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Meet the Production Manager..................................8
Like the rest of the world, the pandemic has affected the organization. “I really miss being able to see my clients in person. One of the best parts about building long lasting relationships is getting to interact with people and getting to know my clients not just on a business level, but on a personal one as well,” she explains. Although they have taken advantage of Zoom meetings and Face Time as much as they can, it is not a substitute for being in person and building connections. Because she lives locally, she has always been able to see her clients and readers in person. However now due to Covid, she has not been able to be out and about as much. This remains one aspect of the job she misses the most.
As we embark on the New Year, Lauren is interested in adding more social media incentives for her clientele, as well as finding more ways for readers to access the magazine at their fingertips. She is determined to find ways to foster the relationships she has with her clients, in spite of Covid.
A successful magazine has many moving parts and various roles that staff play. From the graphic designers, photographers, advertisers, and of course you, the readers. It resembles a gigantic puzzle with everyone doing his or her part to finally come together in the end for print.
One of Lauren’s favorite aspects about her role is the ability to exercise her creative muscle. She adds, “I love to create new content for each client which includes designing and developing new ideas.” Another part of the job she enjoys is bringing new business into the magazine. When a new business is wondering why they should advertise she explains that this magazine is not just affordable with competitive pricing, but the informative articles and content for the readers stretch across three different counties. The other advantage for businesses is that they get an all inclusive graphic design experience that gives advertisers the chance to create and design colorful content.
2022 promises to be an exciting one for Lauren---not just professionally, but because she is getting married in April. She and her fiancé Chuck are looking forward to embarking on a bright future together. Needless to say she is excited for the upcoming nuptials, but she also looks forward to making new memories with her six-year-old stepdaughter, Harper. She adds, “Chuck and I are also super excited to add more animals to our family farm.” Plans for the future include more travelling with her new family and going camping when the weather gets a bit warmer.
She tells anyone who is interested in taking this career path that they must be able to troubleshoot and delegate. Production coordinators work with all aspects of the magazine from editorial, design, advertising, and production teams. It is up to her to ensure there is coordination among all of these different departments. Sometimes the schedule must be adjusted so the ability to communicate well with the printers and vendors to ensure print quality is a key part of the overall success.
Lauren extends her deepest gratitude to all of you and gives a special thanks to the publisher of the County Woman Publications, Chris Lam. Please be sure and check us out on Social Media!