Atlantic County Woman - July/August 2019

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12th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families




Puberty is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psycho-social changes for children. Page 19 Page 7

Page 23

You may have a condition called lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication.

More than one-half of Americans age 50 and older are affected by varicose veins. Page Pae 3211

Page 38

Pages 26 & 27

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography.

For over 38 years, long-time resident and fourth time winner of “Best of the Press” award for best veterinary hospital, Dr. Mark Newkirk, Owner of Newkirk Family Veterinarians, has proudly provided quality veterinary care to the community of Egg Harbor Township. Their main focus is always to help pets live healthier, happier and longer lives. Read more on pages 8 & 9.

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Premier Dental Spa Do You Or Your Partner Snore?

Do you or your bed partner snore? Do you have a CPAP machine you just are not able to use or are unable to get used to? Then you can start with the following: Have you awakened yourself, or has a bed partner alerted you to having stopped breathing or jolted yourself awake at night? Do you awaken with headaches or feeling like you did not get a restful night of sleep? These are all tell tale signs you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea.

Snoring, 80% of the time, is related to having a condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea. We at Federici Dental have We are now a achieved the highest level of education Dental Sleep Medicine nationally available to treat snoring and Member Center of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. We work with the New Jersey your primary care physician, or respiratory We are the only office in the southern half of Sleep Society. pulmonologist/ENT if you are being seen by NJ trained at this highest level to trust for your one, to treat your condition. treatment of snoring and Obstructive Sleep We screen every patient and child at our Apnea. We are Medicare DME approved to office per American Dental Association guidelines for this sleep have oral appliances covered by Medicare and make custom appliances related breathing disorder. We get you screened and if you fit several for those under 65 using your MEDICAL insurance, not dental. guidelines or show from a questionnaire that you may be suffering Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a medical condition, diagnosed by medical from many of the tell tale signs, we get you to a local specialist for a doctors, but can only be treated by dentists who have specialized home sleep test (HST). Only by a training in this area of expertise for those unable to use their CPAP medical doctor in the state of NJ machines. can you get this study approved. Testimonial: The results are then game planed “…Dr. Federici’s compassion and patience is much appreciated. My oral device was on what is best course of treatment custom made for me! It’s small and comfortable, plus I can easily take it with me when I whether it be a CPAP machine, an travel. Dr. Federici is very cautious with making adjustments to my device so I will not oral appliance we custom make for have jaw pain. His staff was friendly and handled the billing to my insurance company with ease. Finally, I’m getting a good night sleep! Thank you Dr. Dave!” -Michelle D. you, or a surgical alternative such as Inspire. These are the appliances we use at Federici Dental. You cannot trust your health to just any dentist to make you a basic appliance to treat snoring. That is legally unacceptable to under-treat someone without a confirmation test that you don’t have something more than pure snoring. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is connected with several cardiac conditions such as A-fib, high blood pressure, and • Dental Implants • Hybrid Dentures stroke as well as Diabetes, GERD, frequent night time trips to urinate, • Snoring/Sleep Apnea Treatment • Cosmetic Dentistry weight gain, and daytime tiredness for drivers. Children also suffer from this and are commonly misdiagnosed as having ADD/ ADHD • Crowns • Bridges • ZOOM Teeth Whitening • Partials and are given medications unnecessarily. We are Mastery level trained, • Root Canals • Cleanings • Exams • Digital X-Rays members of the AADSM, and the only dental facility that is a dental member center of the NJ Sleep Society. Do not trust your health, your Call our office today at (609) 597-1234. valuable sleep, and your children to just anyone for these conditions. Only the highest nationally experienced trained dentists are able to We look forward to seeing you! thoroughly screen, treat, and work with sleep medicine doctors to treat 1301 Route 72 W. • Unit 230 • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 this life threatening condition. Just one minute off the parkway!

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Home Health Care S E A S ON- SPECI F I C S AF ETY FO R S ENI ORS During the warm summer months, it’s natural to want to get outside and take advantage of the welcoming sunshine. However, for the older adults and those with illness or disabilities, too much of a good thing—in this case, hot, sunny weather—can pose serious health threats. Seniors are more prone to the risks of the summer sun and heat than younger people. Seniors are more likely to have a chronic medical condition and take prescription medications that can cause mouth dryness, increase sensitivity to the sun, change ability to reason, or impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature or perspire. People-particularly seniors-with conditions such as asthma, thyroid diseases, obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high blood pressure, heart/ circulatory problems, diabetes, or lupus should take care to avoid heat and sun exposure. To avoid getting overheated or sunburned, older adults should: • Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine, or a lot of sugar • Drink fluids at least 30 minutes before going outside • Apply sunscreen SPF 15 or higher at least 30 minutes prior to going outside, even on cloudy days. Re-apply every two hours or after swimming or sweating • Wear wide-brimmed hats, and light-colored, loose-fitting clothes • Eat more frequently, and be sure meals are well-balanced, cool, and light • Avoid outdoor activities from 10am to 4pm, which is the hottest part of the day

Older adults should stay in an air-conditioned environment during the hottest hours of the day, either at home or in a public place such as a library, a mall, or recreation center. If needed, a private duty home care company can provide home health aides who can accompany older adults who have difficulty getting out on their own.

BAYADA’s services in your area BAYADA professionals also help clients manage their health conditions, function more easily in their homes, and prevent medication errors, falls, or other risks. In addition, care is supervised by a registered nurse clinical manager. Nursing care helps clients with short-term or ongoing care needs, from wound care after surgery to high-tech tracheostomy and ventilator care. We administer medications, perform respiratory treatments, provide catheter care, help manage chronic conditions, and support families with respite care. Contact Adult Nursing Director Maryann Prudhomme at 609-926-4600.


Rehabilitation and therapeutic care helps adults regain strength or function after injury, surgery, or illness. These services include physical and occupational therapy and speech language pathology. Contact Home Health Director Rich Troendle at 609-272-1200. Assistive and personal care helps clients manage activities of daily living. Aides assist with bathing, dressing, and mobility (walking or moving), and household needs, such as light housekeeping, meals, and errands. Contact Assistive Care Director Jennifer Little at 609-365-4111. Hospice care provides end-of-life care to patients with advanced illness so they can remain at home with comfort, grace, and dignity. This care includes clinical and assistive care, counseling, social, spiritual, and emotional support, along with volunteer and bereavement services. Contact Hospice Director Michelle Amendolia at 609-813-2149. We are committed to providing care with compassion, excellence, and reliability…it’s The BAYADA Way.

T HE BE ST CARE CO MES I N T HE CO MFO R T O F HO ME With a broad range of services and a team of professionals who are committed to keeping adults and seniors safe at home, BAYADA provides: • Thoroughly screened health care professionals • Clinical support 24 hours, 7 days a week • Reminders about medications and appointments • RN supervision on all levels of care • A variety of payment options available BAYADA Caregiver Michelle E. and BAYADA client Dr. Frances S. at home.

Contact us Assistive Care: Jennifer Little, Director, 609-365-4111 Adult Nursing: Maryann Prudhomme, Director, 609-926-4600 Home Health: Rich Troendle, Director, 609-272-1200 Hospice: Michelle Amendolia, Director, 609-813-2149

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day Monday, SEPTEMBER 2ND

Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and wellbeing of the country. It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend and it is considered the unofficial end of summer in the United States. The holiday is also a federal holiday. So enjoy this extra day with family and friends for the conclusion of summer!

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Manager’s Note


All correspondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addressed to:

The County Woman The County Woman Ce leb rat r ing Our 11th Yea

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Publisher

Chris Lam

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

Welcome to the July/August Issue of the Atlantic County Woman!

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and isWoman’s available Newspaper free of charge at The County is published bi-monthly and is available free of chargeIatsay it every year, I love summer. Living at the Jersey shore gives us a special display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized display stands in approveddistributors private andonly, public establishments and authorized distributorsappreciation only, for this time of year. After all, we’ve got lakes, the ocean, and endless or by paid mail subscription. Production Manager Shover or by paidLauren mail subscription. opportunities to dine al fresco. Besides the mild weather, summer means barbeques, Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No Laws part ofprotect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of Trademark and U.S. Copyright this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. swimming, and plenty of relaxing days at the beach. Director Kathy Sabol The County Woman’sRegional Newspaper isSales not responsible for any editorial comment (other isthan The County Woman’s Newspaper not responsible for any editorial comment (other than Of course the delectable comfort foods like hot dogs and hamburgers make the season its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any its own), typographical errors fromreproducadvertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproductions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. even more delicious. Summer is also a time to reconnect with old friends and family Billing Manager JenniferweHartsig If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, may does revisenot or meet cancelour it atstandards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at If an advertisement members. From reunions to graduations, happiness is in the air. any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously The acknowledged and/or previously published. The any time,and/or whether or not itpublished. has been already id you know that more than 40% of American adults have a vitamin D deficiency? advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and D will Graphic Designer advertiser Golden Design LLC protect and indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its protect owners,and publishers, andthe employees, indemnify Woman’sagainst Newspaper,Vitamin its owners, publishers, employees, against D has and been called the sunshine vitamin for good reason. Since the sun is the best source of this vitamin any and all liability loss or expense arising out of claims forK. libel, unfair loss tradeornames, CEO Lynn any and allWolf liability expensepatents, arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, – be sure you lather on sunscreen and get enough of it. Vitamin D deficiency is no joke and can lead to bone pain copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations ofcopyrights the right ofand privacy or other violations propriety rights, and all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication of this newspaper or resulting its advertising copy. from the publication of this newspaperand or its muscle advertising weakness. copy. The publisher shall no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert ancall: advertiseForbe under advertising inquiries, please The publisher shall be under no liability for failure,This for anyyear reason,marks to insert an theadvertisebeginning of the 13th season of production for the Atlantic County Woman publication. ment. The publisher shall not be liable by reason of ment. error, omission and/or failure to insert anyreason of error, omission and/or failure to insert any The publisher shall not be liable by It has been such a privilege part of an advertisement. The publisher will not be liable or failure inThe performance part offorandelay advertisement. publisher will not be liable for delay or failure in performanceto provide our readers with over 8,000 educational articles written by many top in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue is delayed or suspended in publication and/or distribution if allfor or any portion of an issue is and delayedbusiness or suspendedowners for professionals throughout Atlantic County over the past thirteen years. In addition, I have been any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgment in these instances will and exercise will make any reason. The publisher reasonable judgment in these instances and will make extremely blessed to be able to work with these leading professionals for the past five years. adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. The Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility The for unsolicited material orassumes reproduc When you material see those fireflies light up the sky you will know that summer has finally arrived. Woman’s Newspaper no responsibility for unsolicited or reproductions made by advertisers. tions made by advertisers. Wishing all of our readers a lovely summer! This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every month.will be published by the 15th of every other month. Thisother newspaper 2008. CountyBest, Representations by The Monmouth County Woman, LLC TM COPYRIGHT Representations by The Monmouth Woman, LLC TM COPYRIGHT 2008.


Contact us: P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ • 08012


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The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark

and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Wom Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited Woman @TheCountyWoman an material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.

Medical Professionals

TMS Therapy For Depression

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation now available at Jersey Shore!

Antidepressants not working? What is TMS?

• The non-invasive way to treat depression! • FDA cleared & effective. • Safe, very well tolerated. • NO side effects! • Done in office, NO anesthesia. • Covered by all insurances.

TMS has allowed tens of thousands of patients to recapture their life from debilitating depression.

Srisai Gowda, MD, FAPA • 408 Bethel Road D-201, Somers Point, NJ 08244 Call 609-927-1030 for a new beginning!

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Table of Contents Premier Dental Spa

Federici Dental............................................................................. 2

Legal Professionals

Home Health Care

D’Amato Law Firm...................................................................... 19 Russell & Marinucci.................................................................... 21

Medical Professionals

Enlightened Solutions................................................................. 20

BAYADA Home Health Care......................................................... 3 Shore Clinical TMS....................................................................... 4 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa............................... 6 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility................................................. 7 Personal Enhancement Center................................................... 10 Shore Vascular & Vein Center..................................................... 11 Certified Dermatology................................................................ 12 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.................................................... 16 Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................................ 18 Relievus................................................................................ 26, 27 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 31 Barbara Greenling, DNP............................................................. 32 Kathy A. Banks, DMD................................................................. 38

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment Business & Finance

Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming................................................. 23 Funny Farm Rescue................................................................... 48 Atlantic City Animal Shelter.................................................. 54, 55

Men’s Clothing

Fashion & Beauty

The Bra Boudoir......................................................................... 23 Seagrass Boutique..................................................................... 30

The County Woman

Featured on the Cover

Permanent Makeup by Amy....................................................... 25

Elder Law

Rice Elder Law........................................................................... 13

Financial Management

Garden State Trust Company..................................................... 14

Health & Wellness

Hummingbird Yoga..................................................................... 15 Living Healthy Naturally.............................................................. 20 Body & Balance Fitness Center................................................. 28 Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................... 46

Permanent Makeup

Cape May Stage......................................................................... 40 Two River Theater....................................................................... 45 Atlantic City Ballet...................................................................... 53 Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................... 58 Drunk Shakespeare.................................................................... 59

Fabulous Food

Pet Services

Higher Education

Newkirk Family Veterinarians................................................... 8, 9

Theatre & Entertainment

Copiers Plus, Inc........................................................................ 22

Testimonials................................................................................ 24 Instagram................................................................................... 36 Subscription Form...................................................................... 65

Atlantic Cape Community College............................................... 5


Permanent Makeup & Cosmetic Tattooing Wigs & Hair Restoration

Abstrax Hair Design................................................................... 29

Nutrition & Wellness

Vitality FYI................................................................................... 30


Arocho Insurance Agency.......................................................... 33


Charles Meusbruger, MD...................................................... 34, 35

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room

Cutting Board Creations, LLC.................................................... 41 Grandma Tillie’s Coleslaw.......................................................... 50 Women of Atlantic County............................ 42, 43 Lou Marchiano for Men.............................................................. 44


Vagabond Travel Agency............................................................ 47

Women’s History

Female Surfers........................................................................... 49

Shoe Repair

The Friendly Cobbler.................................................................. 52


The Hol-Truth Podcast............................................................... 66

Family Portraits & Headshots

Donna Andrews Photography.................................................... 67 Community..... 37, 44, 51, 52, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................. 39

Beau Institute............................................................................. 17

Higher Education

Behind every hero is a Cape. Atlantic Cape. The college that gives you lots of options. Choose from nursing, culinary arts, criminal justice, business administration or 40 other programs. Take classes online or at one of three campuses. At night or during the day. Even on weekends. With transfer agreements with dozens of colleges nationwide and dual admission agreements with Rutgers, Stockton and Fairleigh Dickinson, you can start here and finish there. While spending way less.

For more information visit or call 609/625-1111

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Medical Professionals


Ultherapy - Lift And Tighten Your Skin Without Surgery Or Downtime What Is Ultherapy?

What To Expect

The only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the chest.

The Ultherapy procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. Unlike lasers or radio frequency and surgery, non-surgical Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin to deliver the correct amount of ultrasound energy to the right area of the skin. This targeted treatment triggers a natural response that produces new collagen and regenerates and tightens the skin. Unlike Ultherapy in past years, the treatment is now targeted to the proper depth of skin, providing better results and less discomfort. Though some patients notice results earlier, typically it takes 2-3 months to see results as collagen works to lift and tighten skin on the neck, chin and brow as well as smooth skin on the chest. Though Ultherapy is not a facelift, it is a clinically proven alternative for those who do not need or want surgery.

A single treatment counteracts the effects of gravity, aging and sun damage with no downtime. During your consultation we will address your concerns, assess your skin and determine if you are a candidate. We have a computer program which will show you what your results will look like. There are no special preparations or skin care that need to be followed prior to treatment. During your treatment a cooling gel will be applied to the skin and a smooth applicator, selected based on the area to be treated and the depth to be treated, will be used. Using the ultrasound to determine the optimal placement of the ultrasound energy guarantees your best results. You will feel a warm/heat sensation as the energy is applied to the proper depth of your skin. Comfort level varies among individuals and areas treated but only lasts as long as the energy is being delivered. Treatments take between 30 and 90 minutes, based on the amount of area to be covered. Afterward there is no downtime, and you may return to normal activity without restrictions. Your skin may be pink but this disappears within a few hours. Some patients experience tingling or tenderness to touch but these are mild and temporary in nature. Other, less common post-procedure effects include bruising or numbness in small areas of the skin. These are also temporary. The treatment produces new collagen on the inside, so the individual’s natural aging process will affect how long the results last. Quality skin care and the use of touch-up treatments can prolong results. Typically results last two-plus years.

323 South Pitney Road, Suite 100 Galloway, NJ 08205

For more information, call 609-652-6550 or visit

July/August 2019 Monthly Specials


Erase Your Double Chin

Buy One Cycle; Get Second Cycle Half Price

Eyebrow & Eyelash Tint $35 Radiesse

Buy One Syringe, Get Second Half Price

Summer Glo Facial

Balance and transform even the most sensitive skin with this refreshing anti-inflammatory Algae and Seaweed infused treatment. Includes Glo Eye Restore treatment with vitamin K and peptides.

Summer Special 20% OFF

10% Off ALL Sunscreen


Cool Summer Waves Beach Party

NEW TO ACCENT AESTHETICS Ultherapy - Catch Some Beautiful

Waves with the only FDA-cleared, noninvasive procedure that lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the chest. Introductory Special:

20% OFF all packages

Neocutis - The brand name means

“new skin”, and that’s precisely what the PSP complex products in the collection can create: a new, youthful complexion that is visibly smoother and firmer to the touch.

Introductory Special: 10% OFF

when you purchase Vitamin C Products * Offers cannot be combined

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

MMedical edical P rofessionals Professionals

3 7

‘THE BIG TALK’: When Should You Have It? Long gone are the days of diapers, formula, and baby foods. Fast approaching are the dreaded “teenage years.” “Watch out, hold onto your parental hats, it is going to be a fast and bumpy ride” may all be appropriate descriptive terms. Yes, our children are approaching puberty.

Puberty is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psycho-social changes for children. These changes may cause confusion, stress and a host of other issues in a child. As you, the reader, progress through this article, keep this ONE THING IN MIND - BE PATIENT, BE PATIENT, and BE PATIENT. As a parent, this stage is going to be as difficult, if not more difficult, for you than your son or daughter. You, the parent, are your kid’s best asset. It is your job to teach, advise, counsel and, most importantly, listen to your son or daughter. You may or may not like what you hear. Try not to be angry or upset. Keep your child close to you and maintain open lines of communication. Puberty starts at varied ages; some start early, some late. Some develop quickly, others develop slowly. There is no hard and fast rule for this. Boys tend to take after their dads and the males in their family. Consider other family members and the ages for puberty. This may give you a clue as to when your own son or daughter will start puberty. From a medical perspective, doctors usually recommend that kids who start puberty before the age of eight-and-a-half to nine have a medical check-up. Also those who have not started puberty by their fourteenth or fifteenth birthday should see a doctor. It’s important to remember that starting early or late does not always mean there is something wrong. However, when there is something wrong, the problem can be treated by a doctor at an early age to allow the child to develop normally. Pimples, perspiration, and body hair growth. Most of us recall our first body changes. Hair growth in pubic areas, armpits, legs and arms is not too distressing to most kids. Just an aside, to dispel a popular rumor, shaving does not cause more hair growth. It may look like more but it is not. Shaving cuts the hair shaft, removing the tapered tip and exposing the wider shaft, so it looks like more hair growth. Body odor can start to occur during this period. Consider teaching the use of personal care products. For young women the body changes are more pronounced and noticeable. The enlargement of breast tissue begins in this stage, as well as an overall change in the contour of her body. This can be distressing to some women. The use of a bra or other supportive garments is really up to the individual. Support her in her decision to wear or not wear a bra. The next mountain is the start of her menses

or period. The onset of menses is the beginning of a variety of things. The most important one being this signifies her ability to become pregnant. Your daughter may wrestle with the decision to use a tampon or pad. Use of a tampon may disrupt the hymen. There are commercially available smaller tampons with plastic applicators that may offer her some advantages for ease of placement. Other issues may arise such as romantic feelings and sexual feelings. Young people often face questions about how to handle strong romantic and sexual feelings. This is an important time to really examine your own feelings, organize some basic concepts in your mind. And really try to talk with your child. They can use the guidance. At this time it is important to discuss the “what” and “how to” related to sexual activity. Kids today start at a young age. Don’t ignore the subject. It is important to discuss sexual contact, intercourse and, yes, birth control. Include in this safe sex practices and STD prevention. As a gynecologist, I have helped many parents with the talk. I have over the years developed the ability to effectively communicate with young women. This is a time of many emotions like confusion, anxiety, and excitement about growing up. It may also be a time when our kids have the “blues.” These ups and downs are very common in this age group. Part of the reason we have these feelings may be the new hormones our bodies are making. Our hormones are powerful substances and they can affect our emotions and our bodies. It takes our bodies and our emotions some time to adjust to these hormones. At times, all these changes are overwhelming. Your children may feel scared, uncertain, anxious or depressed. Be there to support, listen and at times talk to your children. You are their best asset. Try to keep them safe and out of trouble. In my own life, I have three children of my own. They are fast approaching at this age. I have started to have “the talk” with one of my own. It is really not as easy as one would think. When it comes down to it, this is a really difficult subject. It is stressprovoking for both my son and me. Kids can be difficult to reach, so keep trying. Again, be patient, don’t pre-judge; guide them, don’t push them. If you have difficulty with your child and “the talk,” we at Advanced Care are here to help. I have this type of discussion several times in any given week. Please contact my office if needed. Good luck.

To schedule an appointment at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, call 609-272-0506 or visit

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2018 July/August 2019

Featured On The Cover



Pulsed Electro Magnetic Wave Frequency Therapy Is Here!

Yes, that’s right, at Newkirk Family Veterinarians,

a Registered Nurse is doing PEMF therapy on HUMANS!

And we’re so impressed your first visit is FREE. What Is Magna Wave PEMF?

Magna Wave PEMF is a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency delivered through a coil that is placed on your body by a Magna Wave Certified Practitioner. The blood oxygenation is said to increase, activate the lymphatic system and stimulate acupuncture points. This process reduces pain and inflammation and promotes healing. If we can relieve the pain and swelling, the body can begin to heal naturally.

Call the veterinary hospital, 609 645 2120, and tell them

Magna Wave PEMF Can Relieve Pain From…

• Arthritis & Osteoporosis • Sprains & Strains • Autoimmune Disease • Headaches & Migraines • Aging & Stress • Depression • Urinary Incontinence • Accelerate Healing Time of Fractures & Wounds • Reduce Inflammation • Sleep Disturbances & Much More Tendon Tear Relief

“Jenn has an ankled brace she has been wearing for over one year for a severe tendon tear. Her entire body was compensating on a diagonal. She was suffering headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, and tightness in her calves. We worked on her angled and basically on the extreme compensation areas to relieve pain and tension. She sat down after the session and asked when I was coming back! She booked a PEMF appointment for her and her husband. The next days she said she could not believe how much better she felt. Thank you Pat and Alane!” - VickyLynn Toporek, LMT, CMWP

you want the HUMAN treatment! The staff will take your name and have Judy, a registered nurse, call you and discuss this amazing breakthrough in pain therapy.

And your first visit is FREE!

Reduced Inflammation

“My outer ankle got swollen and sore because of my high arches. I saw my family Dr. and my podiatrist took two different Rx medications, completed several physical therapy sessions, applied ice for several days and wore a prescribed boot. After all of this I was about 10% improved. After four consecutive days of Magna Wave treatments I am 90% better!!” - Angela Cornes

Relief from Plantar Fasciitis

“I had my first Magna Wave PEMF session with Maria April 18th. Looking for relief of plantar fasciitis, neck and back problems. I got 100% relief from the plantar fasciitis, and dramatic relief in my neck and back. Very excited for my next session with Maria and Magna Wave PEMF!!!” - Windy King

Come Join Our Family! Dr. Mark Newkirk

“Through the years, many clients have asked if I knew a doctor who could treat humans with some of the amazing alternative therapies I use on animals. Until now, I could not recommend any physician (other than nutritionists, or acupuncturists) who could help humans with their pain. Now with PEMF, an FDA approved therapy modality, I CAN share the use of this device on pets with humans!”

Winner Best Of The Press, Best Veterinary Hospital multiple times!

3085 English Creek Ave • EGG HARBOR TWP. • 609-645-2120



The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Featured On The Cover


Your Pets Are Their Passion For over 37 years, Newkirk Family Veterinarians, a family owned and operated office, has proudly provided quality veterinary care to the South Jersey area. Known as the most unique veterinarian hospital in the area, Newkirk Family Veterinarians focuses on helping pets live healthier, happier and longer lives. Dr. Marc Weissman

Dr. Mark Newkirk, Owner

Dr. Newkirk, owner of Newkirk Family Veterinarians, found his love for animals at the age of 14, working as a kennel assistant every summer at the Margate Animal Clinic. As he returned to work every summer, he got more and more convinced that this was the profession for him. Graduating from the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, Dr. Newkirk has been serving Southern Jersey for over 37 years and is extensively trained in medicine and surgery and also is skilled in the care of exotic pets such as reptiles and birds. Today, Dr. Newkirk, lecturer, seminar leader, and author, combines traditional medicine and surgery with Holistic Alternatives to access the best of both worlds to help your pet’s overall health. Treating animals from dogs and cats to birds, rabbits, and reptiles, Dr. Newkirk utilizes herbs, homeopathy, chiropractic acupuncture, and other modern treatment modalities to ensure your pet lives a happy, healthy life.

Millie Culligan

Hospital Manager

Linda Pereira

Hospital Administrator

Dr. Marc Weissman joined the Newkirk Family Veterinarian family in October of 2013. He studied abroad in Bologna, Italy, and continued his education at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and at the University of Missouri. He has been an Associate Veterinarian in Freehold, New Jersey, as well as owner and medical director of Princeton Veterinary Group in Kingston, New Jersey. His areas of special interest include allergy and dermatology, soft tissue surgery, dentistry, and orthopedics. He currently resides in Jackson, New Jersey with his wife. Together they have two sons and currently have several four-legged children, including two cats and two dogs. When he is not busy providing care to animals of all sizes, he enjoys wine tasting, traveling, gerdening and bicycling. (missing, Dr Michael Bush, with us since 2010)

Dr. Mark Newkirk, VMD & Dr. Marc Weissman, DVM

Tysheena Swift Receptionist

Katie Carroll Receptionist

3085 English Creek Ave Egg Harbor Township


Kelli Graf Technician

Caitlin Roberts Technician

Lisa Dunn

Head Technician/ Groomer

Samantha Wilson Technician

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

12 10

Medical rofessionals MedicalP Professionals The County Woman Magazine Magazine


July/August July/August2019 2018

Medical Professionals


Medical Professionals


The Most And Earns Answers ShoreCommon Vascular Questions & Vein Center Varicose Veins VeinConcerning Center Accreditation by IAC


One of the First 10areAccredited in the of New Jersey aricose veins one of the most commonVein vascular Centers How are varicose veinsEntire and venousState reflux diagnosed?

conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with Treatment options have improved greatly in a combination of a medical history, physical examination and a recent years. In spite of these advancements, painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as Gosin, MD,still FACS manyJeffrey peopleS.mistakenly believe that treat- a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential IAC ment for this problem is difficult, painful, and inAbout properly treating this condition. IAC provides accreditation programs for More than one half of Americans simply considered “cosmetic.” Other people How are varicose veins and venous treated? vascular testing,reflux echocardiography, nuclear/ age 50 and older affected may experience leg pain andare other symptoms Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to PET, MRI, diagnostic CT, dental CT,control carotid by don’t varicose but they realize veins. what is Varicose causing their symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, stenting, vein treatment and management and condition. article will answer some in veinsThis occur when the valves current technology and techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT cardiac electrophysiology. The IAC programs common regarding varicose veins, the questions leg veins no longer function, the need for painful surgery. One of the most proven treatments for accreditation arebest, dedicated to ensuring Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS the associated treatment. causingsymptoms, blood toand pool in the legs. for venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, now referred to as Venefit™. quality patient care and promoting health care and all support one In some cases, this condition What are varicose veins? This minimally invasive procedure is performed right in the office IAC common mission: Improving health care through accreditation®. Varicose veins are swollen veins that can betoseen through the skin. less than 30 is minutes, with no incisions, minimal progresses a more serious form inaccreditation widely respected within the medicaldiscomfort, community, as They often have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins and excellent results. of venous disease called chronic venous insufficiency illustrated by the support of the national medical societies related may be very large andtodiscolored. Others may be smaller.improve They can (CVI). Whether relieve symptoms and/or How long isdisorders, the recovery from vein physicians, treatment? physician extenders, to venous which include occur anywhere on the legs, including theveins groin area. In most cases individuals can return theirthe usual within appearance, treating varicose can be performed nurses and ultrasound technologists. Totodate, IACactivities accrediting What causescenters varicosethat veins?specialize in the evaluation and a divisions day of thehave procedure. by vein granted accreditation to more than 14,000 sites Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to thetreatment United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. management of superficial venous disorders. Isthroughout varicose vein covered by health insurance? the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many Those valves can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the There are many factors that contribute to an accurate vein cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An wrong direction. The blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure treatment and management. The training and experience of the vein experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who Visit in specialist the veins.performing This is known venous reflux Chronic Venous theasprocedure, the disease type of or equipment used and will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage. Insufficiency Venous reflux is one of theis most common causes all the quality(CVI). assessment metrics each facility required to measure, VISIT of contribute varicose veins. to a positive patient outcome. IAC accreditation is a “seal of approval” that patients can relyveins on asand an indicator of consistent What are the symptoms of varicose venous reflux disease? quality a dedication tovenous continuous Peoplecare withand varicose veins and refluximprovement. may feel leg pain, leg • The The Venefit Closure Procedure Procedure heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is aShore Vascular complaint. & Vein Center located inworsen Somerssymptoms. Point, NJ has been • Microphlebectomy also very common Standing may Many • Sclerotherapy for treatment of spider granted by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission people willaccreditation notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some veins (IAC)will in only Veinfeel Center in the area of Superficial Treatment people discomfort but not notice anyVenous cosmetic changes. and • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of Management. I thought varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. Is that true? It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux Accreditation the IAC indicates that Shore Vein are NOT necessarilybysimple cosmetic problems. ThisVascular can be a & sign of Center has undergone an intensive application and review process an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some indiand ismay found torisk be in with the published Standards, thus viduals be at forcompliance chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, demonstrating commitment toWith quality patient care in treatment open wounds andaeven blood clots. early diagnosis andvein treatment, and management. Comprised of abedetailed self-evaluation followed long-term complications can usually prevented. Treatment often has by thorough review by a panelaesthetics, of medicaleven experts, thethat IACare accreditation thea added benefit of improving in cases not process enables both the critical operational and technical components considered “cosmetic.” of the applicant facility to be assessed, including representative case Who is atand risktheir for varicose veins? final reports. studies corresponding Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose veins without having any of these known conditions. The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

spider veins and unsightly facial veins

• IAC Accredited Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory on site • Enlighten(TM) Laser Tattoo Removal

442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346)

May/June 2016 July/August 2019

Medical Professionals


The Burning Question - Is Sunscreen Safe? We’ve read a lot about the topic of sunscreen safety in the news. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is updating regulatory requirements for most sunscreen products sold in the U.S. The FDA regulates sunscreen as an overthe-counter drug and is asking for more safety information regarding the absorption of sunscreen Lisa M Ledden ingredients and whether absorbing MSN, APN-C sunscreen has any detrimental effects. We know that sunscreen and sun protection can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, prevent premature aging, and prevent sunburn. And we KNOW that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. So what else do I need to know?

First of all, there are two types of sunscreen.

or titanium dioxide and ARE considered “generally recognized as safe and effective” by the FDA. These products are NOT absorbed into the skin.

How do I protect myself and my family? Dermatologists recommend that you:

• Seek shade • Wear protective clothing such as lightweight and longsleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses • Avoid 10 a.m.–2 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest • Apply sunscreen. A quarter-size amount to the face, and 30 ml (enough to fill a shot glass) to sun-exposed areas. Always choose an SPF (sun protective factor) of 30 or above; reapply every 80-90 minutes • If you have concerns about chemical sunscreen while the jury is out, use mineral-based or physical sunscreen (which are also more appropriate for young children or those with sensitive skin) • Watch your skin for changes in your moles or new skin lesions

• Chemical sunscreen works like a sponge absorbing the sun’s rays. The FDA is calling for more information and safety data And get your skin checked by a professional. on these types of sunscreen to determine long-term safety. • Physical sunscreen (also known as mineral sunscreen) acts by blocking the sun’s rays. These products contain zinc oxide and/

Enjoy your summer!

Certified Dermatology


“Lisa Ledden is the epitome of a very knowledgeable, caring professional; I say this as a caregiver of my partner Patte, a patient of Lisa’s for over 10 years; I want to speak as a caregiver, because I wonder if the loved ones of patients are considered in their feelings about a partner with a potentially fatal disease, and how someone like Lisa can be the difference between anxiety and peace; I truly believe that Lisa has kept Patte alive, by diagnosing her 5 melanoma’s at early stages; Lisa has a very special gift of melanoma recognition...which has gone undetected by others; so, as a caregiver, I am extremely grateful for Lisa...she gives the whole family a sense of comfort and trust; to me, she is a real blessing.” - Linda Wexler

“I had been going to the same dermatologist for years. She was selling her practice and moving to New York. I was a little nervous about that but just stayed in her office and stayed with the dermatologist that took over her practice. I went to make an appointment and could not get in with a doctor but they told me they had a female nurse practitioner named Lisa that I could see, So I agreed. When I first met her I was thrilled! I knew we would be friends but I knew she was good at what she does. She has a better eye than any doctor I have ever seen! She found a melanoma on my back that was .3 cm was very deep and I had to have a wide excision done at Robert Wood Johnson hospital with a specialist. If that had grown I’m sure the outcome would’ve been different than today. I am fine and healthy. That was January 2003 when we got the results that it had not spread. I continue to see her every year. She cuts off 3 moles and we talk! We have become friends! I love her! She is bright, professional, timely and accommodating! I recommend her to everyone I can at every opportunity I can! She is the best dermatologist I’ve had and I hope to keep seeing her for a long, long time! Thank you, Lisa Ledden!” - Kerri Byrne

The County Woman Magazine

Specializing in General and Cosmetic Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) 609-940-3100 (Office) 609-437-6921 (Cell)

599 Shore Road, Suite 202, Somers Point, NJ

Lisa M Ledden MSN, APN-C

Nurse Practitioner July/August 2019

EElder lderLawLaw

17 13

Rice ElderM. Law Nancy Rice, Esq. YAsk

Nancy M. Rice, Esquire, CELA

Pamela A. Quattrone Esquire, CELA

Certified Elder Law Attorneys Certified Elder Law Attorney Rice Elder Law has been assisting clients with their Estate Planning and Elder Law needs since 1992.

Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania Both Nancy and Pamela have been Certified as Elder Law Attorneys (CELA) by the National Elder Law since 1986. She wasThe Certified as an Elder LawinAttorney 1997,(Linwood) and has maintained offices in (Cherry Hill). Foundation. firm maintains offices Atlantic in County and Camden County Camden Cape May specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer Riceand Elder Law cancounties, answer your questions and concerns – just call 609-398-3447. your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

What Is How Elder Law? “ WILL CONTESTS: Do They Work? ”

Part 2 of 2

Nancy Rice, Esquire, CELAand B.) Due Execution in the Atlantic WeM. discussed A.) Fraud Pamela A. Quattrone, Esquire, MBA, CELA2015 issue, Part 1 of 2. County Woman September/October

Today, we will continue in our discussion with C.) Testamentary

What is “Elder Capacity andLaw”? D.) Undue Influence.

Elder Law is a sub-specialty within the practice of law. Until the early 1990’s, this area of practice was more generally known as “Estate Planning.” Elder Law C.) Testmentary Capacity developed as a sub-specialty of Estate Planning in the late 1980’s. TheNational test for determining capacity(NAELA) is rather permissive. The Academy of testamentary Elder Law Attorneys was foundedIndeed, in 1987 level of capacity neededoftoattorneys execute awho Willare is less than that required tothe enter asthea professional association dedicated to improving into a contract. The key questions are whether the person who made the Will quality of legal services provided to seniors. (called is the“Estate “Testator”) understood: What Planning”?

1 2

EstateThe Planning involves the drafting of Wills planning the nature generally and extent of the property subject of theand Will; in otherforwords, disposition of estates upon death. Estate Planning can also include tax planning what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will. to reduce or eliminate the various death taxes which can, in some cases, seriously deplete an Theestate. “natural objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s

Do Estate Lawyers address planning in the event next Planning of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leaveissues them anything underI become incapacitated? the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are).

enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are • Retirement, including publicsurrounding and privatethe retirement benefits, “suspicious circumstances” execution of the survivor Will, thebenefits, burden of and pension benefits proof will shift to the defender of the Will. Most Elder Law attorneys do not specialize in every one of these areas. For A “confidential relationship” can be Disability found where thereorisElder someAbuse specialcases. trust example, I do not handle Social Security appeals between thesome Testator a beneficiary under matters the Willfor and wherewho theare nature Additionally, Elderand Law attorneys handle clients not of elderly. For example, I draft Willssome for clients ofreliance all ages. or dependency. At times, that special relationship creates type of or designation confidential relationship been to exist name, betweenwhat a Testator IfaIspecial see the “CELA” has after anfound attorney’s and: an adult child; other relative; a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an attorney; does that mean? or an accountant. Notably, while a confidential relationship naturally exists be One of the ways to evaluate the experience and knowledge of an attorney who tweentoapractice husbandElder and wife, of undue will not claims Law isthe to presumption consider whether he or influence she is Certified as generan ally arise even when the Testator’s children are disinherited. Elder Law Attorney (CELA).

The purpose of this certification program is to identify those lawyers who As to the “suspicious circumstances” component of an undue influence Will have the enhanced knowledge, skills, experience, and proficiency to be properly contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious circumstances have identified as Certified Elder Law Attorneys to the public. been foundfor where a beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to prepare the The criteria certification include: Testator’s Will and where a nursing home patient was removed fromone the state facility 1. Licensure - The attorney must be licensed to practice law in at least byorthe beneficiary Will that was signed a few days later. in the District of of aColumbia. 2. Practice - The attorney must have practiced law during the five (5) years If you believe that a Will should be challenged because it was not executed preceding his or her application and must be currently practicing law. properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or 3. Integrity/Good Standing - The attorney must be a member in good standing because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it or because the of the state bar in all places in which he or she is licensed. Will was the product of undue influence, you should hire a seasoned attorney, 4. Substantial Involvement - The attorney must have spent an average of at least who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with your deci16 hours per week practicing Elder Law during the three years preceding his or sion to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow her application. In addition, he or she must have handled at least 60 Elder Law window timethose during which caveat and/or a Willdistribution contest mayamong be filed. matters of during three (3) ayears with a specified subjects as defined by the National Elder Law Foundation. Nancy Rice answer and concerns! 5. Continuing Legal can Education - The your attorneyquestions must have participated in at least 45 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in Elder Law during the preceding three (3) years. 6. Peer Review/Professional References - The attorney must submit the names of five (5) references from attorneys familiar with his or her competence and qualifications in Elder Law. These attorneys must themselves satisfy specified criteria. 7. Examination – The attorney must pass a full-day certification examination. Nancy has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law since 1986. She sat for the CELA exam in the Fall of 1996, passed it, and became certified in 1997. Pamela took the exam in Fall of 2018, passed it and became certified in 2019. In 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Nancy also satisfied the conditions for re-certification.

During the 1980’s and 1990’s, Estate Planning was expanded to include planningThe foreffect incapacity well.that Thisthe was a necessary expansion because following if you are of theasWill; Will would dispose of property in a car death. accident or suffer a stroke, leaving you unable to tend to your legal affairs or make medical decisions, a Will would be of little use to you as it is effective only upon Thedeath. relation of each of these factors to the other. Thus, most lawyers today will talk to you about Durable Powers of Attorney and Advance Medical Directives (“Living Wills”) when you meet with them to the lawa presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent talkNotably, about drafting Will. mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and If an attorney focuses on Elder Law, what areas of law would that has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the include? presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacElder includes: ity at Law the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is •important Preservation/transfer of itassets seeking to to avoid spousal impoverishment when a to know that is not enough show that the Testator was addicted a nursing homeprove that the person was under the influence of tospouse drugs enters or alcohol; you must •aMedicaid substance at the time of the execution of the Will. Nor is it sufficient to show •that Medicare advocacy, andatappeals the Testator was claims forgetful the time, so long as he or she had some capac•ity Social Security and disability claims and appeals to manage his or her business affairs. • Supplemental and long-term health insurance issues. • Disability planning, including use of Durable Powers of Attorney, Living Trusts, D.) Influence and Undue “Living Wills” • Conservatorships Undue influenceand hasguardianships been defined as any type of exertion that can prevent •the Probate, administration andhis/her management ofThis trustscan and estatesphysical, menTestator from following free will. include •tal, Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care or moral exertion. Mere suggestions, persuasions or thecommunities exertion of some •influence Nursing home questions patients’ rights and nursing is not issues, enoughincluding to invalidate a Will.ofOrdinarily, the challenger hashome the qualityof proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who burden Nancy M. Rice, Esq., CELA • Pamela A. Quattrone, Esq., CELA • Elder abuse and fraud recovery cases • Housing issues, including discrimination and home equity conversions (“reverse can answer your questions and concerns. Call 609-398-3447. Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trust • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care & Disability Planning mortgages”)

3 4

Call 609-398-3447 today!

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 | 1236 Brace Rd., Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trusts • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care, and Disability Planning

2021 New Road, Unit #9 • Linwood, NJ 08021 • 609.398.3447 I 1236 Brace Road, Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2015 July/August 2019

Financial Management


What Will Happen To Rover? Losing a beloved pet can be one of the more difficult experiences a person goes through in their lives, but it can be just as hard for the pet to lose their beloved human companion. We are the caretakers of our pets, and caretakers need to create contingency plans for what will happen if they are not present to care for them.

Trust services allow for the uninterrupted usage of assets by the beneficiaries and are used as a contingency plan for incapacity and other caretaking responsibilities, such as children or adults with special needs. Wouldn’t they be perfect for pets too? All 50 states say they should at least be allowed, with New Jersey allowing the creation of pet trusts since 2001. However, as with other usages for trust services, whether or not a trust is the best answer is not a clear-cut yes or no, and depends on each individual’s situation. Before getting into the details of financial arrangements, we encourage all pet owners to ask themselves these questions first:

Who will become the caregiver of the pet should I die or become incapacitated? Most people do not see their own pets as a burden (financial or otherwise), so they can’t imagine that the pet would be a burden for someone else. However, they may not be considering that their designated new caretaker (a family member or otherwise) lives in an apartment that has a “no pets” policy, or doesn’t have the time to

walk the dog daily, or has month-long international travel that would prevent continuous care of the pet.

Does your pet have special needs beyond basic pet care?

The new caregiver will appreciate knowing more than just what medication the pet needs (if any). The documentation regarding the medical records of the pet will help them know when to get that next vet checkup. Also, the pet’s eating habits, favorite treats, and other behaviors such as when they like to be let out or if the radio helps calm them down in a storm can make it easier for the new caregiver.

Have I discussed these plans with both potential caregivers and beneficiaries?

The best course of action is to discuss a plan with potential caregivers, and to try to have multiple potential caregivers so that if one’s situation changes, there would still be caregivers available. Let your assumptions be known and challenged while they can still be changed. Sometimes one child or grandchild feels a much stronger attachment to a pet than another, and would volunteer or feel slighted if they weren’t consulted on the continuing care of the pet.

What about using a will?

Publishing care instructions and provisions in a will can be helpful, and studies show that between 12% and 27% of pet owners include their pets in their wills. A possible issue can arise if the estate gets caught up in probate, though, so it may be better to make arrangements earlier on if possible, plus you may be able to avoid the New Jersey Inheritance Tax on the funds for the caretaker to use if the funds aren’t passing through the estate at death. Transferring the pet to another caretaker the pet is familiar with can often be the best option, and since the care of a pet is not as costly (financially, or time-commitment) an endeavor as the care of a person, a direct transfer of funds may be sufficient to provide care for the lifetime and burial costs of the pet compared to employing trust services.

Don’t forget to discuss your loving pet when you are discussing your estate plan with your estate planning attorney.

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The County Woman Magazine

Garden State Trust Company To learn how we can focus on you and your family, contact Sean Rice today.

2021 New Road • Suite 9 • Linwood, NJ 08221

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July/August 2019

Health & Wellness


What Does A Yoga Practice Look Like? Why Do It? Many of us long for a life of happiness, balance and peace. But we don’t believe that we can have it. The pace and intensity of our lives leave many of us feeling like a person riding a horse frantically galloping. Life moves fast and we are challenged to keep up with it. It becomes a balancing act. We feel spent, tired, exhausted and fatigued, resulting in aches, pains, illness and feelings of unhappiness. Our physical and mental “bank account” becomes depleted as we tip the scales, making more withdrawals than deposits. When we dip into our savings, alarm bells begin to sound. But we don’t always pay attention to them. Modern lifestyle removes us from nature, divorced from its natural rhythm and cycles. We are living at a pace and rhythm that is completely foreign to our genes and biology. One’s survival is challenged. That’s when it is time to slow down, rest, detox, replenish and restore. We can reset our genetic clocks. Yoga is the perfect antidote to our hectic lifestyle. Yoga begins in the present moment. It is the practice of examining where we are with the recognition of our discontent, dissatisfaction and stress. Our suffering is not the problem. It is that we don’t see that suffering is the source of wisdom and the actual path to enlightenment. Life is characterized by dissatisfaction or Dukkah. This is Buddha’s First Noble Truth. The path of yoga is embracing one’s suffering and in doing so, uses complete acceptance as a starting point for practice. There is just enough suffering to get you in the door of the studio, so that becomes our starting point. Difficulty begets faith. Faith in practice requires an interest in one’s discontent and how to bring it to an end. Suffering continues in cycles, like a wheel spinning out of balance. This turning of the Wheel of Dukkah is called Samsara. Yoga practice is about breaking free of the cyclic force of habitual activity and distorted mental and emotional forces that drive us to act in ways that maintain suffering. Yoga is a means of becoming free of our mind’s conditioning. Buddha’s teachings always come back to the Middle Way. It is the way of balance, sanity, inner strength, purity, restraint, steadfastness and moderation. Attending to one’s inner life is critical to practice. Discovering equilibrium is the key to being calm, focused and stable. In order to restore inner balance, we use mindfulness as a tool for looking inward. No matter what happens outside ourselves, we can always tap into that still center point upon which everything else is poised. Look carefully and often to keep your balance. A lot depends on it. We all get out of balance. Our practice to stay open requires physical exertion and mental focus. Yoga invites us to experience the in-between place composed of just the right blend of strength and quiet relaxation. Practice is not too tight and not too loose. This is a reminder that nothing is solid or permanent. As you transition from one pose to the next, you are completely leaving one experience and entering a new one. The back and forth firming and softening, advancing and relaxing, toning and releasing is how we find balance in our asana practice. We balance activity with receptivity. This powerful teaching applies to our everyday lives as well. Can you sit in the middle of experience and engage just enough to support the process while releasing your effort just enough to let the experience become alive for you and within you? By doing this, we gain a sense of balance in our lives. Equanimity contains the complete willingness to hold the pleasant and painful events in our lives equally. It has the capacity to embrace extremes without getting thrown off balance. As a concept, equanimity may appear unappealing. But one may discover, to one’s surprise, that the peace of balanced state has a joy beyond pleasure and pain. With a combination of stability, investigation

Lillian Montero, April Elias, Heidi Farber, and Elaine Sherpa and mindful awareness, one may glimpse the unshakable nature of happiness. Spiritual practitioners thrive in unpredictable conditions, testing and refining the inner qualities of heart and mind. Then every situation becomes an opportunity to abandon judgment and opinions and simply give complete attention to what is. Then practice becomes acceptance. We begin to cultivate patience, flexibility, strength, generosity and curiosity. Letting go of old habits is part of a process of developing a mature, intelligent and inquisitive yoga practice. The invitation of yoga is to get organized with precision, be gentle in the process and then relax, watch and wait. When we do get off the mats and go back to the rest of our lives, we hope that the compassion, patience, flexibility and strength that we worked on in class will be there when we need it. Time passes, sense of harmony, balance and connection that we had at the end of class fades. Life kicks in again, that feeling like you got up on the wrong side of the bed. Then it is time to get realigned. Sadhna is our regular, committed practice. Saddha means faith (healing light and energy), the spiritual path. Results develop faith, which begets further practice. Together this leads to wisdom and happiness and more faith in the process. We return to our mats, place the mind on the breath and watch and wait. Notice alignment is fluid, like everything else. It’s just as natural as the sun shines and the rain falls. Life’s pendulum swings.



Heidi Farber • Certified Kripalu Teacher • Teacher Training

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Take this journey with us and transform your life. Enhance your yoga practice. Transform your life. Cost: $3000.00 (includes most reading materials)



The County Woman Magazine

Stay tuned for Workshops (Yoga at the Wall), Trainings (Yin) and Retreats. July/August 2019


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Permanent Makeup


Beau Institute Is The Leader In Natural And Beautifully Applied Permanent Cosmetics. Call Today To Schedule Your Appointment With Our Master Artists.


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National Grandparent’s Day Sunday, September 8th

Throughout our history, grandparents have guided their children

and grandchildren through trial and triumph. For many of us, our grandparents were among our earliest teachers and caregivers. They have added immeasurably to the strength of our families, and with compassion and wisdom, they have enriched our lives with the stories of those who came before us. On National Grandparent’s Day, we give thanks to those who helped raise us and pay tribute to a generation that still inspires us toward brighter horizons.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Medical Professionals


AMI would like to remind you that you should start getting your annual mammogram at age 40. Screening mammography is the single most effective method in finding changes long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt. Talk to your doctor about scheduling your mammogram today. For your convenience, we offer 3D mammography at all of our locations. To schedule an appointment, please call (609) 677-XRAY (9729) OR (732) 223-XRAY (9729).

CMCH • EHT • Galloway • Hammonton • Manahawkin Northfield • Somers Point • Brick • Manasquan • Toms River amiradiology

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

w w

LheawD’Amato Law Firm

#17 Legal Professionals


ited Civil ne YouMy Love MayRights?! Have MeetAutism? Erika Lezama,

Giving Back To Our Community

The Newest Attorney At D’Amato Law Firm

he MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your nkle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. Mythink denialthat house crumbling You would youcame should be able to recover money for your pain and down shortly Allnot of your the kids uffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your am so and thrilled toofintroduce s un gusto presentarme were playing together the extent ds were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for as My thenephews, newest associate como la mas reciente Massi’s delaymyself truly hit me. ne month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. Jerard and Caprio, who areat about attorney thenine D’Amato abogada asociada del nfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing g Firmand practicing plaintiffs’ bufete de abogados D’Amato our fracture was Law not displaced it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture with this red box that had a yellow d personal injury work. injuries. By way que se especializa en daños ealed and theholes MRI negative for any additional You of cannot recover with ofwas various shapes. Inside the background, I received my BA personales de los demandantes. money for boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. University A modo de antecedente, recibí The idea from was for Rutgers the child to put the shape and my JD from Rutgers Law School in mi Licenciatura de la Universidad What through shouldthe I do? appropriate hole. I’ll never that moment. 2017. Though considered de Rutgers y me gradué de Juris Unfortunately, I haveforget seen scenarios like thisMassi many times.“new” Don’t let this happen to Children’s Holiday Party had been in the therapy forworld, two months to the legal I have been Doctor en la Facultad de Derecho ou! IfThe you have selected Limited working on putting the shape into the usually includes a magician, games, ight to Sue, call representing your auto insurance individuals since my de Rutgers en 2017. Aunque right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa ompany immediately and ask year them of law school. With a second soy considerada “nueva” en el months younger than Massi,ofplaying with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and nd and lots of gifts. Members the o change your policy to the NO background in immigration and mundo legal, he representado this toy with ease. ItAssociation just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old sey Atlantic County Bar imitation. Autofamily insurance policies I understand that a a individuos desde mi segundo silly and easy gamelaw, for Jerard, but yet for t and athe Atlantic County Superior an be confusing if you’re sure case isnot more just a that. docket año de la Facultad de Derecho. Massi he so had to actually workthan to be able to do t Court staff love to watch the chaos hat coverage younumber have and want to or settlement figure. Con antecedentes en inmigración y derecho asabout the students unwrap their gifts,Martha and Florencio, moved to this country lk it, please schedule an office My loving parents, What do you do if someone you love may have Autism? de familia, entiendo que un caso es más que or excitement every time a new sitand andthe I will review your policy in order to give my brother, Daniel, and me the life we have today. When a child you love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological un número de expediente o una cantidad gift children Since I can remember, Ivery sawscary, themlonely struggle an immigration ith youis atrevealed. no charge. condition likeThe Autism, it canare be aso timewith for the family. Alex and I hadacordada. so appreciative and their smiles and process that was not created for the ones it was meant to protect. many questions about our family’s future, and while we are blessed to have many friends Mis amados padres, Martha y Florencio, se mudaron a este país Though I D’Amato will never be able repay them for thisitsacrifice, laughter fillyears, everyone’s with and family thatthe love usheart dearly and were supportive, was hardItoam find anybody For over 40 Law Firmtoincredibly has been representing people para dar a mi hermano, Daniel y a mí, la vida que tenemos hoy. driven to aid those who are in their same position. happiness andtruly gratitude. be we able who could relate toTo what were going through. Como puedo recordar, los vi luchar con un proceso de inmigración who have been injured. If ityou have been seriously injured in a motor crisis or an children’s Whether is working a family experiencing cannot thank FACES 4 season Autismwith enough, as well as all of theatherapists and teachers to makeIthe holiday que no fue creado para aquellos a los que estaba destinado a proteger. immigrant looking for clarity through anfabulous intimidating process, there He has vehicle collision orlife by a greatest defective product, if you the have been inlittle a situain is Massi’s have helped guy he is today. so special truly thewho gift I himorbecome Aunque nunca podré pagarles por este sacrificio, estoy obligada a isleaps a unifying aspect that hasI always drawn mealways to thestruggle law andtothat isup both grown in and bounds and while am afraid he will keep ayudar a aquellos que estaban en su misma posición. or of my colleagues couldviolated, ever I can help. We pride ourselves tionany where your rights thecivil search forwere truth and justice. Through this search, I have always academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier Ya sea trabajar con una familia que experimenta una crisis o un receive. The felt excitement in the room aindeep connection forabout helping people, which is why the decision in assisting those our area or excited elsewhere who in need of profesas the years progress and am hisare future. inmigrante que busca claridad a través de un proceso intimidante, hay that day takes to being a was such a natural transition for me. I to you workback in personal injury her un aspecto unificador que siempre me ha llevado a la ley y que es la sional, caring and effective legal representation. kid, and reminds you of the of of themine holiday hope to extend thismagic passion into season. this incredible community If you think your childservice may be delayed developmentally ora have a búsqueda de la verdad y la justicia. A través de esta búsqueda, siempre and afford the same to those who make this area such nt Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about thefamily Young Lawyers see he sentido una conexión profunda para ayudar a las personas, por lo calltoyour place tolike live. Autism, Though new the region, Iphysician have foundor roots t Division orwonderful find outneurologist. how you can contribute to the Children’s a developmental out FACES 4 Autism online atque la decisión de trabajar en daños personales de los demandantes in Atlantic and Cape May Reach Counties andtolook forward to advocating fue una transición tan natural para mí. Espero extender esta pasión Holiday Party, ourquickly website for theplease community I have comeat to call home. orvisit call Isabelle Mosca (609) 412-3750. or likea esta increíble comunidad y brindar el mismo servicio a aquellos our Facebook page “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” que hacen de este lugar un lugar tan maravilloso para vivir. Aunque soy nueva en esta comunidad, he encontrado raíces en los condados de Atlantic y Cape May y espero abogar por la comunidad a la que d rápidamente identifico como mi hogar. Visit







The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country with a primary focus on representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

Paul R. D’Amato Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Alexa D’Amato Barrera

Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire

Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire

Stephen M. Van Natten, Esquire

Erika Lezama, Esquire

Member NJ Bar

Member NJ Bar

Member NJ & PA Bar Member NJ Bar

Counsellor at Law The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice representing those who have been seriously injured in construction, products liability and motor vehicle collisions. The firm MemberinNJ and PA BAR The handles D’Amatocases Law throughout Firm focusesthe their practice in country with a primary focus representing victims injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. PaulonR. D’Amato representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato Certified Civil Trial Attorney in construction, liability Suite and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney 2900products Fire Road, 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 • 2900cases Fire Road,theSuite 200 Alexa D’Amato Barrera collisions. The firm handles throughout Counsellor at Law country withCounty aHarbor primary focus on representing victims Egg Township, New Jersey 08234 The Woman Magazine July/August 2019 Alexa D’Amato Barrera injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PA BAR P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence.

P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883

Health & Wellness


Now Is The Time To Take Your First Step To A Healthier You! Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you having trouble losing weight or can’t believe summer is here and you have indulged barbecue after barbecue? E

Dawn Ferrentino specializes in helping thousands of people achieve their desired physical goals and feel their absolute best they possibly can! If you are ready to make a healthy lifetsyle change that will help you shed weight and be healthy at the same time, this is exactly what you are looking for. Here are some main points to know about this program:

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Holistic Substance Abuse Program

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Legal Law Professionals



Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

I’m Here to Help Your Family Through Them. Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support Marital Settlement Agreements • Post-Judgment Modifications Emancipation • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals Marla Marinucci, Esq., has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney, and she is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Her sole area of practice involves Family Law matters. Marla handles everything from high-asset complex divorce matters to post-judgment custody and support modifications. She serves as a member of various organizations and committees throughout the State regarding the practice of family law and is a frequent lecturer at seminars sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Association. Marla received her law degree from Rutgers University School of Law in Camden, New Jersey.


117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: •

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

March/April2019 2016 July/August

Business &F Finance Business & inance

22 #

Service Is Our Specialty Founded in 1986, Copies Plus takes pride in serving as South Jersey’s premier office equipment company with over 30 years of experience servicing clients just like you. Our continued success is the result of a total commitment to a customer satisfaction and loyal customers who refer Copiers Plus to others. We are grateful for their continued support and look forward to building new relationships well into the future.

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For more info contact: Robert Matthews 609-645-7587 • The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2017 July/August 2019

Shoe Repair The County Woman Magazine Magazine

23 47

July/August May/June 2019


Testimonials Testimonials


Interested In Advertising In The County Woman Publications?

This Is What Our Happy Advertisers Have To Say “The staff at the County Woman is wonderful to work with, and we love being a part of such an informative and interesting publication in our community.”

– Annie Jones, All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC

“I have been featured and done advertising in the Atlantic County Woman publication and have always been impressed with how professional my advertisement looks. The publication allows me to hit my target market of women business owners and be seen as the expert in my niche as a Metaphysician and Metiphisical Counselor and Business Coach helping women business owners clear emotional blocks to success. I highly recommend Atlantic County Woman for your publication needs.”

- Lisa Scott, Owner, Lisa R. Scott Consulting, LLC

“We have been writing articles and adverting our business with Monmouth County Woman for the past few years. Their staff is wonderful and eager to help you collaborate your business needs as well as graphic design. We have found many of our clients continue to read our content and we have increased our clientele as a result.”

- Laurie Lombardi, CDN, The Natural Pharmacy

“We have been working with Lauren and the team at Ocean County Woman for more than a year and we could not be more pleased. After a few issues into OCW, we decided to also advertise in the Atlantic County Woman. As an advertiser, the caring and professionalism shown us is exhibited in the quality of their publications.”

- Ira J. Brower, President, Garden State Trust Company

“Advertising in the Ocean County Woman Publication has proven to Koehler Acupuncture be one of my smartest advertising 128 Drum Point Road • Brick, NJ 08723 decisions. Within the first two weeks 732.262.0637 I had received at least six calls of interest. By the end of the first month I had several more calls and seven new patients in my office. The article also worked great for my existing patients who showed it to their friends to encourage them to come in.”

– Keith Koehler, Owner, Koehler Acupuncture

“Your paper has given us a great venue for advertising our practice. My husband and I love the opportunity to customize our ads with subjects that are relevant to our practice and our patients. Atlantic County Woman has given us great exposure within the community. We have gotten many new patients thanks to your publication. We look forward to advertising with you for many more years to come.”

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Reaching 120,000+ readers throughout Atlantic, Ocean and Monmouth Counties

Don’t you think it’s time for your business to test out the County Woman Publications?

1.866.398.0898 • TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

March/April July/August2019 2019

Permanent Makeup & Cosmetic Tattooing


What Is The Difference Between Microblading And Tattooing? I receive this question A LOT! Microblading is a beautiful technique where a specific tool is used to create the most “natural looking hairline stroke”. There are a few different styles to choose from when it comes to an Eyebrow Tattoo. So back to the question; It is the same, it’s all about the technique!

metic &

Medical Tattooing • Hair stroke patterns

• Hair strokes with shading • Soft Powdered brow • Ombre Brow

A consultation is usually recommended to discuss which style would be most fitting eyebrow shape, color and style for you. Not everyone is a candidate for the daytime wear look. Some people prefer a bolder eyebrow. When it comes to permanent cosmetics it is important to know laws for your own safety. When in doubt of someone may be NON-Licensed always rely onwhy the health ur skin, that’s I amdepartment offering ain your area, they should certainly have their information on of file.29 State Law requires that we have all of our February.licensing As an aesthetician qualifications on file with the health department. A large red flag is home my expert advice parties. so that you can

t’s Going to Represent You For A Very Long Time

ds while achieving your goals for Tattoo Lightning r New Skin! nt skin care products so I may s are best suited for you , your

One to two more treatments should lighten the brows up quite a bit more and then I can begin a nice “natural eyebrow effect”. t most enhances skincare Microblading, tattooing and & After Two Lightening Treatments ng the one orBefore more methods that permanent cosmetics are the care goals:same. The difference would be your technique, style of work and needle configuration and which procedure you wanted to have enhanced or reformed treatments include (lipscan crooked eyebrows etc).

stomized facial treatments xing • Stem cell infusion cro needling ghtening treatments n classic treatments

Amy Druding

Remember, your eyebrows introduce you before you speak. The microblading technique is a soft enhancement to accent the frame to your face and soul, “your eyebrows.”

552 Shore Road •Somers Point, NJ 08244

552 Shore Road • Somers Point, NJ 08244 C.P.C.T. Board Certified 609-383-BROW(2769) • 609-383-BROW (2769)

The County Woman Magazine

Before & After

Amy Druding

C.P.C.T. Before & After Board Certified

FREE Analysis and 1 Free Spot Treatment $25 value

Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Availability Availability For Students For Students July/August 2019


Medical Professionals

Are You 65 And Older Suffering With Back And/Or Leg Pain? You may have a condition called lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication. As we age, the spinal canal narrows; this is a degenerative process that worsens over time. As the spinal canal narrows, the nerve roots coming out of the spine get pinched, causing pain in the back and legs. Typically, patients with lumbar spinal stenosis report pain in their backs that travels down one or both of their legs. Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis typically cannot stand and/or walk for any appreciable amount of time before they feel back and leg pain. Most patients cannot even walk to their mailbox or prepare a meal due to the pain they experience. Most spinal stenosis symptoms are better with lumbar flexion, such as when using a shopping cart in a grocery store, and will go away when the patient sits down or lies supine. Did you know that new minimally invasive treatment options are available to treat signs and symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis? Typically, symptoms of lumbar stenosis are treated with physical therapy, medications, epidural shots and/or back surgery. Dr. Pryzbylkowski is the only interventional pain physician in

Atlantic and Cape May Counties trained on two new minimally invasive FDA-approved procedures to reduce patients’ back and leg pain from lumbar spinal stenosis. These procedures include the MILD (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression) procedure and the Superion interspinous spacer placement. Both procedures are performed in a same-day surgical center and require no general anesthesia along with a quick and easy recovery. If your physician has diagnosed you with lumbar spinal stenosis or you experience back and leg pain that is worse with walking and/or standing for even minimal amounts of time, please call Relievus and ask for an appointment with Dr. Pryzbylkowski.

For more information, call 888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit

Peter G. Pryzbylkowski, MD

Central Park East, • 222 New Road, Suite 102 • Linwood, NJ 08221

The County Woman Magazine

Anesthesiologist Interventional Pain Specialist • Board Certified Interventional Pain Specialist • Interventional Pain Management Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania • National Board Certification, American Board of Anesthesiology • Anesthesia Residency: University of Pennsylvania • Medical Internship: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia • Former Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania • Medical Degree, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

July/August 2019


Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals Medical Professionals

27 17

The Leaders in Pain Management

Lauren Myers, PA

Laura Seczech, PA

Central Park East, 222 New Road, Suite 102, Linwood, NJ 08221

888-985-ASAP (2727) • The County Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 July/August 2019 May/June 2019 November/December 2018


Health & Wellness

Body In Balance • Parkinson Life Center

Body In Balance is the home of Parkinson Life Center which supports Parkinson patients and their families. Body in Balance and the Parkinson Life Center are hosting a fashion show with a bake sale, Chinese Auction, silent auction, raffle, lunch with cash bar and Macy’s/Lancome goody bags. All proceeds will go to the Parkinson Life Center.

Body in Balance supports the Parkinson Life Center and is hosting this fundraising event to provide exercise classes, educational seminars, arts and crafts, Rock Steady Boxing, etc.

314 Central Ave. Linwood, NJ 609-365-8499 ext.1

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Wigs & Hair Restoration


Answers for Hair Loss.

2494 Moore Rd., Ste. #1 • Toms River, NJ 08753 (In the Stone Hedge Prof. Bldg.) 732-255-1733 •

Laser Hair Therapy can Restore and Grow your own hair. Call today for your FREE consultation to see if Laser Therapy is the answer for your hair loss situation.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Fashion & Beauty


Nutrition & Wellness Let’s Do It With Food

Sharon Garland’s

Sharon Garland FDN-P Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Want to get rid of belly bloat & fat? Stop hair loss? Increase energy? Detoxify your body and balance your hormones with expert guidance. Eat clean & feel the difference

Seasonal 5 Day Detoxes A delicious educational experience

5 Day Meal Plan Includes: • Recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner • Recipes for snacks & sweet treats • Complete Shopping List • Detailed Daily Prep Guide • Daily emails plus unlimited email support • Private 5 Day Detox Facebook group because support ensures success

Participants typically experience increased energy, improved sleep, 3-7 lb weight loss and a greater understanding of which foods serve their body and which foods cause inflammation.

Register for next 5 Day Detox at

The County Woman Magazine

(hurry spaces limited)

July/August 2019


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


Spring Special

10% Off

Coolsculpting Package (Minimum Four Treatments) Expires 4/30/18 Expires 10/31/18 Expires 8/31/19 The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 2017 March/April July/August 2019

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

32 32 26

A Friendly Reminder To My Diabetic Friends… Top Reasons To Check Your Blood Sugar!

• You are hungry. If you are hungry, it’s possible your

numbers, I may ask what is going on in his/her life. If you are feeling stressed over family, job, or other personal matters, consider how that is impacting your blood sugars. You might need to make some serious changes in your life and seek professional help.

blood sugar is on the low side or you are in an official state of hypoglycemia. It’s better to know your number before treating versus eating, without testing, based on hunger.

• You are thirsty. Thirst is one of the symptoms of

• You are going to exercise. Exercise is both a beauty and

hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Again, it’s always better to test than to assume you just need a glass of water. Testing can reveal a high blood sugar that requires your attention. If you are high, drinking plenty of fluids is important to rehydrate.

a beast of diabetes. Initially, exercise does increase blood sugars, but the after effects of exercise generally lower blood sugars, sometimes for days afterward. Talk to your doctor about what an acceptable pre-exercise blood sugar number should be. • You are tired. One can become tired when levels are high or low, so You also need to figure exercise into your meal planning. Always wear your medical identification, carry an emergency source of carbohydrate, if you’re feeling especially exhausted, check your blood sugar! and have a partner or a cell phone nearby when exercising. • You are going to drive. Getting behind the wheel with a high or low blood sugar not only endangers you and your passengers, but other • You just do not feel right. Everyone, diabetic or not, has days when they just feel off. However, people with diabetes must be ultrapeople on the roads and sidewalks as well. Consider driving to be a sensitive to their body’s cues and not blow off a strange or unfamiliar privilege and a great responsibility. If you are too low to drive, it is best feeling. For example, one might feel anxious up to an hour before a to treat your low, check fifteen minutes later to see where you stand. low blood sugar, and other times, hypoglycemia comes on quickly and • You are going to bed. Some people are incredibly deep sleepers, without much warning. Because you may not have a pattern of common and a high or a low blood sugar (called hypoglycemia unawareness) symptoms, check your sugar at the first sign of discomfort or uneasiness. will not awake them. Be sure to have a good number before you hit the Remember, you hold most of the power in your diabetes sack! management, and of course a key component of living well with diabetes is testing, testing, and testing more. May you find the • You are irritated. One of the tell tale signs of a sugar low is if your alter-personality comes out. The beauty of hypoglycemia, if there is such conviction and motivation to keep your meter handy! a thing, is that our bodies do a pretty good job warning us that we need carbohydrates. Symptoms include irritability or nervousness, shaking, a Call 609.625.9146 for information or an appointment. racing heart, sweating, hunger, and more.

• You are stressed. When a patient is experiencing a series of high


About the Practitioner Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family.

“She is very caring and intelligent. I would recommend her especially to anyone with diabetes and thyroid conditions.” - Wendy, Mays Landing, NJ

Primary Care Practitioner specializing in:


Testimonials “I have been a patient of Barbara Greenling for about a year and a half. She is an excellent practitioner who cares about her patients. As a person who makes their living working with medical staff, I have seen both the good and the not so good, I highly recommend her to all who are looking for a knowledgeable, compassionate and caring practitioner!!!!!” - Ann, Mays Landing, NJ

Barbara Greenling, DNP

• Endocrinology • Diabetes • Metabolism

3069 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Veterans!! The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

(609) 625-9146 September/October 2017 July/August 2018 July/August 2019



UnitedHealthcare and Arocho Insurance Agency present: a special member appreciation event. Thank you for being a member! We invite you to stop by and join in on the fun. While you’re here, learn more about your benefits while we show our appreciation. You’ll enjoy: • Giveaways • Activities • Music • Informational hand-outs

Senior Citizen Appreciation Day Tuesday, August 20 11AM-2PM Plaza 1 Mall 730 Jamaica Blvd Toms River, NJ 08757

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Membership not required.

We hope you can join us. Kenneth Arocho Licensed Sales Agent

732-877-7680, TTY 711 Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and a contract with the State Medicaid program. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. Members must use network plan providers, pharmacies, and DME (Durable Medical Equipment) suppliers. Members will be enrolled into Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage under the plan and will be automatically disenrolled from any other Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call 732-877-7680 TTY 711, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. local time, 7 days a week. Eligible for a free drawing, gift, or prizes with no obligation to enroll. Y0066_180910_105624_M

The County Woman Magazine


July/August 2019



MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) of Opioids: By Charles E. Meusburger, M.D.

Opiates are naturally occurring in every human brain as endorphins such as one feels with running or other exercise. The phrase “runner’s high” is an example of the euphoric feeling experienced by runners because of the release of endorphins by the brain; the endogenous (from inside) effect of endorphins helps to protect us from pain. Exogenous opiates (meaning pain meds produced outside of our bodies) come in many forms, either from organic material such as heroin from the poppy seed flower, or many synthetic pill forms, i.e., Roxicet, Percocet, Vicodin and Dilaudid up to more recently “China White” as it’s appropriately called, meaning fentanyl and its analogues. These are mainly synthetically produced in a lab en masse in mainland China and sent around the world, mostly to the United States. Fentanyl and its analogues are the most potent and, therefore, most deadly of all the opiates. All illicit drugs are manufactured for profit derived from creating repeat business. All but Fentanyl; this compound produced in China is designed for something else—the death of its consumers—not financial profit, but profits of a more serious nature. This is all too reminiscent of the days of the Ho Chi Minh trail from North to South Vietnam, where the Chinese supplied endless amounts of heroin to United States servicemen and women. Consequently, you don’t have to use bullets and bombs to win a war, then or now. The opiate crisis is called that due to the rising fatalities from their use. It’s a multifactorial set of contributing factors, but Fentanyl is the number 1 killer.

The County Woman Magazine

Figure 3. National Overdose Deaths Involving Any Opioid—Number Among All Ages, by Gender, 1999-2017. The figure above is a bar and line graph showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving opioids from 1999 to 2017. Any opioids includes prescription opioids (and methadone), heroin and other synthetic narcotics (mainly fentanyl). Drug overdose deaths rose from 8,048 in 1999 to 47,600 in 2017. The bars are overlaid by lines showing the number of deaths by gender from 1999 to 2017. Overall, there has been a higher number of drug overdose deaths among males. (Source: CDC WONDER).

Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT, has the best clinical outcomes for harm reduction and illicit opiate use elimination of all the modalities available. It saves lives. Of course, it’s not for everyone; other models can work well or even better, depending on individual needs, genetics and supports, including 12step abstinence programs and several community-based modalities and psychotherapeutic modalities, e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dilectical Behavioral Therapy—all used respectively in combinations achieved with focus on individual circumstances.


It is crucial to know and adhere to the fact that illicit drugs are not to be used during any phase of treatment. The reason is the medications used to treat substance use disorder attach to the same receptors as the illicit drug and cannot both attach to the same receptor at the same time. The effect is the therapeutic medication displaces the ability for the illicit medication to act, thereby assisting to reduce and eliminate substance use disorder over time. For this reason, the induction phase of Medication Assisted Treatment requires individuals to be in withdrawal (without substance use for a period of time, usually at least 24 hours). MAT consists of the following methods: Methadone, Suboxone (buprenorphine + naloxone), Subutex (buprenorphine alone) and Vivitrol. There are also implants of Suboxone in various forms that require minor surgery, such as Probuphine. And in November of 2017, the United States Food and

July/August 2019



Effective and Potentially Life-Saving Drug Administration approved the first once-monthly buprenorphine injectable, called Sublocade, for moderate to severe opioid use disorder.


The primary objective of Methadone treatment induction is to reduce the signs and symptoms of withdrawal, and keep individuals in therapy while ensuring their safety. Methadone changes how the brain and nervous system respond to pain, thereby lessening the pain of withdrawal; it also reduces the euphoria of opiates. Methadone is available in pill, liquid and wafer form and is taken once daily, lasting for about 4 to 8 hours. The initial dose of methadone depends on the person’s degree of dependence and tolerance level to opioids. The induction phase requires careful observation to avoid lifethreatening effects.


In 2002, the FDA approved Suboxone for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine, a partial opiate agonist, and naloxone, which is a medication that blocks the effects of opiates, including pain relief and euphoria, two primary causes of opioid abuse. The phrase “partial opiate agonist” refers to the fact that buprenorphine gives the brain less of an effect than a full opiate; however, the brain “thinks” it has received a full opioid effect, thereby relieving withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The effect lasts for 24 hours. Induction with Suboxone also requires careful observation for effective titration and harm prevention, i.e., precipitous withdrawal.


Subutex differs from Suboxone because it does not contain naloxone. It is buprenorphine alone. It is administered in tablet form, taken sublingually once per day, and cannot be cut, chewed or swallowed. It is also advisable not to eat or drink anything until it has fully dissolved (wait about 30 minutes before eating or drinking). Induction depends on the type of opioid the patient has taken (short or long acting), the timing of the last dose, and the degree of opioid dependence. Giving Subutex to patients being transferred from methadone or other long-acting opioid products has the potential for precipitous and prolonged withdrawal. Therefore, it is given only when it is clear that at least moderate withdrawal symptoms are present, and not less than 24 hours after the patient has used a longacting opiate. Both Methadone and Subutex are the drugs used for treatment of opiate dependent pregnant women.


Vivitrol, also known as naltrexone, is a once-per-month, non-addictive extended release intramuscular injection for the purpose of preventing opioid-dependent and alcoholdependent patients from relapsing. It can only be given by a doctor or nurse, and acts by blocking the euphoric

and pain-relieving effects of opioids that lead to abuse. Prior to receiving Vivitrol, a patient must be opioid free for at least 7 to 14 days, not have used methadone or buprenorphine in the past 14 days, not be in withdrawal, and not used any opioid medicine within the past 10 days. Vivitrol is contraindicated in the presence of liver or kidney disease and/or blood clotting disorders. It passes through the breast milk and can be harmful to nursing babies. Currently, it is unknown as to the effect on unborn fetuses. There has also been recent debate about renaming MAT to either: “Medication Supported Recovery” a trademarked term; or “Medication Assisted Recovery” an ASAM term. The terminology issue is multifactorial and underscores the complexities of treating the most complicated illness confronting our country and its people.


The treatment modalities listed in this article are not cures. They can be used acutely for detox purposes, short-term, as in weeks or months, or for long-term maintenance treatment for years if indicated, depending on individual patient needs. Each modality is an option for treating substance use disorders within a more comprehensive treatment and/or rehabilitation program. The benefits of a well-developed treatment plan, mutually agreed upon with a motivated and engaged patient, has the potential to achieve sustainable results and excel one’s quality of life and career. The benefits of substance-use disorder treatment to families and society as a whole is significantly impacted in dollars, personal well-being and self-esteem, community safety, healthcare, the criminal justice system and beyond.

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July/August 2019

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals



If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Are Your TeethSEE A DR. Constant BANKS!Source Of Pain And Embarassment?

Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.”

You don’t have to live like this anymore!

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. When the gum ridge where teeth are missing is too thin to place a dental implant, bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone replacement product, or even the patient’s own bone, can be placed into the deficient area, stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” YOUR TEETH CONSTANT andARE can be accomplished in A both the top and bottom jaws.


SOURCE PAIN AND When teeth OF are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward EMBARASSMENT? into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according You don’t have to live like Augmentation this anymore! to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement product or ® can even the patient’s own bone be used.”LIFE YOUR


Get Your G Summertime Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning of the face and jaws, to Smile! evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the quality A common misconception is that the bone is placed into the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane ! e l i m is actually lifted up (hence to name me S“sinus lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material + r e is placed under the sinus ummmembrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one S r u o procedure. et Y

Dr. Kathy A. Banks

of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” She also prepares andOral usesand advanced biologic materials into grafting procedures such as L-PRF Board Certified Maxillofacial Surgeon 249 S. Main St. # 4 Barnegat NJ (609) 488-2325 (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which are made right in the office at the time of surgery.

Specialty Lic # 4070

And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offer intravenous general sedation, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can Office Hoursanesthesia 8am-5pmand Monday – Friday Bone Grafting Dental Implants be treated comfortably. General and Intravenous Anesthesia

“OfJaw course, I’m making it sound easy butSurgery these procedures are technically demanding and take years Pathology Reconstructive Jaw of practice to gain the proper expertise. You only want your bone grafting procedures performed by a well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.”

• Bone Grafting • Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology • Reconstructive Jaw Surgery

For more information, call 609-488-2325 or DMD visit Call Kathy A. Banks, Dr. Banks Today! • 609-488-2325 •

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 July/August 2019

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room


Committing to ‘Memory’ –

Designer Turns Her Baking Hobby Into a Full-Blown Career AnnMarie Cooney did not grow up dreaming of becoming a baker. Visions of sugar plums and intricately decorated cakes were not dancing through her head as a young girl. By trade, Cooney was a kitchen designer, but retired early to raise her daughters. “With three girls, my job was to raise good women,” Cooney says. It was a special request from her daughter that would eventually turn her into a AnnMarie Cooney highly sought-after cake designer and baker. “It all started because my daughter wanted a cake,” Cooney says with a smile. Cooney’s middle girl, was born with health issues that resulted in special needs. So when she wanted a circus cake for her fifth birthday, Cooney made her the best circus cake around. That was 14 years ago, and her girls quickly caught on to their mom’s special talent. At every birthday, they requested a special cake. “It became, ‘what can we do next’ and ‘how can we top that,’ Cooney says. Then she began making cakes for friends. Cooney’s husband had to build an additional kitchen at her house just to accommodate all of the special cake requests. When Cooney’s youngest daughter entered kindergarten six years ago, Cooney decided she wanted to go back to work. “But, I needed to figure out what I was going to do,” Cooney says. Sadly, Cooney’s grandmother, with whom she was very close, passed away during this time. “I was sitting at home, just very sad, and my cousin called me to meet her at the park with her kids,” Cooney says. However, in the midst of grief, she didn’t feel up to it. “My cousin sad, ‘come on grandma would want us to.’ So I went, Cooney says. On the way to the park, she saw the real estate sign. She checked it out and immediately knew that it would be the perfect location for her bakery, A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room. “My grandmother left each of her grandchildren a small inheritance and it was just enough for me to open my business,” Cooney explains. Cooney spent about five years at that location before moving to another larger space six months ago just two miles down the road in Waretown. A beautiful picture of her grandmother has watched over her since the day she opened. It’s difficult to simply call Cooney’s creations “cakes.” Some designs are so intricate that they look like art. Cooney and her team created a three-dimensional depiction of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” that captured the essence of this masterpiece with sweet, swirly curves and lines of vividly hued icing. Then there’s the adorable panda birthday cake that could easily be mistaken for a cuddly toy. The list of unique, edible masterpieces goes on and on, That’s because they average a minimum of 30 specialty cake orders per week, mostly by working with different catering and special event venues in and around Long Beach Island. However, they also have a long list of loyal customers. “Some of our customers started with a gender reveal and now we’re doing their fifth birthday cake,” Cooney says. Customer Kathy Helm of Waretown got her grandson’s birthday cake from Cooney close to five years ago. “It was perfect, I brought a couple pictures of what I wanted and they just did their thing,” Helm says. And she has been coming here ever since. “I’m in sales, so I bring my clients treats from here all the time,” Helm says. She’s also brought her granddaughter to Sweet Memory’s princess tea parties. “Our clients really do become our friends,” adds Cooney. In addition to the special-order cakes, A Sweet Memory, has a selection of seasonal cakes, mini desserts, cookie sandwiches and other baked goods readily available daily. Other creative creations include their cake pies; 521 Route 9 • cakes topped with pie filling and decorated to look exactly like a pie. “Our baking is very seasonal,” Cooney explains.

Winter flavors includes a tasted snowball cupcake, which is a chocolate cake filled with marshmallow and chocolate fudge, frosted with coconut buttercream, rolled in toasted coconut, drizzled with chocolate and topped with marshmallows. Or their gingerbread scone with maple cream. Or the orange, cranberry Christmas scone with orange cream. “My grandmother used to always have her ‘lady friends’, as she called them, over for tea,” Cooney explains, adding that she wanted to honor her grandmother by adding a high tea to her bakery. “We squeezed one table in our previous location and began hosting afternoon teas.” They were all so well-received Cooney has expanded her operation to include a full-time tea room. Decorated with a lovely mix of china and flowers, the tea room serves tea, lunch and snacks from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. They also offer a high tea, but reservations are required. “Our clients have really created the charm of this place,” says Cooney, who adds almost of her china, platters and place setting have been donated by her customers. High tea ($27.95) is served on tiered platters and begins with an individual pot of tea, chosen from their selection of more than 50 teas. Followed by seasonally inspired salad and homemade soup, four varieties or tea sandwiches, freshly baked scones served with their specialty creams, and completed with a selection of their miniature desserts. “Everything from our meats to spreads, our dressings and chutneys, our soups are all made fresh in-house,” Cooney says. Cooney also places an emphasis on healthy fare. “We source organic whenever possible and offer a large selection or vegetarian friendly dishes,” she says. With the extra space the tea room has added to A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe and Tea Room, Cooney is able to host special events. “We’ve done cake-decorating classes and other ladies events,” Cooney says. They’ve also hosted princess teas, American Girl teas, unicorn teas and more. They even carry a line of tea geared towards little ones. “We even have a dress up section that ladies and little ladies love,” Cooney says. A little help from above has turned Cooney’s one-time hobby into a business that brings customers joys bite by bite. The business that Cooney started out of her home has grown into a full-time operation with a staff of eight. “We work hard and we work a lot, but we really do love each other,” Cooney says. She says they have become a great team and she couldn’t do all of this without them. Cooney’s brotherin-law, Paul Cooney, recently joined the team as chef and baker. There’s also Sarah Rod, the head decorator, and Cindi Reider, head fondant who works in fine detail. “Sarah and Cindi are so talented, they really are the best around, they’re artists,” Cooney says. Together, what they create can easily be considered art, but at the end of the day-or party or wedding or afternoon tea- and after the last bite, their masterpiece has been turned into a sweet memory.

Our tea room serves lunch Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 4pm.

Specialty Cakes • Wedding Cakes Cupcakes • Cookie Favors Loose Leaf Tea • Vintage & New Tea Pots Tea Related Gifts & Baskets 609-242-0153 • Waretown, NJ •

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


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The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Fabulous F ood Fabulous Food Fabulous Food

Springing4 into Fresh Vegetables Summer!

Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more It’s finally here! Warm (and humid) weather, lots of fun and about sun. the Time fresh produce that will start to pop uptoinslow ourdown grocery ith the thoughts naturally at theholidays beach or inapproaching, the back yard. Life seems a bit, stores.despite While we’ve been able to get “fresh” produce all through hectic schedules all around. Produce is in abundance here – in the turn to food, friends and family. Here are the winter, it won’t be long until things grown more locally will stores,some farmers healthy markets andalternatives roadside stands –toand the abundance focus is on healthy, the of start to be available. (Think about those wonderful greens and delicious and fresh. While that is the focus of Cutting Creations cookies that are always around this time ofBoard year. Betterall Jerseyyear asparagus!) That means thatanyou’ll haveopportunity the chance to eat round, this time of year provides even better to take options for you and great for gift-giving as well! of all the lots wonderful flavorsitems that can onlyhaven’t be appreciated with truly mealsadvantage prepared with of fresh that had to travel local produce. Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins – Makes long distances to get to your plate. Here are a12few dishes that 2 cupsinspire flour you. Don’t have the time or the desire to do all this might 1 tsp baking soda Chef SHRIMP SKEWERS SUMMER yourself? Contact Steph with WITH Cutting Board Creations and 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon she’ll FRUIT do all the SALSA work for you. Simply – Serves 4 heat and eat! 1/4 tsp ground ginger Fresh fruit and succulent grilled shrimp capture the essence of summer. Feel free 1/4 tsp groundfruits allspice to combine that you enjoy, and make sureVEGETABLE to use a fresh herb. Use cilantro instead of mint if that is your 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg FRITTATA preference. 1/4 tsp salt – Serves 4-6 Salsa: 2 eggs1/2 cup plum chopped, Breakfast for dinner? Yup! In 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice this dish a colorful selection of ripe 1/2 cup frozen apricotand diced vegetables pair with protein rich concentrate, thawed 1/2 cup nectarine, eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, 2/3 cup buttermilk fresh, ripe diced or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice 2 T oat bran 2 tablespoons mint, side, and you are ready to go! Feel 2 small fresh Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped thinly sliced free to mix up the vegetables based on what you like and what’s available. Just make 2 tablespoons red 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped sure to cutonion them into pieces of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. diced Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin •1 small 2 T 1butter tablespoon jalapeno diced garnish 1 for teaspoon lime rind grated •slices, 1 onion, chopped 3 tablespoons lime juice • Preheat 1 smalloven zucchini, thinly sliced to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with 1 tablespoon honey •12 1muffin cup papers. mushroom, sliced 1/8 teaspoon( cayenne together baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and • Mix 1 large redflour, bell pepper, diced 12 cherry pitted and halved a1 medium bowl. •salt1incup asparagus, cut into small pieces scallion finely chopped Mix together eggs, apple • ¼ tsp thyme, dried juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour Shrimp mixture into theeggs, egg mixture until the dry (you ingredients are just moistened, tablespoons butter melted • 6-8 2large lightly beaten can also use egg being careful to not overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. 2 teaspoons lemon juice substitute or a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) 1 garlic Spoon batter clove into theminced prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish • 2 T 1parmesan cheese teaspoon tarragon


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eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for lunch If you’d like day!) to enjoy the bounty and beauty of summer but don’t have the the next

time or desire to cook, perhaps it’s time for a Personal Chef. As a Certified Personal Chef and owner of Cutting Board Creations, LLC, I take care of SPRING CHICKEN Pumpkin Bread all the menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, packaging and clean up 2 cups flour BARLEY ofAND your meals, leaving a kitchen that smells great and a refrigerator full of 2 tsp cinnamon delicious dinners. All the cooking is done in your home, and I bring all the SOUP - Serves 4 1 tsp baking sodaneeded supplies and equipment to prepare your pre-approved, customized Barley is paired with fresh spring 1/4 tsp baking powder menu with me. Meals are ready to heat and eat within minutes. vegetables and chicken in this 1/2 tsp salt tasty soup. Again, feel free to mix 1Thread 1/2cups sugar up onto skewers (make sure to soak bamboo skewers in water for 30 the vegetables based on your minutes before threading to keep them from burning on the grill.) Grill skewers for 3/4 cup vegetable oil Use preferences. Don’t like barley? 3 minutes on each side or until shrimp are done. Serve topped with salsa. 3 large rice, pasta eggs or farro instead, just 1 tsp vanilla adjust the cooking TORTELLINI time appropriately. SUMMER SALAD – Serves 8 •3 cups 1 tablespoon olive shredded fresh pumpkin Roasted vegetables, crunchy nuts,oil tender pasta and flavorful pesto in every bite. This versatile salad canpumpkin be enjoyed or warm. •1 cup 1/2 cup onion, finelycold toasted seeds 20 chopped ounce(s) tortellini Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one • refrigerated 1/2 cup celery, finely chopped or you can make multiple smaller ones. 1large cup loaf, red bell pepper • thinly 2 garlic clove sliced Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. •In a6cup cups low-fat, reduced 3/4 redchicken onion separate bowl, mixbroth, the sugar, vegetable oil, eggssodium and vanilla. • thinly 12 ounce chicken breast, boneless, skinless, into cut Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin cut and pumpkin 1/2 pound asparagus cut cubes seeds. When all are incorporated, pour into pans. 1 1/2 inch pieces • into 1/3 pearl barley Bakecup one large loaf for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 15 oz. diced tomatoes loaves will take less time, 2 cups zucchini 1/4 inchso check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. •Remove 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 inch dice 1 cup peaspine nuts 3• tablespoons as fresh atomato gift? Wrap tightly and put into a pretty basket or box. 1•Giving pint 1/2cherry cup basil leaf - torn Give with small decorative plates and grape tomatoes halved • 1 tablespoon orange zest a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee 7lover, ounces not give with coffee and coffee Heatwhy oil pesto in large saucepan over medium heat;mugs. add onion and celery and cook, stirring,



1/2 Tabasco taste untilteaspoon beginning to soften, 2-4pepper minutes.sauce, Grate orto finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan 15 finely andbasil cook,leaf stirring, untilsliced fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth, chicken and barley; bring toPreheat to 450. a gentleoven simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until theGift chicken isacooked through and therinse Personal Cook pasta according to package directions;Give drain and withof barley is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending on thecold typewater. of barley you are Season pepper, onions and asparagus with salt and pepper, toss with 1 T oil and Chef this holiday season! using. transfer to baking sheet. Roast 10-12 minutes, turning halfway through. Remove When the barley is done, add the tomatoes and gift juice,certificates asparagus and peas. Our areReturn to and set aside. simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until the asparagus is tender 5 minutes. with an apple slice. remaining 1 T oil and transfer to always a welcome surprise Melt 11 1/2 T butter in a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables Season zucchini with salt and pepper; toss with pounds shrimp Coarsely chop the remaining garlictender clove.but Gather basil, orange zestand and garlic and Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer baking sheet. Roast 5-7 minutes until not brown. Remove add to and thyme. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until the vegetables are and make a unique gift too. 8 skewers sprinkle overChill. soup. to a wire rack to cool completely. pepper mix. cooked through. To prepare salsa, combine all ingredients in a medium bowl; stir well, cover and Combine, tomatoes, pesto, tabasco, basil, pine nuts and vegetables with In a medium bowl, combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. chill. tortellini. Stir will and enjoy! Giving as a gift? Place muffins in a pretty basket lined with a cloth Melt thePlace remaining T of garlic, buttertarragon in the skillet with the turning coat the butter,1juice, and shrimp in vegetables, a large bowl, toss toto coat. For more information, call 609-841-8567 napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative andthe include a jar of vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down tospoon low. Pour egg mixture over Visit preserves. For information, call 609-841-8567 or or visitvisit the vegetables and cookmore without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the

Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

Celebrating 16 YYears 13 Celebrating of Celebrating12 15 Years ears of Delighting our Clients! Delightingour ourClients! Clients! Delighting

Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was trained the Culinary Business trained at at the Culinary professionally trained at the Academy, is a Certified Business Academy, a Culinary BusinessisAcademy, Personal Chef, a Certified Food Certified Personal Chef, Chef, is a Certified Personal Safety Manager, and Finalist a Certified Food Safety a Certified Food Safety for the USPCA Personal Chef Manager, and Finalist for the Manager, and Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. USPCA Personal Chef of the USPCA Personal Chef of the Services are provided on a first Year. Year in 2012 and 2013. come, first served basis For more information onand For more information there are no contracts ouron services or Gift or Gift– ever! our services For more information onand our Certificates, references, Certificates, references, and services or Gift Certificates, fees, contact Cutting Board fees, contact references, andCutting fees, Board Creations, LLC today! Stephanie Hopkins Creations, LLC today! contact Cutting Board Stephanie StephanieHopkins Hopkins Certified Personal Chef Creations, LLC today. Certified Personal Chef Certified Personal Chef The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

March/April2019 2018 July/August November/December 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


Brenda Schoeneberg Receptionist, Federici Dental Brenda grew up in Forked River, where she attended Central Regional High School, and now currently resides in Warren Grove with her wonderful husband of 37 years. She has two grown sons, one of whom who was married this year, and the other who gave Brenda her first beautiful granddaughter, Alana, early last year. Brenda absolutely loves being a grandmother and spends most of her free time looking after Alana, riding with her husband on his motorcycle on sunny days, and spending time with her family. Brenda started her career in the dental field 38 years ago and has been working for Dr. Joseph and Dr. David Federici for the past 27 years. She has a caring, passionate heart for people, and takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. She enjoys working for the Federici Brothers and considers them, as well as the staff, family. For more information, or to schedule an appointment for your smile, call 609-597-1234 or visit

Amy K. Druding

Owner, Permanent Cosmetics by Amy

Celebrating over 30 years in the skin care industry owning her own business in Ft. Lauderdale as Amy’s Skin and Body Care, well known for her skin care facials, body waxing, and body treatments & massage. During this time, she became a volunteer member of the “Look Good, Feel Better” program and to date has presently celebrated her 20th year as a volunteer facilitator for the program. Having a close friend touched by breast cancer led Amy to learn about the wonderful field of permanent cosmetics, from areola tattooing to eyebrows, lips, eyeliner, scar camouflage, and scalp micropigmentation. In 2003 she trained in the field of permanent cosmetics at Premier Pigments in Arlington, Texas, and continued to further her education with coursework at Boca Raton, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; Orlando, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia and numerous other continuing educational conferences, including The BEAU INSTITUTE in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, being one of the first studios to be legally licensed in the State of New Jersey to have a skin care facility an a licensed permanent cosmetic facility under one roof, fully licensed through the Health Department and Board of Cosmetology. Being an advocate for licensed facilities and continuing education in the field is imperative for excellent work, as further education is offered in her facility. For more information, call 609-383BROW. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Debby Damush

Personal Trainer & Dental Assistant, Body in Balance Fitness Center

Debby Damush is a personal trainer and also a dental assistant. She was introduced to physical therapy when she tore her anterior cruciate ligament while playing soccer. She decided to major in health and fitness. She moved to California, where she worked as a physical therapy aide and personal trainer for over 15 years. Some of her clients were professional athletes and high school athletes. She also is certified in senior fitness. In 2010 she returned to New Jersey to be closer to her mom, who has Parkinson’s disease. At that time, a slow economy led her to add an additional career as a dental assistant. Presently she works at Body in Balance as a personal trainer and at Dr. David Sykes as a dental assistant, both of which she loves. She enjoys surfing, kayaking, and playing guitar and drums. She loves helping and educating clients with staying healthy and active. She truly believes keeping active physically and mentally is the key to lead a healthy life. For more information, call 609-365-8499 ext. 1.

Heidi Farber

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Owner, Hummingbird Yoga

Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Heidi considers herself a native of New York. She holds a BA in English and an MS in Special Education. Upon arriving in New Jersey over 30 years ago, she became part of the South Jersey community. She raised two lovely ladies to adulthood. From mother to public school educator and yoga instructor, Heidi enjoys sharing her love of knowledge. Teaching and learning has always been a part of her life. With years of study, Heidi’s passion for yoga philosophy is contagious. Students at Hummingbird Yoga attend classes to gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them through the practice of yoga. Creating a yoga community was her ultimate goal, which she has achieved through her commitment and the solidarity of her yoga students. Practice is more than just postures. It is a lifestyle of well-being that integrates a strong and healthy body, clear mind and open heart. Our connection to ourselves, others and something larger is paramount to life itself. For more information, call 609-927-8010 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

Photo Photo by by Donna Donna Andrews Andrews Photography Photography

July/August 2019

Women Of Atlantic County Barbara Greenling, DNP

Barbara Jolly Owner, Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming

Reliance Medical Group Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with many hospitals including Atlanticare Regional Medical Center - City Div, and Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family. To schedule an appointment, call 609-625-9146.


It was ten years ago that Barbara Jolly decided she wanted to open her own pet supply and grooming business. That decision she made while working at Bally’s casino for 32 years. Now, Barb resides in Margate, NJ with her husband, and her family of dogs, which are frequent visitors of Jolly Pets. She has been open now for four years and enjoys the mom-and-pop, homey feel of the store and wants to keep that as her business grows. Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming carries a full line of natural foods and treats, all made in the U.S. Her store carries toys, beds, leashes, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want for your fourlegged friends. She sells booster seats and seatbelts for safely taking your dog in your car and in the summer, she sells plenty of life jackets for your pets that enjoy boating with you and your family. If there is something Barb does not have, she will immediately order it for you. Jolly Pets is also a full-service groomer, offering haircuts, baths, nail clippings, ear cleanings… anything that contributes to the overall health and beauty of your dog. For more information, call 609-350-7518, visit Jolly Pets on Facebook, or stop in today with your pet(s) to socialize!

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Dr. Peggy Avagliano Atlantic Medical Imaging Dr. Peggy Avagliano came to Atlantic Medical Imaging (AMI) after completing her fellowship training in Women’s Imaging at the University of California San Francisco. She has been the Head of Women’s Imaging since joining AMI in 2000. Dr. Peggy is President of the AMI Foundation, a charitable organization that is dedicated to enhancing the level of healthcare for community residents by collaborating with local community groups to support programs that address critical health needs. She also serves on the Board of Gilda’s Club South Jersey. Dr. Peggy has been married 30 years to her high school sweetheart, Peter, and has raised four children: Christina, 27; Katie, 25; Michael, 24; and Amanda, 22. Her family has trained 11 puppies as Seeing Eye dogs. The goal of the program is to enhance the independence and selfconfidence of blind people through the use of Seeing Eye dogs. For more information, please call 609-677-9729 or email information@

Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella

Founder & Permanent Makeup Practitioner, Beau Institute

Rose Marie Beauchemin-Verzella is an internationally acclaimed permanent makeup practitioner and founder of the Beau Institute of Permanent Cosmetics in Mount Laurel, NJ. She has over 27 years of experience as a business owner and as an industry-leading practitioner and trainer. Beauchemin founded the Beau Institute in 1990, and her talents and business acumen have allowed it to grow into one of the top permanent makeup institutes in the world. As a practitioner, she specializes in areola tattooing, microblading, and scar camouflage, and she has extensive training in facial morphology, paramedical cosmetics, and color theory. Her success in the industry led her to be appointed President of the American Academy of Micropigmentation in 2016. In addition to her work as a practitioner, Beauchemin is a renowned permanent makeup instructor. Beauchemin is also an active philanthropist. She is a supporter of the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), which provides valuable information and assistance to those struggling with trichotillomania. Beauchemin has performed countless procedures on clients who struggle with trichotillomania, as well as alopecia. For more information, call 856-727-1411 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Men’s Clothing






nty Tr u o C m e l A Sa

adition Since 1959



2019 Parking Fee - $10.00 per vehicle for all 4 days


Admission Fee!


The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019



SEPT 21 – OCT 13/2019

Britney Simpson, Actress

By Jason O’Connell and Brenda Withers Adapted from the play by Edmond Rostand Directed by Meredith McDonough A co-production with Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival

Jason O’Connell (Noises Off) leads a five-person cast as the larger-than-life Cyrano, the brilliant thinker, wordsmith, and swordsman. He’s a thorny romantic with an outsized reputation and a barely contained love for his childhood sweetheart, Roxane (Britney Simpson). Filled with wit and heart, this exuberant adaptation of the classic play Cyrano de Bergerac is a delightful combination of comedy and romance.

AUGUST WILSON’S RADIO GOLF FEB 29 – MARCH 22/2020 Directed by Brandon J. Dirden Brandon J. Dirden, Director

LOVE IN HATE NATION WORLD PREMIERE MUSICAL NOV 9 – DEC 1/2019 Music, Lyrics and Book by Joe Iconis Directed by John Simpkins Joe Iconis, Playwright, Music and Lyrics

A turbulent rock romance by Joe Iconis, composer/lyracist of the worldwide sensation Be More Chill! Set in a 1960s Juvie Hall, Love in Hate Nation uses classic “bad girl” movies as the inspiration for the story of young people caught between eras of a changing America. Sixteen-year old Susannah Son is carted off to the National Reformatory for Girls to get her head put on straight. There she meets the aggressively incorrigible Sheila Nail, and a relationship forms which leads to an all-out “revolution in the institution” as they attempt to break out of the boxes society has created around them. Girl Group Wall of Sound harmonies are filtered through a punk rock spirit in this rebellious and romantic new musical.

WORLD PREMIERE APRIL 11 – MAY 10/2020 By Tony Meneses

Tony Meneses, Playwright

JAN 11 – FEB 2/2020 By William Shakespeare Directed by Sara Holdren

Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeare’s most celebrated plays and, perhaps, his most perfect comedy. Cross-dressing heroines, separated twins, and mistaken identities propel this gender-bending tale which celebrates a world in which every broken heart can be made whole. Director Sara Holdren is a theater artist, theater critic (for New York magazine and, and educator who has staged our last two productions of our popular A Little Shakespeare program, Macbeth and The Comedy of Errors.

JUNE 6 – 28/2020

Ruben SantiagoHudson, Playwright, Director and Actor

JAN 31 – FEB 9/2020

By William Shakespeare Adapted and Directed by Em Weinstein

Celebrating its 7th season as one of Two River’s most popular programs, A Little Shakespeare engages young artists and audiences with the work of the Bard! A 75-minute version of Twelfth Night—adapted, directed and designed by professional artists—will be performed and supported backstage by local high school students. Tickets: $20 for Adults & $15 Children 12 and Under

The Hombres looks at the intimacy of male relationships through the point of view of Machismo culture. Set in New Jersey (“somewhere off the NJ Transit line”), the play follows Julián, a gay Latino yoga teacher, as he clashes with the Latino construction workers outside his studio—particularly the older head of the crew, Héctor, who seeks from Julián something he never expected. Tony Meneses is the author of The Women of Padilla and Guadalupe in the Guest Room, both of which had their world premieres at Two River.



Director Brandon J. Dirden returns to Two River to direct our sixth production from August Wilson’s American Century Cycle—Radio Golf, the Cycle’s 10th and final play, set in 1997. Real-estate developer Harmond Wilks is determined to become the first black mayor of Pittsburgh, and to revitalize the Hill District. Starbucks, Barnes & Noble and Whole Foods are ready to move in. But one particular house on the development site, at 1839 Wylie Avenue, must be torn down, a casualty of urban blight. And that house belonged to Wilson’s legendary Aunt Ester—forcing Harmond, and the Hill District itself, into a battle between the past and the future.



Sara Holdren, Director


Written, Performed and Directed by Ruben Santiago-Hudson Music Performed by Chris Thomas King Original Music Composed by Bill Sims Jr. Additional Music Composed by Chris Thomas King A magical, musical, and deeply personal work written and performed by Tony Award winner Ruben SantiagoHudson, Lackawanna Blues is a reminiscence of his 1950s childhood growing up on the banks of Lake Erie. SantiagoHudson takes on more than 20 colorful characters—from would-be philosophers and petty hustlers to lost souls and abandoned lovers—in a brilliant celebration of the eccentric boardinghouse he grew up in. Santiago-Hudson returns to his roots in this tour de force performance with live blues music by composer Bill Sims Jr., performed by Grammy Award-winning blues guitarist, composer, and actor Chris Thomas King.



The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


Health & Wellness

Vitamin D – The Right Amount is Essential to Your Health


ore and more research is unveiling the importance of Vitamin D in protecting you against a host of health problems. Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and most are unaware of it. And just as Vitamin D can promote good health, a lack of it may lead to a number of health issues.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary for absorbing calcium and building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It also plays a role in your immune and muscle systems, and research (and controversy) continues to uncover its other health roles.

It is a hormone, and Vitamin D receptors are found in every tissue in our body! While there is still much we do not know, what we do

know is that it is so important, our bodies are capable of making it by itself.

Sources include:

• Vitamin D-rich foods: Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), egg yolks, and cheese. There are limited foods that contain sufficient amounts of this fat-soluble vitamin, making it difficult to get enough from your diet alone. • Fortified foods: Meaning that Vitamin D is added to these items— they are not originally found in the food (e.g., milk, cereal, orange juice, yogurt). • Supplements: Come in either a prescription form or an over-the counter version. • Safe sun exposure: Direct sunlight converts a chemical in our skin into an active form of Vitamin D. A surprising fact is that people get most of their Vitamin D from the sun.

Who’s at risk for a Vitamin D deficiency?

Because the majority of this vitamin comes from safe sun exposure, those who live north of the equator, live in heavily air-polluted areas that block the sun’s rays, remain indoors often, and have darker skin (melatonin pigmentation blocks the sun’s rays) are at risk of being deficient. Other common risk factors include being elderly, overweight or obese, and not consuming Vitamin D-rich or fortified foods. Additionally, if you have had obesity surgery, you may not be able to properly absorb Vitamin D-rich foods and oral supplements.

symptoms are generally subtle, despite having a significant negative effect on your quality of life. They include frequent infections, poor wound healing, fatigue, muscle pains, and hair loss. Diseases and conditions linked to Vitamin D deficiencies: Vitamin D affects a number of health issues from your bone health to your immune system as well as modulating many activities in the body—including promoting antitumor activity. The number of health conditions linked with deficiency is extremely long and growing. Having adequate levels can help to protect you from conditions including excess weight, breast and colorectal cancers, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and depression.

Getting the right amount:

Many people assume they’re getting enough but, unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is still a widespread problem. • Get some safe sun. Just a few minutes of sunlight each day to the face, neck, hands, and arms is all that is necessary to get your adequate dose of Vitamin D. There are several variables: how much pigment your skin has, distance from the equator, and the time of day. If your skin is darker in tone, you live further from the equator, or only catch the sun after it rises or right before it sets, you may need a longer period of sun exposure. Additionally, sun exposure can increase risk for skin cancer. And sun protection procedures (e.g., sunscreen, sun avoidance) decrease sun hitting our skin and Vitamin D conversion. It is important to find a healthy balance, as some sun exposure is important for health. • Increase consumption of fatty fish and foods fortified with Vitamin D.

If you feel that you are deficient in Vitamin D, talk to your healthcare provider to see if levels should be measured and if supplementation (and which kind) is right for you. Additionally, your healthcare provider can help monitor for excessive intake, which can result in kidney stones, confusion, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and muscle weakness.

How to know if you have low levels: Routine checks of Vitamin D levels are not currently recommended.

However, your healthcare provider may want to check your level if you have risk factors or certain medical conditions.

Mild Vitamin D deficiency is not necessarily associated with any symptoms.

In fact, most people don’t realize that they are deficient because the

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


“Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Travel Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

55 63

47 Experience Primer

your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical to travel as a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises have been operating for decades.


Mind, Body, And Soul ready to pack your  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places Now big ocean-going question is: serene meditation retreats to high-tech From are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you medical take spas, bathing sanctuaries to boot camps, ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views 70 T ravel with and modern wellness travelers have an amazing If you’re cruising in the Caribbean 00 T ravel riverboats with focus onevery current themes. from room, diving and waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many amount new including fees andof options • Add a few more tee abroad. shirts and another pairthe of shorts here and , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing restrictions the airlines have to a• turquoise The beach beautiful leading Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain T ravel Virtuoso Agents can guide you to the perfect style of 56 villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wet suits. retreat to fit your wishes. at home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on bagsApril’s now, 55 Travel ravel experience the long tour busforrides. From • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at63 the and other airlines let you board first “Create if you have noLasting carry-on bags.Memories” So was what ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS created to be the ultimate get Here are just a few wonderful options: tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Memories” of “Create Lasting ports or resorts. are the essentials to pack? Moreisfun, more memories! Part of raising aThe family is making memories that beaches together getaway, where everything Included and unlimited. protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers A few years from now what Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. , with beautiful beaches and great A family vacation is part of those memories. (rated theand best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving youExamples will rememberof is the total of canals, which span through thousands of milesexpression of Continental Creativity artistic at are Miraval some the best opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical might help with the•process. Today’s to travel as a family as wide open as your imaginaYou’ve booked your restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT iver cruising may be the hottest cruising (for certified divers). waterways, connecting Seawarm to Black Sea. Resort and Spa classes intophotography, North From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion.offers beaches excitinglong adventures, destination offersLine a new Themes: River Cruise awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river the things you forgot to pack. painting and more. A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you next escape. BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers anddream surf of your For a week in the River Caribbean: A Europe Cruiseexperience. is one of the best ways we with your Travel • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with

 Greece

FAMILY VACATIONS STARRING ROMANCE TRAVEL THE “KIDS” RiverTaking Cruising: An You: Extraordinary It With A Packing Experience Primer  Barbados

R  Italy

cruises have been operating for decades. *Remember, your Vagabond* Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street andwith the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Virtuoso Professional ready to pack your Travel  Six Hawaiian Islands , enjoy: each with Abby” its can own personality, • Equinox Hotel NYC (opening in June) promotes where in a private chapel in Florence’s counspecial activities and amenities that the entire family will Cruise lines have upped theirsuitcase. game with expanded (put 1 in your carry-on so you canships goand right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices deep sleep intryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. the middle ofintriguing frenzyitineraries in Manhattan. amenities and to the places ocean-going Now big question is: 2 cover-ups are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the mostfamous value andhouse. addedfeels both country-club and cozy at the same of the BLUFF, ANTIGUA vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take (1 with sleeves for evenings dining onocean the cruisers beachoff&the 1 mega-ships Pareo) touches to your experience afor wonderful andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort an make AlainWaterways dining has Ocean views •with Avalon “Austrian Highlights” from with IfDucasse-trained you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean • Sedona’s Mii amo, offers Native American inspired riverboats with focus on current themes. from every room, a game room and the Ceebee Kids memorable one.•diving WithWatersports so many new including fees and • Yoga pants and practices 2 tank tops with Holistic Traditions AddMunich aand fewwaterskiing, more tee shirts and another of shorts Vienna to highlighting apair Beer theme. families Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing ships were built with in A deluxe family Ocean view restrictions themind. airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our clients during after everybags vacation • Lightweight sweater,before, rain poncho, and and zippered plastic • 2 shorts and 2 tees imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet To enhance self-awareness. • Tauck offers riverfor cruises with its Tauck River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests the local for wetfamily suits. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide kids makes a world of difference. at enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on bagsApril’s now, • 3 sundresses experience the long tour busforrides. From •program, Whatever you forget you can purchase on cooking board or at the Bridges including family and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what created ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was to be the ultimate get with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers ports or resorts. warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler • people. Canyon Ranch, on land and onsand Regent areand the essentials to pack? lessons. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The white beaches Seven Enjoy Your Travel Experience. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Aprotected fewor years from now what Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island cruising Europe  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Seas Cruise ships, offers massages and facials (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving youExamples will remember is the total of canals, span thousands of Continental of some the bestwith might help with the process. There are several brand new River cruise lines restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your Virtuoso vacation, training NOT Advisor • Sunglasses (for to certified divers).connecting North with special highlights for the kids enjoy. waterways, Sea to BlackYour Sea. Vagabond seaweed based products. Personal Travel River Cruise Line Themes: and the things you forgot to pack. are about Amazing waterparks with body slides,River lazy rivers and surf entering the market such as through Emerald Waterways ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, A Europe Cruisechildren. iswellness one of the best ways we are • Viking Cruises, partnership with options available. For over 25 years, *Remember, your Vagabond* simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise andresorts, Scenic cruises to fill can the demand. Eachguests line Virtuoso Travel Professional The options gocarry-on on towith Mexican all-inclusive exciting travel to areas • Costume jewelry, (leave the real jewels home) goand Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counand her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and (put 1 in your so you canships right to the beach) Carole Kaiman lounges are so popular children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining provide great choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour assist 3 you inand planning a vacation tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the and an evening purse 2Africa cover-ups It•will be a great vacation Alaska memory. withsummer the mostfamous valuevacation) andhouse. added South forfamily families, tours (Perfect for ofoptions! the to help you realize your romantic dreams. So many more Wellness Vagabond Travel (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1next Pareo) generation touches to make your experience a Space-Ships. • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from Must Haves: and •fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. memorable Munich highlighting a Beer theme. Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families A deluxe Ocean view • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection at SPF)  It’s a great new cruising experience! *Check outin mind. Bermuda Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation • 2(with shorts andleast 2 tees 30 Contact me at, the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation Bridges program,at including family cooking by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond Contact Carole Kaiman Vagabond Travel with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. for our Digital Magazine Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s private732-222-2792 island cruisinginformation Europe • Pashmina Virtuoso Agency for or latest and Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! orRiver 732-842-2600. Travel, Silver own today. a Virtuoso Agency in Little There are several brand new Advisor cruise lines hair conditioner and shampoo with • Sunglasses special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso and some amazing travel ideas.


amenities. entering thethat 732-222-2792 orsun 732-842-2600. Create will lifetime. market such as last Emeralda Waterways • Packable hat and foldable beach bag memoriesmemories A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Create that a lifetime. For will over 25last years, andresorts, Scenic exciting cruises to fill the The go on to Mexican all-inclusive travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and Carole Kaiman has its highlights, such as the and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) long ships and the to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Over Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and25 Years or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave.

amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Little New Jersey LittleSilver, Silver New Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

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Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 732-842-2600 Office 542 Prospect Ave.

Over 25 Years

Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739 website: 732-222-2792 Direct

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July/August 2019

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Pet Services


What MattersPets Most


“Unconditional Love”

Written by Matt Reeves

protein and calories in order to survive. He deserves Look around you. Everyone the best chance at life! is in a rush. You know people on One of the best places in theFacebook world to learn the meaning of Recently, the Funny Farm was having a difficult better than your own time “unconditional love” is the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in finding Tucker his special food because they next-door neighbor. The world is bought out most of the local supply. They asked if Mays Landing, NJ. fast-paced and it’s only getting anyone was coming to the farm and wanted to bring faster! something, to check their local stores for Tucker’s If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get

excited when you come home and how sadYou need breakyou so you click on Facebook they are awhen leave. Those are the lucky food ones.and to bring a can. to see what your friends are up to and a Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. Early the next day, a large Amazon truck sped videoare pops of 4 orphaned playing The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue theup exceptions. Theykittens have thousands to the Funny Farm and was filled to the at give the Funny Farm. your dayanimals gets of people each year who come to visit and them the loveSuddenly, they need. Most roof with food for Tucker! It was on a come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were abused, injured, or better! You share thedisabled, video with mission! People from all over unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make for their yourarrangements friends! You have a newpets after they were the world sent him 1, 2, 3, gone and the animals had nowhere to go.attitude How scary must be for these sweet animals and athat bigger smile. 10 cases of Tucker’s special that gave their owners so much love. You start to realize what food!!! The truck was One example is a nameless little black and white baby goat with a broken leg. At less matters most. ts packed with much more than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Through a series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder There allFarm over Rescue, found out about ofare thefarms Funny than food. It was packed world animalhim. this little goat’s situation and didn’t wastethe any timeand rescuing with love – love from We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t rescues but the Funny Farm stand on it at all. He Tucker’s Team! needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new much warm bed made just for Rescue is different – much, y in Tucker is just one of 600 stories him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian under his wing different! They Shepard, don’t just took rescuehim animals of animals living incredible lives at the and gave him a lot of love and attention. get that once had no place to go or animals Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary. If you y ones. The little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned the that were neglected or abused; they let most name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took ever doubt that there is goodness in the world, go to the roamhad freethe amongst visitors, notSeveral hide to him to the University of Pennsylvania,animals where they best equipment. Funny Farm just once, and your life will never be the behind bars or glass walls. thousands of dollars were spent trying tothem save his leg from possible nerve damage and same. You’ll realize what matters most. ls amputation. When you see a story of a Funny Farm ess See animals like Tucker. Feel his love in return. His ha He lived in the house so he could be carednamed for properly received much animal Tucker,and a megaesophagus out heart is pure. He knows he’s loved. It is like he is out of socialization with other animals and people. And because this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, puppy living at theoffarm, your heart just He this world. When you touch him and look into his eyes, for he thinks he’s a dog! melts. Tucker is this beautiful and sweet black you forget about your problems, or at least they seem ng Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s healed,sitting he hasupright captured hearts of people all over German leg Shepherd in athe chair, the smaller. the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations slurping doggie milkshake. It’s adorable of people is real, despite what the Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food up for athe animals, they barely have time to getThe outgoodness of how he cars gets when in his they chairdiscover and eats,Cowboy but thenisyou realizeinside that this their already theirdog car!wouldn’t be alive if it world sometimes tries to make you think. When we take Photos by Matt Reeves and dea he’s a goat, wasn’t for a network of people who give of their time and help. None of them get paid. He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make youtime laugh to and help has others or animals, it makes us feel happiness Laurie Zaleski f people all over You’re witnessingsupply a dog of with a quality of lifeisthat most dogs could only dream what of. Not an unlimited kisses! Everyone his friend! Somehow he knows wasone done at forlevels him we andnever he imagined. “Donations to get out of hiswas life possible now. beyond 6 months. He’s now 14 months old and living life vetappreciates thought that What matters most are sometimes the things we don’t even take time to notice. At the ou laugh and has to the fullest! The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that e for him and he FunnyFarm Farm, nothing goes unnoticed. Animals get to be animals and get to roam free and onceis in distress iscalled nothing short Team” of miraculous! 400areofallthese animals at the Funny Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting was There something “Tucker’s and we asNearly a society on it. You see, tional love that comes from an animal that interact with visitors and volunteers, but most importantly, they get to interact with each meet and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. unny Farm Rescue &to Sanctuary are waiting Tucker eatsyou 7 times a day, which is 21 bowls of food. He needs this special diet high in iends is very difficult. other! There’s just no other farm like it in the world! All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, ect it, in nearly all cases,


the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.

ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! :

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

Follow us on Facebook: TheThe Funny Rescue Rescue is open Sundays andSundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., at Mays Landing, NJ 08330. “FunnyFarm Farm Rescue” Funny Farm is open and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us!Follow us on Facebook: ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: Gift Amount: “Funny Farm Rescue” ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at:

_ Zip:___________________________________


To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

________________________________________ r generous donation!

March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

March/April 2017 July/August 2019

Women’s History


Catching The Wave Of Female Surfers

The warm sun and the tasty waves are what energizes the surfing community during the summer months at the Jersey Shore. Every year people flock to the beaches from Atlantic City to Cape May in the hopes of getting to enjoy the surf and the sand! When I was a teenager, my sister and I would spend summers on the beaches in Margate with a group of friends who were avid surfers. We spent every day at the beach either body surfing or catching waves from our surfboards. Over the past few weeks I have had the luxury of returning to the beaches in Margate and have been reminded of fond memories from summers long ago, surfing and baking in the hot sand on Huntington Avenue. As the summer months begin their approach upon us, I thought it would be fitting to highlight a few women from the surfing industry. There have been so many women who have entered the sport of surfing, it is just amazing. However, I have selected three women in particular who have been trailblazers and role models to girls and women in the sport of surfing. First, there is Margo Oberg. Born on September 8, 1953, she started her surfing career at the age of 10. By the age of 15 (1968) Margo had won the World Contest, the Western Surfing Association’s women’s title. Margo took some time out of the spotlight after getting married but later returned to the sport of surfing after being offered a large endorsement enticing her back into the competitive circuit. Margo was a force to be reckoned with and developed a reputation for being a “big wave” competition leader. By the late 1970s Margo began to phase out of the competitive aspect of surfing. Embracing Hawaiian life, Margo opened a surf school and it is reported that it is currently active to this day. Margo continues to mentor other female surfers and she has been known to have the reputation of being one of the top female contenders. As quoted by another female surfer, Rochelle Ballard, “She was the only woman equipped for the barrel.” Speaking of big waves, Sarah Gerhardt, born in 1974, began her surfing career in California and became known for riding big waves by her late teens. What is unique about Sarah is that she is not a hard-core competitive surfer. Sarah grew up surfing and has had a passion for the water and the waves since her childhood. Sarah became a “household” name in the surfing world at the age of 25 when she became the first female to surf the “Mavericks” standing up! In case you are not familiar with the Mavericks, it is one of the most dangerous big wave surfing areas in California. The water is

cold, the seas are rough, and it takes a great deal of endurance and strength just to paddle out to the right spot to catch just the right wave. Often conditions are compromised on the water and a surfer can become exhausted very easily. Surfers have the distinct ability to making the process look easy, pulling themselves up on a surfboard and catching a wave at just the right time. For anyone who has ever attempted surfing, you know that this is a difficult sport, where wipeouts are frequent and it is easy to get sucked under the water by a big wave. Sarah is an avid surfer with tremendous respect of the water. Although Sarah is not just your typical surfer; she is a chemistry professor and mother of two children. Sarah shares her passion for the water with her husband and they frequently surf together, riding the Mavericks. The sport of surfing is an adrenaline rush that creates a competitive nature, and Sarah has proven that one does not have to be extremely competitive to be driven. She is a positive role model for girls in both the STEM and surfing fields! Lastly, I felt I would be remiss if I failed to mention the infamous Bethany Hamilton. In case there are some who have not heard of her, she was the female surfer who suffered a 14-ft tiger shark attack which resulted in the loss of her left arm. Bethany Hamilton has shown the world her amazing courage and strength. She has been quoted as saying, “My passion for surfing was more than my fear of sharks.” Bethany Hamilton was born in 1990. She began surfing as soon as she could stand. At the tender age of 13 she lost her left arm after the brutal shark attack. After allowing herself two months to recover, Bethany returned to the water along with her surfboard. Bethany had won her first national surfing title just two short years after recovery from her shark attack. Both mentally and physically Bethany showed the world that she was strong and determined to return to the sport of surfing, as evidenced by her rankings in the surfing world. Bethany has been a role model and inspiration to anyone who learns about her experiences. Bethany is married and has children and still continues to surf competitively. Bethany has written a book about her experience, and her resilience has carried into her appearances as a motivational speaker. Bethany Hamilton is a surfer with respect and a strong passion for the sport. A person needs to have some level of passion for surfing to get back into the water after a shark attack. Bethany is an inspiration to everyone and has shown all of us that despite life’s challenges, a person can succeed! Always remember, “When in doubt, paddle out!”

Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for incarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


Fabulous Food

About Grandma Tillie’s Coleslaw Grandma Tillie was born in Warsaw, Poland on a potato farm. She was one of four siblings. After the family traveled to America, to Ellis Island, Tillie began her educational studies, and by the time she was ten years of age, she had mastered the English language. Her entire life she helped out her parents in terms of financial support as when she sought full time employment to help her bed-ridden mother. Tillie’s rule in life gave her an understanding of the value of family ties and to cherish life instead of focusing on problems. She enjoyed dances in her town of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and spending time at Coney Island and the Jersey shore. Tillie met my Sicilian Grandfather while working in a cigar factory in Newark, New Jersey, who she later married.

Visit Us!

At The Brick Farmers Market July 13th & 27th & August 3rd & 17th Saturday 9-2 PM

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019



Twelfth Annual Active Adult & Senior Expo

September 26, 2019 A Lifestyle, Health and Active Aging Expo for Adults 50+

Thursday, September 26 10:00am - 2:00pm


Admission Screenings Information

Milton & Betty

Katz JCC at 501 N. Jerome Avenue | Margate, NJ | 609.822.1167

The Milton & Betty Katz JCC and the Greater Atlantic City Chamber announce the return of the Active Adult & Senior Expo on Thursday, September 26, from 10am to 2pm at the Katz Jewish Community Center, 501 N. Jerome Avenue, Margate. The Milton & Betty Katz JCC and the Greater Atlantic City Chamber Active Adult & Senior Expo, in partnership with AtlantiCare, has become the largest active adult health and wellness exhibit in southern New Jersey. Its focus on lifestyle and active aging for baby boomers and seniors has reached more than 3,000 adults, seniors and caregivers each year in its eleven-year history. Thousands of area residents will attend this lifestyle, health and active aging expo for baby boomers and seniors for free health screenings by AtlantiCare. The event includes access to information on products and services from vendors, a panel of speakers on various topics pertaining to active adults in our community, and interactive demonstrations and classes offered by the fitness staff at the JCC. The morning speaker panel provides guests an opportunity to ask the panel of professionals questions on various health and wellness topics being covered. Free shuttles will be available from the Boscov’s parking lot in Egg Harbor Township, as well as 55 and older communities throughout Longport, Margate, Ventnor and Atlantic City, beginning at 10am and operating every 30 minutes. Caregivers and younger adults are encouraged to attend to gather valuable information and gain a better understanding of the valuable services offered in our community. Vendor space and sponsorships are available. For more information, contact Melissa Vola at 609-822-1167 ext.159 or

Sponsorship and Vendor Opportunities Available.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


Shoe Repair Protecting Your Shoes This Summer 40% Off W omen’s Heel Repair

Summer means a lot of things to people, cookouts, beach vacations and ice cream sandwiches,

what’s not to love? But summer also means heat, sudden downpours and outdoor weddings, all of which can wreak havoc on your shoes and lead to these familiar summertime footwear woes. Here at The Friendly Cobbler we don’t just repair and clean your shoes, we do it with a smile and pride in our work. With over 20 years of professional shoe repair experience, we guarantee every repair and cleaning to be our very best!

Here are some tips to try and keep summer shoes/sandals protected this summer. • • •

The most important tip to protecting your shoes is to keep them out of the sun. Shoes sitting in cars and being subjected to the sun will break down the glue used to bind the souls and heels of the shoe. The second tip is to keep leather shoes out of the water. Grab a few sheets of newspaper, ball them up and stick them inside those shoes. The paper will absorb moisture, as well as smells. If your fabric shoes have gotten a little dingy or have a few dirt marks, try dampening a sponge or rag and applying a small amount of a mild detergent like dish soap, liquid laundry detergent or baby shampoo, then give the exterior of the shoe a good going over. Please don’t throw out your shoes, leather purses, or coats just because they are damaged. Remember I can repair heels, soles, stretch and shine shoes, and most straps on leather purses. Bring me your broken heels, faded leather shoes and I will make them as good as new, I promise!

The Friendly Cobbler


1442 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225


Let’s Talk Bags You Are Invited To Attend The Annual RNS Bag Ladies Luncheon

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 10:30AM - 2PM

Greate Bay Country Club • 201 Mays Landing Road • Somers Point, NJ $50 Per Person - limited seating


New & Gently Used Handbags, PLUS many other great items 10:30 – 12pm Coffee & Tea • 12:30 Luncheon & Mini Fashion Show • 1:30 RAFFLE TICKET winners Reservations: Renee Wolf 609-823-6371 FOR MORE INFO :Joanne Kenny 609-214-7541 or To make a donation by mail, send to RNS, 3 S. Newport Avenue, Ventnor, NJ 08406. To make a donation online, send to Roe Magliocco at 3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406 • 609-487-1190


RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019



Atlantic City Ballet Season 37 starts September 2019. Purchase tickets at

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Pet Services


Adopt Your New Best Friend Today The incredible bond between people and their pets and the many benefits that pets bring to our lives is a celebration of how positively animals can influence our lives. Pets not only provide their owners with companionship, but also with several health benefits. They may help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels and ease tension, anxiety and depression. When people come in contact with animals they tend to experience a general feeling of peace and wellbeing and are perceived as being more happy and healthy. Pet ownership increases the opportunity for exercise and socialization with other pet owners. The therapeutic value of animals for individuals in hospitals and nursing homes has also been documented. Children learn to be more nurturing and compassionate adults by being raised among animals. Taking guardianship of an animal that has been abandoned is a wonderful and fulfilling experience rewarded by unconditional love and companionship. Animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate the public’s support, as do the many pets that are fortunate to find forever homes. Kathy Kelsey Manager

Visit to learn more.

Alfredo is a 6 year old male who is always alert and watchful and would love to have a purpose.

Hansel is a 4 year old male who is learning to accept love after the experience of a traumatic past.

Peaches is a sweet 1 year old female waiting to bring unconditional love and joy to your life.

Tales of the Olive

Molly is a curious 6 week old female who has an inquisitive nature and is naturally an explorer.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Pet Services

Athena is a boisterous 2 year old female with infectious energy much like a toddler.

Carly is an adorable 8 week old female with an extremely kissable face.

Cutting Board Creations

Jeffrey is a 2 year old male looking forward to sleeping at his owner’s feet and cuddling under the covers.


SPONSOR A PET TODAY! Lemon is a 1 year old female that always gives the most enthusiastic greetings.

Interested in Sponsoring a Pet? Help a furry friend find a forever home! Anyone can sponsor a pet! It’s only $25 for a two-month pet sponsorship. Makes a great gift! CONTACT: Lauren Shover, The Atlantic County Animal Shelter 240 Old Turnpike Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-2345

FREE RABIES VACCINATION & Pet Adoption Incentives each month! Contact shelter for more information. Open 7 days a week

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019



The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


57 63

Crossroad for Angels: Helping Survivors Overcome Their Past Eve Cortes, founder of Crossroad for Angels, strives to educate, help and inform survivors of sexual abuse and incest. Her Story When I walked into my new apartment for the first time and saw the surreal view from the window, it took my breath away. I walked out to the deck and looked out towards the ocean and watched the waves flow back and forth. I was drawn to the ocean, the sound of the waves and the seagulls as they glided by. It brought me back. Back to a place I had spent years trying to forget. As a child I had always lived by the ocean; the sounds and smells of the shore always brought me back to the abuse. I knew my brother loved me, but was this love? It started off with small things like an innocent game of playing house. I was the mom and he was the dad. “This is what mommies and daddies do,” he’d say, demonstrating with my Barbies how they should kiss and touch. Eventually the toys went away and our game of house turned into him on top of me, touching me in the living room, not uttering a word. The silence was deafening. I knew this was wrong, but he was loving me. This was love. Someone loved me. One morning I went downstairs and saw my brother in the living room, where that awful green velvet couch

was, that couch. I told him I wanted a new teddy bear. He told me that he probably couldn’t get me one on that particular day. That’s when I made my threat. If he didn’t get me the bear, I would reveal our secret to the world. He promised me he’d try. The next night, after I had fallen asleep, I woke up to screams. It was my mother crying and screaming for her son. The neighbor was over and had seen me come down the steps. She took me to her place and sat me down to tell me that my brother had killed himself. For years I blamed myself, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that this was all out of my control. One day I was watching my daughter, who, at the time, was four years old, and it hit me. I was her age when it started, and seeing how innocent and vulnerable she was helped me realize I was not at fault. I couldn’t have been, because I was once her. A million mistakes later and years of therapy have helped me heal. I still have eons of healing to do, but I am a great work in progress. I love my new apartment now. I embrace the past and have learned I cannot change it. Whenever I look out into the ocean and can see where the sky and water meet, I know there is something greater out there guiding me. What I experienced with my brother was not love, it was abuse. I know that now and the ocean no longer reminds me of the pain. It brings me hope. I have finally realized that the only way to forget was to remember...

Eve Cortes at age 4

Eve Cortes, Founder

Speaking Arrangements Are Available & FREE

Why I Share My Story Over And Over Again… • Because I know there is a young person out there considering suicide • Because there is a young child out there so afraid of reaching for help, and in need of knowing that they are not alone • Because I know that my truth can move mountains and shatter stigmas • Because there is a woman out there in an abusive relationship, accepting a partner to beat her, because she feels that she deserves a life filled with punishment, because of the guilt she lives with on a daily basis • Because there is someone out there turning to drugs or alcohol to numb their pain • Because I was once that child, and that woman #BreakTheSilence • #MeToo

Eve Cortes

(609) 626-1920

Fashion & Beauty Enter To Win

to Win Two Tickets to the What Are FashionEnter Apps?

If fashion is your passion, there are several apps that you will want to include on your smartphone or tablet. Check out the following free apps and discover if they fit your fashion interests.

Atlantic City Ballet This Season! Fitting Room Social app: iPhone & iPad Pose app: iPhone, Pad, & Android Pose is the app where you can see and shop the looks shared by the Name: world’s top trendsetters every day.

An exclusive social shopping platform to help women find fashion that fits!

Every item on Fitting Room Social comes with a colored fit tag. Plus, you canCity: share your favorite outfits State: The #1 global online fashion destination Zip: Any garment with a red “GREAT for women in their 20’s. Discover fashion and shopping finds with your friends! Join FIT” tag is a great fit for you. If you Phone: Email: 609-348-7201 online with the ASOS app- a free shopping the millions of people who are using Pose like how it looks on her, you’ll love Return ThetoCounty whatand to wear andto:how wear it!Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 app the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. to seeClip how it looks on you! *One entry per person. Expires 2/28/2019. ASOS app: iPhone & iPad


The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019 January/February 2019


Theatre & Entertainment


For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Theatre & Entertainment “



& DEBAUCHERY.” - The New York Times

59 – Time Out

“New York Times Critics’ Pick”




777 8th Ave., Level 2. Near 47th St . TICKETS : DRUNKSHAKESPEARE.COM DS.Elucid.8.75x11.75.4C.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine

2018-08-16 2:27 PM

July/August 2019



The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019



Surf & Turf

seafood festival

We’ve got the Turf so we are adding in some Surf – with fresh seafood all weekend long at our Annual Surf & Turf Seafood Festival! Bring your friends and family and enjoy a summer day at beautiful Monmouth Park! This two-day festival will let you enjoy the best of the Jersey Shore. Stop by the famous Monmouth Park sandcastle, then grab a crab cake and a refreshing beer and watch as your favorite horse breaks from the starting gate! Enjoy live music on Saturday and Sunday. Plus, on Sunday enjoy FREE Family Fun Day featuring pony rides, face painting, a bounce house, and more! There is something for everyone at Monmouth Park – Your best bet for summertime family fun.

General parking $5 Grandstand admission $5

Gates open 8:00am, First Race 12:50pm No pets allowed Coolers and BYO are permitted in the picnic area only

Children 12 and Under

Always FREE

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019




August 15, 2019 6pm - 10pm 21 and over please

2019 Beacon of Light Award Recipient Wingman Planning

3900 River Road Point Pleasant, NJ

Enter To Win Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great Show! “


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Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________ “


& DEBAUCHERY.” - The New York Times

“New York Times Critics’ Pick”

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For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.


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p Gazillion Bubble Show

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Or Visit to Enter Online!


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DS.Elucid.8.75x11.75.4C.indd 1


One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through August 31, 2019. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019


The County Woman Magazine


July/August 2019



The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Medical Professionals

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC ....................................... 2

Table of Repair Contents Shoe Community

Elder Law

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC ........................... 8 The County The County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

5 63 65 Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

November/December 2018 March/April July/August2019 2019



The Hol Truth Holistic Health Coach Jon Levine is on a mission to help his clients claim the health and happiness that is their God-given right. After a job in pharmaceutical sales and seeing his father die from Parkinson’s and brain cancer, it was time for him to create change when it comes to true health. With all the conflicting health info in our busy world, this passionate health nut will help guide you through the storm and into clear waters.

CW: What got you into health coaching?

I have always been interested in health, whether it was playing sports or figuring out the right nutrition for my body. I sold high blood pressure medication to over 131 doctors in Florida after college, and although it was a nice job financially, it didn’t feel good seeing what I saw. What we have in this country is a disease management model that isn’t working very well. Ironically, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and brain cancer at the same time. It’s very important to me to do something that I am very passionate about and enjoy, and make a difference in people’s lives.

CW: Tell me about your family.

I am a very lucky guy with a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids ages 10, 8 and 5. My wife, Anya, and I have been married for 13 years. We also have a guinea pig named Cherry and a white rabbit named Nibbles.

CW: What do you specialize in?

Nutrition drives a lot of what makes us healthy, but it’s really so much more than that. I believe strongly in looking at the whole person and that’s why my business name is the Hol Truth Health Coach. I deal with mind, body and soul.

CW: What is health to you?

Everyone is a unique individual with different needs and goals. I have to understand my client’s specific needs and address those needs appropriately. Some people need less stress while others need more sleep. Whatever it is, I am the guide on the side to help them reach their health goals.

CW: What is the best approach to health coaching?

You obviously have to have knowledge in a wide range of health topics. Mine being nutrition, but it’s asking high-mileage questions and active listening that comes before everything else. I don’t tell people what to do because that doesn’t work. Instead, I listen to what they are telling me they need.

CW: Tell me about your The Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine.

I have several friends who urged me to start a health podcast. I use a local studio called A Shared Universe in Eatontown and interview doctors, health experts and people who have reversed diseases through what I call lifestyle medicine. I carefully screen guests because I will only bring on people I believe in. I love it and it’s a lot of fun. The goal is to educate, empower and entertain.

Call for a free consultation!

CW: How do you help clients?

A good health coach is someone who truly cares and listens to their patients. When a patient feels safe and comfortable, they will open up and the healing process will begin. There is a root cause for every health ailment, and it’s my job to show compassion and help my clients uncover what their health problem stems from. We work as a team and make it happen.

CW: Describe your coaching style.

Positive, Positive, Positive. Energy is contagious. If I’m in a bad mood, then my client will take on that negative energy. If I’m upbeat and passionate, they will know they are in good hands.

CW: Do you sell any products or supplements?

Yes, but I will not push them on people unless they are interested. Quality supplements have a place in our lives because of the mineral depletion in our soil. I have partnered with Shaklee because they are pure, safe, proven products that have been around for over 60 years. They have an in-house team of PhD’s and scientists who perform over 100,000 quality tests each year and have over 135 scientific papers published to date. I use the products myself and they make a big difference in how I feel, so I’m comfortable recommending them to others.

Jon Levine • 908-420-4297 Facebook-@HolTruthHealth Instagram-@HolTruthHealth ITunesThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine SoundCloudThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2019

Family Portraits & Headshots

The County Woman Magazine


July/August 2019

GET YOUR LEGS FEELING AND LOOKING GREAT! SHORE VASCULAR & VEIN CENTER Trust the Board Certiied vascular specialists of the region’s

premiere Vascular and Vein Care Center to help you get great legs. We have extensive experience with thousands of successful cases. We treat varicose veins at the source of the problem for the most effective results with minimal discomfort and fast recovery. Most people are able to return to their usual activities within about a day.

609-927-VEIN (8346) 442 Bethel Road • Somers Point, NJ 08244 •

The County Woman Magazine

Jeffrey Gosin, M.D. F.A.C.S. Board Certiied Vascular Surgeon


e Closure Proecdure • Microphlebectomy • Sclerotherapy (Asclera) for treatment of spider veins t • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of spider veins and unsightly facial veins. • IAC Accredited noninvasive vascular laboratory laborato on site • IAC Accredited Vein Center

July/August 2019

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