the brain receives creates less sensitivity For a thorough, confidential, psychiatric evaluation and • Specializing in Adult & Adolescent Psychiatry to drugs and more is required to produce the satisfaction derived from an individualized treatment plan tailored to fit your specific • 60 Minute Sessions needs with appropriate treatment(s), please call our office at it. Just as a person addicted to drugs experiences this effect (tolerance), • Variety of Effective Talking Therapies 609.484.0770 to set up, by appointment, this comprehensive • MedicationEvaluation & Management and compassionate confidential assessment. so does a person addicted to gambling. It has been demonstrated that • All Services Rendered by Same Provider Don’t suffer in silence any longer. We can help! as a result of the influx of the chemical dopamine, it can induce one to • Independent Medical Evaluations • Addiction Psychiatry make more rash decisions and take more risks because risks and rewards Providence Professional Park • Board Certified 3069 English Creek Ave, Ste. 225 are “more appealing.” As a matter of fact, based on studies of brain Call for an Appointment

The County Woman Magazine


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November/December 2018


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


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March/April 2018 2017 March/April November/December 2018

Business & Finance


Cars, Trucks, Vans, and Trailers

Make a great first impression. Vehicle lettering and wraps are a very memorable way to

spread your business’s message. Vehicle wraps for sales, service and delivery vehicles are a powerful branding and marketing tool. Stand out. Brightly colored, attractive vehicle wraps make your company vehicles stand out from all the other cars on the road. Passing drivers won’t pay much attention to a plain white van on the road, but they will notice a well-designed vehicle wrap. Colorful vehicle wraps are so engaging that peoples’ eyes naturally gravitate towards them. Cost effective method to promote your business. You can make an initial investment for a fraction of the cost of other long term advertising campaigns and generate results for years. Advertise locally. The people who will see your vehicle wrap the most are the people in your area. Local marketing produces outstanding results because people like to deal with nearby businesses.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Medical Professionals


Yikes, I Have Diabetes! Now What? How will diabetes affect my life and my family? What will I have to do? Will I have to take insulin? There are so many questions. Where should I begin? Written By Barbara Greenling, DNP, MSN, APN-C

First things first. Take a deep breath. Your healthcare team is ready for you. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects individuals across the life span. It involves the hormone insulin. Insulin is the key that converts the food you eat to the body’s energy. Diabetes is classified three ways: Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin due to beta cell destruction. In Type 2 diabetes, there is a progressive insulin defect. Your pancreas makes insulin, but your body is resistant to it. When your body does not recognize insulin, your blood sugar rises. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Elevated blood sugar during pregnancy can harm your unborn child. Symptoms associated with diabetes include excessive thirst, excessive urination, and excessive eating. When your body lacks insulin, as in Type 1 diabetes, or is resistant to insulin, as in Type 2 diabetes, your body sends out signals. Excess thirst, known as polydipsia, is feeling thirsty even after drinking. Excess urination, known as polyuria, is passing more than five liters of urine a day. Excess eating, known as polyphagia, is in response to your cells craving energy. Other symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, and frequent yeast infections. Individuals may also complain of weight loss, nausea, and slow-healing wounds. Insulin is the key that allows food you eat to be converted to fuel needed for bodily functions. As you can see, insulin is vital for many of your body’s functions. How do you know that the diagnosis of diabetes is real? Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring serum blood sugars. Blood sugars are flexible numbers with normal values of 69 to 99 mg/dL. Any elevation in this number is a signal that your body does not have enough insulin or does not utilize the insulin available. When your fasting blood sugar is greater than 126 mg/dL on two separate occasions, a diagnosis of diabetes is made. A 2-hour-after-eating (post-prandial) plasma glucose level greater than 200 mg/dL also confirms the diagnosis of diabetes. Finally, a random plasma glucose greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL also confirms the diagnosis of diabetes. All of these tests are simple blood tests that your healthcare clinician can order. The measurement of average blood glucose is the A1C. It measures the daily average blood sugar two hours after a meal based on a statistical formula. Normal ranges are 4.5 to 5.6%. An A1C greater than 6.5% also confirms diabetes. This measurement will guide your treatment of diabetes. As an individual with diabetes, you can and should expect that an A1C will be obtained every three to four months. The goal for A1C is 6.5% or less. This goal will be determined based on your unique needs and health. The next step in your care will be an individualized treatment plan. Your treatment plan includes multiple steps. These steps include medications, physical activity, sensible eating, and self-monitoring. The key to success in your treatment is diabetes self-management education. With knowledge, you have the power to take control. There are many ways to treat diabetes. Medications, both oral and injectable, are available. Insulin is not a punishment; it is what your body needs. The type of medications depends on your A1C. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE, 2015) has created a clinical practice guideline outlining an algorithm for medication selections. Lifestyle modification is the number one treatment option for

prevention and control of diabetes. Based on the value of the A1C, the guidelines provide a clinical medication treatment plan. If your A1C is less than 7.5%, clinical practice guidelines recommend one drug therapy. If A1C is greater than 7.5%, recommendations are for two medications. If A1C is greater than 9.0%, recommendations are for adding insulin. Individuals with diabetes also need to control their cholesterol levels and blood pressure. LDL-C, also known as bad cholesterol, needs to be less 70 mg/ dL. Medications to control cholesterol are statins. The goal for blood pressure is systolic pressure, the top number, less than 130 and diastolic, the bottom number, less than 80. Therapeutic lifestyle changes including weight loss, physical activity, and sensible eating remain the hallmarks for treatment of elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar. Strategies for improving diabetes care are multifaceted. They include optimizing clinician and team behaviors, supporting individual behavior change, and changing the system of care. Diabetes care is patient-centered. A comprehensive diabetes treatment plan includes diabetes self-management education, nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, barriers to care, immunization, and management of comorbidities. Having diabetes is not the problem; having uncontrolled blood sugars is the problem.

Call 609.625.9146 for information or an appointment. Source:

Barbara Greenling, DNP



The County Woman Magazine

Primary Care Practitioner specializing in:

• Endocrinology • Diabetes • Metabolism

3069 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

(609) 625-9146 November/December 2018

Business Spotlight


Compassion & Expertise Are Priorities For This Practitioner As a Primary Care Practitioner specializing in Diabetes and Endocrinology, Barbara Greenling, DNP, has a reputation for showing a level of compassion and care that is hard to come by in today’s world. In fact, once you become her patient at Reliance Medical Group, you will be in the hands of a “care team” whose sole purpose is to focus on your medical needs and requests. She adds, “We are part of a national effort to improve healthcare across the country. It’s about highly personalized healthcare and remembering that basic healthcare is a right, rather than a privilege.” It is this philosophy that sets them apart and governs everything they do, and patients they see. She says, “I take great pride in the level of care our office provides. We refer to it as a safe-haven office. When you are a patient at Reliance Medical Group, your care will be in the hands of a care team. This could consist of a physician, physician’s assistant, and a nurse practitioner. There will be managers to help organize your visits, medical needs, and requests.” Reliance Medical Group is part of a national effort to improve healthcare across the country and has transformed their practices into “Patient-Centered Medical Homes.” Among many other things, Reliance Medical Group has become known for their progressive, multispecialty medical practice, as well as their commitment to patients having the ability to access affordable managed medical care. Just some of the services they offer are primary care services including pediatric, family medicine, and internal medicine. In fact their family and internal medicine team has been trained to provide complete medical care to the entire family. Other services offered are EKGs, cardiovascular risk assessment, and cancer screenings, among many others.

Barbara Greenling, DNP

3069 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

(609) 625-9146

With over 15 years of diverse experience working in the medical field, she earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2013 and joined Reliance Medical Group the following year. She now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township. While her practice is primarily focused on family, veterans, and the transgender population, a large portion of her practice is also dedicated to metabolism issues and diabetes. Although extremely busy, Barbara still makes time for volunteering in her community. She adds, “I have worked with the Wounded Warrior project since 2009 and I also donate my time to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.” Born in Trenton, New Jersey has always been in Barbara’s blood. She eventually settled in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degree. Graduating with honors from Thomas Edison State College, she later attended the St. Francis School of Nursing. Most recently, she received her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Chatham University. Barbara holds many advanced certificates and licensures and is part of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the American Nurses Association. Some of her certifications include Certified Emergency Nurse, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, American Cardiac Life Support, and Substance Awareness Coordinator. While her passion for her career is strong, she also loves to spend time in her garden and with her family.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

The Black & White Ball

The Black& White Ball




The Black& White Ball

You Are Invited




Master of Ceremonies And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while diningDean and dancing to the sounds of L. Scarpa the Eddie Bruce Experience Honoring Invite you to DR. JEFFREY DELSON TheLeadership 2018 Martin H. Klein Save the Date Award

Black & White Ball


2018 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while dining and dancing to the sounds of 2018 the Eddie Bruce Experience


Your Contribution will Enrich Elder Lives. To inquire about sponsorship or other participation, please call Sharon D’Angio 609-487-4614 or email Or visit or Facebook event page

Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest and Richard & Lisa Cohen Co-Chairs Master of Ceremonies Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest Dean L. Scarpa and Richard & Lisathe Cohen Invite you to Save Date


The Black & White Ball

The Black & White Ball



2018 Co-Chairs



22 West Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway Township, NJ 08205

The County Woman Magazine

TheJEFFREY BlackDELSON & DR. White Ball

2018 Martin H. Klein Leadership Award


22 West Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway Township, NJ 08205

2018 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

The Black& White Ball 2018 Co-Chairs

Adrienne & Elliot Beinfest and Richard & Lisa Cohen Master of Ceremonies Dean L. Scarpa Invite you to Save the Date

And realize the dream of Enriching Elder Lives while dining and dancing to the sounds of the Eddie Bruce Experience November/December 2018 Honoring


The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2018



Health & Wellness

Airline Hygiene

uring this time of the year, travel plans are on many of our calendars during the next few months. The lion’s share of travelers will drive to destinations over 50 miles to celebrate and, too, many will opt to fly. However, travelers, be aware: Airlines function as an ideal breeding ground for germs: unwanted viruses, bacteria, and other unmentionables. But not to fear. Knowing the danger zones can help us battle these critters and avoid pitfalls.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know About Keeping Clean During Airline Travel Why are germs an issue on airplanes? Between the restricted space and scores of people flying in the same cabin for long periods of time, it’s not surprising that airplanes are an ubersuccessful breeding-zone for germs. Additionally, because air is recirculated throughout the cabin, there is decreased ventilation.

What do germs like? In general, porous surfaces, such as leather and cloth, are especially inviting. Additionally, low humidity, as is often the case in an airplane cabin, can decrease our body’s infection-fighting capability. Normally, our airways remain moist, allowing the lining to trap germs so they cannot enter into our body. Dry air dries up mucus in our airways, and this permits germs to enter more easily.

What are areas of significant concern?

• Armrests: In addition to being porous, they boast plenty of passenger contact.

• Plastic tray tables: While they may be intended for eating our food,

they also double up as a great diaper-changing station and opportunity to stash chewed gum or discarded boogers. In addition, 60% of tray tables have been shown to test positive for MRSA, a deadly superbug. This is in comparison to only 11% of surfaces in New York subways. • Seat pockets: One too many passengers use this area to discard their trash (fingernail clippings, dirty diapers). In fact, it has been likened to “reaching into someone’s purse and rummaging through their dirty tissues and gum wrappers.” Yikes! • Blankets and pillows: Most airlines provide fresh, washed ones each morning. However, later in the day, it is likely they have been used…or drooled on. • Seatbelts: Porous material that is not typically cleaned, and everyone must handle and wear. • Bathrooms: Swoosh! Studies have shown that the powerful flush sprays germs everywhere. And when you consider that there is one toilet available for 50-75 people, it is no surprise that it can be a danger zone.

• Water: Drinking from the sink or tank may be problematic. Opt for bottled water.

What can we do to stay a little cleaner? • Visit your doctor and get your flu shot. Holidays coincide with the flu season and that’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older as the most important step you can take to stay healthy. If you’re traveling abroad, find out what vaccinations you need and if any special health notices are posted on the CDC destination list. • Do not travel while sick or immune-compromised (chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, illness). • In general, it is wise to avoid touching our mouths, nose, or eyes with our fingers. These body parts are lined with specialized “mucus membranes” that can serve as “portals of entry” into our body. • Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down tray tables and bathroom surfaces. Look for ones that are effective against MRSA. Because tray tables are in close contact with our food that we will be ingesting, dirty surfaces can provide a direct and fast track into our bodies. • Spritz spray sanitizer onto seatbelts and armrests. • Do not use seat pockets to store items such as water bottles, personal magazines, or smart phones. Instead, use your carry-on bag. • Carry 60% alcohol hand sanitizer and apply prior to eating, after using the restroom, and intermittently. • Do not walk barefoot inside the cabin. • Staying hydrated keeps our airways moist, allowing germs to get caught in mucus and prevent them from entering into our bodies. • Nasal sprays hydrate our nostrils in an otherwise dry environment. When mucus membranes are moist, they can trap bacteria. • Bring our own blankets. • Wipe down luggage. Identifying pitfalls and danger zones can facilitate proper preparation and precautions that can help us combat germs and illness. There is plenty we can do to avoid airline germs and stay healthy during this season.

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

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Ready to Remove the Blinders of Infertility? There is HOPE Through processes and treatments that include unprecedented physical, financial and emotional investments, tackling fertility can be incredibly draining. But there is HOPE!

Jessica L Conrad, Life Coach

M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach


Jessica L Conrad, Life Coach jessicalconradlifecoach

Jessica L. Conrad works alongside medical professionals to help clients through this process. Whether the focus is on career, relationships, family, etc., she specializes in helping women thrive in the present while working towards the ultimate goal of motherhood. Jessica’s personal experience with fertility, as well as many other life challenges, allows her to provide effective insight, guidance and goals for her clients. Finding a qualified doctor you trust is paramount; having the support around your medical process is just as crucial. Services can be performed over the phone, in person, or video chat. All packages are customized to client needs and desires. Individual and group sessions available.

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach


“My partner of 12 years and I had been attempting to embrace the fact that we were unable to naturally reproduce our own biological children. After working with Jessica, the outlook I now possess is one of acceptance and gratitude for the myriad ways in which I am able to give as a ‘mother’ in various roles throughout my life. It was a different type of conversation than I’ve had with friends or therapists…it wasn’t focused on the past…it was focused on laying the foundation for building a bright future my partner and I could look forward to. I highly recommend reaching out for Jessica’s patient and experienced hand if you are at a transition point in life where you would benefit from support and a structured plan. If you are seeking to restore and/or gain self-confidence, embark on and/or embrace change, and live a life of positive and present mindfulness, Jessica is the coach I would recommend to walk beside you.” ~ Alix The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018 November/December 2018

Health& & Wellness Health Wellness



Compounding Medicine – Making Medication A Treat For Your Pet For more in

or visit www

Are there different flavors of medication available? We have over 35 flavors to choose from! The most common flavors for pets are Chicken, Beef, Liver, Tuna, Sardine, Fish, Cheese, Shrimp and Peanut Butter. However, some pets prefer fruit flavors such as Banana, Tutti Frutti, Orange and Lemon.

How does this solve the dosage problem for each individual pet?

For more information call 609-927-0390

Animals come in many different sizes. A hamster will only require a tiny amount or visit of medication whereas a horse will require a very large amount of medication. We can make medications for animals as small as a mouse or as large as an elephant. With compounding, Curexa can work with a veterinarian to formulate any dose or dosage form to treat your pet.

Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award!

My pet will not swallow their medicine. Are there easier ways to administer pet medicine than a chewable or tablet?

Mark Taylor, Owner

One alternative would be to make the medication into a flavored liquid form. The flavored liquid could be directly administered to your pet or mixed 609-927-0392 into their food. For very difficult pets, some medications can be made into topical ear paste that gets absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream. Not every medication can be done this way. Please contact your vet or Curexa if you have questions about which medications work best.

3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Phone: 609-927-0390 Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Fax: 609-927-0392

What type of pet medicine does a compounding pharmacy provide? Curexa has the equipment and training to do ALL forms of pet medications. We can do creams, ointments, suppositories, chewable tablets, oral pastes, transdermal gels and capsules. We even have a sterile compounding facility to do sterile injections and eye drops.

Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy

Yes. Just like human medications, your veterinarian would have to write or call in a 609-927-0392 prescription. Please contact us at 609-927-0390 or at

Compoundingcombines combines ageless with Compounding anan ageless artart with thethe latest and state-of-the-art latestmedical medicalknowledge knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, allowing specially trained professionals technology, allowing specially trained professionals totoprepare customized medications to meet prepare customized medications to meet each patient’s specific needs.

Does pet medication require a script?

if you have any questions or concerns about compounding medicine for your pet.

Mark Taylor Owner

3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Compounding Excellence

Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award!

Phone: 609-927-0390 • Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Fax: 609-927-0392 The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

609-927-0392 609-927-0392

3007 Ocean Heights Avenue • EHT, NJ 08234

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Women Of Atlantic County


Camille Shafer, Medical Aesthetician, Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

Camille Shafer is the newest addition to the expanding Sood Center of Linwood, NJ. Camille has been in the medical aesthetic field for over 9 years, earning her Skincare Therapist license in May of 2009 and continuing her education in the rapidly growing world of aesthetics ever since. Camille focuses on staying current with the latest technologies and performing the most beneficial services for each client on an individualized basis to put their best face forward. She believes in the importance of skincare for overall quality of life and confidence. “With consistency of the right skincare program and use of minimally invasive procedures, clients can stop and begin reversing the aging process,” she says. Recently, she has completed training at The Beau Institute in pursuit of permanent cosmetics and microblading. She plans on offering these services at Sood Center in the near future. Camille and her husband, Jessy, were married this year in Savannah, GA and they now reside in Mays Landing, NJ. When she’s not working, she enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and pets, and traveling. To book a comprehensive skincare consultation with Camille, call 609-904-5390 or visit for more information.

Andrea Marie Garcia, M.D., Owner, Study Smarter Professional Tutoring, LLC Andrea is a retired pulmonary critical care doctor from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital who is a professor at Stockton University and owner of Study Smarter Professional Tutoring, LLC. She currently resides in Richland, NJ. Andrea is the eldest of five children and was born and raised in Vineland, NJ. She graduated from Delsea Regional High School, where she enjoyed marching band, student government, and playing tennis. She excelled in academics, graduating magna cum laude with a B.S. in Biology from University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, and she earned her M.D. at New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ. Throughout her schooling, Andi loved working as a tutor and substitute teacher. She also volunteered for the American Red Cross. After having her daughter, she left medicine to devote time to her family. Andrea then pursued her passion— tutoring and academic mentoring. When she’s not teaching students, Andrea enjoys cooking, baking, and spending time with her family. Almost every Sunday she can be found amongst the group at her father’s dinner table, laughing and listening to him share stories of their Cuban-American family. For more information call (609) 579-1835 or email her at

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella,

Founder & Permanent Makeup Practitioner, Beau Institute

Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella is an internationally acclaimed permanent makeup practitioner and founder of the Beau Institute of Permanent Cosmetics in Mount Laurel, NJ. She has over 27 years of experience as a business owner and as an industry-leading practitioner and trainer. Beauchemin founded the Beau Institute in 1990, and her talents and business acumen have allowed it to grow into one of the top permanent makeup institutes in the world. As a practitioner, she specializes in areola tattooing, microblading, and scar camouflage, and she has extensive training in facial morphology, paramedical cosmetics, and color theory. Her success in the industry led her to be appointed President of the American Academy of Micropigmentation in 2016. In addition to her work as a practitioner, Beauchemin is a renowned permanent makeup instructor. Beauchemin is also an active philanthropist. She is a supporter of the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), which provides valuable information and assistance to those struggling with trichotillomania. Beauchemin has performed countless procedures on clients who struggle with trichotillomania, as well as alopecia. For more information, call 856-727-1411 or visit

Mary Gonzalez, Assistant Trust Officer, Garden State Trust Company Mary Gonzalez moved to New Jersey with her husband and triplet daughters in 2002 to be closer to her family. Mary began her career with Garden State Trust Company in 2010 as an Administrative Assistant and she was recently promoted to Assistant Trust Officer. Having a daughter on the autistic spectrum, Mary understands deeply the challenges faced by the families of our special needs clients. She works hard to make sure they receive the resources and assistance they need and deserve. Mary takes pride in working directly with our clients and enjoys building and maintaining a trusting relationship with an understanding of each individual’s specific goals and needs. Mary will begin working towards her Certified Trust and Financial Advisor (CTFA), a professional designation offered by the American Bankers Association, which provides training and knowledge in taxes, investments, financial planning, trusts and estates. Mary can be reached at 732-255-5000 or through email Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Women Of Atlantic County Kaitlyn Herbert, Dental Hygienist, Federici Dental

Kaitlyn Herbert is a dental hygienist at Federici Dental in Manahawkin, NJ, where she has been practicing for the past five years. She is responsible for preventing and treating oral diseases, and educating patients on how to properly care for their mouth and body. Katie feels it is important for her patients to understand their oral health and its connection systemically so that they can reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle. “A cleaning is so much more than a teeth scraping!” she says. “Hygienists are here to treat the body as a whole, starting with the bacteria that colonizes the mouth.” Katie loves the connection and friendships she makes daily with her patients, and strives to always put her patients first. Katie is a lifelong resident of Tuckerton, NJ, where she is actively involved with her church. She enjoys spending free time with her friends and family, travels whenever she can, and loves the water and outdoors. For more information, call 609597-1234 or visit


Samantha Kelly, Integrative Community Pharmacist, Local Business Owner, Hot or Not Yoga

Samantha (“Sam”) Kelly is an integrative community pharmacist, local business owner, and Mom of four amazing young adults. Shortly after earning her pharmacy degree from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy-University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, Sam purchased Kapler’s Pharmacy in Beach Haven on LBI (her hometown), which she still owns and manages today. In addition, Sam increased her pharmaceutical services in her local community with the opening and recent expansion of Medicine Solutions in Manahawkin. Notwithstanding her expertise and presence as an independent pharmacist, Sam further promotes and supports overall well-being with her ownership and management of Hot or Not Yoga studio, also located in Manahawkin. As a small business owner in Ocean County, Sam is most proud and honored to work with the committed and compassionate co-workers at her three locations, where she strives to provide a comfortable blend of professionalism, individual attention, and a relaxed, enjoyable environment. In addition to her pharmacy degree, Sam received her Diabetes Educator Certification from Rutgers University, a Clinical Homeopathic Certificate from Ronald Boyer and Boiron’s Education Department, and she has her certificate for pharmacy genetics education with RxRight. Further, she is completing her Master’s in Health Sciences and Integrative Medicine through the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Sam is a member of American Academy of AntiAging Medicine and National Community Pharmacy Association, and a luminary for Clinical Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network, NJ Division. She is also an avid participant in United States Tennis Association events. Sam can be found at any of the aforementioned locations, on the tennis court, or with her toes in the sand in Beach Haven, NJ. For more information, email

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Jessica Mendez,

Rebecca Guercioni, Receptionist, Go Feet

Jessica Mendez is the full-time front desk receptionist for Dr. Stuart Honick at his practice that serves both the Hammonton and Mays Landing areas. Jessica was born in Mexico and raised in Hammonton since the age of ten, where she graduated from Hammonton High School in 2012. She has experience in both the medical and financial fields and volunteers as a catechism educator for the St Mary of Mt Carmel Parish as well. The oldest of five children, she enjoys spending time with her family the most. Jessica first came on to the practice as a patient. When the opportunity arose, she was first employed as a medical assistant and has now transitioned to the front desk. She enjoys working for such a qualified medical professional in a practice that caters to a diversity of patient foot care needs. Jessica enjoys learning of the advancements in the podiatric medical and surgical fields as Dr. Honick employs many innovative treatment options in his practice. With a bright smile on her face, Jessica is always eager to assist any patient needs from check-in to check-out. For more information, call 609-738-0012 or visit

Seagrass Boutique Rebecca Guercioni was born and raised in Kingston, Pennsylvania. She has always had a passion for helping others, and a very keen eye for organization. This passion led her to become a Nanny for the last 24 years. Throughout her career she has helped numerous families, caring for their most precious possessions and helping their houses become loving caring homes. Nine years ago, Rebecca decided to relocate to Atlantic County, where she continued to be a Nanny. In recent years with a desire to do more, meet new people and expand her horizons, she happened to shop one day at Seagrass Boutique for her engagement dress. Upon meeting the owner, Kevin Heck, she knew where her new passion lied; helping women feel beautiful. Kevin’s eye for fashion and his ability to create a special and comfortable shopping experience is unparalleled. “I feel truly proud and grateful for the opportunity to work with this wonderful team.” Rebecca currently resides in Galloway with her Husband Keith, her Stepson Dylan, and their three adorable fur babies, Chase, Newman, and Ellie. In her spare time Rebecca loves going out to dinner, heading out on the weekends to let loose, and spending time with friends and family. For more information, 609-365-8899 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

November/December 2018



Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

The Power of Visualization Now the Practice of Yoga Begins…Are You Ready? Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT, Owner

“Every little bridge gesture ofwhich the hand, every Mudra “Breath is the connects lifehas to a deep The first sentence of the bible of classical yoga is this. Atha, which often meaning – the entire philosophy of life is contained in opens important Sanskrit texts, means “now” and has the connotation ofconsciousness, which unites your body to your these gestures. They convey a whole history of God’s auspicious beginnings…like saying “behold!”: it acts at once as an imperative— thoughts.”~Thích Nhat Hanh “wake up,” we are beginning—and as a “blessing” for those who are ready to self-manifestation in the universe.” Atha Yoganushasanam (yoga sutras 1.1) “Now the practice of yoga begins”

begin. It insinuates that we are finally ready to get real, and “to discover the – Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati essence of our existence in the core of our own heart and at the center of our being” (Freeman). It signals our ability to be in the present moment (“now!”). Anushasanam refers to a systematic, scientific teaching; a teaching which is only Mudras play a very important role in Taoist alchemy, Buddhist meditation, offered toby a qualified who isERYT500 ready to fully commit. impact on the practitioner simply through this shift Written Lauriestudent—one Greene, PhD, yoga, and Indian classical dance and theater. The word mudra stems from in focus. Owner,Yoga Yoga Nine, Ship Bottom, & different is a very varied practice. ThereLBI are many styles, diverse the Sanskrit root mud, which means “bliss.” This hints at the power of Yoga teachers are apt to speak in obtuse language. practices, and distinct lineages, but there is also an underlying web of similarity Ventnor these beautiful gestures to evoke deep feeling in the observer and joy in the Some say for “send your breath into your that joins these different approaches. An Indian folktale tells of amight man who is example, practitioner. The word mudra also denotes “seal” in yoga and is employed to hip.”there This is is,no of water, course, “impossible.” From a Tantric a well. He begins digging five of feet and when digging Much has been said by about thedown power explain the process of sealing and strengthening the body’s vital energies. In perspective, breath is ALWAYS doing the same thing, he is discouraged his hard work, and he climbs positive thinking.byWhether one believes thatout of the hole, moves a few classical Indian dance, mudras are used to express the vast array of human whether you are observing it or not. It is always going yards away and begins digging again, only to be met by disappointment again emotion and experience; to communicate deep feelings and tell intricate stories. one can change their destiny simply by “your hip.” What is impactful is the CONTROL and again. Thisso goes andone’s on, and he never finds water, into but labors endlessly. In the yoga tradition mudras are used for spiritual concentration, healing, willing it to be oron not, perspective of one’s breath (pranayama) and attention in breathing, Most traditions of yoga inspire us to engage in deep self-exploration. They ask removing obstacles, and other subtle energetic practices. does, at least, alter one’s experience. ondo the SENSATIONS in “the hip.” us to stick with it, work hard, and dig deeper and deeper. while What focusing we tend to This is demonstrated in traditional hatha Please come and join us at Yoga Nine for a deeper exploration of the “now.” It creates a greaterWe sense of embodiment through in our lives is leave a practice (any practice) just as it becomes challenging. We will always offer challenging, guided practice to every student as we dig yoga practice through the technique of breath. This is the essence of Tantric practice, not the jump from regimen to regimen, diet to diet, relationship to relationship, career deeper into experience. Come dig deeper…the time is now! visualization. One of the five pillars of Tantrica, performance of postures; to career. In yoga we are asked to stick to it, so that through the body and breath living more fully in one’s body. visualization could beand focused on a selfAll in in all,relation visualization we can investigate deep subtle feelings, responses, and reflexes to is a method of breath realized teacher (guru), on an avatar of the meditation. It allows us to observe our breathing through the conditioned mind. We do this by slowing everything down and observing divine force or Shiva, for past example), the experience it closely with(Ganesha fresh eyes. We try to look the rapid evaluations of ourof our breath on our physical body and or conditioned on a manifestation divine force in present,our mind. Come practice breathing and being with us at minds. Athaofisthe therefore about being here, in the moment. Yoga 101: Nine: community yoga for every body. nature The (thediverse Ganges, mountains). stylesthe of yoga accomplish Most this focus and Yoga concentration in

Teacher Training 200 and 500 (300 advanced) Hours.

5 Week Course for simply, visualization and texts its impact can be(jnana), some engage in different ways. Some study and philosophy beginners “When the breath wanders the new mind also experienced corporally chanting and other forms ofthrough devotionbreath to a higher cause (bhakti), some engage March 26-April is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed 23 in good works (karma), and still others look to the movement of energies in awareness. Sundays: 11:30 body to awareness create deepofexperience yoga is seen the mind too aswill be still, andincludes the yogi the By shifting breathing,(hatha). one can The havebody a in hatha instructional an arena for metaphysical experience. It isexperience manipulated bodylong postures, dramatically different physical and affective of through achieves life. Therefore,course, one should free rubber mat bandhas andwhen mudras & on hand practice. For(locks), example, one(body focuses thegestures), feeling which enhance the learn to control the breath.”and 5 weeks access to all channeling of energy and therefore experience. of breathing in the upper body, one naturally shiftsThese theirpractices are ancient at both locations ~Svatmarama, Hatha classes Yoga Pradipika and are to found in many Eastern traditions. awareness the inhalation side ofartistic the breath and theIndian classical theater and danceofmake use of postures and mudras to feel and express emotion and create impact the inhalation. Energetically the inhalation transformation in the(prana performers audience. Mudras in particular help is rising and expanding vayu),and full,the energetic, to focus the gross body energy through delicate and precise movements of the and light. Likewise, if one focuses on the lower body, We are familiar with “anjali,” theexhalation mudra of prayer, which focuses our onehands. naturally shifts their attention to the bodies on our vital energy and the essential side of the breath and its impact. Energeticallyenergy the of others, but there are many mudras with many intentions. exhalation is downward and inward (apana vayu), grounding, quieting, and empty. These qualities will be experienced more fully, and may create a greater

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The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018 January/February 2017

Pet Services


The Atlantic County Woman Who Changed the World 70

Written by Matt Reeves


“Unconditional Love”

farm. There is always a crowd of animals around her. As a little girl, Laurie Zaleski was Somehow they all know she saved them and gave them influenced by her mother, who loved hope and happiness. Few things in life surpass the love animals, especially animals in need. and appreciation from an rescued animal. One of the best places in theworked worldfor to animal learn the meaning Anne control and of The Atlantic County Woman is a home to the animals literally magazine “unconditional love” isgave the aFunny Farm Rescuethat & Sanctuary in about extraordinary women had no hope. She couldn’t help herself, Mays Landing, NJ. living in our community. Laurie Zaleski is and continually sacrificed all that she just that. If you’ve ever had a pet, you could have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get After a long day at her full-time job that to help.

excited when you come home and how sadtime, theyAnne are when Those are the luckyshe ones. works outside of the Farm, before she At the may you haveleave. felt she was changing Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. even changes, you will see Laurie on the the world for that one animal, that one life, but she The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands floor rolling around, giving each had no saving that one of people each year who come to visit andidea givehow them the love theylife need. Most animals of her children kisses in her high would change the world. She saved come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or heels! They missed her so much manymake lives over the years; for hundreds unwanted. Some people simply didn’t arrangements their pets after they were gone and the animals had nowhere to hundreds, go. How scary that must but not as much as she missed and in fact. What shebe for these sweet animals that gave their owners so much them! didn’tlove. know is that her love of animals One example is a nameless little black and white baby goat with a broken leg. At less To top it off, Laurie shares her amazing world with all of us! The Funny would be so contagious, especially by her Pets 70 than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Through a Farm does not receive any kind of state or federal funding. Laurie recruited daughter Laurie, who’d watch her mother’s series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about her family and over 100 volunteers to help. She never thought people would wantedhim. to be this little goat’s situation and every didn’tmove wastecarefully. any timeShe rescuing come to visit or volunteer. It is a private charity. Since Laurie grew up poor, just like her mother. custom splint stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on it at all. He One of theWe bestmade places inathe world to learn the to meaning of she always wanted the Funny Farm Rescue to be free &toSanctuary Laurie and felt passion! needed food brought his mouth he real lay in a new warm bed made just for “unconditional love”and is the water Funny Farm Rescue in sawwhile Mays Landing, NJ. the so anyone could come. People can donate, but It was no mistake that partaof1-year-old her mother’s heart became her took him under his wing him. Farley Farm Manager, Australian Shepard, If you’ve ever hadhim a pet,learned youahave a pretty good idea how much attention. they love you and get and gave lot of love and it’s not a requirement. own. Laurie compassion and dedication, but mostly she learned excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. Not all animals are so lucky to havegoat someonewas love them. The little black and whitefeed andanimals lookedbefore so much like a cow that he earned the We hope you come and bring your friends determination. She watched her mother she fed The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands “Cowboy.” Over days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took of name people each year who come to visit and give themthe the lovenext they need.few Most animals and family to a place we call the “Funny herself. come the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or totohim to the University offor Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements their pets after they were Farm”! It’s a unique place where most animals andLaurie always told herthatmother that when she grew up, she was going gone the animals had nowhere to go. How scary must be for these sweet animals thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and that gave their owners so much love. to buy her mom “real farm” roam free! One example is a nameless littlea black and white baby goat of with her a brokenown, leg. At lessnot just a place to rent. amputation. than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Through a of miracles, Laurie never lost focus. She went to college and worked hard. As a series Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about He lived in the house so he could be cared for properly and received much We are open every Sunday this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste any time rescuing him. young purchase the that become We made aadult, custom splintLaurie to stabilizeother hisdid leg because he couldn’t stand on it15 atpeople. all. acres He socialization with animals and Andwould because of thisthe interaction, he has no idea he’s a and goat, Tuesday 8am-4pm. Most needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for heFarleythinks he’s aFarm a1-year-old dog!Rescue official Funny & took Sanctuary. him. the Farm Manager, Australian Shepard, him under his wingSadly, Anne passed away just and gave him a lot of love and attention. likely, Seven months later, not has hasthat captured thethe hearts of people all over you will little goat prior was black and and looked so like aonly cow that he earnedCowboy’s the 2 The weeks towhite closing onmuch the farm due to cancer.leg Youhealed, might he think is where name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations never forget your trip tostory him to the ends, University ofbut Pennsylvania, where theythe had the best equipment. Several it’s only beginning. thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and When visitors come andand donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of amputation. Inspector.” There are just too many miracles influences day after day for the past 18 years to the Funny Farm He lived cars in the house so he could be careddiscover for properly and received much their when they Cowboy is already inside their car! socialization with other animalsbe and explained people. And because in of thisone interaction, he hasspecial no idea he’s a way…Anne! goat, that can only very he thinks he’s He a dog! has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you Rescue, place where laugh andahas Seven months later, nother only hasdaughter, Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts a of people all overand clearly spends her days watching globe!! Through Anne created thean He makes everyone laugh and gets into He isEveryone now known as the “Donations unlimited supply ofeverything! kisses! isworld his friend! Somehow he knows what was doneafor him and he single woman literally Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of over the Funny Farm. Without Anne, it would not be as magical, as hopeful, as appreciates his life now. their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has changed thecomes world! andis hisasfriend! full of endless determination! Theof unconditional love comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that from an animal that ancompassionate, unlimited supply kisses! Everyone Somehow hethat knows what was done for him and he appreciates his life now. once in isan animal nothing short ofgives miraculous! Nearly these animals the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting was Zaleski a woman who up! apple notoffall far from the at tree. The Laurie unconditional love distress that comesis fromnot is astounding, but the unconditional love that The comes from an animaldid that400 was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm easywatch but leaving your new the furry friends is very difficult. animals arefriends Laurie’s kids.isJust her walk around toThe meet you550+ and your family!! Coming toat the the Farm is Funny easy but leavingFarm your new furry is very difficult. All life isAll precious. If there is precious. something we can doIf as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, life is there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget. the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget. The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at:

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski

“Unconditional Love”

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

TheThe Funny Farm Farm Rescue Rescue is open Sundays andSundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., at Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Funny is open and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There isis no as weasoperate entirely byentirely donationsby anddonations we don’t haveand any paid positions. Comeany seepaid us! There noadmission admission we operate we don’t have positions. Come see us!Follow us on Facebook: Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gift Amount: Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny Farm Rescue” To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

March/April 2018 2017 November/December


Pet Services

November Is a Great Time to Help a Senior Pet in Need! Written by Meghan Malloy

Did you know that November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month?

The sad truth is, while many people have recently hopped aboard the

“Adopt Don’t Shop” bandwagon, those adopting pets from shelters all too often pass by the senior pets. Typically, when families with small children enter a shelter looking to adopt a cat or dog, the children are immediately drawn to the undeniably adorable faces of kittens, puppies, and other younger animals. The young animals’ vibrant energy and miniature size captivate those looking to adopt. It’s not just children who are drawn to young pets at shelters, though. On average, according to, the adoption rate for senior dogs— dogs seven years or older—was only 25 percent in their research sample, compared to the 60 percent adoption rate of all other dogs in the sample. There’s just is no disputing it: senior pets need just as much, if not more, of our love than younger pets. Being a senior pet in a shelter means they are likely to have been adopted and returned, a heartbreaking fact in itself. Being a senior pet also means that those pets have likely been in countless homes and passed around from family to family and shelter to shelter for countless years. Senior pets are also far more likely to be euthanized in shelters, given their age, regardless of their health. According to, “Seniors make up the bulk of the 1.2 million dogs put down at shelters every year in the U.S.” Senior cats and dogs may not be the most energetic or even the most adorable pets at the shelters, but they are the pets that need your help more than any others. They have so much love to give, if only we could give them the opportunity by adopting them! We know what you’re thinking—why would I adopt an older pet who will just pass away in a few months? The benefits to owning a pet are endless. Additionally, the fulfillment you will get from providing love

and care to a senior pet that would otherwise never have known love and protection is second to no other feeling. Having a pet often provides owners with responsibility they may be searching for, as well as providing companionship and unconditional love from another being. Senior pets are bound to be even more grateful to their adopters, knowing that they have finally found their “forever homes” after long stretches in shelters and adoption centers. If you are unable to adopt a senior pet, don’t worry. There are so many other ways you can help! Adoption shelters are always looking for volunteers and donations. Perhaps you can spend a Saturday afternoon cuddling up with an older dog or cat that hasn’t been seen by any of the visitors. There are also organizations such as The Grey Muzzle Organization, out of North Carolina, that are founded solely to improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs. The Penny Lane Dog Adoption and Senior Sanctuary, based out of Bridgewater, New Jersey, is just one example of a local organization protecting senior dogs. Donations to both organizations are always welcome! Take advantage of Adopt A Senior Pet Month this November, and you could be the change a senior pet desperately needs. Whether by donating, volunteering, fostering, or adopting, whatever contribution you can make will be sure to bring hope and light into the lives of senior pets everywhere.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018


1420 So. New Rd. Pleasantville, NJ 08232

(across from This & That Uniforms)•



Stop at Jolly Pets Today

May Is National Pet Month-Treat Your Four-Legged Friend To Jolly Pets!

For All Of Your Pets Needs!

Barbara (Barb) Jolly, owner of Jolly Pets seats and safety belts for the safety of your pets traveling in Supplies & Grooming, opened her mom-and-pop the car. In addition, Barb carries airline bags that are apfor traveling pet supplies store six years ago on Ventnor Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming is aproved unique pet on an airplane and interactive toys. Avenue. At Jolly Pets, Barb offers a full-service groomer for your store in Margate with pet supplies and grooming dog. Your dog can get a haircut, bath, nail clippings, ear Jolly Pets is not your ordinary pet shop. It is the services forIsland. all your most unique pet shop on Absecon As her four-legged friends. cleanings, or anything else that contributes to the overall business continues to grow, she now carries a full health and beauty of your pet. Her groomer only does one • Natural Foods and Treats dog at a time, allowing for a wonderful experience. Additionally, for your line of natural foods and treats, all made in the • Full Service Dog Grooming U.S. She carries fresh frozen food, toys, beds, leashes, clothing and dogs health, Barb offers shampoos, conditioners, and pest Beds and Leashes control solutions. anything else you could possibly want• Toys, for During store hours, a lot of people bring their dogs in your four-legged friends. If there is • Clothing Testimonial: • Shampoos and Conditioners something she does not have, she can just to socialize, because Barb’s dogs are usually with her “I“IgogototoJolly JollyPets Petsregularly regularlyfor formy my at the store. They are like kids in a candy shop. special order it for you! • Pest Control Solutions dog’sfood foodand andtoys. toys.Barbara Barbaraisand dog’s so Celebrate National Pet Month by treating your Many of her customers enjoy the great Ellen are helpful and passionate helpful andsopassionate about pets - • Dry and Canned Foods high-quality brands they carry. They also four-legged friend to a special trip to Jolly Pets pets -toIt have is so great have a • Fresh Frozen Food Itabout is so great a pet to store close Supplies & Grooming. offer speciality items, such as life jackets for store by and enjoyable bypetand so close enjoyable to so visit.” - RA • Life Jackets and Airline Bags your dogs who enjoy boating and booster to visit.” - RA • Boating, Booster Seats and Safety Belts

9414B Ventnor Ave., Margate, NJ, 08402 Phone: 609.350.7518 The County Woman Magazine

Men’s Clothing

The County Woman Magazine

$5 Purchase $5OFF OFF Your Your Purchase Of Or More More Of $25 $25 Or *Coupon bepresented presented *Couponmust must be Expires 12/31/2018 Expires 6/30/2017

November/December 2017

November/December 2018

Theatre & Entertainment



The Robert Shackleton Playhouse 405 Lafayette Street, Cape May


Nov 14th-Dec 30th AN ACTOR'S CAROL

By Charles Evered Directed by Roy Steinberg

Having played Scrooge many times a cranky actor finds himself visited by three spirits of his own. A cast of 4 play 17 characters in this hilarious new look at a classic that reminds us that the most jaded among us can find magic in the holiday season- and in the theater as well.

THUR-SAT 7:30 PM SAT & SUN 3:00 PM

Sponsored by Fins Bar & Grille & Peter Shields Inn & Restaurant

Presented by Cape Resorts & Cape May Stage THUR-SAT 7:30 PM SUN 3:00 PM

Nov 24th-Dec 28th THE SANTALAND DIARIES By David Sedaris Directed by Marlena Lustik

A struggling young writer takes a job as a Christmas elf at Macy’s in New York City and offers a sardonic, witty, irreverent accounting of elf training, bad Santas, abusive customers, and humiliating conditions. Go deep into the heart of Christmas as it exists in our consumerized world and gets your holiday in high gear with this hilarious oneman show.

Located at Congress Hall in The Harrison Room

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Shoe Repair


The Friendly Cobbler For over 15 years, Domenick, The Friendly Cobbler, has been cleaning and servicing your boots. With friendly, personalized service, Domenick will attend to those kicks that have been lying around at the bottom of your closet. You can get your Ugg boots patched up just in time for winter! He can dye black or brown boots to return them to their original splendor and have them cleaned and waterproofed before the snow comes.

Domenick Basile The Friendly Cobbler

25% OFF all shoe repair

Good through December 31st.

We Clean Uggs

Customizing your boots is Domenick’s specialty, and now he’s conveniently back in Northfield. It’s getting cold out there quickly, so grab those Uggs and come on over to the Friendly Cobbler at 1442 New Road in Northfield across from St. Bernadette’s Church to turn them into new, stylish footwear for all to see!

1442 New Road Northfield, NJ 08225 *Across from St. Bernadette’s Church

3 Remove Water Stains 3 Eliminate Salt Stains 3 Restore Original Color 3 Remove Dirt & Soil 3 Safe & Effective

This holiday season, you can find the perfect gift for anyone on your list at the Friendly Cobbler! Come see the beautiful, unique leather bands that were hand-crafted by Domenick himself- you can customize them by choosing from a variety of styles, studs and charms, and you can personalize them by adding your loved one’s name directly onto the band. They are absolute must-haves!

609.442.4518 Gourmet Shop




The County Woman Magazine

Call Today!

218 Bellevue Ave, Hammonton, NJ

609.270.7271 60 0 71

November/December 2018

Theatre & Entertainment




Westside Theatre, 407 W 43rd St.

TOJC.NJCW.10x11.5.4C.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine


2018-10-09 11:46 AM

November/December 2018

Theatre & Entertainment

Show-Score.NJWoman-3.10x11.5.4C.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine


2018-10-08 1:36 PM

November/December 2018

Fabulous F ood Fabulous Food Fabulous Food


Springing intoDoes FreshDouble Vegetables Winter Squash Duty

Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off we have arrived what mostto find to be theomehow, end of winter doldrums, weatare starting think more time ofthat thewill year. The about the the busiest fresh produce start toholidays pop up inare ourquickly grocery ith the holidays approaching, thoughts naturally approaching and that means your already limited “free” stores. While beenfriends able to get all through turnwe’ve to food, and“fresh” family.produce Here are time is going to bebe stretched further. The recipes the winter, it won’t longalternatives untileven things grown more locallybelow will some healthy to the abundance of feature winter squash, where the shell of the squash also start to be available. (Think about those wonderful greens and cookies are always around this time year. Better serves asthat the serving dish. Fewer for of you a fun Jersey asparagus!) That means thatdishes you’ll have theand chance to eat options for you and great for gift-giving as well! way to present a healthy and delicious meal! meals prepared with lots of fresh items that haven’t had to travel long If you find Apple that youtostill don’t enough time, Cutting Creations can that do Healthy Walnut Muffins – Makes distances get tohave your plate. Here areBoard a12few dishes double duty too! Chef Steph will prepare these and other delicious, healthy meals for 2 cupsinspire flour you. Don’t have the time or the desire to do all this might you to make your home life easier AND can make shopping a snap with one of our gift 1 tsp baking soda Chef Steph with Cutting Board Creations and yourself? Contact certificates. Contact Cutting Board Creations today to learn more. 1/4 tsp she’ll doground all the cinnamon work for you. Simply heat and eat! 1/4 tsp ground ginger RUSTIC QUINOA STUFFED ACORN VEGETABLE 1/4 tsp ground allspice SQUASH – Serves 4 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg FRITTATA 1/4 Comforting of healthy ingredients. tsp saltand wholesome, this dish is filled with –lotsServes 4-6spoon • 2 acorn squash, cut in half and seeded with a small 2 eggs Breakfast for dinner? Yup! In • 2 oz pancetta, cut into ¼-inch 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice this dish a colorful selection of chunks vegetables pair with protein rich •concentrate, 1 T olive oil frozen and thawed eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, cup buttermilk •2/3 8 oz chicken or turkey sausage, or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice 2crumbled T oat bran side, and you are ready to go! Feel Granny Smith •21small carrot, diced ¼ inch apples, peeled, cored and chopped free to mix up the vegetables based on what you like and what’s available. Just make cup walnuts, chopped •1/3 2 celery stalk, diced ¼ inch sure to cut them into pieces of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. •11small large Granny shallot, diced ¼apple, inch peeled cored and cut into 12 thin Smith • 2 T butter •slices, 1/2 cup forquinoa garnish • 1 onion, chopped • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth, • Preheat 1 smalloven zucchini, thinly sliced to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with low sodium 12 muffin papers. • 1 cup mushroom, sliced • 1 T thyme, fresh together soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and • Mix 1 large redflour, bellbaking pepper, diced •salt 1 tsp sage, fresh, chopped in a medium bowl. • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces • 1/2 tsp oregano, dried together eggs,dried apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour • Mix ¼ tsp thyme, •mixture 1 T capers, rinsed and roughly into the egg mixture until thechopped dry (you ingredients are just moistened, • 6-8 large eggs, lightly beaten can also use egg •being 1½ Tcareful balsamic vinegar (I like tostir use a pear-infused white balsamic) to not overmix. Gently in the diced apples and nuts. substitute or a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) • 2Spoon T pinebatter nuts,into toasted the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish • 2 T parmesan cheese • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese


# #

eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Letinrest in panInfor few minutes before slicing and serving. arehas really great for Put a bowl. thea same pan, cook the pancetta until almost(Leftovers all of the fat rendered, lunch the next day!) about 15 minutes. Put the pancetta into the bowl with the sausage. Return the pan with the pancetta fat to medium high and cook the carrot, celery and shallot until softened, adding a bit more olive oil if needed. Add the dry quinoa and cook, Pumpkin Bread stirring constantly, to toast. Sprinkle with the herbs and add the stock. Cook, covered, for 2 cups flour 12-15 minutes until the quinoa is cooked through. Add the quinoa to the sausage and 2 tsp along cinnamon pancetta with the remaining ingredients (except for the parmesan). Stir until well - Serves mixed. 1 tsp baking soda 4 Barley isbaking paired freshinto spring 1/4 Scoop stuffingwith mixture each squash half “bowl” until all the mixture is used tspthe powder up. Sprinkleand withchicken parmesan vegetables in and this bake for 15-20 minutes or until hot throughout, broiling 1/2 tsp salt tasty soup. Again, feel freeastodesired mix to brown. during the last few minutes


1 1/2cups sugar up the vegetables based on your 3/4 cup vegetable oil Use preferences. Don’t like barley? 3 large rice, pasta eggs or farro instead, just 1 tspthe vanilla adjust cooking time appropriately. – Serves 4 •3 cups 1 tablespoon shreddedolive freshoil pumpkin Despite its name, spaghetti squash does •1 cup 1/2 cup onion, finely seeds toasted pumpkin NOT taste like spaghetti. It does, however, have chopped a very similar when cooked properly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans.texture This recipe will make oneIn •large 1/2loaf, cup celery, finely chopped this dish, rotisserie chicken is a time-saver and or you can make multiple smaller ones. • 2 garlic clove combines with BBQ sauce, seasonings and cheese Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. to create a fun and healthy meal. •In a6 separate cups chicken broth, low-fat, reduced sodium bowl, mix the sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla. large spaghetti squash • 12 ounce chicken boneless, skinless, cut into Combine both mixturesbreast, and fold• 1in the shredded pumpkin and pumpkin • 1 tablespoon olive oil cubes seeds. When all are incorporated, pour into pans. • 1 cup BBQ sauce (or to taste) • 1/3 pearlloaf barley Bakecup one large for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller • 1 cup rotisserie chicken, cubed •loaves 1 15will oz. diced tomatoes take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. •rack 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded •Remove 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally sliced 1/4 inch and put loaf on a cooling to cool completely. • 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cup peas as fresh a gift? Wrap tightly andcup put into a pretty 1/2 fresh basil basket or box. •Giving 1/2 cup basil leaf - •torn with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee •Give 1 tablespoon orange zest Preheat oven to 400 degrees. While the oven is heating, CAREFULLY cut the spaghetti lover, why not give with coffee and coffee mugs. Heat large saucepan medium heat;side adddown onion celery cook,instirring, squash in oil halfinand scoop out theover seeds. Place cut onand a sheet panand covered until beginning 2-430-40 minutes. Grate(Iorsuggest finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan parchment paper to andsoften, roast for minutes. checking every 10 minutes. When the a bituntil whenfragrant, you press it, it1isminute. done. You don’t want to overcook the squash andsquash cook, gives stirring, about Add broth, chicken and barley; bring sotothat it becomes watery.) a gentle simmer. Cover and cook over lowGive heat until chicken through and thetheGift of isacooked Personal barley Remove the squash fromtake the up oven let cool adepending bit. Using on a fork, gentlyofscrape is tender. This may toand 30 minutes the type barleythe you are this holiday season! squash Combine the squash with half of the BBQ using. strands from the shell and into a bowl. Chef sauceWhen and return the strands the the squash shell. the barley is done,toadd tomatoes and gift juice,certificates asparagus and peas. Our areReturn to simmer. PreheatCover the broiler to high. and cook over low heat until always the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes. with an 1apple slice. a welcome Melt T butter in a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables Divide the chicken and sliced red onion evenly over both squash halves.surprise with Coarsely chop the remaining garlic clove. Gather basil, orange zest andDrizzle garlic and Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer andPreheat to stirring 425 degrees F and linefora 8-10 large baking sheet with the foil vegetables or parchment thyme.oven Cook, occasionally, minutes, or until are remaining BBQ sauce and top with shredded cheese. Broil for 5-6 minutes or until the and make a unique gift too. sprinkle over soup. to a wire rack to cool completely. paper. cheese is melted and the squash begins to brown. Sprinkle with fresh basil and serve. cooked through. In Brush the top bowl, of each squash with a bitand of oil, thenSet place face down on prepared baking a medium combine the eggs cheese. aside. Giving a25-30 gift? a pretty lined cloth sheet. Roast for minutes, or muffins until squash givesbasket a bit when youwith pressa on Melt theas remaining 1 TPlace of butter in the thein skillet with the vegetables, turning toit.coat the ForFor more call 609-841-8567 moreinformation, information, call 609-841-8567 napkin. WhileTie the cinnamon squash roasts, prepare the stuffing. In a medium pan, addinclude 1 tsp olive oilof and sticks around a decorative spoon and a jar vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down to low. Pour the egg mixture over Visit cook the sausage, breaking apart with a spatula, until cooked through and evenly browned. or preserves. or visit the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

Celebrating 15 YYears 13 Celebrating of Celebrating12 15 Years ears of Delighting our Clients! Delightingour ourClients! Clients! Delighting


Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was trained at the CulinaryBusiness trained at the Culinary professionally trainedBusiness at the Academy, is a Certified Academy, is a Certified Culinary Business Academy, Personal Chef, a Certified Food Personal Chef, aPersonal Certified is a Certified Chef, Safety Manager, and and Finalist Food Safety Manager, a Certified Food Safety for the Personal Chef Finalist for USPCA theand USPCA Personal Manager, Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. Chef of thePersonal Year in 2012 USPCA Chefand of the Services are provided on a first 2013. Year in first 2012 and 2013.and served basis Forcome, more information on For more information there are no contracts – ever! ouron services or Gift or Certificates, our services Gift For more information on our references, andreferences, fees, contact Certificates, and services or Gift Certificates, Cutting Board Creations, LLC fees, contact Cutting Board references, and fees, today! Creations, LLC today! Stephanie Hopkins contact Cutting Board Stephanie Hopkins Stephanie Hopkins Certified Personal Chef Certified CertifiedPersonal PersonalChef Chef Creations, LLC today. The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April2018 2018 November/December November/December 2016

Theatre & Entertainment


Celebrate The Holidays With AtlanticCity Ballet Sat 11/24 - 7pm

It’s A Shore Holiday


Sat 12/15 - 7pm


Sun 12/16 - 4pm

Nutcracker Presented by

Sun 3/31- 4pm

Romeo and Juliet

Sun 4/28 - 4pm

Sleeping Beauty

Sat 5/18 - 7pm


Season 36 Circus Maximus Theater • Caesars Atlantic City Tickets On Sale Now • 609-348-7201

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



The Katz JCC Early Childhood Education Center The Katz JCC Early Childhood Education Center offers a nurturing environment for children to learn, develop friendships and engage in a unique high-quality educational setting. Our preschool and early childhood programs include a curriculum that not only delivers results but offers an enhanced education including swim classes in our indoor pool, planned activities in our full-size gym and expansive outdoor recreation facility, computer classes, hands-on science classes in our interactive nature and science room, weekly trips to the Margate beach during the summer for 3- and 4-year-olds and field trips for 4-year-olds throughout the year.

allowing us to offer an active, sensory-based and meaningful experience. In our two-year-old classroom, you will find areas for exploring, learning, sleeping, eating and diapering that are designed with safety, yet encourage independence. Our educators are highly qualified in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Preschool for Three- and Four-Year-Old Children

Our experienced preschool educators will capture your threeor four-year-old child’s natural curiosity and desire to learn by providing age-appropriate learning experiences that will prepare them for a smooth transition into their next year of school. In our classrooms, you will find that the children are respected as individuals and learn at their own pace.

Offering full-day and half-day programs with flexible schedules and extended care, it is our goal to accommodate the schedules of our families. Our full school day is from 9:00am to 3:00pm and our half-day program is from 9:00am to 12:30pm. Before-care hours are from 6:30am to 9:00am and aftercare hours are from 3:00pm to 6:00pm with pricing options for pick-up at 3:30pm, 4:30pm and 6:00pm.

Infants 6+ Weeks and Older

For the youngest of learners our infant and toddler program is designed where our professional caregivers create an environment that is safe, warm and secure. Our infants and toddlers explore at their own pace: eating when they are hungry, sleeping when they are tired and playing when they are active. Our caregivers and classroom spaces encourage infant and toddler exploration with stimulation that promotes cognitive, physical, social, emotional and language development.

Two-Year-Old Toddlers

At the Katz JCC, we celebrate our terrific twos. Twos are especially active and begin to assert their independence,

See why our school is “Toll’tally” worth the trip. Full & Half Day Preschool and Daycare The JCC Early Childhood Education Center is offering FREE Margate Bridge Toll trips to families enrolling in Preschool and Childcare. •

Open at 6:30 am until 6:00 pm •

Sports in Full-Size Gymnasium

Milton & Betty

Year-Round Swimming

Yoga Classes

Preschool Field Trips

Live Science & Nature Room

501 N. Jerome Avenue Margate, NJ 08402 609.822.1167 I Call to schedule a tour today.

Early Childhood

Katz JCC

New eligible families enrolling in the Katz JCC Early Childhood Education Center will receive up to three month (120 trips) of toll trip passes on a Downbeach Express toll card.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Crossroad for Angels: Helping Survivors Overcome Their Past Eve Cortes, founder of Crossroad for Angels, strives to educate, help and inform survivors of sexual abuse and incest. Her Story When I walked into my new apartment for the first time and saw the surreal view from the window, it took my breath away. I walked out to the deck and looked out towards the ocean and watched the waves flow back and forth. I was drawn to the ocean, the sound of the waves and the seagulls as they glided by. It brought me back. Back to a place I had spent years trying to forget. As a child I had always lived by the ocean; the sounds and smells of the shore always brought me back to the abuse. I knew my brother loved me, but was this love? It started off with small things like an innocent game of playing house. I was the mom and he was the dad. “This is what mommies and daddies do,” he’d say, demonstrating with my Barbies how they should kiss and touch. Eventually the toys went away and our game of house turned into him on top of me, touching me in the living room, not uttering a word. The silence was deafening. I knew this was wrong, but he was loving me. This was love. Someone loved me. One morning I went downstairs and saw my brother in the living room, where that awful green velvet couch

was, that couch. I told him I wanted a new teddy bear. He told me that he probably couldn’t get me one on that particular day. That’s when I made my threat. If he didn’t get me the bear, I would reveal our secret to the world. He promised me he’d try. The next night, after I had fallen asleep, I woke up to screams. It was my mother crying and screaming for her son. The neighbor was over and had seen me come down the steps. She took me to her place and sat me down to tell me that my brother had killed himself. For years I blamed myself, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that this was all out of my control. One day I was watching my daughter, who, at the time, was four years old, and it hit me. I was her age when it started, and seeing how innocent and vulnerable she was helped me realize I was not at fault. I couldn’t have been, because I was once her. A million mistakes later and years of therapy have helped me heal. I still have eons of healing to do, but I am a great work in progress. I love my new apartment now. I embrace the past and have learned I cannot change it. Whenever I look out into the ocean and can see where the sky and water meet, I know there is something greater out there guiding me. What I experienced with my brother was not love, it was abuse. I know that now and the ocean no longer reminds me of the pain. It brings me hope. I have finally realized that the only way to forget was to remember...

Eve Cortes at age 4

Eve Cortes, Founder

Speaking Arrangements Are Available & FREE

Why I Share My Story Over And Over Again… • Because I know there is a young person out there considering suicide • Because there is a young child out there so afraid of reaching for help, and in need of knowing that they are not alone • Because I know that my truth can move mountains and shatter stigmas • Because there is a woman out there in an abusive relationship, accepting a partner to beat her, because she feels that she deserves a life filled with punishment, because of the guilt she lives with on a daily basis • Because there is someone out there turning to drugs or alcohol to numb their pain • Because I was once that child, and that woman #BreakTheSilence • #MeToo

Eve Cortes

(609) 626-1920

Enter To Win Enter to Win Two Tickets to the Atlantic City Ballet This Season! Name: Address:


City: Phone:




Clip and Return to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 *One entry per person. Expires 12/31/2018.

The County Woman Magazine

November/Decemberr 2018



ft Ho Av Cer lida ai tif y la ica bl te e s


For more information on upcoming exhibits & additional classes visit

Funding has been made in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts/Dept. of State a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Through a grant administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage affairs.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Travel ravel AMILY VACATIONSTSTARRING THE “KIDS” 55 Travel ravel 63 “Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting Memories” Wellness Travel Hotspots Taking With A Packing Primer 2019 More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising aWinter family You: is making memories that




will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve



Escape the COLD of the winter thiscruising year to picture perfect sunsets, pristine beaches, iver cruising may be hottest

paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river and Wellness retreats. Mexico and the Caribbean are open andnext inviting you to A sample of some will let you dream of your escape. withRomantic your Traveldestinations experience.

ravel indulge in luxury and wellness. We’ve noted few fabulous Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with a just aravel ready to pack your , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded cruises have been 70 operating for decades.




 Six Hawaiian Islands

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ravel 56 Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club cozy at the same GRAND All Suite Resort and Spa onand Riviera vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take VELAS, ravel T ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate Maya, suites over 1000 sq. ft.,for and an overdining the top time. This charming resort with has an Alain has Ocean views with IfDucasse-trained you’re cruisingchef in thewonderful Caribbean “Create Lasting Memories” riverboats with focus onevery current themes. “Create Memories” *“Balinese Spa”. The award winning “Autor” from room, including diving and waterskiing, a game roomtasting and therestaurant Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many newLasting fees and

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

55 63

River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience

Add aWith few more tee Taking ItofALL You: Aanother Packing More fun,, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing more memories! • Part raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts Primer  Greece ahave must, INCLUDED! restrictions theisairlines The beach beautiful leading to a•and turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, a 12-day Bordeaux like is also Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, Lightweight sweater, rain your children will cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories.

imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local leaving your * a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Additional. wet suits. Today’s opportunities to travel asfor a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the tion.carry-on From warm to excitinglong adventures, every destination offers a new awaited vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no bags.beaches So was what created to be the ultimate get trend around in 2017 -even though river tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsample ofports some with your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have been operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re A few years from now what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations with Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that ready to pack your (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) watersports and unlimited scuba diving exciting Six Hawaiian Islands , Cana each its own personality, TORTUGA Hotel Punta you BAY will remember is the total canals, span thousands of Continental of some of thewith best special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: might help with the process. Cruise lines upped Examples their with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices of your vacation, NOT isand the onlyexperience hotel ever designed by Oscar (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to Blackamenities Sea. intriguing itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the things you forgot to pack.andANTIGUA ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same can’t River cruises areonly luring experienced dereach. la Renta. SIX SENSES SPA are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestvessels ways we •The Viking Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andamazing. onto intimate time. This charming resort withThe an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views in the Americas is 1500 with you? simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Travel Professional can diving riverboats withand focus onVirtuoso current themes. from every room, Watersports waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts acre ecological reserve with natural  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. springs and private beaches enhance the 2 cover-ups imposed for baggage, youorwill have tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value andthe added ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, 7-day Danube, cruise guests local for wet suits. home from on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the atbeach & 1now Pareo) experience without the touches long tour rides. From rejuvenating feeling. Virtuoso Amenities tobus make your experience a WhateverHighlights” • you forget you can purchase on board or at the • Avalon Waterways “Austrian and other airlines let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & to be the ultimate getfrom tulips to add December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of created ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops to the experience. are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ships together were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by•Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting NorthBridges waterways, Sea to Black Sea. program, including family cooking River CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazy rivers and warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, lessons. *Remember, your Vagabond* through partnership with Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Professional can  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining the beach &1 Pareo) touches to makeWaterways your experience a •the Avalon “Austrian HYATT REGENCY ARUBA & SPA and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line Highlights” from The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships built with families inas mind. Along deluxeships Ocean view immerse you inwere tranquility in ZoiA Spa. Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has its highlights, such the and the • 2 shorts and 2 tees and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska istours (Perfect for summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel stateroom with Verandah perfect for your a familybody of 4 or and 5. There’s 3 story body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches Rejuvenate soulamakes with aAquaDunk • 3 sundresses next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler beautiful view ofthere’s the Caribbean Sea. lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island orExperience. cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist Virtuoso amenities will enhance your • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways experience. • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas.

amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

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732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some e County Woman foramazing Digital Magazineand some The CountyMagazine Woman Magazine travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 November/December 2018

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Women’s History Susan Burton “A New Civil Rights Leader”

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! As the holiday season begins to draw near, most people reflect upon life’s gifts with a sense of gratitude for all that they have accomplished or perhaps appreciate a new relationship they have formed over the past year. Due to our busy life’s schedules, it is rare that we take into consideration the life of an individual who may be less fortunate and who may have circumstances that may have led them down a path of bad choices and perhaps maybe even incarceration. Such was the case for Susan Burton. Born in East Los Angeles, California, Susan Burton grew up with a compromised home environment as well as a neighborhood with violence and a high crime rate. Being a mother of two children—a daughter, 15, and a son, age five—made life difficult to “make ends meet.” Susan’s life changed dramatically when her five-year-old son was killed as a result of being struck by a motor vehicle after he ran into the street. The grief that Susan experienced was indescribable and she began self-medicating with the help of alcohol and substance use. As a result, her behaviors led to negative consequences and Susan found herself not only addicted but also facing legal troubles. It is reported that Susan would spend approximately 20 years in and out of jail and prison. Susan became estranged from her daughter, and on the day of her discharge from incarceration in 1997, Susan had nothing and hit rock bottom. Susan was unable to obtain food stamps, cash assistance, or even find employment as a result of felony charges on her record. Do not fret, the story gets better! Susan was able to find employment as a caretaker and experienced another hurdle as she was unable to obtain a license to become a home health aide. Susan began contemplating the gaps in services not only for herself but to other females who have a history of incarceration and legal involvement. Susan wanted to find a way to help other women with similar circumstances. One year after Susan’s discharge from jail, remaining clean and sober, Susan began going back into the streets to provide support to other females to “break the cycle of incarceration.” After a few years, Susan founded a non-profit organization entitled A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project (ANWOL). The model was to first provide shelter. Other services include case management, employment, and pro bono legal services. ANWOL is reported to have provided services to over 1,000 women, and recidivism and sobriety data reflect that approximately 75% have remained sober and out of jail and/or prison ( The program has also evolved to include support with parent-child unification. Susan’s program will pick up women as they are being discharged from jail and link them to one of her residential homes. Susan currently has five transitional residences located in the heart of Los Angeles, California. Susan is an unstoppable force. She is the co-founder of All of Us or None of Us (AOUON) and the Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People’s Movement

(FICPM) organizations. These are recognized as “grassroots civil rights movements which are comprised of formerly incarcerated individuals, their families, and community allies.” Another major accomplishment that Susan added to her repertoire was that in collaboration with UCLA’s Critical Race Studies Program, she launched the “Employment Rights Re-Entry Legal Clinic,” which provides free legal services to her ladies. Susan has been recognized for her advocacy and her programs. She is considered a leader in the criminal justice reform movement. Some of Susan’s awards include being named one of CNN’s Top Ten Heroes in 2010; Citizen Activist Award from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and the Los Angeles Times named Susan as one of eighteen “New Civil Rights Leaders” in the nation. In 2017, Susan released a memoir entitled Becoming Ms. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women. Susan’s home base and programming is in California, which is not something that locally we have access to read about in our daily news. Susan is a trailblazer for justice. Susan has completely transformed her life experience to a life’s calling to empower and improve the quality of life for women who are part of an at-risk population. It is important to note that research reflects that Susan has also reunited with her daughter. Susan was recognized in 2018 by the National Women’s History Project as an honoree for the NWHP theme “Nevertheless She Persisted: Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.” Susan’s story is historical and she has never stopped fighting to strive for a better life not only for herself but for others. May we all be persistent to help those who are in need of a little help from a friend!

Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for incarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Magazine The County Woman Magazine


November/December September/October 2018



Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour Saturday, December 15, 2018 • 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association, Inc., [501 (c)(3)]

The 29th Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour is our premier fund raising event. On the 3rd Saturday of December a minimum of 8 beautifully decorated 18th and 19th century historic homes, as well as several public buildings and 2 churches, are open to the public. Please think about starting your holiday season with a festive glimpse of history in Dennisville at Christmas time!

Tickets are $15.00 and will be sold at the Dennisville Post Office, 24 Hall Ave. in Dennisville the day of the tour beginning at 3:30 pm. Advance ticket sales will be available online at beginning October 1, 2018. Dennis Township Middle School Student Government students will serve as greeters to distribute programs and get tour goers started on their way. Houses open at 4:00 pm. The Post Office will be open for stamp sales as well. Refreshments and comfort stations at the Dennisville United Methodist Church Social Hall, the Dennis Volunteer Fire Company and the Dennis Township Old School House Museum. The Middletones Carolers (Middle Township High School a cappella vocal quartet) will perform through the village in period costume. Alice Belanger McGuigan’s illustrated “Historic Dennisville: A Walking Tour” will be available for sale at the ticket center. Dennis Volunteer Fire Company will be open with new and antique equipment on display. Light refreshments will also be available there. The Dennis Township Old School House Museum will be open to visitors. You might want to take a quick look tonight and make arrangements to return for a more in depth visit at a later date.

For further information visit or contact Jack Connolly at (609) 861-1338 or at


The Jonathan and Sarah James House - ca. 1860

“Preserve what you have— you can never replace it.” Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA

The Jonathan and Sarah James House was built about 1860 in a vernacular interpretation of the Greek Revival style. The main portion of this 2-story frame house is three bays wide and two bays deep with a center entrance. The side gabled roof has overhanging eaves and a boxed cornice with returns in the gable ends. The eaves are decorated with ca. 1890 flat jig saw cut trim in a tear-drop shape. The front door has a surround of reeded pilasters that support a cornice with a dentiled pediment. Of special interest to visitors is the side sun room with the many multi-paned windows. The house has survived the foreclosure process and its new owners are giving the house plenty of well deserved attention.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Theatre & Entertainment



NOV 10 – DEC 16

NOV 23 – 25

JAN 12 – FEB 3

JAN 25 – FEB 2

FEB 23 – MAR 24

APR 13 – MAY 5

JUNE 8 – 30


The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Because Healing


Our Mission:

Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey provides a homeaway-from-home for families of children with life-threatening illnesses receiving specialized treatment at local hospitals.

This season give the

gift of togetherness


for your END-OF-YEAR





2 Night Stay

Family Activity

1 Month Stay

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For one Night

Sheet Set

One Guest Room


For a Family

Laundry Soap 15 Loads of Wash

Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey 550 Mickle Blvd., Camden, NJ 08103 856-966-4663 For other ways to support RMHSNJ visit:

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Got Gifts? No Need To Stress. We’ve Got This! The RNS Holiday Gift Wrap Booth, an annual fundraising event, is a permanent fixture at the Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing, NJ each holiday season. The booth opens the first week of December and runs straight through to Christmas Eve. With the help of a lot of volunteers from local hospitals, businesses and organizations, we are ensuring a successful event year after year. Let us take the stress out of the season for your. We wrap while you wait or shop.

For more information about the Holiday Gift Wrap Booth, contact Shirley at (609) 822-2965 or (609) 487-1190. All businesses welcome!

Gift Wrapping Starts December 1st!

♥Save the date!!

“Buy a Heart-Save a Heart.” The Entire Month of February

To make a donation by mail, send to RNS, 3 S. Newport Avenue, Ventnor, NJ 08406. To make a donation online, send to Roe Magliocco at 3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406

609-487-1190 • RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

Community Community



The OceanCares Foundation supports the mission and programs of OceanMental Health Services through building community support, promoting diversity of services and embracing innovation.

1 in 4 people experience a mental illness

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The Ocean Mental Health Services mission is to offer a comprehensive continuum of behavioral health, substance abuse, and integrated healthcare services, which promotes full participation in community life.

When you donate to the OceanCares Foundation you are helping our neighbors, our teachers, our friends and families. OceanCares helps OceanMHS provide support to families and individuals in many ways. Whether we are assisting innovative programs, a family in crisis, or a mental health consumer with needs beyond treatment, the OceanCares Foundation helps find a way to make it work.

Main Number 732-349-5550 Access Center Hotline 732-575-1111 Community

Enter To Win

April is National Stress Awareness Month! Two Tickets To The Cape May Stage Theater!

Here are some tips from the experts on coping with your every-day anxieties: “Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.” - Marilu Henner “There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” - Sylvia Plath

“Organization isn’t about perfec“There’s a lot of stress out there, all do nothing but sleep, however, tion; it’s about efficiency, reducing and to handle it, you just need to sometimes stopping long enough to Name: __________________________________________ stress and clutter, saving time and believe in yourself. Always go back ‘be’ can be very powerful.” money andAddress:_________________________________________ improving your overall to the person that you know you are -Joanna Runciman quality of life.” - Christina Scalise and don’t let anybody tell you any 405 Lafayette St. City:_____________________State:______Zip:___________ different, because everyone’s spe- “Exercise is really important to me- it’s therapeutic.Cape So ifMay, I’m NJ ever cial and everyone’s awesome.” “Stress is something that’s created Email:___________________________________________ feeling tense or stressed or like I’m - McKayla Maroney in the mind, basically. It’s how we 609-660-8311 Clip and Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 about to have a meltdown, I’ll put look at things. So our greatest “Being busy is a distraction and I head to the gym Entriesiswill be ability accpeted through December 31, 2018. Only one entry per person.on my iPod and defense against stress the sure that doing nothing, resting or out on a bike ride along Lake to change our minds; to change our am and sleeping are all good cures for – Michelle Obama thinking.” - Goldie Hawn modern life. I am not suggesting we Michigan.” TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

March/April2018 2018 November/December

Women’s Life Coach


What is the Pain of Infertility Really Costing You? Ready to Make a Change? There is HOPE Why am I so passionate about this? Because I have been through it too. I battled infertility for years. I had stage IV endometriosis and went through multiple surgeries. I had doctors tell me I probably would not be able to conceive. But only when I realized what the pain was truly costing me was I able to change. One day I made a conscious decision to release the stranglehold grip I had on my dream of motherhood. I made a decision to let go of the anxiety, stress, and fear. I changed my mindset of how I viewed my life. Only then was I able to conceive a child naturally. I am truly blessed to have this beautiful child. This is my gift to you: to rediscover life and all it has to offer you. Are you done with the pain? Are you ready to turn problems into possibilities? Then contact me to schedule a Complimentary Call!!!!

Jessica L Conrad, Life Coach

M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach


Jessica L Conrad, Life Coach


Services can be performed over the phone, in person, or video chat. All packages are customized to client needs and desires. Individual and group sessions available.

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach


“My partner of 12 years and I had been attempting to embrace the fact that we were unable to naturally reproduce our own biological children. After working with Jessica, the outlook I now possess is one of acceptance and gratitude for the myriad ways in which I am able to give as a ‘mother’ in various roles throughout my life. It was a different type of conversation than I’ve had with friends or therapists…it wasn’t focused on the past…it was focused on laying the foundation for building a bright future my partner and I could look forward to. I highly recommend reaching out for Jessica’s patient and experienced hand if you are at a transition point in life where you would benefit from support and a structured plan. If you are seeking to restore and/or gain self-confidence, embark on and/or embrace change, and live a life of positive and present mindfulness, Jessica is the coach I would recommend to walk beside you.” ~ Alix


The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018



Adopt Your New Best Friend Today The incredible bond between people and their pets and the many benefits that pets bring to our lives is a celebration of how positively animals can influence our lives. Pets not only provide their owners with companionship, but also with several health benefits. They may help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels and ease tension, anxiety and depression. When people come in contact with animals they tend to experience a general feeling of peace and wellbeing and are perceived as being more happy and healthy. Pet ownership increases the opportunity for exercise and socialization with other pet owners. The therapeutic value of animals for individuals in hospitals and nursing homes has also been documented. Children learn to be more nurturing and compassionate adults by being raised among animals. Taking guardianship of an animal that has been abandoned is a wonderful and fulfilling experience rewarded by unconditional love and companionship. Animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate the public’s support, as do the many pets that are fortunate to find forever homes. Kathy Kelsey Manager

Visit to learn more.

Oakley is a bold and feisty 1 year old male that needs to be encouraged for good behavior.

Clarence is a 5 year old male who thinks you should kick start everyday with a greeting from him.

Doug is a 1 year old male with not much currently going on but to smile and wait.

Tales of the Olive

Murphey is a hopeful 4 year old male who is looking for that certain someone that believes in everlasting love.

The County Woman Magazine November/December 2018


Akira is an inquisitive yet friendly 5 year old female who approaches new situations with care.


Steel is a highly intelligent 3 year old male that is well trained and is best suited for an active home.

Cutting Board Creations

SPONSOR A PET TODAY! Brian is a 2 year old male that dreams of sleeping in a sunny window during the day and a warm bed at night.

Jackie is an understanding 3 year old female that doesn’t mind your active lifestyle and will be content to just hang out at home.

Interested in Sponsoring a Pet? Help a furry friend find a forever home! Anyone can sponsor a pet! It’s only $25 for a two-month pet sponsorship. Makes a great gift! CONTACT: Lauren Shover, The Atlantic County Animal Shelter 240 Old Turnpike Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-2345

FREE RABIES VACCINATION & Pet Adoption Incentives each month! Contact shelter for more information. Open 7 days a week

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018




How To Bring Less Stress To The Holidays When Alzheimer’s Disease Has Joined The Family

he holidays are often filled with opportunities for togetherness, sharing, laughter and memories. But the holidays can also bring stress, disappointment and sadness. A person living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder may feel a special sense of loss during the holidays because of the changes he or she has experienced. At the same time, caregivers may feel overwhelmed trying to maintain traditions while also providing care.

There are things families and friends can do to reduce holiday stress for themselves and people living with Alzheimer’s disease: Adjust Expectations If you are a caregiver, plan to call for a face-to-face meeting or arrange for a group discussion via telephone, chat or email to discuss upcoming celebrations. Make sure everyone involved understands the caregiving situation and has realistic

expectations. Give yourself permission to do only what you can reasonably manage. Consider inviting a smaller group for a simpler meal or think about hosting a potluck dinner or asking someone to order and bring the meal.

Involve The Person With Alzheimer’s Plan to involve the person living with the disease in safe, reasonable holiday preparation activities that he or she enjoys. Ask for help preparing food, wrapping gifts, decorating or setting the table. Also maintain the person’s normal routine as much as possible so holiday preparations don’t become disruptive or confusing.

Adapt Gift Giving Deciding on a gift can be challenging for anyone but especially when buying for someone living with dementia. To help gift givers make appropriate choices, offer suggestions such as comfortable, easy-to-remove clothing, favorite music or photo albums containing pictures of treasured memories. Depending on the abilities and preferences of the person with dementia, involve him or her in gift giving as much as possible. For example, someone who once enjoyed baking may enjoy helping to make cookies and packing them in boxes or tins. You may also ask the person to help with gift wrapping.

Try To Be Flexible Consider celebrating over lunch or brunch rather than an evening holiday meal to work around evening confusion or sundowning if this is an issue. Serve nonalcoholic drinks and keep the room bright. Finally, prepare for post-holiday letdown. Perhaps arrange for in-home care so you can rest or enjoy an activity with a friend after the holidays have passed. Planning ahead and including others can go a long way in reducing stress and fatigue and ensuring a more joyous holiday season for yourself and your loved one. About the Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association® is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter—headquartered in Philadelphia—serves 18 counties in Delaware, South Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The Chapter’s Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, programs and services, and resources, call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018

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