Monmouth County Woman - May/June 2019

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ur 10th Yea


An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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CUSTOM-DESIGNED MONUMENTS. At Anchor Monuments, our mission is to grant you and your family a feeling of safety, hope & serenity.

LASER TONGUE-TIE AND LIP-TIE PROCEDURES. The use of lasers in pediatric dentistry has become increasingly popular in recent years. Page 8

Page 51

Photo by Melissa Amorelli Photography.

Page 6

THE HOL TRUTH. Holistic Health Coach Jon Levine is on a mission to help his clients claim the health and happiness that is their absolute right.

Geeta Brana, Senior Vice President and Financial Advisor of Freedom Capital Management, developed WHEEL (Women Helping to Educate & Enhance Life) to help educate and empower women in transition by providing access to expert advice through networking and educational seminars. Read more about Geeta and these empowering women on pages 25, 26 & 27.

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Medical Professionals


Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder known to affect the lives of millions of people throughout the United States. It is a complication found in several different medical conditions including Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Cancer and Chemo-Radiation therapies and Metabolic disorders most often. While some cases improve when the underlying cause is managed effectively, sometimes the cause may not always be detectable. As this debilitating condition may progress over time, it is crucial to be proactive with proper treatment, avoiding and further negative impact on quality of life. When functioning normally, the peripheral nerves relay messages from the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. However, this key function is disrupted when circulation to peripheral blood vessels becomes impaired, particularly the smaller ones (capillaries), which supply nerve tissues. Without sufficient blood flow making it through capillaries, essential oxygen and nutrients cannot get into the tissues, while the waste products of metabolism cannot get out. The peripheral nervous system eventually becomes distressed and damaged due to starvation and toxicity.

“We personally invite you to schedule a comprehensive evaluation to discuss your condition, determine if you are a MicroVas candidate and to learn more about our Exclusive Neuropathy Program!” -The REHABILITY Team *Most major medical insurances accepted, including Medicare.

MicroVas is a FDA-cleared, non-invasive vascular treatment system that delivers electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body, stimulating increased circulation to the surrounding tissues. After years of research, this innovative technology was originally engineered to treat NAVY SEAL divers for hypothermia, with the ability to produce a powerful blast of oxygen-rich blood flow into the extremities. MicroVas’ strong, deeply penetrating waveform causes blood to pump and circulate much more efficiently by elevating tissue-oxygen levels. This process may also accelerate lymphatic drainage, helping reduce the effects of swelling by stimulating the body's own immune response. In contrast to other technologies available, studies have demonstrated MicroVas' ability to facilitate new capillary formation, laying the groundwork for new tissue growth and repair while accelerating the healing process. In our experience, MicroVas' therapeutic effects are often substantial and our unique approach of implementation, including extensive manual hands-on therapy and functional conditioning is designed to help you achieve optimal results for long-term relief. "My neuropathy had me miserable day and night and I had just learned to live with it. After five weeks of MicroVas treatments at Rehability, I'm already seeing a difference. They have given me hope and now I feel more motivated to stay active. Thanks so much." -David M. "Since starting treatment at Rehability, I've noticed less pain, tingling and burning sensations from the neuropathy and the MicroVas has made a big difference. Thank you for your kindness and patience." -Grace R. "I had burning in both feet which has reduced significantly with all the MicroVas treatments at Rehability. My balance has improved and I'm able to exercise now with less difficulty." -Bill F.



The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical MedicalProfessionals Professionals

9 3

Six Ways Fertility Myths AboutTo In Boost Vitro Fertilization Submitted by Dr. Allen Morgan Submitted by Dr. Allen Morgan Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Allen Morgan Fertility and ReproductiveMedicine, Medicine,NJNJ

without medications or procedures simply by helping you know when is the best time to have like age of the female, cause of infertility, center of expertise, biological and intercourse in order to get pregnant. hormonal reasons, etc.

If you’re just starting your there are some steps In vitro fertilization (IVF) hasfertility been ajourney, treatment to provided improvingforfertility you35can takeand thatmore don’tthan involve the past years, five medications or procedures. If you are over age 30 and are still unsuccessful after six million IVF “test-tube” babies have been born in the months, 12 months for those under age 30, then it is time to seek Unitedor States. the advice of a reproductive endocrinologist specializing in infertility While this has always been a popular treatment, many believe it is (REI). One in eightoccurring, couples getting a new phenomenon andrequire with thatassistance many misconceptions circulate. About 40% are attributed to male factors. pregnant. earlier Many people view IVF as an expensive treatment The an issue is treatment detected, the higher the that only movie stars and business people can afford. Some even firmly believe that IVF treatments result chances of successfully overcoming the obstacle. in twins and triplets.

As appealing as that mightblood be to a few folks, today Dr. Allen Morgan – Fertility Specialist, 1. Ask for a prenatal panel.

Morgan Fertility Reproductive tells usually us that ordered isn’t true. A prenatal blood&panel is a batteryMedicine of blood–tests you’re We asked Dr. Morgan the mostiscommonly believed once pregnant to ensureabout your thyroid good, whether you myths might about IVF treatments, need booster immunity to rubella and varicella and this isshots whattoheupdate had toyour say… (chickenpox), whether you’re a silent carrier for the three most common Myth: IVF is the solution for all infertility problems genetic disorders: cystic fibrosis, fragile X syndrome, and spinal Fact:atrophy, IVF is one forany infertility. There are other muscular andoption whether infectious diseases suchoptions, as HIVlike or ovulation induction (OI) with medications or intra-uterine insemination (IUI). It can sometimes be the first treatment hepatitis are present. It will also check blood count as well as liver and kidney function, and option, as in women with bilateral blockage of tubes, or severe male infertility and advanced determine which blood type you are. We highly recommend you get this blood test done prior age. to conception in order to identify potential problems early.

is limited to a time younger population only is. 2. Myth: KnowIVF when the best to have intercourse

When trying to conceive to have a thorough of Fact: IVF technology canonbeyour usedown, evenit’s in important older (post-menopausal group)understanding ladies using donor your menstrual cycle. Typically speaking ovulation occurs 14 days before each cycle, +/one or eggs from younger females. two days. To be more exact, use an ovulation predictor kit that measures the hormone LH and IVFdays is successful in all cases startMyth: about two before you expect to ovulate. If you don’t pregnant right away, a fertility specialist canonincrease your Fact: IVF isbecome successful in up to 40% of cases. Success depends a number of chances other factors,

3. Maintain a nutritious diet and healthy weight.

Myth: IVF always in boost multiple pregnancies like Maintaining a nutritious diet and healthyresults weight will fertility. Being overweight or twins triplets even being underweight willor impact your chances at successfully becoming pregnant. Don’t just join a gym. MeetFact: with aThe fertility specialist for weight loss guidance for chances of multiple pregnancies can be specifically reduced by designed reducing the fertility. number of embryos transferred, especially in young women.

4. Quit smoking. Myth: IVF babies have a significantly high risk of birth

Smoking delays conception, increases the rate of follicular depletion, reduces estrogen, defects and malformations contributes to a higher rate of miscarriage, leads to chromosomal and Fact: There is a slight increase in major times) DNA abnormalities in offspring, and malformations can even cause(1.3 women to as enter compared to spontaneously conceived pregnancies. This is expressed as 1 in 12 pregnancies into menopause early. following assisted reproduction as compared to 1 in 15 in spontaneously conceived. But the 5. Reduce stress and get enough sleep. absolute risk of having a child with a congenital malformation remains low. Excess stress can cause a woman to not ovulate, or to have Myth: IVF is dangerous hormonal irregularities. We encourage patients to take advantage of the Morgan Fertility and 1-2% try acupuncture great Fact: No, it is not dangerous; in fact itonline is a safecommunities, treatment. Only of patients (also may become for IVF), yoga or journaling to release stress levels. Determine what is unwell because of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Also, this can be minimized with stressing you out. Take note of how much caffeine you are consuming. close monitoring. Identify how many hours of sleep you get a night. Evaluate how often you exercise, The Truth about IVF which can impact your sleep at night. And remember to Dr. Morgan has busted commonly known If you turn some (all) the lights out whenmyths. going to bed.are trying to conceive or may try to conceive in the future, it can be helpful to be aware of the different fertility treatment 6. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake. options. Most studies suggest alcohol intake should be minimized before and after ovulation when IVF is recognized as a safe and successful procedure. insurance companies cover this trying to conceive. Eliminating alcohol when trying to getToday pregnant can’t hurt your chances of treatment, and our clinic offers special discounts to those who are paying out of pocket. successfully becoming pregnant. It can only help. Come experience a personalized, devoted and compassionate process with Dr. Morgan and his team of experts today.

Call 732-363-4777 for more information or visit Call 732-363-4777 for more information or visit

Mention Monmouth County Woman for Exclusive Discounts

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200 Perrine Rd Suite #229 Old Bridge, NJ 08857

475 Highway 70 West Suite #201 Lakewood, NJ 08701

EnterAwareness To Win Month Breast Cancer

Oo-Bla-Dee paints a shimmering portrait of an all-female band of African-American bebop musicians traveling the country following the end of World War II. Don’t miss this play-with-music created by Golden Globe-winning actor and playwright Regina Taylor (I’ll Fly Away, Crowns), Obie-winning jazz composer Diedre L. Murray (The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess) and Tony Award winner Ruben Santiago-Hudson (August Wilson’s Jitney at Two River and on Broadway).


Enter to Win a Pair Month! of Tickets to See October Is Breast Cancer Awareness

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a Great Show at two river theater!

Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women Name: _________________________________________________________ born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that Did You Know? Address: _______________________________________________________ many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. A mammogram – the • 240,000 New Cases Of Breast One entry per person. Winners are Cancer Are Diagnosed Each Year responsible to redeem tickets.cancer No screening test fortheir breast – can help_________________________ find breast cancer early when it’s easier to treat. • 25-30% Reduced Mortality Rate City: State: _________ Zip: _______________ refunds or exchanges. Transportation For Women Ages 50-70 With Early National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance or meals will not be included. Company Detection ____________________ Email: _______________________________ does not provide any personally identifiof early detection of breast cancer.Phone: Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and • Women Age 40+ Should Have able information to these third party A Yearly Mammogram Screening encourage organizations, families, and individuals to get involved. For more ad servers or adcommunities, networks without your Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJself08012 (Don’t forget exams!) consent. information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit

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The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019 September/October 2018


Manager’s Note

The Countyh Woman The County Woman Monmout

Welcome to the May/June Issue of the Monmouth County Woman!

All correspondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addressed to: Ce leb ra

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Publisher

Chris Lam

ar ting O r 9th Ye u

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

“Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” - Henry James

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and isWoman’s available Newspaper free of charge at The County is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized display stands in approveddistributors private andonly, public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. or by paidLauren mail subscription. Production Manager Shover Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No Laws part ofprotect The County Woman’s Newspaper. NoThe Trademark and U.S. Copyright part oflate Spring early Summer months of May and June are all about sun, fun, travel this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of thebepublisher. this paper may reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. and than outdoor activities. There really is no better time to take advantage of all that the Director Kathy Sabol The County Woman’sRegional Newspaper isSales not responsible for any editorial comment (other isthan The County Woman’s Newspaper not responsible for any editorial comment (other its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any its own), typographical errors fromreproducadvertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproducJersey Shore has to offer. From the free concerts to the flea markets, each day provides tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. another opportunity to discover something new. The County Woman feels you would Billing Manager If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, weHartsig may does revisenot or meet cancelour it atstandards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at IfJennifer an advertisement any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously The acknowledged and/or previously published. agreeThethat there is something magical about the summer. Whether it’s the time spent any time,and/or whether or not itpublished. has been already advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will outside soaking up that Vitamin D, or the laid back attitude of our fellow New Jerseyans, this is the time of Graphic Designer owners, Golden Design LLC protect and indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its protect publishers, andthe employees, and indemnify Woman’sagainst Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against year we eagerly wait for. any and all liability loss or expense arising out of claims forK. libel, unfair loss tradeornames, any and allWolf liability expensepatents, arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, CEO Lynn copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations ofcopyrights the right ofand privacy or other violations propriety rights, and all violations of right of privacyisor also other violations the Summer an ideal time to take a vacation or a staycation. 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The publisher reasonable judgment in these instances and will Like every issue of make The County Woman, this issue contains countless informative articles adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. that are sure to guide you in some area of your life as you welcome the start of another glorious The Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility The for unsolicited material orassumes reproducWoman’s Newspaper no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproducSummer season. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook page to stay abreast of everything we have tions made by advertisers. tions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every month.will be published by the 15th of every other month. Thisother newspaper going on. Thank you for allowing us to inform, entertain and motivate you once again. On 2008. County Woman, LLC TM COPYRIGHT 2008. 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behalf of the entire staff here at The County Woman, we hope your summer is filled with lazy days by the

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The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited Woman @TheCountyWoman an will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008. material or reproductions made by advertisers. Wom This newspaper

Health & Wellness Functional Medicine & Nutrition For Personalized Optimal Health Functional medicine focuses on the whole person and on the underlying root causes of the disease by probing deeper and asking the “WHY?”. Conventional medicine, on the other hand, is a disease-centered model with focus on drugs and surgery treatment, a “Band-Aid” approach.

Functional medicine is based on cutting-edge science and utilizes specialized tests that allow us to look deeper at the underlying causes of a chronic health problem, and then resolve it by addressing the root causes. The common hidden causes are hormone imbalance, inflammatory foods, nutrient deficiencies, GI infections, heavy metals, environmental toxins, “leaky gut,” neurotransmitters imbalance, etc.

Call today for a FREE 20 minutes consultation!

Common Health Issues Treated With Functional Medicine • Chronic Fatigue • Autoimmune Illness • Anxiety/Depression • Hormone Imbalance • Weight Gain/Loss • Fibromyalgia • Thyroid/Hashimoto’s • Pain/Arthritis • Digestion/IBS/GERD • Hair Loss/Skin Problems • Brain Fog/SLEEP Issues • Migraines/Headaches • Joint Inflammation • Sexual Health • Pre/Post Menopause/PMS/PCOS • Cold Sensitivity

Some of the Tests We Do • HPA / Hormones • SIBO / MRT • GI Microbiome • MicroNutrients • Metabolic Function • Thyroid Panel • DUTCH • Genetics / MTHFR • “Leaky Gut” • Organic Acids/Mold • Hair Analysis * Lab results assist with formulating a Personalized Treatment Plan for YOUR Optimal Health


Ada Zak is a Certified Functional Health Practitioner (FDN-P), a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a licensed health professional. She believes that both Mind & Body need to be healed to achieve optimal health.

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Wemrock Professional Mall, 501 Stillwells Corner Rd., Bldg. A, Freehold, NJ 07728

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals

REHABILITY................................................................................. 2 Allen Morgan Fertility & Reproductive Medicine.......................... 3 All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC........................................ 7 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates............................................. 10 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 12 Ocean Hematology & Oncology................................................. 16 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County........................................ 17 Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine................. 18 Relievus...................................................................................... 20 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists........................................ 22, 64 Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery, PC................................... 24 University Urology Associates of New Jersey...................... 28, 29 Vein Center for Women.............................................................. 30 Toms River X-Ray, CT, & MRI Center......................................... 32 Kathy A. Banks, DMD........................................................... 34, 35 Personal Enhancement Center............................................. 62, 63

Health & Wellness

Optimal Health Group.................................................................. 4 Cleansing Concepts..................................................................... 5 Two River Health.......................................................................... 6 The Natural Pharmacy................................................................ 15 Lice Lifters.................................................................................. 33 Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 38

Funeral Planning

Anchor Monuments...................................................................... 6

Pediatric Dentistry

Tender Smiles 4 Kids.................................................................... 8

Table of Contents


Legal Professionals

Family Portraits & Headshots

Fashion & Beauty

Wigs & Hair Restoration

Holistic Stress Release Coach

Theatre & Entertainment

The Matus Law Group.................................................................. 9 Lynne’s Fashion Boutique.......................................................... 11 Dee Ballington Coaching, LLC................................................... 11

Melissa Amorelli Photography.................................................... 43

Abstrax Hair Designs.................................................................. 44

Baking Supply Store

Axelrod Performing Arts Center................................................. 45 Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................... 52 Drunk Shakespeare.................................................................... 53 Two River Theater....................................................................... 54

Premier Dental Spa

Moms of Business...................................................................... 47

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room

A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................. 13 Shore Cake Supply..................................................................... 13

Networking for Moms

Shore Premier Dental................................................................. 14

Assisted Living

Women of Monmouth County.................... 48, 49 Podcast

Home Health Care


The Chelsea at Shrewsbury....................................................... 19 United Methodist Communities Homeworks............................. 21

Holistic Life Coach

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A..................................................... 23

Holistc Substance Abuse Treatment

Enlightened Solutions................................................................. 23

Featured on the Cover

Freedom Capital Management....................................... 25, 26, 27

Elder Law

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC.......................... 31


Koehler Acupuncture.................................................................. 39

The Hol-Truth Podcast............................................................... 51 Thunder 106.3............................................................................ 55

The County Woman

10th Anniversary................................................................... 58, 59 Subscription Form...................................................................... 61

Community................. 36, 37, 40, 41, 46, 50, 56, 57, 60, 61

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!


Vagabond Travel......................................................................... 42

Health & Wellness

Lymph Matters: The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage


Vanessa Galati-Drew

The lymphatic system touches almost every part of your body with a complicated network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, glands and organs. Although we don’t feel or see it, the lymph is one of the most important systems in the human body! It is a key detoxification pathway, tackling environmental toxins as well as body waste. The lymphatic system works by carrying these toxins away from body tissues and into the bloodstream. It is important to keep the fluids of these systems moving properly to ensure that oxygen and other nutrients reach the tissues through the circulatory system, and for the wastes to be carried away from the tissues through the lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system can easily become sluggish, especially when it becomes overwhelmed with toxic debris. Factors leading to lymph congestion are poor nutrition, injuries, constipation, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, stress, hormone imbalances and the normal aging process. A clogged lymphatic flow not only leads to impaired immunity and disease, but the development of cellulite (lymph lumps), edema (fluid retention), chronic pain and fatty deposits. It can also be a root cause of chronic sinusitis; swollen glands, ankles and eyes; eczema; arthritis; upper respiratory, sinus and ear infections; throat problems; colds; tonsillitis; bronchitis and pneumonia. The lymphatic system has no pump (like the heart) to carry waste from the lymph glands out of the body. It relies on the relaxation and the contraction of the muscles and joints to move it. Bio-Electric Lymphatic Drainage (BELD) is an accelerated method of moving stagnant, sticky lymphatic fluid out of the body through natural channels.

BELD therapy uses a light beam generator, which emits a stream of photons (negative ions). These are known for their antibacterial and Vanessa Galati-Drew is the founder of antimicrobial properties. This light beam with a heartbeat pulsation Cleansing Concepts, improves the flow in blood and lymph, while simultaneously loosening an exclusive waste from cells. The hands-on lymphatic drainage technique combination detoxification facility is slow, subtle, and gently sweeping movements, mimicking the natural with a new location at the Galleria in Red Bank, NJ. rhythmic pumping of the lymphatic system. For more information, visit It is a gentle, noninvasive procedure combined with gentle manual lymph drainage and is faster and more complete than manual techniques used alone. The session can be relaxing like a soothing massage, allowing the body to go into the parasympathetic healing mode. The result is the breaking up of the blockages in the lymph system through the re-polarization of proteins. When the polarity of the blockage is reversed, the material slowly erodes and flows out through natural system channels, and the lymph system is now free to perform its normal cleansing Eliminate harmful toxins in a safe, clean, professional & functions! It is recommended to follow your BELD session with an ionic friendly environment with our detoxification therapies. foot detox, infrared sauna session or colon hydrotherapy session for best results. • Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits of Bio-Electric Lymphatic Drainage include reduction in • Ionic Foot Detox swelling, detoxification of the body, regeneration of tissue, reduction in • FIT Bodywrap the symptoms of chronic pain and fibromyalgia, improvement of venous • Infrared Sauna conditions, relief of chronic fatigue, sinusitis, acne and allergies, help with • BELD Lymphatic Drainage • Ear Candling headaches, relief of some forms of constipation, insomnia relief, improved fertility, alleviation of cellulite and stress relief. Don’t forget about your lymphatic system. When the lymph is working well, we stay healthy; and if we’re ill, it helps us to get healthy again.



The County Woman Magazine

2 Bridge Avenue, Suite 316 Red Bank, NJ 07701

May/June 2019

Funeral Planning


Custom-Designed Monuments At Anchor Monuments, our mission is to grant you and your family a feeling of safety, hope & serenity as you go through the process of memorializing your loved one’s ending to a long journey. Find out how Anchor Monuments can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and help you make important decisions to give you peace of mind. Under certain circumstances Anchor Monuments can come to your home to help you in your time of need. Our work includes custom-designed granite monuments, mausoleums, civic memorials, benches, headstones, and tablets. Each is a timeless, beautiful work of art. We make memories last forever. Headstone designs are varied, ranging from simple, traditional headstones to personalized sculptures. Regardless of which custom upright headstone you choose, Anchor Monuments will work with you each step of the way to ensure you rightly preserve the story of the one you love.

Specializing in Granite & Bronze Memorials

Anna Farro

Owner • President Anchor Monuments is proudly woman owned and operated. Learn more about Anna Farro on our website:

732.440.7548 • 732.822.5140 •

Health & Wellness



FREE SEMINAR 10am Wednesday May 22nd

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Ennis Murphy, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Space is Limited, RSVP Required

252 Maple Avenue Red Bank, NJ 07701 (732) 284-4606

(732) 284-4606 Next Seminar June 12th

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


Physical Therapy For The Pediatric Population Written by: Erin Sullivan, DPT

Range of motion and flexibility differ from that of an adult so special considerations should be kept in mind when treating the pediatric population. When a child experiences an injury, treatment may vary considerably versus an adult, particularly in the event of growth plate involvement. These injuries, and the natural growth and development of a child, can significantly impact their ability to reach motor milestones. Growth spurts may also impact how and/or when they evolve their gross motor skills.

the plan of care. Your child may attend therapy sessions anywhere from once a week to three times per week depending on the outcome of your child’s evaluation. Treatment will be specific for each individual child and will be focused on age-appropriate, childdriven activities with integrated therapeutic play to address the child’s goals.

• Meeting Motor Milestones

Where can I find pediatric physical therapy?

Physical therapy is not just for adults; children can also benefit from treatment. How Can Physical Therapy Help My Child? • Orthopedics

Children may have difficulty reaching their motor milestones for a number of reasons. These milestones act as stepping stones for a child to progress towards more complex, functional activities. If children are delayed in reaching these milestones, they may also have difficulty participating in school-based, recreational, or age-specific activities.

• Sensory Processing

Children with autism spectrum disorder, or other conditions which impact sensory processing, can also benefit from skilled physical therapy services. A child’s perception of sensory input may impact their functional and gross motor ability as well as their behavior. These senses include sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, vestibular (balance), and what is known as proprioceptive or the perception of one’s own body, detected by the nervous system. It is possible that children may be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to sensory input, and it is important that their treatment be focused regarding their specific needs.

Pediatric physical therapy is available in a number of different settings. Children with developmental delays from infancy up to three years of age, in New Jersey, may be eligible for a federally funded program called Early Intervention. School-based physical therapy is also available in some cases and focuses on the child’s ability to access and participate in the school setting. Medical-model physical therapy is available in the hospital-based, home-based or outpatient setting, like All Care Physical Therapy Center. Medical-model physical therapy will address a child’s global needs, including the ability to participate in the home or community (due to injury or gross motor delays). Many children may benefit from physical therapy on an outpatient basis, in addition to receiving school-based therapy services. Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns and treatment options with your child’s pediatrician or physician.

New Location: Brick/Ramtown!

What to expect

A licensed physical therapist will take a detailed history from you and your child regarding current or ongoing complaints. Your therapist will then complete a thorough evaluation, often through observation as well as objective measurements, to determine whether your child is performing at an age-appropriate level. Measures of joint range of motion, flexibility, and strength will also be assessed as part of the evaluation. The therapist will then discuss the findings with you and make recommendations regarding


34 Lanes Mill Road • Brick Dorado Plaza We Offer Free Transportation, In Home Physical Therapy and the Full Range of Outpatient Services.

AWARD WINNING Physical Therapy right in your area. Erin Sullivan, DPT

Freehold Facility Manager


Come Experience The All-Care Difference For Yourself! Whiting • Toms River • Freehold/Howell Manchester • Barnegat • Jackson • Wall/Manasquan Forked River • Brick/Silverton • Brick/Ramtown Home Therapy Certified Hand Therapist

Free Transportation For Patients In Need

The County Woman Magazine

Erin graduated from the Richard Stockton College of NJ with her Bachelors of Science in Biology in 2011 and her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2013. Erin completed her clinical affiliations in a variety of settings, one of which was in our Toms River facility. In addition to her clinical rotation at All-Care, Erin completed affiliations in school-based pediatric, acute care, and hospital affiliated out-patient settings. Clinically, Erin works with post-surgical orthopedics, musculoskeletal injuries, adult neurological conditions (Parkinson’s disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, Guillan-Barre syndrome, and Multiple Sclerosis) as well as pediatric and genetic neurological conditions (Cerebral Palsy, seizure disorders, and muscular dystrophy). Erin is certified as a LSVT: Big Clinician. The LSVT: Big program is a unique treatment approach for patients’ with Parkinson’s focusing on big, large amplitude movements to promote independence. Erin also has clinical experience with patients with cardiopulmonary complications and other comorbidities. Erin’s treatment approach is very hands on with a focus on keeping her patients as involved as possible during their physical therapy experience and rehabilitation.

May/June 2019



Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Healthy Eating Leads Laser Tongue-Tie AndToLip-Tie Procedures Healthy Smiles!

The use of lasers in pediatric dentistry • Decreased milk supply has become increasingly popular in recent • Cracked, blistered, bleeding nipples years. Soft tissue lasers are commonly used • Breasts don’t fully empty to release tethered oral tissues, including lip • Frequent mastitis and/or tongue ties, to improve feeding and • General nursing discomfort Other powerful ingredients are seeds. Try to include seeds like pumpkin, If you want healthy and goodswallowing problems in both infants and sunflower and sesame seeds into your kid’s packed lunch- they go perfectly with looking teeth as an adult, it isAssociated with Feeding or Signs sandwiches and burgers. Seeds are naturally high in fatFrenectomy content, which very children. They may also be used to remove Infantis Before important to take careSwallowing of them Problems in Children: important for the body; they reinforce the enamel and reduce the chance of cavities. excessive tissue (often to facilitate orthodontic during childhood. Diet• isPoor directly Crunchy vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, carrots, and cabbage are not weight gain treatment) and tethered oral tissues in only delicious and readily available in your local grocery store, but they also provide linked to the strength beautychewing • and Problems adolescents, teenagers, and adults. of teeth- malnutrition is the • Refusing to eata unique way of helping teeth through the necessity of extended chewing. The chewing process acts as a tooth cleaner, scrubbing the teeth and removing plaque Symptoms associated with lip and/ornumber tongue ties: one cause for weak only certain • Eating types ofmeals. food and that gathers after teeth and junk food is the biggest refusing to try newBelieve foodsit or not, it is also important to encourage your child to have a piece Infant Symptoms: culprit when it comes to tooth decay. Vitamins, minerals, and Chewing gum for fifteen minutes after meals sugar-free • Wet-sounding of voice afterchewing eatinggum or daily. drinking • Infant has nursing ulcer on lip is very efficient in polishing the tooth surface and removing food debris other essential nutrients keep crowns safe from damage and Frenectomy Infantfrom Afterthe • Multiple lung infections • Clicking or gulping sounds while nursing crevices. It also increases saliva production, which acts as an anti-bacterial agent. strengthen themnipples, so that your sweets A tongue or a lip can be released using a laser in as little •they Gumming, chewing leakschild milk can enjoy All of these foods will benefit your child’s teeth, but it is also important to worry. as 5 to 10 minutes and in most cases only requires topical •without Easily chokes avoid the problematic foods that can get stuck between teeth and cause cavities. As numbing anesthetic. This allows your infant to breastfeed Naturally, fruits and vegetables are the most important source of nutrients. a parent, it is important to regulate the amount of sweets and sticky candies that • Frequent release and relatch Vitamin C is a critical component of dental health. It helps to boost resistance following to immediately thechild procedure. There is little no your consumes. Foods liketocaramel, taffy, hard candy, and soda can cause •cavities, Shallow and itlatch has the added benefit of strengthening gums. Oranges, kiwis, and bleeding and minimalmajor discomfort following the procedure. destruction in your child’s mouth. If your child cannot resist sticky sweet •strawberries Long nursing falls asleep feed harmful are greatsessions, sources of Vitamin C and mid they prevent bacteria from Older children may require local it anesthetic temptation, is a goodand/or idea to some have some sugar-free gum handy to help protect •colonizing Colic/gas/reflux and contributing to gingivitis. level of sedation in addition geleffects to ensure their against to thetopical harmful of these foods. Dairy products are also essential in the fight against tooth decay. Rich • Poor weight gain or weight loss Last not the least, maintain the habit of seeing a dentist twice comfort and safety during thebut procedure. Frenectomy Lingual Before calcium and milk should be a daily routine for your children. •inUnable to Vitamin hold a D, pacifier a year and brushing at least twice a day. Regular brushing is the most Encourage them to snack on low-sugar yogurt and cheese, because these dairy essential part in maintaining healthy teeth both in childhood and •products Potential future speech, feeding, and dental raise the pH levels in the mouth (which helps prevent decay) and theyFor more information, adulthood! problems reduce the effect of the acids produced by dental plaque.

Symptoms of Mother: •What Pain while nursingpatients are saying… our happy

call 732-625-8080 For more information or to schedule an or visit appointment for your child, call 732-625-8080 or

“It’s a wonderful feeling when we come to the office. My little boys love you guys and their happiness is what matters. Keep doing what you guys are doing, being wonderful and loving.” - Noah Michaels

Frenectomy Lingual After

• Thrush



“Gabby and Dr. Max were great and very patient with my son. It was nice to learn about having the orthodontist right there and also to have the option of laughing gas to help my son through the process.” - Jonathan Walsh

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122 Professional View Dr. NORTH BRUNSWICK AREA WOODBRIDGE AREA FREEHOLD • MANALAPAN AREA SOMERSET EDISON ROSELLE/LINDEN Bldg. 100, 2nd Floor 1330 How Ln 1656 Oak Tree Road 122 Professional View Dr. NORTH BRUNSWICK AREA WOODBRIDGE AREA AREA Freehold, NJ 07728 North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Edison, NJ 08820 Bldg. 100, 2nd Floor 1330 How Ln 1656 Oak Tree Road 2209 N Wood Ave. 732.625.8080 732.249.1010 732.549.3773 Freehold, NJ 07728 North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Edison, NJ 08820 Roselle, NJ 07203 732.625.8080 732.249.1010 732.549.3773 908.245.5556 The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2017

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Legal Professionals


The Top 7 Reasons to Establish a Special Needs Trust By Christine L. Matus, Esq.

Special needs trusts (SNTs) can play an important role in helping families plan for children with special needs. Here are some of the most compelling reasons to speak with your attorney about establishing an SNT. 1. Preserve public benefits while enhancing your child’s lifestyle. As adults, those with significant special needs obtain basic support from Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which also is the gateway to Medicaid and other critical programs. Since SSI covers only essential expenses, most parents want to supplement their child’s lifestyle. But because SSI imposes limits on income and assets, providing funds to the child directly can jeopardize benefits eligibility. Best solution: place funds in an SNT. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not count assets in an SNT as income for determining benefits eligibility because the assets are owned by the trust rather than the child beneficiary. 2. Ensure assets will be used as intended. With an SNT, distribution of assets is directed by trust documents as well as SSA and IRS guidelines. By comparison, if you leave assets to an “able-bodied” child and ask that some of the funds be used for the sibling with special needs, the child may fail to honor your request, lose the assets to creditors, or die prematurely and leave the funds to his or her own children. 3. Allow others to contribute. If you establish the trust now, grandparents and others can make annual gifts to the SNT of up to $14,000 ($28,000 for a married couple) without triggering the gift tax or generation-skipping tax. Anyone interested in leaving their child money should be advised to direct bequests to the SNT.

4. Fund the SNT as you wish. SNTs can be funded with cash, securities or other resources. Often, a second-to-die life insurance policy offers the most affordable option, enabling a family to fund an SNT without depleting assets required for other household needs. If assets in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) will represent a large portion of your estate, it’s important to speak with an attorney about the most tax-efficient way to transfer those assets to an SNT. 5. Identify appropriate distributions. If you establish and fund an SNT while your child is young, you can use the trust like a checking account to pay the child’s expenses. A future trustee can then refer to a record of these payments as a guide in determining necessary and appropriate distributions. 6. Maximize the benefits of a personal injury settlement. If your child wins a sizable settlement, having the payout (often a lump sum plus a structured settlement) directed to a self-settled SNT offers several benefits. Your child will still qualify for public benefits, can use settlement funds for nonessential expenses, and may enjoy the financial security of receiving regular payments for life. 7. Enhance matrimonial settlements. If your adult child who receives SSI and Medicaid divorces, having a self-settled SNT drafted through the divorce decree will allow any alimony or lump-sum payment from the child’s ex-spouse to be paid to the trust. With public benefits intact, it’s possible your child may need less from the ex-spouse. That could help ease matrimonial negotiations while still providing your child with ample resources.

Call us and we can help you determine the most appropriate way to structure an SNT to meet your individual needs.


• Guardianships • Health Care Proxies • Long Term Care

• Powers of Attorney • Inheritance Tax Planning • Trusts

81 East Water Street Suite 2C, Toms River NJ 08753 732.281.0060 • 125 Half Mile Road, 200 • Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 This office by appointment only.

Christine L. Matus, Esq. with her family

Recipe Summer Quiche~ Compliments of Chef Steph

Serves 4-6

Prepared pastry for 1 pie crust 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 medium zucchini, thinly sliced 1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped 3 roma tomatoes, sliced 2 T basil, frech, chopped 1 cup heavy whipping cream 4 egg yolks 1 dash of cayenne 8oz Colby-Jack cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 375°. If not using a pie shell, lightly grease a 8 inch square foil pan and set aside. Saute all the vegetables, except for the tomato. Stir in the basil and put the mixure into the crust. Top with tomatoes and cheese. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and heavy whipping cream, adding the dash of cayenne after they have been thoroughly mixed. Pour this mixture over the top of the pie shell contents and bake for 30-35 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Feel free to sub out any of the vegetables or add a protein based on what you like. Even the seasonings or cheese can be changed- the possibilities are endless!

The County Woman Magazine

Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


May Is Better Hearing Month Common signs of hearing loss in adults: • Buzzing or ringing in the ears • Failure to respond appropriately to spoken words • Muffled hearing • Constant frustration hearing speech and other sounds • Avoiding conversation • Social isolation • Depression f

isolation. You may not want to be with people as much, and when you are, you may not engage in conversation as much. These factors may contribute to dementia.” As you walk, your ears pick up subtle cues that help with balance. Hearing loss mutes these important signals, Lin notes. “It also makes your brain work harder just to process sound. This subconscious multitasking may interfere with some of the mental processing needed to walk safely.”

9 Medical Pro essionals Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss Risk! Most Hearing Loss and Other Thirty-six million Americans have hearing loss. Ear Infections in Communication ChildrenDisorders AndAreThe RoleOne of Ear Tubes Treatable in three developed their hearing loss as a

According to the NIDCD (National Institute result of exposure to noise. This May is “National & Communication Disorders), most testing child may be referred for a hearing test. Additional as Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies and on Deafness Bettersuch Hearing Month” and Ocean Otolaryngology young children in particular are prone to getting recurrent ear communication x-rays maydisorders also be ordered. After a thorough of all are treatable, but areconsideration Associates the are encouraging everyone to protect infections. Babies and young children are more prone to ear often overlooked. information,And you the and your otolaryngologist if your child longer hearing loss will or discuss their hearing by wearing hearing protection when infections May isdue Better Hearing Help and raise to their immatureMonth! immune systems the anatomy will benefit from ear tubes. related conditions are overlooked, the harder they around loud sounds and by turning down the awareness loss of their ears.about There ishearing a tube called theprevention eustachian tubeby that drains Ear tube placement is the most frequently performed surgical can be to treat or manage. Early detection and early fluid from the into the evaluation nose. In babies and and children, the scheduling a ear hearing procedure in theloss United States, approaching 670,000volume cases perwhen listening to the radio, the TV, and intervention of hearing or speech and language eustachian tube does not drain well due to its position and extremely MP3 player. year. The procedure can improve the quality of life in children reviewing the common signs of hearing loss disorders contributes to shorter treatment periods, small size. Additional risk factors for ear infection include bottle Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by damage with recurrent ear infections and improve hearing in children with listed below as recommended by attendance. Ocean Ear infections feeding, secondhand smoke, and daycare reduced costs, and better life. tiny (about to the of hair fluid in theaears. Ear quality tubes areofextremely 1/20th an cells that are found in our inner ear.

Otolaryngology Physicians. can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. If you suspect your child

inch). They are placed in the operating room with theHair assistance cells are small sensory cells that convert the an ear infection, is best to take yourconcern child to for your pediatrician RESEARCH SHOWS has Hearing loss is a itcommon health of an operating microscope. Ear tubes are known by sounds other names, we hear (sound energy) into electrical or other qualified medical personnel for assessment and treatment. people of all ages. It can adversely impact speech including PE tubes, ventilating tubes, signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our Many Causes, Early Symptoms Many children with recurrent ear infections get better without pressure equalizing tubes, and grommets. and language development, communication, and hair cells cannot grow back, causing permanent intervention. However, some children continue to have a buildup Everything from genes and noise exposure to Once in place, they usually last 6-18 learning children. In does adults, hearing of fluid in in their ears that not untreated resolve. Persistent fluid in the ears medications, head injuries and infections can play a hearing loss. months. They are designed to fall out on loss negatively impact social, academic andchild can role cancan result in a hearing loss. Hearing loss in a young affectin hearing loss.Children with tubes can swim If you would like more information or you their own. speech development. Persistent in the ears has also been linked vocational success and has alsofluid been linked to social and like before tubeisn’t placement. would like to schedule an appointment to to balancedepression, issues, poor and school performance, andofearlife. discomfort. Notbathe hearing well just isolation, reduced quality If your child continues to get recurrent infections, it may be

After tube placement, a follow-up

Common of hearingCommonly loss in children: frustrating; can surprising hearingittest willbring be obtained. You will health time to seesigns an otolaryngologist. known as ENT doctors,

see one of our specialists, please call us at 732-281-0100.

• Lack of attention to sound towhat see the you otolaryngologist until otolaryngologists are specialists in the treatment of ears and ear risks.continue Here’s need tochild know. the tubes have fallen out and your is infections. At your initial visit, a history will be obtained and your (birth to one year) Hearing loss is frustrating for those who have it child will examined.when Depending on the findings of the exam, your no longer getting ear infections. • Does notberespond his/her name and for their loved ones. But recent research from is called (seven months to one year) Johns Hopkins reveals that it also is linked with Visit • Failure to follow simple directions walking problems, falls and even dementia. In a (one to two years) study that tracked 639 adults for nearly 12 years, • Delays in speech/language development Christina Gillespie, MD, Ocean Otolaryngology Johns Hopkins expert Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D., and (birth to three years) Dr. Christina Gillespie is a board certified Otolaryngoloigist has been practice in Toms since 2013. his colleagueswho found that inmild hearing lossRiver doubled She completed herears internship and residency in Otolaryngology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Before • Pulling/scratching at his/her dementia risk. Moderate loss tripled andCenter in El movingacademically, to Toms River, she served as Chief of Otolaryngology at William Beaumont Armyrisk, Medical • Difficulty achieving people with a severesees hearing impairment Paso, Texas for eight years. At Ocean Otolaryngology, Dr. Gillespie patients, at the Tomswere Riverfive and Whiting especially in reading and math locations, of all ages with a variety of medical problems. specialties includedementia. pediatric otolaryngology, sinus times moreHer likely to develop Christina Stephen Kupferberg, and surgery for sleep apnea. She also treats common medical conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus, Bruce W. Peters, • Social isolationsurgery, and feeling unhappy DO, FACS Gillespie, MD MD, FACS The Links Between Hearing and Health hoarseness and chronic cough. In addition, Dr. Gillespie is also involved in the American Academy of Otolaryngology. She currently in school serves on multiple committees which include the Board of Governors and Governance, committee Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS “Brain scans showMedia us that hearingand lossEducation may committee. • Persistent earresides discomfort afterCounty exposure Dr. Gillespie in Monmouth with her husbandcontribute and daughter.toShe enjoysrate spending time with as they a faster of atrophy inher thefamily brain,” toexplore loudthe noise Jersey Shore. She is also an avid tennis player. Lin says. “Hearing loss also contributes to social



54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 61 Lacey Rd., Whiting, NJ 1673 Rt. 88 W, Brick, NJ

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit

Health & Wellness

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Fashion & Beauty


Sizzling Summer Style!

During the upcoming hot summer months, comfort is always key. We can help you stay cool and comfortable while embracing the latest looks and styles. The summer season is all about vacations, graduations and parties galore – now you just need to find something to wear! While capri pants remain popular, this year you’ll also find lots of ankle jeans with fancy hems. You can dress these pants up or down with our huge selection of summer-weight tops, including tunics, jackets, capes, blouses and more. If you are shopping for dressy or formal wear, take advantage of our 30-plus years of expertise dressing women of all shapes and sizes. We specialize in Mother-of-the-Bride and Mother-of-the-Groom attire and will help you find the right cut, color and style to make you look and feel your very best. We also have an in-house seamstress who can tailor your purchases to fit you beautifully! When shopping at Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, remember that we receive new items on a regular basis, ensuring you will always find something different during each shopping trip. We carry designers that you will not find in department stores, so be sure to shop early and often for the best selection! Visit our website at to sign up for our informative newsletter and be sure to check out our Facebook page for special pop-up sales!

Best Wishes,

Lynne Goldberg 732-530-5443

Hours: Tues. - Fri.10:30am -5:30 pm Sat. 10:30am - 4:00pm

31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ

Lynne Goldberg, Owner of Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, has been in the women’s retail clothing business since 1989, and her boutique has evolved and changed along with the times. Specializing in Mother of the Bride or Groom attire, she also carries a wide selection of casual readyto-wear and accessories that will allow you to dress well and feel comfortable-for everyday or any occasion.

Holistic Stress Release Coach

3 Overlooked, At Your Fingertips, Holistic Solutions for Stress & Anxiety Workshop May 18 or June 22 @ 2 - 4 pm in Little Silver, NJ / $60 per person

In this 2 hour workshop, you'll learn three amazing, easily learned, self-healing tools that are proven to release stress and anxiety - without drugs. Feel lighter, better & DIY! To reserve your spot, text Dee @ 732-615-8368 or email: Corporate Wellness Programs & Private Sessions Also Available. Specific to Fertility Challenges, Pregnancy or Postpartum Anxiety: EFT TAPPING PRACTITIONER | CONSULTING HYPNOTIST | LAW OF ATTRACTION CERTIFIED COACH | MASTER HYPNOFERTILITY THERAPIST

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


Spring Special

10% Off

Coolsculpting Package (Minimum Four Treatments) Expires 4/30/18 Expires 10/31/18 Expires 6/30/19 The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 2017 March/April May/June 2019

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room


Hats Off To The Graduate! Whether you are celebrating a graduation from high school, college or receiving any type of diploma, we have a sweet treat that will suit your graduation occasion! Celebrate your momentous day with one of our custom cakes. We have many options, from school pride to major-specific to a unique option, we can create a cake that celebrate your graduate!

Visit us on Facebook to learn more about our princess and cake decorating events!

At a Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room, we have a large display of chocolate confections. Their tea room is open Tuesday through Sunday serving lunch, including homemade soups, salads, sandwiches, quiche, fresh baked scones, sweet treats, and seasonal specials.

Stop In And Our TeaVRisooit Today! m

Happy Graduation!

Book your bridal/baby shower, club meeting, birthday party or holiday gathering here with us in our tea room! AnnMarie Cooney

Our tea room serves lunch Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 4pm.

Specialty Cakes • Wedding Cakes Cupcakes • Cookie Favors Loose Leaf Tea • Vintage & New Tea Pots Tea Related Gifts & Baskets 609-242-0153 • 521 Route 9 • Waretown, NJ •

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732-455-3031 • 3209 Sunset Ave., Ocean, NJ • WWW.SHORECAKESUPPLY.COM

The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2019


Premier Dental Spa

Show Your Smile This Summer Christine Ally, DDS, FICOI Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists Member, Academy of General Dentistry Member, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Member, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Member, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain

Unfortunately, not everyone shows the confidence and beauty that is within because of personal insecurities about their appearance. We see it all the time at Shore Premier Dental Arts. People stick to “soft smiling” because of discolored teeth, a chipped tooth or one that is awkwardly turned out, a gummy smile or missing teeth. With the slightest cosmetic change, they radiate confidence and can’t seem to stop smiling! We want the same for you, too! That’s why today, we’re talking about how we can help you fall in love with your smile and show off a radiant one this Summer. As unfair as it sounds, everyone knows that appearance matters. You deserve to like what you see in the mirror, so there’s nothing wrong with pursuing cosmetic dentistry to make that happen! Believe it or not, cosmetic dentistry isn’t an exercise in vanity. Of course, it’s meant to make your teeth and gums look better, but when you think about it, improving the way your smile looks is no different than improving any other aspect of your appearance. For example, you might start dieting and exercising because you want to lose a few, but you also do it because you know you’ll feel better and healthier, too. Cosmetic dentistry works in the same way! Repairing and restoring unhealthy teeth and gums will improve your oral health while also boosting your confidence.

Don’t think of cosmetic dentistry as some sort of vain, selfish pursuit. It’s a path to being healthier, feeling good about how you look, and having the confidence to live the life you’ve always wanted to!


Changing Your Smile Can Truly Change Your Life

In our state-of-the-art dental office, we offer treatments as simple as teeth whitening to brighten a smile and restore discolored teeth to their natural shade and luster. We use a sensitivityfree system to ensure our patients total comfort during and after the treatment. We offer more advanced services for complete smile makeovers which include implants, cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns and bridges, and Invisalign. Every patient presents with a unique set of concerns and we promise to provide you with only the best possible options and care.





Schedule Your Complimentary Cosmetic Consultation Today! Dr. Ally and our team at Shore Premier Dental Arts provide a wide range of advanced dentistry services, but cosmetic smile solutions are our specialty! That’s why people come to us from all over the state of New Jersey and the tri-state area to enhance their smile or to give them a new smile. Check out our reviews to see why our patients are so happy with our services.

Call today to schedule your complimentary cosmetic consultation. Dr. Ally will listen to your concerns and provide you with options to improve your smile!





Shore Premier Dental Arts • Dr. Christine Ally Advanced Dentistry. Compassionate Care.

180 White Road, # 212 • Little Silver, New Jersey 07739-1166


The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


What you Need To Know About Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Written by Eric Sauer, R. Ph. NMD. DHPh For over twenty years I’ve educated women and men (as well as physicians) on the importance of balancing hormones. Unlike synthetic hormones, which are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, Bio-Identical Hormones are special compounds that are only compounded by a compounding pharmacy, and are “yam-based” hormones which can be taken for a lifetime with “NO” side effects. 1. What is Natural Hormone Replacement or Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement? Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (NHRT) is an attempt to ‘replace’ some of the normal hormones in your body that have declined as a result of peri-menopause or surgical menopause. One of the differences between the natural vs. synthetic hormones is that the natural hormones are “bio-identical,” meaning they are exactly the same as what your body makes. In fact, if you looked under a microscope at the chemical structure, you could not tell the difference between the Bio-Identical Hormones and the body’s hormones.

4. How do you determine which hormones and how much is necessary? Various methods can be used to measure levels of hormones, everything from blood to saliva. Saliva testing is 98% accurate while blood testing is only 2% accurate. All blood testing measures is the NON ACTIVE FORM, which makes it less accurate to dose the patient correctly. The saliva test is both BIO-ACTIVE and is measured on a cellular level, which clearly makes a significant difference, making it more accurate to treat the patient and dose correctly. Twenty thousand physicians prefer saliva over blood when it comes to measuring hormone levels in the body. 5. Why Do We Need Bio- Identical Hormones? As teenagers for PMS symptoms, since there are over 400 symptoms I won’t name them all. Teenagers with cramps, mood swings, foggy brain, hair loss and irregular periods. I’ve had girls at ages 14 and up taking progesterone lozenges without any side effects. Birth control pills lead to breast cancer in women. Menopause women or those who have had a hysterectomy really need hormones naturally. Natural Hormone Replacement helps adult females get rid of hot flashes and all other menopause symptoms such as vaginal dryness. It also helps with osteoporosis, bladder control, hair loss, anxiety attacks, dementia, Alzheimers, dry eye syndrome, Sjorgens, depression and helps elevated cholesterol and LDL levels.

For more information, call The Natural Pharmacy at 732-695-0277.

Eric Sauer, R.Ph., NMD, DHPh Laurie Lombardi, CDN Dr. S Kalika, MD

2. Where do the Bio-Identical Hormones come from? Bio-Identical Hormones are just that—they are natural and bio-identical to a person’s body. They are made from plant sources. The source of the estrogen and progesterone can be obtained from either soy or yams. I only compound yam-based hormones. 3. Which hormones are in need of replacement? That all depends on the individual. Most commonly, women experiencing a decline in hormone levels may require some type of estrogen as well as progesterone. Some patients also take testosterone, DHEA and other hormones.

Follow us on Facebook The Natural Pharmacy & Wellness Center


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The Natural Pharmacy

Integrating Natural Alternatives With Traditional Medicine 851 West Park Avenue Ocean, NJ 07712 (732) 695-0277 Fax: (732) 695-1522

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


Women and Cancer…Part l What You Need To Know The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Women’s Health is coordinating a week-long observance celebrated nationwide as Women’s Health Awareness Week. The aim is to empower women to improve their physical and mental health. THERE ARE A FEW IMPORTANT STEPS WOMEN MUST TAKE IN THE ROAD TO HEALTH:

• Visit a health care professional regularly for check-ups and preventive screenings. • Get active. • Eat healthy. • Pay attention to mental health, which includes getting enough sleep and managing stress. • Avoid unhealthy behavior. One of the major diseases affecting women is cancer, which kills more than a quarter million women every year in the U.S. But that number could be reduced through early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Some cancers affect both men and women while others are unique to women. They include breast cancer[note that breast cancer is NOT unique to women, men get it too] (the most common in the U.S.) as well as cancer of the ovaries, cervix, uterus and external genitalia. That is the group we will focus on here.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women worldwide. More than 85% occur in developing countries, but it is also among the top ten causes of cancer deaths among women in the U.S. Over 95% of cases are linked to a sexually transmitted virus called HPV (human papilloma virus). Risk factors include early and promiscuous sexual activity, smoking, prolonged use of birth control pills, STDs, and immunosuppression. In its early stages, this disease can be asymptomatic. Symptoms in later stages include bloody vaginal discharge, pain, and abnormal vaginal bleeding (in between regular menstrual cycles, post-coital, and post-menopausal).

for PAP testing afterwards; if done for cancer, or if cervix is left behind, screening should be continued.

HPV Vaccination

Another good piece of news is that there are two very effective vaccines – Gardasil and Cervarix – that will prevent those cases of cervical cancer that are linked to HPV. The vaccine is given to females between the ages of 9 and 26 years, and to males between 9 and 21. It’s given in three doses, ideally before the person has become sexually active. Please note: vaccinated women still need screening! Side effects include mild redness, tenderness and swelling at the injection site, as well as an increased risk of blood clots, but no long-term side effects have been reported. Stay tuned for part-two of this two-part series in the July/August issue. Next issue we will discuss cancer of the uterus.

To learn more about treatment of cancer, contact Dr. Sarah J. Easaw at 732-961-0010.

Compassionate Cancer Care, Close to Home Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP

Board Certified Hematology & Oncology Specialist

Serving Monmouth and Ocean Counties for more than 10 years • Clinical expertise in the treatment of Cancer and Blood Disorders • State-of the-art Cancer Care, in a warm and personalized atmosphere • Easily accessible location, close to GSP • Affiliated RWJ /Barnabas Health Medical Group, a multispecialty physician network.

Treating Patients and Families with Respect and Care…

Screening and Early Detection

The good news is that screening and early detection can prevent deaths from cervical cancer. Both cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions can be detected by doing PAP smears. Women should start routine PAP tests at 21 years of age. Between the ages of 21 and 29, they should have the test every two years; between 30 and 65, every five years; and over 65, they may discontinue screening if they have had: • Three negative pap tests in a row; • Regular pap tests; • No abnormal pap tests in 10 years. If a total hysterectomy is performed for benign reasons, there’s no need

732.961.0010 1255 Route 70, 31S • Near Exit 89 on GSP Lakewood, NJ 08701

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

MedicalP Professionals Medical rofessionals


Bloating And Medical Gas And What You Can Do About It Professionals 22 Bloating And Gas And What You Can Do About It Dr. Glazier was selected as one of Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much gas and are some of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. These symptoms can be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist.

PATIENT TESTIMONIALS New Jersey’s top doctors for 2018!

Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much

anddoare some of thevegetables most common gastrointestinal complaints. These Q: gas How salads and cause gas? symptoms can be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist. A: There are bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that

convert foods such as salad, broccoli, and beans into Q: How do salads and vegetables cause gas? gas. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when A: There are bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that too many bacteria form in the small intestine and can convert foods suchabdominal as salad, broccoli, and diarrhea beans into cause gas, bloating, discomfort, gas. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when and anemia. It can be caused by slow motility of the Kenneth Glazier, MD too many bacteria form in the small intestine and can intestine that can occur in normal aging, diabetes and cause gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea scleroderma. Other causes include decreased stomach andfrom anemia. It can besuch caused by slow motility of the acid medications as omeprazole or gastric Kenneth Glazier, MD intestine that can occur in normal aging, diabetes surgery, NSAID use, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, and scleroderma. Otherbowel causesand include cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small prior decreased surgeries. stomach Bacterial acid from medications such asinomeprazole gastric surgery, NSAID use,isCrohn’s overgrowth can be diagnosed our office or with a simple breath test and treated with disease, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small bowel and prior antibiotics.

surgeries. Bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed in our office with a simple breath test Q: I never hadwith a problem with milk when I was younger but now it gives me and is treated antibiotics.

gas, how is that possible? Q: I never had a problem with milkproducts when I such was younger but now it gives me gas, is thatbypossible? A: Lactose is present in most dairy as milk, cheese and ice cream and ishow digested an enzyme A: Lactose is present in most dairy productscan such as milk, cheese and ice creamThe andenzyme is digested anbe enzyme in the lining of the intestine. This enzyme sometimes be missing at birth. canby also lost in theinlining of the intestine. This enzymefrom can sometimes be celiac missing at birth. The enzyme also be lost later life due to injury of the intestine an infection, disease, alcoholism, andcan Crohn’s disease. later life due to the injury of thesimply intestine from anwith infection, disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s affects disease. Moreincommonly, enzyme disappears aging.celiac This late-onset lactose malabsorption More the enzyme simply withand aging. lactoseofmalabsorption peoplecommonly, more depending on their racedisappears and ethnicity can This affectlate-onset close to 100% Asians in the affects U.S., 80% people more depending on70% theirofrace and ethnicity andofcan affectintolerance close to 100% of Asians in thecramps, U.S., 80% of African Americans and Italians. Symptoms lactose include abdominal of African Americans 70% and/or of Italians. Symptoms of lactose intolerance abdominal cramps, distention, flatulence,and diarrhea vomiting. Lactose intolerance is also include diagnosed with a simple breath distention, diarrhea and/or vomiting. Lactose intolerance is also diagnosed with a simple breath test offered flatulence, in the office. test offered in the office.

“I have nothing but the best to say about Dr. Glazier and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, PATIENT TESTIMONIALS caring, and very pleasant. I recommend “I have nothingDr. butGlazier the besttotoanyone say about Dr.asks!” Glazier who and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor caring, and very pleasant. I recommend Dr. Glazier to anyone who asks!” “I have been a patient for many years. ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor

Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.” “I have been a patient years. ~ John,for68,many Jackson

Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.” ~ John, 68, Jackson

“First of all, I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for “First I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for taking careofofall,me during my colonoscopy procedure. of mewhen duringexplaining my colonoscopy procedure. Hetaking is verycare precise the procedure He is very precise when all explaining and very kind. I would give them 10 starsthe forprocedure the job and very kind. I would give them all 10 stars for the well done. And, of course, I will recommend job well done. And, of course,and I will recommend Dr. Glazier to my family, friends neighbors.” Dr. Glazier to my family, friends and neighbors.” ~ Patricia, 62, Toms River ~ Patricia, 62, Toms River

Q: Yogurt makes me distended, does that mean I am lactose intolerant? Q: Yogurt meyogurt distended, thatstore mean I am A: No. Themakes cultured at thedoes grocery does notlactose containintolerant? lactose. More likely you are having

A: No. The cultured thebottom grocerypart storeofdoes not contain lactose. More likely you are having trouble troubledigesting the yogurt fruit onatthe the yogurt, which contains fructose. Fructose is a sugar digesting the fruitsoda, on the bottomsauce, part of the yogurt, which contains fructose.yogurts, Fructose is a sugar found in found in candy, barbecue ketchup, jellies, fruit-on-the-bottom apples, mangos, watermelon, canned fruit, cornjellies, syrup fruit-on-the-bottom and many other foodyogurts, products. Fructose can watermelon, be malabsorbed candy, soda, barbecue sauce,honey, ketchup, apples, mangos, by the intestine and produce symptoms ofother gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be by diagnosed by canned fruit, honey, corn syrup and many food products. Fructose can be malabsorbed the intestine a simple breath test in our office. and produce symptoms of gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be diagnosed by a simple breath test in our office.

Omar Tamini, MD Jill Collier, MD

Q: Is there a diet for bloating? A: My first approach to have patients write a diet/symptom diary of what they eat and how they feel. Q: Is there a diet for isbloating?

This beapproach used to pinpoint foodswrite are causing bloating diary and eliminate thoseeatfoods the diet A: Mycan first is to havewhat patients a diet/symptom of what they and from how they feel.rather than can making drastic dietary changes. These also help whichthose breath tests to start with.rather This be used to pinpoint what foods are results causingcan bloating andguide eliminate foods from the diet An alternative is to follow low FODMAP diet.can This diet triesguide to eliminate foodstests thatto can commonly than making drastic dietarythe changes. These results also help which breath start with. cause bloating.isFODMAP stands Fermentable include An alternative to follow the low for FODMAP diet. Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides This diet tries to eliminate and foodsPolyols. that canThese commonly fructose, lactose,FODMAP sweeteners, beans, onion, Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides garlic, lentils, and some fruits. This elimination diet is cause bloating. stands forwheat, Fermentable and Polyols. These include usually followed for 6 weeks. After this, high FODMAP foods are added one at a time to see if foods fructose, lactose, sweeteners, beans, wheat, onion, garlic, lentils, and some fruits. This elimination diet is trigger symptoms. usually followed for 6 weeks. After this, high FODMAP foods are added one at a time to see if foods trigger symptoms. Q: How do breath tests work?

A: Bacterial overgrowth lactose and fructose malabsorption can be detected using a hydrogen breath Q: How do breath tests and work? detector. Patients either drink a canand of soda for fructose intolerance or detected a glass ofusing wholea milk for lactose A: Bacterial overgrowth and lactose fructose malabsorption can be hydrogen breath intolerance at home. Three hours later patients come to the office and blow into the machine which detector. Patients either drink a can of soda for fructose intolerance or a glass of whole milk foronce, lactose takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming intolerance at home. Three hours later patients come to the office and blow into the machine once, which to the office and have to blow into the machine every 20 minutes until the test is positive. This can take from takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming to one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one the office and have to blow into the machine every 20 minutes until the test is positive. This can take from morning a week. one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one morning a week.

If you suffer from symptoms of bloating and gas, If you suffer from symptoms of bloating and gas, contact youryour gastroenterologist initiateproper proper testing. contact gastroenterologist to to initiate testing.

Call Calltoday todayto toschedule scheduleyour your appointment appointment at at Gastroenterologists of of Ocean Ocean County. County. Gastroenterologists

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Medical Professionals

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Assisted Living


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Mom is such A special word the lovliest I’ve ever heard. A toast to you, Above all the rest Mom, you’re so special You are simply the best.

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of

having a mother. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she has done for us. On May 12th, strive to make Mother’s Day absolutely hassle free for your mother and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper her a little on this special day of hers just as she pampers you all the year round. Give her a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish her a Happy Mother’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

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Medical Professionals Medical Professionals Medical M edical Professionals P rofessionals Medical Medical Professionals P ro f essionals Medical Professionals


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Home Health Care


Music Enhances Lives of People with Dementia Deborah Walsh,

Executive Director, HomeWorks

Ever get chills listening to a particularly moving piece of music? You can thank the salience network of the brain for that emotional moment. Surprisingly, this region also remains an island of remembrance that is spared from the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at the University of Utah are looking to this region of the brain to develop music-based treatments to help alleviate anxiety in patients with dementia. Recently, music has been found to help patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s recall memories and emotions and promote enhanced mental performances. Here are five reasons why researchers believe that music boosts brain activity:

1. Music can evoke emotion in even the most advanced of patients with Alzheimer’s. Neurologist Oliver Sacks says, “Music evokes

emotion and emotion can bring with it memory … it brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can.”

2. Musical aptitude and appreciation are two of the last remaining abilities in patients with dementia. Because these two abilities remain

long after other abilities have passed, music is an excellent way to reach beyond the disease and affect the person. 3. Music can bring emotional and physical closeness. In the later stages of dementia, patients often lose the ability to share emotions with

caregivers. Through music, as long as they are ambulatory, they can often dance. Dancing can lead to hugs, kisses, and touching, which bring security and memories. 4. Music can shift mood, manage stress, and stimulate positive interactions, according to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. This

occurs because music requires little to no mental processing, so singing music does not require the cognitive function lacking in most patients with dementia.

5. While singing is engaging, it stimulates more than just the brain and the area related to singing. As singing activates the left side of

the brain, listening to music sparks activity in the right, so the brain is exercising more mind power than usual.

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


ANS’ Dr. Paul Saphier Leads NJ Arm of Global Clinical Trial to Improve the Standard of Care for Brain Bleeds ANS challenges status quo with adoption of new minimally invasive technology to treat patients with hemorrhagic strokes Every year in the U.S., approximately 120,000 people experience hemorrhagic strokes – commonly referred to as brain bleeds. Only 50 percent survive. Of those who do, two-thirds are left with lasting physical or cognitive deficits. Despite these statistics, the majority of neurosurgeons continue to follow the status quo for treatment. Dr. Paul Saphier, a board-certified neurosurgeon and stroke specialist at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) with locations throughout New Jersey, is helping spearhead an effort to advance what the medical community considers the best medical treatment for hemorrhagic strokes … and improve outcomes for patients. “We owe it to patients – and to ourselves as medical professionals – to do better,” says Dr. Saphier. Dr. Saphier is the Lead Principal Investigator in New Jersey for a global clinical trial – coined the MIND (Minimally Invasive Neuro Evacuation Device) Trial – whose objective is to compare the efficacy of new Artemis technology with the current standard of care for removing large, historically lethal brain bleeds.

This is why… ANS’ Dr. Paul Saphier, pictured here with the Artemis Neuro Evacuation Device, explains how the minimally invasive ‘S.E.E.I.N.G’ technique may be able to improve outcomes for brain bleed patients.

ANS is the only neurosurgical practice in the state selected to participate in the study. Today, standard practice entails addressing the underlying cause of the bleeding, such as controlling high blood pressure, to stabilize the patient.

We give you the best in brain, spine and neurovascular care. Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists now accepts Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

“That’s typically where the care ends,” adds Dr. Saphier. “Over the past 50 or 60 years, neurosurgeons have not operated on intracranial hemorrhages because research hasn’t supported the case for doing so. However, we will continue to see high mortality and disability rates if we don’t take steps forward to strategically study new surgical therapies that could ultimately save and improve lives.” Using sophisticated imaging and technology, the Artemis device facilitates S.E.E.I.N.G. (short for Surgical Endoscopic Evacuation of Intracranial Hemorrhage with Neuro-navigational Guidance), a procedure whereby surgeons evacuate large brain hemorrhages through very small incisions in the skull. This allows effective treatment of the most dangerous brain hemorrhages without exposing patients to the risks of an open surgical procedure. Dr. Saphier and his colleagues at ANS have used Artemis technology on approximately 100 patients since its approval by the FDA. While Dr. Saphier cautions the treatment is not suited for all brain bleed patients, he says many of the outcomes he has seen have been promising. “There have been several cases where, using Artemis, I successfully removed brain bleeds from patients in near-fatal conditions and saw them recover 100 percent,” he notes. “We are hopeful the clinical trial will reinforce cases like these. By gathering data and examining real-life results of surgically sound, progressive treatment options, we will lead the way toward raising the bar for patient outcomes and saving more lives.” For more information about this new, minimally invasive treatment option for brain bleeds and to inquire if you, a loved one or a patient is a possible candidate for the MIND clinical trial, call 833-SEEING1 (833-733-4641). Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) is New Jersey’s largest neuro-surgical practice and one of the most advanced in the country. For more information, visit MCW/OCW Brain Font Treatment #460_r5.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine

Neptune Morristown Jefferson Pompton Plains Summit (732) 455-8225

3/27/19 7:41 AM

May/June 2019

Women’s Life Coach


Help, Hope, Heal!!!

Advocate for Women with Reproductive Issues and Infertility! What makes me an Expert in this field?

I’ve taken everything I have learned about Infertility (personally and professionally) from over the past 10 years and combined it with all my knowledge in Holistic Health to create a program that is tailor made for every woman’s individual journey. This program teaches you how to restore Hope and start Healing!!! Jessica L Conrad, Life Coach

How do I know this program works?

M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach



Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A., Certified Professional Coach

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Because I too lived with Infertility for years and now I am a mother to a beautiful Boy!!!


“ If you are seeking to restore and/or gain self-confidence, embark on and/or embrace change, and live a life of positive and present mindfulness, Jessica is the coach I would recommend to walk beside you.” ~ Alix

Holistic Substance Abuse Program


The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


Fecal Incontinence: Dealing with an Embarrassing Condition Medical Professionals

What is fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence, or bowel incontinence, is the inability to control bowel movements, causing the involuntary passage of stool. Symptoms of this often embarrassing disorder range from occasionally leaking small amounts of stool and passing gas, to completely losing control of bowel movements. Classified as a pelvic floor disorder (PFD), fecal incontinence occurs when muscles in the pelvic area cannot support the organs in the pelvis. These organs include the bladder, uterus (women), prostate (men), and rectum.

doctor may recommend diet modification and adjusting nutritional supplements taken. If nerve or muscle damage is the cause of the fecal incontinence, the physician may recommend exercises and similar therapies to improve function and strength. These exercises include bowel training and biofeedback. Biofeedback is a technique taught by specially trained physiotherapists that can increase anal muscle strength, allowing patients to learn to relax or contract pelvic floor muscles. Medication sometimes helps patients with fecal incontinence. When appropriate, these may be prescribed by your physician.


Colorectal Cancer: Are You Aware? What’s The Big Hype?

How common is colorectal cancer and who is at risk?

her patients, but she performs a majority of her colorectal cancer surgeries using Is surgery required to treat fecal incontinence? Whatcancer causes fecal incontinence PFD? laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a minimally invasive Colorectal is the second most common cancer in and the United States among Those who continue experience incontinence surgery in which small incisions are made totoperform major fecal surgery. This allows that continues even with The controls the140,000 muscles of the pelvicand floor through both men andbrain women. It affects people annually causes 50,000the nerves. medical treatment may benefit from surgery to correct for shorter hospital stays, decreased incisional pain and earlier return to work and the problem. Several deaths. The average person has a one in 20 chance of developing colorectal cancer Medical conditions or injuries that impact the health of nerves (such as diabetes, other activities. options exist, depending upon the underlying cause of the incontinence. In most in his/her lifetime. This risk is increased if there is a family history of colorectal Parkinson’s disease, stroke, back surgery, spinal stenosis, or childbirth) can result polyps or cancer, and is even higher still in those patients with a history of breast, cases, surgery options are minimally invasive, offering less pain, less scarring and in weakness or injury the pelvic resulting in fecal incontinence Can colorectal cancer be prevented? uterine or ovarian cancer, and of patients with a floor historymuscle, of extensive inflammatory recovery time.that Dr. Paonessa is Obtaining a fellowship-trained colorectal surgeon Colorectal one of the few cancers is preventable. a bowel disease such as ulcerative colitisare or Crohn’s Additionally, a person’s and PFD. Those with PFD unable colitis. to control the muscles in the pelvic floorcancer isshorter who is trained and has a special interest in treating patients with PFD and fecal screening colonoscopy at regular intervals is the single best way to prevent risk to for have developing colorectal cancer increases significantly with age. a bowel movement. People with PFD contract these muscles rather colorectal cancer. Your colorectal surgeon or specialist is able tothe review the with conservative measures incontinence. She always approaches problem than relax them, and because of this, they either can’t have a bowel movement guidelines for screening colonoscopy based upon your age, medical What causes colorectal cancer? to exploring surgical options, if andhistory when necessary. they have incomplete one.and PFD also includes and history.prior and family Although not definitively proven, studies published in the It is or generally agreedanthat nearly all colon rectal cancer beginsurinary in benignincontinence literature mention additional factors that may lower your risk of developing pelvic organ prolapse. fact, many polyps, peopleorsuffering with in fecal polyps, called adenomas. TheseInpre-malignant growths, occur the incontinence colorectal include eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet; maintaining a wallalso of theexperience colon and/or rectum incontinence. and may eventually increaseincontinence in size and become Testimonial urinary Urinary is a loss of bladdercancer and healthy weight; and engaging in regular, vigorous exercise. cancer, or medically speaking, carcinoma. This is known as the “adenomacontrol due to bladder muscles that are too weak or too strong. Symptoms range “My experience with Dr. Paonessa was exceptional. She made me feel so carcinoma sequence.” Several factors have been mentioned in the literature that comfortable and at ease. I’ve never met a doctor like her. For many years, I thought mild leaking wetting, and more common with mayfrom increase a person’s risktoforuncontrollable developing colorectal cancer andbecome include age, a diet I had hemorrhoids and out wasIcompletely After being diagnosed with highage. in fatPelvic and cholesterol, an inactive/sedentary lifestyle, obesity, organ prolapse is a condition in which thesmoking uterus,and bladder“After and bowel I had my colonoscopy and found had colon uncomfortable. cancer, my environmental exposures. primary physician recommended I see Dr. Paonessa. Not only is she a prolapsed rectum, I met with Dr. Paonessa. She immediately put me at ease and may “drop” onto the vagina and cause a bulge through the vaginal canal. Also

an excellent I would recommend Paonessa to anyone and rectum surgery and now I explained everything. Dr. Dr. Paonessa performed prolapsed common is a disorder in which the rectum becomes “stretched out” and slips outsurgeon, everyone.” feel wonderful. I feel like I came out as a better person.” - Natalie H. of the anus. Thisand is early called rectaldoprolapse. It is thatornearly one-third of Unfortunately, polyps cancers not produce anyestimated physical signs - Josephine B. all U.S. women are affected by one of these types of pelvic floor disorders in their symptoms. Therefore, symptoms usually indicate late or advanced disease. The mostlifetime. common symptoms of colorectal cancer are rectal bleeding and changes in “I credit Dr. Paonessa for saving my life. Her thoroughness and attention What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer?

bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are common in How fecalof incontinence diagnosed? to detail made the difference for my recovery. I’vemoving never met We are toaadoctor newlike location many other is disorders the gastrointestinal tract so it is very important to have Physicians willshould beginyou theexperience exam bythem. askingNOT about a careful attentive and caring. in June 2019! Just 3 miles south of our current a thorough examination ALLsymptoms, RECTAL taking her-so BLEEDING IS DUE TO HEMORRHOIDS. It is very to - Patricia E. history and performing a visual inspection of important the anus for andpatients perineum. A physical location at 603 Higgins Ave, Brielle, NJ 08730. remember this and seek if they are experiencing bleeding.the Other examination will evaluation determine the patient’s abilityrectal to control pelvic floor All contact information will remain the same. symptoms, such as abdominal pain and weight loss, are usually late symptoms and The physician will checkdisease. for nerve damage, muscle spasms or muscle quitemuscles. possibly indicate advanced/extensive

weakness. Additionally, the physician may request or perform any number of

How is colorectal cancer diagnosed? medical tests available, including blood work, X-rays and ultrasounds, to uncover Evaluation of colorectal is first begun with a complete history and physical the cause of fecalcancer incontinence. exam, including a digital rectal exam and possibly testing the stool for blood. A Who isis at riskdefinitive for developing fecal incontinence? colonoscopy the most test used to diagnose colorectal cancer. A Although men and at risk of developing and colonoscopy is performed by a women colorectalare surgeon or other specialist infecal orderincontinence to get aPFD, direct pelvic visualization of the inside of the colon and rectum. A colonoscopy floor disorders occur more frequently in women than men. Nearly is a safe, painless, outpatient procedure performed under a light sedation. Based one in 10 women older than the age of 40 has fecal incontinence, possibly as a upon the findings on colonoscopy, your colorectal surgeon or other specialist may complication of childbirth. Other factors beingand over the age of 55, recommend other testing such as blood work,risk a CT scan ofinclude the abdomen overweight, pelvis, pelvic MRI postmenopausal, and/or ultrasound. having a past pelvic surgery, nerve damage or a

connective tissue disorder.

Colon and ReCtal SuRgeRy How is fecal incontinence treated? Nearly all cases of colorectal cancer require surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology Fecal incontinence can to besurgery. treatedIfinthea number of non-invasive ways. are sometimes required in addition cancer is diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages, approximately 80-90% of patientsphysical are restored to Treatment usually combines self-care, medicines, therapy and home • laparaoscopic surgery • anorectal surgery theirexercise. normal health. The cure rate decreases 50% or the cancer Treatment depends on thetocause ofless thewhen problem youishave and what • abdominal/pelvic surgery • pelvic floor disorders diagnosed in the later/advanced stages. Less than 5% of all colorectal cancer Board Certified in proctology General Surgery and Proctology best fits your lifestyle. Dietary changes often reduce the occurrence of fecal • fecal incontinence • office patients require a colostomy or “bag,” thanks to modern technology. Dr. Paonessa incontinence. stool consistency is affected byinwhat youpractice. eat and drink, your • endoanal/rectal ultrasound anorectal manometry/ • laparoscopic•surgery • pelvic floor disorders prides herself in beingAs able to maintain this standard of care her own Not only is she able to minimize the number of colostomies/“bags” created for physiology • abdominal/pelvic surgery • office proctology How is colorectal cancer treated?

Colon and Rectal Surgery

• fecal incontinence

• anorectal manometry/

Board-certified in general surgery and proctology 2101 and Route a 34 South, Suite H 1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B • endoanal/rectal ultrasound Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, an established fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Wall, NJ 07719 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 physiology colorectal surgeon practicing Ocean and • anorectal surgery Dr. Paonessa specializes in in colon and rectal surgery. She Phone: (732) 282-1500 Monmouth answers questions has been inCounties, practice for 15 years. Sheabout completed her colon Our New Location! Fax: (732) 282-1501 colorectal onefellowship of the leading cancers in and rectalcancer, surgery at Lehigh Valley Hospital in 2101Office RouteHours: 34 South, SuitetoH5PM 1364 Route 72, Suite 5 M-F 9AM both men and women. Allentown, PA. She is co-editor of the textbook Surgical

Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition. Dr. Paonessa believes in patient-centered care and preserving each patient’s The County Woman Magazine independence, well-being and dignity. She provides the latest, up-to-date treatments and tailors each plan of care to the individual patient’s needs.

Wall, NJ 07719

The County Woman Magazine

Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 • Fax:2018 (732) March/April Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM

282-1501 May/June 2019

Featured On The Cover

Geeta K. Brana Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor Freedom Capital Management, Geeta K. Brana 295 Senior State Route 34, Vice President, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 Financial Advisor Freedom Capital Management, Tel: 732-546-9315 295 State Route 34, Web: FCMADVISOR.COM

Colts Neck, NJ 07722 Tel: 732-546-9315 Web: FCMADVISOR.COM Geeta K. Brana provides comprehensive wealth management and asset management advisory services to women in transition.

Geeta twenty years ofcomprehensive experience in thewealth GeetahasK.over Brana provides International Capital career startedadvisory in management andMarkets. asset Her management London in to 1995 with Lloyds Capital Markets where services women in transition. she trained in all aspects of International finance and credit She joined Mitsuiin the Geeta hasanalysis. over twenty yearsSumitomo of experience Banking Corporation in 2000, where she gained International Capital Markets. Her career started in extensive experience of structuring and trading debt London in 1995 with Lloyds Capital Markets where packages for multinational corporations throughout sheUnited trainedKingdom, in all aspects International finance the Easternof Europe, US and and credit analysis. She joined Sumitomo Mitsui Japan.

Banking Corporation in 2000, where she gained

experience of structuring and trading Inextensive 2003, Geeta began her career in the U.S. with debt Smith Barney’s Wealth Management Division, packages for multinational corporations throughout (Citigroup) turning her extensive to and the United Kingdom, Eastern knowledge Europe, US helping individuals. In a primarily male-dominated Japan. environment, she was able to build a successful wealth management practice in Washington DC and In 2003, Geeta began her career in the U.S. with later New York City working with high net worth Smith Barney’s Wealth Management Division, individuals and institutions.

(Citigroup) turning her extensive knowledge to helping individuals. In her a primarily male-dominated After a career break while children were young, environment, she was able to build a successful Geeta has returned to wealth management through wealth management practice(FCM), in Washington DC and Freedom Capital Management a boutique later New advisory York City working with high net worth independent firm with deep roots in Colts Neck, NJ. Geeta also the founding member of individuals andisinstitutions.

WHEEL (Women, Helping Educate & Enhance Life). the focus of Geeta’s practice is onyoung, AfterCurrently, a career break while her children were “Women In returned Transition”; assisting women in through all Geeta has to wealth management phases of their lives.

Freedom Capital Management (FCM), a boutique independent advisory firm with deep roots in Colts Neck, and NJ.investment Geeta advisory is alsoservices the founding member of Securities offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member Educate FINRA/SIPC. & RAAEnhance is WHEEL (Women, Helping separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products focus of Geeta’s practice orLife). servicesCurrently, referenced herethe are independent of RAA. RAA does not is on provide tax or legal “Women Inadvice. Transition”; assisting women in all phases The membersof of their WHEELlives. will provide free seminars, networking events and free online content. However, if a specialist member is hired as a personal consultant or to provide professional services it will be at their usual hourly rate or fee.

Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA. RAA does not provide tax or legal advice. The members of WHEEL will provide free seminars, networking events and free online content. However, if a specialist member is hired as a personal consultant or to provide professional services it will be at their usual hourly rate or fee.




When I went through my divorce (alone) I recognized there was a void for a group that encompasses all aspects of change in a woman's life. Even as a highly successful businesswoman with a finance background I was overwhelmed with the enormity of When I went through my divorce (alone) I recognized there was a void for a group change I faced. In order to survive I created my own support group of professional encompasses all trial aspects change in together a woman's life. Even astransition a highly succes women. Merely through and of error I pieced a “Super-Women” with a my finance background I was overwhelmed the enormit team businesswoman that helped me through toughest days. In subsequent years after with my multi change survive from I created my ownaround support group for of professio faceted divorceI Ifaced. startedIntoorder receivetoinquiries other women NJ asking women. Merely Ithrough trial and error I pieced a back “Super-Women” guidance and support. also promised my two children thattogether once I was on my feet transi I would give that back helped to the community. team me through my toughest days. In subsequent years after my m

faceted divorce I started to receive inquiries from other women around NJ asking

Hence, the idea for Helpingmy to Educate & Enhance born. guidance andW.H.E.E.L. support. I(Women also promised two children that Life) oncewas I was back on my

I would give back to the community.

As women we go through many phases of change in our lifetime that require support and nurturing from family and friends. We also need the advice of trustworthy Hence, the idea for W.H.E.E.L. (Women Helping to Educate & Enhance Life) was bo professionals that can take us forward in a positive direction when faced with immense challenges. Regardless of our marital status, whether we have children or not, or if we As women we ofgoa loved through phases of change have sustained a loss one many – change remains our lifetime that require supp

and nurturing from family and friends. We also need the advice of trustwor professionals that can take us forward that in a positive when faced is with imme As the founder of W.H.E.E.L. I understand the first direction step towards change challenges. marital status, westage haveis children or not, or if accepting that the Regardless old ways areof noour longer working and whether the second to set a new wheelhave of change in motion. sustained a loss of a loved one – change remains constant.

My goal to founder help educate & empower Iwomen in transition by providing to chang As isthe of W.H.E.E.L. understand that the first stepaccess towards expertaccepting advice through networking and educational seminars. As a result I have that the old ways are no longer working and the second stage is to set a established a “Super-Women' panel of advisors to help set your wheel of change in wheel of change in motion. motion. Whether you are getting divorced, planning to launch a new business, returning to work, saving for retirement, recently widowed, caring for elderly parents, looking for Myorgoal is tohealth helpadvice educate & empower women transition by providing acces romance seeking – there is something for all in at W.H.E.E.L.

expert advice through networking and educational seminars. As a result I h “Super-Women' panel of support advisors to helpyou seton your Thereestablished are eight coreaspokes of W.H.E.E.L. to help & educate this wheel journeyof chang Whether you are planning to launch woman. a new business, return calledmotion. life. Behind each spoke is angetting equallydivorced, talented and well credentialed to work, saving for retirement, recently widowed, caring for elderly parents, looking My commitment W.H.E.E.L. is toadvice always–provide FREE service women. This will romance oratseeking health there isa something fortoall at W.H.E.E.L.

be through a combination of free educational seminars, free online content and through my articles Monmouth County Woman help support & educate you on this jour Thereinare eight core spokes of W.H.E.E.L.

called life. Behind each spoke is an equally talented and well credentialed woman.

To learn more about the W.H.E.E.L. transition team and details of our upcoming events please follow us on Facebook@wheel.women.power or visit

My commitment at W.H.E.E.L. is to always provide a FREE service to women. This be through a combination Let's keep the W.H.E.E.L. spinning!of free educational seminars, free online content and thro my articles in Monmouth County Woman magazine.

Geeta K. Brana To W.H.E.E.L. learn more about the W.H.E.E.L. transition team and details of our upcoming eve Founder

The County Woman Magazine

please follow us on Facebook@wheel.women.power Let's keep the W.H.E.E.L. spinning! Geeta K. Brana Founder W.H.E.E.L.

May/June 2019


Featured On The Cover W.H.E.E.L. “Super-Women” Advisory Panel Geeta K. Brana

Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor Email: Tel: 732-546-9315 Freedom Capital Management 295 State Route 34 Colts Neck, NJ 07722 Web: FCMADVISOR.COM

Geeta K. Brana provides comprehensive wealth management and asset management advisory services to women in transition. Geeta has over twenty years of experience in international capital markets. Her career started in London in 1995 with Lloyds Capital Markets, where she trained in all aspects of international finance and credit analysis. She joined Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in 2000, where she gained extensive experience in structuring and trading debt packages for multinational corporations throughout the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, U.S. and Japan. In 2003, Geeta began her career in the U.S. with Smith Barney’s Wealth Management Division (Citigroup), turning her extensive knowledge to helping individuals. In a primarily male-dominated environment, she was able to build a successful wealth management practice in Washington, DC and later New York City, working with high net worth individuals and institutions. After a career break while her children were young, Geeta has returned to wealth management through Freedom Capital Management (FCM), a boutique independent advisory firm with deep roots in Colts Neck, New Jersey. Geeta is also the founding member of WHEEL (Women Helping Educate & Elevate Life). Currently, the focus of Geeta’s practice is on “Women In Transition,” assisting women in all phases of their lives. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA. RAA does not provide tax or legal advice.

Bettina Munson, Esq. Lomurro Law 4 Paragon Way Suite 100 Freehold, NJ 07728 732-414-0300

An equity partner in the Family Law Department of Lomurro, Munson, Comer, Brown & Schottland, Tina has more than 25 years of experience in matrimonial cases. She successfully litigated the first U.S. case in which a non-biological mother in a same-sex (domestic) partnership was awarded shared custody. She has extensive appellate experience and has published cases in both family law and civil litigation. Tina has developed an impressive track record litigating relocation cases throughout the state of New Jersey—and was instrumental in Lomurro Law winning the seminal case Baures vs. Lewis. She is a strong proponent of mediation and collaboration. In 2003, Tina was designated a Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey—a designation limited to those attorneys with significant involvement in trial matters in Superior Court; an unblemished reputation as attested to by judges and attorneys; and substantial knowledge and continuing legal education demonstrated by passing a special written examination on trial practice. Appointed to the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Domestic Violence in May 2008, Tina also serves as co-chair of the Family Law section of NJAJ and co-chair of the Boardwalk Seminars. She serves on the Family Law Committee of the Monmouth Bar Association. Tina was also active in local politics for many years. She was a member of the West Long Branch Democratic Committee from 2001-2008 and was elected as a Councilwoman in 2004. She has been past President of the Brookdale Foundation Board of Trustees. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for The First Tee and Board of Trustees for Deal Golf and Country Club (2015-2018).

Ann Mehl

Ann Mehl began her career at Anderson Consulting before becoming an associate at Citigroup Asset Management, covering institutional sales in the Middle East. Later, as one of the top-ranked executive recruiters in New York, Ann got her first taste for coaching, which she has been doing ever since. Ann is a highly seasoned executive coach with a loyal following in New York, where she is known as one of the “go-to” coaches for CEOs in tech startup companies. She has logged over 5,000 hours of one-on-one coaching, and completed training and certification in the following modalities: Non-Violent Communication, The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, The Immunity to Change Model, Tilt 365. She is also a Martha Beck trained coach, a Relational Life Therapist, and a Corporate Athlete through the Human Performance Institute. Ann is retained by clients to work with their senior executives on a variety of issues including communication, leadership training and conflict resolution. She brings a wealth of real-world experience from her own life in addition to her training as an executive coach. She is the real deal, easily making friendships with clients lasting well beyond their engagements. Ann has developed workshops and leadership training for hundreds of companies all over the world. She is a graduate of Boston College, where she is a founding member of the non-profit group 4 Boston. Having completed over 50 marathons worldwide, Ann is now a volunteer for Girls on the Run, a transformational learning program for girls ages 8 to 14. Ann is an accomplished speaker and writer, and has given keynote presentations as well as one well-received TEDx talk in the Netherlands. Ann is the author of a book, “Painting with Scissors”, How To Use the Tools You Have to Make Your Life & Work a Masterpiece.

Sarah Krüg

Executive & Business Coaching Address: 928 Broadway, Suite 1002, NY, NY 10010 Phone: 917-355-0956 Email: Web:

Founder, Health Collaboratory CEO, CANCER101 Executive Director, Society for Participatory Medicine 222 Broadway, 19th floor New York, NY 10038 646-638-2202 Sarah Krüg is the CEO of CANCER101, a patient advocacy organization whose mission is to help patients and caregivers navigate the cancer journey and partner with their healthcare team to make informed decisions. Sarah is also the founder of the Health Collaboratory, a global innovations hub that paves the path for participatory co-design and collaboration in healthcare, and is focused on amplifying the voice of the patient and caregiver in the design, development and continuous improvement of innovations. Through the Patient Shark Tank®, over 17,000 patients and caregivers across disease states have evaluated over 800 innovations across the globe, including research, technology, and education. In addition, The Health Collaboratory has implemented participatory co-design with patients and caregivers to launch innovations such as Prescription to Learn. She is the Executive Director and Past President of the Society for Participatory Medicine, a patient/ clinician member-driven organization whose mission is to enable collaborative partnerships between patients and healthcare professionals. Sarah serves on the board of the National Organization for Rare Disorders and is Research Chair of the Cancer Education Network. She previously held the position of Global Education Director in the Medical Education Group at Pfizer, as well as patient advocacy relations. She also established the Global Investigator Initiated Research Program at Pfizer. Prior to joining Pfizer, Sarah spearheaded the development of the Pediatric Disease Management clinical pathways and conducted clinical research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Sheila Martello

Featured On The Cover

Angela R Jones, MD, FACOG

Founding Director Stephy’s Place 210 West Front Street, Ste 209 Red Bank, NJ 07701 732-614-1142 On September 11, 2001, Sheila (Martello) DiOrio lost her husband Jim Martello in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Inspired by those who guided her through her grief and pain, she founded Stephy’s Place in September of 2015, which she continues to spearhead as Executive Director today. Stephy’s Place is a support center for grief and loss located in Red Bank, New Jersey. The center’s impact is evident in the many she and her staff have helped and continue to help. She is an advocate for the process of healing and believes strongly in giving back. Sheila has achieved her certification in Death and Grief Studies while studying with worldrenowned grief counselor Dr Alan Wolfelt at the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colorado. Sheila is also a Master Coach in the process of Radical Forgiveness, which allows us to find peace in any situation. Every year Sheila DiOrio leads “A Mourning Walk—A Journey into the Light.” As she explains it, “I wanted to give everybody a place that every year they could come and remember their loved one, just like every year on Sept. 11 the world remembers our loved ones.” It is just another way that she continues to companion people through their grief journey. Supported by her husband Jim DiOrio, they are committed to impact—which has always been at the center of their relationship. Jim, a West Point graduate, is recently retired from the FBI and is the President and CEO of J3 Global, a security company that provides personalized solutions to handle every level of risk mitigation. Jim serves on the advisory board at Stephy’s Place and as a Director of the Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund, an organization that he founded in 2011 after the untimely combat death of his childhood friend and fellow West Point graduate Colonel John McHugh. Stephy’s Place currently provides 34 support groups to anyone who has lost a loved one for any reason. Sheila is the mother/stepmother of five children: Jen (and husband Matt Cipolla), Jimmy DiOrio, James and Thomas Martello, and Nick Preston. She resides in Rumson, New Jersey with her husband Jim DiOrio and their youngest, Nick. They are truly a proud and prospering blended family.

Hackensack Meridian Health Medical Group—Healthy Woman OB/GYN, Jackson 27 South Cooks Bridge Rd, #219 Jackson Township, NJ 08527 (732) 431-1616

Angela Jones, MD, FACOG, knew she wanted to be a physician from the age of four and would profess her passion for medicine to whoever would listen growing up in Columbus, Ohio. The daughter of a well-known pastor, Angela Jones is a “tiny, black, woman of color with a HUGE voice,” as she describes herself, while her patients might say she is a brilliant doctor and witty “giggle-starter” with wildly contagious energy! An award-winning and board-certified obstetrics and gynecology expert, Dr. Angela is also a wife and mother who has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, The Bump, Shape, Self, and more! Dr. Angela completed her residency at Christiana Care Health System, where she served as chief resident and earned multiple awards for clinical excellence. She received her undergraduate degree from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and her medical degree at The Medical College of Ohio. In addition, Dr. Angela received certification to perform Da Vinci Robotics during her tenure at Barnabas Health System—and remains one of a handful of female, board-certified robotic surgeons in New Jersey. She currently works for Healthy Woman in Monmouth County, New Jersey. With the success of her Ask Dr. Angela podcast on iTunes, the Ask Dr. Angela blog, and the Ask Dr. Angela website, a book was a natural next step, providing Dr. Angela another means for her to pursue her passion of empowering women via education and best practice and standard of care medicine. Dr. Angela compiled a list of the questions her patients asked her on a daily basis and the answers she provided. Nothing remains uncovered in her new book.

Lori Markoff, M.Ed.

Founder Swipe Love Dating Services 917-301-7502 Lori Markoff is the author of numerous essays about online dating, as well as the upcoming memoir 50 First Dates—My Busy Year Back in Dating. As a newly divorced woman, Lori found herself back in the dating world 20 years after her last first date, and found the rules had changed completely. She realized that other men and women must be having the same experiences and anxieties, and decided to use her newfound expertise to help others navigate this new, often confusing, world of love. Her passion for writing and people, combined with her love of a good old-fashioned love story, merged together to lead her to this endeavor. Lori strives to empower people to understand their uniqueness so they can appreciate their special qualities and what they have to offer, and in doing so, help people connect with the right partner. With a graduate degree from the University of Virginia, Lori has taken her experiences with dating, coaching, teaching, research and business, and parlayed them into educating people about the business of love. She hopes that by sharing her own personal experiences, both good and bad, she can alleviate the anxiety that comes with dating, and help lead her clients to their very own fairy tale endings.


Dena Farash

The Mindful Mom Revolution Email: Facebook@themindfulmomrevolution Dena is a Mom, the founder of The Mindful Mom Revolution, Theta Healer™ and Speaker. Her mission is to empower women to do inner work on themselves to feel healed and whole by means of meditation and mindfulness. She is a leader of women who want to transform their journeys through Mind, Body, and Soul work. She has over 10 years of helping women and 5 years’ experience dedicated to solely working with Mothers to bring about positive change in their lives and, by proxy, the lives of their families.

The County Woman Magazine

Follow us on Facebook @wheel.women.power

Geeta K. Brana Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor Freedom Capital Management, 295 State Route 34, Colts Neck, NJ 07722


When I went through my divorce (alon May/June encompasses all aspects2019 of change i businesswoman with a finance backgr


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

29 Medical Professionals Live Life Dry: Treating Urinary Incontinence bladder medication or adult diapers. frequency, or urgency. Unfortunately, many people dismiss such urinary symptoms to be a part of “getting older” and empty the bladder) are not a normal part of the aging process, can cause embarrassment, and can diminish the quality of daily living dramatically.




Bladder control issues can be caused • Women are twice as likely as men by a multitude of factors. In certain cases, to experience urinary incontinence. menopause and the structure of the female urinary tract. Older women experience urinary incontinence more often than younger women.

• Bladder control problems may

women who have just given birth. In fact, a recent study found 25 percent of women over 18 years old have experienced episodes of leaking urine involuntarily, and one-third of men have experienced loss of bladder control during their adult lives. • Only one in eight Americans who have experienced loss of bladder control have been diagnosed. Recent

data has shown that women wait an

pregnancy and childbirth, obesity, weak pelvic muscles or diabetes can contribute to overactive bladder. Additionally, certain medications or inactivity also can contribute to such issues. In some people, bladder control problems are caused by miscommunication between nerves. sacral nerves, which control the bladder, do not communicate properly, causing the nerves to tell the bladder to release urine at the wrong time. diagnosing the type of incontinence and then pinpointing the underlying cause or causes. We ask our patients to complete a “voiding diary” which provides great insight and aids in diagnosis.

urinary issues, including incontinence, is called urodynamic testing or urodynamic experience symptoms until they obtain a study. diagnosis for their bladder control problems. visit, along with the data from your voiding diary, will give the physician objective data • People experiencing bladder related to bladder functions. Additionally, physicians often perform a cystoscopy to social lives. social, sexual, interpersonal and professional further assess the urinary tract. A cystoscopy is a test that allows the doctor to look at the function. People with bladder control inside of the bladder and the urethra using a problems often struggle with simple thin, lighted instrument called a cystoscope. everyday activities, such as working, shopping, or seeing a movie, for fear of such as blood in the urine (hematuria), painful embarrassing wetting episodes or not being urination (dysuria), urinary incontinence, near a restroom. Also, overactive bladder urinary frequency or hesitancy, an inability to pass urine (retention), or a sudden and to regularly experience disturbed sleep, overwhelming need to urinate (urgency) and much more. overeating, and poor self-esteem.

You may

bladder and are sometimes prescribed to treat stress urinary incontinence. In certain cases of incontinence involving the miscommunication of nerves to the bladder, a neurostimulator (commonly called a Bladder Pacemaker) may be the best treatment option.

Incontinence is not a hopeless problem.

are many treatment options available, however, only proper diagnosis will lead to proper treatment. Although behavior


Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) –

exertion, sneezing or coughing

Urge Incontinence – Leakage

Mixed Incontinence – Leakage associated with urgency

The County Woman Magazine

accompanied by or preceded by urgency (an overwhelming need to urinate… “Gotta go, gotta go!”)

For more information, call (609) 581-5900 or (732) 928-5300 or visit

May/June 2019

Health & Wellness


What Can Be Done For Painful Varicose Veins? Mechanico Chemical Ablation offers a high level of efficiency and is a less painful treatment of varicose veins. This is possible through a new device – CalriVein – the latest technological innovation in the treatment of varicose veins. No bleeding, no bruising and no pain.You can even return to work the same day. It really is as simple as that. Girija Surya, M.D.

Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery

How It Works The ClariVein catheter is guided into the vein using an ultrasound. The procedure is virtually pain free and doesn’t require any anesthetic. The tip of the catheter is then positioned near the sapheno-femoral junction. The catheter sprays a chemical into the vein, sealing it and preventing the varicose vein from re-appearing. Once the procedure is finished, most patients find that they are able to return to normal activities the same day. You can even drive yourself home! ClariVein is a special motorized catheter with a rotating tip. It uses chemo-mechnical ablation. “Chemo” stands for the liquid that has special chemical properties that destroy the inner lining of the vein. “Mechanical” stands for the rotating tip of the catheter that sprays the liquid onto the inside wall of the vein. It uses the rotation of the catheter tip together with the sprayed liquid to close and seal a faulty, leaky vein. ClariVein does not use heat and does not cause pain so there is no risk of burning structures close to the vein. In addition, there is no anesthesia required when using ClariVein. This is why most patients find the ClariVein procedure more comfortable and tolerable than all other endovenous techniques. Dr. Girija Surya is an MD Board Certified in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. In 2014, Dr. Surya has been chosen as a NJ Top Doc in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery. At Vein Center for Women, our philosophy is to promote “Total

FREE Vein Screening

Health” for our patients. We evaluate patients with their total health in perspective, including the management of other related conditions such as weight gain, smoking cessation, nutrition information, with a specific focus on the management of venous diseases.

If you are looking for a relief from varicose veins, please contact Dr. Surya at the Vein Center for Women with locations in Holmdel and East Brunswick. Appointments can be madeby sending an email to contact@


Love Your Legs Again!! Vein Center for Women

Schedule appointments “24/7” Girija Surya, M.D. Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular

Colonial Commons 670 N. Beers St. Bldg. 2, Ste. 4 Holmdel, NJ 07733

1656 Oak Tree Rd. 3rd Floor Edison, NJ 08820



Happy Father’s Day “Who’s my hero? That’s a great question... Well, I think my dad is my hero, because he’s someone I look up to every day.”

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of having a father. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our father for all he has done for us. On June 16th, strive to make Father’s Day absolutely hassle free for your father and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper him a little on this special day of his just as he pampers you all the year round. Give him a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish him a Happy Father’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Elder Law


Establish a plan, diffuse aa crisis, Establish crisis,ororask aska question... a question...

ANNEMARIE ESQ. ANNEMARIESCHREIBER, SCHREIBER, ESQ. Certified CertifiedElder ElderLaw LawAttorney* Attorney*

hashas thethe knowledge knowledgeand andexperience experienceto tohelp help you! you!

Four Steps to a Perfect Estate Plan Despite the fact you may think you have completed everything that is necessary for your estate plan once you have signed your estate documents, think again! Experts all agree your estate planning does not stop there. There are four additional steps to the perfect estate plan and they are essential to keep in mind. Upon signing your documents, you should: Communicate: Let those named in your documents know who is responsible to make your decisions, whether financial or medical, and also tell those individuals where your documents are located. A common mistake people make is to go home and throw the documents in a file. Then, years later, when an emergency arises and you need assistance, no one knows where the documents are or who has the authority to make decisions. This leads to confusion and stress. Don’t keep your estate plan a secret. Share the knowledge: This step is probably the hardest for most people. Oftentimes, parents can be reluctant to share information about their finances with their children. At the very least, the

Certified Elder Law Attorney, Annemarie Schreiber answered questions and offered informaton on the Caregivers First TV show, hosted by Lynette Whiteman, Executive Director of Caregiver Volunteers Of Central Jersey. The episode aired last December 12th on local TV stations (visit for listings). It is also be posted on SCAN’s YouTube channel and

children need to know where they can find an accurate list of all of your accounts and investments, as well as a list of all internet is also known as awith healthyour careagent proxy and directive, passwords. Review your medical directive a durable power of attorney for medical health carecare or an share your thoughts regarding so advance they aredirective. familiarAn individual appoints a trusted person to be his or her representative in the with your wishes. event the creator of the document can no longer make medical decisions for Out with the old: Shred all documentation that is no longer him- or herself. needed. This will save your loved ones the time and energy of trying to determine of accounts assets thatstates havehis or is a the legalstatus document in whichand an individual long closed. herbeen wishesredeemed regarding or medical treatment and end of life care. An individual’s Update: Finally, you need to keep Whatincluded may in preferences for medical treatment andyour end plan of lifecurrent. care are often have been an excellent estate plan several years ago may no longer fit. Lives change. Family relationships change. Finances change. If you need assistance with your estate planning documents or if you have any questions related to your estate planning, please contact the Law Offices of Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle, and Sacks, we’ll be happy to help.

Call 732-797-1600 for more information!

* As a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) by the ABA approved National Elder Law Foundation, Annemarie Schreiber is one of only 400 or so attorneys in the entire United States who is a qualified CELA. She is certified by the ABA approved Natonal Elder Law Foundation and has years of experience offering clients in Ocean and Monmouth counties the legal counsel they need to plan ahead for their future or the future of their loved ones work through difficult situations.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals



The Next Generation “Open” MRI A Friend’s Experience My friend named Sharon who lives in Washington DC called me with a medical problem.


he recently started having mild backaches as well as the sensation of “lightening” shooting down her left leg. Her doctor in Washington was concerned she could have a herniated disk in her spine and he recommended an MRI to diagnose the problem. It was explained to her that an MRI is basically a large magnet that images the body. The advantage of the MRI is that unlike some other tests there is no radiation and the detailed images obtained are of excellent quality. The disadvantage is that the test can take up to 45 minutes and one’s entire body enters the MRI through a narrow tube surrounded by the machine. The space between a patient’s body and the machine can be tight. Unfortunately, Sharon is extremely claustrophobic. After arranging for the procedure at a radiology facility near her home in Washington DC, she attempted to have an MRI on an older magnet but couldn’t go through with it. She was even given a little valium to relax her but the tight space

was too much to bear. Sharon called me wanting to know what she should do. I told her that the MRI is the best test to detect a herniated disks in her spine. She needed the MRI. Sharon then asked me about an “open” MRI. Open MRIs became very popular in the 1990s. Instead of being surrounded by the machine while lying in a tube, the machine was in the shape of a clam with the sides of the MRI being open. There were still a few problems with the open MRI. Although the sides were open, the top of the machine was very close to the patient’s face. This design still bothered some patients who suffered from claustrophobia. The bigger problem with the Open MRIs was the strength of the magnet. Weaker magnet strength means lower image quality. Most standard MRIs have a strength of 1.0 Tesla which gives good images. Most open MRIs have a magnet strength of 0.4 Tesla. This markedly degrades the image quality, compared with standard MRIs. Additionally, many advanced MRI techniques cannot be performed with these weaker magnets. Sharon asked what do we do at my office. I told her we have the very latest in “open” MRI

technology, which addresses both of these issues. Our brand new MRI has a magnet strength of 1.5 Tesla which is stronger than most standard MRIs. This produces superior images and allows us to perform advanced MRI techniques and sequences. The stronger magnet strength also decreases the scan time allowing the patients to finish their exams faster. The opening (also called the bore) in our new MRI is very wide with the machine far from the patient’s face. The standard MRI would be several inches from the patient’s face; however our wide bore open MRI is one foot from our patient’s face. This dramatically decreases the sensation of claustrophobia. This wide bore is approximately 2.3 feet wide, which is ideal for claustrophobic patients and larger patients who need more room. With the older model MRIs, one’s entire body has to enter the MRI. Our new MRI is 4 feet long. This is much shorter than most MRI’s and is in the shape of a donut (rather than a long coffin-like tube). This means that for a majority of tests, our patient’s head is outside of the machine, helping to ease the sensation of claustrophobia. I told Sharon that since we placed our new MRI, we practically haven’t had

“Open” wide bore MRI provides the best comfort for all body types and those with claustrophobia.

MRI Of The Spine: Quality of Images

Traditional Open MRI any patients complain of claustrophobia. Our referring physicians, especially our surgeons and neurologists, have also been very pleased with the image quality produced by our machine. Sharon came to my office in Toms River and had her examination without any problems. She was so

Advanced “Open” MRI comfortable in our MRI she actually fell asleep! The good news for Sharon is she did not have a herniated disk. She had a small tear in her disk that was causing her symptoms and will heal in several months without surgery.

As always, contact our office

About The Author...

Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is an Ocean County native who attended kindergarten through twelfth grade in Toms River. He is a graduate of Temple University Medical School and completed his radiology residency at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Khorrami completed a Cross Sectional Imaging Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has returned to Toms Ricer to work with his family as Medical Director of Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center.

PARVIZ KHORRAMI, M.D. CYRUS KHORRAMI, M.D. where our staff will be more Founder Medical Director then happy to assist you. PARVIN MOTEMADEN KHORRAMI, M.D. 732-244-0777

1.5KHORRAMI, T and 3 T High PARVIZ M.D. • PET/CT • Diagnostic X-Ray PET/CT Founder Field Open Bore MRIs • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography Ultrasound CYRUS KHORRAMI, M.D. • CT Scan • Nuclear MedicineCT Scan 3-D Mammography Medical Director • High Field Open Bore MRI Diagnostic X-Ray Nuclear Medicine PARVIN MOTEMADEN • Bone Densitometry Bone Densitometry KHORRAMI, M.D.


Chase Professional • 154 Route•37 West • Toms 08755732-244-1428 Deer Chase Deer Professional Park • 154Park Route 37 West Toms River, NJRiver, 08755NJ • Fax: EXPERIENCE

Tel: 732-244-0777 • Fax: 732-244-1428

Dr. Cyrus Khorrami, M.D.





The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

& EXPERTISE you can count on. May/June 2019 March/April 2015

Health & Wellness


Protect Your Family – Eliminate Lice Now!

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848-238-7331 • Recipe

Caponata~Compliments of Chef Steph 3/4 cup olive oil 1 large eggplant (about 2 lbs) cut into bite size pieces 6 medium zucchini (about 2 lbs) cut into bit size pieces 1/2lb mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 1/2 cups onion, chopped 1 cup celery, sliced

1 garlic clove minced 1/2 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 cup capers, drained 2 T sugar 3 large tomatoes, cut into bite size chunks 4 1/2 oz pimento stuffed olives, drain & cut in half

In a large saucepan over high heat, cook eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, celery and garlic in the oil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the vinegar, capers, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until vegetables are fork tender. Stir in tomatoes and olives and bring to a boil over high heat. Spoon mixture into a bowl, cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or until well chilled. Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

The County Woman Magazine

Serves-12 May/June 2019


Business Spotlight

Patients Are Treated Like Family at the Office of Dr. Kathy Banks In addition to caring for her patients, Dr. Kathy Banks is highly focused on perfecting her team in the office. Although it did take some time, she has now found the ideal fit. Team members Monica, Danielle, Diana, Amanda, Jessica and Sonya work exceptionally well together and enable her to provide the excellent patient care that she is known for. She adds, “The most important aspect of our team is that we mutually respect and care about one another. Silly interpersonal conflicts and office politics are distractions, and stand in the way of delivering excellent patient care. It takes extra work to achieve and maintain this level of professionalism, but it allows us to keep our focus centered on our patients.”

As an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, she has had numerous papers published and is a frequent presenter for continuing education classes. With more than 15 years of experience treating patients of all ages, she is able to treat most of them comfortably in her office. However, when circumstances dictate, Dr. Banks holds hospital privileges in three hospitals: Jersey Shore University Hospital, Southern Ocean Medical Center, and Community Medical Center. She treats patients on an outpatient basis when necessary. Another enhancement to her practice has been starting ongoing education in various areas of expertise. “Before opening this office, I witnessed staff members elsewhere going through the motions of their jobs. I did not want this to be my team. As a life- long learner, I insist on investing in the professional development of all of my team members, including myself. The more knowledge and new skills we are able to master, the more we have to offer our patients. Adding new skills and reinforcing techniques we already practice will enhance our patients’ experience from start to finish,” she says. Dr. Banks’ philosophy is that every patient deserves to be treated like a family member. This often means that team members must stay late, come in early, or adjust their lunch hours to accommodate a patient with a truly serious condition. This is their commitment: to provide excellent, quality care to their patients. When you are a patient of Dr. Banks, quality care begins the moment you call the office, and continues until discharged. She explains, “Staff members Danielle and Diana guide patients through the registration and scheduling process, and answer the myriad of insurance related questions and concerns. Then, Amanda, Jessica

and Arly take over with the “hands on “ part of patient care, assisting me with evaluation, taking x-rays and the surgical-anesthetic aspects of care. These three ladies are so compassionate with our patients that they are able to make a surgical appointment pleasant. Their clinical abilities allow me to perform my work at a much higher level,” she adds. New technology plays a big part in the office of Dr. Banks. “Hands down, the number one development in oral and maxillofacial surgery has been integrating 3D imaging into patient care. Cone Beam CT scanning is indispensable in diagnosing common oral conditions such a cysts, tumors, and impacted teeth ” she says. She also uses 3D images for dental implant surgery and can perform virtual surgical implant surgery using either of the two software programs. She explains, “From this work up, a surgical guide can be fabricated and used in the surgery procedure so that the implants are placed in the exact angulation and depth as planned. This is called “guided surgery” and I use this routinely.” Another use for the CBCT scan is jaw reconstruction. “I have used CBCT scans to plan orthognathic surgery procedures where the jaws are cut and repositioned so the teeth match up. The virtual surgery plan done on the computer is used to generate surgical guides that help me perform the jaw surgery with enhanced precision,” she says.

Dr. Kathy Banks received her undergraduate degree from Rutgers University and received her DMD from Temple University School of Dentistry. After dental school, she completed an Advanced Education General Dentistry program and then completed her 4-year specialty training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. She was later awarded her Board Certification by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the American Board of Anesthesiology. She is currently the first female Chair of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation, and organization dedicated to improving the quality and safety of patient care by advancing innovation in oral and maxillofacial surgery research and education.

609-488-2325 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals



If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Are Your TeethSEE A DR. Constant BANKS!Source Of Pain And Embarassment?

Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.”

You don’t have to live like this anymore!

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. When the gum ridge where teeth are missing is too thin to place a dental implant, bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone replacement product, or even the patient’s own bone, can be placed into the deficient area, stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” YOUR TEETH CONSTANT andARE can be accomplished in A both the top and bottom jaws.


SOURCE PAIN AND When teeth OF are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward EMBARASSMENT? into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according You don’t have to live like Augmentation this anymore! to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement product or ® can even the patient’s own bone be used.”LIFE YOUR


Get Your G Summertime Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning of the face and jaws, to Smile! evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the quality A common misconception is that the bone is placed into the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane ! e l i m is actually lifted up (hence to name me S“sinus lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material + r e is placed under the sinus ummmembrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one S r u o procedure. et Y

Dr. Kathy A. Banks

of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” She also prepares andOral usesand advanced biologic materials into grafting procedures such as L-PRF Board Certified Maxillofacial Surgeon 249 S. Main St. # 4 Barnegat NJ (609) 488-2325 (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which are made right in the office at the time of surgery.

Specialty Lic # 4070

And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offer intravenous general sedation, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can Office Hoursanesthesia 8am-5pmand Monday – Friday Bone Grafting Dental Implants be treated comfortably. General and Intravenous Anesthesia

“OfJaw course, I’m making it sound easy butSurgery these procedures are technically demanding and take years Pathology Reconstructive Jaw of practice to gain the proper expertise. You only want your bone grafting procedures performed by a well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.”

• Bone Grafting • Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology • Reconstructive Jaw Surgery

For more information, call 609-488-2325 or DMD visit Call Kathy A. Banks, Dr. Banks Today! • 609-488-2325 •

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 May/June 2019



What is Social Community Activities Network?


SCAN programs sustain independence, health and happiness among people fifty years of age and older in Monmouth and Ocean Counties by using education and technology to create an environment where the aging population can continue to grow intellectually as well as physically and emotionally, thereby allowing older adults to thrive – not just survive. SCAN is a place where Active Adults meet to be Informed, Empowered and Inspired. Throughout the year, we will continue to introduce new programs and services that complement our mission.

Where Active Adults Meet To Be Informed, Empowered and Inspired

Social Community Activities Network And Upcoming Classes And Events! Save The Dates: United Way Of Monmouth And Ocean Counties April 29–July 26 – Spring/Summer Semester, Monmouth Mall Announce The Grand Opening Of SCAN’s Benefits Our Spring/Summer semester has just started – it’s not too late to register for a weekly class, a workshop or a special event. Visit our website at to view the full class listing or stop Enrollment Center by our Monmouth Campus, located in the basement level of the Monmouth Mall. Social Communities Activities Network (SCAN) and United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties (UWMOC) have partnered with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to expand assistance to people with Medicare in Monmouth and Ocean Counties to improve their financial security. SCAN and UWMOC officially announced the grand opening and kick-off of SCAN’s Benefit Enrollment Center at their location in the Monmouth Mall in Eatontown on April 10, 2019 at an Open House & Brunch. Nationally, half of all people with Medicare live on incomes less than $26,200 per year, and often lack the resources needed to meet basic living expenses. Several benefit programs exist to help these individuals with the costs of health care, prescriptions, food, and more. SCAN’s Benefits Enrollment Center (BEC) as well as UWMOC’s ten Financial Success Center locations are supported by NCOA to serve fixed-income Medicare beneficiaries. The Financial Success Center Network provides free, comprehensive resources under one roof to help people move from financial difficulty to economic well-being. BECs within the Financial Success Center Network are located in Bayville, Eatontown, Freehold, Keansburg, Long Beach Island, Manahawkin, Neptune, Red Bank, South Toms River and Toms River. BECs will use NCOA’s online BenefitsCheckUp tool to screen older adults, and younger adults with disabilities, for a number of benefits and help them apply for and use those benefits. People can find out if they qualify for assistance by visiting uwfinancialsuccess. org to find the nearest BEC, or by calling SCAN at 732-542-1326.

All programs listed below are FREE and open to the public but registration is required. Call SCAN 732-542-1326 to reserve your spot in advance!

MONMOUTH COUNTY EVENTS May 10 – Senior Expo & Fashion Show, 11:00AM–3:00PM, Monmouth Mall

Come “Connect, Create, Contribute” and celebrate Older Americans Month at SCAN’s Senior Expo. 40 vendors showcasing services and products to promote wellness, healthy lifestyles, travel, technology and more! At 1:30PM in the Town Square area outside Macy’s, SCAN’s Annual Fashion Show will take place with fabulous models over the age of 50 who will be styled by Macy’s!

May 22 – Lunch & Learn, 12:00PM–1:30PM, Monmouth Mall

Please join us for these important topics: Never Skip a Beat: Know the facts of stroke prevention & risk factors and the connection to AFib. Presented by Monmouth Medical Center. Pharmaceutical Management at Home: Learn about commonly prescribed medications, the interactions and best methods to take them, as well as supplements and herbal interactions. Presented by CareOne.

June 11 – Brain Health Fair, 10:30AM–1:30PM, CentraState, Freehold

Keynote Speaker: Marilyn Abrahamson, Speech Pathologist & Certified Brain Health Educator, CentraState Medical Center. Brain teasers, 15-20 vendors, and refreshments will be served.

June 27 – Brain Health Fair, 10:00AM–1:00PM, Bayshore Senior Center, Keansburg

Tune In to SCAN TV! Visit our YouTube Channel at

New to SCAN? Try a class for FREE on us!

Join us for a presentation by Hackensack Meridian Health, a variety of healthcare and wellness vendors plus refreshments. to view current and past episodes of our 3 television shows: Welcome to SCAN, Caregivers First, and Community Connections.

OCEAN COUNTY EVENT May 15 – Lunch & Learn, 10:30AM–1:00PM, St. Andrew United Methodist Church, Toms River.

Join us for an informative presentation by the Ocean County Office of Senior Services, a variety of healthcare and wellness vendors, and lunch!

180 Route 35 Eatontown

(basement level of Monmouth Mall)

732-542-1326 •

SCAN Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The County Woman Magazine

Pat Bohse

Executive Director

May/June 2019




10 Ways To Love Start now. It’s never too late or too early to incorporate healthy habits.

BREAK A SWEAT. Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates heart rate and increases blood flow. Studies have found that physical activity reduces risk of cognitive decline.

Your Brain

Growing evidence indicates that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits. When possible, combine these habits to achieve maximum benefit for the brain and body.

HIT THE BOOKS. Formal education will help reduce risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Take a class at a local college, community center or online

BUTT OUT. Smoking increases risk of cognitive decline.

Quitting smoking can reduce risk to levels comparable to those who have not smoked.

FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke — obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes — negatively impact your cognitive health.

Visit or call (973) 437-3931 to learn more. 24/7 Helpline, (800) 272-3900. Alzheimer’s Association Greater New Jersey Chapter 23 Vreeland Road, Suite 105, Florham Park, NJ 07932

HEADS UP! Brain injury can raise risk of

cognitive decline and dementia. Wear a seat belt and use a helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike.

FUEL UP RIGHT. Eat a balanced diet that is higher in vegetables and fruit to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

CATCH SOME ZZZ’s. Not getting enough

sleep may result in problems with memory and thinking.


studies link depression with cognitive decline, so seek treatment if you have depression, anxiety or stress.

BUDDY UP. Staying socially engaged may support brain health. Find ways to be part of your local community or share activities with friends and family.

STUMP YOURSELF. Challenge your mind. Build a piece of furniture. Play games of strategy, like bridge. TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

January/February May/June 2019 2019


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Health & Wellness Come Home From Vacation Feeling Light & Free, and Stuffed Only With Great Memories! We all look forward to vacation – the downtime, change of scenery and routine, new adventures, and that great carefree feeling. For too many people, though, vacation is synonymous with a gluttonous food-fest. They give themselves a green light to continuously overeat and over-drink, and consume tons of junk. “I’m on vacation – I deserve this,” they tell themselves. When they get home, they lament their higher weight and snugfitting clothes. If they were already carrying around excess pounds, they now have an additional 5-10 pounds and all the negative physiologic effects that go with them. If you care about your health and want to avoid a big weight gain on vacation, here are a few simple things you can do: • Have a flexible plan for handling meals. For example, consider having larger lunches and smaller dinners. It’s more cost-effective, and a lighter dinner is more conducive to getting quality sleep. Maybe order several appetizers and share an entrée. It’s a great way to try a variety of foods. • Ask questions and make requests at restaurants. Ask how foods are prepared, so you don’t end up with fried foods or rich sauces you weren’t expecting. It’s okay to ask for foods to be prepared with less fat or cheese, or to have dressing or sauce served on the side. • Enjoy regional foods in just the right amounts. Order the specialties of the area you’re visiting. If you’re in New Orleans, share a muffaletta or beignet! In Memphis, share some of that great BBQ. Eat

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

slowly and savor every delicious bite! • Fully immerse yourself in the places you’re visiting. Use your senses to embrace the colors, the sounds, the fragrances, the culture. Vacation is about so much more than the food. • Plan to be active – and bring several pairs of comfortable sneakers. Walk, walk, and walk some more. It’s the best way to experience a new place and build your overall sense of well-being (and, of course, burn a few calories). • Carry water and some healthy snacks with you. Stick some trail mix, fruit, or low-sugar protein bars in your backpack, for example. Prevent yourself from being so famished at meals that you overeat and make poor choices. • Consume alcohol in moderation – and alternate with water. Calories from alcohol count – and mixed drinks are often loaded with them. Plus, alcohol has a way of thwarting the best of intentions. • Balance things out. If you overdid it at breakfast, lighten up on your other meals. If you had a drink at dinner, pass on the dessert tray. While you’re on vacation, you’ll notice some people treating their bodies like garbage cans. Instead, choose to treat your body as the miraculous, amazing “machine” that it is. It’s the only one you’ll have in this lifetime.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019


The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2019



The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019



Murray Grove Retreat & Renewal Center The Perfect Place to celebrate and renew...

About Murray Grove

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Travel ravel


Travel TSTARRING ravel 56 T ravel ravel AMILY THE “KIDS” 56 42 # VACATIONS ROMANCE TRAVEL 55 T ravel 55 Travel ravel 63 63 ravel “Create Lasting Memories” “Create Lasting Memories” ARE YOU A CRUISER? RiverTaking Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” It With You: A Packing Experience Primer

More More fun, fun, more more memories! memories! Part Part of of raising raising aa family family isis making making memories memories that that Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your cherish forever. AAfamily isis part those memories. will Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children children willFloating cherish forever. family vacation part of offor those memories. Whether you’re interested in glacier hotels havevacation something everyone. a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to as are as open imaginaToday’s opportunities to travel travel as aa family family are as wide wide open as as your your imagina- islands or city streets, spending days You’ve booked your trekking or pool lounging, exploring secluded You’ve booked your iver cruising may be the hottest cruising iver cruising may be the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. ion. From beaches adventures, destination awaited vacation tion. From warm warm beaches to to exciting excitinglong adventures, every destination offers offers aa new new long awaitedevery vacation



AA sample of will with your sample of some some Romantic destinations will let let you you dream dream of of your your next next escape. escape. experience. withRomantic yourTravel Traveldestinations experience. cruises have been operating for decades. cruises have been operating for decades. The best part of cruising on any size ship remains the same: you only need to ravel Professional and you’re ravel Professional andand you’re We resorts destinations ravel We have have some some suggested suggested kid’s kid’s focused focused resorts and destinations with with ravel ready to your each unpack once and the views change every day.its ready to pack pack yourwill , enjoy: , enjoy: each with with its own own personality, personality, special and amenities that the entire family special activities activities and amenities that the entire family will Cruise lines have upped their game with expanded Cruise lines have upped theirsuitcase. game with expanded surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices amenities and intriguing itineraries to places ocean-going ravel 56 amenities and intriguing itineraries tothe places ocean-going Now big ravel 56 Now the bigquestion questionis: is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and and cozy cozy at at the the same same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do take 55 T ravel What do you you take Are you a Foodie or a Wine Lover? 55 ravel 63 ravel 63 T ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This with charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views you? If you’re cruising in the Caribbean with you? “Create Lasting Memories” Top chefs have expanded to waterways with local ingredients If Memories” you’re cruising in the Caribbean “Create Lasting riverboats on current themes. from room, Watersports including diving waterskiing, aa game room and the Ceebee Kids riverboats with with focus focus onevery current themes. With so many new fees and from every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, game roomthat and the Ceebee Kids • Add aand few more tee shirts and another pair of shorts With so many new fees and More fun, more memories! Part of raising amore family is making memories • Add a few tee shirts and another pair of shorts from evert port. Annual Food and Wine Festival sailings feature , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing More fun, more memories! Part of raising a family is making memories that , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing restrictions the airlines have Club. The is beautiful leading to a•a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The destinations, ais 12-day Bordeaux restrictions the airlines have forever. Club. The beach beach beautiful leading toand turquoise Caribbean Sea. like Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, sweater, rain poncho, and zippered The river river cruising cruising destinations, 12-day Bordeaux your cherish AA family isis part of memories. like will Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, • Lightweight Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags bags guest chiefs sommeliers, cooking classes and more.plastic yourachildren children will cherish forever. familyvacation vacation part ofthose those memories. villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical for wet suits. River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests thetoto local opportunities travel aafamily are as open as Today’s carry-on a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical for wet suits. Today’s opportunities travelas as family are aswide wide opencruising asyour yourimaginaimaginaYou’ve booked your atathome now on. Some airlines are charging for bags now, You’ve booked your iver cruising may be the hottest homefrom from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. iver cruising may be the hottest cruising experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s tion. 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The protected white sand beaches and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re A few years from now what and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers We some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations Professional and you’re A few years from now what Here isisriverboats aapacking primer from Kaiman, Travel Professional that Wehave have some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinationswith with , with beautiful beaches and great Herethe packing primer fromCarole Carole Kaiman, Professional that , with beautiful beaches and great ready to pack your rated best in the Caribbean by Travel &&Travel Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its you will remember is the total and canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental ready to pack your (rated the best in the Caribbean by Travel Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own own personality, personality, Examples of some of the best you will remember is the total and canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental special activities and amenities that the entire family will enjoy: might the process. Examples of some of the best Cruise lines have upped their game expanded special activities and amenities that the with entire family will enjoy: mighthelp helpwith with the process. Cruise lines have upped their game with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT suitcase. for certified divers). waterways, connecting Sea. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North North Sea Sea to to Black Blackamenities Sea. intriguing itineraries to places ocean-going River Cruise Line Themes: Areand you anthe adventurer? Now the big question is: amenities and intriguing itineraries to places ocean-going River Cruise Line Themes: Now the big question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. things you forgot to pack. are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels the things you forgot to pack. vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and surf ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feelsboth bothcountry-club country-cluband andcozy cozyat atthe thesame same vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced For a week in the Caribbean: What do you take resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and surf AA Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with Sail to ports at the edges of civilization. ForBEACHES a week in the Caribbean: What do you take Europe River Cruise is one of the bestocean wayscruisers we off the • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisersand offwith the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This with charming resort with anXBOX AlainIfDucasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views you? simulator are favorite the The Caribbean Adventure Sesame Street and the play you’re cruising in Caribbean • with you? know explore inland Europe, cities, towns simulator are aato favorite of the kids. kids. Thevisiting Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play PBS “Downton Abby” Viking cruise guests Ifoffers you’re cruising in the the Caribbean • 22 swimsuits swimsuits Watersports off back of the ship. know to exploreof inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and Virtuoso Travel Professional can riverboats with focus on current themes. PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests from every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, aagame room and the Ceebee Virtuoso Travel Professional can riverboats with focus on current themes. With so many new fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s counfrom every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, game room CeebeeKids Kids • Add a few more tee shirts and another pair of With sochildren’s many new feesdining and • Add where in a private chapel in Florence’s couna few more teespecial shirts and anotherand pairthe ofshorts shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) ounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and tour  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 11 in in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have sweater, poncho, The beach beautiful leading to •a•Lightweight turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. Lightweight sweater,rain rain poncho,and andzippered zipperedplastic plasticbags bags villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. • 22 cover-ups imposed baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet be with the most value and added cover-ups of the famous house. River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local imposedfor for baggage, you will have tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet Itt•will will be aa great great family family vacation vacation memory. memory. for wet suits. with the most value and added of the famous house. River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local for wet suits. atbeach home now on. Some are for carry-on bags now, atbeach homefrom from on.without Someairlines airlines arecharging charging for carry-on bags now, • (1 & Pareo) experience the long tour bus rides. From April’s to make your experience a•aWhatever you purchase (1 with with sleeves sleeves for for evenings evenings dining dining on on the the✿ & 11now Pareo) experience without thetouches long tour bus rides. From April’s • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from touches to make your experience Whatever youforget forgetyou youcan can purchaseon onboard boardor oratatthe the and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was created to be the and other airlines let you board first if you have noone. carry-on bags. So what created ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was to be theultimate ultimateget getfrom tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable ••Yoga pants and 2 tank tops tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable one. are the essentials to pack? Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. are the essentials to pack? getaway, where everything isisVienna Included and unlimited. The protected white sand beaches to Munich highlighting aand Beer theme. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships together were built with families in A deluxe family Ocean view together where everything Included and unlimited. The protected white sand AA few years now what , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ✿ DISNEY were with families in mind. mind. A deluxe family Ocean view Our dedication to our clients before, after every vacation fewduring yearsfrom from now whatbeaches Here isbuilt agetaway, packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” • and Our dedication to our clients before, during and after every vacation Here isand abest packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 22 shorts shorts and 22 tees tees CRUISE ships(rated the in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving • Tauck offers family river cruises with its you will remember isisthe total canals, which span thousands of of Continental Examples of some of the best (ratedhelp theand best in process. the Caribbean by• Travel &miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck you will remember the totalTauck canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental might with the Examples of some of the best stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. might help with the process. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family ofwaterways, 4 divers). or 5. connecting There’s North amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of Sea. difference. • restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches (for certified Sea to Black • 33 sundresses sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT program, including family cooking (for certified divers).connecting NorthBridges waterways, Sea to Black Sea. River Cruise Line Themes: Bridges program, including family cooking River Cruise Line Themes: with no on deck, or the set, there’s the AquaLab with aa looping waterslide. the things you forgot to pack. • Flip sandals, wedges, sneakers with no fear fear onflops, deck,flat or for for the younger younger set, there’s the AquaLab with looping waterslide. BEACHES resorts are children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and surf youRiver forgot to pack. and friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler For aa week in the Caribbean: • SHOES: SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers areabout about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazyVagabond* rivers andthrough surf AAEurope River Cruise isisone of the best ways we and warm warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler ••things Viking Cruises, partnership lessons. ForBEACHES week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: Europe River Cruise one of the best ways we Viking River Cruises, through partnership with with *Remember, your Enjoy Your Travel Experience. lessons. *Remember, your Vagabond* Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits •• Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Travel Professional can know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times!  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counVirtuoso Travel Professional can Do you appreciate the finer things in life? There  Italy can’t where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun(put 11in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special • Sunglasses assist you in planning a vacation (put in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor days in England Countryside, and special tour tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy.• 2 cover-ups Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. Silverseas ships have dedicated Butlers for each cabin. They are tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. ItIt•will be aagreat family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. 2 cover-ups entering the market such as Emerald Waterways will be great family vacation memory. with the most value and added •• Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag of the famous house. A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, entering the market such as Emerald Waterways For over 25 Packable sun foldable beach bag (1 with sleeves for evenings dining hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For over 25 years, years, on the beach &&11Pareo) touches to make your aa •• Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from (1 with sleeves trained for eveningsas dining on the beach Pareo) touches todemand. yourexperience experience English Butlers and they make amake world of difference to Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from and Scenic cruises fill the Each line The options go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to •• Costume jewelry, (leave the real jewels home) and Scenic cruises to to fill the demand. Each line and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. ••Yoga and 22tank tops The go on pants to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) Carole Kaiman and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. Yoga pants and tank tops Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built families in mind. AA deluxe family Ocean view your cruise experience. Sea Dream cruisers check into their cabin Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our before, during and every has its highlights, such as the long ships and the ✿ DISNEY ships builtwith with families in deluxe Ocean view • shorts and tees and purse  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” dedication tofamily ourclients clients before, duringwith andafter after everyvacation vacation has itswere highlights, such asmind. the long ships and the •22families, shorts and22Alaska tees CRUISE and an an evening evening purse South tours (Perfect for summer vacation) •Our Tauck offers family river cruises its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. SouthAfrica Africa for for families, Alaska tours (Perfect for summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches Vagabond Travel • 3 sundresses stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids to find Monogrammed pajamas waiting for them. makes a world of difference. next enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches Must • 3 sundresses Bridges next generation generation Space-Ships. Space-Ships. Must Haves: Haves: Bridges program, program, including including family family cooking cooking around in even river on trend vineyard tours or in-you name trend around in 2017 2017 --spasevenifthough though river it there’s a ship for it.

70 70 00 00  Six Hawaiian  Six Hawaiian Islands Islands


River Lasting Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Memories”


An Extraordinary Experience River Lasting Cruising: “Create Memories”   Greece Greece Taking It With You: A Packing Primer

R   Barbados Barbados   Italy Italy

  Bermuda Bermuda

with no on deck, or the set, there’s the with aalooping waterslide. and Tauck tours of • Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler with nofear fear onflops, deck, orfor for theyounger younger set, there’s theAquaLab AquaLab with looping waterslide. and fabulous fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. Europe. •SHOES: SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers Working with your Virtuoso Advisor you will find the right cruise and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. •• Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. *Check out lessons. Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe ••Pashmina Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Pashmina Start your vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! sizefor and experience that works with your lifestyle. Why notAdvisor contact Start your unforgettable unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist •• Facial moisturizer There are several brand new River cruise • Sunglasses with special highlights the kids to enjoy. Facial and and body body moisturizer There are several brand new River cruise lines lines Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Contact Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond Contact Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways me today to begin an exciting cruise vacation. • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, •• Make mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! entering the market such as Emerald Waterways For over 25 years, for our Digital Magazine • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Make up up Bag: Bag: waterproof waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at• Costume Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, aa Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. Virtuoso Agency for latest information and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, Virtuoso Agency inreal Little Silver today. The options go to all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to jewelry, (leave jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and and Scenic cruisesand to fill the the hair and shampoo The options goon on toMexican Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leavethe the real jewels home) Carole Kaiman and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and and some amazing travel ideas. hair conditioner conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its such as 732-222-2792 memories that will last aa lifetime. and purse amenities. has its highlights, highlights, such as the the long long ships ships and and the the South families, Alaska tours (Perfect for summer vacation) 732-222-2792 or or 732-842-2600. Create 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last lifetime. andan anevening evening purse memories to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create that will last aaVagabond lifetime. SouthAfrica Africafor for families, Alaska tours (Perfect for summer vacation) Travel to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that will last lifetime.

Vagabond TravelSpace-Ships. next Must next generation generation Space-Ships. MustHaves: Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. ••Insect It’s *Check out InsectRepellent, Repellent,Sun SunProtection Protection(with (withatatleast least30 30SPF) SPF) It’s aa great great new cruising cruising experience! experience! *Check out new Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Specialist ••Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Romance Specialist Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel Starteyeliner, your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, atVagabond Vagabond Contact Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel ••Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aaVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information and 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in and Little Silveramazing today. hair some travel ideas. or 732-842-2600. hairconditioner conditionerand andshampoo shampoo

Carole Carole Kaiman, Kaiman, Travel Travel Specialist Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency Vagabond Travel Virtuoso and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. 732-222-2792 or memories that will amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last last aa lifetime. lifetime. CreateAgency memories that will last lifetime. Over 25a Years Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 542 Prospect Prospect Ave. Ave. Little 07739 Little Silver New Jersey 07739 Silver, New Jersey 07739 LittleSilver, SilverNew NewJersey Jersey 07739 Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

*Check out *Check *Check out *Check out for our Digital for ourDigital DigitalMagazine Magazineand andsome some for our Magazineand some for our Digital Magazineand some amazing travel ideas. amazing travel ideas. amazing travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Vagabond 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Direct VagabondTravel TravelVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 732-842-2600 Office Office Little Little Silver New Jersey 07739 Little Silver, New Jersey 07739 LittleSilver, SilverNew NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

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May/June 2019

Women Of Monmouth County


Anna Farro,

Owner, Anchor Monuments

Anna Farro is the proud owner of Anchor Monuments. Anna has been designing monuments in granite and bronze for over 3 years. She started Anchor Monuments because she realized the importance of women in business. Anna received her Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology from Kean University in New Jersey. She has since pursued her career in the public school setting and has been working with children for 23 years. Anna holds a Certificate of Clinical Competency in the field and has received the ACE award from the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association for her excellence in continued education. Anna is a past recipient of The English-Speaking Union scholarship where she studied English Literature abroad at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Anna loves spending time with her daughter, giving back to community charities and organizations, and has an appreciation for all animals. She has a longstanding interest in travel and the arts. Anna believes in empowering women of all ages to be their best selves. Anna’s passion and dedication to helping others brings light into her second career. She provides a feeling of safety, hope and serenity to families as they go through the process of memorializing their loved ones ending to a long journey.

Dani-Lynn Damasco, Office Manager, Shore Premier Dental Arts & Advanced Sleep & TMJ Center of New Jersey Born and raised in Monmouth County, Ms. Damasco has resided in Ocean County for over 40 years, graduating from Jackson Memorial High School. She attended college at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol Virginia and Brookdale Community College where she earned her certification in both Dental Assisting and Dental Radiology. Finding her passion as a dental administrator she has received specialized training in both medical and dental. Working for a large New Jersey based insurance company makes her knowledgeable in all insurance aspects. She truly loves everything about her job, especially educating their patients in their dental insurance. She feels the most rewarding part of her job is the smiles their patients have when they leave her office. Dani-Lynn currently lives in Manchester with her younger son and her adopted shepherd, Fritz. She loves spending time with her two children, four grandchildren, family and friends. In the summer months, she enjoys the beach or relaxing in her backyard. In the colder winter months, she enjoys scrapbooking and reading a good book. For more information call 732-842-6370 or email

Marissa Schulman

Licensed Esthetician, Lymphatic Drainage Technician Cleansing Concepts

Marissa Schulman is a New Jersey native who currently resides in Brick Township. She works as a licensed esthetician, with 6 years experience, at Cleansing Concepts of Red Bank, NJ. Marissa began her career at Hand and Stone, but soon after went into business for herself in Point Pleasant. Wishing to expand her career and skill-set, she was introduced to Cleansing Concepts. There she learned many different approaches to healing the body and mind. From bioelectric lymphatic drainage, to personalized skin care, Marissa has become a valuable member of the Cleansing Concepts team. Her relaxing touch and therapeutic energy coupled with customized facial techniques set her apart from the esthetics industry. In her free time, Marissa enjoys a broad spectrum of activities. She has found a love for relaxing interests such as yoga and meditation. But also enjoys far more demanding hobbies such as horseback riding and snowboarding. After a long day she loves to take walks on the beach with her fiance Jon and her dog Dakota. Marissa is very passionate about living a healthy mind, healthy body lifestyle, and loves to incorporate that into her work. She can be reached at 732-741-2444, Cleansing Concepts inside the Galleria of Red Bank, NJ.

Candice Brockel, DPT

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, Ramtowm/Brick location

Candice Brockel is an outpatient physical therapist who currently practices at All-Care Physical Therapy Center in Ramtown/Brick, NJ. She has obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree from Stony Brook University. In addition to earning her physical therapy license, Candice has a license in massage therapy from Cortiva Institute of Massage Therapy and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Rowan University. Candice has treated a variety of patient populations including post-surgical orthopedics, spinal disorders, arthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, as well as adult and pediatric neurological conditions. She believes in looking at the whole person and integrating a treatment plan that is tailored to each individual. Candice is committed to keeping up with current literature and attending continuing education classes in order to provide optimal care to her patients. For more information, call 732-714-6363 or visit

Photo by Melissa Amorelli Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

May/June 2019

Women Of Monmouth County


Sonia Triano,

Dee Ballington The Holistic Stress Release Coach

Dee’s an EFT Tapping Practitioner, a Consulting Hypnotist, a Law of Attraction Certified Coach, and a Master HypnoFertility® Therapist who is passionate about teaching and spreading the word on natural alternative solutions that release stress and anxiety, without drugs. Get Dee’s free PDF download, “3 Overlooked, At Your Fingertips, Holistic Solutions for Releasing Stress & Anxiety” by emailing your request to The Many Faces of Stress Stress comes in many forms – from a hectic commute to work, to juggling a family and going back to work, to trying to conceive without success, or from an accident or other traumatic experience, to name a few. And stress can show up physically – like being overweight or having high blood pressure. Stress affects our thinking and can make us feel hopeless, depressed, helpless, or cause procrastination. Dee understands how anxiety can have a hold on us and prevent us from feeling the joy we are meant to feel. Drugs can certainly make us feel better, but they are a short-term fix. With EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping, Dee’s able to get to the root of what’s really blocking you so you can finally move forward. EFT combines using your fingers to lightly tap on acupressure points with cognitive behavior therapy, or talking about the negative.This in turn has a direct calming effect on our central nervous system, helping to soothe stress, bring down blood pressure, while increasing focus, concentration & confidence. Tapping is just one of the 3 Overlooked Solutions to keeping your stress levels low and can be done anywhere. Dee offers Corporate Wellness Programs at your location and private & group coaching sessions in Little Silver, or via Skype, phone, or FaceTime on your iPhone and can be reached @ 732-615-8368 and TheHolisticStressReleaseCoach. More specific to fertility challenges, pregnancy or postpartum anxiety: Call Dee today for a free 20-minute consultation.

Premier Designs

Sonia is the wife of a firefighter for over 20 years. She is the mother of three beautiful children, two boys and a girl. Her two oldest are grown with their own children, and her youngest boy has entered college life. Family means everything to Sonia, it is her pride and joy. She left behind her career as a personal banker of 20 years to become a stay-at-home mom after her youngest was born. She committed her life to family. And now that time has passed and the children are grown, entering the real world or with families of their own, she found herself wondering what she would do in this next chapter of her life. Sonia was struggling to find her place after her children no longer needed her. She started researching direct-sell companies, lots of them. She was invited to hear the Premier Designs Business opportunity and was impressed by what she heard! Not only has Premier Designs enriched her life, but they also enrich every life they touch through funding missions and charities all around the world and here in the US. Because of Premier Designs, Sonia was able to help her daughter pay for her wedding, help out financially at home, and not worry on how she and her husband would be able to get their son through college and the expenses that come with it. She loves helping women make sense of their Style! Most women go through their whole life thinking Style is only for a “select” few or they can never have it. Every woman has Style. Her job is to help you develop it! Showing you the “working parts” of your closet and creating a collection of jewelry that would work for your lifestyle and your closet will empower you to become the best version of yourself inside and out! Women are on the run and have lots of demands put on them; allowing women to feel and look their best to meet those demands is Sonia’s Mission.

Photo by Melissa Amorelli Photography

Rhoda Kopy, BS, CH, Nationally Certified Consulting Hypnotist & Wellness Coach, Hypnosis for Women

As a hypnosis practitioner and wellness coach with specialty certification in Complementary Medical Hypnotism, Rhoda Kopy helps people break free of limiting habits, fears, and beliefs. She is celebrating her 15th anniversary as a Nationally Certified Consulting Hypnotist. Her private practice, Hypnosis for Women, in Toms River, serves primarily women, teens, and children, throughout the tri-state area. After earning a B.S. in Biomedical Communications, she worked for various organizations providing community health education and counseling services. She later segued into career services and founded A Hire Image, which offered motivational coaching, marketing, and training. As a result of success she achieved using hypnosis to improve her life, she completed an advanced training program and later opened her private practice. Rhoda co-founded Jersey Shore Hypnosis Practitioners, a peer support and networking group, and is a member of professional hypnosis organizations. Born in Bayonne and raised in North Plainfield, she has lived in Toms River for most of her life. She enjoys coordinating Bookie Babes, attempting to draw, watching meteor showers, traveling with her husband, and playing with friends and family. She has a daughter, two grandsons, and an adopted goofy shih-tzu. Rhoda can help you determine if hypnosis and coaching are appropriate for you. Call her at 732-270-0080 and visit

Jennifer Welter,

Owner, Shore Cake Supply

Five years ago, Jennifer Welter was working long hours in the medical field. As a stress reliever, she baked, but she had a hard time finding custom cake supplies to meet her cake decorating needs. With interest in home baking on the rise, she realized there was need for a local specialty shop. After 20 years in the medical field, drawing upon the lessons of hard work taught by her parents, Jennifer launched Shore Cake Supply on 3209 Sunset Ave in Ocean Township, NJ. Born and raised in Toms River, NJ, she currently lives in Neptune with husband Michael, sons Nathan (10) & Christopher (9), and goldendoodle Harley, who loves tennis balls & dog parks. When she isn’t working or taking the kids to CCD, Cub Scouts or swim practice, the family enjoys going to the movies and playing board games. Going into their 6th year of business, Shore Cake Supply is excited to be planning the Jersey Shore Cake & Cookie Convention at Convention Hall in Asbury Park, Oct 12-13th, 2019. Be sure to visit for more information. To reach Shore Cake Supply, call 732-455-3031 or visit

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

May/June 2019



YMCA SUMMER CAMPS Our locations may look different, but all of our summer camps offer: • Red Cross Certified Swim Instructors & Lifeguards • Allergy-Aware Staff & Facilities • Low Camper-to-Counselor Ratio • Daily Instructional & Rec. Swimming • Flexible Scheduling • Full, Half & Extended Day Options


Choose 2-5 Days


FREEHOLD DAY CAMP 5-15 yrs. old

NEW CAMP DIRECTOR! NEW GAMES & ACTIVITIES! NEW TRIPS FOR GR. 3-8! Choose 2-5 days & up to 10 weeks!

June 24 - August 30

Just the right amount of fun activities, swimming and sports for your child in a safe, nurturing environment. Sports Instruction  Gaga Pit  Arts & Crafts Weekly Themes  Special Events Color Wars  Talent Show Counselor-in-Training Program Contact: Ken Cardullo, ext. 110, or

3-5 yrs. old

June 24 - August 23 The perfect age-appropriate camp for your young children! Led by our dedicated Child Care Enrichment professionals, your children will be surrounded by caring, nurturing staff that model the Y’s core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. • • • • •

Swim Lessons Arts & Crafts Free Swim Gym Time Sports

• • • • •

Musical Madness Science/STEM FUNtrition Messy Play Special Events

Contact: Katie Rouse, ext. 114, or

FREEHOLD YMCA 470 E. Freehold Rd., Freehold, NJ 07728


CAMP TOPANEMUS 380 Monmouth Rd., Millstone, NJ

Gr. K-10

June 24 - August 23

Choose 3-5 Days

Located on over 50 beautiful acres, Camp Topanemus provides a traditional day camp experience that helps children and teens grow in spirit, mind and body. Floor Hockey  Archery  Zip Line  Climbing Wall Pool Slide  Splash Park  Travel Camp Weekly Themes  Outdoor Pools  Cookouts Color Wars  Talent Show  Weekly Trips Leader-in-Training Program

OPEN HOUSE DATES 9:30am-12pm: April 13, May 4, May 19 5:30-7pm: June 5

Contact: Camp Office at 732.294.7727, or

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019



The Hol Truth Holistic Health Coach Jon Levine is on a mission to help his clients claim the health and happiness that is their God-given right. After a job in pharmaceutical sales and seeing his father die from Parkinson’s and brain cancer, it was time for him to create change when it comes to true health. With all the conflicting health info in our busy world, this passionate health nut will help guide you through the storm and into clear waters.

MCW: What got you into health coaching?

I have always been interested in health, whether it was playing sports or figuring out the right nutrition for my body. I sold high blood pressure medication to over 131 doctors in Florida after college, and although it was a nice job financially, it didn’t feel good seeing what I saw. What we have in this country is a disease management model that isn’t working very well. Ironically, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and brain cancer at the same time. It’s very important to me to do something that I am very passionate about and enjoy, and make a difference in people’s lives.

MCW: Tell me about your family.

I am a very lucky guy with a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids ages 10, 8 and 5. My wife, Anya, and I have been married for 13 years. We also have a guinea pig named Cherry and a white rabbit named Nibbles.

MCW: What do you specialize in?

Nutrition drives a lot of what makes us healthy, but it’s really so much more than that. I believe strongly in looking at the whole person and that’s why my business name is the Hol Truth Health Coach. I deal with mind, body and soul.

MCW: What is health to you?

Everyone is a unique individual with different needs and goals. I have to understand my client’s specific needs and address those needs appropriately. Some people need less stress while others need more sleep. Whatever it is, I am the guide on the side to help them reach their health goals.

MCW: What is the best approach to health coaching?

You obviously have to have knowledge in a wide range of health topics. Mine being nutrition, but it’s asking high-mileage questions and active listening that comes before everything else. I don’t tell people what to do because that doesn’t work. Instead, I listen to what they are telling me they need.

MCW: Tell me about your The Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine.

I have several friends who urged me to start a health podcast. I use a local studio called A Shared Universe in Eatontown and interview doctors, health experts and people who have reversed diseases through what I call lifestyle medicine. I carefully screen guests because I will only bring on people I believe in. I love it and it’s a lot of fun. The goal is to educate, empower and entertain.

Call for a free consultation!

MCW: How do you help clients?

A good health coach is someone who truly cares and listens to their patients. When a patient feels safe and comfortable, they will open up and the healing process will begin. There is a root cause for every health ailment, and it’s my job to show compassion and help my clients uncover what their health problem stems from. We work as a team and make it happen.

MCW: Describe your coaching style.

Positive, Positive, Positive. Energy is contagious. If I’m in a bad mood, then my client will take on that negative energy. If I’m upbeat and passionate, they will know they are in good hands.

MCW: Do you sell any products or supplements?

Yes, but I will not push them on people unless they are interested. Quality supplements have a place in our lives because of the mineral depletion in our soil. I have partnered with Shaklee because they are pure, safe, proven products that have been around for over 60 years. They have an in-house team of PhD’s and scientists who perform over 100,000 quality tests each year and have over 135 scientific papers published to date. I use the products myself and they make a big difference in how I feel, so I’m comfortable recommending them to others.

Jon Levine • 908-420-4297 Facebook-@HolTruthHealth Instagram-@HolTruthHealth ITunesThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine SoundCloudThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019


Theatre & Entertainment


For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Theatre & Entertainment “



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May/June 2019

2018-08-16 2:27 PM

Theatre & Entertainment


Oo-Bla-Dee paints a shimmering portrait of an all-female band of African-American bebop musicians traveling the country following the end of World War II. Don’t miss this play-with-music created by Golden Globe-winning actor and playwright Regina Taylor (I’ll Fly Away, Crowns), Obie-winning jazz composer Diedre L. Murray (The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess) and Tony Award winner Ruben Santiago-Hudson (August Wilson’s Jitney at Two River and on Broadway).

0 3 – 8 E N JU





The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019


The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2019



2018 Champion Annie Park

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019



Lupus Foundation Style & Elegance Dinner & Fashion Show Gala

Saturday July 13, 2019

The Lupus Foundation of America NJ Chapter, Inc. (LFANJ) will feature a fundraiser, Style & Elegance Dinner & Fashion Show Gala & 50/50, which will take place on Saturday, July 13, 6 to 10pm at Costa’s Restaurant, 120 Chestnut Street, Roselle Park, NJ. The evening will feature beautiful models modeling gorgeous fashions from Piera’s Bridal Boutique, Wall, NJ along with the Handsome Male Model Revue, Little Miss Models and Miss Teen Models on the runway. Spokesmodel for the evening will be Mrs. NJ United States 2013, Dr. Joy Jones-Carmack, Music by DJ Lou Nader Productions, Little Miss Model & Singer, Tatiana Rivera and performer Michael Jackson Celebrity Tribute by MJXpressions, Morganville, NJ. Photographers Miguel Aviles, Jacqueline DeForne, John Hayes, India Hodge, Carl Maiorino and Videographer Kenneth Ho. The evening includes all-you-can-eat Italian, Cocktail Hour Buffet, Dinner Buffet, Dessert, Cash Bar and 50/50 Raffle. Admission is $50, and $30 for ages 8 to 12. The night will be filled with fun, fashion, great food and great people. For reservations please call the Lupus Foundation Office at 973-379-3226. Debra Kohn is the Event Coordinator for the Annual Event. Debra was a Para-Medical Examiner Technician Nurse for 32 years but is now an Advocate and Survivor of Lupus. She has been a Professional Runway and Print Model since age 16. She was chosen to compete in the Mrs. NJ America Pageant in 2014 as Mrs. Monmouth County America and won the Pageantry Spirit Award. She was also chosen to compete in the Mrs. NJ United States Pageant 2011 and 2012 as Mrs. Howell Township and won the Community Service Award for all the community volunteer work she has done for her cause for Lupus-Research to Find a Cure. Debra has been awarded the LFA/NJ’s Volunteer Service Awards yearly from 2012 thru 2018 and the Lupus Foundation Courage Award 2015. She was awarded the Butterfly of Hope Award 2016 at the LFA/NJ Annual Awards Meeting & Educational Seminar. She received these awards in recognition of her ongoing volunteer work and fundraising efforts. She is also honored to be receiving the Mrs. NJ United States Phenomenal Women’s Award 2019 on May 18 at the Mrs. NJ/PA United States Women’s Gala & Awards Dinner to be held at the Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Princeton, NJ. Debra currently serves as a member of the LFA/NJ Board of Directors. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease which causes inflammation of various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. The immune system normally protects the body against viruses, bacteria and other foreign materials. In an autoimmune disease like Lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances and its own cells and tissues. Lupus is NOT infectious, rare or cancerous. Lupus affects people of all ages, including children, but it most often strikes people when they are between the ages of 15 and 45. Nine out of ten people with Lupus are women. Although the cause of Lupus is unknown, scientists suspect that individuals are genetically predisposed to Lupus and know that environmental factors such as infections, antibiotics, ultraviolet light, extreme stress and certain drugs play a critical role in triggering Lupus. Women are five times more likely to die from Lupus than men. African Americans are three times more likely to die from Lupus than Caucasians. Lupus can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms come and go and mimic many other illnesses. Some symptoms of Lupus can include transient joint and muscle pain, fatigue and rashes caused by or made worse by sensitivity of the fingers to the cold. The risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and osteoporosis is much higher in people with Lupus than in the general population. While medical science has not yet developed a cure for Lupus, new research brings unexpected findings and increased hope each year. (Source: Remove the Mask Brochure, LFANJ 2013)

LFA/NJ Candlelight of Hope Dinner Show Gala 2018 - Models, Erica Stolte, Jeff Bonner, Debora Roachford, Dr. Robert Korwin, Susan Korwin, James Dasaro, Nadya Roachford, Rasheed Claybrooks, Elizabeth Graciano, Frank Musarra, Debra Kohn, Gene Antonucci, Rick McNall, Steven Stallsmith, Marla Illuzzi, Jeremy Dasaro. Photo by Photographer Jacqueline DeForne

LFA/NJ Candlelight of Hope Dinner Show Gala 2018– Little Miss Models & Miss Teen Models – Tatiana Rivera, Gianna Marchica, Emily Carpenter, Caitlyn Carpenter, International United Miss NJ Teen 2018 Alexis Buccellato, Debra Kohn, Teya Cartagena-Walsh, Anusha Ramesh, International United Miss NJ 2018 Erica Stolte, Gianna Nader, Angel Owens. Photo by Photographer Jacqueline DeForne

Please visit the Lupus Foundation of America New Jersey Chapter, Inc.’s website, for additional information on services, resources and information on the following upcoming events: • Saturday, May 18, 2019 - Annual Awards & Educational Seminar Springfield Library, Springfield, NJ • Sunday, June 2, 2019 - Walk to End Lupus Veterans Park, Hamilton Township, NJ • Sunday, October 13, 2019 - Walk to End Lupus Nomahegan Park, Cranford, NJ Donations are always accepted to the Lupus Foundation of America, New Jersey Chapter, Inc. (LFA/NJ), 65 Northfield Road – Unit D-1L – Livingston, NJ 07039

Leonard Andriuzzi, Esq., CEO & President of the LFA/NJ Chapter & Debra Kohn, Event Coordinator & LFA/NJ Board of Directors Member

The County Woman Magazine

LFA/NJ Candlelight of Hope Dinner Show Gala 2018 – DJ Lou Nader Productions, Bloomfield, NJ. Photo by Photographer Miguel Aviles

May/June 2019

10th Anniversary Anniversary 10th

# 58 Monmouth COUNTY


A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

no MorE diLation drops!

End Your WEight Loss struggLE With hYpnosis

At the Eye Center at Jackson, we specialize in providing you with personal family eye care.

page 10 & 11

handle for top box move back to front

The majority of people wait far too long to start researching options and ignore many small signs signaling they could use a little bit of help with daily living. page 24 & 25

page 18


A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

shore ivf offers free seminArs for Women on AUg. 26

Alimony: UnderstAnding the BAsic legAl PrinciPles

• Stress and Infertility Lecture and • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Call to register. Page 4 & 5



Annette Jenkins PhotogrAPhy offers Advice


A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

‘i hAve to slAP mY JAw BAck into PlAce’ . . . tmJ

handle for top box move back to front

The beach can be a perfect setting for a family portrait session, but it can also be a tricky place to get that perfect photograph. Professional photographer Annette Jenkins offers advice. Page 28 & 29

The issue of alimony is obviously a critical concern for one who may be divorcing. Page 22

Monmouth COUNTY

September/October 2009

July/August 2009



BE proactivE WhEn Looking For a carEgivEr

Erase those images of people on a stage who are quacking like ducks or jumping out of hot seats!

Monmouth COUNTY

Monmouth COUNTY

May/June 2009


Alcoeur GArdens Premiere Alzheimer’s sPeciAlists

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, commonly called “TMJ,” are a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Page 6

Get lAzed . . . treAt Yourself to lAser hAir removAl

Alcoeur Gardens provides excellent 24-hour care and supervision incorporating the latest in Alzheimer’s treatment combined with discreet security systems on all gates, window and doors. Page 17


Monmouth COUNTY

November/December 2009



A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

maintaining dental health When hormones Change

handle for top box move back to front

Laser Hair Removal Center for perfectly smooth, hair-free skin. Look and feel your best with our exclusive Laser Hair Removal system. Pages 24 & 25

Fall Prevention For the elderly

When homeCare is the ansWer, Be sure to ask the right Questions

Falls are the leading cause of injuries to our senior citizens and the resulting broken bones and related problems often set off a downward spiral in their overall health. Page 24

Though women tend to take better care of their teeth than do men, they do not have significantly better oral health Pages 10 & 11 than men.

Monmouth COUNTY

Woman January/February 2010



A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

PErsonalizEd PHYsical THEraPY and morE…

handle for top box move back to front

As you or a loved one grows older, extra assistance with the basics of day-to-day life is sometimes necessary. Pages 25

Planning For Your EldEr liFE

Donna Singer, PT, MPA and her team of physical therapy professionals have helped thousands of Monmouth County residents return to full function quickly and safely. Page 13

HElPFul TiPs For Your KiTcHEn rEmodEl ProjEcT

Young and old alike, one thing each of us can do to help plan for the future is to organize financial and personal matters. Page 24


Monmouth COUNTY

March/April 2010



A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

dR. mAnn sPeAks About chRonIc loW bAck PAIn

handle for top box move back to front

Over the past ten years there have been many changes to kitchen uses and design. Page 34

It’s All About Income, Income, Income . . .

Did you know that back pain is the 2nd most common reason that people make an appointment to see their doctor? Page 7

Why Recycle toneR cARtRIdges?

READY or NOT, retirement is around the corner for many of us, and already here for some.

Toner cartridges are not environmentally friendly. Some estimate that 13 cartridges are thrown away in the US every second! Page 14

Page 13

Monmouth COUNTY

Woman May/June 2010



A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

handle for top box move back to front

‘vein Center For Women’ treats YoUr total health

Understanding YoUr Breast aUgmentation ChoiCes

The Vein Center for Women was started combining the knowledge in venous disease and a personal interest in women’s health. page 6

A Bi-Monthly Resource For Women of Monmouth County

are YoU a stressed Caregiver? the Best Kept seCret is... ‘We Care mediCal adUlt daY Care’

The best candidates for Breast Augmentation are women who are looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way they look. page 9

Woman July/August 2010



aging: WhaT is parT OF The nOrMaL aging prOcess?

Opening The BOdy FOr BaBy


A Publication Dedicated to Education

aBsTrax addresses hair LOss WiTh yOu in Mind

At a routine gynecological exam, I asked my OBGYN what I can do for my body to prepare for pregnancy. I received the answer – prenatal vitamins. page 25

If you have looked in the mirror lately and found more wrinkles and gray hairs, you probably wondered, “Is this normal?” page 7

Many people today are caring for a loved one. Adult Day Care provides all the services under one roof. page 29

The thought of losing your hair is stressful. A natural appearance and hairstyle is an important part of your well being and self-esteem. page 27

Hanlon Niemann, P.C.

Elite Medical Care

Annette Jenkins

pg. 4

pg. 9

pg. 37

How to Save Your Parents Lifetime of Savings

Outdoor Settings are Preferred in the Fall

Myths & Facts about Memory Loss

Digital Mammography: The Next Weapon in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

pg. 6

ample Copy

Sample Copy

Sample Copy

Sample Copy

Sample Copy

Sample Copy

Photo By: Tracy Harman Photography

NEW Look, SAME Great Content

Sept./Oct. 2010

Visit Us Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography


Please Take One

MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography


Please Take One

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography


Please Take One

MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography


Please Take One

MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

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Visit Us Online ...

visit us online ...

Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography


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MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

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re e

F re


An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

RHA Helps Patients Finally Find Success! Page 11

The Professionals to Trust With Your Parents’ Needs

Dr. Surya Explains The Facts Page 8

“Lavender, Chocolate, And Flowers! Oh My” Page 38

Seeing The Dentist . . .Could It Really Save Your Life? Page 14

Advances in Fertility Treatment:

New Year: New You From Mosaic

Let Mosaic Salon and Spa create a new look for you this year. Page 39

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Page 9

Hip Arthroscopy: A New Technique

Hospice: Dispelling the Myths

Less Stress – More Energy For The New Year!

Page 9

Page 23

Page 25

Your Weight Loss Strategy

Explore The Pillar® Procedure For Snoring

How To Improve Your Hearing

Page 8

Page 9

Page 19

Tracey Wolfman, Fred Niemann & Judith Parnes


Page 25

The compassionate and expert team at Garden State Heart Care, P.C. is dedicated to keeping your heart healthy ~ Page 16

Nov./Dec. 2010


Monmouth County Woman Celebrating Our 4th Year

Dr. Sapna Patla, Holmdel Center for Esthetic Periodontics and Implantology, LLC is committed to giving you a beautiful smile and restoring your confidence. Page 20


Rehability Offers New Treatment Approach.

Treating Patients Like Family For 29 Years!

CareOne: Celebrating Aging

Page 5

Page 20

Page 35

July/August 2011

Please Take One



Monmouth County Woman

re e

Celebrating Our 4th Year

Celebrating Our 4th Year

Diet And Tooth Decay

Page 10

Page 15

Detecting Bone Disease At The Cellular Level

What Is A Colon Cancer Screening?

Five Star Aquatics, More Than Just Swimming

Page 7


Page 36

Dr. Lindsay Campbell (left) and Dr. Wendy Lichtig (right) provide full veterinary care for your cat and kittens at The Feline Medical Center. Read more about the doctors and their incredible center on pages 34 & 35.

This Summer Protect Yourself From The Sun!

Life Insurance . . . How Much Is Enough?

Come Play! It Is A Necessity.

Page 9

Page 17

Page 40

Family law attorney

Read What’s Hot For Your Wardrobe This Fall

Bringing The Joy Of Parenthood To Your Family.

Women love learning about wine.

July/August 2011

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Please Take One


F re e

Sept./Oct. 2011

July/August 2011

F re e

Celebrating Our 4th Year

Page 5

Page 22

Page 47

Dr. Parchment values his family and has been a practicing OBGYN for over 20 years.

See pages 24 & 42.

July/August 2011

Please Take One


Nov./Dec. 2011

Please Take One


Visit Us

F re e

Celebrating Our 5th Year


Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Rehability Pain & Injury Center Is Expanding!

“Let’s Talk Turkey” – Elder Life Planning

We All Have LYMPH, But What Is It?

Page 4

Page 28

Page 30

Surviving An Aneurysm

Understanding Breast Augmentation Choices

DWI Demystified

Page 11

Page 22

Page 31

re e

Ce leb rat

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

The Trush About Common Problems Dieting, Metabolism Detrimental To And HCG Oral Health Page 3 Page 7

Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief Page 5

March/April 2012

Please Take One


Visit Us

Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

the divorce process.

Page 55

Please Take One


Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Please Take One


Visit Us

Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

weave their way through

Now Is The Best Time To Buy A Home

Page 40

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Celebrating Our 4th Year

Laura D’Orsi helps families

The Role Of Hope In Health And Healing

Page 4

July/August 2011

ar ing Our 5th Ye

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

We Care Adult Care provides a structured, comprehensive program in a protective setting. See pages 32 & 33.

Do You Suffer From Sciatica?

The Visiting Nurse Association Health Group celebrates 100 years of caring in 2012. See their article on pages 48-50.

Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

re e

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


Monmouth County Woman

re e


Breakthrough Study On CT Scans And Smokers

Page 7

Please Take One Please Take One


Trauma And Injuries To The Teeth

Life’s Short...Eat Dessert First! Let Lisa Porada of Chocolate Carousel, an Old Fashioned Bakery & Sweet Shop, help you plan for the holidays. Page 30

Please Take One


May/June May/June 2011 2011

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Please Take One Please Take One


Denise VanTassell, COO/Partner of Alcoeur Gardens, is dedicated to providing specialized care for the memory impaired in a safe, comfortable setting like home. Page 31

March/April March/April 2011 2011

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Complimentary Copy

Jan./Feb. 2011

Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

Visit Us @TheCountyWoman

Complimentary Copy


An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Pages 8 & 9

F re e

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Page 29

Pages 6 & 7

Photo By: Annette Jenkins Photography

Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Seaview Orthopaedics physicians are on the cutting edge of medicine and perform the latest orthopaedic procedures.

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Monmouth County Woman

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Dr. Iannacone specializes in snoring and sleep apnea solutions.


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MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education


Understanding Is Counseling Right Integrative Approaches For Me?

Page 11

Understanding Bladder Health

Skip’s Toms River Florist and Gifts


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Envy No One • Lombardi Plastic Surgery Center

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Why Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Aesthetic Dental Creations

MCW ~ A publication dedicated to education

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Fun & Excitement At Sacajawea Day Camp In Farmingdale, NJ • Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore

Understanding The Ultrasound And Its Many Uses Page 10

This caring and compassionate dentist, Dr. Sophia Nichols, and staff will leave you smiling. Read more on pages 8 & 9.

Total Hearing Care is the leading resource

What is a Plantar Wart? Page 6

Finally! A Real Solution For Dry Eye Page 10

Talking to Your Daughter About Her Changing Body Page 16

for audiology services and digital hearing

Meridian Fitness and

See pages 6 & 7.

devices. Read more

Did You Misplace Those Car Keys – Again? Page 7

Wellness trainers are dedicated to provide

on pages 5 & 21.

the most personalized comprehensive health and rehabilitation program

July/August 2011

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July/August 2011

for each of their members.

July/August 2011

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July/August 2011

Dr. Max Sulla and Dr. Liya Ostrow’s goal

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July/August 2011

Appropriate Treatment of Spider Veins Page 28

July/August 2011


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is to provide the absolute best care for your

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pages 8, 9 & 10.

July/August 2011

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child with a pleasant, non-frightening Photo by: Annette Jenkins Photography

May/June 2012

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July/August 2012

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Celebrating Our 5th Year

Celebrating Our 5th Year

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Sept./Oct. 2012

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Read more on pages 24 & 25.

Nov./Dec. 2012

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Celebrating Our 6th Year

July/August 2014

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March/April 2013

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Celebrating Our 6th Year

May/June 2014

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Jan./Feb. 2013

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Celebrating Our 6th Year

Celebrating Our 6th Year

Jan./Feb. 2014

experience at Tender Smiles 4 Kids.

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May/June 2013

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Celebrating Our 6th Year

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Monmouth County Woman Celebrating Our 6th Year

Celebrating Our 5th Year

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Celebrating Our 6th Year

September/October 2014

July/August 2013

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families An Resource Educationalfor Resource for Women and Their Families An Educational Women and Their Families

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Monmouth Gastroenterology’s team of six specially trained doctors specialize in the treatment of diseases dealing with the digestive system. Learn more about them on pages 30 & 31.

Seaview Orthopaedics Page 20

Holmdel Orthodontics Page 17 Acupuncture FAQ’s Page 8

Trendy Texture Takes The Cake Page 14

Elder Life Management Page 38

Laura D’Orsi Page 12

Hall, Harrison & Johnson Page 38

Marlboro Village Pharmacy Page 24

Come Experience the Fall Collection at Lynne’s Page 24

Holmdel Orthodontics Page 17

Brandywine Senior Living Page 36

Seaview Orthopaedics Page 20

Elder Life Management Page 38

Shore Gastroenterology Associates, PC Pages 14 & 15

Ocean Plastic Surgery P.A. and Laser Center Page 11

Donna Hlavacek, Financial Services and Investment Advisor Representative, will help you find solutions to avoid a personal financial crisis. Read more about the solutions on pages 32 & 33.

Donna Hlavacek, Financial Services and Investment Advisor Representative, will help you find solutions to avoid a personal financial crisis. Read more about the solutions on pages 32 & 33.

Monmouth Ocean Medical Services, LLC Page 25

Meridian Fitness And Wellness Page 13 @TheCountyWoman Follow us on Visit Us Online ...

Nov./Dec. 2013

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March/April 2015

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Shore Gastroenterology Associates, PC, are committed to excellence in patient care with the greatest degree of compassion. Their facility and offices use the state-of-the-art equipment and provide a serene environment for their patients. Read more on pages 32 & 33





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Page 56



There are many factors that would suggest a trip to a fertility specialist would be a good idea, such as you and your partner’s family medical history. Page 36

We’re sharing with you some of our latest hair painting techniques, Ombre and BalayageOmbre, which feature a multi-dimensional hair coloring treatment. Pages 38 & 39

Whether it is an over bite or underbite, it is very important to determine the underlying cause of the problem. Page 24

THERE’S HELP FOR SUMMER SKIN CANCER The good news is that skin cancer is almost 100 percent curable if found early and treated promptly.

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Page 11

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Barnabas Health Medical Group Page 37

Millennium Memory Care Page 40

Beacon of Life

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Divorce can be stressful enough but just add the holidays and they can be explosive. Speak with your attorney about creative ways in which the holidays can be Page 20 handled.

Deepen your practice and teaching skills at the Freehold Yoga Center. Come see why they have been there for 30 years! Page 32


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Winter is a season full of opportunity, such as skiing, sledding, skating or simply a backyard snowball fight. Page 7

Page 47


All Mathnasium students have individualized learning plans based upon their specific needs and learning opportunities. Page 9


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Nov./Dec. 2013

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July/August 2011



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If your muscles have to work overtime to properly align your bite, the result is likely to be in pain. Page 14

Page 31


Page 6

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At Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, we carry well-made clothing and accessories that will enhance your figure and we do our best to find what works for you. Page 24

As an Internist specializing in geriatric care, Dr. Indria Kanouka always considers the Page 37 patient first.


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Good news, ladies, there’s actually a template for life that will help guide you towards happiness and fulfillment!

Page 26

Page 6

Institute for Advanced Radiation Oncology Page 33



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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a smart choice for many people suffering from infertility because it produces the highest success rates.

If you want healthy and good looking teeth as an adult, it is important to take care of them during childhood.

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Page 10

Dr. Sunita Mann practices Functional Medicine, which treats the underlying cause of a health condition. Read more on pages 32 & 33.

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It is a good idea to have your hearing tested by an audiologist by age 50 so this test becomes a baseline.

Page 39

The Gastroenterologists of Ocean County aim to provide the highest quality of compassionate medical care and perform endoscopies in a convenient, friendly, non-threatening office setting. See pages 32 and 33.


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Nothing makes me happier than when my clients stick to their treatment plans and reap the benefits of being smooth and hair-free. Page 7

Brushing and flossing daily are imperative for the prevention of plaque build-up.

Abstrax Hair Designs offers many styles of hair replacement and wigs. Services are offered with compassion and integrity.

Imaging is an excellent way to detect injuries that may require immediate medical therapy or surgery.

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SUPPORTING CARETAKERS AS WELL AS SENIOR CITIZENS Relief has arrived in the form of We Care Adult Care, a quality adult day care center, managed by committed health care professionals. Page 21

Page 45

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More than 75% of patients infected with Hepatitis C were born between 1945 and 1965 and are part of the Baby Boomer generation. Page 30

ACUTE CARE. CareOne of King James is proactively addressing acute care needs with a new Intensive Medical Management Unit.

Page 15





Snoring is a tell-tale sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition that causes sufferers to stop breathing repeatedly during sleep.

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Spinal Cord Stimulator can provide pain relief, where narcotic pain medications, epidural injections and spine surgery have failed. Page 12

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The expert staff at Kessler Rehabilitation Center are committed to delivering exceptional patient experiences. Read more about their dedicated team on pages 2 & 3.

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The Doctors at University Urology Associates of New Jersey treat patients with compassion, dignity, mutual respect, and trust. Read more about their dedicated team on pages 2 & 3.

July/Aug. Please Take One

Tracey L. Wolfman and her outstanding staff of professionals at We Care Adult Care are ready to help senior citizens. They give seniors the opportunity to stay in their home or the home of a relative. They are truly a premium Adult Day Care Center in Monmouth County. Read more on pages 30-31.

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One of the most important factors in a facial is the sensitivity of the aesthetician’s hands and touch.

Page 40

Page 28

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From The Garden

Page 44

Dr. Allen Morgan, M.D., FACOG and his staff celebrate their twentieth year of infertility and reproductive medicine. Read more on pages 28 & 29.

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The ability to create personalized medications allows compounding pharmacists to help patients with a wide variety of needs, including pets.

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Dr. Huegel offers comprehensive, customized, one on one consultations. Change your mind, change your body, change your life. Page 14

Rehability Pain and Injury

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Celiac disease is a condition in which the body has an immune reaction to a protein called gluten.

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The Law Offices of Laura M. D’Orsi, L.L.C. specializes in divorce, collaborative divorce and mediation. Read more on pages 28 & 29.

May/June Please Take One

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HYDRASOLVE IS A SMOOTH NEW APPROACH TO AESTHETIC BODY CONTOURING The first liposuction device FDA cleared is now available. It provides gentle and effective body contouring. Page 71

NATURAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY Natural hormone replacement therapy uses hormones that have the same molecular structure as hormones made by the human body. Page 12


ar Ye

Your challenge during retirement is to convert these savings into an ongoing income stream that will provide adequate income throughout your retirement years.

Page 13

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Students who keep their minds active throughout the summer months by participating in programs to develop, maintain, and challenge their math skills start the school year prepared.

Many people 55+ are choosing to lease land and buy their home rather than re-investing the sale of the family home into another mortgage.

Page 15


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Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the first center in New Jersey to perform the Amyvid PET Scan. Read more on pages 32 & 33.

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I’M READY TO HAVE A BABY…NOW WHAT? PART 1. There are several things you and your doctor or nurse can do to make sure your pregnancy is as healthy as possible.

Page 24

Dr. Chickara and his outstanding staff of professionals at Rehability practice an integrated treatment approach to get you back on track. Read more on pages 2, 3 & 16. Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography


An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Enjoy the outdoor comfort provided by Giglio Awning retractable screen and shade products. Save $200 on motorized screens, awnings, and much more.

Pages 38 & 39

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Dr. Lisa Ortenzio, O.D. and Dr. Richard S. Witlin, M.D. and their staff from The Witlin Center for Advanced Eyecare are dedicated to the care and preservation of your vision. Read more on pages 46 & 47.

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Though everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health, few are able to quit successfully due to the strong addictive potential of nicotine. Join us to celebrate National Cancer Survivor’s Day.

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

Sarah J. Easaw, MD, FACP founder of “Ocean Hematology & Oncology” provides state-of-the-art- cancer care in a warm and personalized atmosphere. Read more on pages 34 & 35.


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Celebrating Our 7th Year

Celebrating Our 6th Year

Celebrate Dental Health Month with a visit to a premier pediatric dental team at TenderSmiles4Kids. Learn more about the doctors and their staff on pages 32 & 33.

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Brick Woman's Physicians continue to set and Please Take One maintain a new standard in obstetrical and gynecological care for patients in Ocean and Monmouth counties. Read about the doctors and their tips to help combat the flu this season on pages 22 & 23.


Sept./Oct. 2013

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Ocean Hematology & Oncology Pages 34 & 35

Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center Page 27

Page 28

DEMENTIA AND COMFORT CARE. The overall goal of comfort care is to achieve the best quality of life, focusing on relieving pain and other distressing symptoms. Page 17


BECOME A CERTIFIED YOGA TEACHER. Freehold Yoga Center is in the same space for 32 years and this will be our 19th teacher training.

Page 24

Pages 40 & 41

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Professional Hearing Center

Page 14

Page 16

Barnabas Health Medical Group: Ocean Gynecological and Obstetrical Associates Page 30

Personal Enhancement Center

FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH. In dentistry, there is nothing more important than early intervention.

Page 63

NEW YEAR, NEW FASHIONS! A new year often means a new, fresh start. Why not begin by throwing out the old and treating yourself to some new fashions!

Pages 8 & 9

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists’ Director of Operations Kathleen Loria encourages women to use empathy to their advantage as they make their mark in medicine. Read more on pages 32 & 33.

WOMEN AND CANCER… PART 1. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. One of the major diseases affecting women is cancer, which kills more than a quarter million women every year in the Page 29 U.S.

Page 23

At Personal Enhancement Center, it’s all about taking an individualized approach to each patient. Read more about Dr. Godek, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and his highly-skilled professional team on pages 57, 58 & 59.



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PLATELET RICH PLASMA AND STEM CELL THERAPY; AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR PAINFUL JOINTS. As time progresses, patients may benefit from cortisone injections or joint replacement. Pages 12 & 13

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A SMILE CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Dr. Balaji Srinivasan and his team at Aesthetic Dental Creations set the bar quite high when it comes to patient care and service. Page 12

BLOATING AND GAS AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much gas and are some of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. Page 25

BEACON OF LIFE: A PROGRAM OF ALLINCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE ELDERLY. Imagine a place where mom’s or dad’s entire health care needs come from one location. Pages 28 & 29

Pictured above is Infertility Specialist Dr. Allen Morgan and his in-vitro fertilization Laboratory Chief Embryologist Kerri Hurley. These highly skilled and highly motivated professionals provide exceptional patient-centered care to achieve the highest possible success rates. Read more on pages 6 & 7.

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SAY GOODBYE TO VARICOSE VEINS. Varicose veins are unsightly and often painful. If left untreated, there’s a good chance the condition will worsen and veins will get larger over time. Page 12

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October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Ce leb ra

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For the fourth consecutive year, the doctors of University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) have been recognized by fellow medical practitioners to be among the best urologists in the Garden State. Learn more about their steadfast goal, treating patients with compassion, dignity, mutual respect, and trust on pages 31, 32 & 33.

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“THE BERRIE COLLECTION” BY LAURIE LOMBARDI. As a clinical nutritionist, Laurie’s career has been focused on promoting the relationship between good nutrition and healthy-looking skin. Page 14

PROSTATE MRI. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One of the newest tests in diagnosing prostate cancer is the prostate MRI.

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SACROILIITIS/SACROILIAC JOINT DYSFUNCTION. The sacroiliac joint is located on either side between the sacrum and ilium of the pelvis and held together by strong ligaments.

Page 22


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DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER: WHAT’S NEXT? The biopsy shows that you have breast cancer. In addition to the shock and emotional turmoil, a thousand questions go through your mind.

Pages 26 & 27

Page 9

Page 30

With a strong focus on “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and his team of specialists work together to enhance the health and wellness of each individual patient. Read more on pages 6, 7 & 8.

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IS IT TIME FOR A POSTSUMMER MAKEOVER? Autumn brings the end of Summer, which can also mean dry, sundamaged hair.


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WOMEN HELPING EDUCATE AND ELEVATE LIFE. As women, we go through many phases in our lifetime. People come and go. Careers may come and go. But even if you stay on the same trajectory, the industry has changed over time. Page 38

Page 16

SOCIAL EGG FREEZING. IS IT RIGHT FOR ME? Egg freezing allows a woman to take control of her ticking biological clock by banking her eggs for future use. Page 3

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After a visit with Dr. Balaji and his team at Aesthetic Dental Creations, you will quickly realize that this is not your typical dentist’s office. They are all about creating relationships along with focusing on your dental health. You can read more about Dr. Balaji and his extraordinary team on pages 25, 26 & 27.

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH. National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) is a celebration of awareness of good oral health habits for children. Pages 17, 18 & 19

SENIOR SOCIALIZATION IS KEY TO AN INCREASED QUALITY OF LIFE. On a daily basis, We Care Adult Care, located in Middletown, NJ offers an increased quality of life for Monmouth County seniors.

SPRING STYLES ARE HERE. At Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, we are now offering Isabel De Pedro fashions!

Page 26

At the Matus Law Group, Christine L. Matus and her accomplished staff are true professionals. Their knowledge, combined with experience and commitment, forms a welcoming team that supports their clients with great efficiency. See more on pages 20 & 21.

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FREE ~ Please Take One DOES YOUR CHILD SNORE OR HAVE SORE THROATS? Children are prone to issues involving the adenoids and tonsils. Problems with the adenoids and tonsils are extremely common.

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Katelin Weisser and Lindsey Capelli, Owners of Living Well Counseling Center, offer a nurturing environment coupled with a goal oriented approach that allows for a positive therapeutic experience. Read more about these professionals and their practice on pages 8 & 9.

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UNDERSTANDING THE TERM ‘IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME’. Do you suffer with chronically recurring abdominal pain and/or abdominal bloating?

Page 12

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HIGH HEELS, GAIT, AND VENOUS DYSFUNCTION. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), is a common problem but there are many ways to treat it.

Dr. Robert Chickara and his multi-specialty team at REHABILITY offer unique treatment approaches to help patients achieve their health goals. Read more about this dedicated team on pages 2, 3 & 6.

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Once again, the doctors of University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) have been recognized by fellow medical practitioners to be among the best urologists in the Garden State. Read more about their dedication and commitment to excellence on pages 31, 32 & 33.

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Photo By Tracy Harman Photography

Providing Compassionate Cancer Care, close to home: Sarah Easaw, MD and staff, at Ocean Hematology & Oncology, a center for Cancer and Blood disorders, serving Monmouth and Ocean Counties since 2006. Read more about Dr. Easaw and her practice on pages 22 & 23.

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FREE ~ Please Take One EAR INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN AND THE ROLE OF EAR TUBES. Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies and young children in particular are prone to getting recurrent ear infections. Page 11

The Institute for Advanced Radiation Oncology’s delivery of comprehensive care is seamlessly orchestrated by Drs. Mitchell Weiss and Sang Sim. Under their direction, their committed team of radiation therapists administer daily treatments to patients and maintain their treatment records. Read more on pages 18 & 19.

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

The compounding pharmacists at the Natural Pharmacy strive to provide each patient with information about the safety and effectiveness of traditional prescription drugs and natural/holistic therapies. Read more about Eric Sauer, and his extraordinary team on pages 27, 28 & 29.

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THE SHORE BITTERLY GROUP AT MORGAN STANLEY. With careful monitoring and periodic review, you can count on us to help guide you through life’s twists and turns. Page 5

Garden State Medical Center offers a comprehensive range of treatment options for acute and chronic pain. Read more about these dedicated physicians and their state-of-the-art clinical practices on pages 10 & 11.


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Cleansing Concepts

For over 30 years, Dr. Jill Gordon and her staff at Professional Hearing Center has helped people improve the quality of their lives through better hearing. Learn more about Dr.Gordon and her practice on pages 24 & 25.

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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Dr. Robert Chickara and his multi-specialty team at REHABILITY are offering a new Neuropathy treatment program for optimum results. See pages 2, 3 & 6.


The Doctors at University Urology Associates of New Jersey continually strive to produce comprehensive state-of-the-art urological services with emphasis on patient education and shared decision-making. Read more about these doctors and their services on pages 2 & 3.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD YOU ARE NOT A CANDIDATE FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS: SEE DR. BANKS! Often, patients are told they are not candidates for dental implants Page 27

Page 19

At All-Care Physical Therapy Center, their energetic, family-like staff and upbeat atmosphere allows patients to feel at home in their large, start-of-the-art facilities. They are the premier practice of Monmouth County with locations in Wall, Freehold/Howell, and Ramtown/Brick! Read more on pages 8 & 9.

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1314 Hooper Avenue

1608 Route 88 West

Toms R iveR, NJ 08753

BRick, NJ 08724

Mann Pavilion 1100 Route 70 West WhiTing, NJ 08759

1131 Broad Street Suite 104 shReWsBuRy, NJ 07702

July/August 2010

Pension Maximization IRA / Roth IRA Planning Fixed and Indexed Annuities Investment Advisory Assests Under Management 401k’s

PET/CT • Diagnostic X-Ray Ultrasound • Digital Mammography CT Scan • Nuclear Medicine High Field MRI • Open MRI Bone Densitometry Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday and evening appointments available. We accept most insurance plans and Medicare

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 732.244.0777 • Fax: 732.244.1428 •

Kathy Nolan Registered Investment Advisor Representative Investment Advisory Services provided through REAP Financial, LLC. The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2010

Experience Our Magic!

Keep Your Heart Healthy So Building B Suite You 102 Can Keep Up!

Pur cha se Mo a saic Gift Cer tific for Som the ate eon e Spe on Holida you cial r y Gift List

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2042 W. County Line Road, #8 Jackson, NJ 08527 (T) 732-364-5462 (F) 732-886-7585 Email: or

• Herniated Discs

The www County Woman Magazine .Spine CareMD. CoM

Kathy Nolan, President R.I.A.R.

Tom Boles

PAIN & RADIOLOGY CENTER Family Focus Retirement Group, LLC


2/9/10 3:28:14 PM


Sean Nolan

Financial Estate planning strategies Retirement Income Planning Distribution Planning Tax favored planning Life Insurance

Ou r Ph i losoph y at FFRG i s t o em ploy a h oli st i c appr oach i n desi gni ng a com pr eh ensi v e SA FE and SOUND r oad m ap t o Fi nanci al Secu r i t y . Usi ng ou r 3- St ep Planni ng pr ocess, let ou r i ndependent fi r m t ai lor a cu st om i zed plan t o su i t YOUR needs.

732.849.0077 Mann Pavilion 1131 tel: Broad Street • Spinal Stenosis • Failed Back Surgery 1100 Route 70 West Suitefax: 104 732.849.0015 , NJ 07702 • Knee Pain WhiTing, NJ 08759 • Fibromyalgia shReWsBuRy toll-free: 888.376.2661

NEW JERSEY: Camden • Gloucester • Salem • Cumberland • Atlantic • Cape May • Ocean • Middlesex • Monmouth Somerset • Union and SOUTHEASTERN PA

November/December 2009


Suite 104 • Long Term Care Insurance shReWsBuRy, NJ 07702 • Alternative Investment Strategies

• Muscular Pain Mann Pavilion • Arthritis Pain www .Spine CareStreet MD.CoM 1131 Broad • Hip Pain • Back and Neck Pain

110072Route 70 West Suite 104 1364 Route 780 Route 37 West tel:732.849.0077 • Osteoporosis • Carpal Tunnel fax: , NJ 07702 shReWsBuRy Suite 6 WhiTing, NJ 08759 Suite 110 732.849.0015 manahaWkin Toms R iveR, NJ 08755 • Sciatica (Leg Pain), NJ 08050• Diabetic Neuropathy toll-free: 888.376.2661


• Back and Neck Pain

What Makes Adult & Pediatric Dental Studio Different? ` All female, pediatric dental office ` In–office oral surgeon ` Free infant exam

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2010

Working Together to Create a Future Bringing the Joy of Parenthood to Your Family

(patients under 24 months)

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Introductory 1-hour massage session

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*Introductory Introductory 1-hour 1-hour massagemassage session session




Introductory 1½-hour massage session



$ $ $ $ NEW $ OUR 57 79 FACIALS 74* MURAD 98 57 79*



* Introductory 1½-hour massage session

Introductory 1½-hour massage session




Introductory 1½-hour Hot Stone therapy session

For Spider Veins










MAYS LANDING Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 10am-6pm In the Target Shopping Center **Ranked #1 by Entrepreneur Magazine. *Session includesMagazine. massage and*Session time for consultation and dressing. to change. and dressing. Prices subject to change. **Ranked #1 by(609) Entrepreneur includes massage andPrices timesubject for consultation e x cmay l uvarys ibyvlocation. e l y Additional f404-0200 e a t local u rtaxes i n and g fees may apply. Š2009 Massage Envy Limited, LLC. Rates and services

278 Consumer Square Available | |Open Convenient Hours. OpenSat 7 days. M-FSun 8am-10pm, FranchisesFranchises Available | | Convenient Hours. 7 days. M-F 8am-10pm, 8am-6pm, 10am-6pm

















January/February 2011 The County Woman Magazine March/April 2011 Franchises Available | | Convenient Hours. Open 7 days. M-F 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 10am-6pm


210 Shrewsbury Plaza,

Shrewsbury Plaza

The County Woman Magazine


Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists

3700 Route 33, 2nd Floor, Neptune, NJ 07753 310 Madison Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960 Tel 732.455.8225 | Tel 973.285.7800

May/June 2011

The Very Best A Spa Can Offer Without Leaving Town

Ashley Meyerhoff


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Retirement Income Solutions

Hair Replacement for Men & Women


Massage v Microdermabrasion

Bridal Party Specials

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2011

Mosaic of Avenel 1392 St. Georges Avenue Avenel, NJ 07001 732.669.9880 The County Woman Magazine

| (732) 460-1919

Mosaic of Shrewsbury 508 Broad Street Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 732.530.8877

*Each Procedure, Listed Above, is $2,012. Save over $1,000 per procedure. Valid through March 30, 2012.

November/December 2011

Garden State Heart Care


Y Consultations Y Interventional Cardiology Y Stress Testing Y Echocardiography Y Holter Monitoring Y ICD/Pacemaker Check–Ups Jatinchandra Patel, DO Y Peripheral Arterial Disease Evaluation & Treatment Y Same Day Appointments & Flexible Office Hours Available Y

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2012

` We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and CareCredit ` Convenient Hours & 24 Hour Emergency Care John Covalesky, DO


• Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery • Endometriosis • Fibroid Treatment

Most HMO and traditional health insurance plans accepted.

Adult & Pediatric Dental Studio


Pediatric Dentistry by Dr. Kerry Gallagher Moran, DMD specialty# 5378 200 Bridge Plaza Drive Manalapan, NJ 07726

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The County Woman Magazine

HORMONE EVALUATION & TREATMENT • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome • Premature Ovarian Failure Syndrome

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adolescents and anyone with special needs.

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Group Parties & Events

Kathy Nolan, Registered Investment Advisor Representative. Investment Advisor Services offered through Brokers International Financial Services, LLC, Panora, IA Member FINRA/SIPC. Brokers International Financial Services, LLC and Family Focus Financial Group are not affiliated companies. Insurance products issued through many fine carriers.

Celebrate 2012 with a Fabulous New Look for $2,012 at The Lombardi Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Center!

We believe that every child deserves a perfect visit, every time!

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Family Focus Financial Group, LLC 2042 W. County Line Road, #8 Jackson, NJ 08527 (T) 732-364-5462 (F) 732-886-7585

Rates and services may vary by location. Additional local taxes and fees may apply. Š2009 Massage Envy Limited, LLC.


Cuts & Styles v Coloring




Kathy Nolan

Our philosophy at FFFG is to provide intelligent solutions for you, our clients, so that your planning strategies are consistent with your objectives and values.



There’s a reason we’re ranked #1 in massage services– health has always been our focus.** Sure an hour

Murad facials: Anti-Aging, Vitamin C (for sun damage), Acne35 Control and SensitiveRaintree Skin. Plus, ourCenter 278 Consumer Square 210naturally Shrewsbury Plaza 2101 North Towne Route 9 &520 healthy lifestyle today atRoute Massage Envy. MAYS LANDING Introductory 1-hour In the Target Shopping professional estheticians are here and weekends so Center youCenter can enjoy your facial it’s Shrewsbury Plazaweeknights Holmdel Town Westwhen Main Street Marlboro Plaza 278 Consumer Square Murad Signature In the Target Shopping Center (609)Marshalls 404-0200& A&P) (Between Marshalls) (Between 732.845.3300 (Between Kohl’s & Pathmark) most convenient for you.Acme And &our Murad Signature facials are only $59* for first-time guests. So take (609) 404-0200 732.796.1000 facial session*732.972.9800 732.460.1919 an hour to restore and strengthen the health of your skin with a visit to Massage Envy Spa today.

Diagnostic Testing

Sean Nolan

from left: Paul Saphier, MD, Ronald P. Benitez, MD, Kyle Chapple, MD, and David Wells-Roth, MD

Providing full neurosurgical services in Monmouth County.

of relaxation is appreciated, but people keep coming back for the therapeutic results they receive at such



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fax: 732.849.0015 toll-free: 888.376.2661

Dr. Allen Morgan

nutrition and hygiene home care plan for you and your child



Introductory 1½-hour Hot Stone therapy session

** Sure ansystem, From #deep muscleservices– relaxation tohas strengthening your immune you can start your own There’s asmall reasonprices. we’re ranked 1 in massage health always been our focus. hour Introducing Massage Envy Spa’s new Muradpeople Signature facials,back featuring medically results proven, of relaxation is appreciated, keep coming for Envy. the therapeutic theyskin receive at such naturally healthybut lifestyle today at Massage # nourishing Murad products. have shown regular facials onlyhas improve small prices. From deep studies muscle to1strengthening your immunenot system, you can start your There’s aRecent reason we’rerelaxation ranked in that massage services– health always beenown our focus.** Sure an hour naturally healthy lifestyle today at Massage Envy. skin tone, but also provide long-term benefits likebut increasing circulation and decreasing visible of relaxation is appreciated, people keep coming back for the therapeutic results they receive at such signs of aging. Massage SpaFrom makes it easy for you to revitalize your skin with your four different smallEnvy prices. deep muscle relaxation to strengthening immune system, you can start your own

For Varicose Veins


Introductory 1½-hour Hot Stone therapy session


Some of Our Procedures VNUS ClosureÂŽ Procedure Microphlebectomy

The County Woman Magazine


The People’s Choice In Imaging Centers

variety of conditions including but not limited to:

Ç Ç Ç Í˜Ç€ÄžĹśÄ‚ĹľÄšÍ˜ĹśÄžĆš

September/October 2009


Girija Surya, MD


Focu s Ret i r em ent Gr ou p

Our staff is comprised of a highly skilled team of board


• Osteoporosis • Carpal Tunnel • Muscular Pain • Arthritis Pain • Sciatica (Leg Pain) • Diabetic Neuropathy • Hip Pain • Back• and Neck Pain Shingles • Cancer Pain Osteoporosis • Carpal Tunnel Pain • Shoulder • Compression Fractures Our staff is comprised of a highly skilled • team of board • Sciatica (Leg Pain) • Diabetic • RSDNeuropathy • Herniated Discs certified pain management physicians, nurse practitioners • Spinal • Failed Back Surgery • Shingles • Cancer PainStenosis and registered nurses. We work closely together to understand • Fibromyalgia • Knee Pain Shoulder • Compression Fractures the causes of your pain and help to find the •best solutionsPain in • RSD • Herniated Discs managing that pain. • Spinal • certified Failed Back Surgery Our staff is comprised a highly team boardteam pain Our isof comprised of a Stenosis highly skilled ofRoute board 1364 Route 72 780 37 West Our specialists assist staff patients living with painskilled caused by a of •practitioners Fibromyalgia and registered • Knee Pain Suite 6 Suite 110 management physicians, nurse nurses. We work variety of conditions including butmanagement not limited to: certified pain physicians, nurse practitioners manahaWkin, NJ 08050 R iveR,to NJ find 08755the Tomshelp closely together to understand the causes of your pain and nurses. We work closely together to understand Muscularand Paininregistered • Arthritis Pain 1314 Hooper Avenue 1608 Route 88 West best• solutions managing that pain. • • Hip Pain the causes of• Back Neckand Pain help 780 Route 37 West Route yourandpain to find the best1364 solutions Building B in72 Suite 102 • • Osteoporosis • Carpal Suite 110 by a variety of conditions Suite 6RiveR, NJ Our specialists assist patients living with Tunnel pain caused including but not limited to: BRick, NJ 08724 • 08753 Toms managing that pain. • Sciatica (Leg Pain) • Diabetic Neuropathy NJ 08755 anahaWkin , NJ 08050 Toms R iveR mMann • Muscular Pain • Hip Pain • Osteoporosis • ,Sciatica (Leg Pain) • Shingles •Pavilion Shoulder Pain 1131 Broad Street •

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e at Vein Center evaluate our patients with their total “Vascular Health� in perspective, and a specific focus on management of venous diseases. Diagnostic ultrasound studies are performed in office. Our treatment modalities include medical, supportive, conservative, and surgical treatment of venous disease when needed. Both our newer and traditional treatments includes state-of-the-art Endovenous Closure Treatment, ultrasound- guided sclerotherapy, stab-phlebectomy, all tailored to each patient’s needs. All our patients at vein center are treated by Board Certified vascular surgeon in our office setting.


MARLBORO Route 9 & 520 Marlboro Plaza (Between Kohl’s & Pathmark) 732-972-9800 SHREWSBURY 210 Shrewsbury Plaza Shrewsbury Plaza (Between Acme & Marshalls) 732-460-1919


Our specialists assist patients living with pain caused by a • Muscular • Arthritis Pain variety of conditions including but not limited Pain to:

about your

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Details and coupon inside!


certified pain management physicians, nursenurses. practitioners and registered We work closely together to understand the causes of your pain and help to find the best solutions in and registered nurses. We work closely together to understand managing that pain. the causes of your pain and help to find the best solutions in managing that pain. Our specialists assist patients living with pain caused by a

when you


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Upper Lip: $69.00 Bikini Line: $149.00 Shoulders: $299.00 Legs (Half): $399.00

The County Woman Magazine


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Don’t Get Caught on the Beach with Stubble, Razor or Wax Burn. Get Summer Smooth at

G S State P & IrnterventIonal C is comprised P Our staff of aIn a highly of board Garden Mskilled anaGeMent certified pain team management physicians, nurseFam practitioners i ly G arden S tate P ain & r adioloGy C enter arden

9$5,&26( 9(,1 75($70(17 237,216

340 Highway 34, Suite D2, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 •

Voted America’s Top Dentist’s 2012 March/April 2012

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2012

Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm • Weekends As Necessary

Dr. Allen Morgan & Dr. David Corley

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2012

**Ranked #1 by Entrepreneur Magazine. *Session includes massage and time for consultation and dressing. Prices subject to change.

Rates and services may varyHours. by location. Additional local taxes and9am-10pm, fees may apply. Sat Š2009 Massage EnvySun Limited, LLC. Franchises Available | | Convenient Open 7 days. M-F 9am-8pm, 9am-8pm

Focus on the people in your life and don’t miss a sound!

Detecting Alzheimer’s Early Could Make a Difference in Your Life

*One-hour session consists of a 50-minute facial and time for consultation and dressing. Prices subject to change. Rates and services may vary by location. Additional local taxes and fees may apply. Š2009 Massage Envy Limited, LLC.

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STEVEN BERKOWITZ, M.D., P.A. ROY D. MITTMAN, M.D., P.A. ARTHUR VASEN, M.D.,■PH.D., P.A. ■OCEANP.OFFICE BRICK OFFICE 1200 EagleY. Avenue 1640 Route 88 West KENNETH CHERN, M.D., P.A. Ocean, NJ 07712 Brick, NJ 08724 Freehold, NJ 07728 Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 Barnegat, NJ 08005 Patriot’s Park HARALAMBOS P.A. Ph: (732) 660-6200DEMETRIADES, Ph: (732) M.D., 458-7866 Ph: (732) 462-1700 Ph: 609-495-1888 Ph: 609-488-3988 222 Schanck Road • Freehold, NJ ARTHUR K. MARK, M.D., P.A. • Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm CHRISTOPHER J. SPAGNUOLA, M.D., P.A.• 732-660-6200Seaview Pavilion HOAN-VU T. NGUYEN, M.D., P.A. 1200 Eagle Avenue • Ocean, NJ September/October 2012 The County Woman Magazine ARON M. GREEN, M.D., P.A. Brick Medical Arts Building SUNIL R. THACKER, M.D., P.A. 1640 Route 88 West • Brick, NJ KEVIN C. MCDAID, M.D. Clearbrook Commons Office Park PAUL T. HAYNES II, M.D. 294 Applegarth Road, Suite C • Monroe, NJ JOEL P. FECHISIN, M.D. Satellite Office in Lakewood ROBERT P. PANNULLO, M.D. ADAM M. MEYERS, D.O. KEIRON W. GREAVES, M.D. SUDHA GARLA, M.D.


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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2012

Find us on:

January/February 2013


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Unfortunately, failed back surgery syndrome is all too common. Don’t put yourself at risk. When choosing the right specialist for your back, you must consider the following: • You need a healthcare professional to properly assess your condition and correctly diagnose the problem prior to surgery. Neurosurgeons have a far better understanding of the nerves of the spine than any other specialist.

Photo Taken By: Annette Jenkins Photography The Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel, Asbury Park, NJ

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Brain, Spine and Neurovascular Surgery

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School House Village 350 Main Street Suite 5 Bedminster, NJ 07921 973.285.7800

1592 Route 739 Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 973.729.0266

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The County Woman Magazine



When it comes to choosing a specialist, choose what’s best for your back – ANS. To learn more about the latest advancements in treatment or to view a listing of all hospitals we are affiliated with in your area, visit or call 732.455.8225.




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May/June 2013

Lorraine Catalano, CNMT


aring Heart Coronary Imaging is proud to provide non-invasive, your family correct information about the cause of your cognitive impairment. neurological testing to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and =V\QT \PQ[ [KIV _I[ I^IQTIJTM \PM WVTa LMÅVQ\Q^M _Ia WN SVW_QVO QN I dementia. PET is a fantastic tool for distinguishing between person had Alzheimer’s disease was by an autopsy. Many doctors have been types of dementia and for identifying pharmaceuticals to slow treating patients with medications used to treat Alzheimer’s, without the the progress of the disease. Recent academic journals have JMVMÅ\ WN SVW_QVO LMÅVQ\Q^MTa QN \PI\ XI\QMV\ ZMITTa PI[ )TbPMQUMZŸ[ =[QVO reported that PET is the most accurate test for differentiating between \PM[M UMLQKI\QWV[ UIa VW\ JM JMVMÅKQIT \W XI\QMV\[ IVL QV [WUM KI[M[ KW]TL Alzheimer’s disease, front-temporal dementia, multiple-infarct-dementia be detrimental to their health. and normal aging in the early stage patients. <PQ[ [KIV _QTT OQ^M \PM QVNWZUI\QWV VMMLML NWZ LWK\WZ[ \W UISM At Caring Heart Coronary appropriate treatment decisions or Imaging, there is reduced radiation QLMV\QNa \PM TQSMTQPWWL WN LM^MTWXQVO exposure to the patient. The Positron Alzheimer’s disease later in life, at a This scan will give the information needed for doctors to Attrius Scanner does not use CT time when more treatment options make appropriate treatment decisions or identify the likelihood of in obtaining brain images. This is will be available. developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life a huge factor for our patients who Caring Heart & Brain Imaging may have had substantial exposure Q[ \PM ÅZ[\ QUIOQVO KMV\MZ QV 6M_ to radiation in the past. Jersey to perform the Amyvid PET If you are experiencing memScan and we have completed more ory loss, and/or have a family Amyvid PET Scans than most history of Alzheimer’s disease, the medical centers throughout the Amyvid PET Scan could help you United States. This means that do just that‌ help your children. our reading expert has interpreted as Alzheimer’s disease affects the many, if not more, Amyvid PET entire family. Help protect your Scans than most nuclear radiolchildren by getting an early diagogists. If we can slow down the nosis; the neuritic plaque that is a progression of Alzheimer’s disease, precursor to Alzheimer’s disease we can give patients and families can be present in our brains years the time to plan ahead. It also before symptoms occur. Early allows the person with Alzheidetection and treatment can help mer’s to participate in health care, slow down the progression of ÅVIVKQIT IVL TMOIT LMKQ[QWV[ I[ Alzheimer’s disease. Having the well as giving them precious quality Amyvid PET Scan can give you and time with their loves ones. Q


The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2014


For the third consecutive year, the doctors of University Urology Associates of New Jersey have been recognized by fellow medical pracitioners to be among the best urologists in the Garden State. We continually strive to provide comprehensive state-of-the-art urological services with emphasis on patient education and shared decision making. Treating patients with compassion, dignity, mutual respect, and trust remains our steadfast goal.

At University Urology Associates, we specialize in:

• Adult Urology • Pediatric Urology • Urologic Oncology • Male Infertility • Sexual Dysfunction • Urodynamics

New Extended Hours!

University Urology Associates of New Jersey was established in 2003 and is proud to be serving Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean counties. Our mission is to be a solutions-based practice, maximizing the value of the service we deliver our patients with commitment to excellence, integrity, innovation, and treatment. To set up an appointment, please contact:

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3700 Route 33, Neptune, NJ 07753 732.455.8225


2364 Route 9 South Howell, NJ 07731


1374 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Rd. Hamilton, NJ 08690

The County Woman Magazine


20 Hospital Drive Toms River, NJ 08755

Parvez Mahmood, MD, FACS

Rajneesh G. Mehta, MD

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2014

The County Woman Magazine

Michael Nazmy Jr., MD

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists Brain, Spine and Neurovascular Surgery│(732) 455-8225

From left: Doctors Edward Zampella, Paul Saphier, Charles Stillerman, David Wells-Roth, Jay Chun, Scott Meyer, Jack Knightly, Ron Benitez, Jonathan Baskin, Kyle Chapple, Brian Beyerl, Yaron Moshel The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2014

Our Family Your Family

Having back pain is uncomfortable enough. Having to deal with multiple doctors to ďŹ gure out the best treatment option makes it even worse. That’s why – at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists’ Spine Center – our subspecialized team of fellowship trained spine specialists provide comprehensive care. New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice and one of the most renowned in the country, we are known for leading edge treatments delivered with compassion and care.

Now taking new patients. To schedule an appointment call: 732.531.6400.

1300 Highway 35 South Plaza ll, Suite 101-103 Ocean, New Jersey

We take care of it all – so you or your loved one can focus on just one thing: getting better. Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists – the only connection you need.

Leonard Staller, PA-C

For more information on ANS, visit or call 732.455.8225. Not sure about your insurance coverage? We can help! Ask to speak with our insurance counselor.

November/December 2014


Take Care of

Dr. Disciglio, Dr. Mehta and Dr. Meltzer are dedicated to treating you and your family with the compassionate, personal touch you deserve.

The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine



Robert Peterson, DC, PA-C November/December 2015

March/April 2014


Dr. Cyrus Khorrami, MD, with his wife Ladi Khorrami, MD, along with his father, Parviz Khorrami, MD, and mother, Parvin Motemaden Khorrami, MD. “Providing our patients with the most advanced technology is the best thing we can do for them.�

Facts Every Woman Should Know About Breast Cancer:

240,000 New Cases Of Breast Cancer Are Diagnosed Each Year

11 Overlook Road Suite 180 Summit, NJ 07901 908.516.2941 781 Route 15 South Jefferson, NJ 07849 973.729.0266

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Medical Professionals



We Offer Digital Mammography: The Most Effective Weapon in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

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The County Woman Magazine

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Mammograms are all about early cancer detection. Schedule yours today.

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3/30/16 4:40 PM

MCW & OCW Connections/Spine back cover #427.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

Women Age 40+ Should Have A Yearly Mammogram Screening

25-30% Reduced Mortality Rate For Women Ages 50-70

1 Every 2.5 Minutes

3700 Route 33 Neptune, NJ 07753 732.455.8225

January/February 2016

July/August 2015


Dr. Christopher P. Godek and the Staff at Bella Derma Medi Spa are committed to you.

stay healthy.

6/8/15 8:37 AM

732.281.1988 1430 Hooper Avenue, Suite 204 Toms River, NJ 08753

Dr. Christopher P. Godek M.D., F.A.C.S. — Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

For full product and safety information, including possible mild side effects, see Š 2013 Ultherapy is a registered trademark of Ulthera Inc. 1002220A

Richard B. Meltzer, MD, FACP

Mukaram Gazi, MD, FICS, FACS Alexander Gotesman, MD

,85 , "' (.5, #0 5"#-5' # &5 / .#)(5 .5." 5 (#0 ,-#.35) 5 # #( 5 ( 5 (.#-.,35 ) 5 15 ,- 385 5, #0 5"#-5' # &5 ., #(#(!5 .5 )/(.5 #( #5 "))&5) 5 # #( 5 A5 15 ),%5 (#0 ,-#.3651" , 5" 5*, .# 5 -5 5 &&)15#(5' . ,( &7 . &5' # #( 85 ,#),5 .)5 -. &#-"#(!5 5-/ -- /&5*, .# 5#(5 (5 ( 5 )(')/."5 )/(.# -65" 51 -5 #, .),5) 5 I 5 .5." 5 )-*#. &5 (. ,5 .5 , (! 5 #(5 -- 25 )/(.365 85 5 &-)5-* %-5Ĺ‚/ (.5 * (#-"85 ,85 , "' (.5#-5 (5 &/'(/-5) 5." 5 (#. 5 . . -5 0 &5 '365 & --5) 5gonm8

Bella Derma Medi Spa

We make it easy for you to

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Treating All Neurosurgical Needs

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We say you only need one.

Michael J. Disciglio, MD, FACP

Trust the neurosurgeons at the ANS Spine Center for an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment options.


They say you need connections to navigate your way through back pain.

Treating patients with compassion, dignity, mutual respect, and trust.


• Single ultrasound treatment • No surgery, no downtime • Gradual, natural, yet noticeable results

May/June 2016

July/August 2016

Please Visit Our Website: The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2016

January/February 2017



3440 Route 9, Freehold, NJ 07728 • 732-431-4222


REVITALIZEŽ YOUR LIFE Diane’s result (dentistry by Dr. V. Felici)

A RECENT SUCCESS Diane was suffering. She was sick and tired of the pain and embarrassment of loose dentures and messy denture adhesives. Her dentures seemed to control her life.

In one day, Diane’s life was changed. Now, Diane is pain free, with secure and beautiful upper and lower teeth. NO more dentures! No more adhesives! Diane can now chew and smile with confidence.

The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2017

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2017

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

Dr. Kathy A. Banks is one of the most experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Ocean County providing dental implant surgical services. With RevitalizeŽ, or “all- on-four� treatment, old dentures, missing teeth and failing dental restorations are replaced with new teeth that are connected to dental implants. At the same time, the dental implants are placed into the jaws, giving patients immediate results. 249 S. Main Street, Suite 4 Barnegat, NJ

Call today and schedule an appointment: 609-488-2325

This is why‌

Meet The Doctors Of Gastroenterologists Of Ocean County:

Jimmy’s result (dentistry by Dr. D. Federici)

(from left to right) Teresa Mendier, MD, Edgar Bigornia, MD, Omar Tamimi, MD, Jai Mirchandani, MD, Kenneth Glazier, MD, and Jill Collier, MD

A RECENT SUCCESS Jimmy was suffering from painful, broken teeth. His dental bridges were failing and he was sick and tired of the pain and embarrassment of his unattractive teeth.

• Colonoscopy and colon polyp removal • Colon cancer detection and screening • Rectal bleeding evaluatiuuion • Ulcer pain evaluation and treatment • Swallowing disorders • Endoscopic treatment of hemorrhoids • Capsule endoscopy • Liver disorders • Esophageal Manometry • Breath testing


In one day, Jimmy’s life was changed.

We give you the best in brain, spine and neurovascular care. Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists now accepts Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

Jimmy is now pain free, with secure and beautiful upper and lower teeth. Now, Jimmy can chew and smile with confidence.

May/June 2017 July/August 2018


Pompton Plains



(732) 455-8225

Jefferson TOMS RIVER

473 & 474 Lakehurst Rd. 732-349-4422


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FORKED RIVER 939 Lacey Rd. 732-349-4422

A Division of Allied Digestive Health

MCW/OCW This is Why...Dad&Son #460.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2017

4/4/19 11:25 AM

May/June 2019

September/October 2018

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019 The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

TARGET MARKET, EDUCATION, EXCLUSIVITY, DISTRIBUTION Keys to Success The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

May/June May/June2019 2019



Answering Needs. Advancing Potential. Serving infants, children, and adults with complex physical and developmental disabilities or delays in Monmouth and Ocean Counties


BlueClaws Games


Day Games - 11:05 a.m.


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th The Annual RAT Rock Open Charity Golf Classic

Monday, June 17, 2019

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Cost: $10 per ticket

- Golfers’ Gift Bags

and ...official community partners

Casino Night AND

Mark Your Calendars! October


Friday, October 18, 2019 Eagle Oaks Golf & Country Club Farmingdale, NJ



The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2019

Medical Professionals

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC ....................................... 2 Shore Vascular & Vein Center ..................................................... 6 Quality Dermatology .................................................................... 7 Hypertension and Kidney Group of Ocean County ..................... 9 Reproductive Science Center of NJ .......................................... 10 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics................................................. 11 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA...................................... 15 Advanced Sleep Center of New Jersey..................................... 17 Personal Enhancement Center.................................................. 22 Hackensack Meridian Int. Health & Medicine ........................... 26 Kathy A. Banks, DMD ................................................................ 27 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County ................................. 28, 29 Be Well Women’s Health ........................................................... 31 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists ....................................... 34, 35 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center ......................................... 37 Bella Derma Medi Spa............................................................... 38 Ocean Hematology & Oncology ......................................... 46, 47 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC ...................................... 48 Bio-Behavioral Health................................................................ 49 Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ............. 52 Dr. Park Avenue ......................................................................... 55 Garden State Medical Center .................................................... 75

Fine Art Photography

Tracy Harman Photography......................................................... 3

Legal Professionals

Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq. .............................................................. 4 The Matus Law Group ............................................................... 25 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law .............................................. 36

The County Woman Publicatons

Elder Law

5 61

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC ........................... 8

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Living Healthy Naturally ............................................................... 9 Hot or Not Yoga ......................................................................... 32 Hypnosis for Women ................................................................. 33 Nina Radcliff, MD ...................................................................... 44 Lice Lifters ................................................................................. 49 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .................................................... 50 Jersey Shore Pharmacy ............................................................ 53


Aesthetic Dental Creations ............................................ 12, 13, 14

Cape May Stage ........................................................................ 54 The Other Josh Cohen .............................................................. 56 Show-Score............................................................................... 57 Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... 59 Two River Theater ...................................................................... 73 Women of Ocean County ........................ 60, 61, 62

Health & Wellness

Professional Dentistry

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room

A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................ 16

Financial Management

5 Tips for Sustained Financial Health ........................................ 18 Garden State Trust Company .................................................... 19

Enlightened Solutions................................................................ 45

Koehler Acupuncture ................................................................. 45

Wigs & Hair Designs

Abstrax Hair Designs ................................................................. 51

Funeral Planning

DeGraff Funeral Home............................................................... 52

Theatre & Entertainment



Pediatric Dentistry


Permanent Hair Removal

Women’s History

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Holistic Life Coach

Simply Sweet Cupcakes ........................................................... 23 Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates ........................................... 24 Brick Electrolysis ....................................................................... 25 Tallwoods Care Center .............................................................. 30

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus .............................................................................. 39 Brick Chamber of Commerce.................................................... 67


Arocho Insurance Agency ......................................................... 40

Featured on the Cover

University Urology Associates of NJ ............................. 41, 42, 43

The Boss 107.1 ......................................................................... 63 Ocean County College .............................................................. 67 Susan Burton............................................................................. 69 Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A. .................................................. 71 Community ...................... 58, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74 Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

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When bad things happen to good people ,a services are necess lawyer’s ary to ensure that you get most compensation the for your injuries.


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With a strong focus on enhance the health “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and his and wellness of team each individual patient. Read more of specialists work together to on pages 6, 7 & An Educational 8. Resou

A screening test is a recommende d medical test to examin e for precancerous lesions prior to the develo pment of cancer.

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SACROILIITIS/ SACROILIAC JOINT DYSFU DIAGNOSED WITH NCTION. The sacroiliac CANCER: WHAT’ BREAST joint The attorneys at S IS IT TIME FOR located on either is D’Amato Law Firm The biopsy shows NEXT? A POSTside primarily focus construction, products SUMMER MAKEO that on individu als who have been liability and motorbetween the you sacrum and VER? breast cance and a proven record seriouslyhave vehicle Autumn brings ilium collision injured of the r. They have a national of success. Read more pelvis s. In additio the end and n tointhe shock Photo By Donna Andrews Photograph reputati about of Summe held y r, which these togeth for excellen er extraord and on by stronginary attorneys ce emotio can nal turmoil on pages 16 also mean dry, Smartphones ligaments. , & 17. a thousa sunnd questions damaged hair. Scan Here go through your Pages 26 & 27 mind. ountyWom

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In New Jersey, the probate of a Will and the appointment of an Executor is most commonly not a formal procedure.

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Table of Contents Community

Sept./Oct. 2018

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November/December 2018

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

Business Spotlight


Enhance Enhance Your

Natural Natural Beauty

Dr. Dr.Christopher ChristopherGodek Godek As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. ChristopherGodek Godekhas hasdeveloped developedaatrue truelove love Christopher forthe thespecialty. specialty.Part Partof ofwhat whatmakes makeshim himso so for successfulisishis hisability abilityto toappreciate appreciatethe theway way successful plasticsurgery surgerycan cantransform transformaaperson’s person’slife. life. plastic He is devoted to cosmetic and reconstructive He is devoted to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery including facial, breast and body surgery facial, breast and body surgery.including His reconstructive practice includes surgery. His reconstructive practice includes breast cancer reconstruction, skin cancers, breast skin cancers, facial cancer trauma,reconstruction, and facial reconstruction. Dr. facial trauma, and facialbusy reconstruction. Godek also has a very non-surgicalDr. Godek also hasincludes a very busy practice that skin non-surgical care, chemical peel programs and injectables, including Botox, practice that includes skin care, chemical peel Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse, Belotero, and programs and injectables, including Botox, Sculptra. “These invasive techniques Juvederm, Voluma,minimally Radiesse, Belotero, and are used to improve facial balance and create Sculptra. “These minimally invasive techniques a more natural, youthful and rested look,” he are used to improve facial balance and create adds. He and his team take an individualized a approach more natural, youthful and rested he to each patient they see. look,” He adds, adds. He and his team take an individualized “Our team strives to achieve results that approach to each patient they see. He adds, “Our team strivesthe to achieve results that complementing beauty of your natural features.” enhance specific areas of concern, while also complementing the beauty of your natural features.” Dr. Godek: I originally trained as a biomedical engineer at Syracuse University and then went on complete CW: How did you become involved in to this field?

myGodek: medicalI degree at the Boston School of Dr. originally trained as University a biomedical engineer Medicine. I also completed a one-year research fellowship at Syracuse University and then went on to complete at medical Harvarddegree Medical While in Boston, I hadofthe my at School. the Boston University School opportunity to work alongside one of the top plastic Medicine. I also completed a one-year research fellowship

at HarvardinMedical School. While in Boston, I hadthis the surgeons the country. After spending time with opportunity to work alongside one of the top plastic surgeon, I came to realize the unique aspects of Plastic surgeons in the country. After spending time with this surgeon, I came to realize thewith unique Plastic wonderful interactions I had myaspects teachersofand patients Surgery. I became involved in this field due to the while training at Boston University, Harvard Medical wonderful I hadofwith my teachers andIpatients School, andinteractions the University Pennsylvania, where while training Boston University, Harvard Medical completed myatPlastic Surgery residency. School, and the University of Pennsylvania, where I MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your completed my Plastic Surgery residency. profession? CW: What is the being most rewarding your Dr. Godek: I love able to help part othersabout in need. Patients often come to me with a problem or concern and profession? Dr. Godek: I love being able to help others in need. Patients often come to me with a problem or concern and from helping young children withup-to-date birth defects or injuries, being able to offer them the most options to to helping who rewarding. have lost a This breastincludes due to breast help them iswomen incredibly everything from helping young children with birth defects or injuries, tremendously rewarding. to helping women who have lost a breast due to breast cancer. The ability to feel “whole” again is MCW: What is the help mostsomeone challenging? tremendously rewarding. Dr. Godek: is thatWhat not allisdeformities can be corrected. Additionally, CW: the most challenging?

not Godek: all patients seechallenging us in our practice arethe candidates for Dr. Thethat most aspect of profession surgery due to other health issues or medical conditions. is that not all deformities can be corrected. Additionally, My all number onethat priority safety of our not patients see usisinthe our practice arepatients. candidates for Having to tell a patient that they cannot undergo a certain surgery due to other health issues or medical conditions. procedure due to their health is very challenging and My number one priority is the safety of our patients. can be quitetoupsetting to thethat patient. work very closely with Having tell a patient they We cannot undergo a certain our patients to help them overcome these obstacles when, procedure due to their health is very challenging and can andquite if they occur. to the patient. We work very closely with be upsetting our patients to help thempractice overcomeapart thesefrom obstacles when, MCW: What sets your others like and if they occur. it? Dr. Godek: We provide a great deal of from extra care before, CW: What sets your practice apart others like it? during, and after surgery. For facial procedures, patients Dr. Godek: We provide a great deal of extra care before, meet with of surgery. our BellaFor Derma during, andone after facialaestheticians procedures, for patients skin care and make-up advice beforehand; then for meet with one of our Bella Derma aestheticians for microdermabrasion andadvice facial beforehand; massages following skin care and make-up then fortheir surgeries. microdermabrasion and facial massages following their For body procedures, patients visit the Bella Derma surgeries. Medi Spa for massage and ultrasound to reduce any For body procedures, patients visit the Bella Derma swelling or bruising and to help diminish downtime after Medi Spa for massage and ultrasound to reduce any surgeries. My patients receive so much more than just a swelling or bruising and to help diminish downtime after procedure. Our state-of-the art spa treatments speed our surgeries. My patients receive so much more than just a

procedure. Our state-of-the art spa treatments speed our patient’s recoveries and help them look and feel healthy so patient’s recoveries and help them look and feel that they may return to their everyday activities ashealthy soon asso that they may return to their everyday activities as soon as possible. possible.

MCW: What are the most common procedures that CW:perform? What are the most common procedures that you you perform? Dr. Godek: Dr. Godek: Thenasal mostsurgery, common procedures I breast perform include eyelid lifts, facethat lifts, perform include nasal eyelid lifts, faceaslifts, enlargement, breast liftssurgery, and breast reductions, wellbreast as enlargement, breast lifts and breast reductions, as well as number breast cancer reconstructions, facial cancer tummy of tucks, and liposuction. I also perform a significant reconstructions, reconstruction after facial number of breastand cancer reconstructions, facialtrauma. cancer reconstructions, and reconstruction after facial trauma. MCW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind? CW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind? Dr. Dr.Godek: Godek:One Oneofofmy mymost mostmemorable memorablecases casesisisfrom from early earlyin inmy mycareer. career.Upon Uponcompleting completingmy mytraining trainingatatthe the University Universityof ofPennsylvania, Pennsylvania,I Istarted startedworking workingininNew NewJersey Jersey and was on staff at several hospitals in both Monmouth and Ocean OceanCounties. Counties.At Atthat thattime, time,I Iwas wastaking takingtrauma traumacalls callsatat Jersey JerseyShore ShoreUniversity UniversityMedical MedicalCenter Centerand andwas wason onPlastic Plastic Surgery Surgerycall. call.IIreceived receivedaaphone phonecall callfrom fromthe theemergency emergency room roomabout aboutaayoung younggirl girlwho wholost losther herhand handinina arollover rollover motor vehicle accident on the Garden State motor vehicle accident on the Garden StateParkway. Parkway.I Iwas was able ableto totake takethe thepatient patienttotothe theoperating operatingroom roomand andre-attach re-attach her her hand handwith withtechniques techniquesand andmicrosurgery microsurgerythat thatI Ihad had learned while at the University of Pennsylvania. learned while at the University of Pennsylvania.She Shemade made an an incredible incrediblerecovery recoveryand andwas wasable abletotokeep keepher herhand. hand. Dr. Godekconsistently consistentlyputs putshis hispatients patients first. Beginning Beginningwith withthe theconsultation consultationvisit, visit,he hespends spends quality quality time timegetting gettingto toknow knoweach eachofofthem themand andtoto better better understand understandtheir theirgoals. goals.He Headds, adds,“I“Iwant want to to be be sure surethey theyfeel feelcomfortable comfortableexpressing expressingtheir their aesthetic goals to me. All of my patients aesthetic goals to me. All of my patientsare are very very special specialto tome. me.I Ithoroughly thoroughlyenjoy enjoygetting gettingtoto know each one of them on a personal basis know each one of them on a personal basisand and developing developingaalifelong lifelongrelationship relationshipwith withthem.” them.” He He grew grewup upininaasmall smalltown townininWestern Western Massachusetts where he met his wife, Kristen, Massachusetts where he met his wife, Kristen, when they were both in high school. The couple when they were both in high school. The couple now lives in a small ocean community with their now lives in a small ocean community with their two boys. Outside of Plastic Surgery, they enjoy two boys. Outside of Plastic Surgery, they enjoy time at the beach paddle and time at the beach paddle surfing and fishing.







Face Lifts Eyelid Lifts Rhinoplasty Skin Care Breast Enhancement Body Contouring Facial Rejuvenation Injectables and Fillers Ave., Suite 200A• • 1959 Toms River,34, NJBuilding 08753A, Wall, NJ 07719 1430 Hooper Ave.,1430 Suite Hooper 200A • Toms River, NJ 08753 Highway

732-281-1988 • •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2019

This is why‌ We give you the best in brain, spine and neurovascular care. Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists now accepts Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.


Pompton Plains



(732) 455-8225


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