Monmouth County Woman - September/October 2020

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ur 11th Yea


An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


Fecal incontinence, or bowel incontinence, is the inability to control bowel movements. Page 24


Mr. Chowdhry is dedicated to statewide criminal defense, family matrimonial law, juvenile law, municipal traffic law, and white-collar crime defense. Page 26 & 27

Photo by Carmela Caracappa Photography.

Physical therapy has been known to treat vertigo. Page 5


With a strong focus on “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and Dr. Jimenez work together to enhance the health and wellness of each individual patient. Read more about this terrific team and how their office is handling COVID-19 on pages 2 & 3.

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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Physical Physical therapy therapy has has been known been known to to treat treat vertigo. vertigo. Page Page 5 5



Mr. Mr. Chowdhry Chowdhry is is dedicated dedicated to statewide criminal to statewide criminal defense, defense, family family matrimonial matrimonial law, juvenile law, juvenile law, law, municipal municipal traffic law, and white-collar traffic law, and white-collar crime Page crime defense. defense. Page 26 26 & & 27 27

Fecal Fecal incontinence, incontinence, or or bowel bowel incontinence, incontinence, is the inability is the inability to to control control bowel bowel movements. Page movements. Page 24 24

With a strong focus on “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and Dr. Jimenez work together to enhance the health and wellness of each individual patient. Read more With a strong focus on “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and Dr. Jimenez work together to enhance the health and wellness of each about this terrific team and how their office is handling COVID-19 on pages 2 & 3. individual patient. Read more about this terrific team and how their office is handling COVID-19 on pages 2 & 3.

Photo by Tracy HarmanCaracappa Photography. Photo by Carmela Photography.



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It is estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy and if you are one of these people, you know firsthand what it’s like to be unable to do the things you like because of the constant tingling, pain, numbness and loss of feeling in your feet and legs. There is nothing more discouraging than feeling you are unable to be fully engaged in the life that you have worked so hard to attain. Your ability to remain active and independent may be greatly diminished by the debilitating symptoms which seem to affect everything you do.

Conventional treatments for neuropathy are generally unsuccessful since most focus on addressing the symptoms of the disease, not the cause – which is lack of circulation to the peripheral nerves. Often, underlying conditions and co-morbidities affecting blood circulation will reduce the nutrient and oxygen flow to that nerve, resulting in distress and damage.

In addition to the physical limitations you may experience, we understand how mentally and emotionally challenging it can be when you are unable to enjoy the simple pleasures of life from walking and exercising, to playing with your grandchildren or simply getting a good night’s sleep! Many patients we see with this condition are also living in fear of losing their balance, or missing a step and falling, potentially leading to something worse. So, if you are sick and tired of the negative impact of peripheral neuropathy on your quality of life and the worsening of symptoms, we are excited to offer our very unique treatment approach that has successfully helped countless people just like you!

MicroVas is a FDA-cleared, non-invasive vascular treatment system that delivers electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body, stimulating increased circulation to the surrounding tissues. After several years of research, the technology was originally developed to treat Navy SEAL divers for hypothermia, having the ability to promote fast, oxygen-rich blood flow in the extremities. MicroVas’ powerful, deeply penetrating waveform causes blood to circulate more effectively by elevating tissue oxygen levels. This process may also accelerate lymphatic drainage, helping to reduce the effects of swelling by stimulating the body’s own immune response, while accelerating the healing process.


We have witnessed MicroVas’ substantial therapeutic effects and when combined with our extensive manual soft tissue massage and functional conditioning for strength and balance, our primary goal is to help you achieve optimal results for long-term relief! "Before starting the neuropathy treatment at Rehability, I had so much numbness, tingling and burning that I couldn't exercise or sleep. Now I am getting better feeling in my feet and toes and can stand and walk better than before. Thank you for giving me hope when nobody else could." -Rose P. *Most major medical insurances accepted, including Medicare.





The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Featured On The Cover


Meet The Team At REHABILITY ROBERT CHICKARA, DC MCW: How have the effects of the pandemic impacted your practice? Dr. Chickara: As health care providers, our services were considered essential to the general public so we remained open with modified office hours during the shut-down. We assisted patients with new injuries, flare-ups, and ongoing post-surgical rehabilitation. Although telemedicine emerged as a convenient option for people to interact with their physicians from home, there are limitations for rehabilitative specialties like ours that are predominantly hands-on. To help do our part in keeping the community safe, we implemented extra precautions and screening measures as recommended by (CDC) and NJ (DOH). Our priority was to protect all patients, staff, and our families, while minimizing the transmission of illness. With respect to social distancing, our facility and treatment areas are spacious and we are scheduling appointments whereas to limit patient-topatient contact, as well as the number of guests present at any given time. Of course, effects of the pandemic have also impacted our practice in ways similar to many others during this challenging time, but most importantly, we have all stayed healthy, safe, and are thankful to be open for business. MCW: In what ways do you and Dr. Jimenez work well together and how does that impact the patients you treat? Dr. Chickara: First, we share similar personalities so we enjoy being in the office together. We are cohesive with our practice philosophy remaining strong advocates of a collaborative, interdisciplinary treatment approach to helping our patients achieve optimum health, recovery and wellness. As a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist, Dr. Jimenez’ area of expertise is an ideal fit for the customized, integrated care we provide. Together, we can offer enhanced non-surgical treatment options leading to better outcomes, with the convenience of all being under one roof. MCW: What makes your practice unique for a patient seeking care? Dr. Chickara: Our niche as a family practice is in our extensive “handson” approach to chiropractic, physical therapy, and acupuncture treatment. We all truly enjoy using our hands with an array of diversified adjusting

and manual therapeutic techniques. The one-on-one time and relationship building that goes along with it is invaluable to the healing process and compliance with care. Whenever we receive a referral from a patient or physician, and they say how highly we were recommended for these attributes, it makes all of us smile.

JOSEPH JIMENEZ, MD MCW: What are the most common ailments that you treat? Dr. Jimenez: The most common symptoms I treat are back pain, neck, and joint pain. The conditions often responsible for these symptoms include: sciatica, herniated discs, radiculopathy (also known as ‘pinched nerves’), neuropathy and arthritis. MCW: How does a multidisciplinary approach impact the patient’s overall health? Dr. Jimenez: The multi-disciplinary approach helps maximize outcomes for patients in many ways. Most pain complaints can be successfully treated by conservative measures, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture and/or injection therapy without medications or surgery. The multi-disciplinary approach of physical therapists, chiropractors and medical doctors working together as a team can efficiently customize treatments for the patients to manage their pain and maximize function, in the shortest period of time. MCW: How has COVID impacted your daily routine? Dr. Jiminez: COVID has grown my telemedicine platform significantly with my elderly patients who would prefer to remain home if possible. This enables them to still have access to my professional advice and service online in order to treat minor ailments and determine if an in person visit is more appropriate. The other change to my clinical routine is that I have to order COVID tests for patients that need to be at a surgical center for a proposed medical procedure. For example, if a patient has severe low back pain and can benefit from an epidural at a surgical center, COVID testing must be performed within five days prior to the procedure. However, the combination of injection therapy, physical therapy, and chiropractic care may improve outcomes for more severe cases of pain when compared to standard treatments offered by any one healthcare provider alone.

732-780-6230 • 83 South Street, Suite 204, Freehold, NJ 07728

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020


The County Woman

County Monmouth County WelcomeMonmouth to the September/October 2020 Issue of the Monmouth County Woman! Since 2008

Since 2008



Dear Readers, It’s been a very different kind of summer filled with many unknowns and disappointments. The emotional effects of Covid -19 have taken a toll on everyone and now more than ever it’s important to be mindful about our health (both physical and emotional). Although it’s easy to feel helpless, we can all do our part to stay safe by washing our hands and wearing a mask when around others. It’s also helpful to try and keep up a positive attitude. We are living through a historical time and one day it will be behind us. Although we are still dealing with a pandemic, autumn will arrive, right on schedule. I am looking forward to the many beautiful attribute of the season. The promise of cool, crisp days, sweater weather, and trying out some new comfort food recipes give me hope. Although the promise of football and back to school may look a bit different this year, there is still plenty to feel gratitude for. We live in a Featured on the Cover beautiful state with the colors of fall foliage making everything come alive. REHABILITY .............................................................. 2,3 I can’t wait to get outside with my pup and appreciate my surroundings. Now more than ever before we must take comfort in the myriad of small Medical Professionals (but meaningful) things around us. All-Care Physical Therapy Center................................. 5 Let us be the example to our friends and loved ones this season. Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................... 7 I hope all you stay healthy and safe! beAlladdressed Allofcorrespondence should to: correspondence should be addressed to: & Oncology...................................... 9 Ocean Hematlogy

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” – Unknown


Ocean Otolaryngology Associates.............................. 10 The County Woman The County Woman

Best Wishes, Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey....... 12, 13 P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center........................... 14 Lauren Shover, Production Manager, & the Staff at the Monmouth Turnersville, NJ 08012 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Kathy A. Banks, DMD.................................................. 15 County Woman Publication


Gastroenterologists of Ocean County......................... 17 The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and isWoman’s available Newspaper free of charge at The County is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at University Urologyonly, Associates of New Jersey............. 20 display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized display stands in approveddistributors private andonly, public establishments and authorized distributors or by paid mail subscription. Relievus....................................................................... 21 or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No Laws part ofprotect The County Woman’s Trademark and U.S. Copyright Newspaper. No part of Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery.............................. 24 this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of thebepublisher. this paper may reproduced without the written permission of theAdvanced publisher. Memory Research Institute........................ 28 The County Woman’s Newspaper is not responsibleThe for any editorial comment (other isthan County Woman’s Newspaper not responsible for any editorial comment (other than Vein Center for Women............................................... 34 its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any its own), typographical errors fromreproducadvertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproducPersonal Enhancement Center.................................... 39 tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready.An tions Educational Resource for Women and Their Families of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously The acknowledged and/or previously any time,and/or whether or not itpublished. has been already published. 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Women of Monmouth County..... 22, 23 Health & Wellness

Living Healthy Naturally............................................... 25 Hypnosis For Women.................................................. 30

Travel Agency

Vagabond Travel Agency............................................. 29

Theatre & Entertainment

Two River Theater........................................................ 31

Networking for Moms

Moms of Business....................................................... 35


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The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals


Physical Therapy and the Treatment of Vertigo A question I am often asked when people are diagnosed with positional vertigo is, “Can physical therapy really help my dizziness?” They are usually surprised to find out that physical therapy has been shown to effectively treat positional vertigo and that many of our patients are now symptom free after one treatment session.

bending forward or rolling onto the affected ear can trigger an onset of symptoms. These symptoms may include vertigo (a room-spinning sensation), dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, unsteadiness and/or loss of balance. The vertigo symptoms usually come on suddenly and can last up to 60 seconds until the dislodged crystals stop floating around and settle in again at the bottom of the posterior canal. The onset of symptoms usually occurs again each time the person initiates a head movement into one of the provoking head positions; hence the term “positional vertigo”. The condition will cease only when the crystals are out of the posterior canal.

What is Positional Vertigo?

Diagnosis and treatment of BPPV

by Alyssa Pillco, DPT

The type of vertigo I am referring to is called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and it is the most common form of vertigo in both men and women age 60 and older. BPPV is an inner ear disorder that begins when the sensory receptors of the ear known as the Otoconia, made up of calcium-carbonate crystals, break away from their normal home in the utricle (see figure 1) and begin floating around in one of the ear’s three canals. The most common canal these crystals get dislodged into is called the posterior canal. This canal is responsible for telling the brain which direction (up or down) your head is moving in when you move it. The canals play an important part in balance because they send signals to your brain to let it know exactly which position your head is in at every given moment in time. This enables you to have clear vision and helps you maintain balance.

Why Do the Crystals float out in the First Place?

Normal aging is the most common reason the crystals break away and float out of the utricle. As the inner ear ages, some of the crystals can “loosen” spontaneously and float into the posterior canal. Other reasons the crystals of the ear loosen can be attributed to head trauma, viruses that affect the ear, migraines, and, sometimes prolonged periods of inactivity.

Symptoms of BPPV

Once dislodged crystals get into the ear’s posterior canal, head movements such as looking up or down,

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BPPV can easily be diagnosed by using the DixHallpike Maneuver. (See Figure 2) This is where we position the patient in an upright seated position and then passively move them into a lying position where the head is extended off of the treatment table and rotated right or left to a 45 degree angle. This position usually provokes the patient’s symptoms. The patient is also asked to keep their eyes open during the maneuver so we can detect if “nystagmus” (eye beating) is present. If nystagmus is present, we are able to figure out which canal is affected based on the direction the eyes beat toward. This maneuver is considered the gold-standard for diagnosing BPPV and also indicates to us which of the two ears are affected. After the maneuver is performed, our next goal is to try to get the dislodged crystals out of the posterior canal and back into the Utricle where they belong. We do this by using a sequence of head positions called the Canalith Repositioning Treatment (CRT). The CRT moves the crystals out of the canal and repositions them back into the Utricle where they either settle or get reabsorbed. Studies show the CRT is effective 80% of the time and helps rid patients of their symptoms in one week. Yes! – I said one week! Patients are always amazed that their symptoms can be relieved in one week with only one simple head treatment – but it’s true and I’ve seen great results with the patients we have treated throughout the years at All-Care. After the CRT is performed, patients are given a protocol they have to follow for one week after their

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The County Woman Magazine

treatment. This consists of avoiding activities that require them to bend forward, tilt their head upwards, or turn their head quickly to the left or right. They must also avoid sleeping on the affected ear. Patients are advised to sleep propped up or on their backs to ensure the crystals don’t float back into the posterior canal. One week after treatment and appropriately following the protocol, the 64 Women Ofcessation Ocean County patient should notice a complete of symptoms and should be able to return to life as normal, making Alyssa Pillco, DPT Kathleen Dotoli, Esq. Manager, All-Care Physical Therapy Center their physical therapy treatment a complete success! Alyssa Pillco is a manager at All-Care Physical Therapy’s Toms River location, where she currently practices physical therapy and helps with leadership development of the staff. She holds a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from the Richard Stockton College of NJ that she received in 2011 and also became a certified leadership coach in 2013. As a physical therapist, Alyssa believes that a constant focus on improving yourself through continuing education and lifelong learning is the key to offering the best physical therapy possible. She strives to create a comfortable yet dynamic atmosphere to help with the recovery of her patients. As an All-Care manager, Alyssa is passionate about helping each person grow to their fullest potential in the company as well as striving to set a standard of excellence within the field of physical therapy. Alyssa describes All-Care as a company with vision that strives for excellence and cares about their patients, their employees and their community, which is why she’s enjoyed working there for over 10 years. For more information about AllCare Physical Therapy, please visit our website at

Ms. Dotoli devotes her law practice to Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability and has been a practicing attorney for over 20 years. “There are very few attorneys in the Ocean/Monmouth County community who make regular appearances in Workers’ Compensation Court, so it’s extremely important that whomever you choose to represent you in a Workers’ Comp case is well versed in that area of the law, not someone who has just has a few files. Your health and financial well being is at stake, so you can’t afford to make a mistake.” Ms. Dotoli is the co-chair of the Ocean County Bar Association’s Worker’s Compensation Committee and a member of the NJ State Bar Association’s Worker’s Compensation Executive Committee. Ms. Dotoli also completed ten years of training with the Justice James Coleman Workers’ Compensation Inns of Court. Additionally, Ms. Dotoli is a Board Member of the American Red Cross, South Jersey Division and a Trustee of the Ocean County Bar Association. Ms. Dotoli holds several free lectures each year so the public can learn more about Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability benefits. To learn more about how to protect your rights, call her office today at 732-228-7534.

Alyssa Pillco, DPT

Alyssa Pillco holds a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey that she received in 201. She also holds a Masters degree in Physical Therapy after graduating Photo by Tracy Harman Photography Photo by Tracy Harman Photography from Stockton College in 2007 and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Rutgers State Victoria Page Dr. Sarah Easaw Pediatric Dental Associates Ocean Hematology & Oncology University inOcean 2003. Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) Dr. Sarah Easaw is a board certified Oncologist and Hematologist who has been Victoria Page has been a key asset to Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates in Ocean County since 2006. She completed her internship and residency Alyssa’s professional focus has practicing been in outpatient in Internal Medicine at Harlem Hospital, affiliated with Columbia University, followed for nearly 20 years. CDAs complete continuing education each year in by a fellowship in Hematology and Oncology at New York Medical College in Valhalla, sterilization techniques andcare dental materials and procedures for children. As orthopedic but also consists of inpatient hospital New York. Before moving to Ocean County, she practiced Hematology and Oncology the head certified dental assistant for the practice, Vicki helps run our multiin Westwood, New Jersey for 10 years. doctor practice from a clinical standpoint. Vicki completes the ordering of rehabilitation and sub acute neurological rehabilitation. Dr. Easaw founded Ocean Hematology & Oncology, a medical practice focusing dental supplies and stocking for the practice. Vicki has been the main chairon the treatment of cancer and blood disorders. She received Star Career Academy’s side assistant in Toms River, treating thousands of children over the years. Excellence in Healthcare Award in 2010. Alyssa has conducted presented research on the She also assists alland of the doctors Her clinical expertise is equal to her ability to treat each patient as an and helps keep procedures safe, treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo individual and with care and compassion. fast & efficient. Vicki is organized “Dr. Easaw is the most wonderful, and has also helped create many compassionate woman and doctor that I has also lecturedof theon topic at the Richard Stockton office this social activities and have ever met,” says a patient. community outreach. The parents Dr. Easaw is a member of the American and children of our officeareas know College of NJ. Her other of interest include Society of Clinical Oncology and the Vicki for her friendliness, big smile, American Society of Hematology and and empathetic nature. She hasvestibular a is apostfellow of the American College of geriatrics, women’s health, rehab and Physicians. Dr. Easaw has now joined calming effect on nervous children Barnabas Health Medical Group, a and their sometimes-nervous parents! op rehab. As a physical therapist, Alyssa believes inphysician network affiliated multispecialty Vicki lives in Jackson with her with RWJBH, the most comprehensive husband and 2 children. When not care delivery system in New Jersey. utilizing manual manipulation, joint mobilization,health PNF helping treat children in the office, She resides in Monmouth County with Vicki will probably be found at her husband and has two children. and soft tissue work well Island Beachas State Park or with heras striving to create For a more information, call 732-961-0010 friends and family. or visit comfortable yet dynamic atmosphere to help with the Photo by Tracy Harman Photography Photo byTracy Harman Photography recovery of her patients.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2018

September/October 2020


Professional Dentistry

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2020


Financial Management Reaction To Reality: Should I Reassess My Risks?

“A Big Part of Financial Freedom Is Having Your Heart and Mind Free From Worry About the What-Ifs of Life” - Suze Orman For many of us COVID-19 has caused a reaction to reality: Should I reassess my risks? We all have a renewed sense of just how fragile we are, and are evaluating the steps we can take to reduce that fragility. In terms of family financial security, there are ideas you can act on to reduce some risks immediately, moves that have little or no costs associated with them. A recent Forbes article has highlighted a survey suggesting a renewed focus on estate planning has arisen as we consider our mortality, and highlighted these steps we often recommend: 1. Share passwords and make arrangements for digital assets. 2. Create a medical directive (Living Will). 3. Aggregate and inventory your assets. 4. Create a Will, Power of Attorney, or Trust. Communication is one of the keys to success, and the key to communication is information. If you don’t know what you own and how you own it, it’s going to be difficult for others to get that information too. If your passwords are all in your fingerprint or face ID, what happens when that fingerprint is no longer available to unlock those accounts? Once an inventory of both physical and digital assets is created, you can move on to the next step of creating an asset distribution plan. The plan should answer these questions: Who will inherit? What or how much will each beneficiary inherit? When will they inherit (immediately or at a future date)? If the inheritance is delayed, who will manage the assets in the meantime? Once you have the answers to these questions, it will be much easier to create a will or trust. At that point you can also better assess your own needs, and consider the divesture [I think this should be “divestiture” but since it’s sued multiple times, maybe check

with author] of particular assets to reduce confusion and arguments and take them out of the estate settlement process. The sentiments, value, or origin stories of particular objects often get lost because it is believed that the beneficiaries already know those details. Approaching the divesture head-on can preserve that sentimental value because a conversation is had about the divesture as it’s occurring. Having an estate plan in place provides some peace of mind that may be really needed right now for loved ones, and also could have a tremendous impact should the worst come to pass. Proper estate planning helps preserve not only assets, but also independence, dignity, and values. Should I be considering other risk mitigation? It isn’t always wise to reduce risk, and sometimes risk reduction for one item implicitly increases the risk of another. These strategies can have tradeoffs such as: • Reduction of exposure to gains in the stock market can increase portfolio stability (especially in volatile times), but historically increases the risk of reduction of purchasing power due to inflation. • Tax-preferred retirement accounts will increase the growth of assets over a long time-horizon, but also subject them to penalties should the money be needed before retirement age. • A term life-insurance policy may only be needed to protect dependents for a short time, but may lapse before ever being utilized. There are many factors to take into consideration when determining what the appropriate amount of risk is for a person’s unique circumstances, such as their time horizon, liquidity needs, or dependent’s needs. Every situation is different, and the professionals at Garden State Trust Company can review these risk factors and tradeoffs with you to assess your risk tolerance and so you can understand what strategies might be most appropriate to create family financial security.

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals



Beware ofCancer Blood Clots:Month Part II November Is National Lung Awareness

WhatWhat You Need ToNeed Know To You

should know: Know AboutWhat TheyouTreatment Of Blood Clots • If you are a heavy smoker, and have been smoking for

Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S.? Approximately Diagnosed (Deep Vein or 200,000 newwith casesDVT are diagnosed each Thrombosis) year and 27 percent PE of (Pulmonary Embolism): What’s all cancer deaths are from lung

several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an

X-ray Things to consider if you are on a blood thinner: or a CT scan. TakeMD the about drug diligently, as prescribed. • Ask• your different methods to help you quit smoking. • Be aware of the risk of bleeding; avoid risky life habits that can result in • If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask about the type of cancer you have, What causes lung cancer? excessive bleeding. Anticoagulants (blood thinners) are the mainstay for the stage and other features suchifasyou EGFR Smoking. Smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. Even though non-smokers aremutation. on Coumadin. treatment of blood clots. These are a group of medicines that • Monitor INR closely can also get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the • What is your treatment plan? • Be aware of the interactions with other medicines you are taking, helpyour to risk. prevent clotting inside the blood vessels. higher The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quit smoking. Tobacco • What are the side-effects of treatment? especially with Coumadin. Indamages the oldcells days, most people blood clots had to be to smoke in the lungs, causingdiagnosed the cells to with grow abnormally. Regular exposure • Are there support services available? • Be aware of the dietary restrictions if you are on Coumadin. smoke from to someone else’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes (called second-hand smoking) can increase admitted the hospital for a few days for treatment with blood thinners. Immunotherapy in lung cancer. aBut person’s of lung even in if they are non-smokers. • Make sure to stop the blood thinners prior to any invasive procedures. now,riskwith thecancer, advances research and discovery of new medicines, some Over the last few decades, immunotherapy agents have been studied in the treatment of Exposure to asbestos. Certain jobs such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, insulation or Coumadin has to be stopped at immunotherapy least 5 days prior to surgeries or other people can be treated at home, without the need for hospital admission. many cancers, including lung cancer. Several drugs are now approved for use. automotive brake repair may cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can irritate the lungs Our invasive NOACs to be for 3thedays prior. cause Blood thinners to prevent the extension the existing clots and immuneprocedures; system fights cancer cellshave normally, andstopped thus reduces chance of and cancer. Whenhelp combined with smoking, the risk ofof developing lung cancer is much • Have a card or bracelet with the name of the medicine you are taking, transforming normal cells into cancer cells. But this does not work always, as people with in reduce the risk of forming new clots. Our own body will dissolve the blood higher. normal immune systems also develop cancer. The principle of immune therapy is based on case of an accident or trauma. Radon. an invisible, odorlessthe gas released by soilinand rocks. area. Exposure to clots with Radon time, ishelping to restore blood flow thesome affected boosting the immune system so that it can efficiently destroy cancer cells. • Be in touch with your physicians about any concern with excessive higher levels of radon can cause cancer, especially lung cancer. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has been a major breakthrough in cancer research. There are a few different types of blood thinners. bleeding or symptoms of blood clots. What are the types of lung cancer? These drugs help to take the “brakes” off the immune system, so that they can recognize and kill Heparin: Heparin is used as an IV infusion for the treatment of blood clots There are two different types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. This difference is cancer cells more effectively. in hospitalized Heparin cancancers also be as an under the based on the type ofpatients. cancer cells. Most lung aregiven non-small cell.injection Among the non-small and TECENTRIQ some of the immuneabout checkpointblood inhibitors OPDIVO, If youKEYTRUDA, have any questionsareor concerns skinlung to cancers, preventthere blood clots. subtypes: The doseadenocarcinoma, of heparin has to be closely cell are several squamous cell andadjusted large cell. that are used in lung cancer. Even though these drugs don’t have the typical side effects of clots, call andreactions make appointment based on test that measures the degree of clotting. chemotherapy, they still can cause suchan as inflammatory disorders. with What area blood the symptoms and signs? Low molecular weight heparins: These are a group of drugs related to heparin, Symptoms and signs include coughing, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness of Dr. Sarah Easaw Ocean Hematology & Oncology To learn more aboutoflung cancer and the treatment of breath, chest pain, and weight loss. but which havefatigue a different mechanism of action. Lovenox and Fragmin are at 732-961-0010. other cancers, contact Dr. Sarah Easaw at 732-961-0010 or Most often, of thelow symptoms do notweight manifestheparins. until the cancer advanced. lungunder cancer examples molecular Theyisare given Sometimes as injections can detected a shadow in the lung onasanwell. X-ray done for other reasons. visit thebeskin and as can be used at home How is it diagnosed? Coumadin: Also known widely as warfarin, this is a drug that has been Once your doctor youused haveby lung cancer,for you willtreatment be sent for and CT scans and in around for several suspects decadesthat and many the prevention some cases, a PET scan. A PET scan can detect cancer more accurately than other tests. The of blood clots. Coumadin is also used to prevent strokes in patients with diagnosis is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the suspicious lesions seen on the X-ray or CT irregular heartbeat (cardiac The dose Coumadin has tocalled be scans. The scans also help to see if arrhythmia). the cancer has spread to anyofother organs, a process adjusted based on a blood test called prothrombin time. The unit of measure metastasis. is called INR. The INRstages? has to be kept in a therapeutic range. If the INR is Are there different higher than the range, there an non-small increasedcell risk ofcancers. bleeding. it islung lower than Staging is different for small cellisand lung SmallIfcell cancer has the range, thelimited drug stage is less(confined effective andthe may notorbeextensive beneficial in outside preventing only two stages: within lungs) (spread the lungs). Non-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is a small tumor that is clots. confined the lung, that has not spread (NOACs), to the lymph glands. Largeroral tumors and those that are Noveltooral anticoagulants aka direct anticoagulants spread to the lymph glands come under stages II and III. When the cancer has spread to other (DOACs): These are newer drugs that can effectively treat blood clots without organs, it is stage IV. the need for hospital admissions or frequent blood monitoring. Eliquis and What treatment options? Xareltoare are the examples of NOACs. These drugs begin to act immediately, so that Treatment is based on the stage and the type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is mainly there may be no need for hospital and injections prior tocombined starting treated with chemotherapy. In limited stageadmissions small cell lung cancer, radiation can be these. with chemotherapy. Early stage non-small cell lung cancer is best treated by surgical resection. An experienced How long takenormal blood surgeon removesshould the tumor,you surrounding lungthinners? tissue and the lymph glands around it. The of tumor, treatment from three months to cancer, indefinite Even after duration removing the cancercan cellsvary can remain and cause recurrent eitherorin the lung itself or in other organs. Chemotherapy, radiation or both are used after surgery to reduce lifelong. This is based on several factors: the chance of recurrent cancer. • What caused the blood clot? Was it a provoked or unprovoked Advanced stage lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs thrombosis? used are based on the type of lung cancer, age of the patient, other medical illnesses, etc. There is • How extensive wasthethe clot? Was it life-threatening? ongoing research to improve outcome in patients with lung cancer.

• Is there any continued risk for getting clots if blood thinners are stopped? What’s new in lung cancer? Targeted • Is there a risk in continuing blood thinners? agents: Medicines that targetthe certain proteins or receptors on the cancer cells are being Based on all these factors, doctors will determine how long person developed for the treatment of various cancers. These targeted agentsa attack the cancer cells specifically, sparing thinners. other cells. Targeted agents cause less severe side effects than should be on blood

chemotherapy. What an IVC filter? A fewisdifferent targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. Tarceva (erlotinib) is a drug thatpatients works in may certainneed typesaoffilter lung cancers a mutationvena in a receptor called Some placedcarrying in the inferior cava, the large EGFR. A new drug called waslower approved the treatment of lungThe cancer that vein that carries bloodcrizotinib from the partrecently of theforbody to the heart. filter carries a gene called ALK fusion oncogene. reduces the risk of blood clots going to the lungs. An IVC filter (also known as No two tumors are alike! Even among lung cancers, there are different distinguishing an umbrella) is used chooses in those aretreatment not ablebased to take blood thinners to an features. Your oncologist thewho type of on a number of factors, due including excessive of different bleeding. the cell type,risk stage, biological markers on the cancer cells, and your other medical problems. The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

September/October 2018 2020 November/December


MMedical edical P rofessionals Professionals

Sleep Apnea Dizziness and Balance Disorders lightheadedness, dizziness and sometimes syncope. sleepthe apnea, there iselderly no signal to thedizziness muscles of youradiaphragm to initiate a breath, withdothe remaining open. Finally there is mixed apnea, With ever increasing population, is becoming much more widespread 3. What I doairway if I develop and common concern. We will all experience dizziness at some time or another throughout dizziness? Because dizziness can be which is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea. our lives. However, it is important to understand when symptoms of dizziness require further Stephen Kupferberg, can make changes in lifestyle including losing weight, notseek drinking medical attention. is generally recommended that one immediate medical attention when experiencing MD, FACS, alcohol or taking sedating medications beforeif going to bed,are and dizziness, particularly the episodes recurrent, prolonged or severe. Calling 911, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FROM PATIENTS WITHzDIZZINESS: Ocean • being male stopping the use of tobacco. Occasionally medications to room improve reporting to the nearest emergency or, at minimum, discussing the situation with 1. What is dizziness? Dizziness is a generalized term suggesting a sense of • being overweight the ability to breathe through the nose may help. is strongly recommended. On many occasions, Otolaryngology your primary care physician patients will be unsteadiness or lightheadedness. A feeling of being in a fog or the sense of passing out are • age greater than 40 One of the morereferred common therapies is CPAP (continuous to an ear, nose and throat physician (otolaryngologist) for consultation. • having a large neck 4. What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): positive pressure to prevent the airway collapsing or to frequently initiate in the circumference (over 17 common form offrom dizziness and occurs population. Most Dr.elderly Stephen Kupferberg is atypically, board our sense of balance is maintained by a very complex interaction among several components inches in a male and 16 BPPV is described as a spinning sensation and occurs with an abrupt change in body certified Otolaryngologist and has of our nervous system, including: inches in a female) been in practice for 20 years. He is a out position. In many cases, the initial onset of symptoms occurs when rolling over or getting • • having large tonsils graduate of Jefferson Medical College, • due to anatomical variation in patients. Some patients may need • having a large tongue Philadelphia, Pa. and completed his • internship and residency at the Medical • having a small mandible (lower jaw bone) • College of Georgia, Augusta, Ga. Dr. pressure with inhalation and exhalation. Dental devices can also be • family history of sleep apnea If any one of these factors is diseased or the interaction between these individual parts Kupferberg practiced for four utilized to bring the mandible forward, theincludes airway to Multiple medical issues may be made worse or be caused by tend to recur overthus time.enlarging Treatment repositioning the particle intoinitsMaryland appropriate years before moving to Toms River where position within the inner ear labyrinth, a procedure called the Epley maneuver. is causing an individual’s dizziness. stroke, headaches, depression, diabetes and obesity. Sleep apnea may 5. Can my dizziness condition be cured? he resides with his wife and two sons. 2. What are the causes of dizziness? Dizziness and vertigo can be caused by a wide children removal of enlarged tonsils and possibly also lead to poor performance at work or in school. completely dependent uponenlarged its cause,adenoid which may actually be multifactorial. However, most He specializes in hearing loss, nasal variety of disorders, including inner ear infections such as labyrinthitis, inner ear disorders and sinus surgery and head and neck dizziness disorders can be improved once an accurate diagnosis is established. In many cases, such as Meniere’s disease, cardiac conditions, anemia, diabetes or low blood sugar, brain and/ and shortening of the palate, known as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty surgery and adult and to pediatric ear, nose physician subspecialists well-versed in the treatment of dizziness will need be involved. or spinal cord injury, migraine headaches, severe sinus infections, meningitis, poor circulation in the breathing pattern, followed by some gasping and then the or UP3, can enlarge the airway. Nasal surgery may be necessary throatcommitted Hishelping leisureour time is At Ocean Otolaryngology Associates,toour teamand is fully and hardening of the arteries, stroke, high fever, visual disorders and severe anxiety. spent outdoors withdisorder. his family, cycling, patients through the work-up and treatment regimen for their dizziness Additionally, certain medications or interactions between medications can often cause camping, hiking and golfing.


reductions, maxillary his mandibular and tracheostomy. A Dr. Bruce Peters is a board certified Otolaryngologist who established practice advancement in Ocean physical examination to evaluate the Aairway and look for areas of Collegenewer device calledMedicine a hypoglossal nerve stimulator can be implanted County in 1997. graduate of Philadelphia of Osteopathic and residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Petersthe then completed Fellowship to Dr. stimulate muscles of thehis tongue and open the airway. in Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Miami Hospital. He have apnea, make If you or your of family suspect that you specializes in functional and cosmetic nasal surgery, sinus surgery,with thyroid surgery and skin an appointment an otolaryngologist who is familiar with the cancer Peters is Ita will member of the American of Surgeons, the Academy duration of the pauses in thesurgery. patient’sDr.breathing. also help medicalCollege and surgical interventions for sleep of apnea, a pulmonologist Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, the Academy of Facialwho Plastic Surgery and the N.J. and the treatment of determine which type of apnea is occurring. or neurologist is versed in sleep medicine Bruce W. Peters, Christina Gillespie, Academy of Otolaryngology. He resides in Wall, N.J. with his wife and two daughters and enjoys apnea has been diagnosed, there are multiple treatment DO, FACS MD MD BruceOnce W. Peters, Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS Christina Gillespie, golf and fishing in his leisure time. well-being. DO, FACS

54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 61 Lacey Rd., Whiting, NJ 1707 Atlantic Avenue, Wall Township, NJ 1673 Rt. 88 W, Brick, NJ

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit www.Ocean ENT

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit

Breast Cancer Awareness

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. A mammogram – the screening test for breast cancer – can help find breast cancer early when it’s easier to treat. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved. For more information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit

Did You Know? • 240,000 New Cases Of Breast Cancer Are Diagnosed Each Year • 25-30% Reduced Mortality Rate For Women Ages 50-70 With Early Detection • Women Age 40+ Should Have A Yearly Mammogram Screening (Don’t forget self exams!)


The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Home Health Care We Can Be There When You Can’t Deborah Walsh,

Executive Director, HomeWorks

At United Methodist Communities HomeWorks, we often hear stories from frustrated family members about mom or dad refusing to accept any help at home even though they clearly need it.

Resisting help is very common in the elderly. The fear of losing independence and control, the invasion of privacy, and distress about a stranger in the house are all reasons for this. The concept of home care can seem very intrusive, but not all seniors have the same needs. These can range from complete assistance with personal care and all activities of daily living (ADLs) to simple companionship and help with shopping, meal prep and laundry (IADLs). Many of our clients are now opting for home care earlier by gradually introducing companion care once or twice a week. Your loved one can remain safely at home in this challenging time. A caregiver can guide your loved one and can facilitate video calls to keep you connected, can provide wellness checks, and perform errands such as shopping and meal preparation.


Waiting until mom or dad are at a stage when they need daily or live-in care heightens the fear of losing independence and is not the best time to start home care. The ideal time to introduce a companion may be when a loved one begins to struggle with things like meal prep, cleaning, and laundry. We are finding that seniors are more comfortable with a companion rather than a home health aide and the cost is less. Concern about cost may be their barrier to accepting help at home. Companion care offers emotional support to seniors who don’t necessarily require medical services. The possibilities are endless as to what a companion caregiver can offer – here are a few.

• Accompanying your loved one to doctors’ appointments and advocating on their behalf • Engaging in social activities such as reading, watching TV together, playing cards or board games • Planning meals and cooking for them or together • Shopping and errands Companion care can provide socialization, which is vital to mental health and reducing feelings of loneliness. During this time when seniors stay in their homes, social isolation may become an issue. Companion care ensures that they have regular interaction with others. As relationships develop seniors come to look forward to their time together and this can help reduce feelings of depression. Jump into companion care and introduce help for your loved one in a gradual, less costly, and less threating way.

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit In-home care for seniors. Call today for a free in-home assessment.

732-838-1950 • 54 Olin St, Ocean Grove, NJ

Happy Grandparents Day

National Grandparent’s Day Sunday, September 13th

Throughout our history, grandparents have guided their children

and grandchildren through trial and triumph. For many of us, our grandparents were among our earliest teachers and caregivers. They have added immeasurably to the strength of our families, and with compassion and wisdom, they have enriched our lives with the stories of those who came before us. On National Grandparent’s Day, we give thanks to those who helped raise us and pay tribute to a generation that still inspires us toward brighter horizons.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals


Reciprocal IVF In today’s world, fertility treatments have evolved to include both heterosexual and same-sex partner therapy. Compared to traditional in vitro fertilization (IVF), where the female patient undergoes ovarian stimulation with injectable medications, followed by use of partner or donor sperm and subsequent transfer of embryos into the same patient, reciprocal IVF is a term commonly used for treatment in female-female couples. Through this approach, one patient serves as the egg donor and the other female serves as the recipient (has an embryo transfer using a partner’s eggs). In this manner, both individuals take part in the treatment process, which results in inclusivity and a truly cooperative treatment approach. Also known as co-IVF, this treatment methodology is often requested by couples where one patient does not have a desire to be pregnant, but still wants to be involved in the IVF process. This allows the patient to be an egg donor, while not having the same individual carry the pregnancy. The reasons for selecting reciprocal IVF are numerous and can be both medically indicated and/ or voluntary.

Medical reasons include increased age (resulting in lower egg quality and overall lower chance of success), decreased ovarian reserve due to medical procedures, prior surgery, or prior cancer treatments that decrease ovarian function, among others. Elective reciprocal IVF is when one partner voluntarily chooses not to become pregnant but wants to be genetically involved in the process of embryo creation. Reciprocal IVF is part of what is termed thirdparty reproduction. Third-party reproduction is when the sexually intimate partners (including male-female, male-male, and female-female) use either sperm or eggs from a “donor” as a means to conceive. In recent years these treatment modalities have expanded the ability of couples to conceive and are now a common mainstay of fertility treatments. For couples interested in reciprocal IVF, they should establish care and undergo fertility testing at an IVF center. Once the results of testing become available, their fertility doctor can recommend the best approach (who may be better served as the egg donor and who will undergo the embryo transfer). In many cases, couples may choose to select a sperm donor with an excess of specimen at the sperm bank. This provides an opportunity to have children in the future that are genetically related, using the same sperm donor. In other situations where the female partners are willing and their testing shows good overall fertility health, they may switch roles with further care, where one patient is then the donor and the other is now the recipient. In this case, the children share a sperm donor and are genetically related even though the egg source is different between siblings. For more information, please contact RSCNJ for an initial consultation and evaluation. We are sensitive to your needs, and provide the highest level of individualized care for our patient family.

For more information call 732-918-2500 or visit


Helping Small Miracles Happen

• Comprehensive Fertility Care • InVitro Fertilization (IVF) • Intrauterine Insemination • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) • Preimplantation Genetic Testing • Egg Freezing • Donor Egg • Treatment for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss • Advanced Robotic Reproductive Surgery

The Compassionate Connection

Pictured (L-R): Dr. William F. Zeigler • Dr. Alan M. Martinez

We are Open and Offering Telehealth Appointments Eatontown • Toms River • Lawrenceville

732-918-2500 • FERTILITYNJ.COM

Personalized Treatment Plans Free Phone Consultations

Making the Most of Fall Harvest, Compliments of Chef Steph Autumn Vegetable Medley with Rosemary and Nutmeg

Serves 6

9 ounce(s) fennel bulb with stalks 2 cup(s) butternut squash cut into 1/2 cubes 1 1/2 cup(s) parsnip cut into 1 inch thick slices 1 1/2 cup(s) carrot cut into 1 inch thick slices 1 tablespoon(s) olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoon(s) rosemary, fresh chopped 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt 1/4 teaspoon(s) pepper 1 dash(es) nutmeg freshly grated 1/3 cup(s) Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425°. Trim tough outer leaves from fennel. Cut fennel bulb in half lengt wise; discard core. Cut each half into three wedges. Combine fennel, squash, and next 7 ingredients (through nutmeg) in a large shallow roasting pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 425° for 35 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle vegetable mixture with cheese, if desired, just before serving.

The County Woman Magazine

Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

September/October 2020

Business Spotlight


The Physicians At RSCNJ Help Small Miracles Happen Everyday The pressure to raise a family can be enormous, especially if you are dealing with infertility. When you factor in living in a digital age where everyone advertises their every joy or milestone with their children, it can feel especially daunting. The good news is that many couples treated for infertility can go on to have babies using assisted reproductive technology.

The physicians at Reproductive Science Center of NJ are as close to miracle workers as you can get. They are charged with the incredible feat of bringing new life into the world for couples that otherwise thought it would be impossible. Widely recognized for their expertise and success in assisted reproduction, RSCNJ combines a commitment to compassionate care with a cutting-edge fertility program.

Dr. William Ziegler OCW: What is the most challenging aspect of your profession? Dr. Ziegler: Trying to balance high-quality medical care with a patient’s insurance coverage can be very difficult. When we established the first egg donor program in New Jersey insurance did not cover the procedure.

OCW: What are the pros/cons of using an egg donor as a means for treating women who can’t conceive on their own? Dr. Ziegler: The procedure allows women who have severe ovarian dysfunction to carry a child and it is highly successful. However, one of the negative aspects is that it can be expensive.

OCW: What are some common misconceptions about using an egg donor? Dr. Ziegler: Some folks believe the donor still has ownership rights to their eggs, the embryos, and the offspring. This is far from the truth. The law varies by state. However, the legal mother is determined either by birth mother or genetic partner so this possibility of the donor wanting the offspring is not possible. Additionally, the donor waives the right for ownership of the gametes.

OCW: What is the average amount of IVF cycles that a woman should try? Dr. Ziegler: Every patient is unique. There is no set (average) number of IVF cycles. When we decide to proceed with in vitro fertilization, there are several variables to consider. This includes the patient’s age, the couple’s history, and initial cause of infertility, baseline blood work, and the results of prior fertility treatments. Our decision is based on a snapshot in time. We select a protocol that is indicated based on the available test results. Fertility potential is fluent, and even though we select a protocol the ovaries may not respond as expected. If a patient is not pregnant within three completed cycles of in vitro fertilization, it is time to consider other treatment options. During a treatment cycle we are able to assess how the ovaries actually function. How a patient responds to the medication, the dose adjustments required, and the outcome of the cycle will really determine if

another IVF cycle would be beneficial. So there is not an average number of IVF cycles for a specific couple. It may go more than three cycles, depending on the patient’s response and the outcome of their treatment cycles.

Dr. Alan Martinez OCW: What is one misconception about infertility treatment you would like to dispel? Dr. Martinez: I see many patients who are overweight, as this has become more prevalent in our society. Through the course of our evaluation and treatment, success rates for achieving pregnancy and having a healthy pregnancy are greatly impacted by maintaining a healthy weight. Too often, patients that are Class II or Class III obesity (BMI >35 or 40, respectively) don’t realize this is a primary factor that can negatively impact fertility treatment success. Although treatment advances have been made in recent years, patients can directly improve their chances of success by optimizing their body weight, and patients must realize physicians can’t overcome their weight concerns through treatment.

OCW: Why do you think the rate of infertility has increased in recent years? Dr. Martinez: Unlike prior generations, today’s patients bring an increased awareness of infertility. This stems from the availability of web-based information, use of social media, and education from their medical providers. In addition, there is a general trend of delayed childbearing, for a multitude of reasons. Therefore, although overall infertility rates have remained constant, these factors result in more patients seeking infertility care.

OCW: What are some suggestions for couples trying to conceive? Dr. Martinez: I encourage my female patients to track their menstrual periods to better understand when they are ovulating. Also, a discussion of maintaining an ideal body weight is important for conception and a successful pregnancy. Finally, discussing fertility with your gynecologist during a well visit can help identify those couples that should seek consultation with an infertility specialist sooner, rather than at a later time.

OCW: Who is a good candidate for fertility testing and why? Dr. Martinez: In general, couples devoid of any significant medical conditions should initiate testing based upon the female patient’s age. In women under 35, attempting conception for a duration of one year qualifies as infertility, and in those over 35, a six-month duration is adequate. Achieving pregnancy is based largely on egg quality and this stems from overall health and maternal age. This is the primary reason why these general guidelines exist.


The County Woman Magazine

FERTILITYNJ.COM September/October 2020


Medical Medical Professionals Professionals


Breast Cancer Screening: 3D Mammography Thermogram No Substitute for Mammogram Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death

suspicious, patients need to be called backcancer for additional views.inThe multiple among women. One in 8 women will develop breast with breast About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed sometime their lives, reports the National Cancer Institute, images created by 3D mammograms part of the National Institutes of Health. Rarely, men also can have breast cancer. But thereCancer has been in a decline in cancer in her lifetime. Each year it is estimated that over have such increased accuracy that breast cancer deaths in recent years, and one reason is because cancers have been detected earlier this breast through 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed mammography, according to the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer is among the leading of death there is decreased need for this. On is difficultcauses to with breast cancer and more than 40,500 women will among women between 25 and 65 years, with an expected incidence of 1 in 8 women in most countries. Screening average 3D mammograms reduce detect on die from the disease.and Thisearly is why earlyare detection is so diagnosis still the best way to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths. However, there can be some callbacks by up to 40% compared to this standard important. With earlymisinformation detection, the five-year survivalof screening over the best method patients for this disease. traditional mammograms. This means mammogram. rate is nearly 100%. The latest weapon in the fight against less radiation exposure, increased Cyrus Khorrami, M.D. breast cancer is 3D mammography (also known as breast convenience for our patients,Why and more is thermography not the tomosynthesis). This new technology has increased early peace of mind. preferred method of breast cancer

On behalf of the Radiologists at Toms detection over traditional mammograms, especially in River X-Ray, I wanted to remind you accuracy means women with dense breasts. Greater better breast cancer detection. that mammography is still the most effective breast cancer screening test. Q: What is a cancer 3D mammogram? How is it different from Proper breast screening lets regularcare mammograms? health providers check for cancer A: 3D mammogram--also called breast tomosynthesis--is one of the most even before there may be signs and advanced forms of breast cancer detection. It uses a very low level of radiation to do you symptoms of the ofdisease. take multiple pictures the breast. The x-ray tube movesWhy over the breast in need an

Q: What can I expectscreening? when The heat recordings of thermography may change with having a 3D mammogram? inflammation, infection, exercise, or sometimes hormonal changes. Thermography is not adequate for certain A: The process of having a 3D

mammogram is the same as asituations like older or morbidly obese women, those with conventional 2D exam. The larger cancers, breast implants, and large or pendulous breasts. The sensitivity and specificity of thermography are technologist will position you, still not comparable to those of mammography as it cannot compress your breast, and take images pick up very small cancers or those buried in the breast from different angles. There’s no tissue. to compress the Using 3D mammogram additional compression required, it the detection Atand present, rate for thermography is only breast incomputer mammograms? Can that arc, capturing multiple images of each breast from different angles. A technology, the only takes a few extra seconds. 42% to 80% of cancers, as against 82% to 93% with reconstructs these pictures to create a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. A regularbreast cancer? About mammography cancer was bethan spread potential mammography. Its false positive rate able is 25%,to more mammogram Mammography is aaradiographic method uses lowtakes single picture of thethat breast. Breast compression is important spread the breast Q:toDo insurance companies clearly seen. double that of mammography.

dose X-rays to image the breast tissue for both screening tissue around to expose potential underlying cancers. There Because of these lower detection rates, the FDA cites cover 3D mammograms? and Any suspicious high-density Q:diagnosis Whatofisbreast thecancer. advantage of 3D mammogram? is a 100-year-old myth that compressing the breast can thermography as an adjunctive or additional tool which A: isMedicare, andthere many insurers, cover 3D mammograms. In the past, not regions patterns such as microcalcifications potential breast cancer. That utterly false; is private A: Oneorofunusual the challenges of interpreting mammograms isspread normal dense breast should not be used alone to rule out breast cancer. Patients are examined carefully. Suspicious findings could be due all private insurance companies covered mammograms. However, in August or data that shows this. who wish to 3D undergo a thermography test should do so in tissue hiding breast cancer. Additionally, overlapping areasnoofreliable normalevidence dense breast to a range of abnormalities, such as tumors (benign and In addition, mammograms aren’t 100% and 2018, Newaccurate, Jersey enacted a mandate requiring nearly all the major health insurers conjunction with mammography. tissue can look suspicious. This is why detecting breast cancer in women with dense malignant), areas of scarring, or cysts with solid areas. factors—such as your age and breast density—may result in to cover 3D mammograms. is more difficult. The 3-dimensional images tomosynthesis help breasts Mammograms do not prevent breast cancer, but they of breast false-negative or false-positive mammograms. Advice patientsmammograms getting a breast decrease theby tissue overlap canasobscure cancers. It also helps distinguish normal Toms River X-ray has been for performing can save lives finding breastthat cancer early as possible. cancerfor screening overlapping breast tissue from breast Mammography is a fast procedure (about cancer. 20 minutes), and About thermography and serving the community over 30 years. Our 3D If you are worried about having a mammogram, talk Studiesis have shown that women. 3D mammograms significantly improve the discomfort minimal for most The procedure is Thermography is an imaging mammogram procedure that screensis the latest on the market and has the most to your health care provider about what you can expect. safe: there isofonly a very tiny amount of radiation exposure detection breast cancer, especially in women with denser tissue. It also forbreast cancerous tissue using temperature differences at the advanced technology. is toour provide the specific very AlsoIttalk yourmission health careto provider if you have from mammogram. picksa up breast cancer at an earlier stage, which may be missed traditional breast by surface, detected by infrared cameras. The theory is for our patients. thank for trusting us with your questions aboutyou mammography, including questions about malignancies usually warmerbest than normal tissue, leading We mammography. 3D mammograms find 20-65% more invasive breast are cancers when and how frequently you should be screened. As a health and the health of your loved to increased flow through the tumor, as well as the Does the radiation mammograms compared to traditional 2Din mammograms, with an average increase blood of 41%. rule, you should also call your health care provider if you higher rate of metabolism in cancer cells. We look forward to offering ones. cause breast cancer? notice any change in either of your breasts such as a lump, Q: Is there increased radiation performing a 3D you this significant advance in breast Mammograms expose you to low-dose radiation, causing thickening or nipple leakage, or changes in how the nipple Thermography pros and cons cancer screening. looks. little to no risk. There are no reliable studies that show mammogram? Thermography is appealing because it is non-invasive the radiation in mammography causes breast cancer. The A: Mammograms expose patients to very low levels of radiation. level ofradiation exposure. In addition, and doesThe not involve radiation dose is very low, and for most women the benefits To schedule a breast cancer screening, it is capable of picking up asymmetric increases in heat radiation exposure from a 3D mammogram is the same as that from a traditional of regular mammograms outweigh the risks posed by this call Toms in any the breasts, which M.D.River X-Ray today: mammogram. So a patient receives all the benefits without increased risk.could alert women to the need for Cyrus Khorrami, tiny amount of radiation. (732) 244-0777. serial screening years before a cancer is detectable by Medical Director With traditional mammograms, when a radiologist finds an area that is mammography. PARVIZ KHORRAMI, M.D. CYRUS KHORRAMI, M.D. Founder Medical Director PARVIN MOTEMADEN KHORRAMI, M.D.


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1.5 T and 3 T High Field Open Bore MRIs 3-D Mammography Nuclear Medicine Bone Densitometry

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The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020 September/October 2018

Medical Professionals


A Safe, Clean, And Friendly Environment

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 Office Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.)

• Bone Grafting •Dental Implants • General and Intravenous Anesthesia • Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

Mothers in particular have been forced to deal with COVID-19, quarantine, on-line school learning and home schooling, civil unrest, and the uncertainty and stress that accompanies the world we now live in.

You have had to hold the family together through shortages of food and household items, and to comfort your loved ones and reassure them that they will be alright when our lives become more normal. You have had to explain to your children hand hygiene, social distancing and wearing a mask. The health and well-being of you and your family is of paramount concern. If you or your family members are suffering from any conditions regarding the face, mouth, and jaws, please know that our office is a safe, clean, and friendly environment for treatment. We have always adhered to the highest standards of asepsis and sterilization, a topic I have lectured on many times. We have changed our patient scheduling to allow for social distancing, and our office team members have always worn appropriate PPE to prevent transmission of diseases. We have continued these practices and have added further protective practices to enhance our safety. We are open every weekday and offer our full scope of services including injectable facial cosmetic enhancements, RevitaliZe dental implant solutions, wisdom tooth extractions, and treatment of children and adolescents for various oral and maxillofacial conditions with local, sedation, or general anesthesia options available. Please know that treatment is available for you and your family here in our modern, clean and friendly office where our number-one concern is your safety and comfort.

For more information, call 609-488-2325 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Legal Professionals


Unable To Work?

We May Be Able To Help! James Treanor, Esq. Social Security Disability And SSI Specialist Over 20 Years Experience Handling SSD/SSI Cases Intitial Applications • Hearings • Federal Court Free Consultation Located in Toms River, NJ

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

f Medical Professionals


My Doctor Says I Have Hepatitis! Written By: Omar Tamimi, WRITTEN BY: OMAR TAMIMI, MD, Chair, Division of Gastroenterology GASTROENTEROLOGISTS OF OCEAN COUNTY Community Medical Center

Hepatitis is an often-misunderstood condition of the liver that can, at times, be fatal. Proper management in its early stages can prevent long-term injury and liver failure. What does hepatitis mean? Hepatitis is a general term used to describe an illness caused by the inflammation of the liver itself. The individual cells of the liver become inflamed, which results in the dysfunction of the entire liver. How did my doctor discover that I have hepatitis? Hepatitis is usually first diagnosed by routine blood tests that measure quantities of proteins (enzymes) that are normally produced by liver cells. When these levels are high in the bloodstream, this suggests the liver cells have been damaged and are leaking the enzymes into the blood. Hepatitis is defined as acute or chronic, based on how long the inflammation has been present. Inflammation lasting greater than 6 months is considered chronic. Not all causes of hepatitis are capable of causing a chronic condition, for example, Hepatitis A infection. What causes hepatitis? There are many causes of hepatitis—too numerous to mention here. The most common causes are viruses; thus the frequent description of the diagnosis refers to it as a viral illness. The viruses that designate Hepatitis A, B and C are the most prevalent. Other common causes include hepatitis from excess fat in the liver, alcohol consumption, as well as ingestion of prescription and over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen. Our own immune system can also cause hepatitis by producing antibodies against liver cells. Can I have hepatitis without symptoms? Many, if not most, patients with hepatitis have no symptoms or are unaware of the symptoms they may be experiencing, which is why patients may be suffering a chronic condition and not even know it. Common symptoms, when they are present, include fatigue, fever, vague abdominal pain, dark urine and yellowing of skin and eyes. Acute hepatitis will cause symptoms in the patient more often than chronic hepatitis. What testing will I need to undergo? The vast majority of the investigation will involve extensive blood testing. This will allow your physician to narrow down the potential cause of your hepatitis. An ultrasound of the liver is almost uniformly ordered to evaluate the anatomy for any structural defects or growths, as an early part of the investigation. A biopsy of the liver is frequently required to determine the severity of inflammation, help isolate and exclude the cause as well as scarring from chronic inflammation. This is usually performed under ultrasound or CT guidance. How serious is hepatitis? Acute hepatitis that becomes overwhelming can lead to liver failure and possible death. Chronic hepatitis can lead to extensive scarring of the liver called cirrhosis. This may eventually result in liver failure or possible liver cancer. Is hepatitis curable? There are many causes for hepatitis with just as many treatment options. Your doctor will advise you on the appropriate treatment for your individual condition. Some medications can clear viral infections from the bloodstream with eventual eradication. This results in resolution of the hepatitis. Other treatments slow the progression of hepatitis to cirrhosis and liver failure. Therefore the appropriate detection, identification and treatment of hepatitis is mandatory for good health. In summary, hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver caused by a variety of factors. The exact cause must be properly identified to optimize treatment regimens. This will minimize the likelihood of the long-term complications of liver disease. Call today to schedule your appointment at Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.

The County Woman Magazine

“I cannot say enough, how everyone was kind and understanding. This was my first time using Dr. Tamimi and I now have become a patient for life. There was no judgment from anyone. Thank you all, for being so caring.� ~ Wayne, age 51, Bayville

“Dr. Tamimi and his staff are as good as it gets!� ~ Joseph, age 72, Waretown

“Everyone was just wonderful! If every doctor and his staff were like Dr. Tamimi and his staff, there wouldn’t be any complaints!� ~ Judith, age 68, Toms River







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Financial Independence


How Women Are Different From Men, Financially Speaking We all know men and women are different in some fundamental ways. But is this true when it comes to financial planning?

Geeta K. Brana Senior Vice President Financial Advisor

Freedom Capital Management 960 Holmdel Road Building 1 Holmdel, NJ 07733 Tel: 732-546-9315 Web: FCMADVISOR.COM Geeta K. Brana provides comprehensive wealth management and asset management advisory services to women in transition. Geeta has over twenty years of experience in the international capital markets. Her career started in London in 1995 with Lloyds Capital Markets, where she trained in all aspects of international finance and credit analysis. She joined Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in 2000, where she gained extensive experience of structuring and trading debt packages for multinational corporations throughout the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, US and Japan. In 2003, Geeta began her career in the U.S. with Smith Barney’s Wealth Management Division (Citigroup), turning her extensive knowledge to helping individuals. In a primarily male-dominated environment, she was able to build a successful wealth management practice in Washington, DC and later New York City, working with high net worth individuals and institutions. After a career break while her children were young, Geeta has returned to wealth management through Freedom Capital Management (FCM), a boutique independent advisory firm with deep roots in Monmouth County, NJ. Geeta is also the Founder of WHEEL (Women Helping Educate & Enhance Life). Currently, the focus of Geeta’s practice is on “Women In Transition”; assisting women in all phases of their lives.

WHEEL.WOMEN.POWER WWW.WHEELFORWOMEN.COM Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA. RAA does not provide tax or legal advice.

Steps Women Can Take

In a word, yes!

In the past, women may have taken a less active role in household financial decision making. But for many, those days are over. Today, women have more financial responsibility for themselves and their families. So it’s critical that women know how to save, invest, and plan for the future. Here are some things women can do:

Everyone wants financial security. But women often face unique obstacles that can affect their ability to achieve it. Let’s look at some of these potential headwinds.

Take control of your money. Create a budget, manage debt and credit wisely, set and prioritize financial goals, and implement a savings and investment strategy to meet those goals.

Some Key Differences

Become a knowledgeable investor. Learn basic investing concepts, such as asset classes, risk tolerance, time horizon, diversification, inflation, the role of various financial vehicles like 401(k)s and IRAs, and the role of income, growth, and safety investments in a portfolio. Look for investing opportunities in the purchasing decisions you make every day. Have patience, be willing to ask questions, admit mistakes, and seek help when necessary.

On the path to financial security, it is important for women to understand what they might be up against, financially speaking:

Women have longer life expectancies. Women, on average, live 5 years longer than men. A longer life expectancy presents several financial challenges for women: • Women will need to stretch their retirement dollars further • Women are more likely to need some type of long-term care, and may have to face some of their healthcare needs alone • Married women are likely to outlive their husbands, which means they could have ultimate responsibility for disposition of the marital estate Women generally earn less and have fewer savings. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, within most occupational categories, women who work full-time, year-round, earn only 81% (on average) of what men earn. This wage gap can significantly impact women’s overall savings, Social Security retirement benefits, and pensions. The dilemma is that while women generally earn less than men, they need those dollars to last longer due to a longer life expectancy. With smaller financial cushions, women are more vulnerable to unexpected economic obstacles, such as a job loss, divorce, or single parenthood. Women are more likely to be caregivers. Statistics show that the majority of caregivers are women. Of the more than 40 million Americans serving as caregivers to their loved ones, 60% are women. Oftentimes being a caregiver means having to work part time or leave the workforce. Over time, being a caregiver can have significant financial implications, such as: • Loss of income, employer-provided health insurance, retirement benefits, and other employee benefits • Less savings • Potentially lower Social Security retirement benefits • Difficulty with career advancement or reentering the workforce • Increased financial vulnerability in the event of divorce or death of a spouse Women are more likely to be living on their own. Whether through choice, divorce, or death of a spouse, more women are living on their own. This means they will need to take sole responsibility for protecting their income and making financial decisions. Women need to protect their assets. As women continue to earn money, become the main breadwinners for their families, and run their own businesses, it’s vital that they take steps to protect their assets, both personal and business. Without an asset protection plan, a woman’s wealth is vulnerable to taxes, lawsuits, accidents, and other financial risks that are part of everyday life. But women may be too busy handling their day-to-day responsibilities to take the time to implement an appropriate plan.

The County Woman Magazine

Plan for retirement. Save as much as you can for retirement. Estimate how much money you will need in retirement, and how much you can expect from your savings, Social Security, and/or an employer pension. Understand how your Social Security benefit amount will change depending on the age you retire, and also how years spent out of the workforce might affect the amount you receive. At retirement, make sure you understand your retirement plan distribution options, and review your portfolio regularly. Also, factor the cost of health care (including long-term care) into your retirement planning, and understand the basic rules of Medicare. Advocate for yourself in the workplace. Have confidence in your work ability and advocate for your worth in the workplace by researching salary ranges, negotiating your starting salary, seeking highly visible job assignments, networking, and asking for raises and promotions. In addition, keep an eye out for new career opportunities, entrepreneurial ventures, and/or ways to grow your business. Seek help to balance work and family. If you have children and work outside the home, investigate and negotiate flexible work arrangements that may allow you to keep working, and make sure your spouse is equally invested in household and child-related responsibilities. If you stay at home to care for children, keep your skills up-to-date to the extent possible in case you return to the workforce, and stay involved in household financial decision making. If you are caring for aging parents, ask adult siblings or family members for help, and seek outside services and support groups that can offer you a respite and help you cope with stress. Protect your assets. Identify potential risk exposure and implement strategies to reduce that exposure. For example, life and disability insurance is vital to protect your ability to earn an income and/or care for your family in the event of disability or death. In some cases, more sophisticated strategies, such as other legal entities or trusts, may be needed. Create an estate plan. To ensure that your personal and financial wishes will be carried out in the event of your incapacity or death, consider executing basic estate planning documents, such as a will, trust, durable power of attorney, and health-care proxy.

A financial professional can help Women are the key to their own financial futures—it’s critical that women educate themselves about finances and be able to make financial decisions. Yet the world of financial planning isn’t always easy or convenient. In many cases, women can benefit greatly from working with a financial professional who can help them understand their options and implement plans designed to provide women and their families with financially secure lives.

September/October 2020

Fine Art Photography

The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2020


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2020

Women Of Monmouth County


Anna Brocco, PharmD, MBA Director of Operations and Clinical Research Advanced Memory Research Institute Anna Brocco grew up in Toms River, New Jersey and currently lives in Forked River with her husband and toddler son. She is a graduate of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy with her doctorate in pharmacy and later, a master’s degree in business. Throughout pharmacy school and after graduation, Anna worked at Community Medical Center in the pharmacy department where she specialized in IV medication preparation. Anna joined Advanced Memory Research Institute of NJ in 2014 as a clinical research pharmacist and then in 2015, she became the operations manager and then the director of operations and clinical research. Anna uses her clinical trial and business knowledge to bring more research opportunities to the center so that all those who wish to participate in research can have the opportunity. Anna is also an adjunct clinical professor of pharmacy practice at Fairleigh Dickinson University, School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. In this role, she educates future pharmacists about clinical research and about Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. If you would like to learn more about AMRINJ, please reach out at 732-341-9500 or

Rhoda Kopy, CH Nationally Certified Consulting Hypnotist & Wellness Coach, Founder, Hypnosis for Women Rhoda helps people break free of negative habits, and limiting fears and beliefs, as a master hypnosis practitioner and wellness coach with specialty certification in Medical and Dental Hypnotism. Building each client’s sense of calm, focus, confidence, and empowerment is the hallmark of her approach. She firmly believes that when you learn to make your mind work for you, instead of against you, anything is possible. Rhoda recently celebrated her 16th anniversary as a clinical hypnotist. Ms. Kopy’s Toms River practice, Hypnosis for Women, which she founded in 2005, serves primarily women, teens, and children, throughout the tri-state area. After studying nursing and earning a B.S. in Biomedical Communications in 1984, she worked for various organizations providing community health education and counseling services. She later segued into career services and founded A Hire Image, which offered motivational coaching, marketing, and training services. As a result of success she achieved using hypnosis to improve her life, she completed an advanced training program in 2004, parlayed her education and experience, and opened her private practice. Rhoda also co-founded Jersey Shore Hypnosis Practitioners, a peer support and networking group, and is a certified member of leading professional hypnosis organizations. Born in Bayonne and raised in North Plainfield, she has lived in Toms River for most of her life. She enjoys coordinating Bookie Babes, watercoloring, watching meteor showers, traveling with her husband, and connecting with friends and family. She has a daughter, two grandsons, and an adopted cockapoo, Gracie. Rhoda can help you determine if hypnosis and coaching are appropriate for you. She offers confidential in-person and online sessions. Call her at 732-270-0080 for a brief complimentary phone screening, and visit

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Alaina Acosta


Owner, VerucaStyle Boutique

Owner of Flame 800 Restaurant Antonella discovered a hint of her passion in cooking during her first summer job at a fish and chips shop in England. A few years later she relocated to her native small town in Ciminna, Sicily. Her passion for cooking flourished by learning the traditional old-world style cooking from her grandmother and mother. As a manager of a pizzeria and restaurant in Soho, NYC, Antonella met Chef Mark, who shared a mutual passion for cooking. At Flame 800 their goal is to provide a pleasurable dining experience serving fresh, delicious food that puts a smile on their patrons’ faces with each and every single bite. Flame 800 offers outdoor seating and live entertainment with social distancing. Antonella’s heart goes out to all the families and friends who have lost their loved ones during this pandemic. “I’m truly hopeful that as soon as possible we will return to our normal life again. During these hard times we are trying to bring confidence and smiles back to our community by providing the best service possible.” You can find out more about Flame 800 on their website: For any questions you can call them at (732) 950-6565.

Alaina “Lainey” Acosta started VerucaStyle after 15 years of building jewelry and fashion accessory brands in New York. This born-and-raised New Yorker made Matawan, New Jersey, her new home base two years ago, and there was a strong sense that this would be the perfect opportunity to create a foundation and connection, set deep roots near home, and turn her side hustle into something that does good for the community. VerucaStyle Boutique started as an online boutique for featuring new jewelry designers, and eventually morphed into a brick-and-mortar boutique with an expanded selection of items to include home decor, beauty and bath items, and fun, unique gifts. The name originated from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after building an assortment of gifts that anyone would want to spoil themselves with, now featuring collections of goods that give back. It’s her own kind of candy store with purpose. She is supported by her star merchandiser, her five-year-old daughter Lilah, and fabulous fabricator hubby, Pete.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Women Of Monmouth County Girija Surya, MD

Vein Center for Women

Girija Surya is an American citizen by naturalization, was born in India and currently resides in Monmouth County. Dr. Surya attended Stella Maris College and Madras Medical College, where she received her medical degree in 1975. In Medical school she received awards and merits in Anatomy, Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Internal Medicine and Preventative Medicine. In the USA, she started her residency in surgery with a desire to ultimately train in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Her exposure during training, particularly in Cardiac and Vascular surgery, gave her a new passion. She went on to complete an additional 3 year fellowship in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and got certified by the American Board of General Surgery and Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery. She has been practicing in Monmouth County since 1994. She has served on the faculty of cardiac surgery in Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital from 1987 - 1990 and subsequently with Thoracic and Cardiovascular group of N.J. at St. Michael’s Medical Center in Newark, N.J. She has two successful Vein Centers, where she treats Vascular disease (both arterial and venous), and also educates women on other connected problems such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Dr. Surya has a daughter and a son. She loves biking, dancing, tennis, and watercolors. Contact Dr. Surya at Vein Center for Women / Absolute Vein Care at (732) 254-0500 or visit:

Carolyn Peters, RN, BSN Office Manager, Ocean Otolaryngology Associates Carolyn graduated nursing school from Community Medical Center in Scranton, PA. She then secured a job as an RN at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. While working in the ENT unit, she was able to obtain her BSN at TJU School of Nursing. She met her husband, Otolaryngologist Dr. Bruce Peters, and in 1997 opened his private practice in Ocean County. With their goal to provide the highest quality care to their patients, their practice grew quickly and has now expanded to a three-doctor group, with a new location opening in May 2019 in Wall, NJ. Carolyn’s business skills evolved with the practice as well as her ability to assist Dr. Peters in glycolic acid peels and skin care. With his background in facial plastic surgery, they offer medical-grade peels and high-grade NEOVA skin care products for aging and sun-damaged skin. She resides in Monmouth County with her husband and two daughters and loves cooking and beach activities. For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

Teresa Menadier, MD,

Gastroenterologists of Ocean County

Doctor Teresa Menadier recently joined Gastroenterologists of Ocean County after completing her Gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Virginia. She is a graduate of Tufts University. She obtained her medical degree from Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School in 2012 where she was elected President of the NJMS chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Society. Dr. Menadier went on to complete her Internal Medicine residency at the University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the ANMS Clinical training program in GI Motility and Neurogastroenterology in October 2017, Dr. Menadier received specialized training in high resolution esophageal and anorectal manometry and pH/impedance interpretation under the supervision of Dr. Henry P. Parkman at Temple University. Her clinical interests include esophageal and anorectal motility disorders, as well as liver diseases. Doctor Menadier loves spending time with her family, baking, dancing and listening to flamenco guitar. For more information, call 732-349-4422 or visit


Patricia L. Morello Certified Medical Assistant Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery Patricia L. Morello lived in Manhattan with her father and two siblings before moving to New Jersey. She was always outgoing and had a passion for helping others as such she has pursued a career in healthcare. She first began working with patients as a pharmacy technician. At the same time, she attended Brookdale Community College and then went on to Star Career Academy to become a certified medical assistant in 2012. Patricia has a passion for caring for others, especially the elderly. As a certified medical assistant, Patricia has gained experience in the specialties of nephrology, cardiology, and most recently in colon and rectal surgery with Dr. Nina Paonessa at Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery. It is here that she has gained experience in office-based surgery and treating acute and chronic diseases of the colon and rectum. She is directly involved in the care of patients. The patients recognize her dedication and commitment to providing excellent patient care and outcomes. Throughout her career, Patricia has demonstrated her dedication and passion for working in healthcare. Her patients recognize her as being kind hearted, caring, friendly and compassionate. In her free time, Patricia enjoys cooking, baking, walking on the beach and drinking coffee. For more information, call 732-2821500 or visit

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals


Fecal Incontinence: Dealing with an Embarrassing Condition Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS

What is fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence, or bowel incontinence, is the inability to control bowel movements, causing the involuntary passage of stool. Symptoms of this often embarrassing disorder range from occasionally leaking small amounts of stool and passing gas, to completely losing control of bowel movements. Classified as a pelvic floor disorder (PFD), fecal incontinence occurs when muscles in the pelvic area cannot support the organs in the pelvis. These organs include the bladder, uterus (women), prostate (men), and rectum.

What causes fecal incontinence and PFD? The brain controls the muscles of the pelvic floor through the nerves. Medical conditions or injuries that impact the health of nerves (such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, back surgery, spinal stenosis, or childbirth) can result in weakness or injury of the pelvic floor muscle, resulting in fecal incontinence and PFD. Those with PFD are unable to control the muscles in the pelvic floor to have a bowel movement. People with PFD contract these muscles rather than relax them, and because of this, they either can’t have a bowel movement or they have an incomplete one. PFD also includes urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. In fact, many people suffering with fecal incontinence also experience urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control due to bladder muscles that are too weak or too strong. Symptoms range from mild leaking to uncontrollable wetting, and become more common with age. Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which the uterus, bladder and bowel may “drop” onto the vagina and cause a bulge through the vaginal canal. Also common is a disorder in which the rectum becomes “stretched out” and slips out of the anus. This is called rectal prolapse. It is estimated that nearly one-third of all U.S. women are affected by one of these types of pelvic floor disorders in their lifetime.

Is surgery required to treat fecal incontinence? Those who continue to experience fecal incontinence that continues even with medical treatment may benefit from surgery to correct the problem. Several options exist, depending upon the underlying cause of the incontinence. In most cases, surgery options are minimally invasive, offering less pain, less scarring and shorter recovery time. Dr. Paonessa is a fellowship-trained colorectal surgeon who is trained and has a special interest in treating patients with PFD and fecal incontinence. She always approaches the problem with conservative measures prior to exploring surgical options, if and when necessary.

Testimonial “My experience with Dr. Paonessa was exceptional. She made me feel so comfortable and at ease. I’ve never met a doctor like her. For many years, I thought I had hemorrhoids and was completely uncomfortable. After being diagnosed with a prolapsed rectum, I met with Dr. Paonessa. She immediately put me at ease and explained everything. Dr. Paonessa performed prolapsed rectum surgery and now I feel wonderful. I feel like I came out as a better person.” - Natalie H.

How is fecal incontinence diagnosed? Physicians will begin the exam by asking about symptoms, taking a careful history and performing a visual inspection of the anus and perineum. A physical examination will determine the patient’s ability to control the pelvic floor muscles. The physician will check for nerve damage, muscle spasms or muscle weakness. Additionally, the physician may request or perform any number of medical tests available, including blood work, X-rays and ultrasounds, to uncover the cause of fecal incontinence.

Who is at risk for developing fecal incontinence? Although men and women are at risk of developing fecal incontinence and PFD, pelvic floor disorders occur more frequently in women than men. Nearly one in 10 women older than the age of 40 has fecal incontinence, possibly as a complication of childbirth. Other risk factors include being over the age of 55, overweight, postmenopausal, having a past pelvic surgery, nerve damage or a connective tissue disorder.

How is fecal incontinence treated? Fecal incontinence can be treated in a number of non-invasive ways. Treatment usually combines self-care, medicines, physical therapy and home exercise. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem you have and what best fits your lifestyle. Dietary changes often reduce the occurrence of fecal incontinence. As stool consistency is affected by what you eat and drink, your doctor may recommend diet modification and adjusting nutritional supplements taken. If nerve or muscle damage is the cause of the fecal incontinence, the physician may recommend exercises and similar therapies to improve function and strength. These exercises include bowel training and biofeedback. Biofeedback is a technique taught by specially trained physiotherapists that can increase anal muscle strength, allowing patients to learn to relax or contract pelvic floor muscles. Medication sometimes helps patients with fecal incontinence. When appropriate, these may be prescribed by your physician.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparoscopic surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • anorectal surgery 603 Higgins Avenue Brielle, NJ 08730

The County Woman Magazine

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1364 Route 72, Suite 5 Manahawkin, NJ 08050

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292-9600 September/October 2020

Health & Wellness


Dawn Ferrentino : Health & Wellness Coach Now Is The Time To Take Your First Step To A Healthier You! Summer Is Here!!

Dawn Ferrentino

Health & Prosperity Specialist

Did you gain a few extra pounds during isolation? Did you find yourself eating more than normal during these times? Has your exercise been limited due to gyms being close? Did you lose an income during this time and you;re looking for something to help fill the gap? Now is the time to take your health and your wealth back. Diets fail us. Living a healthy lifestyle is what works! Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you having trouble losing weight? Do you struggle to get out of bed when that alarm clock goes off? Or maybe an extra $500 a month would help relieve some stress. If you answered yes to any of the above, keep reading! Dawn Ferrentino specializes in helping thousands of people achieve their desired physical goals and feel their absolute best they possibly can! If you are ready to make a healthy lifestyle change that will help you shed weight and be healthy at the same time, this is exactly what you are looking for. Here are some main points to know about this program: • Easy, convenient and sustainable lifestyle • Guaranteed results - get your body back or get your money back • Weight loss/ energy/improved performance • One on one coaching • Customized packages to fit everyone with an opportunity to create some extra money if you so chose by sharing your results with others! Contact Dawn today at 908-208=0002 for your free consultation.

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Legal Professionals


Meet Ehsan F. Chowdhry, ESQ. Of E F Chowdhry Law Practice Ehsan F. Chowdhry, ESQ., is the owner of E F CHOWDHRY LAW PRACTICE, a Limited Liability Company. The practice is dedicated to statewide criminal defense, familymatrimonial law, juvenile law, municipaltraffic law, and white-collar crime defense. He is licensed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Ehsan was recently appointed to the Jersey Lawyers for Joe attorney group (for Presidential candidate Joe Biden, Jr.) and by Governor Phil Murphy’s administration to serve on the Professional Services Committee of the New Jersey Restart and Recovery Council. Insider NJ has named him one of the top 50 most influential New Jersey Muslims in their first ever Ramadan Special. He was given a Legislative Proclamation in 2018 from Assemblyman Raj Mukherji and the General Assembly for his outstanding character, exceptional determination, and meritorious record of service. In 2017, he received a Certificate of Commendation from the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders for his work with a diversity bar association. Ehsan attended Rutgers College of Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, and graduated from Monmouth University with his B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) while attaining Dean’s List. He earned his J.D. from Widener University School of Law while attaining Dean’s List. He later earned his LL.M. (Master of Laws) degree in Trial Advocacy from the nationally ranked program at Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law.

After graduating from law school and during his LL.M. degree pursuit, he commenced a state judicial clerkship in Ocean County with the Honorable Vincent J. Grasso, A.J.S.C. that initially began in the New Jersey Superior Court, Law Division, and Criminal Part. Subsequently, he became sworn in as an Assistant Prosecutor in the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office in the Litigation Section of the Grand Jury Unit. From there he transferred to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office where he served in the Megan’s Law Unit, Trial Team, Grand Jury Unit and the Juvenile Investigations Unit. He has investigated and prosecuted thousands of cases. He has had at least 17 known cases that he handled at the trial court level that were subsequently appealed and ultimately were sustained. He rounded out a decade of state, county and municipal criminal law experience for the government in pursuit of victims’ rights and more recently for the defense, entering his fifteenth year and has handled cases involving murder to speeding violations. As a result of his jury and bench trial experience, requisite contested matters, continuing legal education credits, judicial peer review and passage of the state’s written exam, Ehsan has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Criminal Trial Attorney and was recertified in 2018 for another five year term. Moreover, from 2014 to 2019, he was only one (1) of four (4) attorneys in the state of New Jersey who is certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA) as a Criminal Trial Advocate. He has also earned the designation by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) as a “Master Advocate” and an “Advocate.” He is a Notary Public with his commission expiring on April 9, 2024. Ehsan’s awards and honors include, but are not limited to, receiving the Super Lawyers Award in 2020 and 2019 for Criminal Defense, the New Jersey Law Journal’s New Leader of the Bar Award for 2017 and being the only known solo attorney on the list (previously 40 under 40), the Professional Lawyer of the Year Award for 2015 from the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law and under his presidency of the New Jersey Muslim Lawyers Association (NJMLA) co-accepting for the organization the Social Justice Award presented by then gubernatorial candidate / past Lieutenant Governor Kimberly (Kim) A. Guadagno given from the Muslim American Council (MAC). Recently, Ehsan established the Amjad F. Chowdhry Memorial Award (named after his late father) financial scholarship for a deserving minority student as selected by the faculty of Rutgers Camden Law School. The areas of practice that the eligible student must plan on pursuing or has done significant work in includes plaintiff’s employment discrimination, criminal justice reform, hate crimes, immigration and other topics as designated by Ehsan. A scholarship award was given in 2019 and 2018. He is active in his legal community and was active in his law

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Legal Professionals enforcement community as well. Ehsan is a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association and has recently been appointed by its President to the Commission on Racial Equity in the Law and the Pandemic Task Force’s Access to Justice Committee. He is a member of the Small and Solo Law Firm, Municipal Court, Minorities in the Profession and Criminal Law Sections, past appointee to the Cannabis Law Committee and former member of the Diversity Committee. He was also recently appointed as the Chair of New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s (NJSBF) newly formed Diversity Committee, serving his second term as a trustee, served on their Legal Eagle editorial board and previously, to further honor the NJMLA, his presidency and to support NJSBF, he purchased a commemorative brick that is placed at the New Jersey Law Center. He was appointed to the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Minority Concerns after serving four years on the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Criminal Practice Committee, during which time the committee helped promulgate the state’s landmark bail reform. Ehsan is a member of the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey (ACDL-NJ), the Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey (AFBNJ), the Ocean County Bar Association (OCBA) serving on the Criminal Practice, Mock Trial and Municipal Court Committees and is a member of the Monmouth Bar Association (MBA) He served as NJMLA’s President from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019 and serves as the Immediate Past President. He was previously the New Jersey regional director for the National Association of Muslim Lawyers (NAML). He is a Lifetime Member, former Vice President of Membership and former Board of Director for the Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA NJ) and is an affiliate member of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). He served as a Co-Secretary, Law Student Executive Liaison, and Trustee and currently as a member of the Judicial & Prosecutorial Appointments Committee (JPAC) for the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey (SABA-NJ) and is an affiliate member of the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABANA). He is a member of the Muslim Jewish Advisory Council of New Jersey (MJACNJ), serving on their bias crimes committee. He is a past member of the American Bar Association (ABA), the New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ), the Haydn Inn of Court, the Muslim Bar Association of New York (MUBANY) and the Middlesex County Bar Association (MCBA) In his current and former law enforcement community, he recently was appointed to be an attorney for the Police Benevolent Association’s (PBA) Legal Protection Plan (LPP). He was accepted into the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Citizens Academy that was set to commence in March of 2020 but postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19. The newly formed New Jersey Muslim (Law Enforcement) Officers


Society has chosen him to be their board attorney. He serves as independent counsel for the New Jersey Crime Victims Law Center. Ehsan completed the Fundamental Investigative Techniques for Assistant Prosecutors (FITAP) course. He was temporarily sworn in as a Special Deputy Attorney General. He has completed Class #48 of the New Jersey Attorney General’s Advocacy Institute Top Gun School Investigating and Prosecuting Gang, Gun and Drug cases. He was a past affiliate member of the New Jersey Asian American Law Enforcement Officers Association (NJAALEOA). He served at length as a Certified Legal Instructor for the Ocean County Police Academy. He briefly served as the county liaison to the state for Fingerprinting and DNA, volunteered for the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) at Sea Girt, volunteered for the Law Enforcement Advanced Detectives School (L.E.A.D.S.) program, taught writing police reports at the Borough of Lakehurst Police Department, the L.E.A.P. Head Start program, the Old Bridge Citizens Academy and was a co-liaison for the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force in Ocean County. He is a former member of the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys. He also briefly served on the Islamic Center of Ocean County’s Security Committee. At the municipal level, Toms River Police Chief, Mitchell A. Little, appointed him to be a member of Toms River United (a law enforcement meets interfaith unity group). Ehsan has been a regular volunteer and speaker at various events, including mosques, schools and televised lectures. He has, conservatively, in his legal career done in excess of 700 hours of attending, speaking, teaching or volunteering for various law related courses, including those for credit. Ehsan was born in New York but is Sunni Muslim and of South Asian descent. He has lived in New Jersey for over 36 years. In his free time, he loves playing basketball, and coaching his son in various sports. He and his wife have two children together.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals





Jeff Borghoff was a software architect and developer responsible for the design, implementation and project management of technical solutions to help companies solve document-intensive business challenges. In March of 2016, at the age of 51, Jeff was diagnosed with younger-onset / Early-State Alzheimer’s disease — a type of dementia that causes issues with memory and thinking, which worsens over time. Jeff felt his life as he knew it just ended. He asked his doctor what his life expectancy was, and her answer inspired what would redefine his life’s work. She told him that the scientific community was very close to a cure. She felt that within the next four to five years a cure would be available to stop Alzheimer’s and possibly reverse the damage. He quickly realized he had new purpose: raising awareness and improving the lives of people with Alzheimer’s and similar diseases. “I wanted to do something right away to help. I got involved with the Alzheimer’s Association to advocate for research, funding and awareness. But I also wanted to be involved with the clinical trial process as well. That is how I got involved with AMRI.”


Every 65 seconds, someone in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and it causes more deaths than prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. Unfortunately, most Americans believe that memory loss is a normal part of aging. This misconception can lead people to ignore early signs of dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or AD. 64% of family members said they initially mistook behavioral symptoms as normal aging. In fact, there are almost no symptoms in the early stages of AD. By the time one experiences the first symptom, they would have had the disease for about 7 or 8 years. One in ten Americans is predisposed to memory loss. Detecting early symptoms is key to effective treatment. The people who are going to diagnosed with this disease may already have it. Currently, the goal of clinical research with respect to Alzheimer’s is to preserve the memory that is still there. Current treatments cannot bring back what is already lost, but they may be able to slow this cognitive decline. Getting patients into clinical research trials as early as possible to target this core cause of the disease is very beneficial to successful treatment.

To learn more about about memory evaluations or clinical trials, call AMRI at 732.341.9500 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

JOIN A STUDY AT AMRI Our team at AMRI has more than 50 years of combined experience conducting clinical trials. We specialize in the most innovative study options in every stage of cognitive decline. Do you or someone you know have concerns about memory loss? At AMRI, we are dedicated to preventing your loved one’s memories from fading away. We stand by our work and invite you to our center for a free consultation. This 45-minute evaluation will look at the patient’s general memory health and capacity for recollection. One of our doctors will then provide a detailed analysis of those findings. All our services are free of charge. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, call AMRI today and put your mind at ease. SANJIV SHARMA, MD, CPI Founder & Principal Investigator - AMRINJ “We now have amyloid PET imaging – which can diagnose patients before they even know they have this disease. 90% of the clinical research protocols are focused on these early patients.”

9 Mule Road, Suite E8, Toms River, NJ 08755

September/October 2020

“Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Travel Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that


Experience 29 Primer

your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical to travel as a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises have been operating for decades.



Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with

ready to pack your  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, Travel opens us up to the wonders of the world and suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ River cruises are luring experienced connects to culture and nature. What do us you take ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views

special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded

T ravel If you’re cruising in the Caribbean Travel

70 with you? 00 riverboats with focus on current themes.

While the waterskiing, world is adjusting to theand new way of Kids from every room, diving a game room Ceebee WithWatersports so many new including fees and • Add aand few more tee shirts and another pairthe of shorts , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing Virtuoso Advisors have seen an uptick in the restrictions the airlines have totravel, The beach beautiful leading a• turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags T ravel villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. (stay less than 5 nights) at resorts imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, to56 consider leaving your entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local “MICROCATION” wet suits. andforprivate villa rentals in the US. Booking through at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, 55 Travel ravel 63 experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at a Virtuoso Advisor offers upgrades and amenities.the and other airlines let you board first “Create if you have noLasting carry-on bags.Memories” So was what created to be the ultimate get tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Memories” of “Create Lasting ports or resorts. cleaning protocols are top priorities for their are the essentials to pack? Moreisfun, more memories! Part of raising New aThe family is making memories that beaches together getaway, where everything Included and unlimited. protected white sand riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers A few years from now what Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Professional thatvacation guests. your children willTravel Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, cherish forever. , with beautiful beaches and great A family is part of those memories. (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving youExamples will remember is the total of canals, span thousands of Continental of some the best Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical might help with the process. to travel as a family are as wide open as your imaginaYou’ve booked your restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, iver cruising be the hottest cruising (for certified divers).connecting North waterways, Seaparadise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. to Black Sea. may These choices may beNOT the perfect fit now with tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, every destination offers a new River Cruise Line Themes: awaited vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river the things you forgot to pack. A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you dream of your next escape. BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and surf with your Travel dreams of world travel next year. For a week in the River Caribbean: A Europe Cruiseexperience. is one of thecruises best ways webeen • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with have operating for decades. *Remember, your Vagabond* Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, townsready and to pack PBSTravel “Downton Viking cruise guests Virtuoso Professional your  lines Six Hawaiian Islands , enjoy: each with Abby” its can own offers personality, where in a private chapel in Florence’s counspecial activities and amenities that the entire family will Families and friends can travel and social Cruise have upped their game with expanded (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children andusually families. Specialty restaurants dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships can’t19access. suitcase. days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour assist 3 you inand planning a vacation surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ocean-going tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. distance comfortably while enjoying a new Now big question is: 2 cover-ups are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the mostfamous value andhouse. addedfeels both country-club and cozy at the same of the BLUFF, ANTIGUA vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take experience. (1 with sleeves for evenings dining onocean the cruisers beachoff&the 1 mega-ships Pareo) touches to your experience afor wonderful andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort an make AlainWaterways dining has Ocean views •with Avalon “Austrian Highlights” from with IfDucasse-trained you’re cruisingchef in the Caribbean riverboats with focus on current themes. from every room, a game room and the Ceebee Kids memorable one.•diving WithWatersports so many new including fees and • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops AddMunich aand fewwaterskiing, more tee shirts and another of shorts Vienna to highlighting apair Beer theme. families Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing ships were built with in A deluxe family Ocean view restrictions themind. airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our clients during after everybags vacation • Lightweight sweater,before, rain poncho, and and zippered plastic • 2 shorts and 2 tees imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet • Tauck offers riverfor cruises with its Tauck River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests the local for wetfamily suits. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide kids makes a world of difference. at enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on bagsApril’s now, • 3 sundresses experience the long tour busforrides. From •program, Whatever you forget you can purchase on cooking board or at the Bridges including family and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what created ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was to be the ultimate get with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers ports or resorts. warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler areand the essentials to pack? lessons. Until the traveler feels more comfortable flying together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The white sand beaches Enjoy Your Travel Experience. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Aprotected fewor years from now what Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island cruising Europe  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • Pashmina (rated the best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! will rememberof is the total of canals, whichtrip” span thousands of miles of Continental youExamples again, the carefully designed “road may be some the best might helpand with the process. There are several brand new River cruise lines restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your Virtuoso vacation, NOT Advisor • Sunglasses (for to certified divers).connecting North Sea to BlackYour with special highlights for the kids enjoy. waterways, Sea. Vagabond Travel River Cruise Line Themes: just what is needed now. the things you forgot to pack. are about Amazing waterparks with body slides,River lazy rivers and surf entering the market such as through Emerald Waterways ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestFor ways we • Viking Cruises, partnership with over 25 years, *Remember, your Vagabond* simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise andresorts, Scenic cruises to fill can the demand. Eachguests line Virtuoso Travel Professional The options gocarry-on on towith Mexican all-inclusive exciting travel to areas • Costume jewelry, (leave the real jewels home) goand Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counand her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and (put 1 in your so you canships right toto the beach) Carole Kaiman lounges are so popular children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining provide great choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour Contact assist 3 you inand planning a vacation tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the and an evening purse 2Africa cover-ups It•will be a great vacation Alaska memory. withsummer the mostfamous valuevacation) andhouse. added South forfamily families, tours (Perfect for of the to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1next Pareo) generation plan your MICROCATION! touches to make your experience a Space-Ships. • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from Must Haves: and •fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. memorable Munich highlighting a Beer theme. Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna ✿ DISNEY CRUISE were built with families A deluxe Ocean view • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection at SPF) ships It’s a great new cruising experience! *Check outin mind. Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation • 2(with shorts andleast 2 tees 30 • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation Bridges program,at including family cooking by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond Contact Carole Kaiman Vagabond Travel with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. for our Digital Magazine Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s private732-222-2792 island cruisinginformation Europe • Pashmina Virtuoso Agency for or latest and Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! orRiver 732-842-2600. Travel, Silver own today. a Virtuoso Agency in Little There are several brand new Advisor cruise lines hair conditioner and shampoo with • Sunglasses special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso and some amazing travel ideas.

 Greece


✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS River Cruising:

An You: Extraordinary Taking It With A Packing Experience Primer

 Barbados

R  Italy


amenities. entering thethat 732-222-2792 orsun 732-842-2600. Create will lifetime. market such as last Emeralda Waterways • Packable hat and foldable beach bag memoriesmemories A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Create that a lifetime. For will over 25last years, andresorts, Scenic exciting cruises to fill the The go on to Mexican all-inclusive travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and Carole Kaiman has its highlights, such as the and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) long ships and the to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Over Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and25 Years or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave.

amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Little New Jersey LittleSilver, Silver New Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

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Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 732-842-2600 Office 542 Prospect Ave.

Over 25 Years

Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739 website: 732-222-2792 Direct

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Health & Wellness


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Techniques To Help You Adapt And Improve Your Mindset During Changing Times ON A PERSONAL NOTE… Hopefully the world has continued to “reopen” and you’re feeling more optimistic. It’s possible, though, that you may be dealing with lingering uncertainty, stress, and worry – and even some unhealthy habits. Maybe you’re feeling discombobulated – less focused and centered than you’d like. Perhaps you’ve had time to reassess your life and have decided to make changes, but don’t know how to begin. Whatever your situation, if you need help developing a mindset that will clear the way to getting back to being you (maybe even a shinier version of you!), consider hypnosis / coaching – a holistic approach that allows you to program your mind in ways that benefit you. Confidential online and in-person sessions are available, and payment options have increased to help ease financial burdens. To navigate through this surreal time, we’ve all had to be resourceful, adaptable, and gutsy. And we’ve been doing whatever we need to – because that’s what we do – as intelligent beings who want to stay healthy and well. While there have been positive effects that have resulted from this situation, it’s the not-so-positive effects that need addressing. Here are a few powerful techniques for lowering stress, building a more positive mindset, and improving immune system functioning. Don’t be fooled. They may seem deceptively simple, but they work, if practiced regularly. 1) Pay attention to your self-talk – the messages you give yourself. Are you in a pattern of constantly making negative statements? That can make you feel stressed and sad. Recognize that thoughts generally precede feelings, so challenge those negative thoughts and restate them in more realistic terms. Instead of, “I don’t know how I’ll make it through this,” say, “I’ve gotten through tough times before, and I’ll get through this, too.”

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

2) Practice centering breaths several times a day. Diaphragmatic breathing (or deep belly breaths) can minimize the production of stress hormones and improve your physical and emotional well-being. Regular practice can benefit your immune system, brain, heart, and digestive tract. Do about four breaths, at least four times a day. (Check for the 4 7 8 breathing technique.)

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

3) Engage in mental rehearsal after your centering breaths. If your goal is greater relaxation, imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel happy and peaceful, and linger there. If you need to change negative patterns, imagine yourself engaging in smarter behaviors. Notice the details. Doing this activates the same neural pathways in the brain as though you actually made that smarter choice. It works for professional athletes; it will work for you, too. If you feel you need additional help, know that hypnosis / coaching is a gentle and effective way to help you feel more calm and relaxed, and empowered to deal with challenges. Within several sessions, you’ll “program” yourself to relax your mind and body, and work on resolving key issues. Recordings are provided for reinforcement. This approach is ideal for people who are motivated to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing, and who understand they need to be a partner in the process.

For a No-Cost Phone Screening / Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Theatre & Entertainment



Join us for a series of benefit play readings that reflect the past, present and future of Two River Theater!

Joel Grey

Tony Meneses

Ruben Santiago-Hudson

Leigh Silverman

Hansol Jung

Madeleine George

Annie Tippe

Chay Yew


The County Woman Magazine



September/October 2020



The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020



Stay Active | Stay Healthy | Stay Connected What is Social Community Activities Network (SCAN)?

Social Community Activities Network’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all adults ages 50+ in Monmouth and Ocean Counties through socialization, education, technology, and assistance with community resources.

ONLINE DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP- FREE! Classes meet one time each week for 6 weeks.

This 6-Week Online Workshop is ideal for those who want to better manage their diabetes as well as those who are pre-diabetic or care for someone who has diabetes. All who are aged 60+ and live in Monmouth County are invited to participate. Participants will receive a companion book, “Living a Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions”.

SCAN’S FALL SEMESTER BEGINS SEPTEMBER 14! All classes, workshops & events will be held online via Zoom.

The semester will run September 14 – December 11. Visit for our full detailed class listing with days and times. Outlined below are some of the classes that we will be offering:

Floor Yoga: Increase flexibility, range of motion

and core strength while achieving greater peace of mind. Class include yoga breathing, yoga poses and relaxation.

Chair Yoga: Gentle movements that anyone can practice sitting on a chair or standing with the support of the chair. You receive all the benefits of yoga while supported by a chair.

Bone Up Against Osteoporosis: Exercise

strengthens bones and muscles and improves balance, coordination, and flexibility, key for people with osteoporosis and ostopenia. Join us for a fitness class designed to improve strength, balance and flexibility.

TaiChi Easy: TaiChi Easy promotes health, vitality and inner peace and can be done by anyone sitting or standing. Consists of movements from simple Quijong, including four essential energy cultivation methods: postural alignment and gentle movement;

breath practice; self-applied massage; and relaxation, visualization and meditation practices.

Jazz Radio Hour: Come listen to some of

the greatest music ever recorded with wonderful behind the scenes stories told by Jack Livingstone, Monmouth County’s favorite “Jazz Man”. Each week you’ll enjoy and learn more about the Big Band Era’s Glen Miller, Woody Herman and Duke Ellington, as well as smaller combos and outstanding vocalists like Sinatra, Sarah Vaughn and Ella Fitzgerald.

SAVE THE DATES: Join SCAN every Wednesday morning at 9AM on Facebook Live For SCAN FYI (For Your Information) Our hosts Andrea & Marybeth chat with a different guest each week who will share information about community resources and other interesting topics. Go to SCAN’s FB page to join “live”.

VIRTUAL LUNCH & LEARNS: September 24, October 15, November 5 & December 3

Classic Literature: Join our literature group and discover why reading and discussing great literature is a unique way of understanding history while adding to your personal literary wealth.

Spanish Language: Want to learn Spanish? In

this class, you can start from scratch or brush up on the Spanish you learned in high school or college. Class atmosphere is relaxed and fun. Everyone will be encouraged to speak, with grammar and vocabulary exercises as needed.

Italian Language: Always wanted to learn

Italian? This class will cover conversational topics of everyday life, seasonal themes, and Italian culture and travel destinations.

Call SCAN at 732-542-1326 with questions.

The format of our Lunch & Learns will be a little bit different. You bring your lunch and we’ll bring the learn. We’re still offering great presentations from community partners so you can learn about important resources but it will be from the comfort of your own home. Topics and details will be available soon at www. or by calling SCAN at 732-542-1326.


Award honorees and details of the celebration will be announced soon. If you are interested in sponsoring the event or attending virtually, please check our website or call the office for more information: 732-542-1326.

180 Route 35 Eatontown

(basement level of Monmouth Mall)

732-542-1326 •

Pat Bohse

Executive Director

SCAN Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020



M edicalProfessionals Professionals Medical Medical Professionals


High High Heels, heels, Gait Gait, And and Venous Dysfunction Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a medical condition where the veins cannot pump v enough blood back to the heart, is a common problem but there are many ways to treat it. In addition to surgical procedures, there are more conservative measures such as compression stockings, weight loss, leg elevation, and local treatment of venous ulcers. Since an individual’s gait (manner of walking) plays an important role in the function of leg veins, patients with painful venous ulcers should also be assessed to make sure that their gait pattern strikes a good balance between mobility and stability. Some common causes of abnormal gait patterns include weakness of different muscle groups, any condition that affects balance, and improper footwear such as open-backed sandals that cause the wearer to shuffle. There have been no studies showing how extremely high heels affect varicose veins, but since they do affect the gait of the wearer, that would suggest a link between high heels and CVI. Gait testing can detect which of these is at the root of the problem, allowing for appropriate treatment. Treatment may include gait training and strengthening of the lower extremities. Providing a patient can participate in an exercise program, exercise should be done with compression garments in place. This helps to improve venous return by assisting the calf muscle. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes should be worn that will allow for a heel-to-toe walking pattern. The simple way to help a patient achieve this is to have them take the longest steps they can safely take. Obviously this recommendation is for patients who can balance and have the ability to maintain single limb stance. Some patients will require more exercises to strengthen muscle, improve their balance, and increase their range of motion. It is crucial that patients maintain proper form while walking and exercising. Once the proper heel-to-toe gait is learned, it is important that adequate walking occurs for at least 30 minutes a day to maximize the benefit. As an added bonus, this will also improve overall health.

call Vein Center for Women ✺ Please 732-254-0500 to schedule an appointment.

Love Your Legs Love Legs Again!! VeinCenter Center Vein for Women for appointments Women Schedule “24/7”

Schedule appointments “24/7” Girija Surya, M.D.

Board Certified Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Girija Surya, in M.D.

Board Certified in Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Princeton Old Bridge New Satellite Offices 21 Jefferson Place, Raymond Rd. 2 Hospital Plaza, suite# 330 Princeton East Brunswick 08540 Bridge 21Princeton, Jefferson NJ Place, Raymond Rd. Plaza HillOld • 646 Rte.NJ 1808857. Bldg. A #101 Princeton, NJ 08540 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Metuchen Holmdel 205 Bridge St. Colonial Commons • 670 N. Beers St. Holmdel Metuchen,Metuchen NJ 08840 Bldg. 2, •Ste. Colonial Commons 6704N. Beers St. Holmdel, NJ 07733 205 Bridge St. Bldg. 2, Ste. 4 Metuchen, NJ 08840 Holmdel, NJ 07733

732-254-0500 732-254-0500 msgs@VeinCenterFor

ConservativeTherapy: Therapy: Conservative

Thepatients patientsare areadvised advised about about Leg The Leg Elevation Elevationand anduse useofof Compression Stockings. Compression Stockings.

Non-InvasiveVascular VascularUltra Ultra Sound: Non-Invasive Sound:

Diagnosticultrasound ultrasound studies studies are and Diagnostic are performed performedtotodiagnose diagnose and customize treatment plans customize treatment plans

SurgicalTreatment: Treatment: Surgical

- RadiofrequencyAblation Ablation –– For - Radiofrequency For superficial superficiallarge largeveins veinswith withreflux reflux Micro-phlebectomy – For small bulging veins - Micro-phlebectomy – For small bulging veins - Sclerotherapy––For For small small veins veins a.k.a. - Sclerotherapy a.k.a. Spider Spiderveins. veins.We Weuse use ® in different strengths for the injectable veins. Asclera Asclera® in® different strengths for the injectable veins. - ClariVein a.k.a. MOCA! (mechanical chemical ablation) - ClariVein® a.k.a. MOCA! (mechanical chemical ablation) for superficial large veins with reflux. Saves time and for superficial large veins with reflux. Saves time and discomfort. discomfort.

Cosmetic Treatment:

Cosmetic Treatment: - Botox® , Juvederm™ Ultra

- Botox® , Juvederm™ Ultra - Non invasive face lift with ULTHERAPY,and cool sculpting ,where you can get rid of the belly fat without incision,without anesthesia. The County Woman Magazine TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

July/August 2016 September/October2020 2017 September/October

Networking For Moms


Moms Of Business is a community of mom entrepreneurs that uplift, motivate and help one another online and in person on their journey to abundance. Not only do we strive to educate and empower each other through our Facebook groups & resourceful website, but we're all about having fun, making new friends and growing our businesses too. NEW VIRTUAL PERKS JUST ANNOUNCED!

I would advise any mom-boss if you want to stay in business then jump right in with both feet!! You are around me began to unfold before my eyes and another selling yourself as much as you sell your product, be mom-boss, now lifelong friend, gave me a necessary the best version of you. The business won’t work itself, push. Two things I knew to be true aided in a reckoning so make it work for you. That means find your best time of one event that became a calling. I find great to work your business. Work when the kids are in satisfaction planning our annual family trips to Disney, karate and after they go to bed. Get up early. Find out what works for you and hit it f ull force. Your business even when the family consisted of only me and my requires your attention and dedication, so talk with your husband. Our oldest son has high-func tioning autism spouse and children. Also, go and join a tribe of other which presents its challenges especially on vacations. I moms. Find one in your company and one with other became very invested in finding ways to overcome mom-bosses. If you can’t find one make one. My EOE obstacles and understand accommodations that are Besties are my lifeline. Meeting with other moms working their business is what will keep you fresh. Draw available. strength from others around you. You be You!! Wake up tomorro w and go crush it!! II was inspired to start my own business as the world

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020



Answering Needs. Advancing Potential.

School Programs for Children with Special Needs

Are you looking for a school that will make the educational experience for your child with developmental and physical disabilities rewarding? Do want a school that offers growth and independence, as well as real world learning? The Lehmann School in Lakewood and the Schroth School in Wanamassa are state approved private schools which offer high quality education for children ages 3-21 with multiple physical and developmental disabilities. Since 1956 we have been providing an array of comprehensive services to address the whole child ensuring they discover and develop their unique strengths and abilities using all of the technology, supports and accommodations they require. Our support services include speech, occupational and physical therapy, state of the art assistive technology and clinic services, using a transdisciplinary team approach to the evaluation and implementation of these services to address the unique needs of each individual student.

Lehmann School

1100 Airport Road Lakewood, NJ 08701 Ocean County 732.905.7200

Schroth School

1701 Kneeley Boulevard Wanamassa, NJ 07712 Monmouth County 732.493.5900

The schools offer onsite classes, contingent on state regulations, as well as virtual classes, ensuring all students can participate in the classroom instruction and therapy they need to succeed.


RAT Rock Open Charity Golf Classic

Tuesday, September 29th at Jumping Brook Country Club, Neptune For More Event Information

Saturday, Nov. 14th and Sunday, Nov. 15th at Monmouth Park Racetrack, Oceanport, NJ We hope that you will be a part of Team LADACIN 2020 by running in the marathon (full, half or relay), or in the 5k, fundraising to support LADACIN, or by taking a sponsorship. For registration, contact to receive the team code.

Email or call Community Relations at 732.493.5900 ext. 263 LADACIN Network • 1703 Kneeley Boulevard • Wanamassa, NJ 07712 •

New Jersey Marathon



The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2020



74 Brick Blvd. Bldg 1,Ste 102 • Brick, NJ 08723

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020





This group is designed to help young people explore and discuss gender specific issues and challenges. Topics include: Toxic Relationships, Body Image, and Perception. WHEN: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


This group allows youth to express themselves through different mediums and guided practice. These activities are for any art skill level. Projects include: Drawing, Painting, Collaborative Art, Collages, and Word Expression. WHEN: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


This group provides youth with the opportunity to discuss a variety of different topics that are prevalent in the daily life of youth. Topics include: Peer Pressure, Assertive Communication, Boundaries, and Social Anxiety. WHEN: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


This is a group to help youth explore anger and its social, emotional and physical effects, as well as ways of successfully communicating and managing it. Topics include: Fight or Flight, Coping Strategies, Triggers, and Forgiveness. WHEN: Thursdays, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


A support and prevention group for youth interested in drug or alcohol abstinence. Topics include Risks & Protective Factors, Getting Clean, Coping Skills, and Cycle of Addiction. WHEN: Fridays, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm




Once a month sessions: one dedicated to parents/guardians and the other for youth. Topics include: Back-to-School, Suicide Prevention, Bullying, Stress Management/Relaxation & Mindfulness, and Family Engagement with Teenagers. PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Last Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm YOUTH: Last Thursday of the month, 3:30 pm

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine


September/October 2020

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2020

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